Saskatchewan Element List

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Saskatchewan Element List Tracked Taxa List: Current as of Vascular Plants 2019-Feb-13 For an explanation of Subnational(S), National(N) and Global(G) Ranks, refer to: ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank: S-Rank: COSEWIC: Adoxaceae 10790 Adoxa moschatellina Musk-root G5 N5 S3 ADOX MOS Moschatel Agavaceae - Century-plant family 12329 Yucca glauca Small Soapweed Yucca G5 N1 S1 Threatened Great Plains Yucca Alismataceae - Water-plantain family 12330 Alisma gramineum Narrow-leaved Water Plantain G5 N4N5 S3 Alisma gramineum var. gramineum ALIS GRA GRA Alisma gramineum var. angustissimum Geyer's Water Plantain Alisma gramineum var. graminifolium Narrow-leaved Water-plantain Alisma gramineum var. greyeri Alisma geyeri Amaranthaceae - Amaranth family 10793 Amaranthus californicus California Amaranth G4 N2N3 S2 Anacardiaceae - Sumac family 10796 Rhus glabra Smooth Sumac G5 N5 SH RHUS GLA Scarlet Sumac Apiaceae - Carrot family 10814 Lomatium cous Mountain Meadow-parsley G5 N1N2 S1 Lomatium montanum Cous Biscuit-root 10816 Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum Mountain Wild Parsnip G4T4 N4 S1 Lomatium dissectum var. eatonii LOMA DIS MUL 10821 Lomatium orientale White-flowered Meadow-parsley G5 N1N2 S1 Desert Parsley LOMA ORI 10824 Osmorhiza berteroi Chilean Sweet-cicley G5 N5 S1 Osmorhiza chilensis Mountain sweet-cicely Osmorhiza divaricata OSMO CHI Western Sweet-cicely 10830 Perideridia gairdneri ssp. borealis Northern Gairdner's Squawroot G5T5 N3N4 S1 Common Yampah PERI GAI BOR Yampah Apocynaceae - Dogbane family This Report may be cited as: Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre. February 2019. 2019-Feb-13 Apocynaceae Saskatchewan Vascular Plant Tracked Taxa List. Regina, Saskatchewan. Retrieved from Page 1 of 43 Tracked Taxa List: Vascular Plants ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank: S-Rank: COSEWIC: 10846 Asclepias syriaca Silky Milkweed G5 N5 S1 Common Milkweed 10847 Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed G5 N4N5 S1 Asteraceae - Aster family 10851 Achillea millefolium var. megacephala Large-headed Wooly Yarrow G5T1T2 N1N2 S1 Special Concern Achillea millefolium ssp. megacephala ACHI MIL MEG Achillea lanulosa ssp. megacephala 11177 Almutaster pauciflorus Few-flowered Aster G4 N3N4 S3 Aster pauciflorus ASTE PAC 10859 Ambrosia acanthicarpa Bur Ragweed G5 N3 S2 Gaertneria acanthicarpa Annual Bursage Franseria acanthicarpa Bursage Ragweed FRNK ACA Flat-spine Burr Ragweed Sand Bursage 10865 Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting G5 N5 S3 Anaphalis margaritacea var. subalpina ANAH MAR Anaphalis margaritacea var. occidentalis Anaphalis margaritacea var. angustior Anaphalis margaritacea var. intercedens 10866 Antennaria anaphaloides Tall Pussytoes G5 N4N5 S1 Antennaria pulcherrima var. anaphaloides ANTE ANA Tall Everlasting 10867 Antennaria corymbosa Flat-topped Pussy-toes G5 N2 S1 Antennaria dioica var. corymbosa Corymbose Ever-lasting Flat-top Ever-lasting Meadow Pussy-toes 10868 Antennaria dimorpha Low Pussytoes G5 N5 S2 Antennaria latisquama ANTE DIM Antennaria macrocephala Cushion Everlasting Cushion Pussytoes Two-form Pussytoes 10873 Antennaria umbrinella Brown-bracted Pussytoes G5 N5 S2 Antennaria aizoides ANTE UMB Antennaria flavescens Umber Pussytoes 10892 Arnica angustifolia ssp. angustifolia Narrow-leaf Leopardbane G5T5 N5 S2 Arnica alpina ssp. attenuata Arctic Arnica Arnica angustifolia ssp. attenuata Narrow-leaved Arnica Arnica alpina var. attenuata Arnica alpina ssp. angustifolia Arnica alpina 10887 Arnica cordifolia Heart-leaved Arnica G5 N5 S3 ARNI COR This Report may be cited as: Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre. February 2019. 2019-Feb-13 Asteraceae Saskatchewan Vascular Plant Tracked Taxa List. Regina, Saskatchewan. Retrieved from Page 2 of 43 Tracked Taxa List: Vascular Plants ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank: S-Rank: COSEWIC: 10889 Arnica lonchophylla Spear-leaved Arnica G5 N5 S2 Arnica alpina var. lonchophylla Arnica angustifolia ssp. lonchophylla 23242 Arnica sororia Twin Arnica G5 N5 S2 Arnica fulgens var. sororia ARNI SOR Twin leopardbane 28361 Artemisia campestris ssp. canadensis Canada Sagewort G5TNR NNR S3 Artemisia canadensis Canada Wormwood 10906 Artemisia tilesii Mountain Sagewort G5 N5 S1 11053 Bidens beckii Water-marigold G5 N5 S1 Megalodonta beckii Beck's Beggarticks 10915 Bidens frondosa Tall Beggar's-ticks G5 N5 S3 BIDE FRO Devil's Pitchfork 10918 Boltonia asteroides var. recognita Aster-like Boltonia G5T3T5 N2N3 S2 Boltonia recognita BOLT AST REC Boltonia latisquama var. recognita Boltonia asteroides var. occidentalis 11176 Canadanthus modestus Large Northern Aster G5 N5 S3 Aster modestus ASTE MOD Aster modestus var. major Aster major Weberaster modestus 10931 Cirsium drummondii Short-stemmed Thistle G5 N5 S3 Cirsium coccinium CIRS DRU Cirsium foliosum Dwarf Thistle 10934 Cirsium muticum Swamp Thistle G5 N5 S3 Cirsium muticum var. monticola CIRS MUT 10942 Crepis atribarba Dark Hawk's-beard G5 N4N5 S2 Crepis atribarba ssp. atribarba Slender Hawk's-beard 10944 Crepis intermedia Small-flowered Hawk's-beard G5 N4 SH Crepis acuminata var. intermedia CREP ACU Crepis occidentalis Limestone Hawk's Beard 10946 Crepis occidentalis ssp. costata Large-flower Hawk's-beard G5T5 N4 S3 Crepis occidentalis var. costata CREP OCC COS 27677 Crepis occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Gray Hawk's-beard G5T5 N4 S3 10950 Crepis runcinata ssp. hispidulosa Smooth Hawk's-beard G5T4 N4 S1 Crepis runcinata var. hispidulosa CREP RUN HIS 10909 Doellingeria umbellata var. pubens Flat-top White Aster G5T5 N5 S2 Doellingeria umbellata ssp. pubens ASTE UMB PUB Aster umbellatus var. pubens Parasol White-top Aster pubentior This Report may be cited as: Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre. February 2019. 2019-Feb-13 Asteraceae Saskatchewan Vascular Plant Tracked Taxa List. Regina, Saskatchewan. Retrieved from Page 3 of 43 Tracked Taxa List: Vascular Plants ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank: S-Rank: COSEWIC: 26834 Echinacea angustifolia var. angustifolia Narrow-leaved Purple G4T4 N3N4 S3 Coneflower 10959 Erigeron compositus Compound Fleabane G5 N5 S3 Erigeron compositus var. glabratus Cut-leaved Daisy Erigeron compositus var. discoideus Dwarf Mountain Fleabane Erigeron compositus var. multifidus ERIG COM 11149 Erigeron elatus Tall White Fleabane G5 N5 S3 Trimorpha elata ERIG ELA Erigeron acris var. elatus 10963 Erigeron hyssopifolius Hyssop-leaved Fleabane G5 N5 S3 10971 Erigeron radicatus Dwarf Fleabane G3G4 N3N4 S3 Not at Risk Erigeron huberi ERIG RAD Erigeron macounii Hooker's Fleabane Tap-rooted Fleabane 10973 Erigeron strigosus var. septentrionalis Prairie Fleabane G5T5? NU S3 ERIG STR SEP 27702 Erigeron strigosus var. strigosus Daisy Fleabane G5T5 N5 S3 Erigeron traversii ERIG STR STR 11006 Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem Artichoke G5 N3N4 S2 Helianthus tuberosus var. subcanescens HELN TUB Helianthus tomentosus 402936 Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra Rough Ox-eye G5T5 N5 S2 Heliopsis helianthoides var. occidentalis False Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides ssp. occidentalis Sunflower Heliopsis Heliopsis scabra Sweet Oxeye 11018 Hieracium albiflorum White-flowered Hawkweed G5 N5 S1 Chlorocrepis albiflorum HIER ALB 11024 Hymenopappus filifolius var. Tufted Hymenopappus G5T4T5 N3 S3 polycephalus Hymenopappus polycephalus Fine-leaf Hymenopappus HYME FIL POL Woollywhite 11030 Lactuca biennis Tall Blue Lettuce G5 N5 S3 Lactuca biennis var. integrifolia LACT BIE 11032 Lactuca ludoviciana Western Lettuce G4G5 NU SH Lactuca campestris LACT LUD 11055 Nothocalais cuspidata Prairie False-dandelion G5 N3 S3 Microseris cuspidata Cuspidate Small Lettuce Agoseris cuspidata MICR CUS Toothed Microseris Wavy-leaved Prairie-dandelion This Report may be cited as: Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre. February 2019. 2019-Feb-13 Asteraceae Saskatchewan Vascular Plant Tracked Taxa List. Regina, Saskatchewan. Retrieved from Page 4 of 43 Tracked Taxa List: Vascular Plants ID: Scientific Name: Common Name: G-Rank: N-Rank: S-Rank: COSEWIC: 11080 Packera pauciflora Few-flowered Ragwort G5 N5 S2 Senecio discoideus SENE PAU Senecio pauciflorus 11082 Packera plattensis Prairie Ragwort G5 N4N5 S1 Senecio pseudotomentosus Groundsel Senecio plattensis Prairie Groundsel SENE PLA 11084 Packera pseudaurea var. pseudaurea Streambank Butterweed G5T5 N4N5 S1 Senecio pseudaureus Golden Groundsel Senecio aureus Streambank Groundsel Senecio pauciflorus Thin-leaved Groundsel Senecio pseudaureus var. pseudaureus 11085 Packera streptanthifolia Northern Groundsel G5 N5 S1 Senecio cymbalarioides Northern Ragwort Senecio cymbalarioides var. borealis Senecio streptanthifolius 11061 Picradeniopsis oppositifolia Opposite-leaf False-bahia G5? N2 S2 Bahia oppositifolia BAHI OPP 11063 Prenanthes alba White Lettuce G5 N5 S3 Nabalus albus PREN ALB Rattlesnake-root 27609 Psilocarphus brevissimus var. Dwarf Woolly-heads G4T4? N2 S1 Special Concern brevissimus Psilocarphus elatior 415395 Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata Tall Coneflower G5T5 NNR S1 11079 Senecio integerrimus var. scribneri Scribner's Entire-leaf Ragwort G5T2T3 N1 S1 Senecio scribneri SENE INT SCR Scrubwort 11090 Shinnersoseris rostrata Beaked Annual Skeleton-weed G5? N3 S2 Lygodesmia rostrata Lygodesmia juncea var. rostrata 11111 Solidago ptarmicoides Upland White Goldenrod G5 N5 S3 Solidago asteroides Upland White Aster Aster ptarmicoides White Flat-top Aster Doellingeria ptarmicoides White Goldenrod Oligoneuron album
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