Language & Society, RC 25 of the International Sociological Association Volume 5, Number 1 June 2017 LLaanngguuaaggee DDiissccoouurrssee && SSoocciieettyy ISSN: 2239-4192 Language, Discourse & Society ISSN: 2239-4192
[email protected] Language, Discourse & Society A Journal Published by the Language & Society, Research Committee 25 of the International Sociological Association Thematic issue Language, Identity, and Imagined Communities This issue is guest-edited by Mark Fiffer Seilhamer, National Institute of Education, Singapore Editorial Board Stéphanie Cassilde, Centre d’Etudes en Habitat Durable, Belgium (Journal Editor) Amado Alarcon, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain Federico Farini, University Campus Suffolk, United Kingdom Keiji Fujiyoshi, Otemon Gakuin University, Japan Nadezhda Georgieva-Stankova, Trakia University, Bulgaria Christian Karner, The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Trinidad Valle, Fordham University, USA Language, Discourse & Society is an international peer reviewed journal published twice annually (June and December) in electronic form. The journal publishes high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of sociological analyses of language, discourse and representation. The editorial board will consider proposed articles based on clear methodological and theoretical commitment to studies of language. Articles must substantially engage theory and/or methods for analyzing language, discourse, representation,