The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism Patricia Crone Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01879-2 - The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran: Rural Revolt and Local Zoroastrianism Patricia Crone Index More information Index The index is also a glossary. Bracketed numbers indictate pages where the subject is mentioned without being named. Aaron and Moses, al-Muhkhtaˉr and, 250 Ablaq, 87, 88 Abaˉlish, [353, 385] Abnaˉp (descendants of participants in the Abarshahr, 33 qAbbaˉsid revolution), 83, 116 al-qAbbaˉs (uncle of the Prophet, ancestor of Abraham, 90, 91,128, 221, 287, 288, 289, the qAbbaˉsids), 88 465, 469, 474 qAbbaˉsids (descendants of al-qAbbaˉs, Abraˉzkhudaˉ, 18 caliphal dynasty 750–1258), 5, 47, Abuˉ pl-qAbbaˉs, known as al-Saffaˉh (first ˙ 52, 55, 56, 58, 114, 489 qAbbaˉsid caliph), 44, 55, 119 deification of, 87ff. Abuˉ qAwn qAbd al-Malik b. Yazˉıd, 112, extreme devotees of, see Raˉwandiyya; 113, 142 Harbiyya; see also Haˉshimite Shˉıqism Abuˉ Bakr (fi rst caliph, d. 634 ), 43, 44, ˙ and imamate, 44, 85, 87, 89, 94, 110, 279, 85, 478 495, 496f. Abuˉ Daˉwuˉd, 105, 108, 109, 114, 115, loyalty to both Abuˉ Muslim and, 42 119, 123 mistrust Khuraˉsaˉnˉıs, 118f. Abuˉ Dulaf al-qIjlˉı, 41, 54, 55 revolution which enthroned, see Abuˉ Haˉshim (son of Muhammad b. ˙ Haˉshimiyya al-Hanafiyya [q.v.], held by some ˙ qAbd al-Jabbaˉrb.qAbd al-Rahmaˉn al-Azdˉı, to have inherited position of imam ˙ 106, 108–110, 111, 115, 119f., 123, from his father and to have passed it 127, 193f., 195, 196, 254 on by bequest to a non-qAlid), see qAbd al-Karˉım al-Jˉılˉı, 469f., 473, 483, 486 Testament of Abuˉ Haˉshim qAbd al-Qahhaˉr/Qaˉhir/Wahhaˉb, 79, 80 Abuˉ Haˉtim, son of Pˉılawayh (protegé of Abuˉ ˙ qAbdallaˉh (brother of Baˉbak), 48, 51 Muslim), 27 qAbdallaˉhb.qAlˉı (qAbbaˉsid prince), 119 Abuˉ Hulmaˉn, 468 qAbdallaˉhb.qAˉ mir b.
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