EDITORS: NADIIA BUREIKO | MARIIA KOVAL | HENNADIY MAKSAK | HANNA SHELEST UKRAINIAN PRISM: FOREIGN POLICY 2018 UKRAINIAN PRISM: FOREIGN POLICY 2018 Contacts The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Oce in Ukraine those of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. 34 Puschkinska str., 01004 Kyiv, Ukraine Commercial use of any materials, printed by the Friedrich- Tel.: +38 044 2340038 Fax: +38 044 4514031 Ebert-Stiftung, is not allowed without written consent of FES. http://www.fes.kiev.ua Contacts:
[email protected] Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” http://www.prismua.org
[email protected] УДК 327(477)"2017"(048.83) =111 І-У45 Editors: Nadiia Bureiko, PhD, Mariia Koval, Hennadiy Maksak, Hanna Shelest, PhD Ukrainian Prism: Foreign Policy 2018. Analytical study // Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Office in Ukraine – Kyiv, 2019. – 250 p. ISBN 978-617-7157-92-1 This analytical study represents a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the Ukrainian foreign policy in 2018. Forty nine directions were analysed – from cooperation with key partners and international organizations to public diplomacy. Five evaluation criteria – indicators, based on the new model of research methodology, were applied. The experts have studied and assessed activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) and other institutions, involved into the development and implementation of the foreign policy of Ukraine. This book is the fourth annual study. Previous years’ analysis can be found at http://prismua.org The reference to the author and the analytical study are obligatory in the cases of complete or partial use of its materials.