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Nanonetworks COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS OF THEACM 11/2011VoL.54No.11 Nanonetworks Java Security Architecture Revisited Why the Google Book Settlement Failed ‘Natural’ Search User Interfaces Hacking Cars Modeling Chaotic Storms Association for Computing Machinery reviewarticles Doi:10.1145/2018396.2018417 redesign the way in which compo- Technology able to create devices the size nents and devices are created by tak- ing into account the new properties of a human cell calls for new protocols. of the nanoscale. Moreover, a whole new range of applications can be en- By iaN f. akyildiz, JoseP miQueL Jornet, abled by the development of devices and massimiLiaNo PieRoBoN able to benefit from these nanoscale phenomena from the very beginning. These are the tasks at the core of the nanotechnology. The term nanotechnology was first Nanonetworks: defined in a work dated from 197415 as follows: “Nanotechnology mainly consists of the processing of, separation, consolidation, and deformation of ma- a New frontier terials by one atom or by one molecule.” Later, in the 1980s, the basic concept of this definition was explored in in communications much more depth by K. Eric Drexler,3 who took Feynman’s vision about cre- ating nano-devices by using tiny fac- tories, and added the idea that they could replicate themselves via com- puter control instead. For more than 10 years, Drexler received numerous accusations of promoting science fiction. However, as the first simple structures on a molecular scale were in 1959, the nobel laureate physicist Richard obtained, the activities surrounding Feynman, in his famous speech entitled “There’s nanotechnology began to slowly in- crease and this term became more Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” described for the socially accepted. It was in the early first time how the manipulation of individual 2000s when the major advancements in the field ramped up. atoms and molecules would give rise to more Among the different aims of nano- functional and powerful man-made devices. In technology, we focus on the develop- his vision, he talked about having a billion tiny ment of nanomachines, that is, inte- factories able to manufacture fully functional grated functional devices consisting atomically precise nano-devices. During the same key insights talk, he noted that several scaling issues would Nanotechnology is providing a new set arise when reaching the nanoscale, which would of tools to the engineering community to design and manufacture nanomachines; require the engineering community to totally that is, basic functional nano-devices able rethink the way in which nano-devices and nano- to perform only very simple tasks. components are conceived. Nanonetworks—networks of I hes nanomachines—will expand the C More than a half-century later, current capabilities of single nanomachines by providing them a way to cooperate and omo mar C a technological trends, which are still mainly based share information. I on the miniaturization of existing manufacturing it is still not clear how nanomachines on by g I techniques, are facing these predicted limitations. will communicate. two main alternatives currently being considered are terahertz Consequently, there is a need to rethink and Band and molecular communications. Illustrat 84 commuNicatioNs of the acm | NovembeR 2011 | vol. 54 | No. 11 K t t I red C NovembeR 2011 | vol. 54 | No. 11 | commuNicatioNs of the acm 85 reviewarticles of nanoscale components and which truly interdisciplinary and emerging nanomaterials. Alternatively, in a bio- are able to perform simple tasks at the field, and to pave the way of future re- hybrid approach, existing biological nano-level. Going one step ahead, we search in nanonetworks. We also re- components, such as Deoxyribonucle- propose the interconnection of nano- view the state of the art in the design ic Acid or DNA strands, antibodies or machines in a network or nanonetwork and manufacturing of nanomachines, molecular motors, are combined with as the way to overcome the limitations discuss the different alternatives for man-made nano-structures to develop of individual nano-devices.1,2 The po- communication in the nanoscale, and new nanomachines. tential applications of the resulting describe the research challenges in Man-made machines. Despite nanonetworks are almost unlimited the design of protocols for nanonet- several technological and physical and can be classified in four main works. While there is still a long way limitations, the evolution of classi- areas: Biomedical Applications (for ex- to go before a fully functional nano- cal lithography techniques and other ample, intrabody health monitoring machine is realized, we believe hard- non-standard manufacturing pro- and drug delivery systems, immune ware-oriented research and commu- cedures have been used to fabricate system support mechanisms, and ar- nication-focused investigations will components with at least one of their tificial bio-hybrid implants); Indus- benefit from being conducted in par- dimensions in a scale below 100nm.16 trial and Consumer Goods Applications allel from an early stage. A special emphasis should be given to (for example, development of intel- the study of nanomaterials and new ligent functionalized materials and manufacturing Nanomachines manufacturing processes, which are fabrics, new manufacturing processes Nanonetworks start at the intercon- enabling a new direction for the de- and distributed quality control proce- nection of several nanomachines. velopment of nano-components. As dures, food and water quality control The capabilities and the applica- an example, field-effect transistors systems); Environmental Applications tion range of these nanomachines can be obtained through the use of (biological and chemical nanosensor strongly depend on the way in which graphene nanoribbons and carbon networks for pollution control, bio- they are manufactured. As shown in nanotubes, and these can be used as degradation assistance, and animal the accompanying figure, different the building block for new comput- and biodiversity control); and Military approaches can be used for their de- ing machines.14 Other well-studied Applications (nuclear, biological and velopment, ranging from the use of nano-components are nanomaterials- chemical defenses and nano-func- man-made components to the reuse based biological, chemical, and physi- tionalized equipment). of biological entities found in nature. cal nanosensors and nanoactuators. Several communication paradigms These approaches are classified into The integration of several of these can be used in nanonetworks depend- three main branches, namely, top- nano-components into a single func- ing on the technology used to manu- down, bottom up and bio-hybrid.1 tional unit will result in a device with facture the nanomachines and the tar- In the top-down approach, nanoma- a total size in between 10−100 square geted application. In this article, we chines are developed by means of micrometers,2 which is comparable provide an overview of the two main downscaling current microelectronic to the size of an average human cell. alternatives for nanocommunication, and micro-electro-mechanical tech- However, the integration of these that is, Electromagnetic Communica- nologies without atomic level con- components into a single device is tions in the Terahertz Band and Mo- trol. In the bottom-up approach, the still one of the major challenges in the lecular Communications. Our aim design of nano-machines is realized manufacturing of nanomachines. is to provide a better understanding from the (self) assembly of molecu- Adopting components coming of the current research issues in this lar components and synthesized from nature. The nanoscale is the natural domain of molecules, pro- approaches for the development of nanomachines. teins, DNA, organelles and the major components of cells. Some of these nano-components can be used as building blocks for integrated nano- dna antigens antibodies devices. As an example, Adenosine nature Insects Cells bacteria organelles Bio-hybrid hormones Proteins TriPhosphate or ATP batteries emu- mitochondria biotechnology lating the behavior of mitochondria, Biological often described as “cellular power Top-down Bottom-up molecules atoms plants,” can be an alternative energy microelectronics nanoelectronics source for bio-nano-devices. In ad- nanomaterial-based microsensors nanosensors graphene dition, information encoded in DNA man-made nano-translators nanoribbons nano-memories gold can be used for molecular computing nanoparticles nano-batteries Carbon nanotubes machines and molecular memories. Zinc oxide nanowires mems nems Alternatively, DNA strands can also be used to build miniature circuit boards mm um nm and to stimulate the self-assembly of components such as carbon nano- tubes, nanowires, nanoribbons and 86 commuNicatioNs of the acm | NovembeR 2011 | vol. 54 | No. 11 reviewarticles nanoparticles, by means of DNA scaf- require very high nanoscale power bon and Akyildiz,7 we analyzed the folding.9 While still being one step be- sources for active transmission. behavior of the molecular diffusion hind nanomaterial-based component Terahertz Band: Ultra-broadband channel in terms of attenuation and manufacturing, we believe that being communications in nanonetworks. delay. In the same paper, we provide able to directly reuse biological struc- Focusing on the use of graphene- mathematical models of the physical tures found in living organisms or to based nano-antennas and thinking processes
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