
Выполнила: Мещерякова Людмила Анатольевна Учитель английского языка 1 категории МБОУ Одинцовской СОШ №12 The Moscow Kremlin Golden-domed cathedrals Golden-domed cathedrals the Tsar Cannon the Tsar Bell Red Square The Spasskaya (Saviour) Tower St. Basil’s Cathedral Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Lenin’s Mausoleum The Historical Museum Cathedral Of Christ The Savior

Vasilii Perov Ivan Shishkin Gorky Park Gorky Park Moscow Metro Thanks for your attention! MOSCOW SIGHTSEEING (Слайд 1) Teacher Moscow is the capital of . The city is a political, economic, cultural and transportation centre of Russia and the continent. Moscow is the most popular city in Europe, and the sixth largest city in the world. Moscow has a lot of sights which are worth visiting including museums, galleries, churches, monuments, parks and historical sites. Its wonderful places of interest are visited by a lot of people every day. THE MOSCOW KREMLIN (Слайд 2) The Moscow Kremlin is in the center of Moscow. It is the oldest part of the city. It is the national and politic center of Russia, the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation. (Слайд 3, 4) The Kremlin has monumental walls and towers, golden-domed cathedrals and ancient palaces. (Слайд 5, 6) On Ivan Square you can see the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon. RED SQUARE (Слайд 7) The Red Square lies at the Kremlin gates in the city center. It is the most famous city square in Moscow, and one of the most famous in the world. (Слайд 8) The Spasskaya Tower is into the Red Square. The clock in the tower is the main clock of the state and says the exact Moscow time. (Слайд 9) St. Basil’s Cathedral (the Cathedral of Vasily Blazhenny) is in the Red Square, too. Its multi-coloured domes are unusual for Russian architecture. (Слайд 10) The monument to Minin and Pozharsky is at St. Basil’s Cathedral. It was the first sculptural monument in Moscow. (Слайд 11, 12) There is Lenin’s Mausoleum and the Historical Museum in the Red Square. FILM Moscow Vacation Travel Guide – Expedia (6min.) THE CHRIST THE SAVIOR CATHEDRAL (Слайд 13) The most important cathedral in Russia is Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral; it is also its largest. TRETYAKOV GALLERY (Слайд 14-19) One of the most popular sights is the State Tretyakov Gallery. There are a lot of works of famous artists such as Kasimir Malevich, , Ivan Shishkin, Vasily Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasili Vereschagin and Mikhail Vrubel. GORKY PARK (Слайд 20-21) The most famous park in Moscow is Gorky Park. It is situated along the bank of the River Moskva. In winter the park turns into the biggest ice rink in Europe. MOSCOW METRO (Слайд 22) The Moscow Metro is the most beautiful metro systems in the world. Many of the stations are decorated with mosaics and sculptures. Thanks for your attention! (Слайд 23) FILM Moscow travel guide (Russia) (13 min.) FILM Moscow sightseeing - A city tour to the top sights 10 min.)