

Hong Kong, [-] May 2015 – UC RUSAL (SEHK: 486, Euronext: RUSAL/RUAL, Exchange: RUAL/RUALR), a leading global aluminium producer, is launching “Digital Dreams of Russia”, running from 27 June to 5 July 2015. “Digital Dreams of Russia” will be Hong Kong’s first multimedia exhibition of Russian art, featuring digitally animated Russian visual art masterpieces. The project will display the finest Russian paintings from the world-renowned State , aiming to illustrate using fascinating advanced digital technologies, which will make the art work come to life. The exhibition is presented by UC RUSAL in commemoration of its 15th anniversary.

Russia in the Eyes of Leading Russian Artists

To showcase the best of Russian art at “Digital Dreams of Russia” exhibition, RUSAL is working in partnership with the State Tretyakov Gallery, one of the world’s major art museums and a veritable treasure house of Russian art.

Ms Vera Kurochkina, UC RUSAL’s Board Member and Deputy CEO, Director of Corporate Communications, said, “Further to our recent successful cultural events, the cocktail reception and Film Festival, we are especially proud to present this project celebrating the Company’s 15th anniversary. Through our partnership with the State Tretyakov Gallery, we are delighted to present Russian masterpieces in a state-of-the-art digital format, providing the people of Hong Kong the unique opportunity to be immersed into the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Russia.”

Selected paintings are presented in three main areas crucial to Russian identity; Nature, Countryside Labour and Industrial Megapolis. Upon entering the exhibition area, the audience embarks on a journey through the motifs of Russian art; from celebrations and festivities, epic poems and myths, through to the vast majestic landscapes and the daily work of our more urban industrial scenes.

Zelfira Tregulova, Director of the State Tretyakov Gallery, said, “We are delighted to present our story by exploring art forms and the artists’ personal interpretation of Russia’s reality and mythology. The sequence of projected motifs creates an inner dynamic of the narrative, where viewers at times find themselves in a wonderful odyssey filled with stirring events and rich details and then immersed into a lyrical yet melancholy state of meditation.”

Some 15 masterpieces from the gallery have been selected to represent Russian culture and history from the mid-19th to the early 20th century. They were created by leading Russian artists of the period: , , Boris Kustodiev, , Fyodor Vasilyev, Aristarkh Lentulov, , Filipp Malyavin, Mikhail Vrubel, Kazimir Malevich, Aleksandr Deyneka, Yuri Pimenov and .

Avant-garde Digital Exposition

The unique presentation will be in the form of a looped animated stream on a wide screen without a distinct beginning or end. The exhibition makes use of digital exposition and the implementation of multimedia technologies to breathe life into and instil a new perspective on the masterpieces. Digitally-animated effects add depth of field perception, making the flat paintings look 3-D, with movements of people and objects.

The multichannel soundtrack is chosen specially for each painting. It complements the image with birdsong, water splashes, the roar of the wind, the chiming of bells, and various street, car or factory machinery cacophony. The paintings will also be “expanded” with augmented reality which fills the exhibition space with the predominant colours of each painting, offering a total all-encompassing audio-visual experience.

The project goes beyond entertainment with cutting-edge technologies aiming to immerse the audience completely into the setting of each painting, emphasizing the painters’ artistry, accentuating the exquisitely-rendered details whereby they see, hear and feel more than they would by merely looking at the traditional canvas masterpiece.

The exhibition will take place in the Qube, PMQ, which is a creative hub located in Central. A spokesperson of PMQ said, “PMQ steadfastly believes in the importance of creativity to a city, from home grown designs to overseas cultural exchanges. We are therefore proud to partner with UC RUSAL to bring the best in Russian artistic creativity to our city.”

The exhibition will be held from 27 June to 5 July daily in PMQ, and school tours will be arranged to extend the appreciation of the exhibition across the community.

Disclaimer The information contained in this press release is for media advice only. The contents are true and accurate at the time of publishing. However, the situation may change over time.

Exhibition Details

“Digital Dreams of Russia” Period: 27 June 2015 (Sat) to 5 July 2015 (Sun) Time: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Sunday to Thursday) 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Friday and Saturday) Venue: The Qube, PMQ - 35 Aberdeen Street, Central (Free admission)

Media enquiries: Press release sent by Cultural Connections on behalf of RUSAL. For media enquiry, please contact: Ivy Yu (9715-6279/ [email protected] ) Ken Fung (9522-0846 / [email protected])

More information: About RUSAL UC RUSAL is a leading, global producer of aluminium, in 2014 accounting for approximately 7% of global production of aluminium and 7% of alumina. UC RUSAL employs over 61,000 people in 19 countries, across 5 continents. UC RUSAL markets and sells its products primarily in the European, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, South East Asian and North American markets. UC RUSAL’s ordinary shares are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock code: 486), global depositary shares representing UC RUSAL’s ordinary shares are listed on the professional compartment of Euronext Paris (RUSAL for Reg S GDSs and RUAL for Rule 144A GDSs). UC RUSAL’s ordinary shares and Russian depositary receipts that are issued on common shares of the Company are listed on Moscow Exchange (RUAL/RUALR).

About the State Tretyakov Gallery The State Tretyakov Gallery was founded in 1856 by the Moscow businessman and was donated to the city of Moscow, Russia in 1892. Throughout the years, the gallery has been transformed not only into a vast museum of a global repute, but also a major research centre for storage, preservation, study and popularisation of museum treasures. Today its collection comprises more than 170,000 pieces dating from the 10th till the 21st century; among them, many masterpieces are of world significance. Official poster and key-art of “Digital Dreams of Russia”.

(For more rendering images of the exhibition, please contact Cultural Connections)