Bartolome De Las Casas; Protector of the Indians. the Tinker Pamphlet Series for the Teaching of Mexican American Heritage. `-.-"FU,B DATE 72

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Bartolome De Las Casas; Protector of the Indians. the Tinker Pamphlet Series for the Teaching of Mexican American Heritage. `-.- DOCUMENT RESUME ED 114 228 RC- 008 851 AUTHOP Miller, Hubert J. TITLE Bartolome de Las Casas; Protector of the Indians. The Tinker Pamphlet Series for the Teaching of Mexican American Heritage. `-.-"FU,B DATE 72. 74p.; For related` documents, see RC 008 850, 852-853 AVAILAHF FPOMMr. Al Ramirez, P.O. Box 471, Edinburg, Texas 78539 ($1.00) EDRS P RYCF"y MF-$0.76 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *American Indians; Biographies; *Cultural Background; Cultural Education; Cultural Interrelationships; *Culture Conflict; Curriculum Enrichment; Curriculut Guides; Elementary Secondary Education; *Mexican American History; Mexicans; Pesource Materials; Vocabulary; *Western Civilization IDENTIFIERS *Las Casas /Bartolome de) ABSTPACT Bartolome de /as Casas devoted himself completely to crusading for the rights of. the Indians. Although he was never a missionary among Indians, he began projects such as the Indians' conversion in the Land of War in Guatemala, which .ter became the task of his Dominican colleagues. However, his t le importance lay in his role as the Indians' protector' before the yal court. This was shown by his involvement in the debate of Val adoli4, the decree of the New Laws of 15J2, and the campaign for e a.lition of the . encomienda and Indian slavery. Owever, th gnificance.of his crusade went beyond the rights of Indians; involved the rights of all men. Equally significant was his stro nviction that tie Indians had a right to retain their cultu eritage in the face of the invading Spaniards, who considered themselves culturally superior to the Indians. Intended to provide the teacher with meaningful historical information on the clash of cultures and the rights of man, this booklet' relates the story of the Spaniards andIndians as seen in the life of Las Casas. Although primarily intended for use by elementary teac ers the o let may be profitably used by junior and senior high school teachers. A brief bibliography is inclpded to provide additional information, suggested readings for seudents, and audiovisual materials. (Author/NQ) 4 *************************************************4********************* Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcppy reproductions ERIC makes available * via the EPIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductiops * * supplied by EDPS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** S OE Prat TMENT OF HEALTH EOVCTION 4 WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCTION THIS OOCUMENT HAS BEEN PI POC OUCEO EXACTLY As pECEve t Q0m THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION OR Gr4 TiNG T PO,P.TS Or uEP, OR OP,N,ONS STATED00NOT NECESSARILY REPRE co SENT OFF 1C)4, NATIONAL ,IST71.17.E Or EOUCT ION POSITION OR POLICY I,ciji, BAI*701,0. LIJDE LAS. PROTECTOR OF THE IND1 HIJBERT J. MILLER / The TinkerPamphletSeries for 0 The Teaching of Mexican AmericanIlerita .,A0 ("4- Ir,(.0 IcNE0.1k Hubert J. Miller r. f. ./ Zt t -' '4 ,i Cover Illustration by GiniiBruce Printed by the New Santander Press 4 IC Copy r igh t 1972 L. Joy RI07,' DE LASA, AA PROTECTOROF THE INDIANS HUBERT J. MILLER The Tinker\ Pamphlet Series j for The 'I ing of 11+ican American heritage E4 To my ltlexian American student's, whose rich legacy has inspired my interest inMexico. E ' G tie $ e, 4 1 /' t. 1* 1 1. EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD ,.- Martha T. Muse, President of the Tinker Foundation Marietta Daniels Shepherd, Chief, Library DevelopmentProgra. m Organization of American States , . 7 Curtis Wilgus, President of Inter-AmericanBibliographical and Library Association Nettie Lee Benson, Head of Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin , . Jose' Cardenas, Superintendent of the EdgewoodIndepefident School District, San Antonio, Texas * . Antonio E. Garcia, Southwest Educational Development .1 ,Laboratory, Austin, Texas . 4, ,.. e }OM; C., ( _.-----....- . /7--- TABLE OF CONTENTS .\ i t . Glossary i To a Teacher iii / illtrodoctin 1 . Early Life g .., Life in the West Indies . Las Cams Initiates His Crusade 7 / / The Venezuela Experiment 17 e Las Casas Enters the p_ominican Order 21 The Guatemalan Experiment 24' I Las Casas and The New-Laws of 1542 27 Las Casas Becomes Bishop of Chiapas 80 Las Gapas Leaves America for the Last Time... 36 Debate at Valladolid 4 39 Las Casas Retires , 50 Conclusion 55 Bibliography / 59 4 GLOSSARY Audiencia Highest 'court in the kingdom of New Spain or Mexico; algo tookon certain ad- . ministrative functions, Castellano A Spanish ':cointhatwas predecessor bf the ducado or ducat. Corigicistatlor TA Spanishconquercirand \colonize?. Ducacip The Spanish ditcator peso was-worth 8 / reales.The peso: was considered and excellent day wage, which would,buy 2001$s. of beans, w. two or three turkeys, ot five dozen eggs or 100 s. *corn. _ Encomendero holder of an encomienda. Endo Grant of authority over Indians carrk obligation to Christianize and protect ..Them\ awell as right-to collect tribute. Haeen Owner of a plantation or large ranch. i., . ..... ::., .... , \ . Hispaniola ,Inc g the'resent day island republics'; of H theominicim Republic. 6. MdyordomoArro erseer foremitn. , .Rep' affitn *siorf of Indian laborers for g particular rjr6ject. ';.).1)119I. .6o / 0 THE TEACHER . The story of B. tolome de las Casas is the study of a man, whoevoted himself completely to crusading for the rights of the Indians.The isignificance of his crusade goes beyond the rights of-Indraxist---ft involves the rights of all men. According to Las Casas "all peoples are men." Equally significtis tbe crusader's strong conviction that the Ilidians-ld a right to retain their cultural heritage in the faceof-Che invading. Spaniards, who considerg4, themselves culturally superior to the Indians.This conviction was shared by all European explorerg and-colonizers tit. the New orl and Kipling, the English 19th ter, felt it was the white burde his superior culture to non-western the 19th ,century United States the theme _wa§ popularized inthe,: expressions of manifest destiny. 'The issue is far from.dead in 'DUD , ownday,Ethnic minorities, who take pride in their cultural heritage, are= quicto denounce expressions of the .white ma s burden and manifest destiny. Were Las Cas s alive today, we - can be certain that his voice wld again be heard ti since his admonitions areimeless. Hislife dedicated to the cause ofankind serves as a model for all generations. The life of the protect r of the Indians can be profitably utilized in th story of the discovery Of the New World, espially regarding the early INTRODUCTION The western hemisphere beginning with thepre- Columbian Indians has had and still does have its share of reformers. The stories surrounding the : Aztec Quetzalcoatl offer evidence of his concern for reform among his people. Many other exampleS of Indian reformers probably could be found ifour knowledge of pre- Columbian Indian civilizations, were more complete. Spokesmen for reformcan be found in Mexico and the United States. In, Mexico we need note only such ,names as Benito JuarM, Emiliano Zapata and Lazar° Cardenas.The United States claims its ,Roger Williais,William LloydGarrison,Abraham Lincolnandthe essives.Both for Mexico- and the United Sta thelist can extendindefinitely,but whatevere list may be, no one may dare omit the name of me de Las Casas. The Spanish quest of the New World immediately raised thuestion of the rights of the Indians. In the defense ofdeir rights the Indians could have had na better defener than Las Casas, whose concern.for Indian rights stemmed from his strong convictions that all min are human beings who as creatures of God have basic human rights. His whole life was' a living example of this conviaion and time and time 'again he pricked the Spanish, crown'sandhiscountOnen's 'consciences: who frequently,willingly at unwillingly, failed to recognize the rights of the Indians. SF countrymen's gi-eecl and destruction of life and property. For a more balanced view the teacher should consult the booklets in the series which treat Hernan Cortes, Antonio de Mendoza and Juan de Zumanaga. These sources tend to see the Spanish side, of the story. In spite of the negative picture of Spanish colonization, the life of Las Casas provides ample evidence of Spain's willingnes to listen to a critic. This bore fruit in Spain's desire to d velop a colonial policy that. took into considetibn the, rights of native subjects in the Ameri as. Many times it was an enlightened and hune policy.,i' As with all good- intentions,, human shortcomings frequently hindered -the imp mentation of enlightened policies. At ail times the teacher n s to rQmember that the booklet is a teaching tand not a textbook. It is intended to be a te-saving device wherein the teacher can quic y find the essentials of this allimportant freinthehistoryofour hemisphere. T e effectiveness of the tool, like all teaching too ,in final analysis/is dependent on the teacher'sreative use of it in the classroom. Instruepional content, grade level and intellectual ability of the pupils are all determining factors in sele2iing all or some of the material to be utilized by the teacher.Although the author's primary ent is a teaching tool for elementary teachers, is
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