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THE JEWISH POS Thursday. May 19, 196& 'ThurSday, May 19, 1966 Page Fourteen THE JEWISH POST Page Fifteen

. : . ~ '.:: ", ! For Taxi Service I Magistrate Spivack. Passes Away' Wynayrd, Sask., before moving to i'sons; two brothers, Reuben, of Win- grid' with fluorescent light fixtures . Winnipeg in January 1966. She is j nipeg and William, of' Vancouver; , locat~ at each of the modular grid BAR.NEY GLAZER'S a number of years. He was appointed IN CALGARY , i survived by her husband, Walter S.; I and one sister, Dorothy, of Van- providing a high standard of lllu­ a Queen's Counsel in 1960. a daughter, Jo-Ann; and a son, couver. mination throughout the rental CALL UNITED CABS A past president of the B'nai Keith. Funeral service was held at the space: 'Approximately three miles B'rith Lodge, he, was also a member , IIOLLYWOOn Contributions may be made to Chesed Shel Emcs Chapel. Rabbi of underfloor electrical ducts are , of the Medicine Hat Law' Society, . 262-7777 the Manitoba Cancer Society. L. Berkal officiated. Interment was installed providing flexibility for the Medicine Hat Lions Club and in Shaarey Zedek Cemetery. location of electrical outlets, .to the HOTLINE the Sons of A:braham Synagogue. He was also an affiliate member of In lieu of flowers, donations may various office layouts. ofuciano Samuel Bubis The 'building is serviced by four the Hebrew Uni"ersity in Jerusalem. be made to the Manitoba Heart Hollywood, Calif., (TCNS) - Ann Blyth won the 1966. St. Genesius Foundation. elevators with carrying capacity' of ' He is survived 'by his wife, Sadie; Award, first gal to nab the Catholic acting trophy following , Beauty Passes Away', two daughters, ,Janet of Calgary 2,500 Ibs. each, speed 500 ft. per Jerry Lewis and Dennis Day. ' (Jerry Lewis!?) ... PauIa Stewart pre­ minute, One additional elevator is sented her husband, Jack Carter, with a wristwatch that plays "Hatikva" Salo~ and Paula of Toronto; a brother, Joseph, of Stanford, Conn.; and a', Moe Rubinstein provided to service the lower floors when it's time to get offstage.. PauIa knows and Jack adniits, that hI;! Phone ~Z-l_ sist~r, Mrs;' H: (Miriam)· Dbrn, of:' pf Bank Premise". ' , stays on t~o long... '. Neither does' Eddie Fish~r know when (0 get, off, 440 Tegler Bide. Passes Suddenly Ci~. . '. Heated by two 250 h.p. boilers, for which we are grateful. We hope nobody buys Eddie a musical wrist IOI89-101'StnBet i, Funeral servIce was held at the,' , 'Moe Rubinstein, 50, a' former fully air condition~ providing year­ watch. Edmonton, Alta. , R. A. HOLLAND CAYLE TA,(LOR , Sons of Abraham Synagogue. Inter- ,::' , :Winnipeg resid~nt, passed away su~-I round temperature control, refriger­ Mr. R. A. Holland, President and General Manager of ;.j gets his biggest laugh from th~ story about the ment was in the Sons of Abraham denlyMay 14 ill Montreal. Born ill ation equipment capable of produc­ girl Floorcraft and Furnishings Limited, is pleased to announce, .' i Catholic and the Jewish boy who were going steady. Suggested the section of Hillside Cemetery. Philadelphia he came to Winnipeg" ing a total of 650 tons of ice per girl's mother,"Talk him. into converting to Catholicism." One night,:the their, new showrooms at 399 Berry St., and the appointment of Mr. Gayle Taylor as Sales Manager. Floorcraft and as a young man where he :vas Iday. Approximately 2',2 miles of girl arrived home in tears. "The wedding is off," she moaned, "But, RUBBER Furnishings Limited, dealers for Royalmetal Corporation and active in. the fur business, He had I duct work installed to distribute the why?" ilsfed the ,bewildered mother. "I followed your advice but I over- ,Croydon Furniture Corporation, provide a complete line of Medicine ~ police' magistrate Mrs. Walter Stern served on the board of the' Shaarey , conditioned air. The building re-' sold him," wailed the girl. "Now, he wants'. to be a priest;" . " office, school, hospital, hotel and motel furnishings, as well 'for the past'i:~ years, Alex Y. Zedek Synagogue, was a member quires the equivalent amount of heat JOEY BISHOP'S substitutions for on the "Tonight" as a complete contract and design service. Spivack passed away May 11. Born Pa$ses Suddenly or Glendale Country Club and the needed to heat 175 average size show have "proved so successful the question persists: Why didn't "-"v SnNCILS. FLOORCRAFT . 'in 1908 in Winnipeg he moved to Montefiore Club., In 1957 he moved. homes - has 800 electric imtlets and use, Joey instead of Jerry Lewis to oppose Carson? .." . Anne Nichols, 1NU. SlAII, & FURNISHINGS Medicine Hat in 1914 with his family .. i to Montreal where he' joined the \ 500 tel~phone outlets. made famous and wealthy by her first play, "Abie's Irish Rose." now MOS. DA'I1RS. LIMITED Ph. 888-2307 He attended Alexandra:· Hi!ih co""':",,' ,firm of Silbennan Inc. 'The Royal Bank itsell in keeping lives at the Actor's Fund home m Englewood, N.J.... Henry Ginsberg 399 Berry St .• WlftIIl.,.. 12. . School and was a m('mber of the i HOlll KeY TAOS He is survived by his wife, the,: with its concept of personal service bought the film and legitimate theatre rights to Noah Gordon's best- debating team. A' graduate of' the j , fonner Esther Golrun; his daughter; and efficiency to business and in­ seller novel, "The Rabbi." .' University of Manitoba School of . • l . Mrs. Morley Rosenfield; and two dustrial concerns' has designed its I, THE KING BROi'HERS - Frank, Maurice and Herman - produced The Edmonton Rubber Stamp SASKATOON'S MOST MODERN I, La w in 1932, he practised law for grandsons. quarters to best meet the demands co. LTD. J AND LUXURIOUS HOTEL a brief time .in Winnipeg. He re~ Funeral services 'were held, at of these, ·needs. A complete range a beautiful movie a few years ago in' "The Brave One," story of a boy 1nl~'7 • 102M STREET (REAR) " and an animal. In their latest film, "Maya," the Kings employ the same turned to Medicine, Hat in 1938' nue passed' away May 13 Chesed Shel Emes Chapel. Inter- I of electronic andcommUrucations .insph-ation, resulting i;' a cha~ing and suspensefuI film about tWo boys THE EXECUTIVE ';"'here he was a' merchant until· I Boniface Sani,tarium. Born in Rus- mentwas in Hebrew Sick Benefit 'equipment' has been installed, and and two elephants..•. George Stoll will compose Elvis Presley's musical J945 when he, purchased' the law' sia, he came here in 1911. . Cemetery. Flowers' g rat e full y a complete variety of services such . \ score for MGM's ,::Spinout." It's Stoll's 115th film score and, his 35th for MOTOR HOTEL ,practise of the, late Sam Short." He is survived by his wife, Frima; declined. as foreign exchange, bonds depart- Producer, Joseph Pasternak. ' , ,,' In J950 he was appointed police a son, Norman; two daughters, Mrs. ment, call loans, etc., are



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