CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2243 HON
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November 2, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2243 Tun Pete leaves behind his children and Christi, Texas, who has just been awarded the I ask my colleagues to join me today in rec- their spouses, Antonia Pangelinan Taitano, Vida De Oro (Life of Gold) Award, bestowed ognizing a beautiful person who is being hon- Pedro Taitano and Teresita Pangeliman, Pris- by the American Association of Retired People ored for the everyday work she does for the cilla and Pedro Santos, Theophelia and Jesus (AARP) to recognize those who offer their time Coastal Bend community, Luz Benavides. Camacho, Joaquin and Julie Pangelinan. Si and services for the needs of the community. Yu'os ma'ase' Tun Pete put todo I che'cho'- I have known Luz Benavides for my entire f mu. (Thank you Tun Pete for all of your work.) adult life and she is the model of someone f who lives a life of gold. She is one of three TRIBUTE TO KING BURSTEIN people who will be honored Saturday night at TRIBUTE TO AL ZANE the Omni Bayfront in Corpus Christi for mak- HON. CHRISTOPHER COX ing major contributions to the senior commu- OF CALIFORNIA HON. JERRY LEWIS nity by virtue of her everyday hard work, near- OF CALIFORNIA ly always out of the limelight. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Luz is 86 years old and a familiar face in Tuesday, November 2, 1999 Tuesday, November 2, 1999 the Coastal Bend of Texas, for she is involved Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise in a host of activities, including the Nueces County Senior Citizens organization, the local the 70th birthday of a fine American, true today to commemorate the retirement of my friend, and outstanding community activist: Mr. very good friend, Alexander Zane. Al has had AARP chapter, the Retired Senior Volunteer King Burstein. King was born on November a distinguished career spanning twenty-five Program, the Senior Community Services, lob- 10, 1929 in Malden, Massachusetts. Upon years and thirteen diverse career assignments bying for issues about which she is pas- graduating from the University of California at with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service sionate, and always helping her neighbors in Los Angeles, King began working with his fa- (NCIS). I am proud to say that one of those need. ther and his brother in a leather findings busi- assignments was in my congressional office Luz embodies the powerful instruction of ness. where Al worked with the same dedication and Christianity by visiting the sick and helping the professionalism for which he is well known needy. She also works with the Salvation In 1961, King was married, and in the next and respected. Army, helping the homeless people in the Cor- few years, he and his wife Lee became par- Al Zane came to my office in July, 1995 pus Christi area, helping them find shelter in ents of two fine sons. In the 1970s, KingÐ when I took the helm of the Appropriations the winter months. along with his brotherÐrelocated the family Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs and Hous- She is a political activist, working tirelessly leather business to Orange County. ing and Urban Development (VA±HUD). As a in issue-related campaigns at all levels and on King, together with Lee, has long been in- seasoned professional, Al dove right in to in- issues that matter to her and which affect all volved in community affairs and both national vestigating allegations of fraud at the Depart- of us. She speaks mostly to issues that affect and local political issues. From his city council ment of Housing and Urban Development, the elderly, the disabled and the neglected. to the White House, King actively participates which was no easy task. He served on my Recently, she has lent her voice to the nursing in the self-government that is the essence of staff until February, 1997 and made contribu- home reform campaign in Texas. our democracy. He has an admirable passion tions that are now being felt in communities She's never owned or operated a car, which for doing what is right, and never hesitates to across the United States. In addition to his is a tricky business in a sprawling city like give time and resources when needed. professionalism, Al's ready smile, easy laugh Corpus Christi. Interestingly, she has never let King and Lee have also been very involved and sincere friendship endeared him to my that be an obstacle to the good deeds she with their temple, Temple Bat Yahn. King in staff and made him a pleasure to work with. does for the people she helps on a daily particular is a leader in promoting education Truly, my staff and I were all sorry when Al's basis. When my mother died, Luz found a way on key public policy issues both for members detail to our office was concluded. to get from Corpus Christi to Robstown, my of his temple and for elected officials. He is Mr. Speaker, please join me in expressing hometown nearby, to be with me for the fu- extraordinarily well-read, and always informed my gratitude to Alexander Zane for his dedi- neral. about the significant issues of the day. cated service and wishing he, his wife, Mary, One of the most important things she does I am not alone among my colleagues here and family the very best in the years to come. is to encourage people to vote and to partici- in the chamber in calling King Burstein a good f pate in our democracy. She admonishes peo- personal friend. Those of you who do not LUZ BENAVIDES ple that, ``Su voto es su voz,'' your vote is know King personally will nonetheless recog- your voice. There is no greater gift in our de- nize in him the same outstanding qualities that mocracy and Luz knows that. She will stay at characterize that rare individual among your HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ the polls the entire day on election day. That own constituents who is a true national leader. OF TEXAS is all the more incredible knowing that she re- In recognition of his contributions to our coun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mains on post from the time the polls open ty, to his community, and to his family, I know Tuesday, November 2, 1999 until the time they close. She stands the whole you will all join me in wishing King a very Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to time, and unless someone brings her food, happy and prosperous 70th birthday, and commend and honor Luz Benavides of Corpus she doesn't eat. many more to come. 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