International Conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION Vol. XXII No 1 2016


Iulian MARTIN, Antonio DAN-ŞUTEU

National Defense University „Carol I”, Bucharest, Romania [email protected]

Abstract: The education and lifelong learning of the intelligence analysts will provide the right ingredients to evolve into incredible and increasingly operational environment characterized by uncertainty and complex challenges. Based on diagnosis of the current ways of education and training in the field of , there seems to be only a few higher education programs that focuses exclusively on law enforcement intelligence community. Most education and training programs are based on intelligence courses that incorporate multidisciplinary topics and a broad theoretical approach to intelligence issues. An efficient program should not only educate students by enabling them to learn how to perform an intellectual process for having analytical products, but it should also train them by teaching them the structures, techniques, and procedures associated with the intelligence process.

Keywords: education, training, intelligence, analysis, process

1. Introduction University in 2002. This was followed by Major events in the wake of the the establishment of the College of new millennium have cast serious doubts Analytical Studies by the Federal Bureau over the ability of the intelligence of Investigation (FBI), as well as of the community to effectively address the National Intelligence University by the challenges posed by an increasingly Office of the Director of National globalized and rapidly changing world. Intelligence (ODNI). The latter was The failure to prevent the 9/11 terrorist designed as a ‘virtual’ institution attacks, as well as to accurately assess Iraq’s responsible for improving coordination Weapons of Mass Destruction program have between the training programs of different highlighted the need for significant intelligence agencies. improvements in the way in which Alongside organizational entities, intelligence agencies around the world are teaching methods also started being revised structured and operate. Within such context, by members of the intelligence the training of analysts was identified as an community. According to Marrin, the important area to reform [1]. traditional paradigm for doing analysis, One of the first steps taken in this which largely depended on the analyst's direction, especially in the United States, own expertise on a specific topic, was was the introduction of a series of recognized as increasingly obsolete. As a organisms aimed at enhancing the training result, a growing amount of resources were process for intelligence analysts. After allocated to training analysts to use opening the Sherman Kent School for structured analytical techniques such as Intelligence Analysis in 2000, the Central brainstorming, devil’s advocacy, red team set up the CIA analysis, team A-Team B, Analysis of

DOI: 10.1515/kbo-2016-0015 © 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License.


Competing Hypotheses, key assumptions introducing students to a similar context, check and alternative futures. The rationale the course was explicitly aimed at creating behind this approach is effectively "that sense of being part of a single UK summarized by Heuer’s claim according to intelligence community, and of belonging which “analysts should be self-conscious to the virtual profession of analysts" about their reasoning process. They should (Goodman & Omand, 2008) [3]. think about how they make judgments and Despite this, the intelligence reach conclusions, not just about the community still lacks a common basic judgments and conclusions themselves” [2]. training programme. Training is still A further trend related to the largely considered a prerogative of single training of analysts emerged out of the agencies, which in the majority of cases realization that the intelligence profession instruct new analysts based on their still lacked the formalized doctrine and set specific mission and needs. Such an of practices that are typical of other approach makes it particularly difficult for occupations such as journalism and analysts to communicate and interact with medicine. This was assumed to prevent the colleagues working in different areas or full consolidation of intelligence as a organizations [4]. As shown in the study profession and, therefore, to hinder the conducted by Johnston, analysts tend to be improvement of the entire system of reluctant in seeking resources from other intelligence analysis. The result was a agencies, either because their experience progressive convergence between the has been shaped by a rigid agency-centric spheres of training and education as well as focus or because they lack the necessary between those of government and contacts. For example, one of the survey academia. Both in the US and in Europe, respondents explained that the reason why governments began to put considerable he hardly ever tried to reach beyond his efforts into the advancement of intelligence organization was that “it only really works as an academic field. More specifically, if you trust the person on the other end on they started funding a number of the phone [and] that’s hard to do if you programmes directed at providing don’t know them” [5]. university graduates with the specific Another factor undermining the knowledge and skills needed within the effectiveness of the training process has to intelligence community. do with the relationship between the skills An interesting case is the academic needed by analysts and the type of training course in intelligence introduced by the they receive. A needs assessment of War Studies Department at King’s College intelligence training carried out in 2004 London in the mid 2000s. The programme revealed low levels of training quality looked at the field of intelligence from a across all parameters, with intelligence range of different angles, combining a analysts and managers being considered as functional, a historical/biographical, a the figures which most suffered from structural and a political approach. The inadequate training. When asked to opportunity to engage with the discipline identify the main cause, the majority of within the world of academia was respondents pointed out the insufficient considered a major added value for present funding, the lack of skilled trainers and the and future analysts, as it exposed them to excessive costs of traveling and aspects of the subject such as the key accommodation [6]. literature, related academic fields as well The problem of inadequate training as different and often contrasting concerns a wide range of intelligence viewpoints, which are much more difficult organizations and is not limited to the US. to convey in the relatively closed According to a 2011 study environment of governments. By (, 2011) the UK

79 still lacks training courses capable to 2. Education and Training Methods in properly teach intelligence analysis. Based Intelligence Analysis: seven case studies on an examination of five different training The following sub-section will look providers, the study showed that training with greater depth into the nature of programs tended: training offered by various intelligence- a) To interpret the role of related agencies and organizations. Seven intelligence analysts more as statisticians case studies will be analyzed in order to than as investigators (e.g., out of the two highlight the most significant features intelligence analysis courses offered by characterizing each course, including one provider, both had a predominantly duration, curricula, and skills provided and statistical character but lacked any teaching methods. The aim is to provide a reference to the investigative dimension of comprehensive account of currently the job); existing training programs as well as to b) Not to consider analysts as expose the reader to the most significant fully-fledged investigators (e.g., one course similarities and differences between them. relegated analysts to the function of mere “advisors” in the context of major Case Study 1: The NSA’s course incidents); on critical thinking and structured c) To attribute managers a analysis control function over the process of One of the most important skills in analysis (e.g., by tying the work of analysts the field of intelligence analysis is the to “'requirements', 'techniques', 'objectives' ability to think critically. This can be and ‘parameters'" to be preliminarily defined as "a deliberate meta-cognitive agreed or negotiated with the clients). (thinking about thinking) and cognitive Sloman looked at the same problem (thinking) act whereby a person reflects on in a military context [7]. In his view, the the quality of the reasoning process complexity of the skills currently required simultaneously while reasoning to a by the job - a mixture of experience, data conclusion. The thinker has two equally manipulation and critical thinking - important goals: coming to a solution and demands a change in the process of improving the way she or he reasons” [9]. selection and training of analysts as well as Despite its centrality within the in the opportunities they are offered. He work of intelligence analysts (as well as in notes that the position of the analyst is our everyday life), critical thinking has often considered quite low in the military never been the main focus of teaching, hierarchy, mainly because of its lower whether outside or inside the intelligence entry barriers compared to other community. intelligence professions. The result is that One relevant exception is the those occupying the latter are often the National Security Agency's (NSA) course ones receiving the most advanced training on critical thinking and structured analysis. and education. That is why - Sloman This represents the first IC program concludes - a "new intelligence analyst deliberately designed to improve the career field” should be introduced as a step analyst’s own thinking skills both at an towards matching the level of accuracy individual and at a group level. The course that is expected and needed from analysts is distributed along a series of 10 four-hour with the one which could actually be long classes in which students are given achieved [8]. the opportunity to "learn a paradigm for critical thinking and critically explore 14 different structured methods of analysis” [10].


The program is based on what is After the initial introductory week, described as a Socratic method of teaching, analysts undergo a process of meaning that students are required to familiarization with the main skills actively get involved in the course by required by the intelligence profession taking part in discussions, writing such as analytic thinking, writing, briefing, summaries of the assigned readings prior data analysis and teamwork skills. This is to each class and producing operational followed by an interim assignment lasting examples of structured analysis methods. four weeks and directed at enabling Moreover, at the end of the program analysts to appreciate the interconnections participants are assigned a group project between, on the one hand, the directorate where they have to apply five critical of intelligence, and, on the other, the CIA’s thinking and structured analysis methods in various ramifications, the broader order to solve a specific problem. The intelligence community as well as the results of the project are then presented by sphere of decision-making. students in front of their class during a 15- Once such an assignment has been 20 minute briefing [11]. completed, analysts receive classroom Main readings selected for the training on more complex issues such as course: drafting longer documents and identifying • Elder, L. & Paul, R. (2003). deception indicators. At the same time, The Foundations of Analytic Thinking: they are introduced to the work of other How to Take Thinking Apart and What to intelligence positions while being Look for When You Do. Dillon Beach, CA: instructed on the key concepts, methods Foundation for Critical Thinking; and techniques needed to effectively • Heuer Jr., R. J. (2007). examine raw data, including structured Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (2nd analytical techniques. Here cases of past ed.). Reston, VA: Pherson Associates failure in intelligence analysis are LLC; consistently illustrated to trainees as an • Jones, M.D (1997). The example of the key mistakes to be avoided. Thinker’s Toolkit: Fourteen Skills for The final stage of the CAP involves Making Smarter Decisions in Business and another four-week interim assignment in Life. New York, NY: Crown Publishing followed by a further set of classes, which Group. culminate in a two-day simulation of a terrorist attack. This provides trainees with Case Study 2: The Sherman Kent the opportunity to apply the knowledge School’s Career Analyst Program (CAP) and skills developed throughout the course According to the CIA website [12], and deal with situations that might occur in the Career Analyst Program (CAP) is the their future careers. At the end of the Directorate of Intelligence’s "basic training simulation the performance of analysts program and introduces all new employees during their training period is assessed, to the basic thinking, writing, and briefing with results being sent to the respective skills needed for a successful career. home offices. Segments include analytic tools, The CAP program integrates a issues, denial and series of different modules and deception analysis, and warning skills”. methodologies. The CIA website [14] During its sixteen-week period of duration, divides the former into six key areas: analysts are provided with a wide range of critical thinking skills and techniques; exclusive information related to the sphere writing skills; briefing skills; the business of intelligence, which if applied, can of intelligence; collaboration skills; significantly enhance the quality of history, mission and values. These are analysis [13]. taught to students through a combination

81 of traditional teaching methods (e.g., relationship existing between intelligence lectures and case studies) and more producers and consumers. The program interactive ones, based on the principle of also explores more specific aspects such as ‘learning by doing’ (e.g., task forces and the multiple stages of the intelligence interim assignments) [15]. process and the way in which creativity and critical thinking can boost each stage. Case Study 3: National Training Finally, the course looks at a and Education Division's (NTED) number of critical issues pertaining to the courses realm of information sharing as well as to The NTED constitutes a branch of the underlying legal framework of the Federal Emergency Management intelligence analysis. Overall, the course Agency (FEMA), an organization part of sets out to enhance the capabilities of the US Department of Homeland Security. participants to both prevent and respond to It works in partnership with several criminal activities by combining nine training providers in order to "make high- different modules and a variety of quality training available to first methodologies. These include instructive responders that enhances their skills for lectures, collective discussions as well as preventing, protecting, responding to, and scenario-driven practical activities. recovering from manmade and natural catastrophic events” [16]. To this end, the Case Study 4: Drug Enforcement NTED provides more than 200 courses Administration (DEA) training designed for a wide range of state, local programs and tribal organisms. This research will The DEA organizes a number of only examine one specific course, selected training programs in intelligence directed because of its explicit and direct relevance at providing participants with the most to the activity of intelligence analysis. advanced analytical skills required to The course is titled "Criminal support its investigations. The courses vary Intelligence Analysis Essentials” and is in content and length, and are all generally offered by the National Sheriff’s held at the DEA Training Academy located Association. It is delivered over a period of at Quantico, Virginia. The main course is 20 hours at the awareness level. This the Basic Intelligence Research Specialist means that the program is "designed for (BIRS), established in 1974. Its duration responders who require the skills has changed over time, with the number of necessary to recognize and report a weeks being extended from 9 to 14 in potential catastrophic incident or who are 2006. The program is mandatory for every likely to witness or investigate an event newly hired intelligence analyst, who is involving the use of hazardous and/or required to get a score of at least 80 in explosive device” [17]. Such entities are order pass the course [18]. identified as law enforcement, The DEA website states that the governmental administrative and course curriculum "emphasizes the emergency agencies. development of analytical skills, the use of The aim of the course is to provide computerized tools, and a broad range of participants with the skills necessary to academic subjects critical to providing improve the quality of intelligence analysis mission-oriented intelligence”. These are in a comprehensive context including all taught through a variety of classes kinds of criminal hazards: from terrorist including National Security Information attacks to more traditional forms of crimes. Handling, Terrorism Financing Activities Some of the key areas covered by the and Techniques, Internet course are the various purposes of Telecommunication Exploitation Program, intelligence analysis as well as the Telephone Tolls Analysis and Basic Law


Enforcement Report Writing. As the DEA intelligence analysts. At the same time, website points out, "all subjects [are others pointed at courses like Government integrated] into increasingly complex and Financial Planning as more suitable to individual and group practical exercises be delivered using a different methodology designed to test each student’s ability to (e.g., Internet-based training) [20]. make and present critical analytical judgments to investigators, prosecutors, Case Study 5: The US other agencies, and policy makers” [19]. Department of Justice’s Minimum So far, the BIRS program is Criminal intelligence Training considered to have been considerably Standards successful. The results of a survey of past In 2007, the U.S. Department of students carried out in 2008 revealed that Justice’s published the Minimum Criminal positive opinions about the course were intelligence Training Standards for Law shared by as much as 75 per cent of Enforcement and other Criminal Justice respondents, with only 1 student out of 4 Agencies in the United States, as an declaring that the program failed to match attempt to “provide perspective and their expectations. Some doubts regarding guidance for the development and delivery the effectiveness of the program, however, of law enforcement intelligence training” were raised by a number of supervisors and [21]. Each intelligent analyst’s training intelligence analysts. More specifically, module, through the corresponding some complained that classes such as curricula is urged to adopt the philosophy Defensive Driving and Firearm Safety and the curricular issues as presented were not very relevant to the work of below through specific objectives.

Objective I Intelligence analysts will understand the criminal intelligence process, intelligence-led policing, the information sharing framework, and their roles Topics to be Collection, Analysis, dissemination, production, collation, evaluation, considered for assessment Curriculum Origin – history of intelligence Roles and responsibilities of the Information Analyst Intelligence-led policing Liaise with peers, other agencies and professional memberships Information Sharing Initiative Threats facing community, state Community Policing Professional standards Information sharing technologies Objective II Analysts will gain an understanding of the proper handling and collation of criminal intelligence information, including file management and information evaluation Topics to be Security of file management considered for Electronic, Archiving and filing of information management Curriculum Evaluation, reliability and validity of sources Confidential Information and marking Objective III Analysts will experience the development of intelligence through the processes of critical thinking, logic, inference development, and recommendation Topics to be Critical thinking considered for Fallacies of logic Curriculum Inference development Crime indicators Crime patters and analysis


Objective IV Analysts will understand the methodical process of developing and implementing collection and analytic plans Topics to be Strategic and tactical needs of intelligence consumer considered for Intelligence requirements collection Curriculum Development of collection and investigative plans Feedback infusion into the Objective V Analysts will be familiar with the legal, privacy, and ethical issues relating to intelligence Topics to be Law and relative legal aspects considered for Privacy, civil liberties and civil rights Curriculum Ethical considerations Civil liability Objective VI Analysts will be provided with information on sources, information sharing systems, networks, centers, commercial and public databases Topics to be Sources of information and available resources considered for Curriculum Objective VII Analysts will be able to demonstrate a practical knowledge of the methods, tools, and techniques employed in analysis Topics to be Analytical Techniques pertaining threat assessments, crime pattern analysis, considered for association analysis, telephone records analysis, flowchart analysis, financial Curriculum analysis and strategic analysis Analytical tools such as spreadsheets, flowcharting applications, analytic software and presentation software Objective VIII Analysts will be able to demonstrate a practical knowledge of the methods, tools, and techniques employed in analysis Topics to be Principles of good report writing considered for Differences between intelligence investigative reports and briefs Curriculum Oran and written briefings

Case Study 6: The LEIU’s Case Study 7: The FLECT's Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Intelligence Analyst Training Program Training program The Financial Fraud Institute of the The association of Law Investigative Operations Division of the Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU) has Federal Law Enforcement Training designed the “Foundations of Intelligence Centers (FLECT) has designed the Analysis Training" (FIAT) program Intelligence Analyst Training Program towards providing quality analytic training, (IATP) as an introductory level training a basic understanding and knowledge of program on law enforcement intelligence the law enforcement analysis profession. analysis. The curricula of this program The curricula include the following include the following modules: modules: History of Intelligence; Legal Introduction to Law Enforcement Issues/Ethics; Sources of Information; Intelligence; The Intelligence Cycle; Creative/Critical Thinking; Logic; Intelligence Analysis: Core Competencies; Inference Development; Competing Introduction to Intelligence Analysis; Hypotheses; Crime Pattern Analysis; Legal Issues for Intelligence Analysts; Association Analysis; Flow Analysis; Intelligence Plans; External Information Strategic Analysis; Financial Analysis; Sources; Electronic Sources of Information Communication Analysis; Products of For Law Enforcement; Analytical Methods Analysis. & Techniques; Report Writing for Analysts; Electronic Spreadsheets as an Investigative Tool; Financial Analysis;


Geographic Information Systems and The LabRint learning experience Geographical Profiling; Analytical has been used in the planning phase of the Products and Presentations. security and defense specific activities, due to its potential to offer the possibility to 3. Learning how to integrate the LEILA create a complete package of data and experiences information captured through different The evolution of organizations and types of intelligence sources, to be the mutations determined by the new structured, analyzed, processed and collaborative intelligence paradigm, disseminated. Also, the potential to concurrent with the technological progress, determine the relations between data and have determined massive changes within information, and subsequently, based on the intelligence framework, at the inference scheme, to assess the organizational and also at the actionable possibilities, probabilities and level. Even though the tools generated predictability of specific events occurrence through the ITC technologies cannot be a has been valued by the training audience. substitute for the human thinking and We can state that, through the cannot direct the intelligence processes, integration of the intelligence cycle into they can optimize the information flows, the operational planning process using the offering an analytical capability in support LEILA approach, the efficiency of training of the information integration. and education has increased, adding value In this general context, the NDU to the intelligence products generated had the opportunity to be member of the during the planning, preparation, execution Law Enforcement Intelligence Learning and evaluation of specific security and Application (LEILA) FP -7 project, aiming defense activities. to develop gaming solutions and engaging learning experiences addressing the needs of the security intelligence analysis community. Valuing the LEILA project outcome, the NDU has initiated a change in the Master of military art and sciences curriculum in order to integrate the LabRint and VUCA learning experiences, especially in the area of intelligence staff analysis, operational planning, decision Figure 1 making, leadership and command and staff disciplines. Also the LEILA approach has The serious games solution has been tested with success in two post graduate been well received by the students and courses namely in the strategic planning instructors, as an interesting and innovative course and in the pilot course for critical complement to the traditional education infrastructure protection liaison officers. and training tools and methods the NDU Primarily, before starting the staff is using regularly. specific practical activities, the main epistemic competences, relevant for the analysts and staff officers’ profile, were tested. The VUCA modules were used to gradually assess, consolidate and improve awareness, skills and competencies, as well as static and dynamic interrelationship, at individual and team level.


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