Cracow Indological Studies vol. XVIII (2016) 10.12797/CIS.18.2016.18.04 Katarzyna Skiba
[email protected] (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) Cultural Geography of Kathak Dance: Streams of Tradition and Global Flows* SUMMARY: The article deals with the modern history of Kathak, explored from regional perspectives. It focuses on the Lucknow gharānā (“school”) of Kathak, which sprung up mainly in courts and salons of colonial Avadh as a product of Indo- Islamic culture. The paper investigates how the shift of hereditary artists from Lucknow to Delhi affected their tradition in newly founded, state-supported institutions. It also examines various trends of further modernization of Kathak in globalized, metropolitan spaces. The tendency of Sanskritization in national dance institutes (Kathak Kendra) is juxtaposed with the preservation of ‘traditional’ form in dance schools of Lucknow (nowadays becoming more provincial locations of Kathak tradition) and innovative / experimental tendencies. The impact of regional culture, economic conditions and cosmopolitanism are regarded as important factors reshaping Kathak art, practice and systems of knowledge transmission. The paper is based on ethnographic fieldwork, combined with historical research, conducted in the period 2014–2015. KEYWORDS: classical Indian dance, Kathak, Lucknow gharānā, Indo-Islamic culture. * Much of the data referred to in this paper comes from the interviews with Kathak artists and dance historians which I conducted in India in 2014–2015 as part of two research projects: The Role of Sanskrit Literature in Shaping the Classical Dance Traditions in India (funded by École française d’Extrême-Orient), and Transformation of the Classical Indian Dance Kathak in the Context of Socio-cultural Changes (funded by National Science Center in Poland/NCN on the basis of decision no.