PPriorityr i o r i t y TTablesa b l e s forf o r AAinaroi n a r o DistrictD i s t r i c t

copyright © NSD and UNFPA 2008

National Statistics Directorate (NSD) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

i ii ƒ™—le2I2X2IHFHHHFHHH Y Y y™™upied2hwelling glini™ gommunity2re—lth2genter ƒu™o2found—ry ƒu˜Edistri™t2found—ry „woEl—ne2se—led2ro—d yneEl—ne2ro—d R2‡2vehi™le2tr—™k Y Y Y Ñ sndonesi— Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y YY Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YYY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 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gy†e2vswe fyfyxe‚y

iii Kisar Map for Urban and Rural Area


30 14 23 13 15 17 25 37 18 24 Alor 20 26 27 38 29 16 21 19 28


DILI %U 34 36 LAUTEM %U %U %U 31 %U 32 5

LIQUIÇÁ 6 %U 12 %U 35 7

8 33 ERMERA %U BOBONARO 4 9 Suco Classified as Urban %U %U 10 %U Suco Classified as Rural 3 4 MANUFAHI 11 District Boundary AINARO %U Town OECUSSE Road %U 1 COVALIMA

2 %U West

iv Director Nacional de Estatística Manuel Mendonça

The Census Project Team 2004

Who Produced the Current Book: Direcção Nacional de Estatística (DNE) and United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA)

International Technical Adviser Allen Harbrow Glenn McKinlay Andreas Demmke Ricardo Neupert

Programme Coordinator José Lucas da Silva

National Coordinator Elias dos Santos

Data Processor Kira Meadows Silvino Lopes

GIS and Mapping Technicians Alipio Cardoso Moniz César Melito dos S. Martins

Demographer Trainee Anastasia SEP Vong

v Data Analyst Trainee Manuel da Silva

Information Technology Offi cer João Correia Freitas

Reviewers Ricardo Neupert Jose Lucas Abilio Belo Caroline meenagh

Editor (graphic designer) Domingos FREITAS

Photographs: Domingos Freitas DNE (staff)

vi Preface

To the lay person, a population and housing census appears to be a simple undertaking which consists mainly of counting individuals, collecting information about these individuals and publishing respective numbers. This belief is far from true. In reality, the undertaking of a census is a quite diffi cult endeavor which involves the use of a complex strategy to mobilize both people and resources. Ultimately, it becomes the main source of data that serves a broad variety of information needs such as population size, spatial distribution and demographic, social and economic characteristics of people.

Census data are used for national and sectoral planning, allocating resources, providing roads, making improvements to housing, constructing schools, hospitals and health care centers, and for analyzing both employment and unemployment trends. Good-quality and timely census results are essential in measuring population trends, both guiding and focusing policies and programs, controlling and monitoring implementation, helping set goals and priorities, and lastly, designing funding procedures.

Population and housing censuses are the nucleus of national statistics systems. For the foreseeable future, they will continue to be the main source of data for governments and other organizations in most countries. A unique characteristic of a census is that it is the only source of data for the smallest administrative areas and localities within a country and also for special population groups and trends that change slowly over time. For example, a census allows the study of migrant populations, persons living in disadvantaged areas or circumstances, or households headed by women and other gender-related topics.

For more than three decades, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been playing a leading role in supporting censuses in less-developed countries, many of which could not have conducted their censuses but for the timely assistance provided by UNFPA. This ranges from support for the total cost of the census in some countries, to technical aspects of capacity-building (especially in cartography, data collection, processing, data analysis and dissemination) in others. In this undertaking, UNFPA has been working in close partnership with other international, technical and donor agencies, especially the United Nations Statistics Division, the European Community, the U. S. Bureau of the Census, agencies within the UN system and the UN Regional Commissions. Apart from its direct support at the country level, UNFPA provides regional technical support through a network of Country Technical Services Teams (CSTs). UNFPA’s technical and fi nancial assistance to less developed countries has contributed to successful censuses in many countries and strengthened their capacities to conduct modern censuses. One clear example of this contribution is the Timor-Leste 2004 Population and Housing Census.

Most of the partners mentioned above played an important role in the success of 2004 Timor-Leste Census. It is also important to refer to the generous support of USAid, NZAid, AusAid, and Irish Aid in this process. However, we cannot forget that our main partner is the National Statistics Directorate, and it was this Directorate which conducted the 2004 Census. Neither can we forget the enumerators, supervisors, suco chiefs, district census offi cers, who signifi cantly contributed to the success of the census.

vii It is pertinent to stress that achieving an improved balance between population growth and socioeconomic development is the goal of UNFPA work in the area of population and development. UNFPA helps support country efforts to formulate population and development policies and programs; strengthen national capacity in the area of data collection and analysis; and promote knowledge of the linkages between population variables and economic and social development. These linkages may be found among poverty, environment, migration, urbanization and ageing. In carrying out its mandate, UNFPA attempts to ensure maximum impact on the lives of the poor and especially women. Central to this support is the assistance to conduct, process, analyze and disseminate census information.

The publication of these set of reports containing the results of the 2004 Population and Housing Census by districts is a major accomplishment of the National Statistical Directorate, not only in relation to the magnitude of the effort involved in the production of tables and maps, but also because it will provide users with detailed information on the location of the population and its demographic, social and economic characteristics. Today, more than ever, information on the size and characteristics of the total population of a country is not suffi cient for many purposes. Population data are often needed for administrative subdivisions of a country. The spatial distribution of the population is not even but is dense in some places and sparse in others and the geographic patterns of demographic, social and economic characteristics are often quite complex. These reports will provide a wealth of data to study and analyze those patterns.

viii Contents

Page PREFACE ...... vii


1. Population ...... 1-6 2. Social characteristics ...... 7-14 3. Households ...... 15-22 4. Fertility and mortality ...... 23-33 5. Education and literacy ...... 35-56 6. Economic activity ...... 57-75 7. Disability ...... 75-80 8. Housing ...... 81-91 9. Migration ...... 93-104

Census glossary ...... 105-111


1. POPULATION ...... 1

Table 1.1: Ainaro: Population by type of residence and sex according to age groups ...... 2 Table 1.2: Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to single ages ...... 3 Table 1.3: Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to sub-district and suco ...... 6

ix Contents - continued


Table 2.1: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, by marital status according to sex and age groups ...... 8 Table 2.2: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by religion acording to sex and age groups ...... 10 Table 2.3: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older according to mother tongue ...... 12 Table 2.4: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by capability in offi cial languages and sex according to age groups ...... 14

3. HOUSEHOLDS ...... 15

Table 3.1: Ainaro: Population in private households by marital status according to sex and relationship to the head of the household ...... 16 Table 3.2: Ainaro: Head of private households by marital status according to sex and age groups ...... 18 Table 3.3: Ainaro: Private households by number of residents according to sex and age group of the head of the household ...... 20 Table 3.4: Ainaro: Private households according to sub-district and suco ...... 22


Table 4.1: Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of children ever born according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of children ever born according to sex of the children and age of woman ...... 24

x Contents - continued

Page Table 4.2: Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of living children according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of living children according to sex of the children and age of woman ...... 27 Table 4.3: Ainaro: Women in private households by number of stillbirths according to age of woman ...... 30 Table 4.4: Ainaro: Women in private households, aged 15 to 54 by reported birth in the 12 months prior to the census according to age groups ...... 31 Table 4.5: Ainaro: Women in private households by age at fi rst birth and median age at fi rst birth and by year of ocurrence ...... 32 Table 4.6: Ainaro: Population in private households by survival of parents according to age groups ...... 33


Table 5.1: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment ...... 36 Table 5.2: Ainaro: Population in privale households, 6 years and older by literacy* in any of the offi cial languages according to sex and age group ...... 42 Table 5.3.a: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in Portuguese according to sex and age group ...... 45 Table 5.3.b: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in tetum according to sex and age group ...... 48 Table 5.3.c: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in bahasa according to sex and age group ...... 51 Table 5.3.d: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in english according to sex and age group ...... 54

xi Contents - continued

Page 6. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ...... 57

Table 6.1: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, by age groups according to sex and current economic activity ...... 58 Table 6.2: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation ...... 61 Table 6.3: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, currently economically active by age group according to sex and industry ...... 66 Table 6.4: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, current economically active, by number of days worked in the week prior to the census day according to sex and age groups ...... 69 Table 6.5: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, currently economically active, by number of months worked prior to census day, according to sex and age groups ...... 72 Table 6.6: Ainaro: Private households with residents 15 years and older and number of persons 15 years and older by number of unpaid days worked for the suco community ...... 75

7. DISABILITY ...... 77

Table 7.1: Ainaro: Private households by presence of persons with disability (if any) and type of disability according to sex and age of the head of the household ...... 78

xii Contents - continued

Page 8. HOUSING ...... 81

Table 8.1: Ainaro: Private households by type of ownership of the dwelling according to construction material of fl oor, walls and roof ...... 82 Table 8.2: Ainaro: Private dwellings by type of ownership of the dwelling (occupied only) according to construction material of fl oor, walls and roof ...... 83 Table 8.3.a: Ainaro: Private households by construction material of fl oor according to sex and age group of the head of the household ...... 84 Table 8.3.b: Ainaro: Private households by construction material of walls according to sex and age group of the head of the household ...... 86 Table 8.3.c: Ainaro: Private households by construction material of roof according to sex and age group construction material of roof ...... 88 Table 8.4: Ainaro: Private households according to livestock kept and number of persons and amount of livestock in those households ...... 90 Table 8.5: Ainaro: Private households according to crops cultivated and persons in those households ...... 91

9. MIGRATION ...... 93

Table 9.1: Ainaro: Population in private households by place of birth and present residence according to sex and age groups (life-time migration) ...... 94 Table 9.2: Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in January 1999 according to age and sex groups ...... 97 Table 9.3: Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in July 2002 according to to age and sex groups ...... 100 Table 9.4: Ainaro: Population in private households 5 years and older living in Ainaro in 1999 and in another district in 2004 by sex and reason for moving ...... 103 Table 9.5: Ainaro: Population in private households 2 years and older living in Ainaro in 2002 and in another district in 2004 by sex and reason for moving ...... 104

xiii xiv Introduction

As part of its activities of disseminating the 2004 Census of Population and It is important to remember that the census is the only source that provides Housing, the National Statistic Directorate (NSD) has already produced total statistical coverage, from the broadest level (country) to the most local four publications. The fi rst one is a book with the national priority tables, areas, which in the case of the 2004 Census was the suco. It makes it possible containing tables considered by the specialized agencies of the United to study all kind of demographic, social, occupational or ethnic sub-groups at Nations as the most relevant to construct after the census data are processed. the fi nest level. Because of its coverage of the entire country, it is an essential The second publication is a booklet containing selected demographic master sample frame for any household survey. indicators calculated with census data, graphs and maps. The third product is a poster that displays basic population and demographic information. The As mentioned above, census data have been traditionally aggregated by fourth publication is the Census Atlas, a collection of selected thematic maps various types of administrative units. However, there is an increasing demand and tables on population characteristics of Timor-Leste. The natural fi fth for local area data that cut across the local administrative boundaries. For product is a set of books with priority tables at the district level. example assessments of the impact of population on the environment may require such special areas. The spatial units for those types of studies may Census data are used to conduct diverse economic, social and demographic combine a group of small local administrative areas in order to form the studies about the entire country, but are also much utilized to analyze areas required sector. In this situation the availability of census databases with at different levels of aggregations. These are mainly administrative areas mapping capability is of great importance. such as regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, counties, villages or even the so called census enumeration areas or census tracks. Data for local It is fi nally important to mention that a major administrative use of census areas enable the user to obtain statistical information on specifi c localities data is in the delineation of constituencies and the allotment of representation of interest as well as to examine variations among local areas. Typical on governing bodies. Detailed information on spatial distribution of the examples are the use census socioeconomic indicators to rank local areas population is essential for this purpose. Many aspects of the legal or according to their level of socioeconomic development in order to focus administrative status of territorial divisions may also depend on the size of development programs where they are most needed. In other words, not only their populations. the magnitude of population needs is important but also the spatial location of such needs. Local area analysis is also used to compare labor markets in To summarize, there is an ample amount of census data that is used at the order to analyze potential migration streams. Actually, it is the main source level of administrative divisions of countries. In Timor-Leste, the district is of internal migration data. one of the most important of such divisions. Providing information at this level will satisfy many needs. Therefore, as the country faces the challenges The results of population and housing censuses are useful for planning and of planning its future development, it is expected that the publication of the monitoring plans directed to the development of local areas, small towns, set of 13 books, one per district, will be of extensive use by planners, policy- geographic regions, etc. It is also important to remember that, although the makers, researchers and administrators, especially at the local level. It is also implementation of national social and economic development programs important to mention that two tables in these publications present data at the is a function of the state, when it comes to the execution, many national sub-district and suco level. programs are the responsibility of local areas administration.

xv One includes the population by sex and the other the number of households. ideal desired tabulations and the limits imposed by practical considerations. An additional piece of information provided in these tables is the rural or In any case, the National Statistics Directorate is able to produce special urban classifi cation of the suco. tabulations on demand if census data users require tables not included in these publications. Each book contains 8 sections dealing with a diversity of topics: population, It is important to notice that a section on migration was not included in social characteristics, households, fertility and mortality, education and these publications. Data on international migration and migration between literacy, economic activity, disability and housing. districts is presented in the National Priority Tables publication∗, and it is redundant to present those migration tables also here. Migration within Each section contains several tables, which are considered to contain districts (for example between dub-districts or sucos) is not possible to the most relevant information according to consultations with national obtain because migration data from the census questionnaires was entered and international agencies. As mentioned above, recommendations of only at the district level. specialized agencies of the United Nations were also taken into account. It is likely that some tables considered by some agencies as important were not Two appendices were added at the end of this publication: Appendix A which included. However, these tabulations represent a compromise between the includes a copy of the questionnaires (Tetum and English) and Appendix B which consists of the census glossary.

∗ Nacional Statistics Directorate, Timor-Leste. Census of Population and Housing 2004. National Priority Tables, , 2006

xvi Population

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 1 Table 1.1 Ainaro: Population by type of residence and sex according to age groups

Type of resident

Age groups Total Household Institution

Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 52,480 26,620 25,860 52,476 26,620 25,856 4 0 4 0-4 9,242 4,790 4,452 9,242 4,790 4,452000 5-9 8,115 4,150 3,965 8,115 4,150 3,965000 10-14 6,908 3,632 3,276 6,908 3,632 3,276000 15-19 4,741 2,354 2,387 4,740 2,354 2,386101 20-24 3,755 1,786 1,969 3,755 1,786 1,969000 25-29 3,496 1,685 1,811 3,495 1,685 1,810101 30-34 3,419 1,767 1,652 3,418 1,767 1,651101 35-39 2,857 1,467 1,390 2,857 1,467 1,390000 40-44 2,469 1,153 1,316 2,468 1,153 1,315101 45-49 1,898 902 996 1,898 902 996 0 0 0

POPULATION 50-54 1,828 919 909 1,828 919 909 0 0 0 55-59 1,019 558 461 1,019 558 461 0 0 0 60-64 1,108 582 526 1,108 582 526 0 0 0 65-69 599 309 290 599 309 290 0 0 0 70-74 495 264 231 495 264 231 0 0 0 75 + 531 302 229 531 302 229 0 0 0

2 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 1.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to single ages

Sex Sex Single age Single age Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 52,476 26,620 25,856 20 1,143 552 591 0 1,638 852 786 21 520 254 266 1 1,915 1,003 912 22 828 380 448 2 1,969 996 973 23 577 282 295 3 1,830 953 877 24 687 318 369 4 1,890 986 904 25 895 445 450 5 1,698 846 852 26 501 227 274 6 1,790 950 840 27 584 276 308 7 1,582 799 783 28 818 385 433 8 1,799 932 867 29 697 352 345 9 1,246 623 623

30 1,164 577 587 POPULATION 10 1,850 969 881 31 488 273 215 11 968 504 464 32 728 383 345 12 1,688 908 780 33 382 198 184 13 1,152 605 547 34 656 336 320 14 1,250 646 604 35 1,007 552 455 15 1,149 551 598 36 492 242 250 16 1,058 531 527 37 369 182 187 17 853 439 414 38 543 270 273 18 971 490 481 39 446 221 225 19 709 343 366 continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 3 Table 1.2 (continued) Table 1.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to single ages

Sex Sex Single age Single age Total Male Female Total Male Female

40 1,015 472 543 60 590 318 272 41 283 146 137 61 115 56 59 42 430 203 227 62 134 69 65 43 316 142 174 63 96 41 55 44 424 190 234 64 173 98 75

45 730 348 382 65 289 148 141 46 293 141 152 66 54 27 27 47 228 110 118 67 87 44 43 48 364 176 188 68 98 56 42 49 283 127 156 69 71 34 37

POPULATION 50 825 396 429 70 260 140 120 51 203 105 98 71 48 25 23 52 284 149 135 72 87 44 43 53 170 78 92 73 34 17 17 54 346 191 155 74 66 38 28

55 329 184 145 75 94 49 45 56 208 118 90 76 31 23 8 57 119 65 54 77 13 6 7 58 190 102 88 78 32 16 16 59 173 89 84 79 17 10 7 continued

4 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 1.2 (continued) Table 1.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to single ages

Sex Single age Total Male Female

80 132 71 61 81 11 7 4 82 18 9 9 83 12 10 2 84 15 6 9

85 40 28 12 86 14 10 4 87 10 7 3 88 4 3 1 89 7 4 3

90 + 81 43 38 POPULATION

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 5 Table 1.3 Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to sub-district and suco

Sex Sex Geographic level Geographic level Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 52,476 26,620 25,856 Sub District Hato Udo 8,817 4,576 4,241 Leolima 4,976 2,536 2,440 Sub District Ainaro 12,640 6,356 6,284 Foho-Ai-Lico 3,841 2,040 1,801 Ainaro * 4,741 2,364 2,377 Suro-Craic 996 511 485 Sub District Maubisse 20,212 10,239 9,973 Soro 1,252 599 653 Maubisse * 4,947 2,500 2,447 Manutasi 1,972 984 988 Manelobas 920 461 459 Cassa 450 224 226 Manetu 2,133 1,097 1,036 Mau-Ulo 954 502 452 Aitutu 5,032 2,545 2,487 Mau-Nuno 2,275 1,172 1,103 Edi 2,305 1,177 1,128 Maulau 2,453 1,231 1,222 Sub District Hatubulica 10,807 5,449 5,358 Horai-Quic 1,188 594 594 Mulo 5,791 2,904 2,887 Suco Liurai 542 286 256 POPULATION Nuno-Mogue 3,038 1,519 1,519 Fatu-Besi 692 348 344 Mau-Chiga 1,978 1,026 952 * Urban Suco


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 7 Table 2.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, by marital status according to sex and age groups

Marital status Sex and age group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

Both sexes 28,211 8,285 17,430 2,243 135 118 15-19 4,740 4,398 319 21 0 2 20-24 3,755 2,035 1,652 39 19 10 25-29 3,495 853 2,531 74 18 19 30-34 3,418 433 2,818 115 30 22 35-39 2,857 232 2,461 137 16 11 40-44 2,468 123 2,072 244 11 18 45-49 1,898 65 1,584 226 13 10 50-54 1,828 36 1,453 327 9 3 55-59 1,019 22 792 192 7 6 60-64 1,108 26 748 321 5 8 65-69 599 16 385 192 2 4 70-74 495 11 307 171 4 2 75 + 531 35 308 184 1 3

SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS SOCIAL Male 14,048 4,773 8,530 668 38 39 15-19 2,354 2,307 37 10 0 0 20-24 1,786 1,305 460 17 3 1 25-29 1,685 583 1,064 25 6 7 30-34 1,767 282 1,429 40 7 9 35-39 1,467 134 1,279 42 7 5 40-44 1,153 69 1,000 71 6 7


8 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 2.1 (continued) Table 2.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, by marital status according to sex and age groups

Marital status Sex and age group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

45-49 902 33 813 50 4 2 50-54 919 9 827 80 1 2 55-59 558 8 492 56 1 1 60-64 582 9 480 88 1 4 65-69 309 8 240 60 0 1 70-74 264 4 199 59 2 0 75 + 302 22 210 70 0 0

Female 14,163 3,512 8,900 1,575 97 79 15-19 2,386 2,091 282 11 0 2 20-24 1,969 730 1,192 22 16 9 25-29 1,810 270 1,467 49 12 12 30-34 1,651 151 1,389 75 23 13 35-39 1,390 98 1,182 95 9 6 40-44 1,315 54 1,072 173 5 11

45-49 996 32 771 176 9 8 SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS 50-54 909 27 626 247 8 1 55-59 461 14 300 136 6 5 60-64 526 17 268 233 4 4 65-69 290 8 145 132 2 3 70-74 231 7 108 112 2 2 75 + 229 13 98 114 1 3

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 9 Table 2.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by religion acording to sex and age groups

Religion Sex and age group Total Catholic Islam Budhist Hindu Protestant Evangelical Traditional Other

Both sexes 41,536 40,827 58 7 4 269 368 3 6-9 6,417 6,337 8 3 0 33 36 0 10-14 6,908 6,832 13 2 1 41 17 2 15-19 4,740 4,697 10 1 1 19 12 0 20-24 3,755 3,711 7 0 1 29 7 0 25-29 3,495 3,448 7 1 0 29 10 0 30-34 3,418 3,379 5 0 0 25 9 0 35-39 2,857 2,828 3 0 0 18 8 0 40-44 2,468 2,423 2 0 1 14 28 0 45-49 1,898 1,847 1 0 0 14 36 0 50-54 1,828 1,787 0 0 0 13 28 0 55-59 1,019 982 1 0 0 8 28 0 60-64 1,108 1,049 0 0 0 10 49 0 65-69 599 551 1 0 0 7 40 0 70-74 495 465 0 0 0 5 25 0

SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS SOCIAL 75 + 531 491 0 0 0 4 35 1

Male 20,984 20,617 23 5 3 143 190 3 6-9 3,304 3,259 3 2 0 21 19 0 10-14 3,632 3,590 4 2 0 22 12 2 15-19 2,354 2,330 6 0 1 10 7 0 20-24 1,786 1,766 3 0 1 13 3 0 25-29 1,685 1,657 2 1 0 17 8 0 30-34 1,767 1,751 2 0 0 10 4 0 35-39 1,467 1,450 2 0 0 12 3 0


10 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 2.2 (continued) Table 2.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by religion acording to sex and age groups

Religion Sex and age group Total Catholic Islam Budhist Hindu Protestant Evangelical Traditional Other

40-44 1,153 1,135 1 0 1 5 11 0 45-49 902 882 0 0 0 6 14 0 50-54 919 897 0 0 0 6 16 0 55-59 558 537 0 0 0 6 15 0 60-64 582 560 0 0 0 3 19 0 65-69 309 282 0 0 0 6 21 0 70-74 264 247 0 0 0 3 14 0 75 + 302 274 0 0 0 3 24 1

Female 20,552 20,210 35 2 1 126 178 0 6-9 3,113 3,078 5 1 0 12 17 0 10-14 3,276 3,242 9 0 1 19 5 0 15-19 2,386 2,367 4 1 0 9 5 0 20-24 1,969 1,945 4 0 0 16 4 0 25-29 1,810 1,791 5 0 0 12 2 0

30-34 1,651 1,628 3 0 0 15 5 0 SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS 35-39 1,390 1,378 1 0 0 6 5 0 40-44 1,315 1,288 1 0 0 9 17 0 45-49 996 965 1 0 0 8 22 0 50-54 909 890 0 0 0 7 12 0 55-59 461 445 1 0 0 2 13 0 60-64 526 489 0 0 0 7 30 0 65-69 290 269 1 0 0 1 19 0 70-74 231 218 0 0 0 2 11 0 75 + 229 217 0 0 0 1 11 0

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 11 Table 2.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older according to mother tongue

Age group Mother tongue Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Total 41,536 6,417 6,908 4,740 3,755 3,495 3,418 2,857 2,468 1,898 1,828 1,019 1,108 599 495 531

Portuguese 16323110020220000 Tetum 2,860 640 615 375 273 244 188 153 101 78 65 41 26 26 14 21 Indonesian 17102342311000000 English 9232101000000000

Adabe 0000000000000000 Atauran 11311100000311000 Atoni 1001000000000000 Baikenu 6100211000000001 Bekais 0000000000000000 Bunak 3,332 384 443 351 320 344 321 218 215 153 185 79 131 69 65 54 Dadu’a 7120100110010000 Fataluku 48773674422211101

SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS SOCIAL Galoli 9231020000000100 Habun 1010000000000000 Idalaka 0000000000000000 Idate 9002111102010000 Isni 6001201000110000 Kairui 1001000000000000


12 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 2.3 (continued) Table 2.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older according to mother tongue

Age group Mother tongue Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Kawaimina 1000000010000000 Kemák 454 54 53 45 38 43 38 32 41 27 30 15 16 10 6 6 Lakalei 6020010111000000 Lolein 13312100101111010 Makalero 12531010100010000 Makasai 6586651510561300000 Makuva 10111132100000000 Mambai 33,013 4,870 5,411 3,719 2,944 2,735 2,725 2,362 2,047 1,595 1,505 870 919 483 397 431 Midiki 0000000000000000 Nanaek 0000000000000000 Naueti 6001010111001000 Rahesuk 4000001200100000 Raklungu 0000000000000000 Resuk 0000000000000000 Tetum Prasa 1,569 429 350 221 149 87 113 67 45 31 294971117

Tetum-terik 23001225242002210SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS Tokodede 6120001002000000 Waima’ a 9200312100000000 Malay 3000011000100000 Chinese 9020111101011000 Other 0000000000000000

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 13 Table 2.4 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by capability in offi cial languages and sex according to age groups

Capability in offi cial languages by sex

Age group Portuguese Tetum Indonesia English None of these

Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 12,574 7,024 5,550 39,304 19,996 19,308 23,303 12,636 10,667 6,512 3,453 3,059 2,122 936 1,186 6-9 1,029 482 547 5,436 2,795 2,641 2,029 1,006 1,023 427 189 238 948 492 456 10-14 2,590 1,304 1,286 6,530 3,441 3,089 4,086 2,080 2,006 978 488 490 361 184 177 15-19 2,353 1,144 1,209 4,629 2,293 2,336 3,582 1,759 1,823 1,396 647 749 105 55 50 20-24 1,404 734 670 3,692 1,760 1,932 2,879 1,412 1,467 986 497 489 53 23 30 25-29 1,175 615 560 3,451 1,673 1,778 2,735 1,390 1,345 771 405 366 39 10 29 30-34 1,201 739 462 3,372 1,754 1,618 2,582 1,515 1,067 767 457 310 40 9 31 35-39 927 622 305 2,797 1,451 1,346 1,840 1,159 681 523 327 196 54 15 39 40-44 625 432 193 2,403 1,130 1,273 1,271 789 482 283 185 98 59 19 40 45-49 419 293 126 1,839 885 954 792 510 282 170 120 50 58 17 41 50-54 320 228 92 1,744 898 846 641 409 232 105 66 39 79 19 60 55-59 196 162 34 958 537 421 325 231 94 59 43 16 54 18 36 60-64 146 119 27 1,007 550 457 268 190 78 27 16 11 100 32 68 65-69 82 62 20 542 291 251 124 83 41 17 10 7 53 17 36

SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS SOCIAL 70-74 48 41 7 436 251 185 70 47 23 2 2 0 58 12 46 75 + 59 47 12 468 287 181 79 56 23 1 1 0 61 14 47


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 15 Table 3.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by marital status according to sex and relationship to the head of the household

Marital status Sex and relationship of the head of the household Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

Both sexes 52,476 32,550 17,430 2,243 135 118

Head 11,527 810 8,910 1,644 95 68 Wife/Husband 7,985 0 7,985000 Daughter/Son 27,885 27,700 96 64 17 8 Stepchild/adopted child 1,047 1,030 14201 Daughter-in-law/son-in-law 147 64 51 32 0 0 Mother/Father 421 31 95 284 6 5 Sister/Brother 1,579 1,302 137 105 9 26 Grandchild 882 869 10210 Grandparent 66 6 19 37 0 4 Other relative 922 728 109 72 7 6

HOUSEHOLDS Non relative 15 104100

Male 26,620 17,345 8,530 668 38 39

Head 9,539 660 8,279 547 32 21 Wife/Husband 55 0 55000 Daughter/Son 14,515 14,463 27 22 1 2 Stepchild/adopted child 604 597 7000 continued

16 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 3.1 (continued) Table 3.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by marital status according to sex and relationship to the head of the household

Marital status Sex and relationship of the head of the household Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

Daughter-in-law/son-in-law 72 37 28700 Mother/Father 68 6 24 38 0 0 Sister/Brother 778 686 51 25 3 13 Grandchild 478 475 2100 Grandparent 18 3 5 10 0 0 Other relative 486 414 49 18 2 3 Non relative 743000

Female 25,856 15,205 8,900 1,575 97 79

Head 1,988 150 631 1,097 63 47 Wife/Husband 7,930 0 7,930000

Daughter/Son 13,370 13,237 69 42 16 6 HOUSEHOLDS Stepchild/adopted child 443 433 7201 Daughter-in-law/son-in-law 75 27 23 25 0 0 Mother/Father 353 25 71 246 6 5 Sister/Brother 801 616 86 80 6 13 Grandchild 404 394 8110 Grandparent 48 3 14 27 0 4 Other relative 436 314 60 54 5 3 Non relative 861100

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 17 Table 3.2 Ainaro: Head of private households by marital status according to sex and age groups

Marital status Sex and age group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

Both sexes 11,527 810 8,910 1,644 95 68 15-19 144 101 39 2 0 2 20-24 723 202 486 22 7 6 25-29 1,343 180 1,080 61 12 10 30-34 1,706 127 1,462 85 21 11 35-39 1,534 79 1,313 120 14 8 40-44 1,333 45 1,059 207 10 12 45-49 1,080 31 852 178 13 6 50-54 1,152 8 881 257 5 1 55-59 689 9 523 148 6 3 60-64 756 11 512 222 5 6 65-69 411 10 265 134 0 2 HOUSEHOLDS 70-74 329 3 217 106 2 1 75 + 327 4 221 102 0 0

Male 9,539 660 8,279 547 32 21 15-19 111 82 28 1 0 0 20-24 627 185 432 8 1 1 25-29 1,209 155 1,025 21 5 3 30-34 1,539 102 1,393 34 7 3 35-39 1,347 59 1,244 34 7 3 40-44 1,093 34 983 67 5 4 continued

18 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 3.2 (continued) Table 3.2 Ainaro: Head of private households by marital status according to sex and age groups

Marital status Sex and age group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

45-49 857 18 794 40 4 1 50-54 882 4 806 72 0 0 55-59 539 6 484 48 0 1 60-64 556 6 468 77 1 4 65-69 291 6 233 51 0 1 70-74 240 2 191 45 2 0 75 + 248 1 198 49 0 0

Female 1,988 150 631 1,097 63 47 15-19 33 19 11 1 0 2 20-24 96 17 54 14 6 5 25-29 134 25 55 40 7 7 HOUSEHOLDS 30-34 167 25 69 51 14 8 35-39 187 20 69 86 7 5 40-44 240 11 76 140 5 8 45-49 223 13 58 138 9 5 50-54 270 4 75 185 5 1 55-59 150 3 39 100 6 2 60-64 200 5 44 145 4 2 65-69 120 4 32 83 0 1 70-74 89 1 26 61 0 1 75 + 79 3 23 53 0 0

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 19 Table 3.3 Ainaro: Private households by number of residents according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Number of residents Sex and age group Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +

Both sexes 11,527 990 1,640 1,765 1,719 1,628 1,321 2,464 15-19 144 47 46 348603 20-24 723 114 200 201 128 43 15 22 25-29 1,343 103 192 276 294 255 116 107 30-34 1,706 94 143 206 304 319 275 365 35-39 1,534 72 98 143 193 255 259 514 40-44 1,333 68 126 137 137 173 186 506 45-49 1,080 72 104 132 130 142 135 365 50-54 1,152 98 179 174 163 149 122 267 55-59 689 59 104 112 98 90 84 142 60-64 756 112 156 131 105 91 63 98 65-69 411 59 103 80 59 43 31 36 HOUSEHOLDS 70-74 329 51 94 70 49 30 14 21 75 + 327 41 95 69 51 32 21 18

Male 9,539 607 1,056 1,332 1,465 1,489 1,228 2,362 15-19 111 39 31 286502 20-24 627 102 168 172 112 41 14 18 25-29 1,209 91 159 237 272 237 111 102 30-34 1,539 73 105 172 284 296 264 345 35-39 1,347 48 59 108 166 235 239 492 40-44 1,093 42 68 80 102 151 170 480 45-49 857 33 53 75 90 125 121 360 continued

20 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 3.3 (continued) Table 3.3 Ainaro: Private households by number of residents according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Number of residents Sex and age group Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +

50-54 882 37 88 121 129 137 113 257 55-59 539 21 52 87 80 83 76 140 60-64 556 47 92 86 95 86 56 94 65-69 291 25 59 60 46 39 29 33 70-74 240 25 62 55 40 23 14 21 75 + 248 24 60 51 43 31 21 18

Female 1,988 383 584 433 254 139 93 102 15-19 33 8 15 62101 20-24 96 12 32 29 16 2 1 4 25-29 134 12 33 39 22 18 5 5 30-34 167 21 38 34 20 23 11 20 HOUSEHOLDS 35-39 187 24 39 35 27 20 20 22 40-44 240 26 58 57 35 22 16 26 45-49 223 39 51 57 40 17 14 5 50-54 270 61 91 53 34 12 9 10 55-59 150 38 52 25 18 7 8 2 60-64 200 65 64 45 10 5 7 4 65-69 120 34 44 20 13 4 2 3 70-74 89 26 32 15 9 7 0 0 75 +791735188 1 0 0

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 21 Table 3.4 Ainaro: Private households according to sub-district and suco

Geographic level Households Geographic level Households

Total 11,527 Sub District Hato-Udo 2,130 Leolima 1,174 Sub District Ainaro 2,636 Foho-Ai-Lico 956 Ainaro * 937 Suro-Craic 192 Sub District Maubisse 4,429 Soro 283 Maubisse * 1,044 Manutasi 402 Manelobas 192 Cassa 99 Manetu 420 Mau-Ulo 179 Aitutu 1,109 Mau-Nuno 544 Edi 550 Maulau 548 Sub District Hatubuilico 2,332 Horai-Quic 274 Mulo 1,218 Suco Liurai 127 HOUSEHOLDS Nuno-Mogue 641 Fatu-Besi 165 Mau-Chiga 473 * Urban Suco


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 23 Table 4.1 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of children ever born according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of children ever born according to sex of the children and age of woman

Number of children ever born Total Children Sex of child and age number of per group of mother Total None 123456789101112+children woman

Children, both sexes 14,163 4,533 933 987 1,099 1,018 1,031 1,025 906 825 667 471 308 360 53,311 3.8 15-19 2,386 2,200 118 30 13 8 5 4 3 3 0 1 1 0 364 0.2 20-24 1,969 908 332 309 225 86 44 33 19 6 6 1 0 0 2,632 1.3 25-29 1,810 363 147 223 304 277 221 138 68 32 21 8 5 3 5,643 3.1 30-34 1,651 249 80 122 149 195 237 198 167 130 56 33 15 20 7,399 4.5 35-39 1,390 165 47 61 95 93 137 166 164 140 136 81 51 54 8,053 5.8 40-44 1,315 133 38 67 69 78 114 134 156 153 143 104 59 67 8,239 6.3 45-49 996 92 40 32 69 78 72 87 100 124 111 72 60 59 6,350 6.4 50-54 909 115 40 35 69 76 74 94 83 97 66 71 36 53 5,307 5.8 55-59 461 51 19 28 34 37 35 64 40 32 37 29 29 26 2,689 5.8 60-64 526 87 33 31 29 43 37 48 43 45 39 35 24 32 2,880 5.5 65-69 290 53 17 24 16 19 28 21 24 22 14 16 15 21 1,529 5.3 70-74 231 48 10 15 18 15 12 18 22 25 20 11 8 9 1,165 5.0 75 + 229 69 12 10 9 13 15 20 17 16 18 9 5 16 1,061 4.6 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY continued

24 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.1 (continued) Table 4.1 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of children ever born according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of children ever born according to sex of the children and age of woman

Number of children ever born Total Children Sex of child and age number of per group of mother Total None 123456789101112+children woman

Children, Male 14,163 5,380 1,986 1,842 1,655 1,354 916 556 254 128 60 20 6 6 27,654 2.0 15-19 2,386 2,268 80 22 7 3 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 191 0.1 20-24 1,969 1,178 443 207 81 37 11 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 1,378 0.7 25-29 1,810 520 441 398 255 128 45 17 3 1 1 1 0 0 2,889 1.6 30-34 1,651 351 263 313 283 219 146 46 17 7 3 2 0 1 3,856 2.3 35-39 1,390 215 175 200 233 243 146 99 44 21 14 0 0 0 4,172 3.0 40-44 1,315 180 136 179 238 221 166 97 55 23 10 6 2 2 4,271 3.2 45-49 996 126 106 149 157 149 136 91 42 21 16 2 0 1 3,336 3.3 50-54 909 139 123 138 159 119 92 72 38 24 4 1 0 0 2,748 3.0 55-59 461 73 59 68 82 66 50 39 13 6 3 0 2 0 1,377 3.0 60-64 526 118 61 90 55 71 58 41 17 7 1 5 0 2 1,486 2.8 65-69 290 75 40 35 40 33 24 21 7 6 5 2 2 0 792 2.7 70-74 231 60 36 20 33 33 24 11 6 6 1 1 0 0 602 2.6 75 + 229 77 23 23 32 32 16 9 9 6 2 0 0 0 556 2.4 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 25 Table 4.1 (continued) Table 4.1 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of children ever born according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of children ever born according to sex of the children and age of woman

Number of children ever born Total Children Sex of child and age number of per group of mother Total None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+ children woman

Children, Female 14,163 5,578 2,063 1,994 1,610 1,290 798 429 240 109 30 13 8 1 25,657 1.8 15-19 2,386 2,276 76 18 8 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 0.1 20-24 1,969 1,199 443 213 88 13 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,254 0.6 25-29 1,810 578 414 402 233 118 41 12 8 4 0 0 0 0 2,754 1.5 30-34 1,651 360 317 336 274 195 98 46 15 9 1 0 0 0 3,543 2.1 35-39 1,390 226 198 229 234 217 152 72 40 19 1 0 2 0 3,881 2.8 40-44 1,315 199 165 204 214 219 143 89 47 21 10 3 1 0 3,968 3.0 45-49 996 147 118 163 181 144 113 62 42 17 7 1 1 0 3,014 3.0 50-54 909 177 111 142 144 140 95 47 30 13 3 4 2 1 2,559 2.8 55-59 461 81 54 82 79 64 44 28 20 8 1 0 0 0 1,312 2.8 60-64 526 122 73 78 64 84 46 30 16 6 4 2 1 0 1,394 2.7 65-69 290 72 37 54 41 31 20 15 9 8 2 1 0 0 737 2.5 70-74 231 59 32 39 27 36 15 12 8 2 1 0 0 0 563 2.4 75 + 229 82 25 34 23 26 17 12 5 2 0 2 1 0 505 2.2 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY

26 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.2 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of living children according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of living children according to sex of the children and age of woman

Never Total Children Sex of child and age Number of living children Total had a number of per group of mother birth 0123456789101112+children woman

Children, both sexes 14,163 4,533 261 1,281 1,467 1,566 1,404 1,237 962 675 439 164 93 48 33 38,093 2.7 15-19 2,386 2,200 9 119 27 14 7 7 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 301 0.1 20-24 1,969 908 35 339 348 208 69 33 16 10 3 0 0 0 0 2,290 1.2 25-29 1,810 363 12 187 294 368 288 170 78 26 16 5 0 3 0 4,737 2.6 30-34 1,651 249 7 112 175 223 260 271 165 108 42 21 11 0 7 5,999 3.6 35-39 1,390 165 20 59 99 148 163 212 198 152 106 31 22 8 7 6,190 4.5 40-44 1,315 133 25 68 103 138 167 183 176 129 109 39 29 11 5 5,933 4.5 45-49 996 92 21 83 100 129 133 120 119 89 60 28 9 10 3 4,108 4.1 50-54 909 115 38 97 86 135 111 85 87 68 49 16 9 7 6 3,325 3.7 55-59 461 51 22 54 83 60 58 33 24 39 21 12 1 2 1 1,534 3.3 60-64 526 87 29 70 59 61 68 59 47 18 12 5 6 3 2 1,608 3.1 65-69 290 53 18 40 43 31 30 22 22 16 5 5 3 1 1 833 2.9 70-74 231 48 10 37 26 26 28 18 16 12 8 0 1 0 1 636 2.8

75 + 229 69 15 16 24 25 22 24 13 7 8 2 1 3 0 599 2.6 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 27 Table 4.2 (continued) Table 4.2 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of living children according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of living children according to sex of the children and age of woman

Never Total Children Sex of child and age Number of living children Total had a number of per group of mother birth 0123456789101112+children woman

Children, Male 14,163 5,380 615 2,685 2,232 1,646 912 423 180 52 24 12 2 0 0 19,614 1.4 15-19 2,386 2,268 10 78 21 4 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 0.1 20-24 1,969 1,178 40 454 203 63 19 7 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1,191 0.6 25-29 1,810 520 59 516 382 230 75 24 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 2,416 1.3 30-34 1,651 351 53 334 371 291 160 70 13 4 3 1 0 0 0 3,078 1.9 35-39 1,390 215 52 242 271 277 189 86 37 13 4 4 0 0 0 3,182 2.3 40-44 1,315 180 69 224 272 255 168 87 40 12 3 4 1 0 0 3,034 2.3 45-49 996 126 64 223 193 194 106 45 35 5 4 1 0 0 0 2,126 2.1 50-54 909 139 78 215 204 113 75 52 22 8 2 1 0 0 0 1,735 1.9 55-59 461 73 56 117 92 60 31 20 6 3 3 0 0 0 0 786 1.7 60-64 526 118 48 124 102 71 41 9 6 2 3 1 1 0 0 843 1.6 65-69 290 75 34 65 43 31 19 13 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 448 1.5 70-74 231 60 33 49 40 28 14 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 306 1.3

FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY 75 + 229 77 19 44 38 29 12 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 314 1.4


28 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.2 (continued) Table 4.2 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of living children according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of living children according to sex of the children and age of woman

Never Total Children Sex of child and age Number of living children Total had a number of per group of mother birth 0123456789101112+children woman

Children, Female 14,163 5,578 667 2,691 2,289 1,478 865 368 149 51 21 4 1 1 0 18,479 1.3 15-19 2,386 2,276 3 81 16 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146 0.1 20-24 1,969 1,199 43 452 198 62 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,099 0.6 25-29 1,810 578 56 477 406 188 71 23 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 2,321 1.3 30-34 1,651 360 55 382 371 259 140 55 20 7 2 0 0 0 0 2,921 1.8 35-39 1,390 226 48 265 300 240 189 78 34 7 3 0 0 0 0 3,008 2.2 40-44 1,315 199 72 228 275 258 158 66 38 14 4 3 0 0 0 2,899 2.2 45-49 996 147 79 220 224 135 101 54 22 10 3 1 0 0 0 1,982 2.0 50-54 909 177 94 193 183 126 72 41 12 5 4 0 1 1 0 1,590 1.7 55-59 461 81 51 125 95 45 37 15 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 748 1.6 60-64 526 122 65 111 109 69 30 16 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 765 1.5 65-69 290 72 47 61 47 36 20 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 385 1.3 70-74 231 59 30 54 35 21 22 6 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 330 1.4

75 + 229 82 24 42 30 31 14 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 285 1.2 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 29 Table 4.3 Ainaro: Women in private households by number of stillbirths according to age of woman

Number of still births Total number Age group Total None 12345678 of stillbirths

Total 14,163 12,406 1,282 339 88 35 8 3 2 0 2,436 15-19 2,386 2,375 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 20-24 1,969 1,912 52 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 25-29 1,810 1,653 129 19 3 5 0 1 0 0 202 30-34 1,651 1,398 183 58 8 3 0 1 0 0 341 35-39 1,390 1,123 193 47 16 9 1 0 1 0 383 40-44 1,315 1,026 215 50 16 4 4 0 0 0 399 45-49 996 748 170 52 18 6 1 0 1 0 364 50-54 909 734 116 45 8 4 2 0 0 0 256 55-59 461 370 62 23 6 0 0 0 0 0 126 60-64 526 435 67 18 4 2 0 0 0 0 123 65-69 290 235 44 5 5 0 0 1 0 0 75 70-74 231 203 13 11 3 1 0 0 0 0 48 75 + 229 194 28 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 44 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY

30 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.4 Ainaro: Women in private households, aged 15 to 54 by reported birth in the 12 months prior to the census according to age groups

Women reporting births Age group Total women in past year

Total 12,426 2,451 15-19 2,386 123 20-24 1,969 551 25-29 1,810 669 30-34 1,651 548 35-39 1,390 332 40-44 1,315 177 45-49 996 40 50-54 909 11 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 31 Table 4.5 Ainaro: Women in private households by age at fi rst birth and median age at fi rst birth and by year of ocurrence

1954 Age at fi rst Quinquenium Total and birth 2004-2000 1999-1995 1994-1990 1989-1985 1984-1980 1979-1975 1974-1970 1969-1965 1964-1960 1959-1955 earlier

Total 9,630 1,500 1,827 1,394 1,171 1,172 743 745 485 314 152 127 <151773142825262627154 72 15 483 27 67 59 76 59 48 61 46 11 21 8 16 667 56 76 96 82 108 67 85 32 41 12 12 17 747 123 128 121 99 103 60 42 30 17 12 12 18 823 164 153 137 79 105 39 68 36 25 11 6 19 777 168 154 107 85 100 70 47 26 13 2 5 20 839 155 160 118 104 97 63 78 21 29 9 5 21 771 170 182 96 84 89 59 34 21 17 6 13 22 652 122 167 107 80 71 36 30 18 16 5 0 23 521 80 134 66 75 68 33 22 24 11 5 3 24 473 92 95 68 45 51 34 36 38 9 3 2 25 422 64 89 67 53 51 23 29 20 16 7 3 26 421 75 82 61 52 43 27 31 18 20 4 8 27 323 55 75 48 42 31 24 15 17 6 9 1 28 269 40 57 31 34 34 14 23 14 15 5 2 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY 29 201 24 34 31 28 23 14 18 17 8 1 3 30+ 1,064 82 160 153 128 113 106 99 92 56 33 42

Median age at fi rst birth 20.4 20.3 20.9 20.3 20.4 19.9 20.0 19.5 21.9 21.0 20.2 22.2

32 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.6 Ainaro: Population in private households by survival of parents according to age groups

Survival of parents

Age group Father Mother Total Both alive One alive Both deceased Alive Deceased Alive Deceased

Total 52,476 35,146 17,330 37,563 14,913 32,399 7,911 12,166 0-4 9,242 9,113 129 9,149 93 9,026 210 6 5-9 8,115 7,800 315 7,882 233 7,601 480 34 10-14 6,908 6,465 443 6,597 311 6,198 666 44 15-19 4,740 4,154 586 4,305 435 3,851 757 132 20-24 3,755 2,735 1,020 3,044 711 2,380 1,019 356 25-29 3,495 1,815 1,680 2,211 1,284 1,402 1,222 871 30-34 3,418 1,296 2,122 1,711 1,707 885 1,237 1,296 35-39 2,857 788 2,069 1,124 1,733 488 936 1,433 40-44 2,468 440 2,028 678 1,790 252 614 1,602 45-49 1,898 225 1,673 366 1,532 123 345 1,430 50-54 1,828 119 1,709 221 1,607 64 212 1,552 55-59 1,019 52 967 91 928 28 87 904 60-64 1,108 61 1,047 78 1,030 41 57 1,010

65-69 599 30 569 42 557 20 32 547 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY 70-74 495 15 480 22 473 10 17 468 75 + 531 38 493 42 489 30 20 481


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 35 Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Both sexes 41,536 6,417 6,908 4,740 3,755 3,495 3,418 2,857 2,468 1,898 1,828 1,019 1,108 1,625

No schooling 2,308 464 341 134 145 95 141 150 197 161 162 96 98 124

Primary school 11,844 2,089 3,880 1,702 1,039 1,003 776 495 335 187 152 73 48 65 Years of study 1 1,568 906 352 60 54 47 33 44 27 15 20 2 3 5 2 2,126 642 732 177 107 107 105 79 66 31 32 16 16 16 3 2,009 391 823 231 148 107 88 68 55 31 32 12 10 13 4 1,922 150 871 280 166 142 99 66 57 36 23 9 7 16 5 1,658 0 639 385 195 191 123 57 33 18 10 3 0 4 6+ 2,561 0 463 569 369 409 328 181 97 56 35 31 12 11

Secondary school 6,426 0 395 1,474 1,207 1,036 1,103 712 271 115 62 24 12 15 Years of study 1 877 0 187 288 122 98 92 46 23 10 4 4 1 2 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION 2 1,219 0 135 454 213 147 150 63 28 14 5 1 5 4 3 1,717 0 73 414 310 282 323 200 57 32 13 7 4 2 4 160 0 0 75 39 15 20 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 296 0 0 92 94 40 31 25 7 5 1 1 0 0 6+ 2,157 0 0 151 429 454 487 371 152 54 39 11 2 7


36 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Tertiary education 452 0 0 84 66 97 78 40 26 16 15 10 7 13 Years of study 1 52001014993212200 2 298 0 0 74 45 48 39 25 16 11 12 8 7 13 3 36000411105420000 4 210001963110000 5+ 45000220144311000

Received diploma, either 2,552 0 0 178 495 551 565 411 178 70 54 21 9 20 junior or senior high school

Received degree or certifi cate 66000329207421000 tertiary education

Education not stated 20,506 3,864 2,292 1,346 1,298 1,264 1,320 1,460 1,639 1,419 1,437 816 943 1,408 EDUCATION AND LITERACY


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 37 Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Male 20,984 3,304 3,632 2,354 1,786 1,685 1,767 1,467 1,153 902 919 558 582 875

No schooling 1,107 248 174 62 65 41 60 63 75 64 90 46 52 67

Primary school 6,666 1,056 2,072 939 544 563 486 338 261 140 116 61 40 50 Years of study 1 875 486 195 28 25 25 23 35 23 11 16 2 2 4 2 1,188 314 416 103 58 60 55 58 45 21 20 12 13 13 3 1,142 188 459 142 68 62 63 43 39 23 25 11 9 10 4 1,119 68 471 157 101 89 71 38 50 31 17 8 5 13 5 893 0 307 212 107 115 67 37 23 12 8 3 0 2 6+ 1,449 0 224 297 185 212 207 127 81 42 30 25 11 8

Secondary school 3,507 0 184 662 607 520 662 500 195 91 48 19 7 12 Years of study 1 475 0 84 150 54 56 66 28 17 9 4 4 1 2 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION 2 645 0 62 209 114 81 99 41 20 13 4 0 1 1 3 938 0 38 180 144 141 193 155 41 25 11 5 3 2 4 750029185127400000 5 152 0 0 39 54 16 16 14 7 4 1 1 0 0 6+ 1,222 0 0 55 223 221 276 255 106 40 28 9 2 7


38 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Tertiary education 246 0 0 44 21 51 55 32 12 9 7 4 3 8 Years of study 1 180032361101100 2 154 0 0 41 17 24 23 19 5 5 6 3 3 8 3 240001485420000 4 160000663010000 5+ 34000114124210000

Received diploma, either 1,448 0 0 79 244 272 331 287 118 49 35 13 5 15 junior or senior high school

Received degree or certifi cate 50000120187220000 tertiary education

Education not stated 9,458 2,000 1,202 647 549 510 504 534 610 598 658 428 480 738 EDUCATION AND LITERACY


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 39 Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Female 20,552 3,113 3,276 2,386 1,969 1,810 1,651 1,390 1,315 996 909 461 526 750

No schooling 1,201 216 167 72 80 54 81 87 122 97 72 50 46 57

Primary school 5,178 1,033 1,808 763 495 440 290 157 74 47 36 12 8 15 Years of study 1 693 420 157 32 29 22 10 9 4 4 4 0 1 1 2 938 328 316 74 49 47 50 21 21 10 12 4 3 3 3 867 203 364 89 80 45 25 25 16 8 7 1 1 3 4 803 82 400 123 65 53 28 28 7 5 6 1 2 3 5 765 0 332 173 88 76 56 20 10 6 2 0 0 2 6+ 1,112 0 239 272 184 197 121 54 16 14 5 6 1 3

Secondary school 2,919 0 211 812 600 516 441 212 76 24 14 5 5 3 Years of study 1 402 0 103 138 68 42 26 18 6 1 0 0 0 0 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION 2 574 0 73 245 99 66 51 22 8 1 1 1 4 3 3 779 0 35 234 166 141 130 45 16 7 2 2 1 0 4 850046211080000000 5 144 0 0 53 40 24 15 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 6+ 935 0 0 96 206 233 211 116 46 14 11 2 0 0 continued

40 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Tertiary education 206 0 0 40 45 46 23 8 14 7 8 6 4 5 Years of study 1 3400712632111100 2 144 0 0 33 28 24 16 6 11 6 6 5 4 5 3 120003720000000 4 50001300100000 5+ 110001620101000

Received diploma, either 1,104 0 0 99 251 279 234 124 60 21 19 8 4 5 junior or senior high school

Received degree or certifi cate 160002920201000 tertiary education

Education not stated 11,048 1,864 1,090 699 749 754 816 926 1,029 821 779 388 463 670 EDUCATION AND LITERACY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 41 Table 5.2 Ainaro: Population in privale households, 6 years and older by literacy* in any of the offi cial languages according to sex and age group

Literacy Sex and age group Total Iliterate Literate

Both sexes 41,536 26,149 15,387 6-9 6,417 5,384 1,033 10-14 6,908 3,888 3,020 15-19 4,740 1,798 2,942 20-24 3,755 1,713 2,042 25-29 3,495 1,681 1,814 30-34 3,418 1,670 1,748 35-39 2,857 1,727 1,130 40-44 2,468 1,819 649 45-49 1,898 1,501 397 50-54 1,828 1,545 283 55-59 1,019 871 148 60-64 1,108 1,019 89 65 + 1,625 1,533 92

* Literacy a person who know how to read and write EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION continued

42 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.2 (continued) Table 5.2 Ainaro: Population in privale households, 6 years and older by literacy* in any of the offi cial languages according to sex and age group

Literacy Sex and age group Total Iliterate Literate

Male 20,984 12,701 8,283 6-9 3,304 2,846 458 10-14 3,632 2,125 1,507 15-19 2,354 917 1,437 20-24 1,786 764 1,022 25-29 1,685 752 933 30-34 1,767 721 1,046 35-39 1,467 723 744 40-44 1,153 717 436 45-49 902 637 265 50-54 919 730 189 55-59 558 453 105 60-64 582 512 70 65 + 875 804 71


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 43 Table 5.2 (continued) Table 5.2 Ainaro: Population in privale households, 6 years and older by literacy* in any of the offi cial languages according to sex and age group

Literacy Sex and age group Total Iliterate Literate

Female 20,552 13,448 7,104 6-9 3,113 2,538 575 10-14 3,276 1,763 1,513 15-19 2,386 881 1,505 20-24 1,969 949 1,020 25-29 1,810 929 881 30-34 1,651 949 702 35-39 1,390 1,004 386 40-44 1,315 1,102 213 45-49 996 864 132 50-54 909 815 94 55-59 461 418 43 60-64 526 507 19 65 + 750 729 21 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION

44 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.a Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in portuguese according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Both sexes 41,536 28,962 2,044 5,420 694 4,416 6-9 6,417 5,388 207 583 44 195 10-14 6,908 4,318 368 1,370 151 701 15-19 4,740 2,387 201 1,083 132 937 20-24 3,755 2,351 165 683 104 452 25-29 3,495 2,320 142 606 82 345 30-34 3,418 2,217 166 598 73 364 35-39 2,857 1,930 156 290 65 416 40-44 2,468 1,843 138 93 17 377 45-49 1,898 1,479 108 44 9 258 50-54 1,828 1,508 115 29 9 167 55-59 1,019 823 84 15 2 95 60-64 1,108 962 86 9 3 48 65 + 1,625 1,436 108 17 3 61


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 45 Table 5.3.A (continued) Table 5.3.a Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in portuguese according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Male 20,984 13,960 1,300 2,826 382 2,516 6-9 3,304 2,822 111 268 21 82 10-14 3,632 2,328 187 706 78 333 15-19 2,354 1,210 107 541 71 425 20-24 1,786 1,052 89 343 57 245 25-29 1,685 1,070 95 295 38 187 30-34 1,767 1,028 105 366 45 223 35-39 1,467 845 117 179 37 289 40-44 1,153 721 91 67 15 259 45-49 902 609 73 25 7 188 50-54 919 691 83 17 8 120 55-59 558 396 76 8 1 77 60-64 582 463 73 3 3 40 65 + 875 725 93 8 1 48


46 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.a (continued) Table 5.3.a Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in portuguese according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Female 20,552 15,002 744 2,594 312 1,900 6-9 3,113 2,566 96 315 23 113 10-14 3,276 1,990 181 664 73 368 15-19 2,386 1,177 94 542 61 512 20-24 1,969 1,299 76 340 47 207 25-29 1,810 1,250 47 311 44 158 30-34 1,651 1,189 61 232 28 141 35-39 1,390 1,085 39 111 28 127 40-44 1,315 1,122 47 26 2 118 45-49 996 870 35 19 2 70 50-54 909 817 32 12 1 47 55-59 461 427 8 7 1 18 60-64 526 499 13 6 0 8 65 + 750 711 15 9 2 13 EDUCATION AND LITERACY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 47 Table 5.3.b Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in Tetum according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Both sexes 41,536 2,232 22,089 2,415 629 14,171 6-9 6,417 981 4,069 399 112 856 10-14 6,908 378 2,923 571 199 2,837 15-19 4,740 111 1,511 269 65 2,784 20-24 3,755 63 1,521 192 51 1,928 25-29 3,495 44 1,523 165 55 1,708 30-34 3,418 46 1,518 154 54 1,646 35-39 2,857 60 1,558 158 40 1,041 40-44 2,468 65 1,665 151 26 561 45-49 1,898 59 1,399 102 11 327 50-54 1,828 84 1,430 88 4 222 55-59 1,019 61 785 47 5 121 60-64 1,108 101 877 60 4 66 65 + 1,625 179 1,310 59 3 74


48 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.b (continued) Table 5.3.b Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in Tetum according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Male 20,984 988 10,672 1,241 361 7,722 6-9 3,304 509 2,154 197 56 388 10-14 3,632 191 1,578 329 119 1,415 15-19 2,354 61 759 150 39 1,345 20-24 1,786 26 690 80 22 968 25-29 1,685 12 680 77 32 884 30-34 1,767 13 647 69 31 1,007 35-39 1,467 16 629 78 30 714 40-44 1,153 23 648 69 17 396 45-49 902 17 604 44 4 233 50-54 919 21 689 41 3 165 55-59 558 21 410 30 4 93 60-64 582 32 455 39 2 54 65 + 875 46 729 38 2 60


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 49 Table 5.3.b (continued) Table 5.3.b Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in Tetum according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Female 20,552 1,244 11,417 1,174 268 6,449 6-9 3,113 472 1,915 202 56 468 10-14 3,276 187 1,345 242 80 1,422 15-19 2,386 50 752 119 26 1,439 20-24 1,969 37 831 112 29 960 25-29 1,810 32 843 88 23 824 30-34 1,651 33 871 85 23 639 35-39 1,390 44 929 80 10 327 40-44 1,315 42 1,017 82 9 165 45-49 996 42 795 58 7 94 50-54 909 63 741 47 1 57 55-59 461 40 375 17 1 28 60-64 526 69 422 21 2 12 65 + 750 133 581 21 1 14 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION

50 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.c Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in bahasa according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Both sexes 41,536 18,233 7,625 2,728 598 12,352 6-9 6,417 4,388 875 581 66 507 10-14 6,908 2,822 973 1,014 158 1,941 15-19 4,740 1,158 612 368 76 2,526 20-24 3,755 876 790 180 55 1,854 25-29 3,495 760 854 135 66 1,680 30-34 3,418 836 786 121 67 1,608 35-39 2,857 1,017 673 85 48 1,034 40-44 2,468 1,197 632 86 21 532 45-49 1,898 1,106 430 59 13 290 50-54 1,828 1,187 410 38 12 181 55-59 1,019 694 205 26 1 93 60-64 1,108 840 182 26 10 50 65 + 1,625 1,352 203 9 5 56


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 51 Table 5.3.c (continued) Table 5.3.c Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in bahasa according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Male 20,984 8,348 4,098 1,438 345 6,755 6-9 3,304 2,298 457 285 31 233 10-14 3,632 1,552 499 551 83 947 15-19 2,354 595 296 210 38 1,215 20-24 1,786 374 379 78 32 923 25-29 1,685 295 409 67 38 876 30-34 1,767 252 432 58 43 982 35-39 1,467 308 369 53 35 702 40-44 1,153 364 349 47 16 377 45-49 902 392 264 28 10 208 50-54 919 510 245 23 7 134 55-59 558 327 139 18 0 74 60-64 582 392 125 18 8 39 65 + 875 689 135 2 4 45 continued EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION

52 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.c (continued) Table 5.3.c Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in bahasa according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Female 20,552 9,885 3,527 1,290 253 5,597 6-9 3,113 2,090 418 296 35 274 10-14 3,276 1,270 474 463 75 994 15-19 2,386 563 316 158 38 1,311 20-24 1,969 502 411 102 23 931 25-29 1,810 465 445 68 28 804 30-34 1,651 584 354 63 24 626 35-39 1,390 709 304 32 13 332 40-44 1,315 833 283 39 5 155 45-49 996 714 166 31 3 82 50-54 909 677 165 15 5 47 55-59 461 367 66 8 1 19 60-64 526 448 57 8 2 11 65 + 750 663 68 7 1 11 EDUCATION AND LITERACY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 53 Table 5.3.d Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in english according to sex and age group

Language capability Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Both sexes 41,536 35,024 866 3,785 466 1,395 6-9 6,417 5,990 73 266 18 70 10-14 6,908 5,930 125 628 73 152 15-19 4,740 3,344 160 798 104 334 20-24 3,755 2,769 131 548 83 224 25-29 3,495 2,724 99 444 58 170 30-34 3,418 2,651 104 440 55 168 35-39 2,857 2,334 78 275 39 131 40-44 2,468 2,185 31 167 21 64 45-49 1,898 1,728 16 100 8 46 50-54 1,828 1,723 25 56 4 20 55-59 1,019 960 14 32 2 11 60-64 1,108 1,081 6 17 1 3 65 + 1,625 1,605 4 14 0 2


54 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.d (continued) Table 5.3.d Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in english according to sex and age group

Language capability Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Male 20,984 17,531 500 1,993 229 731 6-9 3,304 3,115 39 130 8 12 10-14 3,632 3,144 67 318 34 69 15-19 2,354 1,707 90 376 35 146 20-24 1,786 1,289 65 267 39 126 25-29 1,685 1,280 57 213 25 110 30-34 1,767 1,310 59 260 38 100 35-39 1,467 1,140 52 171 27 77 40-44 1,153 968 18 113 10 44 45-49 902 782 14 67 6 33 50-54 919 853 19 34 4 9 55-59 558 515 12 25 2 4 60-64 582 566 4 10 1 1 65 + 875 862 4 9 0 0


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 55 Table 5.3.d (continued) Table 5.3.d Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in english according to sex and age group

Language capability Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Female 20,552 17,493 366 1,792 237 664 6-9 3,113 2,875 34 136 10 58 10-14 3,276 2,786 58 310 39 83 15-19 2,386 1,637 70 422 69 188 20-24 1,969 1,480 66 281 44 98 25-29 1,810 1,444 42 231 33 60 30-34 1,651 1,341 45 180 17 68 35-39 1,390 1,194 26 104 12 54 40-44 1,315 1,217 13 54 11 20 45-49 996 946 2 33 2 13 50-54 909 870 6 22 0 11 55-59 461 445 2 7 0 7 60-64 526 515 2 7 0 2 65 + 750 743 0 5 0 2 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 57 Table 6.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, by age groups according to sex and current economic activity

Age group Sex and economic activity Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Both sexes 28,211 4,740 3,755 3,495 3,418 2,857 2,468 1,898 1,828 1,019 1,108 599 495 531

In the labor force 21,554 1,712 2,790 3,116 3,160 2,660 2,303 1,795 1,586 841 768 373 247 203 Government 624 3 37 78 131 138 98 64 45 21 4 3 1 1 UN 180423405334197000000 NGO 18622259462513104 3 1 1 0 0 Private industry 459 34 54 80 77 49 52 33 33 25 16 2 1 3 Self-employed 1,456 73 217 265 262 168 151 104 95 36 42 24 9 10 Subsistence farming and fi shing 18,470 1,569 2,382 2,553 2,566 2,236 1,960 1,576 1,400 756 705 343 235 189 Looking and available 179 27 55 41 25 10 10 1 9 0 0 0 1 0

Not in the labor force 6,657 3,028 965 379 258 197 165 103 242 178 340 226 248 328 Student 3,508 2,762 613 71 24 9 9 4 5 3 4 2 1 1 Home duties 1,048 92 242 241 156 124 68 40 37 15 13 5 4 11

ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Retired/too old 1,145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 115 251 174 207 279 Sick/disabled 378 22 21 31 23 28 37 30 46 29 47 26 18 20 No work available 441 93 69 33 49 27 40 22 30 12 21 16 17 12 Other 137 59 20 3 6 9 11 7 5 4 4 3 1 5


58 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.1 (continued) Table 6.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, by age groups according to sex and current economic activity

Age group Sex and economic activity Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Male 14,048 2,354 1,786 1,685 1,767 1,467 1,153 902 919 558 582 309 264 302

In the labor force 11,075 830 1,304 1,592 1,692 1,423 1,092 866 838 488 454 209 152 135 Government 441 3 16 47 97 101 63 51 36 18 4 3 1 1 UN 133 1 9 29 42 28 18 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 NGO 136 1 14 40 38 18 11 9 3 1 1 0 0 0 Private industry 271 16 32 45 39 35 28 25 21 20 7 1 1 1 Self-employed 549 19 78 115 107 68 57 37 26 17 12 9 2 2 Subsistence farming and fi shing 9,415 766 1,121 1,287 1,350 1,165 906 738 746 432 430 196 147 131 Looking and available 130 24 34 29 19 8 9 0 6 0 0 0 1 0

Not in the labor force 2,973 1,524 482 93 75 44 61 36 81 70 128 100 112 167 Student 1,896 1,416 405 45 18 5 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Home duties 21 6 2 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7

Retired/too old 486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 40 103 77 93 141 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Sick/disabled 189 8 11 22 14 15 15 19 22 16 16 12 10 9 No work available 306 63 50 22 40 19 34 15 23 10 6 9 9 6 Other 75 31 14 1 2 5 8 2 2 4 1 1 0 4


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 59 Table 6.1 (continued) Table 6.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, by age groups according to sex and current economic activity

Age group Sex and economic activity Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Female 14,163 2,386 1,969 1,810 1,651 1,390 1,315 996 909 461 526 290 231 229

In the labor force 10,479 882 1,486 1,524 1,468 1,237 1,211 929 748 353 314 164 95 68 Government 183 0 21 31 34 37 35 13 9 3 0 0 0 0 UN 473141111611000000 NGO 5018198721120100 Private industry 188 18 22 35 38 14 24 8 12 5 9 1 0 2 Self-employed 907 54 139 150 155 100 94 67 69 19 30 15 7 8 Subsistence farming and fi shing 9,055 803 1,261 1,266 1,216 1,071 1,054 838 654 324 275 147 88 58 Looking and available 49 3 21 12 6 2 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0

Not in the labor force 3,684 1,504 483 286 183 153 104 67 161 108 212 126 136 161 Student 1,612 1,346 208 26 6 4 5 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 Home duties 1,027 86 240 238 155 124 68 40 36 15 12 5 4 4

ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Retired/too old 659 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 75 148 97 114 138 Sick/disabled 189 14 10 9 9 13 22 11 24 13 31 14 8 11 No work available 135 30 19 11 9 8 6 7 7 2 15 7 8 6 Other 62 28 6 2 4 4 3 5 3 0 3 2 1 1

60 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Both sexes 21,554 1,712 2,790 3,116 3,160 2,660 2,303 1,795 1,586 841 768 373 247 203

Armed forces 140023222000111 Legislators, senior offi cials 87 1 2 10 13 15 15 14853100 Health professionals 160236310010000 Secondary and tertiary teachers 47 0 0 14 16444410000 Religious leaders 350345545333000 Other professionals 202 7 26 36 44 30 24 12549122 Health technicians 45 1 3 11 5 1063510000 Primary teachers 215 1 3 14 29 63 55 26 1680000 Other technicians/associates 36025101232110000 Clerical workers 3917711732100000 Hotel and restaurant workers 130026220010000 Travel attendants, guides 150054112100010

Sales people 199 7 25 39 38 27 15 15 2135310ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Police offi cers 88 0 16 25 31824200000 Security guards 110042012110000 Other service workers 253 24 41 45 40 21 20 16 20 8 10521 Market farmer 176 12 24 21 23 19 27 14 17 114103 Subsistence farmer 19,001 1,593 2,448 2,640 2,672 2,309 2,018 1,615 1,433 769 721 354 236 193 Other farmers 36 0 1193156100000 Comercial fi shing 10001000000000 Subsistence fi shing 464872465331021 Building trade 129 1 8 18 29 25 22 12463100 Handicraft workers 150353210010000


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 61 Table 6.2 (continued) Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Other trades 160246200110000 Mining and oil workers 30100200000000 Electricity workers 81230001100000 Drivers 86 6 12 26 20 1073110000 Shipping and port workers 00000000000000 Other machine operators 200432611110100 Street vendors 81 6 12 20 16486432000 Other informal vendors 137 4 22 28 35 13 136803401 Domestic helpers 31 0 7 103411311000 Building caretakers, porters 260286321301000 Agricultural laborers 220256322110000 Other informal workers 79 7 13 13 15 1385211100 Not Elsewhere Included 138 9 24 27 25 20 146641011 Not stated 188 27 55 43 30 10 102910010 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC

Male 11,075 830 1,304 1,592 1,692 1,423 1,092 866 838 488 454 209 152 135

Armed forces 110013022000111 Legislators, senior offi cials 7911810151513843100 Health professionals 60013200000000 Secondary and tertiary teachers 3000512433210000 Religious leaders 230223404233000 Other professionals 72 2 3 14 21 17 102021000 Health technicians 311072753510000 Primary teachers 124116133830171260000


62 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.2 (continued) Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Other technicians/associates 240137920110000 Clerical workers 271457532000000 Hotel and restaurant workers 40002010010000 Travel attendants, guides 100034012000000 Sales people 87 1 13 18 18 1277512300 Police offi cers 66 0 6 17 29624200000 Security guards 100032012110000 Other service workers 171543120100000 Market farmer 107 5 17 13 15 10 15 9 1182002 Subsistence farmer 9,689 776 1,153 1,336 1,412 1,204 929 760 763 439 436 201 148 132 Other farmers 150341124000000 Comercial fi shing 10001000000000 Subsistence fi shing 180211322231010 Building trade 126 1 6 18 29 25 21 12463100

Handicraft workers 120252200010000ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Other trades 70033100000000 Mining and oil workers 30100200000000 Electricity workers 71130001100000 Drivers 86 6 12 26 20 1073110000 Shipping and port workers 00000000000000 Other machine operators 190432511110100 Street vendors 39 3 6 118330131000 Other informal vendors 371599361200100 Domestic helpers 50030100010000 Building caretakers, porters 260286321301000 continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 63 Table 6.2 (continued) Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Agricultural laborers 130114222100000 Other informal workers 312636904100000 Not Elsewhere Included 77 3 13 18 12 1194231010 Not stated 136 24 34 30 22891610010

Female 10,479 882 1,486 1,524 1,468 1,237 1,211 929 748 353 314 164 95 68

Armed forces 30010200000000 Legislators, senior offi cials 80123001010000 Health professionals 100223110010000 Secondary and tertiary teachers 170094011200000 Religious leaders 120122141100000 Other professionals 130 5 23 22 23 13 14 10528122 Health technicians 140343310000000 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Primary teachers 910281625259420000 Other technicians/associates 120123312000000 Clerical workers 120324200100000 Hotel and restaurant workers 90024210000000 Travel attendants, guides 50020100100010 Sales people 112 6 12 21 20 15 8 8 1623010 Police offi cers 22 0 1082200000000 Security guards 10010000000000


64 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.2 (continued) Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Other service workers 236 23 36 41 37 20 18 16 19 8 10521 Market farmer 6977889125632101 Subsistence farmer 9,312 817 1,295 1,304 1,260 1,105 1,089 855 670 330 285 153 88 61 Other farmers 210852032100000 Comercial fi shing 00000000000000 Subsistence fi shing 284661143100011 Building trade 30200010000000 Handicraft workers 30101010000000 Other trades 90213100110000 Mining and oil workers 00000000000000 Electricity workers 10100000000000 Drivers 00000000000000 Shipping and port workers 00000000000000 Other machine operators 10000100000000

Street vendors 423698156301000ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Other informal vendors 100 3 17 19 26 1075603301 Domestic helpers 260773311301000 Building caretakers, porters 00000000000000 Agricultural laborers 90142100010000 Other informal workers 48 5 7 109481111100 Not Elsewhere Included 61 6 11 9 13952410001 Not stated 52 3 21 138211300000

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 65 Table 6.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, currently economically active by age group according to sex and industry

Age group Sex and industry Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Both sexes 21,554 1,712 2,790 3,116 3,160 2,660 2,303 1,795 1,586 841 768 373 247 203

Agriculture 19,204 1,605 2,480 2,661 2,699 2,325 2,047 1,637 1,451 782 727 355 239 196 Forestry 100024220000000 Fishing 103112201000000 Mining, quarrying, oil 40100110010000 Manufacturing 92 3 14 15 18 11 135741100 Electricity 100221500000000 Construction 133 1 6 25 27 27 15 12784100 Wholesaling, Retailing, Selling 415 18 61 91 78 49 37 26 3368620 Hotels, Restaurants, and Cafes 160166120000000 Transport & Warehousing 80 6 12 25 15676210000 Communications 210145332111000 Financial 110331301000000

ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Real Estate, Renting Property 2703710122110000 Public Administration (government) 145 0 13 21 37 23 17 17 1331000 Defence 62 0 5 17 21536200111 Education 266 1 5 33 42 64 62 29 18 120000 Health & Social Services 66 1 4 13 13 1584610100 Community Services 86 3 11 9 15 1678575000 Recreational, Cultural and Sporting Activities 80231100010000 Private Households 447 33 74 75 81 44 40 26 27 10 20845 U N Agencies, Diplomatic 262 11 36 62 59 46 27 12431001 Not stated 179 27 55 41 25 10 101900010 continued

66 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.3 (continued) Table 6.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, currently economically active by age group according to sex and industry

Age group Sex and industry Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Male 11,075 830 1,304 1,592 1,692 1,423 1,092 866 838 488 454 209 152 135

Agriculture 9,797 779 1,172 1,344 1,426 1,214 943 772 773 449 440 201 150 134 Forestry 80014120000000 Fishing 40001201000000 Mining, quarrying, oil 30100110000000 Manufacturing 66 3 7 10 13 10 104440100 Electricity 100221500000000 Construction 116 1 5 22 24 24 13 10583100 Wholesaling, Retailing, Selling 193 8 29 47 41 23 188843400 Hotels, Restaurants, and Cafes 40102010000000 Transport & Warehousing 79 6 12 25 15576210000 Communications 200045332111000 Financial 90131301000000 Real Estate, Renting Property 120135111000000 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Public Administration (government) 120 0 6 16 32 20 15 16 1221000 Defence 51 0 2 11 20436200111 Education 152 1 1 13 23 39 34 19 1390000 Health & Social Services 4211761064510100 Community Services 5917781335465000 Recreational, Cultural and Sporting Activities 40120100000000 Private Households 172332140110000 U N Agencies, Diplomatic 179 4 18 43 44 35 19 11221000 Not stated 130 24 34 29 19890600010


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 67 Table 6.3 (continued) Table 6.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, currently economically active by age group according to sex and industry

Age group Sex and industry Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Female 10,479 882 1,486 1,524 1,468 1,237 1,211 929 748 353 314 164 95 68

Agriculture 9,407 826 1,308 1,317 1,273 1,111 1,104 865 678 333 287 154 89 62 Forestry 20010100000000 Fishing 63111000000000 Mining, quarrying, oil 10000000010000 Manufacturing 260755131301000 Electricity 00000000000000 Construction 170133322201000 Wholesaling, Retailing, Selling 222 10 32 44 37 26 19 18 2525220 Hotels, Restaurants, and Cafes 120064110000000 Transport & Warehousing 10000100000000 Communications 10100000000000 Financial 20200000000000 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Real Estate, Renting Property 150245011110000 Public Administration (government) 250755321110000 Defence 110361100000000 Education 114 0 4 20 19 25 28 10530000 Health & Social Services 240367520100000 Community Services 272427343110000 Recreational, Cultural and Sporting Activities 40111000010000 Private Households 430 31 71 72 79 43 36 26 26 9 20845 U N Agencies, Diplomatic 83 7 18 19 15 1181210001 Not stated 49 3 21 126211300000

68 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.4 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, current economically active, by number of days worked in the week prior to the census day according to sex and age groups

Days worked Sex and age group Total 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days

Both sexes 21,375 30 98 57 345 1,075 18,872 898 15-19 1,685 0 7 5 28 68 1,534 43 20-24 2,735 1 14 11 51 146 2,388 124 25-29 3,075 3 16 4 63 163 2,716 110 30-34 3,135 2 20 7 52 181 2,724 149 35-39 2,650 6 12 5 33 137 2,360 97 40-44 2,293 7 5 5 28 94 2,036 118 45-49 1,794 2 8 1 31 91 1,557 104 50-54 1,577 3 4 7 22 83 1,398 60 55-59 841 0 4 4 7 42 748 36 60-64 768 5 4 5 12 40 673 29 65-69 373 1 2 0 14 20 325 11 70-74 246 0 2 2 3 5 225 9 75 + 203 0 0 1 1 5 188 8 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 69 Table 6.4 (continued) Table 6.4 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, current economically active, by number of days worked in the week prior to the census day according to sex and age groups

Days worked Sex and age group Total 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days

Male 10,945 20 49 21 160 481 9,897 317 15-19 806 0 3 1 15 30 745 12 20-24 1,270 1 7 4 26 56 1,133 43 25-29 1,563 1 9 1 22 74 1,413 43 30-34 1,673 1 10 4 23 84 1,490 61 35-39 1,415 5 6 1 18 70 1,282 33 40-44 1,083 5 2 3 13 40 987 33 45-49 866 1 3 1 13 43 771 34 50-54 832 3 2 2 10 33 758 24 55-59 488 0 4 2 1 14 455 12 60-64 454 3 2 0 5 21 410 13 65-69 209 0 0 0 11 8 186 4 70-74 151 0 1 2 3 3 139 3 75 + 135 0 0 0 0 5 128 2 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC continued

70 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.4 (continued) Table 6.4 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, current economically active, by number of days worked in the week prior to the census day according to sex and age groups

Days worked Sex and age group Total 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days

Female 10,430 10 49 36 185 594 8,975 581 15-19 879 0 4 4 13 38 789 31 20-24 1,465 0 7 7 25 90 1,255 81 25-29 1,512 2 7 3 41 89 1,303 67 30-34 1,462 1 10 3 29 97 1,234 88 35-39 1,235 1 6 4 15 67 1,078 64 40-44 1,210 2 3 2 15 54 1,049 85 45-49 928 1 5 0 18 48 786 70 50-54 745 0 2 5 12 50 640 36 55-59 353 0 0 2 6 28 293 24 60-64 314 2 2 5 7 19 263 16 65-69 164 1 2 0 3 12 139 7 70-74 95 0 1 0 0 2 86 6 75 +6800110606 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 71 Table 6.5 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, currently economically active, by number of months worked prior to census day, according to sex and age groups

Number of months worked Not Sex and age group Total 123456789101112applicable

Total 28,211 120 60 346 76 103 111 20 157 47 746 522 19,067 6,836 15-19 4740 7 3 22388117572301509 3055 20-24 3,755 20 8 43 9 14 20 6 22 6 99 69 2,419 1,020 25-29 3,495 24 13 54 11 12 21 3 24 4 111 76 2,722 420 30-34 3,418 21 11 51 14 19 9 3 12 6 117 78 2,794 283 35-39 2,857 17 7 46 10 11 17 2 21 6 85 71 2,357 207 40-44 2,468 19 7 45 5 16 8 1 20 5 69 56 2,042 175 45-49 1,898 1 5 35687210156521,611 104 50-54 1,828 7 3 2474607647491,417 251 55-59 1,019 1 0 133320513218763178 60-64 1,1083193451843212686340 65-69 599 003413092217323226 70-74 495 01012311142230249 75 + 53101101201012194328


72 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.5 (continued) Table 6.5 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, currently economically active, by number of months worked prior to census day, according to sex and age groups

Number of months worked Not Sex and age group Total 123456789101112applicable

Male 14,048 83 29 190 25 41 49 10 58 19 282 235 9,924 3,103 15-19 2354 4 2 111431733412724 1548 20-24 1,786 10 3 20435410240301,139 516 25-29 1685 14 7 36 2 5 1226235391403 122 30-34 1,767 17 5 29 7 8 5 2 3 2 44 36 1,515 94 35-39 1,467 15 3 2124806137261,292 52 40-44 1,153 14 3 23173072151899070 45-49 902 0 2 18242051192878536 50-54 919 6 1 15232021212275787 55-59 5581081000109846070 60-64 582218103123188407128 65-69 309 00010207185185100 70-74 264 01012301121139113 75 + 30201101101002128167


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 73 Table 6.5 (continued) Table 6.5 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, currently economically active, by number of months worked prior to census day, according to sex and age groups

Number of months worked Not Sex and age group Total 123456789101112applicable

Female 14,163 37 31 156 51 62 62 10 99 28 464 287 9,143 3,733 15-19 2,386 3 1 11245010238187851,507 20-24 1,969 10 5 23 5 11 15 2 12 4 59 39 1,280 504 25-29 1810 10 6 18979118276371319 298 30-34 1,651 4 6 22 7 11 4 1 9 4 73 42 1,279 189 35-39 1390 2 4 25879215548451065 155 40-44 1,315 5 4 22495113354381,052 105 45-49 996 1 3 17445250372482668 50-54 9091295140552627660164 55-59 4610052320412310303108 60-64 526101242061144279212 65-69 290 003311021132138126 70-74 231 0000001002191136 75 + 2290000010001066161 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC

74 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.6 Ainaro: Private households with residents 15 years and older and number of persons 15 years and older by number of unpaid days worked for the suco community

Total number of Total number of Total number Days worked household with persons 15+ years of days worked per person residents 15+ years

Total 11,527 28,211 9,270 0.3 None 8,807 21,218 1 day 562 1,347 2 days 915 2,266 3 days 310 831 4 days 359 969 5 days 52 136 6 - 7 days 365 1,010 8 - 9 days 65 174 10 - 12 days 48 127 More than 12 44 133 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 77 Table 7.1 Ainaro: Private households by presence of persons with disability (if any) and type of disability according to sex and age of the head of the household

Households where no With mental With physical Phisical and mental Sex and age group Total disabilities were found disability only disability only disability present

Both sexes 11,527 9,522 305 1,552 148 15-19 144 131 5 7 1 20-24 723 672 10 37 4 25-29 1,343 1,236 17 83 7 30-34 1,706 1,510 43 140 13 35-39 1,534 1,306 47 166 15 40-44 1,333 1,109 33 176 15 45-49 1,080 871 31 164 14 50-54 1,152 898 38 195 21 55-59 689 535 29 107 18 60-64 756 550 26 161 19 DISABILITY 65-69 411 289 10 105 7 70-74 329 228 9 85 7 75 + 327 187 7 126 7


78 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 7.1 (continued) Table 7.1 Ainaro: Private households by presence of persons with disability (if any) and type of disability according to sex and age of the head of the household

Households where no With mental With physical Phisical and mental Sex and age group Total disabilities were found disability only disability only disability present

Male 9,539 7,909 258 1,252 120 15-19 111 101 4 6 0 20-24 627 582 10 31 4 25-29 1,209 1,114 16 74 5 30-34 1,539 1,367 38 123 11 35-39 1,347 1,158 39 140 10 40-44 1,093 902 27 149 15 45-49 857 683 24 138 12 50-54 882 680 29 156 17 55-59 539 410 27 88 14 60-64 556 407 24 112 13 DISABILITY 65-69 291 198 8 78 7 70-74 240 167 6 62 5 75 + 248 140 6 95 7


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 79 Table 7.1 (continued) Table 7.1 Ainaro: Private households by presence of persons with disability (if any) and type of disability according to sex and age of the head of the household

Households where no With mental With physical Phisical and mental Sex and age group Total disabilities were found disability only disability only disability present

Female 1,988 1,613 47 300 28 15-19 33 30 1 1 1 20-24 96 90 0 6 0 25-29 134 122 1 9 2 30-34 167 143 5 17 2 35-39 187 148 8 26 5 40-44 240 207 6 27 0 45-49 223 188 7 26 2 50-54 270 218 9 39 4 55-59 150 125 2 19 4

DISABILITY 60-64 200 143 2 49 6 65-69 120 91 2 27 0 70-74 89 61 3 23 2 75 + 79 47 1 31 0


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 81 Table 8.1 Ainaro: Private households by type of ownership of the dwelling according to construction material of fl oor, walls and roof Type of ownership of the dwelling Material of fl oor, walls and roof Individual or Community or Government Total Church property family owned suco owned owned

Private households 11,527 11,316 55 140 16

Material of fl oors Concrete or tile 1,575 1,448 13 105 9 Wood 187 177 9 1 0 Soil 9,765 9,691 33 34 7

Materials of walls Concrete/brick 2,961 2,825 17 108 11 Wood 703 686 14 3 0 Bamboo 6,521 6,497 9 13 2 HOUSING Corrugated iron 884 865 5 12 2 Clay 458 443 10 4 1

Material of roof Concrete/brick 82 81010 Wood 3838000 Bamboo 5,827 5,781 29 12 5 Corrugated iron 5,482 5,335 23 115 9 Tiles 64110 Asbestos 92 77 2 11 2

82 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.2 Ainaro: Private dwellings by type of ownership of the dwelling (occupied only) according to construction material of fl oor, walls and roof

Type of ownership of the dwelling

Material of fl oor, walls and roof Individual or Community or Government Total Church property family owned suco owned owned

Private dwellings 9,824 9,646 41 122 15

Material of fl oors Concrete or tile 1,265 1,153 9 95 8 Wood 166 157 8 1 0 Soil 8,393 8,336 24 26 7

Materials of walls Concrete/brick 2,441 2,321 13 97 10 Wood 622 608 12 2 0 Bamboo 5,599 5,580 8 9 2 HOUSING Corrugated iron 750 736 1 11 2 Clay 412 401 7 3 1

Material of roof Concrete/brick 65 64 0 1 0 Wood 36 36 0 0 0 Bamboo 5,064 5,029 21 9 5 Corrugated iron 4,575 4,448 18 101 8 Tiles 4 3 0 1 0 Asbestos 80 66 2 10 2

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 83 Table 8.3.a Ainaro: Private households by construction material of fl oor according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Type construction material of fl oor Sex and age group Total Concrete or tile Wood Soil

Total 11,527 1,575 187 9,765 15-19 144 20 1 123 20-24 723 99 5 619 25-29 1,343 174 12 1,157 30-34 1,706 250 18 1,438 35-39 1,534 226 13 1,295 40-44 1,333 174 22 1,137 45-49 1,080 148 18 914 50-54 1,152 154 21 977 55-59 689 106 16 567 60-64 756 84 16 656 65-69 411 53 15 343 HOUSING 70-74 329 46 17 266 75 + 327 41 13 273

Male 9,539 1,282 154 8,103 15-19 111 15 0 96 20-24 627 82 5 540 25-29 1,209 151 12 1,046 30-34 1,539 219 18 1,302 35-39 1,347 189 11 1,147 40-44 1,093 138 16 939


84 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.3.A (continued) Table 8.3.a Ainaro: Private households by construction material of fl oor according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Type construction material of fl oor Sex and age group Total Concrete or tile Wood Soil

45-49 857 123 15 719 50-54 882 112 16 754 55-59 539 84 15 440 60-64 556 65 10 481 65-69 291 37 12 242 70-74 240 36 13 191 75 + 248 31 11 206

Female 1,988 293 33 1,662 15-19 33 5 1 27 20-24 96 17 0 79 25-29 134 23 0 111 HOUSING 30-34 167 31 0 136 35-39 187 37 2 148 40-44 240 36 6 198 45-49 223 25 3 195 50-54 270 42 5 223 55-59 150 22 1 127 60-64 200 19 6 175 65-69 120 16 3 101 70-74 89 10 4 75 75 + 79 10 2 67

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 85 Table 8.3.b Ainaro: Private households by construction material of walls according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Type construction material of walls Sex and age group Total Concrete or brick Wood Bamboo Corrugated iron Clay

Total 11,527 2,961 703 6,521 884 458 15-19 144 34 9 82 13 6 20-24 723 180 46 402 61 34 25-29 1,343 367 79 744 101 52 30-34 1,706 445 117 925 153 66 35-39 1,534 402 78 877 117 60 40-44 1,333 340 71 766 105 51 45-49 1,080 278 64 606 89 43 50-54 1,152 307 78 655 68 44 55-59 689 183 43 391 48 24 60-64 756 166 48 458 51 33 65-69 411 102 23 239 31 16 HOUSING 70-74 329 73 20 196 27 13 75 + 327 84 27 180 20 16

Male 9,539 2,460 575 5,413 721 370 15-19 111 27 7 63 11 3 20-24 627 152 40 356 52 27 25-29 1,209 331 68 682 81 47 30-34 1,539 393 102 845 138 61 35-39 1,347 350 66 778 102 51 40-44 1,093 285 60 624 82 42


86 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.3.B (continued) Table 8.3.b Ainaro: Private households by construction material of walls according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Type construction material of walls Sex and age group Total Concrete or brick Wood Bamboo Corrugated iron Clay

45-49 857 228 48 481 65 35 50-54 882 243 64 489 56 30 55-59 539 149 35 298 38 19 60-64 556 122 34 338 41 21 65-69 291 69 15 172 24 11 70-74 240 53 14 147 16 10 75 + 248 58 22 140 15 13

Female 1,988 501 128 1,108 163 88 15-19 33 7 2 19 2 3 20-24 96 28 6 46 9 7 25-29 134 36 11 62 20 5 HOUSING 30-34 167 52 15 80 15 5 35-39 187 52 12 99 15 9 40-44 240 55 11 142 23 9 45-49 223 50 16 125 24 8 50-54 270 64 14 166 12 14 55-59 150 34 8 93 10 5 60-64 200 44 14 120 10 12 65-69 120 33 8 67 7 5 70-74 89 20 6 49 11 3 75 + 79 26 5 40 5 3

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 87 Table 8.3.c Ainaro: Private households by construction material of roof according to sex and age group construction material of roof

Type construction material of roof Sex and age group Total Concrete or brick Wood Bamboo Corrugated iron Tiles Asbestos

Total 11,527 82 38 5,827 5,482 6 92 15-19 144 0 1 75 68 0 0 20-24 723 3 1 354 354 1 10 25-29 1,343 8 6 692 627 1 9 30-34 1,706 10 6 798 881 1 10 35-39 1,534 14 9 750 750 1 10 40-44 1,333 10 3 694 613 1 12 45-49 1,080 9 1 542 518 0 10 50-54 1,152 13 2 592 529 0 16 55-59 689 3 4 344 335 0 3 60-64 756 3 3 416 329 0 5 65-69 411 3 0 233 174 0 1 HOUSING 70-74 329 2 1 172 149 0 5 75 + 327 4 1 165 155 1 1

Male 9,539 66 32 4,844 4,505 5 87 15-19 111 0 1 59 51 0 0 20-24 627 1 1 320 294 1 10 25-29 1,209 7 6 628 559 1 8 30-34 1,539 9 5 731 784 0 10 35-39 1,347 12 7 663 654 1 10 40-44 1,093 7 1 579 493 1 12


88 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.3.C (continued) Table 8.3.c Ainaro: Private households by construction material of roof according to sex and age group construction material of roof

Type construction material of roof Sex and age group Total Concrete or brick Wood Bamboo Corrugated iron Tiles Asbestos

45-49 857 8 1 428 411 0 9 50-54 882 8 2 453 403 0 16 55-59 539 3 3 269 261 0 3 60-64 556 3 3 297 249 0 4 65-69 291 2 0 171 117 0 1 70-74 240 2 1 122 112 0 3 75 + 248 4 1 124 117 1 1

Female 1,988 16 6 983 977 1 5 15-19 33 0 0 16 17 0 0 20-24 96 2 0 34 60 0 0 25-29 134 1 0 64 68 0 1 HOUSING 30-34 167 1 1 67 97 1 0 35-39 187 2 2 87 96 0 0 40-44 240 3 2 115 120 0 0 45-49 223 1 0 114 107 0 1 50-54 270 5 0 139 126 0 0 55-59 150 0 1 75 74 0 0 60-64 200 0 0 119 80 0 1 65-69 120 1 0 62 57 0 0 70-74 89 0 0 50 37 0 2 75 + 79 0 0 41 38 0 0

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 89 Table 8.4 Ainaro: Private households according to livestock kept and number of persons and amount of livestock in those households

Animals Household Persons Amount of livestock

Chickens 8,587 40,773 28,688 Pigs 8,644 41,336 16,139 Sheeps 224 1,094 407 Goats 2,016 10,064 4,125 Horses 4,710 23,753 7,124 Cattle 1,563 7,912 4,365 Buffalo 1,916 9,551 5,262 HOUSING

90 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.5 Ainaro: Private households according to crops cultivated and persons in those households

Crops Households Persons

Rice 1,531 7,116 Maize 10,686 49,059 Cassava 9,284 42,609 Vegetables 9,735 44,785 Fruit (seasonal) 10,154 46,760 Fruit (permanent) 10,262 47,252 Coffe 8,313 38,938 Coconut 4,115 18,686 Other seasonal crops 9,686 44,471 Other permanent crops 9,994 45,983 HOUSING


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 93 Table 9.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of birth and present residence according to sex and age groups (life-time migration)

Born in Ainaro and Living in Ainaro Born in Ainaro living in another and born in another Born abroad Unknown district Total Total residents (non-migrants) district district (immigrants) of birth (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Total 48,339 8,111 3,451 176 510 52,476 0-4 8,619 273 360 100 163 9,242 5-9 7,686 475 356 9 64 8,115 10-14 6,527 558 324 1 56 6,908 15-19 4,420 960 279 4 37 4,740 20-24 3,417 1,079 296 13 29 3,755 25-29 3,144 968 310 17 24 3,495 30-34 3,039 955 325 12 42 3,418 35-39 2,542 681 277 10 28 2,857 40-44 2,197 612 247 6 18 2,468 45-49 1,694 419 186 2 16 1,898 50-54 1,645 418 171 1 11 1,828 MIGRATION 55-59 927 213 85 0 7 1,019 60-64 1,000 222 102 0 6 1,108 65-69 549 128 48 0 2 599 70-74 450 82 41 0 4 495 75 + 483 68 44 1 3 531


94 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.1 (continued) Table 9.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of birth and present residence according to sex and age groups (life-time migration)

Born in Ainaro and Living in Ainaro Born in Ainaro living in another and born in another Born abroad Unknown district Total Total residents (non-migrants) district district (immigrants) of birth (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Male 24,632 4,063 1,651 88 249 26,620 0-4 4,457 134 196 53 84 4,790 5-9 3,922 243 185 9 34 4,150 10-14 3,421 276 183 1 27 3,632 15-19 2,206 456 130 1 17 2,354 20-24 1,666 510 106 3 11 1,786 25-29 1,532 461 141 3 9 1,685 30-34 1,610 451 138 3 16 1,767 35-39 1,310 344 134 7 16 1,467 40-44 1,029 338 113 4 7 1,153 45-49 804 234 83 2 13 902 50-54 825 223 90 1 3 919 MIGRATION 55-59 507 114 47 0 4 558 60-64 535 126 43 0 4 582 65-69 282 69 26 0 1 309 70-74 248 41 15 0 1 264 75 + 278 43 21 1 2 302


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 95 Table 9.1 (continued) Table 9.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of birth and present residence according to sex and age groups (life-time migration)

Born in Ainaro and Living in Ainaro Born in Ainaro living in another and born in another Born abroad Unknown district Total Total residents (non-migrants) district district (immigrants) of birth (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Female 23,707 4,048 1,800 88 261 25,856 0-4 4,162 139 164 47 79 4,452 5-9 3,764 232 171 0 30 3,965 10-14 3,106 282 141 0 29 3,276 15-19 2,214 504 149 3 20 2,386 20-24 1,751 569 190 10 18 1,969 25-29 1,612 507 169 14 15 1,810 30-34 1,429 504 187 9 26 1,651 35-39 1,232 337 143 3 12 1,390 40-44 1,168 274 134 2 11 1,315 45-49 890 185 103 0 3 996

MIGRATION 50-54 820 195 81 0 8 909 55-59 420 99 38 0 3 461 60-64 465 96 59 0 2 526 65-69 267 59 22 0 1 290 70-74 202 41 26 0 3 231 75 + 205 25 23 0 1 229

96 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in January 1999 according to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 1999 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 1999 and 2004 1999 Total residents district in 2004 district in 1999 residence in 1999 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Total 44,865 2,436 1,496 5,325 790 52,476 0-4 9,242 0 0 0 0 9,242 5-9 6,953 224 188 796 178 8,115 10-14 5,768 292 181 795 164 6,908 15-19 3,885 550 154 607 94 4,740 20-24 2,971 502 178 544 62 3,755 25-29 2,767 275 186 498 44 3,495 30-34 2,722 173 181 450 65 3,418 35-39 2,324 129 96 383 54 2,857 40-44 2,003 95 89 347 29 2,468 45-49 1,577 65 56 247 18 1,898

50-54 1,524 43 55 220 29 1,828 MIGRATION 55-59 856 27 43 107 13 1,019 60-64 927 24 39 124 18 1,108 65-69 504 12 20 72 3 599 70-74 403 9 9 77 6 495 75 + 439 16 21 58 13 531 continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 97 Table 9.2 (continued) Table 9.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in January 1999 according to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 1999 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 1999 and 2004 1999 Total residents district in 2004 district in 1999 residence in 1999 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Male 22,673 1,221 832 2,679 436 26,620 0-4 4,790 0 0 0 0 4,790 5-9 3,535 119 98 423 94 4,150 10-14 2,978 147 105 448 101 3,632 15-19 1,921 249 66 315 52 2,354 20-24 1,435 237 79 238 34 1,786 25-29 1,326 145 118 218 23 1,685 30-34 1,386 92 119 230 32 1,767 35-39 1,188 69 54 193 32 1,467 40-44 936 51 55 148 14 1,153 45-49 722 31 33 135 12 902

MIGRATION 50-54 758 28 31 117 13 919 55-59 464 19 29 59 6 558 60-64 503 13 18 51 10 582 65-69 260 3 14 33 2 309 70-74 216 6 3 41 4 264 75 + 255 12 10 30 7 302


98 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.2 (continued) Table 9.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in January 1999 according to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 1999 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 1999 and 2004 1999 Total residents district in 2004 district in 1999 residence in 1999 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Female 22,192 1,215 664 2,646 354 25,856 0-4 4,452 0 0 0 0 4,452 5-9 3,418 105 90 373 84 3,965 10-14 2,790 145 76 347 63 3,276 15-19 1,964 301 88 292 42 2,386 20-24 1,536 265 99 306 28 1,969 25-29 1,441 130 68 280 21 1,810 30-34 1,336 81 62 220 33 1,651 35-39 1,136 60 42 190 22 1,390 40-44 1,067 44 34 199 15 1,315 45-49 855 34 23 112 6 996

50-54 766 15 24 103 16 909 MIGRATION 55-59 392 8 14 48 7 461 60-64 424 11 21 73 8 526 65-69 244 9 6 39 1 290 70-74 187 3 6 36 2 231 75 + 184 4 11 28 6 229

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 99 Table 9.3 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in July 2002 according to to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 2002 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 2002 and 2004 2002 Total residents district in 2004 district in 2002 residence in 2002 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Total 44,765 1,165 1,084 1,248 5,379 52,476 0-4 5,933 8 39 4 3,266 9,242 5-9 6,234 111 142 198 1,541 8,115 10-14 6,436 127 135 182 155 6,908 15-19 4,379 284 111 162 88 4,740 20-24 3,459 230 114 121 61 3,755 25-29 3,223 127 116 115 41 3,495 30-34 3,150 85 118 88 62 3,418 35-39 2,657 58 67 86 47 2,857 40-44 2,292 43 70 80 26 2,468 45-49 1,780 29 39 63 16 1,898 MIGRATION 50-54 1,700 19 48 53 27 1,828 55-59 955 11 27 26 11 1,019 60-64 1,042 13 26 24 16 1,108 65-69 569 5 11 17 2 599 70-74 468 7 7 13 7 495 75 + 488 8 14 16 13 531


100 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.3 (continued) Table 9.3 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in July 2002 according to to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 2002 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 2002 and 2004 2002 Total residents district in 2004 district in 2002 residence in 2002 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Male 22,651 587 568 597 2,804 26,620 0-4 3,071 4 15 2 1,702 4,790 5-9 3,185 56 73 108 784 4,150 10-14 3,364 66 78 94 96 3,632 15-19 2,183 127 50 72 49 2,354 20-24 1,654 121 47 50 35 1,786 25-29 1,553 67 70 44 18 1,685 30-34 1,627 48 65 45 30 1,767 35-39 1,365 29 36 39 27 1,467 40-44 1,069 20 38 33 13 1,153 45-49 838 14 22 32 10 902 50-54 848 10 28 30 13 919 MIGRATION 55-59 521 8 18 14 5 558 60-64 548 6 15 10 9 582 65-69 297 2 6 5 1 309 70-74 247 3 2 10 5 264 75 + 281 6 5 9 7 302


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 101 Table 9.3 (continued) Table 9.3 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in July 2002 according to to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 2002 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 2002 and 2004 2002 Total residents district in 2004 district in 2002 residence in 2002 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Female 22,114 578 516 651 2,575 25,856 0-4 2,862 4 24 2 1,564 4,452 5-9 3,049 55 69 90 757 3,965 10-14 3,072 61 57 88 59 3,276 15-19 2,196 157 61 90 39 2,386 20-24 1,805 109 67 71 26 1,969 25-29 1,670 60 46 71 23 1,810 30-34 1,523 37 53 43 32 1,651 35-39 1,292 29 31 47 20 1,390 40-44 1,223 23 32 47 13 1,315 45-49 942 15 17 31 6 996 MIGRATION 50-54 852 9 20 23 14 909 55-59 434 3 9 12 6 461 60-64 494 7 11 14 7 526 65-69 272 3 5 12 1 290 70-74 221 4 5 3 2 231 75 + 207 2 9 7 6 229

102 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.4 Ainaro: Population in private households 5 years and older living in Ainaro in 1999 and in another district in 2004 by sex and reason for moving

Total Male Female

Total 2,436 1,221 1,215 Work 171 118 53 Education 474 247 227 Marriage 189 40 149 Family moved 259 98 161 Returned to family land 101 66 35 Violence 969 505 464 More secure 117 54 63 Temporary housing 82 53 29 Other 74 40 34 MIGRATION

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 103 Table 9.5 Ainaro: Population in private households 2 years and older living in Ainaro in 2002 and in another district in 2004 by sex and reason for moving

Total Male Female

Total 1,165 587 578 Work 80 58 22 Education 252 141 111 Marriage 109 26 83 Family moved 152 55 97 Returned to family land 83 48 35 Violence 328 169 159 More secure 57 29 28 Temporary housing 50 33 17 Other 54 28 26 MIGRATION



This glossary contains defi nitions of census terms and provides the d. Corrugated Iron explanations needed to understand the census results presented in tables, e. Clay graphs and maps. Most defi nitions of entries in this glossary are based on f. Other the questions on the 2004 Census questionnaire. This is because the fi rst step 2) Roof to understand a census statistic is to know how it was collected and which a. Wood specifi c units are included. b. Bamboo/Thatch/Grass c. Corrugated iron It is expected that this glossary become a helpful document for census d. Tiles data users and provide them with the necessary information for a better e. Asbestos understanding of the available census statistics. f. Other 3) Floor a. Concrete or Tile Age b. Wood The age of each person was obtained by asking directly for the age in years c. Soil (on the last birthday). The age of babies less than one year old was recorded d. Other as 0. Regarding age groups, 0-4 years includes those who are less than 5 Notice that the category “other”, refers mainly to temporary material. years old, 5-9 years includes those aged 5 years or more but less than 10 years. The 85+ group includes those 85 years or older. Cultivation of Crops It refers to all relevant crops cultivated by the household. The census CENSUS GLOSSARY CENSUS Collective Households question was: Does this household grow any crops, either temporary or They are dwellings where people live, on a temporary or permanent basis, permanent, to support the household? If yes, please tick applicable box(es). but do not relate to each other to form a household; instead, provisions of The boxes refers to the following crops: rice, maize, cassava, vegetables, living essentials are usually made by an institutional organization. Examples fruit (temporary) fruit (permanent), coffee, coconut, other temporary crops, include convents, prisons, orphanages, hospitals, boarding schools and other permanent crops. hotels. Current Economic Activity Construction Materials This term refers to the classifi cation of the population into the economically It refers to the predominant or most utilized material in the construction of active (in the labor force) and the not economically active (not in the labor the house, in particular walls, roof and fl oor. force). The former comprises people who furnish the supply of labor for the 1) External walls production of goods and services during the reference time period chosen for a. Concrete/Brick the census. The latter refers to those persons who did not participate in the b. Wood c. Bamboo

106 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT labor force during the reference time period and if they were unemployed, did members of the household do not work outside the not search for a job. These two categories are then sub-divided as follows: dwelling but are involved in the household efforts towards subsistence farming and/or fi shing, they 1) In the Labor Force: were coded as subsistence farmers/fi shers rather a. Government. This activity includes individuals than home duties. directly employed by national, district government g. Looking and Available. Persons not currently agencies, and sub-district that receive wage employed, but who are currently looking for work compensation for their jobs. and are available to start working. b. UN. Individuals that are employed by the United Nations or one of its affi liated agencies 2) Not in the Labor Force: c. NGO. The employees of a non-governmental a. Student. A person who is attending a formal organization devoted to achieving public rather educational institution as a full-time student and is than private objectives. Persons doing volunteer not currently working (although he/she may have, or work for NGO’s are also included. be looking for, part-time employment). d. Private Industry. Individuals employed in market- b. Home Duties. Individuals who are occupied with driven, for-profi t industries. daily tasks associated with home life in their own e. Self-Employed. Individuals who operate their household. own independent enterprises, with or without c. Retired/Too Old. This category is for people not hiring employees. Also includes persons engaged seeking work because of their age. independently in trade. d. Sick/Disabled. Individuals who are unable to CENSUS GLOSSARY f. Subsistence Farming/Fishing. In the case of participate in the work force because of a disability or farming, refers to a mode of agriculture in which a sickness. plot of land is held, though not necessarily owned e. No Work Available. A person who may be available by a single family that produces only enough food to work and who may have attempted to fi nd work in to feed itself. Favorable weather can allow the the past, but who is not now looking for work because subsistence farmer to produce a surplus, which can they consider none to be available. be sold or bartered. Subsistence fi shing, is a mode of f. Other. A person not in the work force who has not economic activity in which a family owns full or a worked and has not sought work, and who does not signifi cant share of a boat used to fi sh for suffi cient fi t into any of the other “Not in the Labor Force” quantities to feed itself. Favorable circumstances categories. can allow the subsistence fi sher to harvest a surplus, which can be sold or bartered. In cases where female

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 107 Degree of Literacy Head of Household It is the capacity of a person to read and write, or any combination thereof as Is the person identifi ed by other members of the household as such. informed by the interviewee. Household District It is defi ned as one or more persons residing in the same dwelling, and who make The district was the main administrative division of Timor-Leste during the common provision for food and other essentials for living. 2004 census. The country is divided into 13 districts. At present, the main division is the region. The country is divided into 5 regions. Household Size It is the number of members of the household. Sometimes it is convenient to distinguish between adult members (older than 6 years or older than 14 years) District of Enumeration and child members in order to differentiate the effect of fertility from the effect It refers to the place where the person was counted on census day. of household complexity on household size. The latter is the tendency of the adult population to form their own household as opposed to residing in someone else’s District of Residence household, usually a relative. It is the place where the person lived on the day of the census. Industry Dwelling Refers to the activity of the establishment in which an economically active person It is a structure which is intended to have people live in it. There are three worked during the reference time period or where he worked previously, if the person is unemployed. Activity of the establishment means the kind of goods or services types of dwellings: private, hotels and institutions. produced. CENSUS GLOSSARY CENSUS Educational Attainment Institution It refers to the highest grade completed within the most advanced level It is a dwelling that accommodates an institutional household. attended in the educational system. The following levels were considered in the questionnaire: Language Capability 1) Primary School This term has two meanings. In the tables related to language it is considered as 2) High School the capacity to speak, read or write or in any combination thereof, any or all of the 3) Received Diploma from High School (either Junior or Senior) offi cial and working languages, as informed by the interviewee. In the tables related to education and literacy, the term is used in a restricted sense, referring only to the 4) Tertiary Education capacity to speak a language. 5) Received University Degree or Certifi cate

108 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Main Occupation Number of Women Reporting Birth in the Past Year It refers to the type of work done during the reference time period by the personIt is the number of women who reported to have had a birth between 11 July employed, or the type of work done previously, if the person is unemployed. The2003 and 11 July 2004. two-digit International Standard Classifi cationOccupations of code was used Offi cial languages Marital Status The offi cial languages of Timor Leste are Portuguese and Tetum (Article 13, It is the personal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or No. 1, Constitution of the People’s Republic of Timor Leste). customs of the country. The categories included in the 2004 census are the following: Ownership Category 1) single (never married) Five ownership categories were included in the census questionnaire: 2) married (legal, traditional or de facto unions) a. Individual and/or Family Owned Property 3) widowed (and not remarried) b. Community or Suco Owned Property 4) divorced (and not remarried) c. Government Owned Property 5) separated. d. Church Property e. Other Mental disability (mentally ill) It is important to note that due to the current status of property legislation in Limitation(s) in the kind or amount of activities that a person can do because Timor-Leste, it is extremely diffi cult to conclusively prove that an individual of ongoing diffi culties due to a long-term mental condition is in sole possession of a particular property. Thus this question pertains more to perception of ownership and provides an approximate idea of how Mother Tongue many households and individuals live in each category of dwelling. CENSUS GLOSSARY It is the language usually spoken in the individual’s home in his or her early childhood. Ownership of Livestock The absolute number of each species of animal by a household for use Number of Children Ever Born or profi t as of census day: chicken, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, cattle and It is the total number of children that a woman declared to have had and that buffalo. Because it is known that in Timor-Leste individuals frequently have been born alive (stillbirths should not be included). share ownership of livestock, this item may exaggerate the absolute numbers owned. The information, does however, provide an enhanced sense of where Number of Living Children certain species of livestock are more prevalent. It is the total number of children that a woman declares to have had and is Permanent Disability (physical disability) alive by the time of the census Limitation(s) in the kind or amount of activities that a person can do because of ongoing diffi culties due to a long-term physical condition.

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 109 Place of Residence at a Specifi ed Date in the Past 4) Stepchild/Adopted Child. The former is the natural/adopted child of The subdivision, or the foreign country, in which the individual resided at the only partner in a marriage or the factor relationship. The latter is a specifi ed date preceding the census. In the 2004 questionnaire two dates a non-biological related child that is considered to be a permanent were included: January 1999 (5 years prior to the census) and July 2002 (2 addition to the family unit. Also included in this category are orphans/ years prior to the census). foster children held in custody by members of the household 5) Daughter-in-Law/Son-in-Law Population 6) Mother/Father Most of the tables in this publication include residents of the entire territory 7) Sister/Brother of Timor-Leste who were in the country on the census day (11 July 2004). 8) Grandchild This is the de facto population, that is, the people enumerated where they 9) Grandparent are found on census day, which includes residents absent from the country 10) Other Relatives. Included in this category are aunts, uncles, cousins between 48 hours and 1 year, in addition to residents present on census day. and other members of the extended family that have established their permanent residence in the household in question. Primary School-Age Children 11) Unrelated. This category is applicable to other members of the The age group children are supposed to attend primary school. In Timor- household which are of no relation to any other member in the Leste it is from 6 to 11 years of age. household. This may include persons such as servants, friends and paying and non-paying lodgers. Private Dwelling A dwelling that accommodates a private household Religion CENSUS GLOSSARY CENSUS This item refers to religious affi liation or belief. The following religions Private Household were considered in the 2004 census: Catholic, Islam, Buddhist, Hindu, The defi nition of private household is the same as household. The term Protestant/Evangelical, Traditional, Other. private is used specifi cally to differentiate between private and collective households. Reasons for Moving This item corresponds to a direct question on the reasons for moving, which Relationship to head of household was asked of all migrants. The question was placed after the question on It refers to the relation of each of the residents of a private household to residence in January 1999 and also after the question on residence in July the person allocated to the role of head of the household. The following 2002: If you moved from there, why did you move? The alternatives were: categories were included in the 2004 census: work, education, marriage, family moved, return to family land, violence, 1) Head of Household more secure, temporary housing, and other. These questions represent an 2) Wife/Husband 3) Daughter/Son

110 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT attempt to determine motivation as perceived by the migrant and should person; (c) two or more family nuclei related to each other plus other be considered with caution in any analysis of migration determinants or person(s) related to at least one of the nuclei; and (d) two or more causes. persons related to each other, none of whom constitute any family nucleus Rural 5) Composite Households, which are all those households consisting The classifi cation of sucos into rural and urban is the result of a classifi cation of a family and one or more non-family members or two or more done by the National Statistics Directorate (NSD). Each suco received a score persons that are not related to each other. based on population size, whether or not selected facilities exists (education, health, market, church), and access to water supply and sanitation, electricity, Sub-District radio and television, public administration and transportation services. The Each district is split into between 3 to 7 sub-districts. scoring method was not applied rigorously because it resulted in sucos with small population in the center of Dili being classifi ed as rural, and every Unpaid Work for the Suco Community single suco in some outlying districts as rural. Using the scoring analysis The sum of days in the previous month (June 12 to 11 July, 2004 inclusive) just as a starting point, the NSD waived the requirement for a suco to have a that the adults of the household (15 years of age and older) spent completing population of more than 5,000 to be considered urban, and the requirement activities and tasks for the benefi t of the community. These activities could that every district should have at least 1 urban suco was added. Finally, 406 include working the communal suco land (community farming), repairing sucos were classifi ed as rural and 36 as urban. irrigation systems, roads, or public infrastructure, preparing for local ceremonies and any activities associated with the church. Structure of Households It refers to a combination of household size and relationships among Urban CENSUS GLOSSARY household members. The following types of household structures are See Rural included in the tabulations: 2) One-Person Household Working Language 3) Nuclear Family Household, which consists entirely of a single family The working languages of Timor-Leste are English and Indonesian. They nucleus that could be a married couple with or without children, a have been approved in the Constitution to allow for working communication father with children, or a mother with children purposes until such time as the offi cial languages, Portuguese and Tetum, 4) Extended Households, which form into one of the following are fully integrated (Article 159, Constitution of the People’s Republic of arrangements: (a) a single family nucleus with other relative(s) only; Timor-Leste). (b) two or more family nuclei related to each other without any other


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gy†e2vswe fyfyxe‚y

iii Kisar Map for Urban and Rural Area 012345Kilometers

30 14 23 13 15 17 25 37 18 24 Alor 20 26 27 38 29 16 21 19 28


DILI %U 34 36 LAUTEM %U %U %U 31 BAUCAU %U 32 5


8 33 ERMERA %U BOBONARO 4 9 Suco Classified as Urban %U %U 10 %U Suco Classified as Rural 3 4 MANUFAHI 11 District Boundary Indonesia AINARO %U Town OECUSSE Road %U 1 COVALIMA

2 %U West Timor

iv Director Nacional de Estatística Manuel Mendonça

The Census Project Team 2004

Who Produced the Current Book: Direcção Nacional de Estatística (DNE) and United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA)

International Technical Adviser Allen Harbrow Glenn McKinlay Andreas Demmke Ricardo Neupert

National Coordinator Elias dos Santos

Data Processor Kira Meadows Silvino Lopes

GIS and Mapping Technicians Alipio Cardoso Moniz César Melito dos S. Martins

Demographer Trainee Anastasia SEP Vong

Data Analyst Trainee Manuel da Silva

v Information Technology Offi cer João Correia Freitas

Reviewers Ricardo Neupert Jose Lucas Abilio Belo Caroline meenagh

Editor Domingos FREITAS

Photographs: Domingos Freitas DNE (staff)

vi Preface

To the lay person, a population and housing census appears to be a simple undertaking which consists mainly of counting individuals, collecting information about these individuals and publishing respective numbers. This belief is far from true. In reality, the undertaking of a census is a quite diffi cult endeavor which involves the use of a complex strategy to mobilize both people and resources. Ultimately, it becomes the main source of data that serves a broad variety of information needs such as population size, spatial distribution and demographic, social and economic characteristics of people.

Census data are used for national and sectoral planning, allocating resources, providing roads, making improvements to housing, constructing schools, hospitals and health care centers, and for analyzing both employment and unemployment trends. Good-quality and timely census results are essential in measuring population trends, both guiding and focusing policies and programs, controlling and monitoring implementation, helping set goals and priorities, and lastly, designing funding procedures.

Population and housing censuses are the nucleus of national statistics systems. For the foreseeable future, they will continue to be the main source of data for governments and other organizations in most countries. A unique characteristic of a census is that it is the only source of data for the smallest administrative areas and localities within a country and also for special population groups and trends that change slowly over time. For example, a census allows the study of migrant populations, persons living in disadvantaged areas or circumstances, or households headed by women and other gender-related topics.

For more than three decades, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been playing a leading role in supporting censuses in less-developed countries, many of which could not have conducted their censuses but for the timely assistance provided by UNFPA. This ranges from support for the total cost of the census in some countries, to technical aspects of capacity-building (especially in cartography, data collection, processing, data analysis and dissemination) in others. In this undertaking, UNFPA has been working in close partnership with other international, technical and donor agencies, especially the United Nations Statistics Division, the European Community, the U. S. Bureau of the Census, agencies within the UN system and the UN Regional Commissions. Apart from its direct support at the country level, UNFPA provides regional technical support through a network of Country Technical Services Teams (CSTs). UNFPA’s technical and fi nancial assistance to less developed countries has contributed to successful censuses in many countries and strengthened their capacities to conduct modern censuses. One clear example of this contribution is the Timor-Leste 2004 Population and Housing Census.

Most of the partners mentioned above played an important role in the success of 2004 Timor-Leste Census. It is also important to refer to the generous support of USAid, NZAid, AusAid, and Irish Aid in this process. However, we cannot forget that our main partner is the National Statistics Directorate, and it was this Directorate which conducted the 2004 Census. Neither can we forget the enumerators, supervisors, suco chiefs, district census offi cers, who signifi cantly contributed to the success of the census.

vii It is pertinent to stress that achieving an improved balance between population growth and socioeconomic development is the goal of UNFPA work in the area of population and development. UNFPA helps support country efforts to formulate population and development policies and programs; strengthen national capacity in the area of data collection and analysis; and promote knowledge of the linkages between population variables and economic and social development. These linkages may be found among poverty, environment, migration, urbanization and ageing. In carrying out its mandate, UNFPA attempts to ensure maximum impact on the lives of the poor and especially women. Central to this support is the assistance to conduct, process, analyze and disseminate census information.

The publication of these set of reports containing the results of the 2004 Population and Housing Census by districts is a major accomplishment of the National Statistical Directorate, not only in relation to the magnitude of the effort involved in the production of tables and maps, but also because it will provide users with detailed information on the location of the population and its demographic, social and economic characteristics. Today, more than ever, information on the size and characteristics of the total population of a country is not suffi cient for many purposes. Population data are often needed for administrative subdivisions of a country. The spatial distribution of the population is not even but is dense in some places and sparse in others and the geographic patterns of demographic, social and economic characteristics are often quite complex. These reports will provide a wealth of data to study and analyze those patterns.

viii Contents

Page PREFACE ...... vii


1. Population ...... 1-6 2. Social characteristics ...... 7-14 3. Households ...... 15-22 4. Fertility and mortality ...... 23-33 5. Education and literacy ...... 35-56 6. Economic activity ...... 57-75 7. Disability ...... 75-80 8. Housing ...... 81-91 9. Migration ...... 93-104

Census glossary ...... 105-111


1. POPULATION ...... 1

Table 1.1: Ainaro: Population by type of residence and sex according to age groups ...... 2 Table 1.2: Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to single ages ...... 3 Table 1.3: Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to sub-district and suco ...... 6

ix Contents - continued


Table 2.1: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, by marital status according to sex and age groups ...... 8 Table 2.2: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by religion acording to sex and age groups ...... 10 Table 2.3: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older according to mother tongue ...... 12 Table 2.4: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by capability in offi cial languages and sex according to age groups ...... 14

3. HOUSEHOLDS ...... 15

Table 3.1: Ainaro: Population in private households by marital status according to sex and relationship to the head of the household ...... 16 Table 3.2: Ainaro: Head of private households by marital status according to sex and age groups ...... 18 Table 3.3: Ainaro: Private households by number of residents according to sex and age group of the head of the household ...... 20 Table 3.4: Ainaro: Private households according to sub-district and suco ...... 22


Table 4.1: Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of children ever born according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of children ever born according to sex of the children and age of woman ...... 24

x Contents - continued

Page Table 4.2: Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of living children according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of living children according to sex of the children and age of woman ...... 27 Table 4.3: Ainaro: Women in private households by number of stillbirths according to age of woman ...... 30 Table 4.4: Ainaro: Women in private households, aged 15 to 54 by reported birth in the 12 months prior to the census according to age groups ...... 31 Table 4.5: Ainaro: Women in private households by age at fi rst birth and median age at fi rst birth and by year of ocurrence ...... 32 Table 4.6: Ainaro: Population in private households by survival of parents according to age groups ...... 33


Table 5.1: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment ...... 36 Table 5.2: Ainaro: Population in privale households, 6 years and older by literacy* in any of the offi cial languages according to sex and age group ...... 42 Table 5.3.a: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in Portuguese according to sex and age group ...... 45 Table 5.3.b: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in tetum according to sex and age group ...... 48 Table 5.3.c: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in bahasa according to sex and age group ...... 51 Table 5.3.d: Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in english according to sex and age group ...... 54

xi Contents - continued

Page 6. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ...... 57

Table 6.1: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, by age groups according to sex and current economic activity ...... 58 Table 6.2: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation ...... 61 Table 6.3: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, currently economically active by age group according to sex and industry ...... 66 Table 6.4: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, current economically active, by number of days worked in the week prior to the census day according to sex and age groups ...... 69 Table 6.5: Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, currently economically active, by number of months worked prior to census day, according to sex and age groups ...... 72 Table 6.6: Ainaro: Private households with residents 15 years and older and number of persons 15 years and older by number of unpaid days worked for the suco community ...... 75

7. DISABILITY ...... 77

Table 7.1: Ainaro: Private households by presence of persons with disability (if any) and type of disability according to sex and age of the head of the household ...... 78

xii Contents - continued

Page 8. HOUSING ...... 81

Table 8.1: Ainaro: Private households by type of ownership of the dwelling according to construction material of fl oor, walls and roof ...... 82 Table 8.2: Ainaro: Private dwellings by type of ownership of the dwelling (occupied only) according to construction material of fl oor, walls and roof ...... 83 Table 8.3.a: Ainaro: Private households by construction material of fl oor according to sex and age group of the head of the household ...... 84 Table 8.3.b: Ainaro: Private households by construction material of walls according to sex and age group of the head of the household ...... 86 Table 8.3.c: Ainaro: Private households by construction material of roof according to sex and age group construction material of roof ...... 88 Table 8.4: Ainaro: Private households according to livestock kept and number of persons and amount of livestock in those households ...... 90 Table 8.5: Ainaro: Private households according to crops cultivated and persons in those households ...... 91

9. MIGRATION ...... 93

Table 9.1: Ainaro: Population in private households by place of birth and present residence according to sex and age groups (life-time migration) ...... 94 Table 9.2: Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in January 1999 according to age and sex groups ...... 97 Table 9.3: Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in July 2002 according to to age and sex groups ...... 100 Table 9.4: Ainaro: Population in private households 5 years and older living in Ainaro in 1999 and in another district in 2004 by sex and reason for moving ...... 103 Table 9.5: Ainaro: Population in private households 2 years and older living in Ainaro in 2002 and in another district in 2004 by sex and reason for moving ...... 104

xiii xiv Introduction

As part of its activities of disseminating the 2004 Census of Population and It is important to remember that the census is the only source that provides Housing, the National Statistic Directorate (NSD) has already produced total statistical coverage, from the broadest level (country) to the most local four publications. The fi rst one is a book with the national priority tables, areas, which in the case of the 2004 Census was the suco. It makes it possible containing tables considered by the specialized agencies of the United to study all kind of demographic, social, occupational or ethnic sub-groups at Nations as the most relevant to construct after the census data are processed. the fi nest level. Because of its coverage of the entire country, it is an essential The second publication is a booklet containing selected demographic master sample frame for any household survey. indicators calculated with census data, graphs and maps. The third product is a poster that displays basic population and demographic information. The As mentioned above, census data have been traditionally aggregated by fourth publication is the Census Atlas, a collection of selected thematic maps various types of administrative units. However, there is an increasing demand and tables on population characteristics of Timor-Leste. The natural fi fth for local area data that cut across the local administrative boundaries. For product is a set of books with priority tables at the district level. example assessments of the impact of population on the environment may require such special areas. The spatial units for those types of studies may Census data are used to conduct diverse economic, social and demographic combine a group of small local administrative areas in order to form the studies about the entire country, but are also much utilized to analyze areas required sector. In this situation the availability of census databases with at different levels of aggregations. These are mainly administrative areas mapping capability is of great importance. such as regions, provinces, districts, municipalities, counties, villages or even the so called census enumeration areas or census tracks. Data for local It is fi nally important to mention that a major administrative use of census areas enable the user to obtain statistical information on specifi c localities data is in the delineation of constituencies and the allotment of representation of interest as well as to examine variations among local areas. Typical on governing bodies. Detailed information on spatial distribution of the examples are the use census socioeconomic indicators to rank local areas population is essential for this purpose. Many aspects of the legal or according to their level of socioeconomic development in order to focus administrative status of territorial divisions may also depend on the size of development programs where they are most needed. In other words, not only their populations. the magnitude of population needs is important but also the spatial location of such needs. Local area analysis is also used to compare labor markets in To summarize, there is an ample amount of census data that is used at the order to analyze potential migration streams. Actually, it is the main source level of administrative divisions of countries. In Timor-Leste, the district is of internal migration data. one of the most important of such divisions. Providing information at this level will satisfy many needs. Therefore, as the country faces the challenges The results of population and housing censuses are useful for planning and of planning its future development, it is expected that the publication of the monitoring plans directed to the development of local areas, small towns, set of 13 books, one per district, will be of extensive use by planners, policy- geographic regions, etc. It is also important to remember that, although the makers, researchers and administrators, especially at the local level. It is also implementation of national social and economic development programs is a important to mention that two tables in these publications present data at the function of the state, when it comes to the execution, many national programs sub-district and suco level. are the responsibility of local areas administration.

xv One includes the population by sex and the other the number of households. ideal desired tabulations and the limits imposed by practical considerations. An additional piece of information provided in these tables is the rural or In any case, the National Statistics Directorate is able to produce special urban classifi cation of the suco. tabulations on demand if census data users require tables not included in these publications. Each book contains 8 sections dealing with a diversity of topics: population, It is important to notice that a section on migration was not included in social characteristics, households, fertility and mortality, education and these publications. Data on international migration and migration between literacy, economic activity, disability and housing. districts is presented in the National Priority Tables publication , and it is redundant to present those migration tables also here. Migration within Each section contains several tables, which are considered to contain districts (for example between dub-districts or sucos) is not possible to the most relevant information according to consultations with national obtain because migration data from the census questionnaires was entered and international agencies. As mentioned above, recommendations of only at the district level. specialized agencies of the United Nations were also taken into account. It is likely that some tables considered by some agencies as important were not Two appendices were added at the end of this publication: Appendix A which included. However, these tabulations represent a compromise between the includes a copy of the questionnaires (Tetum and English) and Appendix B which consists of the census glossary.

∗ Nacional Statistics Directorate, Timor-Leste. Census of Population and Housing 2004. National Priority Tables, Dili, 2006

xvi Population

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 1 Table 1.1 Ainaro: Population by type of residence and sex according to age groups

Type of resident

Age groups Total Household Institution

Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 52,480 26,620 25,860 52,476 26,620 25,856 4 0 4 0-4 9,242 4,790 4,452 9,242 4,790 4,452000 5-9 8,115 4,150 3,965 8,115 4,150 3,965000 10-14 6,908 3,632 3,276 6,908 3,632 3,276000 15-19 4,741 2,354 2,387 4,740 2,354 2,386101 20-24 3,755 1,786 1,969 3,755 1,786 1,969000 25-29 3,496 1,685 1,811 3,495 1,685 1,810101 30-34 3,419 1,767 1,652 3,418 1,767 1,651101 35-39 2,857 1,467 1,390 2,857 1,467 1,390000 40-44 2,469 1,153 1,316 2,468 1,153 1,315101 45-49 1,898 902 996 1,898 902 996 0 0 0

POPULATION 50-54 1,828 919 909 1,828 919 909 0 0 0 55-59 1,019 558 461 1,019 558 461 0 0 0 60-64 1,108 582 526 1,108 582 526 0 0 0 65-69 599 309 290 599 309 290 0 0 0 70-74 495 264 231 495 264 231 0 0 0 75 + 531 302 229 531 302 229 0 0 0

2 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 1.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to single ages

Sex Sex Single age Single age Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 52,476 26,620 25,856 20 1,143 552 591 0 1,638 852 786 21 520 254 266 1 1,915 1,003 912 22 828 380 448 2 1,969 996 973 23 577 282 295 3 1,830 953 877 24 687 318 369 4 1,890 986 904 25 895 445 450 5 1,698 846 852 26 501 227 274 6 1,790 950 840 27 584 276 308 7 1,582 799 783 28 818 385 433 8 1,799 932 867 29 697 352 345 9 1,246 623 623

30 1,164 577 587 POPULATION 10 1,850 969 881 31 488 273 215 11 968 504 464 32 728 383 345 12 1,688 908 780 33 382 198 184 13 1,152 605 547 34 656 336 320 14 1,250 646 604 35 1,007 552 455 15 1,149 551 598 36 492 242 250 16 1,058 531 527 37 369 182 187 17 853 439 414 38 543 270 273 18 971 490 481 39 446 221 225 19 709 343 366 continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 3 Table 1.2 (continued) Table 1.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to single ages

Sex Sex Single age Single age Total Male Female Total Male Female

40 1,015 472 543 60 590 318 272 41 283 146 137 61 115 56 59 42 430 203 227 62 134 69 65 43 316 142 174 63 96 41 55 44 424 190 234 64 173 98 75

45 730 348 382 65 289 148 141 46 293 141 152 66 54 27 27 47 228 110 118 67 87 44 43 48 364 176 188 68 98 56 42 49 283 127 156 69 71 34 37

POPULATION 50 825 396 429 70 260 140 120 51 203 105 98 71 48 25 23 52 284 149 135 72 87 44 43 53 170 78 92 73 34 17 17 54 346 191 155 74 66 38 28

55 329 184 145 75 94 49 45 56 208 118 90 76 31 23 8 57 119 65 54 77 13 6 7 58 190 102 88 78 32 16 16 59 173 89 84 79 17 10 7 continued

4 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 1.2 (continued) Table 1.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to single ages

Sex Single age Total Male Female

80 132 71 61 81 11 7 4 82 18 9 9 83 12 10 2 84 15 6 9

85 40 28 12 86 14 10 4 87 10 7 3 88 4 3 1 89 7 4 3

90 + 81 43 38 POPULATION

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 5 Table 1.3 Ainaro: Population in private households by sex according to sub-district and suco

Sex Sex Geographic level Geographic level Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 52,476 26,620 25,856 Sub District Hato Udo 8,817 4,576 4,241 Leolima 4,976 2,536 2,440 Sub District Ainaro 12,640 6,356 6,284 Foho-Ai-Lico 3,841 2,040 1,801 Ainaro * 4,741 2,364 2,377 Suro-Craic 996 511 485 Sub District Maubisse 20,212 10,239 9,973 Soro 1,252 599 653 Maubisse * 4,947 2,500 2,447 Manutasi 1,972 984 988 Manelobas 920 461 459 Cassa 450 224 226 Manetu 2,133 1,097 1,036 Mau-Ulo 954 502 452 Aitutu 5,032 2,545 2,487 Mau-Nuno 2,275 1,172 1,103 Edi 2,305 1,177 1,128 Maulau 2,453 1,231 1,222 Sub District Hatubulica 10,807 5,449 5,358 Horai-Quic 1,188 594 594 Mulo 5,791 2,904 2,887 Suco Liurai 542 286 256 POPULATION Nuno-Mogue 3,038 1,519 1,519 Fatu-Besi 692 348 344 Mau-Chiga 1,978 1,026 952 * Urban Suco


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 7 Table 2.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, by marital status according to sex and age groups

Marital status Sex and age group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

Both sexes 28,211 8,285 17,430 2,243 135 118 15-19 4,740 4,398 319 21 0 2 20-24 3,755 2,035 1,652 39 19 10 25-29 3,495 853 2,531 74 18 19 30-34 3,418 433 2,818 115 30 22 35-39 2,857 232 2,461 137 16 11 40-44 2,468 123 2,072 244 11 18 45-49 1,898 65 1,584 226 13 10 50-54 1,828 36 1,453 327 9 3 55-59 1,019 22 792 192 7 6 60-64 1,108 26 748 321 5 8 65-69 599 16 385 192 2 4 70-74 495 11 307 171 4 2 75 + 531 35 308 184 1 3

SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS SOCIAL Male 14,048 4,773 8,530 668 38 39 15-19 2,354 2,307 37 10 0 0 20-24 1,786 1,305 460 17 3 1 25-29 1,685 583 1,064 25 6 7 30-34 1,767 282 1,429 40 7 9 35-39 1,467 134 1,279 42 7 5 40-44 1,153 69 1,000 71 6 7


8 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 2.1 (continued) Table 2.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, by marital status according to sex and age groups

Marital status Sex and age group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

45-49 902 33 813 50 4 2 50-54 919 9 827 80 1 2 55-59 558 8 492 56 1 1 60-64 582 9 480 88 1 4 65-69 309 8 240 60 0 1 70-74 264 4 199 59 2 0 75 + 302 22 210 70 0 0

Female 14,163 3,512 8,900 1,575 97 79 15-19 2,386 2,091 282 11 0 2 20-24 1,969 730 1,192 22 16 9 25-29 1,810 270 1,467 49 12 12 30-34 1,651 151 1,389 75 23 13 35-39 1,390 98 1,182 95 9 6 40-44 1,315 54 1,072 173 5 11

45-49 996 32 771 176 9 8 SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS 50-54 909 27 626 247 8 1 55-59 461 14 300 136 6 5 60-64 526 17 268 233 4 4 65-69 290 8 145 132 2 3 70-74 231 7 108 112 2 2 75 + 229 13 98 114 1 3

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 9 Table 2.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by religion acording to sex and age groups

Religion Sex and age group Total Catholic Islam Budhist Hindu Protestant Evangelical Traditional Other

Both sexes 41,536 40,827 58 7 4 269 368 3 6-9 6,417 6,337 8 3 0 33 36 0 10-14 6,908 6,832 13 2 1 41 17 2 15-19 4,740 4,697 10 1 1 19 12 0 20-24 3,755 3,711 7 0 1 29 7 0 25-29 3,495 3,448 7 1 0 29 10 0 30-34 3,418 3,379 5 0 0 25 9 0 35-39 2,857 2,828 3 0 0 18 8 0 40-44 2,468 2,423 2 0 1 14 28 0 45-49 1,898 1,847 1 0 0 14 36 0 50-54 1,828 1,787 0 0 0 13 28 0 55-59 1,019 982 1 0 0 8 28 0 60-64 1,108 1,049 0 0 0 10 49 0 65-69 599 551 1 0 0 7 40 0 70-74 495 465 0 0 0 5 25 0

SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS SOCIAL 75 + 531 491 0 0 0 4 35 1

Male 20,984 20,617 23 5 3 143 190 3 6-9 3,304 3,259 3 2 0 21 19 0 10-14 3,632 3,590 4 2 0 22 12 2 15-19 2,354 2,330 6 0 1 10 7 0 20-24 1,786 1,766 3 0 1 13 3 0 25-29 1,685 1,657 2 1 0 17 8 0 30-34 1,767 1,751 2 0 0 10 4 0 35-39 1,467 1,450 2 0 0 12 3 0


10 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 2.2 (continued) Table 2.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by religion acording to sex and age groups

Religion Sex and age group Total Catholic Islam Budhist Hindu Protestant Evangelical Traditional Other

40-44 1,153 1,135 1 0 1 5 11 0 45-49 902 882 0 0 0 6 14 0 50-54 919 897 0 0 0 6 16 0 55-59 558 537 0 0 0 6 15 0 60-64 582 560 0 0 0 3 19 0 65-69 309 282 0 0 0 6 21 0 70-74 264 247 0 0 0 3 14 0 75 + 302 274 0 0 0 3 24 1

Female 20,552 20,210 35 2 1 126 178 0 6-9 3,113 3,078 5 1 0 12 17 0 10-14 3,276 3,242 9 0 1 19 5 0 15-19 2,386 2,367 4 1 0 9 5 0 20-24 1,969 1,945 4 0 0 16 4 0 25-29 1,810 1,791 5 0 0 12 2 0

30-34 1,651 1,628 3 0 0 15 5 0 SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS 35-39 1,390 1,378 1 0 0 6 5 0 40-44 1,315 1,288 1 0 0 9 17 0 45-49 996 965 1 0 0 8 22 0 50-54 909 890 0 0 0 7 12 0 55-59 461 445 1 0 0 2 13 0 60-64 526 489 0 0 0 7 30 0 65-69 290 269 1 0 0 1 19 0 70-74 231 218 0 0 0 2 11 0 75 + 229 217 0 0 0 1 11 0

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 11 Table 2.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older according to mother tongue

Age group Mother tongue Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Total 41,536 6,417 6,908 4,740 3,755 3,495 3,418 2,857 2,468 1,898 1,828 1,019 1,108 599 495 531

Portuguese 16323110020220000 Tetum 2,860 640 615 375 273 244 188 153 101 78 65 41 26 26 14 21 Indonesian 17102342311000000 English 9232101000000000

Adabe 0000000000000000 Atauran 11311100000311000 Atoni 1001000000000000 Baikenu 6100211000000001 Bekais 0000000000000000 Bunak 3,332 384 443 351 320 344 321 218 215 153 185 79 131 69 65 54 Dadu’a 7120100110010000 Fataluku 48773674422211101

SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS SOCIAL Galoli 9231020000000100 Habun 1010000000000000 Idalaka 0000000000000000 Idate 9002111102010000 Isni 6001201000110000 Kairui 1001000000000000


12 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 2.3 (continued) Table 2.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older according to mother tongue

Age group Mother tongue Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Kawaimina 1000000010000000 Kemák 454 54 53 45 38 43 38 32 41 27 30 15 16 10 6 6 Lakalei 6020010111000000 Lolein 13312100101111010 Makalero 12531010100010000 Makasai 6586651510561300000 Makuva 10111132100000000 Mambai 33,013 4,870 5,411 3,719 2,944 2,735 2,725 2,362 2,047 1,595 1,505 870 919 483 397 431 Midiki 0000000000000000 Nanaek 0000000000000000 Naueti 6001010111001000 Rahesuk 4000001200100000 Raklungu 0000000000000000 Resuk 0000000000000000 Tetum Prasa 1,569 429 350 221 149 87 113 67 45 31 294971117

Tetum-terik 23001225242002210SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS Tokodede 6120001002000000 Waima’ a 9200312100000000 Malay 3000011000100000 Chinese 9020111101011000 Other 0000000000000000

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 13 Table 2.4 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by capability in offi cial languages and sex according to age groups

Capability in offi cial languages by sex

Age group Portuguese Tetum Indonesia English None of these

Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female

Total 12,574 7,024 5,550 39,304 19,996 19,308 23,303 12,636 10,667 6,512 3,453 3,059 2,122 936 1,186 6-9 1,029 482 547 5,436 2,795 2,641 2,029 1,006 1,023 427 189 238 948 492 456 10-14 2,590 1,304 1,286 6,530 3,441 3,089 4,086 2,080 2,006 978 488 490 361 184 177 15-19 2,353 1,144 1,209 4,629 2,293 2,336 3,582 1,759 1,823 1,396 647 749 105 55 50 20-24 1,404 734 670 3,692 1,760 1,932 2,879 1,412 1,467 986 497 489 53 23 30 25-29 1,175 615 560 3,451 1,673 1,778 2,735 1,390 1,345 771 405 366 39 10 29 30-34 1,201 739 462 3,372 1,754 1,618 2,582 1,515 1,067 767 457 310 40 9 31 35-39 927 622 305 2,797 1,451 1,346 1,840 1,159 681 523 327 196 54 15 39 40-44 625 432 193 2,403 1,130 1,273 1,271 789 482 283 185 98 59 19 40 45-49 419 293 126 1,839 885 954 792 510 282 170 120 50 58 17 41 50-54 320 228 92 1,744 898 846 641 409 232 105 66 39 79 19 60 55-59 196 162 34 958 537 421 325 231 94 59 43 16 54 18 36 60-64 146 119 27 1,007 550 457 268 190 78 27 16 11 100 32 68 65-69 82 62 20 542 291 251 124 83 41 17 10 7 53 17 36

SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS SOCIAL 70-74 48 41 7 436 251 185 70 47 23 2 2 0 58 12 46 75 + 59 47 12 468 287 181 79 56 23 1 1 0 61 14 47


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 15 Table 3.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by marital status according to sex and relationship to the head of the household

Marital status Sex and relationship of the head of the household Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

Both sexes 52,476 32,550 17,430 2,243 135 118

Head 11,527 810 8,910 1,644 95 68 Wife/Husband 7,985 0 7,985000 Daughter/Son 27,885 27,700 96 64 17 8 Stepchild/adopted child 1,047 1,030 14201 Daughter-in-law/son-in-law 147 64 51 32 0 0 Mother/Father 421 31 95 284 6 5 Sister/Brother 1,579 1,302 137 105 9 26 Grandchild 882 869 10210 Grandparent 66 6 19 37 0 4 Other relative 922 728 109 72 7 6

HOUSEHOLDS Non relative 15 104100

Male 26,620 17,345 8,530 668 38 39

Head 9,539 660 8,279 547 32 21 Wife/Husband 55 0 55000 Daughter/Son 14,515 14,463 27 22 1 2 Stepchild/adopted child 604 5977000 continued

16 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 3.1 (continued) Table 3.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by marital status according to sex and relationship to the head of the household

Marital status Sex and relationship of the head of the household Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

Daughter-in-law/son-in-law 72 37 28700 Mother/Father 68 6 24 38 0 0 Sister/Brother 778 686 51 25 3 13 Grandchild 478 4752100 Grandparent 18 3 5 10 0 0 Other relative 486 414 49 18 2 3 Non relative 743000

Female 25,856 15,205 8,900 1,575 97 79

Head 1,988 150 631 1,097 63 47 Wife/Husband 7,930 0 7,930000

Daughter/Son 13,370 13,237 69 42 16 6 HOUSEHOLDS Stepchild/adopted child 443 4337201 Daughter-in-law/son-in-law 75 27 23 25 0 0 Mother/Father 353 25 71 246 6 5 Sister/Brother 801 616 86 80 6 13 Grandchild 404 3948110 Grandparent 48 3 14 27 0 4 Other relative 436 314 60 54 5 3 Non relative 861100

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 17 Table 3.2 Ainaro: Head of private households by marital status according to sex and age groups

Marital status Sex and age group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

Both sexes 11,527 810 8,910 1,644 95 68 15-19 144 101 39 2 0 2 20-24 723 202 486 22 7 6 25-29 1,343 180 1,080 61 12 10 30-34 1,706 127 1,462 85 21 11 35-39 1,534 79 1,313 120 14 8 40-44 1,333 45 1,059 207 10 12 45-49 1,080 31 852 178 13 6 50-54 1,152 8 881 257 5 1 55-59 689 9 523 148 6 3 60-64 756 11 512 222 5 6 65-69 411 10 265 134 0 2 HOUSEHOLDS 70-74 329 3 217 106 2 1 75 + 327 4 221 102 0 0

Male 9,539 660 8,279 547 32 21 15-19 111 82 28 1 0 0 20-24 627 185 432 8 1 1 25-29 1,209 155 1,025 21 5 3 30-34 1,539 102 1,393 34 7 3 35-39 1,347 59 1,244 34 7 3 40-44 1,093 34 983 67 5 4 continued

18 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 3.2 (continued) Table 3.2 Ainaro: Head of private households by marital status according to sex and age groups

Marital status Sex and age group Total Never married Married Widowed Divorced Separated

45-49 857 18 794 40 4 1 50-54 882 4 806 72 0 0 55-59 539 6 484 48 0 1 60-64 556 6 468 77 1 4 65-69 291 6 233 51 0 1 70-74 240 2 191 45 2 0 75 + 248 1 198 49 0 0

Female 1,988 150 631 1,097 63 47 15-19 33 19 11 1 0 2 20-24 96 17 54 14 6 5 25-29 134 25 55 40 7 7 HOUSEHOLDS 30-34 167 25 69 51 14 8 35-39 187 20 69 86 7 5 40-44 240 11 76 140 5 8 45-49 223 13 58 138 9 5 50-54 270 4 75 185 5 1 55-59 150 3 39 100 6 2 60-64 200 5 44 145 4 2 65-69 120 4 32 83 0 1 70-74 89 1 26 61 0 1 75 + 79 3 23 53 0 0

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 19 Table 3.3 Ainaro: Private households by number of residents according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Number of residents Sex and age group Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +

Both sexes 11,527 990 1,640 1,765 1,719 1,628 1,321 2,464 15-19 144 47 46 348603 20-24 723 114 200 201 128 43 15 22 25-29 1,343 103 192 276 294 255 116 107 30-34 1,706 94 143 206 304 319 275 365 35-39 1,534 72 98 143 193 255 259 514 40-44 1,333 68 126 137 137 173 186 506 45-49 1,080 72 104 132 130 142 135 365 50-54 1,152 98 179 174 163 149 122 267 55-59 689 59 104 112 98 90 84 142 60-64 756 112 156 131 105 91 63 98 65-69 411 59 103 80 59 43 31 36 HOUSEHOLDS 70-74 329 51 94 70 49 30 14 21 75 + 327 41 95 69 51 32 21 18

Male 9,539 607 1,056 1,332 1,465 1,489 1,228 2,362 15-19 111 39 31 286502 20-24 627 102 168 172 112 41 14 18 25-29 1,209 91 159 237 272 237 111 102 30-34 1,539 73 105 172 284 296 264 345 35-39 1,347 48 59 108 166 235 239 492 40-44 1,093 42 68 80 102 151 170 480 45-49 857 33 53 75 90 125 121 360 continued

20 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 3.3 (continued) Table 3.3 Ainaro: Private households by number of residents according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Number of residents Sex and age group Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +

50-54 882 37 88 121 129 137 113 257 55-59 539 21 52 87 80 83 76 140 60-64 556 47 92 86 95 86 56 94 65-69 291 25 59 60 46 39 29 33 70-74 240 25 62 55 40 23 14 21 75 + 248 24 60 51 43 31 21 18

Female 1,988 383 584 433 254 139 93 102 15-19 33 8 15 62101 20-24 96 12 32 29 16 2 1 4 25-29 134 12 33 39 22 18 5 5 30-34 167 21 38 34 20 23 11 20 HOUSEHOLDS 35-39 187 24 39 35 27 20 20 22 40-44 240 26 58 57 35 22 16 26 45-49 223 39 51 57 40 17 14 5 50-54 270 61 91 53 34 12 9 10 55-59 150 38 52 25 18 7 8 2 60-64 200 65 64 45 10 5 7 4 65-69 120 34 44 20 13 4 2 3 70-74 89 26 32 15 9 7 0 0 75 +791735188 1 0 0

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 21 Table 3.4 Ainaro: Private households according to sub-district and suco

Geographic level Households Geographic level Households

Total 11,527 Sub District Hato-Udo 2,130 Leolima 1,174 Sub District Ainaro 2,636 Foho-Ai-Lico 956 Ainaro * 937 Suro-Craic 192 Sub District Maubisse 4,429 Soro 283 Maubisse * 1,044 Manutasi 402 Manelobas 192 Cassa 99 Manetu 420 Mau-Ulo 179 Aitutu 1,109 Mau-Nuno 544 Edi 550 Maulau 548 Sub District Hatubuilico 2,332 Horai-Quic 274 Mulo 1,218 Suco Liurai 127 HOUSEHOLDS Nuno-Mogue 641 Fatu-Besi 165 Mau-Chiga 473 * Urban Suco


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 23 Table 4.1 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of children ever born according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of children ever born according to sex of the children and age of woman

Number of children ever born Total Children Sex of child and age number of per group of mother Total None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+ children woman

Children, both sexes 14,163 4,533 933 987 1,099 1,018 1,031 1,025 906 825 667 471 308 360 53,311 3.8 15-19 2,386 2,200 118 30 13 8 5 4 3 3 0 1 1 0 364 0.2 20-24 1,969 908 332 309 225 86 44 33 19 6 6 1 0 0 2,632 1.3 25-29 1,810 363 147 223 304 277 221 138 68 32 21 8 5 3 5,643 3.1 30-34 1,651 249 80 122 149 195 237 198 167 130 56 33 15 20 7,399 4.5 35-39 1,390 165 47 61 95 93 137 166 164 140 136 81 51 54 8,053 5.8 40-44 1,315 133 38 67 69 78 114 134 156 153 143 104 59 67 8,239 6.3 45-49 996 92 40 32 69 78 72 87 100 124 111 72 60 59 6,350 6.4 50-54 909 115 40 35 69 76 74 94 83 97 66 71 36 53 5,307 5.8 55-59 461 51 19 28 34 37 35 64 40 32 37 29 29 26 2,689 5.8 60-64 526 87 33 31 29 43 37 48 43 45 39 35 24 32 2,880 5.5 65-69 290 53 17 24 16 19 28 21 24 22 14 16 15 21 1,529 5.3 70-74 231 48 10 15 18 15 12 18 22 25 20 11 8 9 1,165 5.0 75 + 229 69 12 10 9 13 15 20 17 16 18 9 5 16 1,061 4.6 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY continued

24 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.1 (continued) Table 4.1 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of children ever born according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of children ever born according to sex of the children and age of woman

Number of children ever born Total Children Sex of child and age number of per group of mother Total None 123456789101112+children woman

Children, Male 14,163 5,380 1,986 1,842 1,655 1,354 916 556 254 128 60 20 6 6 27,654 2.0 15-19 2,386 2,268 80 22 7 3 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 191 0.1 20-24 1,969 1,178 443 207 81 37 11 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 1,378 0.7 25-29 1,810 520 441 398 255 128 45 17 3 1 1 1 0 0 2,889 1.6 30-34 1,651 351 263 313 283 219 146 46 17 7 3 2 0 1 3,856 2.3 35-39 1,390 215 175 200 233 243 146 99 44 21 14 0 0 0 4,172 3.0 40-44 1,315 180 136 179 238 221 166 97 55 23 10 6 2 2 4,271 3.2 45-49 996 126 106 149 157 149 136 91 42 21 16 2 0 1 3,336 3.3 50-54 909 139 123 138 159 119 92 72 38 24 4 1 0 0 2,748 3.0 55-59 461 73 59 68 82 66 50 39 13 6 3 0 2 0 1,377 3.0 60-64 526 118 61 90 55 71 58 41 17 7 1 5 0 2 1,486 2.8 65-69 290 75 40 35 40 33 24 21 7 6 5 2 2 0 792 2.7 70-74 231 60 36 20 33 33 24 11 6 6 1 1 0 0 602 2.6 75 + 229 77 23 23 32 32 16 9 9 6 2 0 0 0 556 2.4 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 25 Table 4.1 (continued) Table 4.1 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of children ever born according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of children ever born according to sex of the children and age of woman

Number of children ever born Total Children Sex of child and age number of per group of mother Total None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+ children woman

Children, Female 14,163 5,578 2,063 1,994 1,610 1,290 798 429 240 109 30 13 8 1 25,657 1.8 15-19 2,386 2,276 76 18 8 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173 0.1 20-24 1,969 1,199 443 213 88 13 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,254 0.6 25-29 1,810 578 414 402 233 118 41 12 8 4 0 0 0 0 2,754 1.5 30-34 1,651 360 317 336 274 195 98 46 15 9 1 0 0 0 3,543 2.1 35-39 1,390 226 198 229 234 217 152 72 40 19 1 0 2 0 3,881 2.8 40-44 1,315 199 165 204 214 219 143 89 47 21 10 3 1 0 3,968 3.0 45-49 996 147 118 163 181 144 113 62 42 17 7 1 1 0 3,014 3.0 50-54 909 177 111 142 144 140 95 47 30 13 3 4 2 1 2,559 2.8 55-59 461 81 54 82 79 64 44 28 20 8 1 0 0 0 1,312 2.8 60-64 526 122 73 78 64 84 46 30 16 6 4 2 1 0 1,394 2.7 65-69 290 72 37 54 41 31 20 15 9 8 2 1 0 0 737 2.5 70-74 231 59 32 39 27 36 15 12 8 2 1 0 0 0 563 2.4 75 + 229 82 25 34 23 26 17 12 5 2 0 2 1 0 505 2.2 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY

26 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.2 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of living children according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of living children according to sex of the children and age of woman

Never Total Children Sex of child and age Number of living children Total had a number of per group of mother birth 0123456789101112+children woman

Children, both sexes 14,163 4,533 261 1,281 1,467 1,566 1,404 1,237 962 675 439 164 93 48 33 38,093 2.7 15-19 2,386 2,200 9 119 27 14 7 7 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 301 0.1 20-24 1,969 908 35 339 348 208 69 33 16 10 3 0 0 0 0 2,290 1.2 25-29 1,810 363 12 187 294 368 288 170 78 26 16 5 0 3 0 4,737 2.6 30-34 1,651 249 7 112 175 223 260 271 165 108 42 21 11 0 7 5,999 3.6 35-39 1,390 165 20 59 99 148 163 212 198 152 106 31 22 8 7 6,190 4.5 40-44 1,315 133 25 68 103 138 167 183 176 129 109 39 29 11 5 5,933 4.5 45-49 996 92 21 83 100 129 133 120 119 89 60 28 9 10 3 4,108 4.1 50-54 909 115 38 97 86 135 111 85 87 68 49 16 9 7 6 3,325 3.7 55-59 461 51 22 54 83 60 58 33 24 39 21 12 1 2 1 1,534 3.3 60-64 526 87 29 70 59 61 68 59 47 18 12 5 6 3 2 1,608 3.1 65-69 290 53 18 40 43 31 30 22 22 16 5 5 3 1 1 833 2.9 70-74 231 48 10 37 26 26 28 18 16 12 8 0 1 0 1 636 2.8

75 + 229 69 15 16 24 25 22 24 13 7 8 2 1 3 0 599 2.6 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 27 Table 4.2 (continued) Table 4.2 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of living children according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of living children according to sex of the children and age of woman

Never Total Children Sex of child and age Number of living children Total had a number of per group of mother birth 0123456789101112+children woman

Children, Male 14,163 5,380 615 2,685 2,232 1,646 912 423 180 52 24 12 2 0 0 19,614 1.4 15-19 2,386 2,268 10 78 21 4 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 0.1 20-24 1,969 1,178 40 454 203 63 19 7 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 1,191 0.6 25-29 1,810 520 59 516 382 230 75 24 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 2,416 1.3 30-34 1,651 351 53 334 371 291 160 70 13 4 3 1 0 0 0 3,078 1.9 35-39 1,390 215 52 242 271 277 189 86 37 13 4 4 0 0 0 3,182 2.3 40-44 1,315 180 69 224 272 255 168 87 40 12 3 4 1 0 0 3,034 2.3 45-49 996 126 64 223 193 194 106 45 35 5 4 1 0 0 0 2,126 2.1 50-54 909 139 78 215 204 113 75 52 22 8 2 1 0 0 0 1,735 1.9 55-59 461 73 56 117 92 60 31 20 6 3 3 0 0 0 0 786 1.7 60-64 526 118 48 124 102 71 41 9 6 2 3 1 1 0 0 843 1.6 65-69 290 75 34 65 43 31 19 13 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 448 1.5 70-74 231 60 33 49 40 28 14 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 306 1.3

FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY 75 + 229 77 19 44 38 29 12 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 314 1.4


28 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.2 (continued) Table 4.2 Ainaro: Women in private households, 15 years and older, by number of living children according to sex of children and age of the woman and total number of living children according to sex of the children and age of woman

Never Total Children Sex of child and age Number of living children Total had a number of per group of mother birth 0123456789101112+children woman

Children, Female 14,163 5,578 667 2,691 2,289 1,478 865 368 149 51 21 4 1 1 0 18,479 1.3 15-19 2,386 2,276 3 81 16 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146 0.1 20-24 1,969 1,199 43 452 198 62 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,099 0.6 25-29 1,810 578 56 477 406 188 71 23 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 2,321 1.3 30-34 1,651 360 55 382 371 259 140 55 20 7 2 0 0 0 0 2,921 1.8 35-39 1,390 226 48 265 300 240 189 78 34 7 3 0 0 0 0 3,008 2.2 40-44 1,315 199 72 228 275 258 158 66 38 14 4 3 0 0 0 2,899 2.2 45-49 996 147 79 220 224 135 101 54 22 10 3 1 0 0 0 1,982 2.0 50-54 909 177 94 193 183 126 72 41 12 5 4 0 1 1 0 1,590 1.7 55-59 461 81 51 125 95 45 37 15 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 748 1.6 60-64 526 122 65 111 109 69 30 16 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 765 1.5 65-69 290 72 47 61 47 36 20 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 385 1.3 70-74 231 59 30 54 35 21 22 6 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 330 1.4

75 + 229 82 24 42 30 31 14 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 285 1.2 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 29 Table 4.3 Ainaro: Women in private households by number of stillbirths according to age of woman

Number of still births Total number Age group Total None 12345678 of stillbirths

Total 14,163 12,406 1,282 339 88 35 8 3 2 0 2,436 15-19 2,386 2,375 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13 20-24 1,969 1,912 52 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 25-29 1,810 1,653 129 19 3 5 0 1 0 0 202 30-34 1,651 1,398 183 58 8 3 0 1 0 0 341 35-39 1,390 1,123 193 47 16 9 1 0 1 0 383 40-44 1,315 1,026 215 50 16 4 4 0 0 0 399 45-49 996 748 170 52 18 6 1 0 1 0 364 50-54 909 734 116 45 8 4 2 0 0 0 256 55-59 461 370 62 23 6 0 0 0 0 0 126 60-64 526 435 67 18 4 2 0 0 0 0 123 65-69 290 235 44 5 5 0 0 1 0 0 75 70-74 231 203 13 11 3 1 0 0 0 0 48 75 + 229 194 28 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 44 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY

30 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.4 Ainaro: Women in private households, aged 15 to 54 by reported birth in the 12 months prior to the census according to age groups

Women reporting births Age group Total women in past year

Total 12,426 2,451 15-19 2,386 123 20-24 1,969 551 25-29 1,810 669 30-34 1,651 548 35-39 1,390 332 40-44 1,315 177 45-49 996 40 50-54 909 11 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 31 Table 4.5 Ainaro: Women in private households by age at fi rst birth and median age at fi rst birth and by year of ocurrence

1954 Age at fi rst Quinquenium Total and birth 2004-2000 1999-1995 1994-1990 1989-1985 1984-1980 1979-1975 1974-1970 1969-1965 1964-1960 1959-1955 earlier

Total 9,630 1,500 1,827 1,394 1,171 1,172 743 745 485 314 152 127 <151773142825262627154 72 15 483 27 67 59 76 59 48 61 46 11 21 8 16 667 56 76 96 82 108 67 85 32 41 12 12 17 747 123 128 121 99 103 60 42 30 17 12 12 18 823 164 153 137 79 105 39 68 36 25 11 6 19 777 168 154 107 85 100 70 47 26 13 2 5 20 839 155 160 118 104 97 63 78 21 29 9 5 21 771 170 182 96 84 89 59 34 21 17 6 13 22 652 122 167 107 80 71 36 30 18 16 5 0 23 521 80 134 66 75 68 33 22 24 11 5 3 24 473 92 95 68 45 51 34 36 38 9 3 2 25 422 64 89 67 53 51 23 29 20 16 7 3 26 421 75 82 61 52 43 27 31 18 20 4 8 27 323 55 75 48 42 31 24 15 17 6 9 1 28 269 40 57 31 34 34 14 23 14 15 5 2 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY AND FERTILITY 29 201 24 34 31 28 23 14 18 17 8 1 3 30+ 1,064 82 160 153 128 113 106 99 92 56 33 42

Median age at fi rst birth 20.4 20.3 20.9 20.3 20.4 19.9 20.0 19.5 21.9 21.0 20.2 22.2

32 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 4.6 Ainaro: Population in private households by survival of parents according to age groups

Survival of parents

Age group Father Mother Total Both alive One alive Both deceased Alive Deceased Alive Deceased

Total 52,476 35,146 17,330 37,563 14,913 32,399 7,911 12,166 0-4 9,242 9,113 129 9,149 93 9,026 210 6 5-9 8,115 7,800 315 7,882 233 7,601 480 34 10-14 6,908 6,465 443 6,597 311 6,198 666 44 15-19 4,740 4,154 586 4,305 435 3,851 757 132 20-24 3,755 2,735 1,020 3,044 711 2,380 1,019 356 25-29 3,495 1,815 1,680 2,211 1,284 1,402 1,222 871 30-34 3,418 1,296 2,122 1,711 1,707 885 1,237 1,296 35-39 2,857 788 2,069 1,124 1,733 488 936 1,433 40-44 2,468 440 2,028 678 1,790 252 614 1,602 45-49 1,898 225 1,673 366 1,532 123 345 1,430 50-54 1,828 119 1,709 221 1,607 64 212 1,552 55-59 1,019 52 967 91 928 28 87 904 60-64 1,108 61 1,047 78 1,030 41 57 1,010

65-69 599 30 569 42 557 20 32 547 FERTILITY AND MORTALITY 70-74 495 15 480 22 473 10 17 468 75 + 531 38 493 42 489 30 20 481


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 35 Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Both sexes 41,536 6,417 6,908 4,740 3,755 3,495 3,418 2,857 2,468 1,898 1,828 1,019 1,108 1,625

No schooling 2,308 464 341 134 145 95 141 150 197 161 162 96 98 124

Primary school 11,844 2,089 3,880 1,702 1,039 1,003 776 495 335 187 152 73 48 65 Years of study 1 1,568 906 352 60 54 47 33 44 27 15 20 2 3 5 2 2,126 642 732 177 107 107 105 79 66 31 32 16 16 16 3 2,009 391 823 231 148 107 88 68 55 31 32 12 10 13 4 1,922 150 871 280 166 142 99 66 57 36 23 9 7 16 5 1,658 0 639 385 195 191 123 57 33 18 10 3 0 4 6+ 2,561 0 463 569 369 409 328 181 97 56 35 31 12 11

Secondary school 6,426 0 395 1,474 1,207 1,036 1,103 712 271 115 62 24 12 15 Years of study 1 877 0 187 288 122 98 92 46 23 10 4 4 1 2 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION 2 1,219 0 135 454 213 147 150 63 28 14 5 1 5 4 3 1,717 0 73 414 310 282 323 200 57 32 13 7 4 2 4 160 0 0 75 39 15 20 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 296 0 0 92 94 40 31 25 7 5 1 1 0 0 6+ 2,157 0 0 151 429 454 487 371 152 54 39 11 2 7


36 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Tertiary education 452 0 0 84 66 97 78 40 26 16 15 10 7 13 Years of study 1 52001014993212200 2 298 0 0 74 45 48 39 25 16 11 12 8 7 13 3 36000411105420000 4 210001963110000 5+ 45000220144311000

Received diploma, either 2,552 0 0 178 495 551 565 411 178 70 54 21 9 20 junior or senior high school

Received degree or certifi cate 66000329207421000 tertiary education

Education not stated 20,506 3,864 2,292 1,346 1,298 1,264 1,320 1,460 1,639 1,419 1,437 816 943 1,408 EDUCATION AND LITERACY


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 37 Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Male 20,984 3,304 3,632 2,354 1,786 1,685 1,767 1,467 1,153 902 919 558 582 875

No schooling 1,107 248 174 62 65 41 60 63 75 64 90 46 52 67

Primary school 6,666 1,056 2,072 939 544 563 486 338 261 140 116 61 40 50 Years of study 1 875 486 195 28 25 25 23 35 23 11 16 2 2 4 2 1,188 314 416 103 58 60 55 58 45 21 20 12 13 13 3 1,142 188 459 142 68 62 63 43 39 23 25 11 9 10 4 1,119 68 471 157 101 89 71 38 50 31 17 8 5 13 5 893 0 307 212 107 115 67 37 23 12 8 3 0 2 6+ 1,449 0 224 297 185 212 207 127 81 42 30 25 11 8

Secondary school 3,507 0 184 662 607 520 662 500 195 91 48 19 7 12 Years of study 1 475 0 84 150 54 56 66 28 17 9 4 4 1 2 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION 2 645 0 62 209 114 81 99 41 20 13 4 0 1 1 3 938 0 38 180 144 141 193 155 41 25 11 5 3 2 4 750029185127400000 5 152 0 0 39 54 16 16 14 7 4 1 1 0 0 6+ 1,222 0 0 55 223 221 276 255 106 40 28 9 2 7


38 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Tertiary education 246 0 0 44 21 51 55 32 12 9 7 4 3 8 Years of study 1 180032361101100 2 154 0 0 41 17 24 23 19 5 5 6 3 3 8 3 240001485420000 4 160000663010000 5+ 34000114124210000

Received diploma, either 1,448 0 0 79 244 272 331 287 118 49 35 13 5 15 junior or senior high school

Received degree or certifi cate 50000120187220000 tertiary education

Education not stated 9,458 2,000 1,202 647 549 510 504 534 610 598 658 428 480 738 EDUCATION AND LITERACY


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 39 Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Female 20,552 3,113 3,276 2,386 1,969 1,810 1,651 1,390 1,315 996 909 461 526 750

No schooling 1,201 216 167 72 80 54 81 87 122 97 72 50 46 57

Primary school 5,178 1,033 1,808 763 495 440 290 157 74 47 36 12 8 15 Years of study 1 693 420 157 32 29 22 10 9 4 4 4 0 1 1 2 938 328 316 74 49 47 50 21 21 10 12 4 3 3 3 867 203 364 89 80 45 25 25 16 8 7 1 1 3 4 803 82 400 123 65 53 28 28 7 5 6 1 2 3 5 765 0 332 173 88 76 56 20 10 6 2 0 0 2 6+ 1,112 0 239 272 184 197 121 54 16 14 5 6 1 3

Secondary school 2,919 0 211 812 600 516 441 212 76 24 14 5 5 3 Years of study 1 402 0 103 138 68 42 26 18 6 1 0 0 0 0 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION 2 574 0 73 245 99 66 51 22 8 1 1 1 4 3 3 779 0 35 234 166 141 130 45 16 7 2 2 1 0 4 850046211080000000 5 144 0 0 53 40 24 15 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 6+ 935 0 0 96 206 233 211 116 46 14 11 2 0 0 continued

40 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.1 (continued) Table 5.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by age groups according to sex and educational attainment

Sex and education Age group attainment Total 6-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65 +

Tertiary education 206 0 0 40 45 46 23 8 14 7 8 6 4 5 Years of study 1 3400712632111100 2 144 0 0 33 28 24 16 6 11 6 6 5 4 5 3 120003720000000 4 50001300100000 5+ 110001620101000

Received diploma, either 1,104 0 0 99 251 279 234 124 60 21 19 8 4 5 junior or senior high school

Received degree or certifi cate 160002920201000 tertiary education

Education not stated 11,048 1,864 1,090 699 749 754 816 926 1,029 821 779 388 463 670 EDUCATION AND LITERACY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 41 Table 5.2 Ainaro: Population in privale households, 6 years and older by literacy* in any of the offi cial languages according to sex and age group

Literacy Sex and age group Total Iliterate Literate

Both sexes 41,536 26,149 15,387 6-9 6,417 5,384 1,033 10-14 6,908 3,888 3,020 15-19 4,740 1,798 2,942 20-24 3,755 1,713 2,042 25-29 3,495 1,681 1,814 30-34 3,418 1,670 1,748 35-39 2,857 1,727 1,130 40-44 2,468 1,819 649 45-49 1,898 1,501 397 50-54 1,828 1,545 283 55-59 1,019 871 148 60-64 1,108 1,019 89 65 + 1,625 1,533 92

* Literacy a person who know how to read and write EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION continued

42 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.2 (continued) Table 5.2 Ainaro: Population in privale households, 6 years and older by literacy* in any of the offi cial languages according to sex and age group

Literacy Sex and age group Total Iliterate Literate

Male 20,984 12,701 8,283 6-9 3,304 2,846 458 10-14 3,632 2,125 1,507 15-19 2,354 917 1,437 20-24 1,786 764 1,022 25-29 1,685 752 933 30-34 1,767 721 1,046 35-39 1,467 723 744 40-44 1,153 717 436 45-49 902 637 265 50-54 919 730 189 55-59 558 453 105 60-64 582 512 70 65 + 875 804 71


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 43 Table 5.2 (continued) Table 5.2 Ainaro: Population in privale households, 6 years and older by literacy* in any of the offi cial languages according to sex and age group

Literacy Sex and age group Total Iliterate Literate

Female 20,552 13,448 7,104 6-9 3,113 2,538 575 10-14 3,276 1,763 1,513 15-19 2,386 881 1,505 20-24 1,969 949 1,020 25-29 1,810 929 881 30-34 1,651 949 702 35-39 1,390 1,004 386 40-44 1,315 1,102 213 45-49 996 864 132 50-54 909 815 94 55-59 461 418 43 60-64 526 507 19 65 + 750 729 21 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION

44 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.a Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in portuguese according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Both sexes 41,536 28,962 2,044 5,420 694 4,416 6-9 6,417 5,388 207 583 44 195 10-14 6,908 4,318 368 1,370 151 701 15-19 4,740 2,387 201 1,083 132 937 20-24 3,755 2,351 165 683 104 452 25-29 3,495 2,320 142 606 82 345 30-34 3,418 2,217 166 598 73 364 35-39 2,857 1,930 156 290 65 416 40-44 2,468 1,843 138 93 17 377 45-49 1,898 1,479 108 44 9 258 50-54 1,828 1,508 115 29 9 167 55-59 1,019 823 84 15 2 95 60-64 1,108 962 86 9 3 48 65 + 1,625 1,436 108 17 3 61


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 45 Table 5.3.A (continued) Table 5.3.a Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in portuguese according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Male 20,984 13,960 1,300 2,826 382 2,516 6-9 3,304 2,822 111 268 21 82 10-14 3,632 2,328 187 706 78 333 15-19 2,354 1,210 107 541 71 425 20-24 1,786 1,052 89 343 57 245 25-29 1,685 1,070 95 295 38 187 30-34 1,767 1,028 105 366 45 223 35-39 1,467 845 117 179 37 289 40-44 1,153 721 91 67 15 259 45-49 902 609 73 25 7 188 50-54 919 691 83 17 8 120 55-59 558 396 76 8 1 77 60-64 582 463 73 3 3 40 65 + 875 725 93 8 1 48


46 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.a (continued) Table 5.3.a Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in portuguese according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Female 20,552 15,002 744 2,594 312 1,900 6-9 3,113 2,566 96 315 23 113 10-14 3,276 1,990 181 664 73 368 15-19 2,386 1,177 94 542 61 512 20-24 1,969 1,299 76 340 47 207 25-29 1,810 1,250 47 311 44 158 30-34 1,651 1,189 61 232 28 141 35-39 1,390 1,085 39 111 28 127 40-44 1,315 1,122 47 26 2 118 45-49 996 870 35 19 2 70 50-54 909 817 32 12 1 47 55-59 461 427 8 7 1 18 60-64 526 499 13 6 0 8 65 + 750 711 15 9 2 13 EDUCATION AND LITERACY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 47 Table 5.3.b Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in Tetum according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Both sexes 41,536 2,232 22,089 2,415 629 14,171 6-9 6,417 981 4,069 399 112 856 10-14 6,908 378 2,923 571 199 2,837 15-19 4,740 111 1,511 269 65 2,784 20-24 3,755 63 1,521 192 51 1,928 25-29 3,495 44 1,523 165 55 1,708 30-34 3,418 46 1,518 154 54 1,646 35-39 2,857 60 1,558 158 40 1,041 40-44 2,468 65 1,665 151 26 561 45-49 1,898 59 1,399 102 11 327 50-54 1,828 84 1,430 88 4 222 55-59 1,019 61 785 47 5 121 60-64 1,108 101 877 60 4 66 65 + 1,625 179 1,310 59 3 74


48 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.b (continued) Table 5.3.b Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in Tetum according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Male 20,984 988 10,672 1,241 361 7,722 6-9 3,304 509 2,154 197 56 388 10-14 3,632 191 1,578 329 119 1,415 15-19 2,354 61 759 150 39 1,345 20-24 1,786 26 690 80 22 968 25-29 1,685 12 680 77 32 884 30-34 1,767 13 647 69 31 1,007 35-39 1,467 16 629 78 30 714 40-44 1,153 23 648 69 17 396 45-49 902 17 604 44 4 233 50-54 919 21 689 41 3 165 55-59 558 21 410 30 4 93 60-64 582 32 455 39 2 54 65 + 875 46 729 38 2 60


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 49 Table 5.3.b (continued) Table 5.3.b Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in Tetum according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Female 20,552 1,244 11,417 1,174 268 6,449 6-9 3,113 472 1,915 202 56 468 10-14 3,276 187 1,345 242 80 1,422 15-19 2,386 50 752 119 26 1,439 20-24 1,969 37 831 112 29 960 25-29 1,810 32 843 88 23 824 30-34 1,651 33 871 85 23 639 35-39 1,390 44 929 80 10 327 40-44 1,315 42 1,017 82 9 165 45-49 996 42 795 58 7 94 50-54 909 63 741 47 1 57 55-59 461 40 375 17 1 28 60-64 526 69 422 21 2 12 65 + 750 133 581 21 1 14 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION

50 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.c Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in bahasa according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Both sexes 41,536 18,233 7,625 2,728 598 12,352 6-9 6,417 4,388 875 581 66 507 10-14 6,908 2,822 973 1,014 158 1,941 15-19 4,740 1,158 612 368 76 2,526 20-24 3,755 876 790 180 55 1,854 25-29 3,495 760 854 135 66 1,680 30-34 3,418 836 786 121 67 1,608 35-39 2,857 1,017 673 85 48 1,034 40-44 2,468 1,197 632 86 21 532 45-49 1,898 1,106 430 59 13 290 50-54 1,828 1,187 410 38 12 181 55-59 1,019 694 205 26 1 93 60-64 1,108 840 182 26 10 50 65 + 1,625 1,352 203 9 5 56


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 51 Table 5.3.c (continued) Table 5.3.c Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in bahasa according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Male 20,984 8,348 4,098 1,438 345 6,755 6-9 3,304 2,298 457 285 31 233 10-14 3,632 1,552 499 551 83 947 15-19 2,354 595 296 210 38 1,215 20-24 1,786 374 379 78 32 923 25-29 1,685 295 409 67 38 876 30-34 1,767 252 432 58 43 982 35-39 1,467 308 369 53 35 702 40-44 1,153 364 349 47 16 377 45-49 902 392 264 28 10 208 50-54 919 510 245 23 7 134 55-59 558 327 139 18 0 74 60-64 582 392 125 18 8 39 65 + 875 689 135 2 4 45 continued EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION

52 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.c (continued) Table 5.3.c Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in bahasa according to sex and age group

Language capability

Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Female 20,552 9,885 3,527 1,290 253 5,597 6-9 3,113 2,090 418 296 35 274 10-14 3,276 1,270 474 463 75 994 15-19 2,386 563 316 158 38 1,311 20-24 1,969 502 411 102 23 931 25-29 1,810 465 445 68 28 804 30-34 1,651 584 354 63 24 626 35-39 1,390 709 304 32 13 332 40-44 1,315 833 283 39 5 155 45-49 996 714 166 31 3 82 50-54 909 677 165 15 5 47 55-59 461 367 66 8 1 19 60-64 526 448 57 8 2 11 65 + 750 663 68 7 1 11 EDUCATION AND LITERACY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 53 Table 5.3.d Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in english according to sex and age group

Language capability Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Both sexes 41,536 35,024 866 3,785 466 1,395 6-9 6,417 5,990 73 266 18 70 10-14 6,908 5,930 125 628 73 152 15-19 4,740 3,344 160 798 104 334 20-24 3,755 2,769 131 548 83 224 25-29 3,495 2,724 99 444 58 170 30-34 3,418 2,651 104 440 55 168 35-39 2,857 2,334 78 275 39 131 40-44 2,468 2,185 31 167 21 64 45-49 1,898 1,728 16 100 8 46 50-54 1,828 1,723 25 56 4 20 55-59 1,019 960 14 32 2 11 60-64 1,108 1,081 6 17 1 3 65 + 1,625 1,605 4 14 0 2


54 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 5.3.d (continued) Table 5.3.d Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in english according to sex and age group

Language capability Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Male 20,984 17,531 500 1,993 229 731 6-9 3,304 3,115 39 130 8 12 10-14 3,632 3,144 67 318 34 69 15-19 2,354 1,707 90 376 35 146 20-24 1,786 1,289 65 267 39 126 25-29 1,685 1,280 57 213 25 110 30-34 1,767 1,310 59 260 38 100 35-39 1,467 1,140 52 171 27 77 40-44 1,153 968 18 113 10 44 45-49 902 782 14 67 6 33 50-54 919 853 19 34 4 9 55-59 558 515 12 25 2 4 60-64 582 566 4 10 1 1 65 + 875 862 4 9 0 0


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 55 Table 5.3.d (continued) Table 5.3.d Ainaro: Population in private households, 6 years and older, by language capability in english according to sex and age group

Language capability Sex and age group Do not speak, Speak and Speak, read Total Speak only Read only read or write read only and write

Female 20,552 17,493 366 1,792 237 664 6-9 3,113 2,875 34 136 10 58 10-14 3,276 2,786 58 310 39 83 15-19 2,386 1,637 70 422 69 188 20-24 1,969 1,480 66 281 44 98 25-29 1,810 1,444 42 231 33 60 30-34 1,651 1,341 45 180 17 68 35-39 1,390 1,194 26 104 12 54 40-44 1,315 1,217 13 54 11 20 45-49 996 946 2 33 2 13 50-54 909 870 6 22 0 11 55-59 461 445 2 7 0 7 60-64 526 515 2 7 0 2 65 + 750 743 0 5 0 2 EDUCATION AND LITERACY AND EDUCATION


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 57 Table 6.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, by age groups according to sex and current economic activity

Age group Sex and economic activity Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Both sexes 28,211 4,740 3,755 3,495 3,418 2,857 2,468 1,898 1,828 1,019 1,108 599 495 531

In the labor force 21,554 1,712 2,790 3,116 3,160 2,660 2,303 1,795 1,586 841 768 373 247 203 Government 624 3 37 78 131 138 98 64 45 21 4 3 1 1 UN 180423405334197000000 NGO 18622259462513104 3 1 1 0 0 Private industry 459 34 54 80 77 49 52 33 33 25 16 2 1 3 Self-employed 1,456 73 217 265 262 168 151 104 95 36 42 24 9 10 Subsistence farming and fi shing 18,470 1,569 2,382 2,553 2,566 2,236 1,960 1,576 1,400 756 705 343 235 189 Looking and available 179 27 55 41 25 10 10 1 9 0 0 0 1 0

Not in the labor force 6,657 3,028 965 379 258 197 165 103 242 178 340 226 248 328 Student 3,508 2,762 613 71 24 9 9 4 5 3 4 2 1 1 Home duties 1,048 92 242 241 156 124 68 40 37 15 13 5 4 11

ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Retired/too old 1,145 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 119 115 251 174 207 279 Sick/disabled 378 22 21 31 23 28 37 30 46 29 47 26 18 20 No work available 441 93 69 33 49 27 40 22 30 12 21 16 17 12 Other 137 59 20 3 6 9 11 7 5 4 4 3 1 5


58 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.1 (continued) Table 6.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, by age groups according to sex and current economic activity

Age group Sex and economic activity Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Male 14,048 2,354 1,786 1,685 1,767 1,467 1,153 902 919 558 582 309 264 302

In the labor force 11,075 830 1,304 1,592 1,692 1,423 1,092 866 838 488 454 209 152 135 Government 441 3 16 47 97 101 63 51 36 18 4 3 1 1 UN 133 1 9 29 42 28 18 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 NGO 136 1 14 40 38 18 11 9 3 1 1 0 0 0 Private industry 271 16 32 45 39 35 28 25 21 20 7 1 1 1 Self-employed 549 19 78 115 107 68 57 37 26 17 12 9 2 2 Subsistence farming and fi shing 9,415 766 1,121 1,287 1,350 1,165 906 738 746 432 430 196 147 131 Looking and available 130 24 34 29 19 8 9 0 6 0 0 0 1 0

Not in the labor force 2,973 1,524 482 93 75 44 61 36 81 70 128 100 112 167 Student 1,896 1,416 405 45 18 5 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Home duties 21 6 2 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 7

Retired/too old 486 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 40 103 77 93 141 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Sick/disabled 189 8 11 22 14 15 15 19 22 16 16 12 10 9 No work available 306 63 50 22 40 19 34 15 23 10 6 9 9 6 Other 75 31 14 1 2 5 8 2 2 4 1 1 0 4


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 59 Table 6.1 (continued) Table 6.1 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, by age groups according to sex and current economic activity

Age group Sex and economic activity Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Female 14,163 2,386 1,969 1,810 1,651 1,390 1,315 996 909 461 526 290 231 229

In the labor force 10,479 882 1,486 1,524 1,468 1,237 1,211 929 748 353 314 164 95 68 Government 183 0 21 31 34 37 35 13 9 3 0 0 0 0 UN 473141111611000000 NGO 5018198721120100 Private industry 188 18 22 35 38 14 24 8 12 5 9 1 0 2 Self-employed 907 54 139 150 155 100 94 67 69 19 30 15 7 8 Subsistence farming and fi shing 9,055 803 1,261 1,266 1,216 1,071 1,054 838 654 324 275 147 88 58 Looking and available 49 3 21 12 6 2 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0

Not in the labor force 3,684 1,504 483 286 183 153 104 67 161 108 212 126 136 161 Student 1,612 1,346 208 26 6 4 5 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 Home duties 1,027 86 240 238 155 124 68 40 36 15 12 5 4 4

ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Retired/too old 659 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 75 148 97 114 138 Sick/disabled 189 14 10 9 9 13 22 11 24 13 31 14 8 11 No work available 135 30 19 11 9 8 6 7 7 2 15 7 8 6 Other 62 28 6 2 4 4 3 5 3 0 3 2 1 1

60 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Both sexes 21,554 1,712 2,790 3,116 3,160 2,660 2,303 1,795 1,586 841 768 373 247 203

Armed forces 140023222000111 Legislators, senior offi cials 87 1 2 10 13 15 15 14853100 Health professionals 160236310010000 Secondary and tertiary teachers 47 0 0 14 16444410000 Religious leaders 350345545333000 Other professionals 202 7 26 36 44 30 24 12549122 Health technicians 45 1 3 11 5 1063510000 Primary teachers 215 1 3 14 29 63 55 26 1680000 Other technicians/associates 36025101232110000 Clerical workers 3917711732100000 Hotel and restaurant workers 130026220010000 Travel attendants, guides 150054112100010

Sales people 199 7 25 39 38 27 15 15 2135310ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Police offi cers 88 0 16 25 31824200000 Security guards 110042012110000 Other service workers 253 24 41 45 40 21 20 16 20 8 10521 Market farmer 176 12 24 21 23 19 27 14 17 114103 Subsistence farmer 19,001 1,593 2,448 2,640 2,672 2,309 2,018 1,615 1,433 769 721 354 236 193 Other farmers 36 0 1193156100000 Comercial fi shing 10001000000000 Subsistence fi shing 464872465331021 Building trade 129 1 8 18 29 25 22 12463100 Handicraft workers 150353210010000


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 61 Table 6.2 (continued) Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Other trades 160246200110000 Mining and oil workers 30100200000000 Electricity workers 81230001100000 Drivers 86 6 12 26 20 1073110000 Shipping and port workers 00000000000000 Other machine operators 200432611110100 Street vendors 81 6 12 20 16486432000 Other informal vendors 137 4 22 28 35 13 136803401 Domestic helpers 31 0 7 103411311000 Building caretakers, porters 260286321301000 Agricultural laborers 220256322110000 Other informal workers 79 7 13 13 15 1385211100 Not Elsewhere Included 138 9 24 27 25 20 146641011 Not stated 188 27 55 43 30 10 102910010 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC

Male 11,075 830 1,304 1,592 1,692 1,423 1,092 866 838 488 454 209 152 135

Armed forces 110013022000111 Legislators, senior offi cials 7911810151513843100 Health professionals 60013200000000 Secondary and tertiary teachers 3000512433210000 Religious leaders 230223404233000 Other professionals 72 2 3 14 21 17 102021000 Health technicians 311072753510000 Primary teachers 124116133830171260000


62 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.2 (continued) Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Other technicians/associates 240137920110000 Clerical workers 271457532000000 Hotel and restaurant workers 40002010010000 Travel attendants, guides 100034012000000 Sales people 87 1 13 18 18 1277512300 Police offi cers 66 0 6 17 29624200000 Security guards 100032012110000 Other service workers 171543120100000 Market farmer 107 5 17 13 15 10 15 9 1182002 Subsistence farmer 9,689 776 1,153 1,336 1,412 1,204 929 760 763 439 436 201 148 132 Other farmers 150341124000000 Comercial fi shing 10001000000000 Subsistence fi shing 180211322231010 Building trade 126 1 6 18 29 25 21 12463100

Handicraft workers 120252200010000ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Other trades 70033100000000 Mining and oil workers 30100200000000 Electricity workers 71130001100000 Drivers 86 6 12 26 20 1073110000 Shipping and port workers 00000000000000 Other machine operators 190432511110100 Street vendors 39 3 6 118330131000 Other informal vendors 371599361200100 Domestic helpers 50030100010000 Building caretakers, porters 260286321301000 continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 63 Table 6.2 (continued) Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Agricultural laborers 130114222100000 Other informal workers 312636904100000 Not Elsewhere Included 77 3 13 18 12 1194231010 Not stated 136 24 34 30 22891610010

Female 10,479 882 1,486 1,524 1,468 1,237 1,211 929 748 353 314 164 95 68

Armed forces 30010200000000 Legislators, senior offi cials 80123001010000 Health professionals 100223110010000 Secondary and tertiary teachers 170094011200000 Religious leaders 120122141100000 Other professionals 130 5 23 22 23 13 14 10528122 Health technicians 140343310000000 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Primary teachers 910281625259420000 Other technicians/associates 120123312000000 Clerical workers 120324200100000 Hotel and restaurant workers 90024210000000 Travel attendants, guides 50020100100010 Sales people 112 6 12 21 20 15 8 8 1623010 Police offi cers 22 0 1082200000000 Security guards 10010000000000


64 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.2 (continued) Table 6.2 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age, currently economically active, by age groups according to sex and main occupation

Age group Sex and main occupation Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Other service workers 236 23 36 41 37 20 18 16 19 8 10521 Market farmer 6977889125632101 Subsistence farmer 9,312 817 1,295 1,304 1,260 1,105 1,089 855 670 330 285 153 88 61 Other farmers 210852032100000 Comercial fi shing 00000000000000 Subsistence fi shing 284661143100011 Building trade 30200010000000 Handicraft workers 30101010000000 Other trades 90213100110000 Mining and oil workers 00000000000000 Electricity workers 10100000000000 Drivers 00000000000000 Shipping and port workers 00000000000000 Other machine operators 10000100000000

Street vendors 423698156301000ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Other informal vendors 100 3 17 19 26 1075603301 Domestic helpers 260773311301000 Building caretakers, porters 00000000000000 Agricultural laborers 90142100010000 Other informal workers 48 5 7 109481111100 Not Elsewhere Included 61 6 11 9 13952410001 Not stated 52 3 21 138211300000

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 65 Table 6.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, currently economically active by age group according to sex and industry

Age group Sex and industry Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Both sexes 21,554 1,712 2,790 3,116 3,160 2,660 2,303 1,795 1,586 841 768 373 247 203

Agriculture 19,204 1,605 2,480 2,661 2,699 2,325 2,047 1,637 1,451 782 727 355 239 196 Forestry 100024220000000 Fishing 103112201000000 Mining, quarrying, oil 40100110010000 Manufacturing 92 3 14 15 18 11 13 5741100 Electricity 100221500000000 Construction 133 1 6 25 27 27 15 12784100 Wholesaling, Retailing, Selling 415 18 61 91 78 49 37 26 3368620 Hotels, Restaurants, and Cafes 160166120000000 Transport & Warehousing 80 6 12 25 15676210000 Communications 210145332111000 Financial 110331301000000

ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Real Estate, Renting Property 2703710122110000 Public Administration (government) 145 0 13 21 37 23 17 17 1331000 Defence 62 0 5 17 21536200111 Education 266 1 5 33 42 64 62 29 18 120000 Health & Social Services 66 1 4 13 13 1584610100 Community Services 86 3 11 9 15 1678575000 Recreational, Cultural and Sporting Activities 80231100010000 Private Households 447 33 74 75 81 44 40 26 27 10 20845 U N Agencies, Diplomatic 262 11 36 62 59 46 27 12431001 Not stated 179 27 55 41 25 10 10 1900010 continued

66 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.3 (continued) Table 6.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, currently economically active by age group according to sex and industry

Age group Sex and industry Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Male 11,075 830 1,304 1,592 1,692 1,423 1,092 866 838 488 454 209 152 135

Agriculture 9,797 779 1,172 1,344 1,426 1,214 943 772 773 449 440 201 150 134 Forestry 80014120000000 Fishing 40001201000000 Mining, quarrying, oil 30100110000000 Manufacturing 66 3 7 10 13 10 104440100 Electricity 100221500000000 Construction 116 1 5 22 24 24 13 10 583100 Wholesaling, Retailing, Selling 193 8 29 47 41 23 188843400 Hotels, Restaurants, and Cafes 40102010000000 Transport & Warehousing 79 6 12 25 15576210000 Communications 200045332111000 Financial 90131301000000 Real Estate, Renting Property 120135111000000 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Public Administration (government) 120 0 6 16 32 20 15 16 1221000 Defence 51 0 2 11 20436200111 Education 152 1 1 13 23 39 34 19 1390000 Health & Social Services 4211761064510100 Community Services 5917781335465000 Recreational, Cultural and Sporting Activities 40120100000000 Private Households 172332140110000 U N Agencies, Diplomatic 179 4 18 43 44 35 19 11 221000 Not stated 130 24 34 29 19890600010


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 67 Table 6.3 (continued) Table 6.3 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years and older, currently economically active by age group according to sex and industry

Age group Sex and industry Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75 +

Female 10,479 882 1,486 1,524 1,468 1,237 1,211 929 748 353 314 164 95 68

Agriculture 9,407 826 1,308 1,317 1,273 1,111 1,104 865 678 333 287 154 89 62 Forestry 20010100000000 Fishing 63111000000000 Mining, quarrying, oil 10000000010000 Manufacturing 260755131301000 Electricity 00000000000000 Construction 170133322201000 Wholesaling, Retailing, Selling 222 10 32 44 37 26 19 18 2525220 Hotels, Restaurants, and Cafes 120064110000000 Transport & Warehousing 10000100000000 Communications 10100000000000 Financial 20200000000000 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC Real Estate, Renting Property 150245011110000 Public Administration (government) 250755321110000 Defence 110361100000000 Education 114 0 4 20 19 25 28 10530000 Health & Social Services 240367520100000 Community Services 272427343110000 Recreational, Cultural and Sporting Activities 40111000010000 Private Households 430 31 71 72 79 43 36 26 26 9 20845 U N Agencies, Diplomatic 83 7 18 19 15 1181210001 Not stated 49 3 21 126211300000

68 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.4 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, current economically active, by number of days worked in the week prior to the census day according to sex and age groups

Days worked Sex and age group Total 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days

Both sexes 21,375 30 98 57 345 1,075 18,872 898 15-19 1,685 0 7 5 28 68 1,534 43 20-24 2,735 1 14 11 51 146 2,388 124 25-29 3,075 3 16 4 63 163 2,716 110 30-34 3,135 2 20 7 52 181 2,724 149 35-39 2,650 6 12 5 33 137 2,360 97 40-44 2,293 7 5 5 28 94 2,036 118 45-49 1,794 2 8 1 31 91 1,557 104 50-54 1,577 3 4 7 22 83 1,398 60 55-59 841 0 4 4 7 42 748 36 60-64 768 5 4 5 12 40 673 29 65-69 373 1 2 0 14 20 325 11 70-74 246 0 2 2 3 5 225 9 75 + 203 0 0 1 1 5 188 8 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 69 Table 6.4 (continued) Table 6.4 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, current economically active, by number of days worked in the week prior to the census day according to sex and age groups

Days worked Sex and age group Total 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days

Male 10,945 20 49 21 160 481 9,897 317 15-19 806 0 3 1 15 30 745 12 20-24 1,270 1 7 4 26 56 1,133 43 25-29 1,563 1 9 1 22 74 1,413 43 30-34 1,673 1 10 4 23 84 1,490 61 35-39 1,415 5 6 1 18 70 1,282 33 40-44 1,083 5 2 3 13 40 987 33 45-49 866 1 3 1 13 43 771 34 50-54 832 3 2 2 10 33 758 24 55-59 488 0 4 2 1 14 455 12 60-64 454 3 2 0 5 21 410 13 65-69 209 0 0 0 11 8 186 4 70-74 151 0 1 2 3 3 139 3 75 + 135 0 0 0 0 5 128 2 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC continued

70 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.4 (continued) Table 6.4 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, current economically active, by number of days worked in the week prior to the census day according to sex and age groups

Days worked Sex and age group Total 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days

Female 10,430 10 49 36 185 594 8,975 581 15-19 879 0 4 4 13 38 789 31 20-24 1,465 0 7 7 25 90 1,255 81 25-29 1,512 2 7 3 41 89 1,303 67 30-34 1,462 1 10 3 29 97 1,234 88 35-39 1,235 1 6 4 15 67 1,078 64 40-44 1,210 2 3 2 15 54 1,049 85 45-49 928 1 5 0 18 48 786 70 50-54 745 0 2 5 12 50 640 36 55-59 353 0 0 2 6 28 293 24 60-64 314 2 2 5 7 19 263 16 65-69 164 1 2 0 3 12 139 7 70-74 95 0 1 0 0 2 86 6 75 +6800110606 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 71 Table 6.5 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, currently economically active, by number of months worked prior to census day, according to sex and age groups

Number of months worked Not Sex and age group Total 123456789101112applicable

Total 28,211 120 60 346 76 103 111 20 157 47 746 522 19,067 6,836 15-19 4740 7 3 22388117572301509 3055 20-24 3,755 20 8 43 9 14 20 6 22 6 99 69 2,419 1,020 25-29 3,495 24 13 54 11 12 21 3 24 4 111 76 2,722 420 30-34 3,418 21 11 51 14 19 9 3 12 6 117 78 2,794 283 35-39 2,857 17 7 46 10 11 17 2 21 6 85 71 2,357 207 40-44 2,468 19 7 45 5 16 8 1 20 5 69 56 2,042 175 45-49 1,898 1 5 35687210156521,611 104 50-54 1,828 7 3 2474607647491,417 251 55-59 1,019 1 0 133320513218763178 60-64 1,108 3193451843212686340 65-69 599 003413092217323226 70-74 495 01012311142230249 75 + 53101101201012194328


72 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.5 (continued) Table 6.5 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, currently economically active, by number of months worked prior to census day, according to sex and age groups

Number of months worked Not Sex and age group Total 123456789101112applicable

Male 14,048 83 29 190 25 41 49 10 58 19 282 235 9,924 3,103 15-19 2354 4 2 111431733412724 1548 20-24 1,786 10 3 20435410240301,139 516 25-29 1685 14 7 36 2 5 1226235391403 122 30-34 1,767 17 5 29 7 8 5 2 3 2 44 36 1,515 94 35-39 1,467 15 3 2124806137261,292 52 40-44 1,153 14 3 23173072151899070 45-49 902 0 2 18242051192878536 50-54 919 6 1 15232021212275787 55-59 5581081000109846070 60-64 582218103123188407128 65-69 309 00010207185185100 70-74 264 01012301121139113 75 + 30201101101002128167


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 73 Table 6.5 (continued) Table 6.5 Ainaro: Population in private households, 15 years of age and older, currently economically active, by number of months worked prior to census day, according to sex and age groups

Number of months worked Not Sex and age group Total 123456789101112applicable

Female 14,163 37 31 156 51 62 62 10 99 28 464 287 9,143 3,733 15-19 2,386 3 1 11245010238187851,507 20-24 1,969 10 5 23 5 11 15 2 12 4 59 39 1,280 504 25-29 1810 10 6 18979118276371319 298 30-34 1,651 4 6 22 7 11 4 1 9 4 73 42 1,279 189 35-39 1390 2 4 25879215548451065 155 40-44 1,315 5 4 22495113354381,052 105 45-49 996 1 3 17445250372482668 50-54 9091295140552627660164 55-59 4610052320412310303108 60-64 526101242061144279212 65-69 290 003311021132138126 70-74 231 0000001002191136 75 + 2290000010001066161 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY ECONOMIC

74 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 6.6 Ainaro: Private households with residents 15 years and older and number of persons 15 years and older by number of unpaid days worked for the suco community

Total number of Total number of Total number Days worked household with persons 15+ years of days worked per person residents 15+ years

Total 11,527 28,211 9,270 0.3 None 8,807 21,218 1 day 562 1,347 2 days 915 2,266 3 days 310 831 4 days 359 969 5 days 52 136 6 - 7 days 365 1,010 8 - 9 days 65 174 10 - 12 days 48 127 More than 12 44 133 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 77 Table 7.1 Ainaro: Private households by presence of persons with disability (if any) and type of disability according to sex and age of the head of the household

Households where no With mental With physical Phisical and mental Sex and age group Total disabilities were found disability only disability only disability present

Both sexes 11,527 9,522 305 1,552 148 15-19 144 131 5 7 1 20-24 723 672 10 37 4 25-29 1,343 1,236 17 83 7 30-34 1,706 1,510 43 140 13 35-39 1,534 1,306 47 166 15 40-44 1,333 1,109 33 176 15 45-49 1,080 871 31 164 14 50-54 1,152 898 38 195 21 55-59 689 535 29 107 18 60-64 756 550 26 161 19 DISABILITY 65-69 411 289 10 105 7 70-74 329 228 9 85 7 75 + 327 187 7 126 7


78 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 7.1 (continued) Table 7.1 Ainaro: Private households by presence of persons with disability (if any) and type of disability according to sex and age of the head of the household

Households where no With mental With physical Phisical and mental Sex and age group Total disabilities were found disability only disability only disability present

Male 9,539 7,909 258 1,252 120 15-19 111 101 4 6 0 20-24 627 582 10 31 4 25-29 1,209 1,114 16 74 5 30-34 1,539 1,367 38 123 11 35-39 1,347 1,158 39 140 10 40-44 1,093 902 27 149 15 45-49 857 683 24 138 12 50-54 882 680 29 156 17 55-59 539 410 27 88 14 60-64 556 407 24 112 13 DISABILITY 65-69 291 198 8 78 7 70-74 240 167 6 62 5 75 + 248 140 6 95 7


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 79 Table 7.1 (continued) Table 7.1 Ainaro: Private households by presence of persons with disability (if any) and type of disability according to sex and age of the head of the household

Households where no With mental With physical Phisical and mental Sex and age group Total disabilities were found disability only disability only disability present

Female 1,988 1,613 47 300 28 15-19 33 30 1 1 1 20-24 96 90 0 6 0 25-29 134 122 1 9 2 30-34 167 143 5 17 2 35-39 187 148 8 26 5 40-44 240 207 6 27 0 45-49 223 188 7 26 2 50-54 270 218 9 39 4 55-59 150 125 2 19 4

DISABILITY 60-64 200 143 2 49 6 65-69 120 91 2 27 0 70-74 89 61 3 23 2 75 + 79 47 1 31 0


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 81 Table 8.1 Ainaro: Private households by type of ownership of the dwelling according to construction material of fl oor, walls and roof Type of ownership of the dwelling Material of fl oor, walls and roof Individual or Community or Government Total Church property family owned suco owned owned

Private households 11,527 11,316 55 140 16

Material of fl oors Concrete or tile 1,575 1,448 13 105 9 Wood 187 177 9 1 0 Soil 9,765 9,691 33 34 7

Materials of walls Concrete/brick 2,961 2,825 17 108 11 Wood 703 686 14 3 0 Bamboo 6,521 6,497 9 13 2 HOUSING Corrugated iron 884 865 5 12 2 Clay 458 443 10 4 1

Material of roof Concrete/brick 82 81 0 1 0 Wood 38 38 0 0 0 Bamboo 5,827 5,781 29 12 5 Corrugated iron 5,482 5,335 23 115 9 Tiles 6 4 1 1 0 Asbestos 92 77 2 11 2

82 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.2 Ainaro: Private dwellings by type of ownership of the dwelling (occupied only) according to construction material of fl oor, walls and roof

Type of ownership of the dwelling

Material of fl oor, walls and roof Individual or Community or Government Total Church property family owned suco owned owned

Private dwellings 9,824 9,646 41 122 15

Material of fl oors Concrete or tile 1,265 1,153 9 95 8 Wood 166 157 8 1 0 Soil 8,393 8,336 24 26 7

Materials of walls Concrete/brick 2,441 2,321 13 97 10 Wood 622 608 12 2 0 Bamboo 5,599 5,580 8 9 2 HOUSING Corrugated iron 750 736 1 11 2 Clay 412 401 7 3 1

Material of roof Concrete/brick 65 64 0 1 0 Wood 36 36 0 0 0 Bamboo 5,064 5,029 21 9 5 Corrugated iron 4,575 4,448 18 101 8 Tiles 4 3 0 1 0 Asbestos 80 66 2 10 2

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 83 Table 8.3.a Ainaro: Private households by construction material of fl oor according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Type construction material of fl oor Sex and age group Total Concrete or tile Wood Soil

Total 11,527 1,575 187 9,765 15-19 144 20 1 123 20-24 723 99 5 619 25-29 1,343 174 12 1,157 30-34 1,706 250 18 1,438 35-39 1,534 226 13 1,295 40-44 1,333 174 22 1,137 45-49 1,080 148 18 914 50-54 1,152 154 21 977 55-59 689 106 16 567 60-64 756 84 16 656 65-69 411 53 15 343 HOUSING 70-74 329 46 17 266 75 + 327 41 13 273

Male 9,539 1,282 154 8,103 15-19 111 15 0 96 20-24 627 82 5 540 25-29 1,209 151 12 1,046 30-34 1,539 219 18 1,302 35-39 1,347 189 11 1,147 40-44 1,093 138 16 939


84 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.3.A (continued) Table 8.3.a Ainaro: Private households by construction material of fl oor according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Type construction material of fl oor Sex and age group Total Concrete or tile Wood Soil

45-49 857 123 15 719 50-54 882 112 16 754 55-59 539 84 15 440 60-64 556 65 10 481 65-69 291 37 12 242 70-74 240 36 13 191 75 + 248 31 11 206

Female 1,988 293 33 1,662 15-19 33 5 1 27 20-24 96 17 0 79 25-29 134 23 0 111 HOUSING 30-34 167 31 0 136 35-39 187 37 2 148 40-44 240 36 6 198 45-49 223 25 3 195 50-54 270 42 5 223 55-59 150 22 1 127 60-64 200 19 6 175 65-69 120 16 3 101 70-74 89 10 4 75 75 + 79 10 2 67

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 85 Table 8.3.b Ainaro: Private households by construction material of walls according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Type construction material of walls Sex and age group Total Concrete or brick Wood Bamboo Corrugated iron Clay

Total 11,527 2,961 703 6,521 884 458 15-19 144 34 9 82 13 6 20-24 723 180 46 402 61 34 25-29 1,343 367 79 744 101 52 30-34 1,706 445 117 925 153 66 35-39 1,534 402 78 877 117 60 40-44 1,333 340 71 766 105 51 45-49 1,080 278 64 606 89 43 50-54 1,152 307 78 655 68 44 55-59 689 183 43 391 48 24 60-64 756 166 48 458 51 33 65-69 411 102 23 239 31 16 HOUSING 70-74 329 73 20 196 27 13 75 + 327 84 27 180 20 16

Male 9,539 2,460 575 5,413 721 370 15-19 111 27 7 63 11 3 20-24 627 152 40 356 52 27 25-29 1,209 331 68 682 81 47 30-34 1,539 393 102 845 138 61 35-39 1,347 350 66 778 102 51 40-44 1,093 285 60 624 82 42


86 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.3.B (continued) Table 8.3.b Ainaro: Private households by construction material of walls according to sex and age group of the head of the household

Type construction material of walls Sex and age group Total Concrete or brick Wood Bamboo Corrugated iron Clay

45-49 857 228 48 481 65 35 50-54 882 243 64 489 56 30 55-59 539 149 35 298 38 19 60-64 556 122 34 338 41 21 65-69 291 69 15 172 24 11 70-74 240 53 14 147 16 10 75 + 248 58 22 140 15 13

Female 1,988 501 128 1,108 163 88 15-19 33 7 2 19 2 3 20-24 96 28 6 46 9 7 25-29 134 36 11 62 20 5 HOUSING 30-34 167 52 15 80 15 5 35-39 187 52 12 99 15 9 40-44 240 55 11 142 23 9 45-49 223 50 16 125 24 8 50-54 270 64 14 166 12 14 55-59 150 34 8 93 10 5 60-64 200 44 14 120 10 12 65-69 120 33 8 67 7 5 70-74 89 20 6 49 11 3 75 + 79 26 5 40 5 3

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 87 Table 8.3.c Ainaro: Private households by construction material of roof according to sex and age group construction material of roof

Type construction material of roof Sex and age group Total Concrete or brick Wood Bamboo Corrugated iron Tiles Asbestos

Total 11,527 82 38 5,827 5,482 6 92 15-19 144 0 1 75 68 0 0 20-24 723 3 1 354 354 1 10 25-29 1,343 8 6 692 627 1 9 30-34 1,706 10 6 798 881 1 10 35-39 1,534 14 9 750 750 1 10 40-44 1,333 10 3 694 613 1 12 45-49 1,080 9 1 542 518 0 10 50-54 1,152 13 2 592 529 0 16 55-59 689 3 4 344 335 0 3 60-64 756 3 3 416 329 0 5 65-69 411 3 0 233 174 0 1 HOUSING 70-74 329 2 1 172 149 0 5 75 + 327 4 1 165 155 1 1

Male 9,539 66 32 4,844 4,505 5 87 15-19 111 0 1 59 51 0 0 20-24 627 1 1 320 294 1 10 25-29 1,209 7 6 628 559 1 8 30-34 1,539 9 5 731 784 0 10 35-39 1,347 12 7 663 654 1 10 40-44 1,093 7 1 579 493 1 12


88 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.3.C (continued) Table 8.3.c Ainaro: Private households by construction material of roof according to sex and age group construction material of roof

Type construction material of roof Sex and age group Total Concrete or brick Wood Bamboo Corrugated iron Tiles Asbestos

45-49 857 8 1 428 411 0 9 50-54 882 8 2 453 403 0 16 55-59 539 3 3 269 261 0 3 60-64 556 3 3 297 249 0 4 65-69 291 2 0 171 117 0 1 70-74 240 2 1 122 112 0 3 75 + 248 4 1 124 117 1 1

Female 1,988 16 6 983 977 1 5 15-19 33 0 0 16 17 0 0 20-24 96 2 0 34 60 0 0 25-29 134 1 0 64 68 0 1 HOUSING 30-34 167 1 1 67 97 1 0 35-39 187 2 2 87 96 0 0 40-44 240 3 2 115 120 0 0 45-49 223 1 0 114 107 0 1 50-54 270 5 0 139 126 0 0 55-59 150 0 1 75 74 0 0 60-64 200 0 0 119 80 0 1 65-69 120 1 0 62 57 0 0 70-74 89 0 0 50 37 0 2 75 + 79 0 0 41 38 0 0

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 89 Table 8.4 Ainaro: Private households according to livestock kept and number of persons and amount of livestock in those households

Animals Household Persons Amount of livestock

Chickens 8,587 40,773 28,688 Pigs 8,644 41,336 16,139 Sheeps 224 1,094 407 Goats 2,016 10,064 4,125 Horses 4,710 23,753 7,124 Cattle 1,563 7,912 4,365 Buffalo 1,916 9,551 5,262 HOUSING

90 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 8.5 Ainaro: Private households according to crops cultivated and persons in those households

Crops Households Persons

Rice 1,531 7,116 Maize 10,686 49,059 Cassava 9,284 42,609 Vegetables 9,735 44,785 Fruit (seasonal) 10,154 46,760 Fruit (permanent) 10,262 47,252 Coffe 8,313 38,938 Coconut 4,115 18,686 Other seasonal crops 9,686 44,471 Other permanent crops 9,994 45,983 HOUSING


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 93 Table 9.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of birth and present residence according to sex and age groups (life-time migration)

Born in Ainaro and Living in Ainaro Born in Ainaro living in another and born in another Born abroad Unknown district Total Total residents (non-migrants) district district (immigrants) of birth (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Total 48,339 8,111 3,451 176 510 52,476 0-4 8,619 273 360 100 163 9,242 5-9 7,686 475 356 9 64 8,115 10-14 6,527 558 324 1 56 6,908 15-19 4,420 960 279 4 37 4,740 20-24 3,417 1,079 296 13 29 3,755 25-29 3,144 968 310 17 24 3,495 30-34 3,039 955 325 12 42 3,418 35-39 2,542 681 277 10 28 2,857 40-44 2,197 612 247 6 18 2,468 45-49 1,694 419 186 2 16 1,898 50-54 1,645 418 171 1 11 1,828 MIGRATION 55-59 927 213 85 0 7 1,019 60-64 1,000 222 102 0 6 1,108 65-69 549 128 48 0 2 599 70-74 450 82 41 0 4 495 75 + 483 68 44 1 3 531


94 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.1 (continued) Table 9.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of birth and present residence according to sex and age groups (life-time migration)

Born in Ainaro and Living in Ainaro Born in Ainaro living in another and born in another Born abroad Unknown district Total Total residents (non-migrants) district district (immigrants) of birth (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Male 24,632 4,063 1,651 88 249 26,620 0-4 4,457 134 196 53 84 4,790 5-9 3,922 243 185 9 34 4,150 10-14 3,421 276 183 1 27 3,632 15-19 2,206 456 130 1 17 2,354 20-24 1,666 510 106 3 11 1,786 25-29 1,532 461 141 3 9 1,685 30-34 1,610 451 138 3 16 1,767 35-39 1,310 344 134 7 16 1,467 40-44 1,029 338 113 4 7 1,153 45-49 804 234 83 2 13 902 50-54 825 223 90 1 3 919 MIGRATION 55-59 507 114 47 0 4 558 60-64 535 126 43 0 4 582 65-69 282 69 26 0 1 309 70-74 248 41 15 0 1 264 75 + 278 43 21 1 2 302


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 95 Table 9.1 (continued) Table 9.1 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of birth and present residence according to sex and age groups (life-time migration)

Born in Ainaro and Living in Ainaro Born in Ainaro living in another and born in another Born abroad Unknown district Total Total residents (non-migrants) district district (immigrants) of birth (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Female 23,707 4,048 1,800 88 261 25,856 0-4 4,162 139 164 47 79 4,452 5-9 3,764 232 171 0 30 3,965 10-14 3,106 282 141 0 29 3,276 15-19 2,214 504 149 3 20 2,386 20-24 1,751 569 190 10 18 1,969 25-29 1,612 507 169 14 15 1,810 30-34 1,429 504 187 9 26 1,651 35-39 1,232 337 143 3 12 1,390 40-44 1,168 274 134 2 11 1,315 45-49 890 185 103 0 3 996

MIGRATION 50-54 820 195 81 0 8 909 55-59 420 99 38 0 3 461 60-64 465 96 59 0 2 526 65-69 267 59 22 0 1 290 70-74 202 41 26 0 3 231 75 + 205 25 23 0 1 229

96 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in January 1999 according to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 1999 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 1999 and 2004 1999 Total residents district in 2004 district in 1999 residence in 1999 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Total 44,865 2,436 1,496 5,325 790 52,476 0-4 9,242 0 0 0 0 9,242 5-9 6,953 224 188 796 178 8,115 10-14 5,768 292 181 795 164 6,908 15-19 3,885 550 154 607 94 4,740 20-24 2,971 502 178 544 62 3,755 25-29 2,767 275 186 498 44 3,495 30-34 2,722 173 181 450 65 3,418 35-39 2,324 129 96 383 54 2,857 40-44 2,003 95 89 347 29 2,468 45-49 1,577 65 56 247 18 1,898

50-54 1,524 43 55 220 29 1,828 MIGRATION 55-59 856 27 43 107 13 1,019 60-64 927 24 39 124 18 1,108 65-69 504 12 20 72 3 599 70-74 403 9 9 77 6 495 75 + 439 16 21 58 13 531 continued

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 97 Table 9.2 (continued) Table 9.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in January 1999 according to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 1999 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 1999 and 2004 1999 Total residents district in 2004 district in 1999 residence in 1999 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Male 22,673 1,221 832 2,679 436 26,620 0-4 4,790 0 0 0 0 4,790 5-9 3,535 119 98 423 94 4,150 10-14 2,978 147 105 448 101 3,632 15-19 1,921 249 66 315 52 2,354 20-24 1,435 237 79 238 34 1,786 25-29 1,326 145 118 218 23 1,685 30-34 1,386 92 119 230 32 1,767 35-39 1,188 69 54 193 32 1,467 40-44 936 51 55 148 14 1,153 45-49 722 31 33 135 12 902

MIGRATION 50-54 758 28 31 117 13 919 55-59 464 19 29 59 6 558 60-64 503 13 18 51 10 582 65-69 260 3 14 33 2 309 70-74 216 6 3 41 4 264 75 + 255 12 10 30 7 302


98 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.2 (continued) Table 9.2 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in January 1999 according to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 1999 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 1999 and 2004 1999 Total residents district in 2004 district in 1999 residence in 1999 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Female 22,192 1,215 664 2,646 354 25,856 0-4 4,452 0 0 0 0 4,452 5-9 3,418 105 90 373 84 3,965 10-14 2,790 145 76 347 63 3,276 15-19 1,964 301 88 292 42 2,386 20-24 1,536 265 99 306 28 1,969 25-29 1,441 130 68 280 21 1,810 30-34 1,336 81 62 220 33 1,651 35-39 1,136 60 42 190 22 1,390 40-44 1,067 44 34 199 15 1,315 45-49 855 34 23 112 6 996

50-54 766 15 24 103 16 909 MIGRATION 55-59 392 8 14 48 7 461 60-64 424 11 21 73 8 526 65-69 244 9 6 39 1 290 70-74 187 3 6 36 2 231 75 + 184 4 11 28 6 229

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 99 Table 9.3 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in July 2002 according to to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 2002 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 2002 and 2004 2002 Total residents district in 2004 district in 2002 residence in 2002 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Total 44,765 1,165 1,084 1,248 5,379 52,476 0-4 5,933 8 39 4 3,266 9,242 5-9 6,234 111 142 198 1,541 8,115 10-14 6,436 127 135 182 155 6,908 15-19 4,379 284 111 162 88 4,740 20-24 3,459 230 114 121 61 3,755 25-29 3,223 127 116 115 41 3,495 30-34 3,150 85 118 88 62 3,418 35-39 2,657 58 67 86 47 2,857 40-44 2,292 43 70 80 26 2,468 45-49 1,780 29 39 63 16 1,898 MIGRATION 50-54 1,700 19 48 53 27 1,828 55-59 955 11 27 26 11 1,019 60-64 1,042 13 26 24 16 1,108 65-69 569 5 11 17 2 599 70-74 468 7 7 13 7 495 75 + 488 8 14 16 13 531


100 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.3 (continued) Table 9.3 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in July 2002 according to to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 2002 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 2002 and 2004 2002 Total residents district in 2004 district in 2002 residence in 2002 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Male 22,651 587 568 597 2,804 26,620 0-4 3,071 4 15 2 1,702 4,790 5-9 3,185 56 73 108 784 4,150 10-14 3,364 66 78 94 96 3,632 15-19 2,183 127 50 72 49 2,354 20-24 1,654 121 47 50 35 1,786 25-29 1,553 67 70 44 18 1,685 30-34 1,627 48 65 45 30 1,767 35-39 1,365 29 36 39 27 1,467 40-44 1,069 20 38 33 13 1,153 45-49 838 14 22 32 10 902 50-54 848 10 28 30 13 919 MIGRATION 55-59 521 8 18 14 5 558 60-64 548 6 15 10 9 582 65-69 297 2 6 5 1 309 70-74 247 3 2 10 5 264 75 + 281 6 5 9 7 302


PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 101 Table 9.3 (continued) Table 9.3 Ainaro: Population in private households by place of present residence and residence in July 2002 according to to age and sex groups

Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living in Ainaro in Living abroad in 2002 and in another 2004 an in another Unknown district of Total 2002 and 2004 2002 Total residents district in 2004 district in 2002 residence in 2002 (non-migrants) (immigrants) (out-migrants) (in-migrants)

Female 22,114 578 516 651 2,575 25,856 0-4 2,862 4 24 2 1,564 4,452 5-9 3,049 55 69 90 757 3,965 10-14 3,072 61 57 88 59 3,276 15-19 2,196 157 61 90 39 2,386 20-24 1,805 109 67 71 26 1,969 25-29 1,670 60 46 71 23 1,810 30-34 1,523 37 53 43 32 1,651 35-39 1,292 29 31 47 20 1,390 40-44 1,223 23 32 47 13 1,315 45-49 942 15 17 31 6 996 MIGRATION 50-54 852 9 20 23 14 909 55-59 434 3 9 12 6 461 60-64 494 7 11 14 7 526 65-69 272 3 5 12 1 290 70-74 221 4 5 3 2 231 75 + 207 2 9 7 6 229

102 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Table 9.4 Ainaro: Population in private households 5 years and older living in Ainaro in 1999 and in another district in 2004 by sex and reason for moving

Total Male Female

Total 2,436 1,221 1,215 Work 171 118 53 Education 474 247 227 Marriage 189 40 149 Family moved 259 98 161 Returned to family land 101 66 35 Violence 969 505 464 More secure 117 54 63 Temporary housing 82 53 29 Other 74 40 34 MIGRATION

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 103 Table 9.5 Ainaro: Population in private households 2 years and older living in Ainaro in 2002 and in another district in 2004 by sex and reason for moving

Total Male Female

Total 1,165 587 578 Work 80 58 22 Education 252 141 111 Marriage 109 26 83 Family moved 152 55 97 Returned to family land 83 48 35 Violence 328 169 159 More secure 57 29 28 Temporary housing 50 33 17 Other 54 28 26 MIGRATION



This glossary contains defi nitions of census terms and provides the d. Corrugated Iron explanations needed to understand the census results presented in tables, e. Clay graphs and maps. Most defi nitions of entries in this glossary are based on the f. Other questions on the 2004 Census questionnaire. This is because the fi rst step 2) Roof to understand a census statistic is to know how it was collected and which a. Wood specifi c units are included. b. Bamboo/Thatch/Grass c. Corrugated iron It is expected that this glossary become a helpful document for census d. Tiles data users and provide them with the necessary information for a better e. Asbestos understanding of the available census statistics. f. Other 3) Floor a. Concrete or Tile Age b. Wood The age of each person was obtained by asking directly for the age in years c. Soil (on the last birthday). The age of babies less than one year old was recorded d. Other as 0. Regarding age groups, 0-4 years includes those who are less than 5 Notice that the category “other”, refers mainly to temporary material. years old, 5-9 years includes those aged 5 years or more but less than 10 years. The 85+ group includes those 85 years or older. Cultivation of Crops It refers to all relevant crops cultivated by the household. The census CENSUS GLOSSARY CENSUS Collective Households question was: Does this household grow any crops, either temporary or They are dwellings where people live, on a temporary or permanent basis, permanent, to support the household? If yes, please tick applicable box(es). but do not relate to each other to form a household; instead, provisions of The boxes refers to the following crops: rice, maize, cassava, vegetables, living essentials are usually made by an institutional organization. Examples fruit (temporary) fruit (permanent), coffee, coconut, other temporary crops, include convents, prisons, orphanages, hospitals, boarding schools and other permanent crops. hotels. Current Economic Activity Construction Materials This term refers to the classifi cation of the population into the economically It refers to the predominant or most utilized material in the construction of active (in the labor force) and the not economically active (not in the labor the house, in particular walls, roof and fl oor. force). The former comprises people who furnish the supply of labor for the 1) External walls production of goods and services during the reference time period chosen for a. Concrete/Brick the census. The latter refers to those persons who did not participate in the b. Wood c. Bamboo

106 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT labor force during the reference time period and if they were unemployed, did members of the household do not work outside the not search for a job. These two categories are then sub-divided as follows: dwelling but are involved in the household efforts towards subsistence farming and/or fi shing, they 1) In the Labor Force: were coded as subsistence farmers/fi shers rather a. Government. This activity includes individuals than home duties. directly employed by national, district government g. Looking and Available. Persons not currently agencies, and sub-district that receive wage employed, but who are currently looking for work compensation for their jobs. and are available to start working. b. UN. Individuals that are employed by the United Nations or one of its affi liated agencies 2) Not in the Labor Force: c. NGO. The employees of a non-governmental a. Student. A person who is attending a formal organization devoted to achieving public rather than educational institution as a full-time student and is private objectives. Persons doing volunteer work for not currently working (although he/she may have, or NGO’s are also included. be looking for, part-time employment). d. Private Industry. Individuals employed in market- b. Home Duties. Individuals who are occupied with driven, for-profi t industries. daily tasks associated with home life in their own e. Self-Employed. Individuals who operate their household. own independent enterprises, with or without c. Retired/Too Old. This category is for people not hiring employees. Also includes persons engaged seeking work because of their age. independently in trade. d. Sick/Disabled. Individuals who are unable to CENSUS GLOSSARY f. Subsistence Farming/Fishing. In the case of participate in the work force because of a disability or farming, refers to a mode of agriculture in which a sickness. plot of land is held, though not necessarily owned e. No Work Available. A person who may be available by a single family that produces only enough food to work and who may have attempted to fi nd work in to feed itself. Favorable weather can allow the the past, but who is not now looking for work because subsistence farmer to produce a surplus, which can they consider none to be available. be sold or bartered. Subsistence fi shing, is a mode of f. Other. A person not in the work force who has not economic activity in which a family owns full or a worked and has not sought work, and who does not signifi cant share of a boat used to fi sh for suffi cient fi t into any of the other “Not in the Labor Force” quantities to feed itself. Favorable circumstances categories. can allow the subsistence fi sher to harvest a surplus, which can be sold or bartered. In cases where female

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 107 Degree of Literacy Head of Household It is the capacity of a person to read and write, or any combination thereof as Is the person identifi ed by other members of the household as such. informed by the interviewee. Household District It is defi ned as one or more persons residing in the same dwelling, and who make The district was the main administrative division of Timor-Leste during the common provision for food and other essentials for living. 2004 census. The country is divided into 13 districts. At present, the main division is the region. The country is divided into 5 regions. Household Size It is the number of members of the household. Sometimes it is convenient to distinguish between adult members (older than 6 years or older than 14 years) and child members District of Enumeration in order to differentiate the effect of fertility from the effect of household complexity It refers to the place where the person was counted on census day. on household size. The latter is the tendency of the adult population to form their own household as opposed to residing in someone else’s household, usually a relative. District of Residence It is the place where the person lived on the day of the census. Industry Refers to the activity of the establishment in which an economically active person Dwelling worked during the reference time period or where he worked previously, if the person It is a structure which is intended to have people live in it. There are three is unemployed. Activity of the establishment means the kind of goods or services produced. types of dwellings: private, hotels and institutions. Institution CENSUS GLOSSARY CENSUS Educational Attainment It is a dwelling that accommodates an institutional household. It refers to the highest grade completed within the most advanced level attended in the educational system. The following levels were considered in Language Capability the questionnaire: This term has two meanings. In the tables related to language it is considered as 1) Primary School the capacity to speak, read or write or in any combination thereof, any or all of the 2) High School offi cial and working languages, as informed by the interviewee. In the tables related 3) Received Diploma from High School (either Junior or Senior) to education and literacy, the term is used in a restricted sense, referring only to the capacity to speak a language. 4) Tertiary Education 5) Received University Degree or Certifi cate

108 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT Main Occupation Number of Women Reporting Birth in the Past Year It refers to the type of work done during the reference time period by the personIt is the number of women who reported to have had a birth between 11 July employed, or the type of work done previously, if the person is unemployed. The two-2003 and 11 July 2004. digit International Standard Classifi cationOccupations of code was used Offi cial languages Marital Status The offi cial languages of Timor Leste are Portuguese and Tetum (Article 13, It is the personal status of each individual in relation to the marriage laws or No. 1, Constitution of the People’s Republic of Timor Leste). customs of the country. The categories included in the 2004 census are the following: Ownership Category 1) single (never married) Five ownership categories were included in the census questionnaire: 2) married (legal, traditional or de facto unions) a. Individual and/or Family Owned Property 3) widowed (and not remarried) b. Community or Suco Owned Property 4) divorced (and not remarried) c. Government Owned Property 5) separated. d. Church Property e. Other Mental disability (mentally ill) It is important to note that due to the current status of property legislation in Limitation(s) in the kind or amount of activities that a person can do because Timor-Leste, it is extremely diffi cult to conclusively prove that an individual of ongoing diffi culties due to a long-term mental condition is in sole possession of a particular property. Thus this question pertains more to perception of ownership and provides an approximate idea of how Mother Tongue many households and individuals live in each category of dwelling. CENSUS GLOSSARY It is the language usually spoken in the individual’s home in his or her early childhood. Ownership of Livestock The absolute number of each species of animal by a household for use Number of Children Ever Born or profi t as of census day: chicken, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, cattle and It is the total number of children that a woman declared to have had and that buffalo. Because it is known that in Timor-Leste individuals frequently have been born alive (stillbirths should not be included). share ownership of livestock, this item may exaggerate the absolute numbers owned. The information, does however, provide an enhanced sense of where Number of Living Children certain species of livestock are more prevalent. It is the total number of children that a woman declares to have had and is Permanent Disability (physical disability) alive by the time of the census Limitation(s) in the kind or amount of activities that a person can do because of ongoing diffi culties due to a long-term physical condition.

PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT 109 Place of Residence at a Specifi ed Date in the Past 4) Stepchild/Adopted Child. The former is the natural/adopted child of The subdivision, or the foreign country, in which the individual resided at the only partner in a marriage or the factor relationship. The latter a specifi ed date preceding the census. In the 2004 questionnaire two dates is a non-biological related child that is considered to be a permanent were included: January 1999 (5 years prior to the census) and July 2002 (2 addition to the family unit. Also included in this category are orphans/ years prior to the census). foster children held in custody by members of the household 5) Daughter-in-Law/Son-in-Law Population 6) Mother/Father Most of the tables in this publication include residents of the entire territory 7) Sister/Brother of Timor-Leste who were in the country on the census day (11 July 2004). 8) Grandchild This is the de facto population, that is, the people enumerated where they 9) Grandparent are found on census day, which includes residents absent from the country 10) Other Relatives. Included in this category are aunts, uncles, cousins between 48 hours and 1 year, in addition to residents present on census day. and other members of the extended family that have established their permanent residence in the household in question. Primary School-Age Children 11) Unrelated. This category is applicable to other members of the The age group children are supposed to attend primary school. In Timor- household which are of no relation to any other member in the Leste it is from 6 to 11 years of age. household. This may include persons such as servants, friends and paying and non-paying lodgers. Private Dwelling A dwelling that accommodates a private household Religion CENSUS GLOSSARY CENSUS This item refers to religious affi liation or belief. The following religions were Private Household considered in the 2004 census: Catholic, Islam, Buddhist, Hindu, Protestant/ The defi nition of private household is the same as household. The term Evangelical, Traditional, Other. private is used specifi cally to differentiate between private and collective households. Reasons for Moving This item corresponds to a direct question on the reasons for moving, which Relationship to head of household was asked of all migrants. The question was placed after the question on It refers to the relation of each of the residents of a private household to residence in January 1999 and also after the question on residence in July the person allocated to the role of head of the household. The following 2002: If you moved from there, why did you move? The alternatives were: categories were included in the 2004 census: work, education, marriage, family moved, return to family land, violence, 1) Head of Household more secure, temporary housing, and other. These questions represent an 2) Wife/Husband 3) Daughter/Son

110 PRIORITY TABLES FOR AINARO DISTRICT attempt to determine motivation as perceived by the migrant and should person; (c) two or more family nuclei related to each other plus other be considered with caution in any analysis of migration determinants or person(s) related to at least one of the nuclei; and (d) two or more causes. persons related to each other, none of whom constitute any family nucleus Rural 5) Composite Households, which are all those households consisting The classifi cation of sucos into rural and urban is the result of a classifi cation of a family and one or more non-family members or two or more done by the National Statistics Directorate (NSD). Each suco received a score persons that are not related to each other. based on population size, whether or not selected facilities exists (education, health, market, church), and access to water supply and sanitation, electricity, Sub-District radio and television, public administration and transportation services. The Each district is split into between 3 to 7 sub-districts. scoring method was not applied rigorously because it resulted in sucos with small population in the center of Dili being classifi ed as rural, and every Unpaid Work for the Suco Community single suco in some outlying districts as rural. Using the scoring analysis The sum of days in the previous month (June 12 to 11 July, 2004 inclusive) just as a starting point, the NSD waived the requirement for a suco to have a that the adults of the household (15 years of age and older) spent completing population of more than 5,000 to be considered urban, and the requirement activities and tasks for the benefi t of the community. These activities could that every district should have at least 1 urban suco was added. Finally, 406 include working the communal suco land (community farming), repairing sucos were classifi ed as rural and 36 as urban. irrigation systems, roads, or public infrastructure, preparing for local ceremonies and any activities associated with the church. Structure of Households It refers to a combination of household size and relationships among Urban CENSUS GLOSSARY household members. The following types of household structures are See Rural included in the tabulations: 2) One-Person Household Working Language 3) Nuclear Family Household, which consists entirely of a single family The working languages of Timor-Leste are English and Indonesian. nucleus that could be a married couple with or without children, a They have been approved in the Constitution to allow for working father with children, or a mother with children communication purposes until such time as the offi cial languages, 4) Extended Households, which form into one of the following Portuguese and Tetum, are fully integrated (Article 159, Constitution of arrangements: (a) a single family nucleus with other relative(s) only; the People’s Republic of Timor-Leste). (b) two or more family nuclei related to each other without any other