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Prezentacja Programu Powerpoint MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE Experiences of using the ITI instrument within the Warsaw Metropolitan Area MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE Location and general information: • Mazovia Region, Wołomiński County, Part of Warsaw Metropolitan Area (WMA) • The town is a neighbor of Warsaw • Close distance to the city center (Marki – city center about 12 km, city center – Kabaty (district of Warsaw) about 12 km) • Area – 2603 ha • Population – 31 687 inhabitants (GUS 2016) NOT residents (up to 30% more) • Direct connetions with transport network of Warsaw MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE View of Warsaw from the top of the so-called Zwałka (old garbage dump) Source: by Cruiser MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE Demography and spatial development: • Dynamic demographic development of the city • 9th place in the country in terms of positive migration balance • Large share of working-group population • Large share of people in the pre-working age (children) • High investment attractiveness - a large number of development investments - residential and industrial • An increase in the value of real estate - increase in public investment costs Source: MXMM Architekci, MXMM Sp. z o.o. Source: Google, Sun Chemical by Adam Kulesza MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE Problems from the point of view of the town of Marki and previous cooperation: 1. Technical infrastructure within the scope of the city • Water supply network • Sewage network 2. Transport infrastructure: • Public transport The first bulb in Mazovia! • Transport connections (roads, pavements, bicycle routes) Do you know that: In 1883, for the first time in the . Formally there are no legal acts forming Mazovia, electric lighting was applied the Warsaw Metropolitan Area in the Briggs & Posselt spinning mill in Marki . Metropolitan solutions based on bilateral agreements MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE Previous cooperation - Technical infrastructure: • Own water supply network with water supply (2 places) • Servicing neighboring areas in Warsaw and Nieporęt • Lack of own wastewater treatment plant (conscious decision) • Connection to the Warsaw sewage system - Sewage discharge to the Czajka Sewage Treatment Plant - Warsaw MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE Previous cooperation - Transport infrastructure: • ZTM 1 zone, • No rail transport - high frequency of bus connections - 5 min (peak) • Participation in the Warsaw Public Transport Council - directions of development • Planned extension of the Warsaw - Marki separate bus lane as part of the agglomeration link • Jointly planning of communication infrastructure with the possibility of locating public transport MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE From local problems to integrated projects Analysis of Similar issues: Integrated individual Educations problems of Territorial suburban Public services Investments: municipalities. Enviroment, low Public e- Conclusions: we emission, air services, Creating pollution, have common General and Partnerships problems - we Senior policy are looking for pre-school common Improving education the quality of life solutions Low- emission transport MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE Partnerships Marki the Leader of the partnerships projects concerning I project: Marki, Kobyłka, Zielonka, Ząbki ( Total: 35,8 mln PLN, EFRR 23,5 mln PLN) II project: Marki, Kobyłka, Zielonka, Ząbki, Radzymin, Wołomin, Nieporęt (Total: 75,34 mln PLN, EFRR 60,07 mln PLN) Assumed results: . Cycle routes lengt: I project 23,7 km, II project 34,76 km . 10 inter-municipal connections; . Integration of bicycle paths with public transport and rail; . One standard Bike & Ride; self service-stations; . Integrated communication system; . Uniform construction standards. Intergated with Park & Ride system MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE Main benefits Building relationships between project partners Exchange of experiences related to solving similar problems; Searching for common solutions regarding common areas, eg transport and infrastructure, air pollution, urban planning; Knowledge base and case study; Experienced project team; The power of metropolitan solutions - together we can do more MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE The Metropolis works ! MARKI TOWN PERSPECTIVE What's next … Next analysis of individual problems and needs – new partners The most urgent problems in Warsaw Metrpolitan Area: Transport: between the central city and the municipalities between the municipalities Enviroment: surrounding the central city low emission air pollution urban planning.
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