Archaeological Resources Protection Plan for Columbia South Shore
Archaeological Resources Protection Plan For Columbia South Shore Adopted April 3, 1996 Effective May 3, 1996 Ordinance No. 169953 and 169954 Amended June 5, 1996 Effective September 1, 1996 Ordinance No. 170225 Amended August 4, 2004 Effective September 3, 2004 Ordinance No. 178567 Bureau of Planning Portland, Oregon September 2004 (minor technical edits made March 2018) Portland City Council Vera Katz, Mayor Earl Blumenauer, Commissioner Charlie Hales, Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury, Commissioner Michael Lindberg, Commissioner Portland Planning Commission Richard Michaelson, President Doug van Dyk, Vice President Steve Abel Rick Holt Sarah ffitch Bruce Fong Paul Schuback Ruth Scott Noell Webb FRONT COVER: Wapato (left), example of Chinookan house (center), camas (right). Source: Oregon Council for the Humanities, The First Oregonians, (Portland, Oregon: 1991) Archaeological Resources Protection Plan For Columbia South Shore Adopted April 3, 1996 Effective May 3, 1996 Ordinance No. 169953 and 169954 Amended June 5, 1996 Effective September 1, 1996 Ordinance No. 170225 Amended August 4, 2004 Effective September 3, 2004 Ordinance No. 178567 Bureau of Planning Charlie Hales, Commissioner-In-Charge David C. Knowles, Planning Director Robert E. Clay, Chief Planner, City Planning Project Staff Robert H. Glascock, AICP, Senior Planner Catherine Lawson, Economic Analyst Geoff Sauncy, Graphic Illustrator Michelle Seward, Staff Assistant Kim Stinson, Staff Assistant Kimberly A. White, Staff Assistant Eric Engstrom, Staff Assistant September 2004 Acknowledgements Cultural Resources Advisory Committee Stark Ackerman, for Columbia Corridor Association Rick Holt, Holt & Haugh Allen Lee, East Portland District Coalition Louie Pitt, Jr., Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Tim Simmons, Barbara Creel and Janis Searles, for Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Dennis Sivers, T & W Equipment Co.
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