.. ... I"~ ,,~-\ -.- -- l \ ...... """ .. - i '" f \ . Grosse Pointe News

VOL. 45-No, 21 Grosse POinte, Michigan Thursday, May 24, 1984 30 cents 40 Pages : Village seeks high court ruling on Ford House

By ~like ,\ndul'){, l) k The Village of Gro~se POinte Shores and Sooth take !:>choob Will ask the state Supreme r:ourt to review lar,t week'!. appeals Lourt deciSion that granted the Ed!>f'1 & 7bm, jt~ for you Eleanor I"ord Hou:.e lax exempt Two of the most Important re- status for 198Qand 1981 quirements for becomIng a re- The two bodies may be lorLed to porter are the abilities to ask repay the lIOn's !>hare of the questions and to listen to people $204,000 plu!'J mterC!'>t that the es- Some people ana certaIn .swfles tate paid In property taxes In those are fun to talk to and easy to years write about The appellate court rulilng could Others are tougher It's more also settle the estate s appeals for ditf\cultlhan you thmk to corner 1982 and 1983 before thf> ~tlchlgan people verbally and hit them Tax Tnbunal Those caSt'S Imol ...- willi tough que.shons WIthout 109 several hundred thousand dol backing down or queshomng lars, were held In abejance pen your chOice of profeSSIOn dmg the outcome of the appeals Ironically, reporters often get court case questioned In return Mostly It'S Village Attorney William over the phone by people who Ktlltbrew said he ....as unsure are drunk, lonely or slightly out whether the state's hIgh court of their skulls would cons ICier he&rmg the case Sure, we get legitimate ques- Trustees asked Kllltbrew to tioners too Callers who don't prepare the necessary applicatIon know who their congressman IS, for the appeal at their regular or want the date of the next elec- Tuesday mormng meetmg, ~lay 22 tion, please Some callers are Ford House director Paul Alandt stranger. A lady called me and said he wa!t "very pleased" With asked what the gestation period the court's decISion. and called the of a mouse was. ~ who am I, ruling a vmdlcation of hIS efforts to Marlin Perkins? I told her it was open the home to the pubhc through 13 days. I think I was in the ball tours and other events park. St. Clair buys Austin EI.anor Clay Ford, ,, who, with husband Ed. The decision will "m no way" af- Someone else wanted to get in -' .. I, comml .. lonec:l the fect the operation of the estate as a touch with a magician Not a building of the Cot .. cultural organizational, Alandt specific magician, mind you. for senior center wold.styl. mansron said "Hopefully, it ....ill continue Any magician would do. As luck (above). In bequ.athlng the way It has been," he added would have it, I knew a magi- By Harriet Nolan alcohol treatment center and other h.r home to the public, cian and had him give her a call St Clair Health Corporation's home care and outreach agencies Mrs, Ford wrot.: "Wher. No formula was set forth by the plans to purchase and develop the could and should prOVIde this kind once th.r. were many .x. appellate court for repayment of Drunks are easy to handle. former Wayne County Commumty of care for our senior citizens," he traordlnary ,.,\d.nce., the taxes and, because of the at- You just agree With them, listen added tempt to appeal, home administra- for a while, (If you're not on College site at Warren near Mack mine's the I•• t to r.maln, The 12-acre parcel of land for the change in our tors are movmg slowly In decidlllg deadline), then disengage your- Avenue hmge on state approval to whIch onglnally housed Austm manner of living, and In what to do With the refund, Alandt self gmgerly, hke climbmg develop a 200 bed nursing home Catholic High School Will also be our tuel, and In our attl. said, addmg there are proJeCts on through a barbed wire fence there The Michigan Department of Public Health must give approval used to develop a senior cItizens tudes have relulted In the the draWing board under COnsider- Lonely people are much more whenever a health care facihty residence and hospice center demolition of all the ation. wants to create additional bed The selling pnce of the land and others." After her death difficult, at least for me You One matter that Will come up In can tell from their conversation space bUlldmgs was set at $1 8 ml1lion and In 1976, the home was to further development of a 2oo-bed board meetings Will be the pas- just how desperate they are. St Clair applIed for the custo- be "Uled for the beneftt nursing home would cost another $5 Slblhty of makmg a voluntary con- ( You have to be desperate to call mary Certificate of Need (CON) of the public," tribution to the vIllage, Alandt a strange name seen over a several months ago along With other million The state I!>expected to give a decIsion on the appeal Within 90 said Tax-exempt orgamzations story or to hear a stranger's mstltutlons that wanted to expand &ometuneI make suc:h cootrlbu .:''"'. voice in a busy newsroom. their operations. 11M! corporation days . learned two weeks ""0 tbat a .. k...... ~-: 'Y;;~l,. Ir!5W1Uy, they talk about a hospitat in another suburb got the ~IIIIJIlI1". ... -;'::r::•• story in general, but soon bits of nod Instead, saId L. Michael Smith, While Ford officials are pleased their life appear and gather on vIce-president of corporate develop- With the dec&SJOO. the four p.u11eS your desk, forming themselves ment for St John Hospital. Park PSO debate 'lieats up who will have to repay the taxes - into a gray puzzle for which so He said the decision was based on B)' Harriet Nolan the metabolism as the men are constantly having to the Shores, Lake TownshiP, South many pieces are mlssmg demographic Information more Lake schools and Macomb twmy It appears that Grosse POinte park police are more readJust to a different schedule Such a change would than 10 yeards old An appeal has - are obviously not pleased I always listen and find myself receptive to havmg a public safety program than fire- be a moral boost been filed With the state usmg more noddmg at what they're saymg, fighters At least that's what they told the Citizens offiCIals recent populatlon figures and Smith He also said that a 24-hour shift would mcrease cov- South Lake school as If they're SItting m a chair be- commiSSIOn studying the issue at its May 16 meetmg held a special meeting ~onday. said the hospital ISconfident the new erage from four or five, to six men on any given shift fore me. Bartenders and report. Park firemen said they couldn'.t begm to make any May 21, to begm theIr appeal ac- mformal1on will result In approval ers have more m common than kind of deCISion until they saw a defmite plan At the p.-esent time ftremen are mandated by cordmg to aSSIstant superintendent alcohol "There is a growing need for nursing home beds and semar state and federal laws to work 24-hour shifts A normal Jerry Parker The dlstnct could A public safety department would combine police lose as much as $300,000 If the ap- I try to disengage myself as citizen housmg on the east Side of and firefighter forces mto a smgle umt Policemen routme would be 24-hours on the Job, followed by gently as poSSible. I listen, 1m- DetrOIt," said Andrew Dahl. ex- 24-hours off After three consecutive on and off days, pellate court rultng IS extended to would assume flreflghtlng duties and vICe versa 1982 and 1983, he added gel', then leave When they ask if ecutIVe vICe-president for St Clair the men are given four days off "We're not opposed to the concept, bul we want they can call agam, I usually say Health CorporatIOn Besides havlDI to repay the some questIOns answered," said police Sgt DaVid "I'm not saymg that any of us are advocating PSO, yes. They rarely do They real- "As part of our total health care but we're here to assl.st the committee and With proper and 1981 taxes With Interest, I.the HIller ize other people have lives and miSSIOn It'S only natural that the St trammg It WIll \\ork," said patrolman Steve Molitor, dlstnct ."..ouJd also have to repay work of their own They always Clair Health CorporatIOn, with Its He listed as top pnonttes questions concerning man- who represents the police union "ThIs needs every- the Ch motives What about community respon- The continued tax exemptIOn for enJoy gettmg the "Twlhght afternoon schedules Normally they work SIXdays and Slblhty? ThiS I!>n't integratIOn, but elimination, the Ford House Will cost the ~hool ZOne" calls It may sound slight- hclve two off Every flfth week they have four days off everyone become" a pollee officer" dIstnct $75,000 a year, Parkt?r ~Id ly cruel, but we love to exchange highlight them, like Mannes swapping What they ....ould prefer to worlo..IS a 24-hour shift like Bailk has !3aid In the past that the only good reason The Shores and Lake To....nshlp war stones firemen do HIller "clld the s....Illg ~hlfll" dl<;ruptlve to ({ 'ontinued on Page ",.\) wll! also be hurt, \'lilage offlcl&ls said The Shores "III lose about 2 Sports editor Peggy O'Con- holiday percent of Its tolal ta'( base, but the nor can tell you of the \I"oman township WIll lose a third of Its tax who called and told of her amaz- Memol'lal Day weekend prom- base, otflclals said ing power to renew old luggage Ises to be bUSier than usual thiS just by lookmg at It IWhIch re- year m Grosse POlnle The VIllage and Iht' to\l,~hlP "III minds me of an old Joke about have to repa) a Ittlle mort' than wallets turmng IOta 'iUlt ca~es. All the cll;. parkr, will be open by $60,000 In taxes "llh 12 ~rcent Ul but we won't go IOta that now) thle; ....eekend, plus St Paul on the terest, offiCials said Rt"('ause 00 Lake and the War MemOrial Will taxes .. ere coll«tl"d from the She also !'Jaid she could make dedIcate plaquec; respectIvely estate In 1982 01' 19&1 no addltlonal old diamond nngs sparkle like hononng Father John El'ien, St ~~ments. \I, III be nec~'\4r) t~} new, or change a plam rmg mto Paul's founder, and veteran!> of the a diamond rmg, all Just by look- Viet l'lam war ing at them When she asked VIllage tru:>tl"eS, at t~r regul.u Peggy If she'd hke a demonstra- In )car ... par,t, St Paul ha!> of- Tuesda\ mornIng ~tUl& decided tion, Peg said "Sure, J can al- fered a :\lemonal Day !\1a~!>III the to lile the apphc'hon tor appeal of ways use another dlclmond pal'l!>h cemptery on Moror, ... Hoad, t~ decISion "'Ith the state SUpreme (Continu('d Oil PagE" 10,\) \\here parl ...hloner ...... ould rpmark <.'ourt 'Ibe hIgh court wlll d«ld(' that FattlPr Elsen, \~ho bullt th(' ""~ther It \\Iants to t.\k~ up the Deadline change churc h ll1 11199 \\:le; hUrled In matt~r, offlCUlls SAld \ilrlOU!> J()CatlOn~ In the cemetery Lake TO'Anstup ofJlc~ls " III Earlier deadhnf'r, for huymg Father Ehen ...funeral Mae;., of- meot>t \\ednesday. ~ay 30 to dE'{'lde ads and suhmllt1l1g pre ...'>rclccl~ fcrpd ll1 lllq~ also .. ant to ftlt' llO es Will be m effect for our ~la) .n cflehrilteo 111 the church he huilt applK'ahon for appeal '>lo hll'h must Issue becau'>c of lhe Mpn10naJ 1\-; a pivotal [Igurp In thf' long hiS- be doM b~ June 3 Day holiday tory of St Paul, many pan~hlOn('r!> New deadlmp ... for that I...~ue fPlt It would he apprOprldte to Thf" .'ord Hou1!lf" "I'" gunteof Fath('r E1M~n'... la'( exemption In 19tH t"""'dUSC!' thf. gravp ,.•Ilagf' deocldf"d t~ feU'llLt... wa, • Ad'i for ~porh and the "><'( ond Il'Ofltlnllflf 011 Plitt' !Pt-) SectIOn ('i()('let) ) mll,>t he In b~ 4 In A\I~lI ...t 1"Wl, :II:> f('m illll~ w('re pm Friday. \1:1Y 21 loc ...ltC'dll1..,t Pml! ('Plll('trry, ....Ith Ilw ...lId of ,In arch('olo~I,>1 and an • Ad'i for th(' ne\~<;~('Cllon nHl...t ,lOlhropoJo)o(l"t Thl~ :\tonorl) May Inside be In by 11a m Tuf,~day, \1ay 2<; 28 Ih(' church Will dfoolcclle a fl'Iooolob,r"",,-_,,1C1 Cahlf' • Pre~s r('!fU"f'''' for ...porL...and marker placen on the '>Ite of Jo'athf'r To date. 340 name. have been lilted on 'hi, temporary wooct.n plaque (shown above) I\onortng GrOMt PcMnt. ClU5 If1t'd 10"oK general nf ....'> scctlOn<, mll"t b<' In to:lv'n ~ grav(' a ... part of the 150th Vie' Ham The plaque will be dedlc.ted Mond.y, M• ., 28, at the Center Edltorlals 5 p m Frida), !',lay 21 v.'."n, oy anmversary ohs('TvancC'; of ~t Featu", Pagt' 1086" Paul pcll'l"h Groue Pomte Real • EfforLc; tl) pltlce ( la ...... lfIPd ad'> Vlf>1 N::lm pl,HlllP by (;('(1[ 11:<' .1 Thf' pllhlk i.. al .." IIlvllc.d to at Md' Illl)o( of Colon. hy \ '" W Alger Estate Exchan&t' before 5 pm Fl'loay aho WIll bt> A Md'lr, WIll hfo oJ)<;f'rvf"d 111 t hI' 78 Il'nd thf> War Mt'mnrlal' ... cll1nllal Hemdl'l Ill, and Wa~n(' \\f>jI;lwr, Hoflman P~t :19.1 llnd GrOSSf' Letters to EdItor appreciated ('('me!f>ry bt-~Irlllln~ at q 30 am M.7'" lake-.lde M('monal »,1) ~r\ IC(' 10 honoring a II POlntf'r., who rwrVf><1111 POInt" Amem'an LegIOn Post 303. ObItuarIeS The Gros'i!" POinte New,; of{lcf' and cel('hratf'd by MonslRnor Fran /)t> hf'ld Monday, MdY 2ft al II a m Southt'ast AMi dunnj( the ('onflll! thf' AdvanCing and PlaCing of Col- 9." Society I~B will be clos!"d Monday, May ~ Cl'l X Canfield. pa"tor of St Paul A special feilture of thIS Yf'ctr'!>..er Thf' Mon~) mornmjl; ~rvlce 01''1 by Sgt MajOr Patnck of the ~ I, 2, :1(' The public IS lnVlted to attend vIce will be lh~ prt'senlatlOn 01 th(' Will Include the Ralsmp; and Half «'ontmllf'd on Pal. U) #4 Q S ,

l •• 01.,11 'OIN' E NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984 CAR TALK Buekie Up'eampaign amts• to cut holiday car deaths ". Mf LAETHEM AD $ .... sf"., lit, *'.....181 ;: d1IIIII " IIemGria.I Day given by those who do not regularly safety belts, not only would more A)j GMC. 1tuck TbePfVlJ'8JDwill wear their safety belts are fear of lives be saved, but an Auto Club r :; tile •• , t y. .. " .~... !!IaJ ~ .., be 011 Datiomride at _ DeWS bemg trapped under water or in a analyslS shows traffic injuries GnMe "...... 0.- 1ft AM LAE'THEN crlllfw&lltle ia l..exinItoa. Ky., 011 fire, beIng unable to be thrown could be cut by nearly 50 percent...... ad 1M. e ,r.~ 01... 'iIM ar- >s • ~ It. Uic:hipa State Polke clear of an accIdent and concern The AAA Holiday News service Sa .... C)wite,rllet GftId Moue. as 08- that belts WIll wrinkle clothmg and Will broadcast hourly traffic safety I:..-k~... - we -..". II ...... -- lgrlIliDn motariItI".tw..to _ ' ...... ua.aI "OperatioG CARE"- chair- restram movement and travel bulletins to more than JCU .....- I~~".....mr. __ ...... lftClOI*lllM- .... will participate Ul the WI- "Being thrown clear in an acci' 160 Michigan radio stations from 3 '~ l1lI --.. ... 111110 ... AU AmaiaIl ~ timaI kick Oft witft the other state dent 18 the worst thmg that can pm Friday, May 25, to 11 pm. .; ". ..., .... ~ _ "., .. wr- from 11IuncIIy • ..., M. .. 'I'fIIIiI.. wi ct ...... 0IiiI6lt agencIeS, happen to someone," Yungkans ex- Monday, May 28, 1984 r. *' _ ...... -.....0 ..~ da)', .... y 31, fOr tw r - to ~;e.1-.01 ~ .,_ To ~aize the need for seat plained "Addttlonally. only one- Dunng the 78.hour holiday, the I?;jpill;ll.... On .. __ .... develop the babit aDd to diIpeI the _,) CIIItUeD _ .... ••••• belts, State Pollee wlil beef up half of the 1percent of all accidents Michigan Department of Trans • myths about belt:. T'be eam- bilbway BW'\'eillance thlS hobday, Involve someone trapped under portation estimates motorists on ...... $ ...... ,...... I'8IId«' - tJuIIoII .u. y paip'slOl1 is to thllI per- <~~ .... -.ng tOUftd --. ... ~ IQNT1AC ....,.. )*l f« Cl while tile Auto Club's "Bring 'Em water or In a hre If someone was state road!> Will log 720 mllhon .II ..... ,... • .-~~ 'We"'" cent of motariIta .. UIiaI IMt '''''' .. Pl'llIIY ClIUIll ... po..-.. .. belts. Bact Alive" Holiday News Ser, trapped, use of seat belt should as- miles, up 4 percent over the 1983 -~~ II~ .. _...... dlllowat~, -.x. Vice, will issue hourly travel and sure the Victim Will remam con- Memonal Day weekend. The holi . , JOIIible oec:...- • QIn ...... ~ ...... albOl, low ~t ./'iJWPl<:11IC Woods Public Safety DiI'edor traffIC bulletins to beJp motorlSts SCIOUSand able to escape" day offiCially begms at 6 p m Fri- ~ monoxide '1110 t'- J .1. I II Jack Pattenoa and tbe Auto Cub's ~..,.aey --- for 1M 30th COl1SeCUuveyear Yungkans added that If 3-1 per- day and runs through mldmght _~ ...... •• ""111 _~ .. tIiI RAY LA.mIDI Grosse PoiDte BnDeb llIfaNger PONTIAC GIIC TRUCK Lut Memorial Day weekend, 13 cent of the motorists ",ore theIr MondaY ...... !he eat • dInQ or ...... DoDald VII.... kicked off the ~ IIlAQt traffac deaths were recorded In h I fDU IIt\iIe • pnlOlenl '" II-. . ~l_ Michipn.OverthepastfiveMem- ~Ait American Buckle-Up in. oriaJ Day hol.Idays in Mldugan, on- Shoot Toronto in p oto c ass ly one of the 45 persons killed In a I d Driver education motor velucle was weanng a seat A MemOria Day" eeken pho- Saturday. :\la;-. 2& belt "u aU Mtclugan dnvers who tography triP to Toronto IS bemg of- Classes are $125 for the photogra- bave bells m tbelr vehIcles wore fered by the James A :'.lessana' pher and $30 more for the non-pho- openings available ."'~_ "_._'_ 'M"'. .. ohotoerilnhv wnrk<:h"n<: tOQra nlwl' <;noll<;p i\ 11 loom" mu"t I oJ'VU Claues ill Driver Edteeatiea, -, ...... va un::l) \.,vwu The- Ca'na-dian city offers a. num. h:n'e alleast one photographer re- available free to biD IdIoaI • ~ saved annually," Patterson ber of subjects for photographers. gistered Special rates With Amen- residents of tIae Grosse P8ate hiaddition to "buckling up" each includmg the world's tallest revolv. can mone)' discount are $45 smgle, , school district, will be caaducted time tIIey drive, motorists are urg_ mg tower, day and mght shots of $53 for a double/twm H. tIus summer by the depu:taMat of eel to tan on thelr headlights dur- the city hall complex, an Island Call 821.6619 durmg busmess com.muoity -.ea.... tour for shots of Toronto's skyline hours for more Information. '!be first four runs ~~t hours this hobday, to and Ontano Place, a 96-acre park from Juae 11 ~ 13; tbe . other motorists to wear Messana has conducted more Park police get The perfect Jtnit pu1lcNer. Ex- second from July 2 July %1. ~'believe in safety belts," em- than 20 out-of-town photography tTCI Ua'ht weight with a All claSMlI will be at Jtb1iI phasiaed Patterson. "Michigan tnps since he began teachmg work- hubcap thieves HiIb ScbooI, 7fI1 V...... IlIIiIoNd colJar. top center State Police are required to wear shops m 1971. Classes un location Grosse Pomte Park police report .A1tJIouiJb tile iIIitiaI ftlWratilll will take 10 hours, leavmg the rest they arrested two pe<>plefor steal- ,.,.. .. t; /IDp podeet with but. for the _mer nul_ ... cae- belts while working, a policy of the day open for tour mg. This IS 109 \\ Ire hubcaps from cars parked duded May It 17, baa resulted in preventing I I ton. Modaine wash and dry. IS. ud _limited aad redol::iDg major injuries to a co or S Ide workshop that wIll on Somerset on Friday, May 18. seIeetioIl stiD _ftiIIIbIe ==troapen invOlved m serious aCCl- stress composition No prmtmg Accordmg to Richard Weddmg, for thole ~=ia~ __ deatS. .. will be done Grwat /or .,." for travel. for Park detective, Jame Mathy. 25 of Call 343-2171 far furtber illfanDl" wear. Tan, green, -...... - Club' .... ~"'.. noted Messana suggests arriving In Tyler m Berkeley, and Alan Alfon. leiIure tioD. &~ l'UIW' S V~ns Toronto FrIdav, Ma.\' 25, to become Maline blue, sky blue, navy, some of the m06t common reasons oJ si, 29 of Somerset in Detroit, were - familiar with the city The c1as!>IS arraigned on larceny charges Nd. yellow and white, Grosse \\-111 .'.. Pobate News litmted to 20 people and begm before Judge Beverly Grobbel. $1850 ...'rCUIN-_'...... ,n au B, MIeeM P nM I u• • KerdleYa. A..- Gn8Iee ...... III .. Phone 882-8900 __ ClIM ...... DIftIt, IIiIcfllIlI'l.

....•.. ..."L""• 1• ...... -.",...... ' : 41 ~1l/I1lIldI.-"-"'to. -...... 0-. .... ","-, ~~ T1II .... fllr _ .." is -... _ to _ ...... s.u 1980 AI ...... CIIIIt' _ .. Ill _ - KDCHEVAL AT CLAIfI, GROSSE POINTE __a.e., " ....T.... sr COMIC ItOlJ.- MIlIJ .tIWUBT. ~ ...-nt I.; lOr ....., Opft r~ E... gs 'tiJ 9 ... ~lfasterCard Visa -...... IO.-.--.-wi-. h~- .. CIIWIlt ...... - ", ...... - .',,'. wl.eeL r .._---_ Jv ...... "" ...... ----. .... :-{,.Ji ... __ ...... II'It ..... , p<,,;,;kl'.-t, .. b ...... Wooda ---no, ar-,...... 0,. Mon-SM 1:30-5 c...... --.

e •


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VIM 882a10 MuterCard .'''200 ...... e...w Thursday, May 24, 1984 Pap Thr..-A Hearing set on City taxes school budget will rise \ By Susan McDonald primary factors m the plan were the in 1984.85 The school board last week closmg of Barnes Elementary ordered Supt. Kenneth Brummel's Srh<;>ol, ~ redurt~on of 4 5 ad- By SUI •• M~o.uWl proposed 1984-85budget back to the ml~lstrative posItions. the early Taxel wiU rile an aver.~ 01 4.' choppmg block for $200,000 III cuts retirement of 31.teachers and a con. percent in Groue Pointe City DGt Brummel's $38 mIllion spendmg tlnumg decltne In enrollment at all year but homeowners wUl Jet • plan called for a 4 percent Increase levels (see related story below). brea'k Commercial property m the general fund to be fmanced by New progra':ls funded In the owners will pay about 5.1 percent a five percent Increase III taxes be- budget are K-12 grade computer more. whlle homeownen raee OO:'y cause of an expected dechne III state htel acy, hIgh ablhty at the elemen- a 3 3 rise in taXeI because 01 dif. and federal aid tary level, additIOn of one class a ferences III the state equalized value School trustees saId they want the day at t,he lngh schools and move- of property In the City tax hike tnmmed to under 5 perrent ment ot Sixth graders to middle A spokesman saId the cuts WIll be school A new 1742 mlll tax rate WaJ Nt made before the document IS pre- The budget also calls,for funds to by City Council on May 14 to fund a sented at a publtc hearing on Thurs- boost the school s) stem s partlclpa- $3 millIon budget that W1Ucontmue day, May 31, at 7 30P m m central hon In local programmmg on cable the current level of cIty terVlcel, offices, 389 St Clair Avenue ~elevlslOn, IIlcIudmg .purchase of a accordmg to City Manager ThomaI Brummel and the board and :ji14.000televlslon-eqUlpPe: for 8011 Secour!> Ilo!>pltal' .. 111\italion GoU Benefit 011 :\Ionda), June II. dt tile Lochmoor Club, .Ir(' now pn th(' hl'clget ~t t" c !'!!eet:~g~ ~~st ~1~wrel1 and Parcells Middle hike In Hlue Cr06S/Blue Shield in- ~~~n~h~~:'''.lh ,u'J uf t:l~ .,.,\,.'-.~u~ \.UHUIl;t'~t: Ult:'U1UCI~ ..,i...... 'ut:',i jlt".~ Ul iJ) l.diiul~ ".aU iJer'\)c.K £I .. S-+J"'UH/. surance rates are among the fac. Pictured Heft to right> are William L. lIurle), Robert L. lIannon, Jr., Pett'r E. O'Bourke. Philip J. ~Iealhe, week. The supermtendent sa Id \~Of~nds \\ ere mcluded to cover tors that Will push city spendinl up Joseph Tolari, Don Becker, Kenneth Adlt'r, John L. King, Richard Shammas. Thoma .. W :\Iadigun, D.D S., costs of altering Barne:. school to ac- by 47 percent next year, Krell- Robl'rt G. Frear. D.D.S., Thomas Youngblood. Georg!' II. Williams. and John St'eman .\n l"nlire da) of ~olf commodate contmumg educatIOn, bach saId. mamtenance and InstructIOnal and other activities including meals are a\'ailable for cl $200 donation. Tickets are a\ailable only for the Xa.m. Candidates matel'lals center, whIch Willmove to !>hotgun start, Dinner, cocktails. alld eligibility for dool' prites are available for an $85 donation \11 donation!> The tax ll)Crease will bnna the former elementary school this are tax deductible as allowed b)' law. Proceeds from the event \\ ill bl.'nefit Bon Secour" lIo!>pltal's llealth and $95,365 more revenue to lbe Clty, meet Tuesday summer But, admllllstrators ques- Fitness Center in St. Clair Shores. Steering committee members not pictured are David W. B..nfer .. \rchie W compared to last year, bringtDI up tIOned by the board said the move Bedell, M.D., Ph.D., James Bologna, John A. Boll, Edmund i\l. Brad), Jr .. Lorellzo Uro\\ning, C. John Burke. total property tax revenues to $2 1 could cost $25,000 George DuFour, John R. Gehlel.t, John R. Hamann, Theodore :\Iecke, .Jr .. John ~l. :\'ehra, :\1.0., Larry R. mIllIon Property taxes will pay for at Center Pelok, M,D., Thomas Ryan, C.P.A., and Francis P. Shea, M.D. The budget calls for 836employes more than two-thirds of tbe cOBtI 01 The League of Women Voters of next year and almost 468 teachers the general fund next year, aecord- Grosse Pointe and the Grosse Average class SIzes at elementary Ing to Kressbaclt's soendiDI plan. Pointe War Memol'lal are co-spon- schools would be 22 9. About 30 percent of the riwDue soring a Board of Education Candl. The tax rate needed to support the New school head by DecelDber? WIll come from the state and dates Forum It WIll be held on vanous charges and budget for schools and libral'les By Susan McDonald order of Importance a few dozen because of the recent controversy rees. Tuesday, May 29, at 7:30 p.m. 111 won't be set by school board mem- The consultant guidmg Grosse quahhes the new supermtendent over school clo!>mgs that con- the Crystal Ballroom. bers until September They are to has annual Kress- The format for the evening Pointe schools' search for a new should possess and most agreed trlbuted to the current Supt Ken- bach called his spendiDlm.~I" m0d- authol'lzed, by voter-approved that the "ablhty to involve parents, neth Brummel's resignatIOn and allows questions from the audience nUllage elections, to levy a total of superintendent said he hopes to see erate and a "bland " that a new person sitting In the office at teachers and admlmstrators effer- the scheduled ele<-tlon to determine to be directed to each candidate 34 93 mIlls (A mIll equals $1 for "should be more palata to boCb 389 St ClaIr by Chnstmas, if all tIVely In the deCISion-making proc- If three school board members This year's candIdates, vymg for every $1,000 of state equalized taxpayer and budget decision- goes well. ess" was of pnmary Importance should be recalled from office two open Board posittons, are Fred valuation) Durmg 1983-84, the makers The consultant, Dr. John W Bru- Those skills WIll be Importanl, Adams, William Brownscombe, board rolled the rate back to 31 84 bacher, of UniverSIty of Connecti- one woman said, because there IS But Brubacher assured the Robert Radmck and incumbents mIlls and substantial rollback ISex- ..And it is less trauma tic: than cut, said he expects the Board of "controversy at e\'ery level of the crowd that top-quallty candidates Joan Hanpeter and Roger Mourad pected this year as well. some recent budgets which have Education to make its selection 10 school system 1Il the elemen- will still be attracted to the POlllte faced in11ation, yet October from a field of candIdates tary schools, middle schools and "That brings us to the questton hi&b wone stagflation, a depI eued that he thinks WIll represent some hIgh schools and even the public lI- 'do admlmstrators like prob- state the tax of the best educators in the natIon economy or threat of freeze bral'le~ .. lems?' .. Brubacher said "The an. and service cuts," be said. He made hIS comments at a Another added "the new supenn- swer IS yes Many hne admimstra. Absentee ballots available pubhc meetmg held May 21 to tendent is going to have to deal tors would give their eye teeth to Registered voters this week Radmck, William Brownscombe SOhClt comments from the com. with strong teacher dlssatlsfac- come to Grosse Pomte ConflIct IS The tax rate of 17.42 mills eoven can pick up absentee ballot and Fred Adams munity about what kind of superm- tion .. baSIC to our system and they're us- general fund and debt retiI'emeIlt levies and is up 0.89 milla over Jut applications to vote in the June tendent it wants Only 26 members ed to It II In addition, residents will be Brubacher asked the crowd what 11 school board election at asked to vote "yes" or "no" to of the public - mcludmg all seven year. (A mill equals II for fNf81J school system central offIces, recall three current school school board members, two ad- It was they liked about Grosse Also consuItlllg the board on the $1,000 of state equalized valultioa 389 St Clair Avenue, m Grosse board members, Ernest Buech. ministrators and a few teachers - Pointe and what could lure a new search IS Dr Carl Brautigam, of of property.) Pomte City. IeI', Cather me Bl'lerly and Jon attended the meetmg at Parcells superintendent here Most answer- the MIchIgan ASSOCiation of School Gandelot Middle School The consultant. who ed that the small-town atmosphere, boards The two met earlier Mon- The tax rate is applied to the Two school board seats, cur- Those who cannot VISitcentral regularly conducts such meetings neighborhood schools, easy walk- day With groups of admllllstrators, stateequalizedvaluationofpl"'CJl:lft- rently held by Roger Mourad offices to pIck up absentee ballot across the country, saId usually 50 lIlg dIstance to most conveniences parents and hIgh school students ty, which declined for 1984-15 OIl and Joan Hanpeter, Will be up applications may request they to 70 people attend them and prestigIOus reputation at. and planned meetlllgs on Tuesday resldenhal properties by about 0.' for election June 11 BeSides the be maIled out by calling 343-2013 But those who did attend VOIced tracted them to Grosse POinte WIth realtors and other commumty percent, according to cowtty ..... incumbents, three candidates or wl'ltmg to 389 St ClaIr Av. strong opinIOns about the kind of Some reSIdents VOIced the fear groups sor's figures. are seeking election. Robert enue, Grosse Pointe City, 48230. person they want for the Job Bru- that qualified candIdates won't be Brubacher saId he y, III compIle ~ . bacheI' asked the group to rank in tnterested in the Grosse PQlIIte Job composIte plclur.e of what the com The v~ue of CQlluftercial proper_ munity wants JlI a new IleIIaoI ,ty ~ ...... An, em I , /III. ~ ...... r buId on the ~ ..... ~...... ',,. .. ------.. week That composite will be used :: Thinking by the school board when 1t eval- O!""" uates candidates, he added The The budget calls lor spenditc board is conducting a nation-wide $222.885 on cIty admiDiatratioa; ~ of Leasing $195,470 on accountmg and audit. ::JE search for applicatIOns Th. k f The supermtendent posItion WIll 109, $1 36 million on public safety, 1\. In 0 pay $60,000 and also mcludes res- $766.955 on public works, SS1,4IO OIl I....l:)l~I ]~ 011 sewage dlsposal and $143,490 Idenc)' In the board-owned superln- DRUM MY tendent's home on Grosse POinte parks and recreation 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS Boulevard LEASING INC • Supt Kenneth Brummel is !>ched. OPEN: MONDAY.SATURDAY, 9.10, RUNDAY 10-6 881.8210 8 Mile ilt Gratiot uled to leave Gro!>se POinte at the Correction m.6700 772.2200 end of June The school board ISex- St Ambrose's 45th clau rew:aioIl HAIR Off VASEliNE Ra~~" ~l~(e~'st:le~~9r peeted to name an interJm superln- IS scheduled lor Saturday, JUDe ,_It OFF .... -----. tendent next month to serve until the was incorTectJy reported AI W... BIKINI INTENSIVE 340/0 new person IS on board day, June 9 in the May 3 iaIue. Line Cream CARE ~,&Hair Remover lDTlON SANDERS Gentle, Safe 00 TOPPINGS Effective Way to be 2 for $5 2402 bottle • Milk Chocolale Bare as you Dare • Biller Sweet MEMORIAL DAY • Swiss Chocolate WEEKEND 95 No nonsense~ $3 value SPECIALS Comfort stride@ Thunday. FrkIay. SahInIay OUR $260 Mil) z.t, 15. 16 + PRICE 2001 ~$233 .. CARESS 2 PACK 47 BATH SIZE control top $2 BODY SOAP $119 FREE PAIR! 20070OFF Buy one, get one FREE! Great lakes In the mati, detalls In store .. CHARCOAL *ALL SWIMWEAR ..... $3!~.g • Jantzen .- EVERYDAY • Catalina SHIELD • Robby Len BATH SIZE 2 PACK DEODORANT EUCERIN SOAP 88° cleansing b. lor dry and sensitive skin *ALL PLAYWEAR WISK Heavy Duty $171 • Izod Laundry EVERYDAY • Koret Detergent SUNDOYIN • Jantzen SUNSCRfEN !tun 'for"ctNH'l for Up.tllh"" Hln $3!! • Catalina • '-. I EXTRA, SPF 6 • Pant-Her • Shorts & T-Shirts t-~ MAXIMAL SPF 8 ULTRA. SPF 15 JOIIIISOtrS r - - FINAL TOUCM 1\

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&IOSSE POINTE NEWS Thurtday, May 24, 1984 •THE TIGER GAllES! LWV's McCaig is . ",,.,,,; evr:RY OTHER SPORTlM3 EVEiir~- Public safety debate busy at convention ~GIOUR NEW GIANT SCREEN SATB.tJTE T.V. (CaatbuIN frea Pa,e lA) bad to sweeten its pot by M ~ to get f1ft!fJ8bterl GtwIe PoiDte lape of Women for a city to go PSO is to save moaey aDd give better to cro&S-train. PoUce were given a 16 percent iDcreue Voters Prelideat ~ McCall MEMORIAL K servke, two points that be believes haven't been in wages and benefits as incentive. Because 01 that, joined other leaaue leaden froni proven the men have been lirnng up to take the training. amJ81 the COWltry for the 38th Na- '1'bey'd walk on their knees 00 glass," Kalamaras tioDaJ Coavention of the Leaaue of * SPECIALS * "They're ta1kl.n& about reducing costs, but it's by said. Women Voters of the United States Barbeqae Rib Ioslng men l.hrough retJ.remeot. You can't give the beld in the ReDailsance Center last same service by losing mea ""bo have the expertise NOlle of the bUNley has been spent training the week. and ability to get people on the scene quiekly wnether men beyond a 12 week stmt at the P.Oliee academy and Dinner sl.95 The delegates participated in the #tIel. it be pollee or ftremen. three weeks on the job trainmg fOr firef1&bten, said League's deciaioll-makinc pr0.- ...,. .. coupcNI Kalamaras. "Police received 240 hours traming at or and .,." to "They Wte to think they will quahfy us through cross the flre academy and worked three 4O-bour weeks at a gram, budget bylaws as well 51.00 Off flny trainmg. but what they end up with are some fire station, nothing more as the election of otfteen. League PllttRlA pol1cemen wOO make poor firemen and vice versa," leaders also met at the convention Large Cil'ftk or Bl3lk said "TIlere has been a $1 milhon a year increase for 50 to develop plana for study and Ie- I years Just for pensIOns," he added. bon for the years ahead. The or- Antipasto Salad H1s departmenrs expenence With pubhc safety of- ganization addressed such diverse Cany-OUt and Coupons ficers has left much to be deslCed, particularly on two CommissIOn chairman Stephen Wasmger asked issues as voting rights, environ- Not Included with W. coupon recent flres where his men .'took the rap" for standmg about the small number of hours a man actually flghts mental quality, social issues and l Grosse Pointe Only CoupcNI &,... Mer 31, tfMW • around, hf! said a fLre "Isn't there some other thmg he could do to military polley defense spendiruz. benefit the community, hke bemg a PSO?" "Out of seven men. two "ent in and five stood out- The League of Women Voters is a 18696 MACK OPO FOfI ~ n A.~ UIQ SP'EI:W.S side The two that \lrent 10 "ere former flremen," Thomas rephed that a well-trained firefighter's non-partisan organizatlon dedicat- 0..... Pt.. Farms ~ WON . THURS -11 ...... -\2P .. Bialk added "idle bme isn't structured You can't schedule fIres ed to the informed participabon of I85-lo4o FRI - SAT - 11A.. ... 1 A..... SUNDAY - 1,1, and you need to be alert. FJ.remen handle emergency citizens in the governmental pro- W1l113mHunt, Park fire heutenant backed up Blalk. medJcal servIce runs, make fire inspections and main- cess. There are Leagues in 1,226 "-~ ... - "Tn ",.., ,n<:t",~ "I'm" n( t.... m ('''nn'. Irn"w hnw .n . .... _...., t't\"""""'U .....h~ ;'" thG 'T ~ -.-.n ~~...... f'T \,.QUI U,IlIIl; ~LoQUVU , .... u ~W""'l.u:au.. ...------_..._._.r -....ae. raise a ladder and I had to work my job and their job voter information and carrying out NEW ISSUE too. I went mto the hospital after one fll't' " "You ha ve to recognize the core purpose of the a program of study and action on department," he added. "You have an obligation to member selected issues. ThiI ~ • ~ III oIIr to'" nora. AIIMoi. ot ... ClfIIIr to However. no formal charges ",ere ever flIed in those not mess up the pollce and fire protection in the com- iDCuients, said BLalk Membership in the League is b\Ir'" ~ The '*".".. 0IiIt br" ~. munity." open to all citizens 18 years or $10,000,00o Gary L Thomas, president of the Michigan State The meetmg ended with both police and fire repre- older. Flreflghters Union, also attended the meeting. He told sentatives inVIting the commission to visit them in tile commission that no matter 00\\ proficient one may their respective stations, something, they said, the think each department may become, they never truly commission hasn't done. RJCK tmB. C(JI'(Nlm make the crossover. Bryce resigns from The citizen commission was appointed by Mayor CONVER1lBlE SlJBOROINRED DEBENTURES "After such a consolidation, the ftre department be- tree commission Palmer Heenan as a result of one of his campaign pr0- DUE 1994 comes secondary and suffers," said Thomas. "We've mises to look into the posslbility of giving more police The Woods council accepted the seen instances where a series of lasted longer flTeS protection to the Park and getting "some firemen, not resi~tion of Lee Bryce (rom the than they should." fully occupied, out of the stations and into the streets. city s Tree Advisory commission He suggested the city put the pohce on 24-hour at its May 7 meeting. shifts now to "keep them happy." In her April 12 letter, Mrs Boyce "The rule of thumb is one should get ~ percent more said she was accepting "increased ~ Kalamaras, a ftrefighter from Kalamazoo in servires or you should cut your budget by ~ per- commitments with the BeautifICa- ,,'here PSO is less than two years old spoke to the com- cent 1lIe goal of such a reorganization is to increase tion Commission as weU as another mission. He is also a representative from the state the efflciency and delivery of public safety services 10 appointment in the community and flreftghters union. to 30 percent. It's a way of making government more wish to fulfill those commitments effective and giving more services for the taxpayers to the best of my ability." Since Kalamazoo's transition, 42 men have suffered dollars," Heenan said. Until recently, appointees served injuries during flTeS and oooe were PSO, said Annual Interest-paid monthly However, while the new city budget allows no in- on both the tree and beautification KaJamaras. "They don't go inside fires, some don't eornmissiOlls. An ordinance passed even put OIl the gear." crease in homeowner taxes, already it will have to dip into its Surplus Appropriation FwKf to pay for many of in March created separate com- OFFERi\J-,~'J& CO., inc. As far as cost effectiveness goes, he said Kalamazoo its services next year. missions.

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•I • _Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page FWe-A Lucas: 'I've kept my promises' By Mike Andrzejczyk operation failed because "some building, The closing of the hoIpitaJ. will In January, 1983, Bill Lucas comm~io~ers, ~r the eloa~ of Part of the probl~m with ne- not end health .care few the indio came to office with what he called anommlty, contmue workl~g gotiating has been doing so "in gent,. Lucas said. Forty-stx area "a unique opportunity to do thmgs ~galnst the charter, Luc,as. said. good faIth," Lucas said. Some pro- hospitals. have arr&Dlement& for differently In Wayne County" As There are so few commiSSioners spective buyers wanted the has- handling mdlgents, he added. the first county executive with a who fol,l,ow the dictates of the pital closed first so they won't be It is too early to say whether new charter, Lucas collected his charter forced to pick up high labor costs at Lucas Willseek another term as ex- HOT WEATHER IS HERE! DELUXE staff of the "best and the bright- The way to get actIOn IS for the the Westland faCIlity ecutive, he said, addiDi he has est" and began working to brmg MODEL voters to reassert their authority . been told this 15 his "political swan. 5e8D brttont the county into the 20th Century over elected offiCIals, Luca!> said. Once the decISI0J.l to close was song No one ever told me I would l/ WILL PAY VI OF After 16 months, Lucas has put a "For too long, the J>epltal's bud- The commission ~uestion sions such as calhng for the end of dUlnb The publiC has to say to Its get con tamed no subSIdy from thiS offICials 'you work for us ' " year's general county budget as It would diVide the leg isla lve and cost-of-hvmg mcreases, a four-day , admmistrative powers of the road workweek and plannmg to close had in the past. Lucas said. Com. Lucas rated First DIstrict Com- missioners who passed that budget commiSSIOn between the executive Wayne County . InlSSlOner John Hertel as fall', part- knew funds for the hospital would and the board of commisluoners. AIR CONDITIONER CHECK UP Alter Ib momns ot betng m tront, i.y ~ClI.I:>t: u[ ill:> u~u ::'U}I}NlL rUl run out about thiS llme, he added Lu\.CI::' :>diJ in: ilCl::' 1IV uVJNlloii.ivu LV • ~n~tAfii.iini and a target, Lucas IS a bit harder Lucas' deciSion to close Wayne that, but Will continue to circulate County General Hospital next If there is no buyer, the faCIlity petitions to put his own five refer- • OIL MOtOR, CHECk 8EU He is sharper m hiS criticism of • MAKE SURE VAlYES W BACK SEATED commission opponents and blunter Thursday unless blocked by the will still close, Lucas Said AI- enda questions on the November in rebuttmg misconceptions and courts Few J>en't compare to HIS proposals were all sent first :=J~~:~:URE He remains out in front, however support the closing, Lucas added the monthly drain the faCIlity puts to the commission for their E1ace- • CHECK TEMPfRATURE ACROSS COIL ~3900., "I have taken an awful lot of blame on the county, The money Will be Closmg the hospital IS the last of used to negotiate the handhng of ment on the August ballot, ucas • CHECK CONDENSATE DRAINS and recflmmatIon to make sure a lO.pomt plan Lucas proposed to medIcal care at other hospitals, he said The "proof of the of this government is different," he pudding" • CHECK AMPS Of UNIT COMPLETE brmg the county to fiscal respon- said. the special mterest-serving of the • CHECK CONOfTION Of HEAT EXCHANGER 12 POINT said. "I was elected to make deCI- slbility The faclhty loses $1 5 mil- commission is their only placing SIOns, as unpopular as they may be T ,. lion a month, Lucas added. "What's the difference? One is a one on the ballot, he added, • a.. UnItI CHECK failure and the ones \\ e are going to :~=n:.r Although negotiations with De- contract with are successful opera- Lucas couldn't put a dollar • CHECK CONDENSER SIIf1hd'I HtfI* In his first months in office, figure trOit Receiving Hospital to buy tions," Lucas added on the savings of rolling the road, Lucas called his relationship With Wayne County General collapsed drain and public works depart. S4Hving the Polntea Since 19049 the county board an evolving one. last week and a Circuit Court hear- Negotiations Will contmue to find ment mto the Office of Public Ser- Now, he said, the relationship has mg is expected thlS week to decide a buyer until the last minute, Lucas VICes, the largest county office. He 527-1711 524-17. 574-1170 "evolved right out of the ball park ,. whether the faCility will close, said. In the end, unless blocked by noted that duplication of staff and 14Ml11lTIIT 3373-.arEl •. ml7fAl.m NoftI'l of 11 ..... Attempts to meet With board Lucas said there are three or four the court, the hospital Will close, he equipment could be eliminated by H.. I ...... of 12 ... IET-.r 110Y leadership and form a baSIS for co- parties still negotiating to buy the added. .... REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • VILLAGE.MARKET fine 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms wines - pr... n'- liquor• "THIS WEEK'S SEll RINGERS" • Closed Sunday and MontI6y ,nd CIDIH Md. ~ 1 /1.m. PIt••• 1Itt.o.... II., 24th,ath ...... BONELESS - WHOLE

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Page SIX-A Opinions & letters Thursday, May 24, 1984

Lucas goes on the attack

Beleaguered, behttled and beset b~ his cnti(.'s. powers to the county board County Executive Wilham Lucas IS counterat- Other amendments Lucas hopes to put on the tacking in order to seek ne\\ public support to :\ovember ballot via the pelthon route if the keep alive the spmt of reform that enwrged m board doesn't act mclude abolitIOn of the office of Wayne County \lo Ith the appro\ dolof the <:ount~ the eleded dram commbsioner, reqUiring the charter three years ago county board to show "just cause" for rejecting In a visit to the Grosse Pomt(. :\e\\ s offIce last the executive's appointments to county posts, week, Lucas said he had fulfilled the promises he takmg from the commIssioners the responsibili- made when he took office but IS tr~ lng to arou~e ty to approve county contracts and giving the cir- support for the five charter amendment~ he feels CUlt courts rather than the county clerk the are essential to meet the obstacles and problems responsibilIty for appomtmg and directing the ahead. court clerks If the voters grant hIS requests to abolish the ~ ...... - "... ,..., _, . au.&:. "...... Va>" 1."'-1.1' •• lie luau\: ~lt'al, I:> electea Ofall1 commiSSioner and the road com- the board of count\ commiSSIOners \\ hleh 111 hIS miSSIon, Lucas would merge those offICes into an opiiliQn has not) et adjusted to the fact that It IS expanded public works or public services depart- no loriger a combmed legIslatIve and admlmstra- ment. He claims bIg savmgs could be made by tive bOdy but, instead, the county legIslature In ehmmating duplicatIOn in both equipment and comments elsewhere, Lucas had even threaten- servICes He contends that he has to follow guide- \., - ed to oppose the reelectIon of some commis- hnes on contracts and that since both the auditor sioners but at the !liews he preferred to stress the general and the corporation counsel have to ap- positive, meaning he will support those \\ ho are proYe hiS actions, there already are sufficient suPPOrtive of the charter checks and balances. He has found the board LUcas fears that public neglE'Ct may be an "arbitrary and capricious" In holding up ap- equally important obstacle to contlnumg pro- proval of his appomtments and so slow to ap- gress in county government He IS trymg to '" in prove contracts that in some cases new bids have greater public support for hIS charter amend- to be sought. tc ments not only to bring pressure on the county board to put the issues on the ballot but also to WHILE LUCAS SAYS it's too early to say l' counter the apathy that he fears once again may whether he'll run for reelection in 1986, be 0b- characterize pubhc attItudes toward county viously enjoys his job despite its frustrations. This is no mecca for English teachers government. Asked if he might make his "political swan To the Editor: In his discussIOns WIth the !liews, Lucas sound. ched per mdividual teacher, and trustees several years ago did song" after 14 years as sheriff and four in his According to the interview all this in additIon to what is al- ed defensive and did concede that the controver- county executive post, be responds that he not reply to my communica- published in the May 10 Grosse ready a far-from-ideal teaching tions nor did Brummel last f ~sies with the county board. elected and appomted wasn't elected to think like that and prefers Pointe News, Supt. Kenneth load. Ttus IS an accomplish- spring. Are teachers' proposals -~ officials and labor umons repr~entillg county sunply to do the job at hand. U he can win ap- Brummel believes "We've been .:::. ,-employes had been frustrating But he's stlll op- ment? for change too practical, too proval of the amendments he seeks, he thinks be pretty isolated here, thinking we Supt. Brummel msists the , ~timistic that the public will support him if he can should be able to continue malting significant humane, not trendy or theoret- have -a mecca." How dare he use staff has to "appreciate the im- ical enough to suit them? Do ~ r- get this message out to the people So that is why progress in improving county government. the plural "we"? His three years portance of change and accep- supermtendents and trustees , "be is now spending up to four days a week In this newspaper's opinion; Lucas bas been a here do not qualify him to pon- ,'1-visiting groups and people in leadership posi- tance of change." I neither "ap- prefer a facade of "ac- pleasant surprise in his first 16 months in office. tificate. If, during his three preciate" his Idea of change for > • tions around the county. complishments" reported 10 He has won a deserved reputation for in- years, he had listened to me and change's sake nor do I "accept" ':. Among proposed charter amendments he dependence and for taking issue with the county newspapers, accomplishments my long-time colleagues in the hIS disdain for teachers' (and that will make their personal . wants on the November ballot IS one to abolish officials, labor unions and special interests that English department, he would county road commiSSion Commissioner students') needs. Contrary to his resumes more valuable? ~. ahe tried to protect the status quo in county govern- know that we most definitely do _ ~ I,John Hertel of the First DIStrIct, \lo luch mcludes accusation, my colleagues and I ment He has made great strides in cutting the not consider Grosse Pointe a have proposed and argued VIg- -the Pointes, was ro-sponsor of a resolution put- county's debt and in improving its efficiency by I urge the community, can- mecca. orously for changes - among didates for school board. and the ~ting such an amendment on the August primary installing computerized services, increasing the During a few years in the past, i ballot. While Lucas expressed no opinion one them a return to reasonable next superintendent to talk to number of prosecutors and obtaining conces- the Grosse Pointe public school work loads for English teachers. teachers The incumbent super- ;:tway or the other on the Hertel proposal, he did SIOns from county employes. In short, under his system might have qualified as ,lsay that as a commissioner Hertel has been at The National Council of Teach- intendent and trustees won't direction the county now seems to be run for the a mecca for high school English ers of English supports our pro- talk to us - except to say •'Mer- 'ileast "fair" from his own VIewpoint, The Hertel benefit of the public, not the employes and teachers. Twenty~ years ago " 1.,p'oposal differs from Lucas' own plan by giving posals, but neither superintend- ry Christmas" and "change!" special interests who too often ruled the roost in when I began teaching in Grosse ents nor trustees see fit to listen , --Jibe road commission's present legislative the past. Pointe, the opportunity to teach or act to achieve the goals we No, Grosse Pointe is not :- ~ ~1~" J , \ ~ four classes, alxxlt 100students, ~aj,.at least not for E . bfr' believe need to be achieVed. In- was overwhelmingly attractive stead, they run us down a road teachers. As a friend su~es " ~r. '.t~ D - and challenging. But that was farther from mecca every year. to me, it may be more hke a it ~ 21 years and seven superinten- In barBaimng last summer, airport hotel with fly-by-night dents ago. they even proposed an Increase superintendents and transient A reaffirmation of faith • • • Some quality school systems to SIX classes for secondary trustees. Then again, since the are currently as enlightened as teachers. real Mecca is a place where pil- Among other things, a college reUnion igan because inadequate fmancing can do alost Grosse Pointe was then, but Why don't supenntendents grims come and go, perform represents a reaffirmation of faIth In and SUp- as much harm to these great American univer- these must not be the "other" and trustees listen to experienc- their rituals, and then leave, it port for higher education, especially for the insti- SIties as China did to its institutions of higher school systems Brummel wishes ed teachers? Brummel boasts of may qualify as a mecca after tution that awarded the graduate his degree learning by closing them. That was a disservice Grosse Pointe to emulate; for he being included among the "500 all. Only Allah knows; and, 'I1lat is particularly true of a 50th college class not only to a generation but to an entire nation. has had grander goals to ac- superintendents whose name IS despite suggestions to the con- reunion. Americans should not permit an economic reces- complish than a return to Grosse on everyone's maIling list." trary, he's not available to serve It is, of course, both a sad and happy occasion. sion to be used as the excuse for a similar Pointe's enlightened past. With more than 20 years of ex- as superintendent. Sad because of the memories of those members Cultural Revolution result here. One of the goals he prides him- perience in this system, I can't of the class of 1934who haven't surVived to 1984. In Minneapolis, the graduates understood the self on achieving is "the seven even get on the mailing list of the Suzanne Boivin .[ - Happy for those who did survIve to mmgle '" ith obhque and sometimes not so indirect warnings period day at the high school", superintendent and the trustees . ' classmates they hadn't seen or heard from in about underfunding. Thinking about the ways in a change yet to be put into effect, English Teacher Supt William Coats and the South High P years, sometimes even for a half century, to ex. which their own lives had been shaped and their one which he will not be around ~ change reminiscences. own society enhanced by their university's con- to implement - or evaluate. He '> For university admlrustrators. such affaIrs trIbutions, many agreed that they share in the is pleased to see that students Schools raise values :"::. are a mixed blessing. The burden of sponsormg responsIbility to see that higher education can be have "signed up for almost 2,000 < reunions is offset by the opportumtles to plead made affordable at reasonable cost to oncoming additional courses for next To the EdItor mom tor the value of the homes in for support for Institutions and programs reqUIr- generations Those young people, too, deserve year." He reports: "Many Because of the concern for school the Barnes district I feel I must ing help. Speakers laud theIr InstitutIOns for past the opportumties to share in the benefits and (students) picked extra math, closings in Grosse Pomte, we have vOIce an opInIOn on the value of a accomplishments but counter WIth appeals for rewards of a University education, not only for science and English classes We all heard and read a great deal mulh-bedroom home where no ele- aid in achieving the new goals the)- outline to the their own sake but for he sake of the entire state. are hiring eight new math about property values It nas been mentary school eXIsts returning grads. Yet, amid the evidence of change on the cam. teachers, just to handle the in- Imphed that even though 90 per- cent of the homes In the Barnes WhIle It IS true that all homes will mE GRADUATES HAYE learned through pus - the proliferation of students, staff, creased demand." Yes, but sell at the fight price as stated by math teachers do not teach Elementary dlstnct are three or Ioog experience that they have to pay for most buildings, cars and parking lots - the graduates III English. four bedroom structures, the value Tom Youngblood your paper re- things they get ill hfe So they are re~lgned to also heard reminders of the unpredictability of centlv. It should also be remem- the future One speaker recalled that President What be fails to reveal is that would not dImInIsh v. lth the clos- "paying for" their lunches and dmners by lIsten- Ings of that school bered that the nght prIce is subJeCt ing to an array of pitches from administrators Lotus Delta Coffmann, speaking at the 1934com- the system has cut English to appralsmg, and all appraISers teaching positions. He fails to RecogmzIng that my background and alumru spokesmen But. 10 truth the) also mencement, had CIted the dIscovery of "heavy add value to a multI-bedroom home ISnot In the educatIOnal fIeld Iv. III hydrogen" for which, he said, there was no reveal that English teachers WIth "8ljoy hearing the prlase of their alma mater and not pretend to have the answer on local schl)()Is tend to bask in the reflected gIo\.\ from It Some known use but which, he added, some scientists may carry the equivalent of SIX classes in five next year. An in- the merits or dements of saId clos- even deserve to feel pnde In their <-'fTY H>ITOk ""1 It()l,SSF"U that rising costs deprIVE> some ~ (/rth, ,,'udents of pIonshIp or a tnp to the Rose Bowl but grads' "AU\ PIlOMOTlON educationalopportumtlE"'. Both ... n('ed look '\r I I PI,' 1"'[ '"Ii.... ho~ ~ere raIsed that Minnesota might reclaim ,'", "I I II} KI\ ~I (,( , ( (( , .... ~OP<; 1 1It"')A"'I" i,.{ IFTIl.E only to China to ')ef' <;ome po-,"lblf' f'ftpct, perhaps I ,H, "I ,\H ,i)0FIl. HM,f'.5 some of Its glory days - and even bring \"l~ I " .....J~/f (/Y)." r 'I" I'V II'" IIfIt"'Mlt:Tn HIl lIEIl. In the People's Republl( th(' lurmOll of the Little HAftkD I ....< I 1\'.. the Brown Jug home from Ann Arbor , I Ht ',l\lill 1'11«All JA"l£ E SIIl.I Cultural Revolution 1t>Cl to the rloslng of mdny of So as the graduates of 1934 left the campus - \1 1'\ IW 'f- Ilf-I [ China's great umverslll~ That n,lllOn on)~ no\.\ after what for many was probably theIr final (fiU II "no", :"'''_ ..l"/~ ""''' fll ., r "T() .... is beginning to realIze that It!'J greal!('ap forv.ard VISit - they took With them a renewed apprecia- ~r)110R....1 i O"'L, 1...... 1 ~_...------I'A v." 'F1 ",JtI)O 'reaD)" constituted se\eral .,te~ back\o\ard It tiOn of their unIversity and a new dedJcatlon to ItIJRf.:RT c. tAX.AIl A"''''''fJA WHFATI.JY deprived almost a generation of ~oung Chinese Its support They reflected that such institutions I'LIIUS/iUI ;$-< _ the opportumty to contribute to the ad ..ance- represent both continuity and change - the Robert B. Edgar, Ectitor and PUblishf'r <. - JDeDt of-that developIng natIon On!v nov.' IS record of the past and the promise of the future. U l.7t) ;t' China once agam encouragmg higher educatIOn And they returned home satisfied that the ....., ...... '-.et aM "".... 1Nf' ... ,.Pf'!' A'~I('I.UtotI lrc 01the young people whose skIlls It ~o o€'SpE'rately campus-made fnendshlps and the university in- "~ ..... as it emerges Into the modern world fluences that shaped their lIves fOf' 8 haH century offers a warmng to Mmnesota and Mich- el". - adna stIli endured In 1984. ~.'!1, '" , • - •

Page 5even-A Opinions & letters Thursday, May 24, 1984

Mourad has let his supporters down To the Editor: ship ... total chaos." given no alternative to declin- I attended the, Board of Ed- Mrs. Griffiths said she "has ing enrollment. Many were not ucation candidates' debate at never seen anything hke the even registered voters and Barnes Elementary School on fervor she says is changing the many of the ones who were did May 10. At that meeting Roger shape of Michigan government not even bother to vote last Mourad read part of a quote. In ThiS is a totally new exper- June Those are the ones yell- light of the May 3 Grosse Pomte ience, the idea that this could ing the loudest and those are News letters to the editor where be done. that you could fire peo- the ones you have decided to Mr. Mourad and WIlliam ple without any reason .. support. You have let your Brownscombe's recall groups other than what a few loud- voters and supporters down. complained about unfair 9uotes mouths are arguing. and editorials, I would hke to "Well-heeled lobbyists Will There is life after elementary read the rest of the quote. It's use recall threats to put the school. Life WIll go on after from Lt Governor Martha squeeze on lawmakers saying if Barnes closes and I, for one, Gnfilth and It says .. 'lntur- you don't vote tor thIS, 1'11run ~m concerned about ~1~ th~ iating .. , unconscionable the recall campaign.' Recall chIldren in Grosse Pomte, not loud-mouths ." sleazy,' she fears will make it increasingly just the 140 who will not go to says of the recallers. "Reign of difficult to entice talented, well- Barnes next fall. terror ... fascism, .. dictator- educated citizens to run for Those parents who say the state office." children are too young to be put Insidious In the past, she said, officials in with seventh and eighth faced the consequences of their grades have these same action - "voters' wrath at the seventh and eighth graders communists end of a term of office, during a babysit their younger ones and To the Editor: re-election campaign, which is play on baseball, football and In the May 17 Grosse Pointe as it should be." soccer teams together, I know, News, I noted, WItha bit of nausea, I have the whole article in I coach a team comprised of another one of John Conley's dia- which the comments were fifth through eighth graders. tribes Of course, as a liberal, he made which was sent to me by We let them play together out- has a right to express his view - Martha Griffiths' office and I however far out to the left field side a building, but heaven for- was asked to set the record bid they attend the same school they may be straight. Mr. Mourad, you not One View of the Capital But, as a conservatlve, I reserve together. the right also to speak up against only didn't attribute her quote, hIS ridiculous opmions on McCar- but quoted her out of context for And to those who say "I don't thyism and President Reagan your own political gain. like the middle school," I say, Self-concept is irnponMnt get involved there. You will By William Bryant as imperfect, struggling, grow- me to give when I have trouble Conley clearly reveals himself in I love this community and every sentence. Doesn't this man, find the same caring there that State Representative ing human beings. accepting myself. many of the people in it. But you found by the staff in the ele- a former high school teacher, We had a workshop on "Self- When we cannot accept and How much less anim06~ty, understand that ministers do not what has happened here in the mentary. Let's look ahead to Concept and self-Esteem" this love ourselves it is pretty how much ~ore true canng become communists but that com- past few months has me very benefit and give all the children week as part of the skills work- tough, perhaps impossible, to ~nd cooperatIOn there would be mUnists do become men of the concerned about its future. m Grosse Pointe the very best cloth, the better to deceive and Friendships that are long-term shop program I started last accept and love others. in the world if we would just we can in elementary, middle Whether in the poli tical arena open om: ey~ an~ see that we mislead their flock? have suffered - for some, the and high school. year, L.E.A.D. (Legislative I would like to believe that a vast damage may never be undone. Education and Development> or m our close personal rela- are al,l lfl this ~ng toIetber, majority of our church leaders are I say this to you, Mr. Mourad, Lastly, Mr. Mourad, concern- The workshop was open to tlonships, whether in our work that we ~re ap Imperfect and men with clear mmds and wIde- because you may have been ing the Richard School proper- legislators and legislative staff. environment or our commun- always Will be. But that we ~.n open eyes who are aware of the able to temper some of this. ty that you said I was being lied Predictably, few legislators ity, so much of the defensive- grow, and r,~ach out and say I many dangers among us and signed up and yet it seems to ness and attacking which oc- understand and cele~te our around us of the insidIous pro. You have the right to vote the to about and your David Eas- way you did. But as a Board lick and Dr. Brownscombe are me that for a great majority of curs seems traceable to prob- humanness and for~ve ~- paganda permeating our society. lems with self esteem. selves and others or bemg Those comparatively few member and in a democracy, a complaining about. If you feel people, regardless of age, sta- majority rules. Once the vote is tus or life work, self esteem is human. ministers, commumst wolves in that strongly, sir, you should I tend to think of myself more So, it is too bad most of the sheep's clothing, have done and are taken and a decision made, that ha ve voted "no." Don't sit on at the very heart of problems still doing a great deal of damage Board member should be sup- we have in life. as competent and less as like- legislators felt that enrolling in the fence regarding tough is- able, and, as a normal part of a workshop dealing with self- Let us all be aware of what the portive of the Board he is serv- sues. We voted you in to make Sometimes it seems that Conleys and his like-minded ing on, not fueling recall efforts being somewhat past my youth, esteem was too treatenin, for tough decisions. Make them. those with the most intelli- want to work on developing them. We could all use a itUe cohorts are up to. There is strength and having his own family sign ~on't abstain to please b;9th in truth, and let us all seek the facts gence, talent and drIve are parts of me I have neglected. help. Maybe, however, the first recall petitions. For that reason, SIdes. even more susceptible to prob- 1- before passing judgment on those Mr. Mourad, you have lost my , Karen Schaefer As a legislator, I can see in- step is in discoveriDl' we eauId the communists would like to lems of self esteem. So many stances where I have settJed tor use some 1JeIp. iD ...... ,. condemn. support and that of others. Grosse Pointe Woods are so demanding of them- respect where I reaJJy wanted how difficult and fragile and You have decided to side WIth Mrs. Richard D. Walker selves, they find it exceedingly to be liked. In my personal life essential it is to have a healthy Grosse Point Farms a group which has to this date Endorsements difficult to accept themselves r can see where it was hard for self-esteem. 'What; new on don't sway ... reporters .---1_,_-. .... To the Editor: , 11-1E 1-11II In your editorial published I By Pat Rousseau May 3 entitled "Ethnics and Fair Coverage," you referred to 1 Hand-Painted Picture Frames. . will be reduced 20% the fact that The Newspaper at Persnickety, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Perfect for GUIld's political endorsement of I graduation gifts or for your hostess up north Persnicke- Walter Mondale for president - ty Pedlar, 98 Kercheval. raised questions of professional • ethics for newspapers. Further, • you stated that these issues were - I Special Bleyle Sale.. at Mana Dmon, 11 Kercheval. Current blouses, skirts, jackets, slacks from Bleyle in hap- raised locally when a Free Press I py spring and summer colors are waiting for you to collect reporter, who covered Grosse and coordinate at a SAVINGS Pointe public schools, was reas- I signed by hIS editors after ad- • mitting that he had signed a I OnYour Agenda ... graduatIon, shower? school board recall petition. Seasons of Paper has the invitations and gifts I includmg desk sets, pens, address books, The opinions expressed by decorative accessories for the occaSIOn . your newspaper are both mis- I 115 Kercheval guided and hypocritical. A polit- I • ical endorsement by a labor I' union like the Guild doesn't in- I ~ SpecIal PrIce. at a goodlime 10spruc" fluence the fairness of its editor- up your closet FIve scented hangers come In ial department members any ... a package and are pnced $10, regularly $14 more than the daily pronounce- See the beautiful pastel colors . deep col- Wf! Ihlnk .....e've got your .,Iu It r-.. 0\\ \H' V('~ott,l prll\ e I! SO, 11l're ments that appear in a news- , ors too, at TraIl Apothecary, 121 Kercheval II I., - il COleha COUpOf' II'., .....orth $l 00 011 on ,lilY 24 or l6 paper's editorial page ~ exposure roll of (olor prln1 111m you hclVt' de"t'lopt"{1 ,md prm!t'(! • As the public well knows, In our SPE:EOI PHOTO 0111' hour prou'~~lf)g labt Color Coordmated and sold separately, the beach pohtical coverage by a news- towels, beach bags and sun hats at paper IS dictated by Its owners WE' know Ih,ll I!wrl' ,HI' ont' hour prOlt,.,~m~ l.lb~ ~proutln!o\up and top editors - not its report- all owr rhf' pl'HI' V\ t ,11,0 ~1l()W that nHl.,l 01 tlw~(' 1,lb~ don'l haw _\l_[!l!!J_. ~_1_~_~[b_l!11?__ [Xl_~__ 11O Kercheval There IS ers and copy editors It is in- the tralnt'<1 pt'r.,on Jwl or tlw .,oph I~II (OUPOIl ,llld ."Wt' EntertalOmg Ideas for patiO,pool,pIC- ~ $ J 00 Onc l' you do 1\ t' ~n()w .....t. V(' gol< h,l' mc and boatlOg, the new Slatter plastiC ~ would be enhanced if some on diSplay at the League Shop, 72 Ker- ~ school district property was cheval I,ove the unusual peach shell desIgn CJJ:~ transformed Into a parkmg lot and the balloon pattern In primary colors! "T Smce the Grosse Pomte News appears eager "to prOVidea fair • and balanced account of a com- munity controverby," 1 would Our $3.00 In The Window of IS WILD WINGS hope that your newspaper would wildlife mounted 10 natural settings Included are the ruffed grouse and the walleye 1 Kercheval, 885-4001 lakE' the lead In exposmg polen- • tlal confliCts of Interest mvolv- Goteha Coupon Says mg your company and Its cover- SpecIal sale at La Slrc>gaBoutIque saves age of the local school district you 11 off a selectIOn of hlouse., They're !lllky To do less would be unethIcal polyt'Ster which means they're wa.,hahle Lovely and unprofeSSIOnal 4.14 You'll Like What colors plus black and whlle SIZesfrom This LOUIS MIE'Czke Thursday. Fnday and Saturday only 1\3 Ker- Prf"sident, Local 22 cheval In the lobby of the Colonial Federal BUlldmg Grosse Pomte Park Editor'll !'iOU": The Grosl .. Speedi Photo's • Point.- Nf'WS has (onfiiltently Doesn't Your Face deserve sprmg freshnel>s? A rf'portf'd th at thf' pa per'" refrestung mmdaclal by Anna IS Just the thlllg and the price publlshf'r ill also owner 01 thf' IS nght. .a special at $15at the Greenhouse 117Kercheval, Pun(h and Judy T'hnler, whkh got! 88H1833 would Mneflt from conttruction 01 a plrklng lot on the Hili.

\' '...- --..-...... -_------...- '7

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984 {I've kept my promises' Village appeals tax ruling

(e-tUUled fnm Pale SAl sources of revenue can be found. be «(),,&I--ed from Pale IAl stitution for 1980 and 1911. The ma- the move, aDd putting the depart- added. more open to the publIC through jority ruled that the estate, by opening Itself to the public, made ment under a single administrator "Michigan continues to have, for tours al1d events Changes m tax would provide better eoordinabon laws also spelled out exemptions Itself available to the general the most part, a boom-bust ecoo- public and to any noD-profit charit- INCORPORATED of activities of the various drain omy. All you can do is tighten your for cultural organif.ations which and road works. able organization. The fact that belt" Lucas said "The avail- are used for the development of education. theater, music and liter- some orgamzatlons held cocktail The county's fInancial situation abiJ;ty of federal money continues Complete Building &: Remodeling Service ture, Village offICials saId parties or dinners there didn't alter has unproved - Lucas noted the to be somethmg that is cyclical." the fund-raising function, the court KItchens. Baths, ReereatlOO Rooms, and one-mill tax tnerease proposal is The decISIon to grant the Ford additIOnS, aluminum siding, tnm and gutters One way to tighten belts 18 to con- estate a tax exemptlon was a opmed long dead - and workers will not roofing, cement work solidate functions. Ano~r of the "close thmg" eaCh year, the of- The home, which took three be asked to accept concessions dur- executive's ballot questlons for ficials said This year, with its tour years to build and furnish recently -INSURED- mg contract talks, Lucas said. which he is clrculatmg petltlons 15 schedule and the changes In the hosted tbe Junior Prom for South. 16921 HARPER A.VE. They will be asked to work a full day for a full pay, he added to appomt an mdependent court law, the estate met tbe exemption It was designed by DetroIt archl- clerk, takmg the functiOns out of requirements, they added tect Albert Kahn and was pattern- MAY & JUNE SPECIALl Wtule 13 members of hIS execu- the county clerk's offtce Property owned by the Ford ed after Cots wold English country . John's-Manville tive staff recently received bonus The petition dri\'e needs vol- House on the west slde of Jefferson houses The interior of the 6O-room packages that would, after 20 unteers to cIrculate as well as m. WIll remain unaffected by the tax home was furnished In 16th, 17th Shingles years, allow them to earn as much form people to sign petItlons, exemption under both the appellate and 18th century Enghsh style as $70,000a }ear, Lucas diSIUlSSed For a sound investment Lucas saId Those interested can court and assessor's decision The With the death of Eleanor Ford, Crlticism as a red herrmg Class "A" fire rated. call 963-5m to get COpIesof the fIve court ruling concerns only the lake- the mother of Henry II, Benson, SIde portion of the property There will be no chaae for People hal'e what he calls proposals, he added WIlham and Josephme, in 1976, the "mlm-truths," Lucas said Wlule It The appellate court may have home became "an hIstoric proper- drip edge, rake ang1e or vents on any With the requested reorgamza- ended a case that has continued for IS true that bonuses allow salaries ty and cultural center which wlll be roof job sold thru June 30, 1984. tions 10 place, the next two years four years. of better than $70,000.It Will take 20 ... "",•• 1"» ~ "" 4-; \...~ .. of servIce to the public" under tbe years for an employe to reach that ~v_ ...w _'" ,,""'1I. b v •• -.....,) "'... " ""'v""""& £In; ",:.te. Lt', '" IlVU-..,1 viu 1l1.:)L1- ~Cllll:' ui j\iu:o rora:. Wlll tv. Lucas said Whlle the execu- mark, he saId By tha t hme, the tuttOn, went before the MIchIgan "Where once there were many '- tive's post has been called his poli- wage scales will have changed Tax TrIbunal In 1981to ask for a tax extraordinary residences, mme IS hcal swan-song, Lucas doesn't n';O~5_2\io.-'N... ~ greatly anyway, he added exemption based on its claim it was the last to remain, for the change m seem to believe It. a charitable foundation The estate our manner of hving, and in our Behlnd the bonuses 15 the need to Although h15decisiOns may allow paid Its 1980 and 1981 taxes under taxes, and in our attitudes have pay staff at market lel'els to keep special Interests "to muster great protest resulted In the demolltlon of all the them m public service. Lucas saId opposition to my reelectlon, they After a two-week hearing in 1981, others " Mrs Ford wrote In her "We want only the best and the We delIver could never remove the fact that the MIchIgan Tax Tnbunal ruled wlil "Moved by these and other . '.: ~~~..~355 FISHER RD. brightest and we're wtllmg to pay I've been able to keep my prom- the home was not sufficlently open cOIlSlderatlOns, and especially be- market level for them," he added 882-51 00 C:-~..(~~~" ises," Lucas said. "1 was elected to and the organizations that used the cause mine is the last of the many While recent unprovements m get the JOb done. People expect grounds were not always charit- great homes in this area, 1 have the area's economy are welcome, it perfonnance. able foundations raising funds for a decided to leave my residence, could be at least four more years variety of causes along witb suitable furnishings, in CFARMS before the county benefits from it, "I am the first executive," he Bya 2-1 vote, the Appeals Court such manner as to allow the res- Lucas said. With the dwindlmg of added. "Those who come after me last week reversed the declsion of ldence to remain and the property state and federal aid, the county can come up WIth innovations. I'm the tribunal and granted the home to be used for the benefit of the Fresh Lean can only llghten its belt unbl other the one WIth the rough road." the exemption as a chantable m- public. " 100IIt Ground Beef $1!1 TO BUILD BUSINESS WHERE GROSSE POINTE LMS

Pepsi-Cola Artichoke Diet or Regular Bottoms 8 11 2-$1~! 1.... oan 1

wtltft' PbIIIIES 4 lb." Fresh Bing r Green 1 Com Chemes Onions 4.990 $1!1 2~59C


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, \ , , I Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Obituaries Mary L. McCormick to St. Bona venture Monastery Dr. Lawrence A. Kroha John W. Murphy Mark Anthony erOn Harold J. Baumgartner Interment was in Mt Olivet services for Dr. Kroha, 76, of the Services ror Mr. Baumprtner, ServiceS for Mrs. McCormick, 50, Cemetery Services for Mr. Murphy, 74, of Services for Mr. Cron, 32, of the of the Farms, were held Monday, Shores, were held Monday. May 21, the Farms, were held Saturday, Park, were held Friday, May 18, at 86, of the City, were held Tuesday, May 21, at the A.H. Peters Funeral at OUr Lady Star of the Sea, and May 19, at Verheyden Funeral the Verheyden Funeral Home May 22, at the Verheyden Funeral Home. the Verheyden Funeral Home. Home He died Tuesday, May 15, in De- Home She died Thursday, May 17, lJl Bon Ann E. Donnelly He died Thursday, May 17, in He died Saturday, May 17, in Bon troit He dIed Saturday, May 19, at his seeours Hospital serviCes for MISSDonnelly, 59, of Bon Secours Hospital. 8ecours Hospital Born in Michigan, he is SUrviVed home Mr Baumgartner was born In Mrs McCormick IS survived by the Farms, were held Friday, May Born in Detroit, Dr. Kroha had Born in Ohio, Mr Murp'hy is sur- by a sister, MarCia, and two DetrOIt and was the Widower of the her husband, Thomas P., three 18,at the Verheyden Funeral Home lived in the Pointe since 1919 He ViVed by hiS Wife Wmmfred; two brothers, William and Paul late Helen Ann daughters, Linda, Diane and Carol, She died Tuesday, May 15, in Bon was a member of the original staff sons, Frank H and Wilham J.; and Interment was in Woodlawn Interment was 10 Mt Olivet two SOIlS, Thomas P. Jr. and Phillip; 8ecours Hospital. of Bon Secours Hospital and has seven grandchlldren Cemetery Cemetery her mother, Mrs. Louise Fisher, A retired attorney, Mrs. Donnel- been in family practtce the last 47 Interment was In Woodlawn and one brother. ly was a graduate of the University years He was also Medical Direc- Cemetery Memorial contributlOns may be of ~hchlgan and obtained her law tor of the original Belmont Nursmg made to the American Lung degree from the Detroit College of Home for 15 years You are cordially Invited to aHend a series of Dr Kroha was a member of the Charles M. Huber Associa tion Law She was a member of the three seminars on financial planning. Interment was m Resurrectlon MIChigan State Bar ASSOCiationand Academy of FamIly PhySICians, A memorIal service for Mr Cemetery Collegiate SorOS1S and a former Michigan Medical Society, Colora- Huber, 83, of the Park, was held They are scheduled from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. member of the Women's Lawyer do Medical Society, American Me- Wednesday, May 23, In the Barbour on three consecutive Tuesdays, June 12, 19, and dical ASSOCiation, Association of Assoctalton and Women's Economic Chapel of Grosse Pomte Memonal 26,1984. Margaret E. Rousseau Club of DetrOit MISSDonnelly was Retired Physicians and the Wayne Church services for Mrs Rousseau, 87, of also a delegate to the MIchIgan Con- County Medical Society He died Sunday, May 20, III the The seminars will be held in the tennis house at the. Farms, were held Saturday, stitutional Convention m 1961-62 He was also a member of the St Mary's Nursing Home, St Clair the Lochmoor Club, 1018 Sunningdale Drive, May 19, at Verheyden Funeral MISSDonnelly held membershIps Insh Amencan Cultural Club, Shores semor Men's Club, German Ameri- Grosse Pointe Woods. 10 the Grosse Pointe Chapter of the ,.., , I ,....., \ ,...., "" 1 "TO _..... • Born In IllinOIS, Mr Huber was Home. T~ ... u.. I.. ".... ,..h,.,r'''u~ tn "ttAnn-~ -, t::'!n(t fr~t:o She died Wednesday, May 16, at Audubon ~oclety, the Michigan I.,UI "'UHUI C "'.U"', ",VIV1 .. "'V 'U"'Vl l 'lelautograph branch manager lor .....,...- ...... _ ... _..- - - Bon Secours Hospital Humane Society and the S1. Clair cal Society and a Life Member of 45 years and worked as a Detroit refreshments will be served. Born in 1896 in Detroit, Mrs Sail Club the KnIli:hts of Columbus Gabriel realtor for 20 years He was a For reservations to attend any or all Of the Richard Chapter. Rousseau is SurVIVed by three sons, She IS surv lVed by her sister and member of the flymg organizatIOn seminars, please call 963.3060. Charles, Robert and Jack. one brother-m-law, Martha and Warren Dr Kroha was a graduate of Q B and was past-commodore of daughter, Mrs. Peg Allison; eight Mueller, a nephew, James Mueller; Notre Dame University and of the the Grosse Pomte Sail Club grandchildren, and three great- and a mece, Martha Ann Mueller Umversity of Detroit and Wayne He was a member of the Detroit State University College of THE FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTER grandchildren She was the Wife of Memorial contributions may be Yacht Club, Detroit Commandery C.R. Rutan and Asaoelot ... Planner., Member N A.S.D. the late Leo J made to the MIChigan Humane Medicine. no 1 KT and was on the staff wmg Memorial tnbutes may be made Society. He is survived by his Wife. of the CAP.-Michlgan. Durmg - Wilma; five daughters, Barbara World War II he served for nearly Mulligan, Marilyn Metzler, Sharon two years on the anti-submarine ~4busy Memorial holiday DeLong, Kristme Piana and Karen patrol under the Costal Command. FRIDAY (Continued from Page 1A) Veryser; three sons, Larry Jr , Ri- He was also a member of the Mos- Ce the armed services. chard and Thomas; a sister and 21 V.S Marine Corps; an invocation The Woods Lakefront Park Pool lem Temple grandchildren. Mr Huber is survived by hiS by the Rev. Edward A M. Cobden will open Monday, May 28 Its Memorial contributions may be MAY 25 Jr., of Christ Church and presenta. Wife, Helen; a daughter, Ann SOf''' ,''- hours will depend on the number of sent to the Friends of Bon Secours, tions by Frank Sladen, Jr., Fred- persons Wishing to utilize it, accor- Huber Maurer and a son, Charles Lawrence A Kroha M.D. Memori- Massey Huber. erick Ollison III and Farms Mavor ding to a park staff member The al Fund. -\,,,6\.£ James Dingeman. • park proper opened May 1 for pIC- Memorial contrlbutlons may be The ceremonies will also be aid- nIcking, boatmg and tennis made to the Junior Grouf League- Goodwill, 3132 Trumbul, Detroit ed by members of Girl Scout In the Farms, the Pier Park will At the elegant Barrister House on Harper N. Brownie Troop 1012, Boy Scout officially open on Memorial Day. Roy Marquardt 48216or to Grosse Pointe Memorial - Church. Troop 156and Girl Scout Troop 125 According to city officials, the pool Mr. Marquardt, 80, of the Woods, of 8 Mile in St. Clair Shores. Doors open ot Benediction will be given by the will be opened in accordance to Arrangements were handled by died Tuesday, May 15, at his homE'. the Verheyden Funeral Home 7:30 p.m. Floor Show at 8:30 p.m. Dancing Rev. George M Shelter, of St weather conditions. No services have been scheduled. afterwords to the Jerry Stann Band. The cost James Lutheran Church, and a The City Will open its Neff Park Born in Indiana, he is survived by concert will be presented by the swimming and wading pool for the his wife, Helen; a son, Gene; two David Frederick is five dollars per person and you must be First Michigan Colonial Fife and season on Saturday, May 26. Pool sisters; three grandchildren and 21 or over. Proper attire required. 774.5950 Drum Corps hours for the Memonal Day week- Gieseking three great-grandchildren. Sponsored by the Northeast and Eastside Singles The Volley, Taps and Echo, rifle end will be 10 a.m.-9 p.m. A memorial service for Mr salute and fly over by the 127th Air In the Shores, the George Osisus Gieseking, 31, of the Park, Will be National Guard from Selfridge Air City Park will officially open Marvin L. Moelke held Sunday, May 27, in the First Force Base will be led by Lt. Col- Memorial Day, as WIll its pool. In Services for Mr. Moelke, 73, of Lutheran Church, Cadieux and onel Davis of the Marme Corps the Park, W10dmill Pointe Park is Manor Road, were held Saturday, Cornwall. In the Woods, a special Memorial already open The city plans to May 19, at the A.H. Peters Funeral He died Wednesday, May 9, 10 Day service remembering the 40th open the pool on May 28. Home. Laha1Oa, Maui, in a diving accI- TALK anniversary of "0 Day" will be Thousands of shoppers are also He died Tuesday, May 15, at his dent. "GOOD mOR"m"G held Monday in the Circle of Honor expected to descenQ on the City, home. Mr Glcsekmg was graduated GEORGE" of the Veteran's Memorial Park- May 27 and 28, for the Village Asso- Born in Detroit, he was retired from South High School in 1970and TO way, Mack at Vernier Roads, from ciation's annual "Grosse Pointe's after 38 years employment at the had lived on Maui since 1974. 10 to 10:30 a.m Greatest Garage Sale." The cover. Stroh Brewery Company. He was a He IS surVived by his parents, / The ceremony, co-sponsored by ed parking garage behind Jacob- member of the Senior Men's Club. Frederick C. and Gloria Glesek- the Woods Historical Commission son's will be devoted to 80 booths Mr. Moelke is SUrvlVefi by his ing; five Sisters, Gail Williams, , 1 and the Woods Beautification Com- offering "white elephants," anti- wife, Ruth. Kathy Smith, Diane Moses, Jamce mE mission, will feature t'n'fI8ic pr0- ques, crafts, cookbooks and much, "'Memorial contnbuttons may be and Lon and hiS grandmother. vided by the senior Men's Club. much more. made at the American Lung Ass0c- Mrs. VioJet

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  • \ ~ ~__ ~ ~_~_~~~ ~_~ . L.. ~. GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984 Former mayor Robb C9kris e. Panagos (DDS appeals for license F'-'MI~Y DENTISTRY B) Mike Andrzejcl)'k the opportumty to present eVidence CURRElfll Y ACCEP11MG NEW PATlENTS of mlttgation 10 the panel, you dId A deciSiOn IS expected 10 30 days such an excellent JOb " satul'~y & Evening ~nlmentll Available on former Clh Mayor David Attorneys for the Attorney DIS- 24 Hour Emergency Service Robb's appeal o(a county Attorney SUn.,IIon., WId .• T'hurs.11 •. mr3l.m. Dlsclphne hear10g panel's rulmg Cipline CommiSSion added that the Fri. & Sat. tll 4 a.m. agamst him rules for mltlgatlon were diS- 18501 M8ck Ave. A ruling IS also expected soon on coverable through the law Jlbrary Grosse PoInte Farms 882-9729 Robb's motion to stay the panel's and la\\ Journals CONVERT 10 a low The state attorney diSCiplIne voltage Golden dlsclphnar) action pendmg the out- Glo yardl,ghl now come of hiS appeal A seven-mem- board IS made up of seven mem- • Costs only about ber heanng panel ordered 10 Janu- bers, five attorneys and two lay 90e a month to run members Robb's appe.al heanng • TUlns ,Ise f on at ary that Robb's hcense to practice ausk-o'fatdawn be revoked was delayed be<:ause a lay member At hiS :-'1ay 11 appeal heanng, was called away on an emergency SAVES YOU Lets Get T.ogether and ELECT Robb argued the ongmal panel er- red 10 fmdmg him in default and fyi $100 AYEAI not overturmng that deCISIOn and (Continued from Pa~e lA) ON GAS BILLS! FRED ADAMS that procedures for :,ubpoenaes for for the good of our schools and our community nng " The caller saId she'd be eVidence and presentatIOn of nut!- CALL: 967.3311 gatlon of pUOlshment were not over Just as soon as "they" let this newspaper endorses Adams and behaves (his) her out She said she received For Imfllcd'iUle ServIce' spelled out In general court rules electIOn VtOUId best seNe the Interests of the community her power from some vlslt10g COLONIAlLAMPUGHTER$ Cndt"r disciplinary panel pro- Adams Wlth hls 20 vears of exoenence on the MartlRn" "nd Ihllt "hI>('I Irrpntl v western MlChtgan Unrwrstty board hiS continuing Interest ceaures, an attorney nas 20 aays to hved in "DearbornHlIls," Which file an answer to a complamt made In edueatlOl'l and hIS buSiness and admlnlstratl\le back- as we all know IS located next to against him, Robb Said If no ground IS hlQhly qUalified to help direct board poli- "Farmmgton HeIghts " answer IS filed In that time, the CIeS In Interest Polnte residents" You were the of all panel hnds the attorney III default, Another time \\ e wrote of a fussY Grosse Pomte News, May 17, 1984 or gUilty of the complamt for the mmor fire that occurred at a whmyou bou6ht J'OW"~ ••• panel's purposes local hOSPItal No big deal We THE INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE Because the procedures for pre- merely said that It started in the You should be fussier sentmg subpoenas for eVidence are kItchen and no one was hurt. A when you Iulve them c1.«JMdl A PROVEN LEADER IN BUSINESS AND EDUCATION Inadequately defmed, Robb said he woman called and wanted to CAMP UGN COMM.ITTEE was unable to present documents know what caught on fire Joeepb L. Hudson, Jr. Martin S. Ha~den that may have proved allegations We called the hospital and dis- made against him untrue By not Lynne Dougherty Millies John S. Cook covered it was a plate of fries settmg aSIde the default judge- Frank J. SI.den, Jr. - Treasurer that had overheated in a micro- ment, Robb said he was unable to wave. We called the lady back PIIIIcl fur by: ComIftMte 110 EIlId FtM ... to SChool BoenI present eVIdence to address the 1119 Kef .... lIb', ~ Pointe Pwk, Ml 48230 She called us back. Again and charges. again and again. All the ques- "The complamt Itself 1Ovolved tions were minor. But the topper other allegatIOns which when I was when she wanted to know if fIled my fmal report,>, there were they were "french fries or cot- certain facts in it that I considered tage fries, because there ISa dif- untrue," Robb said Had the proce- ference, you know." Lonely or dures for obtaimng evidence been looney? You tell us available and the default Judge- ment set aSide. Robb said he could News Editor Susan McDon- subpoena records from hiS bank- ald would semi-regularly field a Call JIow ... ruptcy trusteeship and cbstnct call on Thursday mornings from PROGRESSIVE DRAPERY a.£ANERS court record that would have pro- an anonymous man who would ved the complamt false solemn intone "Susan McDon- (313) 872.2744 The disciplInary action stems ald, you are a murderer!" Nat- from charges made last year by urally, this intrigued and upset MIil\ ...... $IlIillISilct ... Sue, the Securities and Exchange Com- fIE[ PICIIIW,~ __ ._.IU flel mission that Robb embezzled $118,000 from a bankrupt company "Susan McDonald you are •-m 1It£ Wlml.PIIIU1'NIIS." for which he served as trustee for a murderer," he would repeat. _.u.mu 'lIE FWeTOCml._a_.-r rune years Finally, he'd say something like, The ciVil action by the SEC was "On page 14A of today's paper settled when Robb signed a consent there's a full page ad for cig- arets. You're murdering hun- ~O;:BivE ( Judgement and agreed to repay funds that were supposedly em- dreds of thousands of people " • ft~17 JOS CNt!I'NJ bezzled He neither demed nor ad- At this, Sue would lean back, HNol~Il..~4tS212 mitted guilt hght up a cigaret and listen to a Robb also argued at his appeal lecture on the evils of tobacco. that rules for presentmg eVidence The week no advertisements to mitigate disciplinary action ran, he'd call up With his were nonexlstant Because of thiS, congratulations. he was unable to present a proper Take Polaroid list of mlugatlon, he added As I said earller, I've received "I beheve that due process would "those" kmds of calls too. My pictures on require that the person have an best one was from a woman who Memorial Day understandmg of the nature of told me she'd given bIrth to Z7 mitlgatmg circumstances," Robb chLldren. It sounded crazy, but weekend! told the panel, addmg that proce- you just never know. That's why And watch the fun dures "should be stated that evi- the Guiness Book of Records dence can be mtroduced durmg the was published, right? develop. hearmg." I grabbed a pad to start askmg At hiS January hearmg, Robb questions when my "scoop" Polaroid Sun said he was given a lIst of CIrcum- went right out the window With 660 Autofocus. stances considered to be mitigatIOn her next sentence. and attempted to present Ius case For the creative from that 11s1.Had the procedures "TIlat's right," she said. "I've photographer given birth to Z7 children. They • Autofocus ranging by been spelled out, Robb said he sound waves aulomal- could have presented witnesses as were all born yesterday." She Ically sets lens and con. well as letters attesting to the cir- then went on to say her husband trois tlash cumstances durmg the hearing was a prince from some South • Sun system blends Sea ISland and she was to be his nat ura! IIght With flash Panel memocrs pointed out that queen. elimlnatlng harsh the origmal hearmg panel took all shadows eIght po1Ots Robb presented as • No need to buy flash A How dJd I get out of it? Simple, built-In eleclr011C flash mitigation mto account before I Just told her the story was too fires every time making Its deciSIOn. big for our httle paper. • Flash ca n be pre- Sale Pnce "You couldn't have done a much charged for candid better Job With outside counsel," Then I gave her the number to shots 95 the Free Press • Instant pictures from 2' 869 panel chairman Wllham C to mliMy Reamon said "1 don't see where So much for ever workmg you've been harmed by not havmg downtown " ... 1. . Polaroid Sun What's on Cable 600 LMS to Today's best .. ill Lifetime for an Infomathoo on Your ttentil A last of local programs available on Grosse Pomte Cable Instant camera ~-the nrwest edition of the 1M, call-in cable TV program. Thursday, \fa) 24 value • 3 30 P m - High School Baseball - North High vs BIshop Gallagher • No I'eed to buy flash, This important eight -hour special is the most HIgh School VarsIty (6) It s bUlll-in fires • 6 P m The PreventIOn Factor - Facts on the tOPICof pneumoma automatically, every ~ TV rtpOrt ewer produced on the subject of mental along Yolthcauses and treatment \ldth a new vaccme (61 time • 6 P m Harper Woods HighlIghts II (19) • Ellmlrates harsh ~ aid how it CGIK!t1IS people of all ag!t Sale Pnce shadows by blending flash With natural I.ght A panel of docton will be standing by to answtr your • I) 30 P m - Hank Luks \S Crime (6) • No need to focus •i P m - The Sa\mg Word (8) 95 • Instant pictures from 4' CJll-it questions. • 7 P m - People v,llh Erv Steiner - Tomght \\I11Ibe a talk about the 834 to InliOlly nev. cruise ship The Star Of DetrOit (6) • i 30 P m - The Job 5ho\\ from MESC (6) • 8 P m - Some Sem blance of Sanity - Gary Thlson \\0 IIIhave hiS guest- comic MagiCIan Don Hudson (6) Your choice -/ "Informathon" takes an in-depth 8-hour look at • 830 pm - Johanna Gilbert Inlen'le ....s " (6' sale! r'- - -zero' r • 9 P m - Tour Through The JUnior League of DetrOIt's Designer Sho\\ Hou<;e (6) Time-Zero ~Cdor Your Mental Health \fonda" \1a\ 28 Supercolor film. No programs \\ III be seen tomght "becaw.e of MemOrial Day For all sx 70 Pronto Sponsored by PfIZ!r. TUl'sdav, \fa' 29 and onglnal OneStep • 3 30 pm - High 5chool Baseball - North High vs Bishop Gallagher cameras I High ',ch 00 I (6) 600 High Speed Call in your questions during the program • 6 pm - The Prevention Factor - The causes and ",hallo do about S''1gle Pack Two-Pack pneumonia (61 f~fmheWithlnew • 6 3{) P m - Har,k Luk~ \S Cnme (6) nc r CO ors. $ $ toll-free aOO-8l8-LIFE. • 7 pm - The Sa\ 109 \l, (.rd Oil For all Polar01d 600 910 17 Series cameras 29 •i P m - People ....Ith En ~tel nef - Tomght we la Ik \\0 Ith DaVid Benfer from Bon ~cour Hospital on hosp!tal cosLe; (6) SPECIAL 3 PACK TIME ZERO FILE wednesday, May 30 at 7 p.m. on channel 6 .7 'KJpm - The Job "hn .... from 'lESe (6) .8pm - ~me ~mblance of ~nlty - Guest to be announced (6) .830pm - Johanna GlIbf>rtInlPrVle'oNs - Guest to be announced $18°0 futetme. (6) only 25 to sell • q p m - JUnior League DeSigner Showhouse (6) \\~dnf' ..da, \fa, 30 .4 pm - \l,a,np (ount! ;\ .....1'.... PI'Thpectlve 16) • 4 30 P m - Am('r!( dn (atholic 00 .4 10 P m - H('dlth Ta)k~ (6) • 5 P m - :-,porls \ It",," Tooav (6) • 5 30 P m " ....eat It Out' 16, GP Grosse Pointe Cable TV GROUP • 6 P m Harpf'r \\-nods Hlghhliht~ (I') • 6 P m fx-trOlt ('ur1 KenrM'th Brum W mel ,>upt'nnlendenl of schools (6) .7 pm - ~t+'dd~ (,am~ (191 17114 Kerchev.1 Avenue C V 886-9200 t::ABLE • 7 30 P m -- Hu<;~ (,.lbh at Random (IJ • 8 P m - DetrOIt Mfdla Monthly (I) ~ 885.2287 E:J , I Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eteven-A




    We, the undersigned voters of Grosse Pointe, urge you to join us in voting NO on the recall of three of our responsible School Board Trustees.

    Mr and \Irs 10hn A Boll Ga}lord Wand Margaret Gllhs, Jr Plllhp J Meathe Bill and Jackl SCOIl Jack and GlOn) GoIJe"'sk! Dorothea Blum Dr and \Irs r orc,t Brammer Beulah E \\ ells Mr and :\Irs Ho ....drd Crane II H Thomas and Helenc Keppclman (E and !lden Fisher "aren Ream Mr and :\1rs Gerald R Pe,Hsall "Ianha Speer Carohne T Mann \\ esle)' Hol [man Lu,lnda B Reindel Harold and Kay Cunrun,h ..m Mr and Mrs Andre'" W Barr Eleanor Carmodl WIlham and LOIS Brl ani Joan H Twhoey Russell and Grace loncs Richard lUId Oorolh)' [)elmr Mr and Mrs George E Cartmill Wilham and Diane McCormad. Linda Aronson Robert and Barbara Ha ....ksle} lames Spilos Shdle) Jaco Mr and Mrs J Robert Folel Gall Kaess Marie DeBoer Btlty Garey Mr

    Mr and Mrs WIlham Y Gard Nalahe Hogan Wilbur and \Iatlha Baelz fom Youngblnod Mr and Mrs Leo Kulka, Jr ~'" Neal and DorOlh) Combs '>}" IJ H Don.lhue \I Clar,,"e \\ 'Ilm.ln I Dr and l\1rs Ned Chalat Dr and Mrs rredemk Lepley Arl and Gwen ludwn L Wan, i BOARD MEMBERS' STATEMENT AS Mr and Mrs Anhllr 0 A Schmidt Mar) W Barrell Hcdwl' A JlK'Oby ltoeen ~ ~ "--f Mr and Mrs J Ross Bush Ehubeth Wood IT WILL APPEAR ON THE BALLOT Eli and Harrlel Rubin Donna M. Marn Mr and Mrs Albert 1 CUllmg Laune J and Joan Parker Mar} E lXsRoslers Dr and Mrs Paul K,.le Mr and 1\1r5 -'\rmand C Kerber Sandy Kuhl George BOJ.tlad AlIIII R MH ..slk lad. R}an Peler and Karla FlIlk Our goal IS to maintain our quality school system at Sidonle D Bro"'n 1l1)Ce E Walker Barbara Schm tz 1 Warren and Ann Johnson "alcolm ami MoIn.tn lohn, !-rank oInll RUlh lilln Da\ld Sumlnsk, Denn) and Ann Hoag the lowest pOSSible cost to the taxpayers Some Nicole J Hurd disagree With our goal, others disagree With our /-red Inll Mary Gra<:e Adams methods of achieVing It lerr) Sumlnsll -'\hce Gray Buttnd ColI. 111 ,lIld I all "C'C'n.: Janel B Allen Janel Sumlllski E:hzabelh Bachmann Both votes were by a 6 to 1 majority after a year of W.llte! \ ,md 11.:01.1 1 hUl'lp,on Helen W I-rJn,IS Susan Sumlllski Inez 1 \Iullafle} study, seven publIC hearings, and based on the \\ illard and I mall1C' I C'nl " 1<:1 -\ B,".It:', Sle\en Summskl R L and Gall Kozlo\\skl recommendations of two CItizen study committees "man II \1.~.1J1l \1. 'J !lo" k~ Dr and Mr, -'\ndre" Dahl Ho\\ard Poppen \IM) 1<'.11\ ~ Hall,lIId Ikll) &Lon Shlrle} V Demse Gordon A Weller We acted because of a decline In enrollment from l'alrl~IJ Bam n Bill and Dmah Murph) John Cook Roben Harwood 13.529 to 7,517 over the past ten years Jarne' ~ 1I.r1Jnd !-rank and Ann ~ull~n Lawrence VanTil Mary Harwood Wilh.lm E and Llllda ~Ie"arl (. hmllRe lnbbr"Dd Jane Warren Doug Rob}, Jr All school systems have limits to their resources Tr.lLe) Jnd ~haron Jone~ John L and EIleen King Dr ami 'b. L M r~ Rober! R and Helen (,ross Money spent keeping an unnecessary school open Will \ll1.h~e1 hrashun C Robcr! Jnd ~ue -\hboll Vlrllinia Scone Hllar) H \lICOU, Jr <.hmllne Shrushun Gordon anel Bell\ <;01 clI,on Chmlop~ and N ...~ I\.ondol" Gerr} Young Middle sc~ools With grades 6 8 Will better meet the Wilbur "1 and Dom Brud.er Jr (,tenda ( lark J"'CPh .. nd ~arllarct W~ll>l.:"t PalriLla Caulkll1s Anne Schulll need for more math and sCience outlined In "A Nation Hilda oInd lJ I'ongr.", Ula Perr) Roberl Olhson (,eorge E Bushncll Jr at Risk The Imperative for Educalton Reform" \\ ,hie Dahl JAllIe, \\ ColllC1' Anne Robens Henrv and Chm Cla) Harnel Helm' U.rr, .mJ Oornlhy (ha""c; Many other quality school systems have thiS program With POSitive results In all aspects of school Pnscilla Bro" n \l"r} S (lav life for the children We are confident that the children J'ht[111 \\ er,,1I11I1I 'tLlml ~ '- .mpbcll Harn C and Jane Kohrlllg Ed\\ard P and Jualllla \rndl of Grosse POinte are Just as capable '>.110,llId ( hm "tlllell.1 0011' \\ RilbaUI Dom Dimond \1ar) H -'\rndl !'dlflLI l uJ ....11I Hnberl ilnd Dorothv Hud.on Ellen Hadd"allkl.n, Martha M <.'lark RKhard ( \1e,u, '>r the cItizens of the school dIstrict as we were elected to John dnd SU'3n \lo/~nJ do by you, the voter and taxpayer I J dnd !'.llrod •• IIJUIl Pal [c.,all Btlhlnc \\ hune) '>h.lCm '> Dell.Hcn AhLr I (JIll[1hdl Ih~er [)c\,b.:n Richard ( ""arrhoul, DD'> f rdnk R [IO\d Herbert ,1I1U ( arol "-ohl !lober! alld Judy AIl'l<" luhe Bourke JUl1t" 'ho\cr lo>cph ~poltln\lh Jerr) .tnd Julie Bou-kt \lr .lnd \lr' '>Ierllng '>Jnlo,d (,eorge R)LkrnJn John 0 /-.mnon. Jr

    \ilChele (,ml lit Ph) III, Rallb,Jeall .\lIan and I ,>t, \1c'''UC'1 l)oWI heA .... hu lcr Thom3' f al1d ""Ihleero (dnelit r "'r JlId ....,r' Tt'oma, J 'laholley I nile \1<:""11([ !'"Uk'. 0\ 11.1"11 Barba'd ThllI1P'OIi l-Ielcl\ H iIlghl "Ie" RIll) '>lIe ( .mrhcll <. !,''''Iller Wilham H "alol, \1 [) Den"e I (,"llrouh, '''',r, [ john II Wllh.lnh '1 [) Haw!d atW "an!\ n "0"00 France, V ,>,,11/'11an A,rml'lead Bllr\\cll "-"ren \l1I1r1 "" tnlhrOll H l Jnnor Wilham H t.hngbC'lI Dr dnd \lr' I rdnk I'JrLel1s Ver'lIllcll '>0111', ~.r)UfJC ....1' ..1I1 Tom BO\\IIl1g '>1113 n Jam", , .r"l 1 Il. \ 'milt. Rlla B Roue\ '>llllIner dnd I 01.1'" (,urnc) ~hle" U"nOM'" h \lAI I I uUl\e "rell, 1<11111 .Ad l ilwhn R..nl('n~h Slu dlld 1 htre,e I)(l\\ 1'.11 Jeff, Ra; J I '!lch ".trl,14I ...."'wnil .. n

    lohn .lIld Delore' I e,h, I rank I '.if"kl Hili .nJ ".111 'lhclJ("1I \\ ,U,am All\! \-i ...n II.,ulo ...,k, M)HlI\n ( Ollllen \lM)one (ldkman J" .. lIne [) "ull" ~n \-i ...llul lln.l "'rah \ ffhl'kk-n '>""dnm Hllk, J III bnl ..n.! ~hJ"l'orIh (Nile, Ann Dalll\ R,'O<'rI and Jd)nl \~ '" nC'r I'~n(" It'll. h.,J hl .... rd " "Il.ar .....t PAul and '>u .. t I)•• lu I'alll \\ C'hmel~r Jrll'1Il1 '1 '>e.lon I 01. An" Hnn'l'.tI~ Hen,) " "'Id I h/dhedll because so many people want to show ( .,t I "'Ic' rrlll~ llt 'Jle \ In,elll "r1hoilll Irchlnd Henl) " e \1.,~ II•.C.O ,>"" Roht"r1,' J I ,-.{ I .lell. '\t IIIe. \\lihdl1l I lid "'dr\ 1"1.1,,, Dlllinen \lax y,,,~ ed'of their support for our School Board. We will \\ I( .nl! \1.,\ I rll,htr.cl ()"'" It: I 1Urlll.t ( hdriC', I ""I" \IMI n dnd I mm. Hili' 1>111>011 "\Hrlll'" ....,1"1 I n'l\oll1l1 aM Ha.rrlC'llr \1",",ln Rdndolph ond jud"11 Ie I \11\ Jol r1 IlI,Hnlel publish more names in the next two weeks. "II I ""''''' A 1'1 Dorolh, ( hop, \1df~",e, (,u, alltl and ( arC>! L 1'1" I m('IIenc I A,I .. m'. U&lhM l &l1.ha" Kerr~ Hr' "'1 Hal .nd le"l\ (

    Paid for by Citizens Against Recall Effort, 1486 Loclunoor, Gros~ Pointe Woods

    h -=...... ,,....---.---4------_ \ .

    . GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984 ", Szymanski named UF fund raiser This Week m· BU81~e88· Mary A Szymanski, of the Harriet Nolan Farms. has joined the staff of the I Umted Foundation as aSSOClate the Woods, was awarded the profes- campaign director of the commer- 5th term for Sphire sional designation of Certlfled Tra- Cial umt The announcement was as chtef of staff vel Counselor (CTC) from the Na- made by H Clay Howell, president Raymond D. tional Inst.J.tute of Certified Travel I & of the fund raiSing, allocating and Agents. She had to acqwre a mini- , planmng orgamzahon Sphire. M.D .• ; mwn of five years full-hme travel In her new position, Ms Szyman- has been eJected f to a fifth consec- experience, complete a two-year, Sunday Brunch !>kl~Ill ~ork .....Ith volunteers In the utive term as graduate-level course 10 ethical and commerCial umt, one of SIXchapter t' :,'", chief of staff of efficient travel management, pass ¥...... •.. . campaign umts responsible for J~ a four-hour exam and write a paper the DetrOit-Ma- .,". ,::' . - , ,~.::-: Blue Pointe Style ralsmg 96 percent of the Torch . .. to earn thIS recogmtion Drive lotal comb Hospital Corporation He 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. The commercial umt consIsts of Everham named Will also contm- i \ arious relall and \\ holesale estab- vice-president ADUlTS-$6 50,6-12 \RS --$350, 5 AND UNDER-FREE hshment<;, banks. fmancial Il1sti- ue as chIef of the mehe~as area speclahst and Southfield. Hall, who hves in the gan State and American Society of of Detroit B~ trammg coord.mator for the Camp Park, IS a graduate of Northwood A ....t'M." .. ""u"),<"; lf"\(,..~t"=" Un h n~ ;""'" f-'hn T"(" , ..+"'" "' ... ..-1 t;""'l:"' ...... _T"I ~ \...... u" ..,,,,,, "I"h""""" r., l(,pnh""m .... _ _ .. - _...... ~_.;)""" ol b"" . to Ire vet! Oil Area Louncll, a Torch ...... - -- 0 ..-- - - Farms. of-G'~~~s~Pointe Park-was recently Drive-supported agency Umversity He is listed in 'Who's Who in Real Estate" elected president of the DetrOit Bar r------J The l'mted Foundation Torch Lambrecht earns AsSOCiation, the oldest and largest DrIve IS conducled annually to Brooks enters local bar group in Michigan. raIse operatmg funds for 130 char- erc designation uTo Meet Your Health Needs ... Klenbaum wlll lead the asso- Itable orgamzatlOp.s m Wayne, Anne A, Lambrecht. manager of 'Honor Ring' ciation's 4,000 lawyers and judges Oakland and !\Iacomb counties Travel by Hatcher, Inc , located III John C. Brooks, of the Farms, was ... We Cover The Pointes. " awarded one of Allstate Insurance for a one-year term, succeeding HARKNESS PARK Company's highest honors, "The Birmmgham attorney Fred L 0 Woodworth PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY YOU'LL NEVER SAY Champion of ChampIOns" award. 20315 MACK DRUGS 15324 E Jefferson The honor which is based on over- Kienbaum, a partner 10 the De- 884.3100 16003 MACK 822-2580 all production and retention of quali. trOIt law firm of Dickmson Wright, Moon, Van Dusen & Freeman, join- 881-0477 ty was claimed by Brooks for the se- cond year in a row ed the DetrOit Bar AssociatiOn in WHAT??? 1969and has served on the board of AGAIN!!! Pointers serve on directors smce 1978. Chamber of Commerce He has also served as the asso- Don C. Becker, president of the CIation's president-elect, and as . IN THE EAR AID OR Detroit Free Press has been re-elec- secretarv-trasurer was head of its ted to a three-year term of the Grea- finance committee Since 1982 he ter Detroit Chamber of Commerce has been a member of the execu- CANAL AID Also re-elected was W. George tive committee Kramer. Jr., partner-in-eharge, Kienbaum was a member of the -No Tubes -No Wires -No Cords Price Waterhouse. Another Pointer, board of directors of the Wayne George Johnson, of the George County Neighborhood Legal Ser- Johnson Co., serving out an ap- VICes and served one year as its pointed term, was elected to a three- VICe-chalrperson. He is also past year term as dlI'ector. president of the Detroit Barristers' Association. Announcing ... Kienbaum earned his B.A. at the 00 Lester E. McCullough, M.D" and University of Michigan and J.D at alii's lffeathaus $299 Vincent V. Chen, M,D,. were among the Wayne State University Law 72physicians honored by their peers School where he was graduated who attended the 119th annual Mi- magna cum laude. He was also a :~>';->."r)j GM~~-- lf~JrZ!J 3 YEAR chigan State Medical Society House member of the WSU Law Review. " ~ ~~ thru SATURDAY of Delegates session in Grand Keinbaum is a frequent lecturer .. I'orlong In .~O{ GUARANTEE Rapids on May 5. Both Pomters in labor and personnel relations for were cited for outstanding contnbu- the Institute of Contmuing Legal '-I-900-S-IIACK 1 BIle. S. of Moross I tions and collectively all the physi- education and served the State Bar cians represent giving 3,600 years of of Michigan's labor law section. He --Bolidag Spedab-- medical service to Michigan resi- is also active in the American Bar This is an you wear . dents ... Former Farms resident Association and the American 10 LB. BAG LB. and South High graduate Sarah E. Judicature Society. GROUND CHUCK $1.19 Moran, won the Peter Lisagar K1enbaum lives with his wife GROUND ROUND ••••••••••• $1.69 LB. It can be frustrating and embarrassing if you can't quite Award for examplary JOurna.lism Karen S. Kienbaum, also an at- U.S.D.A. PrIme CWB STEAKS •••• $2.99 LB. hear what people are saying. for her contribuhon to the series torney and member of the Detroit HoIrJemedfJ EA. ...:.;...... - "Farming in Illinois." She received Bar Assod.ation, and their daugh- .IISH KAIIOIIS •• •• '1.99 We know because your hearing is our concern. 23 her degree from Duke University, ter Ursula in the Park. Centw Cut PORK CHOPS •••••• $1.89 LB. million Americans have the same problem. A hearing Duran, N.C., and is a financial r<.>- Also elected to one-year terms COUIi iMY RIBS •• • • • • . • • . . . $1.49 LB. porter for the Chicago Sun-Times were Elhott S. Hall as pres- aid has to be small, fit comfor,ably and give you the ... Pierre H. Canu, of the Park, has ident-elect and John Patrick AMIwIdet & Hornung ••••••• Skinless $1.69 LB. quality and performance you need for better hearing. accepted the position of tax counsel O'Leary as secretary-treasurer. MOl' DOGS • • • • • • • • N8tural Casing S1.99 LB. for the Signal Co Inc., of LaJolla, Hall is chief assistant prosecu- Calif. He was formerly senior at- ting attorney of Wayne County and -Produee Speclols.-- torney in the General Counsel's Of- lives in Detroit O'Leary, his wife fice of Ford Motor Company . Janice and three sons Patrick, GREEN PEPPERS ••••••••• 4 FOR $1.00 Schweitzer Real Estate/Better Peter and Michael, also live in BROCCOU ••••••••••••••••• 884: EA. • Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor on Staff Homes and Gardens has opened a Grosse Pomte Park. sales office at 74 Kercheval on the O'Leary is a partner III the Sno.wMe MUSHROOMS •••••• S1.59 PKG. • Free Hearing Test - Audiologist on Staff Hill. The location was formerly oc- Detroit law firm of Plunkett, • Repair all hearing aids - no more than $3500 cupied by Toles and Associates Cooney, Rutt, Watters, Stanzyck & • UN

    I • INSTALLATION AID 24 HR. MONITORING FOR: • Home Burglar Alanns • Business Alarm Systems • • Hold-up Alanns ON MY OFTIESE HIT CBS RECORDS. • Medical Emergency Systems SEtORIMG HOMESIN THE POINm FOfI14 YEARS


    GET. ONTHE "BEAUTY AND THE BElT"DEAL. Grosse Pointe Woods WI ...... , ., ...... Clll'lile 1II.a Chiropractic CUnic 881.7677 ~st buy any of these 8 great Smusltis II an Innammatlon of the mucous m.m. CBS Records or Cassettes above br-. of one or mort 01 the ~t ntN! llnue.. + Symptoms 01 IIn"Sltll ." he~he In tPM 1Klaj Wondra Skin lotion t ana ehet'p ~n bet_n the...,... full lSMo eehe + a bottle of Pert Shampoo. 0Yet' the ty.. c\ofted nt... 1PlSM9", ~".t..t hHd cOlen and mof' Acllt. an.ch 01 Ilnueltia oft.., ,o4tQw. colelOf IYdden t""~atur, change • Get $3.00 back by mail from ~ Ittadll ~ htlkl to ....t'f'M!ons in ttle __ Pert . " .. " ...... Me! IMd to • ctftInle COtldItlon ~ Wondra and 'Y. Pf'O'M"' rnt, d+fl and •• .,ci.. wifl lid In the ~ of IlnuSltIl HoweY.r the uncIertt"" c.- ,. _BUT" ...... 1I1IILS .. CIEIC - -"' ...... PInS, 111. tauM of tNa c:IlMIiM PfOC:"I .. YWy tomIl .... lfJ dut '~J"" r • ...,... "l r-..,.I1:,...... "r.- fi" '''' "., _.-n.. ~ 'I'lf>"ll.,. ~ l IY!l-t,....•#~ v} ~a. (~.C"'~d(t5~ • t't4(riloo.c to a ffIiture of the MImlnatlOn function 01' IN body. Thia '*' lilt brought on by faulty ".,.,. auppy c.u. AVAILABLE AT: ed by t.ufty body IMCMnk:s, ptIrtk:u6arty In the aplMl coNmn Cl\lt'Opf'lCtlccat. can corr.ct tfltI WARDS SAMs JAMS PERRi DRUGS Pf'*-"' ttIua allowing the aInu ... to function mort T G 8. Y FAMILY CENTERS RECORD OUTLET NOW PLAYING RECORDS efftc;tentty MURPHY SCHOOL KIDS BAD RECORDS ~ 10 ~ ... putltk .. r~ IlLy Of OeYkI Jef1tz of HARMONY HOUSE CAMELOT MICHIGAN WAREHOUSE RECORDS ~ "0ln4. 'If.. Chlroprwenc ClInk Cell "1-7en DEARBORN MUSIC RECOADLAND WOOLWORTH AU. INSU"ANCU ~"TEO 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Page ThirteenotA Four named NEGC officers Club honors Elaine and Clyde Reed for sen:Jice ~, Four Grosse PoiDte residents ed on the Northeast Guidance Clyde and Elai.De Reed, of South other exceptlon was to Mr. and YMCA live in the Michigan MenblJ Healtk wre .... lled recently as olfteers of Center board for three years. Drys Drive, long-time community Mrs. Stanley Kresge. Elaine Reed was develo~r of an Association and Metropolitan ne;.; the Northeast Guidance Center Dennis Nally, also a Grosse activists, recently reeeived the Clyde Reed was executive direc- employe consultation center at the lrait Health Education Council Board of. Directors 011984 to 1986 Pointe resident, will complete his John W. Armstrong Humanitarian tor of Boys Republic, a school for J L. Hudson Company and chief so- The Reeds have been officially' .Jack~. f~ 01New York term as board treasurer during the Award, recognizing their contribu. troubled children, and still serves cial worker at Sinal Hospital and retired for eight years, but the sep.- CityandaresideotolGrwsepointe 1984-1985year. Nally is with Price- tions to the community and the its board of directors He also Cottage Hospital. She also has tuagenarians find time for manr: for the past four years. wu iDstall. Waterhouse in DetrOIt. YMCA. worked as an Arbitrator for the worked with the United Commum- new and old community responsibl': ed ~ presIdent of the board, sue- The elections were held at the an- Bette' BUSIness Bureau and advis- ty Service Agency's Well-Bemg lilies as well as for eight grandchll., ceedinI Edward EgnatiOl. Liang nual meeting of the Northeast The award was presented to the ed the state department of LlCens- servIce for Agmg, and was the first dren A weekly square dance IS' bas been active on the board for GUIdance Center Board of Dlrec- Woods couple at the annual meet- mg and Regulation female member of the Melropoll- also a part of their exerCise pro three ~ears and is vice-president of tors. NEGC is a comprehensive ing of the YMCA's Heritage Club, He has been president of the In- tan YMCA board Mrs Reed I:> ac- gram : ~. ClaU' ~bulatory Services Corp mental health facility ,,:,hich p~ an organization prOVIding long- ternahonal Torch Club and of the " m De~lt. vides a full range of family and m. range fUlancial stability for the Wayne County Chapter of the MI- Tom Stewart is the new vice- divldual counseling and therapy, YMCA. Durmg the 10 years the chlgan Society for Mental Health president of the center board A specialized treatment for alcohol award has been made, this IS only He's on the board of the Semor member of the Assistance League to and chemIcal dependency, preven- the second time it went to a couple, Men's Club, Gro~se POinte Congre- TOM'S FENCE Northeast GUidance Center, she has hon, and divorce mediation ser- rather than an mdlvldual The gatlonal Church and Downtown represented the League on the vices. • LICENSED center board for the past two terms. BOk A Th • FULLY GUARANTEED She is the first ASSistance League I e-/j.- on to Single parents hear detective ~ member to become a board officer °d II hOld Grosse Pointe Woods Det. Cultural Center • 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE i ~r. E~enie Beall, a longtime 8l 8 C I ren PatrICk Fagan Will talk about per- For more mformatlOn, call 881- I • RESIDENTIAL AND I resident, ~ second vIce-president. The central regional offICe of St. sonal and home safety when the 5892. COMMERCIAL Dr Beall IS an educator and is in- Jude Children's Research Hospital Grosse Pomte chapter of the valved m management traimng announced recently that Richard Parents WithOUt Partners meets Youths nabbed programs at Lawrence Institute of Beach, faculty advisor of the South Friday, May 25, at 8 pm. at the Grosse Pomte Park Pollee All Types of PrIvacy I Technology 'H'i~h ~hool J(Py ('ll1h, h?~ ?gr~ War Memorial. reported that three boys were ar- A- ~nritv...... J'.....~ Mary Belaire was elected recor- to chair the 81. Jude Children's Re- The meetmg Will be followed by rested after they shot at another ---_ , -- _-- ding secretary. Ms. Belaire works search Hospital Blke-A-Thon an afterglow at the Knights of Col- youth With a BB pistol on Thurs- CALL in retail distrrbution and has serv- scheduled m the Pointes for this umbus Hall at Little Mack and 10 day, May 17 Pohce confiscated the I FOR FREE ESTIMATE Mlle Road P" blood tests Saturday, May 26. In case of rain, gun and remanded the youths to .r. 'ee the event will be held Saturday, PWP will gather on June 2 for a their parents pendmg charges be- June 2 special "Moonlight and Roses" 109 flied by the victim All of the CEDAI STOCIAM FlIICE 774-2045 next 11uesdaY St Jude's was founded by l\bch- dance at the German American boys live in the Park Cottage Hospital registered igan native Danny thomas and is nurses and licensed practical dedicated to combat catastrophic nurses will take blood pressure diseases which afflict children. The readings for anyone in the com- hospital is non-sectarian, non-dis. munity on an informal, drop-in crrmmatory and provides medical ~~!!ac~~~r!l2~ • Ae$ldenllal • Industnal ,G;:~::::$VERBRUGGE'S basis on Tuesday, May 29, from care to over 4,200 patients. • FHANA fnspecllOns 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in Boardroom B, This year's Bike-A-Thon pro- WE 17328 MACK at SToCLAIR on the lower level of the hospital, gram is dedicated to "Terry." • 159 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse Terry was diagnosed with leu- ' No CostINoObOQdon DELIVE!' . 88~.156S ,.4. TO 400 \~" . Pointe Farms. There is no charge. kemia in March of 1978, and began FRE E • IntpCtion EItlm8te Free literature on high blood treatment at 81. Jude's today, she UMIAAI(EO YlItlldeI- ..,.., ~ pressure and other related ill- is well and off all medication and IEfOM YOOCOffTRACT. COWoUlE OUR COSTSANO ~IMCES nesses will be available to the pu}). serves as an example of the pro- W. Control All ..... 1ndIIcIInr ...... lic. For more information about gress and success of the research H;MBU~GROUND ;",,: this and other community pro- patient care and educational pro- n6-6010 FROM CHUCK CHUCK ROUND ~ grams offered by the Education gams of this hospital. MedICiI Pest CootrQl Syslems • 22622 Harper "we ° 5t Clair Shores department of Cottage Hospital, The funds raised in the events 8 8 telephone 884-8600, extension 2390. this spring will help assure the con- • tinuation of the life-giving work at af3COL. JOE'S CALIFORNIA$1t FANCY MSHINGTONS1fP.8STATE ~\ ...... " IUI .. It I 1111 £ £ ". i~....:,' the hospital. CANADA RED It's banquet time B~'&: •=" WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MUCH MORE. 1 A PEACHTOPES D'ANJOU for shutterbugs Police demonstrate e. perlOllC. Itle meglc 01 .4 ~ I CHICKEN PEARS ." The Grosse Pointe Camera Club the breathalizer I lholnd~nA~~~I~HOME" $389 59!? ~ 39! ~ will hold its annual awards banquet Harper Woods District Court on Tuesday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m. at 32-A Judge Roger J. laRose and I..ISLAND LUDSE ~i / MSHINGTON STATE , the War Memorial, 32 Lakeshore the Harper Woods Police Depart- !Just about the best fishing In Ontario ~/ WINTER'S DELI-SPECIAlS Road. ment invite all interested area resi- I Just about the belt scenery In Ontario RED DELICIOUS I/J' - A special program, "The Antarc- dents to a demonstration of the E Modern comfort In a magnificent wildernen selling NATURAL ~ -COLESLAW tic," by Evelyn Fisher, will be ; EnJOyyour own seclUded cottage by the bay Breathalizer Test, used by police 1 - BAKED !'

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    ...page ~rteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984 Aspirin sales and bousinI permits - u economic indicatons - Art festival 10 up and down topt. her iD a fairly simdar Opens May 30 pattern. Irom at South High 268u.s. An art exhibit, drama produc- bon, vocal music concert, outdoor band concert and Ice cream social will be the major attractIons of the third annual South H1gh Arts FestiVal, Wednesday through Fri- day, May 30 to June 1 NURSING The festival, sponsored jointly by HOME the school and Its Mothers' Club, is designed to highlight students' 8045 talents and share them W1th the community at large, says Susan F.ASTJEfFERSO\ Measelle, chairperson DETROIT, MICH. ExhIbIts, dlsplays and perfor. > KILLARNEY MOUNTAIN LODGE mances will be presented by five of I on the north shOre of Georgian Bay 821-3525 South's departments as follows. KIllarney, Ontano. Canada POM 2AO • Art - photography, pamting, QUALITY calligraphy, ceramiCS, weaving, (705) 287-2242 commercial and in tenor des1gn .NURSING CARE • Industrial technology - wood projects, metal designs and a draftmg dIsplay .' • MUSIC- vocal solos and choral performances and mstrwnental band concert • EnglIsh - forensiCS, highlights of "Godspell" performed by Pointe Players, the "Imprints" literary THE magazme and "Tower" school newspaper The third annual South High School Arts Festi\'al opens Thursday, May 30, and ",ill run through 1 p.m. on • Home e<:onomics - fashIOn and Frida)', June 1. Shown ",ith an original drav.ing done b)' Ken Harris, South junior, are (from left> Harris, BRONZE DOOR design displays A GOLD STAR RESTAURANT Robert R. Rathbun, chairman of the South art department: Susan Measelle, chairperson of the festival, and • Commerctal foods - desserts \\ h) eat at a fa&1food reslauram IIhen you coin dl'1e In the fine Joseph Spagnoli, South principal. ambiance of The Bronze Doer 81 prices as good or beller? The Bronze and beverages served for a Door IS {he perfect place for a business lunch or a relaxing dinner nominal fee in a cafe By all mean,. don't forgel our famous' AlIHude .&,dJustment Hours" The Tower Bells, Pointe Singers Stuffed people add to St. Clare art show from 4 to 7 p m dall} and 12 to 5 pm S..uurda}s We ha\e nell lo"er and soloists Margaret Hunt and Prices plus great hOI and cold hors d'oucHes Jennifer Ames and the "GOOspelJ" B, .John \\ I 01111.11\\ ~kt thiS year was no exception were pamted different styles with ALL THIS PLUS OUR GREAT NEW LUNCH AND DINNER SPECIALS production will be presented on . St. Clan' Stuffed people were made by the pamts and then glazed. L1qUId lead opemng night, May 30, after 7 p.m. St Clare School recently held Its students to look hke celebntles such was \:lsed to outlme pictures and Daily Lunch S~cials HIghlights on May 31 will be the Fresh Ground S'rloln \\ llh GarnIsh 2 95 annual art show featurmg 1,500 pro- as Boy George, M1chael Jackson special pamts were used to color m outdoor band concert and ice jects the whole school had made, and Webster. They are made by the pictures SpqhetlJ and Meat Sauce 4 95 cream social. Spinach FettuclnJ Carbonara \11th Garlic Toasl 350 from kmdergarten to the eighth stufflng lint mto pantyhose Boxes. grade, in the church SOCialhall paper alld cloth were all used to Lmgulne WIth Clam Sauce 4 95 Free Press cites Our Famous LIver "-1alson 6 95 Seven join SH Some of the projects were stuffed make mlmature rooms Rooms people, mimature rooms, vases, were designed by students to look Dtli/y Dinner SpeciJlls Honor Society mirrors and mazes that the seventh like a room m the student's own young writers Spaghetti and MeatbaUs, GQrIJc TOQSIand Salad ..• 6.95 By LalU"ie Smith graders made. Art teacher Augle house or a room they would like to By Martha Keane 8 oz. New York Sirloin, ChoICe-of Soup or Salad ..• 7.95 South High Tedesco has made the a rt show suc- have The rooms were th~n stacked South High Fresh Catch of the Day, ChOIce of Soup or Salad .•. 6.95 Seven new membE>rs recently cessful over the last few years and to look like a big house Clay vases South students took 14 awards in Our Famous Liver Matson, ChOIC/, of Soup or SaIQd .•. 10.95 joined South's chapter of the Na- the re<:ent Detroit Free Press writ. No Epicure Cards with tMw S~cilUs! tional Honor Society, seniors Paul ing contest. Corbett, Julia Johnson, and Phoebe Awards of excellence went to PIlls Our Grell' R,lUltu Dinn" M,nu Wall, and juniors Mary Beth Dietz, Bands combine for annual social Erik Nicholson and Phoebe Wall; .Don't. forget our Sunday Dinner Spec1als from 2 to 8 p.m. Leslie Jeffs, Laura Westfall and North and South High School 180 stUdents, which will perform honorable mentions to Megan Bon. Pnmc: Rib of Beef ... 9.95 Spaghetti and Meatballs ... 5.95 Wendy Wheatley. band students Will combme talents "The Light Fantastic March" by nani, Beth Knight, Christina Students must meet the require- to present the annual outdoor band Leonard Smith, "Serenata" by Maher, Julie Parker, Jim Agley ~..!I0fU<~,Paro« Vi 0(1". kau# ~~ f7Io.onz ments of service, character, lea- concert and ice cream SOCIal on Leroy Anderson, "Windstar" by and NlCole DuPont, commenda- EntertaiJunent Wednesday through Saturday dership, a 3 0 grade point average Thursday, May 31, at 7 p m on the Claude smith and a collection of tions to Amy Andreou, Chris for seniors, and 3.3 for juniors. South High School front lawn George Gersch win songs, arranged Brown, Kevin Monahan, Erik No- with Jerry Robinson New officers for the 1984-85 The South SymphOniC Band, d1- by Bruce Chase cholson and Phoebe Wall. We will be closed Sunday and Monday Memorial school year were elected at the last rected by Ralph Miller, and North As always, Ice cream and straw- Katherine Hein was picked se- Weekend to give our Employees a rest! NHS meeting. President is Renuka Symphony band, d1rected by bernes w1ll be served during mter- cond for the All-State Academic Your Genial Hosts, Don Duchene and Tony Manguu-ellt Uthappa, treasurer Rick Whitney, Nathan Judson, wll1 perform sep- miSSIOn and after the concert. The Team. and secretary Peter Ecklund. The arately durmg the first half Fol- band concert 1Sfree and open to the Th~ Free Press recognized only I HE BRONZE DOOR 123 Kercheval on-the-hill884-n74I vice-president will be elected in the lowing intermlss1on, the North and public, and wlll be held in the gym- 10 percent of the 4,000 entries in the V Masteroard and Amencan Express • No persona! checks I fall. National Honor Society spon- South students w1ll combine to natorium in the event of mclement contest. Almost half of South's 'Z7 sors is Kenneth McMillan. ., form< .. massefi -baad Xli more tha n weather~ '<-t eo. 'r .. ~ntries)A'(Jl awards. y • n J I , 1- ~Save 25% on your relectric bill this PRESENTIIG summer ... SOMEOFTHE MOST •• UL by having Supreme install an Interruptible Serviee on TOOLSYOUU MR OWl. your central air eonditioning. You un enjoy separate This is a DremelqcMoto-TOO17a com- metering and energy sav- pact high-speed power tool thafs so ings because you pay less versatile, ifs like dozens of tools in one. per kilowattlbour. SUPREME Heating With its wide range of accessory bits, it Call your Supreme Rep. for will grind, sand, polish, carve and more. a free analysis. & Supply Company- And since the Moto-Tool is capable of a UCENSED • BONDED • INSURED range of speeds up to 30,000 DETROIT OAKLAND RPMs, you'll always have the DOWNRIVER MACOMB right speed for the job, whether 885-2400 777-8808 you're working with wooct metal, plastic, glass or stone. The Moto-Tool is available in several different models, inclUding both adjustable and constant speed versions. Each features a reliable motor, an assortment of useful ac- cessories, and most models come with a rugged carry- ingcase. So if you would like a tool thafs both compact and capable, pick up a ver- satile Mota-Tool. As thou- sands of people already know, there's no other single tool like it. 'IT. l'!llT DREMEL Gets the.kb done tit ~ bit

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    4 f l . , .;1 l'tturIday. May 24. 1984 ... 0 5 S E ,. 0 I N TEN E W S School~ video club fleD t»eeIdy tMte of TV pressure A ..... 01Bishop G...... biIh ~ WoedI ... The .... NCI8t ..... ~ ...... cem .... story for the show." ICbooI students have been fbMIiDI pI"OIrUD, Wbk:h beIu its eeeoad aN taped • ttJe It.ucIo a Gn8e out nrst-band the demands of pro.. __ IMt fall, ...... 19 Writer and interYiewer Rick Mit. Puinte CQIe by • aft' BiIb- a feIUlarly-scbeduJed cable tram cbeU, a.IIo a senior, adds, "Many ducinl 01 GrasIe Pointe Cable on MGllday op GaJlaaIaer aDd are eombined times w~tU arrance an interview television program and Wednesday eveaiDII at 7:30 with IUtwiaJ recardfd in thP lltolrl In January, 1183, the Bisbop with a student or teacher right on- p.m. Btabap MDior Eric tbe-apot and wing it. Then, after Gal1aaber' Video Club created Ge...... '!be Ibow bas a aewa format, l.Gap II tile ItuItIIDt .... ldent 01 tile Interview, we'll write a lead'ln "Steady Gains," a half-bour pr0- witb reports rwd bJ two studeats the video club aDd directl tapinp gram featuring news about ac. and a wrarup for the story." from each partietpetiaC sdMlol. done at the Itudio. A recen Bishop Gallagher seg. tivities at schools in the Grosse Tbeae news reports, involviftl "In ODe contbwoua sequence, I'm ment featured interviews With the dl.rectinl the two eaJIleru in the cast and director of Bishop Gall. studio, Plae adc:linl the superim. aaber's presentation of the musical ~ pcJIed tit1el,and worrying about the "Grease" Video of the early re- Full Day Kindergarten From Brimley in the news announcers and their cues," hearsals and a dress rehearsal At Sf. Joan 01 Ate Upper Penmsu1a to be explained, ..It all adds up to were woven into the fmal e GROSSE I --'-> POINTE Baby Bar.B.Q .....- • - •• • - , SPARE RIBS •• $1.18 lB. NEWS ROJied offtce RUMP ROAST. $2.8. LB. 1 L8. MCKAQE will III PWMct lot' the ~ cIoact CaJifomia PASCAL CELERY ••••••• 8M II Jumbo GREEN PEPPERS •••••• 25$ EA. WltmlI Fresh RADISHES •••••••• 4" LB. PKG. MEMORIAL NEW TEXAS DRY ONIONS •. 8" 3 La. BAG Dannon a Natural c.Ing DAY ~~ ,~ V.E.S. MONDAY Yogurt WEIN.AS MAY 21 '-V SPIRAL SLICED 2 'or $2.ftLB. Bratwurst or EMIIer &LAZED HAMS $2.19 La. .8e When you're sh~ng for a ccllmg DeItdIIntN Knackwurst fan. choosmg Hunter IS easy tot buying Makmg a chOice whICh Hunter you «II aN .. llO( $ want may be. though 95 toIIow8: The Hunter ongmal celllOg fan IS t~ most popular and find) crafted cellmg • Ads tor S9or1S iI1Cl Itle fan In t~ world. and IS the onJ} leadltlg MFG. SUGG. LIST '165.00 Second .111 OCIOCllfy)mull ceiling fan backed by a limited hfC'tlmt IlIIln " 4 , fft , FntIIy, .- warranty Mod~1'22522 2S • AdI ftIr ... rllWllICIon TIle Hunter Comfort Breeze celllO~ 36" Brown fAllllortBree...... ~1,.'" r.. fan 15 mack ro the same standards of ex- ...... ,a cdlmcc. otfrrs a r~rrSlbJ.e momr, 2 fan Model'23523 \pttds. and a warranty of ~ vean. but •M.....a...... :loft 36" White Comfort Breeze IIlOIAd .. III by Ft1dI¥ 5 II m rom less than the Hunttr orr~lOaJ THIS MEMORIAL WEEKEND Substantial Sa\'ing., On Other Huntn Originalt in Sioek STOCK UP 011 CAlIS FOR Umlted Quantltiet • Sate EDeI, Ju. tUl, .114 • WIllie Sappfy ...... YOUR COTTAGE OR BOAT!! • Alls.In , .... Ne .., ... _ Irl •• EXWIlIl &/lIl:lr/1: C•• NO UMITS! I.;r-"", ••II.r ••• # ''''''''. 24 CANS ONLY $5.49 20234 HARPER AVE. between 7 & 8 MIlt, Harper Woods. 884 888• FREE TASTING THIS FRio & SAT. • Mon,-sat.I:0()"5:00 FrI,': .m...... -~---

    Page Sixteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984

    I I t ,1 I SAT MAY;>6 UN JUM" SAT JUNE;> .. 11P11 CBS .. "PII CBS (8 CenlraVMountaln) 2:15PM-? NBC (115 Cent /Mount} THllR MA'\i.'4 BASEBALL Game 01 the Weel< Baltimore Onoles at Detroit Tigers &-'OPM ABC (7 Central/Mountain) 3:30-5PM ABC (2 30 Ce'll/Mount ) I SUSAN lUCCI I PRO BOWLERS' SPRING TOUR $115000 Tucson Open from Aflzona S I ROBERT URICH Golden PIt) lanes I JOANNA CASSIDY ":30-6PM CBS n 30 Cen' 'Mout)t ) INVtTA1lON TO HELL Ms LUCCI (All My CIwIdren) IS an eerily beautltul se- ductress wtlo Mads up a count'} club ,'1 Cal fOrOlaS $, Icon Valley 1().11PM CBS (9 Central/Mountain) II,~_ Al ~(' QAI ~\MI"1 --- -- ..__ .... t. II Kemper Open from II ANN GillESPIE Bethesda Maryland s KENE HOLLIDAY CongreSSional ClUb DON HOOD I THE SHERtFF AND THE ASTRO- NAUT ActIOn adventure drama In I ' wi'ICl'> a shen'- s fronlter style skills at trackll"lg a killer are Pltl~ against the I OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN Ii lalest 11' high lech hardware GENE KELLY N (4 Certral/Mountatn) FRI MAy :.~ MICHAEL BECK GOLF Third round ladles Pro XANADU Musical fantasy - a muse I-11PM CBS (8 CentrallMountaln) fesslonal Asc;oclatlon champIO'lshlp steps out ot a murallo touch the liVes match live from Jack Nicklaus Cen of two men and Inspire them 10 fulfill SAT MAY?b ter, Kings Island OhiO thell dreams Another worldl t:'I5PII.? NBC (1215Gent (Mount) llEPlDl_. .. 'PM ABC (7 Cenlral/Mountaln) SUN MAY 27 fiIJN .~ BASEBALL Doubleheader of the U.s. OlYMPIC TRIALS Womens 1-11P11 NBC (8 Central/Mountain) Week los Angeles Dodgers at New Gymnastics, live from Jacksonville York Mets 5t NO MAN'S LAND Ms Stevens ISan (~G..-One Florida unlikely sheriff of a small Old West LOUISCarwnais at Atlanta Braves)fo/- . SUN, JUNE 3 TREAT WilLIAMS Io'lllfld by Baltunore OrIOles at Califor- town who toes to keep her Job by 12:30-2:3OPM NBC bringing a wanteo desperado to )US- JERRY ORBACH nia Angels (AJt«nat. Game Two lice and battling foreign revolution- PRINCE OF THE CITY Williams (A Kansas City Royals.Boston Red Sox Ii artes A Plsto~pacKln' mamal Streefc4Ir Named Duire) IS a tough 1:»3PM ABC (12 3OGent/Moont) STELLA STEVENS dishonest New York police officer ... U.s. OLYMPtC TRIAlS same wtlo decides to exorcIse some per- day coverage of the Men's Marathon DONNA DIXON sonal demons and expose corruption from Buffalo, New York ... TERRI GARBER within the sys1em Based on a true I-4PflI CBS (2 central/Mountain) ..-:II story, It s a first rate '11m that was MELISSA MICHAELSEN Men's DIVISion sadly neglected during ItS 1981 re- VOlLEYIAll NCAA ROBERT WEBBER THE TWO UYES OF CWIOL LET. I Chan..,lOnshtps lease Directed by Sidney (8erplc:o) NER ContefTllOrary tale 01 a former ... JANIS PAIGE Lumet call girl manrpylated by the poIrce Into 1:30-5PM ABC (2 30 Gent/Mount) WE 0 MAY JO resuming her old:est} profes8lon PRO IOWLERS' SPRING TOUR $115,000 Denver Open from Colo- t-11PM ABC (8 Genlral/Mountaln) rado s Celebnty Sports Genter PRINCE OF THE CITY ConcluslOfl E.:'a~ 44PM CBS (3 Central/Mountain) 1-11'111 CBS (8 Central/Mountain) MON MA\ '- GOLF Memorial Tournament from ROBERT PRESTON the Mwfteld Village Club In OhiO PATTY DUKE ASTIN SUN MAY;' GEOFFREY LEWIS Z:3OPM-? ABC (1 30 Gent IMount) SAllY KELLERMAN PRO FOOT8AU USFL game too SEPTEMBER GUN Preston has the 3-4PII NBC (2 central/Mountain) role of Ben Sunday, a salty oid gun- BOXING A 10-rou'ld middleweight flgr1er who usually hires out lor range bOut John Mugabl versus "Vampire" wars and Mrs Astin IS Sister Dulclna, Johnson 10 Maracaibo, Venezuela 1:~2:30PM ABC (12 30 Cent/Mt ) a devoted woman 01 the ChlJrch try 44PII NBC (3Gentral/Mountaln) IBM U.s. OLYMPIC TRIALS Men's Ing her bes1 to accommodate the of- SPORTSWORlD Live coverage of Gymnastics, live from Florida ten bewlldenng and mlT'ld boggling 1S-round WBA featherwetght champ- ways of ttle American West A re<:1P- lOl'lShlp between tit leholde r EusebIO 2:3l).4:3OP'M N8C(1 30 Gent IMount) rent of the 1983 Western Heritage Pedroza and Angel Mayor Mixed GOLF LPGA Championship fInals Award A sagebrush winner Pairs World Body BUilding Champion 2:3OPM-? ABC (1 30Cent IMollnt) f.l1PM NBC (8 Central/Mountam} ship on lape from TOf'onlo, Canada PRO FOOTBALL USFL (;lame lba SUMMER FANTASY A beautiful ~maI: Baseball Hall of Fame 17-year old becomes the first female selection procedure ":3O-SPM NBC (330 Cent IMount ) lifeguard on a Southern california MON MAY 28 SPORTSWORLD (tape) Bruce Jen IPM-llidnight ABC (8 Gent IMount } beach and the summer becomes sub- BURT LANCASTER ner Track and Field ClaSSICfrom San ."PM ABC (7Ge'ltraI/Mountaln) AUTORACING same day coverage mer~ 10 sur1 sun and surprises Jose, California U S Gymnastic \ THE CONCORDE.AIRPOfIT, '711 SUSAN SARANDON 1 ur SMA Y -'q of the IndIanapolis "500" from the Championships at Chicago illinoiS DOROTHY LYMAN ROBERT GOULET .. "PM cas (8central/MountaIn) brickyard" \'1 Indiana ROBERT WAGNER THE SCREEN ACTORS GUILD 50Itl WED. JUNE 6 TED SHACKELFORD ALWAXMAN THlJR MAY 31 MICHAEL GROSS SUSAN BLAKELY ANNIVERSARY cs flPAT1ON. A "11:3OPM CBS (8 Central/Mountain) GEORGE KENNEDY KATE REID star-studded whopper celebrating .. 11:3DPII CBS (a Gentral/Mountaln) BASKETBALL NBA Championship PAUL KEENAN AnAHTlC CITY Lancaster s best the gok:Ien anniversary of the actors' BASKETBALL Game One of the Game Three DANJELLE von ZERNECK CICElY TYSON role ever, as an aging small time Union I!Ja 1N.!riY,IovIOg trlDute NBA ChampionshiP series Cl5'84 CON DONOVAN ASSOCIATES INC S NEIL FUJITA DESIGN PROGRAMS LISTED ARE CHOSEN AT THE SOLE DISC1'lETION OF CORNELIUS DONOVAN ASSOCIATES INC

    L"'~"'Cl USA .~


    reat taste

    Satin' tip loo's Regular a- !v\enttd.

    Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 10 mg "taf': a B mg mcottne iN per clglIrene, FTC Report March 1984 Section B The Second Section Thursday, May 24. 1884

    It's that time of year: members of the Grosse Pomte Branch American Association of University Women have been busy rolhng out the barrds Those familiar Used Book receptacles are now In place at fIve convenient East Side locatIOns, waiting for your donations. So before you're caught up m a spring cleaning throw-out fIt, think. Isn't it better to share, rather than abandon, un- wanted novels, cookbooks, non-fiction, paperbacks, hard- ;;:.~;Ls~,~~w~:~~~s ~!I!::~~.~~ !o~r_~h:l~~~~,~~~J~,:~niJes, ...uJo.J ...... IooJ', " ..... \".v ...u.), .:II .... ""' ...... \. U.uA';:",U ... ,,",&.aU \,.oU""')\..J.V*"""Uj...... ,. The AAUW collection barrels are located at Mr. McCourt's in-the-ViHage, Colonial Federal on-the-Hill, Kroger's on Marter Road and at two Farmer Jack Markets: one on Harper at Moross, the other on Mack near Vernier. If you have too many books to take to a drop-off point your- self, personal pick-up service can be arranged by calling 882-4977 or 881-4520. Throughout the summer, a busy Used Book Sale commit- tee, under the supervision of general chairman Ann SChumacher, will sort and mark the donations. Come Tuesday, Oct. 2, through Sunday, Oct. 7, the books will be ! on sale at Salem Memorial Lutheran Church on Moross I Road, ~alfway between 1-94and saint John Hospital. I [ '. Readers who have been keeping an eye out (sometimes r for years!) for a specific, hard-to-Iocate volume may find ~ the Pointe AAUWs Search Service very helpful. Phone 772-0605for further information. '" '" • Proceeds from the annual Used Book Sale benefit the educational advancement of women. They support AAUW national and international fellowships, and scholarships on the local level for women who want to prepare for careers by updating old skills or acquiring new onet. Interested east-of-Woodward residents, women who live in Wayne or Waiting for the Theatre Arts Parade Macomb counties and already have undergraduate "Waiting for tbe Parade" as they rehearse for Theatre Arts Ma)' program with the club's tradlllOD.1 loog. Mn. Freel GuertJer ... degrees, may inquire about AAUW local scholarship rules production of John Murrell's play with music, which tells the story Mn. Kallin are co-producers of "Wallin. 'or &bePan.:' Mn. at the financial aid offices of the following Institutions: the of how flve Canadian women cope on the home front while their Jamet Doll and Mrs. William Turner sbare Uglatiq rea . University of Detroit, Madonna College, Walsh College, men are away during World War II, are cast members (left to right) Mrs. Donald Keim and Mrs. William Rboadea are In e e 01 Macomb Community College and the Center for Creative MRS. RALPH ERICKSON. MRS. JAMES PANGBORN. MRS. BEN lound errects. The Mesdames Frederkk Clark. ~ard J aM Studies. STORMES, MRS. WILLIAM HAWKINS and MRS. CARL James Schueler wUla .. isl make-up cbalrmn Mn. J Coati. GROUND. Nostalgia will permeate The Players Playhouse on East Costumes co-chairmen are Mra. Jamea Kackley aad Mn. Robert Final Days for Show House Jefferson Avenue this weekend when the aU-woman Theatre Arts Krueger. Mrs. Joseph Mengden's let-drnllng and properdel COlD- Club of Detroit entertains husbands and friends at Its traditlonal mittee consists of the Mesdames Kelgwln Forrest. Joha GrUftD ucI If you haven't yet found time to take yourself over to 111 end~f-season performance. Director Mrs. David Lindner has revi". Rosemary Westbrook. Director Lindner provlcled. the reheanal Lakeshore Road to tour the Junior League of Detroit's ed swing, and Big Band sound and songs of the '40s as background room. Rehearsal hostesses included the Meadames Albert Berteel, Designers' Show House 1984,be warned: you've only a few music for the two-act play. Mrs Edward Johnson Is holding script. Jarvis Schmidt and John Petz, and Mrs. Forrest. Mn. Mark days left. Memorial Day (Monday, May 28) is, in fact, the MI'I. MUton W. Volkens. ending ber two-year term as Theatre Arts Valente Jr. Is planning the afterglow IUppe,r.Jilth au,,~ Ina fmal day the Show House will be open to the public. .. - )M'I!&Ideftt. wm welcome members and pests. Theatre Arts Choral the Mesdames George Cotkchio, DoIlaId GMonI VeIIrH ~ Ensemble - the Meadamet £U.",OI1II AWla. Elhr,a GUbert, 8erI. Mn. IpalJU II .. ell...,. 01...... au...... Actually, Sunday, May '1:7, is a great day to tour tfie Eugene Ignasiak, Gerald Jordaal OrvUle KaWn, Martin Linder and taken at the door by Mrs. LesUe Putaam. 12-bedroom mansion, to see what the talents of top Detroit John Parks, accompanJed by Mrs. Joseph Jennings - will open the area interior designers have made of this home built in 1907, overlooking Lake St. Clair. For on Sunday you can combine your tour with a concert, the last in a series of special Sun- Short and to the Pointe day Show House Musicales. Genna's invites you The ImperIal Brass Quintet will perform a program of Mr. and 1\1". A.J. cutive superior ratmg classical music at noon. It will last approximately one hour. Loucchio of Mack in the NatIOnal MUSIC to a special showing of Tickets, at $4per person, may be purchased in advance, or Avenue, were passen- FederatIOn Delphine, at the Show House prior to the concert. Not to worry if you gers aboard the S S a JUnior at University Cybis porcelain Art wake up to a ramy Sunday morning: a large tent has been Oceamc luxury liner Liggett School, played which recently com- the Schumann Plano erected on the grounds, to protect concertgoers from stor- pleted a seven-day Concerto in A minor on Friday, June 1, 6-9 p.m. my weather holiday cruise In the March 3, and has earn- Caribbean ed her fourth gold * * '" . . .. trophy for plano You can tour the Show House immediately following the Among those stu- . . .. dents named to the Come to Genna'~ on Freday. June 1 to concert, for it will be open from 1 to 6 p.m. both Sunday and Belen Hart, of The meet Patnclcl Applegate and delight In the Dean's List for the fall Woods, has been eleet- Monday. You can tour it today, if you prefer, from 11 a.m. semester at GMI En- my~tlque of C'ybls portelalll to 4 p.m., or tonight, from 6 to 9 p.m. You can tour it tomor. ed a member at large gmeerlOg & Manage- For the tlrst lime, PatriCIa -\pplegare will row from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 of the boa rd of the ment Institute are YWCA of Metropolitan demonstrate her talents and the philosophy p.m. James M. Lombardi, DetrOit The elecllons 01 the CyfJlS StudiO You are cordl.!lly son of Mr. and Mrs. were held a t the Asso- 1I1\lled tll attend thl~ unique event, we .\nd that's it. If )OU ~ho\\ up at the Show House doors next Louis Lombardi of the ciation's 9Ist annual ,b~ure ~ou It will be ,In expenen<.e you Tuesday, you're out of luck. Those doors will be closed, per- City, James R. Ven~, meetmg March 31 manently. to the public at 6 p.m. on Memorial Day. son of RolK-rt Vens, of .. .. ,. will IhorOllghlv tonJoy Genna'~ IS the home The Farms, and I\n- ot ant' 01 the l.Hge~t 'ol'le<.uom ot C~bl) Grosse Pomte South Throu~h 6 p.m. on Memorial Day, you can get admission drew R. Zysk, son of por(t\laln ~<.ulplurl:' In the ~()fld Donald Z) "k of The High School graduate tickets ($5 per person) at the Show House during the hours Remember Cume to Gt'nna's Frld.ly, Woods All three are Thomas Fennesst'y, it is open to the public. That's bargain price - and a good junl' 1 to mt"et PatriCIa "~Ieg.ltt!. semors Lombardi IS son of Dr. and Mrs. Cybts investment, for the Junior League of Detroit, a non-profit a cooperative student John Frnn~!if'Y, of artl,t t'>'lt'puonelll' and ~ an dc1udl organization dedicated to voluntarism, returns proceeds The POinte. IS on(' of 12 dl'll1on~lratlon 01 how Cybls porct'ldln .. are With Fisher Body Gen- Meet Artist Patricia Applepte raised through the Show House to you, the metropolitan eral OffICes. Vens. Albion College semor crt',llf'(j Rt'trt' ..hmt.'nt~ '" dI bto ~I'\ ed Detroit community. through League-sponsored projects. With Current Engm- art majors who diS- eenng Manufacutur- played their work Five Homes to Tour in June mg, GM, and Zysk, through May 5 In the With Warehousmg and large gallery of the MADAME Bobbitt Visual Arts If the reason you've put off tourmg the Show House ISthat DIslnbutlOn BlJTTERFL Y (left) • bUlldmg on the AlbIOn M.ICI,lI1W Bunl'rll~ you oldn' t want to put your tour behind you too soon - thing campus IS: house tours are your thing, and you subscrIbe to the Paula A. Kukucka, of l1l'fClInl' or Puc tlnl .. Ol)('r,l tl<'.lrlflto\ t1l'r Deferment Heightens Pleasure theory - be delighted: June Wayourn Road, IS among Marquette Um- JO'lephinf' A. Lafala, n ..~nr' \\ tlIH~ ,t brmgs a speCial treat for you ve~lty student!> who of Harbor Court, rp ~ IflWI1" " l. ppr h I~ have been awarded cently received a $2.10 lit" Of.ll .. d With Five houses Willbe featured thISyear on the Grosse Pointe membershIp In Mar- scholarship award for 1.11},lflt',t' InterndtlOnal Home tour sponsored by the Internatlonal In- queltt> Umverslty's photography from th~ CIH~'dnthc'mulll' stitute of Metropolitan DetrOit It runs from 1to 5 p.m Sun- chapter of Alpha ~Ig. W~tern MichIgan Um 1 1"1 1.111 da) June 10, durIng whl('h you'll be welcome at the ma ='iu, the natIOnal verslty Department of Yorkshire Road reSidence of Dr Donald R. Schipper, the JesUit honor soclet} Art durmg the 1984 Jeffer~o!l Avenue resIdence of Mr and Mrs Kenneth J. • • • WMU All-Student An OTHElLO nual Art Competition (rilht) Glmpert, the Lakeland Avenue reSidence of Mr and Mrs 'l.r~iIrf'l "Marl(tli" She Odf'lI, of Balfour Road, IS a st>nlor art ma. ()lh, 110 TI'll \-Iom Thoma~ ~ch()(,n1th and the Lakeshore Road resIdences of Jor at WMlJ Dr and M.r!olYousef Bisha and Mr and Mrs Chris NIck ....a<; ttw Ff'hrua ry re- " clt"c Idll ...1 ••, ,I(',t • cipient of Transam('r • • Ih 11 I,,, ..d 11,,1 1... 1.... h Nin)' Chlf'f J>(.tty Of 1",1I,., wc.11 'n EthniC refreshment.<; Will be servE><:!at each horne TIckets lea "Irllnt's' ()ulstand 109 Service A~ard flcer G.y ~ lnU«" <,h.I"t"I)('.Ht , '1...."1 ~IJ) be $8 at thf' door, but you can get them in advance at Marghl If> a lWnlor son of William "'. and t(,t~t'(l\ bt'oHlJ1jl hi, $6 at t\.\o locatIOns In The POinte, the Sign of the Lion, Ker- fhght attendant for "ariorl J I A'fl Uf' , of n,m,l' 1'i 1<111 chpval AvenuE' In the Village, and Carl Sterr, Kercheval Tran~mertca Her Hollywood Avenuf'. III 1"",1t rl "lrll tt"1:! lu , ..;( ~ Avenue on-the-Hlll a~ well as at the International Institute. award mC'lude"i II Irlp ~r ..mR With the on East Klrbj Street in DetrOIt's University/Cultural for two to the Summer Na\ y l'l prpmler mWlI Center OlympiCS In ~ Ange eal ofl~aOlzatlOn, the ...... les U S Nav)' Band i'hf' .. ,. 1 55-member group re cenlly made a lK"ven You <'an ~t>t mor~ information 00 U1r 1ft84 (~rosl4! Pointe Dfolphlnf' L. ()aVlltOfl, Genna'. state. two-week tour if by daughtt-r of ~lr. and 24()C}2 V,ln DykE' (at 12 Mde ROdd) • Tt"( h Plaza Shopping Centf'f • WIITen International Horn .. tour ri~bt now, YOU'Vf a mbHI to, through Indiana, Kan calling U1~ Intf'f"natiofJal JnsUtute, 871..... Or yea can •• it Mn. EII.rd 0., hon Mond.t~ ""turd.,\, I().~ ,,"und.ty 12-') Jr., or Newberry Place, '11, Kentucky, Mill- a "hilt and "read all about it'. In the June: 7 edition of thll lOOn, North Carolina. paper. We ~vm promise you picwres. and a .tudent of f'rM- erkk DeHne., hall re- Tenneuee and Vir ceived her 10th COOlIe' glma r .~ Page T~ GROSSE POINTE NEWS -'-" r"lY 24, 1S'

    The name of the London publIShing, Exhibit focus March rites for Miss Buffa DillY PlefURES company that puts out A reception at Lochmoor Club que taffeta and carried ar- ..t ...... , • the "'"'e Racing Pi- is architecture followed the 5:30 o'clock ceremony rancemeats of pink roses and wrote ...... h' • , .. geon Pictorial" maga- Saturday, March 24, at wbicb carnatIons. zine is the Coo Press. A shO'N of artwork in a variety of Elizabeth Ann Buffa, daughter of Best man was J Patrick Galla- .. Inlul'.1 1 disclphnes which deal With rela. Mrs. Bettv M. Buffa, of Balfour gher, of Indianapolis. Ushering lions}ups basiC to architecture Road, and the late Sebastian A. were Anthony F. Buffa, of The opened last Friday. May 18, at the Buffa I spoke her rnarnage vows Pointe, and SebastIan J Buffa, of Detroit Artists Market on Ran- to Darnel Robert Bohn, son of the Boston, the bride's brothers, and dolph Street, and WIll run there Robert BOOns, of Indianapohs, Ind. Andrew 801m, of Indianapolis, the through June 22 Dr Robert Boley presided at the bridegroom's brother Ring bearer servIce m Grosse Pomte Umted was Chris~pher Smith, the bride's "Architecture - Other Ideas" Methodist Church. The bnde, given nephew. was planned by an orgamzll1g com- m marriage by her eldest brother, Mrs Buffa selected a gown of mittee of archItects. artists and Ar- Thomas A Buffa, of Chicago, who light green crepe and a wrist cor- tists Market volunteers The 60. also escorted hIS mother, wore a sage of cymblCuum orchIds for her plus partlclpatmg artists were Ln- gown of white antlque taffeta daughter's weddmg. The bride- Vlted to exhibit because their \\ork tnmmed With Alencon lace and a groom's mother wore blue chiffon. shares common elements of creatIv- short veil of Alencon lace and net White orchIds formed her corsage Ity in expressmg form, hne. struc- Her flowers were pmk roses and Out~f-town guests included the ture and space bridegroom's grandmother, Mrs. , stephanotis Katherine Bohn, of Indlanapohs, Pieces exhIbited are hath m- She was attended by her SISter, and the bride's great-aunt, Mrs JUl" • .and Mrs. dlv~dual and collaborative m Mrs Berdean F Smith, as honor Mmta Lawhead, of Denver, Colo. Daniel R. Bohn nature Media Include clay, con. matron, and by bridesmaids Mrs. Lmdsey Stewart Peabody, a The newlyweds have returned ceptual, drawmg, fiber, folk art, opment at Eli Lilly Pharma- Mastercard former Pointe resident who now from a vacation in Spain and Por- glass, kInetic, metalsmlthing, , 1-' • _ ,...... _,.. _~ ...... 3 ...",...... 1 +f'" ~'"'\rn ..~o; ... hnn'H~ ;n Tn- cE'utical Companv headquarters \...~ .ua. ...c,:) uc:.a. UU ..UlI;;;; UJ ,"",U4\..Q6V, QUU. "'''''b'''''' "'"""••• __ .... _...... --- ...... pamt1Og, photograpny, SCUlpture The brIdegroom, a Wabash Col- LUCInda and Nancy Bohn, of In- dianapolis where the bride, a 885-3240 and poster design lege graduate, also holds a Master dlanapohs, the bridegroom's Michigan State University grad- of Business Administration degree M S rhurs Fr' III 9 The Market's Upper Gallery IS sIsters Junior brIdesmaids were uate who holds a Master of Busi- from Northwestern University He currently featuring work 10 all Kathenne and Heather Smith, the ness Administration degree from works in corporate finance at Eh media chosen by collector Andrew bride's meces Northwestern University, now Camden. They wore dresses of rose anti- works in Human Resources Devel- Lilly headq~rters Kilby-Angott Mr. Momeyer to claim bride Mr. and Mrs Philip T Bailey, of was a three-year member of the Okemos have announced the varsity track and cross country rites are read engage~ent of their daughter teams She is currently employed The RegIna HIgh School Chapel Cathleen Susanne, to Gregory Alan by ~averly Public School, in SALE was the settIng Sunday, April 29, Momeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. LansIng. for the weddmg of Teresa Mane John S. Momeyer, of Moorland Her fiance, a Grosse Pointe Angott, daughter of Mrs. Richard Dnve. An early August weddmg is North High SChool graduate, also Rosenthal, of Lakepomte Avenue, planned. holds a Bachelor o~S<;ience degree 200/0 OFF and John D Angott, of Orchard Miss Bailey, an Okemos High from Western MichIgan Uruver- Lake, and Kurt DaVId Kilby, son of School graduate, holds a Bachelor sity. He is employed by Vispae, Mr and Mrs DaVId Kllby, of SIesta of Science degree from Western Inc., a packagIng and distrIbution Key, Fla Michigan University, where she company in Livoma. The 2 o'clock ntes at which The Reverend Norbert Clemens pre- selected Styles SIded were followed by a reception CCS invites alumni home at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club, The Center for Creative Studies- year's Student Art ExhIbItion is after which the newlyweds left to College of Art and DesIgn (former- on display, tonight, Thursday, May vacahon m the Pocono Mountams ly the Society of Arts and Crafts) in- 24, startIng at 7 p m. Cash bar ser- and AtlantIc City They Will be Vites all CCS alumm and their vice will be available. Details may be obtained by calling the alumm of- , makmg their home In Sarasota, guests to Its Fourth Annual Alumm ,., Fla Mrs. Kurt D. Kilby Event, an evemng of mUSIC, food fice, 872-3118 The bnde, gIven In marnage by groom's brother, and Brant and refreshments at CCS, where this her father and step-father, Mr Garber, of Whitmore Lake, seated .-, Rosenthal, carrIed a prayer book thE' guests ,- bouquet of gardemas, stephanotls Mrs Rosenthal selected a street Now You Can Take The Famous .~ and orchids Her veIl fell from a length, two-piece dress of powder beaded JulIet cap, and she wore blue cre~, featurIng a front- ;;C,"~1 ALL GALANO Orient Express Wrthout her maternal grandmother's gO\\ n wrapped skIrt and waIst detailIng, 'I NATURAUZER STYLES r«- of ivory sIlk Illusion over satm and a corsage of gardenias and Leaving England! , That grandmother, Mrs Robert J white roses for her daughter's wed- ; -NAPOU -BRUSSELS -FREEPORT ~~, O'Neill, of Tequesta, Fla ,and Far- dmg The bridegroom's mother ac- t -GINNY • ROBIN mmgton Hills, was among the wed- cented her street length dress of < ding guests, dehghted to see the pale pink sheer, with neckline ~> dress worn agam, 48 years after It beadmg, WIth a pink straw picture " IIACOBEL~S NATURALIZER SHOES ~ made Its m1t1al appearance. hat. Gardemas and pink roses ~ Honor attendant Susan Maren- formed her corsage. ~~ EASTLAND CENTER HOURS telle, of Honston, Tex , the bnde- Out-of-town guests mcluded the ~m--'• 839 • 0080 MON-sAT-\O.aSUN -12-5 groom's sister, and bridesmaids bridegroom's grandmother and Kathleen O'Neill, of Atlanta, Ga , great-aunt, Mrs. EdIth Farr and ,> the brIde's COUSIn,Laura Gambino, Mrs Mona Balhnger, both Florida Amy Lltner and Dawn Kidd, of reSIdents. More were the bnde's Ypsilanti, wore long-sleeved, uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. R street length dresses of deep rose Michael O'NeIll, who make their textured satin, boat-necked m front home in Alaska, Mr and Mrs Tim- ~ and extendmg Into a deep V-drape othy O'Neill and Barry O'Neill, of m back Atlanta, Ga ,and the bridegroom's Call us tod~y ~bout t~ numerous fasciniJting one day trips out of l.on- Ihrr'Oln-N--- ~i Rose, Ivory and \\ hlte spnng uncles and aunts, Virginia res- don on the Orient Express. I I I flowers, WIth carnatIOns, roses, Idents Mr and Mrs Craig Ball- baby's-breath, small chrysanthe- mger, Pennsylvama reSIdents Mr I I I' mums and orchIds, formed theIr and Mrs Nick Farr and IllinOIS I bouquets. reSidents Mr and Mrs Jon FIona. GreatWO\lS TtaYeI Corporation I I Best man was Wilham Parks, of The guest book was kept by the , . Traverse City Joseph and John bnde's cousms, Kerrl O'NeIll, of 10Q Kercheval on the Hill 886-471 0 ~ Angott, the brIde's brothers. KeIth Anchorage, Alaska, and Katle HOURS: MONDAY through FRIDAY 9.5 Kilby, of SIesta Key, the bnde- O'Neill, of Atlanta, Ga. PLEASE NOTE: fIoIow closed on saturdays unltl rlelt Fall; Saturday Appointments, however available on request Present New World Strings The New World String Quartet by for the museum's main theater, returns to the DetrOIt Institute of was recently discovered to have Arts tomght, Thursday, May 24, for near-perfect acoustics. Last year, an 8 p.m. recnal prevIew of the it underwent detailed restoration to Metropolitan Opera Company's its original 1927 decor. May 28 to June 2 VISit to Detroit The room, acknowledged to be SAVE 25% to 500/0 The program, devoted to three of among the most beautiful m the lull on ••• Iect group the composers whose works Will be museum, IS now often the setting 01 d.,r •••• r.duced for cl•• ance. presented during Met Week, in- for mtimate concerts, membership cludes Mozart's Quartet No 21 m and patron dmners and small re- REG. SALE D, K 575, Pucclm's "1 Cnsanteml" ceptIOns TwIn $39.95-$7'9.95 $19.99-$59.99 and Verdi's Quartet 10 E Minor Full $49.95-$109.95 $29.99-$69.99 1'1ckets for the concert, a presen- SAT. MAY. 28 at 10:30A.M. Queen $104.95-$119.95 $6999-$79.99 tatlon of the DIA Perform1Og Arts $134.95-$139.95 Property of "r .."1'$ J.rry a_J- Kang $79.99-$89.99 Department In cooperatIOn WIth Set summer the DetrOit Grand Opera ASSOCIll- tlon, may be purchased In advance 37740 Moravian, Mt.Clemens, Mi. through the museum's ticket office, wedding date ~ 832-2730, and at the door Cost IS$7 Mr and Mrs Frank Duross, of 1/2 MI. North of Metropolitan PrkJ. (18 MI.Ad.) As seahng IS limIted m the DIA's St ClaIr Shores, formerly of Anita linens Crystal Gallery, where the 1979 Avenue. have announced the en- wiMers of the prestIgIous Naum- gagement of theIr daughter, Mary Antl ..ues.Colle~tlhle8 16906 Kerchev81, "In the Village" berg Chamber MUSICCompetitIon Catherme, to Dr Edward MarlIn Phone: 881-9890 WIllperform, advance reservatIOns Frattml, son of Mr and Mrs tlALl TREE' "'ARBLE SHELF VICTORIA"'" CRYSTAl CHANDELiER' WALNUT BARREL FPUNT SECRETARY. are recommended (,harle~ Frathm. of 8t Clair WALNUT TABLE. LIGHT FIXTU~E • ORIENTAL VASE' COMMODE' PITCHER & BOWL SET S PCS MASONS The Crystal Gallery, for man} Shoree; .\n August weddmg IS IRONSTONe' STANDARD TALKING MACHIr..E O/S HORN" 3 DR OAK ICE BOX BRASS HARDWARE' BOOKCASE years used only as an overflow lob- planned BfECH 2 GLASS DRS 2 DRAMRS AT BOTTOM. MISC SilVER PLATED ITEMS I,",C\ BRIl)FS BASKET SAlT «. PEPPER SHAKERS ISHIPS' POPPINGERj' PEWElEP CHALICE' PEWTER PITCr!fR '3 PC CREAMER. SUGAR' TEAPOT)' BUD V,l.SE OPALINE VASE' JEWELRY BOX' 30 METAL SRIP MODhS OCEAN LINERS


    '. •lJ ,, I. ---7------...... -....._...... -....,...... p .....-... • .., .._.-P ....-...... -...... ,------.-- ...... ~-~~-.-

    Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pair exchange vows in April New Arrivals A ['eceptlOn at the DetrOit Club Special Sale follo\\ ed the Saturday, Apnl 28, weddmg 01 Donna Sue Grunewald, 1\11'. and Mrs. Michael Aretakis, of daughter of 1\1r and Mrs Carson C The Farms, announce the birth of Grunewald, of Lakeland Avenue, their first Child, a son, Nlc:holas and Scott Howard Johns, son of Mrs James, May 2 Mrs. Aretakis is the Hope Johns, of Troy, and Raymond former Carrie Sundeck, daughter of Johns, of Highland Township Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sundeck, of The Heverend Robert W Boley Arlington, Tex. Paternal grand- 50% if preSided at the 6 o'clock ceremony parents are Mr. and ~lrs. James In Grosse POinte Methodist Church, Aretakis. of Mt Clemens for which the bnde cho!>e a VIC- tonan style gO\\n of white chiffon • and lace, fashlOlled \\ Ith a train Her 1\11'. and Mrs, Robert M. Cone Jr .. Jl11 Summer headpiece \\ as a Circlet of stephan- of Bishop Road, announce the birth olls and babv's-breath She carried of their first ChIld, a son, Robert a spray of IriS Charles. Feb 3 Mrs Cone IS the 'Bleyle anJ St. John :\Ir. and :\ln~. formel' Karen VanDermas!>, Mr. and Mrs. Honor matron ~lrs John Hen S('oU II. Johu!) daughter of Mr. and 1\11'5. Charle!> G. Thomas Doyal II Illgan, of Sugarland, Tex, and VanDermass, of St Clair Shores bnde~malds Mrs Lisa G Balley,ol groom::, brothel', u~he[ cd Paternal grandparents are Celia A. Knits Kansas ('Ity, sister of the bride, and The brlde's mother \\ ore a tea Cone, of WellIngton Place, and Doyal-Kirk Sara Carahan, m lace-tnmmed, tea length dres!> of pearl grey Silk, styl- Robert M. Cone. of Rochester length dresse~ ot orchid chltton, ed \\ Ith handkerclllef ::,leeves and a • vow,-. ~ .. ~ -.1.-",nnkpn~ --~-- \Vnrf> clu"tl'r<:; of "fWHH1 f1nwpr<:; In filII tll<'l(f>rl "kll.t ThE' hnrlp. • • their hall' and carned- baskets oj groom's mother cho~e a draped, Mr. and 1\lrs. Uavld L..... aster. wood, of Flat Rock, announce the At home in DetrOlt are Mr and spnng flov.er$ tea length dress of orchid crepe birth of thel.r first chlld, a son, Mark Mrs G Thomas Doyal II, who va. Best man was Gerald Fortner The ne\\ Ivweds vacatIOned In 11 KERCHEYAL Din id, Feb 18 Mrs Easterwood IS catlOned In SWitzerland followmg DaVid Grunewald, brother of the Cancun, MexICO They are making 112.5550 the former Beth Cone, daughter of their marriage Friday, December bnde, and Mike Johns, the bnde- their home on Fleetwood Dnve Celia A. Cone, of Wellington Place. 30 They exchanged the vows they and Robert M. Cone, of Rochester had Written In the Detroit home of the bridegroom, son of Dr and Grow-Fisher troth revealed Paternal grandparents are I'll'. and 1\1rs. Olaf Sumner, of Detroit. Mrs Guy T Doyal, of Three Mile Mr and Mrs Alfred J Fisher Fisher, one of the seven Fisher Drive Jr, of Grosse Pointe and Palm Brothers of General Motors and .. • • The bride, the former Nancy Ann Beach, Fla., are announcing the Fisher Body automobl1e fame Her Mr. and Mrs. John Rickel, of Kirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. engagement of their daughter, father IS chairman of the board of Cloverly Road, announce the adop- Robert D. Kirk, of Lincoln Road, Chnstine Frances Fisher, to General Safety Corporation, pro- tion of a son, John Ralph, born May wore a cocktail length dress of Richard D Grow, son of Mrs. ducers of seat belts and safety 5. Mrs. Rickel is the former Annette Ivory silk and satin, styled with a Lawrence Ruby, of The POinte, equipment Urso, daughter of Mrs. Ralph F. Ur- drop waist She carried long-stem- and the late J. Alfred Grow Jr A Mr Grow holds a Bachelor of so, of Harcourt Road. Paternal 'med, red roses mid-September weddmg is plan- Arts degree from Michigan State grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. She was attended by her sister, ned. University and a J D., cum laude, John H. Rickel, of Stonehurst Road Mrs Mark O'Gorman, as matron Ms Fisher was graduated from from Wayne State University's .of honor, and by bridesmaid Leshe the Convent of the Sacred Heart, School of Law He is a partner in Haughton, a former Pomter who Noroton, Conn., and Mount Vernon the DetrOIt law firm of Butzel, now makes her home 10 New York College, Washmgton, D.C. She IS a Long, Gust, Klem & Van Zile, P.C. View flowers City They wore Ivory satm member of the Grosse POinte Club, He is a former commodore of Bay- blouses, with cocktail length skIrts where she made her debut at a tea view Yacht Club and a member of on Belle Isle ,of forest green velvet Forest green dance the Detroit Athletic Club. satm cummerbunds circled their The Grosse Pointe Garden Club's She IS the granddaughter of Mr. Grow is the grandson of the May meetmg took members to waists late Mr and Mrs J. Alfred Grow Frances Jacobs and the late Rex C Belle Isle for a late morning viSit to Greg N. Doyle acted as best man and of Mrs. Joseph Burke and Har- Jacobs, and of Mrs. Alfred J. the Scripps Conservatory's spring for hIs brother Ushering were two Fisher and the late Alfred J. vey Galbraith, of Philadelphia, Pa other brothers, Mark Doyal, at flower display, followed by lunch- school in East Lansing, and Brian eon at a restaurant ..Doyal, attendmg school in ChICago, Gross-Jones rites are read "'and Jeff R Kirk, the bride's Cynthia Ann Jones, daughter of Will return to Texas to make their Progressive Artists brother, with Peter B Hull Mrs. Joe Womble, of Amarillo, home In Houston. -: The 7.15 o'clock ceremony at Tex., and Richard George Gross II, For the small, informal cere- focus on Jamaica 7which the bridegroom's uncle, The son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gilbert mony, the bride chose a long- Progressive Artists Club 3leverend Garry SChuerer, pres 1- Gross Jr, of Hidden Lane, ex- sleeved, mid-length dress of off- ~ed was followed by a reception at changed marriage vows Saturday, white crepe, belted at the waist, Its members gathered at 8 p.m yester- -the Hotel St Regis, where a break- May 19, at a 4 o'clock ceremony in high, buttoned neck circled with an day, Wednesday, May 23, in the last buffet was served at midnight First Baptist Church, Graham, ecru crocheted collar Grosse Pointe War Memorial's : The mother of the bride's ensem- Texas. She carried a nosegay ot mixed Basement Terrace Room where tile featured a sequmed bodice, The rites at which The Reverend spring flowers and was attended their president, Daniel Keeler, showed slides of his recent trip to ~harcoal grey in color, and a grey Hubert Foust preSided were follow- by her Sister, Melmda Lmn, of Jamaica and commented on his velvet skirt The bridegroom's ed by a receptIOn at the Women's Graham Clyde Gross III, of mother selected a cocktaIl length Club of Graham, after which the Tacoma, Wash., acted as best man paintlngs of the island. aress of bright red crepe newlyweds left to vacation in N~ for his brother Guests were seated York City and Paris, France They by Tom Voight and Jerry Lian, the f bride's brotner-in-law ,...... ••...••. , ~Tosay vows Feature jazz : New Orl..... Dlxl...... I • : CHfT BOGAN and the Wolveme Jazz Band :1 in September • Every Tuesday 8:30 p.m. : The engagement of Ann Ehzabeth at the DIA ~bbldeau and Michael James Piamst Randy Weston will per- :: THE UDO~ Dining, Cocktails : pavis has been announced by her form duets with percusslOmst Roy • 24026 E Jetfet'.on (Just NOfth of 9 MIle) • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rab- Brooks tomorrow, Friday, May 25, 1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 bideau, of Touraine Road The wed- at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Jazz at the Insti- lling IS planned for early Septem- tute concerts 10 the DetrOit losh- per tute of Arts Indoor garden cafe, MIss Rabbldeau, who holds a Kresge Court. :Bachelor of Arts degree In Tickets at $7 per concert may be :Economics from Boston College, purchased in advance through the works for Trader PublIcatIOns In museum's ticket office, 832-2730, St Petersburg, Fla and at the door. Wine, beet-, soft : Mr DavIs, son ot Mr and Mrs drinks and snacks will be available James Davis, of Kokomo, Ind , \\as at nominal additional cost graduated from Indiana Umverslty The Jazz at the Institute series With a Bachelor of Arts degree In continues on Friday evemngs at the DIA through Aug 24 A com- JournalIsm and PolIhcal SClCnce. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 AND 30 He ISan editor at the St Petersburg plete schedule of concerts Will be Times mailed upon request 1000 a m to 500 pm. Jewelry Appraisal Clinic Fine Jewelry Salon

    SATURDAY, JUNE 2 11 00 a m to 1200 pm. Personal Appearance of Nettle Duffleld and Jeremy Iggers, Delrolt Free Press food writers, here to show their skills In food preparatlon Kitchen Shop, Store for the Home Spring 1215 to 100 pm. Nellie Duffield and Jeremy Iggers Will autograph the copy of thet( new cookbook, DetrOIt Free Press Cookbook, you purchase Stationery, Apparel Store Clearance THURSDAY, JUNE 7 1 00 to 300 pm We oemonstrate food preparatlon IJslng the ultimate food processor, the Robot Coupe Kitchen Shop, Store lor the Home 600 to 900 pm Personal appearance of Vincent PerrHcano. noted and copper sculpture artist EXhibit Wilt remain on Save 30% dIsplay Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9 StOf8 fOf the Home SATURDAY, JUNE a 200 to 330 pm An Afternoon With Draper HilI, Derrolt Nf1wS On all the good EditOrial Cartoonist Meet the talented man who sees humor In even the most senSItive of political Situations and reflects It In hiS candid SOCial comments In our Store for the Home fashions to TUESDAY, JUNE 12 1000 a m to 500 pm InternatIOnal Collage of Sweaters and AcceSSOries for day and evening InternatIOnal Salon Apparel Store wear now How do we do thiS? THURSDAY, JUNE 14 By putting our entire salon 1000 a m to 700 pm MII<.'moto Pearl ShOWing Fine Jewelry Salon and ItStalents at the disposal SATURDAY, JUNE 11 and later of our clients and use any 1000 a m Bridal Home Seminar Your opportunIty to get to know and all means to ensure that about our man", brlda! services Store lor the Home 't0u, the client Will return Units 442 Jilt .shops of [LAMIA] Jacobson:~

    M£N AND WO~EN S H"'l~ SERvICfS

    Wattol\.Pi~ru 111141110 M~ n'>O '1l4~ flool ...../,o 211&1 M0rOil Rd 16828 Kerchev.1 • GrDssl POinte (,.raise f'Olrf& SI Clair PrO! &Idg Grosse POlnlO WQ

    1J ,3 ~t' . i:'...~""4. -: Thursday. May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS GPHC to fete new members The Grosse POinte Senior Men's meet some of ~ wbo,~ve been Club Choral Group, 35 strong, will around for a bit lonI~. entertam at the New Members Frank Huster,. ehamnan of ~ 1 Ope_ra_ti_eO_D_L_IN_C __ 1 Brunch Sunday, June 3 at the clubbouse comullttee and a mem- Grosse Pomte HUnt Club' bel' of the Senior M~~:S Chorus~ The party honors all who have prom~ a medley~. o~dles bu~ that summer IS lust around the cor- "Dear Operation LINC: joUled GPHC during the past year, good1es under the di~bon of AI' "As a NIF.T mother I have time ner - and so IS the 4-H Growmg accordmg to Club President Rich- Decker, With accompamst Warren and time agam benefitted from the Roots Program conducted in cooperation With the Wayne County ard Shenkus. "It's our spring Dilloway AU GPHC members ~re generosity of your ocganizatloo. frohc," he says, "and will give our welcome, and welcome to brmg "Our group IS non-profit and Extension and Educa tion Center scarcely funded As a result there Over 10,000 Detrolters participated new members an opporturuty to guests. are many Items - furniture, toys, in Growing Roots in 1982, saving a offtce supplies, clothmg, etc - we total of $119,000 In food costs Sum- ha ve needed and been unable to pro- mer 1983 was an equally successful Beautiful Plants at our \.Ide for our faImhes With the dona- season Patricia Wade tIOns from you, our 11stof Items has To make 1984 another record- Carole TrybUS de<:Teased,and for that I am ex- breaker for 4-H, LINC IS agam re- tren1ely grateful questmg new or used canning jars Snider-Wade . \\ e' the parents. are not n1erely from the commumty Boxes of new June wedding AFTER-SALE• • • * d group eXlstmg off the gifts of lids would also be welcomed An rites planned others Operation LINC made a excerpt from the wmter edition of date is made generous donatIOn of material to us, "Vantage,', the Mlchlgan4-H Foun- BARGAINS Mr. and !\lrs John \1 \\ ade ot \\ Ith which \\ e \\ ere able to develop datlon newsletter, may encourage June weddmg plans have been Fisher Road. are announcmg the and carr) out a plan to make money your partIcipation In thiS worthwhlle made by Carole L Trybus and MAY 29th-TUESDAY engagement of thelr d,lUghter, that \\ III be used to sponsor summer project: Wilham J Berry whose engage- Patricia Jean. to Stephen Robert 9A.M.-9~M. outlOgS for our children In addition ment was announced by her Snider, son of ~1r and Mrs Robert "DetrOit's urban gardeners are t: ::!....~~~ ~~~~'~!"~"?'~ ff'll'" th,:a. l'pntpr /. ,. I r' • _ ...... ' ... oarents. Mr and Mrs Arthur P M. Smder, 01 .\1ld1and A mid-June CIlJV.)'lllfS \.1ft; u IoUl.o':l V. ~ "'. " Thank you'" Trybus, of Thorn Tree Road wedding IS planned labor this wmter, thanks to Opera- Miss Wade, \\ ho holds a Bachelor '" '" . hon LINC which donated 450 new MISS Trybus, a Grosse Pomte IS The of Arts degree In Emplo)er Rela- ThiS a letter LINC received canning jars to the 4-H Growing North High School graduate, holds tions from MichIgan State L'mversl- from a member of NIF-T, Nurtunng Roots Program .. LINC's con- a Bachelor of Science degree 10 ty, is associated \\lth a consultmg Infants and Family Together, a tribution to 4-H is but one of many Mechamcal Engmeering from the Greenery fll'm in Dallas. Tex where her Neighborhood Family Resource successful ventures. Last ~ummer, University of Notre Dame and is fiance, who received his Bachelor of Center which prOVides sunultaneous LINC received the request for can- currently a Master of Science at the DESIGNERS educational expenences In the same In Arts degree In Busmess La\\ ft om nmg jars for the 4.H Growmg Roots degree candidate Metallurgy at SHOW HOUSE bUlldmg two or three mornmgs a Urban Gardening Program MichIgan Technological Umver- Michigan State Cmverslt). IS 111 LAKESHORE ROAD employed by Wells Fargo Busmess week for children and their parents Through donors, LINC was able to sity Credit The children may be as young as supply the jars and received the mfants Pregnant women are inclu- following letter of appreciation She is a member of the Amencan Society of Mechanical Engineers, One day only ded ill the parent program from the Wayne County 4-H staff: the Amencan Institute of Mining Parentlng skills, community in- "Your efforts m promotmg and Wade-Keliher formation and consumer concerns collecting these supplies greatly Engineers/Metallurgical Division and the American Society for are offered, focusmg on special con- eased both a financial and energy troth is told cern for the prevention of child burden from the program and staff Metals. abuse and neglect Operation LINe has made a signifI- Mr. Berry, son of Dr. and Mrs Early September weddmg plans cant contribution to the 4-H Growing William B Berry, of South Bend, are being made by Maureen LoUise '" '" Charitable. donations, consistmg Roots Program and those individ- Ind., holds both Bachelor of Keliber, daughter of Mr and Mrs uals and families we serve." LINC Science and Master of Science Daniel Keliher, of Bay Village, Ohio, of usable goods, volunteer time or money, are a constant need of any would like to make a significant con- degrees In B1010gy from the and John Michael Wade, son of Mr tribution to Growing Roots again University of Notre Dame and IS a and Mrs. John M Wade, of Fisher group attempting to upgrade the standard of hYing for many in. this year" H you can help, please call Ph.D. candidate in Entomology at Road. the LINC office, 331~OO. the University of Massachusetts at The bride-elect, who holds a dIviduals These generous donations , , , from the community enable LINC to Amherst. -Qegree in Busmess AmmmstratlOn Additional item requests received from the Umversity of Mlclugan, succeed 10 its job of Linking In- He is a member of the En- diViduals to Needs in the Communi- at LINC include the foUowing: a where she afflhated With Chi Omega small desk, display cases, three tomological Society of America, ty This 18 not Just a slogan: it is the American Society of Tropical ' is with Marshall Field m sewing machines, power mowers, a reahty to hundreds of individuals Medicine and Hygiene and Sigma _ who turn to Wayne County service riding mower for the Easter Seal Offer ends June 1, 1984. ~ nee was graduated from Society, highchairs, a rocking chair, Xi. the ersity of MichIgan, where agencIes for help m copmg with, and two racks for displaying magazines Bring in the fmest furniture in be affLliated with Chi Phi frater- improving, their life and family SituatiOns and books, a wall clock, phone your family. Whether it's ' nity, With a Bachelor of Arts answering machines, a cash Detroit Personnel degree in EconomiCs He IS em- LINC would hke the commumty to your favorite Queen Anne's know that its donations have made ~ter, a sturdy table to hold a ployed by DeVry, Inc of Chicago Women meet chair or your Aunt Matilda's a difference, and Will contmue to do copy machine, and file cabinets. will so THANK YOU. There is always a large need for The International Association for early Americana cabinet, \\ ,Enjoy East Pointe . . '" typewriters . Personnel Women will host a we'll employ a superior LINC volunteers, too, have made Just a reminder as you spring Detroit membership reception on 12-step restoration process that far exceeds your greatest expecta- Melines' fish fry a difference and continue to do so. dean: LINC will accept new and us- Friday, June 1, from 6 to 9 p.m. at ed goods, and all donal1ons are tax tions. And merits a full 5-year guarantee! In fact, we'll clean. repair, '!be East Pointe Chapter of Sweet Donations of time and talent are al- the DetroIt Yacht Club. Reserva- ways welcome. Prospective volun- deductible. tion information may be obtained rebuild and reglue, duplicate missing parts, rub out and polish nearly , Adelines, Inc., 1984 regional cham- anything. From your priceless Victorian tables to your mother-in- pions, will hold its annual fish teers are most welcome at the an- '" , '" by contacting Sherry McGee at 259- fU'S1 LINC colwnn space is provided -: fry tomorrow, Fnday, May 25, at nual LINC Volunteer Spring Lun- 7516. .. law's fmest period piece, we'll bring out the value in what you bring each month by the Grosse Pomte '- , e', - Mbe Lutbennl Fratlf'l'lllty Hall on cheon, set for next Thursday, May to us. During our.super Spring 3()Glo OFF An1iQ\JC Restoration Sale! NEWS as a community service ;; .¥Aurora Street (abo.1t four blocks 31. at noon at the Detroit InstItute of FREE estimates. Pickup and delivery available. Operation LINC needs your June Country Fair Jnorth of Nine MLle Road, just east of Arts - but reminded that the reser- Gratiot) in East Detroit va lion deadline IS today, Thursday, generous~clntributions and your time, We are a non-profit, volunteer date at Kingsbury AU-you-can-eat dmners Will be May 24 Checks for $9.50, includmg organizatlon which helps numerous Many Grosse Pointers, alumm of Restoration • Repair • Reupholstering served from 5 to 10 p m The East both the luncheon and a 1 p.m. Pointe chorus will perform tWice Modern Art museum tour, must be Wayne County agencies and the Kingsbury SChool, located on Regluing • Recaning • Refinishing Hosner Road in Oxford, will head for during the evenmg, at approxunate- received by Mrs Paddy Griem, 726 depends on your support To school grounds Sunday, June 3, ly 7 and 9 p.rn Information on Middlesex Boulevard, by this volunteer or donate items, please the Our tickets, at $3 75 for adults, $2 50 for evening call us at 331-6700 office hours to enjoy the annual Kmgsbury Old are 9 a.m 2 p.m Monday through Tune Country Fair which runs from children under 12, may be obtained • • • to by calling 773-4108 or 778-8557. The sprmg luncheon IS a sure iIgD Friday, throughout the year. noon to 5 p.m. 10725 MACK AVE. • GROSSE POINTE WOODS • 882-7599 WORSHIP SERVICES Fint Engll .... GROSSE POINTE Grosse Pointe Woods Ev. Lutheran MEMORIAL CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church WE CARE 1l.3tl aDd 11.30 Worslup 19950 Mack Avenue PACHYSANDRA Vermer Road at Crib-Toddler Care 10.30 study Hour Wedgewood Dnve. (hallway be1ween Mo,ess and V'ernter Readsl T,mlll/Q/" Java"' l<' \,1I''/1el Grosse POinte Woods Hilb ~ !IXI The Ideal pemlaneI1t evergreen ground cover plant 884-56441 930 AM EDLCATION HOl R to grow III sunny as well as shady locatIOnS where ULIKE WHO'S ROCKIN' Churt:h School. 9 I() a m for Adults Youth and Chlldren grass 18Ils Grows at even height of aboUt 8 lnches Church Worshlp 9 10 11a m THE ARK?" Plant 6 IIlChes apart Sturdy we~ rooteo plants MovIng, ErIgaged, New VacaLJon Bible School Dr Wm R Phillippe ~l NDA Y 11 A M DI\ INE WORSHI P postpaid 50-113.50. 100-S22.i5. 5OO-Sli 95. JWle 18-29 1000-1155.00 Finest qL>alrtystock Postpald and 9-11 30 a m Children ~ Learnmg Center!> and 18 Lakesllore Dr. Dial-A-Prayer expertly packed Guaranteed to live or we II replace fi~~f~~~~:~. Paal F Keppler. Pa..... Nup,el y Pro\ Ided WAGON call 882-5338 - 24 hr. 882-8770 up to 1 veBi Prompt shipment Order direct from ad ':.~~=w. y ~ ...... As WELCOMF \AlAGON Aepf'esentative. It s my COME GROW WITH lJS or send for plant folder job to help you make the most q(.your new -neigh- 80x 6 .... borhood Shopping Areas Community opportU!lJ' GROSSE POINTE i , PEEKSK1LL NURSERIES Shrub OM< NY l[lg1 Grosse ,CHRIST CHURCH tIeS Specl8l altractlons Lots of tips to save you Sf. James BAPTIST CHURCH time and money Unitarian Church Lutheran Church J~ / Plus • basIIet of !lIfts for your faMily I'll 21336 Mack o\'l!n~ f i1~r ~ '-- , 61 GrOSS:,~~te Blvc1. be Itstenrng for your call "Not Letting Your "on The Hili" GrossI! POinte Woods -i HELHUL H'NTI tor WecIdIngI MId Ene-ee- Religion Get in the ~e~dl ... al KrreM\i1 .,.,.1001 884-0511 ~ "Fur Specsallsts for owr 58 'rears" Way of Your Religion" WORSHIP SERVICES THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 9:30 & 11:00 am Principal Service'S: fU~I'tS .... 9 15 a rp Holy EucharISt and C1Jurch School ;' iJl Q~ P__ ~~~." 11'-511' II i m Servl~ (Nursery, bOlh Senlces} It. C 111.2221 17150 MAUMEE 9 30 a m Sun School 11 15 a m Morrung Prayer and Sermon ,... .. , " " 122-011. r 881-{)420 Holy EucharISt First Sunday Pa,lor (~or!t .. ~ -.cMItU (Nursery care avallable) .~./~ ~ John Corrado ~ Mmlster Pa,lor Ro~rt \ Rlmbo Other services - Holy Eucharist 8 00 a m Sunday 9 30 a m Tuesday ...... T-. f1);,...... ------~ Christ the King St. Paul Ev. Redeemer 7 ()()a m Wednesday (durmg Eastertlde) outY~ Lutheran Church ,<4, lutheran United 5 30 P m Saturday F-..I Pfe'""""' 0" ASCEI'I.SION DO\Y (Thursday, May 31st) 2G33I 1IIlc*, GN. MethOdist ~"",,- Church (J 9 30 a m Holy Euchanst ..::It": Church 1-511-253-5112 814-5010 ~ . 881-6670 7 00 pm Holy Eucharist '. :' CIla"onte and (Nursery care avaIlable) 484 P...... , 9t. ~aring Sunday School 9 a m , .: Lothrop 20571 Vermer WN:JfJOR, CANADA Bible CIasses 9 a m Harper Woods is what PMS brings to YOU! FamJ1y WOrshlP 10 ao 884 2035 ,It It. It It. It [)ejly 9-5"30 Fello","'ShIp Hour 11 30. m • 15 F AKIL Y WORSHIP The Grosse Pointe Wf' Cl'n help you With :: ST. MtCHAEL'I Wed Bible C1as~ 10 a m •• SlJNDA Y SCHOOL Congregational REGISTERED NURSES. LICENSED 11 ee WORSHIP 9 15 a m Church School EPISCOPAL 10 3() a m Worstllp and PRACTICAL NURSES HOME HEALTH Nur8e'y 84JtIl Serv~ ~ CHURCH AIDE5 HOMEMAKERS LIVE-IN JOlIeph P Fabr} Pastor REV ROBERT CURRY Rev Don !.Jchtf'l'lfelt American Baptist COMPANIONS - Edward Bruning VICar *75~~Pa'" nr .. w P"'.. w... Church KnigbtLije Of ""ICe. pte-. caH M4-4820 at • 343--4357 HARPER WOODS 8 00 a m Hl'>l) E\K'harlSl 'lLJ~DAY 'lERVICES GrS~ 9 3() a m B.blr Study 9 30a m andll 15a m The Detroit Institute ofArts BAPTIST CHURCH rNursrry A\allable) New church mee!I'l1l 8: 10 30 am ~ DIAL 211=,,* ehocal E\K'harl'it fOnd 19678 Lochmoor live (r, PMS ... 2313 S..,n"tOl\ Sunday <;Cnool "Win, Loset ProfeSSional Medical Services 2 00 P M Slmday SChool W~day E\K'hanst H E ART OF CHI\l'ALRY A 3 00 P M SU'lday Worship i 15 FAMILY 9 3(l a M Ti.M!54ay Or God 20020 Kplly Ad • HMper Woods 1.4146225 WORSHIP 9 AM ST MATT 16.25 r>uropeaf1 Arm~ and Armor AHII,lltpd w,:h sa,"l John HospItal Pastor Charles WalSO'l • CHURCH SCHOOL I"J RST SATO RDA Y from The ,\ktropohtan MLl~lJm of Art PRAYER Pho">e eel 9113 11 IS WORSHIP (Cnb Room. both Serv ) R.m. F. Nriy SERVICE "*" O1wdl SdIooI. 38 Apnl 4- June 17 SOUTHERN BAPTIST L.ookll'll For FrMlndlltllp 882.8770 and BItlIe T~Ilfl? llr Ro\ R "t1t~hf'On CONVENTION Dr Robert W Boley bh'!lInol1 H"urI '} ~(I ;I m - ::;,~or m The Professfonals Who Care fk\ lof(k ~ 'll<,~~ 1 LK. ..d~\ rhrfJugh lo,und ..\ Information \313) 833 7900/7941 ~--....._------=--=--=-rtJ --.-,-.~

    Page F1vHI 'rhursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ) Among University of !NAIL CONNECTION IllinOis undergraduate ... students who partici- Assumption promises a sensational summer pated in the "Year-In- day's active men and women. Lhrough 13. running, throwing and int.er-lqUad Japan" program thIs June signals the start of a sensa. games, under the supervision 01 tional swnmer at Asswnption It begms With an outdoor Kaloso- Added to the summer schedule academic year is Eric for the first lime is "Groove to the Wayne State University's had Spitzer, of Hawthorne Cultural Center on Marter Road, at mahcs Cardiovascular Fitness Session, followed by a sauna or Beat," instruction In the latest coach Road. Each student en- the border of Grosse Pointe ASSIstant WSU coaches aDd Woods and St Clair Shores, where swim at the club where pool in- dance techmques featured on popu- rolled at Honan Um- lar TV vldeos: the Michael Jackson guest speakers Will allo be ven.lty m Kobe, Japan, the 1984 Summer Program of Ac- struction will be available Lunch- eon Will be served m the clubhouse. moonwalk, e g , and mtncate com- featured 10 thiS two-week workshop lived with a Japanese tiVities provides a Wide variety of opportumtv to develop m(hvidual In Dr Lawrence Power, director of bmatlons from Flashdance DetrOit family and took part In clas$es for everyone the com- Southfield's Metabohc Clinic and Express dancer Theresa George baseball skills T-shirts and hats the university achvI- munity. Will be presented There are the popular Kaloso- professor of MedIcine, Wayne State will be teachmg three classes a ties Assumption's summer culinary matics (well.being through Umversltr., Boston Marathon run- week, for ages 9 to 13, 14 through 18 body crafts programs include Discover movement) Fitness Workouts ner, nutrition and fitness expert, and 18 and over Greek Cookmg and Micro Wave which, since have motivated WIll diSCUSSlifestyle medlCme, in- The Bob Samaras Basketball 1m, Cooking Both Will feature recipes thousands of participants to learn creaslOg levels of fitness, weight Camp runs from 9 a m to noon for control and proper nutrition two weeks, July 16 through 2G, and that can be prepared With a mlnl- Private Duty Nursing Care and enJoy the benefIts of calls- mum of fuss and bother durmg themcs, Isometncs, brisk walkmg, other Assumption summer ISopen to boys ages 10 to 18 ThiS IS wdrm-\I,eather days serving the Grosse Pointes Joggmg and yoga. Metro DetrOIt's clas~es deSigned wlth fitness m the Sixth year that AssumptIOn has mmd are yoga, ballet, tap, square hosted the camp, featurmg Dr Bob The cultural center's summer and the Tri-Counties origmal three-level, nme-week ex- brochure also features a pair of fall ercIse program allows each person dancmg, self-defense for women, Samaras, of Wayne Stale Unlver. and wmter vacation tnps An to work at hIs/her own level. karate, tenms and beginner/con- Slty, and the DetrOit SPlrlts. With ,\utumn 111 Ne\l, York theater \\eek- bUlldmg stamma with emphasl!> on tlnumg/advanced levels of golf Gunars Vltollns. George Petrou- end. l'iov 2 to 4, mcludes round-tnp heart and lungs Sweatshirt pamtmg, calligraphy, leas and Tony Nlarhos, of Gros~e Faberge egg, drawmg and oil Pomte South High SChool air transportation, two mghts, Assumption offers begmner and three day~' accommodatIOn at a advanced level Kalosomatlcs paintmg classes w1l1 agam be of- VIsiting staff from profeSSional. Manhattan hotel and a chOICe of a workouts, as well as moderation fered, and fresh nower arrangmg hIgh school and college levels of h" ..v"lh,,1l ",;11 n'lrt,p.n:lfp r;)mn Frida\' m~ht oerformance of cld:>:>t::> lV! U1~1l cluJ .. v ... .:... r.~ h~~ bcc~ ~d::!cd tc .A.~su~ptic~'s Private Homes, Hospitals or Nursing Homes arts and crafts programs Instruc- ~h~~pi;~~hl~ r~lll be held T- .'Cat!>" or "Las Cage aux }o'olles " Natal Fitness IS designed to Im- The seven.day hohday crUise to prove posture, muscle tone and tor for the two-week workshop is shirts and trophies Will be • 24 Hour Service. 7 Days a Week St Thoma~, San Juan and Puerto body alignment, to encourage noral designer Dale Bottorff awarded Plata departs DetrOit Dec 29, • Full Time or Part Time Coverage relaxation during labor and child- New self-Improvement classes For ages 8 to 15, Coach of the • Bonded and Insured mclude two sessIOns sponsored by Year Angelo Gust will present a returnmg Jan 5 birth. AdditIOnal information on As- Summer fitness programs at the Jacobson's Beauty Salon: "Hair Summer Baseball Camp for the Care Made Easy for Summer" and flrst time at AssumptIOn It runs sumptIOn's summer programs By RN's, LPN's, Nurse Aides, and Live In Companions cultural center don't end with may be obtamed by calling the Kalosomatics. There are Runners' "Summer Skm Care" Also avall- from 9 a m to noon June 18through center, 779-6111 World Fun Runs on the first and able are Get It Together WIth Color, 29, and Will cover hitting, f1eldlllg, third Saturdays of each month, Makeup Techniques, Gorgeous 263.0580 spanning distances of one-half to Nalls. by Yourself and Discover five miles Fitness walking classes, Your Voice classes. Community Professional Nursing Service directed by National Masters Race AssumptIOn also offers Cardio- Walker and marathon runner pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Frank Soby, begin June 6 trammg, financial planmng and in- Kalosomatics and the Detroit vestments instructlon and a new ,~1:~(Jtl Yacht Club navigators are teaming class m rhythm guitar. up for a cOoedfitness day Saturday, Programs for teens and youth t!l'Mrc. /111('/' June 2 The program at the DYC, range from drivmg lessons to golf, running from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 tenms, dance, karate, gymnastics, 11111('/'1',1(1(1 pm., is a health, exercise and babysitting lips, Fun with Art and {(}(II (/#1'('( tetk WHITTIER TOWERS nutntion workshop designed for to- La Petlte CUlsme for ages 8 415 BURNS OR. 1111' (~I"t'/l(.t' DETROIT. MICHIGAN 48214 Get your Met Week tickets ,::;Jim' .::A~rllY'/t.r The Metropolitan Opera Week Britten's "Peter Grimes," in Box Office is now open for over-the- English. It will be followed Tues- [~ counter Met Week ticket sales at day, May 29, with zandonai's What could be betteI' ..•• than Masonic Temple. The box office, Francesca da Rlmmini," in Italian, a Retirement apartment on the watel'front? reached via Masonic's green- also at 8 p m. canopied Temple Avenue entrance, ~tewart The Met will present Verdi's l/""; It~)dn is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon- "Ernani" in Itahan at 8 p.m. day through Friday as well as one Wednesday, May 30, and Wagner's ~'://,\' /(""/><" , t (, J hour prior to all performances, and "Die Walkure" in German at 7 o!!e-ti",,: through the first intermissions. p.m. Thursday, May 31. Mozart's Phone lines are open, too, from • Private rooms and Apartments "Abduction from the Seraglio" IS 10 a.m to 6 p.m. Monday through scheduled for 8 p.m. Friday, June -all with private baths Friday. The number to call for 1. It will be presented in German. ordering tickets via MasterCard or • Around-the-clock security VISA is 831-8900. Ticket prices Met Week in Detroit closes Satur- The CALVIN SHANNON COMPANY range from $10 to $40. Availability day, June 2, with a 1.30 p.m. p,er- • Registered Nurses on duty varies according to the perform- formance of Puccini's "Tosca, ' in makes available as a commumty service ance . Italian, and an 8 p m performance a REPEAT of an OUTSTANDING PRESENT ATION. • Excellent Meahs Met Week opens Monday, May of Handel's "Rmaldo," also in 28, with an 8 pm. production of Itallan and , 'f LIVING WELL • Beauty/Barber Shop Sunday picnIc for pessimists ACHIEVING YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH GOALS • Grocery Store "It always rains on Memorial Day prediction of inclement weather pro- Weekend". . so the single, young ves false, the picmc can always be • Doctors' Clinic Phase I adults, ages 20 through 39, moved outdoors, to the grassy slope This workshop will help you put together all the parts • Gift Shop who gather regularly for Sunday at the back of the church, overlook- evening program meetlOgs at ing the lake. There, volleyball is , to enjoy a vigorous and healthy hte. all within the building Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, possible, along with a sing-along. l have once again scheduled their an- Phase I WIll furnish the hot dogs, nual PesSImists' Picnic INDOORS, buns, condiments, Ice, pop, chips, Led by Fred W. Stransky, Ph D. Director, ExerCise in the third floor lounge at Memorial paper plates and cups and plastic Physiology Laboratory, Oakland University Church. eat 109 utensils PICniC partiCipants for information or an appointment: It starts at 6 p.m this Sunday, are asked to brmg a side dish to May'l:l Of course, if the pessimists' share With at least eIght, plus $1 to WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1984 3:00-6:30 P.M. cover expenses. Non-food con- call LOIS NAIR 823-6.70 tributors Will be charged $4. BY RESERVATION ONLY: Call 886-7740 822-9000 ASID holds May Those whose last names begin $45 Registration Fee With the letters A through G are ask- party at Riverfront ed to bring desserts Salads are re- quested from those whose last Grosse Pointers were among the The Calvin Shannon Company hnds that our cbents tre- names begm with the letters H quently forget the life goal ot taking care ot the "pack- more than 125designers and guests throu~h 0, ve~etables from those of the American Society of Interior whose last names begin With the let- age" that carne" their success: the human body. Designers who gathered at River. ters P through Z If the sun shmes, front early m May for an audlo- all should bring bhmkets or plastic visual presentatIOn by Gene Drey- to SIt on fus, whose Chicago-based firm designed the common areas of the twin-tower luxury downtown apart- • ment development and its five onginal model apartments A pre- VIewof the newest model apartment was featured BASTSIDE CII.&aLEY'S B01JJIDIIU1 BRUNCH ATAN INCREDIBLE .... Made to order malted waftles topped with fresh strawberries or bananas. Made to order fresh egg omelettes. Fresh squeezed orange juice and fresh fruits in season, Made on premises pastries, cornbread muffin sand doughnuts. A spectacular dessert table. Plus. a variety of traditional brunch favorites. Every Sunday from lOa m to 2 p m AOOLTS , $6.95 CHIlDREH UNDER 12. , . $2.9S CHILDREN UNDER 3 , . , . FREE

    Vem6er Roed. aaoufrom E8sdend Mall, Harper Woods 884-2811

    , I .1 , ~ I Thursday, May 24, 1984 Page &x-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Date for Historic Memorials Society 'Cinderella' 1be Histone Memonals Society nehus G Egan, Mrs. Paul Alrd, in Detroit has scheduled its annual Mrs Norman L Parker, Mrs Mil- at Youtheatre m.eeting and luncheon for 12 30 P m ton Osgood, Mrs B H F'rench and "Cmderella," an original, all-new tomorrow, Friday. May 25. at the Mrs Carl DaHlgan mUSical by DetroIt Youlheatre's Village Club In Bloomfield Hills Other members mclude Mrs own professional tourmg company, Mrs. Charles Kennard, hostess, Robert Henkel, Mrs Leo Hard- Prince Street Players, debuts for will be assisted by Mrs L Clayton Wick. Mrs. Wilfred Holmes- local famdy audiences In the Detr01t Gorham. Walker, Mrs. Edward Karn, Mrs InstItute of Arts au

    "J e_ I' >@ BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE @ .. t-. 0, , ~r~« PURDY and SlRONGMAN ASSOCIATES 'i f' .-, 16840 KERCHEVAL "IN-THE-VILLAGE" ~ \ rUluc , 881.0800 ~ 20439 MACK AVENUE. ,~- DELlGHI'FUL 3 bedroom Colomal complete With CURB APPEAL on thIS extra special Bungalow Grosse POinte Woods ';;- ..1 SERVICE .~ mociem aJUDtry kltchen and fanuly room WIth featunng 2 bedrooms down and 1 up. plus, lots '> Frank1Ul stove Recreatlon room m the base- of storage and room for expansIOn There's a E,~. g'~ ~t4~ ~. meal, great fmancmg and close to shoppmg family room, ree room WIth wet bar, central OFFFJING air condltlonmg and updated kitchen '""here S(llp~ alld f'ripml.'l I,t' U(ulp" 886-8710 and sdJools ON NEED A FOUR BEDROOM RANCH? We have It OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 and offermg much, much more House has EXcrrING 2 bect1 oom ranch With rmmedia ~{)C- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 central aU', bath, plus 2 lavs, finished base- eupancy Ha~ large country l[ltcbeIJ \VIth bay TOPICS 673 LINCOLN TUDOR $122,000 window and full basement SUper as a starter ment, famlty room With fIreplace, attached $198,000 garage and alummum storms and screens 1087SUNNINGDALE COLONIAL house Won't last! OF 1465S RENAUD RANCH $108,900 2100 LOCHMOOR BUNGALOW $ 86,000 GE'ITING WARMER - Four bedroom Colomal FIRST OFFERING - Investor's dehght' For the With large family room and natural fireplace VAllIE L ::. , baDdyman, we offer a real opportumty that overlooks secluded yard, pabo and heated BY APPOINTMENT .,. ':':. .". Buup.low With 2 bedrooms down and 1 up sWlmmmg pool WIth JacuzzI There's a full TO ALL t. ~ms. OFFERING 1500SQ feet for $24,900 Abu)' Klce FIRST OFFERING FIRST OFFERING att.cbed garage, library WIth lots of bnck, 3 bedroom Colomal With hvmg room. POINTES" book'sbetves. burglar alarm system. extenor dmmg room and kItchen Basement ISpartial secunty bgbtmg. CIrcular dnveway, complete With lav seller "'111 pa) closmg costs All carpetllll plua 1''2 baUu; Don't mISSthiS You rooms are SpaCIOUSand there's a 2 car bnck, • have to see mtenor to apprecIate A gem' detached garage

    THURSDAYS PRIME fl'ARMS LOCATION FIRST OFFERING EXqUISite. ~xcelJent locatIOn - great oppor- MAY 3 Cambndge Road desIrable bnght ImpreSSIve Large tumty Many fme architectural dead-end street off Grosse Pomte MedIterranean has tlle roof, carv- features Needs a lot of TLC but at TO MAY 24 Boulevard One-of a klno KIm. cd sf.o"leentrance surround Euro- $78,500you can make Il work your brough bUIlt doll hou,;e Tn-level pean ambience \\Ith dehghtful step way' Handsome Med!terranean e},tremely charmmg I Ty"o baths do" n hvmg room off arched en- extenor With tile roof Three 7:30 P.M. two fIreplaces hbrar:> big porch trance hall Baleon) upstaIrs bedroom'l, den porch, more Call Teen)- kitchen Perfect for smgle hall ....ay 8 bedrooms - thrills m today couple or small famll\ Hurry- eveI') step' Don t ml% thl'l oppor- It's the kmo of home that sells over- lumty Just $165.000 20720MARTER ROo\D-L'nbehevable pnce" Onl) $99.900' 3 bffiroom bnck Coloma I 2'. ba,hs. famll) mght QUick occupanc~ room, natural fIreplace central aIr. covered patIO Convl'ment locatlOn' ~j; .~• BORLA1'IlD AS~UATES 728CA!'I.'1'ERBL'RY COCRT - Fabulou" 4 bedroom Colomallocated on a pie <;haped lot 2 5 balh~ natural I )~ fireplace SpaCIOUSfamIly room. hbrar~ gorgeous bUllt-1n pool covered patlO BROWNELL 1757 ALINE - SUperb area of Grosse POinte Wood'" "bedroom bnck ranch 2 natural flreplaces. lec room With full bath hurglar alarm system. central aIr $73,900 SCHOOL 1323KENSINGTO'\' - Wnnderful famll~ home featurmg 3 bedrooms \\ Ith 3rd noor exp.ln~lOn, large room~ ~ family room 2 full baths, natural fIreplace 2 car garage $134.500 CAFEI'ERIA YiO'l,'T L~ST' $9') 000 5 bedrmo, OxfOf'd nr ~ack. Perfect for 1456BALFOUR - El\cellent location for La\\)er Doctor or profe!><;lOnalthat can "'ark out of hIS home Famll) rm Maire School Etc THE HELPfTL PEOPLE ~o\.mg or old 2 bedrms fabulous has offIce faCing Mack 4 bedroom Coloma I den "natural fIreplace" basement Extras' OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 1689 BROADSTO:\F. - l nlque 4 hedroom ('olomal 'lrd floor expan<;lOn. 2' _ car garage large room' extra 101 Onl~ $~ 900. e"ceptlOnal \alue you shouldn I miss Call toda) I 1126 HARVARD - Cape Cod 1 bedroom Like nev. mSlcle and out Den, Flonda Room 'WARRANTED

    l338 YORKSHIRE - Elf-gant 3 bt'droom Spam"h Colomal 2'" bath!> SpaclOU~rooms. flm<;hed bao,emelll 1209BRYS - ~~(J\Ie10 con!>umeL ( ""llh 'i'. H'or .. remammg .Iu.,! $81 000 SELLING OR BC\ I~G 0\ R FULL TtME PROFE!'>SIO,,"ALS ARE Rf-:ADYTO HELP CALL TODAY

    1S231Wllll'DMIu.. POINTE - rlaM,1( Eng!l'ih Tudor 1 bedroom" rf'mod kItchen 1', baths 2 natural flrepYces new dr1vev.. '~ and patiO 10....utlhl!~" Prrced o.t $239000 TWO GROSSE POINTE OFFICES 1911SHOREPOt!'llTE P~tlgIOU" ~horf'potnt(. umdo 2 largE' hedroom' prrvale courtj ard 2 car (ar MlCHARGE 395 FISHER ROAD 20647 MACK AVENUE port, ~~ 111Graue PDlntf' Woodli onl) ~I02 llOO Gall TndB\' , OpposIte G P South High Oppoblte Parcells Middle School

    11.MENGE - a.utlfWty decorated trl k>vellO the De'i! area of ~arN'n 3 bedrooms largt' countrj 886.3800 8M-064OO Idteberl with buill .... famll~ room. fmlshed basement 25 baths 165 000" J

    Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

    FIRST OFFERING - AMOST UNIQUE OPPOR- FIRST Oi"FERING - YOU MUST SEE THIS TUNITY - This 3 bedroom, 21:z bath Quad HOME TO APPRE,CIATE THE QUALITY Level ISwell located m Grosse Pomte City and AND SPACE 4 Bedrooms, 2 full baths, a new features a 2812 foot family room, and a very kItchen, 2nd floor laundry, brIght FlorIda reahstlc prlce $102,000 Call for details room, den Withwet bar, and much more Pnc- ed at $118,000 Call today for additional PRICE REDUCED - I ~ block to the Woods park detdlls bus and ready for hot weather, thiS 3 bedroom HEAR .e INCOME PROPERTIES-Three 2.Famlly Flats air conditioned Colomal IS a great value .1t When you !1st your home wrth FIRST OFFERING - 1265 SUPER Ofo'FERING - 941 $77.900 In excellent rental drea of the Park All umts AN EXPERT CENTURY 21 LOCHMOOR BISHOP m G P Park Elellant BALLANTYNE OUTSTANDING II. OCCUPied lth separate utlhtles Assume mor- we place a picture of yOH r Center entrance Colomal featunng 4 bedroom 25 bath center en- THE PERFECT FAMILY HO:\.1E - Now pnced tgage or land contract terms available reSidence In the Maco," b three large bedrooms, nice kitchen trance Colomalm a beautlfuJ toe at $95,000, II. e defy \ ou to flOd a bettel 5 M L S bOOR as well as In the 15 baths and more' 1 Recently of G P Shores Convement CIoor bedroom, 21• bath with an attractive SpaCIOUS \\ EDGE\\ ooD - Liggett School area 5 Bedroom Grosse POinte EJo.chalige book palllted and decorated throughout plan, 1st Floor Laundry kitchen family room and rec room Colomal fedlurlllg gracIous foyer \\Ith Circular You can double you rhome's Close to Schools & TransportatIOn marvelous kitchen &I much more staircase, kItchen \.Ith bUilt-inS and family Great Simple assumption Open exposure by llstlllg It II'lth us 1 E\GLISH TL'DOR - Just 2 block~ from the Park room II.Ilh fireplace Sunday 2-5 p m and already to move 1Il and enJo~ the beautIful ~UPEHB INCOME 1 - 1238l\1ARYL:\;\/D -- POSitive cash floll. 1\ hen you assume the outstandmg balance natural \\ oodll ork throughout, leaded glas~ WOODBRIDGE CONDO - Probably one of the 1 HOW 10 on thIS G P Park !I\O f.!nul) IIlcome Completely updated & redecol'ated Call for detaIls' , IIIIldoll.s centl al all' conditlolllng and many most sought after complexes WIth 2 l baths, a good i>lzed r"nlll) room and pnvate patIO other flOe features of thiS \1ell pnced qualit} VERY CLEAN HOl\IE - 18779WOODCREST - ThiS sharp 3 bedroom ranch has been recently pamled house -\11pnc('d under $80.000 Call for details FINANCE & decorated Updated kitchen II. Idlshwasher & disposal Close to school & transportation LEXI:-'GT()~ - Grosse Pomte Farms J bedroom 65 VER~IER ROAD - GIOSSCPOll1te Shores at- A tractive newer 3 bedroom Coloma 1\~Ith extra CHARMING BUNGALOW - 20932VERNIER Thl~ one owner home IS III move.lI1 conditIOn, .l good size ranch Illth attached screened porch and beOrooms, 1bath, Gl'Osse Pte schools & attractively flllished basement. central air & country kitchen garage, open floor plan for gracIOus en~rtam large gourmet kitchen Island \\-ork area, bwlt- mg and very convenient locatIOn m mlcrm\ ave & Jennalre range Famlly room HOUSING \\ Ith fireplace openmg onto deck Many other OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 p.m. 2016 FLEET\\OOD -;,Slmple ai>s~mpt!on mol'- amemtles Only a :.hort \\alk to LakCi>horeand PLfRCHASE H .".0 ... ; ....".., .. ",..,,.\r ....,..... ""''''~ •• ''''r'l ro n .., ...... _...... l'"~ 1.5r;;L,E5C,l;:;h.l,.,t::phvuau~ ~pa\..IVu..:. LOo'''U) I. \N_U \1'l1ll:SALLAN! } (',1:'. lr.t' M!Utt.I:'.~ ...""~ u .....u'UJ • U.l. .. .t " updated kitchen and more

    ON THE MOVE? Youngblood If \ ou re conSidering a move to another 10\1n, ncaltylnc, \\ e can pro\ Ide you \1Ith al ea housmg lIlfOlma- tLOnWITHOUT o\r\Y OBLIGATIO~ ('all for detillis THURSDAY Ichw

    JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. SOME OF OUR EXCITING NEW OFFERINGSl --, ... GOLFER'S DREAM HOME 10 LAKESHORE IN THE FARM, EXECUTIVE STYLE RANCH 10 the left of loth green overlookmg Truly a gorgeous Colomal in one gracIous Woods setting Updated the 11th fairway of the Country of Farm's most desired locations kHehen, exciting fmished base- BROWNELL Club of Detroit ThiS sprawling facmg Lakeshore DrIve Newly ment With bar, kitchen and beth Ranch has many custom fea- decorated, Many amemties for plus family room with doorwall to tures PRICE REDUCED 1 luxunous, gracIous IIvmg charming brick patio Central SCHOOL (f-506) OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 344 $750,000 (F.537) air $98,500 (Q-525) MOROSS, G P FARMS 886-5800 ll86-42OO CAFETERIA 886-5800 "~ " .... { -, ;-""...... "\,* 'llllO PHTDE OF OWNEHSHTP IS reflected m thiS ....('11cared for 1....0 bedroom Ranch Ch,lrll1lOg lw ....er lul chen, NFP III Iivmg I'm , extrd deep lot $62,500 (G478) Rll6.4lOO INCOMI<:PROPf-:HTY All Unlt~ lea~ed to 1011 or 1111/111 Includeti apphanH's l\nllU41 rl'nt ..1 IIlcome $18,240 Prune Groi>se POInte location Call for expense II Impro\'emenl~ $124'lOO \ II 01-1\885-2000 "HOME GHOSSE POINTE PAHK setting a prestLgloui> residence Grand Coloma I 1\ Ith fllll~hffi l>:>mt, up- dated kllchen brenkfa"t nook, 6 bedroom &: .l' < bath:, .I car garage $112,llOOIF 19'.1) illlO 5800 OWNERSHIP FINE FAMIL Y HOME \l.Ilh many recent Improvemf'nts & many beautIful featlln'~ Ih Igln,llI~ custom bulll BIIlIt III bookc,l~e!l panehn~ &. dl.'coratLve moldlllg.., fo'rellhly p.lIntl'd IIhld\' &. O\lt $96 ('00 (G 450) !Ifill 4.!(Kl IN THE MAU~1EE AT Hl\'AHD TOII.nhouse WIth nel~ hUlldce, remodeled kitchen, 4 llftlrl'lllH-. 2 b.lths, ~tud) or po...,lblc bdrm on ,lrd flr Monthly malllt fee IS$60 SImple Assumption tl'rm .. $9'J ">\)(1 I !i.(J05l PJ{);\lE GR05SE POI .....1 E SlIORE~ al'ed and 3n 'SPIoXIAL E~GLlSll TenOR III the heart of the POINTES" 8852000 PRfo;STIGlOlJ~ Ct'!. DE SAC ~.I':TTING on dpprox 1/4 acre lot You'll find thl" lUllqLlI' l'lllornal outstandJllg 'l bedroom 2' bath Ranch SpdC)OU" Farm., \\ Ith .i11 amCIlIl1f''>for gracIOus lIvmg' 4 \\-/~unkcn Ii~lIlg I'm &. ( .. lhl-dral celhng'>, 2 ..tor) gla~M'd entrance fo)er, Gredt I In & m,l~tt'r bdrm accommodatIOns IIlclude large paneled fdml1y kmg SIIC bedroom" v,Ith , 2 addl- \\-/10'1' to IX' lruly l1l.lglllfapot' Numerou!> .1ln('lIltll'!\ $2H1,000 (10' 4~) 88tl58(I() room II. lth beam lcdmg and fireplace, games tlOnill b<'drooms \11th bdth plu'> unique 1rd floor room. attached garage and full~ eqUipped m sk\ IIghled <,tudlO bedroom and bath Tasteful PHOFf<:S~I(Jr-.ALLY FI;\/I~H!':D BASEMl':NT ....Ilh rec room III d plWi featurt' In thl~ lll\l'" I tlt'droom brk Handl Nell. l('ntrdl "'I' loof, hot \0,<1[('1' heater &: storm dool1l Simple A....lIl1lpllllll l"UAI\'A glound pool Appointments aI P.lI4-D600 deror and .,(rupulousl} mallliameo Central all' THURSDAYS P.lI40600 term" $7" 'j(j() 1(. If,2J 11&101200 MAY 3 IMPECCABLY ~lA 1....1'A I 'liED J10\1J-: on bc'allllfull~ land:..cap<'d lot 1-'1\1' t)('d 1'00111:' , .!', ll..llh ('olonl&l JEYFEH..C;;O,\at HAK(OL In - '\b\HL'y \1':\\ londomlnum Tov,nhou'(' llwdronm., 2'l !>dth" ('al h tllal IIltludl''' p C.I\l.)() P()PL'LAR FAK'\1S LO( ATlI),\ nl'~ delor allldrg(' room,' B" <,ure to a..k about thiS 'l bedroom, 1'., 7:30 P.M. I-:XCELLENT VALl1lo: I!r:llltlflllh rl•.lOr(l(J Bill f.!(X) Included Nl'dl Club k $WI90(l BROWNELL HAMllLlNG WIIITE (OLONIALoo II pllvdtesl'c!lIclc' & I ha!hl> .3~000 \ H Olll' ...... 2000 and \E\\ KITUJE\ )IJ( lud('o III thIS ,.0.(,11mamtalllcd offering 881-6l00 SCHOOL OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 t Il(.u "tldllli.lll,] 14311'w\l"rn (,I'l_ Pl)lIlt~ "'ooda UnIt ready for occupdnn Flrppla(e l'drpetlllg rlrdperll''> h .,>I-mel,1,.no pat 10 lIlll b100 CAFEfERiA 49 Ne\l.twrry (;10""" l'OInh' Fdlm<, lo,,.,lllllmpton Holrpt'r ~ooda 1047Kf'n..IIl!ottoll(;roo"e POint•. 1',11 k 21..'(17I.ochmoot Harpt"r Woods FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CALL OR COME IN OP£N MONDAY.FRIDAY 9 I m .9 p m Inlt 9.30-530 SAT Ind SUN GROSSE POINTe WOODS OFFICE GROSSE POINTE fARMS OfFICE KERCHML.ON.THI-tIU amct 111.4200 _5100 ••• _ NO CHARGE OUT.Of.AREA, CAU TOlL FREE f-..-",*-~...., ...... __ 1-1(10..247.5200 e~l )J t:i) GROSSE POINTE PARK Gf~OSSE POINTE WOODS Seventeen Office. In Four Countt.. GROSSE POINTE FARMS IBPI Al TOO' a. ts2 Kercheval 884.0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER"

    __ L ..-. ....-11 _ r.

    Page Eight-8 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1964

    , . .WUiiam J. Champion & Company- OPEN SUNDAY 2:00-5:00 PUIUC StlMCE SCHULTES REAL ESTATE omJING PUT YOUR HOUSE.HUNTING SHOES ON WE'VE GOT OVER 6&,000 SQUARE FEET TO MOVE INTO! ON NEW OFFERING - m Grosse Pomte Woods PflCed under $70,000 thIS attractive Coloma I features J bedrooms, 112 baths, family room, formal dmmg room, charmmg country decor - "'Ill !w Open ~ Sunday' 733WESTCHESTER - PERFECTION describes 1432BURNS - INDIAN VIlLAGE Geor1l;l&ncol- UNIVERSITY - ClaSSICstyle 5 bedroom Enghsh this ammacWate newly decorated colomal tasteful omal m good condItIOn must sell DeCause of E JEFFERSON - Treat jourself to luxurIOus comfort and pnvac) 10 the ultrasecure settmg Tudor III the heart of Grosse PDlllte City, done in transferred owner New kitchen, reflrnshed hard- OF Iy coordmated colors, new kitchen and of the Jetferson Condommlums 2 huge bed- Master bedroom has dressmg room and bath family room Owners must sell' '.\ood floors, natural woodwork and pewablc tIle rooms v.lth closets to match 2 baths Fully Second floor laundry highlight this outrageous value at $79,000 VAlliE eqUIpped kitchen LIVmg room WIth bUIIt-m ,I bar ROSYLN - Great starter home m thl:>perk~ 1 BY APPOINTMENT bedroom Bungalow. refreshmgly del-ked In TO All PROVE~CAL - Gorgeous cDntemporary CoIDmal cheerful sprmg colors Lo .... dov.n pa\ ment -FIRST OFFERING - PRESTIGIOUS GROSSE POINTE SHORES LANE offers this attractlve center I steps from the lake offers more than the com assumptIOn - Very mce bu~ 1 entrance colomal with library, kItchen ....Ith adjacent family room, pl~ huge screened porch overlook- PROPERTY forts of hDme The umque ambience of thiS art IIliwell-landscaped property, four bedrooms, three full baths, first floor laundry and Circular drIve deco theme pro\ldes a masterful statement NOTTINGHAM - Very mce and clean I bedroom are Just a f~w of the Important features OWNERS and gracIOus life style Bungalow WIthupdated kItchen Fll'xlble Iloor ,I plan could double use of first floor bedrDoms -FIRST OFFERING - LOVELY TUDOR offers iour SpeciOUSbedrooms, 31'2 baths, heated garden room, I DEVONSHIRE - Lovely large family home Ideal as TV room or den den or study. newer roof, newer furnace and t'.\ 0 car attached garage Owner has been transferred ...,."",,.t u +("- ...... to ..... 11 ",,'''''U' "'_1.. ",f\n tV"'" for ~rowmj;\ pams TerrIfiC floor plan WIth --- •• _ - ~- --- ...... ,_ ...... #.,J ,. .. v_, ..."'''' I spacIous room dImensIOns and great flow Hh:lJl"UKU - ~parlum!,\ new!::1 't u.:U10Ulll '- U,- "HOME FIVebedrooms Much natural wood. beautiful- omal With stunnmg profesSIOnal decOl In The Park ... ly restored Beautiful detaIl throughout Huge CDuntn kit chen WIth family room Elegant parquayed Clean 3 bedroom, 21'2 bath Colomal With den and glassed porch $115,000 OWNERSHIP HAWTHORNE-Charmmg Grosse Pomte ShDres and paneled den Lovely 5 bedroom, 31'2 bath Colomal WIth SpaCIOUSfamIly room $196.000 Cape Cod m Immaculate CondItIOn The per- Iiandsome 5 bedroom, 3~'llbath family home, den and famlly room $128.500 IN THE fect answer If your scalmg do,,"n but demand BROADSTONE-Thmflc Ranch m Harper Woods, Starter bouse offers 3 bedrooms, updated kItchen and baths $37,500 locatIOn ] block from Grosse Po1Ote Llvmg room With Need more room7 See thIS SpaCIOUS 4 bedroom, 21,! bath house With newer decor $95,000 fireplace, eat-m-kltchen, 3 good-SIzed 1 POINTF.S" Motber.m-law problems? Not bere' 3 bedrooms down plus separate upstairs sUite $55,700 BERKSHIRE - Custom bUIlt6 bedroom Coloma I bedrooms and paneled Rec room and lav m Excepbonal condttlon for Uus 3 bedroom, 21,! bath Colomal With large famtly room $118,000 Withfamily room and sun room All hardwood basement floors, copper plumbmg, m-ground sprInklers In The City ... LAKEPOINTE - Lovely 2 bedroom Bungalow THURSDAYS NOTRE DAME - 4 bedrooms, 2J, bath English home on double lot Well construtted and Perky Eaebsb lID large lot alfen 3 bedrooms, deck and low price $84,500 cDttage style CDlomal - cozy and delightful mamtained PrIced With young married and Jazzy jM:uui Ul this redecorated 4 bedroom. 21'2 bath condol New loy, pncel $99.900 WIthlarge rooms Lots of bwltllls. new carpet- Singles budgets In mmd CUte 2 bedroom condo near sbopplng and transportatIOn $54,500 MAY 3 mg, new kItchen NEW REDUCED PRICE' Macaificeutly re8Ulnld bist.onc restdeoce features gowmet lutchen, 5bedrooms, 4baths and garage apart- WAYBURN - Charmmg :JaR Starter home or ment. Broebur'e avaIlable TO MAY 24 good Illvestment opportunIty Nev. kitchen Newer deeor bigbliRbts tJus 3 bedroom, 11'2 bath house With den near the VIllage $84,000 WIth appliances, all freshly decDrated In The Woods ... 7~ P.M. OPEN HOUSES 2-5 Spacious 3 bedroom, 2'-2 bath bnck ranch, central air, family room and den $169.000 1812KENMORE - Cheerful 3 bearoom. ]12 bath Colomal, tastefully decorated and m move.m condltlon In The Farms ... 1222 BUCKINGHAM - Custom 5 bedroom English Tudor WIth lovely new kItchen BROWNELL 5S2THORNTREE - CustDm SemI-Ranch With handsome tradItional exterIor and fleXIble mterIor. WeJ1.buiJt 4 bedroom CoIomal on Moran WIth 18 foot famlly room $84,500 4 or 5 bedrooms 1018BEDFORD - EnJOy the summer In your own backyard - corne & see why' PwfectillD1 3 bedlooms, 3 baths, family room, deck. central air and MORE' $185,000 SCHOOL Stately maDSe with 2liviDl rooms, garden room, library and great kitchen $220,000 1144VERNIER - Great buy on thiS roomy Colomal Neat 3 bedroom bungalow Wlth expansion area, 2 car garage and unmedJate ~upancy $65,900 CAFEfERIA Alice Boyer Schultes Cynthia Kerwm HAVE A SAFE MEMORIAL WEEKEND! Michael Awodey WIlliam Mashlm Ronald Carpenter Caroline McKee Gmny Damman Paula Moore Janet Dreltlch Dmah Murphy PUBLIC CynthIa EtherIdge Linda Parnell Member al the Beverly Haltom Marianne Pear -eATEn "ON THE BILL" Sally Horton 881-8900 Gl'Cl8se POInte Real Estate Exctumgt! INVITED • Sue seward Peggy Hume .J.- Paiute F8I'1D5 Macomb Board of Realtors 710 NOTRE DAME Charles Trowbndge .eroII from Perry Dnea DetrOIt Board of Realtors NOCHAIlGE '" "/

    "} '" OPEN SUNDAY 2.5

    ,..,. ..-...,J ~j""" ~<'

    ~l~ -f* w. f1..it"""~1 \l4.,>J'1h 'Vn'''.~c,~}tt~~ 391 KERCHEVAL - The only Cape Cod In the - y ...,.(..... ur" I Farms under $80.000 A little blt of hlSto~~_ com- - .,....}T 1r.l' J.., bined WI!bmodern converuences In this Cl1armer Entire house has been recently decorated Two , . large bedrooms, one and a half baths, family room ;. . with skylIght. formal dirung room. wood burning stove, patio, fenced yard, and best of all a great locatIOn

    ~ BY Al-'t-'UINTMENT I I • , FIRST OFFERING - DEEPLANDS AREA OF THE SHORES Stately custom bwlt center entrance r" - ~ Co1CInial bouts family room and library, first floor laundry and mud room. Mutschler kitchen. mar- "" ....IX "')~ , f s:: ... ble and ceramu: floors, Anderson thennopane wmdows, aU' condltlomng, sprInklmg system. Just to FIRST OFFERING FIRST OFFERING merWoo a few of the superlative features ta be found m thiS flOe residence Please call for further HEAR "''ELL ~-: details aDd an appomtmeDt. A \\-'ELL DESIGNED FLOOR PLAN ISa special LOCATED IN THE FARMS tills chanmng c feature of thiS uruque contemporary Colomallll the Colomalls metIculously mamtamed and updated :: - AN EXPERT City of Grosse POInte 3 Bedroom, 112 baths m every way 5 bedrooms, 31'2 bath. family room, FIRST OFFERING - GROSSE POINTE FARMS FantastIc location, beautlful settmg Llvmg room porch and pallo ( Wltb fireplace, dmulg room, famtly room WIth fU'eplace. first floor master bedroom, lIbrary or se- ", CDldfirIt fkJlr bedrooms, enclo&ed terrace Withfireplace Tv.osecond floor bedrooms and bath Finish- ed reereatiOll room WIthwet bar

    FIRST OFFERING - GROSSE POINTE SHORES ExceptIOnal ranch In a very pnvate locatlon CuItom built for present owner, WIthcareful attention to detad and excepllonal qualIty Large bVlng room and dimnI room, farody room, den, supenor kitchen, utIlity room, four bedrooms, three full baths and two ba1f baths Beautifully flrushed basement WIthwet bar and kItchen, separate den or maids bedroom Many, many extra features HOW TO

    "Rivard Condo - Set bact In a beautiful landscaped courtyard plus your own pnvate patiO In rear ThIS FINANCE exceptional five bedroom. three bath condo has central air condltlomng Don't mISs seeing thIs one

    UNIVERSITY - great City location, near the Village. schools and park Leaded wmdows, hardwood floors, A newer Itltchen and brand new rear deck Owners AnXIOUSI Pnce recently reduced FIRST OFFERING I E HOUSING A LAKESHORE ADDRESS YOU CAN AFFORD' CONDO located m Grosse POinte Clt)' Char Most eharmiDi Engbsh Tudor In Grosse Pomte Park Home ISsituated on a pretty tree-lined street near BUilt 10 1918thiS fme 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, Sit- mlng English tudor, 4 bedrooms, 212 baths up the Lake 'Ibis three bedroom, ]12 bath home also has a large formal dmmg room and den to ac. tIng on a large lot, has a contemporary mtenor elated kItchen, hardwood floors and tasteful decor , comodate a IOOcI &lzefamily PURCHASE featunng extensIVe use of fme wood Carnage make thIS one of the more atlractne umts house over garage ceutraDy located near the VLllage- Condo WIthhVingroom WIthfireplace, updated kitchen. four bedrooms. \ three baths and recently REDUCED'

    Harper Woods - On a bnght cheerful corner ISthiS attractive two bedroom ranch With paneled family room, large kitchen. fmlShed recreatIOn room. fenced yard and two car garage

    FAIRHOLME. GROSSE POINTE WOODS- Very sharp 11'2 story home, tWDbedrooms, den and a great roam Convemence to schools and shoppmg CaJ! for addItIOnal details THURSDAY Iocome propert) m the Park, two bedrooms, 1bath, fireplace, natural woodwork m each umt Includes separate furnaces, fenced yard and storage areas Well mamtalned MAY 24 WHI'M'IER - center entrance colomal With bay ....mdow, IIvmg room With fireplace, paneled library, 7:30~M. 4 bedloona, 2~ baths, fmlshed basement DUCEt5 EXCELLENT STARTER HOME In the Park 3 RIVARD - Three bedroom, 2''l! bath center entrance Colomal, Ilvmg room WIth stone fIreplace, dmm@ bedrooms large dmlng room, ne\l. garage and room, remodelecl kItchen With breakfast area Basement recreatIOn room With fIreplace alummum trim 'Wellcared fDrstreet near shop- PURCHASERS CHECK LIST OTHER LISTINGS FOR YOUR ".4 Bedroom& ". 2 Batb:roorns CONSIDERATION ". Family Room. FP &c Bar 511 Ballantyne $550,000 589S BRYS Pnce Redured I ()v, ner has purchased another home Furmshmgs and speclahz.ed hghtmg ". Utility Room 885 Ballantyne $179000 reflect the dual archltt"ctural mode of thIS center entrance Coloma I Famll) room, IIbran 3 bath ". Breakfast Room 35 Bever) 1239,000 brick terrace and beaul1fully landscaped grDunds ". EJec:tronk Alr Cleaner 30 Harbor HIli 1365,000 ". Central Au' Conclitloned 70 Lakeshore $680,000 BROWNELL 22940NEWBERRY St Clair Shores, Nme Mile and JeffersDn area Meticulous, sharply decDrated, ". Quiet Are. 131 Moran $182,500 4bedroom ranch Nev. kitchen \\-Ith oak cabinets, famll)' room, natural fireplace. full basement, central ". Prime Shores Loeabon 2009 Oxford 186,000 air and more Priced In IDWSeventies ". ReuooIbIy Pnced 53 Stonehurst sm,ooo SCHOOL Then you thou.ld check 30 Putnam Place 31 Warner $365.000 80BRIARCLIFF outstandmg RA1\iCHm Grosse Pte Shores Clean contemporary design \\ lth cathedral 85 Woodland 5hores ",500 CAFETERIA ceIling add to the easy one floor lIvmg Beautlful grounds WIth outdoor hghtmg and pool Completel)' updated and decorated In past fev. years BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE THOROUGH COVERAGE OF NO CHARGE PRICE Rr:DL CED Situated tn the PrestigIOus WlndImll Pomte area, the qUiet of yesteryear permeates GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES the rooms of thiS love!) Enghsh Tudor Quahty of design, lUXUriOUsamemtles and the lovmg care of Its ov.ners are Immediately apparent Under 1200,000

    ELEGANCE AlliDEVROPEAN CHARM permeate the mtenor DfthIS lovely 4 bedroom, 3t 2 bath French 76 KERCHEVAL HOME Normand) m Grosse POInte Park O\er 3000square ft of wonderful value, exquIsite moldmgs, up dated kItchen. leaded glass and profesSIOnal decoratmg TO BUY OR SELL OWNERSHIP PRICE REDUCED TO THE 70's on thiS charmmg home In the CIty of Grosse PDlntE' Features Include A HOUSE CALL 11\'0 full baths, updated kitchen v.lth breakfast room. large formal dlnmg room, lovely screened 885-7000 S~ porch, and 2nd floor master sUite OWNERS MOTIVATED

    • f I \ 1 • " .. ,. .. /"> ..... ". .. 'i • Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine.8

    WESTCHESTER - Amencan Farm Colonial Paneled library With fireplace LarJe Flonda / room 4 bedrooms & 21'2 baths Rec room. Nice location near WlIldmili Pointe Drive

    ANTTA - Lovely 3 bedroom ranch near , Wedgewood Screened porch Rec room &: lav HEAR I PUBLIC With shower In basement Nicely landscaped 60 fl lot $83,500 AN EXPERT :TAPP~\NAND SERVICE BEDFORD near St Paul SpaCIOUSColomal 21 fl IAS_~OC1ATlS! family room Family size kitchen 4 bedrooms OFFERING on 2nd plus SlUing room & bedroom on 3rd 3 I!" I\'\ car attached garage $110,000 884.6200 ON 1ST OFFERING - Bishop Road Lovely Detroit area near Gros!>e Pomte Charming Cape Cod 1st BUCKINGHAM - Nice size 4 bedroom 21~ bath PRIME AREA TOPICS floor den 2 bedrooms on 2nd 11~ ba ths Covered 2 story reSidence on 75x 167lot Library Rear HOWro porch Rec room with fireplace ~c\H'r 1'001 & fur service stairs 5th bedroom With bath on 3rd nace Only $44,500 Rec room Natural woodwork & leaded wm. FINA1~CE OF dows $119,000 l~T OFFERING - Countr) Club Dnve - Com- \'ALlJE pletely rede<'orated 3 bedroom 21 bath ranch CALVIN near Chalfonte J bedroom 11:< bath A l Enghsh 1st {loor den Kitchen has breakfast 10 super Farms locatIOn Ne\\. kitchen \\ Ith bit TO ALL ms Library Beaullful garden room \\ Ith high room 2 car garage $78,500 HOUSING ceIling & sky hghts 2 ne\\. furnaces & central all' condlllOnmg Lawn sprmkler system 2 car CLOVERLY ROAD - Custom bUill by Jim Mast PURCHASE PROPERTY all garage \\.lth Circular drive Immediate In 1979 thiS French style reSidence has a 1st posse!>slOn available floor master bedroom sUite & 2 family bedrooms on 2nd 1st floor laundry Central ~AA'lii'i. OWNERS 1ST OFFERING - Merrmcather Road 3 all' AttacheeautlttUly landscaped Jk..UllIUi EUl!:iJ'1J i UUOJ 'i llCurOOlll, J' _ lJJln, 1 lot Good family hOll1e\\ Ith Il'rn flc fecaped lot Ta~tefully 7:30 P.M. baths plus slttmg room, bedroom & bath on decorated, fresh and clean, MOVE.IN CONDI. 2nd floor Rec room Nicely landscaped yard SERIES TION. Close to Village shoppmg, school and With paho Cenlral air, lawn sprinkler & transportation Formal dmmg rm Jo;".lrala~ kit- burglar alarm chen \IIlth Wide ba) \\ IOdo\\.10 dllllOg area Excep- ti!>nall)' SpaCIOUSscrt'efled terrace & sundeck In- PROVENCAL ROAD - Outstandmg Enghsh OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 viting paneled flnlshed rccrealton rm In basement Manse on 100x 550lot Spacious paneled foyer 562 N. Rosedale, G.P.W. Paneled hbrary & step down lIvmg room, master bedroom & rec room all have Attractive 4 bedroom ranch With den and INCOME m the Pdrk lIas been thoroughl)' fireplaces Apartment over attached garage 2 full baths. Many extras, upgraded Feature!> 2 bedrooml> each wut and kitchen all eqUipped With apphances Good u!' BROWNELL 1ST OFFERING - SI Paul at Neff 3 bedroom 212 Newer kitchen Central air well malntamed Reduced $119,000 bath Colomal 1st floor study plus a family room vestment and a must see for only $67,000 With fireplace & a screened porch 63x 156 lot 2 NEAR EASTLAND - 2 bedroom Condom mum DillON BENJAMIN, Canal propel't>' 3 bedrooms down SCHOOL car attached garage townhouse on Williamsburg a Central all', KIt- and studiO apartment Up Apphances mc1ud- chen appliances mcluded Good location. ed, 50 fl steel seawall CAFETERIA Grosse Pomte Schools $65,000 PROPERTY RANCH, very neat I bedroom Fealures Flom!a I'm, newer kitchen w/apphances, r~ I'm, WILLOW LANE - AdJommg new Ford Con. MANAGEMENT washer/dryer Great buy and maintenance dominium development on private lane. 5 free bedroom 31", bath New England Farmhouse 881.4147 DEVONSHIRE, hVlng and dlrung rms , Florida 16X 18 ltbrary With fireplace 21x 20 garden I'm., :I bedrooms, ree room f.l7,5t~ room With bar Attached garage. Brick patio YOR..~HIRE, liVing and duung I'ms , -I bt.>drooms. all alumlOum trim, Immaculate $36,900 Central all'. Choice Farms locatIOn SINE REALTY ST CLAIR - near Village shops 2 bedroom Con- , .. IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 dommum 2 floor corner urut With basement. PUBLIC $57,900 TO CALL SINE, .. 420 RIVARD, No maIntenance to\\.nhoU!>e with 4 bedroom!'> plus 3 baths, kitchen w/eatmg lIrea and all ap.pllancel> INVITED OPEN SUNDAY 2:00-5:00 GROSSE POI NTE WOODS 53 HAwrnoRNE, Great famlry home In the 1114 Bedford-Fam I'm 4 bedrooms 21f,z SHORES featuring 3 bedroom!. .Ill MORAN ROAD - 3 bedroom 112 baths Library baths $110,000. YORKTOWN - MARTER - WESTBROOK CT bl'lght dnd sparkling Walkmg dlltl.tnc~ Open terrace Rec room area Hardwood floors to Lake!>hOle ab solutely charmmg Nil m.lIntenancp. and HARPER WOODS larlle enowm for complete comfort III Hugo S HigbIe mol:lern Berkshire!! Feature.. I NO CHARGE Donald R SmIth, Mgr 83 Kercheval Avenue Irene Pfeiffer bedroom, 112 bathl. bnghl and 10000Iy Rachel Baumann Erwm Sattelmelr FIRST OFFERING - Parkcrest off Harper . William B Devlin umatching people Roger Southworth Sharp 2 bedroom - Brick ranch. 11".1 bath. TAPPAN 1& ASSOC. 90 KERCHE\aL, IIIII Merry Stamman Natural Fireplace - Formal Dming Room. 2 Conme Griffith GROSSE POINTE FARMS Frank J Huster and houses Manlyn Stamtzke car garage - POSSible short term L C - Im- Peter J Kauffm'3.n Jack E Walsh mediate possession MUSE SEE mGBIE Juhe Waterfall John E Mendenhall with imagination" Martha SatUey Moray Wmmfred Weyhtng SINE REAlTY Beverly Pack Bernard WluUey 1')orothy Whitty MULTII ..IST SERVICE Lenore PasqumellJ MAXON Inc. 886.3400 DETROIT'S FINEST! FARMS OFFICE 11&4-7000

    WHITEHIU_-Spielldid E:ngll!>h, lnJn1dculatt'l} c1e.1II dn<11l1I:\u.llt II' 'O!l dIllon :I Bedroom!> Dining HO(lI11, Kllchen :"look \t'.,.. Fut n:HI' \tll,ll tlve Bath Chl-ncr .IlmOU~, Present all of( ...r!'> $1J lI(lO

    "BEDROOM RRleK COLO:'\IAL - Llorar) Breoll..falll Hoom, [,{'.H!l'l! (.l.b" and ExIra InsuldtlOn .111 make thll> '1uperb horne Oil Kt'rhlngloll ,I gll',lt FIRST OFFERINGS buy A ~tUllt &--e' $~,(JOlI FIRST OFFERING - FOR THE GOOD LIFE FIRST OFFERING - FLAUNT TIns ADDRESS, PRICE REDUCED HARPEH \II O()D~ A h'rnhl !>ldrtl'r hom~ th" 2 Ikdroom BillI",t!O\\ Lovely 4 bedroom, 212 bath, Colomal With 1 Grosse Pomte Shores, 9 2% formal assump- fedtur~ Famll~ Boom DmlOj( Room, Parliliollt-'


    OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 FARMS-of bedroom ('olonlal 21'2 baths, LIBRARY AND FAMILY ROOM wlUI raised EXCELLENT FINANCIAL MORTGAGE TERMSl hearth flreplact, larile kitChen, atta"he\'" ,100 YlaJk III Kf'rh~ find HrO"Il4'Il""hool" '1'1~) E:"lGLlSH CARRIAGE HOUSE and lots of updallnll In lasl t""o ye.an I\'ew flrtplace, custom drapes, nardwood noors. In olden day!> the hor!>('dra"",n carriage brought new storms and screens PrI('efl III the mid guest" 10 thl'> entrllnce Magmflcently mlllnlam. $70'8 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5, 781 ~'u;her cd With a large entrane!' hall, 9 fl ('PIlings, up- SPRI:--:G A('TTO'" - :-.e....er 4 bedroom ColnnJal, dd led kItchen and attrach\ e decor Priced below NEWER HOME POOl. Pnced (or thclKf>who 2', batho; large famll) room ....Ith flrepldce rt"Cent ~ales III the area appreclatp the very btst l'oewf'r cOOlitructloo SpaCIOUo;kItchen and separate f'atln!1 area 'WIth II mllcturf' of "'rench .md ReMmey Col !.J)nnk IeI'!>y<;t£.mattachc " ..... JR" of IIv1J'Iglre41hllhll&ht.ed by a 25 /( 18Family I Room wiUl fll'eplaC'e and a Library com~ SADDLf: LA ....10_ '\,t"oHr (o!ollw.l ....llh 4 'i WIth "Wormy Chestnut" panehlll ..-----<)11CC11 bt-drooms 3' bath!>on qUiet rourt extplJent ~ R{ At TC:>RS wooltlon " de'cor throullhoot large family SHORES RANCH-Unuau.1 opportunIty for flrsl room, central air attached garage 882-5200 floor bedrooma, famIly room and atlac:hed prace at $1:14,100 1 17646 MACK 886.4444 ~

    J , .. '<) 'i. if j ~~~ ~~,...... '>

    Page Ten,B I r Feature Thursday, May 24, 1984 :'

    j' f Elegant 1J;(Untl Eating Counter Points A selection of recipes from the forthcoming low-calorie, low- cholesterol - and penny-wise - Slip Into Comfort ... for a sum- cookbook by Thyra Grey Ho"ard and Helena DeWitt Roth futuring, tbaDgs.mer of Ava'funi1a~'_ourUIC in wcortbjte..weda:bla~black.,e '. this week, a potpourri of SPRING navy, kelly, boDe, bot pink. red LUNCHEON SUGGESTIONS. aod yellow. Sizes 6 to 9 ... $13.95 at Miner's Grosse Pointe, 375 • • • Fisher Road. MOLDED DILLY BEAN SALAD • • • 1/4 cup sugar Batll Sofety Equipment ... for the 1 env. unflavored gelatin elderly or those with handicaps in- 1 tsp. chicken bouillon granules r1 ~[' clucfUte b,d) bench and safety rai~ are Pinch of salt ~ available at the Bed, Bath & Ltnens 13/4 cups boiling water ~ ... Store. 1806 Kercheval. Many items 1/4 cup lemon juice .. are in ltoclt others can be ordered. 2 Tbsp. white wine vinegar Opm Tlwrldays and Fridays until 9 1 Tbsp. fresh dillweed, minced. p.m .•• ,-NtO. 1 can 06 oz,) cut or French- • style green beans, drained. • • 3 Tbsp, thinly sliced fresh leek ,... 1W l..lIeQ ..., • $ , ) ••• 2 Tbsp. chop~ pimiento ,.,c.. -..1 I,IM *1/2 tsp. drIed may be sub- -.It t '" $ riIIIa. All _ ,...... wfdt stituted • t , 1 I.,,, In mixing bowl, combine sugar, ..... 11&" 1 A . 0,.. an ys Met costumes gelatin, bouillon and a pinch of salt, ftw...,. 1. if desired. Add boiling water and ...... -.-. stir untU completely dissolved. Stir • • • are on display iD lemon juice, wine vinegar and DetrOIt Grand Opera Association dlllweed. CbW until mixture is con- 1be EacbantiDI .. . Azmette Peterson 1984 general chairman Barbara sisteDCy of aubeaten egg whites. Wee Fan8t Folk Coneetioa ba arrived at (Mrs. R. Alexander) Wrigley, of The Fold in drained green beans and tbe ... 8GIe. DeIi&btful baDd-scuIptured Farms, above, looks pleased as she leeb which have been boiled until ad IEIkaIDIed mic:e inCM!rsixty figures, accepts saks Fifth Avenue's gift to teDder, drained and cooled, and the ,. "ft 10 lee tbeIe incredible creatures underwrite the exhibit "The pimiento. Pour mIxture into 4-cup to believe diem. lDduded ~ IJ:8duate Metropolitan Opera in Detroit: A mold and cbill overnight. Makes 6 , bride aDd IJUce. birthday Celebration in Costume," on view servings. ~,UWS&lU~, -" ber~t limited edition now through June 10 at the Detroit Historical Museum. • • D6ece "PaIbDGuIt8'''. Also see the DeW col. TUNA TABOULI SALAD of tiDy teddies. Kercbeval at St. Clair Pietured at right are Frank W. Ie:t8l Donovan (left), chauman of the 'I cup bulgur wheat ad Tower iOO ReDIlillance ceoter. DGOA board, and attorney A. hon from the Seragllo" and between 10 a m. and 6 p m Monday 2 cups boiling water • • • Robert Zen, both of The Pomte, "Lohengrm" They were worn by through Friday. 1medium onion, minced enpged in conversation at the ex- such opera greats as Enrico Caruso, Local arrangements for the 1cup seeded, chopped tomatoes Spr1Pw I,The Seaon ... )'OU want to .pend leu time hibit's early May benefit preview Olive Fremstad, Giovanru Mar- costume exhibit were coordinated 1/2 cup parsley m eM Idtchen CUId more tim. outdoor •. 'Whirlpool and showing and reception tinelli, Richard Tucker and Marilyn by the DGOA, which sponsors the 1/3 cup olive oil GeftenIl B1ectrfc now hove a microwcve-hood com- The eveniDg was co-chaired by Horne. Met's aMual visits to Detroit; the 1/3 cup lemon juice Mrs. Wrigley Mrs. J. b&NatIoft dNIt fa a ~.tcrwr and /lU O\leryour ran,e and Ernest The exhibit celebrates the Centen- Detroit Historical Societr, Salts 1/4 cup red wine vinegar .,..., GWlbdm&uftAmount oJ .pac. livin, yOIl ventila- DuMouchelle. It featured a shO'Wing nial of the Metropolitan Opera. The Fifth Avenue and the Historical of contem~rary fashions by Salts, 1/4 cup mint flakes tion -.d cooIdnI at the .ame time, .. Muuchler costumes are drawn primarily from Museum Other cities hosting Met 1 can (7 oz.) water-packed JCttdII 1OU7 IIClCIt A ftnUe, &94-3100. COWlterpomt to the 15 costumes the Met's own collection, WIth par- Opera tours and exhibitions this displayed in the museum's Round ticular emphasis gIven to the Met's spring melude Washington, D.C., tuna, drained Hall. • • • annual VISits to DetrOIt for the past Atlanta, Dallas and Cleveland. . Soak bulgur in water 1 hour. '!be costumes represent roles in 25 years. The exhibit is open to the pubhc ...... JlI*e ~ ~'. f.... "Carmen," "La Boheme," Squeeze water out through cheese- Iiii'filii ~ ,.. • .IS. IIeIpa )"III taa The Met returns to Detroit this during regular museum hours: 9: 30 cloth. Combine bulgur with onion, III 'r_ 'I .. "Tosca," "Amore Dei Tre Re," year on Memorial Day, Monday, a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through tomatoes, panley, oil. lemon juice. • "Der Rosenkavalier," "The Egyp- May 28, for a week of performances Sunday. The museum is located on vinegar and mint. Break tuna • • tian Helen," "Die Walkure," "Les at Masonic Temple. Ticket informa- Woodward Avenue at Kirby Street, apart with fork. Fold into bulgur A Traditimal ... aDd very popular graduation gift, Contes d'Hoffman," "La Giacon. tion and the performance schedule in Detroit's University/Cultural mixture. Chill. Serve in bowl lined da," "Boris Godunov," "1'beAbduc- far bim aud her, a gold signet ring. There are a60ut may be obtamed by calling 831-8900 Center. with salad greens. Makes 6 serv- fCll1:)' areat styleI at edntuncI t. AHEE jewelry co., 20139 ings. IIack at Oxford. Mooogrammjng can be done quickly. Women"s golf tourney slated in early June '" • '" OpeD Friday uati18 p.m., MI6-46OO. HERBEDSTUFFED The Jumor Group of Goodwill In- have to be a member of a pnvate persons In the Detroit area for the HAMBURGERS WITH • • • dustnes has undertaken a new pro- club to play The only requIrement is last 63 years. MUSHROOM SAUCE ject: sponsorstup of a Women's a USGA hanchcap Cost 15 $85, In- Hlghlightmg the week was an Ed IIoliaewMi ...• howed U8 a wide variet)' of Open GoU Tournament, formerly cludmg contmental breakfast, greens awards luncheon on Fnday, May 1 lb. very lean ground beef becDedAd Clrea ruga when we stopped by 21435 Mack sponsored by the Child Research fees, lunch and pnze5 11. at the St Reg~ Hotel, With Erm!i 2 Tbsp. minced parsley Awarie bIcluding TW"ItWl Anadolian Kilim., hand- League which IS dlSbandmg after 25 Registration checks, payable to Henderson, ,President of the DetrOlt 2 Tbsp. finely diced green onion IftGdt RurliGft Sumacks, Tianjin orientals and Per- years of existence, to be held on Jumor Group of Goodwill Industries, City Council, as keynote speaker 1/4 tsp. salt ...... See tile entire eoUection. Free parJring in front. Monday, June 11, at the Great Oaks should be mailed to Mrs Lou DaviS, A\\ ards were presented to 1/2 cup water Country Club 10 Rochester 939 Brookwood Lane, Rochester, Volunteers of the Year, staff, clients 4 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced • • • It IS open to everyone, one does not Mich 48063. The tournament was In work actlVlty or sheltered shop 1 Tsp. Worcestershire sauce ....w..... ~ founded by Mrs Davis. who IS and those who have gone on to com- orgarnzmg It tins year for the Jumor petltlve employment Vanous con- 1/8 tsp. black pepper Fu- .... nettlE CRE€k Group She may be reached at 11 actors also received awards for ....-e ~ M 17U. kerdlevaL Divide meat into 8 equal por- 1-652-0230for further mfonnatlon the work they have made available 0,. fta..,.__t p -...as. tions; press each into a 3-inch pat- To experience Proceeds will benefit the handlcap- to workshops GoodwJ.11 ty. Mix parsley ud green onion. ped chents of Goodwill Industnes The last event of the week was • • • way") Put 1 Tbsp. parsley mixture in 'another .. .. '" a 2 to 5 pm open house at the 8t center of 4 of the patties; top ",ith League GoodWIll of DetroIt, In Ambrose Residential Home on Alter Coapatulate The Graduate ... with a card from the Members of the Women's remaining patties and press firmly recogmtlOn of NatIOnal Goodwill Road, also scheduled for Fnday, May IOOd eel! rtIm at Wnpt's Gift and Lamp Shop, 18650 AssocIation of Grosse POinte around the edges to seal. Sprinkle Week which began May b. held 11 Further informatIOn may be ob- IIac:k AftIIIIe with Free Parking next to the building. Memonal Church Will tour the salt into large skillet and heat over Far a wry UIeful gift, bow aboUt a desk lamp? a senes of events to promote the tamed by contacting League Good- Bhaktlvedanta Cultural Center 10 agency's servIces to handicapped \\ 11!pubhc relations at 964-3900 moderately high beat. Add stuffed . '" the Fisher Mansion next Tuesday, hamburgers and cook about 3 . at am, May 29, 11 30 followmg minutes on each side for medium- Pr~'. Salon in the Village ... reminds our lunch at "G<>vmda's" vegetanan rare, 4 minutes for medium-well. )lOUdI. J7 yea,.. under, CUT SPECIALS $7.56, the last restaurant Juhe KeIrn, program British arrive at Jacobson's or Remove hamburgers to "arm chairman, has arranged for car A nch vanety of Bntlsh accents wed! of every month 882-2556. Honorable Martm Hlme, and Paul sen'ing plate and keep warm. pools departmg from the church echoed through Jacobson's Store- '" M Warner, preSident of Royal Drain and discard any fat from . . parking lot at 11 a m for-the-Home, Grosse POinte, Thurs- Doulton skillet: add v.ater. mushrooms. The BhaktlVedanta Center. on evemng, as guests mbbl- day May 3, Also on hand for the celebratIOn Worcestershire sauce and pepper DetrOit's Far East Side. features ed cucumber sandWiches and ~Ipped ""ere Ron Jones and Gary Baker, and cook over high heat 3 minutes, elaborate sculptural exhibIts on tea from fme china at a gathering to regIOnal sales manager and stirriag constantly to dissolve HIndu religIOUS ptulosophy. an art celebrate BrItish Heritage Week Michigan representative. respec- brown bits on bottom of pan. When gallery. grand ballroom, formal Guests of honor were Her Brltan- tn,ely, for Royal Doulton. Fred gardens and roVIng peacocks liquid is reduced to about 1/4 CUp•• me Ma]eSt)-'s Consul General. The Warner and Juhan Younger, British pour sauce o\'er hamburgers and RaJl Company and Bntlsh Tourist serve.at once. Makes 4 servings. AuthOrity representative. respec- Calories per sening about 139. SPRING STORE-WIDE SALE at WhIte's Old tl\ ely. Mr and Mrs Brandon Rogers. !vir and Mrs Michael Cholesterol about 8G mgs. • • • House features great buys hke two queen size J B Ross .The addition of 3 Tbsp. burgun- brass beds closmg-out at 40% off. Man)' other terrIfIC Kahler \he's manager of the St THE KERRY MOUSEICAFE LE eHA T RegiS Hotel} and Mr and Mrs dy wine gives the sauce a really bargains on In stock merchandise at 26717LIttle Mack deliclMs dp. . . . TtIiI deligbtful ~ ~reuch Caf~ is ~ Closed Mondays Thursdays and Fridays open untIl 9 V\.llllam 0 Bradley Jr , represen- ... iIabIe ,. private partielm the ~~. ting the Enghsh-Speakmg DOIon • • • ;::\...t. - pm, 776-6230 U,.....to CIItertaiD illyour home, mqwre J~.~ The Daughters of the BrItish Em- ASPARAGUS WITH aboUt aur full ~serviee. Do try * pIre were out In force. of course, ALMOND SAUCE ICIIJr"III!t carry--.--_... , . desserts for ~ man~ of the many POinters among Travel Games for the jamlly are all on them bnnglng their husbands along ftI'J ...... 1 treats ... Kercheval and Notre 2 pkgs (10 oz each) frozen the shelf at the School Bell. 17904 Mack to share 10 the festiVIties asparagus spears ~...... -n. A venue Stop in before yo .. go 1 pkg (212 oz.) chopped, blan- • • • l\totor City ABWA ched almonds ,,_ To" 1'hiftMr ... before ,ummer? It', poBli- 2 Tbsp. margarme Bargain "-arf'~ Round triP lho <\n.llI'Il'~.1215. La .. \ l'~a .. air 2 Tbsp flour .we with our new body treatment r Safely and before anclltot~1 from 1269. thret' and four da\ ('rUlliI" from 14K,'; (all Haltf'~ honors associates 1/2 tsp salt )'OIIr Hry own touch "nwonted mche, di.8appear, Trav~1 K/Mj-7HHI 2"'57 Mal k A'f'nul' The Motor CIty Charter Chapter aom«tma F*JChiq a total of 15" Call Joyce at Walton- of thE' I\mencan Bu~mess Women's 1/2 tsp pepper PNree, G full HrVlCe beauty .alon, 886-4130 '" AS",OC'latlon held Its annual 1 cup skIm mIlk . . '" Bu~mess ASSOCiate Event yester- Cook asparagus accordln~ to da) \o\edneM'Ja) May 23 at the package dlrectlOAli until just Lansdowne restaurant The dmner teaeler; dr.in; Hot aside. Brown program. deslgnt'd to honor allllOlMb Ia IMt JDug.rine. Blend in business associates and employers fIoelr, .. tt alld peppn, cook I of ABWA members and to provide ... te. Stir Ia milk UNaaU); an opportunity for members to ClMk.1tirrtaI1 C4JtitaDlly, uUI Ibh:- learn about other fields, mdustrlel hire tIIickeII ...... ~. sent and POSItiOns. featured DetrOlt over uparaps .. t. author WIlham Kienzle as gue&t Calwies P«' len'ial, ..... 1%. speaker Clleleeterol aMt 1 lb'.

    f , ..... - ...... en •• Section C Sports & classifieds Thursday, May 24, 1984 Woods man 'in running' at Trials B) Pt"ggy O'ConnOl' to stay calm and run hiS own race When the \\'ood~' Bill Weiden- "In a race llke that, you tend to get bach fImshed third In ldst Oc- excited and go full out My strategy tober'~ DetrOit Free Pres~ Inler IS to lay back a lIttle bit and watch natiOnal Marathon, he earned a bit \\ hat happens You see a lot of big more than the undymg adrmraholl names tend to drop out early II) a of hl~ fellow Grosse POll1ters Weid- race like this enbach's tune of 2 17 17 abo qual "But I've got to keep my head Ifled hlln for the OlympIC mard- There's no pre~sure on me in thiS thon trials, set for lhls Saturday Jl1 race I can go out conservalJvely I Buffalo. NY' dlway~ tend to run better when I go An impass . . · Weidenbach, 24, fll1lshed Just oUl slowly It's g01l1g to be .....elrd, With all due apologies to the C1ty of Wyandotte, it probably 1:07 behmd the Free Press Mam- though, to go out 111 fIve mlllutes and have 200 guys With me," than wmner Dave Old~ last fall, on 4 I comes as Qmte a shock to residents of this communitv to dis- ,,~ , I I r a blustery mdratholl ~unday Hut .,~C.lU\,.UIJU\..U ~d) ~~ UJ & C1CJ ~u ....\: tV cover that the downflver City has got somethmg that Grosse tlIe Importance of thiS race to so POinte am't got And that's PASS. he Isn't predlctmg a top-three fm- Ish III the 1\lay 26 OlympIC Trials many runners PASS IS the new Pro Am Sports System which is supplying That's because some of America's While he doesn't think he'll be In telecasts of professlOnal sports, mcluding 80 DetrOit Tiger top marathon runners. men lIke AI. that top three that earns a spot III games, to local cable TV systems hke Wyandotte's and berto Salazar, ']teg Meyer and the OlympiCS, Weidenbach has his others in MlCh1gan, Ohio and Indiana. What PASS isn't is Tony Sandoval, will be dueling It own ideas on the Communist-bloc part of Grosse Pointe Cable TV's programming. And that's out to finIsh In the top three and boycott of the Los Angeles games earn a spot on the US OlympiC what's got the Park's Paul Pomaski cheesed off team. "It doesn't hurt the OlympiCS as much as It hurts the a~hletes. I Pomask1 1S a G P Cable subscrIber who only wants his The North High graduate has on- cable company to supply him - and other subscribers - with don't know why politics gets so in- ly run 10 a few major marathons volved in the Olympics. The best the chance to make a choice of wha t channel they want to add and while thiS one Will be the big. track and field event in a long time to their subscription. And Pomaskl wants 'pASS. gest of his lIfe, he's merely gearing was the World Games In Helsinki up to make a successful run in There were no politics Involved Pomaski has coached youth sports in Grosse Pointe and he Buffalo just happens to be an avid sports fan. And like a lot of other And that's the way it should be." aV1d sports fans in Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods, "I'm not looking for the top "In the long run, though, most Pomaski wouldn't mind paying for the privilege of watching three I'm Just hoping somebody athletes are just going to go at it as 80 Tiger games this spring and 40 Piston basketball games will pull me along. I'd like to run a usual They did it in 1980and they'll 2:14 or a 2'15 .. that would be a next fall, not to mention the other PASS sports offerings. do it again in 1984," Weidenbach good race for me," Weidenbach says. So, he's anticipated purchasing PASS ever since the com- says Top marathoners like Sala- pan.}' announced last winter that the service would be made zar, Meyer and Sandoval will run That's pretty much what Weiden- available to cable companies, including the one which ser. anywhere from 2'10 to 2: 11 on a good - not hot or humid day, bach himself is going to do, regard- vices Pomaski. He waited. And waited. And waited. Then he Weidenbach adds. less of his finish at the OlympiC called G.P. Cable offices. Trials. A 1981 University of Mich- Pllcco Dy TomG_ Weidenbach's strategy for the "After I got the runaround, I finally got Jerry DeGrazia igan gradua te, he plans to return to BII1 Weidenbach, who runs In the OlympIc Trials this Satlll"day. Olympic trials is not unhke the one school for ~raduate studies this (general manager at Group W's G.P. Cable TV). He told me he used successfully last fall. "I'm fall But until then and after, he'll five years of good running time left. some nonsense about having to protect the interests of other trymg to use the same pattern I us. run He saxs he hopes to travel the cable subscribers, those whose rates he'd have to raise on the ed in Detroit and hoping to have the "circuit' of big money races and ... for me, my pnme should be at premIum movie channels because so many people would same success I had in DetrOit. I "There are a lot of opportunities other road races across the U S. 28 or 29. Then again, you can't run drop the more expensive channels to pick up PASS," Pomas- started with running 110 miles per to make a lot of money running. and thinks that a 2: 12 time would until you're SO,can you? ki says. week, then 100, and so on " The Chicago Marathon has a top net him a continuous sponsorship. pme of $40,000, the Houston is Weidenbach Is currently sponsored Maybe he can. Espe<:ially since "That's a crock First DeGrazia was telling us we'd have The Buffalo course, used III the another big one. I'd like to shoot for by Brooks Shoes. he's already found the right run. men's 1980Olympic trial, is Similar ning partner. Weidenbach and Bat- PASS by June, now hil says maybe in two months or never. the big money races .. you never to the Free Press marathon course know what can happen. And while he's enjoying his cur- tle Creek's Lisa Larsen, who finish- He's just spewmg the company line." "I'd heard that It's real flat. and rent stint as freshman track coach ed fourth in the women's OlympiC Gerald DeGrazia says Pomaski misunderstood his expla- wllldy, too Just like DetrOit's I "Anyway, it's a comfortable way at North High, Weidenbach isn't Trials and IS a first alternate on the sure he wants to make coachmg, or nation. "We know our subscribers want PASS. And we fully like that type of course, even to make a hving U.S. Women's Team, Will be mar- though I could do Without the wind for that matter, competitive run- ried this fall, he says. Intend to carry PASS We've been in negotiations with PASS But I wouldn't mInd a nice, cool "HUT EVE:\, If I didn't run for mng, a permanent career. for at least five months The major stumbling block is day" money, I'd stili do It for fun I And hopefully, they'll be runnlllg money. We're apart on price, on what they will charge us," wouldn't run hke thl:. If 1didn't love .. I love running, I've got four or happily ever after DeGrazia says. IN BUFFALO, Weidenbach plans It, WeIdenbach adds "We do not want to have to offer PASS at too high a price, GPA teams open season we're not sure that's fair. We know we have subscribers who GPA's boys' baseball team lost, pie and a smgJe, Hurd had three want it, but when we purchase a service, we are cognisant of 17-3, to Kingsbury on May 10. Paul singles. our customers It's sort of unfair to have to charge PASS sub- Bogos, Chris Hurd and Mike The Academy's girls' softball scribers more than movie channel customers. And with MacMechan had hits; Steve Horn team defeated KIn~sbury 22.... last PASS, you're talking about one event per day Can that be had two walks On Friday, May 11, week as Meghan Brady wa~ the justified? " GPA's team did a turnaround, win- wmmng pitcher A 15.run third mn ning agamst Ligget's jUnior varsi. IIlg highlighted the Jjlamt' On Tues- "We would like to brmg it m at approximately the same • ty, 17-5 Home runs were by Mac- day, May 15, It took two extra mn. price as our other premium services ($11 95)," he adds Mechan, CharlIe Arnold and Trent ings for Kmgswood to dt'fedt GPA. Hankms Doug ElIiard had a 12.9 Brady pitched for GPA DeGraZia says that hiS offIce IS no longer giving out a time- smgle and a stolen base, and Paul At the track InvitalJolldJ hosted table for the start-up of PASS on G.P. Cable, given the length Bogos, fIVe Singles Hurd pitched by DetrOit Country Day on Satur- of the negotiatIOns. got the Will. day, May [2, GPA placed fIfth out On Tuesday, May t5 GPA lost to of nine teamll Jenmfer Standish of Pomaskl still doesn't buy much of what DeGraZia says. He's Harper Woods' seventh grade the Academy took f1~t place m dls- put together a petition and has gotten approximately 75 sub- team MacMechan pItched for the CUS, DamelIe DeLuca fmlshed ~e- scribers to sign It, claImmg they will cancel their cable sub- Academy. Hankms went two-for- cond in the diSCUS Tma Kellv took scriptions Pomaski Isn't sure the tactic will work but says three On Wednesday, May 16, second place In high Jump a nit Hea. he's willing to try anythmg. GPA defeated DetrOIt Country Day ther Botsford wall fifth 10 shot put School, 11-7 Hurd was the winnmg Jenni Standish also took Sixth place "We're gomg to hold off a whIle and see what happens. pitcher, MacMechan got the save 10 100 meters hurdles. Botsford. We'd like to do this thing all at once and make it a major can- and hit one home run and one dou- Kelly, Dana Woodley and Reba lJt. cellation that might take a few thoLtsand dollars out of ble, Anthony DeLuca had one trl- happa won the ~ meter relay their pockets But I don't know if anything wl1l sway it," Seagram on tear Pomaski says !\'orth High .1Iumnus PASS executive vice-president William Wisch man Jr. Bronze medalists :\tlh ~)('agram has chuckled when he heard about Pomaski's petitlon. "They I>CPIlon .I hlttmg tedr Just may be able to make Group W deal." he laughed For 1t These happy bronze medalist. are members 01the 81. CI.lr Shore. Figure rec('nlly, boo!>I109 hiS Skating Juvenile Precision Team, coached by Jackie Locnl.kar, of the Cornell llnl\,erslty bat is With Group W that the problem hes, Wischman says Farms. The team won the medal at the 1984 National Precl.lon Team Cham- • NEW AND USED IlIlg averagt' to 32.3 GUN SALES "The hang up is In :'>Je'wYork w1th Group W. Cable. And It'S plon.hlps In Bowling Green, Ohio, May 6. Skater. Include from len to r1iht, The Big Hee!'!'> cat. true, 1t'S over money When we put together the Pro Am (front row) Kelly Diem, of the Woods, Beth Eder, Danlelle Noll, Janel Robin. cher \\ enl three for • Gun AepIIl,.. • GUM I.ken on con.lgnment Sports System, we formulated a profit spht of 50-50. Group W son, D.wn Ziegler, Nicki BullaTo, Heather BrzezinskI, Mell... GIIrr, Holly lour drHl '1l1dcd d lhrcE' Cable ""ants a splIt that's different They want preferential McWherter, Janet Knurek; (iop row) Melissa Pyan, of the Farm., Stacl run hornel In I cCl'nl Hand Guns 10% Off IIrl SlOCK treatment over other cable systems They're talkmg a 65-35 Turowski, Carol Gaffke, Ms. Locknlskar, KoUette Gumm, Sheila Davis, of ('01'11('11 d('11On 11(' pl'l) spht and that's irresponsible That's like ordermg a Cadillac Harper Wood. , and Kenchll Colton. Tryouts for opening. on the t.am will ed III 1-) of Cornell'!> fln.t W/Ad - Exp. 5.31.84 be held In September at lne S.C S Civic Arena, further Information may be and expectmg to get It for a Ford price," Wischman says :Ii g,lInc" ('orn('11 I'> 21001 MACK GPW 111..5000 obtained by calling 779-4300. 21 lh "Our ~urvlval depend:, upon the profit split we set up When you pay Group W could care les:, about that We'd be out of busmess $12,000 for a ~urplu'i If we dId what they wanted us to do They're tryIng to get me gIraffe from Marllle to do somethmg I Just cannot do " World AfrIca USA 111 (Group W's Nev. York olflce did not return phone calls) Redwood Clly Cdhf. Schummer's Goes Summer ( onllnul"d on Pagl" 3(") you get a free .,kunk . Sportll 6 Poc~et Sailor Sunset Race r:~ETRC7'" SHORTS • CB Sports Mlr,tral , _.SKI SPORTS • Polo Irrpgulars Court Casu~1 series begins & SH IRTS • CB Long Sleeve T 5 Reg T s Lake ~hore Sail Club maugura- lpd Its lCJ84Sun"et [{dce ~f1es .....lth . CB Mistral Sundek a fleet of) ~larlers out of 102regis- SUITS • Men s and Women s tered } Behts Folio," mg are 1he re- Tennis Headquarters sult" of lhe first race, the top three ' CB HaW313n flOl~her'i III each cla!>'i ~- BEACH TOWELS • Tropic ONshore PIIHF- \ Tlgre!>~, E ~I('der- buhl FUJlmo. J Schostak ;\hc. CB Rolle Ros Jay. ~l' Roth '" ' . • ,>Ignol Pastels I POfc_n Wlr. COOklnQ 01111 PURI-.B A.,ylum D Looten~, BASEBALL CAPS "ii.., , • .&.lumllwm carl nlndle Wlln WOO<1 Marksman B Lang Black tneH I 36e lQuarto nch RU'Ihm K A boot t ' VlJarnpl Pro Carrera I Ign!tO!' COOkIng II." )IOR( \lore Trauma. M SUNGLASSES • Leashes ete I G-.. WlrlOOw • se lquI'. n<:1'1 Goran Kahur.a .J Tepel Pnme • C«dIeH Aoli ... nl .lrmu'lQ ,ack s~~n:;ng • Qrkldle I Fovr Egg A,'\Qt TIme D Grovpr t .~ t . FIOla 5(.Otl PHJu.e Injection D \\Jlham~. SANDALS • some With hpel Slr~p ...8800- AI•• mll.ld, f,," Tin, fMI Fr€'e\\ d) f) Carl 'ion Beverly;\1, ~I LooeI ~ au"'leI laI R Magnuson , ~J , n,p5l' Item, and More aVdlldole Now "II PIfRF-D ~tormalong, R 01'1', Some Items are on Sale Bravo. l" Tenlo.eJ Hhap,>ody III. J , DISCOUNT PRICES ON ALL , c••• Iron ...... ~... • Party .,1&: Brown RACKETS EVERYDAY Cool&: ... • Teele Apron. .11\\1-\ ~fl~tral, DAile", kmg SCHUMMER'S SKI SHOP H Llvmg'iton VIOla. H Packman 20343 M..,~ • loutIl 01v..... , DC? MACK AVINUe (, l" . 4 ..... No 01 V..... JAM-H. Pa aku, J Cons~ntlllo, GROSSE POINTE WOODS t 28771 IUCI 1I1..a13 : ...,. , Crosstown TraffiC. J Snllth, OP£N: f" III .. 1 .. 12-1 Spritz. R Tegel b~1M.518aOl"

    j 1\' ~.. ",' ._~_,,"- .. .-...... J GIOSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~YI May 24. 1~ UttIe~ Hitting d9minates the actio~ ~in region Tbe Park Orioles outslugged the and Peter Moran played weU on went the distance, strikmg out 12. ",' , Farms-City Dodgers, 25-10, in Park defense Dave Asker had two hits and two .1('-.' \lbe University Llaett SCbocM MajGrs action last week. Kelly Cards-TiIet'S RBI. "-;. > .' varsity t.eanis teul woa the Graves and Tim Gramhn got the Mtke Montagne and Lance Tigen-AstrOli :/,. ~ CoD Regwoal Teams Cham- pitdu.nl WID. Dane Lupo had four Debets combmed to pitch the Park Wood gave up only (me tut in the 1.J;pionships held OIl FrIday, May 18 hits including a home run Matt Cards to an 8-3 WIn over the CIty- Tigers' 3~ victory over the Astros. ~.... This marks the 13th eonseeut1ve Jack.lyn had six hits The 31-M Farms T1gers Jim Pote ' Barlow at No 4 slngles, Bnan Hunt PtIolo by JolI~ SCnmidl Walsh Josh Cummms and O'Leary mg wm over the Farms-Clty Pl- Indians-Dodgers Klrk Haggarty at No 1 FrMhman LMera Khelokian (No.1 2) 1& the leading &Corer for the University -and led the offense Jason Benevedaz rates Stang and Lupo (homers), Mark Jungwirth struck out SIX doubles, George Haggarty and Liggett SChool wwstty soccer turn. Robby Wood at No 2 dOubles, and I:alcons Jacklyn (three hltS), Spamch, In- Dodgers In leading the Indians to John Birgbauer and Scott Watson one goal in the second half Once the girls notched 10 "personal rl man, BibeaU, Schornak, McNally an 8.3 victory Krough, Bill Isbey ;:t , -at No. 3 doubles again Coach Bousquet pulled Wood bests" defeatmg Kmgswood 54-52 and J Gramhn led the hlttmg and Caldwell each doubled to lead u . '''~t no", we are olaVllY! ex- out of goal, hopmg for the Wood/ and Lutheran Northwest 71-35 ::I". 7.0 PArk MinnN:: the Indians Bnan Crane had a tri- ;::- tremely well," said t:'LS coach Bob lWeJotWUl connecuon to tie me l' reshman LyC11aA1exanaer naa an _ .. - .. - pit: lU1 UK: DuUt:;l::t:>. J ~ Wood "The Win at the Midland game, but there Just wasn't time exceptIOnal day, scoring 2{)l,2 8t Clare of Montefalco's base- After wmning three out of four Indians-Tigert. , , ])ow Invitational has mc:reased OW' Troy scored a beautiful goal to pomts III rugh Jump, long Jump and ball team takes a perfect record lo- exhlbltlon games, Michigan lost to The Indians defeated the 1i.gers, ~~ -eonfuieoc'e and put us exactly wm.2-o. 100 hurdles, whIle Rodriguez pick- to lts fmal weekend of play. Ohio State, 15-8, in the sea- &-5, in mne mnings on Mike Ross' ,~} where we want to be with the state At press time, ULS was 7-10 over- ed up 18 addlbonal pomts 10 her two The Falcons rolled to two more son-opener Bnan Wllson and Pat wmning smgle. Isbey tripled to set ~: ehampionshtps,JUSt a week away," aU, 4-5 in the league dIstan<:e events. Go scored 161'2 victorIes durmg the past week to JarV1S pItched for OSU John KalSe up the winning hit; he had three f"" -continued Wood pomts, as Nwosu picked up 16 and run their record to Hlin the1r quest doubled tWlce for three RIB; Bnan hits for the Indians Hoag paced the ~ - On Friday. May 25, ULS will host Girls play well senlor co-captam Sarah Glass ofa second stralght CYO East D1VI- Wl1son also doubled. Michigan us- Tlgers with two hits; Asker also •• - the UniVerslty School of Cleveland. The UruveN.lty Liggett School scored 14 Boone plcked up 12 and Slon crown and a berth in the Cltv ed four pltchers: Kns Hoglund, homered Jungwirth pIcked up the Charu Nautlyal accumulated 10 ffs. . Ryan McCarroll, Danny Commer Wood tru k t' . l' f ; -. OS/C is the top b1gh school team in &OftbaU team lost to Greenhllls playo and Matt Recht, Recht struck out Wln. s c ou nme 10 re le l!.: -ohio and one of the best in the mid- May 15, but won a doubleheader pomts m the dIscus, 800 meters aud 51. Veronica fell, 15-1, behmd the the last three OSU batters. McCar- for the T1gers (:0.; ~ west. The match begIns at 3:45 against Plymouth ChriStian May 3200 meters one-hit pitchmg of Keith roll and Commer doubled. Indians-Cardinals Last weekend, the young ULS :-:. ,'p.m. 17 McQuerry, in a mercy rule-shor- ""-Wl's"'onslJ1' Blak e Cra wfa rd hit a two-run Ruth McCrary was the big !utter team traveled to the Class C re- tened five-rnnmg contest Notre Dam .,.. .. doubl th f fth t 1 d th I ~. :~Kickersget close with a total of three doubles and a gionals to gain expenence and McQuerry fanned 10 and walked Kyle Hoye, Andy Bramlage and e 10 e I 0 ea e n- fIve Doug Lucas had two hits, Kevm Rauch pltched Notre Dame dians to an 8-5 win. Caldwell picked triple, Laura Stefanski contributed walch some spectacular perform- ~t. Last week was a busy ODe fOl' tbe scored three runs, and drove 10 two to a 17-3 win as the team scored five up the win for the Indians, as he pit- two doubles and Peggy Hoyos hit a ances. Boone, Glass, Nautiyal and r;:;,',- UDivem1y Liggett Sdlool women'. .1 k runs 1n the fi,""t on sl'ngles by P.J. ched a strong game with seven ~_, soeeer' team. After double and a smgle. Mary Hoyos RodrIguez competed, along Wlth more for th e F a1cons, whue Ml e .... strik e outs . def._ JUIDor Lmda Vaughn and freshman Wortman, Bramlage and Tom oJ..: Eisenhower High SehooI the week aDd Tbena ~ each rut two Paull tripled and accounted for Scarlet Parris. Glass took her own three RBI Murphy. Hoye, Rauch and Bran- Phillies.Yankees ~~ _before, 7-4, ULS was OIl ita way iB uncJes. and Cheri Kavan put in one school record in the 800 meters Subs played most of the game as don Lulls doubled. T1m Nolan, Ran. The Phillies used the slX-strike :<.\' the Regional QualifyiJII roaats. smile. Queen of Heaven was vanquished, dy Aardema and Leslie Madar pit- out pltching of Kevin Nugent to top t-" -Tbe Lady Knights suffered a JIlinClr The team played in the South down to 2: 48.78. Rodriguez placed highest for the team, coming in 14-1, in another fIve-inning hlt ched for Wisconsin. Matt Bower the Yanks, 16-4 Jeff Joliet and Jim ; > !Setback, bioi a game to IIarioIl Lake tournament last weekend, :: ~ High Scbool, 1-2. The only two ULS placiDI third, but playmg good de- seventh 10 both the 1600 and 3200 Winner Lou Dobbs gave up one hIt and Chuck Frazier were two-for- ~ieseach had two hits for the r...__weresc:ored by Laura KbeIo- It!DIlft ball, losing the flJ"St game meter events. and whiffed SlX m hlS four-inning two. Catcher Chns Dixon played ~~. oDD and Kim Wood. 4-3 in extra inrungs. samantha stint on the mound Rodger Hun- well Phiffies.Orioles DeSmet was the star pltcher, Plt- JV at 5-6 wick hurled the fmal frame, regis- MSU-oSU Steve Horn had five hits, includ- :~.:. On May 15, ULS faced Bertley chinI aU five games The Lady The Universlty Liggett School JV tering four strikeouts while yield- Michigan State beat OSU, 20-3, as 1112two triples. to lead the Phillies :f::, 'High School for the Den repmal Knights' record now stands at 6-8 baseball team is now lH;, after ing two walks and one unearned Donny DeSeranno got the win and past the Onoles., 19-10. Mike Oliver ; : ,round, and the Lady KDigbts prov- (By Cheri Kavan) posting a 2-2 record last week. The run. Fritz Coyro, the save Becky pitched three hitless 10mngs to pick ...'is> ved victorious. Five of the BiDe pli junior Knights lost to Harper Frank Zielinskl, Marcus Wy- WysockI turned a successful double up the win (,," 'were scored by Laura KheIokian, Good track week Woods, 8-4 on May 14 Chris sock.i, and LJca5 doubled for the play David Cogan and Kevin Pirates-PbiJlies I::' two goals went to seDiar .leaD ULS' girls' varsity track and Ltakoms turned 10 two RBI and Falcons, Wysocki'S blow drivmg in Barnes pitched for OSU. The Phillies topped the Pirates, ~~; . :zotteI', with SbeJ}y Tibbitts aDd NIck Noecker had two hits. Pitcher three runs, and Lucas', two. Michigan-Notre Dame 4-3, behind doubles from Mello and ~,';;'.".Ami Wormer eaeh .. _ ODe. rJeld team won three dual meets Jut week, lost one, and competed John Petrilli struck out three The Falcons visIt St Joan of Arc, Notre Dame beat UM, 19-7, as Kevin McCracken. Ed Suzor had a :~. Then on May 16, t.JLS faced Gardea batters Saturday, May 26, at 11 a m., then Hoye got the WIn and Brendan single and double and struck out ,-: '~-City in an EzpIessway League in the Class C regJonal champion- sbip& at T.R. Roosevelt High On May 15, the Knights lost to return to South High Sunday at Shaw, the save. Lulis, Matthew nine batters in three mnings. ;{' .game. At the half Garden City wu Lutheran East, 13-11, although noon, to close their regular season Bentley, Rauch and David Ownby Phlllies.Astros ~"" ::~ l~, and Coach BouIquet paDed School in Wyandotte on Friday and Saturday, May 18 and 19. Mike Swaney Pltched a great against 8t. Matthew. doubled. Scott Lupo and Paul Dan Conneu had two hits and '". "Kim Wood out of pat. Suu11 Ed- game, fanning 12 batters. Nick Hadad played well as catchers. three RBI in leading the Phils past ~}> wards and Laurie RbehHan let On Monday, May 14, the ULS Guevarra had two base hits and Mike Stevens, Josh Chnst, Billy the Astros, 7-3. Nugent also had two up and she to tie the Run elin ie ,:,-, -:Wood scared Lady Knights lost to Bethesda four RBI Noecker continued hIs Burnett, Jamie Loffredo and Recht hits for the Phillies. Rob Khoen1e ",; ;1PJne. Tben Wood set up EdwardI Qoistian, S3-6ll, but defea ted fine hitting WIth two hits and five Total Runner will conduct a free pltched for UM, which got hits turned in a fine relief job for the ~f '.. WOO scored. sending ULS aIIead 2--1 Lutberan Northwest, 64-36. Junior RBI clinic on "Warm Weather Runn- from Stevens, Christ, Commer, Astros, striking out six. ~:r,~ GardeD City came back with c:o-captain A.bunna Nwosu was the The Knights took two games on ing" at 7 p m Wednesday, May 30, Mark Ebner, Loffredo, Frank Fa COt AAA t,~~ ',two quick goals at tale wbiGle to de- biIb sc::orer with 22 points in the May 18 and 19 The first victim was at the Grosse Pointe store at 20641 McCarroll, Ed Sadfadi and Recht. rm. I y a.-~ea\ m.s. 3-2- bi&b jump, 100 meters and 400 Southfield Christtan, ~, lUi Mike Mack Avenue. Wisconsin-MSU The Farms-City AAA opened its meters. Sopbomore Paula Rodri. ~ -'ftlth Gilly ane day to poctice tile French, Andrew Galsterer and The workshop will suggest ways MSU kept the league lead with a UII4 &eaSOO with a one week exhibi- guez bid a perfect day with first " 'l;al!y Knights Troy ChrIS LJakonis each had two hits. to make summer running as trou- 4-9 . DeSe D tion series agamst the Park faced HiIb places in the 1600 meters (6'07.18) 1 wm. ranno, anny Minors The 20 game Series ended ~~ ~ for the third round of the Be- The Knights made it two wins in a ble-free as poss1ble The warning aDd 3200 meters 03:27.44) Other signs of heatstroke and heat ex- Mmadeo, Coyro and Jason Bailey in a draw, with Park teams winn- " gionals on May 18. Troy High row, defeating Cardinal Mooney, pltched; DeSeranno struck: out bi&b scorers were Carolyn Seydel 16-7, on May 19. Swaney again pIt. haustion and how to a vOld them, as fIve. Minadeo struck out three and ing 10 games and Farms-City ~ School is an eIIt.bIisbed team with (17), Lydia Alexander saving 31 shots aDd aJlowiDg cmly of the team's performance, as commented Coach AI Devme run Oliver, and a home run by John ~f--~ Combs Another home run by Chris Good Day Notre Dame-OSU Oliver capped Portland's scoring =::'"..",'~ Pt:fi.IN 3177 ;)li' These are great days Bramlage pltched four innings to ...~ E. Jefleraon m the thll'd. Notre Dame fOUght ~.l~ : ...... 1.J for the Park's Anme secure a 23-3 wm for Notre Dame back with five runs in the first two ~, RE IR SPECIALISTS PAVILIC>N Day The Sa lOt Mary's ~~'R. .. " against OSU , Rauch pitched strong uuungs and two runs each in the .... -< '" \ ENGINES, OUTDRiVES, OUTBOARDS, College, Ind, p1tcher in relief. P.J. Wortman homered in ~ fifth and SlXth. Notre Dame's Tom ~:>,.. ( MARINE TRANSMISSIONS . . has been selected to In- the third for three RBI, he went Murphy was two-for-three with two ~-' "" ~ dIana '5 All-District 21 four-for-four. Hoye made a super doubles and Kevin Rauch went one- ~-~" "' .~~ I softball team by the catch at short with the bases load- for-two. A fine catch by Portland's '-. COIIPl.ETE PIITS IIIIEIITORY NatIOnal Assoclatlon ')'<:1 __<" - FOR ed. John Hatse, Scott Partridge Patrick Labadie and a "heads '.,.,~" Finest Qunese-Amencan Foad of Intercolleglate Ath and Pat JarvIs pitched for OSU, up"defensive play by Jason Hub- t~,:. Banquet FadIIties - RecenIIy ReftloCIeIed lehcs (NAJA) Partndge and QUInn doubled. '@1~ -- - Mercruiser • UMC ttawail Mon.fn barth in the 6th mning stopped a Mercury Outboards Coc«tall LolIIIOi! - ttappy Hour 3-6 p m Da~ 1S a semor at """\";

    ~'>.. ~l~ , ~ ,,r " ------.-

    .. Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thr.. C SH kickers at 7.5 St. Paul wins By Denise Ruwart The Devlls were elinllnated from South High state play:>ff competition with a 2-1 track title South's girls' varsity soccer loss to Birmingham seaholm on St. Paul's Laker track team de- team won one of three games last May 15 Busse scored In the second leatedSt Ambrose May 20at South 'week to Improve Its record to 7-5 half to tie the game at I-I, but Sea- HIgh to win the Southeast Division The girls played their fmal game holm scored the wmner with just a champlOnshlp, 47-44. after press time after Insuring few minutes left Fme performances were turned themselves of a wmnmg record The DeVils turned things around III by Mark Wehby, first in the shot On May 14, South lost to Fraser, agamst Warren Fitzgerald on May put, Julian Lubitz, who came 10 . 7-3, In a rematch at Fraser Claire 16, winning 2-1 Goalie Denise first in the 100 and ZOOmeter da- Busse scored two goals and Tracey Ruwart took the win, coming close shes, and by BU! Huntmgton, WIth . Bauman had one Goahe Marcia to earning South's seventh shutout hiS excellent 5 27 10 the mile Wright took the loss, glvmg up four of the season Busse scored both The outcome olthe meet was up DeVil goals. goals 10 the air until Dan Wilson won the South's JV squad cruised high Jump on fewer mISSes With hiS through a wmmng week, handily Jump of flve feet Deadlines, defeatmg Regma and Bloomfield deadlines Andover last week The Lakers next meet IS Sunday. Regma fell, 4-2, With freshman l\Iay 27, at 1 pm at South High Monday, May 28 Is Memorial Sarah Dow leadmg the sconng With Day and that means that the two goals Becky Steffes and Tor- Grosse Pointe News (including rey Olhson each added one goal to St. Paul', track team Include., from left to right, (front row) John Olmsted, J.J. Conway, Dan Connell, Mark Gian- City park the sports department) will be Insure the Win ni, Dan Vap, Justin Hynous, Tom Humln.kl, Mike Francis, Jay Bonahoom; (second row) Claire Bonahoom, CharloUe closed. And that means that ALL Andover was a 3'()victim on May Remick, Andrea Gagnon, Marcy Pawlowski, Julian Lubitz, Brink Cawley, Peter Giles, Joe Grady, Rob Phillips, MI- sports copy for the May 31 issue 16 as Dow, Steffes and Katie chelle Francis; (tow row) coach Mike Novak, Matt Gianni, Lew EchUn, Kevin Bourke, Jim Ryszew.kl, Theresa set to open of the News must be submitted O'Rourke each scored Goalies Liz MAlloy ~8m ~tfllnheblp Krlll!en Wenzler. Bill Huntlngton. Robert Crane. Tom Droste. Jennv VounQblood. assistant '1'h.. (',1" ,,( r.r"",,, .. P"int .. \lI,n by Friday, May 25. Those who Dillon and Laura Miller combmed coach Fred Keller and Jenny Kane. Dan Wilson, Mark Wehby, Courtney and Kelly Kacksthorn, Ben Temkow and open It~ Neff Park SWImming and submit Little League and Babe for the shutout Rebecca Damm were not pictured. wadmg pool for the summer sea.son Ruth summaries should turn In At press time, South's JV squad on Saturday, May 26 Pool hours what they have by that date. was 5-2 fo!' the Memonal Day weekend Will Norsemen hit title stretch be 10 a m to 9 p m Babe Ruth Hours on weekdays while schools North as she placed second m the for North Kimball proved to be a By Rick Markel are In session Will be J JO m to very tough challenge for the Norse- P North High 100 and 200 meter runs Wilhams 8 30 P m Fnday and saturda) men Agam North found a way to As the h1gh school track season also took fourth m the 400 meter clOSings will be 9 P m With satur- Park teams are tied win, though, as Denna Burt came wmds down, the meets become run Another excellent meet was day and Sunday opemngs at 10 a.m. up with the decldmg goal off of Three of the four teams are tied Gross hIt a two-run homer to no more and more Important, hke the turned 10 by Sue Roland who plac- Regalado and Armstrong passes SWim team practices Will begm for fIrst place at the end of the fIrst avail, as the Astros were beaten by state regionals in which North's ed second 10 the high Jump and However, the story of the week Thursday, May 31 Practice time round of play In the Park Babe the Brewers, 10-8 boys' and girls' track team re- third III the 300 meter hurdles. was the big rematch With the ex- The Cardinals were also victims cently competed The regionals Meanwhile, Donna Marsden took for sWimmers 12 and under IS 4:30 . Ruth League The Braves, Dodgers tremely talented team from of the Brewers, 7-5, to end three serve as a stepping stone to the third In the discus throw and also pm, 5 30 P m for those 13 and and Padres sport 2-1 records; the Fraser North lost the key return over All sWimmers between 6 and Phllhes are 0-3. three-game wmning streak state fmals. The top three fmallsts qualIfied for states. Narrowly game for its first loss of the year It 17 are welcome Dave Feys tossed a one-hitter as Earlier they gamed ViCtOrIes over m each event then go to the state&. mlssmg state qualification was was a costly one as the the Padres trImmed the Phils, 8-2 the Angels, 8-4, and the Woods- Pressure is often a large fa.ctor m Norsemen Amy Dornbrock who 3-0 setback dropped Steve Addy's trIple In the sixth was Rangers, 10-0. Pat DeLaere went such competition Some athletes placed fourth In the 200 meter run the only hit off Feys, who went the the distance in the Angels' contest, don't do well under pressure, Unfortunately, the freshman North's league lead to only one pomt over distance for hIS second wm while Joe Rosasco pitched two-hit others excel Norsemen Tim Mona- track team lost its first dual meet, r------. Fraser. Feys also went all the way 10 the ball, fannmg 11, against the han fits in the latter category 69-59, to Rochester Van Hoosen RI.mning their record Padres 11-2 drubbmg of the Rangers Chris Rowan notched two Turning in hiS best time of the year Fme efforts in a losmg cause were I I to 6'()-2, the JV soccer Dodgers. He fanned five while hits and scored two runs m the in the 800 run, Monahan fmished still turned in by Tom Rice in the I I yleldmg six hits and three walks Rangers' game second in the regional and advanc- two mlle run and Tom Shehab in team downed Bloom- He also aided his own cause with a DeLaere came back to win his ed to the state finals the shot put field Hills Lahser, 2-0. . two-run smgle and scored two runs. own game as the Cards bested the Coached by Bob Collins, the SCoring for !'forth were I ' . I Eric Nord drove in two runs for the Twins,4-3 He singled in the bottom boys' track team also qualified Netters are second Becki Lelli and Sharon Rapp. wmners Jeff Metry trIpled for the of the seventh to score Mike Pote another squad member m discus There was some good news and SCHWINN 10 Dodgers with the tiebreaker thrower Brian Bergeron, who fm- bad news for the boys' tennis team North wins I ",",,_$129951 The Dodgers topped the Braves, ished second and Will represent this week. North finished second m 7-3, as Doug Lucas gave up six hits Farms-City North in the state tournament the regionals, but was edged out by The big green and gold machine, North's ISCHWINN BMX from $94851 and fanned nine to gain the deci- In American League Action last Overall, the boys' squad placed top rival South, 26-21, m regIOnal sIOn He got relief help from Mike seventh m the reglOnals The boys play varsity baseball team, week, the Red Sox beat the contmues to mop up in (with this .cI) Paull, who was also the hittmg star Yankees, 5-4 Dave Caldwell got ran up to par but they couldn't cut I I With two doubles, a triple and fOUf their times down enough Kickers lose one the Bi-County league the pitching win with help from action A recent dou- I BUY FROM US FOR I RBI. Dave Salkowski added two Sean Von Schwarz. Andre Bielski Now of great importance to the Winmng twice wasn't enough for hits, while Marcus Wysocki and team (6-2 - overall, 4-1 in league North's girls' soccer team as It ran bleheader sweep of -BEST SELEC110N -SERVICE doubled twice and had two RBI, as Clintondale left North I I Dan O'Grady had two hits each for did John Whall. Caldwell had one play) ISthe Bi-County league meet, ItS record to 14-1 with big 4-0 and 1-0 .PRICE I the Braves. which takes place after press time wms over Fitzgerald and Royal at 18-5. More import- RBI and a triple Matt Letscher antly, they were 6.1 The Dodgers also downed the and Dick Clarke doubled for the North finds itself in a three-way tie Oak Kimball, around a crUCIal 3-0 I. EASTSIDE LARGEST ICHWINN I Phillies, 10-6, with Mike Coffey With LakeView and Chntondale for shutout loss to Fraser and in first place m Sox Bill Leonard pItched for the league play DEALER I gaining the wm He fanned nine Yanks, stnking out 10 Aaron Jab- league honors Shannnn Armstrong was the big and gave up five hits III SIX mmngs The girls' track team fared a ht- gun III North's 4-0 triumph over Last weekend, North bor, Chuck Roby and Cliff Grabow- took two more games, VILLAGE CYCLERY I on the mound Paul was three-for- ski each had one RBI tle better in the reglOnals, flmshlng Fitzgerald as she paced the offense IL _ four and Salkowski hit two doubles second With 67 pomts. With two goals Sue Regalado and 10-4 and 6-2 over Bay 22316 HARPER m-G357 The Indians beat the Red Sox, City John Glenn I and scored two runs for the win- 4-3, May 12. Jamie Pangborn got Stacie Williams had a big day for Laura LoVlsa added lPe o~er goals ners. Lucas also had two hits, two the Win with relief help from Dan RBI and scored twice Monahan, who had two extra base The Braves tripped the Padres, hIts and one RBI Steve McCann, 12-8, m the week's other major Tim Kirchner (one hit, one RBI), league contest MIke Henry (double) and Taras In the Mmor League, the Astros IGracey (one RBI) led the offense. won three hmes last week ChriS The Red Sox attack was paced by Gross tossed a one-hitter, whiffmg Matt Letsher's two hIts and one 11, as the Astros beat the Athletics, RBI, BIelski'S one hit and RBI and 15-2 Gross also smgled, scored Clarke's double Caldwell pItched a four runs, batted In one run and fme game, going all the way stole fIve bases In the All-Amencan league, the Gross also got the deciSIOn III the Brev.ers beat the Park Cardinals, Astros 13.7 wm over the Angels, as 7-5, as Phil Orton pitched a com- ErIC Napier and Mike Cogan chip- plete game and struck out 12 bat- ped In With two hits each Ralph ters Outstandmg hltllng and field- Mauk went all the way for the Ing helped the Brewers as Mark Astros as they overpowered the Nesler did the hlttmg and Joe II Tigers, 10-5. Andrew Morlan doubl- Louisell closed the door on the Car- ed and stole four bases dmal rally With a nice catch Sports Week GET A $1REBATE (Continued from Page In What does all thiS mean to the cable subscriber-sports fan like Pomaski? when you buy any AC 011 It means that Group W, which IS m the busmess of making or air filter or 4-, 6- or 8- a profit from its cable serVices, IS probably going to continue to pursue that profIt, not surprismgly. It means that PASS, like any other potentially successful pack of AC spark plugs. busmess, WIll hold fast to its profit formula, and not give m BtJy (lny of tlH'SL' QlIi1llty tiC' pruch/( h at re~uldr to Group W or any other group whIch wants a bIgger slice of prices 01)('. Iwo 0' all ltHef> cll1d gt't a $1 the pIe rebi1tp from AC Delco for <'dctl filter .)r)(1 cddl And that mean,; that sports fans IJke Pomaskl, hIS 75 peti- 4 6 or R pack of AC ,>pclrk plug", I "d) time yOIl !>ilVe on tile 011 llltt r <1C'>lgl1l'J to give up tIOn-signers and the other area cable subscribers who prac- 1() 1~ 000 Iniles 0 f Pfill U't lon' t !tie atl fill er tically drooled at the thought of watchmg 80 Tiger games (at tJcslgnc(1 to glv(' lip to 30 OUO milt.') of a fractIOn of the cost of really gomg out to the games) protection. dnd !hi' ,>pcHkpi ugs (lp')lgl1t'C! to this season, are stuck m the middle Agam £;Ive up to 30 000 rnrll'~ Of pprfOrr1l,lIl( t"

    And With New York corporate offices, lots of money and Ju<,t 111,111till' coupon t)ploYv ""ttl tl1t' tup fldP terms like "ongomg negotiatIOns" f1ymg around, Pomaskl Irom till' r,lr!On dr1(j vllllr Cd..,ll Iq;l-.ter feC'" pI and other sports fans mIght as well get used to It, they might O

    CITY OF <&rosse'ninte 'ark MICHIGAN RULES Of REBATE OfFER: NOTICE 1. Offpr good III lJ SA 5. Coupon mils! J(( omplJny each top flap and (aostmarkf'd on or relaller., 1n<.Iul1lng>I'I( "11o,,,4 I(l 6 WPLkc 4. family (or (cIJale. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE For the nearest AC Spark t\otlce of Pubhc sale IS hereby given A pubhc auctIOn y, III be hf'ld ~turday, June 2, 1~4 at 10 30 A M The aucllOn .....111 be ht-Id al thf Mumrlpal Garage. Plul and Filter retaUer, call 17147Maumee, Grosse Pomte (']ty. MIchigan 886-3200 UnclaImed or aban- toll-free 1..800 ..AC-Delco. doned bIcycles and miscellaneous articles ....11Ibe wid at aucllon DENNIS C. FORAN G P N 5.24-84, 5-31-&4 DIrector 01 Finance Never wait for trouble. AC-Oelco.The smart parts. '.. . '

    Call 8Irl ~-

    Page Four.C Classified ads Thursday, May 24, 19pJ

    1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 2-ENTERTAINMENT 1A~RSONALS 11 A-PERSONALS ) 1A~S jlNDEX roCLASSIFIED OFFERED TR.A.VEL COMPANION want. 'THE COMEDY - MAGIC AUSTI:'. COUNSELING - In. EXPERIENCE tranquil ed for a 2 week triP to Call. OF GABY THrSO" " ,. No cancellatlon&, ehonges or correctlon& ah.r 2 p m Monday dlvldual and family therapy relaxahon With a massage - also avallat>le ",eIght and forma Demse, 343-9233 as seen on P M Mag~7lne PANCAKE SUPPER No excepllOn& by hcensed masseuse for chole~teral counselmg, Adults, children Pm atl' FOR 2. N .... copy only, deadline Tv.sday noon THIS IS the last time ad Will be ladles, masseur for gentle- psychological testmg and parlles, banquet:>, Beason man Private aerobic exer- appearlOg for some time JOAN HANPETER 1 Legal Notice 120 Loke and River Property career as;,e!>sment 881 3335 The TIe Tailor Have your able Cise classes also available Personals 12E Commerciol Property 882 2QJO Excellent references 869- 'A DAYTOI\ \ VACATION Dou WIde tiCS narrowed 779-1323, 5-8 PM - MAY 30 11 Secretaflal Service 12F North.rn Property Mane 220Il ble room, "hOlce of 2 resorts, MAGIC SHOWS - Available 1C Pvbllc Sal. 13 RIl' ;><>, .. nUL~ ;:)1"' Inll aboard a 1\101gill! 'ill ~t:lUl full color and sound 41. Help Warrted DomestIC 161. Hor",s for Sale Holy Spmt, you who make me $55/day /person 453 2597 2A-MUSIC • CALL MEMORIES VIDEO 48 ServICes 10 Exchange 168 Pel Grooming see e\ er) thmg .md II. ho evemngs EDUCATION 75&-2875 4C House S,,,iog ServICes 16C Pel Boarding sho\\s me the way to reach PINSTRIPIJliG - cars, vans, 5 S,'uatlon Wanted 160 Aciopt A Pel my Ideal You .....ho give me plck.up trucks Call Diane, SUMMER PIANO class for SA Situation DomestIc 19 Printing and EngraVing tne Dlvme Gift to forgive YOUR HOME 886-7104 begmners and theorY/SIght. AOSERT P FAEOAl A WORK OF ART 51 Employment Agency 20 General Service and forget the 'W rong that IS slngmg for vocahsts SIX 885.0749 Framed, Pen and Ink 5C Catering 20A Carp.t Laying done to me and yOU\\ ho are y,eeks, 16 lessons, $40 Also Watercolor of Your Home 6 For Renl Unfurnished 201 Refrlgerollon and AIr m all Instances of mv life PARTY DECORATING BY LILIA private VOIce, plano, and Business or Boat By 61. For Rent Furnished Conditioning Repair \l1th me 1, In thiS 'short BIrthdays, Weddmgs, organ Mrs Junker, 823 CAROL A SINCLAIR .. Rooms for Rent 20C Chimney and Fireplace dialogue \\ ant to thank) ou Anniversaries, 1721 ll86-8468 6C Office for Rent Repair for everylhlng and confirm All OccasIOns 6D Vacation Rentals 20D Locksmiths once more that I never .....ant WOODS MUSIC 6E Garage for Rent 20E In5Ulation to be separated from you no Hohday Decoratmg - Halls. Homes, Etc STUDIO MRS. DAVIS 6F Shore l.Iving Quart.rs 20f Washer and Dryer Repair matter how great the mater- GUITAR, PIANO, THEORY Splntual Re.ader and AdvISOr 6G Store Leo,. 20G Glass - Mirror ServICe Ial deSIres may be I .....ant to 881-8261 885-n34 OFFICES OF 6H For Rent or Sale 20H Floor Sanding be \\ Ith you and my loved HOME or STUDIO Palm and Tarot Card Readmgs FINE CHOCOLATES espe- 2Q943 Mack On all problems of LIfe 6J Halls for Rent 21 MOVing ones m your perpetual glory STANLEY L REDDING 6K Slorage Spoce 21A P,ano Service Amen CIally designed for your ""ed- Call weekdays Love, Marriage DI\'orc~, ding, sho",ers, graduatIOn or 881-2920 881.5880 BUSiness, Health and Sickness 7 Warrted 10 Rent 21 I Sewing Machine Thank: you for your love to- 7A Room Wanled 21C EIKlncal Service anv occasIOn 885-3530 Tues- P~ do not confuse Mrs DavIS formerly of 18164 Mack wards me and my loved PIANO teacher With degree 78 Room and Board Wonted 21D TV and RadiO Repair ones Pray thl£, prayer 3 con- day-Saturday, 12 6 P m ....Ith other Fortune Tellers Ave, Grosse Pomte, MI after 6 Jl m 885-5040 has openings for begmrung .u.L READlSGS ARE PRIVATE 48224 has moved to 1875 7C Garage Wanted 21E Storms and Screens secutive days Without askIng or advanced students Ex- 7D Storage Spoce Wanted 21F Home Improvement AND CONFIDENTIAL Lochmoor, GrossePomte your Wish, afler third day LOCKSMITH perienced In claSSICal, pop, Woods, MI 48236. • Artlclft for Sale 21G Roohng ServICe your WIsh WIll be granted no ragtime, and Jazz 343-9314 81. MUSICal Instrumerrts 21H Carpel Cleaning matter how dIffIcult It may 1"dead bolt installatIOns from $2995-$3995 2' dead bolt, FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 884-2667 II Anliques for Sale 21-1 POinting, DecorQlIng be Then promIse to pubhsh PIANO/ORGAN/ Accordlan $85 00 Lock and labor m- -v' IC OffIce Equipment 21J Wall Washing thIS prayer as soon as your lessons Popular, ClaSSical, 9 Artlclft Wanted 21 K Window Washing favor has been granted eluded harmony, theory Your 10 Snowmobile for Sale 21l Tile Work Thank you for favors receiv- GEORGE M VANTIEM home or mine 776-1153 lOA Motorcycles for Sale 21M Sewer ServICe ed LSW 882-3434 ACOUSTIC GUITAR begmner 101 Trucks for Sale 21N Asphalt Work THANK YOU St Jude for lessons Experienced With "WANT ANY OF THESE?" TAKE A BALLOON RIDE I MRS. 11 Can for Sale 210 Cemerrt and Brick Work favor receIved L S W kids Call John at 822-5778 Mental Alertness l1A Cor Repair 21P WaterprooflOg See life from a Physical StamIna 111 Cars Wanted to Buy 21Q Plaster Work PRAYER TO THE blrd's eye Vlewl SUZUKI VIOLIN m!>tructlOn Overall Wellbemg FAY llC Boats and Motors 211 Furniture Repair HOLY SPIRIT EAGLE'S NEST Summer classes no", form ALL THREE IN 110 Boat Repair 215 Carpenter Holy Spu It you who make me BALLOON RIDES 109 Suzuki ASSOCiates 01 EGYPTIAN Greater DetrOIt 548-6290 Natrol-Hlgh 11E Boot Dockage and 21T Plumbtng and HealinS see e\ erylhmg and \\ ho offers Champagne Fhghls PSYCHIC Storage 21 U Janitor Service ~hows me the \\ ay to reach over Northern PIANO Lessons - qualfted Promotes Energy Naturally 11F Trailers and Campen 21V Silverplating my Ideal You who give me Macomb County teacher my home 882-7772 Reader and adVisor 110 Mobile Homes 21W Dressmaking and the DlVlne Gift to forgIve CALL 776.4626 on all affairs 11H Airplanes Tailoring and forget the wrong that IS 28- TUTORING AND 12 Surburbon Acreage 21X DraperIes done to me and you who are ORIENTAL RUGS EDUCATION SHOP Private and confidential 121. Surburbon Home 21Y SWimming Pools m all mstances of my hfe WIth me I, In thIS short WANTED , 21 Vacation Property 21Z Land&caping one or many I TUTORING dialogue want to thank you 12C Farms for Sol. PrIvate collector WIll pay any for everythmg and confmn ALL SUBJECTS BACK DOOR reasonable price once more that I never want GRADES 1 THRU 12 644-7312 PROFESSIONAL FACUurY HEALTH PTE. 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS to be separated from you no 17116 Kercheval matter how great the mater- SJ\.!ALL Dog Sitting - not over WE CAN HELP PRAYER TO THE (rear entrance) Ial desIres may be I want to 12 pounds, also pUPpIes. 24 GROSSE POINTE BALLOONS HOLY SPIRIT be Ydth ) ou and my loved hour care Excellent Holy Splnt, you who make me LEARNING CENTER ones m your perpetual glory references, 885-3039 63 Kercheval on the HJ.ll HIGH FLYING HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS see everythmg and who Amen For all occasIOns for as httle as $lo-dellvery avaIlable 343~ ~ shows me the WdY to reach Thank you for your love to. CANDID WEDDING photo- Buy a dozen or buy a gross A GREAT way to celebrate my ideal You who give me wards me and my loved graphy POllltes' fmest, over SUMMER TUTORING the Dlvlne Gift to forgive ones Pray this prayer 3 con- 100proofs samples shown III 882-4968 your horne Free cook book CertifIed teacher In both and forget the wrong that IS secutive days Without askmg regUlar and SpeCIal Educa- done to me and you who are 884-4852 your Wish, after trurd day tIOn private or small group OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY In all InStances of my life your Wish Will be granted, no STAINED GLASS - wmdows, instructIOn Diagnostic WIth me I, In thIS short matter how diffIcult It may lamps, mIrrors, bevels, evaluahon avaIlable Apple dialogue want to thank you Please call by Friday 5 p m to make the deadline for the be Then promIse to publish , new con- computers used for mstruc for everythmg and confirm May 31 issue 882~900 thIS prayer as soon as your struction and repaIrs. tIOna 1 remforcement For once more that I never want favor has been granted References. 382-4112 rates and further to be separated from yOU!2C '('hank you for favors mf orma t,on HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! how the AYH WILL TEACH you to sal1 matter great mater- re.~elved 886-5347 Ial desIres may be I want to mexpenslvely. Call 545-Q5l1 be With you and my loved WON'T FLY? Teacher Will for class mformatlOn EDUCATIONAL eruolchment PENDOLINO'S CHIMNEY SCREEN ones m your perpetual glory drive and gUide you and RESUMES BY Lynn. Profes- Summer tutormg, elemen- SERVICE . Amen famIly or fnemis to New slOnally composed & ffiM tary and middle school GET READY FOR SPRING I I Thank you for your love to- York City. Reasonable 779- type wntten Phone for all'' Computer assisted mstruc- B~y_our bouse wards me and my loved 1717 pomtment 774--1708 tlon Readmg, Math, Social GARAGE SALES ARE FUN! up to code and ones Pray thts prayer 3 con- PRAYER TO THE Studies, language arts, Com- Let 18,600 readers keep unwanted secutive days without askIng HOLY SPIRIT PUPPY SITTING SERVICE puter LIteracy FleXible find out about yours. ammals out your Wish, after thIrd day Holy Splnt, you who make me Small female dogs only No scheduhng 882.9747 FREE ESTIMATES your WISh will be granted, no see everythmg and who tlnklers Expenenced, refer- Advertise in The Grosse ences, $4 OO/day, VE9-1385 NEED a tutor? Math, grades 881-24/7 886-5870 c:=::l ~ matter how diffIcult It may shows me the way to reach 3.12 Call823-0684 Excellent be Then proouse to publish Pointe News Classified * SAVE $5 WITH TH IS AD * c::::J I 1"".) my Ideal You who gIVe me references $8 hourly Section. thIS prayer as soon as your the Dlvme Gift to forgive 18-SECRET ARIAL favor has been granted L L and forget the wrong that IS SERV1CE 2D-eAMPS GROSSE POINTES' done to me and you who are TYPING WORD processmg, CAMP ARBUTUS - Pnvate GREATEST In all Instances of my hfe resumes, $3 50 a page, 35e GARAGE SALE With me I m thIS short girls' camp Grand Traverse Tuesday noon addltlonal orlgmals Notary area June 24th - July 21st, Sunday, May 27th, Monday, dialogue want to thank you S C S 772-2809 deadline May 28th, 11 a m to 5 p m for everythmg and conftrln July 22nd - August 18th Call early. Jacobson's parkmg struc- once more that I never want Complete Call 881-9442 Write May- ture to be separated from you no WORD PROCESSING field MletUli!an 49666 882-6900 Reports THANK YOU St Jud€, bless- matter how great the mater- 3-LOST AND Ial desIres mav be I want to RepetitIve Letters ed Mother and St Anthony, Em,elopes FOUND for favors granted MC D be \.\Ith you and my loved ones m your perpetual glory DissertatIOns McN FOUND. 6.8 month pup who Amen ManuscrIpts CUSTOM woodwork Quality Thank jOU for your love to Techmcal EquatIOns had front foot cut off \ pro babl) m a trap) Vet check- carpentry WIth a personal wards me and my loved Tables touch Ornamental wood- ones Pray thiS prayer 3 con WORDS/NUMBERS ed her and she I~ noy, fme She gets a round \ en ....ell work, h:>me Improvement, secutlve days Without askmg PROCESSING CORP What she needs IS good kItchen destgnlng In wood or your II. 15h, after third day 831 9860 a fonmca Portfolio samples your \\ Ish WIll be gl anted no B84 WORD home She I" medIum <;IZ€ excellent temperament and The Classified and references avaIlable matter hoy, diffIcult It may RESuMES thE'ses term adorable Call 82.1-5Ql0 after upon request Free esti- be Then promIse to publish papers, reports, repetItIVe 5 pm word for today ~ mates Bruno Trentacost thIS prayer itS soon as your letters \\ ORD PROCESS ~ fa\ or has been granted ING Competttl\ e prlces/ FOUJliO, FOUR hungry long HORSE Al'oIl)(amage rental Thank you for favors recelv quallty y,ork 521-3300 haired kittens. abandoned In INVESTMENTS Add a "Roval Touch" to ed J K TYPING - Resumes, theses "'oods on Belle fsle Free to your weddmg or specIal oc- DOG CAHE ~ER\'ICE repetltl\C letters, term lovmg home 824-4674 .n-vest-rnent an expenditure casloo Includes a drl\er (om emenee at \ our doorstep papers Expert proofreader of money for Income, profit. 752~ ExerCIse feeding, light E\tra copies Dot Matnx LOST - LAST fall ",eddmg rings at garage sale on Use the Classlfleds as RENT A cook for your specla I gloomlllg 2 hard y,orklOg Printer 882-5310 college stud('nt<, Pf'rsonal WoodSide In Harper Woods occasron Reasonable Ex. T\ PING/y,ord process 109 your Investment gUIde Ev- rrferenc('s .l\allable 7~1 1720633 cellent references 881-8089 n~~umes term paper~, 1~71 i2:i 4R2i ery day, we list hundreds of report~ repetitive letters LOST - Cocker ~pal1lel "~XPEH If':"\( 1':1J small, black female Mack- bUSiness opportUnities and TECH"\ !CIA"\<; PRAH_R TO THE Reasonclble Available i SomE'rset area Re .....ard 88.')- Income properties, plus other 'Form('r BE'll Emplo\('('~ HOLY ~PIRIT days a week 882 ';541 Hoh ~plnt \ 011 '" ho makr me 0116 Phonl' II1,tdlldll(lI1 dno TYPIXG 11\ my home Re sound Investments "er ('\er)thJn!! ano "ho Rpl"kur \\ ork DOI1(' port~ resumes medIcal FOCND Tiger KItten on Buyen and Mtlen meet . Rl'i)'Ondhl\ ~ho\\<, nl(' the \lilV to redch m\ Id('al "011\loho gll'e me II'gal mallouls, cassl'lh' Holly ....ood Gr~!>e Pomte every day In the Classtfleds, Don Palml'r Hank Moble\ \Ii Ih(' Dl\1ne Gift to forgl\(' IranscnptlOn III pick-up Woods 881 5841 Mol ?1l:IR ,i I lt9?'i 1l1'17!l28 where value and quality al- dud forgel the \1 rang that IS ways cost less Find what you don(' to me and \ ou '" ho are \Ii O\lA '\ \\ Ilh 10 )car' exper I{'nee rWslre~ various typlllg need and sell what you don't , C01\jGRATt'LATIONS In all mstanc('<, of m" hfp 0" 0\" f_ARLY \1 till m(' I In [hI, '<,hort a~"gnments at hom!' Ac need 10 the Classlfleds Call RETIRfo:ME\'T dl,l!ogu( \1<1l1tIf) thank \OU cur ..te nE'at Call Renr illS:; l-lS and place your ad today SHERRIE for ('\('f\ Ihll1g "nd <.Onflrm 'CHERYLL GREEM: I on<(' morp Ihat 10('\('1 \loant TRA ';~CH.IBI!'oc. expenenc to!)(> ,rpardled fl om \OU no ed In v.orkmen s compensa matlpr ho\\ gff',al ttlt> mater tlOn medIcal or legal from Iill oe'lrf><; ma\ Ix I....aot to tht> home 773-11786 Grosse Pointe BO~f )fo~r)LOCKSMITH l)(' \\ l!h \ ou ,md 1m lo\('d 'QLALITY 01)(". In )lour pcrpNuall'(lorj 2-ENTERTAINMENT News SCHI.AGE Dfo:ADROLT Amen M ,J 1 rind S B B W/STRIKf': H.fW'i- LIGHT-HEARTED fo'OR(,I\~ KrT JCD AVIATION ENTER1' AINMENT 882-6900 $4711(1 LH E~"ED MAGICIAN We'll run your ad CHEL.."EA U)('K CO AIR AM Hl'LAl\/CE GROSSE P(JII\'TI': PARK 24 !lOt. H SJo:RVICJo: ROBERT COOPER FREE!! 3439144 AU. AGES OCCASIONS 882-6900 527-0900 885-4210 Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page FIYe-C

    5-StTUATION 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED ~ P WANTED 4A-HELP WANTED 5-SlTUATi&i GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL DOMESTIC WANTED WANTED \ EXPERIENCED walter or PART TIME evenmg legal tXPERIENCED• waltrebs A MATURE Cathohc woman EXPERIENCED lad)' wiIbea PART-TlME clerical for AURA'S waitress wanted Call for alT secretary needed for a SALES AGENT Apply Janet's Lunch, 15033 to !lve WIth Sister Mary Den. duld care, house cJeanial. d~ntown restaurant Good HOME SITTING SERVICE pomtment 259-8325 downtown DetrOit law firm WANTED Kercheval, after 3 p m lse. S S J and to help Sist~r Ba chara 216-829 NatIOnally known calendar aptitude for detail, filing No T L C of children, elderly APPLICATIONS being taken Hours are 5 p m -9 p m WIth her work among the IBM Dlsplaywriter operatar manufacturer and specIalty typmg required Call be- DISHWASHER/ Hourly. overmght and 24 for stock help Must be 18 or Monday thru Thursday Sat- MAINTENANCE poor Volunteer work No hour rates 12 years WIth (lIll wpm ), exceJJent gram- advertismg company offers t",een 10-2 pm Friday, Sat- sulary but board and room over YorkshIre Food Mkt urdays 10 a m -2 p m Must Apply In person on Saturday, Mrs Hammond. whose mar wants weetendl tasks. an opportunity for an Ill- urday 259.3273 WIll be free Ver) adequate 16711 Mack be expenenced on the Wang betv.een ooon-3 pm. Sparky dgency served Grosse possibly permanent Down- Word Processing equip, dustrlOus self-starter for full CARPENTER -- expenenced, smgle room", III be prOVid- PHONE-TECH IS lookmg for a Helbert's, 15117 Kercheval, Pomte over JO years Llcens town or eastalde Currently ment Must have IItlgatlon or part-time work We need mtenor flmsh. own tools and ed Call 82034828 between 10 part-time Inside salesperson a sales onented pen.on to Glosse Pomte Park ed Bonded 247-0283 employed 886-1m after 7 expenence 10 MedICal mal transportatIOn 884-7410 am &4pm to sell telephones In our present our exclUSive calen- BABYSITIER wanted part- pm practIce and product lIabll WANTED - sub-contractors STANFORD MBA !>tudent store TyPing IS rqUired For dars. bUSiness gifts and E'X- time One-2 year old in my WANTED' A live-In compll- COLLEGE GIRL With day Ity Will be tested Call for home improvement seeks hou::.esllllOg opportun- further mformatlOn call 881- home References reqUired mon for a mature woman. care exp deslres bab)'Sltbnl Karen. 964.5890 '" tensl\'e advertlsmg special- work, cement. roofers, Ity/furmshed quarter::. dur- 3600, ask for Gary Chaney 'ty assortment to firms 881-2776 Grosse POlllte reSident 109 summer Job mld'June JOb throughout summer lor SHARP A~1BITIOUS home- palllter~. carpenters Send RECEPTIONIST - doctor's wlthlll the busllless com- Needs dSSI::.tdnce Ifi meal late August, excellent r~fer $200 an hour Preferrably mal.er needed In thiS area to qualifications Box 1:523,East WAITRESS wanted Ex- office Grosse Pomte Park mumty The Thos D Mur- prepardhon. hght house- ence~ Pledse contact John durmg day Can start any- hIre. tram, and manage toy DE.lrOit, 48021 perience neces~ary Full or Ilork. ~hopplfig and occa- Apply to Box S 150 Grosse ph) Co is a pioneer 10 the p.'lrt time available lllghts Pa~quesi 27741 Vlel Cerro time Contact Anne. 1l86-~ party demonstratol S for DOWNTOWN office, good typ- ~lOnal drlVlllg Call Eliza POInte Ne ....s, 99 Kercheval advertl~mg field smce 1888, Ideal for mature per;,o!l Gordo. ~ Alto!> HIll!>. CA NURSr: AlDF: Male - HospI- House of L1o)d Work from 109, and phone skills, prefer beth TItus al 963-2500, be Grosse POinte Farms, 48236 so you know we're here to After 6. 881-5390 94022 (415) 949-o34J till. nurslflg home experien- home Excellent commls title msurance experience. 1\\ een 9 5 stay If you can orgamze ced desires home place- Slon, and bonuses Earn a full or part time Call l\trs "CARING & DOING" CUSTODIAN your own tune and deter- RETIRED? BABYSITTEH WANTED to menl Jim 885 7404 Part-time posltlon IS open to free trIp Absolutel) no III mme your o....n success, Smith, 962.1213 BUT NOT tIred Turn your I~ OUR MOTIO care for 9 month old boy CUSTOM P ..\PER flanging work mornmgs at our offICe vestment Outslandmg \\nte . Pat Murphy, The BABYSITTER necdE.'d for 8 talentl> mto IIlcome W(' net.''orelderly per- CPA, firm locdted m the Ren WE SPECIALIZE In the pldce- At Its ~t Call ~u~lde _~round~ ,:\ppl) In YOUNG MAN, carpenter'~ ment Call Monday thru 10'1"1- ::>on Re~ponsible, mature a,<;<;ance Center IS lookmg OENTAL HYGIENIST want- 1""""""1". (\( n, "fpt;;:(:1f'U1::l1 fiomf"o., ...... ,.... t"'TIII'""I'"" , I.,,,,, ", uv ..'u o.>'-'-",~ •• 0 -- t"-",,:)vu .v U U.l LV" jJ u..a d~::'j~L ...m, CA.,eIIClII ..c:U, III- E'd III Grosse Pomte area Ja,y 1 Iv~.) ... IU o;i-i,Sv 1\lIL-V-w 11"\1I for a mature. profeSSIOnal, il~- and 'nur::'lng personnel keeping elnd cooking duties terested mlearnmg carpen- penodontal practice Mon- B OOKSTOR E/purcha::. Illg First Federal self motivated secretary Housekeepers -- Cooks - 557.2505 for Semor Days only Re. ....Ith mInimum of three try and cablOet trade day, 8 00 5 00. Thursday, clerk for a private school Of MichIgan Mechamcally mclmed. good Couples - Child Care - Day WE'RE BACK - Dave and ferences 822-3956 )ooght wed for us We'll tram you and ture liAIL 886-9349. 885-7958 Pete, 882.271l6. With established Pediatri- mother 012 year old wishes NI't'e enough 10 glVEl lIS at .least a ~"fe EXPERIENCED legal prOVide leads for retail FULL TIME experienced sense of &eC1Irt)' Th9n we dlSCO ....ered cian Office located In St GRANDMOTHER TYPE to to babystt durmg summer. SA-SITUATION Amway We stm1ed part lime secretary wanted Typing 80 stores, busmesses and clubs medH:al assistant for East Clair ProfeSSiOnal bUIlding, care for 2 year old child In preferably In her home We re buddl1l9 our Amwey bUSlnf"ss our wpm 965-4520 Write for mformation and DOMEST1C 4 exammmg rooms. large re- Side medical cllmc 823-4333. my home. days and eve- Please call1l84-7'Z72 way W. run ~ We',.."", boo; An a we catalog SylVia Hook, Anita 823-5980 Io~ tna1 freedom1 Fmd out how YOu 100 ceptiOn area Reply to Box nings, must have OY.n trans. Beck Cards, 3409W 44th St.. HANDYMAN - carpentry. HOUSE CLEANING - every c .... """,more ARCHITECTURAL FULL TIME Secretary- portatlOn 772-4067 or 884- I( i) money as an S-20. Grosse POinte News, 99 small plumbIng repairs, 2 weeks References Own Mmneapolls, MN 55410 Bookkeeper, 1 person offIce, 7107 AmwOyd_or DESIGNER Kercheval, Gro&se Po1Ote ceilings. paneling, formlcs transporlatlon. Honesl, ~ 3.5 years expenence, graduate Farms, MI 48236 WAITRESS, barmaids want- ConstructIOn COllloanv trust wOI'tJly, reliAble II+- ed No experience neces- Grosse POInte area Experi- 4C-HOUSE SITTING repau'S, doors and cabinets, With design Skills and ex- HOTEL PONTCHARTRAIN bathrooms remodeled. 8038 call: Irle or Marilyn sary, we Will tram, part- enced preferred Sa lary perience John Stevens IS acceptmg resumes for SERVICES small electrical repa Irs TWO EXPERIENCED OUlce time Great tIpS Pomte commensurate With experi- Assocs Inc pOSitions for front desk Reasonable Harvey 776. and housekeepIng women 824-2200 AthletiC Club, 527-0700 ence Benefits Send resume PROFESSIONAL working 964-0700 clerks and assistant front 4805, 777.()()()9 da ys desire employment Bonded couple WIll houseslt June desk managers These are to Box 36659 Grosse Pomte, Own Ira~portatlon Very TIGER FEVER thru August Excellent re- LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER? highly VISible posItions 48236 NEED SOME:I'HlNG moved? thorough Excellent refer- Lmdell A C needs several ferences Non.smoker 574- which reqUlre exceptlonal LANDSCAPE help wanted, Two Pointe rcsJ(:lents WIll ences Will do laundry and Edrn $15,000 $25,000 first year Jom one of the most ac dependable cocktail waitres- 0441, ask forScoll between 8 skills 10 the areas of human lawn and gardemng workers move or remove large or IrOning, Window and wall tlve Real Estate offices In Macomb County Free ses Evemng!> Call 964-1122 and ~weekd~ small quanbties of lunuture, lIcense class monthly Advanced sales trammg relahons, problem solvmg, or apply In person for crew servmg Grosse wa~hlng, ovens. scrub cashiering, as well as com- POInte Call after 6 p m WOMAN WISHES to house ~lt apphances, pianos or what lloors. and any oul3lde work proHded have you Call for free CALL MR WHITCHER puter data entry If you "'Ish CHAUFFEUR must be neatly 286-4667 Ilke~ peh References Days. evenlllgs. and week.. dressed, not under 25. part- estimate 343-elf and your perlenced. mature lady penenced preferred Com avaIlable 567-1515, after :.I WANTED pair'! - exterior and In- home NURSING ADMINISTRATION needed to care for one baby ml~~lOn plus expensE.'s Call pm tenor, BHIel>, pamtlng. roof FREE ESTIMATES 8:30 AM - 5 PM girl Recent reference::. re Art ReVIew MagaZine Cm EXPERH';NCED NURSES' KITCHEN HELP needed for mg. elc References G 118&-7797 qUired Salary compelltlve dl Naughton 356.8373 aides available Reasonable Lozada 368-2830 ImmedIate full time poSitIOn available 10 our nursmg ad- girls' camp. 17years old and 0\ 1)1\1 1:.1 on of 331-5304 MATURE WOMAN wanted rates Fraser Agency Slate Giani Jamtonal ministratIOn offIce a high school !>Cmor June 16 SERVICES Ofo' A fo'reelance PART TIME bookkeeper for babyMttmg for 3 year old licensed and bonded Service In<: IndiVidual must have above average skills In typmg and to August 17 ~5 a week plus 293-1717 wnter - 773-8291 a knowledge of shorthand Must have hIgh factual ac Complete kno",ledge of and mfant Three 8 hour room and board Call 1185 curacy for computing payroll Medically oriented ex- stocks and bonds requlrE'd -weekdays Prefer my home 3868 after 4 pm perience preferred Call 882 2140 7 MIle 1-94 372-7247 SPORTS FAN FULL TIME secretary for SECRETARYI APPLY IN PERSON non profit organizatIOn needed to produ<.e sports HIRE-A-KID ~w SkJlls reqUired drc good WORD PROCESSOR sho,", No cxpenence need ~ ...: typing dJctaphone word pro- for CPA firm located 10 the ed Mu~t be wllhng to ,",ork COTTAGE HOSPITAL.:.a I ~~. cessmg. and outgoing per Henal::.sancp Center Must a lot of houN Call 58t 4214 KIDS ••• Looking for a summer job? I -,J \ I"\ ~ ..... 159 KERCHEVAL um- ::.onality Send resumE' to be ~elf motl\ated profe~ SECRt':TARY With good shor- We'li put your ad In The Grosse POinte News - FREEl I' " GROSSE POINTE FARMS Gros~e POlnle War Memor ';Ional and energetic wllh at thand and lyplng Will tram Just fill oul the coupon below and submll before June ~ lal 32 Lakeshore Drive, least 2 yedr!> secr etanal ex In legal Avallahle to start ~ Gros~e Pomte Farms. MI penence l\1u!>t have good Downtown 885 1096 6 Your ad Will appear the week of June 14 Be sure ,..... ~ r 411216Please no phone calls typmg and spelling ~kllls 10 Include your name and age In ad " GIRLS' CAMP nt'eds water WAITRE~S, cocktail and din \\i(' ....111 trdm on ....ord pro t(~~~or send r0>ume. mclud front dIrector - June 16 to ...... Lal Will do lawn work and mg room expenence Satur. August t7 Must be 19 and a gardpnlng Greg 14 000 0000 da) only fo'ast Track 391 mg 'diary range m conh dp!l{'(' to (,ro~"e POlOte WSI ('all 11853868 after 4 1~~ Only .v ...... 10 .IUlIkftt. ~ te ... 17. ~\.~... Earn New" '1.J Kercheval, Gro<;"e -'pm DOOItMAi\ TO work ewnmgs J'01l1t(. Filrm~. MI 482.16 Box DHJVI-:Hi-I Nt~Em,()1 O~ Good Pay at plc::.llgIOU'i DetrOIt I' 'l2 An r~qllal Opportumty (,.ood driVing r<>corll Will pnv1l1e dub f.ldcrly Emplo)E'r tr:lln Excl'J!l'nt mone) r------gentleman perferred ('all I CI The Kelly Way! I "'EED a gardpncr JXl!>~lbl:vII making J)(llentlal Apply In 2~'l 4700 p<'r"on I At Kelly Services pultlng you 10 wrnk on nr" [WI' week ('all .J/)(' REGI~TERED Nt ItSE Now 1~,)()1 Mark Av(' I temporary ass.gnf'1pnts IS our spec,alty ('hhJ II£' biN fiI'''~ 8Il6.:l8OO acceptlOg applicatIOn" II 7, rp~lden(e All %ll I RIght now we have eilsy to 'each Down full t1m(' and part tIme LAnl~," BI-; ,I Pclrl\ 10 lown Delro,l ilS5lgnment~ for the I ('otlag(' B('lmonl f\lJr~lllg PRIVATI:': IH'TY nlll"olfig 10:)( ~om('thlng ,",olHierflll i-IC(> L _ followinq IndiViduals \\hat ....p.rf' rill ,Ih<:Jll I hy (,('nter. l'lIHO Harper MI cpllenl rpf('renre'i. own 'l,)'Yi Ir.IO~p!lrlatlOn " da)'> cl ho"l (>~"Illi( .In und('f( ()\ ('r • Executive Secretaries/ ....P£'k ('all .lft('r 'I p m .... ( ••11 polrl~ r,drl1 ffl'£, Bl'~ PEH~O\i part tlm(' I Secretaries 771 '1447 IIn~. I'll' 01 lw( onH' "11.I~('nt I Ea~t('rn \1drkt'l dred \\Illh (lJmm,~~lon j OlllW (orpfer shorthand and r,r DI( lrlphonc! rt",tdllrtlnt 'Nl IqfI~ REAL ESTATE SALES AA47; H IAadro55 j RI(,(.11'o(j~ l~ currently ~alr"ifX'r,on for H{'oplr .lnd 11Il1£" l)('r~ollneJ I'l('a~(' (nil WA\TED A hH'1ll ,Ill'll' lor 9'1 Kerct1l'val ....,illng to ....ork I-ll'xl!lle 'kip \-I'M Ttlppan & A.,.,o( an olo{'r gl'nllr IOdn (r1 (I'>M' Operators AA4 -f"l(1(1 POlntl' r/''1dr'nt \1'1'(j~ Gro<,Sft POm!fl MI 48;>36 part lIme hour<; Apply In ------,All eqlJlpmerl) per~on at ,J HII~glnKj" d~"starl<'(, HI pt'r~onh/JWIll~ cHId 0(' DOWNTOWN DETROIT! Please call Fnda) light hou~('k('I'PIl1I/, ~nd ------(3lo>lonal dnvlfil( ('dll fo:hw r('~um('", ,1011 rf'tr'f('n«>~ I" Renaissance Center ...... 2Sg.1400 ,".I\..,'j "11)1-, I'AHT'r ~1I)11' bclh Tltu<; at 911.12,')00,hI' Box =\-1 ',1') Gnl1>l>c 1'01111<' lWl'f'n 1+ ') (,('rwrdl ~I()().. I)('r~on In ~r'y, ~ '1.J Kerdwva I, (.",..,.,(, eluding l""hlE'r lotll'r>. Pom[(' Filrm~ Mlch 482.16 MATI'R": WOMAN to (art> for Not ar ilqency ~hort orriN (o()k I-lill or npvP( tl fpe two IWII; 3 yl'anl anl1 fl fJdrt.llme mu::.t Ix'il\le LANU~ APF: laboren ncf'd EOE M,F'H moottu. t ulltlmt'. Monday for any hour::. starling lil ed Minimum wagE', 18 or Friday Reference~ rl' $115 'm -6655 older 757 533 t QUlred 245-9459

    u I j \ I .. ( ~ ...... _...-----~ &.055£ 'OINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984 , ~RENT ID-VACAT1ON ID-VACAT1ON l-FORiWNT I-FORRENT I-FOR IliiiT RENTALS UNFU!!!I!EIi! UHFURMSHED UNFURNIIHEQ UNFURNISHED RENTALS NSHIRE near Warren, CASEVILLE, sandy beach, HOUSE - East WarTeD/Outer DEVO SHANTY Creek Bellaire, CHATSWOR~H II per, 2 5 room upper With llUIlpOI"Ch, TWO BEDROOM upper, $250 GROSSE POINTE WOODS good flshulg, sleeps 8 $300 bedroom, Dnve area Newly pamted, MichIgan Contempol ary Newly appba ~,$320 a month In- ~ month BalfuurlWarren ENERGY EFFICIENT per week Available July decorated lutable for ca~, 2 bedroom, natur- house 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, eludes heat 882-8266 eve- reshly pamted ~ thru 8eptember 469-2967 0r adults only $225 ~us secur. al fireplace, full basement, Stove refngerator mc GENERAL OFFICE SPACE and 'sauna, beautIfully (517) 856-3375 ity 882-2124, 882-4245 prage Employment refer. runas basement storage and 2083S Mack - 2,100 sq ft decorated Indoor and out- SPACIOU S 2 bedroom lower MACKINAC Island classIC GROSSE POINTE Park - enceIl required S365/month laundry hookups Call RIck WIll Dlude to SuIt, door sWLmmmg, golf, tennIS, No pets 528-3i14, 962-6155 flat 4376 Haveriull $300 plus -' 882.2746 Adequate Parlung beach, flShmg and boatllli home Lake vie"" stables, 5 Waybum 2 bedroom lower, utlhhes, secUfity. refer- Rent or pur- appliances, carpet, aIr, ONE BEDROOM apartment 8&\-1340 886-1068 776-2949, 331-8255. e\ enll1gs bedrooms ences 88&-6611 GROSSE POINTE chase 312 951-4754 enclosed front porch and Range, refngerator, beat, MOVING CO 1-94AND 10MlJe 4,800 sq it, BY DAY, week or month, garage 881-9357 water mcluded 293-5177 BEACON SFIELD and WhJt. 22 offIces plus All or part beautiful, modern, 4 MARCO Island "Sea Wmds" ber Br Ick ranch, 2 bed- Reasonable Rates GROSSE POINTE Farms 3 VERY CLEAN Rellable service 286-8113 bedroom, 212 bath beach Gulf front, 2 bedrooms Call room, central aIr, alarm for brochures 881-6402,882. bedroom bungalo~, 11~ 2 bedroom bnck bungalow, Free Estimates A PROFESSIONAL front home on Lake Huron natural fireplace, fmlshed system, 1112 car garage $350 near LeXington S....Immmg, 4593 EXPERIENCED lady v.Ishes baths, fireplace, formal du1 a month 885.2229 343-0011 DREAM OFFICE IN bai>ement Like new Stove, boatIng, flshmg. lighted ten :i cleaning only Tuesda v I mg room, lutchen "Ith ST CLAIR SHORES SL'I\1MER ('OTT AGE, Wal- ALTER - CHARLEVOIX OlS court, children 10 r! Wednesday Referenct;:" stove, refngerator, :.creen- refrigerator Avallable HOUSTO. N \\ HITTIER, ChaJ One minute from 194 and Grosse Pomte Side, attracbve playhouse and s....mgset loon L"I.(' near Pctoske~, 4 ~ 1JWntransportation 824-4J38 ed porch, 2 car garage Very 6 1-84 Must see to ap mers ar ea Clean one bed large one-bedroom or stuebo 1-696 Latest contemporary Several golf courses nearby bedrooms, screened porch ~ eall after 6 p m __ clean and nicely decorated preclate Moross/Harper room apartment Apph decor and rent mclude. paneled hVlng room. fIre a~rtments, $t90-$230, m- Ideal for OO£', t....o or three Avallble June 30th, $650 per area $395 per month Call ances a nd heat Included plal.e dock, boat 881 1256 ,TWO HARD wortcmg college c udes appliances and utlh- heat, air, electriCity and Jan- famillel> Comfortabl~ slceps month plus secUrity, 885. after 6 p m 772-1711 $245 pI us secunty 521-9050 ItOllal sen Ice 200-770 )l students v. III clean vour ties 331-7852 0990 CHATS\\ORTH, Ecist War. after 6 pm 12, all amemtles T V , home, apartment Grosse square feet available at af- 6E-GARAGE FOR ren/ Outer DrIVe, lower INCOME - Kelly-Houston ....asher, dryer, mlc.ro\\ave Pointe references 2&\-0056 GROSSE POINTE ~oods - 3 LOWER 5 room flat, apph 2 bedroom fordable rates Call Com dish ....asher, garbage dIS- RENT bedroom bungaloYo, natural Large modern two bedroom, WhIttier area ances, carpeted, garage, lower Includes ba!>ement monwealth Group 288-0022 posal, fIreplace, etc Call UNIQUE woman ",ants fIreplace. formal dmmg den. hVlng room, dmmg fenced yard $275 Nice Ht::\'T CLUB, Harper Woods, and garage A\ allable June OFFICE space or storefront 886 8570 , general housekeeping job room, nev. modern kitchen room, carpeted, uhlJtles ex- nelghbo rhood 3515 Buckmg 21 ~ car garage For storage/ 9th References. securIty One large room, can be . Will deep clean 839-4706 and bathroom Close to tra $280 ~3 ham CAPE COD - Cozy house. car &l5-4297 5279277 .. 'l 1 ) I- _ ~ _ _ _oj. ~ 4 ...... deooslt $275 month 886-9885 diVIded mto 2 rooms Harper l...nn""' .....(1 h~4.l('h r()tt~Pp )YOiriM ~ iaKIn i."""", lrn.~e rUlI'\l!.l:. nuuu:. - lz~U~t!. t'UIN 1 r.. WOOOl> - evemngs service drive 5 blocks south P~~fect'for couple, sle£'ps 4, 6F-SHARE LIVINu cleamng Reasonable $6ix)"i:e;';;;o~'th'pt;~;:;;. Immaculate 3 bedroom, Colomal , 3 bedrooms Near of Vermer 881-1857 $300 per week 882-8390 01 QUARTERS ... honest, references 881-7210 Ity Available July 10th 885 ne",ly decorated, new Marter- Hollywood 885-2844 GROSSE POIl':TE City Neff FOR LEASE Warehouse 0990 carpeting, breezeway, at. July 1st Road, 3 bedroom upper, 886 9542 )rOTHER-Daughter cleanmg space 2,400 feet Ideal for PROFESSION ;\L woman CHANDLER - OUter Dnve tached garage $495 large rooms. Includes one ',team Expenenced, depen- GROSSE POINTE Woods shop or storage Harper ser- PETOSKEY - \\anted to share home m area Lower fIve room bnck, References Security car garage References re- Grosse POinte Clt) KItchen dable Excellent references Rent INIth option 3 bed- vice dnve 5 blocks south of HARBOR SPRINGS carpeb.ng, $210 a month, deposIt 8 MILe-Mack area qUIred 540.0561 Lakeside Club condo \\here laundr), parI. pnvileges, ; Joann, 882-9624 rooms, 2 baths, completely VernIer 88101857 Detroit 881.3221 2073 Ridgemont 77!H1628 redeco rated and land- NEFF ROAD - 2 bedroom summer hfe IS eas\ in our garage 8824595 bet ore 7 'HOUSECLEANING - all up- ATTRACTIVE bUilding, TWO BEDROOM house on LOWER FLAT - 3 bedrooms, scaped. dmmg room, fire per AvaIlable 7-1-34 All a completely furmshed luxury pm _ types Reasonable \!11th re- p- private front and rear en La"epomte near Berkshire lIvmg room, dmmg room place, flmshed basement. pllances Garage $525 886. two bedroom t\\ 0 bedroom .' ferences Call after 4, Tn trance, 714 square feet, no PROFESSIONAL woman App~ furrus!led $300 a $400 822-6970 apph.an ces, 3 car garage 8151 WIth loft and town house ren. seeks same to share Grosse , 6991 or 296-7514 retail, 18164 Mack at Fisher. tals on round lake By the month 875-8399 THREE BEDROOM upper - $650 885-2937 UPPER - Haverhill, car POinte flat 824-7~'86, eve GENERAL Clearung 5ef"Vlce, Grosse Pomte 886-4304,393. y,.eekend, week, month, or CHEERY, clean, secw-e, two large IlVlng room, dlntng OAD - 2 bedroom peted, nicely decorated, mngs _ two hard woriung students NEFF R 0787 season Year round spa- bedroom apartment ne'clr room and k1tchen With a(r Available 6-1.84 All bright WIth large WIndOWS,2 • Homes, apartments, me. lower pool, tenms, sallmg, flshmg, 30 YEAR old profeSSIOnal major transportation in pllances Summer deck, applLa nces Garages $625 bedrooms, dmmg, hvm g FOR LEASE OR SALE " rences 751-3573 725-4827 etc With golf near by Water male desires to share hIS 2 Grosse POinte Park Park- carpet, curtaInS throughout 886-8151 room. stove, refngerator, bedroom townhouse \\ Ith MEDICAL BUILDING or pond SIde umts available -' 'LIGHT HOUSE clearung Re- mg, $290 a month 1334 Wayburn near St Paul $350 disposal, washer, dryer. $210 plus utllllles LlNHU RST-7 Mile, modern MACK AVE , Lakeside Club, 453 East same .' ferences. Call Jan, 884-8757 Wayburn 331-1967 security a month 886-1924 garage, heat and water m Immediately one bedroom, appliances, GROSSE POINTE WOODS Lake St, Petoskey, MI Available HOUSE ON WhJtber, 14182 JEFFERSON-ll MIle - all",la Wldry, $250 After 5, eluded $395 per month 49770. (616) 347-3572 or (616) 772-4067 or 884-7107 5C-CATERING DeposIt and references r e- Large walbng room, busmess near Chalmers, lower 3 Large one bedroom apart- 885-2358 office, private office, 6 exam 347-7690 FEMALE TO share upper flat rooms, bath, stove, ret'rlger- ment Carpetmg, dishwash- qUlred 886-5795 "APRON ASSOCIATES" LARGE THREE bedroom rooms, lab and 3lavatones, HILTON Head condo Ocean- 776-6754 ator, heat, $150 884-9977 er, central air, washer and Perfect party planners, horne outer Dnve near 1-94 CARRIAGE HOUSE - 536 St all m attractively designed, View, completel~ eqUipped • gourmet pICtUCS, spec1alty dryer m kItchen No pets Clair. 2 bedroom, newly GROSSE POINTE Person to 955 HARCOURT-Lovely 2 Includ es refngerator, stove well maintained buildmg One bedroom. sleeps 4, 2 share Park apartment $150 < bors d'oeuvres, mam meals bedroom lower flat Central $37 5 776-72fiO or 884-7276 1 decorated $400 monthly 885-{)111 and 2 '2 car garage Avall- pools, beautiful mIles long 1/2 utilities Evemngs, 822- , 882-7149 Free menus and all", fully carpeted, newly evenings able Ju1y $480 a month 886-5565 OFFICE FOR rent approx. beach Bike rentals. tennIs 0331 I'; (" CODSUlations decorated No pets $500 OUTSTANDING - large 3 885-5459 after 6 BERKSHIRE - Outer Dnve courts. sallboatmg. $375 1IllS-1719 bedroom, 11':/ bath borne Imately 240 sq. ft near _ !KAY'S KAPER - speciahzmg TWOB EDRooM upper Nice 3 bedroom brick Colomal Grosse Pomte $75 monthly weekly 822-0088 6G-STORE in diMerS, luncheons, hors BASEMENT apartment Two Fresh decor, small family Detroit neJghborbood Nlce- Newly decorated $350 pe r LEASE room, bnght k1tchen WIth Includes beat 885-3545 HILTON HEAD Island/South .. t.~. d'oeuvres for all occaswns bedroom, ubl.1tles lnCluded, Iy deco rated Stove, refrlg. month 8ecunty 886-0052 Carolina 1 and 2 bedroom 331-2919. garage, stove and refnger- appliances, washer, dryer. erator, garage No pets 700 SQUARE foot store front CORNER STOREFRONT on ~1c in ruce basement 2 car GROSSE POINTE townhouse Mack Ave, Grosse Pointe furnished oceanfront Villas ator avaLlable Nottmgham 5ecurit y deposIt reqUll"ed 1 Mack - Grosse Pomte area ~,,,~~REJn garage, a great block on 2 bedrooms, 2 ':/ baths, cen Park Attractive building Rent day or weeks Free near Mack $225 per month $275 922-5737 or 425-6853 tral air, no pets, $650 pe r literature Call ov. ner Up to 1,500 square feet • c, UNFUMISHED plUS s~cunty 1.669.9191 Buclungbam between Mack $260 plus utilltles 331.8491 822.1645 and Warren Available JWle GROSSE POINTE Park - month 886-1979 anytime 771-4586 - after 6 FISHER ROAD - large four #'" BEACONSFIELD -- Avail .. 1st $475 886-1924 Way bum, 2 bedroom lower, FIVE ROOM upper New room SUIte, private lav, WID- HARBOR COVE Harbor 6H-FOR RENT -: able June 1st 2 bedroom, 5 MOROSS ROAD duplex - be- stove, refrigerator, car- carpet, appliances Garage Springs, luxury condo, tween Mack and Express- GRAYTON - 2 bedroom dows on 3 sides, Jan ser- OR SALE room flat, near Iakefront peted $300 month, $300 5042 Devonshire 882.0611 August weeks available, at way 2 bedroom, $32S per lower, screened porch $325 secunt y, yellr lease After Vice, util mcluded Park. and elementary evenings "by owner" rates Day 965. HOUSE $700 month to mon th month ~ plUS utilities Leave 630p m 8&H666 • scbooI. $350 plus utilities 9409 Evemngs, weekends MaXImum 90 days message at 884-8974 . GROSSE POIJ','TE One, tw o 3 smgle offices, one or all - lease .HISTORIC REALTY 1124-2'100 GROSSE POINTE area - 2 DEVON SHIRE - Large up- pedroom apartments 881-6725 Must show 965-1900 ext 2201 UPPER FLAT for rent, 1 Share reception, coffee bar IAKESHORE ROAD, Grcue bedroom apartment. $290 per 2 bedroom, very clean, Carpet, appliances, heat BLACK LAKE - large beach- or after 5 p m 882-9812 per month mclu din g bedroom and dtrung room fireplace, appban- PolDte Shores: All the natural parkmg Evemngs, 824-3849 At Maumee - small swte, front 3 bedroom cottage With utilities 822-1645 7/Grabot area $225 per ees, ca rpet, $275 plus Sl."CUTJ- charm and pnvacy of a bt- pr1v lav, wmdows fireplace, all convemences, 6K-STORAGE month 294-5763 ty de posit 882~12 ALTER - E Warren One Ue hwse in the ewntry. This HOUSE FOR ReDt. 4012 Neff bedroom, stove, refngera boat $250 weekly Available SPACE two bedroom, two bath Street - DetroIt CIo&e to LOWER FLAT for rent, 2 FOR LE ASE - upper flat, tor, utilIties Newly decora VtrglDla S Jeffnes, 882-0899 August 18-Labor Day 881- PRIVATE, SECURE 20X10 , home, set back on a large Mack across Grosse Pomte bedroom, and dmmg room, near Kercheval, 3 bed- ted 774-7923 2680 secluded lot bas large hvmg CIty Three bedroom, llvmg 7/Grabot area $350 per rooms, gas heat $400 882. OPPOSITE EASTLAND - feet Month-month lease At ~ 1lOOD1, faImly roam, private room, lhnang room, kltchen, month 294-5763 9847 UPPER STUDIO - clean Plaza, 18301 East 8 WALLOON LAKE 3 bed- $15 Call before 1p m - 885- <> study A\I'ailable now at bathroom, basement aDd qUiet, utili ties mcluded $250 MIle Road ProfesSIOnal room, excellent beach 9279 TWO BEDROOM brick, ONTAHI O/Cadleux, cozy 2 per month, dePOSIt. leave sUlle Excellent locatIOn _ $1,200 a month .• .-06 carpetIIlg $300 pM utilities IlVlng-room, dimng room, Everything furOlshed bedroo m duplex, private message 774-5116 115-()440, basement Stove, refngera- 777-4646. Available July 15th to ~ 7-WANTED basem ent and yard, appllan- August 5th, and after August TO RENT J~~~N~=, AN ESPECIALLY Wlique tor, available June 1st $350 WARREN -1,ooosquarefeet cell, av aJlable June 1, $325 6A-FOR RENT 19th 422-8351 or (616) 535 ; Ideal for one perIOD $260 bome 10 bouses.from Park monthly plus deposIt Ca- permo nth pJus utIlities and Hoover near 696 X-way, FURNISHED DOCTOR WITH ne\!l practice -t monthly, beated No pets, LIVlDg room has 11 ' dieux -chandler Park area secunt y 886-2537 newer butldmg, good loca- 2416 - .security deposit 882-1044 Cathedral cellJng, natural 885-4077 KERBY ROAD - 4 bedroom, lion 758-4100 WIshes to lease 3 or 4 bed- CHATSW ORTH - 2 bedroom HILTON HEAD Villa Sum- room home or condommum wood floors, bled fireplace 112 bath FURNISHED bnck cHARPER/BERKSHIRE, 1 BUCKINGHAM, one bedroom upper Rent $210 plus secu- ATTENTION EXECUTIVES mer has arn ved there' for mlmmum of 2 years In 2 rooms, 2 bedrooms up, home avaIlable 7/15 to 1/15 , bedroom apartment, stove, upper, refmlShed hardwood nty Ca II 939-2043 One or 2 Bedroom apartments, Sleeps 6, on golf course Busmess phone 772.1360, _ refrigerator, carpeted, heat one In firushed basement floors, stove, refngerator, FInished basement, new fur- short lease. Lmens, cook- BICYcles, pool 886.9234 WIth pool table Available HAYES /Whlttler area - love- nace, 2-car garage No pets home 881-3223 r lDcluded, $285 a month 331- $225 monthly 886-8670 ware, cablevlslon, utilities, HIGGINS LAKE Cottage - June $700 per month, for ly m odern one bedroom $600 month 884-0000 PROFESSIONAL workmg , 0581 from $750 Sleeps 6, weekly rental dates lease. 1st and last reqwred UPPER 6 room fiat Carpeted, apartm ent Carpet, air con- couple lookmg to sub-let 469-1075 771-4916 available for July and -UPPER FLAT for rent 3660 plus secunty deposlt No neWly decorated, rll"eplace, dttlOnm g, parkmg, $260 per N OXFORD - 4 bedroom, 2 house or apartment for sum- Buckingham 881-3486. !>tove, refrigerator 2 porch. August 343-0439 Pets 822-9023 month includIng heat bath center entrance FURN- 6D-VACATION mer Grosse Pomte/St Clall" es $375 per month plus se- 36lHl134 or 527.5320 l!A'M'RACTIVE 2 bedroom up- 741 ST CLAIR-WIth a lovely ISHED ColOnial With family RENTALS BOYNE COUNTRY - com Shores Call Scott - 574- 0441 'l per _ Scboeoherr /6 Mlle. cunty Available June 1st flower garden Near tennis DEVONS HIRE/Mack/DetrOit room July 1 occupancy $900 pletely furmshed, all elec- between 8 and 5 weekdays 822-8628 881- " -Carpeted, artlflClal f.re- courts, schools, sboppmg, SpaCl0 us 3 bedroom lower, month, 1 year lease HIGGINS LAKE - Cottage 3 tnc, 2 her Chalet With 2 fire- place, sunporch, Ictcben 00- SPACIOUS 3 bedroom, 212 natural rll"eplace, $350 Secu- 4200 places, upper sleeps 8, lower MATURE, employed adult, huge garage, remodeling bedroom full bath, $225 needs 2 bedroom upper near wax floor, shower 1/2 base- nearly completed $585 bath Colorual m spotless COD- rity, 1ease reqUIred 881-2653 JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE w~y, excellent recrea- sleeps 6 SWimmIng, flshmg. < • transportatIOn July 1st meal. Plenty of stmIge $275 1182.{l93() after 3 dIllon LIbrary, enclosed EAST 0UTER Dnve - two FOR LEASE Furnished up- tional area 286-8113 golfmg 425.8933 , • mootb plus security. Not porch, finished recreation Evenmgs,839-6398 THREE BEDROOM upper bedroo m upper Carpeted, per flat an Trombley Road HAWAll, WAlKIKI Beach MARCO ISLAND, Florida - • , _ iDcludi.D8 utillbes Ideal for room Updated kitchen WIth MATURE COUPLE have sold Uruque store front apart- appha nces, secunty. re- Three bedrooms, 2 baths. Beautiful condo completely South Seas West. 912 ~. (worbJI people. No pets 88&- appliances Lovely decor 2 large Grosse Pomte home ment m Park Carpet. $350 a ferenc es $275 per month, large living room, formal furmshed, pnvate pool, ten- Beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath , () 9304. year lease $1,100 per month DesIre on long-term basis month, beat UlCluded 293- plus Utihtles 521-3669 dmmg room, well eqUIpped rus, weekly, monthly 886- condo, front gulfvle\\ on the plus utIlitIes, secunty kItchen $1,000 lUcome Grosse Pomte smaller !'FREE - One months rent 5514 GROSSE POINTE Park, 8280 beach Golf tenms, pool, dePOSit SCHULTES REAL WM J CHAMPION &: CO house, duplex or flat 3 11 One bedroom and studJo Hampt on/Wayburn, 1 bed- decorator furnished, cable G~E POINTE Park - ESTATE 881-8900 884-5700 EXECUTIVE RETREAT - bedroom, 882-1139 j apartments Newly decora- room apartment $200 TV, days 46Hl700, evemngs 1139 Wayburn, 3 bedroom BISHOP, 11'2 blocks north 8 Home locabon exclUSive .r ted, clean, qwet bwldtng Stove, refrigerator, carpet. COMPLETELY FtJR!",1SHED 477-8270 COLLEGE PROFESSOR house Appliances extra, Mack Very well decorated, "Broken Rocks" Assoc W1th with secunty alarm system ed. hea t meluded AvaIlable 5 room home Attached Wishes to lease, 3 bedroom -" $160 and up Plus security fenced In lot Pets OK. $375 3 bedroom home Fll"eplace, 175 ft on Lake Huron, sandy RELAX 10 Boyne Countr>" plus UWltles 822-1882 June 15th 885-6938 garage, on an attractive beach, pl'IVate, spectacular unfurmshed home or condo- deposit Leave message, 526- family room, app!ulnces, 2 "Farms" strt'et Recreation Petoskey 3 or 5 bedroom bedroom, full basement. VIew, only 214 hrs drive chalet Dishwasher, TV, mmlUm Needed by mld-to- 120ll CADIEUXn M1le Cozy, clean car garage No pets Call TWO room, bar, full ktlchen applJa nces, on Moross 1m. from Detroit Charming 4 late July 882-5007 upper, no pets, $235 plus Debbie (l) 239-5823. after 6 faclhtles, large fenced yard phone, easy access to golf- EASTLAND VILLAGE medlat e occupancy $350 bedroom for further detalls/ 109, pool, sandy beach ~ APARTMEI'I;TS security 773-7039 or Tn-5560 pm 11) 232-7612 Call after 6 pm, 884-0805 8-ARTICLES 293-6335 showmg, call Tappan & small lake, piCniC area, ) 1 and 2 bedroom apart GROSSE POINTE area - GROSSE POINTE Park - Assoc (313) 884-6200 FOR SALE THREE MILE Dnve - upper 695 ST CLAIR Completely playground 64i 7233 ments available from DevonshIre, 2 blocks off Mary land 2 bedroom upper furm10hed 2 bedroom town. Mack Nice 5 room upper flat Stove. refngerator No flat, 2 bedroom, natural HILTON HEAD - Villa - BLUE PRINTS house Brmg your sUitcase LEELAl\AU Penml>ula RESUMES " $40520600 BALFOl-R RemodeJed ~tchen, stove pets $2SO a month plus se- rll"epla ce, kitchen With nook oceanfront . 2 bedroom - 2 and move 10 Long or short Beautiful lake front cottage LAMINATING HARPER WOODS and refngerator mcluded cunty North East Realty, Immed lately available $325 ba th - pool - tenrus .. golf • on Grand Traverse term lease Ideal for sum- Bay lD SIZE ~ 34:H)255 527.<1700 amon th 885-5424, mormngs rental. by owner (215) 353- C II T\\ 0 bedrooms and sleepmg I' 1 for ap pomtment mer VISItor 882--6299 0237 8 '2Xll - $1 00 DUPLEX SOMERSET, SpaCIOUSand at- BEDFORD - Warren Clean loft Beach prl v a te sett mg QUICK PRINTING RIVIER. !\ TERRACE Condo HARBOR SPRINGS area - June August dates avad off CadIeux between Mack tractive, 5 room lower. With 2 bedroom upper With large 68-ROOMS FOR IJ',ST ANT COPIES appliances, plenty of closet balcony Carpeted through - - 9 MI Ie/Jefferson 2 bed- RENT golf, tenms, beaches, sv.lm- able 882198i SCRATCH PADS - 65f LB and Warren 2 bedroom, room 2 bath. top floor mmg, f,shing S bedrooms. ~ garage, avaIlable June 8. space, earth tone carpeting out Appliances. drapes In DEVONSHIRE - East ~ar- HARBOR SPRIl\GS - Lu). WEDDING INVITATIONS cluded Ideal for adults No balcon~ nev.l) Cdrpeted and fully furnished condo Week. • $350 per month plus tear porch, separate base ren Quiet home. gentleman, ury condo Sleeps 8 all KEYLINING pets S300 per month m. decora ted $5f>0 or sell Iy or weekend rates (5171 ment, garage msulatlOn good neighborhood Reason- amenitIes pool tenm~ PHOTOSTATS ~EGS utIlities cludes half heat Available 773767 4, after 6 p m 749 323-7307 $375 monthly plus ut!htles able Call TU5.9213 556-9473 97i-2'379 RUBBER STAMPS 885-4033 882 5160 881 2583 July 1 398-5635, or 773-3343 9788 POMPANO Beach, Flonda OPEN MONDA Y THRU QUIET ResldentJa I street. QUIET CHRISTIAN home Bec\uttful oceanfront condo -'"&CHUSS MOUNTAIN Chalet ';ATURDAY ~5 PM NEED A home to lease" Up to Refer. PRESTIGIOUS LUXURY APARTMENTS GrOSl>ePomte Farms 2 bed Ideal for semors completely furmshed, low b~ week or weekend. full} Jeffenon at Groue POInte Clt)' hmlt - 4 story elevator $1,500 a month Please call enc~ 885-5129 POINTE PRINTING Purdy and Strongman 881- room 1 bath, dmmg room rate, weekly, monthly 885. equll'ped SkI and S\\lm buildmg With large rooms one and two bedrooms 152Q1KERCHEVAL I8lO IIvmg r oom, plus Sunporch 2844 Call 3ets~ 581 4350 or 44:>- References and Secunt~ rE'qulred 6C-oFFICE FOR at Lakepomte $495 m onthly lea!te Call RleHA WA YE _ 'j Miles 21~ evenmg~ WALKER.ALKIRE REALTY MIDDLESEX - Enghsh da\s4 96 'm.12 weekend fl82 RENT Gros~e Pomte Park 822--7100 Cotswold, 4 bedrooms 31'2 south of Ga)lord Golf,ten. AT CADILLAC - 10\e1\ 88IHJ92O 1730 OFFICE avallable In th e baths, library Immediate prestlgllU, Hampton Square nl~, clUbhouse, pool play lake<;ldc .':>"d~S Chalet IAH(,i'. "ELECTro\, of re ST CLAI R Shores Beautiful condllioned SCH\\ 1~1\,' bl occupanc~ $1,100 a month BUIlding 22811 Mack Ave ground, 3 lake~, "allboats, Custom kitchen dl~h"'a~h Coloma 1. 2 bedroom brick paddle. boats much more C'\ele'> Rl'asonable prices 881 592.5 Induded secretarial and Beautiful 4 bedroom home er color T V deck 5leep,> duplex 11, bath, ~all door \ tllagc ('\ <.ler~ 77i ..(J1J7 CLEAl\ AND COZY2 bedroom <;tove refrigerator dIsh answermg servIces Ideal sleeps 12, 2 bath:.. fUII~ 7 plu!to "pt'clal JunE' rates upper Mack/Bt-.aconsfleld .....asher p&nE:1ed bast-ment, st-t.up for a consultant In- eqwpped kitchen WIth 263-6616 ~r; \<"O\I-:D Flrf'\\ood mIxed $300 mcJudes heat 885.3545 stud). room. snack bar. 2car <;urancl' agent manufac. dishwasher. flreplace. TV. CHARLE VOl X Pelo"ke~ h"rd\\oo(]., $')(1 a cord :-tack GROSSE POINTES' bncka ttached gara~e "am. turers rep fInancial plan- stereo ~3211 area on Lake Mlch,ga'n PO ana d('ll\ered -; days a GREATEST patiO $525 Avallahle No ner, accountant 779-5770 ------shore 4 bt-droom;. '} balh!to v, t'Ck Mi, i4iil • pets Ideal for workmg coo ALPENA AR~A on Lake clean safe "....lmmmg $~2~ GARAGE SALE ~ ME!)le'L.D""rAL Sunday May 27th Monday pie 294-2642 PROFESSIONAL SUITE Huron modern t....0 bed weekly 882-5749 or 591-6t80 !WE BUY BOOKs' Mav 28th, 11 a m to 5 p m I~D TAl\ VILLAGE AvaIlable and attractivel) room C'otlages, <..lblr TV (H \Lt'" I 0\ IdkP l1C'ar Jacobson s parkmg struc Carnage house ~tudlO apdrt designed well appomted saf(' sandy beach fret' bro chure reduced June and (har)('\olx t-Irepla{t' (()IOI IN YOUR HO ture ke fle\l, mtenor C07\ bUIlding at 20llll Kelly FrPe offer., no ohhF!atlOt'l ment h late Augu<;t White Sands T\ boat pmate Ddy" 778 dppral"dl., furnl"hed THREE BEDROOM homE' 5 and co mfortablp $300 plu'~ Rd f;a<;! DetrOIt Ample Rel\Ort Ossineke MI49766 40" (" enmg., R84 04\) ...-curlt Y dt>pooo1lt and utilI convenlf'nl parking, entIre I'~tdll'~ a\.,o desllrO minute<'. from 5t John Hos 517471 2001 \,/\ '\ Tt (KET (\PI' (od pita] '\I'wer carpel/drapes lie<; Full Mamlt'nance ---- Hedutlful n<,v, hnnH \\011 SHORt'. Rf;ALT\ ll85 0111 JOHN KING Rlll ~Hn LAKE: (Lt-;ARWATE:R B1'880 961-0622 GRO~SE P()l~TF. t'arm!to WE'st 2 bftlroom 2 bath (ail 'J14 III 11/,l\ \\pekdJ\" thr~ bt' hCJtt'd HOUSEHOLD bage d 15posa 1 $32.1 plu<; Bt'ILDrNG ed basement With recreatlUl Birchwood Farm E"tat€' pool Of'ar golf and heach t ~ rr room, green hause. central secuTil Y plus apphances 22811 GREATER MACK and AVE golf course now open I EnJOY 886 ..3924 air $750 per month Agent 527-lllO2 tht' 1t'1"ure Iy pa ce of nor ESTATE SALES 371 ;;.4(10 ST CLAIR SHORES thern Michigan ~prll\gtlme, TRA VER.~I-, ('rTY ( hdrm Conducted by "K" And Enj~y 5 Acres of Backyard RE NT TO OWN Two large rooms. pnvate mg beachfront resort ".:ast KELLY/WHITTIER Two In a 2.4 bedroom vacation 5er\ IC'Ing Wayne, 2H bed rooms all house'> lav, wet bar and storage Bay $250 $350 weekly 00 tbe DetroIt Rlyer bfodroom bnck bunga low , home at Off.Season rates Oalcland and r~lr ed do nd ~v. Iy dl'Cor cI closet Available May 1st BIRCHWOOD REALTY Brochures 1616) 938 1740 nt''''' carpet fireplace, ted l'lo mODe) down Work 885-0111 Macomb CountMlli ~"'~:=I"(o"ll.e ...... ) POBox 4!n. Ha rboT Sprmgs. CLEAR~ATER ~nd Key 2 refngentor, patiO porch, mg folk s preferred (2 Other SUites Presently 1Ih (J13) 124.3709 Mt 49740 (616) 526-2156 bedroom 2 bath )UXUf\ con Kay 247.Q361 ga,.., $32S plus aU utilitIeS Available) ;" ttopp ,..... •• 11MIIl ~ 822-{1373after 4 p m HAND LOS 882 7300 , do on the beach ,m BlffiJ Ann 771'()197 Thursday, May 24, 1984 .ROSSE POINTE NEWS

    I-AfffiCIJI I a-iiif'iCiii I-ARTICLES I-ART1ClES I-ARTICLES I-ARTICUS 8-ARTICLES e-ARTlCLU FORMY _ FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE l BERE'M'A ., pIStol, 8 shot , PORTABLE GE diIJnruber. JAMES A MONNIG HUGE GARAGE sale, May 28, GIRL'S yellow bedroom set, THIS IS it The sale you've ESTATE SALE - 4709 Prtncoess canopy headboard, been waltmg for, our 4th an, blue .teel, WIth holatel' and $35, seanautowalbel',_; BOOKSELLER Audubon East Warren/Out- ~ Toys, tools, kids clothel5, rughtatand, dresser, mUTor, nual block long garage sale shells, mmt condition $250 Smith CoraM electric typlt- 15243 MACK AVE er Dnve area Fnday and books, baby furniture, wrIter, $50, Adler portable IN HOUSE SALE! (at Beaconsfield) carpet, Chairs, many house. chest, desk With hghted Saturday, May 2illh, 10 77HI94 after 7 p m Saturday 10-2, quality anti- bookcase hutch, chair $725 a m -4 p m 4100 block of typewnter, $25, boy's tA\n ANNOUNCING ques and collectibles only hold goods, etc , camping SiGNATURE FROST FRE E Man size Barcaloonger In Bishop A dozen families Will speed bike, $20 _8519 ENTIRE CONTENTS! NEW SUMMER HOURS No Junk Cash appreciated equipment 5716 Hillcrest, refngerator, 18 cubic ree t, ErrECTIVE MAY 18TH 1984 corner of LinVille, two beige tweed $125, all super have many treasures for you white, 4 years old, excellen t GAS STOVE - dlMIble oven, TWO SINGLE beds, cbnmg we will be open Fridays, blocks from St John CondItion 8854757 to choose from Sorry no condition $260 839-2702 good corK!ItJon, t15O, 1lfI2. OrlMtal rugs, bedroom fur- room set, coffee and end Saturdays, Sundays onI)' r 40" WHITE self-eleamng elec. I pre-sales 9501 ruture, hvmg room, cblUng tables Stereo, rocking and SEARS Coldspot - Side by- WHIRLPOOL washer, delux e HOURS 10 A 5 P M lrtc stove, $200or best offer STEREO for sale - like new room, accessories by the M other chairs, love seat With Side refrigerator, hke new model, 3 years old, bras s WEDDING DRESS and veil tons I The Eastsldes largest and best Jenn-alre $150 886-5315 Call Mark, 885-1452 Great fold out bed and plants $295 885-Q079 fireplace screen, Crib and never ~orn Chiffon, beads stocked used bookshop IS FRIGIDAIRE electrIC dryer, gift for graduation . and lace, size 10 $250 882- Pierre, 881-1295 evenmgs KENMORE washer-dryer, ex mattress Best offer 885 now offering Sunday hours $35, 2 tWin mattresses, DORM SIZE refrigerator, 6726 7630 703 HOLLYWOOD for ) our shoppIng and 6 PIECE Pecan dmmg set 4 cellent condition, white, sprmgs, $50 881-1413 good concbtlOn $70 885-4549 SUPER MOVING Sale - BRASS LAMP'; 36" ~Ith bro\l.smg convemence The covered chairs, drop leaf movmg must sell $-300 882 wanted somethmg or any ~h.ide, $45 -12" ~llff~1 ',I.lth I\e\l. York Times and lreshly table & buffet, 6 ft marble 6299 SIGNED lithograph by Edna 7' POOL table, all accessones, Grosse POinte Woods thmg for theIr hom<-, cot marble bast' $51.1 <;o(a" ground coffee will also be end table, large sofa 884- IN SEARCH of TREA- Hlbel "Hong Kong Harbol" good condition la~n I bldLk dnd gray plaid on avaIlable to alleviate those 0596 after 5 p m SURES? When shoppmg 882-{J679or 751 1352 mo~ er, needs blade tage Some furOiture Fr THURSDAY, FRIDAY, oj ca"ler", $25, olive green bormg Sunday blahs To gct garage sales, antique barns, SIX LADDERBACK birch 884 4812 dfter 5 30 P m day. Saturday, 9-5 12 SATURDAY GARAGE SALE' AnLJque 1\\C('d, $.10 large round dark ) au m the Sunday habIt", e flea markets, or even chairs, $150, 40' electriC WHITE QUILTED 90" sofa, 3 Belanger, Gros!>c Pomt e 95 Wicker, household Items, f'arms near Beaupre/Cha I gr<-enuphol"tcred chair, 51 '1 are offenng 20% off all Grandma's Athc, you may stove \\Ith t....o ovens clock matching barrel chairs, Christmas decorations, fontt" 822 ')198 EVERYTHING PRICED books and pnnts on both garden tools, chma, Silver, find that lrea'iure Be sure to control needs repair all else good condition $799 May 20th and May 27th For furmture Saturday, 9-4 386 look for claSSIC deSign, OK, $75 961-5862 days, 771.{l.m 1!J78 HONDA Hoblt moped GARA<,r: S-\LE - Sdturda), TO GO' more mformatlOn call Country Club Lane, corner period prices, mterestmg 881-8271evenmgs DIRECT FROM factory 1.900 Imles, good condillo n 10 t> 597 Hampton 885-22£5AnytIme of LakeView detail and above all "good KENMORE automatic dryer Quartz wall clocks, $20, cof- $250 885 1755 lIou,.ehold ltem~, bah] constructIOn" Don't worry eqUipment tab] toddler REDECORATING - 60 - works great, $95 885-11wilen )UU iklve IOUIIU 11 month, wood gram [I/\lsh brmg It to the experts We ServlDg the Greater Grosse Pomte area 886-3154 SUNDAY! ROPER 30" gas stove - ex- $125 'flf(any hangmg lamp GAR'\GE S,\LE - cLirtal1~, can appraise It, clean It up excellent condition, new "mall appliances, books, Estate and Hom.ehold LIquIdatIOns MULTI-FAMILY garage sale and professionally restore If THIS SATURDAY AND cellent conditIon $145 885- SUNDAY LAWN SALE 0079 $50 526-1076after 4 p m <.raflllems Christmas tree, Complete Service References ElectrOniCs eqUipment, slot necessary CORNER OF I bpds aquarium and Hamp- cars and tracks, boys Happy Hunting From 2 EXTERiOR doors - t Co 885.0826 BEDFORD/MACK MISSORDERED Gorgeous omal paneled front doo r, 'iter Ilems Much mort' Stingray bicycle, dorm room The Sunshine Stnppmg & Karastan pale pmk plush Sal~rda), Sunday, 9-? 884 loft, Wildlife encyclopleda, 16135MACK AVE carpetmg Never used, ap- 36. x 80", hmges, handle Fmlshmg Company 8 A M.3 PM Lorall1c children's draperies and 11357 E 8 Mile knob, deadbolL lock, peep Table and floor lamps $5 and proXImately 36 yards Cost r HANGE - Frigidaire electric matchmg spread, games, 757-1766 hole, keys, $25 l red ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED up Coffee tables $65 and up new $2,100 Aslung $1,400 ~('Jf c1eamng 30" E:xceJlent book~, crafts, garden Items, established 1970 French door, 10 glaSl> pane. AZAR'S GALLERY plants, cuttings and lots VIctorian rockers $75 and 884-3784 30" X77., removable [nslde r ('(lndltlon Bcsl offer 886- BOY'S GARAGE sale - up ChlppendaleCamelback THREE VERY ,elegant One of the large selections of Oriental rugs more Free coffee I 9-4, clear acryhc panel, all hard 892-1 clothmg for all seasons sofa, Poster bed (double) French doors, sacnflce for at mlnlmwn prices Saturday, May 26 1350 ware mel $2S 821-6466 ANTIQUE teacart, J speed (mostly SIZes 8-14 slim and $350, 2 Governor Winthr0f, $300 each Ladles, like new, North Oxford, Grosse Pomte bike, t.....11I maple headboard. 251 E MERRILL, BIRMINGHAM regular) LeVI cords, Jeal\!>, secretaries coboU glass co Dalton all-wool beige }8cket SCHWINN men's 15 speed , extended Kirsch traverse Woods Izod shirts, blazers, etc lechon, Queen Anne hIgh. Brown aU-wooiladtes wmter 1982 Super Sport "'Ith ac 644-7311 rod hammock and ?>tand, .1BASSETT mahogany bed- Most m excellent condition boy, $750, 3 mahogany coat, large Bargam Four cessorles $300 881-5134 hedge trimmer :1"7 pm, l1li1 room, $475 couch and chall', Games, books, toys for all bedroom sets, 2 sets of twm gent's like new world sport THIRD ANNUAL yard sale 886.5901 ChesterfIeld, $140 Both sets ages and a dtrt bike too. Fri- beds, corner china cabInet, coats, red, green, two plaids Once agam everythmg for good condition, also mlscel. day, May 25th, 9-3 Cash on. Duncan Phyfe mahogany New tolatapye measure everyone! Linens, curtall1~ , CARPET, :'>iE\\', droom set, $700, WIth model Smger In cabinet with type) $250, French china ladies Many new sport What ever you can stuff m a 11am T05pm MLIe Rds, between Kelly and frdme, brand new 881-4698 moving chair and at- cabmet (ornate), French shirts Gen't new ram-proof grocery size paper sack IS Beaconsfield, 11 a m -4 p m after 4 p m tachments 884-1501 Bombe/type console (mar- dark raincoat Small butch- yours for $5/sack 3690 Jacobson's Parking Structure WASHING MACHINE, car- WILLIAM AND Mary walnut ble top), 6 antique sofas and er block Three step 2-step Somerset DIAMOND cocktail rlfIi, ~ peting, air conditioners, dining room set - table with loveseats, 10 sets of ladder. Large outdoor grill CHEST lo~REEZER, 15 cu ft cocktail ring, emerald 331-2136 cocktail nng, also large gold bwlt'll1le~ves, 6chaltS, clos- mahogany end tables, T V antenna New table Excellent condition ~175 0r RUMMAGE SALE - 5m7, ed chlfla and buffet, $1,000or Queen Anne wing chair $75 lmens WIth napkins New, in- best 885-1003 pendant and 17 ct aqua- best offer. Harvest gold Chippendale and French case, stainless steel service marine rlna and matching 5091, 5098, Devonshtre FfI- DINETI'E SET country pine day, Saturday, 9-5 G E refngerator and stove loveseats Much, much for SIX Dozens of beautiful pendant With diamond Per Household - good conditIOn, $350- for more gift boxes, ~ each Call 6 ladder back chaIrS , sonal 777-61161 1968MERCEDES, well mam- both or best offer G E gold pedestal table With Ie.f $550 tamed, 280SL $3,500 Call COLOR CONSOLE TV 23', after 12 885-2209 after 4 p m 882~ GOW JEWLERY Low price portable dishwasher - like $150, electric typewriter, FIRST TIME Garage sale - PrIVate dealer 771-6420 Estate Sales 882-8571. new, $90 call 8 a m -4 p m WANTED LAWSON or tradl QUASAR COLOR Video $100; student desk and Chalf, Hundreds of Items, old 881-0440 or after 6 p.m. $75, black and white TV, 21', glass, both modern Bnd lln- tional 3 cushion sofa Also BABY camera, RCA Select.A. 293-7356 or 882.3266 small loveseat and Queen CONDUCT£DIY VISion, portable VHS re- $2Q, two wood loveseats, tique Original records FURNITUREJ FRIGIDAIRE heavy duty - size sofa bed. 499-3593 corder TDPlOOO tuner- removable cushions, $25 Books, some furniture Fri. 18 pound dryer, condlbon each; dmmg room antique day, Saturday, Sunday, 9 MOVING, must sell sears EQUIPMENT timer, $1,200 353~ Ortho-Klnectks travel chalf, LILLY M. AND COMPANY $150. 885-Q079 table and buffet, $100, anti- a m -6 p m 1056 Woods Kenmore yellow 22 2 HARDEN BREAKFRONT , MaXI TaXI, Perego stroller, VICTORIAN loveseat - Chalf, que wrought Iron tWin bed Lane Lakeshore lo Moor- refrigerator, $SOO, girls 562-1387 569-2929 chma 6OX16, 86" high Ex- porta-beds, baby earners, marble top table, lamp With springs, $75, dresser land to River Road 1 block brass trundle bed plu S cellent condItion Three yellow and whIte dresser bounclrtg ~ea ts, yello ....., 882-9434 and mirror, $125, Hoover left . white or brown changlllg • years old Glass shelVes, vacuwn, $15 Round formica FRIGIDAIRE, 2 door refnger- mirror, stand, chest With ... light $1,500 779-2270 SALE tdbles In :l different st) Ie l> shelves, $700 331-J398 kitchen table, 6 Chairs, $100 ator - excellent condltlon Nurl>er) Idmp., h.ls::.lllt'ls TRS-8O Model I, level n, com- 48" stove - sears Kenmore, self cleamng oven, $200, 881-2619 $145 885-Q079 LOVESEAT, traditional bY Gnd l>horl or long ba~Jnt!t HOUS€HOLD pu~ with 16K and modem, Conover Velvel stripe d Westinghouse small bar BEAUTIFUL whtte frost free MOVING SALE - large b~urb, ~"') ngomallc S.... lne::>, $450. Roger Decorater and refngerator, $50, mahogany refrigerator; 30" electnc folding SCN!en, Queen Anne green, yeliow, white and stroller, carraie, wnbroJ. BMX, bikes, $120 Two Les Hi-FI, $110, RCA-TV stove, gold gas stove. cop- chair frame, old botUes, belle, $175 886-0549 lers, Hedstrom stroller/car- Paul copy electriC gUitars mahogany console, $90, per refngerator 882-5681 books, adjustable dress FOUR FAMILY movll1j sale nage, gates, ....alnut slamed ESTATE SALES and amps 886~I, after 4 cmuse lounge, $125, poker G E REFRIGERATOR - 2 dorm, Junior golf clubs, PIC- May 24,25,26 Kitchen table Bassette CrIb/ mattress, Jen APPRAISALS pm 884-7894 table, chairs, $90, bike rack, new ana Chairs, cameras, floor n) Lind ~ood high-chairs, ANTIQUeS PURCHASED door, frost-free, almost tures, frames, 4 drawer fil- WOMENS WIlSON staff 1200. $.'JO, three rugs, Best oHer. $325 885-Q079 ing cabmet, cameras, more scrubber, sewlIlg supplies , blonde crib/mattress, \\alk- 8 Irons, excellent condltlon 771-1170 Oriental approximately ITALIAN Provmclal king Size saturday, 10-2p m only 334 current paper backs , ers, boobter -.cat?>, IrJ .. nt.tnd Cost $250, saCrifIce $65 881- ll'x 18', flowered wool bed With tWin mattresses McMillan Road household goods, furniture toddler c.lr !lea III , \\hlte 8662 2OS21VanAntwerp, Harper L'rlb/mdHrl'!>:> \ ello~ ('hlf plush, approximately and box sprmgs, kmg size MISC BICYCLE parts' shed L. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES ferobe, 3l>1zes m~ play. GARAGE SALE - mlscel. ll'X15', green'gold shag, bed linen, 25"zemth console full Take all - $100 885- Woods of IIIIlI pens, wood playpen foldmg laneous household Items approximately 9'X12' Eng- T V Best offers 884-7054 7981 TAN WOOL rug 16'5">-9'3" 11x 14 blege carpet, TV, lish baby pram, $100, baby hlghchdlr:> crlb'maltre:; .. MOVING SALE - lawn- GROSSE POINTES' Good coodillon, formlca kit table, early Amencan milk stretcher, $30 885-8085 chen table 884-1334 clnd matching chel>I, JI~1) glass chandelier, many baby mower,large birch dresser, GREATEST sheets and comforter IplUOW G E HEAVY duty - 18pound FREE DIAMOND consulta Items New playpen, scale, humidifier, 2 black Nauga, GARAGE SALE sets I washer, like new, $160 885- hyde chairs, rocker, desks, Sunday, May 27th, Monday, lion learn the facts about F"1IENDLY bassmette, ca rbeds , blke- MOMS' TOY ATTIC 0079 phonograph, tools, mlsc May 28th, 11 a m to 5 p m diamonds 774.54::>3 1iartzlil PROFESSIONAL seats, G M carseats, tncy- A To)' Hesale Shop household articles Friday. Jacobson's panting struc- DlMASO DIAMOND Househ::lld Sales SERVICE de clothes, 961 South Brys, .F'URNITURE Wholesale DIS- 16637 E Warren 1182 7631 tnbutors of Michigan, AAA saturday,9-4 1250 S Oxford ture DESIGNS 9-3 No pre-sales TAMAPHONE, completely "Wholesale Direct Td CAMBRIDGE DIET food, $10 RCA 19"color portable V - 6' THERMO PANE doorwall SUSAN HARTZ 13,000BASEBALL cards, 1981, T portable carr) pbont, IWlo YOUR SPECIAL I You" I Selling all new mer-~ per can, sorry no chocolate excellent picture, $135 885- ready to be hung, $125 776- 1982, 1983,2 gallon food con- SW, 12 voll 5 channel POSSESSIONS 886.8982 chandlse in onglnal car- 886-1075 0079 5076 tamers, FDA approved, hot tons 2 piece mattress sets telephone, complete WIth ARE MY Grosse Pointe City WALNUT BEDROOM set - or cold One 30" gas range, tWin $59, $79, queen $99, TAPPAN 30"electriC range - JAMES A MONNIG recharging io)stem, auto SPECIAL CONCE'AN full i chest, double headboard , $50 Many more Items 10-3, sofa sleepers $119, bunk.; excellent condlhon, $135 BOOKSELLER anlenna and moolle .nten. nlghtstand, $100 881.l221 Thursday, 24th, Friday, beds complete $88 7 plet'ej 885-0079 15243MACK AVE na, ongmal CObt $2,400 ask. after 4 pm 25th, saturday, 26th 1335 Iivmg rooms $239, decoraJ GREAT MOVING Sale - (at Beaconsfield) lng $1, l:iO Like l"'u. ~5 Wayburn 'F da ANNOUNCING SOLID OAK kmdergarten 2169 t1ve lamps from $14 88, 51 every thIng must go rl y NEW SUMMER HOURS table5, conferellCf' tables MEN'S 10 speed bike, ex. piece wood dinettes $159" and Saturday, May 25 and Efo'FECTIVE MAY l8TH, 1964 (;.'\,~DR' 1m t'xceUent condJ- cellent conditIOn, $175 $800 plls now $375 Open tOI 26 1312Audubon Chairs large and small, art llon, mw.t sell $75 Will coo- jtalker & 1!l005, ]nc. the publJc, dealers and Insti- We Will be open Fridays, and drafl1n£ tables lI8S-5196 - - 882'{}318 CANNONBALL double bed, Saturdays, Sundays only' :>I~r trade for comparable GARAGE SALE' Friday-sat- - tutional sales welcome $100or best eB5-l465 after 3 HOURS 10 A M -5 P M GARAGE SALE - Salurdaj eleclric drver 88S 33'15 al'ter urday, 10.4 Furniture, Name brands, Serta. ct.c r only, 9-3 1662(1 Maumee 6 pm' Appraisers, Auctioneers 9451 BuHalo, Hamtramck O! P m The F..astsuies largest and best household Items, exercycle, GARAGE SALE Friday, stocked used bookshop 1$ SkIS - 110, 120. l60 C M GARAGE S-\U: :'Ilav 26 10 House Sales chma, etc, no pre-sales 849 • block nortn of HQlbroolt, I' boots, poles, chIldren ~ to)~, block east of Conant), 87So- Saturday, May 25-26, l0-4 now offermg Sunday hours a m to J p m Children's Grosse Pomte Court, be- books, cnb, 3 speed blkf', Appraisal for Insurance, Estate Tax, 7166 Telegraph (2 blocks 1470Anita for your shopping and clothes dl!>h~ to) 's 31111 tween Neff and St Clair off sprea~r, bar acc~&()f1es, Family DlstnbutlOn, I.Jquldation south of 6 MI1e), 532-4060, ENLARGER, trays, llmer, browsmg convenience The Hd\('rhlll CharleVOIX elc Sales of Personal Property: Monday throUgh Saturday,! easeb, '>a fe, hghl, complete New York Tlmes and freshly :'IW\'I:'olour bormg Sunday blahs To get soCa bed, loveseat, $30 Gas ~ ehdln. 2ldbJ~ m Iartt- mer weddl ng, dress veil, 456 through Saturday, 10.8, saCrifice $4'iO 884.577:1 you In the Sunday habit we lantern 81110936 flrepla(t. nllrror .....lth gold 280 North Woodward Avenue are offering off all Moran • 10909 Grand River (corner 20% MOVING SAL.E - danmli lrllm(' $_'{J t~ drawer SCHWINN SIerra, 10 speed. books and prmts on both Birmingham, Michigan 48011 of Oakman) 934 6900 Mon room, breakfront, end blUt' flle "Jblllt'l Sl5 1112- 8-ARTICLES red, boy s bIke Like nev.' May 20th and May 27th For (313) 646-4560 day through Saturday, 10-7 tables, plane, 2 ~ofli5 oHl"l FOR SALE 88.,).37ll1 more mformMllon alII ------4575 DIXIe Hwy , Waterford bedroom Hts p8mtlngs, CRAFT SUPPLIES Township (3 miles west of REMODELING' r ~:ravoudo 1185-2265 Anytime cloco, Illver marble top :"0,0\1, .hallable At - Clip and save - Telegraph I 674-4121 Mon- gas stove, $150 Refrt~era ADMIRAL 15 cu ft chest cock ta IItabkos, antlqUl! tal»e Why Go To Canada? day through Saturday 1~8 tor, $2')0 Portahle freezer 2 yrs old, 5 yr war- With benchn, rhandt'ller ~)'t[o:T1Il~G ~PEelAL K.') K~R('Ht:\'AL Why Order Out of Stale? Sunday 12 5 Credit cards dl,>h",a!o~r hutd)en. block ranly, IIRhl, basket, lock, ~Ing machillt' etl' ll&' HOUSEHOLD CHINA - SILVER and check~ accepted top - $12.1) Washer, f'lectnc energy effiCient $250 Il82 1:\Ot \ Good M"lrt'llon of Dell }{lbl.1n CRYSTAL very avaIlable dryer $\ '\0 Perfect for '"22 ------" LIQUIDATION We ~',lllBetter Any PIKe' PORCH SALE Saturd.l) • ~tt'l'll.lIs <.lever cottaKe owner-s - a II once In d Iifellme .. May 26th to 0 clock ~mall MO'it All Brands A LAR(Jlo~ ..ejection - Like- Palnh mall"rlal, from klldJen cup FA 'OTAllTI( (rARAGfo:SALE' appltann!S houM'nold " SALES !,'JNE ARTS Il86 9284 new ~chwlnn bicycle:., ottM'r • Hru.'ht-:o boord, $50 RlI&-I9'.l4 AnllqlH''>, children's eqUip ItftN 101111W. yburn (; rot,A(' Estate Sales and Appraisals 88&-1968 822-41 JO • ,>tr.t'" hdlll MAN S ,"'UR coat, blOfldto cilif ment to)'$,gama, Schwinn POinte Park 1~5 \too Sat ....Ilh brown lamb lnm, Ial'le blkeli gn-at quality Cur 111\ Itl'~,ou 10 tl'i<'bra1(' "pnng '" Ith a lrlp 10our ~hop 10 POOL TABLE With ptni porij( M4-+t22 \,'1, Ill\\ dlll\dl-, 1I1(ludlng size hke ~ $500 R22 29Q1 01I url" (~puln m Queen -~-~-- ~------ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED top, BNnSWlck lI'lilale ex ~H:' ..,lb~ Ill-"~ boy', W PmI.' ))(,dl ()11~ Bent h .:XQlJISITE 70 piece ,'rjstal eVffl Murplly bedI chests, cellent condition, $4OtJ llltI> ~'h ....mn lo-spt'ef'd ....ood kite hen lndg~ hookll !>Oft lo('ulptW'f' grt".-II pl('tUff Sl~ ....,. Sprlnp, lib ~ ~lILllI'r)llr ---- ~ .... Pdlr Fn'n< harm l hdlr<, dlal" (In('nlal runner!> and Idoll .. &r lInimalto I dot~, _--- ~ In(' ('hind ,rod \r t \\ or~ rnull1 Illlllh mUll' rugs Il22 ~Jl flE'W ~:ure&A \l8cuum dean lamps coffee t.. blt' "mall elf/ctrlcal kltcl'lf'n ap COLOR T.V.'S OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY L101\,/EI. "~U:(,TRIC Iraln <; .. r, mOW1'r, fonowbklwer , Our ~hop " !o< .Itl'd .It ..oovf'ls kltr~ lloodles and ~l.nce& ('all after 7 p m FROM $125 en I!: 11M'S , car'i l,ull'bClIp4', much much mOf't' Two 8231M? ,-)\,; ( holrll'\ III\ Early deac1ll11f' for lhe May 'l1~1l!.~ue Fnday I) p m HI (,to: ...Jo:UX'TIO .... tracks Z W lr.>n~f()rmf'r dlty~ only fo'nda\l & \alur (,10"1' 1'01111(' l'.1 rk Call early &82-6900 • HI"" unri It IImt"d ____')21 1ll6H ~ _ _rtay 10 ~ 1('l'l furnlturro dnd lotpeeOfl€"> I FOR TICKETS 882-6232 man's dUnker, new hre&, Banana 5eal, excel~nt con' Lady'll 311peed Also tandem Iworll1nl or not) .110, SHi lI84-0022 dillon 1Ia1,24n 114~ rdrlpr.tora

    I \ , q I i .. .. , , 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984

    i=1RTiClES 11-CARS 11-eARS ..t:iiriiCLEi i=Aiiiiiii 88-ANTIQUES 108-TRUCKS 11-CAAS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SAlE FOR SALE FOR SAlE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SAlE \ ESCORT, 1982, wagon, 1982 CORVE'M'E speclal. all pINING ROOM set, table, 2 XEROX copier 3100 LDC, ex FANTASTIC ANtIQUE AND 1978 SUNBIRD Sports Coupe AM/FM, excellent comh. HARTZ 1975 CHEVROLET 1/2 ton excellent condition, many options, Alpine AM/FM cas. , leaves, 4 chairs, buffet, cellent condition. valued a t COLLECTIBLE AUCTION lion, standard transmiSSIon HOUSEHOLD SALE plck.up 882-4914 ex.tras. 4 speed. good m p g sette, mmt condltlon, 24.000 • tucb, Early American dark $1,900, clOSing office. sacrl Memorial Day, May 28th at 11 $3,300 881-0803 condJ.bon, flce for $1.200 Secretarla I saCrifice, $1,650 885-7389 miles. 36 month extended ~ brown piDe, good am Barker's Tradmg Post, 1971VW bus, fuushed Inten or, desk, file cabmets Days 11-CARS warranty $16,900 886-2860. ~ •.• 10{)616 ESTATE SALE 7676 Blue Bush Road, 1964 BUICK - rellable bed, outlets. hghts, CB, 8 552-9400 Alter 5 pm, 885 FOR SALE 9-5 weekdays d1mrl& room let, 4 'rl H.AWTHORNE ROAD (Downtown) Maybee. trarlltportatlon 85.000miles, track, everything new 6OLONIAL G 5423 : cl'.airs, butch, 42" round "1* ROSSE POINTE SHORES Michigan (Northeast of MOr\TEGO 1973. run~ great, excellent condltlon. ~800 1982ESCORT, excellent Cond.l mechamcall), mlenor and ,I 9 HOUSES OIo'F tlon AM/FM, sunroof. 4 4 extends to &0" WIth leaf, $27S Dundee or Northwest of body faIr, 72,460 miles, me- 885-7389 extenor In excellent shape LAKESHORE WANTED speed man~ other extras : 44$-8488. Monroe, between US-23 and chamcally excellent $800 978 BERTONE FIAT X19 You would not beheve It'S a Fn Ie sat . 16 A M -4 P m BUYING SWORDS 1-75\ Beautiful walnut VIC- 884-3181 ~NORE 30" gas range After 6 pm. 8:l9-5906 "The Baby Ferrari" "71 II $2,500 882~ 'lb1s IS a grand whole house torian and oak fworuture plus , Continuous cleaning. GUNS, DAGGERS 971 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 4 speed. Alloy wheels Dunlop 1982 CAPRI RS 5 0 HO 4 1979 BUICK Custom station- ESTATE SALE FEATIJRING lamps, clocks glass ....are. 1 ~ harvest gold, $l25 T7H838 774-9651 Supreme, eonvertlble, 79,000 tires, AMfFM stereo, self- speed, sunroof, Recaro ....agon, air conditlomng, traebuonal mahogan) and ptlmltlve and mlscellan Sport Seats. air, excellent l or 24'1-1302 ITIIles.tllple white. full po~ stormg convertible targa po ....er steenng, power chel'tJ' furmture We have a eous Terms cdsh Jack ROTOTILLING er never lfl snOI\ "ie\1 v.Ide lop Excellent condItIOn conditIOn 10\\ miles. extend JOVlNG, must sacrifice very Interestmg leather top- Barber AuctIOneer, 1.587- brakes. AM/FM stereo, rear 0\ al v.hlte letter tIres $3.000 Good gas mileage $3,750 ed ....arrantv $7 800 nego- I beautiful chma ca billet and pe<1 book table, a coftee La GARDENS AS La\' AS $10 Plan to attend, you \\ mdow defog, no rust. 2042 or best ofter Cdllll a m 4 negotldble 88-4 8540 tlble 881-0995. 331.0879 ; table, $249' green refngera. ble With a leaf 111 the middle. RETIREE 331-450 0 won't be dlsappomted Take ongmal 0....ner Call after 6 pm 881-044001 after to pm 981 HORIZON TC3 - 4 1977 SUBURBAN - 350. 8 pm 882-2937 I tor, $50: green stove needs a charmmg bachelor chest, Telegraph Road (uS 24i to 1 293 7350 01 882 320{) cyhnder autoIn, II dmmg table and 4. INSTRUMENTS Stewart Road to Blue Bush 1980 HONDA ACCOI d LX. 2 10\1mileage, very good con- \ e1') good conditIOn $3,450 52&-84.62 I 6755 Chairs. and d chula cabmet Road (hlgh\\a~ dlvlde~ I doO! hatLhudLk, automatic ditIOn. vcr)' clean. stereo VPRIGHT PIANO, folding and desk combmatton \'ve l'PRIGHT WRIGHT & C0 Ste....ard Road goes oft to left dlr LOndltlOnmg, A:o.1/FM, 832-1251 CITATlO"\ 1981 - 4 door. 2 884-0422 plano, 111 need of repall Best good tll es, rustproofed. ex tone brOIl n, man) extras. ! pmg-poog table, good condi- have several Upholstered (STAY RIGHT) you are on 1976 VE:-':Tl'RA Good condl FORD LTD II, 1978, Ziebart. olter 885 6532 or 881-1552 cellent condition $3 700 tion, double dresser and fde chall'S, a chelTy double bed, Blue Bush Road (8 Miles tlOn Nev. lJr~ radiator. average mileage. mmt con- air. no rust, V8 $2,395 778- a Single bed, chest and mght BllHLW after 6 p m muffler and brakes Cruise. ditIOn. $4.250 2594973 cabinets Best offer 886- PIANO - BaD) Grand VOlle, from US-24) 3825 stand 111 frwtwood, assorted unusual Itallan/Spams h 978 OMI\:I excellent condl ~nows and Jensen AM/FM 5445. 1 1977BurCK Electra - 2 door, 1968MERCEDES, well maIO' t-i ..""m ('~tc: ~ r~tt;m ""~",'n~ •.".,,~ n"f',"l~H'i "'~ In 11t I(E~~AAV KA~F= t.::: ~::."!~:! ~~(ll:;O ~,f ....d AA~kWf'll mflmt~llned Verv ~ 11 ,,_ ".. lln~ ""on I'i, BRAN£) lIi.l:.w ~~ 1l'Ul'1 lUlU I.UoI.I. p"., _"' -..,.. card table and 4 chairs, a dependable $1,500 or best 190 1984 CORVETTE - metalliC 59,000 miles 16820 Ker. ID the decorative department C'B, loaded 75.000 miles room set 882-7571. ORGAN - Gulbransen Pac e- WE BUY AND SELL ask tor Frank gold, fully loaded, 4,000 cheval, Grosse Pomte are loads of Royal Copen maker, highest offe r CaebeID. at E Warren miles. executIve car, 882 $2,799 886-6521 FRIGIDAIRE frost-free, 17 198.3 CHl}\'Y Cavaller eL. 4 Village h.agen Chnstmas plates, 965-1900,ext 2201or 882-9812 882-4396 0329 1978 PONTIAC Redbird cubic feet $150 823-2634 or Royal Crown Derby Items, a door, all optIOns mcludmg 1979 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Flreblrd. mmt, no rust 88l-S420 after 5 sunroof $6 500 884 1587 1978 CHEVY CaprICe Wagon Supreme Brougham Very set of HaVilland china for 8, IC-OFFICE $2 995 882-5558 Wedgwood Pieces. Lenox. BABY GRAND plano - on!y - good condItion, low good condition, 60,000miles, WOODEN DESK 3'8" longx EQUIPMENT I979OLDS statwn ....agon Full mIleage, loaded $3 000/ of- 1'6" wide, 4 drawers, chair, silver serving Pieces, chma needs tunmg Ex.cellent con- po ....er all' conditIOning many optIOns mcIudmg 1983 MERCURY Lynx RS, ebtlon 924-0531 fer 885-0561 stereo cassette. $4,000 9.000 miles, mint conditIOn, ,$200: bumper pool table, cups II saucers, lots of FOUR SOFAS for sale All New diesel engme $2.500 j best offer 294-3091 $45: three ttered wooden Itahan pottery, and unusual CONN TROMBONE, $125 or 882.9941 MUSTANG 1979,25.000miles. 882-8939 Sizes for $500-$600 Call RIck. loaded, clean. $3.700or best ; side- table, $25 882-6553 ltems from Sweden &: Nor- best offer 886-5315 775-7404 1982 BUICK Park Ave Load- NEGOTIATE WITH us' 1977 1963DODGE custom B80 MIle- 371-1637 way y" age 42 140. good condltlOn. ed, 4 door, gas, $9,750 Chevrolet, 4 cyhnder, power SEARS Coldspot refngerator The kitchen, basement &: 1983 LOWREY "Hohda organ, pecan, hke ne 9-ARTICLES best offer 881-3590 I979 MUSTANG, Turbo 41 886-1255 steermg, alr, automatic, I SicJe.by-side, excellent COD- garage have lots of Items to w. , ditioa, harvest gold, $%75 $7 ,500or best offer 465-2921 WANTED speed, black/black Leather. sharp' $1,500/negotJable cboolle from mcludmg back 1980 FORD Fairmont statlOn- mterlOr. T R X suspensIOn) OMEGA 1982, 2 door, low ; 17H838 or 247-1302 Bll2-2199 yard furniture, awnings, PIANO-Wurhtzer Spme t. 'EASTSIDE booksenetQeSlre~t ....agon, V-6. good conditIOn. 39,000mIles, excellent concho, miles, many optIOns, ex. , cellent condition, $6,000 VW RABBIT, 1977, 4 speed, COUCH aDd Loveseal, Forest loads or baskets, assorted solid cherry wood, perfee t signed lumted e $2,900 or best Must belle, nat pattern AU' 1975 V W Bug. excellent con gra) mterlOr. power wm- excellent conditIOn 7747559 \ navy, CASH FOR - dows, seat, door locks, ERS see today 885-5917 8 A.M. FRIDAY dltlon, no rust. new motor , 1982CHEVETI'E 4 door, AM/ : $115. "'502S. PIANOS WANTED cassette stereo Many other 198(JDODGE MIRADA CMX TO ESTABLISH YOUR lIDS Cl.D11IES I $2,600 886.2415 FM, alr, $3,500 881-5875 or ~y American bUffet with PLACE IN LINE AT options Rust proofed, 16,000 6 cylmder, night watch blue, TOP CASH PAtD EXCELLENT CONDITION 885-7731 " lIutcb, maple, escellent COIl- 10 A M OPENING VERY CLEAN, BETTER 1977l':A\'Y blue L T D Excel miles $10,900 463.7973 or loaded, 34,800 ml1es Ex. , ditioll., 4' WJde, t650, call AT ONCE! lent condltlOn Low mileage 468-6265 1977 BUlCK Regal, AM/FM. cellent conditIOn $4,900 j BRANDS, INFANT THRU 14 i 881~ after 3 pm Call the Hartz HoUme at 541-6116 See to appreciate $3,000 alT, $2.400 881-5875 or 881- 527-0441 ;' Bn~ Monday, Tuesday 1981COUGAR XR7 - custom to" Electnc stove, good condi- BBS--1410 Dr ursdati 1~ ~ 885-2448 7731 Iffl9 FIREBIRD - automatic, GUITAR -Gibson, claSSICai, . mtenor, excellent conchtlOn, tion. Reasooable S43-4l105 for detaIls or dlrecbons outstandmg tone quail ty ON HANGE S PL SE 1980 V W Rabbit. 4 speed. sun $6,400, after 6 p m 885-6598 1975OLDS Regency 98, 2 door, air, power steenng, power sales conducted by roof, stereo cassette, $3400 excellent condillon $1,700/ Diamond - If.! C T round bril- S275 259-4973 MODEL A Ford 1929Roadster brakes, AMIFM stereo, rear 776-2702 best 884-5439 ; .liant cut VVS quality $700. SUSAN HARTZ i LEE'S RESALE ReproductIOn on Ford Fair- defogger, $4,300 or best of 881-8082 , 774-5453, DI Maso Diamond 88-ANTIQUES 20031 Mack 1981SUBARU 4 door sedan 5 mont chaSSIS With all flber- 1975 LINCOLN Contmental fer 839-8038 88&-8982 FOR SALE speed, ne....tires and clutch ; DesigD& glass body Makes a fun se- 60,000 miles $1,750 886- 1980 VW Rabbit - diesel, 4 MOVING SALE - household MANCHESTER Excellent conditIOn, $4,650 cond car $10,000 882-4042 9548. rtGE BalemeDt ~ - Bur, of furDib:Jre Ex:celk!ot fanu- GAS STOVES speed, AM/FM stereo, rear ANTIQUE MALL Ba6-5707 '!7V CHRYSLER,Newport, 4 1962 BUiCK RlV1era L-paded, ~A ~'petio~-.ture, Iy room set. and more 8lI6- WANTED wmdow defogger, delay I doors. COJller, draft. Exceptional carved two pIece 1981 CHEVETTE Loade d door automatic, power dark blue, vmyl top. wire WIpers, very good condition 3615 or 886-lI653 $$ TOP DOLLAR PAID $$ ) ing table. furmture, restau. bedroonoutfit In oak Select '" Ith everything 20,00 0 steering/brakes $1,100 wheel covers. aslong $10,800 $2.700 or best offer After 4 ~ rant equipment, much much WHITE WICKER - 2 Chairs, furmtw-e. glass. porcela In 885-0079 mIles Must sell, $4.,300 885-9026. after 6 p m after 5, 884.-9017 pm. 624-9658 , more saturday May 26th, coffee table, etegere, $350 116 E Mam, Manches ter 886-2415 ANTIQUE OR COLLECTI- BUICK 1979 RIVIera, loaded, MUST SELL my toy 1965 : llH only 881-8089 886-5728 Open 7 days, IG-5 426-9357 BLE DOLLS SUCH AS 1978LeBARON statlOnwagon 46,000 miles Excellent con- Mustang Excellent coneb- Friday and Saturday to 8 ~STATE SALE - Sof~s, YARD SALE - Saturday, MADAME ALEXANDER, M1I1tcondition $3,200or bes t wtlon $6,600 or best m- tlon $2,650 or best 882-2602 SEE May 26, 10 a m -5 p m Fur . p.m • desks, tea cart, cba1rs, VIC' BARBIE, ETC offer Must sell Dave. 779- 3914 MUSTANG 1981,all'. stereo, 4 , torian table, bedroom set, niture, Pictures, antiques, ANTIQUE clock repair WIII 1111 1976 CHEVY Nova - 6 speed, must see Make offer RAY lamps, pictures, record hOWiewares, misc 12185 pick-up and deliver 822-3859 757-5568 "' 1978 VOLARE Premle r cyhnder. power steermg . Sharp 884-7944 ,• player, records, glass, Wbltetnll, between Morang SHOTGUNS and nfles wantt CAMPISE SMALL ANTIQUE dm mg wagon Extra clean Mus t brakes, 30,000 actual miles china. stove, refrigerator, and Moross - Parker Fox, Smith, Wm TRANS AM, 1983, red, t.top, \ room set, cherrywood. clos- see B866304 California car $2,595 881- cassette-equlllzer, power. \ books, figUJ'lJle5, tools and MOVING SALE - Household chester and others Pn' ate ed hutch, buffet, drop leaf 1977FORD LTD 2 door landau 8827 f much more ltems and lot's of mISCel- collector 478-5315 automatic, 10,000 miles table, 4 chaltS Call aft er 6 roof, rh-ac heatel, aIr conch DRUMMY $;atw'day and Sunday, M.a)' laneous Tbursday, 9.30- - 1971 CORVETTE - t-top. $11,500 886-2574 p.m Tl7-2748 COLLECTOR would like to llonlng, stereo AMfFM , ~ 26th aod 27th, 9-5 p_m at 312 4:36, 1l243, Lansdowne power wmdows, air. deluxe TRANS AM 1978, V8. : North Gratiot, Ml. Clemens KIMBAll.. BABY Grand 6'4" buy U.S and foreign stamps crUIse control. ladle's car leather mtenor, 4 speed, all TWO FAMILY movmg sale automatlc, air, T-tops, load- OLDS ; (next to the Wee Care Day Rare 1925model Compl ete- and U S corns 46~0906 884-9508 ongmal Ne\\ pamt. tires. Saturday, ~3 ffl Moran ed $4.500 881-7553 88's, 98's AND 1 -Center) sale by Lyle J ly restored Superb tone 1980BUICK Skylark 4.speed exhaust system, brakes, Lot's of everytlung Fur- CASH PAID for paperbacks , 1980 VW SClrocco, excellent C'UTLASSES IN STOCK , Petitprem Ebony firush $4,500 881-7C1.Tl 2 door, light blue, air , radiator, rear suspensIOn mture, toys, housebold and comics - Novel ElI- condition, 5 speed, air, evenings AM/FM cassette, luggag 881-3600ask for Garry n2-22QO SWiJiiMING Pool deck. Fits 3 goods change 791-4903 e stereo $5 000 After 5 pm. ~ to 4 foot above ground pool BRASS cash register, hang mg rack, like new $3,600or bes t 1981HORIZON, excellent con- THREE CUSHION "Clayton 886 2059 • Deck is S'X4' Womemzed lamps, milk cans, ce dar WAlIj'TED RECLINER chair offer 791-5565or 574-1568 dltJon. $2,700 882-2239 i wood. $100 flnn MLSCella- Marcus" velveteen pm chest, picture fram es, !l25~ stnpe sofa, good conebbon, 1974 GREMLIN, new pam t, 1978 FIAT Bravo. new neous pool equlpment trunks, old sewmg mach me, r PANCAKE SUPPER i $300 Call after 6 pm, WANTED Farberware ShIsh runs good. 3 speed, $500 0 brakes/shocks, $2,500 445- , 882-5149 Chairs, glassware etc 1-73~ best, 1977Dodge Van, $2,000 FOR 821-6196 Kabob and rotlssene and 1665 puMATROL 5000 BTU, win- 0891 motor Call 821-7583 or best 885-8780 JOAN HANPETER MOVING SALE Household DAVISBURG AntIques Mar- 1975DART RW1Swell, 6 $500 dow air cOSlditJoner. new 10A-MOTORCYCLES TOYOTA Supra 1984 5 speed , Call before 3 p m 822-4079 • 1lll3. used2montbs Expan- Items. furruture Frlday- ket May 'n, 4th Sunday each 5-8 PM - MAY 30 ~5. Saturday, ~2 4333Har. FOR SALE performance model, blue - dable sules, $150 882-4399, month Spnngfleld-O aks melalhc, sunroof. warranty 1977 TOYOTA Corolla SR-5, vard (DetroIt> Blclg Take 1-75 N . eXIt 93 hftback Excellent condI- I after 6:30 p m 1975 HONDA - 554 Super $16,600 775-1B58 DONATIONS $5.-$2.50 J OAK DINING room table, 42" DIXie Hwy N to Davlsb urg tIOn One owner Cahforma COLONIAL Loveseat, orange, Spo! t. spare parts and plex- 1978TOYOTA Corolla, $1.950 square, 3 leaves, 4 Chairs, Rd west to Andersom 'Ilie car AM/FM, air, 5 speed, ; green plald, excellent conch. a-famng. excellent condl 0f FOR TICKETS 882.6232 Rd south 12 mile Hrs 10 well mamtamed. mileage $2.650 886-1856 ; tion $75 '79'HI034, after 5 $250 88S-6207 a m -5 p m Free adm IS tlOn. $975 or best offer 839- 102000 Automatic 77~ 9869 p.m. BICYCLE - Schwmn adult 3 5252 evemngs 1979DODGE Omm - 4 door. wheeler Never used. fully slOn/parkmg Antiques & automatic, air, po\lier steer 1982HONDA - CB450THawk, GUARANTEED 365 days - eqwpped 3 speed, cost - collectibles only 1979 HONDA Sedan Perfec t mg, custom mterlOr lell- cleaR automabc washer Dr black. hke new. 10\\ mlle~, $275, buy It for $225 or best Begmmng Sunday conditIOn 822-42,')6eveOlngs . tenor, sound msulatlOn. dryer quality Will deliver sport fernng, adult owner, 225-0477days offer /72-8570, days June 3, 1984 through AM/FM stereo Tuff Kote aDd install Accountable $1,200 343-0357evemngs Pick Up and Retam Aato ~TOVE, electnc, self-<:learung saturday. June 9. 1984 1973OLDS statlOnwagon po.... $3,1 00 882-0092 Richard, 527.fJ067 PUCH MOPED excellent con WITHIN 3 HOURS start-stop timer, wtute Good MICHIGAN'S LARGES T er brakes. steermg air AI\!l" 1977- 9 passenger Mahbu sta- A£ dillon, $300 343-0058 AUTOMOBILE OWNERS' condItlon $75 n5-792S after ANTIQUES MARKET radIO some ru<;t runs good tlOn\liagon Po\\er steer • Simonllw Rub OuI Complete Cleaning 01 low as $'70 quarterly for S - Interlo' al10 Extenor $3500 6 pm OVER 500 EXHIBITOlU 2 SPEED minibike 15 MIle $550 819 5327, call after 6 109/brakes, air $1.500 882- Pubiic Liability Comprehen- CEI\'TREVILLE. MICHIG AN These lwo serv'ces prevent oXldatoon protect agaonst BUTCHER block octagon kit- use $t75 Fast I 824-2853 1972 CADILLAC 2 door [uII 4968 sive, Collisioo and Road Ser- SUNDA Y. JUNE 10 po\~er $450 11168BUKk re paon' dulling won'er weather and salt and prOVide your car vice 881-2376 chen table - semi-uphol- 8 a m to 4 30 P m -adm $2 00 1979YAMAHA, 750XS. veller MUSTA1\,GClas ..1L 1968.40.000 WIth a h,qh gloss ftr1lsh condItIOned $1 2,')(/ 11812619 stered 4 chairs, coasters FAIRGROtJl\DS M.B6 falrmg. padded sls,;y bar miles beaut)'. some ru~t • SCI,-r QllIlW Finish GARAGE SALE - Furmture. $220 n3-1609 WIth black leather bag. 1972 CAI,HLLAC. excellen t $2,500 881 5129 (Two Year Wrillen Guarantee) $5000' , clotbiDI. 1563Amta, Grosse CARAVAN ANTIQUE. S MARKET $1 450 After 7, 886-4>278 condItion rides like a hlh 1'181DATSLN 210 2 door 4 • P'rvtthlDnPlaza May 28th. 11 a m to 5 p m IllS1 LeBARO'\ 4 door 10\Ii lIOn good tires bod) fair s.rw'''V lhe G,OSHPo,"t.. !Of 0_ • o.c.o. TURN OF the Century Queen Jacobson's parking st 0863 mIleage gOigcou!>Cdr mllSt conditIOn $600 88:>1831 Anne style round dlnmg Trap Drum set, ruc- Baseball Gloves ture 1969 HONDA 350 Needs bal deal [a<;t ill" 082", AftE'r" '30p m table, and tea cart assorted adjustable Roller Skates tery and tune-up $300 885. 1'Ill 1 Bl'ICK Regal \'-6 turbo unique collectibles In chma, tll82 FlREBJl-W SE. 10\\ mll e "Bat.A-Way' DENLEY'S 7981 brlls. copper. sliver, agt' loadt'd Make reason full po....er, CB Call after 6 reflector te lel>CoIJ(' NOW AT original Oils. reasonable ANT1QUES 1983 HONDA XL200R 10\\ ablE' offer lllll.6')51 p m $6 9O11llll4-f)2116 Jump ropes oys, prices. F'urmture, clocks, Dee miles, 70 m p g $1,200 or V\\ 1~flO 5urocco ~Unl oof. :; 1'l77 B01\iKEVILLE Broug Michael Jackson stickers $ 79( 7112 THE ANTIQUE NOOK toy and primItIves 2 best offer ~55 after ;; <;pE'ed (').cellenl condlt\On lIam 4 o')()' full p<1\I cr. Harper between 10 and 11. pm $4 40{/or best offer fl82-{}4')6 6S (I()(l mllf's $27'i0 1184 DRUMMYOLDS Located In All POInte!; BooIc 9-5 Monday through Fn day 16637 EAST WARREN HONDA 350 - clean bIke. ~fler t:..E. m _ flflR RNANONG Shop 20531 Mack 2 blocks Call fIrst for Satur day CrJglllC * needs \\ork $150 88') 19111 R!,~,\,\t L1 lA'(',1I gOOll (HEVETn~ 1'1f\(, 4 door lOUth, Vernier 882-7631 hO{lr~ 772-9.>R5 1116-9512 WE BUY AND SELL 2G86 conditIOn 10\' milE''> allop .wtomatlc excE'lient (ond, RAINBOW RESALE - t1On<, Blllck BE'.iut) pack lIOn 42 SOOmilE'S $2 gOOflRl 9.90/0 DIRlJ:AJASE LIVING ROOM lIel, 7 pleCf', . 1978 trail bike I" oov. open for busmf",~ at F"t.fJtm'1"U R.E re{ mU>hed, re- HO:'\l.M agl' £1 100 fll12202'i 6111 EXPIRES 5-31-84 f250 2 bedroom setI. com palrPd !>trlpped. any type XL25(IS lllO miles. shop 24621 Hdr!X'r ~t (lair l'lll,l BliCK I"kvha\\k L\m\ted l'1fll OLlJ<" \11 11m,!', l)rlta Hl' HURRY WHILE THEY LAST p1ete, $235 e4ldl, bunk: beds. of (amnr Frl'C t'stlma les m.lnua I $900 8M 0322 'SO, trundle beds $40. Short"; 'l block'> !-louthof ](I 2 door "unrollf Il'.ithr r ){Olair Brougham (oupr 474-1l9!).'3 17;, E'ndur (I dinette lIel, $75, 80fa sleeper MIlt' Road jil7BYAMAHA rntenlJr loadpd Be,t o[f('[ ol('"e I ex c( llrnt (ond I'lon NEW '84 CUTLASS CIERA LS 4 door - - 1 40(Jmll{'~ rx(ellent condl $115. 75t-124O . ('It'dn qlUllit~ \tem~ onl\ \0 ".,l RLJTZl-~H antique pu mp !Ill) 'J 144 m(ll( dlo\l"1\ mdlntaml'(j Atf Corn M-lif M Sturo ow cloor loc~s Junk (lothln~ hou<,ehold organ BE>~toff~r. 771 0976 don 7'l2 722A \ :nl! top 1""11rr ~l'ah II In MOVING SALE - wooden 1977 rPR\'ET1 Ei(.(j :;-7(;;1(I (fU ~r 111'slpp'mQ plIl',p wlprr \V\rp lor~ S195'1 good~ han"Utl' rt.~t proof na 51 /14218 OHTHlY 120", 6 ebliTI. tWin I'dck ll'1d cover $B 5(1(1 772 WIth bed, pOlntmt>nt open Monda~ WANTED ed $4 '1(10 Call v.f't'kdav"t WANTED 1411, MANY CUTLASS SUPREME AND IftOUGHAMS table With &e.IiItli thru Thun.O.l) 12 to 7 Fn p\€,nJng,> h q pill 1I(\,;0750 =cbalJ', mile Fnday da\ 12to ') ~aturdav 9to 5 ICJ77T){A 1\i<., I\M T top... bide k ~ & 2 DOOfI MOOELS IN STOCIC FOfl :'II(I;'" TE ( AHLO I<.t7B42.(I()() Saturday, 8-5 2OMO flJdtle 7ri-{)55(1 - JOoRS/us EDANOMRE bt'au!1 rE'd mterlor \\lth a II 1•• lMATE DELIVERY mJ1<'" all (''(lrd'' (llll 1I84 mont, Harper ~oodIIl pw'ChaRed for cash ('I' app'atsed thP goodIe .. Mak<>offE'r J3J '41 monthly ~ 8t • 1% ~ ...... -ro down , HEALTH INSURANCE 7;«)1 _ '1224 ...ftN ~f ~'- _ DOLl.. APPRAISA LS For all ... Premnunl begm estates al80 c:Iesft4' m home consultabons pkll MCUrtty. IkIenM t,.,.,. ~ tII11 ---- - 1<.t77m !CK \.l:'\ahr€' eu<,tom ANTIQUES Oft at $2B 31 per month JOH NKING 1'l7S (AT!JI LAC drV,l1 E' ASK FOR RAY CAMPISE OOLLECI'lBLES John E PIerce (OUlX' L 331 7101 miles $2.200 885.£951

    ~ I ,3, " ' _ ...... Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nin!f

    11-eARS -11-CARS 11c-eoATS 120-LAKE AND 12E-eOMMERCtAL 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-RiAi litAfi ... FOR SALE FOR SALI , FOR SALE AHOMOTORS RIVER PROPERTY PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE I 1982 LeCAR, 4 door, alr, 1981 BONNEVILLE, air, ti GROSSE POINTES' It, 19J7 CHRIS CRAFT - 32', FOR SALE or trade for BuSINESS and stereo AM/FM, sunroof, g:;er, wire wheels, $7,?.5(j Traverse Clt" or !,'Ionda GREATEST or good conditIOn ReqUires INVESTMENT 11141LO('II:"I()OI{ (,H()~:-'!'; pOI\'n: 'noons heated rear window, $3,200 t, 822-8970 some work $3,OOO/offerl property 2.100 'lQ ft custom GARAGE SALE: 526.84G2 PROPERTIES 1977 FORD Granada 6 aut 0- trade for car 288.1545 hOlne on canal m St Clair Sunday, May 27th. Monday, 1980 PINTO 2 new l1res, new malic, economical, c1ean, Shores 778.Q416 ExclUSively May 28th. 11 a In to 5 p m 26' PEARSON Commander SALES - LEASES Jacobson's parkllllol ~trllc battery. runs g()(l(l $1,950 excellent condltlon $1, 88S ST CLAIR Rl\ el Colony =I!l 1965- 9 9Joonson (Jess than EXCHANGES lure 774.24Q8 925-0017 100 hours) New ship to luxul V to\\ IIhou<;e GI eal 1980 VW RabbIt, dlsel, very 1941 FORD Coupe, Super De- shore. 3 salls, cushIOns. ex II\el \ le\\ ~lu<.h mOIl' B\ Vlr~mla S Jeffries Realtor BY OWNER - 5 bedroom Col omal -- 2 master bedrooms good conditIOn, air, 41,000 luxe, 40,000 actual miles, ex- tra!l, seats 6-8 adults $8,500 u\\ Ill'l ~.IU diU> opeil 882-0899 miles $3,300 882-9684 cellent condll1on 881-5936 771-0094 :->.JIUl da\ dnd ~unda\ 2::; 01 - 312 baths -large kitchen <..111 .129 '!'l '\Ill )(1(1111 1976 FLEETWOOD Brough used $450 Fully equipped l\IO \\('lIs hOl~tS and exten ranch 3 bedroom. updated JUNK CARS 10.000 ,;quare feet AUrac slgned, well main Ildll~tllltd III .1J)pOllllnHIlI (lnh lnllil "2IHII".Il1 Iht miles. \\-hlte \'dth blue top 5500 dccOl \\ Ith nl'~ Cdl pet !l6' !,'REE TOWING !':Iegant bm h. FI ench PI 0\ In tamed adequate parklllg pt'll('ll 1.111111\ IWIIW HH2 2 ,2~ lot. 21• (ar g,lrage \I Ith elec E:-.cellent conditIon. $2.500 SAME DAY PICKUP VENTURE 22' sailboat 1978, CHil home on bedutllulh Excellent mcome No brok 777 1900 before 5 p m After 874-1883 loaded, perfect conditIOn landscaped <;ellll1g of ~olth el:- plea~e 777 4646 tne door Fanta!>tl<' L.llld 7774273 Volvo outboard, tr:uler, RiversIde Dnve \1 Itb view of Conlra('\ term!> 9 \ rdr<; at 1979CAMARO Very good con- 956.4282 days, 884 9399 ~t Cl;llr H,'. er TIll ee bed PHli\1E Commerudl propert~ 11% lIltere!lt C.lll s'ave you dltlon $5,000 or best offer JUNK OR wrecked cars a nd evenlngs'r\eekends rooms, three balhs. family on ~J.I<.k \\ enue 12 000 thousands Pnces In the loy, I, t rll(,\<:C: 1'nn rlnllllr ">II o 1 • I "('.,..,.1 ~ " C" I ... nH H"" (''lnt "f\nl'l "'fllnrplt" r-"'l'~ l..o.u :17:;0 Gti\.~t ,j "-1\\.11 ....1' ,'uu tU'"-,tJh\\.-,", ...... vu .. m4529 or 777-8352 . CHRI::> eRA!'"! l\lbl:l.m-OOdrO. II~'-I~'o-x!{ Ii (;,os';(' I~())nte 8820087 1978 CONCORD DL wagon -- -- ~ - fiberglass, 19 £t ski boat. Cool glds:-ed Flond.l room, \1('\\ .... 'll) Kl'rchevClI lirO!l~e Grosse POlllte Real to:state Co I WANT your beat up car Bil I, With E.Z load trailer $6.800 full 10\\ er level entertam Power steenng, brakes, au- POlnte 411216 lomatlc. air, 28.000 miles 372-9884 775.1758 ment center \\ llh ~('Cond kll BY OWNER 840 Shoreham chen $180,000 $2.500 885-4310 ST CLAIH SHORES - Prime locatIOn 2 bedroom, CHECKER SEDAN wante d SEA RAY - 1972, 24' hard top 112 bath, askmg $92.000 To River Colony Custom bUilt Gredter Mack 1,200 sq ft 1972 VW, convertible Mint late model 294-5257 - 188 M C , 10\\ hours, ex. be listed WIth realtor June and profeSSIOnally decora bUilding Central all' Land conditIOn 60.000 miles ceptlOnal $9,500 773-4876 1st 8llb 0153 led three !>torv 10\\ n house Contract terms A"kll1g Stereo, new top. tIres, TOP 23' OLY:\lPIC DOLl'III~ brakes, muffler $3,500 881- $ $ $ $ offering ma xlll1um Pfl\ ac" $81 900 Cenlun 21 - Nance 81 MORAN Hd With blue rib Paid For Your Junk or SaIlboat. tl tiller. 8 hp 2 \'Ie\\ and comfO! t LIVIng 771-3750 . bon extra~ I 6 bedl ooms. 4' ~ 7261 :>aIls Many extras. e\c(>lIent Unwanted Car d10Ing area, fully eqUipped baths. hbrdry, family Ioom MERCEDES 1977'2 280E, condItIOn' 881 6393 BULL AUTO PARTS kitchen. t\\ 0 bedrooms. 12F-NORTHERN Breakfast room With fire Medium metalliC blue, mint BOW RIDEH 1977, 16' 120 I O. hbrary family room. 2', PROPERTY place Call 8B5 4680 condition No rust Records III~TOHIC HOl\l}o;O ['OUI brlh OOIl1~ !lbl ,II \ tllll"ht'd 8944488 fiberglass. convertible top. baths Attached garage and CHARMING Woods ranch. 982 avaIlable $11,500 or best of- Near Alpena In Lost Lake oo!>ement \\ Ith walkoul lllgrollnd !'.olal heatl'fl pool farml)' trailer. canvas $4,900 886- abundant storage l\11Otcon. Amla J bedrooms new den. fer After 6 886-6235 11C-BOATS AND Woods Club 3 bedrooms, 2 loom \llth IJrepJ<1cc. m,lIl) ('XtldS Open SUndd\ $14<1(•• > 2574 dltlon $207,000 roof and furnace. 4 years 1980 CHEVETTE, 4 door. 4 MOTORS baths. family room With wet 33' CHRIS Craft cabm crUiser old central air. reduced to speed, $2,500 882-1658 bar, fully eqUiPped kitchen. 752.6902 20' BRISTOL 7 5 outboard, 3 - ne\\- tWin engines 1m 51 Clair PrestIgIOus Meldrum $76.000 885-4731 Circle address Altractlve 2 natural fireplaces, 2 car at- 1977 BONNEVILLE. air, salls, good condition $4,500 maculate conditIOn $16,500 BY OW~ER - Duplex on three bedroom tn.level tached garage, golf course AM/FM stereo, 8 track, 886.9481 or best offer 8230100 Moross, 3 bedrooms home With t\IO fireplaces. Priced under $100.000 black With red leather Inter- GLASS Master 19' deep, V Wm J Champion & Co Assumable mortgage lor 885-3781 COLUMBIA 28', sleeps 6, 4 family room opemng out on- bownder, 165 Mercrulser, salls, 1981 englnl' VHF. 10 pn\ate pallO. dllllng 884-5700 839-7659 after 5 30 1974 DODGE Colt wagon, hat- I/O, trailer, moormg cover, HARPER WOODS -Sharp 807 LINCOLN ROAD GROSSE POINTE custom teak mterlor docu. room. 2' 2 baths. attached CANADIAN LAKES lot. Lake chback, 4 cylmder, depend- etc Price negotiated ll?2- mented $14.900 5403720 garage and mcely land of the Clouds ::'1, 90X 140, brick bungalow. custom de. You must see thiS newer 7-room llflek ('olomal \', Ilh 2 car able transportatlon, 60,000 9348 signed kitchen. new carpet- scaped grounds 468 9825 Map available garage tlnd expert!) 1,1IIdscaped yard - mOH' In con miles. $700 or best offer 1979 SKI boat CVI86, 186', 11E-BOAT DOCKAGE mg. refmlshed woodward, l\I1CHA YWE - near Gaylord dltlon and mmlmum mamlenanc!.' fcatufe" 885-7981 V-8, powered low Mmnlng AND STORAGE St Clair RIver Three miles fireplace J bedroom, 2 bath year- 1977 MERCURY Monarch hours, like new With trailer South of 5t Clair 100 feel CLOSE TO St John - I bed- You Will fall In 1O'v'e\\lth the mosIIJCdutlful.ltl'X2tl'!>" f.J round chalet. 1,800 square Power steermg/brakes, air, and accessories Must sell BOAT WELL up to 22 rt . bet WIth steel sea-wall, two story room condo 10 Harper ITIlly room II has p.1nclled \\dll~ .1 tx'aml"d catht>dral 6 cyhnder, 61.000 miles, mce 885-7011 ween 9-10 Mile Rd Good Colomal \\ lth four bed. feet IIvmg area. central Woods Laundry faCIlities - ceiling. a natulal fireplace ~urrounded hj a \\lllInl security 771.00U heat, carpeted, washer. condition $1,500 or best of- 14 FOOT fiberglass daysaller, rooms, 212 baths, famIl~ apphances stay Priced In bookshelves dryer, stove, refngerator, low $3O's fer 885-7981 excellent Condition 882-9305 room With fIreplace. formal 11F- TRAILERS AND dishwasher. disposal. water CENTURY 21-AVID You Will enJOY the S~CIOUS kitchen \\ Ith ample cupoo.mt. ... OMNI 1978, 4 door. slick 4 dmmg room. dinette, custom 1 CAMPERS 'ioftener fireplace. 2 ~ car buJlt,'n~ and eatmg CUSTOM S M.R 9 ft salhng foot deep. beautlfully land. Pomte Shores 4 bedroom wiper Premier model, vel- oven. tOilet With holdmg 13-REAL ESTATE dmghy. centerboard, 18' scaped grounds $239.000 GeorgIan Colonial, 4.000 our Intenor, low mileage, tank. water heater Spare You WIll fmd a 11mshed recre.ltlOn 100m dnd efllCIt'nl aluminum mast, sail, $1,250 FOR SALE square feet, Circular drive, mint condition, garaged, tire, levehng Jacks, mirrors, MacGLASHAN CO. profeSSionally deSigned, laundry and ~torage arra~ III the basement 779.5772 $2,250 firm 468-0063 sway control, Reese hitch OpPOsite St Clair Inn CLEAN SPACIOUS apart- wood deck and brick patio 1977 BUICK Regal, excellent SAILBOAT Force 5,14', 1979, Excellent condition $2,300 329-2294 ment for sale by owner $329,000 Appomlment only. $125.000 CALL OWNEH 1l84.1121 condition, 51.000 miles, air. With traller, sail caddy, 2 886-8519 1977 Pontiac total- 245-0431 961-6725, 881-4058 No MUST SELL' rear wlDdow defogger, life preservers, $1,150 885 ly eqUipped to tow also aval1- 8112-KELLY brokers $2,450 885-6962 7432 able Marlette 1963.10x 15. two bed. room. one bath. eleclrlc Custom J bedroom bnck With Homerica you get that BOSTON Whaler, Bass boat ST CLAIR SHORES 1981 BMW 3201, m very good _ 12B-VACATION baseboard heat, air condl rdnch, on Cul.de-sac Must hometown feeling ... fast. conditIOn, all optiOns One 17', as horsepower Excel tlonmg, electriC appliances. see $64.900 779-2871 Two bedroom condomm owner $10,000 lent condition With trailer PROPERTY lum Laundry room. dlr ~veryonc IS concerned about relocatIOn Lc.wlng a f.l ~ partially furmshed mobile nnhar hometown and hndlng a ne\\ olle Cdll ereilte con U $7,500 884.1587 In BY OWNER condlllOnlllg ,Ipp!ld I1C('" 882.8899 SCHUSS Mountam chalet. " home Clearwa ler. slderable worr) and IIIIXlel} for .1 lamll~ Three bedroom Coloma I, Ex- $44,!lOO 7i-l l.H.l I SAILBOAT, sallflsh, new cen bedrooms, 21!:l haths, fully FlOrida Has carport-patlo HelocatlOn doesn't Ju~l me,ln hnchng the n~ht honw ter board and tiller $350 With large utlhty room at cellent condition Large SUNSET CIRCLE 1978 DATSUN, 510 wagon, furnished. larg~st, highest family room, deck. updated 882-6553. , tadled Lot IS 46 x 80 In a well ASSOCIATES It means fmc!ll/g $2.000. Good condition lot m area Swim, golf, ski kItchen $70's 19299 LinVille, 521-0539 Zl' ECUME de Mer, 9sal1s.9 9 Reduced to $69.500 44&-21110 estabhshed park on lake • the right cOinmumly at Bournemouth, Grosse WHY NOT 1979 OLDS Cutlass CrUISer, Johnson outboard, sleeps 6, ------front lot CIO!le to many • the right neIghborhood Pomte Woods CONSIDER • Ihe fight ~chools loaded, new tires, good con- galley fully eqUipped, man Y LAKE HURON -- lexington faclhtles Call 294-72.11after extras Must sell $18,000 Heights Lightly remodeled 7 p m for more mformatlon 884.1064 RENTING YOUR • the rIght price ,1Ild so much more dltlOn $4,000 882-8899 • PROPERTY? 885-5060 2 bedrooms, and loft, TWO LOTS 5O'X 1()()' each. HARPEH WOODS - Grosse 1978 AMC Concord DL, wagon, loo'XIOO'lot 779-6898 AND But most Import,lIlt 15 hem qUlckl)' you dllli )'our f,llnil} automatic. good conditIOn CANOE, Grumman, 17' alum Huroma Heights, beach POinte schools J or 4 bed HAVE IT MANAGED ~ense thai comfortable hOlllet()\\n leelln~ prIVIleges Make Jffer 772- room, new central aIr, $2,300 882-6897 inurn, double end, paddler . 12D-LAKE AND IT'S A GOOD MOVE I CUShIOns, $250, 884-<1322 7304 natural flrepldce. finished lIulIlt"r1ca C.lII m.,kl' .1 hlK dlrrt"rl'm t" 1974 l00LS Audl Good shape RIVER PROPERTY DILLON bdsement. new driveway PROPERTY Runs great to sell 882-4189 BOSTON Whaler, 1981, V-2O, 12E-COMMERCIAL 20466 Fleetwood Open Sun Our fl1lml) relocdllOn cOlln~ehng bt'l'\ Ill~ art> ,1\',1I1.ll>le MANAGEMENT or 779.5900 Revenge, 115-99 Johnson, 25 LEXINGTON, Michigan One PROPERTY day 1-5 p m By o\',ner 886. through Homenca offices .lIld NiltlOllal Heloc.lllOn Cen hours, fully eqUipped $15. 821-4147 tel''' In major metropolitan ,Ireas You'll .llso find TORONADO 1982, V.8, dark hour from downtown 1.454 500 or best offer 885-8143 lIomenca's help m !>mallel CllleS and 10\\ n~ ,Itfll.'>b the blue metalliC, Landau roof, DetrOit Ten acres of roiling FOR SALE land Beautiful custom ST CLAIR Shores. 2 bedroom natIOn security system, air, all 1977 MAKO 23 ft tWID 120 h P GENERAL O!"FICE brick ranch, altached GnOSSE POINTE FAHMS home 3 bedrooms 212 MEDICAL BLDG Attractive. power. WIre wheels, stereo. Merc WIth trailer $12,900 garage, central aIr, natural A~ boon a~ you gel III !ouch \\ Ith u', }OU II hear from one baths, family room, den. 2 Ideally located bUlldmg wllh -1-19Moran, 3 bedroom Col- 28.000 miles One owner, 465-5166 after 6 pm, 585-1414 fireplace, bt floor laundry, Onial Kitchen "qth brt'ak. of our Relocation ('ounM'lol:- All lIonwflc,1 Ht'loc.ltlon wet bars. 2 fireplaces, large excellent exposure, \1 ell mmt $11.300 885.2869 weekdays ThlCle Home ConstructIOn. ( ounselors have btoen !>eleell.'d for their c,1 rl'llIt"I) hl~h country kItchen, 2' 2 car at maIntamed. all bnck, fast area Large lormal $49,900 By owner, 294-711.10. ~tandard!, standardll th,ll b.1\l' been refined ll\ er mort' 1978 CHRYSLER leBaron, 1981 - 16 foot Hable, WIth tached garage walkout fireproof constructIOn wllh dining room. famIly room, aller 6 p m 8820050 than 25 years Thar~ why Humeflca truly" Ih.:' £1,...,t leather interIOr, excellent trailer. blue hull. With ex basement, terrace off IIvmg elevator Near full occupan- I1vlng room With natural tras $2,800 777-6108 fIreplace Furnace and lIame m famIly relocatIOn • - 1 conditIOn, loaded $3,250 882- room With view of Lake cy Terms available S1' CLAIR Shores - J bed- 'UIl\l1 8545 ESKA 7 h p outboard motor Huron All apphances stay 885-0111 room brick ranch, fllllshed hot warm heater - new m 1984 Play room, 1', HIGBIE Mt'\)(ON, INC. ~ill~1tl i981 MAZDA GLC Wagon, 5 bought new, used 3 tImes Close to schools and chur- ha'iement, garage Land PHIME AHEA - approx baths. more $89,500 83 I\l'[( 11\ \' d speed. AM/FM stereo. rear $200 881-2108 after 2 p m ches 359-7760 Seiling price Conlracl Immediate OCCII lltGUIE Imalely 1,000.,q ft 185.JO 2253523 or 88S 6981 after 6 \\-Iper and defroster Ex. $110,000 Terms negotiable 11.lnC} 24409 Prmceton 886-3~IOO f 1983 CHRIS CRAFT Scorpio n \1ack A\ e Gros<;e Pomte 778821b pm 'X' rJ <.ellent condition 48.000 23' 260 Mercury I 0 , 65 Farms next to Seven Hills of A IIOMEAlCA NA'flOMAL RCLOC.-lTlOtI CE~1l Iflli n ST. CLAIR OPEN SUNDAY 2.. 1214 miles $3 650 838-6141 or 882- hours. many options, $21,000 Located on prime Clarke Home fl82 1540 Bllcklngham 4 bedroom. 2L, 1141 - negotiable 379-3"287 Dnve. St Clair River water- PlUME LoeA T!ON m the bdlh,;. Priced for Immediate FOR SALE 1982 EXP - Silver/black. 4 1982 STINGRAY - 187 foot front ThiS older 2 story HARBOR SPRINGS Village' BUlldmg 'ilte on sale al $7'l.900 A.,<;ume By Owner speed manual, $5.200 Call 170 horsepower. E-Z loa d home features 4 large bed Mlchljl;an Kercheval and Ca(lIeux B)' $6'>.000 mortgage M2 3f,()() 882-7054 after 5 trailer Extras. $14,100 or rooms - I bedroom and den 0\\ ner $170,000 1\828890 Broker • 1976 MG Midget convertible best offer 772-2155 before 12 (could be 5th bedroom ~ down, 3 bedrooms up LIVing r pm 43.000 ongmal miles. mech- 10% Interest! S1. Clair Shores UruqUt' home I', JnlOult>:. rltJlth~t'101 01 liar. amcally excellent condltlon, SAILBOARD/Blc Wing, 2 room 31 >( 18 has magmflcent field stone fireplace Formal I bur Sprlllg ... Po:.l and ht'Llm lOIUltr~tlon looks sharp 839-3301 salls, 2 wlShbooms, 2 center , built mto II hI Ibll de on appn)x ~L _ lAooded boards. $600 882-6560 dlOmng, 21" balh., and 28X 9 1979 PONTIAC Catalma - V8, nver room Lot ha~ Il6feet of .Jcr~ Pt'aLt'ful. PII\ all' "t>thng fo'uU 2 door. air. rustproofed, AM/ SAILBOAT - 17-foot "Ea u nver frontage \l,llh sleel -, \\llikout ha"t>ml'nl. JX.n'~ .Jnd Dpf11 FM <;tereo. power steenng. Vlve" French design Kee I sea\\ all All city utilltle~ decks StOOt'IIrt"P1.1t'f' loct't. hdflN oud and brakes ne\\ tires, excellent and c/board. unsmkable Nice high ground \\ Ith S tile !Ioor .... \I, uorl P.llWJlniot 1('.lIlt.-o ~lol"'''' <.ondltlOn 886 9302 775-3796 ( u"lom hullt III book(.l't- .... ,,01.1 Hl'th\UIlC! self-balhng Cabin sleeps 2 beautiful Vle\\ of nver and 1973 GALAXIE 500 - dark Outboard Motor, trailer It'S ternflc H h.tthroom \\ Ilh Kohler hludx'rr\ II\tUrt~ 7107 Open cuunlr} kilt hl'n hull hc'r hlo<'k green With white top 46,000 BEAUCHAMP E miles. no rust Ne\\ exhaust 20' SEARAY 1979 Mercur y wuntl'r:- Wood ,lIld Il.'" ht',,1 Built", Ith ~)~tem, good condItIOn. t70 h P I/O, ship to shor e REALTORS L lovlll~ l.itft. 10 I.l,t lu ...t 7' \ t'or ... old $6'11l00 pf!Ct>c1tn "1>11(.111 101 .Ipputnt $1 200 821 1792 ramo, camper canvas. SWIm 329.4755 T menl Illtlil ',.!tl ';110 (11'(blh' 5.!tl~1.2 SU!';BIRD burgundy platform. E-Z two axe I 1978 LAK"~!,'H01\T ('OTTA&I'; for coupe Automatic power tra lIer. fully eqUipped E B<'.lutlful fl unit Apdrtment $17'l 'lOO Long term steen ng-brakes, sunrool, $12000 771-5615 sa Ie Lt>xlDglon :\1lChll!:dn Ld nd ( on1 r.llt air $1 950 2!l3.')870 luo/250 JbedrooTm !I\lng R I Illl D1L~ ,TIl [>C( ea bl(' (,f()',<;rs $40'i,OOO,mn Ut'dllilful Unit., GrO'i~es londltlOn $6.700 7742454. CHARTf':R A luxunous 33 foot $6', 000 11227'*i7 $IH2 ,,,,.Ill d lot In H,irn 17 ~:il~l l'oml<> I'''rk ~trermg dlr till steering $IKi II Bo\\-nder. Merc cruiser I20 ('nJo) the "umm<>r plea<;urr., f, IInlh 1-,,1-1 J)l'1loll I _mil Contr,1( t I('rm., Ilr!'<; $1 000 R86 8519 h p. canva~ top \\-lth Side of l..akl' ~I (ldlr M llHOKI- I{ Pi\!UIl JI'ATIO"I ,'''AILAllLE I'ldll' 11I1I~h"III)"".'1I11'1l1 (~nt'I" 1976 \1ERCEDE';; Benz 3000 Windows full guages R G Edgar & A<;"o( (j'llll-.H PIWPEH'I 11-,<.,AVAILABLE y,.1l "tll.'>IOt'r •• 1"tIKI! (tI'lf,1l t t ,1\1 E lur c1t't,lIJ~ rlcan car many optIOns, custom trallt'r WIred u MG Will I P TO .200l "IT ... on MllRf': askmg $8 200 885'()56.1Mike 16 hours many extras t:A'll POHT \1I 'i .ilIrl I{J ( HEVROLET CAPRIC!': 1979 $10000 firm 7727694 J.t=: SOWERBY & CO. 1 hn>e tJet1roorn tint k raCll.h ~llh (t'ntral .111' 1'11'\\>.'1'IIlrl I.tl (. f.1ll1l1\ filum )M~l' 1M.... acrh pa r< f.h \I, of/derl .,TR/( rr Y (Ol,fl,fflH IAI ml'nt (' f':.~n]('nt 10 (.rIart <.rllent 1\ll49414 electf!c Trd\l r'lf B.l, $12 for 11) 882.3600 (;ro"';t> POInI(' ~hort... :; llt'dronm hfll k ( (lllln".! I 1..111(.' 101 Ul't'(!l. r I. ( I all to(' cover and traIler, excellent ell"' d('lall~ 1Cfi4V\\ HE't'tle good condl' d <. fe" $; ',oil for -, ,il' f'~ $4,000 642 4171 t iOn $1 200 886-681'i <.ondilion 11>11), '>'!'t .2166 'IIi 777 !)(J(j [1',\ F" I \tE:'I.l ".Wl'l- Ifn dller 6 p m 12F-NORTHERN 12F-NORTHERN 'I hn'(' Ilt'(!roul1l hllmf' III (,f()', .... l"lInh' "11hI.. mll" room .lnd tlnl,>twc1II<1l'lt'nwnt ('i111 tor r1«'tolllll $1 25() or he!'.1 885.()'109 Located ~uth of SI (lalf 0\\ \1-.1{ "I )\(\11'1,(, VI',l1 rlround ') rIl' mbt'f f('t fl'dtlrlfl 00 qUiet .,t rf't't I', ."ltory <.luh Of) !fi' "r n", lIorlhr'ln pru{'Jt>rl" M'Kif'rn b\JIldln~~ .-- EASTSIDE BOAT Bntk and Alumll1um 1 0 .....r1f.r ....III rl'mn, 10% Intt'rf'5t WORK GUARANTEED 710 NotN' Dam .. ment 129 :l442 ...... Grosse POInte Village 77~ ',214

    \ ( ~•' Page Ten-c &ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 24, 1984 "\ "13 REAL ESTATE 13 AEAL ESTATE 13 IlIEAL ESTATE 13 REA&.. ESTATE 13 REAL ESTATE 14--REAL ESTATE 1l-PETS 2OC--CttM'EY AND FORSALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE FNPlACE REPAIR BEACON HILL, 4 bedroom, GROSSE POlNTE PARK CLINTON Townstup-Sctwltz BY OWNER - St ClaIr A K C English Springer BY OWNER 4219 Grayton Estate Condos, now bwkhng ALL CASH - Detroit proper- 21% baths, W~ CoJ. SpaCIOUS 4 bedroom CoIomaI Shores on Harper between Spamels Ready June 15th Three bedroom bungalO'fo', ranches again, 1,141square tl~, eastsIde, Immediate }o'IREPLACE, wood stoves 01) . two baths, Florida room, omal, clean, attractively with attached 3 room office MaSOniC and 13 Mile 1st clOSIngs Call 886-9116East. 885-9163 flue cleanmg Caps and decorated No brokers 1-329- SUite 3 full, 2 half baths, feet, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 112 floor, IIvlllg room, dmmg $37,00071'2% 8SSUfflptJOO, or car garage, prl\'ate patiOS, land Realty Co 16325Harper FLUFFY KITI'ENS 8 weeks- screens installed Insured no 7205 llbrary, games room with "L," 2 bedrooms, carpeting, Detro:t 48224 Since 1946 mess, ProfessIOnal Master $12,000down 10 year Land bar and ftreplace, 1st floor landscaped, basement, fIre- spayed, 9 months Rag4011 Contract 885-6431 PLANNING TO sell or pur. kitchen With apphances Realtor Siamese Large tigers Sweep Coactillght ChImney laundry, 3 car garage Must p!a<.'e, appliances $75,000 Laundr)' room, carpo!'t chase a home? Call Manon, Also offering 2 story condos 923-0548 Sweep Company 885-3733 GROSSE POINTE Woods - 527~ for a professional sell Open SunlUiy, 2-5 $46,000 881.2755 CASH FOR HOMES - 1,274 square feet, 112 bath FREE KrrrENS, 9weeks old Mmt condItIon Colonial, 4 analysIS and appraisal No SERVING AREA 45 YEARS 2OF-WASHER AND attached garage, land- BY OWNER-1954STANHOPE B84-36QY bedroom, 2il! bath, family charge LIcensed GROSSE POINTE CITY DRYER REPAIR room, formal dlnmg room, Uruverslty - Charmmg 3 bed- scaped, private patios, base- 3 bedroom brick bungalo\\- STIEBER REALTY THREE BE.WTIFlJL kIttens TWO FAMILY flat - Somer- room bnck Colomal Newer ment, apphances, $60,000to 2 car garage Natural fIre- 775-4900 • modern kItchen, fIreplace, bedroom, of purebred SllvE:'rchlnchliia LEi GEORG~ DO IT 'Set 3 lutchen, dm. kitchen, fee room and roof $65.000 Also 1,650 square place, eatmg space m kit fmlshed basement \\ Ith mg and liVing room Upper cat available to excellent Washer, dryer, dlshwasher .' sound studIO, 2 car attached AIr, large fenced lot City foot Coloma I - 11" baths, chen New roof. eave!> 1S-BUS'NESS home olliv $1500 n5.1J83 1 troughs, down spouts, kit and ranges repaired All garage, beautIfully land and lower $89,500 886-0224 certlfK!d $68,900 2 :1 car garage, balcony, prl' OPPORTUNITIES vately landscaped court chen floor carpetmg, hVlIlg PUREBRED BLACK male makes NO SERVICE scaped, wIth prlVdCy fen<.'e BY OWl'Io'ER- Grosse Pomte FOR RENT small machme CHARGE lf repaired Farms 239McMl1lan 3 bed- BEAUTIFUL ROSEVILLE yard, basement. formal dm- room and hall B819252 Schnauzer - 1 ,ear WIth ~ and fountain $149,900 shop H('ply Box :;1'11-19 papers, housebroken Good Guaranteed parts and ser- room Colomal, 112 ba ths, mg, fireplace and appllan. Custom 3 bedroom brick WOODBRIDGE East - St Grosse pomte '\ell ~ 99Ker- In ces 28b 2330 \I lth p<>ople $125 881-4017 vice SpeclalJzing GE, Executlve Co!OnUH011 St Cldlr Mutschler kitchen, ney,Iy ranch, In excellent neigh- Clal!' Shores 2 bedroom cheval Grosse POinte 4823b Kenmore and Whirlpool redecorated throughout, and borhood Spectacular flmsh- NEEDS HOME, black/" hlte Shores finest call No PERSONALIZED room, fIreplace, central all', eqwpped kitchen and wet BI olo.els B) OIlner 774 Would \OU bt' mtere!>ted 111 ::.hots Free to a good horne LARGE THREE bedroom, carpetmg, large kitchen ~a\ mg 30111, 01 more b\ hav SERVICE SINCE 1965 1st floor laundry, \\alk out famIly room, recreatlOll bar. In-ground pool With Close to schools. transporta. !i046 885-0466 George Stults basement Land Contract Cabana Fire and secuntv I!\g ) our pall, ma<.hllled at room, t"o natural fire tlon, and shoppmg Cadieux FARMS DUPLEX 2 bedrooms m\ faClhl\ Excellent refel CAT, FEMALE 8 months, 885-1762 terms system Much, much more shots free 10 good home places $105,000 343.1923 Chandler Park area each dppJklnce~ carpeted eoce'> R(.~l) Box ,,!'Ii 2i, REPAIR YOUR auto~ STIEBER REALTY 0" ner-$23,000 884 9524 CHAMBERLAIN 7il-ll9OO I1'\COME PROPERTIES $89,000 \eal HilI 293.9070, Gro!>!>ePomte '\C\I s 99Ker- washer or dryer Guaran- Grosse Pomte Park Land 775-4900 Evenmgs-882-3300 7!H 123~ cheval GrO!>sePomte 48236 DALMATION pups-AKC, teed and accountable SHULTZESTATES - Clmton Contracts 1..0" $3O's $4,900 GROSSE POINTE Woods shots, health guaranteed RIChard, 527-8067 Township 1,900!>quare foot BY OWNER - 71 Wllhson. 13A-LOTS PARTNEHSHIP A\'AIL- down 886-0657 Charming 3 bedroom Cape Grosse Pomte Shores, prime ABLE III smdll machIne Call after 2 p m 755-{)252 condo 3 cal attached FOR SALE 'T'",n l'l~f'lR()()lVI h ..,,,lr Cod 2 full baths natural I()("~fln" P'Yl"ll~IVP r~,rtpnpp f,,,,1,tv C:m,lt In, ..-:Imp,,! P(\()f'll F """no_ l=l,('h n"rk RICHIE'S App!lance Service H,dJ. "t'tl !-'" *" dL~~ ..~ ~~U~ fireplace, dining room, \"emer - ~rvlt:e on all majOr scaped patIO, skylights, bungalo" , IIvmg-room, dm- near Lakeshore, 3 bedroom, VACANT RESIDENTIAL reqUired LJ nu!>ual oppor- brown, toy: AKC 1-231-2127 finIShed rec room, profes- 1 appliances 100'7, guaran- fireplace, ba!>ement, 1st mg room, lutchen, full base. 2 " oaths, tormal dmlng PROPERTY lumty Reply Grosse Pomte SIX YEAR old dog, golden ment Excellent condltJon SIOnally decorated, 2 car room and handsome family 50foot frontage on residential !'\ey,s 99 Kercheval, Grosse tee We have a complete hne floor laundry, apphances, Cocker Sparuel, AKC, needs of new and used parts 88S- garage Move-m conditIOn room $155,000 Lot street 10 the Park 175 feet POInte, 48236 Box =M 46 studio ceilings Solar also Land Contract $5,000down, home \\ lth fenched m yard 0079 Land Contract, $69,700 l00'X 140' No Land Conract avaIlable 286-2330 and take over contract deep Cash or Land Contract A\'AILABLE OPEN time In 884-2280 885-2937 or 851.1722 No Brokers 886.7576or 961. $22,000 or conventional terms medrooms, dlnmg room, !lv- OUTER Drive near Mack WATERFRONT PROPER- preferred Repl) Box :;M-98 SERVICE mg room, each urul Upper, TY, 8O'X800', lovely wooded TWO FAMILY fult on Grayton Custom bUilt 3 bedroom GrossE'POinte Ne\\ s. 99Ker KELM GROSSE POINTE between Mack and Warren carpeted, fireplace, leaded brick Large !lVlng room, lot on Lake St ClaIr In Har- cheVal Grosse Powle 411236 'Three bedroom smgIe Formal glass wmdows, decorative nsor. Township Buy now to Spring Special Floor laymg, sandlng, refln. dUlIngroom, natural wood- $56,000 No brokers 25lHiS55, dming room, screened In INVESTMENT 882-:!902 plaster, apphances 10- porch, large lot Immediate bwld In thf' sprmg and be Ishlng Expert In stam. Old work, 2 car garage, fenced c1udmg washer, dryer, dlSh- ready to enJoy before the OPPORTUNITY lJIWNMOWER SPRING floors a specialty We also GROSSE POINTE Park - possession Owner very anx- IndJ\'lduals currentl\' form 109 in yard Rented for $375 a washer 214 car garage IOUS M A Gernay Real summer ISover Land Con- TUNE-UP-$42.50 refmish barusters montb PrIce reduced Lakepomte 2 bedroom !iv- Assumable mortgage, 71~% tract Terms a ne\\- dynamiC, non-profit 535-7256 l!li room, duung room, lut- Estate 33HI408 • BLADE SHARPENING $35,000 terms $54,000 886-5795 corporatIon, seeks $30,000 OIL CHANGED chen, expansIOn attic Ex- SCHULTZ EST ATES - Chn. venture capItal from one or G At G FLOOR CO 5/5, 2 family fiat, 2 gas fur. GROSSE POINTE Park - 2 R G Edgar & AsSOCiates POINTS AND PWGS ..naces, Side drIve, 2 car cellent condJbon Must sell, ton Township 1,900 square 886-6010 more mvestors For mltlal Floor sanding profesSIOnally garage, new aluminum sid- alllerms $29,900 farmly flat, Beaconsfield at foot condo, 3 car garage, corporate purposes Wlll ex- FREE PICK-UP done Dark st81mng and fm. Vernor 3 bedrooms, sepa- THREE MILE Dr - Just off ing, pnced to sell $37,000 Regent and Statefatr 3 privately landscaped paho, ecute confldentlal promtsory Ishlng All work guaranteed rate basements, and en- Jefferson Over 12 acre lot - DELIVERY bedrooms, Colomal, 112 sky1Jtes, flreplace, base- agreements returmng a one- Free estimates References Easy terms trances, garage, newly amongst some of the baths, $29,900 All terms ment, 1st floor laundry, ap- time mterest rate 01 50% on m-0858 774-0906 885-0257 Grosse Pomte Park, 3 paltlted, Immaculate condl. Pomte's finest homes bedroom Colonial With den 286-8113 pliances, studio ceilings the prinCipal after 24 UCENSED/lnsured builder to hon Owner relocated Land Solar also available months, m accordance sec- bUIld garages, all types of FLOOR SANDING, stammg on 1st floor, recreahon BRICK DUPLEX on Moross, Contract avallable. $74,000 CARRINGTON PLACE - Free estimates, workman- 286-2330. tion 275,chapter ;:2, act 162, cement work, bnck patiOS, room, SIde dnve, large 2 car 2 bedrooms, up, (fi!xp8nSlOD 823-(1216 Across from the Country ship guar~nteed, call Jim "garage. PrIced to sell. dormer) , den or dJntng ONE BEDROOM condo - of public acts of 1982 Senous bnck walk-ways, also addi- GROSSE POINTE Woods - 3 Club Excellent bUlldmg mdlvlduals may send con- tions 32 years of Bwldlng HICks, 382.5323 $42.900. Terms room, carpeted, gas heat Whlttler Manor Whlttler- site. City of East Detroit three Wtth economical utilities, bedroom CoIorual, IIh baths, 1-94 LIVIng room, dlrung fidential offers to Cm, PO BUSiness City of Grosse farmly room, updated lut- 21--MOVING . bedroom bungalow, side fenced yard $27 ,900 Call area, kitchen appliances In- Box 36821,Grosse Pomte, MI Pointe References Delisi chen, SYCAMORES - Still time to drive, garage, DeW carpet- 886-3'729. 2 car attached garage eluded, new carpeting aOO 48236 Brothers 772-3223 882-7500 purchase a lot In thiS ex- GROSSE POINTE ing, very sharp $38,500. drapes, all' conditIOner clUSive new subd!vlslOn AVAILABLE FOR lease - 600 [RON WORK, custom faber- MOVING CO 1110 F AlRHOLME Road-2,400 CLASSIC COLONIAL with $1,900 down to qualified square foot cape Cod. 4 $14,900 886-7039after 4 30 HIGBIE MAXON, lNC square feet In estabhshed catlng, restoratIOn, black- Pointe residents WIll move bUyer. bedrooms up6talrs. 2 full spectacular family room, HUTCHINSON ISLAND - 886-3400 ladles apparel store on Ker- smlthlng, portable weldmg, or remove large or small library, remodeled lutchen. che\ al Ideal for speCIalty OPEN SUNDAY"f,,2-5 P M plus 2 half baths, hving near West Palm Beach, AUDUBON - Residential lot gates, raIlings, metal quantities of furniture, - 19812 MAul!nclt, remodeled bedroom Coloma I, base- $108,500 Solar styles avail- Pomte City l00'Xl20', half BOB TRUDEL McCALLUM MOVING com- _ fimsbed basement, £lre- kitchen, fJIUShed basement, ment, garage $6,000 can able also 286-2330 block to lake 886-3729 Please call 882-8660 n4-7590 days, 294-5l!96 eves pany Modern truck and place, 2 car garage Ex- garage. Land Contract terms move you in Call 772-9632 ADORABLE KITTEN - 8 equipment Established in cellent 'condition S67,000 available, askIng $29,900 16-PETS 16-PETS weeks old, female Unusual JERRY'S CARPET 1918- Fully msured. Also, 886-6711 after 5.30 pm BY OWNER - Grosse Pointe FOR SALE plano speclahsts 77&-7898 Century 21 - Nance FOR SALE color, very affectIOnate, SERVICE _...... l0- 'weekends anytime Woods 3 bedroom bunga- 771-3750 low. Fireplace, basement, great personahty was aban- InstallatIOn - Repairs, all ST CLAIR doned, needs desperately kmds In-home sales Ware- , , garage For more wforma- QU AI.ITY PlJPl'IES MOVING CO 813 TROMBLEY tlon Call m-9632. loving home 839-2441eve- house prices Over 20 years Competitive rates Free STUD SERVICE TO j. mngs experience 'Z <- becutive Enghsh Tudor m WlDdmill Pomte Random RETIREMENT HOME estimates, reliable service pegged floors 2 natural fireplaces 4 bedrooms plus APf'ROVED 81TCHES 881-6841 n6-3604 Speclahzmg m pianos 1 2 bedroom brick ranch, with FREE KITTEN 10weeks old, maids quarten 3 '2 baths, 2 car heated garage Gor- large country kitchen AICC REGISTERED Ittter trained, tan male CARPET mstallatlons-$1 50a Shawn Drummey, aeous English Pub m basement Redecorated wlthm one • WARDING 882-2254 yard, Call 882-3175 Paul Genter Earl Keirn Woods 371-4010 year Move-m condition • GROOMING BEAUTIFUL black Cocker 331-0873 Open Sunday 2-5 p m Spamel, female Free to 20B-REFRIGERATION C811/appoltltment - 776-4666 ~ho'tu !J(E.nndi tight faml1y 884-9452 AND AIR 21A-PIANO SERVICE RIVIERA TERRACE on the MARCEl AND MARIA DAGHUYT DALMATIAN pups - AKC, CONDITIONING water_ One bedroom, char. - Phone 293-1429 - sire and dame on premisses, REPAIR COMPLETE PIANO ~ervlce: mmg garden umt New 33633 H...1lPERAVENue health guaranteed, 313-685- Tuning, rebuilding, re- carpeting, car-port $47,000 HOURS 900 ... M TO 6 OOP M RICHIE'S apphances service ST CLAIIt SHOUS, MI <18082 CLOSED SUNDAY & HOl.IDAYS 0695 center Service on all maJor finishing Member Plano 779-1111 apphances 100%guarantee Techruclans Guild Zeeb. SHELTIE PUPPIES, AKC, Bossner 731.7707 25 WILLISON Road 1 block champIOn SIred, sable and 885-0079 from lake, park and Yacht 16D-ADOPT 16D-ADOPT \\ hlte all shots, health PIANO TUNING and rep81r- Club 3 bedroom ranch With A PET A PET guaranteed 884-4308 and CLASSIFIED ADS mg Work guaranteed la~ Ideal size home for 838-9309 Member AFM Edward Fel- many Reasonable 884-2106 r CALL 882-6900 Ske~ INCOME, NICE area of 11you lose m~ 2OC-CHIMNEY AND 2OC-CHIMNEY AND Detroit, 5/5 With 2 natural or find me FIREPLACE flN!places, garage and base- Anti-Cruelty FIREPLACE ment Good terms Askmg REPAIR REPAIR 20132 EAST BALLAl\'TYNE CT $45,800 (CS565) Call Carol ASSOCiation GROSSE POINTE WOODS Smith, RE-MAX East 2S3- 13569 Joseph Campau PENDOLINO'S CHIMNEY SCREEN 8404 f-'am1rap 0< SERVICE Totally renovated and energy effiCient 3 bedroom ranch BEAUTIFUL bnck bungalow New furnace and central aIr condJtJ.onmg Nutural col- GET READY FOR SPRING" - 4 large bedrooms, natural 10 a m to 4 p m or carpetmg and new custom draperies throughout Monday !nroug~ SaturddY Brmg your house Updated kitchen With trash compactor, dIShwasher fireplace, newly carpeted, up to code and and garbage disposal Fantastic famIly room WIth basement and garage Ask- keep unwanted mg $37,800 (CSSI9) Call PLEASE ADOPT! ammals out Pella wmdows and Cherrywood moldmg overloolung carol Smith RE.MAX East gorgeous backyard Updated bathrooms New land. rJo aftef hours '1elp as tCI Vllc' 'lar an S ddy<, FREE ESTIMATES 263-8404 scaPlng FinIShed basement With wetbar ElectriC ga- 1/2 day Sat We kecp dog, as lor g as po<;slble We II run your ad 881-2477 886-5870 c::::J ~ rage door opener $136,000 FIRST OFFERING Financed only by donat on, Rern€'f'''ber an ma,e, c::=::l C !:J HARPER y, ooDS m your .....111 TOO' FREE" * SAVE $5 WITH THIS AD t::n:=;lI;=D 885-6722 Kmgsville one bedroom condo Volunteer help wanted Pet food and car 882-6900 * below markel at $29,500 labels welcomed For information call Mary Lancaster 3 bedroom 2 full 891-7188 21-MOVING 21~OVlNG 21-MOViNG bath semI ranch WIth faml Iy room Central aIr Grosse Pomte SchoolS "~ The Oakland Humane ST CLAIR SHORES di Society DON'T MAKE A MOVE Marter 3 bedroom brick fl ranch, famll) room, natural \'f'?! located In I~ t ( WITHOUT USI fIreplace, new carpet Wayne County l.K ,""~;I $54,900 Ie,a ~or profl' p'lvalcly .- ,,~."...... WILCOX REALTORS funClf'd hi donallo" hl r" "nr <;OCPly 10 , '10 a 884.3550 NC' DESTROY poliCy has mary homel('ss doq<; l.czonarD BreD. a"j CillS 'or adop',or MOVING. STORAGE CO. THRr;I'~ BEDR(XlM bunga The Sheller IS located at 19601 M1 Ellion near 7 Mile Detroft • 143-1000 10'A,2 blocks north Gro<;se Road Delrolt 48234 Phone 892 7822 Hours 11 00 Troy. 511-t504 Starter home for sale b) transf~rred owner who mu!>1 POInte Mack-Cadieux are4l a m to 500 P m move fast Remodeled kitchen With nt"w cabm~ buIll Sell $29 500 lease $325/ ..: SEVfN DAYS I, VvE E K !f;.\" In dishwasher. disposal and microwave l'opwly fInished month Fenced yard, 2 car hardwood flool'li nev. carpetlllg 2 flreplacelo, 3 bedrooTrni, •• ' Donallon<; Weir 0 1\e C r.,,; garagE' 682-1916 (\ and [Jog 'ood rQtl~Y)n<;3'1I- 2~ baths Finished I".asemenl wltn carpet anCI new linoleum f100nng Attached garage With large sunporch ST CLAIR Shores condo one \i. helpf,,1 'lIolurl('('rs ar(' /\1 ~ over Prate No reBJOOlIble offer refused ('.all for appomt bedroom Beautifully dce ~I I "'d:r soliCited (J' ~ or stop b) Open house 5/20, from 2-5 orated, separate laundry Thank you for htlpmg those ~ • facilltll*> carport, $42,000 W. ~ "mtIftQn e_pI'''' 33f..()567 888 Lakepomte, G,P.P. who can not help themselves I n3.14()), 8lIHI817 HOUSEHOLD GOODS' OfFICE MLOCI\TIONS' Sl"ECIIIL COIiIIIIOOITIES

    f r .... , v

    _'"~ >( Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page EIewnrC,

    21A-PIANO 21F-HOME 21F-HOME 21F-HOME 210-ROOFING 21 a-ROOFING 21-I-PAJNTINO. 21+-PAINTING. SERVICE IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT SERVICE SERVICE DECORATING DECORATING CLASSIC woodworking flANO SERVICES - Tunmg MODERNIZATION HADLEY HOME HADLEY HOME .. ROOFING .. PAINTERS PETER'S PAINTING , and repair Qualified tech- Makers of flOe furmlure Re-roof, lea ks repllred, wnt- SERVED EUROPEAN Intenor-extenor Profes8lOMl ruclan FleXible hour:. Rea custom cablnf 15, stereo M T CHARGOT IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT ten guarantee, tear offs, ex- APPRENTICESHIP painter Wallpapen~, p&as. sonahle rates 881.8276 enclosures, etc Cust(Jm BUILDING CO, INC. INC. changed for boat, car or ? Inlenor-Exterior SpeciahZlng I('rmg, ~ IndoW pultYlng and remodeling and v.oody.ork. PERSONALL Y DESIGNED COMPLETE REMODELING COMPLETE Licensed, 15 years ex- ~ repalflng damaged pias- caulkmg Free estLrnates 21C-ELECTRICAL m our s eclalt,,1 372-8888 • K~chens - Allics SERVICE ROOFING SERVICE perience Tn.County Roof. ter, dry-wall and cracks, Call 365 2452 anytime SERVICE • Basements - Porches Kltchens.Baths COMMERCIAL & tmg Guaranteed work peehng palOt, Window putty- • Bathrooms - Rec Rooms Addltlons-Porches RESIDENTIAL 7795131 lIlg and cclulklng, wallpaper. YOUNG'S ADDITIONS DECKS Outdoor deck enllronment!> Attlc/Rec Rooms Tear-off 108 All work and material PAINTING SERVICE BATHROOMS ROOF LEAK repair special- WADE'S ELECTRIC Cl:STOM CRAFTED Aluminum Siding/Trim R{;'Shmgle guaranteed Reasonable Quality Palntlnl6: Wallpaper- KITCHE'IlS Ists our display ads COMPANY, • Cabmet" - Formica Gutters/Down Spouts Hot Tar see ~01or ('ltltenS discount Ing, Plaster && Drywall WINDOWS PORCHES below for mformatlon • Wood workmg - tnm work Storm Wmdows/Doors Roll Roofing Grosse Pomte references Repur References Free INCORPORATED COMMERCIAL 882.5539 • Replacement Windows Roofing/Shingles/Hot Tar Vents Frlc'e Estimates Call John Estimates Insured REMODELING FAST 24 HOUR • Intenor - Exterior Doors Aluminum Siding and GUllers ROOFS-Eaves and repairs, anyllme, 7769439 CaU anytlme LICENSED & INSl RED SERVICE Fl LLY LICENSED AND Gutter CleaOlng Repdlrs quality workmanship and Jim You~ 372-4365 Fences/Repairs of all kmds Licensed and Insured matenal Guaranteed, 884-9500 GUY DeBOER INSURED INTERIORS B85--4624 772 3446 (.ENERAL HOME REPAIR LIcensed and In!>ured 886 0520 references a va l1able B&D BY DON 6:l..YNN ELECTHICA.L \\ORK Free Estimate!> - 882.6842 8IIS-052O Donald 5260580 ... ------PROFESSIONAL gutter ser. PAINTING • Hu~band Wife Tt>am Rt>sldenllal • Commercldl HOOf'ING/Sldlng, tear off!> FRANCISCO • AttLcs & Porch Enclosures ",ce SldlOg and tnm, lOof -INTERIOR • Wallpapenng Frce E~tlmdtf''' • Addilions and Kitchens repall'~ Reasona bll.' gutters. roof vents, custom • PaJntm~ LI( en~ed &. Insured JOANNA WESTERN CUSTOM BUILDERS • Commercial BUlldmgs Rehable I do mvov.n \IOlk alummum tnm Joe Maples, -EXTERIOR • Mellculou!> !J1l19751 WINDOW SHADES • AdditIOns LICENSED & -INSURED 886-2186 Free Esl1mates .In"ured • Basemenl JIM SUTTON -WALLPAPER COLVILLE PAINT SHl;TTERS 6llNOS JOHN WILLIAMS ROOFING AND repair!> • O\er 20 Year .. ExpeTlence KA0FI1ANN • Kitchens 1677 Brys Dnlc 8855813 Aluminum tnm, sldmg, ilOd REMOVAL STORM DOORS "'NO WINDOWS 527.5560 ELECTRIC CO. • Complete construction TU 4 2942 TU 2-24J6 gutlers Bob, Dale Isham ------Ranges Dry l'r~ SerVices, ReSidential & 526.0666 EQUAL TO THE BE_SJ' Doorbell~ Commercial VOCCIA ALL ROOF LEAKS BUT COST LESS WHITEY'S A,r('n,tP<'t A"",hhl .. CONSTRUCTION EXPE:AT REPAIRS f)()Mll\llr ?R!"!\''!' • Wall Paoennll FAST EMERGENCY liMA..---~---IUt' shingles &. Fld t I'ooh GUTIERS 5457788 K82-6594 • InterIOr Palntm~ 465-4696 CO., INC. • Reason.lbl~ Prices SERVICE Llcem.ed - GUile);, $2 ft III SALES AND SERVICE Licensed & Insured • AdditIOns ROOFING !>talled C E G Hoo!Lng BUCHANAN & CO: • Good Work 774-9110 15011 KERCHEVAL • Dormers SMALL JOBS • C.ill -- no 100 ..mall EXCEPTIONAL 75772J2 GROSSE POINTERS JOb East of Aller' In I~e Park • Garages 774-9651 SERVING THE POfNTES 774-0414 S & J ELECTRIC TU 5.6000 CARPENTRY • Kitchens ------SINCE 1!J72 SLATE - TILE .MgLIN'S --;-rie;:;~~. Resldentlal Commercial Closed MOf'days Find out \\hy many local con • FIreplaces CASHAN ROOFING • Wl(; EASTLAND AINSWORTH BUlldll1g Co - GUTTERS IMPROVEMENT & TRIM Licensed Free Estlma'tes DELIVERY AVAILABLf~ Roofmg, Vents, Alummum PLUMBINE/ELECTRICAL INTEfUOR - EXTERIOR Insured 885-2073 ALUMINUM 772 6124 Sldmg, trim, Vinyl. storm DRYWALL Wallpaned FREE 884-7410 T J HANDYMAN ServIce tenor, wall washing .IXI • AdditIOns 885-8155 FPtF ESTIM;' itS PalOtmg, gUllers, Window D.CARPET domestic cleamng Free • Porch Conversions ROOF, GUTIERS FREE ESTIMATES estimates Call Thonl REMODELING glaZing, garage roof. and CLEANING CO. general repairs Free SHAMPOO & steam extrac- INSURED 881-7210. MODERNIZATION CLEANED Michael Salmllry Jr ALL WORK PERSONALLY estimates Call Ted 823.1625 Flu ...hcd ,HId loof<; ll1!>pected tIOn, spot & stam removal, free estimates, lowest pnces Wl\LLPAPERING PERFORMED BARKER F'ree estulldte!> YERKEY SON S The Best Paperhanger , MIKE SCHUSTER, 882-4325 882.4968 in the Pointes & CONTRACTORS WE SPECIALIZE - Exterior In Town FREE ESTIMATES SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES 773.0525 m-1329 Modermzatlon • Alterations. palntmg 'J:7 years experl' "BECAUSE ALL I 00 IS LICENSED & INSURED JOHN D. SIMON 'K-CARPET HANG PAPER" "NEEDS Additions • Family Rooms 778 1012l- 773 6966 ence 15 Years In the business • Kitchens & Recreation Roohng, C,~ulkm~, CLEANING DU PONT PAINTS ~- WOOD SINCE Call Ron HIli for your Areas Wedther~lrlppmg, Repair'. 1909" JAMES BARKER COMPANY Used Professional Estimate FENCING LICENSED INSURED CARPET Reasonable Call evemngs 886-5044 ------~ *DECKS* RUSTIC STOCKADE SPECIALISTS 89t.58% 871-1449 497-5766 921.6282 . PYRAMID ROOFING • ~eam ExtractIOn CHAIN LINK - VINYL LETO BUILDING CO NISHING GREAT PAINTING servH.'e. COlORED.GALVANIZED SINCE 1911 Re.rooflng, tear-off, re~lr, • Shampoo WOOD REFI Reasonable and C'omplt'te' Ill!.\. *GAZEBOS* COMMERCIAL - CUSTOM BUILDING venlllatlon, and ,ky light • Spot and Slam Removal STRIP STAIN VARN ISH Tackle any JOb call Rob RESIDENTIAL REMODELING specialists Area references • U(i'lolstery Cleaning Duplicate EXlstmg FInish Or 885-792lI ~ BARllEWIS PET PENS REC ROOMS Semor cItizen discount Free • at affordable pnces Colors to Match Orlgmal Designs estimates Licensed and m. SNOW FENCE KITCHENS 882-0688 Kitchen cabmets, bathroom PAINTING, References 882-3222 sured We WI))beat any con- vanlhes, rec.family room ExterIor MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. - 10403 MAIPfR tractors once 881.9173 DALE B.,rr, Carpet cleaning, panehng, doors, trim and and 286-3503 I FOREST PAINTING uphol ..,ery cleaning. Will. moldmgs Intenor P.s,-Old patios broken CONSTRUCTION CO do\\ cleaning, 2nd Genera Licensed ItUlured STRIl'TL Y PAQUIN tlOn 527 8105 Free E!>tl References Free Estimates PROFESSIONAL out and hauled away, Residential & CommerCial male., GUlter cleaning, PRESTIGE PAINTING CO 15 Years Experience No Problem. ENERGY EFFICIENT Plastering, Pamtlng, ROOFING hal dwood floor<; pa~te DAVID ROLEWICZ Free Esllmates Wallpapermg, Carpentry, wllXed 296-7386 778.S025 Call Roo HLII AdcLtlOns, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Dormers, Rec Rm, Any Remodelmg SPECIALISTS IN T.J. JESNIG CO. FLAT ROOFS STEVE'S PI\INTING 497.5766 ReSidential & Commercial Woodworking, Cabmet Mah~g, Restoration, Alnums, PIWFESSrONAL CARPET 882-2118 LICENSED - INSlkED Interior .. ~xtenor • KItchens & Baths .18d upholstery cleamng at Computer Room, Complete Job Start to FIDlsh - Large reonable rates usmg the Patching && Plastenng INTERIOR & • Additions & Dormers or Small, insulation, SlcUng, Roohng DOUGLAS SHAW 839-753~ Wallpapermg, Window EXTERIOR • SldlOg & Wmdows Von Schrader method Call HOME RENOVATION Tom Barrese Puttying, caulking PAINTING. . Good work-Free Esllmate5 Basements Replacement Windows & Doors Quality FIOIshed Carpentry, SJ9-5155 • Complete KItchens Reasonable Pnces Bellt any dedi, plaliterll1l~ • All kmds of Carpentry Work s'rlORitSIDE Carpet Clean ~ Semor Citizens 10"" Off :.talnmg, GrOSl>e POinte • Libraries. AdditIOns lng, profeSSIOnal carpet LICENSED AND INSURED • Dormers • Roofing, SldlOg Call Steve anyllme reference., free esllmatc!s~ NUMEROUS REFERENCES cleanmg Work guaranteed R.D. PRIEST and Gutters • Custom BUill Full)' Insured Free Estl ~-365.5635 i57.~..32 FOR FREE ESTIMATES Decks. Repairs of all kinds CALL mates Call 7753450, 24 MICHAEL'S P:\INTI~G Interior and ex BUILDERS, INC. .885-5253 hour!> lenor \\all p.lpt'r poIOt'lIna 774-4405 LOOK - 30 years experience PAl NTI NG & pla~tenng t .. "'lurt'ri celhn~ , Comp'-,e o.SOi/" BETON CONSTRUCTION Rea~ble, hcenl>fil THOME CONT. s.,..I<. steam c1eanmg carpet and REFINISHING 77lI 881-8019 AddltLons, kitChens, dormers, furruture By Wilbur, Doug nteflor Exterior SerVIC.. ~176 ------1 We Do All Home Mamtenance baths, Sidings and wmdow and Glenn Carter Coli 178. PalOtlOll IfltTERIOR: Exhmor pamh From The Roof DO\ln InSIde replacemenl!> All kmds of 1680 anuquml( and varnL~hmll, Eltpen('oces St'nlor U of &. Out Gro;se Pomte ctrlppmK .Ind ~lllmlO~ 1':IlllIllet'rlllg StLldt-nt J References Free Esllmale Licensed - Insured C.E Q COf8TRUCTION Complete kJtrhen reflnl:.hmK Peterson Il.lIS IlJJl .. c1eanmg Von Schrader dry 882.5836 Call anyllme - nl ffl07 Free EslJmalh - 1IlS-J230 foam melhod Guaranteed, ------HANDY:-'1A~ Pdl,ltlllj( INTEREST FREE Insured Residential, com G IOV ANN I SACCO prt'p.1I re \\ ork of Lemenl \lor).. * AddlllOns BlJILDlNG <;:Q DECORATING lng, wallpaper remo"al, PAI~il~G mtf'fIOC"ell:l * Drne\\av!> * Kitchen!> patching, cllulk~ Insur'-"l! lor plal>tl'r re~lr tnt • Complete Heme Imp-ovtment and licensed Italian Jour ct'lhn~ pllpt'r h.tn«I"I a L1CE"ISF,D * PallO' - * Garages • Free Estimates * Bnck &. Block \lork .. Roofing ELJoXTRICAL 886--8035 COLORS BY ':is~an 978-u.I remo'",11 B82~ .t CO"'lTRACTOR PHm E~~[O:\AL BASE~n~"T WATl-.:RPROOFING RON & TERRY P,-\I\ 11:'10(. In:.lde or ou& Hli!he:.1 qUdItt) Lowe!>! \\E STOP U:AKo;; GlAHA"'TEI':D MODERN IZATION WALLPAPER ht'dl dn~pritt' (,lklr_nleed prIce, Free e.,llmales Dlmenslonal Bu)ldlng Co Kit Quality palOtm~ lIll.! 58.16 QUALITY WORK-REASONABLE PRICES chens, Baths Basempnlll '" Wallpaperlllg REMOVAL AddllJons Llcens('d 772 Interlor .. 21J-WALL MASTER ELECTRIC BY JEFF LI('I'n::.e(j • Bonded • In-uled 4176 Extenor .nll' fo'lr ..1 and Ongmdl WASHING 9787625 (ALL US \(J\\ tOR \ FREE l<~STIMATE .Full Tlml' not Part T\ln~ ALUMINUM/VINYL sldmg ,"'REf: ESTIMATES and tnm, gulters, storm .16 Yedr!> l-:xpt'nt'nC't' K MAlSTE~A~CE Company Cheerfully Given' .Low R"t.-s Windows/doors. awmng!>, Lower Hates on wall WdoJuna noor de ...... 21F-HOME 885-1798 .ln~lIrcd .'rt'e I'..llml'lr<; shutter!>, roofing, roofmg Vacant PrOpt'rty ao<1~ II ~101Freor mu"_,,, IMPROVEMENT FinanCing Available vents F'rf'e estlmales Joe AL~o orroerln~ ('U»tom paint 882.0688 886-2186 754.9828 lnll Inh'J1C1r..n<1 ("tt'nor ------24 Hour ~rvlce 77!j '>ZJ~ 7Th- 'l'i1l7 GROSSE POINTE ftrelDu 21 G-ROOFIHG will do ,..11 ...... 111- THE TWO FINEST AU WOOD SERVICE W4. 1-\ATURINGI'l CABINETS MADE TODAY! _ GROSSE POINTE FE [~.::. __ . .~. " PAINTER S, INC " \IJ. \\ "..hll~ l'II'al r..hawe Custom - !I I'dlnllnK Illl~rwr t'Xlf'l lOr llC'f\ 1('1' th'_.,.m.abl PAlNfTs(; ~ Ill! \0\ ol .. hlnll Elm.t T 1."liol(1lf' 8A2 21'1&4 Iree "llmale. C.II .tter • ~1L.K(,o '" J.!!! 'ffj.MlJ6 Tr'll:turet INTERIOR "!liD ellltrior pamtlOi ..net V

    , I Thursday, May 24. 1984 Page Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS

    21K-WINOOW • 210---eEMEHT AND 21o---.cE1EHT AND 21Q-PLASTER 218-CARPENTER 21X-DRAPERIES WASHING BRICK WORK BRICK WORK WORK CII.. iflttl A~v.rtl.inllnftnnilion FURNI'MJRE AND kitchen CUSTOM DRAPERIES ,.....: .. 2-6900 ." A-0K W["IDO~ CLEAr\ERS LUIGI-F J ,W. KLEINER SUPERJOR PLASTERJNG cabinets custom made using Quality work, reasooable , Sel vice on storm ~ and Acid,. .. : " K.rch,vol, Grosse Pointe 48236 CEMENT WORK CEMENT CONTRACTOR AND PAINTING COMPANY solid hardwoods Refer. prices Wide selecbops of I ". screens Also domestic CEMENT. BRICK - STONE rement-Stucco Repair ences, Ken, 521-1637, fabriCS All hems, hand OHic. Hour.: ,. housecleamng 1"'1 ee el>lI Good ""ork. on rLght prIce 527-9282 sewn DIscounts on rods, New and RepaLr Work Patl06, walks, porches, Plastering and dr) ....all reo Moo 8-5, Tues 8-12, Wed 9-5 mates MOllthl~ I al('., li5 shades and bhnds !m-2691 DrIve garage RaISlllg steps. drIveways pair Intenor and extenor POINTE Carpentry - Spe- 1690 or 773 98 Ul Thurs, end Fri. 8-5 Walks - Steps. Porches • Flagstone repair pamtlng Guaranteed work clahlles mclude ree rooms, CUSTOM Draperies Compare Tuck pomtlllg, patching Insured Call Tom - 88&-6991 decks. addltlons. kLtchens, our pTices With department D.odlin.s: Free Form Patio. Cancellations and changes, Mon 2 pm •! ( ~I\DO\\G Ol.\\l~CLEA\I:\G and color Asphalt patching and seahng commerCial work. free store "sales' before you Tuck POlntmg. &: Chlmne) QUALITY Plastenng cracks estimates 682-3255 buy Call for a free, In home New copy Oftly, Tuesday noon SER\ICE SPECIALIZING IN eliminated TaIlored reo FREl'-: ESTl!'t1.ATES Ba!>ement Waterproofmg 21T-PLUMBING estimate Drapenes b~ Pat, Error corrections, Man noon j Free Estimates SMALL JOBS pairs 30 years Grosse 772-5440 WE ARE I\Sl HED FREE ESTlMATES POinte references Fre~ AND HEATING Rotes: CUSTOM Draperies - By 372-3022 294-6449 771-9796 LICENSED esl1mates. Jim Blackwell Cosh. or 1< pre-pay 12 words $320 LIcensed. Bonded Marla Fr ee esllmates free TU 2-0717 821.7051, If no answer. 294- Each additional word ___ 20 ALE Bat r \\ mdo~ tle,in 00J.l FRANK R. installatIOn Reasonable IIlg carpet de,wlng uphol CAPIZZO CONST. JACK WILLIAMS prices Bdling rote for 12 words - _$395 ste!') c1ecwll'g 2nd Gener.~ QU i\LITY WORK 886-1381 GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLASTERING And Dr)'\\all WEIR 977-2472 Retail rate per Inch -- _$500 lion 5278105 Fr ee E,tl All T) pes Of Cement Bnck, CONCRETE & BRICK WORK repaIrs TextUring and I PLUMBING, HEATING. $600 mate Gutlet cleamng h'll d Block Work Garages RaIS- .DRIVEWA YS.PORCHES stucco Insured Pete 21Z-lAN DSCAPI NG Border ad.., per Inch - wood (loor., pa!>te \\a\ed e ratwalls, REPAIR 885-7711 - Lawn cuttmg for photo reproduction Cement and Block Work footings, patios. razmg STRIPPING - Ferhhzmg CORRECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS ResponSibility for "!\lO(H,\. I lp m.nP - \11\\ - . - ~ ., 'MIl KERCHEVAL Fo\RMS C'~ ....,.l-..\o. ... _ • j. .&.1;;,-, ...... "". J &.1 ,U,J&l.lll U5, LJll"~ - r-llllu;:, r lVIJ1" 15"'1 "6...... -:0 \..,:,uu ...(u..~:., tth.t 11\l:::.Hll\ Lt Since 1925 a claSSIfied ad\! error IS IImlteCl TO elmer a ~a"~"J1UIlUIl rates, frN' e~tlmale., "44" Years In BUSiness prunmg Seay,alls Decks REl.:PHOLSTERING KeIth Damelson of the ch~rQe for or a re run of the port.on In error_ 774-8579 m-0642 or m-6263 - Weedmg and cultlvatmg Garages bUilt or raIsed REPAIRS Licensed Mal>ter Plumber NotlflCat,on must be Qlven In time for co'reetlon In the 'R01)SE POl~TE fIreman Free Estimates, ProfesSIOnal FORESTATION - Seedmg and soddmg follOWing Issue We assume no responslbJl,ty for the same 21P-WATERPROOFING - Plantmg flowers, trees, wIll do "mdo,"" \\ci.,hmg Work Llt'ensed and Insured FURI'IIITURE DECKARD error after the first Jnserllon 821.2984 shrubs and all other garden ------778-4271 469-1694 SERVICE PLUMBING CO. work done CLASSIFYING & CENSORSHIP We reserve the rlgnt to JACK WILLIAMS 18301 NINE MILE RD • Bathrooms Remodeled INDOWS \\ ALL \\ ashlnl! TESTA CEMENT Residential and c10sslfy eoeh ad under Its appropriate heading The Pub- plumbmg ,md palntmg WATERPROOFING 7765341 • VIOlatIOns Corrected commerCial lisher reserves the right to edit or relect copy submItted Guaranteed Call he\ In CO.,INC, and WALL REPAIR FVRNITURE RESTORING • All Types of InstallatIOns Insured and LICensed for publJcatlOn aftel 6 p m Tl'2111118 ~el \ mg The Pomtes .PROPER METHODS OF Hand stnppmg. refmlshmg and Repairs CALL TOM TOGGER PRE-PAID - All service advertiSing, Wonted to Rent, 1"01 37 Years WATER PROOFING ONLY and repairs of wooden fur- • Free estImates After 6 p m 286-4667 PRING Chang(' (hel Wonted to Shore ond S,tuollon Wanted must be pre-polo Storms <;tor('(1 \\ mdo\\., Drl\ t'\\' a) s, garage floor., .BUCKLED BASEMF.N~ mture 20 years experience • All Work Guaranteed patIOS, porches cleaned Iffilde and out Call WALLS REP AIR~p"" Free plck.up and delivery MASTER LlC INSURED LIC ;:18560 [NS LAWN Greg 882 81118 STRAIGHTENED AND 839-3063 STEVE 885-0406 Free Esllmates BRACED 21Z-LANDSCAPING 21Z-LANDSCAPING • NO INJURY TO LAWNS BOB'SUPHOLSTERY-25% CLEMENS SCHUETI MAINTENANCE 1L-TILE 881-1016 off already low pn<:es Local MASTER HEATING MAN LAWN SERVICE. lawn cut. WORK AND SHRUBS MIKE GEISER .ALL TYPES OF CON- references Hours - 9 to 9, Heating & Cooling PROGRAMS MAC'S TREE AND t1ng Spring clean-up. gar Monday thru Saturdays Plumbmg RepaIr delling, 8 years experience, RAMIC TILE - New and CEMENT CRETE AND BRICK • Cuttmg SHRUB TRIMMING remodelmg Baths. kitchens REPAIR 772-9326, Bob McVey Sewer Cleamng • Edgmg COMPLETE WORK low rates Senior CItizen dlS counts Call 884-7186 for free and foyers shower pans CONTRACTOR * 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE FURNITURE reflrusht:d. reo Free EstImates • Trlmmmg Reasonable rates. quality ser- repaIred ('all Rick at WATERPROOFING IN POINTES paired, stnpped, any type of 7 days a week - • Ba~mg & Cllppmg Removal Vice Call Tom 776-4429 or estimate 521-3434 DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS. • ALL WORK GUARAN- camng Free estlmate'i No overtime charge Call for your free esllmate 882-0195 WALKS, STEPS, TEED (WRITTEN FREE 474-8953 or 345-6258 ' 445-6922 775.0102 today and we'll drop It m your , HAVE YOUR garden roto SOD 1N-ASPHALT mall box tomorrow TUCK POINTING ESTIMATES) tilled for sprmg plantmg ? WORK EXPERT ANTIQUE repaIrs, EMIL THE GREEN THUMB NO JOB TOO SMALL 885.Q602 refmishing, re-glueing •'By GREAT ExperIenced. quahty ""ork Average Lawn $275 And Up e AL'S ASPHALT FREE ESTIMATES If no answer call after 3 00 Tony sertich" 521-1998 PLUMBER Jerry 839.7355 Weekly Lawn Care Jii- PAVING COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN avmg, sealcoatmg and ex- 881-6000 CHARLES F JEFFREY LAKES TRIMMING, removal. spray- 839.7033 365-7129 882-1800 KItchens. Bathrooms mg. feedll1g and stump re- cavatIon ResIdential and 21s=cARPENTER • LANDSCAPER • Basement Waterproofmg moval Free Estimates : commercial Guaranteed HAROLD • Laundry room and Viola I do everythmg except cut LANDSCAPING Complete tree service Call quahty 'A'orkmanshlp at CHAUVIN • Underpin footmgs ALBERT D. THOMAS tlOns • Old and new work lawns Lov. er overheadl rIt • Cracked or caved-m walls 885-0502 Fleming Tree Service 774 lfill reasonable rates CEMENT CONTRACTOR INC. lower rates Hedge and I • 10 year guarantee Free Estimates 6460 1 It' STATE LICENSED AND ALLTVPE OR CONTRACTORS. INC shrub tnmmmg weedmg. L1censed Insured Bill. Master Plumber INSURED CEMENT WORK edge settlOg etc Free E We are generBl co.r.tra('tor~, (Son of Emil> "JAMES" LANDSCAPE ServIce - 4'Ii' REFERE NCES • Walks • Drives. Porches CAP1ZZ0 CONST. One call ~akes care of au spnng clean-up. la\\ n esllmatr~ -0626 291 3589 882-0029 LAWN SERVICE • Patios • Waterproofmg BASEMENT your buddmg-remodellng mamtenance. experIenced, DENNIS 881-5952 • Pre.cast Steps • Sprmg Clean-Up " C & J ASPHALT WATERPROOFING problems, large or small All Plumbmg Repairs, New reasonable, references, • Tuck Pomtmg • Weekly Lawn Cuttmg Pa\ mg Ioc DONE RIGHT TU 2-0628 Fixtures, Water Heaters, Tom 881-5952 SOD fommerclal par kIng lots • ChImney RepaIr 10YEAR GUARANTEE Disposals. Violations • Sodding Lawn Customers WIll Get . repaIr, sealcoatmg and No Job too small lJCENSED INSURED Corrected. sewers and REMOVAL & Free Estimates FRANK B WILLIAMS, LI same Good Job As James LANDSCAPE f stnpplIlg ResIdential TONY 885-0612 censed bUilder SpecUlhzmg Drains Electncally Cleaned REPLACEMENT 779-8427 ll86-{)899 Tree servIce & Firewood 1:. driveways Owner/Saper- m home up-datmg and all All Work Guaranteed GARDENING 22 Years Expenence ------Customers DesIgn, constructlon, plantlng, GO WITH #1 ~ VISOr Free estimates mmor and major repaIrs FREE ESTIMATES - Llcensed- R.L. STREMERSCH PRUNING, mamtenance, CALL ANYTIME Porch enclosures, doors ad- Will Beat Any 20 YEARS 773.8087 BASEMENT DAN ROEMER Grosse Pomte reSIdent R. L. STREMERSCh WATERPROOFING Justed. bookshelves mstall- PLUMBING Estimate By 10% INSURED EXPERIENCE CEMENT CONTRACTOR Walls RepaIred ed, paneling. new counter ROBERT NEVEUX 884.Q536 10-CEMENT AND tops, vamtles Code Viola- LICENSED 791-4338 725-4598 POINTER Cement Straightened MASTER PLUMBER BRICK WORK Driveways Replaced tIOns corrected For cour- LANDSCAPING FULL INSURED GROWING - YOUNG HOWARDS Pal106 All Work Guaranteed teous expert assIstance In ANDY'S MASONRY AND LANDSCAPE CO 885-8448 Bnckworlt 1184-7139 ImprOVIngyour home many 772-2614 TREE SERVICE CHIMNEY REPAIR ~ WM7S crulilT,o¥ERS Basement Waterproofmg area, please call me ~t ~: ...." tI to' i' '" DO • tree removal masonry, bndt, water I D LANDSCAPING pro- 881-tems POInte college semor Rea- .Patl06 of any Itlnd • Cement drtvewa~ s & • Free estimates • Porches tuck pomtmg LICENSED Store fixtures, dIsplays also • Bnck patIOs 777-0808 sonable pnces Excellent ORCHES AND ALL BRICI( counters, kItChens, varutles, SEWER CLEANING • Estabhshed 1960 service for past 6 years WORK A SPECIAL TV Quallt) m material and Reasonable Rates For All y"orkmanl>hlp TU 2-0717 rec rooms, hang doors All • References furmshed REASONABLE TREE Brad. 885-5862 MIke Potter - L1c 882-1800 Llten.,cd & InsUl ed repairs and flrush work 16 POINTER LANDSCAPE NEED YOUR lawn cut? A.R. CODDENS years experience_ Free esti- 882-1558 885-1900 885-8448 STUMP REMOVAL JOSEPH Reasonable rates Call Rob R.R. CODDENS ESTABLISHED 1924 mates Vito sapienza 774- 21U-JANfTOR SERVICE CALL 885-7928 CEMENT All types of basement water- 8933 468-7069 proofing 7 years guarantee SERVICE DOMINIC CARPENTER work, panelJng MICHIGAN TREE J&M LAWN SERVICE CONTRACTOR References 886-5565 882-5204 REASONABLE RUES mlly Busmess for 60 years PartItIOns, shelVing, doors, OFFICE Clearung done by SPECIALISTS REA & SON STUDENTS • New and repair y,ork CONSTRUCTION INC 21Q-PLASTER kItChens, ceJlmgs, repairs Grosse Pomte policeman LAW~ REPAIR - po\\er and wife. excellent Expert Tnmmmg, Toppmg. • No job too ~mall ALL TYPES OF WORK Small JObs 882-2795 Shapmg and Removal thatch lng, seedmg spots or MIKE JOHN • DrJvc\\a)s and porches references 881-1(17l \\ hole la\\ ns Top dressmg. CEMENT WORK FORMICA Specialist Kitchen • SpecIal 25% sprmg diS- 978-7619 822-5778 our speclalt) Garages and ModermzatlOn PALMER PLASTERING and fertlllZlng complete land and bath custom cabmets 21W-DRESSMAKING count DEPENDABLE college stu- • Patios Licensed and Insured drywall, 20 )ears ex- :>capmg Seaver l>882 0000 Reasonable Call am tIme AND TAILORING .24 hour emergency ser. dent to cater to all your land . • Chlmlle\s Over 30 Years Expenence penence No job too sma II Licensed 7724176 . vice SEAVER S LANDSCAP • Waterproofm~ scapmg needs I have my Free estimates, reasonable SMALL ALTERATIONS .Dlagnosls and cavIty ING la\\ n mamtenance - • VIOlatIOns repalrf'd 372-7191 772-7191 All work 'A'arranteed CARPE1'<'TRY SERVICE - ov. n equipment and all repaIrs and small JObs Rusb JObs a specIalty Qual trpl'ltmpnt dean ups pay, er rakmg tranl>portatlOn I do quahty CALL A "YTIME 792-2736 It) work Grosse POInte • Bush and hedge shapmg bed preparatIOn. fertilIZIng S S_CONTRACTORS LIcensed m-8714 v.ork at affordable pnces for 886-5565 PLASTE.RI:\G ,lOd drY\'.dll Park 885 2206 Tree Stralghtemng and pruning Expenenced rea ARPE,TER \\ ork - !>teps a prompt estImate Call ICK WORK Small Jobs AND CO_ textured ct'llmg paintmg r Nursery Care sonable 882 0000 Chns at 8840479 porch roof 109, bathrooms TIRED OF Your fit? Excellent uck polntmg etumney. par ALL TYPES OF CEMENT \I, allpaper paneling Call .SPECIAL OFFER. and all other carpenter alteratIOns and sewmg es. VIOlation" repalrf'd MAS01\RY AND anytime Llcenst'd 7724176 No'" through Spnng 1964get MAC'S \~ork 824 1758 Before 5 pm call 886-1524 tReasonable .. ~ REMODELLING \\ORK free decorative nursery SPRING CLEAN-UP 21P-WATERPROOFING CARPENTER - small and EXPERT Alterations Speedy, chIps v.lth each II. ork profeSSIOnal References Complete yard \l,ork la\l,n 791-8275 large ;obs 32 years ex- order Keeps weeds con l>hrub and tree tnmmmg penence Free estimates Grosse POinte Woods trolled-a $68 Value' 372-4182 EVENING 881-8484 etc Reasonable rates qual. Licensed 527~ Free Estimates Ity service Call Tom 776- FERLITO 21T-PLUMBING 777-4876 773-4369 4429 or 882 0195 GRAZIO 21T-PLUMBING CO,STRLCTIO~ ('0 AND HEATING CONSTRUCTION PrOfel>SlOnal AND HEATING • Cement dm es, floors patl06 BOB SCHOMER your ad • Old garages raIsed and \\ aterproohng TREE SERVICE can rt>nev.ed \\ e ~top Leah., • II;e", garage doors and in on Monday. (,\ \H \ ....TEF.() ANDERSEN RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL reframmg * • ~e'o!ogaragto<; hull! r rt't' E"tl1nale" PLUMBING, SEWER CLEANING • TREE REMOV AL • CABLING & PRUNING F'amll~ operated smce 1962 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT • STUMP REMOVAL • STORM DAMAGE 882.6900 LIcensed and In<;ured 372-0580 • TREE TOPPING • LAND CLEARING 885-1798 • TRIMMING • ~NOW REMOVAL CO,STHl C110\ ( () 774-3020 772-1 771 -\lIt) PC'- 0' ( rnwnl \\ or I- • 24 HOCH EMERGENCY WORK JACK WILLI J\MS 21 s-cAAPENTER 21 S-CARPENTER S-CARPENTER Drl\e\l,a' , GEl\ERAL Cf)1\TRArTOR 121 • FREf'~ ESTI\1ATf'~S Patio" CONCRETE & BRICK WORK 2060 ALLAHD Ba~emel1l \' of (,rosse Pomte Park on Monda) Junt' II 1964at 7 00 P M the CounCil ~ara~e" ann \\ cll<'rproofmg ADDITIONS • DORMERS Chambers of thE' MUniCIpal BUlldmg, 15115East Jefferson Avenue 885.1798 LI(en,>('d In<;urf'd IN>\jI,CT\(, \\ '\fLABLI:. (all An)tlmt' - 771-0707 The purpose of the Hearmg I~ to consIder a request h) Cox and Haker builders REC ROOMS~. KITCHENS for a vanance to the CIty s c;,horehne set back requlrementl' as It relales to ROOFING AND SIDING their propo5{'d SUbdiVISIonof the propE'rty described as 16500Jefferson Ave NEW AND REPAIR WORK deal dlrec1 witn All concerned CItIzens and property owners are JnVlted to attend porches fJrt'pla(es gla!ll>block. chImneys patl05 fences father 8r. son owned Re'ldentlaJ and commfOr{'llll 776-18J.4after:) p m and operated business AI Campo LETO SINCE Nunzlo J. Ortlli CAU 882..3222 BUILDING CO 1911 G P N 5/24/1\4 City Clerk

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    • Are your closets looking a little seedy ... are the trea- . . • • sures in the attic collecting . . .. . dirt . . . are the comers in the garage beginning to sprout ... has the garden gone to pot? If so, it's time to sift through those messy areas and turn those un- • wanted itetns into cash.

    Dig through the clutter and weed out the unused items . . . just one ad in our Class- .. , . . . ifieds could take care of your Spring cleaning . And, Classifieds can do lTIuch, much morel From garage sales to gardeners, . . , antiques to automobiles, toys to trucks ... it's your best , ' place to buy, sell or locate just about any item or ser- vice you want! . ' . . ...'. . ,' ::::~::'1 ::' It;~s~a~ll t~~~~~ ~~ ~d '.:.,''." call before noon on . ,Tuesday!

    ,\ .-.

    Thursday, May 24, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page FourteenoC


    , It I t t \ FOR YOUR BEST DEAL , I r see Terry Dawson }bur Grosse Pointe Neighbor



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