


Four occupants of a vehicle travelin Highway 99 April 27 *ere rescued by passersby er their vehicle went out 'of controI and crashed into Brohm Lake. 'Police reported Martin 17,and Matgaret Haller , 27, Canine -. Burns, 26 Squamish .. General Following the.incide -Witnesses to the 'accident went into the lake 'to:


A Squamish mail was killed April 27 in a single motor vehicle accident in Delta. Dalbir Dale Singh Biln, 22, of 38140 Hemlock, died in Deita nospiiai from injuries suffered a€ter the vehicle in which he was a passenger struck a power pole near the intersection of NO. 10 Highway and 72nd Streetin Delta at approximately 6:42 a.m. Three other occupants of the car escaped with minor injuries. Cause of the accident is still under investigation.

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home..- I., .. The Squamish Times and Citizen are'pleased to welcome our patrons to our new locat No. 210,38013 Third Ave., Squamish: It was a hectic move but-we're proud

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GETTING IT' TOGETHER It's at least frustrating, and methods. certainly bewildering when you The process of hyp- sit back and discover that your notherapy focuses on effective emotions have been bobbitig communication. Relaxation is up and down lie a yo-yo out emphasized and desired out- of control. And things are comes such as greater self- made worse when you can't get confidence and a more asser- a handle on exactly what is tive nature can be realized. wrong. The list of behavioural con- Logic dictates that when we cems that hypnotherapy can are not feeling right about help with is lengthy. How things, numerous problems many of us have tried unsuc- can dse. Relationships fall cessfully to quit smoking? The apart, business turns sour. hundreds of weight control Overall, we feel that we are not clinics attest to how many of in control of our own destiny. us seek help to get and stay students jump rope This can lead to a serious bim. Fears and phobias plague downward spiral of negative too many of us.: And stress, experiences., . * when not checked, can lead to for heart . Without delving into the physiological disorders, even At least 125 students at Rope for Heart event at the Medical Association to ben- dark recesses of a person's death. Brackendale Elementary school on April 23. efit the B.C. Heart Founda- past, or .dwelling on the sub- We would all like to perform School took part-in a Jump Sponsored by the B.C. t ion and participating scho- conscious, hypnosis can pro- to the optimum our abilities will .ols, the Jump Rope for vide an invaluable service in allow, but it's not an easy ac- Heart event's primary pw- helping the individual over- complishment in today's hectic pose is to promote good come problems. Combined environment. Perhaps hyp- health and the development dth counselling, hypnosis of- notherapy can provide you of regular physical fitness fers a unique alternative to with a better balance to your habits. other kinds of helping life. The program approaches .. physical fitness in a new and Dan RutkybassWd, trainedandwrkedin h&kt$'sepbebsim 1979. Hh warn, caring innovative way. The use of personality encourages nkd,open communicution. Hfs SkiUF ltaue &&d many indivhiud witb a7-M to obW Wnd resull. popular music and introduc- All stmbns an privatk and cmmM. tion of 'basic to advanced Rw afhe CotuIClfklfion, Cau 9869304. tricks provides students ADVERTISEMENT with an enjoyable yet chal: lenging physical fitness acti- vit y. In addition to the education component, Jump Rope for Heart offers students the opportunity to become vol- untarily involved in a fund- raising event. Students en- t er the Jump event in teams of six and jump for a combined total of three hours. In recognition of their efforts, prizes are awarded based on the amount of pledges earned. Co-ordinating the event were Brackendale teacher Rae Drenka and Jess Camp- bell, Brackendale Parent's Group organizer, along with many volunteer parents and staff. THE GLASS. SHOP Serving Squamish, Whistler & PemSerton *_ /> .24MOUR EMERGENCY PLATE GLASS SERVICE .EMERGENCY SERVICE CUSTOM MIRROR WALL§ .COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL .INSULATING GLASS 0PbEXS GLASS eMlRRORS .SOLARIUMS


.. 38036 Cleveland, Squamish Af‘ter two weeks of drenching raia, the sun on plant to the bed to offer relief from the green of the look for pale niauve violets and in 3 few weeks &me Tuesday of last week was a most welcome sight. I[t was herbs. should be ladyslippers in the moist WOO&. There am bright and clear but the wind was biting. However, the I’ve also bought a €ew of the summer bulbs. Not also cliffs along the river which will be gold with the gardens just seemed to blossom out and I noticed the gladiolus because when I planted them two years ago Oregon sunshine, whose daisy-like flowers can be found crabapple on the river bank was just waiting for the sun they were attacked by thrips, but some of the smaller along the highway on Drive-Shaft Mill north of Brohm to come out in its full glory. ones like tigridias and achimenes. I hope they will do Lake. There are also some to be found in the last cut For a week you could see that the blooms wanted to well and if they do, they should be lovely. More you come to the hill that drops down to the emerge, but they seemed to be holding back till the sun The sweet peas went in a week or two ago and I hope Cheakamus River in the canyon area. warmed them. Noticed the wild crabapples along the the rain hasn’t rotted them. I would hate to have to And by mid-May, one of my favorite flowers, the edge of the north forty were also blooming along with replant them. But they are supposed to do well if they kalmia or swamp laurel, will be opening its odd six- the cherry tree’inthe neighbor’s yard. are planted early. In fact, some gardeners plant them in sided flowers in the bogs and swampy areas near Of course the japonica is a mass of flowers. The soft, ‘thefall and leave them in the ground over winter. In our Brandywine, and on the rocky outcropping between rosy pink blooms are favorites of the hummingbirds place they would probably fseze though because at the Cheakmus Canyon and Pemkrton, you will find who seem to be nesting in it. It is thick and thorny and times there’s a regular lake in the front forty. the large flowered penstemon. would make a perfect place for a hummingbird’s nest! The wild flowers are starting to bloom too with the There are a lot of other wild flowers too, from the There’s wild columbine in the south forty and each salmonberries flaunting their pink-petalled blooms and yellow arnica along the highway near Pemberton, to the year it seems to get bigger and bigger. Right now it must the red-berried elders lifting their pyramidal blossoms tall blue penstemon, the saxifrages and the sedums, the be two feet across and is sending up its flowering stalks. above the unfolding green branches. Labrador tea, the sweet brier roses and then the pond The honeysuckle is climbing throughout the lilac bushes We’ve found bleeding hearts in many places; saw some lilies and the arrow heads. and the latter is covered with buds. on the bank behind the hospital the other day. The By then there are dwarf dogwoods in the woods, Bought some pansy plants to set out in the front bed fringecups are growing behind the Howe Sound Motel false azalea’s pink 0e11 dots the branches, qnd if you and was just waiting for the weather to clear to get them and in the swampy areas there are a lot of brilliant lucky you wilffind the delicate twinflower, the bloom‘so in. When the sun came out on Tuesday it was ari skunk cabbages, their blossoms looking like golden loved by Linnaeus, the great Swedish botanist, that he invitation to get cracking and I couldn’t wait to get arum lilies. gave it his name. Look for this in cool woods. 1t’s.a home from work to plant them. I bought a dozen It’s just about time to go to the Upper Squamish to gem. and my daughter came home from Vancouver with another dozen, and they were all different colors. They should be particularly lovely when they all bloom. Several years ago I bought an anemone or prairie crocus and it is covered with beautiful mauve blossoms. I was amazed at how many there were on the plant. It’s not a big one but the blooms are beautiful. Of course the daffodils and tulips are lovely. Some of them are past their prime blrrt they make such a beautiful showing in the garden Isn’t it nice that so many of the spring flowers are yellow! The color is so brillant and it redly seems to make everyone glad or happy that spring is finally here. ’ MEN’S FIRST QUALITY urns IUrnBs6: VAUU In front of the office the Japanese cherries are starting STRAIGHT LEG and BOOT-CUT . MEN’S 6’’ STEEL TOE to bloom, their branches thickly clustered with double GLOVETAN LEATHER rosy blossoms. When the petals start to fall they cover .wo?.K the ground with a drift of petals just like pink snow! The first of the rhododendrons in the yard is starting to bloom. It is a deep rosy red and thickly covered with blossoms. Even though the wintgr was hard on it and BOOTS JEANS e GENUINE LENHER UPPER there are some damaged leaves, the flowers are simply gorgeous. It is such a delight. The clematis are all LIGHTWEIGHT OIL RESISTANT OUTSOLE CIIPC.CSA APPROVED WAF climbing up their supports and one already has some JlCCL IUC STYLE MAY VARY buds on it so it should soon be a display of blooms. The STORE TO STORE wisteria, which we bought last year and was about two SIZES 7-11 and a half feet tall, grew like magic last year and has INCL. H SIZES now climbed up the porch support along the eaves. We are hoping it will bloom this year but maybe they have STRAIGHT LEGS to be older before they do. But it is going to be simply SIZES 28 TO 38 gorgeous. BOOT CUT SIZES The herb bed took a beatirig over the winter. Some of 30 TO 44 the semi-hardy ones, didn’t survive the cold weather in ALL PREWASHED GORILLA BRAND November but some of them, like the sages thyne, aim! 100% COTTON DZ.NIM OILVAN LEATHER mint are doing well. There’s a real English mint which FOR FlTlCOMFORT smells so much stronger than the regular spearmint! The chives, which I split into six pieces last summer, now need to be split again. You don’t- knsw anyone who wants some chives do you? Some parsley was planted last year but doesn’t seem to have survived the winter. I GENUINE could plant some more and there are some summer VIBRAM SOLE POLEMAN ones, annuals like basil which I must get in or else try to STY LE buy, Basil is SO good with tomatoes and is a necessity for CSA STEEL TOE 8” LEATHER WITH a good pesto sauce. SCUFF PADS I find that I use a lot of tarragon, especially in beef SHAWL TONGUE dishes, and it is good. Rosemary, basil, thyme, and sage are also useful in so many ways. I am planning to put DOUBLE H BRAND MEN’S 8” some roses in the herb bed as well but think I’m going to &f!S VAlW FIRST QUALITY STEEL TOE BROWN GLOVETAN LEATHER have to enlarge it before I do that. But maybe it should OUR ENTIRE 1ST QUALITY MEN’S 3 PACK SELECTION OF WORK CQWERALLS WORK ‘ WORK WORK CANADIAN MADE * POLY ESTERfCOTTON BOOTS ZIPPER FRONT SOCKS GLOVES AS 6” BOOT SALE..PRICED FULL FEATURES WOOL BLEND 38 TO 46 CHEST ONE SIZE FITS 7-11 AND H’S Squamisti Garibrldi Highlands O/e Overwaitea Super Valu Dentville Grocery People’s Drug Mart OFF Squamish SuperMarket Highlands Grocery Chieftain Hotel Stop &Go Market Phar masave Brackendale OUR REG. PRICES People’s Drug Mart J & B Grocer Valleycliffe General Store Brackendale Store Stedman’s IGA Cheekye Klaharrie Inn Fergie’s Lodge Whiskey Sour Shop Pem berton Pemberton Pharmacy Pemberton General Store Britannia Beach D’Atcy General Store General Store

,. ”,.. *. DAYS q,, e\SAFETYTOE SLACKS W ’- WORKBOOTS LOTS OF COLORS Kodiak -Terra Lite WASHABLE- 1- Grizzly-Doast-Gori I la (Caulk Boots ALL SIZES Reg. $6.95 not included)’ OFF 2nds29rng5 1 Parents Dush on for BIG SWEDE - she Strap BOOT CUT JEAN ch therapist LOGGERS WORK JEAN CANADIAN MADE . Despite the cancellation of With Rogers’ resignation, does reinforce the need for a 14 QZ’DEMIN a meeting with former Heal- however, the meeting was speech therapist for Howe th Minister Stephen Rogers cancelled. Forsyth said she Sound. in Victoria due to his sudden remains hopeful that anoth- “The only solution is to resignation from office, local er meeting with the current have a speech therapist 18.8f parent Debby Forsyth is Health Minister can be arra- available in the Squamish- continuing in her fight to nged, and has sent a letter to Whist ler-Pemberton area to acquire the services of a Reynolds requesting such a service these people,” For- spee3h therapist for Howe meeting. syth said in her letter. Sound. Forsyth has, in the mean- “It is absolutely essential to Forsyth, along with Squa- time, armed herself with t hese children’s developm- mish Alderman Norm Ver- further ammunition for a ent in particular that their a ner and Howe Sound School meeting with government speech problems be addres- Board representative Shir- officials. With the help of the sed in the pre-school years, ley Brown, were scheduled public health nurses, doctors Because there is no speech to meet with Rogers and and pre-school staff in the therapist servicing the pre- MLA John Reynolds at the Squamish-Whistler-Pember- school children and adults os LOTS OF IN=STQRESPECIALS B.C. Legislative Buildings ton area, Forsyth has comp- we are forced to go elsewh- on April 8 to address the iled a list of both pre-school ere.” I lack of a speech therapist for age children and adults who Currently, parents of pre- Squamish, Whistler, and require the services of a school children in the Howe Pemberton. speech therapist. Sound area who require the The list consists of 34 services of a speech therap- children and four adults who ist must travel to Lion’s are experiencing speech dif- Gate Hospital in North Van- ficulties ranging from spe- couver to obtain such servi- ech delay and stammering, ces. to lack of speech entirely. The result is an added cost Of the adults listed, three and inconvenience to local are stroke victims suffering parents. from speech problems, and Yet, according to health one adult has very little guidelines, Howe Sound has speech due to an accident. more than a sufficient pop- Forsyth said the list is by ulation to warrant a speech no means exhaustive but therapist for the area.



I Consult the Yello& Piiges tor your nearest d6dlar Anti-wibratian “‘SQUAMISHLAN IB$CAPING” FOR FREE estimates and consultations We’ve also got FREE DELIVERY on ALL orders for fertilizer. We carry top grade GREEN VALLEY PRODUCTS * 12-4-8with iron * 16-6-IZ * 10-30-10Turf builder * 8-20.20 * 6-8-6-(vegetable) * t’dOSs Killer * HOURS 8:30 - 6Pm Daily A Bone Meal *Steer Manure * Peat Moss * Dolomite Lime * Hanging Baskets 1555 PEMBERTQN .AVE.’SQUAMlSH 892-9811 Phone 8984416 Stan Alexander, manager money are some of the percent in assets while the The credit union is now a of the Credit Union’s- results of the new plan. resale portfolio of properties CMHC-approved lender and Masterplan program, spoke Alexander said it was a was being reduced through can offer up to 90 percent to the annual meeting of the credit card with a new twist, sales. financing on a home. Squamish Credit Union on one which does more and - The number of loans has Brumpton predicted 1986 this service which will help costs less. increased by nine percent would be a year of growth its customers save time, Squamish Branch Manager and increased in dollar amo- with many new innovations control ‘their financial plan- Bill Brumpton reported the unt by seven percent. Mem- t o provide better service for ning,.. and save money. LOW- Credit Union was starting to bership.has grown by over its members. er costs, cheaper services move ahead: there had been five percent and deposits by In the director’s report, and helping people make a solid growth of over six more than six percent. Credit Union Chairman Ele- anor Anderson said the Credit Union would be pro- viding two scholarships for Hospital nurses .the students in the second- ary school. She also presen- ted retiring Director Marie Atkin with a gift. announce provincial Re-elected to three-year

terms on the board of ~ ~~ - directors were Eleanor Lisa Yaremkewich and Jeff Gagnon spoke to the Credit strike vote Anderson and Frank Sarton, About 20 nurses at the percent. Peter McAllister, president Union annual meeting in Squamish on Camp Rainbow while Tom Fowler was also which they attended last gear. Squamish According to Pat Fraser, of the HLRA, said health elected to a three-year term. will be affected should the BCNU negotiator, HLRA is care institutioiis in the pro- Re-elected to two year strike vote scheduled for demanding that nurses vince are caught in a sque- terms were Leonard Gold- May 21 come out in favor of agree to cuts of existing eze between rising costs and smith and Les Whitehead. I CARDS OF THANKS strike action, benefits. fixed funding. Two students, Lisa Yarem- “This is the employers’ “This offer is all that our ~ We would like to thank all our friends for their support Negotiators for nearly kewitch and ,Jeff Gagnon, and condolence. Special thanks to Dr. Schellenberg, 16,000 ’nurses, members of price for better wages, and members could possibly who attended Camp Rain- Dr. Kindree and the nursing staff at the Squamish General the B.C. Nurses Union, even for contract changes consider,” McAllister said, bow last summer, spoke on Hospital for their efforts to save David’s life. announced last week a strike with no cost implications at “and even at that, new their experiences at .the Special thanks to Janice Fait, Ingrid Kuran, Joe Bukowsky vote will take place in 135 all.” money will be required to camp which teaches young and also to the young people who shared our sorrow and hospitals and long-term care Fraser warned that fund the proposal.” people leadership, but first offered their support. And our thanks to all those who assisted facilities across the prov- HLRA’s position threatens a us at the reception. teaches them how to under- Your sympathy and love were very much.appreciated. ince. nursing shortage in a prov- stand themselves. The union’s move followed ince historically dependent The Credit Union sponsors Milt, Leslie and Julie Read and Anne Gould last week’s breakdown in on nurses trained elsewhere. Ships in port two students to attend this negotiations with the Mealt h “It is already hard to staff camp each year. I I Labour Relations Associa- some nursing areas in B.C.,” t ion. The two sides had been Fraser said. “Soon it will be Several ships due in port meeting since mid-March, impossible,” she added. during May will be heading after an eight-month recess She cited the starting rate for Japan as their destinat- in mediation that began last for B.C. registered nurses at ion. year. $12.85 an hour, while in Headed for Japan will be The nurses’ previous con- Ontario it is $14.32 and the Star Florida, due May 9, tract expired March 31, $13.65 in Alberta. the Mo‘lda, due May 11, the 1985. Their last wage incre- Meanwhile, HLRA negoti- Elaine L.D., due May 18, the ase, amounting to 2.1 ators have offered a wage Egda, due May 26, and the percent, came more than increase of three percent Star Fraser, due June 3. two years ago. over the next two years in Destined for the Mediter- Citing major wage dispari- an attempt to settle the ranean will be the Star Hong ties with other provinces, contract dispute. Kong, due in port May 1, and BCNU rejected an HLRA The proposal would give the Star Derby, due May 28. package of a three-year BCNU a general increase of The Star Dover, due May 9, contract with wage increa- one percent effective April and the Star World, due ses of zero, one and two 1, 1986, and a further two May 25, will be loading for percent April 1, 1987. All Europe. increments payable are gua- 1 The Hyundai Con. 7, due in ranteed during the term of port May 7, will be loading the contract. Mothers’ for Australia. DQY OUR SERVICE NEVER ENDS We don’t shut our doors after April 30th. If you need year-end tax planning ad- The Honda F-501 tiller has all the . when the clutch lever is released. vice stop in and see us before you deep-digging power you need to turn The F-501 also features handlebars come to see us in 1986 and we’ll do your garden upside-down that adjust to fit each individual operator our best to help you make your taxes A 5 hp, Honda CX series, four-stroke comfortably The C2 version also THE MAGIC OF manageable. We’ll give you fast, engine gives it the muscle to take on a features 2 foward and 1reverse speed. friendly service and an accurate return. heavy workload. Automatic compression Plus, we’re available year-round to If you need heavyweight help to answer your questions. Our fees are release makes it easy to start. And a large turn your garden upside-down,come in AUSTRIAN capacity muffler helps it run quietly ’ reasonable. and ‘see us. Well set you up with an CRYSTAL. Stop into one of our convenient of- For added safeti there’s F-501 fices or call for an appointment today. an easy-to-reach ignition tiller cut-off switch, and a safety from clutch that stops the tines Honda. SEE OUR HUGE The year-round selection of prisms, Jewelley and Miniature! income tax people.

38036 CLEVELAND AVE. (Above Highland Glass) I . OPEN 9-6 Weekdays, 9-5 Sat. Phone 892-3624 898-521 2 OPEN SAT.. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ’ HOURS: 8 AM to 5:30 PM DAILY GOVT, ROAD - SQUAMISH, B.C. 1 WINDOW SHOPPING SUNDAY NEXT TO OK TIRE TheTim& -TWsiiay April 29; -1986’-Page5 _.--.I-- /

- --

Dear Editor: children's lives. This organ- are short 10 coaches. As Little League co-ordin- izal ion seems to be turning I am frustrated and angry ator for H.S. Minor Ball inlo a glorified babysitting at the parents in this town Association, I am in the service, while their parents who continually think that midst of making up team qet on with their own LLsc)mec)neelse will coach." rosters for 366 children. It is activities. We have no more "someone generally a pleasant task More unpleasant and frus- else's" to call on. I can only and I do it as part 'of my !rating is the task of secur- ask those parents to consid- contribution to Minor base- ing coaches for all these er the options. Volunteer ball in this town. My job ,children. It seems our asso- your services or face the fact . involves placing children on ciation is in a different kind that there will be no more teams, taking into consider- of evekincreasing competi- ball for your children. I ation age, location and abil- tion with "kids" ball. Slow- guarantee that my children ity. I like the job as it allows pitch for the "big kids". In will play ball, but I can't say me to meet a large number the five years I have under- 1he same for your children. of people in the community. taken this job, never have I But with, any task there is heard one excuse used so Jill Webb an unpleasant side. I must often as "I am playing ball Vice-chairman & answer countless phone calls myself and I just don't have co-ordinator from parents requesting time to help coach." With Howe Sound Minor Baseball that their children be moved two weeks left before regu- Box 1839 from the team they have lar season play begins, we Squamish been placed on. Few are legitimate requests. Over and over I am told that the Speech therapy users reason for%themove is to ' . allow the parent to secure a urged to write MLA ride to the ball park so they Dear Editor Whistler area. "don't have to drive their 1 am writing this letter in I t oc) have a child in need of child to their ball game." I ?vspwse to the previous speech therapy and we are can't help feeling sympathy lei I c'rs in your paper regar- commuting to North Vanc- for that child. Parents sho- ding the need for a Speech ouver for therapy. uld want to be part of their Therapist for the Squamish- We are trying to get as many parents of preschool- age children involved in this to help'us by writing letters to our M.L.A. in Victoria; If No profits, no bread you care to write, the address is: Mr. John- Reynolds, MLA West Van- Customers are the life blood of any Dear Editor: The value of the land will couver-Howe Sound, Parl- -If you can't sell now how soar in the years ahead, and ;~,-e:e~e~.:e~e:e~e:e:.:.:e~.:e:e~e:.:e:.:.:.:e:business...... and businesses need them .::;:;:::;:; **.*.*.*.* iament Buildings, Victoria, ,:.:.,*.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:*:.:*~*:.:*:*:.:.:*~.:.:*:*~.:*:* the hell can you sell at 10 it will give incentive to B.C., V8V 2M4. ,*A*..... Many firms wonder why people shop *$si ...... e****'. percent more? You have to businessmen who can't aff- The more letters to Mr. ,-.*.*e once or twice but never return. 2*.*** I*.'.'...... sweeten the pot not sour it. ord the cash flow. You could ?.*A ..**.*e Reynolds and in the papers If*.*.,*.*e*. Studies have revealed that rudeness and :::a I don't think it should be do this or a similar scheme w.5 **e*.'. the better our chances are, ?.*e*. A*.*. depersonalization cause the loss of many m, sold at all, but suggest we for the next 20 to 30 years so if this concerns you or a*****. .***e*. a*.*.*. a*.*.*. ******* *.*-e. customers. The study shows that: f-*-*. give potentially accepted without profit as long as the -111 your child please write. The *96 percent of the unhappy customers a::e..'.'. industries, say a three year rates do not come out of the longer you wait the harder it r5'.'* I*.'.*. grace period providing they Squamish coffers. is for the child. If you have never complain. ****.*e...... Eve ry 8n e pay the taxes and interest You don't have to have any questions please contact *91 Dercent of those customers who .:.:.I.*-.-*-e don't complain will not buy again from ...... SA rates. After the period, a money in your hand, the Debby Forsyth at 892-5612, f.*.'D re-negotiation, they still pay trick is, don't take it out of Boyd ,*e*.'. Lynn needs the business that offended them. A'.*. taxes and interest rates, your pocket. In other words ~ *The average unhappy customers will ....$s plus a small percentage on a dollar saved is a dollar customers sharepeople the while negative 13 percent story with will at tellleast more nine w::At...... the profits. No profits, no earned. Also remember once School board - bread, lots of profits, lots of you sell it is gone forever, ...... t :e.*..**.e.*. P .'. thai 20 people. - .*.*e*. bread. because as things are now should be ,*.*e*. **.*.*e **.*.e. **.*.e. The moral of this is that courtesy and fit The thing is, this way the you are banging your heads h' f . **.*.*. ,*e*.*. against a brick wall. without ...... consideration is of prime importance to w.:.*.*.'. taxpayers pay nothing, the I*.'*** your customers...... community saves the prop- ,'.'e'. Dear Editor: ,*.'.*...... A. Stembridge ...... Taking the SuperHost program is a .'.'.*.w.: ert y for future generations. I am not impressed by all :.*.a. I..*.*. ft.'._-_-.'.*.*.r'.'.'. good way of seeing that your employees :'.::5: the rhetoric constantly be- ...... ,-*-e-.-.- ...... :.*..:.:.~.:.:.~:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;learn about the importance of being ..... ing aired regarding the ...... 1 polite and helpful. Higher wages and plight of the poor teachers, when I read of a Coquitlam teacher who gets $39,000 a prices 'leave us poor year, and whose wife is also teaching. Two salaries in one Dear Editor: every dollar we filter thro- household, when there are Re: Demands €or higher ugh government hands pro- duces about thirty cents probably many Unemployed wages and salaries. teachers who are the sole One of the major causes of wbrth of benefits and serv- ices. support of their families. As demands for higher wages a pensioner on a comparat- and salaries stems from If we could reduce the billions of dollars being ively restricted income I also Phone 892-5131 Canada's large and increas- resent being told that my ing tax bite. It has been mis-used and wasted by -c;m m new government, we could live property tax will likely estimated that we must increase by around $160 in SERWRdw J~EMTUad COUNTRY work until June each year handsomely cp. a fraction of order to satisfy the demands Second Class Mail Registration Number 1147 merely to earn enough to what is laughingly called our of the 'underfunded' teach- Return Postage Guaranteed pay taxes. This means that "gross earnings" at tax time. is we must earn $20 per hour Also the cost of goods and el's. This paper not alwajs delivered to Canada Post Corporation on the date of issue. In my relatively. simple Citizen-Times Publishing Co. ltd., every Tuesda:, at Squamish, B.C. in order to have some hope services would drop, making our products, much more life-style if there is someth- CLOUDESLEY S. Q. HOODSPITH Publisher of being able to spend $10 per hour of our own money, acceptable for export and ing I want which I cannot ROSE TATLOW = Assistant Publisher for our own needs and more affordable for our afford, I do without. I have CAROL ADAMS =Editor wants. unemployed. to budget according to the MAUREEN GILMOUR Community News The biggest rip-off starts The major thrust for politi- income available. I cannot DIANNE CROWTHER Advertising Representative before we are paid, ie. when cians, business and union impose a tax on my migh- SEAN TRUDEAU Advertising Reprewntative income tax is deducted "at leaders should be to reduce bours in order to satisfy my the source". This large un- this massive rip-off. They wants, nor would 1 wish to. P.O. Box 220, Squamish, B.C., VON 360 seen deduction of ea&ings should not opt for a constant It appears that the School Subscription Rates (Delivered by Mail) $14.00 per year that is forwarded directly to upward spiral of wages and Trustees are typical of all $20.00 per Year Outside Canada the government, is only the prices that always leaves us bureaucratic establishments Cop;right and or piopefly rights subsist in 111 displr) advertising and #ha mania1 ap&g in thi? edition of The Squamish Tima. Permission to beginning of massive mis- all poorer and places the who delight in propagating reproduct wholly or in pan and in an) form whrtrocva, pmicularlj a pho~ographic offset prmin a publiration, mwi be obraiincd in writing b) or . from the oubli$hn. Ani unauthorid rcuroduaion will k subjm to recourse in law. use of some 50 percent of our unemployed in dire straits. "Parkinson's Law".

earnings. Unfortunately, Jack Helmers D.A. Brown s. Motels and motels in the Jim Kilburn of the August Squamish area are busy Jack Motel said alttiough the renovating and raising -rates motel maintains regular in anticipation of an influx of business-oriented clientele business due to Expo 86 this during the summer rather summer. than tourist-oriented . cust- . Menachim Tepper, owner omers, he has had calls for of theSquamish Hotel, said reservations from as far as they have recently renovat- California, despite the fact ed 10 rooms in the hotel, that he only advertises in refurbished the restaurant, B.C. magazines. and upgraded the general The August Jack has raised appearance in anticipation of its rates 10 percent. Rooms incoming visitors to Squam- now range from $38 to $42. ish from Expo. -Although the . Chieftain In addition, Tepper said Hotel has not done any room.rates have been incr- rimovations -to the hotel, eased with a room going for Burrell Nesbitt, owner of about $50. Tepper added the hotel, said he has had although the hotel's rooms considerably more reserva- have been completely tions than normal. Prices I redone, no long-term resi- have been raised for the first Superintendent Keith Dane -Officer Commanding Vancouver subdivision, presented medals for bravery to: dents have been evicted. time in three years by 10 Alan T. Murley, second from left, and Colin D. Horabin, second from right. Also in picture are Staff-Sgt. Dan Bob Doerkson, spokesman percent, and now range from Eeroux, centre, and D.K. Wilson, Assistant Commissioner. for the Garibaldi Highlander $36 to $42. Hotel, also pointed to major The Garibaldi Motel repor- renovations the hotel has ted a slight increase in room undergone since last sum- rates. Rooms run an average mer. In addition, the hotel of $87. has the added convenience The Howe Sound Mote! has to patrons of the Maverick also spruced up its establi- bus line depot located at the shment somewhat and a hotel. spokesmah for the motel The Highlander Hotel boa- said rates will be raised in sts a nearly full occupancy May, with long-time resid- for the Expo season at this ents paying slightly more time. Prices range from' $44 than tourists. Prices range to $50. from $30 to $39.

. I-

ur book sells best. Did you'know They'll explain the options available, like that, 9 times out of 10, someone calls using directories in more than one area to -0or visits a business after referring to broaden your market. Or the advantages of the Yellow Pages? And that 82% of British listing under a variety of headings to reach Columbians refer to Yellow Pages at least more .of your potential customers. once a month? To.find out more about how our bestseller No other advertising medium attracts can help make you a bestseller call toll free customers who are at the point of buying, 1-800-242-8641 to the point of sale, like the Yellow Pages. PICTURES AT OUR DROP OFF CENTRES Your authorized Dominion Directory , ATTHE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: representative can help you plan a Yellow Ask about the exciting new Seniors Walleycliffe General Store Pages program that's right for your Discount Program. Find out ho business. And your advertising budget. you can tap this important . Their advice is frec. market by displaying this logo. M

Next to Fenton Jewellers 892.5530 --- "Good for Business'' 1u ..

The 3rd Annual Bienaiel Tartan Night sponsored by ART FROM LOCALARTISTS the Squamish Kinsmen Pipe featurh~ Band on April 19 , in the PAINTINGS, POTTERY, PRI~JTS Legion hall, was an evening PHOTO ART, JEWELLERY, CARVINGS of nostalgia for so'me and for AND FABRIC ART 38018 Cleveland Ave. Enter at Mostly Books Scottish entertainmeat. Master of Ceremonies Doug Fenton was dressed ... .. for the occasion in his kilt and "accessories". First music to fill the Legion hall was the skirl of the pipes as GM NOVA TOYOM Pipe Major Ian Walker led Ithe Kinsmen Pipe Band presents Highland dancer Jennifer Ysurk performs the sword the centre of the room. Their .. marches included the well aance. loved Westering Home, Yourk performed the Sword'Laurie, Flowers of Scotland We're No Awa' Tae Bide dance with Seam Triubhas and Bonnie Marv of Ar~vll. ------.I -- --- ".I --- Awa' and Colonel Robert- while accompanied by piper Pipe Major Ian *walker said son. Ian Walker and she- - also___- . - . .. .. The Gleneagles Scottish danced The Highland Lilt, the Band was making its ,Country Dance Club from accompanied by piper Jim 124th public appearance sin- West Vancouver were given Coubrough. Jennifer also ce it was formed in 1978. A a warm, friendly welcome by performed the trio of pipers: Jim Coubro- the audience. This was their Fling with the band accom- ugh, David Long and Ian third appearance in Squam- panying her. Walker played a Hornpipe selection, The Desert This- ish and the grace and ease in . . Constance Rulka has which they executed their addressed the gathering at tle Pipe Band. The youngest dances was much appreciat- the annual Burns Supper on member of the band, or ed by all. They performed several occasions. She was 15-year-old piper Fraser RENT TO OWN, '199 DOWN - '199 P/M many country dances during at her wittiest on Saturday Marshall played the beauti- Front Wheel Drive,'4 dr, 48 mpg, Test Drive their two appearances dur- night as she brought the Theful hymnfinale Amazing by the Grace.Band 8 you get o FREE chance at a cruise to ing the.evening. , . Englishmen "down" to their The lady with the beautifbl "proper" position. She didn't included.The Evening Hymn Florida I soprano voice, Suzanne mind taking a few swings at and Scotland the Brave. . Campbell sang the lovely her fellow Scots as well. Refreshments available Loch Lornond plus a medley A new entertainer in town, during the intermission inc- selection from Brigadoon. Donald Hay, sang several hded delicious meat Pies She was accompanied by Scottish songs while accom- and sausage rolls- The Win- pisnist ,7ane Waikes. , panying himself on the & ner of the Heather hamper Highland dancer Jennifer tar. They inciuded Annie -I'Q=.'-- Gonrge -_--- Gilmour.



Sale from April 27th - May 3rd

Baron Beef Roast T-Bone Steak Top Sirloin or Pipe Major Ian Walker leads in the Squamish Kinsmen Pipe Band at the Third I rump or bottom round Sirloin Tip Steak Annual Biennial Tartan Night, April 19. I I I

Medium Ground Beef

369 gr. (brick pac) 2.99 ea. I ." Three local volunteer fire- courage and a lot of knowl- men rgceived special long edge and he commended service medals from Fire them ail. Commissioner Glen Ander- A 25 year pin was present- son at the annual dinner ed to Pete Harrison for 28 given by the District of years of service; Glen Rud- FIVE. BUG#. SPECIAL Squamish for the volunteers kin and Chris French recei- in the fire department. ved 15 year pins; Dennis "BOWL ALL YOU" Honored were Peter Ham Reed, Gary Hastings and ison who had served for 30 Doug-- Morrison, 10 year '-- WANT FOR $5.00 years from 1956 to 1986, pins: while Chito Vergara, Terry Aldridge who had Uffe Hansen, Sean Sweeney, served from 1953 to 1979 Sal Luengo, Robin Garrett, 9:30 pm to Midnight and Harold Halvorson, who Gary Trento, Ray Kinshela / 1 Friday & Saturday Nights had been a fireman from and-Leley Beatty all receiv- 1949 to 1980. ed five year pins. Fire Chief Pat Hamnsnnr,- - ;- introduced Fire Commissi- oner Gordon Anderson who said the awards were made in recognition of the contri- bution made by the firemen to their communities. The medals were struck to FOR THE GOURMET recognize this contribution. The first ones were given in IN EVERYONE! 1980. Anderson said .the medal is not just for the volunteer but for his family FRIDAY & SATURDAY as well. "I've visited your depart- WE'RE OPEN Pete Harrison making a.few comments after receiving a ment before," Anderson told TILL 9 P.M. medal for long term service IPS a firefighter from Fire the gathering, "at the official Commissioner Gordon Anderson. opening of your building, one of the nicest in the SO jOlN US FOR SPECIAL province." After the presentation of COFFEES & DESSERTS the awards to Hairison and Chaiienge Day Aldridge, the latter comm- ented on the absence of @Homemadecheesecakes Harold Halvorson who was @Cookiesmade w/Purdys chocolate ill, by saying that when he looms closer joined the force Harold Check for our DESSERT of the Day! . I,.., ,ap*. ,, Halvorson dtas the "old'prd" Corner of Squamish is going to beat ' So,' register . now. You Mayor Egon Tobus, who [Smoking & nonsmoking the pants off of Courtenay. wouldn't want Squamish to presented the service pins, 2nd & Winnipeg sections available) 892-5560 At least that's what Squa- be known as a loser, would told the gathering that to be mish Mayor Egon Tobus is you? a fireman takes dedication, hoping. Otherwise, he will be forced to fly Courtenay's flag for one week in Squam- ish. And on tog of that disgrace, Squamish wiii be forever known as the physi- cally "unfit" community, at "VA LD I" least compared to Court- enay. SOLO CONCERT May 28, Challenge Day for Sunday, May 4th' 8r00 plm. the CrownLife PARTICIP- (to aid Brackendale Building Fund) action Challenge, is drawing nearer and Squamish resi- dents, young and old, are asked to register their cho- sen 15 minutes of activity. Register at the Civic Centre. All it takes is 15 minutes of physical activity-your cho- ice-performed some time on Mag 28. The object of the exercise is t c) see which community is more fit. But in doing so, the event hopes to motivate as many people as possible to engage in some form of DISTRICT QF SQUAMISH physical activity, be it run- ning; hiking, cycling, or what ever. Dear Squamish Citizens: The winning community . will be whoever records the May 25 to June'2, 1986 will be National highest percentage of parti- Physical Activity Week. cipation. On your behalf I have accepted challenge The loser must agree to fly a the winner's flag. from the Mayor of Courtenay. The red winners, however, Thds challenge king a one-dzy mass will be all those citizens from participation for 15 minutes in any physical either community who show activity that makes your heart beat faster. 1 heir community spirit by Our Mdnicipality will compete with others, If you'v? expmded your business, taka on new product lines or ma& part icip.ating in the Chal- including Courtenay, to find out where the other improvements now's your last chance to make sure yourYellow lenge. highest participation takes place. Please Pages listing is up to date. Civic Centre program cb obtain a form from Mr. Grant Dickey, Parks & You might also consider multiple listings in the directory under all the ordinators Dave McMillan Recreation Director, at the Civic Centre, sign categories that apply to your business. And listing each firm you represent and Carol vynne hope that it and participate, thereby supporting a so your customers can find you easily. (Charges apply for changes and local businesses, industries extra listings.) and schools will take part in healthy and active lifestyle. b Remember; time is running out. Dominion Directory Company Ltd. the challenge well as Call as at individual citizens. Sincerely, toll free 1-800-242-8641 Businesses and organizat- E.H. Tobus ions'may even want to add Yellow Pages 0 Mayor 'an edge to the competition "Good for Business" by challenging each other. The Times -Tuesday April 29,1986 -Page 9 I

.. , .. .

May 2 is a big day for opportunities of the Host -the day Province of Expo. we officially open the “The B.C. Pavilion British Columbia Pavilion won’t disappoint any of at Expo 86. our guests,” says B.C. The air is crisp with Pavilion Commissioner excitement as the flags of Tom Rust. “We’ve 54 nations unfold at the created a complete B.C. Plaza of Nations-the showcase that will thrill gathering place at the B.C. residents and visitors Pavilion Complex. The dike.” buildings are up, exhibits Exhibits * have been installed and thousands of designed as a journey into fine B.C. entertainers are the “undiscovered B.C. ”* ready to perform with a Two of these are films supporting ,cast of using special effects and thousands more , state-of-the-art technol- This 4.5thectare Compkx.- ogy. Opre is filmed in at the heart of the Expo Showscan, a high- I site is the stage for B.C.’s resolution film process

presentation to the world. that recreates movement l Built as a legacy to be used and colour as never ’ 1 and enjoyed after Expo, before. The second uses a I its three buildings and the triple-screen format to I Plaza of Nations offer up show the province at work a reflection of all British on land, in the sea and in Columbians in all fields of the air. endeavour. A “total experience” “The whole province is simulator that combines 1 represented here,” says Showscan film and B.C. The B, C. Pavilion is located between BeC. Place Stadium and Patrick McGeer, Minister developed submarines in a False Creek. Look for daily loggers sports on this floating stage Responsible for the B.C. thrilling underwater Pavilion and Minister of adventure is also featured at the Plaza Waterfront. ‘ International Trade and in the Discovery Pavilion. Investment. “The Nearby, the giant elevator cowboy, the urban towers--called the Trees of r;n1:nt dweller, the indust iiauas, Discover y--house a the pioneer - the quiet stunning tribute to “made achievers who have lit up in B.C.” technology and YOUR GUIDE TO the world with their innovations. THE B.C. PAVILION! innovations in science and On the business side, a Where? The Expo Stadium Gate between B.C. communications. The full range of conference Place Stadium and False creek. world will see them all and and meeting facilities have their achievements at the been installed at Challenge Expo 86 will soon be upon Mow Big? We’re the largest site at Expo -4.5 B.C. Pavilion during B.C. - where B.C. hectares (1 1 acres) ’ Expo. ” industries and working us and the British A totai of’ i5,W traditions are on dispiay. Columbia Pavilion is Buildings There arc! three - Discovery B.C,, which performances including These facilities , and ready to open. Details is the main pavilion, Showcase B.C. and regional and professional exhibits were designed in inside. Challenge B.C. B.C. talent will bring the tandem with a Business B.C. Pavilion stage to life. Visitors Program that is How Do I On-site, you can walk onto the complex Over 6,000 square metres bringing thousands of Entertainment abounds get there? from both east and west. Off-site, go of exhibit space are filled business visitors the world throughout the Complex. through the Stadium Gate of Expo-right with B.C. technology, over to British Columbia. behind the B.C. Place Stadium, Or take culture and history for an See our full schedule for expected four million It took hundreds of men more information. the monorail and get out at the Stadium Gate station. visitors to see. Many will and women more than two be residents; stkers wi!l be years to build the B.C. Hours ,10:00 a,m. to 1O:OO p.m. After-hours newcomers curious about Pavilion Complex on time And more! Restaurants, entertainment is featured seven days a the people, the and on budget. Now, it’s displays, special events. week at Showcase B.C. and at ‘Nat landscapes, the business ready for Expo 86. Bailey’s on the Plaza’ - the Host It’s all inside this special Restaurant of the B.C. Pavilion located supplement- at our main building -Discovery B.C. YOUR GUIDE TO THE B.C. PAVILION. Capacity Our two main exhibit buildings can accommodate 26,600 people a day for a .total of 4,080,800 during Expo 86. State-of-the-art exhibi- €‘QF~IIC~Vancouvsrite W~O Special effects are the tion’ films at Challenge worked as an illustrator order of the day in bath B.C. and Discovery B.C. on the ‘Star Wars’ film films. In the Showscan are key features at the and Fairuza Balk, the film, directed by Rob 5.C. Paviiisn. lX.ichmsnd, B.G. star of Turnc4r of Vancouvc~~an Showscan, an exciting ‘Retarn to OZ’. dMhnadian cast and new high-resolution film At the Challenge B.C, crew wor&@dwith special technique, is used Theatre, a documentary props and effects to create exclusivdi in an film cdld ‘Our British a spectacular aerial voyage adventure film at the Columbia’ takes a over B.C. mountains, Discovery B.C. Pavilion. different approach. This beaches and cityscapes. This special film medium ‘close-up’ of British ‘Our British Columbia’ - was pioneered by Columbia at work is which was filmed with Hollywood film-wizard presented in Tri-Max, a three cameras Douglas Trumbull, who system which projects simultaneously - offers a worked on such films as images simultaneously on wide angle view of the vast ‘Close Encounters of the three cinema screens 30 transportation networks Third Kind’ and ‘Star metres wide. Produced by that criss-cross the Trek .. the Motion Academy Award nominee province. Picture’. Filmed across Bob Rogers, this 19- Both films are screened the province, this 17- minute production was approximately 3 1 times minute film named also filmed across the daily - beginning at 1O:OO ‘Discovery’ is shown province and captures the a.m. - at their respective continually .in our industries and people of theatres. Final showings Showscan Theatre. B.C; are at 9:45 p.m. The theatre itself is an innovation - the first in North America built especially for Showscan. Its 19-metre screen and six track, stereo sound system will present the sights and sounds of British Columbia as they have never been seen or heard before. A total of nine speakers are housed throughout the theatre for maximum sound enjoyment . Famous names associated with the film

include ” Genie-award The Showscan Theatre at .Discovery B.C. will be a special treat for fair winning producer Peter goers. The Theatre is the first in Canada built specially for the high O’Brian (The Grey Fox, ), resolution Showscan film mediuk: Ralph McQuarrie - a

B.C.’s world class submersible industry% shown in films and exhibits at the B.C. Pavilion. This is Deep Rover I1 -featured in an underwater simulation at Discovery B.C. SIMULAPOR EXHIBIT A“lWIAL EXPERIENCE”

B.C.3 world-class experience for fairgoers. submarines and a new The high-resolution, high simulation technique are speed film technique of combined in a “total Showscan film makes the experience” exhibit at the simulation even more real, Discovery B.C. building. Underwater filming was Located in the main hall, carried out last fall near the Deep Rover exhibit is a Port Hardy on Vancouver realistic simulation of an Island. Other underwater adventure submersibles that appear abwd the Deep Rnver I1 ir! the eimu!at,ion include S WE APPROACH OPENING DAY AT For the collective efforts of many - one of B.C.’s renowned unmanned units such as EXPO 86, it’s time for all of us in British generations are celebrated here - our energy, submersibles. A replica of the Wrangler, the Dolphin A Columbia to oDen our hearts and minds our spirit, our cultural diversity, our innovative a real submarine bridge and the Hy-Sub. Praised and reflect on how far weve come, technologies. and the magic of for their design and ’ how much weve accomplished. We have all helped to build Showscan film are used to endurance, these B.C. ’ For this World Exposition, this this Province by contributing create a dramatic undersea subs are used from the Expo 86, was not just a few years to her phenomenal growth and rescue of a stranded sub. Artic to the eastern U.S. in the making. It is the culmina- development. We have all earned The adventure begins for underwater rescue tion of more than a century of ~ the right to take a bow with her when up to 26 ‘passengers’ work. British Columbian achievement. on the world stage. enter the Deep Rover cab The simulator is one of

When the world comes to our ~ The British Columbia fitted with a large ‘view four major exhibit world class event, they’ll see an Pavilion is a once-in-a-lifetime port’. A convex Showscan experiences in the main enormous spectacular unfolding opportunity to share our story with screen is located behind its hall of Discovery B.C. before their eyes. But they will also the world. And with each other. plexiglass ‘bubble’. Exhibit towers nearby - see an. incredible Province called It’s a showcase, an inspira- Real underwater film known as the “Trees of British Columbia - our history, tion, a beginning of a bright and images are projected onto Discovery’ ’ - take our landscape, our talents, our shining future. A heartwarming the screen, giving viewers fairgmrs through resources - all showcased in the celebration of B.C. the impression of being at fabulous audio visual B.C. Pavilion. PAVILION the bottom of the ocean. exhibits featuring B.C. Video moaors and live developed technology. EXPO86 commentary complete the The highest of these offers HON.PATRICK L. MCGEER,MINISTER RESPONSIBLE illusion, making the a 15-metre ride to the top a ...... simulator total of...... Discovery B.C. Page 12 -Tuesday April 29,1986 -TheTim t 8 , m.6 .,* I 0 < *.- I I ’ 1 1 I 1.1 h I I . I ,a1 I,...... I..‘.. .. through this fib - dBcd ‘Oarar British CoI1umbi.w’. There’s Jso a trmquil, forested awi near Cbdenge B.C. that is ided for the weary fairgwr. Exhibits here include ancient tree specimens and a series of There’s a world of things of maritime displays of resources, Inside, authentic totem poles to see and do at the B.C. marine vessels and whimsical sculptures and which stand in tribute to Pavilion. And the best industries, You’ll find the mobiles created by B.C. the native tribes of British place to start is at the B.C. Pavilion flagship artists offer a humourous Columbia. Continuous glass-covered main here - the heritage vessel look at the economic loggers sports are featured building - Discovery B.C. Ivanhoe. It’s an authentic, partnership that makes us at the Plaza waterfront A visit begins with a 35-metre wooden prosperous. A fast paced, nearby. Walk in the Forest - a towboat. And look for multi media and live And look for live quiet path winding past large scale model boat performance show next entertainment daily and rows of 12-metre Douglas shows, boat building door features some ‘real nightly ,at the Plaza sf fir trees to the pavilion demonstrations and a real characters’ from B.C. Nations. This is the B.C. entrance. Inside, carved submarine nearby. industry. Entertainment Showcase native figures spread their Afterwards, you can Next - a collage of multi- featuring music, dance arms in welcome in the stroll across the Plaza to images are presented on and fashion shows. preshow area while the Challenge B.C. three Screens Showtimes are post& at The colours are. bright and the dew 39 fantrutic! skylights illuminate a real bdding - dedicated to simuhneously in a Information Kiosks Painter Susan Baker stands Wide om of nine regional waterfall and simulated B.C. industry and delightful film located in Discovery B.C. mudsthat adorn the B.C. Revue. forest nearby. These &e images of British Coumbia - bright, airy and natural. The thrills begin in the Showscan Theatre beyond. The rugged beauty of B.C.’s c landscapes are on display here for the first time in Showscan, a high-speed RlTlSH C0,LU film technique that must be seen to be believed. And the theatre is state of the art - with a screen 19 SALUVES.SENlORS ‘#. metres wide and nine audio speakers providing the best in visuals and sound. , -# After the film, take the . . .’ ,r , ,I escalator down to the Trees of Discovery - three At Bank of British Columbia we %reproud of our special relationship giant elevator towers .. which offer vertical rides with British Columbians, particularly those 55 years or better. through fantastic audio We are extremely pleased to be a co-sponsor with the Government visual experiences. Each tower teUs a series of of British Columbia of both the Seniors’ Showcase at Expo86 and the sto€ies about Pioneer Passport. transportation, communications and The Pioneer Passport offers a variety of discount coupons from other technologies developed here in British participating companies to those 55 or better. Passports will be available Columbia. at our branches in early May and on June 10th and 11th only at the B.C. The underwater simulator nearby is* a Pavilion during Seniors’ Showcase. If you’re over 65, your Passport will-be ‘total experience’ exhibit automatically mailed to you in early May. that uses Showscan film to simulate a thrilling Bank of British Columbia offers many other benefits to those 55 or underwater adventure. It’s a dramatic illustration of better . . . Our Pioneer Bonanza Account features daily interest savings B.@.’s * emerging with no charge chequing, monthly statement with cheques returned free, submersible industry and an exciting experience, and bonus interest that’s paid monthly. There’s free personalized too. At the B.C. Revue near cheques, a discount on safety deposit box rentat, a news exclusive with the main hall, B.C. the Pioneer News,’ special rates on monthly interest Certificates of landmarks, history and culture are on display. Deposit, and much, much more. Look for intriguing skg sets, wall murals and a roving band of actors who stage - impromptu performances throughout. IF YOU’R€-55OR BETTER Roadsigns and portals point tht way through , nine exhibit spaces - each BANK ON B.C. representing a B.C. R!giQIk. There’s more regional fun at our 200 seat bandshell nearby as thousaqds of regional performers offer music and dance; or make your way to the Plaza of . Nations, where top B.C. Ca;nada‘s Western Bank entertainers will perform during Expo. A few paces south is the waterfront area, the scene /’

With over four miIlion housed in an annex on the British Columbia menu guests expected, the B.C. west side of the Challenge and decor. Tables will also Pavilion has taken great B.C. Pavilion and be set up on the Plaza of care to see that the needs operated by the Ministries Nations for summer of all are met. Below is a of International Trade dining. list of facilities at the and Investment, and Complex. Industry and Small These include: Business Development. Travel Information: At Experienced business And taste the nightlife at Discovery B.C. -the main counsellors will provide Showcase B.C.- pavilion -a Travel guests with data-based The B.C. Pavilion will Information Centre information on-* B.C. also be the centre of staffed with well trained companies. Expo’s “after hours” and informative Washrooms/ Baby entertainment. Land, sea, counsellors will provide Stations: Complete and air are the themes of guests with details of facilities at Challenge three nightclubs at attractions, travel routes B.C. are on the west side “Pacific Station”, housed and accommodation for of the building, Similar in our Showcase B.C. all areas of B.C. Included facilities at Showcase B.C. building. is a ResWest reservations can be found on the north “86 Street” entertains up system and information side of the building. Both to 650 people and treats on the provincial parks are entered from the guests to the antics of the system. *. outside. At Discovery Second City Comedy Gift . Shop: Distinctive B.C., washrooms are near Team “Waves” is a true B.C. products are on sale the restaurant on the main Californian styled seafood at a gift shop located on floor. restaurant/lounge, with the main floor of Telephones: Coin seating indoors and out. The Trees of Discovery are giant elevator towers which contain a Discovery B.C. Of interest operkted telephones are And last but not least is stunning tribute to “made in 1B.C.” technology. is ‘The Time of Our Lives’ conveniently located “The Flying Club” -which - a special edition book adjacent to the .public accommodated up to 100 that capturesour province washrooms in each of the people. on the eve of Expo 86 in a three buildings on, the And don’t forget the series of beautiful colour B.C. Pavilion site. Unicorn -a bistro styled photographs and essays. Restaurants Galore- restaurant at Challenge Also available is the There’s something for B.C. A great view of the Discovery ’86 Fine Art everyone’s taste at the Plaza and live Poster Series -colour B.C. Pavilion. A 355-seat entertainment are featured prints of works by family restaurant -Nat here, contemporafy B.C. Bailey’s on the Plaza- Operating hours are The World is Coming attists . operated by White Spot 1O:OO p.m. to 2:O a.m. Business Ccatre: This is Ltd. will feature a unique sevendaysaweek. to EXPO .. .

and Sea to Sky Country is part

of it! ‘ The Royal Hudson & Britannia in our “All Aboard”Mamzzine, the may phases of Squamish- portrayed in the pages of The Times and the numerous supplements throughout the year, the attraction of u‘histler uniquely enhanced in the pages of Supertainment and the picturesque grandeur of the Pemberton Valley pictured every week in the Citizen. It is our goal to keep you in touch with this Beautviii country and to share its all attractions with the multitude of tourists enjoying our year round playground.

Loggers’ sports are featured four times daily at a floating stage south of the Plaza of Nations.


Pagd 14-Tuesday 'Apfil 29, ’1 986 -TheTimes A WEDNESDAY APRIL 30,1906 Wednesday April 30 to Tuesday May 6 CBUT WTVS WXYZ WDlV CHCH WJBK BCTV KNOW KVQS CITV 8 Q Q 0 0 0 a QD .(D a :oo SeJameStreet Kelly &Co. Famil Ties Pa Cards Pyramid . CanadaAM. Cartoons It's A New Day ?:30 Muppets EXerClse Sale 81 Cent. SaL 01 Cent, Card Sharks Cont'd :00 Movie: Mister Rogers Lifestyles Wheel Fortune Wheel Fortune Prka Right II Scooby Do0 100 Huntley Is I1 Cartoons Street 8:30 "Yellow Sky" 3-2-1 Contact New Love Scrabble Hour Magazine Polka Dot Ryan's Hope O'clock Uve I1 News - Webster PoikaDot . Donahue Donahue g;!; :: Madeleine Lovlng Headllne Ch. Charm Young And Sweden :00 FredPenner Educational AllMy Days 01 Our Soapbox The Restless Coi!ectlng Salut /Eureka Movie: Good Morn1 10:30 Mr. Dressup Programming Children Llves As The World As The World Cooking Caller "Fear On Cookin' Gd! :00 Sesame Street Sesame Street One UfeTo Another World Turns Turns Guess What Way Of A Trial" Jackpot I I:~o 1' uve Cherington Capitol Definltion River Aslroboy Mister Rogers Oeneral Santa Barbara 'I Guldlng Ugh0 News Right PenyMason DaysOfOur 12% &$en Society Hospital Men In Action Psychology uves Afterschool Glmme Break Sanla Barbara Divorce Court Another World Immunology Divorce Court Oynasly I1 1;;: Midd!!Y SocleTMade nTexas Speclal Jeff ersons People'sCOult I Card Sharks :00 CoronatlonSt. Economics News News GoBots %ep General VOYaW Price Is Right Young And 2:30 Parenting USASpecial CarolBurnett Benson Hospital Radiation The Restless I1 :00 T~apperJohn~ MacNdlI News News NBWSl Llfetlme Cartoons O'clock Rock 3:30 M.D. Lehrer NBC Nguvs New A. Erlckson He-Man Incredible :00 Happy Days Wild America ABC News Jeopardy Ent. Tonlght CBS News Hart To Hart Polka Dot Transformers Too Close 4 :30 Stanley Cup Ent. Tonight Wheel Fortune Don Cherry $1 Mil. Chance I' Rainbow Flintstones EnLTonlght -00 Pia offs Cathedral MecOyver HlghwayTo Te West 57th Wheel Fortune 'Salut IEureka Diff. Strokes News %o DIV~O~I Heaven WKRP Nursina Tooclose M'A'S'H ~ , *I -00 Final Movie: map Blacke's Blacke's Movie: Newgl 3's Company .MI. Sunshine 6f30 11 "Say Amen, Maglc Maglc "Thursday's Business M'A'S'H Charlie& Co. Somebody" Hotel St. Usewlpre UfestyDes Chlld" Forests Understanding Pyramid Blacke's 7% Maw" Stone Carvers Ent. Tonlaht Cancer Newlvweds Maalc :00 'fifth estate So. Africa News News News Movie: Horizon Sarah p~t.~ep 8:30 18 The Nightline Tonight NTI Taxi "Vanishing :OO Remington Sandbaggers Hollywood I1 Mew Griffin Hart To Hart Act" Realilies I1 News 9:30 Steel9 Animals Movle: Barnev Miller Realities I1 :00 Natkmal/ Cathedral "Lawrence 01 David MedlCal The Salnt Hotel lleonardo Quincy . SCTV 10:30 Journal Arabla" Lettarman Center Not Seat I1 NtW CTV #arson Soap :OO News . Movle: Movie: News . Patrick Swayze reprises his role as Orry Main and Les- . 11.:30 Maude "Say Amen, II "The Man Mightwatch News T.J. Hooker Carol Bumett ley-Anne Down stars as his bride-to-be Madeline Fabray :00 Movie Somebody" 'I BehlndThe 11 "Crash On IS "Red-Light 11 ff LaMotte in part one of "North and South: Book 11," air- I2:30 Stone Carvers Gun" Flight 40 1" Movie Sting" - ing Sunday, May,4 on ABC. THURSDAY MAY 1,1986 CBUT WTVS WWZ WDlV CHCH WJBK BCTV' KNOW KVOS ClYV 0 Q Q Q 0 0 a (1D (0 (D

Sesamestreet Kelly6Co. Famli Ties Pa Cards Pyramld Canada AM. Cartoons0 I1 It's A New Day -7%Muppets Exercise Sale df Cent. Sak Of Cent. Card Sharks Cont'd .OO Movle Mister Rogers Lifestyles Wheel Fortune Wheel Fortune Prlce Is Right I1 Scooby Do0 100 Huntley I1 8130 " 3-2-1 Contact New Love Scrabble Hour Maadne I' Cartoons Street I1 Polka Dot . Ryan's Hope o'clock Uve N0WS Webster Pdkaht Donahue Oonahue 9;;; :: Heallh Matters. Lovlng Headline Ch. Splder-Man Young And Caller :00 Fred Penner Educatlonal All My Days 01 Our The Restless Coliecllng Read It Movie: Good, Good 10:30 MI. Dressup Programming Children Llves . AsTheWorld Cooking OdYSWY "The Mornlng -00 Sesame Street Mane Street One Llfe To Another World Turns Turns Guess What Caller Philadelphla Jackpot 1 1I30 I' Llve Cherlnaton Caoitol Definition Caller Stow" Astrobov Mister Rogers General Sanla Barbara I1 Guiding Llght News Of Sound Perry Mason Days 01 Our 12%&#en Money Puzzle Hospital Msn In Action Stone Age Lives M'dd!Y Money Punle Good At Gimme Break Santa Barbara DivorceCourt Another World Dystonia DivorcgCourt @nap 1;ig Am. Govt. Detrolt Jeff ersons People's Court I' Caller Card Sharks :00 CoronationSt. Cathedral News NTl GoBots Soap General Novel Price Is Right Young And 2:30 Parenting Carol Burnelt Benson Hospltal Ths Restless $0 TrapperJohn, MacNeilI New8 News NM NWS Ufetime Caller Cartoons o'clock Rock 3:30 M.D. Lehrer NBC News Gilhast Pole HeMan Incredible :00 Happy Days Business Rpt. ABC News Jeopardy Ent.Tonlght CBS News Had To Had Polka Dot Transform Too Close 4 :30 StanlevCu~ Mkhlaan Ent. Tonlaht Wheel Fortune Charlie 6 $1 Mil. Chance 'I Ralnbow Flintstones Ent. Tonhht 00 Plaoffs OldHouse Rlpkfs CosbyShow Company Simdna WheelFodune Read Uff.Strokes News SOw~L B0d)WtitCh FamMyTCes InWon Simon WKRP Splrit Of Rome Too Close M'A'S'H :UO Conference Mystpf ' niecOrbys Chwn * BrIdfiesTo BridgesTo News Nursing Ethlcs 3's Company Famel : 630 Championship MightCowt Cross. Cross Twins M' A'S'H :00 GameOne Amerlcan 201 20 Hinstreet 20120 Knois Lending En!. Tonight Archeobglcal Pyramld Mike Hemmer :30 FactsOfUfe Bh Thriil Datina NewlVWedS Caesar ~~ ~ 7 - - ~- :00 ToBe Ctry.Ex&s News NM New8 NM WhyShow NaturalWorld Movie: * ' HIU Shaet 8:30 Announced "My Pal Nightline Tonlght Taxi Famlty Tkts "The Mephlsto Blues HdlywOOd 11 MsnrGriffln HarlToHad Cheers PrinceRegent Waltz'' Nem E&ced Movk Bamev Miiler Niahl Court 9:!! ERZ ~ ~ :OO Nathnall Odysy "Kansas Cny Davld Movie. The Salnt Hill Street Great KnotsLanding SCTV IO:~OJournal Bomber" Lstterman "8ed Of Blues OepeSSiOn huldssports Mark Harmon may have checked out of "St. Elsewhere," :uo NBWS Outdoors I1 Movk Roamers" News CTV Nem Carson Soap but he can be seen starring as murderer Theodore "Ted" 11:30 Maude OldHouse Movie: "Tltanlc" Nightwatch News Nhht Heat Card Burnett Bundy in "The Deliberate Stranger," airing Monday, I1 #I I1 :00 Movie: "Macon I1 "Age Of Tales MystPiryl-& Llnell 0 May 5 on NBC. 12:30 "San Quentin" COllSiMt" Movie Movla 6:W "VANWING ACT' 8"M)@I No7 Row' BROOKLYN" (1943) Red Skel- "WE 'WE WRMDOJG (Promis's) Mike Farrell, Eliiott (1970) Robert Rodford, George ton, Ann Rutherford. A radio a(#> POINT' ( 1977) Anne Bancroft, Gouid. A newlywed's relief at %gal. Four would-be thieves detective makes enemies with Shirley MacLaine. Two friends being reunilod with his missing attempt to steal the same dia- the police, a criminal and a from ballet training school who bride dissolves when he dis- tnond four times. baseball team. selected diffcrant roads many covers that, &spite her con- 9000 @ "DRACULA'S GREAT I 1:OO @ "PAPER MWM" years earlier meet again and vincing arguments, she is not LOVE" (1975) Jack 'Taylor, (1973) Ryan O'Neal, Tatum question their chosen paths. his wife. Cham Soriano. Dracula tries to O'Neal. A young orphan 9:30 "WM'(1 976) 9:30 @ "LBMENCE OF ARA- convince his lover to join him in "adopts" a falhor by tol!owing a BIA" f 1962) Peter O'Toole. his world of darkness. a former friond of her mother in Bud Spencer. A law enforcor takes solr. action against an, in- Aloc Guinness. A member of VOLICE W~AN his con-artist escapades during the British general staff leads CENTERKKC)" (1983) Melody the Depression. ternational drug ring when he suspects a police department the Arabs in a revolt against Anderson, Ed Marinaro. A New 'I 1:30 "WITHOUT RESERVA- the Turks, resulting in the birth Mexico police officer jeopard- TKINS" (1946) Claudette Col- leak. 11:W r) "GENTLEMEN PREFER of the Arabian kingdom. - izes her personal life and her bert, John Wayne. On her way 11:W "SBY AMEN, WE- career by posing for the center- to Hollywood, a novelist meets BLONDES" (1953) Marilyn This Monroe, Jane Russell. Two By Marc Minnelli week, audiences can BODY" (1982) The story of fold of a national magazine. a Marine and his friend on the catch up with her in "North gospel music and two of its lu- 11:W (E) "THE BOYS JN THE train. . showgirls head for Paris know- ing that "diamonds are a girl's and South: Book 11," a 12-hour minaries, Willie Mae Ford BAND' (1970) Cliff Gorman, 12:05 0 "BANJO HAdETT: She's bright, attractive and Smith and Thomas A. Dorsey. Laurence Luckinbill. Based on ROAMIN' FREE' (1976) Don best friend." - depending on which TV crit- continuation of last year's In stereo. (R) 9 the play by Mart Crowley. Meredith, Jennifer Warren, In 12:05 "BLACK GUNN" ic you ask - a dead-ringer for sprawling . "North "THE MAN BEHIND THE Tempers flare at a homosexual the 1880s, an itinerant horse (1972) Jim Brown, Martin Lan- Vivien Leigh or Elizabeth Tay- and South: Book 11" is based on GUN" (19531 Randolph Scott, birthday party when a straight dealer salvages his young dau. In an attempt to provide lor. As the original episodes of ' best-selling saga 'Patrice Wymore. The city of invitee arrives. nephew from an orphanage in support for a militaristic band of blacks, a group of Vietnam "North and South" proved "Love and War," and in the Los Angeles is founded through 11:30 a "SPECTRE" (1977) order to obtain the boy's stolen the efforts of one determined Gig Young, Robert Culp. In Arabian mare. veterans rob a bookie joint. when the '12-hour miniseries miniseries Garber is reprising man. present-day London, a crimi- 12:SO 0 "THE BLACK CAT" 12:40 (D "A MIDSUMMER aired last year, she's also tal- her role of promiscuous South- 12:W "KNUTE ROCKNE - nologist with an interest in the (194 1I Basil Rathbone, Nigel NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY" ented. And let's not forget her ern belle Ashton Huntoon. W AMERICAN" (1940) Pat occult and his physician friend Bruce. After a will is made pub- (1982) Woody Allen, Mia Far- wicked sense of humor and Audiences can relive the tur- O'Brien, Ronald Reagan. The discover supernatural forces at lic, a series of bizarre murders row. The summer heat and ' bulent Civil War years - com- life of the famous Notre Dame work in a millionaire's mansion. begins. country air provoke a series of candor; the two ingredients football coach includes defeats 12:W "THE LOST WORLD humorous romantic encounters that have made 25-year-old plete with sexual shenanigans, as well as victories. (R) OF SINBAD" (1965) Toshiro among three couples spending newcomer Terri Garber the murder and maimings - (D ,"THE REOllGHT STING' Mifune, Makoto Satoh. A pirate a weekend at an inventor's ru- current cause celebre. when the six-night miniseries (1984) Farrah Fawcett, Beau leads a band of island rebels in ral retreat. 3:00 "THE BIG SHOW' airs beginning Sunday, May 4. Bridges. In order to convict a revolt against a wicked tyrant. Though Garber says she did local rackets king, a govern- "EAGLES OVER LONDON" (1937) Gene Autry, Smiley ment bureau covertly assumes (1972) Van Johnson, Frederick MAY 4,1986 ' Burnette. A tuneful Westerner a fair amount of role research manaoement of a brothel. Stafford. The Nazis drive the rides the range. - "I watched 'Gone With the- British off the continent and 6:WO"COMMAND 5" Wind' and met with John Jakes launch the incessant air attacks (1985) John Matuszak, Wings - she claims it was her char- which compose the "Battle Of Hauser. Renowned for their acter's wardrobe that helped Britain." unorthodox crime-fighting tac- MAY 1,1986 12:05 8 "LOHA, BOBBY AND tics, a specially trainad task MAY 6,1986 her get into the proper South- ROSE" (1975) Paul LeMat, Di- force is called in for the most ern perspective. 800 'THE MEPHlSTO anne Hull. Star-crossed young difficult cases. 8:W @ "JULIA" (19771 Jane "Once I stepped into those (1 1) Alan Alda, WALTZ'' 97 lovers become fugitives when a 0 "VANISHING ACT" (Prem- Fonda, Vanessa Redgrave. Jacqueline Bisset. Witchcraft gowns, I got the right atti- mock holdup is mistaken for iere) Mike Farrell, Elliott Gould. Writer Lillian Hellman is drawn tude," she says, sitting in the turns a mediocre musicizn into the real thing. A newlywed's relief at being into the main thrust of wartime a famed pianist, terrifying his 12:30 @ "THE ITALIAN JOB" reunited with his missing bride resistance efforts when 'her comfort of her newly pur- family who are drawn up in the dissolves when he discovers closest childhood friend seeks chased Laurel Canyon, Calif., (1969) Michael Caine, Noel \ never-ending circle of evil. Coward. A group of smalltime that, despite her convincing ar- her help. home. "I wore layers and lay- 830 0 "MY PAL TRIGGER" guments, she is not his wife. 9:30 "J.W; (1972) crooks plan to pull a bank heist Q coop" ers of crinolines. There were (1946) Roy Rogers, George during a rigged traffic jam, 9 Cliff Robertson, Geraldine "Gabby" Hayes. Roy's and 1O:W Q "MR. MOWS GAM- Page. Having endured a 10- so many that I'd fly off walls Gabby's faithful mounts help , BLE" (1938) Peter Lorre, Lynn year prison sentence, an ex- like a bumper car. I remem- them out of some sticky situa- Bari. The famous detective and con becomes a Western rodeo ber," she adds with a laugh, tions. (Part 1 of 2) MAY 3,1986 his students stumble upon a star. "bumping into someone's arm, 9:30 "KANSAS CrrV 800 (D "BLUE MURDER' (No murder case which the stu- 11 :OO 0 "HOW TO MARRY A Terri Garber and he said, 'Ouch!"' BOMBER" (1972) Raquel Date) dents use their deductive rea- MUIONAIRE" (1953) Lauren ' The actress says she wants Welch, Kevin McCarthy. A 8:30 0 "EAT MY DUSn'' soning to solve. Bacall, Marilyn Monroe. Three woman faces problems with (1976) Ron Howard, Christo- 1005 0 "GASLIGHT" ( 1944) actresses use an expensive Whether she's talking about , to do more miniseries ("Watch her tehmmates and her mana- pher Norris, A race-car driver Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman. apartment as bait for rich hus- her original "North and South" out, Jane Seymour!"), even gers while climbing to the top careens through small towns, A diabolical, husband sets out bands. audition - "I wore a dress though she has one gripe about in the roller-derby circuit. trying to impress the girl who to drive his wife insane. 12:oQ a "TASK FORCE" that kept falling off my shoul- "North and South: Book 11." .. 1000 0 "BED OF ROOMERS" is the object of his affections. 1015 a "THE FOUR DEUCES' (1949) Gary Cooper, Jane (1980) Leonard Rossiter, Den- ders, exposing my breasts and "My character is a slut," she P. ' "THE AMrrWlLLE HOR- (1975) Jack Palance, Carol Wyatt. Naval officers struggle holm Elliott. A glib laridlord a was a ROR" 11979) James Brolin, Lynley. A casino owner leads a to appropriate funds for carriers giving two people cheap says. "Or rather, she runs 0n unorthodox boarding . 'Margot Kidder. A couple lucrative ,whiskey bootlagging during World War II. 1R) thrills"< - or how she refuses slut. When I wasn't in crino- house sheltering a gallery of searches for the reason behind operation during the "dry" 12~060 "CAGE WrmOUT A lines, I was in bed with every British eccentrics. to adopt the obligatory Holly- a series of bizarre and frighten- days of Prohibition. KEY"41975) Susan Dey, Mi- wood ego - "I hate snooty, male in the South. But in part I 1:00 0 "TITANIC'' (19531 ing events occurring in their * 1 1:30 0 "THE GATLING GUN" chael Brandon. Trapped in 6 Clifton Webb, Barbara screwed-up actresses". - two," Garber sighs, ''I fall in newly purchased Long Island (1972) Guy Stockwell, Woody web of circumstsnces, an ear- Stanwyck. The lives of passen- So home. Strode. U.S. troops seeking to nest teen-ager finds herself ir Garber is a woman to whom love with one guy. much for gers aboard the doomed vessel 1000 0 "21 HOURS AT MU- keep peace in tho postCivil prison with tougher juvenile attention must be paid. the South rising again!" are seen both before and dur- NICH'' (1976) William Holden, War West come to rely on the criminal offenders. ing the tragic sinking. Shirley Knight. Eight Palestini- Gatling gun. 12:40 (D "THE FIVE OF ME" I1:30 "MACON COUNM an terrorists stage a shocking 12:oo a "LOOK WHO'S (198 1 ) David Birney, Dee Wal- ( Jesse and Alan LINE" 1974) and bloody pre-dawn raid upon LAUGHING' ( 194 1) Edgar lace. Five personalities plague t Vint, Max Baer Jr. A county - Israeli athletes during the 1972 Bergen, Lucille Ball. A famous Korean War veteran througt sheriff seeks revenge on two Olympics. ventriloquist brings laughs his postwar life and marriagt young travelers for the death of 1020 "TRUE GRIT: A galore to the little town of until he seeks help from a psy his wife. a FURTHER ADVENTURE" Wistful Vista. chiatrist. Based on an actua 12:W "SAN QUENTIN" (1978) Warren Oates, Lisa 12:05 a "DYING ROOM case history. (R) (1937) Pat O'Brien, Humphrey Pelikan. An ex-lawman battles ONLY" (1973) Cloris Leach- 3:00 0 "LIGHTS OF OLD Bogart. A nightclub singer, the injustice in his own unorthodox man, Ross Martin. Danger fol- SANTA FE" (1947) Roy Rog- sister of a convict serving time ways while contending with a lows when a woman's hus- ers, Dale Evans. A lovely rodec at the California prison, falls in prim 16-year-old girl bent on band disappesrs in the owner on the brink of bank love with the warden. (R) reforminq him. washroom of a dingy diner. ruptcy is rescued by a cowboy. II FRIDAY MAY 2,1986 U CBUT WTVS WXYZ' WDlV CHCH WJBK BCTV KNOW KVOS ClTV - 0 8 8 Q 8 0 m (D (D ~ a Sesame Street Kelly d Co. Fomll Ties Pa Cards Pyramid Canada A.M. Cartoons It's A New Day ?% Muppets Exercise Sale B f Cent. SaL 01 Cent. Card Sharks Cont'd II *OO Movie Mlster Rogers Llfestyles Wheel Fortune Wheel Fortune Price Right I1 Is II 8130 11 3-2-1 Contact New Love Scrabble Hour Magazine I' Cartoons MONDAY 8 7:OO pm Polka Dot , Ryan's Hope O'clock Live II News Webster Polka Dot Donaliue MAY 5th Civic Centre 9i8x Whai'i New? Gourmet Loving Headline Ch. Thunderblrds Young And I, Caller II :00 Fred Penner Educational All My Days Of Our Soapbox The Restless Lifetime Read About Movie: Good, Good 10:30 Mr. Oressup Programming Children - Lives As The World As The World ,I Caller "Yours, Mine Morning I :00 SesameStreel SesameStreet One Life To Another World Turns Turns General Nursing And Ours" Jackpot I' I 1:30 Lln Gherington Capitol Hospital Astroboy :00 AliMy Mlster Rogers General Santa Barbara II Guiding Llght News Planet Earth Perry Mason Days Of Our 12:30 Children Constitution HosuHal I Men In Action Rembrandt Lives 1;$ Middy I1 Good Af. Glmme Break Santa Barbara Divorce Court Another World Polka Dot Divorce Court Dynasty I Card Sharks. Movie: Detroit Jeffersons People's Court 'I Rainbow :00 CoronallonSt. "Say Amen, News, News GoBots Soap Opening 01 Expo Opening Price Is Right Young And Parentina Somebodv" . 1) Carol Burnett Benson Ex00 The Restless . 2:30 ~~ ~~ ~ -~ I1 11 :00 Tra perJohn,- MacNell/ - News News News Cartoons O'clock Rock NBW31 II I1 3:30M.C! Lehrer NBC News HeMan Incredible 00 Ha py Days Buslness Rpl. ABC News Jeopardy En!. Tonlght CBS News II Transformers Too Close 4i30 W&o Hits Of Nature Ent. Tonlght Wheel Fortune Oceans Alive $1 Mil. Chance 11 Flintstones Ent. Tonlght ''It *I Wash. Week Webster Riptld6 Webster Charlie & Co. Oiff. Strokes News 5% 3sCkpany Wail SI. Wk. Mr. Belvadere Mr. Belvedere Leo d Liz Wheel Fortune Osteoporosis: Too Close M'A'S'H - Detrolt Wk. Mr. Sunshine Last Precinct Mr. Sunshine Dallas News The Silent 3's Company Webster @$ NTl OH Record Joe Bash Fathers t Thief M'A'S'H Who's Boss? :00 Country West Great Fall Guy Miaml Vice Ufestylbs Falcon Crest Ent. Tonlght Tom Grattan Pyramid Movie: 7:30 Golden Girls Performances Bizarre Motorweek Newlyweds "The Two :00 Murder,She Performano News NgWs News News Riptids Living Body Movie: Lives Of Carol 8:30 Wrote Chappy Goes Nightline Tonlght Taxi There's Life "The Hot letner" -00 Dallas To Mardl Gras Hollywood II Mew Griffln Hart To Hart Last Precinct Vision Rock" News gbo Animals Ent. Tonlght Barney Miller Perspective :00 National/ Clillhangers Movie: Friday Night Movie: The Salnt Mlaml Vice Realities Quincy SCTV 10:30 Journal Matinee At "Drecula's Videos "Police Realities Grapevine :oo News The Bljou Great Love" I1 Woman News CTV News Carson Movie: 1 11:30 GoodRockin' I1 I Movie: Centerfold'' Sat. Night News Wrestling "The Boys In ,I The Band" 12;;: Tonile Great "Lost World 01 "Spectre" "Eagles Over "Aloha, Bobby Performances Slnbad" London" And Rose" Movie

I# I*. PAgc 16 -Tuesday April 29, 1986 -The Times . ,.. (,.'...

,. .s ,.- . .- . -.-. -,. . ~ ..._ ...... --.-...... _"...... - . . _. ... ~ ~~ ... ~ ...... - next to the OK Tire on GOVERNMENT RD. By Gayla Dkoe Words in the list below appear across, up, down, backwards and diagonally in the diagram. Find each word and circle it. Some circled letters appear in more than one word, Letters that form answer are r 0 left over. Arrange them. in order to arrive at answer. .- Clue: EXPLQITS OF ODD-BALLS The new 1987 Nlssans have been redesigned, made more powerful and more luxurious than YRMDOSSEADNSUNL ever before. Drop in and take a test drive. ,* PDBIAWTTWILEYOA

"'< . *. SNOKSRTOIZELEIN Sentm SE for I ..*.,. *..I EHATDANRLFEULTI I . 498.7,:. i ...... MLCMSRDOAISRTIH AAYRMUAVCWPIOSC JNVOEOCLETDAMOA OATEBTCCLNRLPPS RMGNRRAOEETERPE ERSEOI AWMSNUBOY TEPMRQCGTBSOROW HTAYEGWKGOAFLER GTHCIFICAPHTUOS IUJAPANESEHSALC FGECARIANDERSON (SOLUTIOPI: 21 fetters, 4 WOPdS) Air Ace, Anderson, Boyle, Bragg, Casey, China, Clashes, Colonel Lard, Combat, Command, Custody, Enemy, Fighter, Greg, Gutterman, Hot Water, Japanese, Major, Maverick, Misadventures, Misfits, Motley, Opposition, Pappy, Pilots, Robert Conrad, Rules, South Pacific, Successful, Wiley, Win, World War Two (ll), Zero



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Sesame Street Kelly & Co. PayCards Pyramid. Canada A.M. Cartoons It's A New Day I 7;: Muppe~ts ' I' Exercise SaleFm%Tm Cent. Sale01Cent. CardSharks Cont'd I1 -00 Movie Mister Rogers lifestyles Wheel Fortune Wheel Fortune Price Is Right SI Scooby Do0 100 Huntley By DANIEL M. MARVIN 8130 81 3-2-1Cantacl NewLove Scrabble Hour Magazine " CartOOnS Street ACROSS I1 46' He's Jason 19 Corrode 38 Canadian n:oo Polka Dot Ryan's Hops o'clock Live New!? McGowan Polka Dot Donahue Donahue I Colby 21 Part of HRH Natl. a:30 I' VkLGarden Loving hdiineG?. Spider-mi Young And Kreskin Caller 1 Fastans; 50 Obnnar 0: 23 One of the Exhibition :00 FredPenner Educational AllMy Days 01 Our Soapbox The RKtless Collecting Consumer Movie: Good, Good 5 Late actor Robert Odd 39 Miss Lindley 10:30 Mr. Dressup Programming Children Lives As The Worfd As The World Cooking Post Partum "The Long Morning Brynner ' 51 Largesnake 25 Football 41 Actress 000 Sesame Street Sesame Street One Life To Another World Turns Turns Guess What Three Writers Goodbye" Jackpot 8 Actress 53 Miss feats Maureen - I' Live Cherington Capitol Definition Wld. War Astroboy Thompson Bombeck Brook 11 f30 26 42 Prod I1 12 A Midianite 27 Play portion Spool Mister Rogers Genere! Santa Barbara Guiding Light News.I Wld. War Perry Mason Days Of Our 54 wheelToothed 43 12:0° :30 ChildrenAIIY 01 Man Hospital Meri In Action Crystal Clear Lives king 29 That is: abbr. 44 Sea mamma, Midday Walk With Bill Good Af. Gimme Break Santa Barbara Divorce Court Another World Caller Divorce Court Dynasty 13 Palm leaf 55 Prohibit 30 Road 1 ;:! Excited 56 Jungle sound material 45 Swedish Moyers Delroit. JeHersons People's Court I' Korea: Land Card Sharks 14. 15 Med. schoo 57 - Fitzgerald 31 Friend: Fr. singing ' :OO Coronation St. Planet Earth News, NeWS GoBots Soap General Of Tradition Price Is Right Young And 2:30 Parentina Carol Burnett Bensan Hosoital Chaucer The Restless subj. 58 The Altar 32 Harvesi group ~- ~ ~ 16 Ref in constellation goddess 47 A Donahue :00 Trapper John, MacNeil/ NWS News NewsI lifetime TheThames Cartoons OClock Rock baseball "Auld Lang Inits. for 48 Arabian Sea :30 M.D. Lehrer NewS, NBC News Caller HeMan Incredible 59 34 3 17 Unaspirated -I, 35 ShadowVigoda - 49 gulfLoki's son :OO Happy Days Business Rpt. ABC News Jeopardy Ent. Tonight C9S Ne% "ort To Hart Polka Dot Transformers Too Close 18 A Beatty 4:30 Stanbycup Won Ent. Tonight Wheel Fortune Me And Max $1 Mil. Chance " Rainbow Flintstones Ent. 'Tonight 20 Miss North DOWN 37 - My 52 Rowboat $0 Playoffs Nova Who's Boss? Tigers '86 MorningstarI Morningstar / el Fortune Consumer Diff. Strokes News 22 Shake- Children necessity 5:30 Growing Pains Baseball Eveningstar Eveningstar i D Caller Too Close M'A'S'H spearian 1 Stomach Both Sides North And Datroit Tigers Moonlighting Mike Hammer Nws,I Medical 3's Company Moonlighting villian 2 Singer Horne 6;;: :: Now South: Book I1 at Texas AnthroDolwv M'A'S'H , ~ 24 Exists 3 Metal ,I Courage I, RangersI, Equalizer11 Equalizer Ent. Tonight Soirit Of Rome Pyramid mr. 25 Parcel of land construction 7% TBA" Frontline Night Court Fi:W Newlyweds 28 Fam. member piece I, :OO To& NWS NWS NewsIt News A-TeamI, Painters Diary Movie: Equalizer 30 Truth: Chin. 4 Actor Duffy 8:30 Announcod Haart Of The Niahtline Tonioht Taxi "Julia" 11 33 Mr. Van Dyke 5 Loretta or :oo Toee Dragon . Ent. Tonight I, Merv Griffin Hart To Hart North And National 1s NCWS 34 Hole-in-one Robert 9:30 Announced Animals Movie: Barney Miller South: Book II Geographic I1 11 35 Hamilton - 6 City on the :OO National! Nova "J.W. Coop" David Medical The Saint II Ancient Lives Gotta Dance, Wk. In NHL 36 Perched Danube 10:30 Journal ,I Letterman Center I, Gotta Sina Outdoors 37 Miss Gardner 7 Overlies I, 38 Actor 8 SOUPY :00 News Both Sides Movie GetSmart News CTV News Carson Soap - 11:30 Maude Now I1 "Hot, TO Nightwatch News Simon & Carol Burnett Sarandon 9 Dyeing I1 39 Mr. Pacino apparatus :00 Movie: Frontline Marl J A. I1 "Cage Without Simon Hardy Boys I Barrett Finished Millionaire" A Movie Nancy Drew 40 - 10 12:30 "Task FGrCa" Key" 42 Miss Andress 11 Askew , I. I,. I1 I, ...... PAge 18 -Tuesday April.29; 1986 -The Times 4 ...... I .b e.,

W&,I, ,,, b ...... - ...... - -."^ . -- - -..._ - . ,i- ---...... - -. The Host British reflect special themes Colmbizl Pavilion will created for each ram, come alive this summer as such as *lUto Sea Island’ thousands of performers for Vancouver Island and bring the heart and soul of ‘Pride of the Pacific’ for the province to thc centre Vmcouver. During the Two key areas of the B.C. Pavilion are of the Expo site This is North by Northwest shown here. C~astallife and industry is the Regionnl Weeks regional week, for exhibited at Dockside B.C. B.C. Showcase - a ~~an~efor example, a tqrpical (foreground). The circular Revue of communities :verywhere performance will be a B.C. am(background) toasts the to share *.he Expo troupe of dancers regions with stage sets, landmarks and $potlight. symbolizing the natural live theatres. Each week will feature wonders of the area; or different performers from theatrical scenes depicting one of the nine tourist loggers, farmers and regions of B.C. Look for settlers in a country special events such as the hoedown. historic Fur Brigade from “Some of the talenied Langley and a fanciful sea performers wt’ve battle on False Creek by discovered during the the Small Ships Society. auditions have already There’U be war canoe gone on to great heights,” races, tumblers, native explains Jack Anderson, dances and our very own Executive Producer of Sea Monster Convention - Events and Performances all in celebration of Expo at the B.C. Pavilion. “For and the exciting part B.C. example, concert pianist is playing in it. Nicole Lee of has To find up to 3,OOO already performed on performers for the. .national C.B.C. television program, the B.C. I since she auditioned for us Pavilion launched one of last March.” the. largest. talent hunts ever conducted in the Other B.C. talents province. Over 15,OOO discovered during the performers were sen by auditions include Nicholas BO@. Pavilion Maloff - a 16-year-old adjuQicatots .duiing wee cI@d , piet

mo’hw-y 1’’ of^‘. ‘ixikiisive rVancouver who auditions at 32 locations. perform during the AU performances will Vancouverregionalweet.


OUR SHOWCASE * HOSTS +Thanks to the Regional Showcase contributions of our include ’ Crows Nest Showcase Hosts, the B.C. Resources Limited, which Pavilion is bringing a is hosting one week of festival of fun to our amateur per forniances world stage this summer. from the Rocky Mountain Entertainment at the region July 20-26. Plaza of Nations, “We recognize the Discovery B.C. and the importance of Expo E16 to nearby bandshell includes our employees and to the our ‘Regional Weeks communities where our Showcase’ and the employees live,” says Don sparkling professional Riva, General Manager of series featuring the top the company’s Line Creek B.C. entertainers at the Mine at Sparwood. Plaza of Nations. “We’re pleased to be a Bootlegger and Coca sponsor of this program Cola Ltd. are sponsoring which provides a facility the popular ‘Wockin’ On for local talent to Tourism is British Columbia’s Look for the colourbl red, blue and The Plaza’ series, which participate at Expo.’’ multi-billion dollar industry. yellow SuperHost sign and expect the occurs each Saturday Another regional week And British Colurnbians are one of most: ,the most friendly welcome, the night May 3 and 10 and sponsor is Granville Island our most important attractions. most sincere smiles and the most through July and August. Brewing, which is bringing The SuperHost program ve service. To find out more Other hosts include QM talent from the Vancouver this. Our popular one-day se ut SuperHost write: Tourism ... 1:,1 FM radio, ~111~1: is region to the Paviiion teaches businesses and intere ritish Columbia, 1117 Wharf sponsoring ‘Concert from May 3 to 11. “We people the super skills they +C Street,Victoria,B.C.V8W 222 Classic’ and co- think the Regional Weeks need to offer the most and +** or contact your local sponsoring ‘Jazz at the are a great opportunity benefit the most from tourism. * * Chamber of Commerce. Plaza’ with Granville and ail ideal situation for Island Brewing. The Bank local talent to perform for of B.C. supports the the world,” says Mitch 4- special Seniors’ Festival in Taylor, Owner and June and Andres Wines President of Granville (B.C.) Ltd, is bringing the Island Brewing. “We’re ‘B.C. Style 86’ series to proud to be associated the Plaza. with the program and the THE HONOURAR1.E CIACIIE RICHMOND. hllNlSTfEH 01:TOL;HISM,F.XPO tlh Sponsors of the B.C. B .C. Pavilion. ” *It* I I e-, v kB ,;>0 I b b I ‘b’.’ b’.‘, * s $ \ 4 * *-*a b \ # .),1 4 The Times mTuesdayApril 29,1986 -Page 19 .... , ... i


Discovery B.C.: Delve Discovery Pre-Show : sketches bring local Chdhnge B.C. Gallery: economic partnership. featured at our 360-seat into the unknown, the Guests are welcomed to history to life. This ordinary-looking Expect the UnexPWted. Challenge Theatre. undiscovered B.C. at our the Host Province of Expo warehouse explodes with * *Displayedon a 35 mm Tri- main pavilion. The through photomurals, Dockside: On the east side action as animatronic Challenge Theatre: A Max projectof system, the flagship of the Complex, welcoming totems, and of Discovery B.C., wizardy ind five dynamic, . split-screen film explores ihe lifestyles this 30-metre high glass ‘natural’ B.C. scenes. Dockside B.C. will display performance combine in a presentation titled “Our and work experiences of galleria features high tech A host or hostess greets submersibles, tugs, hilaious tribute ti our British Columbia” is British Columbians. .. ‘ exhibits, a special-effects you with an overview of fishboats, diving . .. ’. I* Showscan theatre and the the province. equipment, and other . , regions of B.C. marine exhibits. It’s also a Discovery Theatre: YQur lot of fun, with boat Guide to Derforrning areas Challenge B.C.: British province as you’ve never building displays and a I Columbia’s second seen it before! Showscan water theatre. pavilion is located across Entertainment at the Pavilion. .water ;nllltasrc: Located film images with an at the Dockside east from the Plaza of Loggers Sports: The glory B.C. Pavilion is likely to ere's a list of ark area - unparalleled scense of occur.wherever of Discovery B.C. and Nations, west of the main reality give an adventure- days of B.C. logging are you kc - where performanccs will building. Challenge B.C. recaptured four times in a queue, at our occur regularly; beside the Bandshell. filled tour of the province. Look for the Boat daily on a floating stage Dockside, owthe Plaza of Piam of Nationa Stnge: Boom houses business, an6 south the Plaza Nations, in the main Prsfessiod Ballet Model Boat conference, and Mezzanine: After the film, Of Of Shows four times aaiiy. information facilities and relax in the mezzanine Nations. entertainment will be three major exhibits areas area which overlooks the staged nightly at this B.C. Revue: On the main focusing on “B.C. at main hall. There’s also a Challenge B.C. Preshow: central stage area. floor of Discovery B.C. Dramatic work”. great view of the Expo Visitors will be entertained Dhovery B.C.: There scenes and site. by a humourous look at are: two performance areas sketches performed on Plaza of ,Nrriisms: The the past and future of in the main hall of stage sets here from 1O:OO a.m. to 1O:OO p.m. ‘gathering place’ - huge Discovery T~ees:Take the B.C.’s resource industries, Discovery B.C. where regional and professional The Badsbdl: This is a Plaza accommodating escalator ‘ down to the including whimsical covered, outdoor stage crowds of up to 5,008 and Trees of Discovery sculptures and mobiles performqrs will stage skits - east of the Revue and totalling 7,600 square massive elevator towers created by B.C. artists. and light entertainment. meters in size. Major Sunday is Kids Bay - close to the Walk in the that wiii carry you Ferest. Lwk fm the ceremonies and nightly through a series of -featuring tup &Mi& entertainment will be entertainers, clowns and Regional Weeks Showcase fantastic exhibits. Ride here ten weeks of featured to jugglers. At our other - here. ’em the top of daytime entertainment Discovery B.C. stage professional by performers will entertain performers from all over Walk in the Forest: A continually for the crowds the province. Waterfront: unique reflection of the B.C. Revue: Look for waiting for admission to PI= “natural” B.C. Enjoy its landmarks bf B.C.’s nine the Trees of Discovery, Loggers’ sports are natural surroundings as tourist regions represented the Simulator and other featured four times daily floating stage south wait for admission to with animated murals and exhibits. From 1O:OO a.m. on a you of the Plaza of Nations. Discovery B.C. stage sets. Live theatre to 1o:oo p.m. I b BCs coastal lifestyle Special shows at the be available for charter and industry are featured water theatre include the use by corporate at Dockside B.C. - located miniature self-dumping participants at the British on the waterfront area a log barge, tugboats and Columbia Pavilion. east of the Discovery B.C. crane created by the Facilities on her three Pavilion. Nanaimo Model Club. decks include a large Dockside consists of ‘six. And look for the “boom lounge and dining area, a main areas - a water boat ballet”, a group of nine-seat galley and theatre, a sub aquatics logging boom boats staterooms. area, a small boat marina; specially choreographed There’s more action at a boat-building shed, an to music. These and other floating stage near the “old salts” dock and a water theatre events are Plaza of Nations where berthing area for visiting shown four times daily at daily loggers’ sports are commercial vessels of all Dockside. held. Here, the glory days kinds - tugs, fishboats, Other Dockside exhibits of B-C. logging are fire boats and rescue craft. include a 15-metre recaptured by performers The ‘Esprit 86’, a submarine designed and competing daily in speed sailboat designed specially built in B.C. by Sub climbing, log burling and for the B.C. Pavilion at Aquatics Development other traditional activities. The historic towboat ‘Ivanhoe’ - flagship of the B.C. Pavilion is among the Expo 86, can be Seen in Corporation. The 28- High riggers will race up fascinating displays and exhibits at Dockside B.C. various stages of passenger ‘Atlantis 11’ two 21-metre spar trees ./ - construction at the boat submarine can make 14 while axe-t hrowing , . building shed, The old dives per day in depths of chopping and chair- salts dock features a 45 metres. carving demonstrations variety of pioneers with Last but not least is the entertain the many Expo 86, their favourite boats. And historic towboat Ivanhoe - thousands of visitors to in the small boat marina, a living legacy of British the B-C. Pavilion. Staged Is Bringing a World of.Business visitors can view kayaks, Columbia’s maritime by Wickheim Timber canoes and other small heritage. A permanent Shows, these events are craft manufactured in exhibit at Dockside, the presented four times daily, to B.C.’s Doorstep ... B.C. 34-metre Ivanhoe will also seven days a week.

Look for fine aightime entertainment at the Plaza of Nations - the gathering place at the B.C. Pavilion. Major ceremonies and national day celebrations take place here by day. Communities everywhere brought to life at B.C. Revue Colour it busy. People in musical tall tales from They average three 6 six motion against a B.C. history. metres high and from five And When Our Guests Are Gone, backd~op of tuab signs A totai of nine different io eight metres long- and mock-ups of regional shows - each Many also feature the Work Really ‘Begins! landmarks. A roving band approximately three animated models of actors performs minutes in length - are depicting the myths and This year, British Columbians are at the center of the world’s stage. For more than five historical sketches at months, visitors, businessmen and investors will be watching, listening and learning shown throughout the day wildlife of each region- stage-sets located on each stage. Subjects Among the more all about us. throughout. And, when our business gmts are here, the provincial government, through its rmge from historic events interesting of these Business Visitors Program, will ensure potentiahnvestors are made aware of B.C.’s tax to the unusual deeds of “animatronics” is an This is the B.C. Revue - a characters who lived in the Ogopogo whose coils inrentives,‘technologyand expertise. That’s when our work really begins. Expo 86 will regional showcase on the regions. open international doors for B.C. products, with hard work, common sense and clear appear in Okanagan Lake. main floor of Discovery Barcl&op fm the sets Moust~~g=a!s, cws md understanding of the capabilities of our international competitors. But, like any seIling B.C. where visitors can are also impressive, killer whales also appear. job, the initial contact must be followed up. roam a cleverly including the nine, three- For more information about our Expo 86 Business Visitors Program, contact the constructed web of mock- dimensional wall murals Lifesize sculptures are Ministry of International Trade and Investment, 315,“800Hornby Street, Vancouver, UPS of regional which show the also part of the sets. B.C.,V6Z 2C5. landmarks. Each region geography, towns and Created out of plaster and has its own stage set where transportation routes of gauze by Vqncouver Province of British Columbia Vancouver playwright the province. sculptor Camrose Ducote, Hon. , Premier John Gray will mount The murals are really each reflects the lifestyles

’ Hon. Pat McGeer; Minister of dramatic shows- Titled large scale maps which of real people and animals International Trade and Investment ‘Legends, Rhymes, highlight the key from the regions. Up to 14 8 ‘id Peculiar Times’, these transportation routes and of these figures-. adorn the ...... vignettes will be...... a series’of landmarks of each regon.. .B:C.RCqe: ...~ , , . Top B.C. entertainers are artists such as . Shari featured during a 10 week Ulrich, Doug and the summer entertainment Slugs, the R & B Allstars, series at- the Plaza of Trooper, Powder Blues Nations in the first week Band, Chilliwack and of May and throughout many others. On July and’August. weekends in May, June The series consists of five and September we’ll bring evening programs which you other B.C. popular begin on Tuesdays with performers such as Holly

‘Concert Classics’ - Arntzen and * Connie sta