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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85661-4 - The Partition of India Ian Talbot and Gurharpal Singh Index More information Index 3 June Plan 7 Attlee, Clement xiii, xiv, 12 and Jinnah 12 withdrawal from India 40 Abdullah, Sheikh, ‘Lion of Kashmir’ 54 Auchinleck, General Claude 158, 159 and Kashmiri nationalism 136 Austin, Granville 132 and National Conference 161 Awami League 147 Abell, George 41, 46 campaign for autonomy 148 Advani, Lal Krishna, and Bharatiya Janata Six Points 148 Party 129 Ayodhya mosque, destruction of 168 Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of 166 Ayub Khan martial law regime 145 Ahmad, Shahid 77, 119 Aziz, Mazhar 142, 162, 163 Ahmad, Syed Nur 75 Ahmed, Akbar S. 12 Bahadur, Lal 9 Ahmed, Imtiaz 84 Bahawalpur, and accession to Pakistan 56 Ahmed, Ishtiq 145, 146, 147 Balagopal, K. 137 Aiyar, Swarna 84, 91 Ballard, Roger 28 ajlaf Muslim community 27 Balochistan states, absorption into Pakistan Alam, Javeed 21, 84 56–7 Alavi, Hamza 27 Bandopadhyay, Hiranmoy 103 Albiruni, A. H. 10 Bangladesh Alexander, A. V., United India option 40 creation of 179 Ali, Chaudhary Rahmat 31, 33 ethnic bonds 156 Ali, Imram 162 partition of Bengal 25 Ali, S. Mahmud 3 struggle for independence 164–5 Ali, Tariq 148, 149 Baqir, M. 77 All-Bengal Urdu Association 52 Bedi, Rajinder Singh 108 All-India Congress Working Committee, Bengal view of Partition 37–8 concentration of refugees 96, 125 All-India Muslim League cross-border traffic98 see Muslim League famine in 51 Amnesty International 137 Hindu acceptance of Partition 49, 51–2 Anand, Som 77, 98, 107 limitation of migration 103 Ansari, Sarah 16, 18, 20, 78, 100, 121, 128, migration as response to violence 72, 129, 144, 146 102, 103 anti-cow-killing riots 29 partition of Arora, R. K. 173 3 June Plan 7 ashraf elites, and demand for separatism 27 and Bangladesh 23 in UP 29–30 studies of separatism in 16–17, 20–1 Ashraf, K. M. 32 political leadership 25, 53 Assam Bhalla, Alok 93 migrants and tension 101, 102 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) 129, 168 separatism in 140 Bhasin, Kamla 17–18, 68, 107, 108 atomic bomb, India’s testing of 166 Bhatnagar, A. S. 119 197 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85661-4 - The Partition of India Ian Talbot and Gurharpal Singh Index More information 198 Index Bhattacharjee, A. K. 113 Carranza, Mario E. 171 Bhattacharyya, Harihar 101 Cease Fire Line 161 Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali 165 Central Pakistan Government Employees’ alienation of left and right 166 Co-operative Housing Society 122 foreign policy 166 Central Treaty Organisation 162 mohajir influence 145 Chakrabarti, Prajulla 111, 112 Simla Agreement 165–6 Chakravarty, Tapati 95 Bihar Chandra, Bipan 32–3 Muslim population of 21, 27 Chatterjee, Nilanjee 116 Muslim refugees from 101 Chatterji, Joya 18, 20–1, 49, 53, 96, 97, 103, violence in 66, 67, 71 104, 109, 113, 116, 117 background to 72 Chattopadhyay, Jayanthi 95 and Congress leaders 72–3 Chaudhuri, Pranati 116, 117 bin Sayeed, Khalid 10, 141 Chaudhuri, Sukanta 102, 103, 115 blame, for violence, conflicting accounts Chester, Lucy, and Punjab Boundary of 62–4 Award 46 Bose, Sugata 16 Chief Khalsa Diwan, and Punjab violence 76 Bose, Surat, and united Bengal 51 Chimni, B. S. 23 Brass, Paul R. 3, 15, 68, 76, 84, 87, 130, China, policy towards India and Pakistan 172 133, 134, 149, 151 Cohen, S. P. 144 Brasted, Howard 84 communalism Britain and Congress authors 9–10 bolstering of Muslim League and Jinnah 11 versus secularism 133 introduction of representative West Bengal 21 institutions 29 Communist Party of India 117 and Partition 58, 177 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 168 contradictory attitudes to 39–41 conflicts, arising from resettlement 128–9 protection of interests 7, 12 see also Nehru, rules for managing conflict and separatism 28 Congress Party British army officers, continued and British attitude to partition 38 employment in Pakistan 158 and British Labour Party 7, 12 British Overseas Airways Corporation, division of Bengal 49 transportation of refugees 106 effect of anti-colonialism during war British Transfer of Power, twelve-volume years 34 series 14 fascism xii Brown, Judith M. 18, 39 partition of Punjab 43 Bullock, Alan 11 transfer of power after Second World War Burke, S. M. 42 37–8 Burrows, Sir Frederick, United Bengal Constituent Assembly Scheme 53 dismissal of 142 Butalia, Urvashi 17–18, 108 Objective Resolution 132 and religious minorities 132 Cabinet Mission constitutional reform 29, 31 effect of collapse of 40 attitude of Muslim political leaders 29–30 and United India 40 Copland, Ian 81, 86 Calcutta, impact of refugee migration Corbridge, Stuart 150 115–16 Corera, G. 166 acute migrants 116 Corfield, Sir Conrad, and accession of political change 117 princely states 55 riots in 51 Cripps, Sir Stafford xiii, 12 squatter colonies 116 Indian support for war 34–5 tented camps 116 sympathy for nationalist struggle 37 transformation of landscape 117 United India option 40 Cambridge School of Indian History 14, 24 Curzon, Viceroy Lord, partition of Campbell-Johnson, Alan 13 Bengal 29 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85661-4 - The Partition of India Ian Talbot and Gurharpal Singh Index More information Index 199 Dacca in Punjab 95 emergence as Pakistan’s ‘second ethnic consolidation patterns capital’ 118 domination of pastoral native impact of refugee migration 117–18 communities in north-east states 128 language riots 147 furthered by Partition 128 Damodaran, Vinita 72, 73, 86, 87 see also Sikhs Das, Suranjan 16, 22, 66, 68, 85, 86 evacuee property laws 22 Das, Veena 17, 67 Dasgupta, Anindita 57, 97 Farland, Joseph 148 Dasgupta, J. B. 136 Farooq, Kashmiri nationalism 136, 137 Datta, V. N. 12, 64 Fazl-i-Husain, Mian, and Unionist Party De, S. L. 113 31, 42 Debroy, Bibek 173 female refugees Delhi, impact of refugee migration Hindu middle classes 108 displacement of Muslims 118–19 treatment by post-colonial state 108, 109 growth of population 119–20 French, Patrick 62 demographic transformation after Fukuyama, Francis 131 Partition 128 Dewey, Clive 144 Gallagher, John 14 Direct Action xiv, 178 Gandhi, Indira Dixit, J. N. 137, 155, 164 assassination of 17 Dow, Hugh 73 and Bangladesh independence 165 Durrani, F. K. 10 intervention in East Pakistan 148 Dutt, C. Dass 75 rise of Hindu Right 167 dyarchy 32 and Kashmir 136 Simla Agreement 165–6 East Bengal Gandhi, Mahatma 1950 violence 82–3 and Cripps’s proposals 35 and Bangladesh 25, 146, 147–8 fast over financial divisions 157 border with Tripura 98 foot pilgrimage for peace xiv clash with Pakistan centralism 147 moral influence of 78–9 class conflict 52 and Muslims in Delhi 119 government response to refugee problem and Noakhali riots 71 114–15 release from custody xiii introduction of passport system 104 support for Khilafat movement 30–1 migration from 103 view of Partition 37 migration to 102 Gandhi, Rajiv, and Hindu militancy 167–8 Nehru–Liaquat Pact 103 Garhmukhteshwar, violence in 73–4 Radcliffe Award 53 Geller, Daniel S. 163, 171 refugees 179 Ghosh, Papiya 18, 21, 36, 66, 71, 72, 101, separation of West and East Pakistan 146–7 110, 118 see also Awami League Gilmartin, David 15 East Pakistan Renaissance Society 52 Glancy, Sir Bertrand 43 East Punjab 25 Godse, Nathuram, assassination of needs of urban refugees 112 Gandhi 79 sympathy with Kashmiri cause 143 Golden Temple, Amritsar 60 education, communal quotas 42 entry of Indian army 167 educational backwardness, and Muslim Goswami, Omkar 116 separatism 28 Government of India Act xii, 29, 32, 177 Emergency, the 167 Gowda, H. D. Dev 140 enduring conflicts 2 Great Calcutta Killing xiv, 7, 69–70 Engineer, Asghar Ali 28 background to 68–9 Epstein, Simon 11 demand for Pakistan 69–70 ethnic cleansing 66, 67–8, 73, 80–2 and earlier outbreaks of violence 22 in East Pakistan 148 ethnic cleansing 67 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85661-4 - The Partition of India Ian Talbot and Gurharpal Singh Index More information 200 Index Guha, Ranajit 17 escape from the ‘trap of history’ 172–4 Gupta, Dipankar 84, 133 international pressure to negotiate Gupta, S. 140 168–9, 170 over Jammu and Kashmir 159–61, 163–6 Hagerty, Devin 168 nuclear stand-off 154, 168 Hansen, Thomas Blum 168 Pakistan as ‘insecurity state’ 161 Haq, Fazlul 32 people-to-people contacts 174 Haqqani, Husain 148 Radcliffe Award 159 Harriss, John 150 religious differences 155–6 Harun-or-Rashid 16, 52 religious mobilisation 168 Hasan, Mushirul 18 rooted in Partition 156–9 Hashmi, Taj-ul-Islam 51 Simla Agreement 165–6 Hassan, Mashkur 63 individual civil disobedience xiii Hayat, Sikander, and Unionist Party 42 Indo-Pakistan war 138 high politics, of Partition 8–13 Indus Waters Treaty 173 Hindi–Urdu controversy 29 institutionalised riot systems 151 Hindu nationalism, and Partition 130 Islamisation, of Pakistan 129–30, 155, 180 Hindu Right, rise of 167 Ismay, General 41 Hindu rioters, organisation of 86 Hindu–Muslim differences, and Partition 57 Jaffrelot, Christophe 119, 180 Hindutva movement Jalal, Ayasha 12, 18, 31, 141, 142, 157, growth of 150, 180 159, 162 minorityism and violence 150 Jamaat-i-Islami party 129 spectre of Partition 151 Jammu and Kashmir history from below 9 accession and division 3, 159–61 Hitchens, C. 2 and Bangladesh independence 164–5 Hizbul Mujahideen 136 basis of inter-state rivalry 163–4 Hodson, H. V. 13, 34, 53, 55 and Chitral 56 honour, and assaults on females 64–5, 66, Congress-PDP 137–8 68, 71 conflict after Lahore Declaration 169 Horowitz, Donald 80 division of army 158 hostage theory 4 and Gandhi 79 Huq, Fazlul 16 Hindu monarchy 54 Husain, Intizar 106 and Hindu refugees 129 Hutchins, F.