Kl18041 - R62 33 42 WORKS OF AIlT JAN. - JUN. 1976

K118041. card number 1. C Serendipity Services, R622572 . Mar ianne. Rus t ic de sk with delicate Ltd.: 2 3Fe b 76 ; KFO-179 . The Flying clippers: the cutty Sark and floral motif wall covering in background. Thermopylae. By !lontague Dawson. Col . print. (Small wonders, no. JSW-6061) KFO-1 80 . C 1 4Dec 4 8 ; Gl l095 . Nyrya Marianne Dawson James See.an Studios, Inc., divisio~ of Ha pp y birthday . Juvenile drawing of ( C) ; 2Jan76: R622572. Ma s oni t e Corporation; lJu176; Kl 18041. child holdin g string of kite . Author of the print: Carol Anne Nichols. Canada . R622573 . Kl 180 4 2. print; greeting card folder .(" I' d rather Onward: the clipper ship Sweepstakes, Chi ne se grill. Oriental table, ottoman do it Ilys e l f " s eries) Add. ti: Birthday built in 18 53 of some 1600 tons. By & decorative figure with geometric motif card number 2. e Serendipity Services , Montague Dawson . C 14Dec48; Gl1096. wall covering in background. Col. r r i nt , Lt d.; 2 3Fe b76 ; KYO-180 . Nyrya Marianne Dawson (C); 2Jan76; (Small wcnders. no. JSW-6013) C James R622573. Seeman Studios, Inc., division of !lasonite KFO-181. Corporation; lJu17€; K1180 4 2 . Ha ppy birthday . Juvenile drawing of R622574. child, rocket in the air. Author of the A Quatering wi n d : the Carrie Reed of K 11 804 3. print: Carol Anne Nichols. Canada. 1400 tons, built in 1870. By Montague Sno wflakes. Victorian-stvled bathroom Print; greeting card folder . ("I 'd rather Dawson. C 14Dec 4 8 ; Gl l097 . Nyrya with heart & snowflak e patterned wall do it myself" series) Add . ti: Birthday Mar ianne Da wson ( C) ; 2J a n 76 ; R62 2574. c ove r i ng in background. Col. print. card number 3. 0 Serendipity Services, (Small wonder e, no . J SW-6 102) C James Ltd.; 2 3Fe b 76 ; KFO-181 . R623281. See man S t ud i o s , Inc., divisicn of !lasonite Under the sky. By Mabel C. 0 ' Donnell, c or po ra t i o n ; lJu176; Kl18043. KFO-182. photographer: Eric Bender. g 19 Aug 48; Happy birthday . Juvenile drawing of the J5169. Mabel C. O'Donnell (A); 5Jan76: Kl 18 0 44. sun. Author of the print: Carol Anne R623281 . Ba s ke t weave. Oriental-styled cabinet Nichols. Canada. print; greeting card s i ~ k . chandelier & mirror with wall folder. ("I'd rather do it myself " R623 28 2. cov ering patterned with flowers on s eries) Add . ti: Birthday card number 4. Skip along. By !label C. O'Donnell, s i mul ated woven background . Col. print. C Serendipity Services, Ltd.; 23Feb76; photographe r: Eric Bender. e 2 2Ju148 : (Small wcnd ers, no. JS.-6202-EL) C James KFO-1 8 2. J5170. !label C. 0' Donnell (A): 5Jan76; Seeman St u di o s , Inc• • division of !lasonite R623 282. Cor po rat i o n ; lJul76; K1 18044. KfO-1 83. Happy birthday. Juvenile drawing of R623283 . K11 8045. bare tree. Author of the print: Carol Open the door. By !label C. 0 ' Donnell, Pro ve nce . French provincial etagere & Anne Nichols. Canada. Print; greeting photographer: Eric Bender . 0 19Nov48; c hair with f l o r a l striped wall covering in card folder. ("I'd rather do it Iliyself" J51 611 . Mabel C. O'Donnell (A); 5Jan76: b ack ground. Col. cri nt , (S lIall wcnders, series) Add. ti: Birthday card number 5. R623283. n o. J SW-6050) C James Seem an Sturlios, C Se r en di pi t y Services, Ltd.; 23Yeb76; Inc., division of !la s on i te Corporation; KFO- 183. R623284. l Jul76: Kl18045. Animals to know. By !label C. O'Donnell, KFO-1 84. photographer: Eric Bender. 0 25Aug48; Follow the happy kite. Kite & J5173. Mabel C. 0 ' Donnell (A); 5Jan76: lettering. Canada. print; folder. (I'd R623284. KF rather do it myself series, no. 03) Add. ti: Invitation . Appl. a u : Carole Anne R623285. Nichols. C Serendipity Services, Ltd.: Away we go. By !label C. O'Donnell, KF136 . 2 3Fe b76 ; KFO-1 84. ph o tographer: Eric Bender . 0 25Aug48: Remtrandt Van Ri;n, 1642, Ecce Homo in J5174 . !label C. O'Donnell (A): 5Jan75: " De Nachtwacht." Soldiers. Author of the KFO- 185. R623285 . print: Paul R. Hilf. West Germanv. Pun , ski!, or hop to. Boy & lettering. Print. Add. ti: Hidden Ecce Homo I found Canada. Print ; folder. (I'd rather do it R623286 . in " The Night watch," plus other portraits myself series, no. 02) Add. ti: I live in the city. By !label C. i n it. N!I: rev. drawing material. <) Paul Invitation . Appl. au: Carole Anne O'Donnell, photographer: Eric Bender. R. Hilt: 30!lav75; KF136. Nichols. 0 Serendipity Services, Ltd.; c 2 5Aug 48 ; J5175. Mabel C. O' Donnel l 23feb76: KFO-1 85. (A): 5Jan76; R6232 86. KF13 7 . Sha nt i yoga. your daily clock-sun KYO-16 6. R623294 . sal u t a t i on . !Ian demonstrating positions & Placemat. Spoons, knife & forks. I live in the country . By !label C. rel ig i o us s ymbo l s in circular arrangement. Canada. Print : plastic. (I'd r at her do O'Donnell , photographer: Eric Bender. Author of the print: Shanti Parakh. it myself series, no . 01) Appl. au: o 15Jan48; J5059 . Mabel C. O'Donnel l Can a da . Col . pri&t: greeting card folder. Carole Anne Nichols. C Serendipity (A); 5Jan76; R623294. Add. ti: Peace. Prevo pub . 2Dec74. N!I: Services, Lt d.: 23Feb7€: KYO- 186. a dd i t i ons. C Shanti Parakh; 27Nov75; R623338 . KF13 7 . The Education of the Virgin. By George s De La Tour. C 27!1ay48; Hl028. The Fric k R Collection (PWH); 7Jan76; R623338.

KFO R623339. R62 24 12 . Louis 16t h cabinet in style of Andr e Still life with peaches. By Auguste Charles Boulle an d Chinese porcelain K FO- l 77 . Ren o i r , author of renewable matter: Art.hur figurine of K'ang Hsi period. 0 26!1ay4 8; Follow the yellow brick road. Winding Jaffe. C lDec48: K18801 . The Museum of J44 5 8. The Fri ck Collection (PW H) ; road . Author of the print: Carcl A~ne !loden. Art (PWH) 1 7Dec75 ; 1\62241 2. 7Jan76; R62333 9. Nichols. Canada. Print; greeting card fol der . ("I'd rather do it myself" R62 2569. R623340. serie s) Add. ti: Invitation number 1. The Windlass. By !lontague Dawson . Boucher Room, north wall. g 26!1ay48: e Se r e nd i pi t y Services, Ltd.: 23Feb76 ; c: 14 Dec4 8 ; Gl1092. Nyrya !larianne Dawson J4459. The Frick Collection (P WH): KFO-177. (C); 2Jan 76 : R622569. 7Jan 76 ; R623340 .

KFO-178. R622570 . R62334 1. "I'd rather do it myself" series. Skipping along: the " For e s t Queen " of 18th century French calendar c l oc k: Scr ol l e d letter S with ports. of c hildren Boston, 593 tons , built in 1856 at wo rk s by Fe r di n an d BerthOUd , gilt-bronze within curves . Author of the print: Carol Rockland , !'Iaine. By !'Iontague Dawson . mounts by Philippe III Caffieri , dated Ann Nichols. Canada. Print: greeting C 14Dec48: Gl 1093. Nyrya Maria nne Dawson 1767 . Detail : face . 026!1ay48; J 44 6 0. card folder. C Serendipity Services, ( C) ; 2Jan 76 ; li622570 . The Frick Collection ( PW H): 7J a n7 6 : Ltd.: 23feb76: KFO-178 . R62334 1. R6225 7 1. KFO-179 . Tropical starlight: the He rald of the R6233 42 . Ha pp v birthdav. Juvenile drawing of Morning, 1300 tons , built at Mudford in Gray ~arble table (Pierre Gouthiere . girl ho ldinq flower stems. Author of the 1 855. By !lontague DawsoL. e 14DE

536 R624319 - R628C82 WORKS OF ART JAN. - JUN. 1976

B62 43 19 . R6264 14 . Company. C 15Nov48; Hl l 32. New York Cact us Chief, Arizona 's o wn. By Kay Ca refree days . e 13 Dec 4 8; K18283 .The Graphic Society, Ltd. (PIIH) ; 111!ar76; /lande11. Add. ti: Cactus Chief , sentinel Thomas D. /lurphy Company (PI/H) ; 23Feb76; R627659. of Arizona desert. C 14Jun48 ; J4467 . 1\626 414. Kay /landell (A); 19J a n 7 6 ; R624319. R627660. R6264 17 . The Niccolini-Cowper /Iadonna . By R624533. Gameboard for Scrabble . By James Raphael , author of renewable matter: A Game of b orse and rider. Ey Jean Brunot. 0 1De c4 8 ; K18528. Selchow and Arthur Jaffe Heliochrome Company. Honore Fraqonard. C 26Jan48; H951. New Righter Company (P IIH); 23Feb76 ; R626417 . C 15Apr48; H1134. New York Graphic York Graphic Society, Ltd. (PIIH ); Society , Ltd. (PIIH); 1 1I1ar76 ; R6271>60. 23Jan76; R624533 . R626678. J e s t e r, poodle dog . By /lalvina Hoffman. R627661. R624534. C l€Feb5 1 (in notice: 19 48 ); GP1756 . Beach promenade. By Raoul Dufy, author A Game of hot cockles. By Jean Honore Charles L. Hoffman (E) ; 4Feb76; R626678 . of renewabl e matter: Art hur Jaffe Fraqonard. Q 26Jan48; H952 . New York Heliochrome Company. 0 1 0c t 1l 8 ; H1135. Graphic Society, Ltd. (PIIH); 23Jan76; R626806. New York Graphic Society,. Ltd. (PIIH); R624534. Samson and the Philistines. position 1. 11/1ar76; R627661. Ey /lichelangelo, author of renewable R624535. matter: The Frick Collection . Add . ti: R627662. Avant Ie rideau. By Huldah. C 26Jan48; Samson and the two Philistines . Honfleur Harbor. By Raoul Dufy, author H953. New York Graphic Society, Ltd. C 16Jan1l8; H960. The Frick Collection of renewable matter: Arthur Jaffe (PIIH); 23Jan76; R624535 . (PIIH); 7Jan 76 ; &626806 . Heliochrome Company. C 10ct48; H1136. New York Graphic Society, Ltd. (PIIH); B624536. R627342 . 11/1ar76; R627662. The Trinity adored by the Heavenly Sylvester and sylvia , the slap happy Choir. By Jacopo Tintoretto. C 26Jan48; saguaros. By Liberty R. Panico (Liberty R627663. H954. New York Graphic Society, Ltd. R. Panico Quaid) <0 8Ju148; G9875 . Blue boy. By Pablo Picasso, author of (PIIH) ; 23Jan76; R624536. Liberty R. Panico Quaid (A); 2111lar76; renewable mat.ter: /lax Jaffe. C 1Sep48; R627342. H1297. New York Graphic Society, Ltd. R624537 . (PIIH); 11/1ar76; R627663. La Jeune ballerina. By Huldah. R627389. C 26Jan48; H955. New York Graphic Charlie horse. 6 poses of cartoon R627923 . Society , Ltd. (PIIH); 23Jan76; 1\624537. character . e 25Feb49; G11663. walt Sunset School AUditorium, Carmel- Disney Productions (PI/H); 31lar76; by-the-Sea California. By Charlotte A. B624538. R627389. /lorton. C 27Ju148; G11849. /largaret Yellow palm warbler. By Anthony La Ryerson (E); 12/1ar76; R627923. Pac Ld a , C 26Jan48; H956. New York R627406. Graphic Society, Ltd. (PIIH); 23Jan76; Permanent magnets. By Bertha /lorris R6279 211. R624538. Parker, photographer: Eric Bender. Ramona Street shops, Palo Alto, C 1/1ar48; J5166. Bertha lIorris Parker California. By Charlotte A. /lorton. R624539 . (A); ll1ar76; R627406. e 150ct48; G11850. /largaret Ryerson (E) Painted buntinq. By Anthony La Paqlia. 12/1ar76; R627924. \: 26Jan48; H957. Nell York Graphic R627407. Society, Ltd. (PIIH); 23 J a n7 6 ; R624539. Electric magnets. By Bertha /lorris R627925. Parker, photographer: Eric Bender. EI Palo Alto. By Charlotte A. /lorton. R62 45 4 0 . C 1/1ar48; J5167. B e ~ t h a /lorris Parker c 15Sep48; G11851. /largaret Ryerson ( E): aa d cn n e and c'hild with a nq e La, Ey Hans (A); 1/1ar76; R6 27407. 12/1ar76; R627925. /lemlinq , author of the renewable matter: Arthur Jaffe Heliochrome Company. R627653. R627926. o 26Jan48; H1133. New York Graphic Redstart and hydrangeas. By Anthony La The Hoover Library. By Charlotte A. Society, Ltd. (PIIH); 23Jan76; R624540. paglia, author of renewable matter: R. /lorton. (l 15Sep1l8; Gl1 852. /largaret Donnelly and Sons. c: 15Jul1l8; Hl063. Ryerson (E); 12/1ar76; R627926. R625937. New York Graphic Society, Ltd. (FIIH); Sallman's Nativity of Christ. By lIarner 11/1ar76; R627653. R627927. Sallman. e 2Dec48; K17 9 3 5. Kriebel and Children's Tceatre, Community Center, Bates, .rnc, (formerly Anthony II. Kriebel & R627654. Palo Alto, California. By Charlotte A. Fred /I. Bates d.b.a. Kriebel and Eates) Chickadees and peonies. By Anthony La /lorton. 0 150ct48; Gl1853. lIargaret ( PIIH) ; 13Feb76; R625937. Paglia, author of renewable matter: R. Ryerson (E); 12/1ar 76; R6279 27 . Donnelly and Sons. e 15Ju148; Hl064. R625961. New York Graphic Society, Ltd. (FIIH); R628078. Plastic drawinq template: square 11/1ar76; R627654. /lodern /ladonna. /lother with baby in draf~inq template boltoqraph. By Gregory arms, oval frame. By Godwin, author of S . DoLqor uk ov , C 25/1ar48; IP1764. D. R627655. renewable matter: Providence Lithograph Edward Dolqorukov, Greqory Dclqcrukov, Jr. Filippo cattaneo, son of /larchesa Elena company. 0 25/1ar48; G81104 Providence (C), E. Florence Dolqorukov (II); 17Feb76; Grimaldi. By Sir Anthony Van Dyck, author Lithograph Company (PIIH); 811ar7 6; R625961. of renewable matter: Arthur Jaffe. R628078. e 15Ju148; H1065. New York Graphic R626409. Society, Ltd. (PIIH); 11/1ar76; R627655. R628079. Washinqton takes command of the A Brother who helped. By Cicely Barker, Continental Army. C 13Dec48; K18239. R627656. author of renewable matter: Providence The Thomas D. /lurphy Company (PIIH); Philip Lord lIarton. By Sir Anthony Van Lithograph Company. C 1511ar1l8; H996. 23Feb76; R626409. Dyck, aathor of renewable matter: Arthur Providence Lithograph Company (Pllm; Jaffe. C 15Ju148; Hl066. New York 811ar76; R628079. R626410. Graphic Society, Ltd. (PIIH); 111lar76; lIan at work . C 13Dec48; K18249. The R627656. R628080. Thomas D. /lurphy Company (PIIH); 23Feb76; Ee ye kind, one to another. By Godwin, R626410 . R627657 . author of renewable matter: Providence A Younq woman and her little boy. By Lithograph Company. 0 15/1ar1l8; K13406. R626411. Agnolo Di Cosima Di /lariana Bronzino, Providence Lithograph Company (PIIH); List to the sonq of summer. C 13Dec48; author of renewable matter: Arthur Jaffe. 8/1ar7E; Rc28080. K18250. The Thomas D. /lurphy Company e 15Ju148; Hl067. New York Graphic (PIIH) ; 23FEb76; R626411. Society, Ltd. (PIIH); 11/1ar76; R627657. R628081. Baby /loses family. By Lahr, author of R626412. R627658. renewable matter: Providence Lithograph Help wanted. C 13Dec48; K18253. The Cafe promenade. By Huldah, author of Company. C 15/1ar48; K13407. Providence Thomas D. /lurphy Company (PIIH); 23Feb76; renewable matter: Arthur Jaffe Heliochrome Lithograph Company (PIIH); 8/1ar76; R626412 . Company . Ii: 15 Nov4 8 ; . Hl131. New York R628081. Graphic Society, Ltd. (PI/H); 111lar76; R6261113 . R627658. R628082. Cowboy sport. C 13Dec1l8; K18281. The A /Ian who loved God. By Ortlip, author Thomas D. /l urphy Company (PIIH); 23Feb76; R627659. of renewable matter: Providence Lithograph R626413. Flower market. By Huldah, author of Company. C 15/1ar48; K131109. Providence renewable matter: Arthur Jaffe Heliochrome

537 116 28083 - 11629967 WORKS OF ART JAN. - JUN. 1976

R6 28082 (con.) F6 28 260. Inc. 0 22Mar49; G12021. Warner Lithoqraph Company (PWH); 8Mar76; The Last Supper. By Louis Jambor, Brothers, Inc. (PI/H); 22Mar76: R629518. 11 62 80 82. author of renewable matter: Augsburg Publishing House. 0 1Apr48; H1026. R629519. 11 1:2808 3. Augsburg Publishing House (PWH); 301lar76; Claude. By Warner Brothers Cartoons, En;ovinq the niqhttime. Bv Ortli~, R628 260. Inc. C 22Mar49; G12022. Warner a ut ho r of renewable matter: Providence Bt o t h e r s , Inc. (PWH); 22Mar76; R62951 9. Lithoqraph Company. c: 151lar48; K13410. R629042. Providence Lithoqraph Company (PWH); The Lover crowned. By Jean Honore R629520. 8 Mar 76 : 11628083. Fragonard, author of renewable matter: The Hippety Hopper. By Warner Brothers Frick Collection. C 20Apr48; H998. The Cartoons, Inc. C 221lar49: G12023. F6 280 84. frick Collection (PWH); 25Mar76; Warner Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 2 2 Mar 76 ; Jesus the helper. By o r t Id p, author of R6 2904 2. R629520. renewabl e matter: Providence Lithograph Company. C 15Mar48; K13l111, Providence R629043. R629521. Li t ho qra ph Company (PWH); 8Mar76; Love letters. By Jean Honore Fragonard, Beaky Buzzard. By Warner Brothers R6 280 8 l1 . author of renewable matter: The Frick Cartoons, Inc. " 2 2Mar 49 ; G12024. Collection. C 20Ap~lI8; H999. The Frick Warner Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 2 2 Mar 76 ; 11 628085. Collection (PWH); 25Mar76; R629043. R629521. Gi v inq ou r best to God. By Becher, a ut ho r of renewable matter: Providence R6290ll4. R629522. Lithoqraph Company. C. 15Marll8; K13412. Storming the citadel. By Jean Honore . By Warner Brothers Providence Lithoqraph Company (PWH); Fraqonard, author of renewable matter: The Cartoons, Inc. (l 221lar 49; G120 25 . 8Mar 76 ; 11 6 28 0 85. Frick Collection. Add. ti: The Meeting. Warner Brothers, Inc. (PWHI; 22 Mar 76 ; C 20Aprll8; H1000. The Frick Collection R629522. 116 280 86. (PWHI; 251lar76; R629044. A Ha pp y n ed q hbo r bood; I/emen qrindinq R629523. qrain. By Tobin, author of renewable R629045. . By Warner Brothers matter: Pr o vi de nc e Lithoqraph Company. The Pursuit. By Jean Honore Pragonard, Cartoons, Inc. e 221lar49; G12026. C 15 Marll 8; K13414. Providence Lithoqrap'h author of renewable matter: The Prick Warner Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 22Mar 76 : Company (PW H); 8Mar 76 ; 11628086. Collection. C 20Apr48; H1001. The Frick R629523. Collection (PWH); 2 5Mar 7 6 ; R629045. 11 628087. R629524. A Choi ce to mak e. Daniel & 3 friends. R629046. . By Warner Brothers Cartoons, By Godwin, au t h or of renewable matter: Mrs. Elliott. By Thomas Gainsborough, Inc. C 22Mar49; G12027. Warner Providen ce Lithoqraph Company. C 15Mar48; author of renewable matter: The Frick Brothers, Inc. (Pi/H); 22Mar76: R629524. K1341 6. Providence Lithoqraph Company Collection. " 1 1May 48 ; H1016. The Prick (PI/H): 81l a r 7 6; 11 62 8 087 . Collection (PWH): 2 5Mar 7 6 ; R629046. R6295 25. . By Warner Brothers F628138 . R629047. cartoons, Inc. C 22Mar49; G12028. Sta tue ot Tho mas Paine. By Georq J. Richard Paul Jodrell. By Thomas Warner srot hers , Inc. (PWH): 221lar76: Lober. e 25Mar49: G12 06 6 . Mrs. Georg Gainsborough, author of renewable matter: R629525. Lob er (Ele anor E. Lober) (W); 301lar76; The Frick Collection. 0 11May48; H1017. R628138. The Frick Collection (PWH): 2 5 Mar 7 6 ; R629526. R629047. . By Warner Brothers 11 6281 47 . Cartoons, Inc. 0 2 21lar49; G1 2029. Adoration. No. 930. By Charlot By;. RE 2 9 04 8. Warner Brothers, Inc. (PI/H); 22Mar 76 : e 1AUq4 8; K17106. Hu~melwerk Sales Inc., Lady Hamilton as "Nature." By George R629526. formerly Crestwick, I nc., (PWHI; 15Mar76; Romney, author of renewable matter: The 11628 147. Prick Collection. 0 111lay48; H1018. The R629527. Frick Collection (PWH); 25Mar76; . By Warner Brothers 116281 48 . R629048. Cartoons, Inc. 0 2 21lar4 9: G12030. Towh ead. No. 92 0. By Charlot By;. Warner Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 22Mar 76 : C 1Auq48; K171 07. Hummelwerk Sales Inc., 1i629511. R62 9527. form erly Crestwick, Inc., (PIIH); 15Mar76; Sylvester. By Warner Brothers Cartoons, 1162814 8. Inc. e 221lar49; G12014. Warner R629691. Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 22Mar76; 1i629511. Ilickey Mouse, February 6, 1949. 11 6 28 1 49 . C 25Jan49; K113455. Sleepyhead. No. 929. By Charlot av t, R629512. Productions (PWH); 4Feb76; R629691. e 1Auq4 8; K17108. Hummelwerk Sales Inc., . By Warner Brothers Cartoons, formerly Cr estwick, Inc., (PWH); 15Mar76: Inc. (; 2 2Mar49; G12015. Warner R6297 33. 116281 49 . Brothers, Inc. (PWH) 22Mar76; R629512. The Air about us. By Bertha Ilorris Parker, photographer: Eric Bender. 11628150. R629513. C 19Nov48; J51 65. Bertha Ilorris Parker Starlet . No. 9 26. By Charlot By;. Goofy gophers. By Warner Brothers (AI; 311lar76; R629733. o 1Auq48; K171 09. Hummelwerk Sales Inc., car t ooas , Inc. C 221lar49: G12016. form erly Crestliick, r nc; , (PWH); 15Mar76; Warner Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 221lar76; R629734. R628 1 50 . R629513. Electricity. By Bertha Plorris Parker, photographer: Eric Bender. 0 1 9 Aug 48 ; R628 151. F6 29514. J5168. Bertha Morris Parker (A); Grace before meals. No. 924. By . By Warner Brothers 31Mar76; R629734. Cha r l o t BY1. C 1Auqll8; K17110. Cartoons, Inc. Cl 221lar49; G12017. Hummel we r k Sales Inc., fermerly Crestwick, Warner Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 22Mar76; R629965. Iuc., (PWH): 15Mar76; R628151, R629514. Color portrait of Iliss Elizabeth M. Hammond. By Christine Louise Richards. R628 1 52 . R629515. Add. ti: Portrait of Elizabeth Hammond. Grace after meals. No. 925. By Charlot . By Warner Brothers e 8Apr48; G8823. Christine Louise By;. C lAuq48; K17111. Hummelwerk Sales Cartoons, Inc. e 221lar49; G12018. Richards (A); 1Apr76; R629965. Inc., formerly Crestwick, r nc , , (PWH); Warner Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 22Mar76; 151lar76; R6281 52. R629515. R629966. 11 6 28 15 3. Sugar King. By Christine Louise 11629516. Richards. Add. ti: Watercolor of brown s t a r j Lnc, No. 92 7. By Charlot By;. Sniffles. By Warner Brothers Cartoons, race horse "Sugar King." C 8Apr48; 1Auq48; K1711 2. Hummelwerk Sales Inc., o Inc. C 22Mar49; G12019. Warner G8824. Christine Louise Richards (AI; form erlY crestwick, Inc., (PWH); 151lar76: Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 221lar76; F.629516. R628 1 53 . 1Apr76; R629966. R629517. ' 11628154. R629967. Bertie. By Warner Brothers Cartoons, Watercolor of girl's head, green and bon ny. No. 928. By Charlot By;. Inc. C 221lar49; G12020. Warner e lAuq48; K17113. orange (dress and background) By Hummelwerk Sales Inc., Brothers, Inc. (PWH); 221lar76; R629517. Christine Louise Richards. 0 8Apr48; for~ erly ~restwick, r nc,.; (PIIH); 15Mar76; 11 6 28 15 4. G8825. Christine Louise Richards (AI; R629518. 1Apr76; R629967. Hubie. By Warner Brothers Cartoons,

538 R629968 - R635935 WORKS OF ART JAN. - JUN. 1 976

R629968 . Disney Productions (PWHI ; 5 Ma y7 6; K20610. The Nelson En gravers (PWHI; The Necklace. By Ch ristine Lo uise R6323 17 . 28Jun76; R635935. Richa r d s , e 2611ay48 ; G94 40 . Christine Louise Richards (AI; 1 Apr76; R629968 . R633486. Roval Ballet--attitude . By fried pal, R629969. a u thor of t he reproduct ion: Henry B. spr LnctLae , By Christine Louise Sandler Company, I nc. 0 1611ay49; H1261. Richa rds. 0 26 11 a y4 8 ; G9441. Christine I n tercraft I ndustries Corporation (PWHI; Louise Richards ( A) ; 1Apr76; R629969. 20r.ay76; R633486 .

R629970 . R633 48 7 . Rose in bloom. By Christine Louise lioVal Ballet--swan . By Fried Pal , Richards. e 2611ay 48; G9442. Christine author of the reproduction: Henry B. Louise Richards ( AI ; 1 Apr76; R629970. Sandler Company, Inc. 0 16May49; H1262. Intercraft Industries corporation (PWHI; R6 299 71 . 20/lay76 ; R633487. Primitive number 06. By Christine Louise richards. C 2611ay48; G9443. 1i63 34e8. Christine Louise Richards (AI; 1 Apr 76 ; Royal Ballet--pasee. By FriEd pal, R62 9971. author of the reproduction: Henry e. Sandler company, Inc. C 16May49; H1263. R629972 . Intercraft Industries Corporation (PWHI; Primitive number 05. By Christine 2011ay76: R6334 88. Louise Richards. C 2 611av48; G9444. Christine Louise Richards (A); 1Apr76; R63348 9. R629 97 2 . Royal Ballet--preparation. By Fried Pal, author of the reproduction: Henry B. R629973. Sandler Compan y, Inc. () 1611ay49: H1264. Primitive number 08 . By Christine Intercraft Industries Corporation (PWHI; Louise Ri c ha r ds . C 2 6 I1 a v 4 ~ ; G9445. 20 11 a y7 6 : R6 3348 9 . Christine Louise Richards (AI; 1Apr76; R6 29 9 73 . R633587. Certificate blank. No. 701. C 2 1 Fe b 49 ; R629974 . K19774. Goes Lithographing Company (PWHI; Portrait study in bro wn. By Christine 2411ay76; R633587 -. Louise Richards. Add. ti: l1arlene Dietrich, study in brown, watercolor. R633 588. C 26 11 a y 4 8 ; G9446 . Christine Louise ' Certificate blank. No. 681. C 2 1Feb 4 9 ; Richards (AI; 1 Apr 7 6 ; R629974. K19775 . Goes Lithographing Company (PWHI; 2411ay76: R6335 8 8. R6 29975. Blu e pencil portrait of l1arlene Dietrich R635005. (in costume) Bv Christine Louise Farbgitter, number 1. oi l painting by Richards. Add. ti: l1arlene Dietrich s t ud y La szlo 110holy-Nagy. C 28J u n 48 ; G1043 8. in blue pencil. C 2611av48; G9447. Hattul a 11. Hug (PPWI; 14Jun76; R6 3 5 0 05 . Christine Louise Ilichards (AI; 1Apr76; R6299 7 5 . 11 6 35 052. Winner ladder: an aid for com petitive R62 9976. games, sports and scholastic activities. Chri s t mas d r e a m. Bv Christine Louise By Harold C. /lyers. 0 19Jun48; K1 6569. Ri c h a r ds . <: 26 11a v4 8 ; G944 8 . Christine Mrs. H. C. Myers (WI s William . H. Myers Louise Ri c ha r d s (A); 1Apr76; li62C;976 . (C); 18Jun76; R635 052.

R62 99 7 7 . R63 52 7 7 . Baroque fantasy. Bv Christine Louise Th e Wise virgins, the f o olish virgins. Richards. Add. ti: Baroque fantazy. Head of woman & 4 female figures on (l 2611ay4 8; G9449 . Christine Louise obverse, 5 female figures & Bible quot e on Richard s (A): 1Apr76; R629977. reverse. By Henry Kr e i s . o 18Nov47; G7437. 'The Society of lIe dalists (PI/ HI; R630759. 12Aug75; R6352 7 7 . So dear to my heart. 0 on cover art; 15Mar49; K21072. Walt Disney Productions R6 35 3 12 . ( PI/H) ; 2Apr 7 6 ; R630759. Hummel fi gurine, Hum 01 8 7. By W. Goebel. C 1Ju148; GP1007 2. W. Go e bel R631105. a .a.d.o. W. Goebel-Porzellanfabrik (PWH); Deqas ballerina. Sculptor : Fred Press. 21Jun76; R63531 2. C 28 J u 1 4 8; G1006 8. Fre d Press ( AI ; 13Apr76; R631105. R6355 7 3. Cowboy holding frying pan ov er ashtray. R63 1 10 6. By Emmett Austin Jones. C 1711ay4 9; Chi nese hea d . scul p t o r r Fred Press. GU1274 2. Emm ett A. Jones (AI; 28 J u n76 ; c 28Ju14 8; G10069. Fred press ( AI ; R63 5573. 1 3Apr 7 6 : R6 31106. P.635598. R63 1229 . Plato Platypus. 0 8Jun49; G1291 6. I am. Anqel bells. By May DaCamara. Walter Lantz Productions, Inc. (PWHI; o 25Nov48; K18203. Saint Germain Press, 24Jun76; R635598. I nco ( PI/HI : 15 Apr 7 6 ; R63 122 9. R635933. R631286. Sp ecial bond green with panel on back. Free at last. Artist: Byron M. Fish. By Goes Lithographing company. C 5Jan49; (J 6 A'l q48; H1 180 . Byron 11. Fish ( AI ; K18858. Henri pe t e t i n , Inc. (PWHI; 20Apr76; Rf31286 . 28Jun76; R635933 .

1'631733 . R635934. Th e Be ac h at Sainte-Adresse. BV Cla ude Special coupon sheet, green color. By Monet, author of renewable matter: Arthur Goes Lithographing Company. 0 5Jan49; Jaffe Heliochrome Company. C 20Apr49; K18859. Henri Petetin, Inc. (PW HI; H1254. Aaror. Ashlev, Inc.( PWHI ; 2 8J un 7 6 ; R6 359 3 4 . 2 8Apr 76 ; R631733 . H635935. R632317 • Special certificate. No. 10. By Goes Fred Stork. C 2 8Apr 4 9 ; G1 2476. Walt Lithographing Company. o 2 4 /1ar 49 ;

5 3 9

* U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1977 0 - 237 -250 K121355 - R636569 WORKS OF lRT JOt. - DEC. 1976

K121354 (co n . ) KF152. R636008. letterhead. 0 Garagraphics; 29Dec76; Vint a g e car, A" 1530. No. 1 0QO. In Portrait of "rs. Nina Larrey Duryea. By K12135Q. relief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. Christine Louise Richards. C 23Aug48; o Nova Rico, S.P.l.; lJan75; KF152. G10189. Christine Louise Richards (A); K121355. Uul76; Il636008. Fliqht. Bird & airplane. Author of th~ KF153. print: Joseph Garraaone. Print; Brovn and vhite dog. No. 1037 . In R636009. letterh~ad. 0 Garagraphics; 29Dec76; relief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. The Caaeo girl. By Christine Louis~ K12 1355. o Nova Rico, S.P.A.; 1Nov74: KF153. Richards. 0 23Aug48: Gl0190. Christine Loui se Richards (A); lJu176: R636009. K121356. KF154 . Ship's aasts. Square rigger. Author of Yarn and kittens. 110. 1016. In relief. R636010. t he print: Joseph Garraaone. print; Italy. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova The Necklace. By Christine LouLse letterhead. 0 Garaqraphics; 29Dec76; Rico, S.P.A.; 1Sep74: KF15Q. Richards. 0 271u948; K17250. Christine K121356. Louise Ilichards (A); 1Ju176: R636010. KF155. Boxer. No. 1054. Head of dog, in R636557. relief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. High winds. By "ontague Davson. KF o Nova Rico, S.P.A.: 1Aug75: KF155. o 13"ay49: G12812. Nyrya "aria~ne Davson (CI; 6Jul"16; R636557. KF156. KF138. 2 rabbits. No. 1051. In relief. R636558. 3 baby chicks. No. 1046. In relief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova Driving on, the Clagnes of Boston, 920 Italy. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova Rico, S.P.A.; lApr75; KF156. tons , Chelsea, 11152. By "ontague Davson. Rico, S.P.A.; 1"ar75; KF138. o 13"ay49: G128U. Nyrya "arianne Davson KF157. (C); 6Ju176; R636558. KF139. Horse head. No. 1052. In relief. Poodle and rose. No. 1060. In relief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova R636559. Italv. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova Rico, S.P.A.: lJu175; KF157. Nev York clipper, the Challenge, 2,006 Rico, S.P.A .: 1"ar76: KF139. tons, built in 1851. By "ontague Davson. o 13"ay49; G12814. Nyrya "arianne Davson KF140. (q; 6Ju176; R636559. Car and vhite house. No. 1057. In KFO relief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. R636560. o Nova Rico, S.P.A.; lNov75; KF140. The Winged racer. By "ontague Davson. KFO-187. o 13"ay49: G12815. Nyrya "arianne Davson KF141. This is ae scared silly because I just (C): 6Ju176; R636560. Soccer ball and net. No. 1058. In sav ••• at •••• Face vith tongue sticking relief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. out. Author of the print: Carol Anne R636561. e Nova Rico, S.P.A.; 1110v75: KF141. Nichols. Canada. print: post card. (I'd The iinged hunter. By "ontague Davson. rather do it ayself series, no. 1) o 13"ay49: G12816. Myrya "3-rianne Davson KF142. o Serendipity Services, Ltd.; 12Apr76; (C): 6Ju176; R636561. 2 cocker spaniels. No. 1055. In KFO-187. . r elief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. R636562. o Nova Rico , S.P.A.; lNov75; KF142. KFO-188. Tea clippers, t~e Great Theraopylae, This is lie sviadng in •••• F ish in built in 1868, 1,970 tons. By "ontague KF14 3. vater. Author of the print: Carol Anne Davson. 0 13"ay49: G12817. N}-rya 3 baby ducks. No. 1035. In relief. Nicl:ols. Canada. print; post card. (I'd "arianne Davson (C); 6Ju176; R636562. Italy. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova rather do it myself series, no. 2) Rico, S.P.A.; 10ct74; KF143. o Serendipity Services, Ltd.; 12Apr76; R636563. KFO-188. The Red Jacket, built 1853, of 2,00€ KF144. tons, at "aine. By "ontague Davson. 2 beach kittens. No. 1036. In relief. KFO-189. o 13"ayIl9; G12818. Nyrya "arianne Davso~ Italy. Col. print on plastic. 0 1I0va This is me playing on the beac~ in •••• (C); 6Ju176; R636563. Rico, S.P.A.; lNov74; KF144. Sand dunes. Author of the print: Carol Anne Nichols. Canada. print; post card. R6365611. KF145. (I'd rather do it ayself series, no. 3) rhe Flying Cloud, built in 1851, of German shepherd head. No. 1047. In o Serendipity Services, Ltd.: 12Apr7€: 1,783 tons, by Donald "cKay. By "ontague relief. Italy. Col. print on plastic. KFO-189. Davson. 0 13"ayIl9; G12819. Nyrya C Nova Rico, S.P.A.: 1"ar75; KFlI15. "arianne Davson (C); 6Ju176: 1\6365611. KFO-190. KF146. Gia~t tree. Author of the print: Carol R636565. White cat. No. 106Q. In relief. Anne Nichols. Canada. print: post card. Clipper ship "idnight, off Beachy Bead, Italy. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova (I'd rather do it ayself series, no. 4) 1,000 tons, built at portsaouth, Nev Rico, S.P.A.; 1"ar76; KF146. C Serendipity Services, Ltd.; 12Apr76: Haapshire, 1854. By "ontague Davson. KFO-l~O. o 13"ay49: G12820. Nyrya 8arianne Davson KFl117• (C): 6Ju176; R636565. Pups 'n' fence. No. 1015. 2 hounds rest nq head & front pavs on picket fence, R636566. in relief. Italv. Col. print on plastic. R Wind llnd sun: 8 aetre yachts. By C Nova Rico, S.P.A.; lSep74; KF147. "ontague Davson. 0 13"ay49; G12821. Ilyrya "arianne Davson (C): 6Ju176: KF148. R636001l. R636566. Clown. No. 1053. Port., in relief. StGdy in green. By Christine Louise Italy. Col. print on plastic. o Nova Richards. 0 28Ju11l8; Gl0036. Chr stine R636567. Rico , S.P.A .: lJu175; KF148. Louise Richards (A): 1Ju176; R63fi004. "orning sunlight: 8 aetre yachts off Coves, Isle of Wight. By "ontague Davson. KF149. R6 3600 5. o 13"ay49; G12822. Nyrya "arianne Davson Beaqle. No. 1038. In relief. Italy. Portrait of Jet. By Christine Louise (C): 6Ju176; R636567- Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova Rico, Richards. C 28Ju148: Gl0037. Chrhtine S.P.A.: 10ct74; KF149. Louise Richards (A); lJu176; R636005. R636568. Fresh vind on the Clyde. By "o:-tague KF150. R636006. Duson. 0 13"ay49: G12823. Nyrya Kitten and ;uq. No. 1039. In rellef. Countess Anna "ontgelas. By Christine "arianne Davson (C); 6Ju176; R636568. Italv. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova Louise Richards. 0 28Jul1l8: G10038. Rico, S.P.A .; lJan75; KF150. Christine Louise Richards (Aj; lJu176; R636569. R636006. rhe Bristol privateer: depicting the KF151. Hornet, of 350 tons, capturing th~ Spanish 2 lion cubs. No. 1062 . In relief. R636 007. ship, Durissiaa Conception, (9ic) of 350 Italv. Col. print on plastic. 0 Nova Alice. By Christine Louise Richards. tons, out froa Cadiz. By "ontague Davson. Rico, S.P.A.; lApr76; KF151. o 28Ju148; G10039. Christine Louise o 13"ayIl9: G12824. Nyrya "aria ne Davson Richards (A); lJu176: R636007. (C); 6Ju176; R636569.

599 JOL. - DEC. 1976 R636570 - R641449 WORKS OF ART

R637947. R636570. coordinates. By Phillip Bagar Smith. o 7Kar49; 1-5436. PhUl1p R. S.ith (A); A Guest in the home. By Tobin, author Easv swells: depictinq the clipper ship, of renewable matter: Providence Lithograph the Red Jacket, of 2,006 tons, built in 23Ju176; R637239. Company. 0 1SJun48; K16452. Providence 1853. BV nontaque Dawson. 0 13nay49; Lithograph Company (PI/B); 19~ay76; G12825. Nyrya narianne Dawson (CI; R637240. 6Ju176; R636570. s.ith chart, i.pedance or ad.ittance R637947. coordinates. By Phillip Ragar s.ith. R636571. o 12ftar49; 1-5740. Phillip B. Smith (AI; R637948. Gav breeze: 8 .etre yachts in the 23Ju176; R637240. The BOf king Is crowned. Bf Tob\n, Solent. BV nont~que Dawson. 0 13nay49; author of renewable matter: Providence G12826. Nyrva narianne Dawson (C); R637268. Lithograph company. 0 15Jun48; K16454. 6Ju176; R636571. Iowa Bawk caricature in football togs. proyidence Lithograph Company (PIIHI; By Richard Spencer, 3rd. 0 21Jun48; 19Kay76; R637948. R636572. K16487. Board in Control of Athletics, Vast heayinq aboard the Saint George. Athletic Department, State University of R637949. BV ftontague Dawson. 0 13ftay49; G12827. Iowa (PI/H); 21Jun76; R637268. The Valley of the Jordan. By ortllp, Nvrva Karianne Dawson (C); 6Ju176; author of renewable matter: providence 22Sep~8; R636572. R637329. Lithograph company. 0 K17216. The Ed KcGinley ScaleScope. By Ed providence Lithograph Company (PW~; B636573. KcGinley. 05Ju149; 1-351. Shawnee 19Kay76; R637949. Nearinq ho.e, the sailing ship Belicon, PrI!SS, Inc. (PRII); 23Ju176; R637329. of 1,712 tons, built in 1887. By Kontague R639543. Dawson. 0 13ftav49; G12828. "yrya R637937. Jesus of Nazareth (side viewl By Louis Karianne Dawson (C); 6Ju176; B636513. A Billsid~ at Capernaum. By Elsie Anna Ja.bour, reproduction: Augsburg PUblishing Wood, author of renewable matter: House. 0 13SepQ8; H1164. ~ugsburg R636574. Providence Li~hograph company. 0 15Dec48; PUblishing House (PWR); 25Aug76; The Kount Stewart, of 1,903 tons, built H971. Providence Lithograph Company R639543. in 1891. BV Kontaque Dawson. 0 13ftay49; (PRB); 19Kay76; R637937. G12829. Nyrya ftarianne Dawson (C); R639544. 6Ju176; B636S74. R637 93 8. Christ (front view) By Louis Jambour, Jesus teaches about God. B1 lIilliam reproduction: Augsburg Publishing House. R636575. Bole, author of renewable matter: o 13Sep48; H1165. Augsburg PUblishing The Loftv trader, the Scottish ftoors, providence Lithograph company. 0 150ec48; Bouse (PIIR); 25Aug76; R639544. built in 1890. By ftontaque Dawson. H972. providence Lithograph Company o 13KaV49; G12830. Nyrya Ka~ianne Dawson (PIIB); 19Kay76; R637938. R640170. (CI; 6Ju176; R636575. Shu Dror. By Anita Nadine price (Anita R637939. NaHne Price Goodhartl 0 11Ju149; !l636596. Gifts for little Jesus. By cicely 1-6367. Anita Nadine Price Goodhart (A); Sallman's Follow thou Ke. By Ramer Barker, author of renewable matter: 301ug76; R640170. Sallman. 0 6Jan49; K18601. Kriebel and Providence Lithograph Company. 0 150ec48; Bates, Inc., formerly Anthony W. Kriebel & B973. Providence Lithograph co.pany R6Q0819. Fred K. Bates d.b.a. Kriebel and Bates (PI/H); 19Kay76; R637939. Presenting Name-o-toons: male and fe.ale (PWBI; 9Ju176: R636596. capital letters; a system of comic­ R637940. caricature drawing based on the English R636668. Jesus, the friend. By Herbert Beecroft, alphabet. Bf Louis Vincent Fucci. Rubve. By Pal Fried, author of author of renewable matter: Providence o 8Sep49; G13745. Louis V. Fucci (AI; renewable matter: Henry B. Sandler Lithograph Company. 0 22Sep48; H1110. 15Sep76; R640879. coapany, Inc. (Jewell prints) 0 9Jun 49; Providence Lithograph Company (PIIH); H1276. Intercraft Industries corporation 19Kay76; R637940. R641442. (PWHI; 21Ju176; R636668. Prelude to doom. By Rovsep Pushman. R637941. o 40ct48; G10614. Arsene Push man & R636669. A Town clerk helps to keep order. By T. Armand Push.an (C); 14Sep16; R641442. Jayde. BV Pal Fried, author of Nelson and sons, author of renewable renewable matter: Henry B. Sandler matter: Providence Lithograph Company. R6Q1443. Company, Inc. (Jewell prints) 0 9Jun49; o 15Jun48; K16450. providence Lithograph Vision of plenty. By Hovsep Push.an. B1277. Intercraft Industries Corporation Compant (P liB) ; 19fta y76; R637 941 • Add. ti: Vigil of plenty. 0 4Jct48; (PIIBI; 21Ju176; R636669. G10615. Arsene Push.an & ~r:land Push.an R637942. (C); 14Sep76; R641443. R636670. preparing the harvest festival. By Pearl. Bv Pal Fried, author of Ortlip, author of renewable .atter: R61l1444. renewable .atter: Henry B. Sandler Providence Lithograph Co.pany. 0 22Sep48; Glow from fester~ay. Bf Hotsep Push.an. Co.panv, Inc. (Jewell prints) 0 9Jun49; K17751. Providence Lithograph company o 250ct48; G10659. Arsene Push man & B127B. Intercraft Industries corporation (PWB); 19Kay76; R637942. Ar.and Pushun (C); 14Sep76; R641444. (PIIHI; 21Ju176; R636670. R637943. R641445. R636671. The Best helper. By Godwin, author of Serenade to the Gods. By Hovsep Opalle. By Pal Fried, author of renewable .atter: Providence Lithograph Push.an. 0 250ct48; G10660. Arsene renewable .atter: Benry B. Sandler Company. 0 15Dec48; K18336. Providence Push.an & Ar.and Push.an (CI; 14Sep76; co.panv, Inc. (Jewell printsl 0 9Jun49; Lithograph co.pany (PIIB); 19Kay76; R641445. H1279. Intercraft Industries Corporation R637943. (PWBI; 21Ju176; R636671. R6414li6. R63"f944. From well of life. By Rovsep Pushman. B636977 • The Lord's prayer. By Randsaker, author Add. H: Waters of life. 011Jau49; Ba~v Huey. BV Paramount Pictures, Inc. of renewable matter: Providence Lithograph G11266. Arsene Pushman & Armand Push.an o 12Nov48; G10778. Alfred Barvey, Estate Co.pany. 0 150ec48; K18338. Providence (C); 14Sep76;. R641446. of Robert B. Barvey & Leon Barvey (PWHI; Lithograph Company (PWH); 19Kay76; 12Ju176; R636977. R637944. R641447. The Grace of peace. By Hovsep Pushman. R636978. R637945. Add. til Silence. 0 1311ay49; G12696. Casper, the friendly ghost. By Glad news for Naaman. By Hall, author Arsene Push man & Armand Pushman (C); Para.ount Pictures, Inc. 0 12Nov48; of renewable matter: Providence Lithograph 14Sep76; R6414li7. G10779. Alfred Harvev, Leon Harvey & Company. 0 15Jun48; K16449. Providence Estate of Robert B. Barver (PRR); Lithogr!ph Co p!ny (PWHI; 19Kay76; R641448. 1 2Jul76; R63 6978. R637945. The Famished heart. By Hovsep Push man. o 13Kaf49; G12697. Arsene Pushman & R636979. R637946. Armand Push.an (C); 14Sep76; R64144 8. Doqface. By Para.ount Pictures, Inc. A Kan who did fine work. By I/oodward, o 12Nov48; G10780. Alfred Baryey, Leon author ~f renew!ble matter: Providence R6411l49. Harvev & Estate of Robert B. Rarvey (PW~; Lithograph Company. 0 1SJun48; K16451. In timeless peace. By Hovsep Push.an. 12Ju176; R636979. Providence Lithograph Co.pany (PWH); o 13Kay49; G12698. Arsene Push man & 19Kay76; R637946. Armand Push man (C); 14Sep76; R641449. B637239. S.ith chart, i.pedance or ad.ittance

600 R64 1907 - R64 6826 WORK S OF ART JUL . -DEC. 1916

R64 1907. R644070. R644101. The Ed "cdin~e y Oomatic chart wi th Duke of Alba ; plaster bust. By J acqnes Hoosick Val l e y . No. 1150 . By Anna nary Keyscope . 0 5Ju149; 1-272. Sha wnee J on g he l1n c k. C 30 "ar49; H1215. Th e Rob e rtson " os e s . C 21Dec48; G11126. Press , Inc. ( PIlH) ; 20Sep76; R641907. Prick Collection (PWH); 210ct 76 ; Jam es C. Toaasi (Ada . c . t . a . of the Estate R6114070. of Anna "ary Robertson "oses); 220ct76; R641908. R64 4101. The Ed "cGinley Dominant keyslide. R644071. e 5Ju149 ; 1-352. Shawnee Press, Inc. Duke of Al ba; Sh owing origin~l wi t h R644 102. (PWHI; 20Sep 7€.; R6li1908. plaster bust with pa tina . By Jacques A Ride in the cutter. No. 1193. By Jonghelinck. Q 30"ar49; H1216 . The lnna nary Robertson "oses. 0 27Dec48; R641986. Frick Collection (PI/H): 210ct76 ; r,11128. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Adm.c.t.a. of . By Ilarner Brothers R644071. the Estate of Anna !lary Robertson "oses); Cartoons, Inc . o 9Sep49; G13756. Warner 220ct76; R644102. Brot hers , Inc. (PW HI; 20Sep76; R641986. R644072. Duke of Alba ; s howing original with R644103. R642279. plaster bust witho ut patina. By Jacques The Old aill on Sunday. No. 1199. By The Senator. By Louis Smith. Jonghelinck. 0 30"ar49; H121'. The lnna "ary Robertson "oses. 0 27Dec48; C 21Sep49; G14071 . Louis Smith (~; Frick Co llection (PWH); 21 oct76; Gl1129. Jalles C. Tomasi (Ada .c.t.a. o~ 28Sep76; R64 22 19 . R644072. the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson "OSp.s); 220ct76; R644103. R642306. R644073. Sucginq on - th e gem of the ocea ; of Landscape with a footbridge. By Jacob R6114101l. 700 t on s buil t in " e dford 1852. By Van Ruisdap.l. ldd. ti: A Landscape. The Last load. No. 1219. By Anna nary " ontague Dawson. 0 5Sepli9; G139 01. e 7Jun49; H1275. The Frick Collection Robertson "oses. C 21Dec48; G11130. Nyrya "ar.ianne Dawson (C); 29 Sp p16; (PW H); 210ct76; R644073. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Esta':e R6li230 6. of Anna "ary Roberf..son "oses); 220ct76; R644074. R644104. R6 423 07 . Lodovico capponi; detail: right eye Th e Golden Hind. By "ontague Dawson. enlarged approx. 3 1/2 tiaes . By R644105. C 15 Sep4 9; G13 902 . Nyr ya " arian ne Daws o n Bron zi n, . ldd. ti: portrait of a young Sngaring off. No. 1266. By Anna "ary (c); 29Sep7€.; P.5 42 307. man. 28Jun49; H1298. The Frick Robertson !loses. 0 270ec48; G11133. Collection (PI/H); 2 10ct76; P64 4074. Jallles C. To asi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate R642308. of Anna "ary Robertson "oses); 220ct76; Dust n q al on g - t he 'Cowper' of Boston; R611 4075. R644105. 1024 tons build ( .e., built) in 1854. Angel; detail: bust. By Jeha Barbet de By "ontague Daws o n. 0 15Sep49; G1390 3. Lyon, now kn o vn as Jean Barbet. R6411106. yr y a " a r i ann e a wso n (C); 29S ep76; e 180ct49; H1393. The prick Collection S~garing off--dark sky. No. 1267 . By R64 230 8 . (PIl H); 21 0ct76; R644075. Anna "ary Robertson " oses. 0 21Dec48; G11134. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. o f R64230 9. R644076. tha Estate of Ann a "ary Ro be r t s o n "05es); Bl u e s ki e s - the ' Shun Lee'; b ui l t 1866, Angel. Detail: left wing. By Jean 220ct76; R6441 06. 674 ~ o n ~. By " o n t a Que Dawson . Barbet, author of the renewable aatter: C 15 Se pu9; G 390 4. Nyrya "arianne Dawson The Fr ck Collection. 8Fe b4 9 ; J5312. R6411107. (C); 29"ep"'6; 6 42 309. The Frick Collectio (PI/H); 210ct76; Through the bridge by the aill. No. F611 4 076 . 1269. By Anna nary Robertson "oses. R6 42 310 . C 21Dec48; Gll13 5. Ja.es C. To asi S. i ng i ng a l onq; t he clipper ' Wh ite R64407 7 . (Adm.c.t.a. of t he Es t a te of Anna "ary Swallo w', 125 C t o ns, bui l t at "cdf o rd , 16th century Italian valnut chest. No. P.obertsoll !loses); 22 0c t 76 ; R6441 01. 1 853 . By "ontag ue Daws o n . 5Sep49 ; 2: right front. 0 3"ar49; J5388. The G n ~ 5. Ny r y a arIanne Dawson (C); Frick Collection (PWH) ; 210ct76 ; R611!1108. 29Seu76; R642 3 10 . F644077. Ile will go for a walk. No. 1283. By Anna "ary Robertson "oses. C 21Dec48; R6 4 231 1. R644078. G11142. James C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. o f Hard dr i ving; the Li gh tning, 2096 ton s, 16th c e nt 'l r y Italian valnut chest. No. the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson "oses) ; built i n 1834. By "o taque Dawson. 1: front. e 3"ar49; J5389 . The Prick 220ct76; R644108. 15Se 1>4 9; G13906 . yrya " arianne Dawson Collection (PWH); 210ct76; R644078. rci : 29 Se p1€; R€.112 31 1 . R644109. R6114096. A Beautiful vorld. No. 1286. By Anua R1i4 23 12. Wa s hi n gt on county. No.9. By Anna "ary !lary Robertson "oses. C 27Dec1l8; G111l14. Gr e at t e a r a c e ; Ariel and Tae pi ng . Ro be r t s o n !loses. C 21Dec48; G11115. Ja llles C. Toaas (Ad .c.t.a. of the Es~a te ~o n taque DawEon . 15Sep4 9 ; G139 01 . James C. Toaasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna "ar y Robertson "oses); 22 0ct 76 ; V 1a a :' an e [, (C); 29Sep76 ; o f Anna "ary Robertson "oses); 220ct76; R6 11 410 9 . F6 42 ' 12. R644096. R644110. 64' "'"'. R644097. The Church in the wild wood. No. 12 86. Belov"'d 1 s ': ~ i 9 a n ge l. By a t A Tr aap on christaas day. No. 1112. By By Anna "ary Ro b ertson "osp.s. C 270e c 4 8; DaC3. ara , 28 ay ~ 9 ; K21562. Saint Ann a "ar y Robertson "oses. 0 21Dec48; G11 14 5. Jaaes C. To a s L (Ad .c.t.a. of Ger a Ln Pr ess , Inc. (P IiH) ; 200,,- 76; G1112 1 . Jaaes C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Es t 3. t e o~ Anna " a r y R o b e r ~ s o n " oses); H4li047. t he Es h t e of lnna "ary Robertson "oses) ; 220ct76; R6ll41 10. 220ct 7 6 ; R644097. n611406L R644111. T, ~ 1 u c a t ~ o. ~e Virgin; det a i l : R€.44098 . The Dead t:'ee . No. 1291. By Anna " a ry irqin • e r r , "I r qe s De La ~our. Out for Chr i s '; mas trees. No. 1118. By Robe r t s on s e s e s , C 27 Dec 48 ; G1114 6. o 2 7Jan~9; H116 6. TLe Prick ~ol l e c t i o n Anna nar y Robertson "oses. C 21Dec48; J a mes C. To a si ( dlll .c . t . a . ,f the Estate ( POl HI; 2 10ct76 ; P.544066. G11122 . J ames C. Tom~si (Adm.c.t.a. of o ~ Ann a lIa r y R be rts o n Mses); 220ct 76; the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson "o~es); R6 11 4 111 . R64"O'7 . 220ct76; R644098 . Th e Education f he Virgin ; deta 1: R645372. r ! 4h s i de i ~ :~ i. t Anne . By Georges R644 099. Kover All. By Will i a m E. Peck. De La r c u r , '" 27J,'n49; I1 1167 . The Fri c k liilliallstovn. No. 1128. By Anna "ary 9De c 48; "'18923. Williaa E. Peck (A); coll~ cti o:l (PW H); 210ct76 ; R6!1 4 067 . Robertson ao ses, 27Dec48; G11123 . 8Nov7€.; R61153 72. James C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate R644 068 . of Anna nary Robertson "oses); 220ct76; R64 5 425 . Th Ed u c~ t ion of the Virgin; ~ e t a i l : R644 0 99 . Base for fl agpole, war meao r i a l f or Virgin' S hea d . Georges De Ld Tour. Internat~o~al Bus n ess "a ch ~ n e s Cor­ e 27Jan4 9; !l1168 . TI.e f r i c k Collec tion R6 44 100. poration consisti n g o f f ve bronze ea gl es (PI/HI; 210ct76; R644 068 . Skating for me. No. 1144 . By Anna "ary and five sh eld s o f t he ar lled s ervices o n Robertson scses , 0 21Dec48; G11125. s';ar s hape d gran t e base . By " alvina R6 !1 40 69. Jaaes C. Tomasi ( Adll . c. t. a . of the Estate Roff a n. C 250c t 49; G1449 4. Charles L• • ha E d u ~ a t ion of t he virqin; detail: of lnna "ary Robertson "osesl; 220Ct76; Hoff an ( E); 5 Nov76 ; R6 4 54 25. s i q na t ur e . Bv Geor ges De La T~ur. R644100. 27Jan49; H116 9. The Frick Collection R646826. (PI/H); 210ct 16 ; R644 C69. Ireland •. 0 . "1 5. By Anna " ary 601 WORKS OF ART JUL. - DEC. 1976

Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate R646855. R6468 26 (con. I "Nu-View" cello fingerboard. By Robertson Moses. e 27Dec48; G11116. of Anna Mary Robertson "osesl; 23Nov76; R646839. Severino Frank "arlD~. 09!1!lr49; K19697. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate Severin~ Frank "arino (Sev Frallit !larino) of Anna Mary Robertson "osesl; 23Nov76; (AI; 9Dec76; R646855. R646826. R646840. The Hoosick Valley. No. "253. By Anna R646856. R646827. "ary Robertson Moses. C 31Jan1l9; G11462. Pennsylvania. Ro. "304. By Anna Mary Jaa~s C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate "Nu-View" viola fingerboard. By of Anna Mary Robertsoll Moses I; 23 Nov76; severino Frauk "arlD~. e 9"ar49; !t19696. Robertson Moses. e 27Dec48; G11117. "arin~ Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate R646840. Severino Frank (Sev Frank "arino) of Anna !ary Robertson "oses); 23Rov76; (P.); 9Dec76; R646856. R6116827. R646841. The Burning of Troy in 1862. No. !I1163. R646857. "Nu-Viell" vioHt! flDgerboard. By 1l646828 . By Anna !Iary Robertson Moses. e 31Jan49; G11463. James C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of Severino Frank !larino. 0 9":l.r49; K19695. Caabridqe Valley in suaaer. Ro. !329. !Iarin~ By Anna Mary Robertson Moses. e 27Dec48; the Estate of Anna Mary Robertson "ases); Seve r i no Frank (Sev Frank "arino) G11118. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of 23Nov76; R646841. (A); 9Dec76; R6116857. the Estate of Anna Mary Robertson "osesl; 2380v76; R646828. 1\646842. R646856. Frederickstown. No. M1110. By Anna "Nu-Viell" guit.ar fingerboard. By "arin~. R646829. Mary Robertson Moses. e 31Jan49; G11464. severino Frank e 23Nov48; Down on the fara in suaaer. No. !1060. Jaaes C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a~ of the Estate K18183. Severino Frank "arino (Sev Frank By Anna !ary Robertson Moses. e 27Dec48; of Anna Mary Robertson "oses); 23Nov76; "arino) (A); 260ct76; R6116858. G11119. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of R6468112. R647119. the Estate of Anna Mary Robertson !osesl; Challd 1e~ 23110v76; R646829. R646843. "ary Baker Eddy. By Howard Frick residence, 1. No. "1116. By Anna Christy. 0 13Dec48 ; H1238. The Dir~ctors R646830. Mary Robertson Moses. C 31Jan49; G11465. Christiall Science Board of Wood fire. No. !1082. By Anna !~ry James C. Toaasi (Ads.c.t.a. of the Estate (PilH); 13Dec76; R647119. Robertson Moses. e 27Dec48; G11120. of Anna Mary Robertson "oses); 23Nov76; Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate 1\646843. R647120. of Anna Mary Robertson "osesl; 23Nov76; "ary B a k ~ r Eddy. By Howard : ha nd 1e r !l646830. R64681l1l. Christie (i.e. Howa rd Chandler Chr isty) Frick residence, 2. No. !1117. By Anna C 13Dec48; A1173. The Christian Science R646831 . Mary Robertson "oses. 0 31Jan1l9; G11466. soa r d of Directors (PWA); 13Dec76; The Country road. No. !1133. By Anna James C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. 6£ the Estate R647120. !ary Robertso~ Moses. e 27Dec48; G11124. of Anna Mary Robertson !loses); 23Nov76; Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate R6468114. R611712 3. of Anna Mary Robertson "osesl; 23Rov76; How interesting? By Rudo lf Flesc h. R646831. R646845. o 28Feb49; 1-5377. Rudolf Flesch (P. ); The Hunter: No. M1119. By .Anna Mary 22Nov76; R611 7123. R646832. Robertson "oses. e 31Jan49; G11467. Mary and little lamb. No. "1161. By James C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate R647124. Anna !ary Robertson "oses. e 27Dec48; of Anna Mary Robertson Moses); 23Nov76; How easy? By Rudolf Flesch. e 28Feb 49; G11127. James C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of R6116845. I-5395. Rudolf Flesch (A); 2211 0v 76; the Estate of Anna Mary Robertson !osesl; R647124. 2310v76; R646832. R646846. Hoae for the day. No. !1124. By Anna R6117136. R646lJ33 • Mary Robertson Moses. C 31Jan1l9; G11468. Navy Conference project. pictures 1- 5. Oh IIait for ae. No. "1270. By Anna James C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate By Harold Guetzkov. 0 25!1ay1l 9; K20903. !ary Robertson Moses. e 27Dec1l8; G11136. of Anna "ary Robertson "oses); 23Nov76; Harold Guetzkoll (AI; 26Nov76; R647136 . Jaaes C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate R646846. of Anna "ary Robertson !osesl; 23Nov76; P.647979. R6116833. 1\6116847. Good by all. No. 1263 . By Anna "a r y On the Hudson. No. "1166. By Anna "ary Robertson "oses. e 31Jan1l 9; G1147 3. R646831l. Robertson Moses. e 31Jan49; G11l!69. James C. Tomasi (Ada. c.t.a. of the Esta t e Hoae of Susan B. Anthony. No. "1271. James C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna !lary Robertson ~os e s); 6Dec76; By Anna' Mary Robertson "oses. e 27Dec48; of Anna "ary Robertson !loses); 23Nov76; R647979. G11137. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of R6116847. the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson "oses); R611 7980 . 2380v76; R61168311. R646848. Go for hia, Rover . No. 1274. By "nna The old Kentucky shore. No. "1217. By ~ary Robertson !loses . C 31Jan1l9; G1 1474. B646835. Anna !lary Robertson "oses. e 31Jan49; Jaaes C. Tomasi (Ada .c. t .a . of t he Estate 1'11 aeet you by the woods. No. "1275. G111170. Jalles C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of of P. nna ~a r y Rob ert s on !loses); 6Dec76; By Anna Mary Robertson "oses. e 27Dec48; the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson !loses); R647980. G11138. James C. Toaasi (Adm.c.t.a. of 23Nov76; R646848. the Estate of Anna Mary Robertson !oses); R647981. 23Rov76; R6468 35. R646849. The Break do wn. 110. 1280 . By "n na "ary So long. No. "1258. By Anna "ary Robe r t s on "oses. C 31Jan49 ; G1 1q75. R646836 . Robertson soses, 0 31Jan49; G11471. J aa es C. Tomasi (A da.c.t-a . of t he Est at e The Betsey Russell hoae in suaaer. Ro. Jalles C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna Mar y Ro bertson "os~s); 6D ec76 ; !1277. By Anna "ary Robertson "oses. of Anna "ary Robertson ~oses); 23Nov76; R6117981. e 27Dec48; G11139. Jaaes C. Toaasi R646849. (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna "ary R647982. Robertson !osesl; 23Nov76; B6116836. R646850. Ho e by t he l ake . 11 o . 1282. By "nna Williaastolln in winter. No. "1259. By "ary Roberts on !loses. e 27 Dec1l8; G11141. R6116837. Anna Mary Robertson "oses. C 31Jan1l9; James C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t. a . of t he Esta te The Betsey Russell winter house. No. G11472. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of of Anna " ar y Rober tson "o ses ); 6Dec7 6 ; "1278. By Anna Mary Robertson Moses. the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson !oses); R6117 982. o 27Dec48; G11140. James C. Tomasi 23Nov76; R6116850. (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna Mary R611896 5. Robertson Moses); 23Nov76; R6116837. R646853. Baseball game pl aying f ield. By Gus t av "Nu-View" banjo fingerboard. By J. !tenyon. o 18Kov 49; I -625 11 . Gus tav J. R646838. Severino Frank Marino. e 9!1ar49; K19699. Kenyon (A); 13 Dec76 ; R648965 . The Hitchinq post. No. "1284. By Anna Severin~ Frank !larino (Sev Frank "arino) Mary Robertson Moses. C 27Dec48; G11143. (A); 9Dec76; R646853. R6490110. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate Devi1's head cactls; from the 1949 of Anna !ary Robertson "oses); 23Nov76; R646854. IIildlife conservation stamps. By Wal t e r R646838. "Nu-View" bass fingerboard. By severino Alois i1~ber. e 1Jan49; K192211 . Nat i onal Frank "arino. e 9"ar49; K19698. il1Ldlife Federation (PilH); 13Dec'76; R6116839. Severino Frank Marino (Sev Frank !larino) R649040. In the Green Mountains. By Anna Mary (A); 9Dec76; R646854. Robertson !loses. e 31Jan49; G11461.

602 R649041 - R649293 lion s OF lRT JUL. - DEC. 1976

R649041. Wild lif e Federation (P WB); 13 Dec16 ; R649068. Blacknecked stilt; from the 1949 R649054 . Coralbarry or Indian currant; from the wildlife conservation stamps. By Walter 19119 wi l dl i f e conservation staaps. By llois Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19225. Rational R649055. Walter Alois Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19252. Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec76; Blazi~qstar or qayfeather; froa the 1949 National Wildlife Federation (PWB); R649041. wildlife conservation staaps. By Walter 13Dec16; R649068. 110is Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19239. National R649042. Wildlife Federation (P1IB); 13Dec16; R649069. 1I00se; from 1949 wildlife conservation R649055. "aaaoth; froa the 1949 wildlife stamps. BT walter llois Weber. 0 1Jan49; conservation stamps. By Walter Alois K1922 6. Rational Wildlife' Federation R649056. Weber. I) 1Jan49; K19253. Rational (PWR) ; 13Dec76: R649042. Desert palm; froa the 1949 wildlife Wildlife Federation (PW!!); 13Dec16; conservation stamps. By Walter 1loi8 R649069. R649043. Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19240. Rational Painted trillium; froa 1949 wildlife Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec76; R649070. conservation stamps. BT Walter llois R649056. cinna~on bear; froa the 1949 wildlife Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19227. National conservation staaps. By Walter Ilois Wildlife Federation IPWR); 13Dec76; R649057. Weber. I) 1Jan49: K19254. Rational R649043. Old-squaw duck; froa the 1949 v1.ldlife Wildlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec76; conservation stamps. By Walter Alo1s R649010. R649044. Weber. C lJan49; K192lil. National Red-faced warbler; from 1949 wildlife 1Iildlife Federation (PWB); 13 Dec76 ; R649011. conservation stamps. By Walter llois R649057. Shoveller duck; from the 1949 wildlife Weber . C 1Jan49; K19228. National conservation staaps. By Walter Alois Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec76; R649058. Weber. e lJan49; 11:19255. National R6490411. Brook trout; froa the ~949 wildlife Wildlife Federation (PlIB); 13Dec76; conservation sta aps. By Walter Alois R649071. R649045. Weber. 0 1Jan49: K19242. National Black fox; froa 1949 wildlife con­ Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec76; R649072. servation staaps. BT Walter 1lois Weber. R649058. Porpoise; froa the 1949 wildlife o 1Jan49; K19229. National Wildlife conservation stamps. By Walter Alois Federation (PWB); 13Dec76; R649045. 11649059. Weber. C 1Jan49; 11:19256. National Tellow-headed blackbird; froa the 1949 Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec76; R649046. wildlife conservation staaps. By Walter R649072. Polyphemus moth; from the 1949 wildlife Alois Weber. C lJan49; K19243. National conservation staaps. By Walter Alois Wildlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec16; R649073. Weber. C 1Jan49; K19230. National R649059. Swamp lily; froa the 1949 wildlife Wildlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec76; conservation staaps. By Walter Alois R649046. R64906 O. Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19251. National Serqeantfish; froa the 1949 wildlife­ Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec76; R649047. conservation stamps. By Walter Alois R649073. Yellow ladyslipper; from the 1949 Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19244. National wildlife conservation stamps. By Walter Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec76; R649074. 1lois Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19231. National R649060. lIearns' quail; froa the 1949 wildlife 11 ildlife FE-deration (PWR); 13Dec76; conservation staaps. By Walter Alois R649041. R649061. Weber. 0 1Jan49: K19258. National American crossbill; froa the 1949 1I1ldlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec76; R649048. wildlife conservation stamps. By Walter R649074. Golden-mantled chipmunk; froa the 1949 Alois Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19245. National wildlife conservation stamps. By Walter Wildlife Federation (PWIl); 13Dec76; R649015. llois Weber. C 1Jan1l9; K19232. National R649061. Larger blueflag; froa the 1949 wildlife Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec16; conservation stamps. By Walter Alois R649048. R649062. Weber. C 1Jan49; K19259. National Blue anqelfish; froa the 1949 wildlife Wildlife Federation (PPB) ; 13Dec76; R649049. conservation stamps. By Walter Ilois R649015. Golden eaqle; from the 1949 wildlife Weber. C 1Jan49; -K192 4 6 . National conservation stamps. Dy Walter Alois Wild11 fe Federation (PWB); 13 Dec76; R649076. Weber. C 1Jan49; K19233. National R649062. Stone ftountain sheep; f roa t h e 1949 Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec16; wildlife conservation st a ps. By lIalter R649049. ' R649063. Alois Weber. C 1Jan49; K217 09 . National Pride of California; from the 1949 Wildlife Federation (PWB) ; 13 Dec 76 ; R649050. wildlife conservation staaps. By Walter R649076. Blue-throated hummingbird; from the 1949 llois Weber. C 1Jan49; K19247. Rational wildlife conservation staaps. By Walter Wildlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec16; R649011. llois Weber. C 1Jan49; K19234. Nationl R649063. Children's apperception test (C.LT.) Wildlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec76; By Leopold Bellak. C 1Dec48; G11832. R649050. R649064. Leopold Beltak (A); 6Dec16; R649071. Spotted sea-trout; froa the 1949 R649051. wildlife conservation stamps. By Walter R649290. Western robin; froa the 1949 wildlife 110is lIeber. 0 lJan49; K192118. National Childh~od hoae of Anna lIary Robertson conservation stamps. BT Walter 110is Wildlife Federation (PWIl); 13Dec76; !loses. se, C229. By Anna lIary Robertsoll Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19235. National R649064. !loses. 015!larIl9; G11923. Jaaes C. Wildlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec16; Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of lnna R649051. R649065. ftary Robertson ftoses); 15Dec16; R649290. Baybreasted warbler; from the 1949 R649052. wildlife conservation stamps. By Walter R649291. Ruddy turnstone; from the 1949 wildlife Uois Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19249. Rational Covered bridqe. No. K. By Anna ftary conservation stamps. By Walter Ilois Wildlife Federation (PIIR); 13Dec16; Robertson 1I0ses. C 15ftar49; G11924. Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19236. National R649065. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. ~f the Estate Wildlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec76; of Anna ftary Ilo~rtson !loses); 15Dec16; R649052 . R6119066. R649291. western bluebird; f=om the 1949 wildlife R649053. conservation stamps. By lIalter A101s R649292. White ibis; froa the 1949 wildlife Weber. C 1Jan49; K19250. Rational Boae of Bezekiah Kinq. No. !l339. By conservation staaps. By Walter Ilois Wildlife Federation (PWR); 1311ec76; Anna !lary Robertson ftoses. C 1511ar49; We be r . C lJan4 9; K19237. National R649066. G11925. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of Wildlife Federation (PWR); 13Dec16; the Estate of Anna ftary Robertson ftoses); R649053. R649061. 15Dec16; R649292. Jacana; froa the 1949 wildlife R649054. conservation staaps. By Walter Alois R649293. Orange hawkweed; froa the 1949 wildlife Weber. 0 1Jan49; K19251. National The Sun has qone down. 110. "608. By conservation staaps. By Walter 1lois Wildlife Federation (PWB); 13Dec16; Anna lIary Robertsou !loses. I) 15!lar49; W ber. 0 1Jan49; K19238. National R64906 7. G11926. Jaaes C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of 603 JUL. - DEC. 1976 R649294 - R649913 aoaxs OF ART

R649293 (con,) the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson Koses); R64949'. the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson "oses); 15Dec76; R649306. Grand skating. No. "130r. By Anna !'Iary 15Dec76; R649293. Robertson "oses. D 31Jan49; G11483. R649301. James C. Toaasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate R649294. The ftlll by the bridIe. No. K1311. By of Anna !'Iary Robertson "oses); 17Dec76; Rurricane at hoae. No. 81086. By Anna Anna Kary Robertson Koses. C 1511ar49; R649491. Karv Rob~rtson Koses. C 158ar49; G11927. G11940. James C. ToaasL (Ada.c.t.•a. of James C. To~asi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate th~ Estatp. of Anna "ary Robertson "osesl; R649492. of Anna "arv Robertson ftoses); 15Dec76; 15Dec76; 8649307. Cazellovia Lake, New York. No. 111302. R6119294. By Anna "ary Robertson "oses. D 31Jan49; R649308. G11484. James C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of R649295. In the glen with the deer. No. "1312. the Estate of Anna "ary Robertso !'loses); Church Christaas tree. No. "1105. By By Anna Kary Robertson "oses. C 15"ar49; 17Dec76; R649492. Anna Karv Robertson "oses~ C 15ftar49; G11-941. J/!aes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of G11928. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna "ary Robertson "oses); R649493. the Esta~e of Anna Kary Ro~ertson ftoses); 15Dec76; R649308. The Old school. No. "1304. By Anna 15Dec76; R649295. "ary Robertson "oses. e 31Jan49; G11485. R649309. J~mes C. TOllasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate R6119296. The Day after Christllas. No. !l1314. By of Anna "ary Robertson "osesl; , 7Dec76; COile with me. No. K1142. By Anna Ilary Anna lIary Robertson "oses. C 15"ar49; R649493. Robertson "oses. C 15ftar49; G11929. G119112. James C. Tomasi (Ada. c.t.a. of Jalles C. Toaas! (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate the Est~te of Anna '"ary Robertson "osesl; R649494. of Anna Kar, Robertson 1I0ses); 15Dec16; 15Dec76; R649309. The old grist mill. No. 111306. By Anna R649296. "ary Robertson "oses. D 31Jan49; G'11186. R649310. James C. TOllasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate R649297. IIhich turkey? No. K1315. By Anna lIary of Anna Kary Robertson "oses); 17Dec 76 ; A Nice winter aorning. No. "1202. By Robertson lIoses. C 1511ar49; G11943. R649494. Anna Kary Robertson Koses. C 15"ar49; Jalles C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate G11930. Jues C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of of Anna "ary Robertson lIosesl; 15Dec76; R649495. the Estate of Anna Ilary Robertson !loses); R649310.• On the road to North _' dams. No. "1306. 15Dec76; R649297. By Anna "ary Robertson "oses. D 31Jan49; R649311. G11487. James C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of R6119298. The old hOlle on the hill. No. "1316. the Estate of Anna Kary Robertson !'loses); Oh, helP lie Bowser. No. ft1262. By Anna By Anna Kary Robertson "oses. D 15"ar49; 17Dec76; R649495. ftar, Robertson "oses. C 15"ar49; G11931. G11944. James C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of Jaaes C. TOllasi ·(Ada . c . t . a. of the Estate the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson "osesl; R649528. of Anna "ar, Robertson "oses); 15Dec76; 15Dec76; R649311. The Adoration of the "agio By Sandro R649298. Bottlcelli, author of renewable a at t e r : 8649312. Arthur Jaffe Hel ochrome COllpany. R649299. Topsy and Todle. No. "1317. By Anna o 1Jan49; H1170. New York Graphic I love to fish. No. !l1273. ~y Anna lIary Robertson 80ses. e 1511ar49; G11945. Society, Ltd. (PIIR) ; 20Dec76; R649528. ftar, Robertson lIoses. C 15ftar49; G11932. Jaaes C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t-a. of the Estate J~aes C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 80sesl; 15Dec76; R649529. of Anna ftar, Robertson "oses); 15Dec76; R6119312. "orning aystery. By lIarc Chagall, R649299. author of renewable aatter: R. R. R649484. Donnelley and Sons Coapany. D 1Jan1l9; R649300. Hunting for water. No. 81286. By Anna 81"'. New York Graphic Socip.~y, Ltd. lIe'l1 qo brodyes. No. ft1276. By Anna lIary Rob~rtson "oses. C 31Jan49; G11476. (PIlR); 20Dec76; R649529. ftar, Rob~rtson ftoses. C 15"ar49; G11933. James C. TOllasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate James C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson Kosesl; 17Dec76; R649530 . of Anna ftary Robertson "oses); 15Dec76; R649484. Evening enchantaent. By Karc Chagall, R649300. author of renewable matter: R. R. R649485. Donnelley and Sons Coapany. 1Jan1l9; R649301. The Old grist aill in winter. No. R1'72. New York Graphtc Society, Ltd. Going hOlle. No. !l1299. B, Anna ftary 81289. By Anna "ary Robertson 80ses. (PIIRI; 20Dec76: R649530. Robertson ftos es. C 1511ar49; G11934. o 31Jan49; G11477. James C. Toaasi Jalles C. To ~s i (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna 8ary R649531. of Anna ftar, ~o b e rt s Q n "oses); 15Dec76; ~obertson KOSes); 17Dec76; R649485. His ollnipresence. By Karl Hermann Fritz R649301. Von Uhde, author of renewabl~ matter: R649486. Braun et Coapagn1e. D 'Jan49; 81311­ R649302. Haying in Vermont. No. 111294. By Anna New York Graphic Society, Ltd.' (PIIHI; Aillost hOlle. No. 111300. By Anna "ary Kary Robertson Koses. D 31Jan49; G111178. 20Dec76; R649531. Robertson lIoses. C 15"ar49; G11935. Jaaes C. TOllasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate Jalles C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson "osesl; 17Dec76; R649532. of Anna ftary Robertson "oses); 15Dec76; R649486. The iaterfall. By Renri Rousseau, R649302. author of renewable matt~r: Kax Jaffe. R649487. e 1Jan49; H13211. New York Graphic R649303. Harvesting in olden times. No. "'295. Society, Ltd. (PIIHI; 20Dec76; R64953 2. Greenwich, New York. No. !l1303. By By Anna "ary Robertson Koses. C 3'Jan49; Anna "ar, Robertson lIoses. C 15"ar49; G11479. James C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of R6119554. G11936. Jages C. TOllasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna Kary Robertson "osesl; You can't do busine ss from an e mpty the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson "oses); 17Dec76; R649487. wa;Jon. By Bourke, Holland an d "iller, 15Dec76; R649303. Inc. D 1Dec49; K23625. !'Iartin !'Iiller R649488. (PIlHI; 20Dec76; R6495511 . R649304. At the bend of the river. No. "1296. The Old kitchen. No. ft1305. By Anna By Anna "ary Robertson 80ses. C 31Jan49; R649633. ftarv Robertson ftoses. C 15ftar49; G11931. G111180. James C. TousL (Adll.c.t.a. of GLtting ready for Thanksgiven. No. Jaaes C. Tomasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate the Estate of Anna ~ary Robertson Koses); 1313. By Anna !'Iary Robertson !'loses. of Anna Ilarv Robertson "osesl; 15Dec76; 17Dec76; R6119468. e 31Jan49; G1,Qee. James C. Tomasi R6119304. (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna Ilary R6491189. Robertson Kosesl; '7Dec76; R649633. R649305. Coamunity chest, nUllber 1. No. 111297. Beautiful Thanksqiving Day. No. "1307. By Anna ~ary Robertson ~oses. e 31Jan49; R649912. B, Anna "ar, Robertson "oses. C 15"ar49; G1'481. Jues C. TOadsi (Ad .c.t.a. of Falstaff; a jug. No. D6267. (I 1!'ec49; G11938. Jalles C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson ~oses); GP6106. Doulton and Co pany, Ltd. (PII R); the Estate of Anna ftary Robertson ftosesl; '7Dec76; R649489. 23Dec76; R649912. 15Dec76; R649305. R649490. R649913. R649306. Com unity chest, number 2. No. ~12ge. Saint George; a statuette. No. RN 205'. I all lIilkinq II' cow. No. ft1309. By By Anna "ary Robertson "oses. D 31Jan49; By C. J. Noke. 10ct49; G15062. Anna lIarv Robertson ftoses. C 15"ar49; G11482. James C. Tomasi (Adll. c.t.a. of Doulton and Coapany, Ltd. (PiRI; 23Dec76; G11939. Jaaes C. Toaasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna Kary Robertson ~oses) ; R649913. 17Dec76; R649490. 6011 R649914 - R650081 WORKS OF ART J OL. - DEC. 1976

R6119914. R650055. Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9: G12448. Falstajf: a statuette. No. HN 20511. By September. No. 1048. By Anna lIary Jalles C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate C. J. Noke. C 1oct49; G15065. Doulton Robertson ~oses. C 26Apr1l9; G12435. of Anna Mary Robertson 1I0Ses): 30Dec76; and COIiPanv, Ltd. (PIlH); 23Dec76; James C. Toaasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate R650068. R61199111. of Anna lIary Robertson ~osesl; 30Dec76; R650055. R650069. R6119915. Going for the lIa'.I. No. 1330. By Anna Jersev milkllaid; a statuette. No. HN R650056. Mary Robertson !oses. C 26Apr49; G124119. 2057. BV c. J. Noke. C 10ct49; G15068. HOlle of childhood. No. 10511. By Anna James C. To.asi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate Doulton and COllpany, Ltd. (PlIHI; 23Dec76; lIary Robertson ~oses. C 26Aprij9; G121136. of Anna Mary Robertson 1I0ses); 30Dec16: R6119915. James C. To.asi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate R650069. . of Anna ~ary Robertson 1I0sesl; 30Dec16; R649916. R650056. R650070. Bedtiae ston: a statuette. No. HN The Village store. No. 1331. By Anna 2059. 8V C. J. Noke. C 1OCt1l9; G15070. R650057. lIary Robertson 1I0ses. 0 26Apr1l9; G12450. Doulton and COllpany, Ltd. (PIlHI; 23Dec76; Give us a ride. No. 1318. By Anna lIary Jalles C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate R649916. Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9; G12437. of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0SeS): 30Dec76: James C. TOllasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate R650070. R6500114. of Anna lIary Robertson lIoses); 30Dec16; Belvedere. No. 303. BV Anna Mary R650051. R65007 1. Robertson Moses. C 26Apr1l9; G1211211. The Last load of wood. No. 1332. By Jaaes C. Tomasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate R650058. Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. 0 26Apr1l9; of Anna Marv Robertson Moses): 30Dec76; The lIailaan has gone. No. 1319. By G12451. Jalles C. TOllasi (Adm.c.t.a. of n65001l1l. Anna "ary Robertson ~oses. C 26Apr49; the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson IIOses): G121138. James C. TOllasl (Adll.c.t.a. of 30Dec16; R650071. R6500115. the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0SeS); 1I0unt Nebo in sumller. No. 4110. By Anna 30Dec76; R650058. R650072. lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9; G12425. The Harrington house. No. 1333. By James C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate R650059. Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. 0 26Apr49; of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0Ses); 30Dec76: The Checkered house in 1717. No. 1320. G12452. Jalles C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of R6500115. By Anna lIary Robertson ~oses. C 26Apr49; the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0Ses); G12439. James C. TOllasi (Ada.c.t.a. of 30Dec76; R650012. R6500116. the Estate of Anna lIary Robp.rtson lIosesl; Old checkered house in winter. No. 568. 30Dec76; R650059. R650073. Bv Anna lIary Robertson lIoses. C 26Apr1l9: A wild winter day. No. 13311. By Anna G12426. Jalles C. Toaasi (Ada.c.t.a. of R650060. lIary Robertson 1I0ses. a 26Apr49: G12453. the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson lIosesl: Did you see Uncle John? No. 132;. By Jalles C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. :>f the Estate 30Dec16: R650046. Anna lIary Robertson ~oses. C 26Apr49; of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses): 30Dec76; G12440. Jallles C. TOllasi (Adm. c.t.a. of R650073. R650041. the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0SeS); The First snow. No. 1013. By Anna lIary 30Dec76: R650060. R650074. Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49: G12427. All out for sport. Nc. 1335. By Anna James C. Toaasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate R650061. lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49; G12454. of Anna Mary Robertson 1I0ses): 30Dec76; The Old oaken bucket. No. 1322. By Jalles C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate R6500117. Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49; of Anna lIary Robertson Moses): 30Dec76; G12ij41. Jalles C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. of R6500711. !l6500 48. the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson lIosesl; The Old covered bridge. No. 1014. 8y 30Dec16; R650061. R650075. Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9: lie are COiling to church. No. 1336. By G121128. Jalles C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of R650062. Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. D 26Apr49; the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses); The First fa 11 of sn:>w. No. 1323. By G121155. Jalles C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. of 30Dec76: R650048. Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49; the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0Ses): G1211112. Jalles C. TOllasi (Ada.c.t.a. of 30Dec76: R650075. R650049. the Es~ate of Anna lIary Robertso !oses); In the spring. o, 1016. By Anna lIary 30Dec76: R650062. R650076. Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9: G1 21129. catching the l:urkey. No. B.3911 (K 326) James C. TOllasi (Ad .c.t.a. of the Es~ate R650063. By Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9: of Auna lIary Robertson 1I0ses); 30Dec16; Very deep snow. No. 132ij. By Anna lIary G12~56. Jalles C. Tomasi (Adll.c.t.a. of R650049. Robertson lIoses. C 26Apr49; G1211113. the Estate of Anna lIary Robe~tson 1I0ses); Jalles C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate 30Dec16; R650016. R.650050. of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses): 30Dec76; Sugarinq of f. No. 1030. By Anna lIary R650063. R650077. Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9: G12430. lIy hOlleland. No. KS 1034. By Anna lIary James C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate R6500611. Robertson 1I0ses. 26Apr49: G12457. of Anna lIarv Robertson lIosesl; 30Dec76; A Little ball galle. No. 1325. By Anna Jalles C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Est!te R650050. lIary Robertson Moses. C 26Apr1l9; G121144. of Anna lIary Robertson IIOSeS): 30Dec76; James C. To.as! (Ada.c.t.a. of the Es~ate R650077. R650051. of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0SeS); 30Dec76; In lIay. No. 10113. By Anna lIarv R6500611. R650078. Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9: G121131. Spruce 1I0untain, Veraont. No. KS 101lG. James C. Tomasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate R650065. By Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49: of Anna lIary Robertson lIoses): 30Dec76; A lIinter storm. No. 1326. By Anna lIary G121l58. Jalles C. TOllas! (Ad•• c.t.a. :>f R650051. P.obertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49; G1211115. the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses); James C. Tomasi (Ade.c.t.a. of the Estate 30Dec"76: R6500"78. R650052. of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0SeS); 30Dec76; Jun e. No. 1044. By Anna lIary Robertson R650065. R650079. 1I0ses. C 26Apr1l9; G121132. Jalles C. A Heavy snow. No. KS 1050. By Anna Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna Rl:50066. lIary Rob~rtson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49; G12459. lIary Rob~rtson IIOses); 30Dec16; R650052. lie will celebrate. No. 1327. By Anna James C. To.as! (Ad••c.t-a. of the Estate lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49; G12446. of An~a lIary Robertson 1I0ses): 30Dec76; R650053. James C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of the Estate R650079. In June. No. 10115. BV Anna lIary of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses): 30Dec76; Robertson 1I0ses. 26Aor1l9; G12433. R650066. R650080. Jalles C. Tomasi (Adll.c.t.a. of the Estate Here we go, high o h, No. KS 1051. By of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses); 30Dec7 6: R65006 7. Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. 0 26Apr49; R650053. ~own out of the woods. No. 1328. By G121l60. Jalles C. TOllasi (Adll.c.t.a. of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses. C 26Apr49; the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses); R6500511. G12447. Jalles C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of 30Dec76; R650080. July. No. 1046. By Anna lIary Robertson the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses): 1I0ses. Add. ti: Harvest time. C 26Apr49; 30Dec76; R650067. R650081. G121134. JaMS C. Tomasi (Adm.c.t.a. of The Young skiers. No. KS 1053. By Anna the Estate of Anna lIary Robertson 1I0ses): R€50068. ~ary Rob~rtson ~oses. C 26Apr49; G12461. 30Dec76: R650054. A Pande. No. 1329. By Anna lIary Jalles C. Toaasi (Adll.c.La. of the Estate 605 9650082 - R650085 WORKS OF lilT JUL. - DEC. 1976

R(;50081 (con.) of Anna "ary Robertson "oses): 30Dec76: R650081. 11650082. Winter. No. S 591. By Anna "ary Robertson "oses. C 26Apr1l9: G121162. Jaaes C. Tomasi (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of lnna "ary Robertson "oses): 30Dec76: R650082. . 11650083. Hayaakinq. No. S 595. By Anna "ary Robertson "oses. C 261pr1l9: G12463. Jaaes C. To.as! (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of lnna "ary Robertson "oses): 30Dec76: R650083. R650084. Caabridqe Valley (llcKinneYI By Anna "ary Robertson Iloses. C 261pr49: G121164. Jaaes C. Tomas! (Ada.c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna Ilary Robertson Iloses): 30Dec76: R6500811. R650085. Torkey in the straw. No. 26C (K. 63) By Anna Ilary Robertson Iloses. C 26Apr49: G12465. Jaaes C. Toaas! (Ad•• c.t.a. of the Estate of Anna Ilary Robertson Iloses): 30Dec76: 8650085.

606 n USGPO: 1977 - 244.730