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Art-1976.Pdf Kl18041 - R62 33 42 WORKS OF AIlT JAN. - JUN. 1976 K118041. card number 1. C Serendipity Services, R622572 . Mar ianne. Rus t ic de sk with delicate Ltd.: 2 3Fe b 76 ; KFO-179 . The Flying clippers: the cutty Sark and floral motif wall covering in background. Thermopylae. By !lontague Dawson. Col . print. (Small wonders, no. JSW-6061) KFO-1 80 . C 1 4Dec 4 8 ; Gl l095 . Nyrya Marianne Dawson James Studios, Inc., divisio~ of Ha pp y birthday . Juvenile drawing of ( C) ; 2Jan76: R622572. Ma s oni t e Corporation; lJu176; Kl 18041. child holdin g string of kite . Author of the print: Carol Anne Nichols. Canada . R622573 . Kl 180 4 2. print; greeting card folder .(" I' d rather Onward: the clipper ship Sweepstakes, Chi ne se grill. Oriental table, ottoman do it Ilys e l f " s eries) Add. ti: Birthday built in 18 53 of some 1600 tons. By & decorative figure with geometric motif card number 2. e Serendipity Services , Montague Dawson . C 14Dec48; Gl1096. wall covering in background. Col. r r i nt , Lt d.; 2 3Fe b76 ; KYO-180 . Nyrya Marianne Dawson (C); 2Jan76; (Small wcnders. no. JSW-6013) C James R622573. Seeman Studios, Inc., division of !lasonite KFO-181. Corporation; lJu17€; K1180 4 2 . Ha ppy birthday . Juvenile drawing of R622574. child, rocket in the air. Author of the A Quatering wi n d : the Carrie Reed of K 11 804 3. print: Carol Anne Nichols. Canada. 1400 tons, built in 1870. By Montague Sno wflakes. Victorian-stvled bathroom Print; greeting card folder . ("I 'd rather Dawson. C 14Dec 4 8 ; Gl l097 . Nyrya with heart & snowflak e patterned wall do it myself" series) Add . ti: Birthday Mar ianne Da wson ( C) ; 2J a n 76 ; R62 2574. c ove r i ng in background. Col. print. card number 3. 0 Serendipity Services, (Small wonder e, no . J SW-6 102) C James Ltd.; 2 3Fe b 76 ; KFO-181 . R623281. See man S t ud i o s , Inc., divisicn of !lasonite Under the sky. By Mabel C. 0 ' Donnell, c or po ra t i o n ; lJu176; Kl18043. KFO-182. photographer: Eric Bender. g 19 Aug 48; Happy birthday . Juvenile drawing of the J5169. Mabel C. O'Donnell (A); 5Jan76: Kl 18 0 44. sun. Author of the print: Carol Anne R623281 . Ba s ke t weave. Oriental-styled cabinet Nichols. Canada. print; greeting card s i ~ k . chandelier & mirror with wall folder. ("I'd rather do it myself " R623 28 2. cov ering patterned with flowers on s eries) Add . ti: Birthday card number 4. Skip along. By !label C. O'Donnell, s i mul ated woven background . Col. print. C Serendipity Services, Ltd.; 23Feb76; photographe r: Eric Bender. e 2 2Ju148 : (Small wcnd ers, no. JS.-6202-EL) C James KFO-1 8 2. J5170. !label C. 0' Donnell (A): 5Jan76; Seeman St u di o s , Inc• • division of !lasonite R623 282. Cor po rat i o n ; lJul76; K1 18044. KfO-1 83. Happy birthday. Juvenile drawing of R623283 . K11 8045. bare tree. Author of the print: Carol Open the door. By !label C. 0 ' Donnell, Pro ve nce . French provincial etagere & Anne Nichols. Canada. Print; greeting photographer: Eric Bender . 0 19Nov48; c hair with f l o r a l striped wall covering in card folder. ("I'd rather do it Iliyself" J51 611 . Mabel C. O'Donnell (A); 5Jan76: b ack ground. Col. cri nt , (S lIall wcnders, series) Add. ti: Birthday card number 5. R623283. n o. J SW-6050) C James Seem an Sturlios, C Se r en di pi t y Services, Ltd.; 23Yeb76; Inc., division of !la s on i te Corporation; KFO- 183. R623284. l Jul76: Kl18045. Animals to know. By !label C. O'Donnell, KFO-1 84. photographer: Eric Bender. 0 25Aug48; Follow the happy kite. Kite & J5173. Mabel C. 0 ' Donnell (A); 5Jan76: lettering. Canada. print; folder. (I'd R623284. KF rather do it myself series, no. 03) Add. ti: Invitation . Appl. a u : Carole Anne R623285. Nichols. C Serendipity Services, Ltd.: Away we go. By !label C. O'Donnell, KF136 . 2 3Fe b76 ; KFO-1 84. ph o tographer: Eric Bender . 0 25Aug48: Remtrandt Van Ri;n, 1642, Ecce Homo in J5174 . !label C. O'Donnell (A): 5Jan75: " De Nachtwacht." Soldiers. Author of the KFO- 185. R623285 . print: Paul R. Hilf. West Germanv. Pun , ski!, or hop to. Boy & lettering. Print. Add. ti: Hidden Ecce Homo I found Canada. Print ; folder. (I'd rather do it R623286 . in " The Night watch," plus other portraits myself series, no. 02) Add. ti: I live in the city. By !label C. i n it. N!I: rev. drawing material. <) Paul Invitation . Appl. au: Carole Anne O'Donnell, photographer: Eric Bender. R. Hilt: 30!lav75; KF136. Nichols. 0 Serendipity Services, Ltd.; c 2 5Aug 48 ; J5175. Mabel C. O' Donnel l 23feb76: KFO-1 85. (A): 5Jan76; R6232 86. KF13 7 . Sha nt i yoga. your daily clock-sun KYO-16 6. R623294 . sal u t a t i on . !Ian demonstrating positions & Placemat. Spoons, knife & forks. I live in the country . By !label C. rel ig i o us s ymbo l s in circular arrangement. Canada. Print : plastic. (I'd r at her do O'Donnell , photographer: Eric Bender. Author of the print: Shanti Parakh. it myself series, no . 01) Appl. au: o 15Jan48; J5059 . Mabel C. O'Donnel l Can a da . Col . pri&t: greeting card folder. Carole Anne Nichols. C Serendipity (A); 5Jan76; R623294. Add. ti: Peace. Prevo pub . 2Dec74. N!I: Services, Lt d.: 23Feb7€: KYO- 186. a dd i t i ons. C Shanti Parakh; 27Nov75; R623338 . KF13 7 . The Education of the Virgin. By George s De La Tour. C 27!1ay48; Hl028. The Fric k R Collection (PWH); 7Jan76; R623338. KFO R623339. R62 24 12 . Louis 16t h cabinet in style of Andr e Still life with peaches. By Auguste Charles Boulle an d Chinese porcelain K FO- l 77 . Ren o i r , author of renewable matter: Art.hur figurine of K'ang Hsi period. 0 26!1ay4 8; Follow the yellow brick road. Winding Jaffe. C lDec48: K18801 . The Museum of J44 5 8. The Fri ck Collection (PW H) ; road . Author of the print: Carcl A~ne !loden. Art (PWH) 1 7Dec75 ; 1\62241 2. 7Jan76; R62333 9. Nichols. Canada. Print; greeting card fol der . ("I'd rather do it myself" R62 2569. R623340. serie s) Add. ti: Invitation number 1. The Windlass. By !lontague Dawson . Boucher Room, north wall. g 26!1ay48: e Se r e nd i pi t y Services, Ltd.: 23Feb76 ; c: 14 Dec4 8 ; Gl1092. Nyrya !larianne Dawson J4459. The Frick Collection (P WH): KFO-177. (C); 2Jan 76 : R622569. 7Jan 76 ; R623340 . KFO-178. R622570 . R62334 1. "I'd rather do it myself" series. Skipping along: the " For e s t Queen " of 18th century French calendar c l oc k: Scr ol l e d letter S with ports. of c hildren Boston, 593 tons , built in 1856 at wo rk s by Fe r di n an d BerthOUd , gilt-bronze within curves . Author of the print: Carol Rockland , !'Iaine. By !'Iontague Dawson . mounts by Philippe III Caffieri , dated Ann Nichols. Canada. Print: greeting C 14Dec48: Gl 1093. Nyrya Maria nne Dawson 1767 . Detail : face . 026!1ay48; J 44 6 0. card folder. C Serendipity Services, ( C) ; 2Jan 76 ; li622570 . The Frick Collection ( PW H): 7J a n7 6 : Ltd.: 23feb76: KFO-178 . R62334 1. R6225 7 1. KFO-179 . Tropical starlight: the He rald of the R6233 42 . Ha pp v birthdav. Juvenile drawing of Morning, 1300 tons , built at Mudford in Gray ~arble table (Pierre Gouthiere . girl ho ldinq flower stems. Author of the 1 855. By !lontague DawsoL. e 14DE<C48; 17 40 - 1 8 06) wi t h Louis 16t h or~olu and print: Carol Anne Nichols . Canada. Gl l094. Nyrya Marianne Daws on (e); p r i ~t; sho wing Chi ne s e jars. 0 3Jun48 ; J4464 . qreeting card f older. ("I'd rather 2J a n 76: R62 2571 . The Fr ick Collection (PW H); 7J an76; do It myself" series) Add. ti: Eirthdav R623342. 536 R624319 - R628C82 WORKS OF ART JAN. - JUN. 1976 B62 43 19 . R6264 14 . Company. C 15Nov48; Hl l 32. New York Cact us Chief, Arizona 's o wn. By Kay Ca refree days . e 13 Dec 4 8; K18283 .The Graphic Society, Ltd. (PIIH) ; 111!ar76; /lande11. Add. ti: Cactus Chief , sentinel Thomas D. /lurphy Company (PI/H) ; 23Feb76; R627659. of Arizona desert. C 14Jun48 ; J4467 . 1\626 414. Kay /landell (A); 19J a n 7 6 ; R624319. R627660. R6264 17 . The Niccolini-Cowper /Iadonna . By R624533. Gameboard for Scrabble . By James Raphael , author of renewable matter: A Game of b orse and rider. Ey Jean Brunot. 0 1De c4 8 ; K18528. Selchow and Arthur Jaffe Heliochrome Company. Honore Fraqonard. C 26Jan48; H951. New Righter Company (P IIH); 23Feb76 ; R626417 . C 15Apr48; H1134. New York Graphic York Graphic Society, Ltd. (PIIH ); Society , Ltd. (PIIH); 1 1I1ar76 ; R6271>60. 23Jan76; R624533 . R626678. J e s t e r, poodle dog . By /lalvina Hoffman. R627661. R624534. C l€Feb5 1 (in notice: 19 48 ); GP1756 . Beach promenade. By Raoul Dufy, author A Game of hot cockles. By Jean Honore Charles L. Hoffman (E) ; 4Feb76; R626678 . of renewabl e matter: Art hur Jaffe Fraqonard. Q 26Jan48; H952 . New York Heliochrome Company. 0 1 0c t 1l 8 ; H1135.
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