Ihtutamson Olountg Hiatoncal ^Ocietg Publicattfln No, 17

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Ihtutamson Olountg Hiatoncal ^Ocietg Publicattfln No, 17 'i iHtUtamson Olountg Hiatoncal ^ocietg Publicattfln No, 17 0 « \ --£) "»iC \ ?/«• '9 ,.l^ i?' \ 0 I FftAMKum ef- l\ w L s N y«. ♦4/^ st \ c» :nv- \ ;eA«^ « /1b^ •/ Ts**" \ C0i^w> Vu.-r--i ^ yOJ5)£> C<?. spring IBBB X IT WILLIAI'iSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATION Number 17 Spring 1986 Published by Williamson County Historical Society Franklin, Tennessee 1986 WILLIAMSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATION Number 17 Spring 1986 Published by the Williamson County Historical Society EDITORS Mrs. Katharine Shelburne Trickey OFFICERS President Dr. William J. Darby 1st Vice-President T. Vance Little \ Treasurer Herman E. Major Recording Secretary Mrs. John T. Lester Corresponding Secretary Mrs. David M. Lassiter PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Mrs, Katharine Shelburne Trickey, Chairman T, Vance Little Mrs. Louise G. Lynch George F, Watson Mrs, Virginia G. Watson The WILLIAMSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICAT^N is sent to all members of the Williamson County Historical Society. The annual membership dues are $10.00 for an individual and $12.00 for a family. This includes this publication and a frequent NEWSLETTER to all members. Correspondence concerning additional copies of the WILLI2\MS0N COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATION should be addressed to Mrs, Clyde Lynch, Route 10, Franklin, Tennessee 37064. Contributions to future issues of the WILLIAMSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATION should be addressed to T. Vance Little, Beech Grove Farm, Route 1, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027. Correspondence concerning membership and payment of dues should be addressed to Herman E. Major, Treasurer, P. O. Box 71, Franklin, Tennessee 37064. PRESIPEMT'S REPORT Tkl6 ?ubLic.cLtlon 17_ thz County Ht6toA.tc.CLl S0c.t2.ty maAk6 the mtd-yeaA. 0^ Tenne66ee Homecomtng 'S6 - an event that t6 acceZeA.attng a mounttng tnteAe6t tn toeaZ ht6toAy and geneoZogy, tn6ttZZtng pAtde tn ouA. eommanttte6 and pAomottng a AetuAn to netghboAZtne66, The Ae6uZttng envtAonment hetghten6 tnteAe6t tn and the pAQJittge 0^ oua Ht6toAteaZ Soctety. Economtc gAoioth tn WtZZtam6on County had aZAeady e^-^eeted evtdent changes, espectaZZy appaAent tn BAentwood and PAankZtn. In Zate J985, the announcement by GeneAaZ MotoAS to Zocate the SatuAn pZant at Haynes Haven neaA SpAtng HtZZ angeAS moAe Aaptd and dAasttc changes not onZy tn the Zandscape 0^ hiauAy County and. southeAn WtZZtamson County, but potenttaZ aZteAattons tn and ^eaAed dtSAuptton 0^ communtty stAuctuAes, ZtiestyZes and vaZues, tn- cZudtng Zosses oi htstoAtcaZ sttes. Such a mtZteu tncAeases both tnteAest tn and tmpoAtance o{, the HtstoAtcaZ Soctety, It aZso pZaces gAeateA AesponstbtZtty on the membeAshtp to amass, oAgantze and dtssemtnate needed htstoAtcaZ tnioAmatton as gutdance ^oa those engaged tn pZanntng, destgn and constAuctton 0^ the changtng scene, In^oAmatton must be AeadtZy avatZabZe and sttes weZZ tdentt^ted. to assuAe max.tmum aujaAeness and pAotectton oi ktstoAtc pZaces. Oua WtZZtamson County HtstoAtcaZ Soctety addAesses these ^uncttons. The substance OjJ htstoAy tncZudes the cuZtuAaZ AecoAds o^ the peopZe 0(5 the Aegton and thetA {^oAebeaAeAS - AecoAds dtspZaytng events, kappentngs, tnstttuttons and peASonaZtttes that have shaped past changes tn oua aAea, And change ts tnevttabZe tn a dynamtc soctety. The htstoAtans do not seek to matntatn the status quo, but to pAeseAve the knowZedge and gutdeposts o^ the past tn oAdeA to gtve dtAecttons to gutde contempoAaAy happentngs, The peAspec- ttve 0|5 the past can aZZow a cZeaAeA vtew OjJ the iutuAe, In mAds Of5 Utnston ChuAchtZZ addAesstng the RoyaZ CoZZege 0^ Phystctans tn London tn 1944, "The ZongeA you can Zook back, the ^uAtheA you can see ioAuooJid," The seZecttve eiioAts oi oua EdttoAtaZ Commtttee and the Ae- seaAch o^ contAtbutoAS to the j'ouAnaZ pubZtcatton 0^ the WtZZtamson County HtstoAtcaZ Soctety aAe tnvaZuabZe AesouAces. Many otheA acttvtttes oi the Soctety aZso addAess such needs. ExampZes oi (Lufifitnt ^ncludz the augmtntzd ll&tlng and mapping oi tht c.zmtttfiiQ.& in tliz county^ id&nii^ication with maakca^ ^igniii- cant ki&tofiic &itc^, incZuding the AachitcctuaaZ Awaadi given jointty by the Society and the Heritage foundation and the pZacing o£ permanent maakeu by the Hi^toaicaZ Society. Thi& yeafi two ^uch ma/ikeai have been in^taZZed'. the Lotz HouAe and the Rigg^i CfLO&& Road^ Cemeteay. E^peciaZZy aewafiding wa& the ae&pon&e in quantity and vaaiety o^ photogaaphi to be copied by the Tenne66ee State Libaaay and Aachive^ a& a &peciaZ project ioa Homecoming '86. Thi& events, 6pon6oaed j'ointZy by the County Hi^tofiicaZ Society, the Hefiitage Foundation, the OJiZZiam^on County Libfiaay and the State Libfiafiy and Aachive-i,, i& an exampZe o^ the incaea^ingZy ^aequent pJLoductive coZZaboaation between the community o^ hi&tofiicaZZy o/ciented gaoupi. The paogaam o^ monthZy meetings o^ the Society tfieat hi&toKic events, site6 and pcA^onaZitie.6 o^ aeZevance to cufiaent happen ings, Two such p/Logaams ^aom this yeafi may be cited as iZZustaative: (1) a meeting at Spaing HiZZ at which the histoay oi impoatant sites theae was inteaestingZy reviewed and (2) an in^oamative papea on important Indian sites in (fJiZZiamson County and adjacent aaeas. Jn addition to being stimuZating schoZaaZy events these meetings paomote ^eZZowship and enjoyabZe sociaZ inteachange between membeas and occasions to make deZight^uZZy in^oamative ^ieZd taips to sites that otherwise may be but names to many membeas. Some oi the most important aesouaces avaiZabZe ^oa those interested in WiZZiamson County are individuaZ contributions OjJ men\bers OjJ the HistoricaZ Society. To appreciate this one needs mereZy to note the impressive variety o^ avaiZabZe pubZications Zisted in the 1984 journaZ, or to re^er to the cZassic Historic kliZZiamson County by our County Historian, Virginia McVanieZ bowman. These and other such key contributions by members are now further enriched by the beauti^uZZy iZZustrated Historic Brentwood by Vance LittZe with its photographs by Doug Brachey, and by the extensive coZZection ol biographicaZ articZes, i'Jho's i^ho i^ WiZZiamson County, compiZed by LuZa fain Uajors and the newspaper Excerpts, WiZZiamson County T922-35 compiZed by Louise Lynch, Rzc.0Qn4,ZyLng tkz vclZuz iuch schoZa^Ah^p and -to c.n- aoafiagz Zt tkz WZlJbiam6on County HtitofLlcat Soatzty tn6tttutzd tti Azv&A.aZ Aioaadi ^zcognttton. Thz tMo awafidzzA honoAzd at tht6 y&aa'A annual Awa/td dtnnzK we-te.: T. l/ance Ltttlz - tkz Vl&tlngul&kzd Staolaz kvoafid Vofin.l& Calllcott VougZa&A - Mo6t Outstanding kuttatz Jin tkz 19S5 Journal Jamzs A. HoobZza, Executive Vlfiecton. tke Tennessee Historical Societyf described hiaskvllle during occupation by tke Union forces, vividly Illustrating tke occupied city mltk contemporary pkotograpks ^rom kls book Cities Under tke Gun«' Images oJ_ Occupied Haskvllle and Chattanooga. Tkls Indication o^ the depth oi historical Interests repre sented iMltkln tke Williamson County Historical Society makes evident why I consider It a singular honor to have served as president. Uy tenure has been rewarding because tke Involved Interest o^ tke membership, tke Initiative and eUlclency o^ tke several chairmen and committees, and tke knowledge, support and work o^ tke several o{^{^lcers. I am especially grateful ^or tke guidance o^ our past president, Jack Gaultney, {)or the excellent planning and supportive attention to so many details by i/ance Little, and ^or tke everready assistance o^ my wlf^e, Elva. To all I express my sincere appreciation, William 3. Varby, M,V., Pk.V. President WCHS 19S5-19S6 FOR SALE The following publications on Williamson County, Tennessee, are for sale by; Mrs. Clyde Lynch Route 10 Franklin, Tennessee 37064 The following Williamson County Historical Society Publications ares Publication #1, 4, 10, 12, 15 - OUT OF PRINT Publication #2.: ,,. The Crockett House; The Battle of Franklin, Memories of Sunny Side School; Mt. Zion Methodist Episcopal Church; Sumner's Knob; The Tenth Tennessee's "Battle Flag" - $6.00 + $1.00 postage. Publication //33':: The Edmondson Family; A Short History of Saint Philip Catholic Church; Green Hill; Soldiers of the War of 1812; First Inhabitants of Brentwood;^ Thomas Stuart; The Presbyterian Church in Williamson County; The Fates of Three Cousins - $6.00 + $1.00 postage. Publication #5; A Williamson Countian Reminisces; Reunion at Gettysburg; Leiper's Fork (Hillsboro) Boxmere; Old Settlers at Boxmere; The Covered Bridge at Triune; Some Recollections of Franklin; The Tennessee Years of Thomas-Hart Benton; Yankee in the Garden - $6.00 + $1.00 postage. Publication #6: The Master of Montpier; A Bibliography of Williamson County History; First Settlers and Forts in Northern Williamson County, Tennessee; So Much For So Little; Hotels and Taverns of Williamson County; The Hog Killings; The Hart Site, Williamson County, Tennessee; Williamson County, Tennessee Militia Commissions; Civil War Diary of 3 Captain William J. Robinson - $6.00 + $1.00 postage. Publication #7: The History of Trinity Station Methodist Church; My Recollections of Old Hickory and the Powder Plant; The Frost Connection; Old Harpeth Academy, a Casualty of the Civil War; Eye witness Account of the Battle'of Franklin; Frances Was A .Lady; The Wilkins. Whitfield Family of Williamson County; Letter from Collin McDaniel to his sister, June 15, 1826; Some Early Settlers op Arrington Creek; Fort Granger - $5.00 + $1.00 postage. ,Publication #9; The War Memorial Public Library; The Franklin Female Institute; Drama On The Big Harpeth; Peter Hardeman Burnett
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