Abd Al-Malik, Warda, 225, 234 Al-Awba 234–6 Abduh, Muhammad, 69 Abdulaziz
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76104-8 - A Most Masculine State: Gender, Politics, and Religion in Saudi Arabia Madawi Al-Rasheed Index More information Index Abd al-Malik, Warda, 225, 234 Alim, Raja, 175n. al-Awba 234–6 alimas, 81, 83, 250 Abduh, Muhammad, 69 alimat al-haramayn, 80 Abdulaziz [ibn Fahd], 145 Altorki, Soraya, 15, 86 Abdullah, King, 64, 148, 161 academic work on Saudi women, education of women and, 141, 33–4 149–50 Amira (wife of al-Walid bin Talal), emancipation of women and, 20–1, 140 28–9, 150, 202, 288–9, 293 and driving ban, 140n., 169 female protestors and, 289–90 Amnesty International, 35 marriage, 96 amr bil maruf wa al-nahy an reform and, 21, 141, 153, 154, 293 al-munkar, 49. See also novelists and, 203 commanding right and forbidding Abdullah ibn Hussein, 12 wrong Abdullah ibn Juluwi, 61 Anderson, Benedict, 7 Abha, 248, 290 anti-colonial movements, 3–4, 6 Abou El-Fadl, Khaled, 45–6 absent in Saudi Arabia, 8–9, 17, 44, Abu Khalid, Fawziyya, 83, 175n. 65, 66, 68 Abu-Lughod, Lila 16, 195 in India, 6, 7, 9 academic work on Saudi women, 33–5 ulama and, 9 Adilla [al-/bint Abdullah], 96, 140, women’s emancipation and, 3, 4 143, 150, 163, 259 Arab Spring, 284–7 al-Ahmad, Yusif, 161 communication technology and, 36, Ajlan ibn Muhammad, 61 286 Ajlan’s wife participation of women in, 285, 286 role in foundation myth of the Saudi state response to, 21, 285, Saudi state, 61–2 286, 287, 293 Ajman (tribe), 63 Saudi Shia and, 286–7 Ali, Sharif, 10, 11 Saudi women and, 35, 36, 286–7, al-Ali, Muhammad, 236 292 315 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76104-8 - A Most Masculine State: Gender, Politics, and Religion in Saudi Arabia Madawi Al-Rasheed Index More information 316 Index Arab Women Students’ Centre, al-Bishr, Shaykh Mutrif, 145n.
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