Punjabi Women in the Changing Socio-Cultural Environment of Pakistan: 1977-2012

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Punjabi Women in the Changing Socio-Cultural Environment of Pakistan: 1977-2012 i Punjabi Women in the Changing Socio-cultural Environment of Pakistan: 1977-2012 A Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Pakistan Studies Shehzadi Zamurrad Awan 2015 Pakistan Study Centre, University of the Punjab New Campus, Lahore, Pakistan vi Abstract In contemporary world, the placement of women in the changing socio-cultural environment has become a point of discussion among various scholars, human right activists and media personals. This debate revolves around the impact of different dominant variables on women placement in variant societies. Generally in Pakistan and particularly in Punjab, the mentioned intellectual debate about the women position in society from various angels has taken place. Through this research, we will examine the traditional socio-cultural placement of women in Punjab, keeping in view the centuries old patriarchal system supported by conservative interpretation of religion and gender bias customary practices prevalent in society, across the social classes and rural/urban division. During this research, our investigation revolves around the impact of agents of change; education, political process, media and civil society organizations in reshaping women condition in Punjabi society. After a detailed study of available literature, including primary and secondary sources at various public and private libraries; various women right activists, scholars and lawyers are interviewed to reach at expert opinion on various aspects of the lives of Punjabi women. Apart from this, through a comprehensive questionnaire from aspirant female university students of Punjab, an attempt has been made to understand the challenges they face in different segments of their lives. I have derived a conclusion from the mentioned research method that the condition of women in Punjabi society has been unevenly transformed in a way that in some segments of life they are conditionally independent, while in other they face various challenges posed by the centuries old socio-cultural customs and practices. To improve the women condition in Punjabi society, I suggest an effective curriculum at primary and secondary level, in which the boys and girls are portrayed as equal members in society. Secondly, a firm implementation of pro-women laws should be made possible to culminate the growing percentage of various crimes against female population. Thirdly, civil society and media need to be matured in their struggle against gender related injustices and biases, presenting practical solutions to the victims and state machinery. Fourth, women representation in national and provincial legislatures should be equal to men, corresponding to their percentage of population, so that the pro-women laws with a deep conviction and understanding are formulated. 1 Chapter 1: Introduction The peripheral position of women remains a ubiquitous phenomenon, throughout the history of mankind, regardless that some religions provided an opportunity for the women to be an equal partner. Interestingly, the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Babylonia provided women, considerable rights if compared to the pre-democratic society of Athens, as they could own property, work in different sectors of economy and even could take part in public life.1 This trend continued throughout the centuries. Conversely, Islam right from its advent granted better treatment for women, in all walks of life.2 It was around 18th century that some attention was given to women rights in different societies. This development synchronized with the advent of colonial dispensation. Hence, such issues like women‘s right got resonated in the colonies. Similarly, about European societies, it can be said that although they had liberal pretensions, however maintained their conservative stance on the question of women rights. For example, the women status before World War I (1914- 18) and World War II (1939-45) was confined to domestic chores, where only few could manage to enter the job market and that was also under dire necessity. Before 1914, there were few countries like New Zealand, Australia, and several Scandinavian nations, which enfranchised their women, but it did not determine that women were fully involved in 1James C. ―Thompson, Women in the Ancient World: The Status, Role and Daily Life of Women in the Ancient Civilizations of Egypt, Rome, Athens, Israel and Babylonia,‖ Posted March 07, 2013, http://www.womenintheancientworld.com/, This comparison is further elaborated by a historian Rit Nosotro in his writing ―Women in Ancient Greece and Egypt‖, March 07, 2013http://hyperhistory.net/apwh/essays/comp/cw03women-egypt-greece.htm.: ―In the early civilization of Greece the society was based on a patriarchal society. Because of this women had very little freedom, unlike the Egyptians. The women were watched and held under the supervision of a male at all times, whether it was their father, brother, or husband. The few times that women were able to leave their home were to go to weddings, funerals, or other religious festivals, or to briefly visit female neighbors. Other than these times, the women stayed at home. Their main job and role in this early time was to run the house, the most respected job, and to bear children. Most homes, however, had slaves, so the women of the house would simply take care of the children and make clothes for the family‖. 2The Prophet (PBUH) in his last sermon on 632 A.C, stated, ―O People it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women but they also have rights over you.‖ 2 political process. In Britain, the women got the right to vote in 1918, with some limitations, however in 1928 they were granted equal voting rights. Women rights movements in America have gone through three phases. First phase started in 1840, which successfully achieved the voting rights for women in 1920 but the demand of equal rights continued and led to the formation of different women organizations like Planned Parenthood Federation of America and National Council of Negro Women. The second phase (1960-1980) is considered important in terms of rising socio-cultural issues of women, leading to the formation of National Organization for Women in 1966. This phase pressurized the government for some important legislation and side by side the federal judiciary gave significant decisions in this regard. One of the examples is the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, which abolished gender discrimination and granted the right of abortion to women. The third phase (1990-Present) is continuation of the previous two phases, in which women in large number enrolled into educational institutions and job market and also became successfully independent, gaining right of marriage and inheritance. From America and Europe, the women rights movement spread to other parts of the world. Still, it took several decades for various governments to introduce appropriate laws granting the rights of women in matters of property, marriage, employment and began to address various socio-political issues.3 Although the women of British India remained far behind their western counterparts, however, there were still few instances where they managed to make some space for themselves. For example, in the provincial elections of 1937, they attained the right to vote. The awareness of socio-economic and political rights of the Pakistani/Punjabi women was set in motion right from the days of Pakistan‘s independence movement, since 1940. Their participation was endorsed and encouraged by the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his companions. As witnessed later, the women participation could not retain its momentum nor did its effectiveness and decay in the social status of women become a norm in the newly established state of Pakistan. 3Barbara Epstein, ―Feminist Consciousness After the Women‘s Movement,‖ Monthly Review, Vol. 54, No. 04 (September, 2002). Posted March 12, 2013, http://monthlyreview.org/2002/09/01/feminist- consciousness-after-the-womens-movement 3 Consequently, the question of women having equal status in the society remained unresolved though effectively debated at least till 1980s, notwithstanding the Muslim Family Law Ordinance (MFLO) of 1961. While examining the struggle of women rights in British India, one factor should not be neglected that it arrived late in Pakistan, in comparison to European and American societies. The major reasons of this delay and marginal role of women were ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity, along with high percentage of illiteracy. This phenomenon becomes more complex when examined in terms of rural and urban settings. This intricacy in the emergence of women rights in Pakistan is further explained by Professor Amna Imam, Unlike the West, where once none of the women had the right of inheritance, and where no woman could own property in her name, Pakistani society is a mosaic of rights and obligations. Some women have power, others do not. This explains, at least to some extent, the inception of strong sisterhood and feminism in the West and other homogeneous cultures, and the relative absence of the same unified force in Pakistan.4 However, in this respect, one universal factor should not be over-looked that globally the women demands for their rights differed according to the urgency and values of the respective societies. Later, as the global communication system improved and there was more awareness about other societies, the variations transformed into an accepted comprehensive and unified demand of equal rights. The intentions and desires of the founding fathers regarding women status could not materialize because the Punjabi society of Pakistan overtly exhibits the patriarchal mind- set and its culture continues to adhere a traditional outlook, which commonly discriminates against the women and deny them a rightful place in the society. Consequently, women‘s participation in social, economic and political spheres has been curtailed and is heavily depended on the approval/disapproval of men, of the family, who continue to dominate the decision making processes of all natures, within the household.
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