-1 THE TEESDALE MEROURT—WEDNESDAY, JfNB -19, into the north end of Taganylka seems to point to a A BIGAMIST CONVICTED. THE SUMMER CIRCUITS OF TUU TOWN TALK. Summary of Passing Events. yet further system of central lakes, Taganyika, on At the Central Criminal Court, before the common JUDGES. BY OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. our present maps, being represented as lapping at Serjeant, Henry Seymour, 75, was charged with The remainder of the Summer Circuits have bee:: IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. THERE is no immediate prospect of a satisfactory its north end the south shores of the Mountains of feloniously marrying Annio Elizabeth Pugh, his fixed as follows, viz.:— Our rwders iriU understand that we dj not no ourselves wife being then alive. arrangement being come to between the master the Moon. But that Livingstone is at Unyanyembe OXFORD (Mr. Justioe Grove and Mr. Justice HOUSE OF LORDS.—-In the LOT* on Moud.iv night L responsible for w alls Correspondent's opinion*. Mrs. Sadie, of Southampton, deposed that she Quain).—Reading, Tuesday, July 9 ; Oxford, Satur che second reading of the Ballot Bill WM moved by (Ml builders and their workmen in London. What the seems hardly probable, Unyanyembe being a district witnessed the marriage of the prisoner, in the name day, July 13; Worcester, Thursday, July 18• A. WIT Ascot week is in London a public misfor Thv' reiec*im of the measure was pr..posed by Karl Bml men demand is that 51 shall be substituted for 56£ on the western coast, in lat. 20 deg.—25 cleg., and of Cavendish, at the register-office, on the 10th of Stafford, Wednesday, Jnly 24; Shrewsbury, Saturday who w * f-'V.-.w.-d brthe 1' ike of hvl «•! The m'lel tune for the large alas a who are the best customers hours per week, and that their wages shall be raised considerably to the south-west of Taganyika." August, 1861, to Alcthea Thomas, and that Bhe had August 3 ; Hereford, Wednesday, August 7 ; Mon duke slated thai, although be should -v.*.
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