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-1 THE TEESDALE MEROURT—WEDNESDAY, JfNB -19, into the north end of Taganylka seems to point to a A BIGAMIST CONVICTED. THE SUMMER CIRCUITS OF TUU TOWN TALK. Summary of Passing Events. yet further system of central lakes, Taganyika, on At the Central Criminal Court, before the common JUDGES. BY OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. our present maps, being represented as lapping at Serjeant, Henry Seymour, 75, was charged with The remainder of the Summer Circuits have bee:: IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. THERE is no immediate prospect of a satisfactory its north end the south shores of the Mountains of feloniously marrying Annio Elizabeth Pugh, his fixed as follows, viz.:— Our rwders iriU understand that we dj not no ourselves wife being then alive. arrangement being come to between the master the Moon. But that Livingstone is at Unyanyembe OXFORD (Mr. Justioe Grove and Mr. Justice HOUSE OF LORDS.—-In the LOT* on Moud.iv night L responsible for w alls Correspondent's opinion*. Mrs. Sadie, of Southampton, deposed that she Quain).—Reading, Tuesday, July 9 ; Oxford, Satur che second reading of the Ballot Bill WM moved by (Ml builders and their workmen in London. What the seems hardly probable, Unyanyembe being a district witnessed the marriage of the prisoner, in the name day, July 13; Worcester, Thursday, July 18• A. WIT Ascot week is in London a public misfor Thv' reiec*im of the measure was pr..posed by Karl Bml men demand is that 51 shall be substituted for 56£ on the western coast, in lat. 20 deg.—25 cleg., and of Cavendish, at the register-office, on the 10th of Stafford, Wednesday, Jnly 24; Shrewsbury, Saturday who w * f-'V.-.w.-d brthe 1' ike of hvl «•! The m'lel tune for the large alas a who are the best customers hours per week, and that their wages shall be raised considerably to the south-west of Taganyika." August, 1861, to Alcthea Thomas, and that Bhe had August 3 ; Hereford, Wednesday, August 7 ; Mon duke slated thai, although be should -v.*. ! I ho did not intend to oppose it at it* pre^nt stage. of milliners and dressmakers. The statistics of from dEl 17s. 8d. to £1 18s. 3d. For these terms seen her during last May in Paris. Another witness mouth, Friday, Angust 9; Gloucester, Wednetdav August 14. The Earl of Shaftealiurr assented to the second readingl dresses destroyed on - those who wonld go in spite of the workmen in the employment of Mr. Brass and saw Alethea Thomas at Paris on the 16th of May in deference to the wishes of the House of C"iussoaa,| the rain, and of the tempers made cross and un A POLICEMAN'S LOVE-MAKING. last, and also five years ago at Southampton, and > HOME (Mr. Baron Martin and Mr. Baron Bram- although Us objections to the balk-: w*n as strong ul Messrs. Jackson and Shaw went out on Btrike last At the eourt for the trial of divorce and matri she further produced a copy of the register of the C¥ bearable in the families who had made all the wcll).—Hertford, Monday, July 8; Chelmsford. l£irl CowTvr and the Ear! of stoat Wry d §!•••• 'bo bill, I week, by way of testing, it appeared, the feeling of monial causes, Lord Penzance had before him the marriage. Annie Elizabeth Pugh, a young woman, Thursdao, July 11 j Lewes, Tuesday, July l,; and Lord R*ven«worth7 the Duke f b I preparations, would be a more curious reading than the masters at large. It was feared that the latter cause of Lloyd u. Lloyd, Graham, and Haines, which stated that she made the acquaintance of the pri Maidstone, Saturday, July 20 ; Guildford, Monday Lyveden, and the Earl of Carnarvon spoke against it • a good many papers produced at the society which would resolve upon an immediate general lock-out, was a husband's petition for a dissolution of his soner, and was married to him on the 9th of August, July 29. The Earl of Br linore sneouueed hi* indention t. \ • f -r marriage on the ground of his wife's adultery with the second readinir, *nd the Earl of himt*'*.ov bavin*| meets in St. James's-square. But Bpoilcd dresses butjata meeting held in the Freemasons' Tavern, where 1869, at St. James's, Piccadilly, in the name of NORFOLK (Mr. Justice Byles and Mr. Justice annied *enerallv in favour of this conmn, the M, f| were not the worst part of the week, for on the gentle the co-respondents. Richard Henry Conway Seymour. She had known Keating).—Leicester, Saturday, July 6 ; Northamp Halisburv deliv.-red an aniniat^l speech -n the oth. they assembled to the number of about 250, they The Lord Chancellor reviewed the whole subject ..f .],-• men's side of the grand stand the roaring crowd Mr. R. Searle, the counsel for the petitioner, said him a month only before the marriage, and since ton, Thursday, July 11; Aylesbury, Monday, July agreed to offer, in the first instance, the alternative of that the parties were married on the 21st of July, then she had cohabited with him until January in bate and Lord Cairns and LordDeawaa havuur mm I *tof ruffians—for whose benafit races are carried on, 15 ; Bedford, Friday, July 19 ; Huntingdon, Tuesday. remarks, the second reading was carri.-d by a nwj | a reference, though olaiming and exercising the right 1862. They lived at Liverpool, where the petitioner the present year, when certain things having come to July 23 ; Cambridge, Thursday, July 25 ; Bury &t. and who bet against everything, and so accommodate 30 • the number- being 86 to 56. of naming both the referees. Ultimately, the master was an assistant to his father, a coach and cab pro her knowledge she was induced to leave him. When Edmunds, Tuesday, July 30 ; Norwich, Saturday Their lonbdiiiMi soou afterwards adjourned. the public who back favourite horses—had quite the builders expressed their willingness to submit the prietor. They lived together till the month of Sep Inspector Ham took the prisoner into custody he August 3. HOrSE OF COMMONS — In tl. | tember, 1879. About that time the respondent had denied that his name was either Cavendish or questions were risked, and replied to by Mr Cardwell. r*v best of it. It was bad enough when the speedy decision as to the hours of labour and rate of MIDLAND (Mr. Justice Blackburn and Mr. Baroi- VatfTe to the visit of *the band of the Orouadn-r Guards to Sterling was beaten by an outsider, whom his owner a quarrrel with a servant, and on the disagreement Seymour, asserting that the inspector had made a Cleasby). — Warwick, Saturday, July 6; Derby. wages to the Marquis of Salisbury and Earl Derby, taking place this girl informed her master of mistake. When, however, the prisoner was reminded *OTOTa»inemu)y the House wont into committee tt supply] had not backed for a shilling; butjthere was wailing, Friday, July 12 ; Nottingham, Wednesday, July 17 on condition that the workmen on strike should what had happened. He searched and found two that they had met before at Brussels, he admitted Lincoln, Saturday, Jnly 30 ; York, Friday, July M on the civil servir-e I if not gnashing of teeth, in the most select part of Mr Dillwvn moved to reieet the vote f. -r the salarvcs sad I return to their employment at the present rate letters from the co-respondent Graham, which left that he recognised tho inspector, and adding, when Leeds, Thursday, August 1. expenses of' the office of Lord iYny S, I »-enl the stand and enclosure when Baron Rothschild's of wages, until the arbitrators made their but little doubt of the intimacy which existed the charge was stated to him, " Very well; you have SOUTH WALES iMr. Baron Channell).—Cardigan. declared by a resolution of the House a useless office that I on?ht to 1-c abolished. ... „ I splendid horse, Favonius, which the lucky baron award; they also agreed to give notice that, unless between him and the respondent. The co-respondent had me before. I should think you are doing well." Saturday, July 6 ; Carmarthen, Wednesday, July M Graham was a policeman at Liverpool, and from the In July, 1867, tho prisoner was indicted on a similar Mr Gladstone defended the vote, and «aid that 1 1 backed himself at three to one against the field, Presteign, Monday, July 13; Brecon, Thursday. did not know how the busn I the above proposition was accepted, their works and charge in the name of Cavendish. was outpaced by the French horse Henri. In the time letters and the evidence of the .servant there was July 18; Cardiff, Monday, July22; Chester, Saturday^ have been conducted since !£fiA without the aid of then^del shops in the metropolitan district would be closed little room to doubt that adultery had been com Tiscount (Halifax) who filled the office of Lord Privy SeaLT of the Second Empire, Monsr. Lefevre would certainly The prisoner, who received a bad character from August 3. on the 17th of June.: -On the following day a mitted. The co-respondent Haines was found living the police, was i-onvicted, and sentenced to seven After a short debate the committee divided, and the v.*t«| have received the Grand Cross of the Legion of with the respondent at Toronto. was adopted by 193 rotes to 57. The c luaiUee thou pro-] crowded meeting of the Carpenters and Joiners' Nin« years' penal servitude.