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*?* < HIS, MAJ^S^T•. ''Vi ?:<- , #1 j>£ r\ : ' ^ eicellenee 5 ./y \ \v S3ST-AJ BXiISI3 amJD 185 S

/? ;; ¦ ' ' ' everjattaineld by \ ' ¦ ] ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ " y ' ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' " ¦ ¦ ' ' r / :¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ < ¦ '¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ - i'r ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ : (f !: H ii i . i : I;!: -/ :- * } : . - , : hf :; ¦: i \r . r -:\ ;. any beverage is in '•if •• CMTRELt j : justice ' : & I CGCHR^NE ] accredited to ;£ ,- -;::::::-:v- ; QF UTDi . : ; :¦ ; ,;-M^nFAOTUSEBJ9 'V : Wate'rford Steamahito domDanv ICI^iHAN'S . j'".. : '"j ¦".: 'i ixiujxkou .' ¦¦ ' • : 1 ¦ ¦ 'L'l, ; ; J^XE^D^D ipJipE^ OP. .8AIUNG— " - ; THIRTY^TWO GOLD ¦ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ¦' ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ AND PRIZE pDALS : i- , OCTOBER I«io2. .: ¦ I ¦ ¦ '¦ ' ' ¦ : ¦ i Hp . 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ i .a il©' WilSKYo :: V** ^ i W0RE i ' ' p 8 :-DI3BLIN AND Its tC ff "»». maturity is a feature; &liMN^^^ < T &'-lif T*i1 ?Wotorford «csK>—_^^-arfSU-L^v I W St«L ^'ni»ljip * each bottle before being C(nM»nj(ianiItsd' liotete ««£- -; r-^'^SKJX^mnt en U» ooadltloMt attUonMrt IS - -¦ ¦ • ( ¦ UsM. , thelr ¦ • i |. | ^g_ ft* to^jhaS ¦ L OANS : LOANS : . . .: LOAIfiS tendered for Sale having I o - 3 THD ! tM »«»^gWBti*»i» Biiimig. C»bUuoJ ti» ittuau* iu : .-IS A';W s«f« neilifii T. Mbiaicesz"Daily; f rom £5 UfoirJE.f ti!B, XO AN COMPANY rera winmrow toMu11 sita. ,„« nn, .»; nnin u «^T, Oet. f ox 8»eanl*r - -OH : frnHIS Old Hotol la famon* to rood, para TTh.cic 8, JOHN STREET, WATERFOBD. at least 8 yearsr , . Ort ¦*... « 0 p,m : . . . j :: . . . ABy.,PAjiTi; oir lESELAno.;¦ . , . , , ii. c=3 nil ptbor Dtiaks. : ^ ' Are prepared to treat, with tho greatest confidence and ' ; HBS. I EKLIIY, PEOKWBTBKX eocrecy* all application*fr on W8l0 TO FARMERS ! UPWARDS, to aU ; ?*b£* " fr " ft ^m <»W » IS- « 0 p.m , SHOPKEEPERS, ct manner, . • ' ¦ ; No connection with inCWr n ; SIJH U HOOT • i ^^" * Stio OioMow . Hotel end no3tanr ' ' A ~f h . . , . : i \ BtfitiI FOB TERWO AND. PA RTICULAG3 APF4.V ^| ! ^tts&W^ S^t P0* ' vra¦**ai Oorka: orte-i: *° DBI'U|1 siGanrs' Tin^A. T j Is the pick of the London Markets, purchasod for cash and Defies Competiti/eion. ' W :!! ! TEI A LB. SAJdPLE AND NOTE BEST I/PS. ' We purooaae, at the^ lowest point i EstrnorOinary Volno, I D. 3d. por lb. I Extra Good W• •. 1*. lOd.*StvM»Ib. f-fea i Choicest Blofidtj, Se. Gd. per lb. , > "¦ .¦ . ¦ ' . : fa £S »B; M : JK of the market, the finest growths ^^ ; | J. J. 6 8. TTHI6KEY, guaranteed; 6| years old, 21s, per gallon- h It is : ana Admitted Foci tEnat . - irom the best Indian and Ceylon 1 Pv n on t~\i nn r\ nn tj m BACON—A Speciality, at 4d,4h^ and per lb. Finest Watarf ord ¦ Gardens; this enables us always t ^d '¦ < SJgoML,aav. -»" - *i-a.a &%- . j &SJK Cured, at 6d per Id. , . ja—, JUB w«d«Sii/ 5. ji_. 1 opa. to ofiBsr ezceptional value, botii foi UOTE ADDEE3b i— ¦ ¦ ¦ ° ¦ ' ' • ¦ '¦ ' • ¦ ¦' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • : - ; . • ¦ ¦:- ¦ - liquor and appearance. ; J ?i . . ' BCnj wmdv- Vewfe1u. j ^iiai »t snaa1*.! "w > - W NMthiwiur!;. Wucrford.^ : . ,; . KEEPS , 4; - 'Ll»«pool JOHH HIGQINS l wiiSS^ ^^S^ *>* iai. : W«tccfort ul ; TheSKioeot^Ladlea' Blouseo. ®g!M© & .SEooffe \F 2E 3S3' i'y£ .sk. JSE Xr.^7.""1 B^Jol-rOrtln. Singly - U«. , do do, OhOdtca VT^doSeoaEe (Broeev and ?**?. U 7«rt of , «Mor««rT»nutawIlW wit? (ualUea The IJics3t Ladiea* Coattuiio Skirto <' Provision J&f e**etUMt E a« «»»U&1« for T»« lloothjfc1, osttaul«»- to ntara J?A te ^"r»«toIpr, ltaJ The Nicest Ladies' IJudorokirika . ! ; S and 44, PATRIOK^TREBT. ! !^5L ^? UTetpool.»i: i Vtbla Ertmn, Chillwa ' Wnrrtan's Place. CORIt. w&ufiSSuJ^'i11^ 7f d0 CbUdrea ; . i The Hiceat tries'JJndorolothlng. CO" PROVISIONS AT «, PATBICK 6T8BRT ' ' ' f> ' 1 ¦ '' ¦ ' • ¦ Per 2/«i Flagon, ; _ ¦ - att^-rlfcj. She Moeat Lstfliea ¦ Botjouitai !rrron W»terfori or \T«ifor4T Wel>3. - / . ,. : ; . ^e Nicett | ^ cs, the most fragrant, full, mellow, appeti& gl 1 QhUJten's Div^aea sSggHt~*»« B«rU»-fttoortteaOco*.teaawr UTOPOOL tad* ** The Ifioe3tp g g ?*? b«w«(a iUl^B'0 aaQ olothingi i jmd health bloodmakingBurgund r^^PSf 01 b08trt1^ to*°3ail prlndpa and tTKTTER Department Tombbv , Umdori U4 Horth W«rt«a j Lonloa and Co th Meo'e Tt7eed Trousers from lo 9d Men's Irish Tweed : Suits from 14a; 6d SiiS^toS** f?*n r1^r*" 4 s*"1"*1 «° «"> SIDE WIN©0^7S. SB13 WSET®O^7S. Men's Serge Suita from 8s 1 Id—Sqnaro Boys' Soita from Is lid _„ . ; WJiy.OEDl iAHD i BBISTOZ. P.O'KEEFFR&SONS [s n cmiKiftra? werford to Briitot'ra«sd»jn. Bditol to Wilted. Frldiji CJl ipodala(i«st!oa to lhc!sUr go Stoolt o ' . end Round Fronts Men's Orercoatofrom 10» 6d • ¦: »AI«8poBJ)' iSB flaw JtOSO " ' £»0«H»w Bo«^-piU» »t ».li Men * Tweed Suits from 10a 6d Men's Waterproofs from 114 6d (&uidM»6i0«5te4) «.a. Headntonea, Tomba & Homunento. ' ; J>mi Wtxn *e*B—In& , BnndLjie xontod, at 10 p.a. Men s Solid Sergei Suits from 16s 6d WATflaTpsxTriarD; DUHWHMOS ' .p. f?*Tl T53? °TT^5 2/© S O' Vie Best llt^rlalpnxnrsbla. cad cMulled tfb* ^ ¦LM cUa «J»t ' vSc^ I^ a VBO> Wintanao—DaK, Saodtjia araMdJat US PA -' : eitsr tho most model and graceful dedans A largo Assortment of tie Best Class ot OILCI-OTHTNG and SEA BOOTS kept in Stock. Jlnvr-ni WaUrtad Is the deli ht of ail. ;: lir fS«uUaa*Mp-p«Uonp iirTlimltecLa» E sor. g aU Oopda^ml thaai btSS«* STedTpti ' oont. to! Tniun Jjifbad Tmzlr, AirtraeoU.and K«- u«v Its rtotristoa aso alto prepared to taiei Into i WB HAVE NOW ADDED A NEW ' ; = 5t adds to one's leasure and iness o«t.toO««iSo»a^t?W.^i£i tSUdeoSsd rt tti,01 tretj dcscrlptloa of Stocs »d Mtrbla p happ abipmost. ronul tad ill laJormxncm Costrzcti in. 1 -¦ ; ; 00 bt tad. at tHo IWdlis. ; Abo slargsolecUoii of tatatocd ¦ • - qp L nT7 ' : It is an admirable medicine, giving oiuoe*.1 I I , j ! I; 1 . .is o oi ^s? • x> 353 !^ . 3^qsiwr.*i7 ,- - Bertks ae—W«ttTforti Bt<«nuijp Co. (Umft»3), H n Q:\tio Oj oDcca for dcaotrica, Co. ' Health, Strength and Vitalit OOcea, Th« HaU. | Battoool Taltpboo* No. 1SJ " ^^^ viii ! .. including the famous American Boot'. i . r LJTlaKttli—Watttt toM |aM»in«lny CoWpsuy (Umltadi 19 0BTUVS7 PIEOCO BIWHBDD ABD SET immnrb3kai»ioi^-W4t«riurdii»U!amailp:Compaa/ (Umtodi, iL, aGENTO : u«n Sqnai»-Ed CiSnbel»ad JBi«Ja. I " i In Uxli extcailr* Ptsmkci toy da ezeout« tay jr. BUsB . lUai™> ¦Wc?t» entrusted to them Bt tio Shortest Notloe, b tha PATRICK F. LYNCH & CO., '^SiX »T^ii ^' ?"**** ¦ P. M. DOYLE, T&eTbe Quay, Waferford - ¦ " - ¦ ¦ g«w EoMr-Watorfotd Bt«aajtUp Coapanj*» OOoo. ! . . . . I: 9 I • . : ted Gtyla, end on Uu Moot Modersta Tessa. 94 QUAY WATEBF0BD CKEEPFE & SONS haro taica ora . . P**^LL^^«*JJ ma/ • . -^>ar ( II . J »" '¦¦¦¦¦¦ "i n m C7 Ueru. Lnmacx—Iiover Qaaaoa Staumhlp Ooap»a»'i o«o^ q ItJio tmportsnt Llnuatoso Qacrrics ct Etrcs^t tlllb, J. RUSSEliL. i Cappcqaia. Uomrt X*miek i (Joa,; BaUonsl T«lo»Bsa» HiT&l. (HEW DRAPERY Juuxss*^Lower fihAcsou <5U«fiijbip Ooupaaj*s oOv. nzi en cnpplj tpleraUd Stones and Bnbbla tt HOUSE) ^spps Qaayt J i : -j . ; { tS6^C^.t3 PrtOCT. ' tort, lATopool BA20I, Umniek or T7txlord. loDsetoIi Mi POUND EP 182fi, Kitchen and ©ardon Eequisites, Clyde ; PATRIOTIC ASSUElNCE Ohippins Ooaipaay, Ltd - , !; ¦; ; BEST SHEFFIELD. PLATED WARE COMPANY ;, L L ¦ OCTOBEE ; cnd NOVEMBER m ' , 1902. (d »<^tt ¦ Travellin EXFBEa& "w ¦ ¦ g Trunks 8(&f rJEk !¦ Me ^ uk. 'I , i t CAPITAL : ...... 51,500,010 , * ' , Btgnlar pttam Otmvxunieaiita ittvcea ^ xj A 'sns.Eono uaaiLOUson AND ALL CLASSES OP : LIFE,' FIBEi, WORKMEN'S COM §OAP§0 . OOBSJ DOBLUV^BKLVAST Af B ^^gmg PEN8ATI0N, QULBObw. -± \%l ITHHE irJ few : and Powerful IKOIMOMERI GOODS SoI , wii i Fidelity Gnsrantee spd Burel irj ^'¦^sm aK -H- * Steaiaaa ' AEAHMOBE, lX5^>ftfs«sn!T?JS%fCS?s^sS' UssiiiWisi» ( •*S>*^SOMp« .iOOPi E1.AJJD. DCHOEHEsi, ¦ »» — #^iW ts^i^— tm t^s^^ityty p «affS^Saw5^ niiTfltfi»ii| ;FA8J MET1 TRY ! ¦ • ¦ * Moderate. I^ates, AbBoInte Socnrl niimnTft I T.ITII BI). : FLACDA. FOBTLABS, BATH- Pa\roout Large BonuEeo. LIB. BAMKM1 : SABDA. B1EEREYV0BE, TOWABD, Tki Lftfoest Wstck^ciM1 Prompt , TUSXJiB, TALEfftUL 1 ut mttadai to (all u nsdet wutlia: pcimittini i(nolea.pn rnitod by nnfoKuea For iTerms apply to— drenmjtanoM).*Uh IQwrtj to tow Vends, tad to call at I -9 COJJ/EGE conrw, to SMdf* taf Dtaehsijs CaijOi «( toraay otacx HEAD OFFICE ptizpOM what>o«vu. ^ ' ~ J ' ' f t OOEK IHTEEHAT10NAX HXHIBrnOH-Opes (Mm BEST AND LAST LoNo.es? Qood JigintsWaited mSStf'Pl SF*. I DUBLIN, LUj UU NoT«mb«. : ' i ; •, I Si vJlJi liiUili " of the j Company8 Bnmc Bre«7H0HDAT CD&Set) 1 P.O. s f n MM --I . .. ~ - J.G.GRAYES, m CSSSUM Tii i (TU Pl/ooatb) .1 < I AtM-ndes. Wodaeadar, 1st Oct. ' 4pja. Wedoeadsj, 8tb Kof. >p.m Wtdaodaj, 8th ,, li ooon Wtdnodaj. 12tb „ 4 pm ¦ ¦' ! ; Agents Jn Woterford— : Wedaeadt/, 14th „ 4 p.™. W«doe» I, , ilSTTCii CiKnux OOBBISOB *1^Mto^ 2wjuuriuo&Jj; >.¦ 1¦ pj a , .. ' . ! ;' . -I PBOJI LIVBBPOOL VfV QUEKN8rOWN TO arriTtog in.XoxDoa about 1.6 p,o (8ruulay» I I i \_ 1HXM^ttOMli 10'ttLlAn. • : yj a) |. .MS ««4 to^dWo» BV «>*Jog - I ' 8-50 toUowto*' —Vu_Djnnr, ^_¦ O impanii...^at. OctSS I EUurU-.... Sat N . IS ! -¦• ¦¦ -| ¦ OT 11 OT art wppUtd m lhi Corrida ETiy S BSOAT. - ~ - . 7pn Sole Agents!: Pe Umbri»...,...^i». N . Campania...8at. E . 22 M¦ gto BeJruhmenU ..qw**nic*»*o *«.I»o«*. dl«ot, ?o D. BOUE^E & Co Lucinla-....Sit. Nor. 8 I 0mbria .... Bat, Nor. 29 i Boat Trait * rmbttoemPaddingto * WadaMdar, Jsi .Oct. < p-m. Wodneada/,¦ *tb Hor.-: 4 p,m ¦ _' tetu „ UutQ* ¦ ', «i lita „ i 4nja. and New Mil/ord " ' )6t3 ¦•. ; l«h TO BOSTOH. .7 ; *pn. i ^ i4 pS WILUAM-SFEET • . / : lftE H U i.«.a ,; 8tb JI X8; , Third Claia, £5 1&. nofl £6, acoordlog to „ . ' j „ 1< . '¦ ¦ BntOtM (»T»nabUl^rtin«t Oa«»j^aaloon,«. * ¦ i jtetmor. • ,; . i »• ; " SadCbMMd8(JMn, a0s M . 'I ; 3th I i««oo» . ,*. ! , .g«| -* .K» S xvnoLEaALB dan IIBTAn, j ! redaction Betarn Saloon ; Dates fixed by the : Ccranty Counoil ¦ 10 per cent, Ticket* : •• - ¦ - - Floh, Gamo,. Potdtry, cai Ico ,' - ff pst cent. 2nd Cabin. .. . I ¦'^«»w»o»i>»B0««aima«.! j of W&terford tor holding of 8tor*» ¦ . J^aws *PB BBAU^IBBE^1, WATERFOED: i Second and Tnlrd Class p»u«ngera fonrard«d ' ^-"^"rteSSJoV AT~ Quarterly; ! MeetingB. freoT U Nrr York to rhiladtlpbl* and Boston, ud ; Castatt ***' ; _.j^ w.tirrr. , •-i-t gttrjThattfljjriJtwPOffl (fl» tftwluTta^ G O&I « • 8rtCSM«. o4Tot» ^ / Hj'Ha »wontioa of the Ottitty And Pui.lt. •via Botton to N«w York and i'ullsdolphla, Toird d»3CM«:. DlSTBICI OOONCnA ; CUu also forwarded |to BJilmor* without extra . iStaatBtm iwi^'^ajqtaAnSirVrffl tf I * | • «»U«d lolthltE rta,bl|«1uD«n*. ¦ ¦ ! BO*AL DDtEIOI. Mt i! DAtaoi>2so9ia»Tiao f ¦ ' ;. -i : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . QMPI O» char¦¦ ge. • . i : • Uimoro Friday ' 24U> October, 1943 n* \OmoioMt QWAUTT. , -" Tn« itaadlnan of the ne« Bbttan thifs, &m *ia WtttriordKa l BsDnd>T : 25tt> ' Oooatuji otdia oi«titojatUsji«d CmyJUTCSD gajtowiwTao) j «p.a do to. and 7t>#f«<a ' - tvuATntadafjy ; 28th28(h do i Bejular lloe ol iteajntai W MedlUrranoanp. ru KUma^hcinii . WWnewlay tt2»thth do , ¦ ¦ ' ;¦ '¦¦ mc . oL ^ ^i ^^ ^W-** ' and 0aTr«. i. . .! I - ; pi -- Dnngirnin , 11mrid»T : SOA do Pa»»^«r»r»okedtbr>ngl>to tllparMofAmerU* i haaturtoB twatoW'' ; : ; ¦ r"*T^* ^. #»i«*.-iiosT»T -" .i v ToogtuilNo2 rrktajr j : . . - > , 31«t do 'and Qanadt. - I;! <:, ' • ' , ' liut d»y fo'loaglng AppUcatipo, *Batnrday, 4th Oc iiras OUNABD STBAWBHIP COMPANY, LTD ^>lt^^f9lMM li™slllB , Qae«Dstown.iandi8:Wal4W-«6etrt, Ii5Terpoot ' ;; OOUUTX' - OdDHOIIi. Proposil r^aBoittoe M««to^ OK THJIB ABBTW—' : WABoBBOT&ni.& BArroaitrMd^t.'Mraterford, ' ' - Prfdty/SlilKowlmbtr, 1908. i BUIL DBB c*d GpA TB4CTO& Harwy 4 Bon. iTaiadiIBt(Mt; Uiaf M. Ootur \ ; r hutday for lodt^TppUrttfcM-. : BIO(J^|ppCAL 1 . 'V JV, ni^ n^^ lt ^^ Bt ^Slllllllllllllllllll ^SlHHK ¦ B*llJdoff ; HiebMl F«>)«J. Dapgtrran } P. E¦T *M ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " , : - ' : QuoUdy ! VJemag ' ' -;r ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' JDnngMtaa. . ;: ; \\ \ |. ; i , ¦ - ¦ t '\ ; , ::- ; ¦ ? ¦ ' Moodar, ¦ S&E¦ *CJJES' ¦ ' '¦ • ¦ . ; etb tx^to .; ¦ ; ¦ ¦:¦ ¦ : • ¦ ¦ . iwi ;¦ . :¦ • • • ¦• \ . . # ta« . . - , ¦ '¦ 'l p ¦ ¦f^' - : " : r^^}'.'^^ **^ .: LeadJflf Ortlor*, SUtwrnen, Action .• ¦ ¦ ' BeweUnr : .! . to: Vb¦ « CcM¦ ¦ Jy Conoitt. ' OonntirJeentanr'vOjSd* ! ;• . .. - , MakkUitfL and Dlriliifalihed M^i !' ;::^-;: : :- ' ¦ ¦ : -' :iUSl^J!iWfci-!i - yf *tutKi¦ , Ut¦ '6tr ' , ¦ • - ¦ ¦- ¦ ¦ • a6^1im ,im i|>rity L ¦•: ;••!,. Bora b Watedord City or Coonty - .. , : . . r • n r . . !' :.» .;: . - ¦' .iit aMi ; : ;- 1 ' :\ ¦ ¦¦:¦¦/ r JfY. »M wi lj 5i>^ :-v'X ;.::!;¦/. .i . . 'f*i;.iif -:Ni. . »: . ; . ^ ^ iMO &nmdBootqf 100 pag» ¦ [ . f , {* a^faahwMwttt^atOlUOTIiiMCTWoi Taju« 1 I who tetil ^^d^ffi i^r a£E2£5id*m* t*i. awl fiinwri.1M UMI Child ikotU4 ism HAKBISON'S" ttKr.TAnr.a^

¦ !¦;. ' " : ¦ '•*• • ' r ' ¦¦¦¦ ' - ' ppliLaL 'tttlMiikiiiifl ^i?.: ' • ,' ' ¦f Ftn&mtikQir4w. IMMMUI a*. aauiMmpit- : i^W?fw;OMI0 Hr ^ »^ »»«W«.- *¦*«««« tor Boo\p*Ma£wdWimgeax* rtpnld. «ni I for : yite.":pOj)|mw •» once itia MCuraon^tl ¦ yppipiir:i^^f?Vi>\«ni*tWjww4t.- 1- '.; 4r :' ^l:- IHH tut ; >gpff i f m iif i i ' gg ipiii © aiilt ;:i; :i!:;'!::J';;i.;fsff 1 ¦ lV : ; ' " ¦ ¦ •;. '¦ - r i - . -:. ;i . \h ;:: .iv-:. ; . ' . ^j . =: ¦!:•:¦ f' h g' ¦ Jigpt ¦ ¦ ¦ * ' ! - -:- '¦¦ W•¦iJ ¦ m¦ •!¦¦:• ¦: ^ ¦' : 'I- . :. '• .' . ;- . ' r - f iiH^ i-t

' ' ¦ ¦'¦ ; ; ; ¦ ¦ ¦ 'ivH ' •¦• ¦i; ) ' !¦• - :'-l t • tliV^Ai ' i '^-^ • J' We woric« M'n «TA$M jactaaaarf^a»ted ' ¦ : penned -wdlBJland ^ i *BB ' ; ": T -—-» J -T- ' - r ^.j, nttOd'-tnfi^elte int&di&iSng Mfw^JKWK-'l* v indefinitelypcet popei, gUU Hs*nece«siqfi wa» swers.^thouJhThto^lapCe'wa*itready ein- EMIOCBT£N T LOG&L, OG^BEmEENT not accentuatedexcept at the southern "side'of ciently drained into the! rnrer - oundtodobamn ; '* age V^orkfl. . ' . ¦ "* i ! j i i Thle Law , Adviser—And,, besides that^ , fne won {hiat aewcr^iteidv? ¦ ; I than from £800;to | £1,000. I can get 'two JUl Ship f'itote^.V . .} /Oi our property hes -gone down abemt - engines for £?O0, a^d tite-pumpswill ooct £206. ana do no more, me stta ooea uuoruwu uy ^ iMirl . P. A 'Ifui|p(hy, law Ac viser, appeared, .valufl. Mr- ! Fianii^^iaehtly misunderatandinK Bretland's ¦ ¦ ¦ then the engine house will not he a large one. A BeUasf genUetnan. . that .Mr- ¦tihe Cor )or*tion. j j • ' i ;¦ \ ¦ .a> 'Jflie echeme dn thit chiy tei not ^lven^«atuaachon ^ .;Intfpwtoj -fev5«ft«» , allArWhW^rif . he oot eay Uaaa.O slrata Oe, HA, .. . . ; *> „ Amongst iose also ^reseat- wei>&—AJderm^n ! i: lfe^^I? ^ty,y ^ce ^f¦ ^^m mf^' * ¦&??? to the ipeopWH here.f and ini^fht tijat . * ' : Vhd value of- Corporate^ property /will^ not,; on ,Tn,j RXnfA?^syWt TiC.; Mr. iE: ¦ ¦ unaatiriactory, TU ¦• «; «rai foond to bt of ptat b*adi aj ^t^umption. hi^^is at « already^Jrairied:;. t - '-S , ... \! \':\- ' j ' ¦ sent schema also I turned' out Itattagttat S* Wincarnl." wpplIM to the Hoepilal Bbip i"HalM White, Mr. lB. Jacob, Mr. H. p : Ksher, T.C- ^^ pr^yoai^ ^^^Sf.^- lOThot Ownffi S^e S^ do ! a greviouscause of. comphbnt ud wai nied with auceaai by tb« 8ar»«oo*. '¦ Mr. Feely—I have;notofs M a. so. I tola M -th/Mil-on^ nraaf«i? : r VlnspeotM^-WheM thfeywie? \'/' . / tfliereiwould 'be a t*Blo for the prtttata vp board. and Mr. iaac J. Bell. I _ [ j - tha^the fcrnaWity the Jesses gran1*d, ^^SL ^Tv!A : A . ; Mr> ,.FlMin«4'In the ce^lral pprts'tbf libe He rocaUed-that when- *be Joint Cdmmittee by were reveisnonary leases to smproviM : toWn;"ipi5h'cipal!ly Inot located .by sectkjpa obe eat, IMx. Oeotge Nolan, who had large experi- _ Insptector}—Ia th¦ ere¦ isayonia; here in oppasi- ' u* ' ;.lnSp6ci<)fMfci«niieU me yourwiawer clearJy. •• l ¦• • i I : ibuuder lakmg the quay, 'told them tiomr : . L.I .V. *i : -! Mr ' Fl«ato- repeatedleeven or eight -thou- and two. I CT^V | ence Aa a Mr. Isaac John Bell, rose and said tihat 'he ¦SlI-^Bell-I think' ^that on the " whole; our Inspector—jDo y< *e. « tat ^ , 7 6Wer^ he -would notguar- II teU by»ll"licen wdfchemWi , Orocen. »«d maie a eta emenfo 'iOT ask & question,, and sug- Infejiector-They are getting better «nt« in{ .re ptogl. along^-the is Mr.:FlBmin g—No; but I' am preparing'it, foundation, and ^ven - "tihen oa iVnUet of th. BoUU. ,. - - ; e a ' ¦ inquiry, (when "aafiao "ithait rtihrf hieavy trAffic would not in- CoknanS WIRCABBIfl, and aee that th, ward WLNC4KS1B ia th* gested the sqane fto hinj', | Tie -would be ¦; at thap-^many^cefl. '_ , !_ ;^.jJ ml |e! ' . ' < ; •• • 'l! : ' - . - . ' X ' and- you wiU |'fia? e lit aitKe00x1 liberty toco -so. i • !.; . ' !¦ . -'Mr. 'Jjeely—And:as you are aware, air, inat lip, sir. .;. , ' - I will 'bore it all worisedi out. I i«n quite juriously affect the'structure ; and Mr Costello, ' ¦¦ _&.-nemiiie—fl(b ' . '- , , , , oaid practically the , .Sola Pnprieton and Manufac^reft ot tb* abort t Mr. I.- J. Bcat-ffiSbank you.-' ihe¦;• J r ' all- rtlhc«e ' leasehold) arrangementa must ^e I iMr. !; .Feely—.That £s whdt yoa would lead satisfied the money will do it. ! > a iocal sanitary engineer, said that liad Goverttnient 'Boattdr*• ¦; - .AM tbincrandtiiat- dt would b&".a"level cram. Th« Iiasp^otot.th^ Tec€ttV6d sanctioned by tins'.Local anyone to tsu'nk. I . _ . i-s ...After-aom6-fu£llier-^«m«i'k3;- -• - . ... same ¦tata following letter from" MrJ Bell; -which ihe ¦Inspector—The evidence -is that the value of E_ pumpiing station . must "1Mx:~FieimiJiig eiid-^T'-wiah, to make an «x« ! Mr. Fleming said that was- incorrect. A ¦ ¦ >apjffociatiin.g rasad!lv. MT.: Flt-iin? ?d t:he " ¦ques- ,200 was not a ilevel drain. , , read:- ' • ' ' .to ! I;of ' '! •the Corporation estate i i be gone on with even if no more work is jdo&e, planatioii. A while ago you asked nw a- gradient of 1 in 1 QOLEMAN & j Cp., Limited fail fifce .wj liat pahaible f lMrijfiamimjsai that^ ia- consequentce S'}tne 1 oompieited would tion about the ipoliutioii off the »ver , by sewer- (Mr. James Power, sworn, next spoke. After ' eir^Aithbu^k I ^ ^ : because the work now being that whit, cse my'oMectrogto 'the proposednew uoarrof femelfat etfr.,'irom ¦bato5 .faicforie»,'jiaaR^f efiA take a half or two-thirda of the city sfiwage Oge,,and Jtj s^ia tjieonly pojnl a.coimplaineclof a tew prewninary! remamkj»,,he said. 1 NORWICH AND LONDON. , ^already- spent Ifliie I lvalue us. a, xeiidential thoroughiarept quays.? ¦wereat:the,.brldgo!and tS^jjr&vang-bank. JEh^se he wanted especially to' Lftteirvefie for; was to ' £8000, additional to ihe -atiriia -; ¦ ' and the balance [wouldJ5& nkmx the . statements made Samplt tMU Jrtf vn rrciffl if tine ?***?, **>V* ti tn*rp *iiap. y, redtainagie in, tihia cdty can t>e, --stall, chancing iMaiyiSttee«.-« : " - !- " " 'ii : -rispector—What you' meant ito convdy iis, are oa tne main liver.'out I'wish to add.tbat take exception to one or two to see on a wooden -hoarding -fnapectop-IVery well. 'I have had to apend ithroneh ihero ia also one point near John.' Bridge iby Mr. BelL He (Mx. Pii[>ugTii ifiurr fall. Is there any stuff going into the new you were to isee tlie ibed of the river when the place"with that ¦t2*at it is much too.bag for us; that'tt dxies not veydf,' vrast hen'examined. He began by say- : tide is out—why I have frequently.to get the f act thatihe had put some questions on ¦ sewerasre ncrw? i ,. . :.. . TOOTHACHE i.Ti<7 Irfih O.4. f/\r tTiA r.rKnTO>Ti.i«nfift rftf.. t-ion- we on of the Cor- fit us'; because it is top expensive;lor the city - Mr. Fleming-^lfbt much-'^nit are the litrhters to. batgo Away" the Solid sewage.raajtter fliis' subject at ajrecenf meeting to tear; wilih; - grave dotenment ito ;our interest and. BO as not to put: the entire •wfeig-htic-f the, werage at depoeitied. Oiere fAwn time fo timfl.*: .. poration to the'Borough Surveyor as to the am tha -whole system; upoi\.the a.V Vbiht of oon-nect.in-'» - tlijee milps of se -riVerthere is in the mature co«t 'of the second section , and as to that Mr. present add prospective.' Further ¦ ^ I con- expense of : <»j£i. Jolin's Bridge, bfct I w_l not connect until, I Mr. -Vviuld-^The ¦ . ' 'wai3' dividsd into"~6hTee sec- ihai _ Fleming clearly aajtisfled Mm. -But the answer ¦itJNTEFtiS vinced ' that my Corporation are. ! chargeable once; tlte 8oheme «r of a canal, and no scour. . . have a pumping station. . ., . . ; (the gentleman to-day 'was certaisiy = -' with ci. .breach' of trart in.that they did not .tiona.. 3!be..first of these.sections was- started, get the pumping Mr;. iPlemlng-^h, there, is a aconr, tut gtwn 'by that ' and borrowinglor 'that 'work- -- Inspector—(Not;"until you- i iper day. a surprise \o him.| . >At the Corpoj atioa meeting ¦take the nfecessary ifftiapa to- feneuTe! to -the city irr the year 1893, atation? i , . ' ¦ . : : i ». sewew ere tide4cfcUed-:#sveral hour* " a completed drainage!scheme within/ the limit wa.» -sanctioned to the «xten.tof £11,004 fe. 5d. iMr. Bell'-fl wotild'UR ^. 'Juj . Fleming to tell he asked what aie cost' of the entire eoheaio ¦, (Jiat-«eeti fini^hed? Mr. Flemdns—¦-n!¦ -Ul not. To discharge all fit to would ibe, and he was told it would be £48,000 of a, specified cost. It is obvious !-to me, that Inspector—la on f "J ¦bo .- ond would me why thle Corporation ihas thougnt Mr. Fleming—Yes ; that section .was finished ¦the sewage wouii supply cetrtaim pu>ea and otihor anaxerials; in- That disposescl Mr. Bell's charge of wanV'ot Perrainent relief by PaJnleH Constriction 'of ihe Nerrevhi Drayrd'Teeth, onru a stopping, arrest* %3ftrfen thrf total expense oil a scheme and!the -tend towards flooding a: whole locality. that the question Gives powert oif (the party to pay.for ii ; lor whom it in Jtuie or July, 1900: ' ! stead of speoifyir ocmtractar should¦ finality. If he wta-correctthe same Utaj, ia»es Extrattlon.'Sleeptesi Nighu pcevenled, Neuralgic HnuUchcj, and all Nerre Pains reracnM. .expenditure?—;Dp 1o that • 'Inspector—Am II to ,ui)deratand thSut the pre- ^ . T7O3 put to-dayand answered, and that the total ; is done, there ehoold p &g oine^proporticm;I JWhat was, the total connect'until obtain these req usites themselves? . TesJimonial, aelected &eU a number teceiTeif from THE MEniCAL PROFESSION. ' -time the' toth.1 expenditure wa3 £13,101 133. 2d. sent system -would be unsafe to . (Mr waa done for the purpose sum was £64,000. i ,.N Head the following .¦submit thAl¦ w!hen-the eehej&e.sfiall have been tihreo is ootoi>letedf . Js ? v Flemin«—It. per ' oompletedl '-the' ' proposition! "wili have tioan 'ta the 3lsi •March-=- ' ' "" ! fhe section' ' a\ JJcbjlON STABLES, lt.p., K.U. .» : ,. . year? ; IMr. Plemiing^-Wih'at I.eay is that the oiaisr- lies tSx. Power—Of course, tliat includes the tank u> lor and igroeely •violated , andi I, reqbest tihat you, iajr , . ;ih3peetorV-Of what tihe lihe prices Irani thie contractor, who supp " (^ERVINk >> excelleat ipecific Toothache Nrartljic ailmenu, it Unbbo ' ' money two sections eeiinot work salely with»ut -, -;• ¦ . ¦ ' sewijralong the quay. • :: BUNTER'a •possessings kij l.' hoih &z to. Eananceand to Mr. Tfemmg—Of 1901. That much ¦: ¦ :¦ ¦ ¦''. ¦these things. and the . : :til pain antt nvei the tooth. Nothinpcan be better." engineering, ©hall pabject ito closest scruUny was ipaid Tip to that date ; Smith' 'being the pumping station; . **. -. • - Jnspector-i-iFor what cTassof goods? ' Inspector—"We tad /better look up our notes. the tioT for the first aeotion* but bf th» in&pector—It comes to tha*—You won't let also Yes it tot» in> £«4,000. •- ,. ( . mo»t :thia proposed ¦ loan.^—Faithfully yours, 1. J. coijCnac ;workiuntii yoxi | 'gf !• Simple ^nd Bell. | | , j BU4 mentioned there (We want to know gotffcontraHOTDomakeua - ' '• —/ .; ' . \ .. , ,! ' ' an excess of £1,300, or about 8 per ¦Mr. scheme was cut down by a , . . . THEY CUte :\ j; wte'is iMat fctoek 'isjiEecl? :| | shbw only Feely—The , Mr. Fleming—rK to finished now, and ready feel-obliged-tohim for olearing up--*nattoTS - ' - ' (Mr. iFeily—On the Sanitary rate.1 i cent. Joint Committee of the Coriporation and the to ccmnectJ | because it would never do to go ibefore the OCIQESTIOn, LIVEE COHFLA£RT, rJEADACHB, ' tiHBOlUTISH, Inspector—Very well, -we will now come to craren9. publicthat an estimato of £48,000 'had gono lospeotw—'And a Id. rale if levied for an •MT. White—d- thought I heard y.ou say that ¦ ' D7EPEPCIA, DIL10USUESS, , C0NSTIPATUUV_HEBV0DSHESS. Ca pbjecf, acch. aa Uhis, ^wouJi be-^-how much? SECTION XI. Mi. Fleming in reply to the Inspector, said it would i)6 befcteT 1 net ;to connect until -ou tod ap te £64,000. .: ¦ • • - . . - .. (MT hy asked 'Mr, Fleming when the that neither Mr. IBretland nor foimseli advised " I T protest against'that. Of an CUcnlsta¦ and tledldno Vendors. Price i/fi, a/9, and 4/f per B«z. ! (Mr. Fteily—As a sanitary ! rate iit would ! ~"o- . Murp , a pummni station. , M . Fleming—I must ' ' i ¦ ' '. >ri 'i ii i > i ii >z -; -j p duce llfffss. 4d. : ! ¦ ' ¦ ' woric in ttus section was begun. this course. J Corpora- He- has stated that I raised ' my e&tiav&te' from t- , • • i ; | ; -'t. fT T" . ' i ' i . Fleming—Th1© tender was accepted in iMr. White—But didn't. Mr. BreUand aseent Station at once. \£<8,000 to £64 " ¦ " " ¦ " JOm? SAYg, ST.. .fttHM'8 €^DJ»»A>»a4tyj gKflgg,^, jj^ Inspect.xr—Whut.is yomr:to. louUtanddng¦ de tion iwill 'erect: d. ' pumping ¦ ! ,W0- " - ± 3ttr. F«Sy^£235^23 M. -, ' ' ,: - . |, i September, 190O, land the contract, given to to it? ' ' . . - - That b,- in-ihelcottrse oJ .a tgw mftnthj . . Inspector—Noi ho. You ihad certain, idcRS ¦ ' (he a, ~ MaKee and McNally for £2T,864 6s. Sd., did aot, 'but made •advising' .ae • • ' ¦ ¦ ' Messrs. Mr. Fleming—Ho in your head Wien yon were v -i~ JtnspacSxf—(Balflota taking iixia acoouat, I 'Mr. 'While' that the . • . ¦ .. • - "* • --' \- ^{ Inspector reminded ¦ ¦ for Tlie ) presunci fiie Bmoan-t to «rec|itin.sinking fancf: (the "loan authorised "was £20,915 4a. 6d. Teport which wound op by stating that if amount applied for now had no reference'to Corporation-wiheii youput the figure at £48,000. ^ ; TOihat as the ascertained coat of that section? financial reasons the Corporation found them- in respectto what you! ¦ havtt¦ paid to the Boaid the mumping -station or to the possible cost of I quite understand that. But towhioa makes . Mr. F«ily—Ilbat'iaso; we have paid ito the of September thn« year a sum of £20,592 123. eohem?, that tha only part that might be post- Mr. White said .that two years ago when the you cajr £64,000.i a thini it was right to have 6tnMrigfaiiara«i3ii-of £188113. i ' : | : lOd. poned was the intercepting sewer from Bailey's Joint Oommittec met, it was ufged by mem- it mad© dear, and yon need not get vexed iCp^;, 1 Inspector—And"you -apDeari to. havs an !Doe3 that in«iudd the retention money?— New Street to the 'Bridge. He went on to ex- bers ol the Corporation .that 1- the junction at about it.'. J suppose you:don 't think the modi- JOHM- KIRWAN • & v - Uierewas naid £15,094 to MoKee and McNally, tvithoirt the intercepting1 sewer the ; - amoniit ih hand investedj] inder :tbe Coasoli- plain that John's Bridge should be completed, and as he flea fldheme; is li modi as the full oue?l GHOCfiRS AND ITAL&N ^^ji^jfel||EN, clated; Loan Account for I' lhej purpoas o! ex- which, does not riclude ratention memey, of drainage of a inile and a half of city streets understood it now, the''Borough Surveyor had • Mr.' Fleming—I do not. I condemned!the : ttinguisbhiK the debt, £19,389 lsJ 2d.? i •which we had -about £1,500 at Chat date. He would ibe Mocked for two hours every day . declared that he did not < intond. to'^oin the ¦dbtawlonment ot the interospting oewea,' ' 124, Quay, Waterforr}, and l/ <^u|aB|^t,^TSwaore, , gave eome of the items as follows—Balance lor Even under tihe Town Hall, where they were , Mr. i Foely—Tes; hut ycu1 lhavbito deduct sewerage there,' unti^a.pump ing station was Mr. Bell—'We .baye got to thia at; al trtnn fhaVfor 12»e purpose )f this! application; the con/traotora, £6,842 16s. Sd. ; paid for eewer sitting, if the pipe3 were not water-tight the ,000 (reciuirod, was to events—that the original estimate io exceeded . ineer and ; " erected, and yet the £8 ¦by 'r ; £2,201 Biriking fund-repayableout bi loans' tihat pipes and gullies, £275 ; £200 eng ground beeome3 :saturated .with 6aeniiive be borrowed; minus the cosbot such a Istaticul? 50 per cent, and I expect a good manymore : ora sot ijanit&ry lo>ana, and which, i-we cannot olerk of works; coat ol arbitration ihold in Squid; the same way in many other parts of Mr ' Fleming—Yes; that is eo. thousandswill be wanUxibefore your work is QUITE A JtfJpi eaJcoI&tBJ under car bowwing LpWersi just August-, £160; incidentals, £160, and another the city. i . . -i . Hir. White—Very well. I want to know efficiently carried out. j 'NE^ " Sjfere , 'becaiffie nothing com ts |againist us now, dtem,'£60 15s., ma&ng a total of £7,732 15s. 9d., Inspector—What effect --would the intercept-. wpuldi,you:^havor pitopose -to and ailtogethar for the campletipn of the .-secoiri ing sewer have on the flooding ol the &treet? £8,000 you are now going to get, cs I suppose, Mr. White—I j hope not j • r ¦ fcwro¦ v .upder the Sanitarjj Act. I section, £28^25 8s."7d., the entire sum for both Mr. Fleming-i-.Npne, whatever; 'because we to carry ont the pumping station, to take away Mr. Kent waa tre-exMnined aa to certain : ; BRAWN, &c, &c. i:_zz. Insperfi»p—OISB cua the 'fisaies! and we mil sections would be £41,517 Is. 9d. would make the pipes water-tight. ' that ""Very tiaSty discharge' oh a'level .befttom. financial a£altera;!and j DURING THE interpret |them after. i I \ : j IWhat was fflie estimate for the second »cc- 'Mr. Jacob, as one of the deputation who had Mr. ' Fleming—There would not ibe any Tho inquiry shortly ut-up Trith the jrutiance ALL LADfES LIKE ¦ '¦' '. ¦ running, under their noses? toana? • ' - - - I ' i' j i ' I Inspector—Take ::that sum from the total and there hid .been never .any unpleasaatneaa that is two up to the present ¦MT. Fleming—DonVtebe^it that way, unless (Mr. PaeJy-^Yes; .deducting £1,670- for land, cost of sections one and connected with them; the belief was expressed i!hia GROCER AND PROVISION DEALERS. leaves our net: valuation ]at £46,919 103,,-and ahd. iwhat do you find? that, the schema •would , ibe aibsolutely tyeCter you wish I; tha . connection; '*>jiU be made ' ¦ : Mr. FlemiiKj—The difference Ap->eare to be winter. . .I ' ... '. .' • - •• ' • double that would be £93^839, land as vro got without the interceptingeewer , which should Famous Shirti ^c Blouses i . . . T >' ' Inspectpir—First smd foremost wait until you, - £834 Ipcij year for lands . ho Kros? | total |t{> go £9,597 123. lOd. be laid on a dead ilevel, and that it wouud be and tho next one EMZO*» they It well, look well , we»r well, end i cost ulil ibe £94,673,.as our borrowing pewer Inspeotor—ThereJo ro you practicallv want hetter to distribute tihe shores over a greater get the result at thiau iniuiry little. Dotl4lr*et sai tiTs Dos*/. j binder -tWe •Publie Healtih Act. ; Biit I cfaduct £9,600 to complete your works; yet, you onlv as well. : You nuial mt!;e an- «stnmato for your Extent of ground. ' there will ibe the :in- ; •from : 'tiujt .tihe liaibilitiea under |th» saaitary ask for £8,040. But what about the balance? Inspector—>What i3 your name, please? pumpinc etaUon.; then CAXIi OB WRITE. anofortes Etanw) taws already obtained £665 56, leaving a marpin (Mr. JJUoming—There will be another inquiry Mr. Jacdb—(My namie ia 'Edward Jacob, and quiry; then you mil Live to advertise for con- Pi . Organs. mMft>% ^ . tractors ; ithen you must take tenders—-"what is : ¦cd X26,0^7 as. the net o vkUablfr tnacnxaA,for into that. . I am a ratepayer—unfortunately—n. ' , ! i Inspector—Why not have had it now? Mr. 'Fleming—And Mr. Jacob lives in the use of saying "thia .winter?" PAISLEY EOAD, TOLL, GLASGOW, 8.V7 x we will hove to (Mr. 'Flcminp;—d uean' cTxnut -February oi -- laspeff axr-ZZoTL.have ikuoduced the figure WLr. Fleming^—Because have Tcamore. , ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ £68,566, irat it js -not cleari to ime how you »ot an inquiry into the thi rd scheme, but I don't my property is in Waienford; early in Mardb. ' • • i A C IOOD «nd Winter •• BoSgtt et BtrKsIns" froa tc Mr. Jacob—iAU taken id ' that ! cnu ,of th'a larger lamouat' of i£lo4,900 thank I will be ready for it until next January I don't own! the value of a penny in Tnamore. Inspectlor—You can have tenders ¦ar iddnis. CtrrUge pa!4 to BriUin 6a Dnoen F. T. HQWAEimjGO ¦ advanoe-^-if you like ! ordsn of £1 ud op»»rdi. ' airKidy inentioJlodj" I ' ' or February. I am surprised at Mx/Flemtag making that , ' Inspector—At all events you now want £9.597 Mor. White said that in 189? Hhe Joint Com- LOT tTOL^ U&u' 8trip»d FLANJTELLA 8BlBr Eatatlialied 1886—Over ; \' ', . MrTfciily-a >dedirct.£69 000J. statement. | grievanc BWUSES CoUmr. Ri, 4 White Ralf-a'CBBttiry. : . : Inapecxiar—Wbatiia thai? ; i in excess of your total estimate of £31,918 ? Mr. Fleming—You live in Tramor© anyhow. ijaitteflajd JbelQrettlr. Bietland ^lis o , , Pink & Wfctt*. , -sir. about,' Jopa's Bridge. It waa tHan: to be made Qclio tad White.^ -American joke, aida with ten tcoVa : -Efc- iPpy--£69/)00 df feattHary: loans; that Mr. 'Fleming—Yes A gas engine of 5 li.p. nominal will do oA the do*n frontfifidtltetideof box-pl«it, iofloollar»nd Pianofortefl by CoDard & Coll«r;- -the a J- Redactj ttsbe-Baflrfiary-Inspector—You-apoko-just-nowof tihe third ing. all' r.#ht:the ' following May, and ydti it was pump theri evcx *ince. enffe, ecIUr tucked, prio* onW la llld; by pott! 31 Brewer, and other leading makers, at RARE BA.RU AISS £ >r Oai: or oa Tto» &md "parable an jfiha £amtary )*>•>,?, and' thus section ; I .suppueo the plans hsf o been made? Inspector—Does section three now mean nti *. 8!«» of Oe)I.r., l«K H, «nd M» I get vS £68^86. !. [.. r.!, ..;:';' . .; - . : . : MT. Fleming-rOh, yes, ifor £• long time;: but !goti five or ten ibaye ail assistant, engineer, yet, lor the past Inspector—"Why did you n-ot tell me that end fereqted for £1,000. He was •ad Blue, Crbston *nd Orm, OvU A Hello, Blita t Old Instroinento taken in exchange as part jj ayraent. : . • • * tpinttioBto lock .through .the returnshe would ¦two lyeaoa we batte ibeen iworking in six cliffe- before? tha cstimato was niach under tfia mark. Gold ; tlta In **lf oaloan." White, Crua, ! Btj, i ' " -C•: • ¦• . : >j - -|' ! •; ' -¦•-' rent-parta of .the iava. MT. Fleming—AS far as that- is concerned, I Criaeon, Pink, TdrqnnUe, Nil, Hello, PetsnUl ' ¦ before me. offlco; iaid Uirl : Brotland—p '¦ • : end isft frill of ecru lief, getf atttcbed collar mi iized, J?6t> -I'tvUl give ¦you AJ much!.time ¦as dBHSdl? , ' ' iaBi Violin^ Baojo, Gnitaf, and Zither *trjng» all prices ! ¦ |. . ..i-.|; :j-.Lj..zr. .:'. r (Mr. FlemiKjAAJbdni five miles- of streets, Mr. James Power said that the reason he Inspector—I may 'eay I am a littio disap- trimmed twn row> bUek riblion. Lined thnttghant. A at . JWi ife .:Z-;.7_i.ui.. I. . - supported thoiantercaptinicawer was because Tiny anlttble and ineipentlre blounj for tha ooalnji All tho latest Music ' '.After 1 3ttns cooyeraatiion ibetweeji1 the Iospec- the purchaisejoi pumping plant and the erec- pointed about this. Any more evidence? , Songa, DancG3,' Pieces, rt reduce I bricesx U»oasi*d»u» ¦¦ he thought the flooding of tile cellars and bhopa Mr. I.: J. Bell taid -thit he wished to say a "^S0 * **°™n\jUlU ; po.Ugfr, M extra. • Blt«a iior iad -Mf.; iEeely, _ ithai;. fartter eaid that the tion- of thfi-pninping station. of Co?.llara, W}, 14, and •<¦' Klcct from. ' in-lcrceptingB BW I would ibe donci away with, by thall sewer. HU few "words. Hi. Will ithat My&nde the ^ ¦ ¦ NOTB—Wbinord»rlnibrlelter«no?o«3PortallOid«r THD CHEAPEST HOUSE IN IRELAND. • ¦• olonz-the Quayi;—-Jfo; 'th at was abandoned, or recollection was that previously high tides Inspector-r-You muBt 'bo eworn. i i • wed to Jbiin iby ime>b oroaeh treasurer(Mr. P. even boloregoing over tha qnay wall, flooded 1 Or Caab In ie|[tpy . leaving out the (inter- i Inspector—When you afllnnP Addreu jour enwiopa ; .priX cepting serarer, and¦ if £o,,iby now much?—By remove this flooding. «user. He (DUr. P^Jy) eated, ihAKever, that Mr. Bell having made ths affirmation, said— T .T H0WAE3) 03, ¦ ¦¦. ' CO, ftuay, ,to (Mr. Keming—And you are right. The & ¦ Watetfordi \ -. ; : OO-G BK.OTSIE3I2,S. ¦ ¦ - ¦ • .[• . .• - -^ba^miat •ba-wery stupid if he failed explain £8,000. \ ^T , ¦; ¦ ¦¦¦ 1 along! the quay aro being conrtocted What I have to eay.ia hardly, in the nature of SCOTLAND S QEEAT TIUDE33 AND himnrClt s.;?-- . . I;- - . . : i,i , 'How was itbat figure arrived at?—I estimatsH 'houses "LB*"•TT*E"*H | :i with the new eewers whidh will not ibe flooded evidence! I have some anxiety as to-how wo OBDEB SPKCIAL1ST8, . ' laspet bor—©id1-1, not '« tfggest: atr the .very roughly oa the basis of the prices .we are at are carryinai out thi3 acheme of fieworcge, and PA18LEY-BOAD TOJjIi present :. . ¦at high tides, j ! ! : , QLASS0W, aT7 mate of -the cost of ihe olhattoir. : away at the ibest jpart of the tide. Mr. t 'Bdll—I am a 'clothier. I,lhave had some utiho construc- intdlMlHa sjay^ ' I "' r ; i " ' ; tended do erect to filthy stuff coming from the factories. tion of works.jn €y cH,e abrf cfiazVe Wcrlzo, Mr. Tteii. . tanjwdiately cfter i - eotemcl/ tl}4 ia T^honsand iperanids, .A» |ho intescepting 'bacon this city tin the same lines; ' : : ¦ sewer, I did not into the .figures very close, Where is that ibeingr discharged mow? i as -tlhe ^(werage, it would cnell .ruin. There a JVo better value in Boots and Shoes ¦ room¦ anil -$»3e examined.- i I e> Mr. Fleming—>Atthe near end of the ibridge, no finality about tha scheme, mid no definite THE LAHGEST than tho* i&ispfector— OPellu& haw:the \&&ii of die .city and' I Krme to the' conclnsion that it¦ would 1 IN DUBLIN.; ¦ '!¦ ¦ ' ¦ , and will be so. until the intercepting¦ e€twer is conclusion that we, the ratepayers, cab tie Bumdoxd wienw© xsm Bnsilyeft them after in -opinion, anyhow r^'*T- i * ^««*1, CL^ H«F!"«<1 I Bamnistr^nd ¦ ¦ : namely, that a large amount of 'the work; was ^ - Afeo FifcUngn for lame. Worn Flits Street. I focal acts? I 'il I i' ' i rt-cut equal to How. i ' .The Town Gtett latervinai, I by :.perm ssiou, i&ttongh!rock , and that tha -contractor(took to reply to this question,] jaad ha;B aid th at ihe his (chance,' n ; •.,Mr. Whii^iWis -Uijifc^O 00O, for tanL in- !^Tffi&l^^^ *&F l '!?* 8 nnd 9 Mr. Feely—£10 la week.- ¦;- ,• . --. ' j i r , "^ , GREEK STREET, (adjoininS Police technicalxnsteuction , ld.'i waler rate3, i omes- Court), DUBLIN. : far ttte. 5s. 4d. ; ovei . Inspector—©id you pay. ¦ extra¦ tor¦ . theJ rock CBUJS£&;' .' ]. . .. . - ¦ : - . : to .lattir of which,the Of rparation of tl e city WILLIAM - Mr. Fleming—iAa far as dhdwn in 4&e 'draw- a ' ! ,GIBfi$, •(>! bad;ik> bqatrol «b«tewr/ excq>t. a9 related to 1 We M^^te^K^Xt thesew¦ eras'flWM ^•*WiW " ^«W'-! r :i tnnimtary' and - asytoia ai ct one hoepitai. ' j ing we paid lor th^e rock. did not pixy for to coatP . | i ¦; .. 'j: ' •w «ta4«i nfas a naerabeoJr tho Eatopayci»' CARRIAG I IeBpecftor—Itwottld appear ib^t ; youhave a anr mosexoctc than was in the .schedule.! i Mr. Flerininu—(Mr. BreUand estimated at Committee, to -which allusion bad alreadyibeen UPRIGHT GRAND E AND j WAftGOK dear irwotne iiom yonr Corporation estate ol Inapector-HDidyour Corpo ration consider it £35,000 foT Wi feit'w« thI»-.That Description ol^ Wm ^ii^^ Mr. Feely—n!na'z \,exactly it; and itvsould ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ £8,000Applied lor , >wa» slr. lH ; ; extended area. ' ' S "» originallyintended piaiio Bni: t ive .'-woo not'a *eyenue!from sotne old bave been smoptt unifair. ' U Inspector—Ho, carry out the scheme into to cover| - AND HkLLt-GABS fir» ab< at £1,700' a 'yeair,nEea aleo w« have be ootniplet^d 'tWslmontJi. . ; | i j ; you would want £60,000? . : " y ¦ ^ a pmioa #»t money ahoald .be &% onc« ^ MciS^^i ca»caromuai>^s »«t8,win, 9000-(5XK&_ ae^ fromlliom thetne tbeattweaH»ae., thetht Inepector—lauitiii a section iwaa ther^' any •Mr. Fleming—Yes. . > I applied to Iho obatlon and-tha-connectionof • Check Aetloa, *«. IW : 1 rcnono UtoToTO'ESai,W^bmerwiiAM quanttby o*. roek f a be worked-? [ i 1 1 InspexAor-Jrhen there would be <£io,o6o for pe wwexage in tha John^treetneigbbouthoodj worinnaiabS . . CARBKUL . ATO. jKM il rfngi to" atr Fkmiflg—Woiiewhatever , because!(made iol tor a» the Utter waa . . r STMCTlUTr^ cb. afcootxa; io a jrearToi^ T^ i I- . the .tanks at |Waterpark, and £4.000 lc* the > *» concerned, |t .waa fW m*nth. Canlage Ruj aay addren forTent j: Jto«*!t«iM;iw» - juaV Ma^ng thln« boringfl at «&ort /istanceeapart , so that there interceptinKMiwexf— Ye», a confctruotedj I • a cryunaevfl. Mr. FiemingVIM quiteof riSttin iMtatoeot.Catalogue po rth ^-^^f,^"** ^ ^ wi»kBflr«terfot4-11aB, and, wMihi^her/B'rhan was nothdngin the -wav of specirlatfonin ' this Inspector—Quite «o. making a total for tha •t a jnf w*» *• *cjioa the Joint eection. About three4ouitns of th^ w^rk is : ; Conatattee* *•" *of ^the T ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .entire scheme:of £64,000? l Ookporatdoa and ratepayers ,9NDON*I,lTE^ppoii | yozt lbai l/ fiot 4hia city fiftu*ed. ' .I ' i • - : • : : \\\ ' : Mir. : ¦ i j! tarilted to the ,pai,poamwtt ¦ j State I and t-hel otiiei 1 Fleming—Yea. *h*t oi tiher intar> -H WAHOFOBTB aw« «long the «*uay, wijch waa then ' entiwly fini-jhed? : : . or: • . , !• :| i i • !se>wer on the quay shduld ibemadef .1 : f* food w abwHtosted altogether. (Mr. 1 BwU — 'Local, Omoi : ! : ! WJxnm Olerx— /.::; - . ¦; step eotor-Wfast ore you doing elbow ths _Mr. 'Fleming—On tiie ground: oit .expense— 'a* 4wlw«»»a», iatta:u>5 proprietorJ time j>enaet)r In that case; i. Have you 'cau- i^S^'S l-lnapeotor-Hmy did you ^ugg?4tKbisecJha(ai S?2f l i ui e* "Bi«rln» *ilt*r*d ' -«te;-««t-anlj i--fe>r^ »' Dpbtotore;'iStnsh . iMr.vFeejy-^I^re'will-i>e_ meeting|( i the art totoo&»is!ft i d«UJ*f'te U,*1(ri5 .SS? STEPHEN W*terparit 8t aUP | ! ' -' i; "WhiteoonolndSdliiatU ¦ i !' ' " ¦ ' ¦ FL¦ tiiror - ig to : ¦:-• - : :!' Sanitary kCo*an_tteei on Thureday nex*J wthen Mr FJeming-UBeoaa»of'thee conformation of ™ » w se'^bi «baodontoe ioterceptind • ! " '. ' 'I'"- . ; i - LI. .-w. : T intend to _»k tbenj to' &rect ttio Law 6 1 »« ¦>* «»m • : ¦ ; ; - ¦ A< viier the ground, Knd dnsteadi of 4»vtor »3v«ral t J *^* £ W/ »««*»p«o i»ay «a [Mr.I Bret , -Bfg¦ ¦ t to Wormh h WM, tod (U , - . w&Wmmm l"«e* a^wffi bt f> -[»mp.tmUt».iSuA _«• penally? w_l w.:«n< pnmpln«M dtlonswe liieectonly bareone. fr^pd^iai fcmy-Womwd thJttitht ¦: • - w*eoa,7»itlbxki gU» iwh. » ooorw not' ¦ ¦ ' : •: 'J5 S» I »W. , .TT-H5- -;• 1* Ineces- ;Inepeetor-rIt!tw«» ¦: imoortaat |to pdiventI j Hl."^ "?111 *^g4 *«rtec*ry,.without B ¦ ¦ flc^ing.and^hareih^^na^ofWhiyuse*/8™.?11**^ 1 Grpin, but Owt for an 1 ideal wiw tm 0**m&Gfflj ri *& 'fj . "! ^?_!_»»l *S!r^a^^__?l*_ I.H'i»n»''*te«i***on!|] o* ¦ pl_a»or ^ Dbangt"bf that lrindf \ '"-.."? . j j -j : •• i&T,;Fi«Biln^-Ye«.;.-; ¦ .,] : -.'-/ ,.> , -ti ' ':- ' wM WLA W] ^T^ItiU4*S* i^nSS i» - ¦ "T ¦ ¦ <¦ ——y~~**» ^* nv ^H—»W jtwtw^ i UMMAMVU 1 — *» . 11 an ^ ^ Mdj - » " cr^— -rvm *r**dm - topectav-iid ffl)«» j*W *f&SS*li&,l 'tSt^S ""^^W*** y *to that qodrtton; h«t, I ihavei ^rerhmd. 5*lt2S^ Si 65?*SSjS,"gP?JW>«* *i' jil JjttSfftS^^^^lf ®"™P^^^g*«JlS' S Jl s&mmwap -^ ^ectka, W«i Si «BT m flnrt lt^« -t&Cf oiroalde Utoit b*32Myfit«i«]cWof ^«« »ewS_i«tjio*pde2 ^^^S «*

mm®mm W*$m' Lff i*' a* _ * mutmmmMmmm wm i- ]: ' .. ¦ : ¦; J-Fi.'i |:M.- : 7i ! ! i-T#Mfh 1. •'! • .- -I . 'f. *.:-i : i ¦ ¦¦ ¦< .' :r A :i #;i,VvJ!t ¦ ¦. 11 -i .. !»i V^iV >^^' -y. -t l HUNiriKil iiii. JT^eirtlji]fenieiiJ \ i»«rtl ^.m:^o Vlmlla, ¦ wr«p ¦ ' ¦ ' • *Wcovert wa» ' ¦ • : ¦ ¦• * to ' fwind tenaaUess •: :!•* : S . - i i . • ened J ¦¦: ;., ' ,| — v = - wo i^en -to Kffi4aolea«uei ' M . : /[, ;: with *n oqua»y dwa ppoiitlW «xweriei»e. . Liaselan ¦ THE; WATERFORD! ¦ >\l im ' ¦ ' ' iOUNI :^a» . i ' ' l ¦ ' - « .' . - ^^j .we^yed.|jwithiwj(t i«ault, ; and i : i losi the the .ili *™P®3' ** i round ' (M»3ter •Jfj' ^^ * o* ¦ - - drew off .flh© - :¦:¦ ¦ ' • H- T I . hotujda ,:- ¦ f.+V' . ¦:\l li! TT : f \O nu- > :] . and all jfaburned home ¦ " . . OPENING .M^fREETRT OF rmv.i v ieir»«c»/vtf efter ta moat, • • i '' enjoyable ^ ¦ ' i - ¦ ¦ ¦ hunting eixpetience. * -K? - • ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . i ¦ I ; : '! I ;;! :; • : ¦ ' ¦ '¦• -:• • :.: •' . '' "• ' • \- 'A (ii ^ „, :, . ... ' iBKBLMAiNT. GATHERING ' ' ' ¦ ¦ -:¦- ¦ THE/ T] / 1 ¦< flmi . >. . •» ' 'i •• : . . ' J T. ¦ EPERARY IH0UNDS; -* ¦ 1* . /Hunting it has often beea said is ' ¦ : a snort ,On I Friday old a& £he hills, iand ' indeed She origin of the- Uhe ^rpperarl, Hounds met at KoksoMey Barronstrand=Stree' ¦ ' ' ¦ 6port| in these isles (JJocsi jAjbW, when, owing to.the awful i h Dot! adwt ol ix lxxg Jj T- 'i' .. . \ i ' i * historically traced. Tine weather, - only: two turned up to meet Mri .fact thait itibe ;« riy Burke, daba'bilaint3 'kept' , "" good jhuatiag vizi. 1 Jeaaa. Boaso^by and Dr. Heffer: i dogs'" i' ia3 y is , srej lhaTO it on Demesne the authority of Aiseriusj Ihi^ , but of acent there was little where- WA/TERFO lbiograjjlher, t l&t irath to bustU before Ihe was tfcwelve yeaia ol age -them ahbut Still the hounda <;.!'1 ^WH I * ^ the" wa n pushed them ; most expert and active,; ihuato, with Borne vigour, with tie j and- exo&lied (result; of sent in^ a; to PBroo^ Fub!3o QiBQjition their Siook dn all the (branches o£ tHai'n.oM&'art,'i&'.vri brace ground. ' It vfas ion (pouriig rain when "¦ he applied -witih. incessant labour and am*.* ng a move was made up to I: wards the Stetple Hill, success." It is related foy-jWiHiani which was drawn fox- <•• r hand, left him. - , ., ! '! .; ; . i '^ ' j man period is sufficient evidence ,-cxf the BMrt-, On ing ardour of jPuesdaykhe celebratedon pa^k drew Bali/- s- 'William and his euccessora. The dine gorae, .the day, ^r'y ^^^ s^ MORSE Sheets, Rollers, and . ¦Conqueror ihirnself -loved - and; a^ previous there gTlRRUP LEATHERS and IRONS. j " .tihe-ihijg-h game-AS 'appealed to;bej M i:• .«. .: !. - .: . _ . ..- .- ' ¦;. .Loin if Ihe were their , a great scent. There was very Covers. ^father " and tiie!penalty tor little delay when ia fox: She unauvhorised slaughter de.ihiart or !hi£d broke at the Oarn,ck ' | side, crossed thb Ballyueal' road at once c|pURS and Martingales. ¦ Driving! was the loss of both eyes. Jt is only. -wiH ia , hd ¦ ¦ ' ^A^ERPROQF Ro^ sooa i afterwet da the Canick land CQonmel " J ; ' ; ¦ . : .' ' .;: - j - ,;. : • . comparatively recent .times lihat the **x 1 as rojad. iTheiv h ''' " ' fy come jio.be . >unda went "a dancer" through '/m wrrf i If tl ]Iv^\ ' considered as an ftnTm al of lha Ballymoraa ai d DoveHll, down to th and CTABLE Brushes and Chamois. higher!dhase. Tlha precise date ol the estab- ebanxs gAVESON'S Head Collars. .: of the Suir; beside whicn! the - fox . went ;to lishment of ithe first pact of ttwranda kept en- ground after & fteen minutea as' tirely itfor fox hunting cannot . hard aa ever bej accurately hound3 could Jielt |it, and they had plenty filed. : In the Werk of " Nimrodi 'of rLARK'S Saddle Soap and " <0. J. room towards tiie finiah. (Went back*to Bally- fcTNEE CAPS. Appie.%). entitled ""Ehe Chase," jtheie fis in 1\- - — . ^ Harness Coojpos. dine gorse agaih, found anoJher fox. and with - extract; from a letter from."Lord Anindel, datjed out much delay; he left at th : February, 1833, esamo point as RS and Cb? /TART Harness and Mountings.; in which -the -(friter eays tiaat the other, but instead of goiug towards ]j-j|ALTE his anicestor, the lord lAruideV 'kept , a ipSJcik [of irrver this- one| Iran a '-wide 1" r^hWianded ring foihouhds between 1690 e nearly to Bunrtclh'ur^h/'iand -'b'ack to h'ia tak^a that foxhounds .were , generally festatuir starting point. There 'was 'no Respite, so he ehed throughout ireland'iaiboutUie ye&r 1760. ib,rpke and rar ,' another ring over ^ox (hunting y the very Since was flrst commenced, the same line- as it first, reaching the covert' sysUmiof the 6port has a (been .OTicli changed. 'beaten fox; ai d-ilf.. Burke very prudentjly In ouri gTeat-grandfat!hex'a. .time-. ihe- Ihoun is had hounds at ; >pped to save the covert frqm ffliikffliysi met early, and found the fox Iby the.arig,tt at' ©igars ' &eing stained. Trotted on to Newtown Anver, is by .the iine he took .to' \bas ikenned 'on lis where at least half a dozen were quickly on return, irom a foraging expedition.- Hunti lg their pins, but aitte Ttwo houre' rattling abo'u; ¦ •tha |drag wia doubtless a great teat of mose, 1 at the demesne theyJhid_tQ be left. ' im '¦ ' 7-¦ •* CAPITAH many ebod -runs must have beerrjtet "iihereby. Mr. Burke, pf the Tipperary, now enters .US - GENERAL, for :the ;fox must often have heard!'the ' Ilionnas upon his fifteenthj'saaso'n, and continues \ r, apTrindJ and have moved off before^ ihey could act as his; qwA ^untsritanJ-With the excep- get on good terms with him. j At - .the.- (present tion that W. l iiSbons. is second -whipper-ia 'j -n-o day the odlands- are neither eo-large n|or t) -seploce,J.; RVani.ihere -is'' no change; in . th? '.' OApiTAIf , ^EKTSEAL eo numerous as; iQhey fatmariy'. iwere, yhl le establishment. Nor are there any;;new facea many ' doyere : there ar^ more ^orsle ; therefoc e; with the Unitecl Hunt Chrbj pack, ivith.wh^cn HO VOLUUE CAN BXHAU0T ITQ U3ED Smalt om h. Ff ¦instead of hunting the drag upi Ao it, a mu :h .sport , has ; been j deoidedry good during tjhe or i/ quicker way of gettin? to1 work is to find a' f.Ic!K3 Tin like Silver. f Polishes Steal and Ino period ! of cub-huntimg. The young entry;of " . ' A-.BadOKB'd ioxliu^ h^s 'kennel. ' . ] \ . fiye. couples of doss- and ^ight and a hali Makes Copper like Qold Little by little the expense attendinga pa ;k couples. of. bitches have given- every satis- Cleans all Kitchen Utcacllj .. . _ . „:. ¦ L of jhoiinds -has incrsasedj. until 4 has m< w faction, eq\d in. thjj j event o!f fair- weather, a f.lnlxeo Point 'like Ne- ii"iv. S^c . i^Cc, . 2DO "yXiIIL assjnned laTge proportions! The hounds mv st good Beason is fxpected. There , are plenty!of . Briffhtena Old Brarccp. ' hest Kood ; ' , ¦ be of -ihe / |at .l^ast flve ;hotseiS. jer foxes in &* Waterford. coijntry,- and up, to Makes Brass like "JVilrrorc 1 oo&p. . Cigar and Tobacco ISerehant, ¦ .¦ -i ¦ - •: ' ¦ Siuiting day (exclusive oif .the'M*sier' jhi st 8ept©nibej; 1 *' . .. • ...... i For o Tfco=c=n:J TTiInjrs. ] 8) 25 j crub-huntingj experiences hai . '/-' -O J : ' '!. be allowed fox Ihe hunt servants; no make- been of a .satisfactory kind] ' ;,lnkes Home Bright.. . : THE HOVSEWIFE*ws\ 'Q FRIEND. ' ; shifts !for 'kennel or stable will foe '.tolerated, -^cr ^^p ; n'TJ ^, r>«T-.fB»r-T-ri--"-i Will Clean tha Hour; 1 ! ugh /¦ 79. QUAY, . and) tile hunt servants must "be men of (known . ; The .Be^=borij> i Hounda ' will , in future (lakes Scouring n Pleasure from Roof to Cellar. WATERFORD. character. Under these!circumstances allas^er hunt on TueSdjaysj and Saturdays insteadjof LEVER BfeOTHEHS. LIMITED PORT SUNUGHT undertaking to keep & pack at bounds* iacrars three days a fartniBrA., . , CHESHIRE. of Hom 'B. B. PpnsonjSv ereat exj)ense for ^he berteflt otneiis, or .else, will_ be acting master and huntsman, James ment Board ' (I HAV)B FOUlrb W) being I judged by : the' standard of ,well, kept Dunpby first .Whipper-in, end John Yotm? won t allow you to postpone it. contractj; to men sunply because they posa ¦ ¦ Syw1 They ou^ht to] give us tim; ¦ ^ ' no?oi.a establishment, lays hdmself open to a change, 6ecohd. ; ' . ' ' ; ! ' ' ! ' ' • ^f' . *— - as Niationaliats- and iLeaguera? '¦ ,' ¦ ¦ ' Chairman—We won' ¦ ¦ r t ;have: money I enough •Mr./L Power—li ;I know a man to be a good of only half doing what (he has put ihiar 'hahd ' ' : to coyer the expense. • . iNfition alut I would ' ' to. ' Thia charge never once was made against Tfie Silkenny Hunt have ; a new first whio- Clerk—I think we' vrjll . : : _give him a contract., ¥£iT IS IT ? ! Chairman—It ¦bi' Mr. Michael Power—You;' would get men those who made the welkine ring in our per-rnj T. Garret, to pot instead ;of W: Wheat- is .-tcr to go on with it then. ¦who would _poie cs Nationalists for tho ' pur- nfoisiir ©ofSFtLs MCPHQIJ good old wninty, ley, who goes b the - Ormond country. workb(oTi se, And valua- again. • • < . '! - . • " : : 1 at ihe heele of a*¦ fine! a pack.as one could tion of flme, for half 5ear ; endcd COth Sept , Mr, Byff ¦>—There is a Soap, Fiob, Entree?, Joints, Poultry, Sweats " ' Ooshmore and Coshbride esrtabUshinent to-his '¦ ''¦ . f&E olutich on iho behald. Thon in the year '1840, \ Henry; , i he 1002.—Ordered. ^ - • . : '- • books already, in favour of - giving the pre- Eton 1 o'clock daily,- and-, oa Sncduyr. ! eldest £pn, Captain Holroyd Smith ¦ Uo ATTEHDAnoB Cn*nncp. thrd-Marquis of ¦Waterford,' iame along and Rowlands A J Itie Count- tliaiXoaguc. ' v--» • ¦' huntsman in . jlace-jotTim Hayes, and Ted .Clerk^r-I think that resolution was npvor Tabls d'Hota doilyfrom 1 o'clad:, ncd 03 So^dsy to Mr: Henry (Denny, and h« i eaid &zez Council, wrote lo say that payiiw orders bid ' at i o'cloclc Firs ConnwJ. 2a Hope, from tie;Hundred of Hoo,.is seco.i'! been spni. tp. i tho mariager Pioypcial Bank, eoted onj , ordt'conldj ncit bo acted on. If you spirt than iLord Henry gave it would be di fi- ' i had.-an to-morrow it would not be cutt for one to enjoy. And Mr. Denny was whipper-in. |T, le 'Duhallow jnake DO change. ¦Dimgarvan , the treasurer of| the Union aal ' A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY, ¦District, for rthe following'amounts:—iUni'>u, acted, on. . , ' SOLOMONS' SPECTACLEa, ; fond of the game up to a <;ouple of years 8i o, ¦ ¦ lUrj L; Power-^Bu^: a man c,'an¦ get the pre- £973 6s.; District, £213 .133: Sd. ; _ : : - . - V- -' • ¦ ' • ¦ 1 A remedy baa been discovered ly Mr Oarrett In having ihunted -in the County Waterford lor GALVANIZED IEON ROOFENG Mr. Byrne—That is not so ference. : " ^" " . OWUBTB-19, NASSAU 8TBJBBT, DUBLIN ; ; bad. r. OVKeeffe—It ie no barm to bring Ilanaginj Director. : thobcrba CTOvrn In the bogs sndihUla o{ Irnlmd, half a' century, a :record vyaieji nootnar livi ng Chairdan—No, indeed. , 'M the (Late General Utsj/Kt-Clarcice Hot^lj Company and U h»» wen found the on]; apociflo for ' I - matter on, It ght be a reminder to those ¦ • 'Dr, David Power, ¦MefjttjjU Officer tb) ni limited). . ¦ ¦' from hu« Uoat Herd. Dr. CBaxnr, SUop of mcln cian poini to. After Lord Henry's Rid When buying: Galvanized Iron Shee\e, " . oi Njationoliils, who;.are not mecApra of the IJIFTJBE BLOOD. J deith in WJarch, 1859. Henry Brisooe, of Bdnijisbpn Dispensary DistcJct. repcrted tbqi Jieague th' hguld join ; Ttlcphoao 1333. Tebiraoo—"E«cl, Dcblla." SKIN DI3KASE, Wttatni.) .^< JCux- Bidging, etc. (i .s well as Wfcre Netting, Fenc- there 'wore, aijt^cbildren in FthgrVdistriC/'-who at they' -^ ;the-¦ ranka of vaie, acted as blaster for |years, and ivras fiu'e: ' t]^nationar'ox!jani2ation. * , . BOKB DI8BA8E. tutat* to my tJfhLt^MoBMalSoStaairiStU. i . ing Wire, ,an^ Staples), aep that you get a were not vsfcyiated.'trOrderid to b^.warned,- L. HandredB liovo been cared of taa dlifete4t forms proTiac mort SfnsAt*s aJkmWd. #Bohf££7 : ' ' " ' 'Alr^ Power— ¦! i Mr Garrett bm called this ipccldc " OABRETT'S" j lengths to Wle it from. j ; " - The Master reported ib,at ho had lod^sj "cThe matter, then dropped. . - . , VICTORIA HOTEL, ¦ O. Springfield si»:ceeded i or .two years, -v-fb in ¦ th' > BEBBINE. ! i . T Walter Waisl , a'; Sona. Barronstrand Btre^t to e credit of the union alaim,. of £8 8s. id. TB A NiBWv COTTAGE^CONSIlJTmATiON ; C01BECK-STBEET, ^A TtERVOTil). - udtitoniedrhimmooh oonlort. " -The; revii al This concluded the business* (y the Boars; ' .• • OAREETTT'S HEEBENE I* «old by CbemUti —AihBsjajiBi ], """" th« hunt was finally abandoned. : -n^TENDERS. •..-/:¦ ?! and stores »t 2s 9d, ' la 'ffd, and 7< 8d por. bottle of hunting,- binder -the ,ginial ; regime of jltr. and the weekly meeting of! •The CounOiU'thd proceeded to the erecti "~ T~~ pi rj3-MOI»CLLBD Ain) RE-ffOBNISn^D. per post 3d, id, and 6d rospectiT^ij, extra.' | ¦ rn^i |d, HI "T THE DISTRICT cbUNCM. of cottages and fencing of plots in the 'dis- ¦ ¦; •;¦ • ••• Ge zrge F. Italcomoon, is fresh: ia fyery KJj.cv3aoTKor.nAO poano OF. Waterford Agent* ; " , .'' • f. DOOLW T.r. " , trict. The following were accepted:—jFor Tbt kmcwruxoTof Towns imlimt» ^ an 11 rejoice to say that the ptospects for t le ' was then held Mr. John.Kiereey, J.P., chajr 1 cniJTBALLT AlCD CONVENIENTLY SITUATED naottt>« iht ' |OWABDIAt|]p; . . ' ^nan, presiding. All the , (members name-i fencing plots—MrV Morruuey ,'EUI, Portltw, GE0. WHITE & SONS, ChomiB^o, attatutloa h» bas Oatmt tmm .mmr9ma *m Totifc eninipg season are bright in the extremei 12 J: per : . F«ha, 103;..TpoB. 1 above were in: ottendance. i ; perch: John Foley, tVithla Ono Wnatts Wall: c! thf ' j . . KING 6TEEET. '- '/• SSSSfcSsr-- - *- . WmmS ' The opening meet, ^Euesdayr. was a imlj idnt «? U, E S D L J . •Mr. Patrick Power, Clerk of Works, 'WHJ Farrell, Carticfcbarhane, lQa.j rW. Fitecwald, ** if each tr< ire Ballynabanogei 8s.; Thomas MeGrathjtBiHy- OOUIiTY C0UETH0U8C and tha 1 EADIII0 ECZEMA—" NOT A BPOT iEMAINB.* , : (From VetT &cr**.StiTMta' KtW.) aff airl and gave iresb.evidence, also present. 'Rli-iixin gtnn, Co WicUonr I htt* ¦& SoloaunraWtaUsBlb* norrid, 10s.; Philip Cullinana^ KdlmactKomas ' IJro Oreer, , writes— Mdlu.M *too**^ iWSiWMiSffi T.Tsvmd "1Tatn.™™' neidJd, th3t hunting leyek oil ranks. \1 le (rrom our Repprter.) • Som-9 correjpondence : of Ian uninteresti ig ' PUBLIO i DBPABTfllENIS. .You win be pleased to hear that, tha little! bo; t^ tabs , character having been dealt with, (four plots); JOs. each; Richard , Racist. of " mJet yr asattended by the peer and jthe peasa t Ballyogarty, 12s: 6d: ; jj ichael Kielyf lal&nd, Qo^soab!9 Tulffs and tea Beit Attention ma; I sqnt yoo 1 (ortnlgbt since It qUIla well. Npt a The weekly meeting of this Board was heH MT." Byrne rose and said hel had a resolution awi»n Mi «u« .vyuufm m map ima « mt th|opiilent .buianeii man;and ;-t|he eiitshu3iii6 ic 8s. 6d. ; Matthew Power, 10s. ; Michael tjaly, spot remain*. HU skin U as frt»b tn an Inffnt's. - ¦ ¦ WWtv **- ] on above day. Mr. David Gleeson, chairmau, to submit to the Council. mijrht remark bo ooonted on wonderful care, after the poor little fellow p«uSi o« tfiS.-fflSSn trSisa, . \ T^ aruizai>, who willingly, lost a diy's jpay in'OK er Jfe Ballyvoile, 7». 6d.;, Thomas WaH/ Kewtj owu . ' V7INE3, BKANDIES, WHI8KJE3, It Is a 'Tm» HrrPm aWng '(fromthe Stall to Ballinakill. . Afterj John Kiereey, JiPJ; Laurence Power Thoma3 Irish ieague. It had reference to contract*. For thD erection of «bUagoa-lnoiJollow(ng 1HNEBAL3, . forwarded freB to any address byi I • Ver7£«r.0kao%&T photographed by fhree p o- Murphy, SIXJ. 3J ; James Cofley; T. J. Demp- Ia short, it favoured the giving of preference •1 Kan o»«4 Mt. taumumr.S** otMi«• la* saCs»^ nu m4et : had been tendar3 j iwere accepted:—-Andrew Kirt?an, All li Encsllent Condition Itom tho ticzt HEREBINE »ad k»>« axptrtaswol «ba /aUMi *>n!c*ktraKj iW j aey, 'Michael Power (Adramine), Michl. Foley, to contractors—to '.none but; those who we'e Maker*. GARREIT'S ^CO., 'LTD.. tottel to eUJa toMtldM . iessionalo and about sixty amatenre, I ca e- ' Ballykibhurray, for three cottages at £120 . ¦ r ; : , omla so* iiii S«3r«53llo Wr James KirwaA, iP. Hickey. Thomas' Ooffey, members of the League. Aa [a. matter of fact , ¦ : " : P16M0 Kots tho Aadr::=, 30B UPPER BM3G0T 8T,, DDBLIN. pcTpc^s^taonetUQkti tttoi iii^WkTu "' fulily lnoted those that passed out tN«wtorn, each and one'-at £123. ' - :' ' ; p. Richard Power, Maurice iFoley, .Michael Leni- as -Nationalists they were .bound to support iTheao. were the only tonders . accepted, aU ^T -. Caaos Brli P.P.,(WtilT and lound -that the .following \rtn .tipM'Jil ban, John Mufphy, Patrick!Morrissey, James the United IrislvLeaguere before anyone elsa. thojotheta' .beinj rejected, ixa they were ;con- - has 4 . . ojd^red. too higli.." r, • !' . ' , Soioson tMOtaelsa tsrjmta , O» tdsd« iii ass MaloomMn, Foran, WiUiaip 'Buckley. | '• ' i • cil the resolution, which w,as ' proposed ?n TOURISTS, roamvEty OCBED BY rr^t iaaoBnolne* tross UMW. HI. G. T> Malconwon, il J.H. ; Mre. ] ; nSanl -r-"»laloaas" iigD Park;- a. The following officials were in attendance himself and seconded by Mr. Laurence Power <=T^- niMt alv «»?• »»• •*¦>«*»«* ooafort Ho[ii. Ij B . Ponscnby, Beosjboro i as uBual:—MrT Thomas F. i Walshe, Clerk ol at the Branch meeting. It "was a3 followB : — TRAVELLERS, ! ~J (And r- 1 WMmMsMmm T. W a liwnt Oongreve; ¦ 9 ¦ Congreve, J.P., ; ! f^ ^J A^ J * ^ *' ^** *^ ** ^ * ~~ . the Union ; Qlr. Patrick 'Morrissey, Assistant That we, the members of the Newtown ^ ^^ CYCLISTS, ^ ^ LINGULIN-^. sod, D -L. ; C. Nugent Humble, A. C. Anderpi i, Clerk: Mr. : Patrick j Power, 'Master of the Branch of the United Irish League, call ju r ; -* Dr. land Miss Garrawi k ,TT^*. RolnMriTur Affloora Thnmns Power and the Board of Guardians and] District Counoil BUSINESS MEN , is tho only remedy for Tipber J.P|., Ballymountain WHICH %n UinaiossrB8nzmxa r.r.l hait« salan to Brett Mr.' and ffilrs- ¦ &Bde < John Cofley. p f ; j | of (Kilmacthoma3 to give contracts to'none WILL lUtD i ; Tongue, Protruding Tongue,' Snoriiijf; T. H. land lire. . ™ *• but .members of the national ; organization, Glissiouse; J. Stephenso'n, Mis. Stephens* i. KHE LA.TE MRSj DR. J3HANAE0AN. . Tronblesoroe Breathing, Lumps i.t the Throat : eaid Ihe forwarded' the particularly road contracts, ' and that such Bliss iGaE-wey, 1E« Cox, J. O Shanaban Chairman—•! think it woiild be rather an - yBNIEHT?- Knt Sou>mb>r IfatMtUt kaf* kH4 kaai'ay u, 1 the guardians jor. the; vote [of condolence. ;;:- '^W|^t Ma iE«j| EmlMtvMO srjUaril^griafrlaistsa^iHgl^njgjjSt^g ham,-(Ur3. Laphain, Mr) Iiapham, jua.; M ss Mr. -Byrne—1 suppose you will insert tho»e illegal proceeding to act in i accordance with p 'tly. Dr. abd Mri Seinedy; A.! 03. letters on tne minutes. this resolution. I don't think that the Loc3l CC^ 30, QUAY; WATERFOflD. Ji iJ , BRODJBRICK llP I ?.Ll ^MJJiaTto^ aS^^S^^SBS Cinno ' Government 'Board would : sanction auch a f ti , J.P., and Mrs. GraveVW. Ga3f|y. Assistant Cl^rk-JCertainly. " . ; ' ! THE MEDICAL BALL, bbbo/ol;C*«Mil»t« Ms* an. K Mw«>MBS?Sr Graves ¦ thing at all. In any «ase"I ' don't think we W.UrforJ,lat*a^M n J J?: ¦ I Mis3 GaEwey,' Herbert. Goff , G«Ir8. j W- BO^AuTOWMWyWIKE«&MLARY. Tbo most auooenAiI Cairblog EtfiH'ihmcnt _ lMll^lkk ^rSr, : ! should be eo stringent with regard to people - : • ! ; In UaSCbfCM S rria> «d . PATRICK STREET. PERM0Y ' D;obbyn, Mia iMinnie The- Local ; G >vemmbnt Board wrote statinit gy f Gl Di j GoS, tMis3' Alice fro £20 to Nationalists who are not jmmbers of th.i | ' Bftok "*?'T1MP*" ' WalsH lMr: (hat -tihe iprdpoial to increa^ m £25 League. For instance,, the qtber.4ay in Du i- Dobbyp. Jamoj Hearne, HJra. John a year the i sal. iry of .Mrs. McGrane; midwife ( Mtrrpny, P. Magnire, Miss Widder, : garvani I saw where Mr. Edmond"O ^hea wa> Rocent ¥einarkibl(Jtt osnltfl. ME OSfaOBY HOTEL GerraM; T. BTaum-vntsty TBUtosp. Ka^Xsataast Adi _.. , ;; ypv ¦ " , A Bid Iw pro- Uniloj KJpgAwu . . ¦ " " ' ' ^ r . - • • ^' r ¦ will sanction i a inor^ase. I j : Bnqj»» (NOT f oii,FincPU cs in united i , ! , . •• • ¦BI^* . 7 .* ' ' M XM- - . ' y. rrimmins, F. Newport, J.jLogan, y.B.i^^es ' ¦ minent Nationalists voted for him. Hoewve:, - 1 . ;. I I . I i.i ! : let thel iesolutdon be proposed ; and any mem ^•.. KJosndQjiMd jMb tflope.. ' Two ol iha STS One UlnoUwt-CTslk from Eatlway. ' COR& EXtflB TION Murphy, JPJL.G. ;! ©r: Staurrton, J. McKfm, ; ;, RETURN ASKED F<|)E. : 1 ! | ber who likes jto' act up to It «m do so. • CutawSffsbiJi Sucoaici U»t Six Zxam- October, IBM /tie Misses Carden'; !Mra r - A.-;-. 8.; M«CoyJ »- ^Local G >vernment B|)ard applied for a ' WEDNESDAYS, ftnm June to Toe •Mr. L. Power—I would like to ameni iliat Uutioa *. .oduJInuj of ir, Juiuiry.190 1. Tbo abovo HoU>J f ru . been Be-opooed mider ON Ticketswill P ^ne Missei Scott, the Misses EobrnBpri; showii g the! expenaei! iincurred fo» Boy Oop»tat»-io3 Iriih SocceMcs Urt «U uew maoagement alter I (both months-taolnded). Excursion ™ iPoiweri ratuwi resolution by inserting one word—''Preference." ea^lrelj extpotlv*; alwra- 8tationa on Central Inland Niunb«rMnnrrMtfTirAWAirjsTKiir ! Mra. IW. Mnr- ' ' " tlopi. bolectBaratiRcbcd. Liquors, , be Issued to Cork (ran ' ; ¦ " " Mrs -Manley, "Noel Hobertson^ medical and educational purposes during half That is, that preference be given to conlrae- Mat* LMun*ray b.V.6.. Vvnni.-i . Cigar* 4t«./oi and oa THTTBSDAY8 from Watetford - " ' 1 ! '" ¦ = ' ' !, : tbo Terr bnt brasdi only, ferns moderate. . Branch, ! : . . nxnita. .; '/ !/ Wxhy.,jin T. Medlycott, E B/;(Morgan, J. W. year ended 30tti ult., in ordtr that payment be tors who are members of [he League, and Appoiotmentx famed of <4 mem at lut (Stations on Doagar rtii, LlmeiickJand tntonmaty Hsn-Ddor. waMmisMJaeir «t BatjU Ima : that la' what I'meant at the , meeting of the -, tbns Open Co al« Widffer* F. Budd, W. H|ally;i Tramor«; - MiM made out of tnei local taxation j account. . , ¦ ThdrlesBranches. • ' " • • ' ' • )-T*»r C*s»9 Irub Sucoaaa ' , ¦ W. 1 M'una?, j J. ;• ' 1 ;AT; iiiaSTr : . . , to contractors who are member* of the League. lut Brt TBlniIn«lioo», ll"ui'f j of 4, , Por furtherp»rtiCThr» aee poetw _ IDeverwix, iMi«» 'Hanralbin ' ' I ; Soppoft cae of Wat$rford's Oldest BOBEKC 0. COLHOUN. Trafilo Manfger. Capt. fowler, Miss • The Local Government Board forwaijdel It says that :ontracte be given to none but : f »mmi»Uun mi OP.0U Duaiot—IT NOTICE TO MMIi Stringman, J. Edbertsonj - .;. > liidustriesi, amended plan arid specification; together with members of tpe League. I; think "if yon act AH>otoiB«ati f the junprovempnta prop^e-l • ¦ ,. : •: the- , . , . , . : »J " , Walter Hilly, KiJbarry; -8. J. ¦ JhHw Ibt nan iBngn eat JPinOi ftlned .. . iMrs i aHen to; be carried out i4 the workhouse of the will place yourself in a very: queer position >.utln&9QaMN,iacki^ijjFV«tlW*.i Dr. Morriaj M^jor Garrowav. -ao.t with a view to provH- • Mr.- L. Power—I' would" be tor amending-it r mm &nm® j. GUIDE ainrpny. (Kllmacthomas Unionj '" Dir ' tai' ZrmhM Onl ttawi W-¦ «D j >. 4 City ; indi-Mi^ John: Widger. W. ing w-c'a., etc., -for the m lie infirmary, end in the way I havo .stated, i ..!...... , , BwA inii*.v .,, . j - ' Made by MACHINERV. Latest and Best ! «O TH« ! In and Oo«tntrfi} ;; Bdsai&et, Mr. : S ) y ' ¦¦¦. Mapv stating thai -tb B Biar.d saw no objection to tb^ Chairman—You must amend it- in Newtown, y '' Plant just erected. ' .¦ Stmngman; P. KenneaBy, fli . . ¦ ' Slaney^ S, ' . ' ' ; ¦ ' ' ; ' mdrlcAiaa now orobosed. 1 , : where it was passed. You I can't emend it dBnBfl . ." . . .!' . .: ¦:u . jjf- ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦'•'*¦ -Power -X;. Staf- ¦ u Tultmn ] ,' - ^aij, -P. Arnold, Mderraan-B- . Cbairman-r3ettled : at la^t. | ; • here. . - . ' j ''" ; M«|^#i^B EDICAL BROKESSION. ¦ ¦ - J ©. Dani«»i ¦. Baked in STEAM OVENS, alwaya dean M . I . . ' . •'. : i;- i'.!:/f ,i- j?iV ^. ford, T. J. Freeman; W. iBobertej • Assistsnt• • ¦Olejki-I I suppose you will ad- Mr. yhomas: Murphy—T!he,re'may be ft con- ¦ Wiittsalu . Stadcsta Md Brate (>Uob ¦ ¦ ; .v l ^^v ¦ ¦r. , : ¦ '¦ ¦ • ' ' . A't£^i; George Nol4n. r :: ¦¦ ' ' ¦ ' ; tractor, in a parish where thfere ttnd r^eet. • > i - tato.aUoo r*»H ^Soatthootto eiMD; . . until the! l»t' April?. r . . . . . Bakers' ¦ ' M«a BJM tBrtwil Misses ' - iflbairman-JWJiit ; jtfouldj be l your object, ¦Mr. I L. Power—The w.or^, '" pfeferienca'' f pir»U.; RMiarmAa,C ATPOUO O^rtBMrrr w* nroai BXERG | » ODionnell, Fethard;Miss CauiwhB, * do.; J)M. ¦ ' sbouldibe in that resolution;-a ¦ ipruu8Tmm»T, Dmstw . ' ! '• " ^= Mt Byrne/ inlddihgr$o? IT' ' nd ¦ I unders ¦tood with Pure Rait 0 iT.a; P. at ©oyle, IMi»;Doyl«; AWjar- : Mr:^Byrne—-. Jo!thifiwe might bring the fcoat at Niirtown that it was in'.it. .: •' • ;• • . : F¦^f^sentod ¦ end Xao4 . ¦ '¦ ;i ' ' ' « ' : ' j j^ !th4 estimat of the Mr. resolution was passed here - Hop Banii. " • . ]——; man.j |.. M-ahoney}:• % \m MgHooef,:Q. i:W* » ol tb« worfci : e uqion Byrne^A on f J = —• ¦ ] ' ¦ '¦ '¦• giving, ' J ' BY PS. ¦ - «»¦ /for MfeJot yaat: - ! ,i' i . VI" . I a former occasion in lavouir of pre- ¦ , !.. : UAMp^ACTCBIO ; mibfo, CB. 3>e*vy, 0. WfJW jtoyliHi< t W» ' - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ •¦' ¦ • tr. ioB lofiihat wilt hardly be - paid ference to Contractors-who ; hre members of ;- . .Ui .. t' .L. -V- - • . ._ > : - .TW| *j i .,01erk-iBat I hta. jajfraid_ ^al Govern- tors in: the country becoming members : UTENSILS. j -' oWa 0 " ol the 1 1 ,: ' ' * ' * . i Hob to ^JBJ^ifo** ** •*¥ Les£uq ¦ for! the .purpose of igettirrg.oont rocte, ** Ia the#4 !do i ialB artidl« ana nor iur, anyiaing eise. : i . : ; w* not'offie^or Mr jt. powei—Tefrr./wpll, a wjll made< frttti9tt(etk» 8ii «*i /*, «icf;. ^,4? i-j i ¦' ' Jrkhinen get a contract. ,; j ' • .W.t ' ':' •!,-*:.' ;\;. , I - I , i! ; ®?S ,'_ Woulcjto'i jr & 8ou; BarroiUtraodStr to I. mi^ • Ciuurman—This resolution comes M :. ffMBM«W efore you ; I«i3SS# '«tew ffifMfel1 »* . V«MM jf5^M*91 %|itf j ' : Irom tb© Kewtowa Branch, and any member ' ' %J» r^ etoj;:a,jgr( cfe^il , yw. co il^,«ay fo who likes can; act np to It. ; [ . ' • ' I ,; HtJB8^tkxM!gl{H; i'i'V > \ .«# ^ |f ;!: J J Clerk—H yba give a preference find a low = ==L_s::f ' BA*M FACTORT (rVublUhedHio) , ouj ofTfer»*8hwU,:BdIl«rtt ia ent«ile*lLi«pthe «at«)4yfer8 i by doing, so. ¦ H ^ «^k' 1 ^ there: iwill , unquestionably:lbe a surchaive. - STBAM & MactcmK BiKtav and H ; Wrl Next Friday Mr. More OTertall, U» auditor, ¦,,;Q^anem»m^rm ?Rn# »T;; ^'.^vii^H will 1» here, «nd if iuqr 'oljjfon like you can ' r4w ¦ r~:r )Nr ;.:;<:;¦ - ; ; ¦;• yj^t.tftlf ' lit :: ¦coma over -Uxihlm.and a»k fbim hi4"pinion "TiSftS&^Ss^*' •?¦' ¦ f . .L. III Orocbit Oallan.'in entxh and w d<» - ~f "T, .,, :. <:.4ii. i>'M »ii'./. i y.'> ¦•il j'l v« . . '• o*vtt»:ui(Wr.hal (He vriU thefi., t$\ nroQP»W what will. 11 ;]<&, ri. 114 j inkfj •f ! [¦;; -i-Ti^. . :¦ .; --m ; lWjM^M,.ili. ipxbfwp • '««OMB«W Rlfn!B. ¦ I l li i i jlW^lyi t ji<> ii .vou caiie •» iota , ;v .,/r . - nrrv -^.TT;,, .- , ,,-.J^| ¦ -• : T\~i: A . ' . l*f f j,i;1Biia pi t;-.q.jAJ i - .g^ |i. - t,|!.t, t.,l,Jl J i P Mr , IByrne--Weh«ve ;ih»j y: ca»e« in ithc ¦ QtiS ¦ ' i' ¦ ¦connW: in which ^OI PS K. uLft. i' 1 i r i ii l i ii 11 »•>;£•?:)¦ vp| high, tended » wereaccepted , ¦ ' ' - i f imd th^Wqd stKh ' Bprcfiirge madft. > »* ^e, - fa. ' - twttle.'hani on dx»3gbi,|.ln ^ •Ofe: UHdifet Pbwer¦^aJ*¦ y m gofcg^o giv' • Jtklinj eon UUon, [iff and)' &! W»l«h. j&wiir'^lcki UA 91 ' : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .:¦ ' • !•¦ ¦):¦ ¦ ! ¦ l.f tejJjW-iteif^ii • • I 'lV, ' i.v . *| .- • ,] it ; ' . -TTT ; «Ut MM hit ua*la o^rlWbfOtK"^ ;^ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦¦ ; ¦ ' .. • ' i' ; ¦ '¦ ¦ > . ¦ •!¦ ¦ • . - ' X'- 1- I - ''. ' - it i • ' - ..•'\ ^^v. • i\. - 'li^ -i .rt-. ^rf„(•-> t iiilillfil - . J- . 1, WMm ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' *¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦)¦ ¦; ¦ ' - ¦ > ' ¦ •>¦¦;¦;¦«- ¦> - •. .:• . . . •;¦ ' }; • • ¦ ! > ¦ ; . > - . . . ; • vV' .;!. i^m^»r^ssi pwpllP i l i *• I** BBS r< mml ¦¦ iif^M-te^ i mmmmmwm ;t iMp™? fr» 11*

¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦< ¦•¦ • • • ^-. ' - ¦ - .- .• ¦ ¦:. • . Lv a 1 . -r' . -\i^-yi mmmmmm mmm mmommm .¦ •¦ .' ¦': rrzr&*zxf iRg %m!m$i ¦ [ I i- - ' f,'j|.4»»n"-,i »^« L.t . .. -^• »^f.,', ; . . .. : , ;: ::-.:.^. ., ,.[. :.:?i\;- -j'Vi .•¦A- -, --:- ;i I ll Tl H^- i-"-1s -CviO .jb»iji> j rdLJ OTD/M feiaffW^ IS^EfSEBCflE ¦ ^M ' ¦¦iiks&iri^k:-" A AA ?p are offering g^^pi M i ' ; mts of ™ bout : ¦¦¦ HLfl : !¦ ¦: ' : - ' ¦ ¦ • OWING TO APPB0AUHINO CLO8E OP - :i - ; ' "l - :¦ - .At -^- il I' . ¦ .- |'i l : ;- ,l ^- -\H . . .[ . : . ; . . ic ; - HI ¦ ' THB j . .• ' - • m\\a •:onevcom CORK EXHIB ITION ; ¦ ¦ I :• i : ' We have secured some Splendid Exhibitson Soft Irisli Blanketo (Xiarge Sizes) 3 3/3 As-iB/am «hat are exceptionalyALUE moBt favourable terms, including and ore all clean and fres h. OROFTS' and LUCY'S ; !¦ , (4ssdrte @ Coloro), ; FINE EXHIBITS i : ' : ¦ .;¦ ' - -i • • ! i ! !


/*¦ learae & Co. Ltd. . As vre anticipate! a great demand for above, we would oak our Cnstoraera to call ' ¦ Drapers and House Furnishers, pncpfliD /iDvnnTiofcwnrjTO. j ; i early anil avoid disappointment. j 23worlloompi»ioniiot"^l fopald dtro 63. QUAY, WATEEFOED, Chcvr&od Doublo, with Q mini- FAEMEKO mum prlco of Ono Otillllncr P;oc" pdvcJtloomon& , I ; 1 AGAINST LIABILITY FOR ACCIDENTS \ i TO: WORKMEN COTTAGE Duplex Lamp gives cho light ol (UNDER WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT.) ' ;. A ' 25 Candies, fitted with fancy giobe. Eieep ; eaob at BelPs, Quay, tiooal valuo. 3s. 6d. ¦ p. yaterf q'rt. i '¦ , i C»ui phor 9 ? fni A MKWCA> Hair YVBBb 01 Kw*iuar>, IiasteaBce ;;'©ompa3a^ - /\\ andi Borax clcanstB and t^"q ifif»'hf hair. Employers ' Sold by Gfeoi-Ke White & Sons in Ptnm P.icketa ; 7 for 6d. ! ! ! A JhOVELtY.—Amaleta are choicely Per-utned a A\ Pendants fo- Watch Gni rdiJ, ObatelaJnea, Farm Building^ D DD ^B j Ei D © GO Prog Ball. I &C. 6d. each at BeU*8 Vyaterford j AUCTIOHO DY any ono of tbo other newspaper offlceo, bul A PARTMENTS, pleasantly uliUted beat par.S ot r/orrrHCor.nrco the type oontribuled in .-parta from femir oi i». Waterford (Newtown) ; bath, bet and cold ; THOf.iaO IVALOH SL OOH. £va offlocx i term* moderate j suitable, for a boslneBs geaele- @©Sl^ftfifiDo®Onp rgg^sn " (b) It was then collected and put into i man. Applyj T.. yews Office. ]- . ". < ^sP^ ( 1 term for printing. . AKJU for hale.—Ported condition ; sell at o ORANCE . ' Mary Street, Waterford " (c) It "sraa than carted liain ono office b bargain. Apply W-J-- by fetter, i !_ :& DQC W pjp^. DQ GD" another, fho &cdf-6amai j-pe bomg¦ used ia ai disengaged desires engagement. O [Fairo / ¦ . "V Jk XJ TJ tha papers. . | . ABMAID just ^ 33 I u Aa < Qwiy codndplo ¦ a can bewell recommehdea. Apply D- th'« "flice : \C0MPAHy j j w&& is &&anst oi f ^ on n PROPERTY trading and entirely foreign to tha principle "TTSILLP'^STINU Protected . Station*! PrHe' VALUBALE tEASEilOLD oi journalism, we protect aot only a» Journj llD . and Station s on application to C. ?. Kcdmond tF[p(n)(ilOD©(B CLLBgjGp'SQQHDDCg] a lists, -but on ibeJtaH ot 'too workingprinter* o & Co., WVertord. : ' \/ tha city, to whom 1&1& praciii* ia an injustice U other newspapers start ft trosade to rain ; /fiOCKEE DOGS for SALE. Good breed. Five INSURANCE COMPANY rude, tro certaurfy looi. to lepreeAntativ VL> weeks old. Apply M.C. , Waterford News. ROYAL buainese men tor assistance in our eflorta t IN THE WORLD), 3 GROSS RENTAL : £91 at JH suitable taken such root in Ireland. ABBlbK COKRBSPUNOE^I'.i—jWnnted for Water ford . Agent JAMES WHITTY " We ask you, is it fair to allocate five^ixth /pi : Office . 42, Quay, BE COLD BY AUCTION at oar Sale- %S <• Tbe Wat^rford. News", 'a thoroughly reli TO of the whole «um allowed tar the adrerties nWo Resident' Correspondent In Catriok-on-Snlr Eooms, tbe Moll, Waterford, on TUES- ment to the proprietor*of five different sum who osn [ attend oil local meetings, fesslonc, &c DAY, 28th OCTOBER, 1902, at. 12 o'Clock, papers who, instead ot getting it set da oaei Apply ta p. P. EodmoDd & Co., \Vattrford. following ' Valuable Honse Property, oi their offices independently, agree to acceg) Hem's Blue Opr^Q aad Scotch T VQ d Guito ICs. Gel., 12c. 6d the one setting, and urns depriva the woriin BUN'X be lined bficausa you ooVe not K>v o 6itaate in Mary-street , Waterford, held under priaters « Waterlord oi earning irbat ; Latnp, whoQ yon can buy one from W. Y. AO-EXTO WAOTSB HIDE^, SKI W Ss Efirj . 0d., Mo. Qd. Lenra from the WatcrforrJ Corporation for a legitimately their due, vis., a living wage. W Peaia ati from 2s. 6d. eacb. Best Acctjlane loops from 29th September, 1870, must f>oint oat thai when the adverusemei] , ' I term of 75 Years, stocked j i Salary and Commission. 36rfsh . Ti7caa-B>o., lOo. Hd.,' £2)3. 6d 27c. Od. ct the low ADBnal Rent of £37 0B. 0d., and is given to os, 'by Getting tine Vbole of i OE SALE—Colombia Chainlets Bicycle in jflrct» WOOJb, FAT. in our offioA •w* pay to ttia prtnttaB of Watei <-1«^» conditlonj will be wld for the bes5 oflfj British Homei Ac3urarce Corporation S?ish let £3 follows :— ford justfive the amountfor tbe vor THB Purchase Hoaoa Bluo Ssrso So., 21o., 25a. 6d. 303. time* betweennow and 25th inst Can bo teen at Kilkenny enables lta members to No. 4 Mary Street Yearly £21 0 0 that say ono newspaper 'proprietor iritt d< Baolaeaj Premises »7itb or without HoteL Qnsy. ; . ' ' • ; Property or Boyo' :Ho?folk SUICD, ^0., So. 8d., 5i 6d., Go. Q£. ,,, 5 „ 16 0 C and in proof of our aeoerUonthat th* d*ra 1 life OBSorance. " * 20 0 0 type does dirty in ell tbe otbaroffloeo, weliay FEEB Sample on receipt of oddjea ; Ilia " Ono of the gteiteat «nd meat suece63fal TO BUTCHERS AND ALL WHOM IT Boyo* iEngby:Do.,10o. 6d.. 123. 6d.. 14a.. J7o. Gel. 6 „ „ only to pednt oat (bat it d&d sot «ppear i AmericanHair Dye; three jun etectable, natural aodertaHngB of modern times. — " C Ivll Service MAY CONCERN. „ 7 „ „ 16 0 0 ail their isouos nowsp&pera. -. ,e7ery class with Whole or epaio Umo, " Apolofrijingfor trespassing' at each tengtl yQTyijr.jnrt- Applj B. Thompson^' Parroci,-Btree{i to-add to their Incoraea. " ' . ! Gro:3 Annual Profit ... £91 0 0 to Head From their long experience of abovo bunincs3 ^* We beg to remain. /Oi'EAND Coronation March o' Edwcrd VtL Write for prospociai and fnll partioulari tiio investment " Your obedient servants. ' Office for Ireland, and their long .connejition with Homo and To Capitalists this b a Uj Price 4s, Thia btilHaot Piece of Mn io Riven in the neighbourhood will increase "O. P. BEDMOND 4 CO. truth to any castomer asking tet it »t G. White 52, UPPER SACKVTLLE-STREET, DUBLIN. Continental Buyers, they arc in a position to WK < Property whon tho extension of The Finance Committee met on the fellow & Sona. i i i . I B. Herbert Orpen and Jama T Stack, give the HIGHEST PRICES for HIDES, y considerably in value OT l A^GEKS and Men wanied I Koialarc n «il- Chief Inspectors (o? Railway and F,reo Bridge development?, now ing Tuesday and, we are informed, decide* t ,f SKINS, WOOt and E>AT. L HJT wa? Works. Apply Kaijtiseir, Wateifori in contemplation, oro completed. confirm tbe offer of £10 per paper, h tdloj SeoMoc. I E. MoAJpfne & f otrn, Witeitord. For farther particulars apply to tkst :f ths newspapers proprietors , wished t [ AKOE Yard and St»bUug to be Let, vteckly or Solicitor h all trarf the ' ¦ Jill Classes of SMns 47,-auay, Waterford. JOHN TWEEDY, Esq^ , break throug e re^ulstious a&iti JLJ monthly. Apply K, tht« fffioa. : _ _ Dressed and Dyed for Mats. .J^T.. Or i 5, Collegwtreet, Doblm ; WM not of theirs. In effect, the Coomltte ft NK£1> (he astittjuice of a rapid \Viitcr. 10a EHOJIAS WAUIH h BON, deddsd that they harl no concernwhether fsi JL person of literary ability I'wlJl act generously. WHITE & CO.'S Auctioneers, Tha Hall, Watorford. MODS other Dead trouble by BpDljIng. Ahdren yENRY 'leasR note address— trading was carried out or not, and that ib ' ' O'Neill, 5, Barronbtrand-stieet, |Waterford. just grisvances of the working printers < . Teas l DISTRICT LUNATIC ' New Season WATERFORD Waterford had cotbiog to do with tbem. Th« T O3T.—A lady s Silver Belt in tbe vicinity of w ¦' . Hi Ftroy Terrace. Alpbonen's Baad, John's Hill ASYLUM. dedsioj therefore, in brief Was to spend'£1 ¦ and Coffee* IAf^Mfs W &n ©^C\H , er 8t. Jobn's ( hurcb i Bewaid to flndor nt M.M. , on publishing this vital document, and to ps lieut Office- | I I ' PLII Ii FHSI for its insertion £10 per paper, Jgrwris ff ; OoT| »u tbe City on i'UKday, b, a poor perton, The New Brand Tea, ...¦i a g»gi •02, OfepcoS JL) e. One Scatd Noto. F ndcr Trill bo Revmrded AS* liiia» Thomas Street nnd Tho Glen, Waterford G^dsGcso p. poflc?ffcrf. TO PAINTERS altogetJier ths question of the viloe to I Apply X T, Nows Office ; : ' nccired from la publlc *tloo. We 'deoOaed i Tbe Red Braid Tea, ...gn rfjjj fnll in with this "arrangement for the foltovrin AMW I Lamps I I Lampa-I ! 1—Gaerge WJblte IKiffl \ . ££M MSD MlUfi npHD Joiat; Comtoittea will, on MONDAY, ' 9 reasons :— U 6oig Ki?e their cootomero the benefit^ the WELL KNOW N FOU CHOICE QOAUTT 10th day of NOVEMBER, 1902, the; LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD FOR JL tho /"ductiab in prico wbich get by bay ing In caltct a person to fill tbe position of 1—That it was unfair atrl unbaBineuIiki Tarfio aoi' Utios. . I ; Special Select Tea. ... 2o. 6J. IRELAND. Iffil : AH® lH SlrHEM^OI A^ll^ffi ! PAINTER. 2—That it was cot m accordance wi OOinr Md Inside Trap for Ijfale. W. A. Uobbyo, Freoh Roasted Coffe, I B. lOd ths custom which prevailsla the regulatfc Finest years at a salary of 25s. ¦ JL Eiverdala, Waterfotd. , : , Ca rnck-on-Suir Mo. 2 Ago not to exceed 40 , of all othe contracts. -rniBOTECTED Bill Posting. Pure Soft DriDking Coflee „ . dfterminable upon a month's STATIONS for ! por weoi, and j 3—That it was bolstering up a system JIT; Bedmond & Co.j Wattrfo'rd. . - (recommended; Rural District. appointed will hare no notice. The person unfair trading at the expense of tha pnbH losing appotite and condition Bbonld be superannuation, and must produce FIGS HENRY WHITE & CO., claim, to 4—That if the Finance Committee wei gfven G. Whita & Sons' Pig Powdar. It Notice of a Local Inquiry respecting an Improve- to perforn tho various testimonials of ability as business nien dealing with their oi fattens : them and watda oS disease. Bczes 8d, 50 Qnay, and 90 Qunj, W&terford ment Scheme in pursuance of 'he Labourers dntica connected with hia trtde. , each, ' ! ' money they would never dream ol coaseoti j J (Ireland) Acts. For futthei particulara apply to R.M-8., "rrpiNK Tomo Complexion P|Us qaicUly Ireatore to such an trrsDgemeot. A Of., with whera applications, together with tejti- Jj. to health thong aoSering from neaknesa and WHEBE O representations havo boon caads to, €>' f ^ 5—That it was subsidizing almost n a £sllof7 complexion! Bottles lsj from George tbe Cotrictj-on-Suir No. 2 Rural Dletrlot 'SO BE' i,BT. ncaials ol character and ability, aro to be ' (D known papers to the detriment ol a fsi White fcs Boca, King-Btreet. ' i Council pntraanoo of tbo Labonrcro (Ireland) " Clonisscj' rncc:s, lodgod on or before Saturday, tho 8th Act;, nod the said Connoll havo mado an Imptote- " V/codrtowo, clmtti cciisd- ^ conducted jounul, which is read by sIL [US OY AL KO8E (a -New Brand ot tBeficed lo Cardsa ond 20 Acrca ot Land. ¦ Cach Clocolvcd on Gcpsc'J cl Q t",:? c;-^» NoTcmbsr, 1002. iLb> Petro enro Oil) 8d. per gallon delivered In ment Scheme in rcapcot of tho section* of their 6—That it is »n injuttice to the worki ' necca end C'JO?, Uo. OO, Dlcliool Ct. popayailo (prcctlislly) en Cz~zii. (By Order), sound tins, or 7d. per gallon by the caab. H. Bell, PUBLIC District consisting, respectively, of tho Electoral printers of Waterford. • • ' ; TO THE Divisions o( Balljdaro. Carriokbeu, Clonea, Feao»gh Co. 7, Csllovbo Torrsso, Trntnoro. eontntnlng GEORGE J. BRISCOE, Clerk.t, Oil Merchant Waterford. \ c^:;l CD 7—And that the pablic who paid t The Waterforu Ga« Co. are prepared to Oleo , Kilmcodeo, MotheL Portlaw, Batbgormaok C CttUarj ncc=>o and 4. Dodroome. Advanooa aado to a UnlJcd c;r;J QTBAYED Heifer^-The Pioperty of Urs ilar- and Boe», and tho said Council have "Conooro Cast. ceeurlty. money w»uld not fret a fsir return for t underiakc the maintenaDce and upkeep of all duly published " Harbour Dootcr'o tlouon. ¦ C? garet Pener, Bjlcockcb, Waterford, ' ; lately advertisement* stating tbo (act of the said 8oheme PrCStSea raoj> bo CS3n ony ncolt riry hehrncn 11 outlay. descent Lights, proTiding MaDtlcs ' ftdTertiaed for, not recovered; Offers a Repaid of yonr Incan having been mfldc, and tho . othor particulars cs3 4 by oppolntsiant vttth llarbour Uaohr. Co-jpono C=:!icd. Aud mark what followed.' In order to bob Ooo Pcraud to person or persons recovorinc ber. ond Chin nej-s ut the small charge of from 3/ required by tbe said Acts, and naming the Offioe cf Do. Hi GooU> Pcrcdo, tlouco nnd Garden, v/lll Clerk of tha eald op a case for the Finance ' Committse sod , ai Dark ¦ Eed Setter Biteh ; to 2/- P< r year, according to number. tbe CounoU as a place wbero a copy bo vesaat 111b Ucvomtsr. (JETTEB-For Sale . ot the eald Scheme could ba seen at all reasonable W$ ISHaterforb fields possible, make some excuse for an sxraagemi C/ flv* months old ; aatratned ; famon* breed ; Cs&ll Clcro ell Quny. honre, axd have presentud a Petition to tbe Local altogether opposed to tnuinew . fdett, 1 lovrcsjprice, £3. Apply H. J- H-, NET?B Offlea. Government Bond for Ireland JC CJ IZOJS PIANO for TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS , proving that an c-ns^'.'friair^? - IV' -d v Wtterford Star, acting ia its wefl-taw ^PJLDNDIH J Sale, OD Ulna Sjttem Order may be mndo coDflrming the said Scheme. ^ FRIDAY, 0CT0BEB 24, 1902. O 'or otherwise '; low price ; beautiful tore ; OFFER VdczK^o- " Craltt," .-tVelerfcpt}. 7c!c=::c=3 CO capacity as mudslinger in otdinary to 1 And you will always have an efficient and Now, therefore, the Local Government Board (or Cm bo tcsn ; writ« Harrington, Klng-etroot. Ireland hetebv give notice that a Local gutter Press, f.f Waterfo.-d, .pobHshed 1 brilliant light vmbout personal trouble. Inquiry will nnAlLOBING."^Wanted I two Coat-matters. bo held bj their Inspector, 3. COFFEY, E=q ,ln the Friday fn iti columns am attack of then* JL I Apply to Flynn'c, 22, Rroad-etreet nnd Board Boom of tho Carrich-cm-Hair Union Work- W ©@ kind on Mr. C. P. Redmond, and seemedI Stoves and two 11,30 a.m.. o 0 with Cooking boucs at oa Jl & AroDdel Lane. : I ! ! Slot Metero WJEDNESDAY. 29th MOTH of not acting up to bis profi»iions becamt Ltar — Commodious! 10 ; Koom i Uwtlliog Incandescent Lights FIXED FREE to OCTOBER, 1302, for tbe , purpose ol ascertaining UNE QUALLED CIRCULATION TU the correctness ot tho representations mado to tbe secured a romnet for the publication of, ' j Honse( 81, | WilllamUtreot, Waterford, in Hpprove-' custfmers. BI4KEKS GONPECTIONER8 thorOnRb repair ; nenly I psinted and ; papered Council'aa toj tho abore-m«atloned seotlons of their AND Atylum Balance 6hett—a documeot on District, And; tbe deficiency therein of bouses for fooH with that of the 'A tbrotishont; bath-room, &o. Apply to H. E.

¦ ; : ' ' '¦ " ' ¦ KILKENNY '\ ' •" ' ¦' ' ^'X - /-Ir CV*A'X \ i ' ,i '] ¦ * |> '.f ; ¦ Y* ¦* ' ' I ¦ • COtlNij*"^ COUNCIL. I tfci I ' i *A Sl ^it^i f ^ ^ r \ :rito Win^eW-JuiBi(»^- ¦; • ¦;¦-¦" .:!--;—^. autuiaa ooUettion the SPOOTI Q ; paraJleledi f CUBRAGH MCBTI rfQi ;| ' . .^bwu|>ic*] 1 ¦ «/ ; , : : - . ^ closed SMh N , tivbtfAd.)iNa-K rhinrvas i ndonotonj beirig the acoeptanceof ! ' ¦ ¦ w ^l^ ;v V ^pMi^a^ ¦ ; j 1 ;; :¦ -¦ J I Bu' ^gt I Sw% Q***e, and othexi. . ; > h <^kl. This- ; togaK ¦ ¦ ' \ ^ . ' : , ' ' ' ' dumaj ,out at thedr ;N iB6D AT. : j - ^ a iikMiii^Mi j j 'V^ NPTB9.; i * revelation of con^dencearoie fsomo |, . : ;. ¦ ;¦ ' '¦ ' ¦ : - . «ecoiid;«na:tti»4L.;.:l , ;f:-\, \ ::: . 'f " ' . ¦-w^ ' ¦ I1 lA st REOORD-r '¦: . ¦ i - :¦ " ; ' -'-v :: .| ertept out- of the trininplhj of jBlack 'Sand, 7;r IJEPiCKRfflAiNfEJ ; ¦ ' . ' .'^^?: '¦ ' " . " 4 1^; te (jdlebfion, uutdl Wednesday afternoon i •; . . : »ey-P* ' ¦' Roman Child, ACCXPTANCI9. . / ' i meetiiig iatihis oiunfel wrij - i'^>ii;">I :;.;• '». ' BAILMENTS 1 • *"• ¦ ' P^ APPEALS|COMiMITa!KE.' course First Principal would readily concede 8sl 71b; (Moran) ...... 3; was waimiy..greeted .ODiili ^w.i-and. tbie bes^ I| ] have Received! ¦ aa invitation to attead himithe same •..Aljoitan—Favonius, Gold^Wien, and pjd held on Wednesday; in foejCauncdi Cfojunite<£ 1 l< i 'to; al TOt £16-000 were r for j amount as in the Prix du 'Ooi- ¦ NEWMiARikET HOU«Hfl»N MEETlKfl l^^ ?? ^^ %*^*- * w^lie^wCT6ViSendeA.' ti6^ni" e right good a tueetingi, of the ]Apjwalf Committee Irii'n seil : Head;!,^ . . . .. • i . ¦A: . . . . i : Courthouse, Kilkenny. e m ¦ n" ;Municipal. ! MI; Joseph, TValatt; «r }^tti# wesson. 1 'ion 'told tlliat . jfoacea are/very Cy<^8ts.'l Ateo«i*tiMi,;t6- be;h^ld in; the officos j o Betting—7 to <' against Redifleld; 2 to 1 i$P!&&g &££•;* ' and i * • • • • • i OLD! CAJM305IDGESHIBE . " J.P., Chairman, presddled, ahd >taierother f;;; C.;;"DiDBti^. 'ilABOtm "—iMPOETANT^^ -y:ij leAiy 'in^aliitlie coverta, tie 'iaine hopeful of ;tie TJlitex ' Centre,- Belfast, on Saturday RACE NOTES. Ayala. 4 to 1 Golden Wren, 100 to 15 others. HAiIfDIOAP, me^' ' ' 1 are ibe» present were-ai&sra. 1 1 ' ! a^^ip»inij' {sjia99». »to BMJiandi^l i. Wtwjjmim' j; VthVie ^8Tuw>iinsurroundingding neitj ." The! proceeidingai , .i"api told, will bs Although held safe by>Fir8t Prinoipal on Wonjn a canter by six jB. H. Prior; Waif! /- fe^ i ;2f^^ •• ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦' ilengthSj five lengths , ' ¦ ^^n ' " . •: • • .- . . • . ! . J : . : . (Weight* Raised Two Pound*.) sSK douhtias. ' - ver^r: important. T^iey, to includ«:the re-; paper, The ' Solicitor cut a very decent ftguri between; second and third. ' ¦ : ' " Epsom Lad, First Principal, Black gaod, yJBwn o¦ i tie juUWof the Association. : :; in the Duke of York Stakes, Bnd 'would • ba (Winner trained by Orion,, ¦ ' , ' at Mc-ntpeUer HiU, , St. Maclou,- } , : , 'i .. »>>'*;• • ;>;¦;•;• . j well! qualified to test the chances ¦ Sonatuf^ Austra- iiSOistated:— of his three : Dablin.) | iSi&^^fc ; , , 11 : ¦ ' ¦ lian jStar. Royal George Watershed;Cap ami * year B3njfa ihunted ' KING'S • ;¦ old companions MiSI oh ael Vincent?si^Power iSi^H n^n^B^v^r 3™} i!^«.; bm>tliier . with .tbe Cuiragh, . WINNINGS. . , . . . : ; ,:Robert le Dlable and: , JP'^VXJ - John i '' ^ ii , f^ "' ^^ ^ Bells II., Flpriform, Re^ne Des Kyan, J.P. : JKyfaa, 1 *» . Hounds on Februtey!13t2t, 1877, .-wli4n the .The tw, oreces Mead has won ;this year his ¦Preen. - Of'-this ' pair, the :former has jumped : MONrpraORE PLATE Flews/3jeei», s .^ite. JT,*.y-Wm. OCon£ tothat I think *58 PE ^^iSPS **' .^o ¦ of 103 Sova.—Angle- Forfarthire,, Handioapper, Bobert le Diable, neU, Thomas Murphy j. S. Public ^™» , ckt{.intoifavouritlam so^ Buddetly- that many wh-i ! eey Post. , cLtDo^ey, W *Ovw SS S ^^WmSS U^w *at Alencoh, Lord Cartine, Game Chick, Stringa- man, Thomas ' many ^i' 1 moni| 1*?? [JWlyd'orxi, and a iim eianking Clulb ' Rules to ovej- £000,000. Thisl is ' . had : regarded him as onej of the plcks-' of th? i Pilry by IVntunio—TJtawney, ,«S arrellJ -H. J. Meagher : Ed' .*® fimW^JN>aS*%4 #Mch: ^fr? . th* 7st patam Rambling Katie, Minnie Dee, Mount Phel an Patrick PAri^J jaies 6 (expenditure d^wqufeed' lor *W» *nsu6d by i^rtdowa Carrigia, Fal- resilt, of ' ft races, producing the . splendid handicap missed the opportunity oi iending j lfllb (P. Morgan);: - - . .i FariSl ionrihi Sv S ^f *?, ,*.'.. 1 Jndkin, Dorine, Game Hen, Otftonogboe, j avefrage of |a litile over. £1,316 per race. Th4 him; their support. They j can nowi afford tc- ,Colt by Mousquetoire—Oasropiaj H , ., adopt a ' Venus, Young Neville, and Svelte. B ¦lS !rjm best j season his 'Majesty ever had was'in/1903 waiting policy, aa 5t is ver yeasy now- I >8sl 6lh (J. Dillon) '; 2 ^4 ^ffij ^^^iieec g j^BteoSteaa-srs a-days to The 'following ; ' <»o«i^«» ; in the City and Suburban Han. immediately dividing Csard|is and fllly 1 by Blue Green—Catherine. " . l ^L ^VMh ? ^^ Z Z' tem *h. dicap last j Aprili after' which he was Prince Florizel. He was, bowover <»pto Bn«t. &dW ia 2B6 . Wednesday;;w!hen,lh6 Easily Jx«rtfed^ : over with- , struck out Beijing—i to 1 against Downey filly and L G B AN© BATE dOTiwrmTM j ]mite8 B&dHtfce drawn ' from training siLdtsent 'to the; of the race on Wednesday. ' Chair *" ! SoutV Fortune, 6 to 1 Cecropia. colt, and Grey Married Yet ? couH 8tud Fadn, Lelghtoa, Buzzard. ¦ IS e*»««ooo Oid ' ~ BALLANTBRAE. ' ' ; r .T'to 1 K)llyg:dley, lO to l otheK. . jwis; ; at '•' first intended; .: tnat Doricles ! should Won easily by If you «r* not, 70a will «ooa b« w«Btlnf a ;. The statement at' five lengths;..three lengths wDI wtat to tdd to rfaad"at . Jh"e stud neit B4ason av;a feie of 30 the beginning of: last week betwow - , ¦ ¦ • home, and irjoa*w^o a It* - that : BallantTae was coughing! har&Jy second and thirdl _ • • ; guineaa, bat diffejenV arrarigemeiit has' noW ! corres- (Winner trainsd nD > ponded with the fact that she never nj issed j iby Captain (Hardtej, at N0W-°CK, FE"Bc fflEE levy -for the cummlnalf " ' COUNT?; ' ^™~?' ¦ Deerll made; - Mr. Rothsohild bis leased the- ; ¦ . aridd^lstowctiLodge-, ' year, in^m-'wluctfiheyj . . i ^PiB TBEASURESHIP. : . »''• U -V-V ¦• iV » o • ¦' moTninir*s good' wori, and: Had ' either Elba, ^ CurraghT obserf-o that Collector TP.' The foUowing: s4oo4;. son 'of Florizal H. to.the-.Duke 'de; Gramoncj ¦ PURCHASE SYSTEM JfoGreery. -ana M. i «n tbi agenda'in-th* OSiB' AOTDiAIL 'I'iRXCE. '"\ ~" and! he 1 , Carabine or Prince Florizel ' scored on ths F. Fitzgerald had up !bo' : am ? Mr::j 0 Srttapm. JdSl.iSatt aStea- . will be located at the Frericlh. Stud PORONATION •irURSESy BHOTH0AB ol i _, . tha day^'liie retnru «an tto permanent^ U I cannot'say «ractly ".xrtiaji .lib.' next Cesarewitch she w6uld ha-#e peen now at a Sm fh,._J,-^ P. r ' *niM«i yoa to do tblr wikhost itnlatag »on» • made no lodgmente, ". l tpe' JBB to our county fon& CapTBiii pur- 1 year] at a fee of £^20. ' 6TO S0V8.—*lVe Furlongs. wiourcei, bowrrer lUntM tb»r m»» b«. TT» and requested that :ilie*e' ol aTjout fiaOO .a: yto>iroai "4Jnie ¦ appoinfiiient of chased ©riftwood for. but: .tils ' I do iknow . ¦; ¦ o o o: a o o o o o {alse: price, in consequence of the covering CU1 IcrT> witb rtnll offioo: jnay be called ; u^a 1 our /presect treasurer, : that 1 Colt by Wild' Monk—(Adroit 7st '°i ''J, **>* »ornituni. * ¦fttnriflliexp Jana- (the NatioSal Bank) on the colt was purchased lcgtj yisar :by Mr. J. J.- LICENCE ; of the " doubles." As it i8, she travels qui'e &Te } ' , 1 snali also require our Secretary passed him on ito Mr.' J. W?.1 Delmege, ,who Park Club |o hald a meeting on April 23,;W to think that Watts, who was secured for i If ^ Local Governmej itiBoaidi added should also be to pnoduce 1 ' . in ,^) :...*:.... 2 Hot—Wh Fot abatraot of treasvjrer's , accouat saewing the turn cold ibim " for a song" j io"Oaptaip -Bloom- Puncheatown week. Tho programme will in- Heath House 03 soon as it had been decid-J Ppill.. • - y ?' iniorned that such total neglect of duty on seyeTal changes iri I interest not to start y by Lesterlin—Mary HamU- ' "> allowed,.on oredit field, for whom I faust the son of Martagon clude! a steeplechase, value £600, and a flit Lascaris, will ride Game Chick. ton, 7f.t 61b (W. Hi _ their jart could >not .be alloviad to continue. •balances from sucji anpointmento to t£bu» 29th The latter was nearly at the ggs) ... 3 q September. 1902. : I : : i will win more races. ! racej value £500. top of thojuven'.le Ako ran-Ooid Lock, I ft xjeply to MT. V. Power, tiie Secretary I : Garvaghey. Artane, &V ^&. 3S&22£ said MT. 'Butler aaid ' o ^o ' ooooo o OiOOOOO O., O O tree in the corresponding week of last year ^ * the ocule as they /weredwai«i iBABNED -A. NAME. BIGj BREAE. by victory in the Dewhu rst a ' 23S«.-SLr3S&.SSw SS -Sai lodgmWit6. ! ;• ; to the '¦¦^ r™ ° ; ' '• «"1> iow. H.m. It D.Utnj wjtaoot eomfort terms on ; which {be . treasuiershipof. feerir '' e'lri^ . TiWe9". writingof FraDJc ? On Mondajy, in a match with T. Reoce C Plate. This year her performances have bean „ ^ The Local Government Board also county was held, and- ia3 sufficient timo had 'MJ(>rgan 8 Dawson madje a break of 641, poor, and "wrote ¦brilliant win at the Onrragh jon the Adroit the highest of no merit whatever attached to th» - -TasasLwas- — stating that Colleotora Fitrpa'trick and elapsed to clear up an-" doubto that:mar have coil, the season . defeat of c^rKirLtTttTM' ^AmSS Norton existed as to *h« fe.-nitabilit.v M ^s^f i™. says the .Waterford lad has earned a name. Cerillo last month at Sandown Park. filly and President should be called upon f " ooooooooo OOOOOO' OOO Rooseveldt, 10 to 1 othew. f w T to explain vAy they he wished to 00400 0 1000 a Z V I pointrbutwhat their three year*o Won by a he^; a neck between second and JQL0IH@« OW68t fai led to close fheir oollectiins on or before eoqpenence estoblished.: It ; EX- PJiATEttS. J. REIFF. ¦ H0IH6 would Ibe un >the W1A1IIERFOEDBOAT OLXml BJick thiTd. -,• . ' 1 ' the close of the financial • year.' ' recolJeotion of lai^ j that thla terms laiocpted Sand, Congratulation, and Rightfrl Thd Pres3 Association tolcjraphs that tho ito oi from their treasurer r Mr. George Briscoe is getting on ao well with (first, second (Winner trained by Captain Harding, It ^as decided sen3ncer by Risin? DUBLIN. eniding 30th Sent ¦ 0 0 Carrigdown, Sweet Ulva, f«rred |from ithe or— njoreithan ¦ double¦ -what¦ Good CAEBIAGB PAID TO ALL PARTS OF mora economical to erect ' fhAV .K-O^f JtA^i.aTin imi. ' ' 1 — m thia year' Prince Florizel , and -Volodyovski are engaged tho Select Stakes was even more y Two Shoes and Killaid ah, 10 to 1 new( Couniy-Council amount to £}2,561, as against £9,771 indifferent; IR ELAND. 'buildings, than to maintain --ehe CoupUiouse*, by the Hibernian Bank •weral also- teb more for Jho previous twelve months. A dfvident in the Liverpool Autumn Cup; and St. Aldt>- in fact it could not possibly have been worse. Startling and others. over vf)>ich the people have;¦ ho j control was advantageous to oi the j Courthouse, and be understood that It toe&surer&hipof ourj oauhiy, ana tJiata cpeoial —" Trigg rhymes "- LUOKY JOCKEY. hishedl such extraordinary pnzzlea as thos3 PRIZE of . 5C0 Sova.— was not withinithe power]of th« County,Conni- ^¦ meetin^/be' fixed forlliconsideratibnof such pro- " ni0t-'"Pmgg. Motto for K. Cannon haa, for a comparative youngster, Five Furlongs. : 1 Wednesday next, eupplied by Sundridge, , Le Blizon, | dl to appoint Courthouse ciretakeri. .' That ¦l iKXsals on IViday, November 14 th; 29th inut. • Be "Rightful," had quite a j lucky innings in the autumn Buahey Belle, 9st , Sit 21b-(P. lI<>rdan)... 3 CAETfiBIDaBSfflRE tb* tesolution: from Mayo do £&- th^ir coifid- *>f | the cbunHy; ani ht MY VIEW. sh:m!d!.be adopted. . j I , ithought !2»e .T>ani wJucfc'oSeredi thein the. best on the backs ! of Irish 'Ivy, Comfrey, and St. Grectorex pecked during the last fer/ stride* Also- ran-^Crkhaven, colt by, Galliii.nl>> • SPEC IAL OJPFEE. Mr . BuUer—1 am. afraid it as not applicable items*was •&« bnej ' they 'should todg$ tieir I am ©till of opiaioa th&t Eceptre .will win, Bris. . ' : in the; race- f^ tne Middle Parh Plate, juat ay Easamene, coJt. t>y lCircioiu-«3b3om Roae,- ¦ ¦ 1 . i £1,000 to 2a. 6(f. \n this^ county. ' ' : I ' jmoney in. : . -.' :¦ ' ' ••!; ;.. : . . ' . i '' ¦ ' -V ,acdl,iike my iLondroa friend , bdiero-tihat Hijlit- 0000000. did Flyiny Fox, when Si. Grb beet Rcforcsh, Co5hl& lSa<:hicc,-: fillj. - ' b7.Lsvenos- MT. IJI. V ¦ Km by a | . . Power said hiet tiiolight they should MTj 'Buj>ey, eolieitor, who ¦appeared • 'bedore ful shouiJ he supported both ways. CONTENT TO WAIT. head 'for the Impetrial Produce Stake* .it Larlcaway. ' aioertain ' whether the - had a right or not to ¦the Council on behalf 1 of Dhe iJatioaal itBank, ooooooooo Mr Buchanan and his friends have got ba?k j CAMBRIDGESHIRE AND MANCHESTER hold County Council or District Council meet- said that the only "thing ' to be ponaidexed was Kempton in 1893 Bett ing—7 to 4 on Bushey Belle, 5 to 1 sgst. CUP. ingj iii a Courthouse. 'He agreed in toto -with ¦whether Uiey couldl (get l>etter terms than they THE BNFIEriD OOfttPAiNY. all the losses' of'last year with interest n oooooooo - o Lavenham, 7 to 1 Raferajh, 10 to 1 Guinea the Rojscommon resolution ' 1 '[ Black Sand in their policy ol being content THE PLAYFUL DOUBLE. , Ijecause ihe main- ;were gettinsf at .presen*.|There waa on©serioua Thia Cycle Company, -as surm ised have SCEPTRE. Hen or others. ' tained aa representativea of ithe people 'they jfallacy underlying th«i argument of Mr. (Butler tad a rattling good" season, and now to wait until the tight time. In connection mt.h the statement published Won in a canlcr by lengis LHmImlt3JU i 300° t0 1 t0 Vna - shouidl have control of Courtihouses. i wKo told therm tWat thej averaee allowed by make ^our ; a no^k \ 3QQ to l,n 3 *ate the satisfactory ddsbursemen ; of 5 par cent Bred by Sir James Miller, Black Sand WHS to the effect that J. H. Martin will ride between second and third. 1 Mr. [pooley proposed tihe adoptioa of both the bank, waa lijpeilcent., and :hat, i therefore, given by him , resolutions, and said thai he;(heard a , remark , -they would) lo^e IE500, fcut hp 0Si. Bugfy) to the shareholders. Mr . Andrew Percy, uhe to Blackwoll and fulfilled tho Sceptre in the Cambridgeshire, we may state {Winner ¦trained by Mr. •McAuliffe, ot Kil- role ol n selling plater in more than one owner- See " THE TURF REGISTER," tent made >y a mein'beT of; Vtta Council that they ; thourhi it; would ibf> -witiin tha knowledge of Irish representative of the firm , ie first favou- lli.it it is contingent upon the filly remaining cumi:ey Houce, KUdare.) post free. had nc call toOourthousei, but he (Mr. Doo'.ey) !t!he Council thai the amount to 'be gained or rite everywhere he goes, and has n-aturally ownership 'befo re being purchased by Mr in the ownershi p of Mr Sievier after passing held t ia-t they had noiihing to do with tlhem, depended altogether not on the cato of 'lost 1 to iat had a bniy year. Buchanan from Sir William Ingram . through the sale ring on the- morningjof the ROYAL WHIP.—Four KUc3. ! beyon< . that they h'ad to (keep them in repair. ' interest, tut onj th^ anKmnt credit the II thov met in a Courthousefor any other pur- ¦time Vhi irate was varied. There was another - o o o o o < o» race Should Sceptre change hands Martin Driftwood, lust 01b (H. J. HrJrty)... 1 WISHARD. Yellow Vix«n, pose th?y eou'.d "be turned out of it. - point'wthich perhaps wasn't mentionedan , and MR. WIDGER'8 PUROH.tSES. It is not unlikely that Wishard, the Ameri- may ride Lavengro , who is going as well in 12it 01b (D. Condon) 0 The Chairman remarlded tihat Courthouses that was, that sometime ago tfa^y got over- Black Hamburgh his preparation ns his illustrious stable com- Betting—6 to 1 on Yellow Vixen. " , one of Mr. John Widger's can trainer , may be back in England within R FRM5 DA¥IS, were very oJten used1 tor aanoea, etc. . d raiM tJf £16,000, and on tlhat alonB tli«y made latent purchases, is a black raiding panion Won by' three lengths. | year. It , was a bad policy tor a by Galli- year or BO, .his aim being classic events of 11? Mr. R. J. Ryan said he did hot eee why they £160 in a' ooooooooo NUGGET SPOETING AGENCY shoulc have to maintaiit Cojurthouaea.i when public .body to be changing its officials , or Ms nule—Ambition. This year be won the Moy- Turf , nnd his employer Mr J A Drake thev } ad no pcrvr crto .abpoirrt caretakeis. treasurer, and he would ask them to continue drum Hurd le Race at Atrjlone, the Stani ' OOOOOOOOO DUBLIN ViIEfW THUEODAY HIDDELBURG, HOLLAND. , The Chairman asked ii (Mr. Brennan, the their acoqunt in -fine 'National] Bank, which Plate at Boscommon, and thej Provincial Plate The " Independent " sa ys- —The pace was , TTOS ¦ was treasurer for twelve counties and Several SCOTCH " SWABATH " caretaker of the Kilkenny Coorthouss an at Tralee. He is an improving six year old. thf "Su- .ibatj " moderate tor the firat mile and a half , but LEINSTEE P1ATE of 103 Sovs.-Six Fur- Groat Svreopstakes on the Cambridgeshire officer Higrh Sheriffs officer. ¦ their terms were as good as tliose offered by ¦l the is observed 'by the Scotch and Oca Hundred and Ten Frizes in tbia Bweeotit&e. "Mr. Is. Qforris—1 think rt has been decided anv other bank. i I atest acqtritions, secure^ Newcastle of the Post Office is shown 'in an article ' 'i p- the start , made motters more lively, and Tbc-mond, i!st 31b (J. Thompson) ... 1 i ;au1iw>rity to ; Mr. E J. Ryan said (he was tad (o say that Expelled , 7ot Ub (II. Connor) 2 that ttie ; County Couneilihaa no ¦ ^ Steeplechase at the western peeling in June pearing in " Truth." It gives an account of eventually the young ^ne floored the odds, C ambridgeahir o transafct Any .businea3 in la CourthouBe outeide dlidn't -vote in favour of giving their ac- He onl Golden WTcn, 8st 91b (E. Byrne) ... 3 count to the National Bank. y ran three times. j a rural postman who does a six mile journ '.y apparently much to the satisfaction oi a large Counly Ciuncil business. ' . . OOOOOO OO Also oster Ludwf Beckhampton 4LL TVtLT BCTIKE33 TBAUaACTED Aft-er some further discuasion, tihe Boscom- ¦Mr. Samuel Moriis said ho thought they j out and a six mile j ourney home betyeon section of the crowd , the winner being ran—'M' a, , adopted; IRELAND v. ENGLAND. j . Every wenk heartily cheered on reluming to scale. It Holmpatrick, Favoi>ius,Garrymede, Oof Biid, on (ntnre erenU. mon resolution was unanimously : should not be 'hasty about transferring -their By the report of the London County Board, Stirling and BlairdrumiTnond • ; ;A GRIBVAINCE. . : account. If the^Na-tional Bank) were prepared Sunday the was not out of his turn that Harty had a iDunkeltle, Batat, filly by Wiseman—Gentle Fall particnlars rn ipplicatioa, Fostsze, 2Id. . it will be seen that the arrangements for the day a bicycle is used , but on The following was nead :.•—lAylwardatown, i to do business with' the Cowncfil at the same journey is covered per foot. On being qu;<- slice of luck , as he ha? had several bad acci- Rain, filly by Laveno—Maid Marion, filly by Glemnori, October 17th , l902,L-(De3.e Sir—>We, 1 rate as otihs-r 'hankgj.he didHe noli see why they visit of the hurling and football champions ot , iBlue Green—Catherine. ESTABLISHED FORTY-OITE YEARS. ! ehang^. waB sure "the Pro- tioned why he discarded the cycle on Sunday, dents 'during the season his last being ofl the undersignav . two or three tl^ousand pounds as absurd as this ooooooo oo Thomond, 6 to 1 Dunkettle, 10 -to 1 .Gold;n JAMES WEBSTEK, company; altered a piece of the load, leading ' is, of eoiirse, as we expected , lor with tru - it on the week days, and , into the village. We cannot ibring haif & load The (National Bank waa a great Irish institu- , on inquiry it proved to A TRIAL Wren and othcra. HOLLAND. and for the one the farmer tfhat did 'busi- spirit permeating the London Gaels we could explanation scorned MIDDELBUBG. in or icm-t of the place in! consequence of the tion , be correct. Tlie decree of the p.^stal ofBcKls With a view to a-scertaining the best of Won by three lengths; two lengths between very bad [repair in whaoh.H is |kept, and we are ness in other ibanksjttierewere twenty dealing not hav eany other result. Lord Carnarvon 's for the Cambridgeshire, eecond and third . CAHBMDOESHIRE, LIVEHPOOL AUTU1IX CU? iand wheels. with the National. ' : b; represented by was. that Sun lays should be a day of rest DEKBT COP, in danger of breaking onr carts an lnquary. The home cauntry will Greutel removed the top sheets from Preon, (Winner trained by Capt. H&rdin-j , lladdens- We odfen ' have to use drain' water sooner tihan Mr. (Brenan i3a;4 he though t Tipperary in both evenu, and they will •»- for the mac line—an arranged heap of irj n UAHCOESTEB NOVEUBEtt HANDICAP. h the m/udl to jgo to the .sprine should 'be made into th« whole matter. H« the poor human being The Solici tor, Robert Le Duable, and Minnie town Lodge, Curragh.) travel[ throug National Bank 'before, and if quire to put on their very best available men and rubber—and that ak, London •Richard iDelahunty, Thoa. {(he f Mr. PENALTIES . IN . LONDON. ' How the winner has acquitted himself it han * ; Patrick >forri3=ey, first place, he doubted accuracy p over two first-class combinations of cyclists who Eilrapade, 8st 41b (J. Hijga) .., 2 Eiai of 8cotUad, Obtxov. Bank o( Ireland. Dublin! Kellvrf D.C. ; i Martin Hoyne, Richard Fitz- But-er's statement, (and heiwooi '.d Titopdee -that Considerin g !tho number not transpired, but it is evident he accom- gerald, DC. i i ' • : _,. ' & competent committea 'be appointed; to go 0 ° daily, traverse the crowded st reets of the City plished nil that was required of him by the Elfect. 7st 131b (11. Cannon) 3 21JJ.—AH «nmuslc»Uonj tbould ba addressed i . , Mr •' Poe, solicitor, said there was. an action matter anjd1 rep6rt to tho'CoupcU. DISAPPOINTING twelve months ol Also' ran—Chestnut filly by Campan—Red HotLAMD into the MOSSES. Widger s horses secured six seconds of London , the return for imanner in which he wa3 supported a few jAUEg "WEBSiTKn, MlDDELBUEO, pending against the Dublin, Wicklow and wex- Mr. Thomaij Fairell eaid le fullyj ajreed ' have committed Wing. ' consequence of the , con- Qt only on6 win. This vm the number of offences they hours: later at the London resorts. tord Railway Company, in with. 'Mir. BrenanV suzge3t on as Ipe Limerick and • of sixty, and ooooo oooo Bettin;r—5 to 4 on President Rooseveldt, diversions made t>y them. In -view of this sidered it was a very good one. . eminently dic-pptmiting is indeed low , only a matter fact he supgasted that . tihe consideration ol After some further discussi< n, i this , 1oo, in a city where the traffic regulations NEW CHALLENGER 9 to 2 against Ectrapado and Red Wing II. tho matter bo adjourned.^ I 3fr Brenan proposed' as an amendment to EX-CHAMPION MARBrED? are the strictest in the world. Out of tne It has just transpired that 8hamrock III. filly , 7 to 1 EHeet. j NOTICE An order was made accordingly. Mr. Butler's resolution, ' that fthe anque stion of fifty-two were for riding to will be a foot longer on the water line than Won . in a canter by five lengths; a nock AUCTIONEERING tTea-surership be -referred |to auditoT, P P. Kilkelly was the liori of the Irish eye> sixty convictions APPLICATIONS FOB: INCREASES OF. th^ public . Twenty-six persons previous American Cup challengers, and will betweensecond and third. | \ and that! the Loca|l ,Goverwmetit Board be re- track ten years ago. This] fact I recall >!i the danger of thd | SALARY. I . -i _ , fee to him.^ , and the SD termed reckless probably require to concede a further time (Winner trained by D. Shanahan , Straw consider an! quested to sanction payment of a reading the following announcement in the were run down EDM01SD KEOHAN, Th4 Council next proceeded to; This jEeoondj ed ;-by j Mr. Thomas jParreOl, and Maguire— cyclists had to pay in fines on an average— allowance to the Yankee boat which will be Hall, Curragh.) ; application from Mr. John FjEtoan; asstttant in! w*3 7 papers to-day:—" KilkeUyj Agent salary and «n a division waa carried -by 14 votes to , at Bombay, Capj ain P. P. Kilkel"y, 21s. j or a civilian , 13s for a lady, 7s. for a opposed to her Yachtsmen express regret at Auctioneer and Commission the secretary's office forlan increase of | The original resolution was declarea October 17 DUDLEY PLATE o! 250 8ovs—'Five Furlong3 ¦Mr I !is his .present salary?, asrainst. son of Surgeoo-Oeneral Kilke'ly police constable, 4s. 6d for a boy^-boys are tho circumstance, and recall that Shamrock 17, MAIN-ST., DUNGARVAN. T Farrefl—What defeated.: I; ' ! : Poona Horse, Paddie Moore, fist 131b (Toole) 1 , Sscretary—£75 a year;]• •: l T g, County Galwa-V, and Fitzwifliam- cheap game—3;. for a postman or a police If might have won the Cup bad she been J,like to ^^-if .r-Mr.; «1FOliNmIEN* OF iBATB jCX>IiI^5CTOS. of Drimcoh Air , ' Ost 41b (Morgan) 3 Anctioru conducted in *oj part of the Country, Olri D-aoley said he would e*k ap- , daughter of Thomaa inspector. It wou M -appejar ithat it was receiving instead of conceding 43 seconds to . Abin^don Accounts. work to do; since he was ap-. Mr. William. Hogan, of Oldcourt was street, Dublin, to Violet fr3t 01b (Thompson)1 3 Quick Settlement ot Fehah had extra co;!eMor for XillxennyJNo. 4 Dis- Bray, an 1 cheaper actually to run a parson down th-_n Columbia. Ferriera, pointedrate Mjaguire, Eaq., of King^court, c ran—JJomdelay, Meldhre, Bt. Luke, Secretaryjwillijanswer -Usa^ trict. Tha oth&r candidat-es rfor the position. hter of the late IRichard Maguire , to ride in a manner that would endanger the o o o o o o Also ^"Ifrman-The 'James1 •McCreery and Patrick granddaug 'Sweet Oliver, Startlinj^Vbt Vogler, qU were-HMes3ra. New Grange, County Meath ." public generally, for the average penalty fjr IN IRELAND. T . Red Devil. » SEEVANTS" REGISTRY OFFICE- ° there is any inj Esq., MessM. Leng and Son. of York, have been 'Say Nothing, Prior's Fancy. Fairy Spark. ary-rI can;t say thjjt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 thia works out at something like 12s a head. ^e I This concluded the busines; of Qie Council. week, and have purchased against Meldhro, 4 to 1 Mr. the rcqueat of many friends, tbo Misses 6 1 agreed to ¦ Unfortunately the report gives two fatalitu s in Ireland this Bettrng—5 to 2 AT f Dooley said when an offiper 1 I . . . MAHER'S OENTURY. blood-stock : —A nna Craig, Don't 6 to 1 Abt Vogler, 7 to 1 ' Paddia Cwey have arranged to open a Servints' "I? doin-jcertam work Newmarket on Friday eve I - for the twelve months, but in each case the the following Abingdon, accept a certain salary for On Flotsam at , and Attraction . Startling, 10 to 1'Ferriera ani Registry Office at No 78, Manor-street. ThiB lie did not sea why 'ho &houtd ask an "£»«£ ing, Miiher, the popular American, succeedei cycljst who .figured in the catastrophy were Mention It, Carba Moore, 8 to I W would oppose! the TAKE3 THK TAKE. ooooooooo others. ' OCce will'bs open for business on and alter Under the circumstances¦ ¦ vnnrty in com pleting the coveted j century" of winn- exonerated from blame. salary. IH an officer A. S. FUEW)BO \Tiiea the Cako for larRCt 09000 HOUND3—OIEETS FOR same betvrcon second and August 1st, from U to 3 dsily. Nona bat the raisingS of any officer 's 1 ning mounts for the season. Although \V 000 TIPPERARY Won by a neck;. considered he wi awrojBOM ' iiid 'FrtahMt Cakci BDH Biicuitt, Bwets, ; of Ue Council IIM dia Qf^ecat BEL. OCTOBER. third. boit class ServaDta recommended. : h« ~,,,i^ ^iim h[* mosiboni and , and ChdcoIata, it pipular priaa. j Lane's position at the held of the winning A NOTHER LI : oonfideDt thaVttey .wwild table is now unassailable, MJaher is prfcficftll/ It ' has 'been suggested that the act of raising (Winner t raine by J. Dunne, 03borao te Mr DooTey felt Marlfield havf plenty of candidates ««! P» certain to leave ofl next month with the dis- the :knee3 in cycling is responsible lor appan- Monday, 27th Lodge, Curragh.) Abbey Loan and Discount Ba.uk by| fte; coat andTJS"^' afe . the 28th Ballingarry Bridge catciinc the Councillor , tinction of having won more money in stakes dlctis. This is another scourge laid to Tuesday, in^ them to vote *or a«n^(lflo|hl«). ¦ ¦ Houoe Cloneen LTETJ. m»a« from£o Upw»r<3»In »Dypirt sie vbr Mr. this season than any other! jockey. Tho on j door of thd long suffering wheel . The " wt Thursday, 30...Cappagh . HIS I ESOEliLENOY THE LORD A DVAN0E3 Mr 31 J. Rya« &*& ne did wA. PEARW. 0F WATEBF0BD .'.'....: Balliriuro Guineas.— .CSL oCIrelind to Householdert, Shopke«per^ and get ' an * 8 hundred winners ridden |>y. Maher to dat e ol iliseases ithat are attributed to cyoling is Friday, 31st TENAN.TS PIAT33 of ICO Fehan | should not P«2toi ? v ol . Firman cm their owa Seeruity, . he was as competent as pother <*«**M» «£' have appropriated upward^ £59,000 sovs, a really colossal, but still the fact remains that At 11 o'Clock. One Mile and a Half. if approred of. . who were granted an increase ooooodooo (Brown) ..- 1 secretary'* office t ruly remarkable result. | the : pastime is indulged in, and those who Glenart, fist lllb >.*., Eur BcpajmeoU Apply ; ' DESERVED oooooooo than those who WATERiFORD FOXHOUNDS-MEETS FOB Royal Winkfield, Ost Olb (Higgs)... 2 ^ said tiiat Mr. (Drew , one-«« the \ COMPLIMBNT WEUt ¦ cycle aro far more healthy l^Trenan WOT-I. have OCTOBER. ,: Bst Olb (Moran) 3 110, MIDDLE ABBEY STREET, DUBllK. "eferred to, got an increase of-oi . BIG RESERVE. | lead a more sedentary life. One would <^lenmalur clerks got an .increase salary 8oaptre will, it is now odd, enter the sale to attribute Saturday, 23th ; Kilmeaden Alio tan—I^ady Hackler. i a& R J Byan-^fte ¦ ¦ thought that those who endeavour ¦ Maka BOOTS and HAE- " an i '^creKe , and ¦ ¦ ' ¦' • ' rins vrith a resorvo of 24XXH) guineas place.! Faithless , 5 to 2 and ifr Brennan. ialso got : I i i - I these diseases to cyclin g would have lost heart Tuesday, £3th Batting—'Evens Royal Winkfield VM. M M M 2 every institution, ' ' < ¦ 1902. ' ' 1 Tin niYITI < - I/?'lno- it was ¦tTiougbt ap .increase : ' : J 33rd October, mains Gst 101b. FIXTURES. 1 UULtJ UJLlX Bcotmikm.* 8ulittth."-' •' InSeabd when ¦ • 'I < ¦ Pretoria. The home Bide were all out for 452, SENIOR LEAGUE do. Mtittrftc'j : ! i 1 ' ,! . i . ; ' o 0000000 of 108 Sovs • mngtn, ; send herewith n|y cheque in and the Australians, in their first venture, ATKGARVAN NURSERY PLATE Leneon.1 . ©ear Sir—J PUROHiASES. ¦ £. Dulwlcb, payment of enclosed |accou»t, and at the same replied with 8D2. The match ended in s behalJv . „ of. au ; - One Mile. for - ' Captain jTuthill, acting on FIRST ROUND time I jbegto ' thaalt yo^i pending (Mr. !Walk- draw. i ' purchased from Mr. ¦Filly by Fortune—Downey.;Cst 131b ^ ecr«toT/8 office POOOOOOOO English gejitleman, has the wbrkio be done in- tie 8. . to put myjcW in the Ibast of •running ; Gall:- (F. Morgan) »..- '... 1 inton ¦ ESCAPES PENALTY. D. R. JO'Callaghan a fine nlly isfoal by November 13 v. Trslee; ih'ome. ! ^ said^at wa,d oirg ordier, j - , ! j i - , : : > toira. The young3ter own sUUf away. , Bathmoyle, &st 31b (Thompson)... 2 EEDIOND&0).) rhl^^y Mr. from Spectrum, the successful horse in the Select niik-^ : November CO v. li merick Co.;. C. P. T^ There ia not much ineed f<>r aE).opinion Captain Tuthill has al»» Po3t Office ; away Filly by Wiseman—J)uchea» of he ofWaterford. Stakes at Newmarket, escapes : i'Teare," bought from Mr. Joseph Widger the gooi- homo. j Kent. 7et lib Mr. Fehan an increase d helped ' iteell inown. the Cambridgeshire, for which race her weight (December 10 v. Cork; Diamond Queen, Kllly- ir, ^ve Tlisi good sound" iwark will make looking chaser Brown Owl, who is destinel Limerick P.Y.U A.; home. Also ran—Raynard, OSMM tol«t lfktol PoftlM it limited— is &>.'. 81b. I I . December EO v. , Garvagby, Lonia tfce liar P ti* In my experience, of couise, ia* oooooooo do etud; duty in!India. gally. Banberry. l . ; to,¦ . BHIt M tk* Jij Wibat^eare caaiioiid()jwi)ihja-cajr , is not worth f ! oaooooo oo iMarob. Berry, Bins Lookout, Pitapat. J*$written out by ertra te»%&f %t*j ' ' ¦ ON XEWSPiATER SELECTIONS. , 4 to 1 trying!to.do. . ; j " j .-; - : |' - . ' ' : : , " How i Betting—fl to 1 against Rathmoyle ; RISEOT^ ¦ ¦ ¦ I have received a pamphlet entitled. SH'AMROCK. HI. , TTT . , • to 1 Louii tho WEU'ERI^D ! ! Yourifaithfully, :. to Profit by 'Newspaper Racing Selections.' iTlie york" of constructing Shamrock^ III. haj i riACIKQ nBOULTO. Dc^iiey filly. ^ and Giivagby,'* increasing Mr. it'epans «^^ > w ' 5 '; ' flUy. in fayonr of ¦The writer deals at great iengUi with this in- already been commenced in tho shipbuilding Liir, 10 to l Duehe»»ol Kent Wngtba; » length between fi IMAGDONMJ) issAdrjEAN teresting,a ubjeot- arid gi- res what he calls as yard of Messrs. Denny, at Dumbarton, and Owlns to tho number ol periona calllnjto Won by two I^ir! fv l. Power M J ¦ 1 art ainendlmW^cirt, thatf no uwnpe ' simple method. H >ra i it . is in all it* it| is anticipated that the vessel will be com • til» bfflca for rcjulta, w« or© compelled, trcaa eaqond and third. , ' . seconded as. bis . C«pt,H«dittg,Maddeiu- 5 " Take the selec- pletedi early next spring. j to ebuga One BhlUlni pit xesnlt, (Winner traln«drby Fosi¦ ' ¦ '¦ ; it' iiiii" ' isolation 1 ¦:: • brilliant eimpl«£ty:T- \tu * •*, ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' - j— - *: - • . ij- i*oUthe o&toa . | ..: . i. . . : • ! ¦ ! i . - ' -¦ . ¦•: - . ¦ : o o ; 1 h;) AT v-^is* jtljSLi ol : ¦ ¦ ' of ofay; 'ee ne^ ipapers for ' the first j ! e o • • • i no' clroonuUnccfl othenris*]trill i* ; town! Lodge, Cumg - : 6 ' .; ;.;. . -. ¦(.- (•NorBn ;. i tions fhr \ : ¦ ' ¦ , wkli ' tiaUtafti ferv^yor . , iso and'-last raced on ;the ;ard and back them C.VMBRIDGE3BIRE BETTING. J !oia8,Uoa bs jjTto. ' ; . '_ : ' , I - •• ' ' BBBESJWteD PjLATE'of 8 9or«. each r^'? ^W&ei .,- 'A. S.. Fu»M»p..S« ! noted I«• gpal ditpUyi 1 require to be . fast and ^ 'Qn»y. ¦ ... i in separate series, that 3 tho transaction on JTho, betting would , 109 Bov*.•ddf ^.-^Oiae Stile. B«b«J|eMSWti.J7.rr: -- j - ¦ day In order.p. 1 ' tbe first race will be ind< pendettt of the trans- furious almost from day to , . Saodboy. - 9at 0H» j(Oondu action on the last race, ond ' of view; For BT tmrcharini A- 8> FOWO ' Tr«v»tolo i r^fliPfrkr *n a eteleclion is, bacii»d independently of the I usual standard in a market point 81b ttrctiS» Sd. It k Q*birt ritotis Irian Pi4ne^.8irt j 9lb11 (Doyle)...... 3 ! f f i'i . the decisija liflld riet Ib, J } lOd ' meaning of thia Is sufficiently nitileast twenty-foui hours after T«i by long ehJlbtoBouth.o! W«d. 13.Qa»J Also rwi-Sui'*. B^ '¦ i others. The , handicap waa a ; ^- •i Wya^^BlBiCatrtx lhjMUo*. Ho shown by the tables. ,Baoh lojing coup oJ jthe Cesarewitch the sister BeUing-Ha to> 1 on j Lord Boiamore, 6 to 1 (^> relief from an rin-t wilLconsist oi three bet m '.tho proportion pf i dead ! loiter, the primary ajainst Sandbag. 6 tol- b«r two.; : Jow«w»m wmmm JoSfrH for j».6d. fdm— ABOUT VABU BOBSBa tiiM T«nT, Ill/HMf . . 2, 3, and 5. So that a ' dntfer at even money (W Boy».-4W« MHe and, would at the third ,it akej recover : previous ' ¦ ¦ j ot KllroBW, My» of Bdl'i C«U- WEMERi ** i I ! I - ¦ : . ' : jobn O'Karfre. ¦• ¦ ¦ ;; .:¦ ?v.v : ' - t- .j- '¦ -i ' . losses in that coup. Afj-ef three loaeea -;o Powdin lot H«Mi»j4 > r ;,' , : ; . 1 <3 bKH<«5wom Jjm ' ^ ' furAer bet Ls made on that paper's selection i * ! The Most Nutritious. otb« brMdi i- 'Bning ned * B«« Werta ftmW .'it'^fo Man fco]H<«w, L6ndin,T'tt( ixiay.five <»t'«tMtoifrrt«il«*lc»« i lfattiU) I : for the race until & win ler }s given, when the iJThowe. with »h»iB6«* imi TBitaj Ma^Olkair. * | t f ontgutttov^ i^' aMkf.R >ti*, I arrnat«f, liKrtRly «eommei»a tbetn." , A to. box conUIa* » ' processis-repeated. (4) In the case of double- J - ¦ Mak « nut I ^i^*"1 1 t n gid with (lowdeit tod»t«ll> i . "i: .- i - . ' , ' ' : * * ^ ^£^* f bar|©dj selections. | the lecond horse is only fc.!^f : ;»' (bid ted' when. the first- lamed does not start rateful-^Comforting. j AM Jrtniw^: BwWorf O ..U*\ .titfek, *¦ In».ruction*to the b« kmaker, in Buch cases Way j td ipencllng [ttie long iwft B IHHttf-^Hv HM* 5T*^D' BTftffjffliP DPCTffttftfaom far The beat ' i';: ¦' ;¦' ' ¦ ¦* ' < ¦ ¦ '^ ifoA^ffli r " v ¦wo : 'I -: :i jf -no TBldc fd : li» # tl it.l ^lo^faeT of iiookeaataipe volnmnious: tables bo obtained from Poole si Library, ,thmm-tto ajl-jWB^ . . ¦ of ilrustr*- CQQOm irbich can i<> \ : . •UOM and can be bad for tire*,pence at U» BreakiJMt-Supperii ; IW, Quar, Watwford. ; : f ^^ ^f' r^-i¦ ^:)m **M$ t itoh: &xa* ¦ : ¦ ¦^^^¦¦ j ' ' ; ' s ' ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ - |- : * ' ' "j ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ¦?¦ : ?'¦ ' ¦ '¦ ' ¦' " ¦' : •¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' '¦ : i :. : - fc :• I 0-v^ :i . ~ ' : '^ . • ? h ¦ ;¦ y -] : :. : r- f ;ss*| ^ ¦ " ¦ : ¦ ' : ¦!¦• ¦ j ; i : T ; . ! ; ¦ • • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦:- ¦ • •: '¦ • •:¦ ¦ ¦ : .- -'-V^-i '¦:: ' ;: ¦/ .V-i ' ' , • li .: .. 'j , K» teW . -;'i;v !; !, - ;.;i- "t/ .Tr ? '¦* ?:¦:.:? !>- -^-v ; :- ! !¦:? f- . : !: id : ' : ; "| ;; • A | :]{ ;>¦ !;[ . ;; v"j.' !:¦; V^ y:' K - - / U v .^. if", ¦ ¦ : " " ' ' ) . -' ¦ "] -;¦; rv vV^-^v; ¦ : '-¦|r^ mmy: ^m^-msT\ -M. ¦ ¦ ¦ ! .ti TMB EDITOR ¦ • •¦• • ., ¦ DUNQAHviV D«TmCT : . ::.:; i. tBTTBRp : : . 4l#*B*tiokly; td 9ir ' ' u- AH' ¦ ' - : " • ¦ ¦ H.^^ mi^pa.^im f ¦y - ; ; ¦ ¦ ¦:¦¦ ¦ H»Wy.- feafcuft . \ bfct ' it ima> >b|«W' : f ¦; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' •¦: "• ; - - r ^ :(¦ > :%¦ My*' ^1 - ' - -;;- . ";, ¦ ! ; : -. - -TOvwwo^ijki BMa ^ffaiM^- VQfiiKAi'oC'W^iwiMB : ? ^^ muur ' ' ' ' : -T '! i *h* . mmm - ' ' i ' ' ' ¦ ¦ j9elerated;.by;«aineTioleit i : .)i .. . ¦ —l. ... 9rr — ¦ : ! ¦-> ¦Ti. ' i «torm or otheiicba- 4£B. : ' !P. , le..to , M. Power 1 . v ?, lectures ; etc., benefit fof- local ;instt- . vwa»brought^ ^bear the '¦ ' ' ¦ ' '¦ ' ¦ .; \"J ,i ¦. | ; : ¦ : .. ':1 was at M. Bany, «nid'J. 'J>uiHMk;.:. '- .i' - '- ' - :'!'; ' :. ' iap ' for ithe • —l—;7 I oObaa '-inijiil oeiir' itihs toiali. wtoolij , ¦ Jswampy forest, which, is { partly! ¦ ¦ j ¦ tutions. On Tuesday even ng|we were treaty . 8u»merg»i ' .' To the -Editor, of ithe f Waieriord NewB>" j Enispkeyin ipemesBe.: jhourid s ;betog i Btopped domMcnf immf Vfaa} to a ' ftrat-dla&s vocal and ijistjrumeatall pa«- 1 beneath the eea, 'and:partly covered | by! the : (An order .trai l made thad i fb* oommon seal ¦Bamd ' ' b^)iw'i9^r^fe'itfter i»ini^t»^.tho*efl*. ibe oontiwi ,^#h,';.- Mir. Jcflin {orinande by the Gaelic 1 Jajfue, inteiwj }er.5ed . aad «hinglBi6f. the Sir—TiieWia a heaxi ai& A^ !Th«a (lwm« affixed to ibf ¦ •( tod old A6ug (jtrand. This' iPrMi; ' 1 with .sdaizy hornpipe^ reel* ¦Irish ;«ihange took place ' iori lM^ical Association V 'Dx^ (Mackesy, '^ .: j : -: 'i ' IMcGrath/¦: for buildin* »rtu»n_«ott8g«.¦ ,- , : (Murphy,- pwviojw to ;the :Erigi: »h : : ; .- . • •JSBSB UOSiSLF. BEmm^:• • , jjig». ; The Messrs. dfiortey and cele- invasion; but. 1 ' dent, (I call ¦ihp 'Head,j andM ' -will «ame: to! Us- are Xetten were read from Major Shine, Mrs. oaore, Youghal had not Jbeen: 1 (Morris;Secretary ^tie tall. They tKrtliland^ •Wanty.afftweB in IM^ «^ Kn^ilMoe-two , Mr. arealy,1 iMx.j ifaari'ce' Mr. Patrick O'Shea, ol tie ) celebratedj Carl iannded, oi ' at ' great ol •thsr ifox ftobe-tootino run Shine Tfcoma* BoBa -CfeJnpany ; .MT.' Owei Lloyd, the tamed least -was a place ioif Budh Oorde. andi thedi new (found eeali cia 'behalf of ratmtfioU* Healy,and Mir. J. ~P. WiUiama, acknowledging 1 little bcrhaequenc*; in. iGrase , ;near Irish harper, as well as Miss Barry,. Xhiblinj; that no one appeared to offer ito ' ttieir doiwB troddm^bTe 13ii«n itibe iDiBpen«ary resisted toim eitherto place. 'a «or4e the vote of condolence paaaed on , the death i Duiigarvari, and [Bilegiariee io ' evening call, iand;a:veiy. of Mr. M. P. Bbine, anU tlhankingj the -Coon- Mass Clancy,' [other eminent 4he mottarfih. The' "town iwas iprolxtihly District* -hm\ iboiled W«r, ainoe Itihe foc.al R^ArwijU^Jww Gaelic performers, ;oontributed I to the enjoy- ifooniied ' -was hsid with a from it, W 1 by the Geraldinea .and Qovemment •BHl:fflil»ol'»«d iUsem[ as landlords, I fc*t OB minutes foxj ' OP MB8. ggfF/KHA'K; : <: ment of; the largo assembl; r. .'Mr. Lawta . an,d «th«r AngJoiNorman tCasj,U), about l^TH ; Cpen played ! the da ice music and ac- $dyenti«er8, *and i colonised from !JBristol, from,payi ng fflaiyiBttiare of the daccity;.it hi» very great ability in tbe ' endowed ta nunnery, under the condition aver the poverty iatrioken condition r. (Mackesy holds not -been to iPmifs during tbe cub (hunting. land sympathy went out ,to her «orrowin« • HEBSHAM RACE. .' Boa doctor. . family. She was the mother of a di»tinguiab€d fault in ' the matter. Dr. Browne, L.G/B. . In- «wo!wf ,'W'ibamioks; So iiby the pay Of amootb- (Ballyfonnon,- wias next oalied on, laud ftlhai, too, Muiitel; El., CMJJIer) ...,..».- ,*..-.-... 1 ptx spector, supplied the Council with tlie-ad- . ecclesiastic, - Very Bev. Dr. Sbedban , -May- FtiRtipalitT ..«._;...... —-.. 2' vanxtov ing -wronged one's ieeliic?.1 (he itialU npon ¦held foxeiin pknuilty-. One of theinj described nocitih, of wham their county and hia col- dress 61: Messrs. MteGuire and, Gatchell, and ''hie (Kyle, . Eon ' .._...... , I..~.J..~...,.:...\I 3' ^_ ^. aatd . that he would rect nunernd that ! firm. itlie G-uaidians jto! increaso !hi3,; the injured a circle of (pretty spacious dimensions to leagues were ; Justly proud. He begged to ' - Street «J~ ¦ " ' ¦and Also ran—Arfosto. Lady Sevlagton. They i were asked for a pi in; a|nd. estimate on Ihe last aneetin« oi the Urban Couhcii, at oneJs ealary, tiy IE60 a year, i ' . ; , (from ' "there iha ran a . leftlhaindedi baif move:—" That this Council \ desire to convey Olorane. Ko3 bolt. .' ' ' toot the spot, and agreed to carry! out the!work. wthidh Mr. John Sheehaaj, V.C, : presided,, was ¦ surrender circle ibaok to pallyiennon, "where (bound* -were ; to the . Borrowing family.of the late Mrs. Shee- iBetting—6 to 4 agadnat Principality, 7 to 4 4Joi of more than : (Mishit fl «ujgest that foe would , the expression of- its (Had i>r. Browne and thi Cduncil borne in ordinary importance; as wig lhdmself, before stopped, i .iWiti luck we should ttnave Ihad ia han, St. Mary street Muriel 11 100 to 6 Boa. met mind on the occasion thaj any work over £10 iteatifled by the large attendance of outsiders what ihe takes'Jpom 'llhe^tidct sincere sympathy in their great affliction at ' '¦^ during preach ito the ¦.Guardians. So great—peiihiapi a record—huntout icJ IDangan, ¦the exemplary (RHW3ING ON-'OOUBSB. ; Q, must be done by. contract, :and that tenders the proceedings. The . interest . ap- Ihe next 'begins!to loss of a fond mother and on r!^m^tBiTn(ftF^iH must, in the usual course be invited; then peared to be chiefly centered in the] proposal mttdh lor thoiadrrocates, noyr for their caae. wMdh wci3 our .next port of oall, as an old fox Christian lady." t'«K (jj^ I to resoind the rate for technical eaucatrarn. bat in making the Mx. Michael Power said it was with very U to 1 agaanst Preen (t.), 100 to 9 First all this trouble would hafe;been saved. . : A fortnight jago,' uft r. Williams, Messra. M. antailgamialiooi, | providsd the tsalary fox the .were highly respected and esteemed in the .), IO0 to 6 St. Maclou (t.), 1,000 to 30 Heine cd r (from i£280.to foot-pacrpfa on its summit looking on mt the 'II ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ful state of the road from the Workhouse! to McCarthy, W. , PJL.G. : 31 Power, Cha¦ ». amalgamated [district waa 'raised j town. ' ea Ploure. iril illapstbwn. IMT. Muleahy. has had the con- I>aly, and T. (y.Mahoney, P.LXJ. j : ' ; year. |At ithat timo, I understand. Dr. funv Beaded! ihim, when, he doubled short bock, The Chairman, in putting the resolution, i Although it did ' £400 a 1 ; Shealmn ;wto p. most able PARK PLA.TE. . !*!" trol 1 o} this road : for 23] years, but recently hot come as "a bolt from Morris- r.fMorris (member of the board. ; i Mi this road i3 looked to th better. ! of the Board which the duties of Chairman has disooveted eomo other objections *o The resolution was passed in silence. HOOK PLATE. on . With; very sincere reyr.it we have, this even- would require. Thanking my ! colleagues for imalgamatiort. (He -think* the neighbouring Mr. Veale said that it was with very sincere Uninsured (Holsoy) -._.-... 1 ^y ing, tj>: record the death of Mrs. Merry; M!ain- ¦their kindness sad courtesy to mej whilst ii. regret that he rose to propose another vote . St. Emilion -..: 9 ?"' the ohair, and yourself for the valuable assis- doctor never j did 'Kolmackevoge "District for of sympathy; on the death of another good ¦ 3 eireet j iDungarvai). (Mr. Janies Merry, hus- . Think again Uncle Bessie *.*....* ^J loand i of the deceased, pent; his early years tance generously given me when matters of more than two months.at a time. . TUESDAY, i (lady in town, Mrs. Merry, Main-street. He ¦Also ran—JMVita colt.Wertaria,. Ghost Bance, ! C in Wateriord, wai from his youth to difficulty were brought forward for discussion Doctor. I (know tie d|d it from Jfaly rto April begged to propose:—-" That thi* Council de- Tair Fortune, Lslay colt, Sebago, Mladame \fo ; and . 1 manhood on the printin ; staff of the '(Water- in the Council." one time, and f-POm April to October another, These' Sessiona were hold' on ii/bovo day. be- sire to convey to Mr. James Merry aad his jyAIbany filly. Saviletta, Country Girl. Mince ford News." iFor the post thirty years, since It is gratifying to note that, on the motion ; (Poer (ia the family the expresion pi its sincere sorrow and Master Victor. , ^ and is istill idoirig it. Again, he says, " He fore Captain (Raymond J>e la ¦on *vm- he left Waterford, rath* thej exception ol a of Mr. Troy, the Council unanimoTialy deci- and Mr. Arthur the death of hia good wife." Mr. Merry CBeMtny—Evens uninaured, 7 to 1 Uncle \ lew years on the " C-lonmel " ded to request Mr. Swiney to: reconsider hu could! not (have done it mifh satisfaction to the chair), Colonel Stuart, DJL.. was connected with the leading printing estab- Eegsie, 100 to 8 St. Emilion. . ;Chionicle staff, away from ¦ ' iMr. Merry has , been manager ' of the local decision, which the ratepayeia of; the town poor, (because fhe waa mine miles iBowera.' ! : . lishment of tha town for over a quarter of a firm bf Brenan and Co. Be!his been a man hope he will do. ' some of them/' ¦ ; nMB^DHMlNGjlIiAINGiUA'G'E-IFAfrHER century, and bad taiona deep interest in tbe FOiAL 8TAKES. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ c The financial position of this town ,is not ¦ ' : welfare of the town. CHal^ey) -1 of exemplary character and inpst efficient in , !hww: Uisvo tho (permanent officers of _ AND EON . Pekin at all encouraging from any ipoint of view. Well iMr Michael Barry had a melancholy plea- S 2?^ the discharge of .the duties iof that responsible the district in question given satdsfaction? J&me3 Castrin, een. sunvmoned Jamoa Csshin iFolfcmole *....-.«. position. Hence it is that the feeling of re- •This will be gathered from the subjoined ex- sure in seconding tmv resolution. Mrs. ; Merry Cappa White -...<._.- 3 u* gret | at his affliction, partakes of a j general tracttract from a letter received and Bead at They liave always lived more than mine nuiea jun., for itbrefatening language. was a fond wife and o loving mother.! Also ran—iPerfeotioniat, Snowberry, Qbarge, character, i 'Mrs. Merry] the j deceased, was a the meeting above referred io. ii is from from, eome of tha poor, and yet, Ibecause me •Mr. Jone3,' eolicitcr, appeared for the com- (The Cbaiuman fully ^endorsed what was and Soaaaway. i ttady| of whom any community might 'ieel Mr. Exhaw, solicitor to the County Counci!, ¦within' six miles of and; .Murphy, defended. said by the propojfir and seconder of the Betting—da to 4 against Snowberrv, 4 to 1 : ¦who propose to 'bring] a ¦¦¦'' •¦'••' <••- 2 Ghuichyard. . The burial service was: read by tor to the Council, and 'Mr. Lane! (Clerk) go 1 Hobino ..4..J..-../ .. '..*.*.-.. 3 ' - -Eev.rR. J. Oasey. Wa to Cork, and go into the account, and have and that 'the faxmeiB land people who can pay he would dnivo the cow himself to tlhe fair; DUNGanVAN C0ARD O7 CU^DIAKO , end iiaCind. tinder to Mr. Mterfy ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Ako ran—Deep Bea Rigo, and. (Ms family same adjusted. But unless payjnent \wonii feas-; iremaia. I isaid *frat cow is my property, and if 2 went ¦ ¦ . • T3EE3SA 'B. : to Orchid 8 to 1 Bo- di . ¦ the express' i ins¦ of ' crar sriiccrs ; Betting^-0 4 A^Ddnst. . - ' - . : '' ¦ oi :regret. . . , ; ' \ _ ,,, • . i ! : toe m^ade £880 lla. 7d. within the next fort- (May I also ipoint out to audh A logical and one ibep iho would ikick the ffute out of ine; Wno. 7 to 1 Oaatlewjse. , . . • - . - . t, : , • lnl his famous.-"-History; of Watertord,? Dr.' night or that the balance due after the de- intelligent caritioversialist, that widwives lhave I said IT wduld! go for the police aa I stood in At the usual, weekly meeting of the above ¦ iSmith has spoken. ; duction of the claim of the Urban Couijoil be HEKMMlAiaE HANDDOAP. • of ih« !old ¦Borouga:— i ' ibeen appointed >by the Guardians thnou^hout danger!; iu> then toeldi a 'stiok aver my head, board, the imembero present were:—'Messrs. ' " t)ungarvan is toleraol^ vrell buii(, 'paid to-the Council, he should have¦ jno al- D. Eyan and subsequently J. V. OiBrien, Happy Save would not be necessary. He drew attention to of the doctor's work. , and has Also ran-Oarle Kemp, Papdale, Valiant, 1 itroublesomei portion ' aaatedj ha sold abullockiniWaterford P. McCarthy, Kirwftn. McCarthy, Barron, C. the town walls ; on the i^. -side is a quay,»uffi- the fact that two quarterly instalments of th Once more(he eays, "Surely (I do noti&ink Wxe tha money :in his poelurt; after itha ' fair ne J. Curran, J.P., «tc, etc. i CJonvrBnore, Kalteel, Pindar. A.N.B., Pom ciently convenient for the- loading i and dis- demand in respect of the year ending 3Ut EINGVILUE WIVHDEN. ! iPom, Monto! de Piete, Simon Glov«r, De- of j March next, were overdue, • and he would docto* is ptildl lor 'the whal« of ihia time." If oaime ito the. house 'at a lateihour, land eaid if I chaii^ng email rvseasbls. iForty j or '¦ fifty Mr. P. McCarthy, J JP., said that if he were parted, and Apollyon. have no alternative but to advise Ihe County not, where is- rtihe sense iof Jhis (remark towards wouldn't let ihim ia he would break tho door; there last day he would have objected to the ; Eettbir—7 to 2 against Titotuatt, 7 to i ; coasting boats belong t- > iixi place, which iro Council to apply for a mandamus; unless the the end of (his J latter that the doctor " ia on I am, Afraid of my life of Ihim. i name of Mr. Maurice Byan a swarden, not Happy Stave, 8 to 1 Tudor King. in, the season employed jni the fishery. The amount of suca instalments were paid within day, Sunday and (Monday," etc. •say 6on Ibuymg that he had any personal objection .' to Mr. p! a month of that time." j duty, uishtlind Crtei-ebbtained—; ORemembeE : barracks are situated v.ithih the walla of the ¦Mr I tsupposa 'tia not easy for a. doctor to be a cow !at tb» iRosa fair; dt was brought on to Byan, but "because he thought a public-house THIRSK MEBTIHO castle, ' . Troy moved his resolution to rescind was no fit place to have tickets issued. which eerved f >rmeriy as a citadel. ¦the order for the levying of a rate of Id. in the logical, one ,w^uld, at least, expoot him to my .land .without my oomeent; ¦tlbe cowcal'ved; This town sends two-members to Parliament, Mr. O'Connor agreed with Mrl. McOsrthy. BTSSAif NUBSERY HANDICAP, £ for the purposes¦ of technical education, (know arithmetic enough to do A minute earn tho odw -was my son'a iproper.ty, but-the calf Chairman—Mr. Byan was at:£!l40 a alary ; £15 ant, deposed. ILbat on the morning of the. 3rd Mr. O^Connor—I would not mind that so vents the sinking of ^ve 3, ko that fresh wat^r £ for th epurposes of technical education, •£45.private .practice; total, £200. The salary hjer hushanid was going to take catUe Bella, .Joy-boll filly. Asperity, Aigrette, Mrs. U cot conveniently hac . cSbme' years ago th.} , October much as tbe suitability of tbe pr-emises. Aid-worth . fltty. Oroyor, WUcbwood flUy. manner by Mr. O'Mahoney, and a very in- 3M .proposesis £200 salary, with fees and prac- to 4h'€j fair; her hus/band came into Iherjand PBOVISIONAX RHTJTEF. Earl of Burlington ga 'e! a| considerable sum teresting discussion ensued, after it was secon- ' Doreen filly, linten Lilly filly, S«h, Karah tice same tea before, namely, £15 and' £45; told .her about ths row lie bad with'tiis aon, The Relieving Officer reported that pro- gelding, Kepi, Sussnne. towards the- conveying of fresh water hither; ded by Mir. McCarthy amidst loud applause visional relief was going down. Out-door from the visitors. The resolution was carried, total, according to him, £280. Most people and said Ihe would goi down, to JiamesjilXc- ¦ Betting—6 to 1 against Lady Castlereagh but] to the great detriment of this town, the would make It £230. ¦Perhaps be means i)r. thij relief was fhe same as usual. 1: filly and Miss Garrett flliy, 10 U> I Detfdrop design proved Mr. Sheehan clone dissenting. Donald; 'her son causht her buaband Ibyj Chairman—>1 think it would bo impossible abortive. j Siich wells as hare iMackeiy'a ixsrquisit'e from me (water, IMTS. Greene, mho has 'been ifor some time in room. There was * bad smell! there.' Also ran—-Bridge, Long Cecil, Stophanp. which they «a a iivinj; -wage, end yet, .tiho Association is his cson ; com- Mr. CShea moved that the 1 matter be re- were obliged to bring : rotn a considejra'ble dis- a ratlber poor etate of health. . TJhe .deceased was going to iba murdered iby ; Batting—3 to 1 against Eoyette, 5 to 1 Seuz- not eatisflcid!. RVhy } Is- it because that medi- plainant (w&a malkins a lot «1 noise and the ferred to the master. . ath 10 to 1 Consolation. tan£e, at a great exp snke; and prayed th: lady iwas mother of Mr. James 'Greene, and of MT. OTfeeffe—Some ol us ought to visit the . r\ jjmdlard' MAnOA 4/\k-v »*nn+ 4l\/vr*^ r *\ nr\ r**r 4 Ka.MLl n ll.j .aa cal officer fo not o a anan? eon caught 'him am? said, "TXin't .bo making ¦ ^-LVMWV (jiaut viiKui uiyuvj l\t Oll&uit; me 11 , ¦ institution., ( Dfr. Denis Greene the national teacher in 3X> you, sir, claim along1 ¦with .the (Medical AUTUMN HANDICAP., to icarry on an aquidilcti for &om& mile*, [Kill , and & member ci & good respectable a noise." Chairman—You can do that if you;like. iBiton Rouge (Whe&tley) ; 1 ¦who ¦& As3ooiatiori, 'that we must Tun the Wiaterford Sergt. OT>onnell gave evidence as . to the BOARDING OUT. I Sonateur ..i....,...... ,...;...... _ 2 froi the river Phynisl to this placej wherry family ihas lived in this town for great The Local Government Board approved, they might bo better supjplied with Board of Oiiardiana. according to 13ie .whims character of tha defendant; tho 'boy, as- lar of (Htoneyowab ..^.. .-...; 3 water: A many yeara. and vagaries)of men. like the above spokesman sending out the child, Bridget Power, 1 to Mrs. Aloo ian—.Ravensc?iffo, 8U Maunice, and suni being granted accordingly fori this as ha Jtilerw, was .well oonducted,(but ha unden- ; . J ¦ pur- The last meeting of the Unitedj lrisljj(League your vaduttblee paco. If you do rl wouJd lUce Foley. Ctondalkan. . pose, the scheme carried into execution . Btoodi thit 'tiie fatter got married lately, and APPOINTMENT OF N.UBSTNG 8I&TEB- , 11 to 2 agst. wasj , was weM attended, and there could bo seen among, know tho whole case, perhaps you BruaUeton, and Religion.II. , ¦to .supply all the uses of the inhabitants, i- 1 for nun alleged assault on th'e 6th October at Betting—6to 2 against Masquerade, 100 to from the doca! branches for some niatters of would j addl that rtihe salaries all plies for the past week have been faifly large, Most . of them meet with ! good success, and of Affane, on fPueBday morning iremtxyes { defendant!until quite recently; Bha did not and in good reque*t at the following prices :— All Joy (G. McCall) .. . :. 1 from round iof our inedaoal' ofSoeia tare £20 to £30 (La Mbrtota _._ „.,.... 2 many who were at fiist iobliged to |be carried the distrio't one of the most ; say ionyiliirig to the defendant on tho day in iHay (per ton), 55s. to 70s.; inferior. 603. to far- jU«j water, gentle- (higberthaii'tihiose-ipaidia theadjoining Unions , GO ; oaten straw, 30a. Blw Kat .... J ...... a have,! i 3 five or six Iweeks, tt- men whom we lhave known; question; ho was under the influence of drink. *. to 423.¦ 6d. ; fwheaten ran—(Foreman for I aj good many And that in titkao j Unions ! there are no mid- sheaf, 50s. to 603. ' . c wVlsb , and Witty Maid. turpca nwno «trongiard| healthy. These gooi year, and dt is- no exaggeration to jsayj and the came into the kitchen and caught her •Betting—13 to 8 on La Mortola. 10 to 1 r-G(>cts ^hat the wivas paid ibyj.thejGuardians. (Why doea not TurnipB and MVmgolds were sold a 13s. and of are justly to ;tie attributed to the soit- people deeply negrettrim 1, loxeaiaJariiUord and by tiho itair of the tread; she screamed; she 15s. per ton. against All Joy and Blue Hat. ue^B the ocean , the A&soeiction hurry to the rescue of the Q hereabouts and to its cori- •large employier of labour e proper place f.» i i ; I am,-Gir, youra, ete., HUBIXLE HANDICAP. a ¦ ¦ man! named Aiywiardl came to his'house on the - mailing call of «ea-water only." ! ' '.' : ; , P. GRANT. C.D.C., J.P Snpplisd by Mr JOEB HUBUT, Mari A Bnpc riitasdsa i Bobette (GarwU) , t , -^.,.,..,,,,^,. I t | duy jin question; witness was .working in hia ¦ Sweetmore ..-..?...„.«._._...,.. OF IMPORTANCE (has • i BUTTEB. ! - ' 9 j l: . ¦ TO THE DEAF Currishmoie, C3rd Oct., '1902: yard, and jwihen he heard wife ocream he : Duke's Token ;..... 3' ; ¦ | 1 i ' " ! Those who «r« tfflieted wftb j ¦ tTcsbs? i Pile* ' defective hearfnj ran jiato his house,'' ~Ch<3 eaw tbe deitendani BsUudtj ; « ... 164 ... i 55/99 iAtoo T«n—iSogosM,Ji finwrton II., and , ¦ i ! . YOUCHAL. i A will find la tbg iaet nombe' of' The Joarn»l fortho : M- ,- .V , - :- - ; HelUn. : . ; ¦ fcher0; he. asked ihim wba't 2i4 wanted, and Mondajj ... 0 «. , There is much,satisfaction expressed here Deaf : — ," a «peeadof treatment ID; their mm James Aylwardin deposed to IMz. M\Jrtphy that O«Un Straw Abt> rsn-Jack of Olub»,' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' iho wfis , No» .. . 80. to t2i C& Pei^iad, QaiU«, ' lion. . \ . .| i .- .;; . . I • . . ., "{¦• : case. To obt&lo ,* f rea «opy . of thi Journal with on 8O nry girl "; witnessthen/ walked away, ¦ i . j was flno, |an presenteda ieetimonial division, j Foxes were found inr every comer iroad and walked 9. r«MfiiJ . . .. i . : i B.rtBwf Jwuwfp^ « : 0 «|.0 ¦ . na no»ea8 t6 ^i : like a ceojord, «a thatk ras (hia f orty-4iird con- : , ' " ! l half, Unfortunately,!Jurt 'betor» piay. rain Boagbn PUOM „ . « i!' i)< - j ¦ - . .;:. ,]% pltoja 1ai, the¦£m-hirt»hogpiiaX:. .Hh^re' eeootiva meet' Thejrematningca seu iwera ol art. undntercJting iUdy 8kv» p^' v.^.».J^.4./;....;.. |:-: 8 \y ¦¦ ¦;' commenced (to fall and corrtinded' thronghoni opening of aoddmi il Of qiiradrtipeds, 'W-seeord, it aV the ¦ >. 0 9 10 ¦ y.^: ']- l - \, : pleasant and putting fmythinil approaching iw^th- iw*» Un>b,pe» ^tuHit „ „ :¦ 8 0 ft g¦ ¦ Lot, Florid iiwmi, «rf Io^ofitadiTV • tv ^KcM ^^^ ^ \[: . . ^ : \ :< ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • • ¦ '¦ ! : iclentiflc pity : " ' twelftjb/'openina rneetlpftbe Tipperarie^{hat i- : MO2. • ; ,^to ^ o' irt of [the fluertidi h. ' . *: 'ff« ¦ ; ' > : A ^ /.,^ l>*Wg» 'W«l6ttaiJii IWAS undiar dia- ¦ • ¦ • ' : ' < Mr CbidM HflTi ' ¦ ¦ ! nport ' ..;:¦ ¦¦ _ i - - - 1: . . (Mr. ^bett iHemphlll |«iiT«llon»iioan!cob- i-' ! ; . |» (««^9»i* '-« wdeived ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦' ¦- ' • '-¦ 1 BtD • tirwlp¦ *u«) T < " : W o 1 it » !t i v >f ' ^^ #W i*»n <«im •; .¦ •Jrr.~Tr~{-; I" - ' ' : ¦ ¦wbov fl^e bnlyJ4im« 4i* tnr^riflgired on a race :¦ . • : ' -. » T ' f ff¦ • LAND¦ CONFERENCE I - OKADL • ' - ) 7 oani-fW^n «pcled- .f b ¦ Whit©' Asa" —.took-pact - - ¦ 4DVlBTIfflSjaSHTI» 0tIVlO TOO Ull ' -j . .-j- -- -, — ' : : ; ;; "¦' .!-'"i. '. 'V :«M Mju mnun te :]' - - dn, ,Mr.j jButke; 's .ipWleafl 'black '! . -i ¦Kiif S f t I^P mmi' ^f i lW5«rf riiSlnb ^ ^. JJ«ja«t fekirln i . ' ' J . ' jj 1* «i u « ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ~ Utertanni ¦ • , *he • ¦ ¦ banter, , cbiebMti < • INDEPENDENT . .;•;- . . . ¦i:|.PV j FOIL !.,: ; ? *Wta P#» , M S ill { '^^ i^tert ra| ' ~! ¦ op^n* W di»>,'-«3ien lie traa ¦ ¦ H«r 9tu > . . ; , _ . ; . . 1 . 8 « ¦- g /TTBO0»RT,; Prorj iko ,: m l-'/tn M ¦ " ¦ ¦ U Sion*^A' .the nibui^|bf jMr;|"WMe( Barfce, and looking fi.l .:. I-. TO-DAY. I ' r. tixiti ••jptttntflwhlld faunW 'onneriy anfl «v.. ^itm ' *k '• $m mS'Jifj B 'mvMm*** *«» vimi-ftr te olfhtiic oo^. ^*i 'oi«i«4Jby' 0b. Bud», ;i i tOKD LIKUTBNAirrt ; 1KI>; DBPtnrY M^mmii^:m^«ti -V ^M. ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ {' ' ' "1 • MI praKJn^¦ ¦" -:¦ ¦/ •J- - 1 -'-;- . -- : : " ' • :). *- Vi. < • » '• •*' v[,4 - .. , r , ; ; _ -;| . il ri Mi];v];- -|- . t- as ll^Bi l i « i Kg m&m*** ?. hixmw -j . ; ¦¦ a imamii^sliimmMi i i : ^fe:,/,^:-' .p- ' .- iU 1 ¦ I !! | j j i j 1

! M ¦l i 1 1 ; '

7 5 ri;;: r ft , r. ¦ ".; , ¦ • ' ¦ -•¦¦ • ¦ ¦ -» •» , - • . •• \- Y- '. '¦•' . , • ¦¦ ¦: 'A ' . * "/) ;' 1 K' ^ -

' ' ' ' ¦ j | : j

WATEEFOE©- t mMY , OCTOBER M, !lflO2...... ! ' ' ; 1 ¦ ¦¦ i 1 ¦ ; " i n ,, . ,,,,,, , | || |M . ___ !__ : marble, witih. tastefu1! marble ¦has SCOPE u| pannelling to -spent about a thousand pounds in ;3WPLib[0I tho ceili p' Si ' and;flierejdecora.tivo his cettine ¦ THE ' ' >>raokete and profession. ' Moreover,- it must' fr£ AN'N'Uuit . llEEmG OF THE iMpanrAWt ; C: OTIOC TO - tzzi'ip ¦' stucco work Iproduca ;a most "aarmbniotcs and membered ¦ ¦ pleasing that the doctor is always on' .dulyj SOUTHERN IN-.MERIGA.!' effect. i The ifloor.is tiled .in mosaic day and night. -- BAPTIST ADVnnncGRo. In this iJall telephone' He : has not Sundays or even OBteGBY AGO. , 'and reception .rooms arc Xmas Day for himself. l ASSOCIATION. .providedi wodla overy; ¦• [ ldgh t and air. AJ1 the on Tues- . i , Sec. Waterford works most recent improvement!* Medical Association , who was born in the house uowluGed : s day evening at 7.30 o'clock with a prayer of modem archi- Watcrford, Octobdr a branch offlce vjhenz mien GOODS CAM '— tects are 19th, t<)02. of the Daily Independent Cu. at meeting conducted -C2- WAD. T-—O- ' /embodied in j these .buildingg, 'by 3fr. Dove, of Queens- ivhile Thomas-street, this city. ¦town provision jhas (boon made Celebrated ; Wall Street iaa sblmucli to do with jth'e very dosign. Trimiand ^x«ilwork are of caretull latent tottter I IT* you wa* in- pa?t of the service, and having apologised Baking Powdor for quality y tended .to .bo my Mart -King-street, on Wednesduy, 20th Oct. for and quantity. " Krongola," an efflctciouo lilo of the oatioa tjjat a visitor anxious for 8eleotedl oak,: bird's . €yo maple and Jastt on the subject of Indus'* , v the absence oi. 'the out-going president , . , . 'birch. trial Development , his exterisiTe ond valuable stock of glass called upon Embrocation for 'Bbeum aticp> and Ptfna in information could , spend j days here iau'd yet Pariors and dining rooms horeiparaquot floors But tlnere is one aspect of 1^51 the in-coming president , Pastor th*joints. Bells Ck>ugh Elixir, a tho question to which with ware, both cut and plain. The ddvertltoment1 John. J7. ; ' wcll-tnonn Jeave a wide- field) ,ior' investigation.. America (doable an'd noiseless), while ibardwood floors infixcusa1>lo stupi- Frecshan iflA thloce) to deliver the " Exiue," a perfect Corn euro. j dity I omitted to draw goes! on—" The subocribet having passed presidential address. is, so different from #ny other country that the are dn aM tho ^th'er rooma. fThe rent of ithese attention in my form;r O.. 1 1 lettew, and this omission through tho extensive ware-rootnn connected Pastor Carroll John & Co., Quay:— Stock Exchange iasj a greater, influenc^ there apartmenta, 1 |am told, is about 1,000 dollars I should' now, with, ^Freeman announced an hi3 subjec: your permission, like with the Woterfcrd Glass Works (which wei e " Our position and Tweeds. 8erge3, Coatings, Blankets, Quilts, •than in any other part of the ¦world. You s<:e per year, ilaoO'of our money, and (Mr. Gaffncy to remtxiy. irorft as .Baptists -in the Flannels, Shirtings . Towels •What is it that chiefl cldssd after this 1 sale) And viewing so far as it South and West," the , Napkins, Tcblo trade and manufactures cover tho I whole tells .me that kvelHo-do business men so favour y onaluM Industrial taking as his t^rt 23rJ Linen , Pillow Covers, Table Cloths, Poplin , Development in Ireland so wan possible for him to do the almost iacon- verse of the 3Jrd Scarves; Knitted horizon' , "Satiified with favour and full with the bless- Suits, Serge Suits, Dress Serges, Linen?. anyirihere in JEurope ' griculture, pneTof : the popular all : over . New York. Tlie C»ntr«Hi8ud Coohrane, Dublin:— ¦ ^ ' one J liave foreign juvestmeoto. j Iridlimou think it eafifc every article which the imagination could ing of tho Lorcl, poEseaB thou the West and 6taple industries there, is worked on lines &> just described has only recently to : Mineral Waters. : been built, invent money abroad than at (homej deviso and art execute, feels himself fully tho South." ;In the opening part of his al- completely different to jyhat ,-vve . ire- ac- ! and as. tlie locality is closa- to the Whether Cordner W. J., Quay and Henrietta-street:— ' ' most favoured part of 4he city, or not they! are patriotic in isendins; warranted in calling tbo particular attention of dre3s, having given some statistics as to the customed in Ireland, that I caa. set till- tho demand for their money number of Irish Cytles, Irish Tyres; Irish Pump Clips, ing of - accommodation is very; .pronounced. out of j tiho country instead oi all parties lo this important sale as a similar Baptist Churches, church member* Irish Kepair Outfits, Irish Footballs, Imb tho eoil down almost , as I ,[would using it to employ and Sunday running an, fchoir compatriots at homei opportunity is not likely to be again offered to aehool scholara , he said Ulat our Hockey Sticks, Irish Indoor Games, Iri'h ordinary , commercial concern. I do not intend to discus3. position in U10 South Waterproof Coata and Capes, It lhaa become ¦& It is not worth dii« the inhabitants of Wateifoid aud the neighbour- 'and West tvas not . wh.it Iriib Eootbidl ,really (branch -oi J trade.. cossitrg. I should as[ ing counties. it ought to be, considering ,the truths iwe and'Hockey Boot?, Irish Oceptres, Bar Bells. 6oon thiiok of discussing bol l ' ' ¦ ¦ Largo /tracts of ; join' TO ¦9- " ' " .JanoS , are t managed l>y t THE tho law of gravitation or dear and the evangelistic nature of our work , ¦ Block Companies! JCET^EBS EDITOR .the multiplication Doolty'ft Hot«'.. EesUurant SpiritBar JThese Companies enable table or arguing withia ;Tho following, beaded " Cu happy relation yet the smallness of the [figures—which in one . .Quay:— ¦tie ismalleat riavaseojs man wbo had "philoso- Jameson's 'Whigkey,'direct from Bow-atroet to;run the choice of phic doubts" a'bout the between landlord and tenaat," appeared in the sense ought io 'be ia reproof to ITS—weed not Distillery; Guinnesa increasing .tb»iD piles axioms of Euclid; 's Stout, bottled on tia , and the. result.;a that But'patrrotism apart, is ii wiae to invent Ba'me number :—»" Newtown, Kilmacth .mas discourage ua. With .tho assurance " One »baM premines ; Tbwahe'a, Hovenden & Orris; and almost every one with, money , a shilling to apar^ starts The Proposed Dispensary out of Ireland? 1 venture to doubt it. iLeaving 7th October^ 1861. The sombre sbudea of our chaso a thouiand, and two put teu thousand Waterford Minerals ; 3trangmani 'Water- out. to.apeculate, and' is jat once a k«enj student iord Strong Beer; Goodbody% ' , out of account tho foreign mines and the like, dark and gloomy nights are uow the refugq by to . flight ." we oujj iht to forge ahead. Our Qallschir e, of Stock ] Exchange imoycment?. Some Amalgamation. and Murray'« 'Boll and 'Fancr Tobnccos. tiino in which II sliould think that a considerable which loany of our ruined farmers oscape from .position with regard to other dehominationi= , Cigar* and Cigarettes; since j^ny speculation i ___ Waterford Pipes. 'there was. .JbaBdly iu amount of Iriab. money liaa lost tho trammels of theur landlords. Every morning he said , is not . hard to define. It is briefly Doyle P.M. Quay:— foreign, .securitiea 'been from ¦ t , ;befause capdtal,faund!.impie time to timt I would ask in all seriousness— of the laat mouth hed some (armer or summarised Iby eaying—We iloV'-e 'all tho Goodbody's and Gallaher'e EoU, Pluj, employment REPLY telegrap Snufi, Cigarettes, in. domestic .underfcaking.3. . It U TO MR. P. GRANT, J.P, Aro iBritidi Consols a eaie permanent invast- onottier quitting his homo and hringiDg with , iLord's children , by whatever name they aTe Uatckto, Hanky's Pipes, ¦not t>o (now. Amaricjan. capital (has gn ivu so Irish Blackthorns. mentP There aro many people' .to whom tho him hi3 goods and chattels. I know an called, and can hava fellowship with them • enormously, that pmnsanse though the c mntry Dcevy &. Co., Broadistreot:— i ; British Government . ia synonymous with UB- extremely rich landed proprietor who J3 oow in preaching .the glorious Evangel of Grace, Manufacturers ,' Hosiery,' 8hirts, Pinaforoi, be, though vast itS -xp$pnade Handkerchief!, Suits, . Drcua itOj ibei iound for ftJiD: auxjAus ..Tttsoitii: . Materials >f tho DEAR Su\,—l have read with pleasure Mr. scout the very idoa. of^throwing doubt upon it? to thio year despised and abominated tho idoa ; point iroia wbat we know to 'be- God's' truth to , etc. Hats kept in Stock. . . nation. The , ^ Purlonj, A. 8.. 77, Qu»y, waterford—Berrinp- " twopenny:tube " in'.London, was jQrant'ia letter,. published in the Independent. power of discharging its liabilities. But, :n of it." This letter was sent by our thon cor- I please anyone of them. Our position regari first great American .venturei ia B ¦ ton's nnd Obaw"s'So«p»; Cherry'c Uustira; ,'tbe :4''orJ^' I must congratulate Mr. Grant on its tono sober truth, as a matter of plain .business, tho rospondant also wroto aD follows :— ing the unconverted ia this—no matter where Clo6ve'» Butter, metrottolis. and/ an emortnoua success it has , , wb> liilk, and Crcaa; JtctVd which is in. marked contrast to some of the British Government is an insolvent Corpora i we see a man or woman, let them be degrad e 1 Biscuits and Calces ; Yinrt'e ~4ms and ITsr- pruved. Narvr (we Portiaw :—The Exhibition of the Agri- Ihate, tho. gBeatest/bai] ker o£ remarks madeat the mgeting of. the Guardians. lion. It has ootjealisable assets, ifit to do moro I as it is possiblo Ifor human ibeings to be, we malados (or preserves). All Iaa UtstSritida all tymc cultural Society of this town will not, I under- of Irith Hams and Bacon ,P4erpanft iMJo pgan/ purchasing £ jglish As 3Ir. GmiJt, has taken a leading pact in than pay a very small composition as I see- in him or her an dmmtotal soul and icalise . e'ecimtiea with American, cojn in a man ler lo at* stand, come off till next November. The oppoaing tho request of (he doctors I may take arranging debtor or bankrupt to its creditors. j that the 'Gospel of ¦Chri.1t, and it alone, can Grainger H make one suppose iindllioiis to lliim are as delay ', is consequent 00 the President (the , Quay and -Barronstrand-:!.;— tbat. it that ho qsptcssc3 tha views of most of his If hs saleable assets were hronght to the ham- ido them any real spiritual cd. : . Ladies' Gents and Chilflren'a Hoiesry. pence even to •* Kpinscllilcf; Jn 6Uanmirig up, mer tomorrow, they Marquis of Waterford) not being at home. ; He was glad to ibo aple to say that our Goodman's Bembrandt Studio:— ; coHeaguea. | would not yie-ld 2s. 6d. There! is also a race to come off here about the let me quote .the views *A .art export, whose Mr. Grant in the t£ on 'tihe amount of the National Dpbt. i pulpits iu Ireland hove never ibeen the eta go s Best Photographs, Life- feteo EnlarBemcnCj lwsj only two reasons to give in came time, which will yield much pleasure and opjnion I consulted aind. aidsv^ does'WallStyset jtcl lon iho.oharacterTot only six Iris! i miles from ihe farthest * tho peorile to provide:for interest and repay- ; tics ws want in connection with our denomin v • • ¦ portion of . lactured ¦in Ireland. : the people (Ne^ least their eyes with pleasure on tbc^factory, '.: ' «. ¦ of .York? .Vtbey arc naturally his district. is a !very , ment, of principal. Js that an adequate ition is "ChriBt Jor Ireland" and " Ireland loi ' — . .H« " - Thiq poor argument,' thaf. stupendous bulwark of human art ond Hearne J' inolined /tp .faft , operulativ«. The purauit of when.it is c onsidered that the security ? I say, no.' Tho 'British public's ; Christ." smea A Co., C3and Ct, Quay:— . united districts ingenuity. Irish Waterproof Coat«, Irish Buttormill: wealth is nawierepo. eageria» in iAnieric4» the vrquid have an area, of over 57 power of continuing to pay taces is dependent AUer the aingiog oi a hymn , ihe PjesideJt, ¦ ,000. acrca^. whh Brov,-n 6qap »nd othera, Irish Socks end 8tockinn»» opportunities ifor-acqtiiring;.it. *ire nowhere so a,population|of|<|ver 9,500. on the maintenance of British " commercial called upon P-aator Haigh D. ,. M.A , Irish Hats And Suits, Imh Poplin is one y, It ID slated in our file of tho 3rd October, Bzsih, n umerotL3. Ncwh^ra equall impressed; ; Mr.,Grant 8 secoud reason id thai the supremacy," whidh .is notoriously boiug 'B.L., to address the gathering, when Pastor Irish Corsets, Irish Handkerchiefs, Irish i>y - | . united 1851, that the first ordinary general meeting of i-Brown illimitable ' Ithe .progress, "wljiclii tibe. .science and; arts olj districts have i liccn wortscd fori- upivurds of threatened on aH sddes by Gerfan and delivered in his r^wn style Sheets and Tcblo Cloths, lnsn. DKM lit- gaiji—I do npt meant Mie arts that add ia the tho , Wattrford and Tratnore,Railway Company a moBt eloquont «nd helpful address ou " The . terials, etc, etc. • itwelvo montjhs Iby, the neighbouring doctor , to American competition. iAt best that commer- Hearno & Cahill ¦rorld' wealib, ?but lihijso iby.iv'hich individual* was advertised to. take place on Tuesday at iAlystery of Suffering," as illustrated Iiy the , Broad-street:— 9 , the entire, witiafaction of the poor and everyone cial supremacy depended and still depends on : Ladies' and Gents' Boots ia Vtrioty. appropriate iaa lexooptiooally. ij airge Bhaire of their olh'ce, 10, Ely Place, DuMin ; but a 'life of Jo(b. , concerned. JMr j Grant docs not state how tho Britain's rapidly dwindling stock of coal and : by Hirgins John Patriok-atrc<>t:— it—[make -from year ,io year. ,.Tho .,mattri8l3. • sufficient number to constitute a quorum not The ^losing address was given PasUr Soap, Candles, Ettircb., VJhbioy, 8tout, : |M upwards ojf twelve months" wus calculated. iron ore. Witlk chanaoteristic insanity tho ! Tvitli whicbihe anyoatJor -or #he speculator haa ' ¦British having attended within the time prescribed by J. D. Giimore, Sec. of Irish Baptisb Home Confectionery. jWaa the duty continuous )? I think not. As Government is allowing the principal ¦¦ to work juayr eceiven ^^ensiMe addition^ -but iho; Companies' Clauses Consolidation Act, the Mission. Hj3 -message was thoroughly evang»- .far as 1 know it T?O3 mado up of. a few months (inanimate assata of fJl ie nation i i ei^ht nine miles distant from result) tho export,of its best and animate asset and Watts , it iigalnst local laws in 1851 — the lock-up at llhe business session commenced, when a goo.1 ' Creamery Butter,, ualtersoa'o methods of ibnsmces, jspacnla1;ion 'though many of bis ]nti£nt8. < its countTy-bred young men and young women. Sausages, Passage Cured Kippered Herrings * acience, daea not : precoui is in Peter street :—" The Ghost ju tho deal of 'business to cover (inter alia) the interest Bcdmond C. P. 6 Co.:— . Jeffi Iiimerick about : twenty; years ] £1—I— , io a fine sturdy young woman about kind invitation of illra. Atkins. 1 Twoomey . ' The ddcturs] ; arguments in favour of an on iher dabt. WbsA about the willingness? WiiXGBrono Ncv?8, EVBHIHQ Nnwo. All ago, without any-spe : Company. cites! educa- toroe years, i o'Jsrj the lowest limit ifl five years, casion were delivered Iby -Pastor A. Bird Having tiha advantagesrk>lajfi ^ end it wilt tfl c, crate to deny the right.of any CIO&J of the Eobert3ou end Lodlio:— of- 'are- ability, ^pd e .a good,average roan six years ; (iBrannoxtown), Pastor D. Henderson (Lime- Furniture, Linetn, Dresses, ition i andiieing'posaessod . .i mrd) Tho ve incre people to live withoutpersonal Jcb'our—to deny WATERfOBD AND S0UM 1 . Waterprools, ¦all energy.MjedetSffor ba^ittea;:yta 'wjages of Bervants^ha afled tjiek), and Principal A. tj . G. Bur/, M A^ Hosiery, Suits, Poplin Ties, Flanneu end tiie restless very, mach di ring tho,past la effoot tho dladm of any investors to an in- , 'Jm pDogr^as.'waa xapM.ijami he twenty ypais. . come from industries wot managed by .tlhem- Oix ibiin).—Communicated. Blanketn, Quilts, Handkerchie!». in tile States ' Mr. Grant states' that Onl hafi the doctor's EASTERN EAILWAY MID tnanagijaig dfreotor of a Com]>any y selv£3. This contention the shareholders : is nbw the | l(me ia, oocniiied iojDispQasaryduties. Does 'hits Tobin P. and Sons, Quay:— Hhirty oottofl imiHi ia 'tbe^tato of of Industrial Oompaniea to a certain extent, ; Cloths, Serges, Tweeds ' tiatloOTia ! Mr. Grant roknl to imply that the doctor i,o . STEAMBOAT GUIDE. , Drew Material*, Pennsylvania-; $ 4r^lmf $'wx.ffwoppeV h , •but it much more seriously affecU those who Felt Hats, Silk Hat*, Flannel ShlrU, White tMd for his Whole [time?; Suret he ought to JQUBERT. ERiTEiaGt3B ADt) ' company Tho Boer iGenetals safd that tloy Wjley Mrs: EUen, MiohaeUtreet:— 1 pariior. . what I and that"if 5*eiand' a icoup: o of ' Ion a private yisit to Bnfilalld, iilsrsh' Cakes end Best Silvenprin¦ jS tarab: «nd [haa ieott, acros? 4" aiid Iaxc3 j .,.,£30 willlbooomeof the £129 006 (belonging to Water- pELIVERED BY PdST thoy * ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ | House rentJ . 0 0 ^ % ¦ they proceeded]to t^o OonTliltnt woilld rt Huay.— ., •• - . - • •• • ,• times duriog 019 last few ypars.; Onef of tho and ford workijig men, in tho Sayings Bank, which | | ^ . parting ¦ «itb. iKcepof^hotso trap i ... 86 0 0 loot visit l£r. Kruger^,' *"-"" ; ' iN^B.—Tiioae who, ! although aot ragnlst last 'fching8 be said "to iae, .-s&en; ' ¦ ¦ bos it inverted in tho earno ifandsP ," /ery [Mvna wage? j \ ... 36 0 0 ¦ ' ;| B ; £130 -0 0; AM> A MODElBATE DEINKiB. triflinff charro. | . . 1 [^hoapy beeming iere ¦ ' i EEXOKEB and &fr.:£S ¦ ¦ ' ' solid ca ever, .. ' ¦ " - ' j: iie-' ! i tu ojt" yorel lAiiq J»ooi old 8)J^>b^n^Biet, tho ¦Mi lDijavat 05HE 6EWBBAGiB AND! FREE JBBlDaE! $ A7ERFORJ¦ NEWS¦ OFP^CQ : ' (In. Pwpensary .the salary : > " '¦ ' , | London, (Monday. ic3iaageA/«iio ' 'ttio Cdanljr') b ' ' '^i . ' ' ¦: it ,fis ^ ' : i • -SOHBME9. - I . ¦ j ' Ojeve, and fW ttmiuh^ to a year. XVith : ' m ¦ to-day Tat Dore- ^ j £p 5 I • , . iXowi3 Barton,acod! 103> died: (Satiher Bp^'eon^jyeacyojf'-^is'.: ife; , J itfhere my ¦ pt vate . practice thi3 might. be increased to ; IDear Sirr-ttn ony^etter the atwve eubjecta Ho was a smoker and a moder-. ¦ • . .. . -.. 'the 04. hiiDi Norlolki' .1 " olnd what about JoaneV Bol^'io ffromoM, ' -da ; ' :¦ l £?09, , It fo lows then that he would have whlcli. appear^ tbisj 'week'a "iWoterford eiqde coyaKs-to h oie> drinker, and «ttritiutod his longevity to We .understand thai the Boyal Bollyxaaant .puryeypr- pf .tbe .whaie JxjoklMT'''*;- ' •'¦L i;' ' ¦N feoioJ lo E32 ¦ »SaafeasQln:B prth £10f i year to feed and clothe himself and, pay OTO," the words, " ib& glorious uncertainty, d early; morning walks, j ; GiAf Ohib OommiUeef(have very kindly con- Alter- Oaaving Wril^« i«ii l, ¦fll incidental< xpenses, ! ! ; . . ¦ " ' 11 i''lBItrei? j th© latter, shouldl IhaYe. ioecn .'ipriqted as " die seated to oilaw their,JjprofeMronal, Kr. Hood, Sir.! Gafiaey -fcr hfe;taftjdteti^.ig i "'^ V It .is . to b )jhop©d,, thai.nna*er.'thcso drcumi. glciious uncertainly. 9?itha law." ' ¦' ' : , #^,,$&•**« iw [., , * , - tWo again beg to remind out readers that the to pay a.viaib.to4he TramorsGolf lilnkB, And ¦Dri^&-ft2» i^att' %U' jbl ^ at^ces tho doctoraiohachelor. ' ;¦ • ¦ , lAgain thanking you iorliavlngjxubli&heduiy 1 ;. _ nnrnfal Ohrysanlliemtun. iShow, under tbo adviso Hi. M. 7. Muijpby a» »Oj^ino»i iu|itt in Jjf ;tbe.'', do ' jreqoest iettfera ia yjnii this week | ^M?s iforo jgranled he j made.! W«tat\ix>tii**t 7«>«»i- "i".>," - - ^ . «-j..; . ., >,-,.» L|j- .. '' ' ' ' 3Iii Honor i ttusplcts of MUD , U* T-4 jwqujo have ai i incoma of £280 . . , I om, iruly, , Mr. u year. I put .. . , jyioara • , . . ; . . ^Juarter| Sessions at: Jlathkcale, -Co.i 'Limeriek, Ibo hold on IWctoy, •Novem.'bM lib, in.tbo ¦Ui^t tha clubore genefously aesdlng Hood i.y» it tothe guarciiitf and tho ' ¦ ' ' ' i '' 1 ' ' ' will on tnn^ Wto1fei$nni!«u public con tbis be , (EODMUNO V i and . was presented with white ' closo on Novemiber 3rd, to- fulfil Ma friendly duty at their own ^peht £he*e fc i£AB BY Oh. Monday, | City (Hall. tyJntrica ¦ : called more U BO a Uwg f/Bgo: fw » man v/bo '(Sian«& S8Uj Pol«8)cr bu&nks2 , . UXPCD69, ' i iba laaia fcaU ib9 *&*i«(ft . :*ftinMtt 1 t 1 1003, : I clow, ia tia abacsce of criminal < witb to georetary, Mir D, OaotweU, i ¦ ' ' ¦ • ¦ ' ' ¦: .;• . •; .;¦ ¦ .: !!¦/ . ¦; ; h i . ; . j -; . j ^¦<*7v W9A 1QAQ .


¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ wthere-TaiwrSrtre '^brfaMf w wir, ' "¦ , after a nMncU^jr- ' ing).. We think it musit, be!done by.insects, i ; G.A.A. . : the defenca w>» splendid. However ' and tree- ' ' , THE BOER GENERiliS tihere may.'b©ipeaoftia 6oatk lAiric* AGEICUI/rUBii COLtJMN tout haye 8een;nono qaItheplt&ts. Answerr prolonged attack, Clonmel scored a point to The injury apjpeaw to :have- been caused' by The play was quiUty, if oo\oonteBtgjg>tjpx. •oaMLSl W 1 thus making the score even. iChese CURE. showens the weather on Sunday was favour- Wlaterford . F. , C—iHogan s render •.Duringthe next few wgpks, fanners,all pvei , ' J. IHealy, J. Healy, D Let TO hop«ifeat.llr.Ch amb«rtainoi»7 up iP^rmers are themselves^ lar.goly respon able for the decision of tho two matches-- Whelan, ?! Murphy, GENEBAL CHRISTIAN DE IWET. - , the¦ dhe country will be busy with the taking Began, P. Kirwan, J. Kelly, 3. it unneoessary. ol their mangel cropland the- storage therejl sible for the Objectionable habit of " jibbdn thoroughbred vain endeavour to ehoot foek the invaders dry weather, and the LOCAL PqKGHASERS with greater dash and determination, 'as waj flided', and tho other members General -veldt lifting should be done in aleBsra: (Patrick Shee, John ShecJian, Michael three. Ho is of pure Do^tcb who kept ¦cominiglike .locu*t»over *he , root s should be carefully pulled up by hanci. evidenced by tho magnificent up-hil] flgh) Dutchmanol tlw ' and ' AT THE RECENT SALES OF THE %iazea )rf Mullina, James Meara, James Fahy, D. Boo ¦unlike the typical Dutch- recall ¦Uie; Btirring meiiories 61 Leohidas In 'taking up the crop the tops may cither be they made. The concfudi ^ij thi Ikett, Maurice Connolly.: origin; but anyone ' tyri-sted I off by the hand or removed by a man in eppearaoco and [manners and in hia immortal'three Bundred -who atrbvi, but ABEBDEENSHIRE SHORTHORNS game were most exciting, and were fought ou' The following officials were ^n attendance farsian in- knife j we prefer the former method, >as when with great earnestness,. The piiy was, as as usual-«Mr. Janies Mullins, <^erk ; Mr. J. mobility can hardly be imagined. 'His por> strove in vain, ito stem the tide of it is adonted there is much less risk of cutting theiBasscrt Thermopl©. It'is some- already stated, that the light had failed be- (Wolshe, Master: Dr. P. ; Btepheiison, Medical traits give no idea of hia actual appearance. vasion at or wounding the crowns of the root*. During Officer andliEelieving Mtturico Hickey thing^fterlal to haVe lived 'Jn 'the'saine years benefited by beina fore the end. Tho hurting match wa3 vary , O0icer* To. look at (hia photographsyou might think fine weather tha roots are Dalton, 1 and Power. ' | as those simple ibuTgW»,' -whd in the Wgb' allowed to lie in the field for a few days before jiU the great sale hold on 6tb October o diaappoiming. lit was really a wa'.k ovei he >w£3a fanner xaa stockrider, (but >when you ¦ • THE MASTER'S .REPORT. places of ¦their fight counlid aot their lives Hieingjstbred. Slj orthom Oattle from j the Qierda pf Messrs for Tipperary, who, without exerting ihein- confront the man himself he 'looks (for all the 'The great danger to 'be apprehended in the The Master reported as follow,s-H0n tlie re- -in -th* dear unto iiefflio they itiiglit save¦ their coun- harvesting of thts crop is the appearance ol Gordon , of iNew-toiwn; IWitoon |of Pirrieamill selves m the slightest degree, ran. out winners world like a rweether-Jbeetera admiral •' quuahon of the medicalofficer on tho 12th ¦whoso furrowed ¦with in- try from a foreign yoke.'' "' ' ' !' Irost. Denuded of the protecting cpvering oi and Simmers of (Whiesidc, (Aberdeenshire by a very heavy pcoro to nil. A specj ;.! word British navy faoe is ' ( and 13t4i last. I procured the services ol Dr. and whoso -expression "It is a sighti or mn and l^ro'ng ; their leaves mangels are very delicate and Jfejor Ohavasso ol Wih'itofieldilcourt, Water- of praise is due ,to the, referee, Mr. J. Fitz- Murphy to assist in an operation on a paticni numerable lines, specially liable to ii>ju r,y il exposed to a ahai p gcrald, Lee F.C.,:for the excellent manner in curiously [reminded me of (that of the late And alavisbi tyranny to see, ,' 1 ht. On dry land named John Brett in the infirmary. And also ' ' Irost, ;even for a single nig ford, -was .the purchaser at a !high price of the on .the medical officer' comparatively young . A eight to make bur faith 'more "pure¦ and1; which ho performed his duties, which were a recommendation on AdmiralHa eiin. (He 13 a ' ' ¦ • • • ¦ '¦ '• "i • • - - mangels may be stored in small heaps in tho the 16th mat., I bad two inmate ddiot . ' strong • beautilul' bull calf Opal Stone. fTJie siro ol by no means light, in tho football contest! of the man—not yet fifty, and bis coal black hair it ¦ ¦ ¦" ¦ field, | but on heavy soils they should i»c wand, named BUen Johnson and' Bridget In high .humanity." ' ' - .¦*• carted offjiyhilst the land Is dry, and for con- Details:— ' ' noi yei griziled. iby «2e; . He is . not quite so , this young bull was iMf. Gordon's fimous bull CxntEn, removed to .tho Clonmel Lunatic Asy. Mrs. ©rowning'fn " AuroraXeigti " ibida he'e venience- stored in pits or heaps near the ttUBLING. nan. Mias Barry, caretaker of the- "female tall03 Bdtha, but more thicklyset. Consider- ' lwmegtead. Corncnstone, an ¦unbea.ten shonvyarldiwinner. idiots, requests a week'a yacation. The Matron excesaiviE dowpoaSt hero ntola tbit ttwrtign th« Vorid 6a TIRPERARY v. WATDUFORD. ing oil (hat we: had heard of the Cornerstoae commenced Qiis winning careei will harvo (her duties attended to. and one bl Tuoiilityof 'the famous guerilla chief,.'! ' should sad and ill. "-the;thrttsh<^BtiH' singin it," and . j BIG Om>ER FOR SEPARATORS. Immediately after tho start Tipperary at' tn© paid scrubberswill sleep in the ward ht in lite manner we fin the midst oi;this'evif in 1897, but ihia most notod wios were in 1890 have expected to (find Sum much lighter in tlw ' ; There : is a big order in store, in the Sou.h tacked, but the defence for some time-waj aijrht time. There were 18 caswila tihis week and adolterouageneration [may "utu>(heart i> a ol Ireland/ for some firm of separator tnan u when iho secured 'tlio iKrst iPrize at ilho great Mr. eiieeban—Is John Brett in the hospital? saddle. The Boer pony .must be a very good very good, and a free for Waterford helped (Master—(Ho | : ; ¦ ' ' hearing the fougie note of (Freedom¦ Bounding¦ ¦ in tfacturers. At the last meeting of the Agri- ia. woijjht-oarrier.- , ' I . - . . ; . .¦,:• ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦ • • to relieve the pressure for a short time. Tlp« tho -wfldt. " " • cultural Committee of the Co. Oork County Highland Agricultural !lSho\v; tho j Tweedalc Mr. Sheo—What is- tlio nature of the openv- ChristiaoDo tflfat fought tit^Majubain 1881, . t's perary, however, returned tho attack verj lion? . ; | ; ' ! Council it was announced .that arrangemen Gold (Modal, and ithe Silver (Medal as Male but in .tliis "war lie made his debut 'vtfien in & But tKat ia not the only reasorfforgi ^«futlj had-been made for enablingsmall fanners to quiokly, and scored at point. The hit out Master-Tliere is somethins \rron~ T7ith hia ' of' Champion; H.EJH.. itkq Prinoa |of Wales's Diiroat. j subordinate capacity he assisted at the first actnowledgiHg Ihe services ttO8tt m«> (procure separators on favourable terms, ani brought no rplief to Waterford, whose de- Their stroggleykaigiven 'iww ground'1 ot coir; Jhat a number of firms bad been applied *u Gold 'Medoi< ia Champion,in 'Edinburgh; fh< *Mr. 6hee—Had¦ they to operate on him great capture of British troops at iNiclrolson's supply oi sixty machines. fence was easily penetrated for a coal. Pliy twice? ' i dene* to every femaU natfcFfaiUty in the Hoi I for estimates for the First Prize anld) Special iPrizei at |Alberdeen] Nek .in . (Natal. 'Aa (he 'began , BO he -went on, ' With the approval of the Department of Agri- was now at the centre for a while, and th«>| Master—Yes. iwaa computed It baa giveri pause to adtrofcaMo of congueBl culture the Cork County Council have set tha Champion Cup .aa taalocbampion at In Waterford got a footing in their opponents' &ttss Grubb-Doea Dr. Miurpiiy claim -Uro until by the endi of tiho war he k to 3iave made prisoner about 6,000- British everywhere. Ana over wd artwv* aS tt«« ¦apart i a substantial su mfor the purpose of veinniro; tiho First Prisa and Chompionsnip ground , but they remained there for a very generale ervice* providing these separators on specially easy Master—Hea ssUtedin two operations. soldiers—a pretty.considerable "bag " for a to mankindfte y; bave con- arid dso the Duke of Jtichmond's Ohampiot 3hort time.' Tipperary were «oon attacking bo ferredupon uiol-tihe terms; the main purpose being to encoura;2 to Miss Onibb-^Peifhapsiit might, well to sitiple fanner, •whose name 'waa unknown Btarphe ifce grwiteaitwon home | darying, which the creamery system Cup at Huntley. Coraorstono io Joj^ited \x again, and the same man who Ecored the ¦allow -this,, and cacertaiii what &um (Dr. Mur- that Kesin iti« lap' eif «ba godl,a fnie^ idom- the only -animal who defeated His' atajesty *! phy ; ! outsideSouth lAfrica , ot Ithe Ibegimring of the ' 1 tends j to do away with, and which the Cork first goal now put in another. Watcrford requireo. j - i ' polled tw to see our own lolly,our owarfj ort- Councillors, regard UJragfement than it has hitherto received 'n it -the abovo Bale Mr. J. (H. Jones, Mullin- and put in some good defence work, but i 1*0? | Unw Ihe waa the part, country. Miss Grubb—He haan t eent in hia 'bill. ' iback'to tho Free State, and wtis they have ^he«l we Tiav© ra-' 1 guerilla chieftain who Ihad- been slanderedi r retain the flavour and colour of 'bought bacon? Bampton Manor, Wilts. Pxin«e- of Saaquhai peared to put heart into his team, who weal The (Local Government Board wrote gtatinq ceivedl at their s , buildings, etc. The most approved metho.i Uaion. Tliey also desired to draw the Guar- kept his word.' just or mider their ¦own flag, as it -will b« il oi curing is to pump into the meat a special t oais of the most noted ia AbordeoasihiK>. ;nded the firat half , and the seeond was even dians' attention t« the ifollowinu matters re- we give heed ito the .pronrptdnpi of to FOOTBALL—FrRST HIMP. hid ' sanctioned the ipayment of remuneration .besides -buyers Inom the United;Kingdom , and tt thoirate of -£3 3s. a Mreek to Dr. Moran -who A tfew -wordsonl y remain io 'be Baidi in reia say that cows having a dairy outrun of even , ¦tioa a lew hours on good rich land,.pastures which as & consequence the competition wtas intense. In less than a minuto|from the start/Water- has bean cmpl»T«dl ea bis eobstrtute Ho the present attitude of tho Boei carry a good sole of grass during the weedanshould appreciate;th'a importation ford Itad scored two points. After the seconi Generals. Nothing' could ibo more cotroct, greater TUB PIROP1O3BDS AMflttlRY TM1PROTJJ ¦ part of tho winter, will requirea substantially of animalsof such a high,cJn ssj and there is kick out Clonmel were awarded a free, and more dignified , «nd more politic. (Hho «ttenjp| We, tho undereigned. . - • . t •¦ smaller allowance of hay than 1 ' ' ' ¦ " ' The Earl " , ' ' animals of tin no I doubt but .thai thci acquisition of tuch the ball waa sc-)\t, of ithe •Edward : oilier hand, tho animals ate continuously : 1 fiioesa ArohdaJe, Ks6 j)i ¦' housed during the greater part of the season Ireland. ' ; , iWaterford on the. de'fcnsive. .Then tho bal ffive snohco that1 Trill move on Saturday, the of ftiings-tt sense iwhicb lappeara, to have 1st day of November next-Thai owing to Sw 'been 'in:, districts, /where- . cows aTe given an out ¦went behind and Waterford followed tip th? denied ito the Colonial Secretary, ruhey had run alt through the winter an allowance ol erpfense thatOiebuHdingiof labqoxert cottamsa ; kick out well, but Clonmel being awarded a w tho-Union is euro to entail, the consideration dtcidedi ipon tio right lin© to take with cwsrd onp.toct.oi hay is neually regarded as o fail tVATGnFono :iaurj CLUJD free, : ¦ot the average foi a dairy caw.. This, however, sup- they went down tEe field with a great proposede un-rtany ihnprovements in.™ the to «tl euch hnitatiobs fbeforo they deft Cape ?xx3ing;ihat the animal is in a position to.o b- ru3h; and the ball; agaiiii went 'behind. Both Workhouao be ipostponcd;for theTpreien.as Town. Theyirilttoodeepl y «,e misery of tlheir teams were now playing with great vigour, tha cost of both -woria M ithe same time wouli I\ A MOT ' ~n?. ' tain a good-bit© of crass when; running about ¦ae too mucii of \a burden' on tie nlroady oveo. devastedfatherland Ho «nt*r kit tt» ' CAftE ' OF SHEEP'S FEET. % —2 off the free, pionmcl foltowed up tho kic! . . .^ , , \ .Qu'fk. solicitor, Cardck-on-Suir, ! Jj Power .;....;...:, 6 11 1 —3 wrote:- Johatma Heart y. Patrick Wtilsh.- Km? and wer5 mery (pleased with .the hettk after .3 wet summer there! u .eonsiderabl« out in dashing style, and jusifailed to scor» »ir, ¦ ;Ei W. Olampett : .' 1 1 l o -Q take notice that, plaintiff intends to ta\f. bomdioesa of their rtceiitfon. They wert Jikelihoo&of foot-rot in sheep, as constantwei | the ball going a few fcotiwidc. By some w».i poascMion of the housol and premises held cbannedf'by tends to promote the growth of hoofs wi«l ;S.;iJ, aiitirphy ...; J 1101 / —3 ° the almpUdty -With whieh ittlB Ma- oombrned play Waterford now leached thcii Qt k W Uf» Bt MilUwn, ntl I pari h jestjr dnrtrodu«edt hem out; supplying the hardne&s of tho oil to keep Vi Power , ! j 0 0 ,0 0 —<^ ' yoi Muckalce *T i'°. , 5barony ol Knocktopher, tolhfe 4t ¦ ¦ r 1 $¥&"¦ : fiv allowihff root-rot to spreai J- Moir .; ;.. OiilliOlOliX) 2 — 0 TJre attack iwaa .«. nursing, ^1uZlW to ^ ^ 1 l! ^"the' ?.? befcomes i . pulsed, but only lor a while, atKT the cost of ereetion should not ^ c^r ort fi* viwi»Um ' Th0mM B rat ^^ 0 Fe ^'TOnld m therj afore, every reasonable ! care should be j ' ' turned, but .the defencewas very fine. Clou- ' ^ "' uJvZ ** *f "*' ^0 rwttiing taken to prevent its development. ¦!' ¦!^! . '!' Wm o£fekra^ ' WSW ^7 «<>*w«couMi^? * ln*» - ¦¦¦! ¦ : ¦ • ¦ ; ; : ¦- ¦¦¦ t- . • < ;- , ] . \ - .; i'l - . I ,. .r . :¦ ¦' " ' - !J ^ . 111 . I : ! i!/': : \ ^ | ;