¦nnMBasiiREigH0B53@^B^^s^i ism mm®m3 PI mmm i-v-fi ' tin? W ATrfBSPBDK ?W ; rf(a^*4/^tjjMil liliiiiiiiili ii ' ¦ ¦ ! : i 'i ; ?:' ' ' lAi i-l .' i T»BR> i-''rW if'-Y' ' ' Kiiiiii iii fci iHi ' ¦ i l i wril P i p i |» i^ ^ IP : ¦- - -ii ": ¦ • ¦ |r . • .• ; •¦) .^ .^^dlums ' [its . raE-ipTjTOl oy-HJBgtAatb;-' i j.- . • !V| * ' ' ¦; • ¦ - - ¦ ¦! . i . ' - . } i , _ t fk lgiiii m *?* < HIS, MAJ^S^T•. ''Vi ?:<- , #1 j>£ r\ : ' ^ eicellenee 5 ./y \ \v S3ST-AJ BXiISI3 amJD 185 S /? ;; ¦ ' ' ' everjattaineld by \ ' ¦ ] ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ " y ' ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' " ¦ ¦ ' ' r / :¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ < ¦ '¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ - i'r ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ : (f !: H ii i . i : I;!: -/ :- * } : . - , : hf :; ¦: i \r . r -:\ ;. any beverage is in '•if •• CMTRELt j : justice ' : & I CGCHR^NE ] accredited to ;£ ,- -;::::::-:v- ; QF UTDi . : ; :¦ ; ,;-M^nFAOTUSEBJ9 'V : Wate'rford Steamahito domDanv ICI^iHAN'S . j'".. : '"j ¦".: 'i ixiujxkou .' ¦¦ ' • : 1 ¦ ¦ 'L'l, ; ; J^XE^D^D ipJipE^ OP. .8AIUNG— " - ; THIRTY^TWO GOLD ¦ ¦ '¦ ' ¦ ¦' ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ AND PRIZE pDALS : i- , OCTOBER I«io2. .: ¦ I ¦ ¦ '¦ ' ' ¦ : ¦ i Hp . 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ i .a il©' WilSKYo :: V** ^ i W0RE i ' ' p 8 :-DI3BLIN AND Its tC ff "»». maturity is a feature; &liMN^^^ < T &'-lif T*i1 ?Wotorford «csK>—_^^-arfSU-L^v I W St«L ^'ni»ljip * each bottle before being C(nM»nj(ianiItsd' liotete ««£- -; r-^'^SKJX^mnt en U» ooadltloMt attUonMrt IS - -¦ ¦ • ( ¦ UsM. , thelr ¦ • i |. | ^g_ ft* to^jhaS ¦ L OANS : LOANS : . .: LOAIfiS tendered for Sale having I o - 3 THD ! tM »«»^gWBti*»i» Biiimig. C»bUuoJ ti» ittuau* iu : .-IS A';W<ff - i " oao;un npsnii ." ^> s«f«<B;i U**1 1"* 1 u» Ki tui F^ • • ^ been kept in bond for »sSf i ""^f" * I **, eht ISJaffcs liONdk-STBEBT, -VTEXFOED. ' THE WATERFOBD ' VTATU3_flPOHD A wr> neilifii T. Mbiaicesz"Daily; f rom £5 UfoirJE.f ti!B, XO AN COMPANY rera winmrow toMu11 sita. ,„« nn, .»; nnin u «^T, Oet. f ox 8»eanl*r - -OH : frnHIS Old Hotol la famon* to rood, para TTh.cic 8, JOHN STREET, WATERFOBD. at least 8 yearsr , . Ort ¦*... « 0 p,m : . j :: . ABy.,PAjiTi; oir lESELAno.;¦ . , . , , ii. c=3 nil ptbor Dtiaks. : ^ ' Are prepared to treat, with tho greatest confidence and ' ; HBS. I EKLIIY, PEOKWBTBKX eocrecy* all application*fr on W8l0 TO FARMERS ! UPWARDS, to aU ; ?*b£* " fr " ft ^m <»W » IS- « 0 p.m , SHOPKEEPERS, <AH$- .ALL RESPONSIBLE PERSONS, ON Olcca to tbo Bsilwsit Statioa persons on their own APPROVED PERSONAL 8ECTJRIT1 Klnahan' s LL Whisky : . in any pait of IrelancL - ¦ fli?i?Du©U£SflD PSIS^rJAiL SE©UilBT¥b WITHOUT PUBLICITY. aosmers earned OQ in o m ,, _ « nu»t 8traightfoi ward an.i ex«>ct manner, . • ' ¦ ; No connection with inCWr n ; SIJH U HOOT • i ^^" * Stio OioMow . Hotel end no3tanr<v.t any other Loan Offices or so-called Bank* in this County ATBTM*8caPaeBC«M to IS Hain. i : 2^ are given m receipt ofJippiicatw^.aitdvnllbz 0, 7, and 8, WICELOW-8TEEET, fmini ito (Urnfton-otrcet), DUBLIK. Appi7-THE MANAGER, or to S^tJ«I^L W^fota W«(ordon BristolS3 b? canpare ' favourably wtfy others V ; 8 - John Street. Waterford. wtoteasjaam BUpOo.^8Uam«n pijncatoe MOST Centrally Oltnatcd. Comfonnbie tvad I4 Uodciato. Dlsncro tody til day. 0© 1S0I3 CJEQUIRJNQ A TEMPORARY ADvi^E THE AE0& IS THE EIOHABD (yBEIBH, Popriotor. W^rf V2%i35o*S! f« "Van frtn* TTtUrford or ¦ IJZSZ *5 B*1*to1 i b/ ! Wrtattord , C^aaiSliip Oo.'» BEST AND AiOST, RELIABLE I ¦'¦ ' ' y ' DO ion KNOW THAT •¦; \ ; ¦ > ' ' A ~f h . , . : i \ BtfitiI FOB TERWO AND. PA RTICULAG3 APF4.V ^| ! ^tts&W^ S^t P0* ' vra¦**ai Oorka: orte-i: *° DBI'U|1 siGanrs' Tin^A. T j Is the pick of the London Markets, purchasod for cash and Defies Competiti/eion. ' W :!! ! TEI A LB. SAJdPLE AND NOTE BEST I/PS. ' We purooaae, at the^ lowest point i EstrnorOinary Volno, I D. 3d. por lb. I Extra Good W• •. 1*. lOd.*StvM»Ib. f-fea i Choicest Blofidtj, Se. Gd. per lb. , > "¦ .¦ . ¦ ' . : fa £S »B; M : JK of the market, the finest growths ^^ ; | J. J. 6 8. TTHI6KEY, guaranteed; 6| years old, 21s, per gallon- h It is : ana Admitted Foci tEnat . - irom the best Indian and Ceylon 1 Pv n on t~\i nn r\ nn tj m BACON—A Speciality, at 4d,4h^ and per lb. Finest Watarf ord ¦ Gardens; this enables us always t ^d '¦ < SJgoML,aav. -»" - *i-a.a &%- . j &SJK Cured, at 6d per Id. , . ja—, JUB w«d«Sii/ 5. ji_. 1 opa. to ofiBsr ezceptional value, botii foi UOTE ADDEE3b i— ¦ ¦ ¦ ° ¦ ' ' • ¦ '¦ ' • ¦ ¦' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • : - ; . • ¦ ¦:- ¦ - liquor and appearance. ; J ?i . ' BCnj wmdv- Vewfe1u. j ^iiai »t snaa1*.! "w > - W NMthiwiur!;. Wucrford.^ : . ,; . KEEPS , 4; - 'Ll»«pool JOHH HIGQINS l wiiSS^ ^^S^ *>* iai. : W«tccfort ul ; TheSKioeot^Ladlea' Blouseo. ®g!M© & .SEooffe \F 2E 3S3' i'y£ .sk. JSE Xr.^7.""1 B^Jol-rOrtln. Singly - U«. , do do, OhOdtca VT^doSeoaEe (Broeev and <S> ?**?. U 7«rt of , «Mor««rT»nutawIlW wit? (ualUea The IJics3t Ladiea* Coattuiio Skirto <' Provision J&f e**etUMt E a« «»»U&1« for T»« lloothjfc1, osttaul«»- to ntara J?A te ^"r»«toIpr, ltaJ The Nicest Ladies' IJudorokirika . ! ; S and 44, PATRIOK^TREBT. ! !^5L ^? UTetpool.»i: i Vtbla Ertmn, Chillwa ' Wnrrtan's Place. CORIt. w&ufiSSuJ^'i11^ 7f d0 CbUdrea ; . i The Hiceat tries'JJndorolothlng. CO" PROVISIONS AT «, PATBICK 6T8BRT ' ' ' f> ' 1 ¦ '' ¦ ' • ¦ Per 2/«i Flagon, ; _ ¦ - att^-rlfcj. She Moeat Lstfliea ¦ Botjouitai !rrron W»terfori or \T«ifor4T Wel>3. - / . ,. : ; . ^e Nicett | ^ cs, the most fragrant, full, mellow, appeti& gl 1 QhUJten's Div^aea sSggHt~*»« B«rU»-fttoortteaOco*.teaawr UTOPOOL tad* ** The Ifioe3tp g g ?*? b«w«(a iUl^B'0 aaQ olothingi i jmd health bloodmakingBurgund r^^PSf 01 b08trt1^ to*°<Hf r iailWa tefori ChfiJilra Ilaffblo ^5 ©ton© Worlxs, y y I«JJ^wv »oJ&acaUli« Tortahlrs EI11W»T , IlICHAEL CTHEDT, \7A5EHP0IXD. Ooo<li «jul/RBliiJi Nocr is yoar time for the ; NEWE8T and MOST FASHIONAEfLE!AUTUMN Beaol lBootoid y-made I before the public. Uuouh bes**<>3ail prlndpa and tTKTTER Department Tombbv , Umdori U4 Horth W«rt«a j Lonloa and Co th Meo'e Tt7eed Trousers from lo 9d Men's Irish Tweed : Suits from 14a; 6d SiiS^toS** f?*n r1^r*" 4 s*"1"*1 «° «"> SIDE WIN©0^7S. SB13 WSET®O^7S. Men's Serge Suita from 8s 1 Id—Sqnaro Boys' Soita from Is lid _„ . ; WJiy.OEDl iAHD i BBISTOZ. P.O'KEEFFR&SONS [s n cmiKiftra? werford to Briitot'ra«sd»jn. Bditol to Wilted. Frldiji CJl ipodala(i«st!oa to lhc!sUr go Stoolt o ' . end Round Fronts Men's Orercoatofrom 10» 6d • ¦: »AI«8poBJ)' iSB flaw JtOSO " ' £»0«H»w Bo«^-piU» »t ».li Men * Tweed Suits from 10a 6d Men's Waterproofs from 114 6d (&uidM»6i0«5te4) «.a. Headntonea, Tomba & Homunento. ' ; J>mi Wtxn *e*B—In& , BnndLjie xontod, at 10 p.a. Men s Solid Sergei Suits from 16s 6d WATflaTpsxTriarD; DUHWHMOS ' .p. f?*Tl T53? °TT^5 2/© S O' Vie Best llt^rlalpnxnrsbla. cad cMulled tfb* ^ ¦LM cUa «J»t ' vSc^ I^ a VBO> Wintanao—DaK, Saodtjia araMdJat US PA -' : eitsr tho most model and graceful dedans A largo Assortment of tie Best Class ot OILCI-OTHTNG and SEA BOOTS kept in Stock. Jlnvr-ni WaUrtad Is the deli ht of ail. ;: lir fS«uUaa*Mp-p«Uonp iirTlimltecLa» E sor. g aU Oopda^ml thaai btSS«* STedTpti ' oont. to! Tniun Jjifbad Tmzlr, AirtraeoU.and K«- u«v Its rtotristoa aso alto prepared to taiei Into i WB HAVE NOW ADDED A NEW ' ; = 5t adds to one's leasure and iness o«t.toO««iSo»a^t?W.^i£i tSUdeoSsd rt tti,01 tretj dcscrlptloa of Stocs »d Mtrbla p happ abipmost. ronul tad ill laJormxncm Costrzcti in. 1 -¦ ; ; 00 bt tad. at tHo IWdlis. ; Abo slargsolecUoii of tatatocd ¦ • - qp L nT7 ' : It is an admirable medicine, giving oiuoe*.1 I I , j ! I; 1 . .is o oi ^s? • x> 353 !^ . 3^qsiwr.*i7 ,- - Bertks ae<mted kad artb Inform itlon rlTiio br Agents at : " Whicb will bd fob'nd fully atccked with Men's and Boys' Boots fcni! Show, ' V7Aixx»oai>—W«ttTforti Bt<«nuijp Co. (Umft»3), H n Q:\tio Oj oDcca for dcaotrica, Co. ' Health, Strength and Vitalit OOcea, Th« HaU. | Battoool Taltpboo* No. 1SJ " ^^^ viii ! .. including the famous American Boot'. i . r LJTlaKttli—Watttt toM |aM»in«lny CoWpsuy (Umltadi 19 0BTUVS7 PIEOCO BIWHBDD ABD SET immnrb3k<ti««t,AadPrt iMt OMk. TtUpliaiw Mo. O7S. x>ai»ioi^-W4t«riurdii»U!amailp:Compaa/ (Umtodi, iL, aGENTO : u«n Sqnai»-Ed CiSnbel»ad JBi«Ja. I " i In Uxli extcailr* Ptsmkci toy da ezeout« tay jr. BUsB . lUai™> ¦Wc?t» entrusted to them Bt tio Shortest Notloe, b tha PATRICK F. LYNCH & CO., '^SiX »T^ii ^' ?"**** ¦ P. M. DOYLE, T&eTbe Quay, Waferford - ¦ " - ¦ ¦ g«w EoMr-Watorfotd Bt«aajtUp Coapanj*» OOoo. ! . I: 9 I • . : ted Gtyla, end on Uu Moot Modersta Tessa. 94 QUAY WATEBF0BD CKEEPFE & SONS haro taica ora . P**^LL^^«*JJ ma/ • . -^>ar ( II . J »" '¦¦¦¦¦¦ "i n m C7 Ueru. Lnmacx—Iiover Qaaaoa Staumhlp Ooap»a»'i o«o^ q ItJio tmportsnt Llnuatoso Qacrrics ct Etrcs^t tlllb, J. RUSSEliL. i Cappcqaia. Uomrt X*miek i (Joa,; BaUonsl T«lo»Bsa» HiT&l. (HEW DRAPERY Juuxss*^Lower fihAcsou <5U«fiijbip Ooupaaj*s oOv. nzi en cnpplj tpleraUd Stones and Bnbbla tt HOUSE) ^spps Qaayt J i : -j . ; { tS6^C^.t3 PrtOCT. ' tort, lATopool BA20I, Umniek or T7txlord. loDsetoIi Mi POUND EP 182fi, Kitchen and ©ardon Eequisites, Clyde ; PATRIOTIC ASSUElNCE Ohippins Ooaipaay, Ltd - , !; ¦; ; BEST SHEFFIELD. PLATED WARE COMPANY ;, L L ¦ OCTOBEE ; cnd NOVEMBER m ' , 1902. (d »<^tt ¦ Travellin EXFBEa& "w ¦ ¦ g Trunks 8(&f rJEk !¦ Me ^ uk.
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