
Cinderella Revived She Also Serves Entertainment ‘The Last Gangster” 1 Legend Plentiful \t the Columbia. pULL of prison mclodramatics and I Next Week Beginning * In Crawford Film In Hotel” tough yeggs, "The Last Gangster” Monday Night “Hollywood low has moved down to the Columbia ^GEORGE ABBOTT’S ;o take up again its P street run. Prin- “Mannequin” at Palace Shows Joan New Dick Powell Musical :ipally notable for his characteriza- Brings tion, "The Last Gangster” presents In Role She Portrays Best. Much to Mr. Edward G. Robinson as the Ed- Gayety the Earle. ward G. Robinson gunman to end all 463 LAUGHS Edward G. Robinson Excellent. Baker on gunmen, which Seats Benny Stage. probably would be a good idea no mat- Now! New Prices! By JAY CARMODY. ter how well Mr. Robinson plays By IIARRY Mac ARTHUR. \ MATINEES Wed., Sat., 50c to $1.50 gangster roles. There is no denying, I Cinderella legend which she has lived, unless her biographers have Brothers Warner have been lavish unto with the enter- prodigality of course, that it is the sort of thing I done her wrong, has been revived for 's picture, “Manne- tainment with which they have endowed TOMORROW NIGHT AT Hollywood Hotel,” the new he does to perfection and at which he 8:30 which at the Palace. It not be the fllmusical quin,” opened yesterday may at the Earle. There is sufficient here for at least two ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY has no peers, so it is a satisfying ex- THEpicture which Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer has been to restore Miss musicals and one seeking THE slap-happy romantic comedy, with left over to find President's Birthday Committee enough perience him just once more Crawford to her old This for a A unounces box-offlcc standing. department is approximately couple of shorts (and not Vitaphone shorts, at that). of with Therein, his teeth in a role, snarling at the A COMMAND PERFORMANCE positive that it is not that but it is so much beter “Hie lies the fault one picture, than, say, course, only could find with ‘‘Hollywood Hotel,” but we don’t law. Bride Wore Red,” that it makes Miss>-—— intend to complain about its -—- ! length*— In “The Last Gangster” Mr. Robin- “BETWEEN the DEVIL” Crawford at least a one-two shot tor tawdriness of It all, and since she can- when every one of its numerous reels Inflated film a star, performance that's son, the toughest of tough guys, finds B’WAY MFSICAI, COMEDY HIT recovery instead of the one-five that not seize the moon, she seizes the is peppered with and full of dizzy comedy satire and sharp wit. And a himself committed to Alcatraz for a REMAINING ORCH. Ct AA she was before they remembered her man (Alan music. young Curtis, a newcomer). lilting slight bit of genius on the part of the slight matter of TAX as the if neglect concerning SEATS, EXEMPT *WiUU old, not the original, Cin- That turns out to be a mistake which We don't intend to either was complain studio the casting of Glenda Far- business with his Government, and' PROCFFDS TO WARM derella girl. is obvious to one in the world when SPRINT.s K)| NDMIQN every considerable of all this footage rell as the star’s secretary, Miss Far- you, too, remember that March 15 is Two encouraging items in “Manne- Miss Crawford. of except A dozen times celluloid is devoted to Rosemary rell always the of on the way. On his release which giving impression he sets out quin” should prove encouraging in the course of the Lane, but that is to subsequent action, something else again being one of the most discerning peo- find his ex-wife and their son, to the last-ditch Crawford fans are she has to tell and will apportunity the young be taken up later. The point ple in any given room and Miss Lane, being imbued to the teeth with the Spencer Tracy's acting and Prank Bor- man what a heel he really is in com- at the moment is that the Warner in this instance, the idea that he should hand direction. giving impression his trade rage's Mr. Tracy distinctly parison with Mr. Tracy’s genuine ro- Bros.’ formula for musical down pictures that that crack—90 per cent temper to his offspring. He is such a is more limited in the part of a mantic for tycoon urge her, but heroines ap- still works, too. This formula, as and 10 cent broken man when who per mental—was meant he finally reaches began with nothing than he was parently are made of more stupid differing from the Zanuck Vaudeville for her. the conclusion it will be just as well In “Captains Courageous,” but he stuff than audiences. She tries'to stick Theorem, consists of first putting a And there’s more. There's the late for the boy to be brought up a fine comes with a sincere to the by through per- young man in spite of the team to work on a pull script fairly solid Ted Healy, capping his screen career father like Jimmy Stewart and a formance that convinces you, even of Tracy’s honesty, wealth and love— tailored yarn to Dick Powell’s measure, with a swell performance: there's mother like Rose Stradner, an im- while you are suspecting that it did a sufficiently drawn-out to process surrounding Mr. Powell with the love- Hugh Herbert, at his complete bat- portation who probably will earn what- not convince him. That is acting. As make a which picture Crawford fans liest lass on the lot at the moment and tiest; there is ever salary M-G-M her. that for Mr. plenty of jive for the pays you Borzage. he injects some neat are bound to like in of its chal- a number of spite members of the Warner swing fans, from Mr. Good- almost hate to see him get shot to die symbolic ideas into the of to Benjamin beginning lenge credulity. In the end, how- stock in a comedy company, and then man’s vipers; there’s a btirring ar- gutter, mugg that he is. the picture which you remember after ever. a heel turns out to be a heel and getting good bands to play a couple rangement of “Dark All this is a pretty heavy dose of the picture has turned out quite as you Mr. Eyes” by Ray- Tracy gets Mr. Curtis’ girl and of hit tunes. but Mr. mond Paige’s Orchestra; there are a melodrama, Robinson is so knew it would. every one who deserves it is very In "Hollywood Hotel” the the raft of hit enthusiastically mean that it becomes As director of it story tunes, including ‘Silhouet- “Mannequin,” is happy, indeed. writers believable turned out could easily have ted in the Moonlight,” “Hitch Your and sometimes even packs Mr. Borzage's first duty to make Jessie As John Hennessy, the old Hester been another "Stand-In,” a gay and Wagon to a Star” and a sturdy punch. At any rate it is a Cassidy's (Miss Crawford) Hester street street who “Like a Fish Out boy stuck by life’s simpler satirical to see Jab at the movie making in- of Water,” and there is Miss Louella pleasure Mr. Robinson bare his surroundings something terrible to con- virtues and became a big success, dustry, had the Warner boys wanted' Parsons to fangs and snarl at the forces of right template. He does it with such sim- is play herself naturally. She Tracy introduced to the picture as pub- to stick to straight comedy without never looked lovelier. only he can. H. M. plicities as a squawling baby, a light lic in a guise that is destined to make music. It presents Mr. Powell as a bulb that burns fitfully in the tene- him a more with * * * * popular figure young with a movie ment hall, and an of saxophone player "UOLLYWOOD HOTEL” needs no array garbage women audiences. While he gives a PRICES contract, who on his first day in show cans in the hall which give her life of EVELYN LAYE, stage accompanying to fBMMB NOWMM| convincing portrayal a part some- is the studio t» 12 IUm an The Hollywood assigned by the a ■ \lfyk£) 40c Balcony 1 effect you have not seen since what too simple for his undeniable popular British stage and screen star, plays one of the im- give Earle whole fistful of en- I 25c, the task of taking its top star to a ■ 3S« 12 It 5:30 P.M. I 66c Orch. mU Ntzz. I “Dead End.” It is a combination of he portant roles in the musical comedy “Between the Devil.” tertainment, but there is one anyway, I talents, also demonstrates that it isn't the but comes premiere. Only star, a CliiUff Uiwkr extremely effective touches, much bet- he-men can wear dinner ivhich to the National Theater for one performance only, light diversion, which happily! 1 jackets with- her double, the star off in § I2»25c_>ijxjjnj«^ ter than those which one tomorrow having gone doesn’t take too much i encounters out changing their essential character. night, as the opening event in the President’s birth- up time. Prin- I | seclusion to have a tantrum. Next when the moves over into its ball the show is BURNS i story Next to if are not day festivities. cipally stage Benny Baker, ’BOB Tracy, you blinded when she sees what I JOEL MctS area. After day apparently the comic from the penthouse that develop- by Miss Crawford’s of the movie mills, who portrayal is her picture in the paper she has ment, the direction tends toward the tenement gets along nicely in his personal ap- gal who eventually made another tantrum and Dick is off. HOW I S _J elaborate which has so long been the paid pearance stint. He does it (\ __Kt good, you will like the of principally performance Then the he can use his pattern that it can be fascinat- only thing because he has of hardly the Gorcey lad who was such a terrible something a new Dance voice for is a doubling for a "ham” ing. Not even good character por- Racing job idea, admitting he can’t and call- in "Dead Story sing I“THOROUGHBREDSI mug End.” For Group downright star, until finally all is lovely in the trayal by every one involved, plus nice tendencies toward delin- ing a singer out to fill in for him, ad- : juvenile orchid room, as lavish a set as 1 CRY I can lift the Holly- DON’T dialogue, picture there- is mitting he can’t dance and a quency, Gorcey the best snatch wood has turned out since calling after out of the established Offered at Universal dancer from groove. Hollywood has made from Brilliant in the wings. This latter I judy Broadway wasted a dollars' SlmH ■ * * * * million worth of Lew TUC«ER*C. AUDREY I in many a year. A few more vicious fellow. Spencer, is a lad with I JOPWE rhinestones on that SINCLAIR I picture. of torrid in 1 RONALD if one insists upon kid roles and he will be ready to step plenty rhythm his feet and •*MANNEQUIN," * * * * ! he almost i examining the title in relation into any shoes which happen to be stole the show at yester- Capitol '"THIS all is played with the utmost matinee. on to the is the name left those Technique day’s Others the bill are ; BRITTON 1■ story, hardly right empty by established adult 'DOORS IVEEUl"1MILT zest by every one concerned. Dick Wynn who Is a ' \ mawD for the latest Crawford achievement. villains of Hollywood, Humphrey Bo- Murray, sings “Lady ora MERRY | Powell is as and is in ) •M*ll Miss Crawford’s Jessie Cassidy never gart and John Carradine. New Child Star gracious always Tramp” and several other numbers I Martha Graham fine voice and Lane is the UrcsAAr/ MUSICAL even approaches being a mannequin. The Palace has bulwarked "Manne- Rosemary just way they really should be sung: ; MANIACSJj the girl to whom any one with a Red Donahue and that Instead, she is a girl employed in a quin” with the first number of a new Introduced in mule, in their , Art voice like Dick s should sweat shop who lives in a tenement type short subject under the title Inspires sing. Sister hilarious turn: Andrea Marcelle A who has Lola Lane turns in a top-notch per- Co., an and the Five! and ambitions which tran- "What Do You Think?” To cover it Film. adagio team, the Amusing Mystery. formance as the pyrotechnic, ego- who contribute scend ordinariness and drudgery briefly, which is less than it Toppers, acrobatics. v. I i deserves, ■" ^ of both. The moon and a man we think If. J»an'. Beit I young M-G-M has got something. WAS too bad that Metro-Gold- Bv ROBERT B. PHILLIPS, Jr. who is more than handsome seem to The series ! definitely should be worth wyn-Mayer and Frpddie Barthol- AST night's performance by offer her the chance to from the 1 JOAN CKAFIFORJU escape watching. omew were at swords (or dollars* Martha Graham and her dance TRACY / DOORS \ last SPENCER IT points summer when the group raised the question—-is New “March of Time” in M C M . OPEN studio was casting "Thoroughbreds the modern dance an I. Q. test !j Don't Cry," which yesterday became or a prediction of emotions which ‘■mmaeqaia V'*V Even the Nicest Stars the screen attraction at Loew's Capi- I will some day be shared by all Ameri- Discusses Naziism tol. It Is not inconceivable that young cans? To the audience which packed Bartholomew might have cast a spell the Rialto Theater last evening, vir- iUlLLlHQ^ Die in Screen Fiction over audiences which would make tually every number that the Graham G. ROBINSON them think the film is a better enter- dancers performed seemed thoroughly Much-Discussed Reel Released Edward | tainment than it really is. Ronald satisfying. ThTTIsT GRNGSTERJ < By SHEILAH GRAHAM. Sinclair, although he has somewhat Yet one wondered whether the mast At Keith’s—“Wise Girl” the Jan. 22 IN.AN.A.).—Death comes to the stars—or'how j same clipped speech. Is consider- positive of American dancers had less of an artist than Aunt wielded a crowd the Stars Miriam they die for dear old celluloid the biggest diers in Hollywood are ably Milli- upon impact of Hopkins. cent’s clever all she had to Alan Mowbray, Jimmy Cagney and Eddie G. Robinson. Mowbray's 17 ; ward and although he say. Her American I strives he does not Lyric” was solid, the fuss that was raised about the ‘March of Time” HOLLYWOOD.film demises include death from a valiantly, strike so controlled, brilliant mm poisoning, from jumping high newsreel of the 1938 Heil Hitler the ; hard at the hearts of his audience. It in the Graham fashion, yet we think it expose situation, the celluloid has window, guillotine, a saber duel, execution by a firing squad, hanging, a is that kind of missed its point. kept its integrity ,as presented currently at R-K-O Keith's Theater couple of war deaths, and turning himself into stone for "The Life of acting this familiar Night this week. There be seen a fair and sensible story needs. a WHATEVER may story of the do-do- the Gods.” ‘‘Frontier,” solo number, had a 1 ism that has converted from a licked Don't has its more Germany nation into a great military One of the few film occasions when Cagney was not wiped out j "Thoroughbreds Cry" direct approach to the human by gang- power, and as much as you may resent the facts, that's what has eterdom or G-Dom was in ——. entertaining moments and its vagrant- | heart and the spirit of America, which happened. "Ceiling* Mr. Luce, who is head ly emotional ones, but is Miss Henry the March of Time. Fortune and Life man, Zero,’ when he passed out in a plane credulity Graham avowed she will revive may have his prejudices against this* crash. Robinson's death record fea- Where staggered by the idea of mentioning in the dance, and ‘'Act of and and When j Piety” and but he it in the same that, certainly has not per- tures 'Bullets breath with “Cap-1 "Act of Judgment” were comprehen- °' mitted his cameramen or commenta- and tains Courageous," last of the Metro sible if not lucid. But ACADEMY p,Mhtast0'ir<,sr.ho,onl” AMBASSADOR Ballots.” shot j whence there- I .* If .f E. Lawrence hT tors to overstep the bounds of uncom- 11 ^^^JL|3LJLJE-|XLJ|^JL-ALftgJBja!l Phillips' Theatre Beautiful Do .i- Om-n I ;n. show oil I* M Current Theater Attractions ventures in Its heart after? Is Miss Graham Continuous* From »><. by Humphrey juvenile. appeal attempting to l p m BACK IN CJRULI A IION. «.-• Is mon courtesy in talking about the O Bogart: “Little and Time of Showing. roughly only one-tenth as strong, create an American dance form as ‘•WILD MONEY,” PAT BE TEN. JO\N PI.ONPFi I Nazis. The reel seeks to dem- i:d M A R (iAI ? h T 11N DS a Y. She! Caesar,” shot and that Director Alfred E. Green rigid as the Balinese and the Hindu? clearly With EDWARD EVERETT HORTON by MIRIAM HOPKINS LYNNE ‘G’l H st. N F knew it is Does she onstate that democracies must expect OVERMAN. PORTER H A LI APm I O "The evident in the circumstance seek to release emotion LOUISE CAMPBELL. BENNY v/LL»v/ Phone Fine. 37175 police: ; Earle—'Hollywood Hotel,” Dick to deal with F\KER that he twisted it her countries loaded with RUTH COLEMAN and BII.LY LF.E Door- Onen Hatchet M a n,” Powell's new musical: 10:30 i into the channel through ensemble and solo work? |••:::•• Show 1:00 T M. big a.m., RAY MILLAND THE THREE MESQUITEERS in WILD FAY WRAY* RICHARD of farce. To be trite about the regimentation, propaganda and lies, ARIF.N rival Chinese 1:20, 4:10, 7:05 and 9:55 matter, is it art HORSE PODEO with BOB LIVING- "MURDER IN GREENWICH VI* p.m. Stage and it derives no or artiness that witnesses authorities from the STON. RAY CORRIGAN and MAX UAGF. -nd NOAH REFRY Jr tong men got shows: 12:25, 3:20, 6:10 and 9:05 Young Sinclair who came to this get from GIRL’U her? imagination. Some of its facts are too I aIMNISE _TERHUNE •'BLONDES ARE DANGEROUS him "Two Sec- p.m. country, duty free no doubt, from New RH1U MEL • HERAT ITERHERtOI 1,th * *■ c a,,: s.e. Also O' r (a nu Comedy. No rough to be ignored. LHIVULlllAfAROIINA in Zealand is technical fault may be found Air-Conditioned 1 Fonn. Ave. NAY onds.” the Capitol—"Thoroughbreds Don't Cry,” up against some pretty "EMPTY AVAI ON j with one Somehow it seems to be a difficult ciQjjtd... HOLSTERS" and KING SOLO- rtVrtLUil Cleveland 2r,oo any of the performers or the IT 2 electric chair; youngsters in a human adventure tough competition from two other, _MON'S MINES J__ Door- Onen 12:30. Show I tin PM numbers in task to get down to the feature picture WALT DBNETS cartoon In tachnicoloc J NK h a r which they appear. All are i C Home of Mirronhonic Sound WITHERS FORTY-FI**'-’ "Tigar S k." drama: 11 a.m.. 1:40, 4:25, 7:20 and ! youthful performers in the picture. eiDpI v. at Keith's this week because there is W FATHI 13 Cartnt perfectly handled as to -DONALD DUCTS SELT CONTROL* Penna. Atr. at 21st St. 2 overboard 10:05 shows: are the timing, control Matinees pulled p.m. Stage 12:40, 3:25, They swaggering Mickey to seen Tues., Thurs.. Sat,. Sun. and rhythm. But what does be not only the most in- WENDY and drowned; 6:20 and 9 p.m. Rooney and the that BARRIE. WAITER PIDGEON in AVENUE GRAND S.V> ll promising young Judy ... EXCLUSIVE! mean? A formative service newsreel *Added _"A GIRL WITH IDEAS Com. Carl. Hours Open i ; >.hoo mi p both of street car, in the hands of a foreign M The Last Gang- Metropolitan—"Wells Fargo,” trans- Garland, whom turn out to be DOROTHEA KENT ROBERT smart has ol our time, but a new, giddy issue of WIL- more motorman. the same char- “The MARCH of TIME" COX ill CARNIVAL OUEFV a: ster,” by a gang- Sheilah Graham. portation pushes frontiers westward: appealing figures than the right- DUMBARTON acteristics. The Walt Disney's "Donald Duck’’ series. JACK HOLT. MAE CLARKE in OUTLAWS JOHN BOI ES IDA ICPTN'O 10:45 ful hero of the difference is that the Insidn oi NuUm—1338 ster. Eddie re- a.m., 12:50, 3, 5:10, 7:20 and picture. story OF THE ORIENT. Chapter No. 1. ‘•FIGHT FOR YOUR LADY." tram has more of a narrative to James Thurber states that in good members with 9:35 In the course of out its _"Dick Tracy '_Also Comedy. Popeve pleasure two natural p.m. working its al- form Donald Duck is solid c course. grounds 2321 Wisconsin Aye. ‘Silver Columbia—“The Last ternately and PAT VFRT I deaths—in Dollar" and "I Gangster,” laughable cryable situa- for in case the better half FAIRLAWN vnLV LAI Cleveland \?Jt j Miss Graham spurns the narrative divorce, n^Td'itio!^ Loved a Woman.” the fall of Public Enemy No. 1: tions. “Thoroughbreds Don't un- I MR MT LOVt ACAOr \VM BOYD in ‘HOPALONG RIDES Door- Onen 12:30 Show I Of I PM j Cry" in her chances not to like the goop, and in "SUBMARTNF D-T i dancing. She claims to offer k>aa MJinm o kdoit rowoA _AGAIN_ rrh P-'T of a heart at- 11:45, a.m., 1:45. 5:45, 7:45 and dertakes to disclose some of the O BRIEN. W A VNE MOP a expired 3:45, an his current state the RTS d ideology, derived from American Disney squawker GEORG! BREN F. tack in Parnell” iso did the 9:45 p.m. phoney doings of the lower strata of CONGRESS Popcye Two- picture). which should or is more than that. He would be worth race roots, elevate, amuse, JANE WITHERS In "I", FATHERS. track __ He was electrocuted in " Palace—“Mannequin,” Joan Craw- society. It also pits the hours around i‘?*r*»th or amaze all of us. Perhaps so. At any you might spend 3227 M St. TFNTRA! srNw- ford 8nd a role poor little rich linn N.W. 1 1\/ALi Phone Met. 28 Melodrama.” Found a war death in that's right down her boy against the tough house. Double Feature Vi* least her performance for the benefit the film Onen- I 1:0ft A M 11:05 little JOHNNY MACK BROWN m "ROUGE OF Italy for "The White Sister.” and was alley: a.m., 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, poor boy, played respectively by All of which us to a yum today JANF WITHERS in ‘FORTY-FTvr* of the Smith leads picture THE RANGE Also ROBT. ARM- College Club scholarship COLUMBIA GRAND OPERA FATHERS and ANNA NFAGTF. rubbed out in "Dance 7:25 and 9:35 p.m. Sinclair and Rooney. Its most mov- UOM- STRONG. LYLE TALBOT and FIFI by gangsters last called "Wise Girl.” Despite a defi- PANV ANTON WAT,BROOK in ‘VICTORT \ fund night brought people and PEN. V. PRESENTS D ORSAY in "THE :i LEGIONAIRES Fools Dance.” Keith's—“Wise Girl,” romance in ing as well as its funniest moments THE GREAT Car'non and Ner cash. That's more than we expect nitely stupid title, and some adver- _Out Gang Comedy._ the vein: are those which take them from a Gary Cooper has done his share of slightly slapstick comedy from the of tising which shows Miss Miriam IITTI C eos »th st. nTwT~ majority contemporary “ ■ * "la COLONY screen in 11:25 a.m., 1, 2:50, 6:25, 8:15 natural enmity (in the form of black Air-Conditioned Door- Onen dying—shot by Porter Hall 4:35, arts. Hopkins taking bites out of Mr. Ray Last Day R» JO. Show I 1)0 PV to a less LESI.1F HOWARD. JOAN “The Plainsmen" (Gary had already and 10 p.m eyes) natural understanding Milland. this is a commendable enter- CLAUDETTE COLBERT in BLONDE! L based An All Star Cast in Costnnm in STAND IN Our Ginf. evened matters Hall in Trans-Lux—News and shorts. Con- upon the circumstance that tainment, not to be confused with “IMITATION OF LIFE.” by shooting EXCERPTS FROM HftMF 12JO C St NT. tinuous from 10 a.m. to both are waifs in a cold, cruel world. And THE WALT DISNEY SHORTS PARADE nUlflL Atlantic 8188 “The General Died at Dawn”). His midnight. great or solid drama, but unquestion- MATINEE EVENING The Sun.—"THE ETERNAL Door- Open !2:.J0 Show 1:00 PM. crashed in In “Lives Little—"Imitation of Life,” screen twist of fate that brings them ably fun. In it Miss Cavalleria I .a Traviata MASK."_ TOM BROWN. plane “Wings.” Ill New Film good Hopkias tin* h st. n.e BARBARA READ :*i PR1WT% AFT BABA GOES TO TOWN the death scenes in screen 4:20, 6:25, and 10:05 p.m. Cup Derby you'll only take that ‘‘no questions No. 12. Agent." longest his- __Chapter "Secret Edcar in the owner how to ride a Combined Newsreels, B Berpen-Charlie McCarthy Sheridan—“45 Fathers,” Jane With- telling young asked” attitude, fair dish of giggles. C Sts. VE. "Africa Sneak- tory—in "Smilin' Through” and Old . Lafayette. ■ STANTON _"«h“»nd English.” ers the animal to The is dlAllllMl Finest Sound Equipment in a 7:50 victory. story u Piet. Review, Ga. Ave SheHdin “Romeo and Juliet,” when she man- comedy: lj35, 3:45, 5:55, Cartoon. Continuous From 1 too P M. QUrPIHAM A OnClUUAn N 2100 and 9:45 p.m. pretty well blocked out for every one Double Feature st \v Ran. aged to get in several reels of emoting Matinee I :0CI P M. every step of the way, so there un- Don “I before into the Tivoli—"Submarine D-l,” exciting Ameche Cast COVER THE WAR,” JANE WITHERS in "FORTY-FIVE sliding sleep from FATHERS Also Short SuMrrt drama under the main: doubtedly is no need for further reve- Qjl^SHORTSUBJECTS^I Starring . which there is no awakening (except bounding 1, lations of Lawrence Hazard's In Film. TEX RITTER in TlVfll V 11th 8f. A Park IH. N W. In the movies). 3:20, 5:35, 7:35 and 9:40 p.m. plot. Crosby 1IVUI1 Phone Col. 1800 a RIDERS OF THE ROCKIES.’ Door- Onen Show I OO P AT new Young Judy Garland is given AMECHE will Constitution 25 12:30. has been on the Uptown—“The Barrier,” screen be co-starred Hall—Tues., Jan. D-t J)ON '*th •■SUBMARINE with PAT version of the Rex passing fair chance to show her abil- TAKOMA and Butternut Sts. other side several screen times—in Beach yarn: 1:45, with Bing Crosby in Crosby’s next IftIVUlTui No Parking O'BRIEN WAYNE MORRIS and Troubles BRENT Twn-rer 1 ities both as an actress and a singer Continuous toil GEORGE Popeye We 3:50, 5:55, 7:45 and 9:35 p.m. Paramount for BOAKE From I PM "Today Live,” he and Robert Young picture, "Harmony JOE E. C >rtfU'!i Ali_Baba Goes to Town Howard—"Submarine D-l”: in "Thoroughbreds Don’t Cry,” and Three.” BROWN in rammed a gunboat into an enemy 12:15, “FIT 7:55 she makes good in both capacities even FOR A KING.” UPTOWN Nr"""rV “T. Nnw. to prevent loved 2:55, 5:25, and 10:25 p.m. Stage The picture will be directed Wes- ship Gary Cooper, if she does fall short of brilliance. by CARTER SMITH BALLEW in Cleveland MOO | shows: 6:40 and DOO by Joan Crawford, from doing it. (Self- 1:40, 4:10, 9:10 p.m. ley Ruggles from a screenplay by IN PERSON Doors Onen 12:30 Show F.M.*- as to the ALONG, COWBOY.” PARKER T EO CARRILLO in Beyond that, interpretation, Claude Tickets Now on Sale at Mrs. Dorsey's ^ROLL JEAN aacrlficing, these picture husbands, Binyon, the director-writer THE BA R RIFR.1 r t picture is notable for its introduction Bureau. I.'too G St. (Droop's) ’_Ca non_____ aren't they?) Franchot also ended it combination which gave Paramount National 7151 NEWTON 1"thsffVrio,r Vf\D1T Ga. Are. and Quebec of Sophie Tucker in a straight role, in Double Feature IUIXN Place NAY.. Col. -1«1fi two recent successful a 1.05, gl.10. _ all in “They Gave Him a Gun”—by Seminary Singers highly films. _Seat*, 55e_ "THE BARRIER." Door- 1:00 P A1 which she does not sing a note, but JEAN PARKFR Open 12:30 Show running into a G-man firing line. "True Confession” and "I Met Him In LEO CARRILLO. HOPALONG JED PROUTY. SPRING BYINGTON Here Tomorrow. contrives to be amusing as the mistress RIDES AGAIN BILL BOYD in HOT WATER” Frank Buck Leslie Howard is probably the most Paris.” ot a boarding house specializing in Matinee at 1 :0() P.M. in Junfle Menace.** No. 13. graceful explrer in the business—see 'J'HE Seminary Singers, famous "Harmony for Three,” which will /r.r.r choral jockeys. c/j JESSE HIPPODROME JF.rV™ "Romeo and group from Boston Univer- MATHIAS WEI MAN give a of screen [CAYETY THEATERlstst?vK,n' ’* "Berkeley Square,” Crosby new-type Double Feature Dietrich. “Anrel Alice 4c a|e $ j|c Marlene Juliet” and “Petrified Forest.” sity’s School of and the characterization in a story QC THANK YOU. MR MOTO.“ PETER Faye. “You Can’t Have Everything.’* Theology, rPHE bill is a Plays the leading male role in involving |i|gm7fiw-5fcwp[2S<3S<;v'; Capitol’s stage nicely r,1 LORRE. THE 11 knows how to die only chorus in the world three brothers WESTLAND CASE' Continuous 2 to P M._ Spencer Tracy composed of “The Eternal Masque,” much- who become minstrels PRESTON FOSTER. CAROL balanced affair, high-lighted by H PA Mm MT RAINIER. MD. like a man for sweet picture’s sake. student ministers, will present a con- to finance their race track guesses, HUGHES. Matinee at _1 :0n P.M. LAlflEU Double the Britton his discussed Siciss motion pic- STARTS SUNDAY ] r3? Feature presence of Milt and 1 v Barbara Stanwyck. Breakfast saw him across cert of sacred and secular is CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S I 1 fyp “Captains Courageous’ music to- ture which makes its Wash- scheduled to go into production SHOW" “merry mad musical maniacs.” EX-WIFE. MILDRED I SYLVAN VendNHi Two Chas. Starrett. “Twor- ‘neath a mast. morrow at the Slap- B the borderline, pinned evening Takoma Park ington debut tomorrow at the February 28. TO-NITE HARRIS'' M Double Feature Fisted Sheriff.” stick plus swing, with the emphasis CHAPLINJ “LOVE IS ON THE AIR JUNE Matinee Continuous 1 to In “The Power and the Glory,” Spen- Baptist Church, under the direction of Little tMIDNITE S 11_PM, Theater. » TRAVIS RONALD REAGAN upon the is their contribution HYATTSVIT LE. Dr. James R. former, TROUBLE. JED APPAnr MD, cer shot himself after wife Colleen Houghton, interna- ft ‘BORROWING AlXtftUE Double Feature to the program. It is to TOWN HALL PROUTY. SPRING BYINGTON. of a car. known designed give OS Chas. Starrett. “Two-Oun Law.’* )doore leaped in front tionally baritone. The Sem- ’’ TONITE at 1:00 P.M. v the audience pleasure rather than to r^l _Matinee __ Jones Fa mil “Hot Water Greta Garbo has lived to see her- inary Singers, composed of 36 men DINNER DANCING ==. leave it hysterically moved and it 4 QQ Matinee—-Continuous 1 to 11 PM. self die of consumption in “Camille,” studying for the Christian ministry, PALM THEATER DEIvJTY '■* achieves Mr. Britton’s purpose well i Double Feature RICHMOND A,EXA?n™A court-martialed and shot in “Mata journeyed more than 5,000 miles last Wm. E. DODD enough. Former Ambassador to Germany “ANNAPOLIS SALUTE,” EDW. G. ROBINSON Harl," and crushed by a train in “Anna year. Tentative plans are also in being "Senator” Ford, the usually reliable i_ JAMES ELLISON. MARSHA HUNT. Karenina." made for a concert trip to Europe this International Relation» “WEST OF “LAST GANGSTER.” monologlst whose comments cm current Rialto Theater. Son. Ere., Jan. S3rd, 8:15 SHANGHAI,” In “The Wedding Night,” Anna Sten summer. BORIS KARLOFF. BEVERLY vaT event* have been the satisfactory, por- Tickets Rialto Theater. NAt. 0095. REED fell down a flight of stairs. Loretta The 36 members of the chorus come ROBERTS. Matinee at 1 HU P.M. a,exat?r,va‘ tion of vaudeville audiences for dec- Mayflower Hotel. DIst. 3000 CLAUDETTE Young died in childbirth in “Life Be- from 17 different States and one for- COLBERT ades, is in the next-to-closing spot on ARLINGTON, VA. gins.” eign country, Germany, and are AT SWANEE and CHAS. BOYER in* grad- the vaudeville bill. His narrative cov- THEATER PARKING nr 11 CAM 1720 Wilson Bird. Lionel Barrymore suffered more than uates of 28 different colleges and uni- SPECIAL WlLOl/ll Opp. Colonial Village ers the territory from Washington to ATTRACTIONS CAROLE LOMBARD. FREDRIC MARCH in “TOVARICH.” Rasputin in the film of that name be- versities from which 6 P.M. TO Parking Space—800 Cars. they received Spain and thence to China, the most Don’t Mitt It "NOTHING SACRED.” _Free cause the hand that slew him their Tonite's a big nite at Swanee. In Clarendon. Va. ROCKVILLE. belonged undergraduate degrees. re- 1 A.M. ACUTAM MU (\ MOT amusing section of it being that J5C addition to a very special attrac- Aorliun GLENDA FARRELL in iJIIIAJ Double Feature to his own John. The In the of brother, younger singing the sacred music, to local traffic. tion. there's dancing to JACK ADVENTUROUS James Ellison, “Annapolis Salute.** lating TO DINE. CAPITAL GARAGE ^THE BLONDE.”_ Robt. Allen and more romantic of the which is a or _WHERE CORRY and his SWING BAND, “Unknown Ranger.** Barrymores cappella, unaccompanied, Most of the four acts seemed Matinee—Continuous 2 P popular starting at 9:50 P.M. Bethesda. Md. to_] I M. got his in “Grand Hotel” and "Din- the one STATE-BETHESDA Seminary Singers give an to be that vocal interlude provided by LADIES. 55c; MEN. 75e ner at unmistakable thrill. ROBERT YOUNG in Eight.” In the secular Dolly late of who ALSO DANCE SUNDAY NITE. MARLBORO ^moe.r Kay, Hollywood, r*~BONAT#CAFEW*: " * * * * Continuous to 1 1 groups are found Russian folk songs, f Washington’s Favorite French ♦ Special Attraction. Don't Miss It. “NAVY BLUE AND GOLD.” P M. syncopated throat ily through several Bestanrant ♦ 8ame Time—Same Prices. Dick Foran. •'Emmy Holsters." Epl. Warner Baxter died two deaths in sode No. 1. cowboy The 1083 in all ....BBS "Mysterious Pilot." songs, Negro songs. pro- popular ..numbers, most popular of ♦ Vermont Ave. N.W. ♦ A complete assortment _tt..—. CARTOON and NEWS. “Six Hours to Live.” He was dead at ends ♦ Delleions Meals In a A sises and types. Trices are gram with the "Pilgrims’ which (in every was "Bei possible way) ♦ Distinctive Atmosphere a most reasonable. On “GREAT KIRMA.” FALLS VA. the of the then re- from Regular Stage, CHURCH, beginning film, Chorus,” “Tannhauser.” The Mir BUt Du Schoen.” ♦ I Tomorrow. 2 One Week 7Ce.X Starting P.M.-—For vived for six hours XDInners /DC? only. Seminary Singers will be assisted by "Lights and Shadows,” a composite BRADDOCK-FARR STATE N