

VOL. XIX, No. 18 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1937 THREE CENTS CLUBWOMEN Honors Record Class POUCE, TOWN E CLOSE THEIR YEAR 215 SENIORS, FIRST HALF-TIE CLASS, GET PAY RETUR AT A DINNER-DANCE ARE GRADUATED BY WOODBRIDGE HIGH Symposium By Students On Administration To Fulfill Doctor of Philosophy Annual Event At School No. Promise But Stand Of 14 Tomorrow Night Michael Joseph Trainer -Heaves Past, Present, Future Of The Township Perth Amboy which got all coy School Board Not Last Of Season about fighting- the proposal of the \ A Vast Sigh, Blows Smoke Rings Is A Feature gas company to raise the rates of Yet Certain MRS. LARSOfTCATERER WOODBRIDGE—Michael Joseph Trainer, Tax Collector de the smaller consumers finally cap- 5 SALARIElTOFFICERS FORDS—The Fords Wom- RAIN SHREWDLY TIMED itulated and added its magnificent luxe, breathed deeply, settled back in his swivel chair and blew an's Club will climax its smoke rings toward the ceiling. BETWEEN BROCESSIOMS presence to the defense inaugurat- WON'T GETJMCREASE year's activities with the an- In his right hand he held a little sheet of note-paper bearing WOODBRIDGE-—-R a i n , ed by Woodbridge and Carteret WOODBRIDGE — In ac- nual dinner-dance to be held an engraved imprint: "Law Offices of David T. Wilentz" etc., when hearings on the petition cordance with its agree- tomorrow evening at School etc. He would set it down and pick it up alternately as if to •hrewdly timed between the opened before the Board of Public No. 14. Dinner will be memorize the message contained thereon. His lips brought an solemn march and gay return ment made the first of the served at 6:30 p. m. A very fine almost audible sound as he read: Utility Commissioners. It didn't of the Woodbridge High year, the administration will menu has been ai'ranged with "It is the opinion of our office that a man in your position take long- for the city to get into Mrs. Iver Larson catering. is not required to run this year ..." * School seniors clothed in action when it looked like there restore on July 1 to all police and municipal employes The Hi-Y orchestra will furnish Come next January, Mr. Michael will have served as Tax academic caps and govnts would be some credit handed out the music for the dancing. Miss Collector for three years, the ordinary tenure of Tax Collectors; from their school on Barron Ave- one-half of the twenty per cent for winning—particularly when Elaine Jensen, local girl who is a Maurice P. Dunigan. that is, the ordinary term. But last year the legislature extended nut to the State Theatre, cottlS salary cut imposed by its predeces- the period of employment for such public servants to five years. that's about the only kind of credit very accomplished artist at the not interfere last night with £hs sor in an eleventh-hour depres- A similarly designed law affecting assessors was attacked and piano-accordian, will entertain graduation of 215 students, larg?-_ it can get! sion economy. held unconstitutional but whether the court ruling could be inter- and the club chorus will also ren- est class yet produced by the local * * * preted into the tax collector situation was a moot question. • The total cut was twenty per der a few selections. 'The com- school and the first to be prepared The Gas Works, incidental- Darned Good—And Moot cent of the stated salaries but in mittee has arranged a number of in four years of half-time sessions, ly, seems to have but a single In fact it was so darned good and moot that various and an effort to restore the burden to novel attractions to add to the 3rd OF COUNTY CUT complaint against the present sundry hopefuls in the Republican party were grooming them- A theatre jammed with parents the taxpayers easily and at the evening's fun. schedule: that it doesn't per- selves to oppose Mr. Trainer in tlhe November election on the and friends of the class applaudeS same time to play fair with the Mrs. A. J. Lund is chairman, as- mit a sufficiently wide usage 46 Already Dismissed By assumption his term would expire in January. enthusiasitice

PAG£FOUR, -FRIDAY,-JUNE-18, 193? WOODBPJDGE INDEPENDE At The Crescent m RD Robinson, Bogart, Morris, 'Make Way For Tomorrow' 'Behind The- Headlines' Bette Davis AH Set For Ditmas Screen Opens At The Strand *. i Are Featured Tonight Tonight Bette Davis was winner of the A new conception in music for Dealing "with, the romance and 193G Academy gold statue for the motion pictures called the eountei- i excitement of a iadio news broad- • '- *"•* "i' - best feminine film performance of puint system, is used for the first j 1 eastei s life, "Behind the Head- the year. time in '"Make Way for Tomoi- 1 Edward G. Robinson's every pic- row," the story of American fam- I line*- ' bnngi the e\erpopulai Lee tnre has been great since ''Little ily life which opens tonight at the i Tiaey Hi "a gripping, dramatic Caesar," back in 1930. Ditmas Theatre. ^eieenplay that offers the fast- ' Humphrey Bogart was the main The new system, -devised by talkmg favonte one of his finest figure in the recent "Black Le- George Anthiel, prominent com- loles Edward G. Robinson and Bette Davis are teamed for the first gion" thriller, and the menacing poser, calls for the use of music The picture, which .comes to the time in "Kid Galahad," picturization of Francis Wallace's sen- bandit in "Petrified Forest." which is counter in mood to the | Fhand Theatie tonight, reveals sational Saturday Evening Post serial, which comes to the Ma- Each an individual Warner Bros. scene for which it supplies the foi the fiist time how radio en- jestic Tbeaire. tonight. star—but now all working togeth- background." In this way, Anthiel gineer have made it possible for er in "Kid Galahad,"' an exciting claims, a much more powerful ef- a itpoitei to send out news flash- story of the piize ring and those fect is produced than if the music es fiom the cockpit of a speeding who surround it! The picture were in harmony with.the scene aiiplane or the' control-room of a Always | Continuous opens at the Majestic Theatre to- Anthiel also says that the new sys- diving submarine. night and is scheduled to have its tem is particularly adaptable to Weaving this . new development 2 Big Shows first local showing. "Make Way for Tomorrow," since into its absorbing story, "Behind Features 2 to 11 "Kid Galahad," written by Fran- the story is essentially one of shift- tlie Headlines". combines a high- PERTH AMBOY ing moods. cis Wallace, was a great .literary HOOT GIBSON, to be seen speed romance with the adventur- FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY success when it first appeared as Antniel has been highly acclaim- es of a nervy "newscaster" who A TORTURING RACKET EXPOSED a serial in a national weekly mag- in the Crescent's newest serial ed for his musical scoring for the endeavors to beat the metropolitan azine. Then it became a best-seller Cecil B. DeMille epic "The Plains- papers, on-.important events with as a novel. "Paintad StaiHon" which man." He is at present working on his-portable outfit.; His. outwitting WHEN THESE LOAN The story deals with two rival a scorf for the forthcoming De- of a" group, of' newspaper report- underworld fight-managers, Rob- opens one -week from today. Mille spectacle ''The Buccaneei " ers on a government story, his per- SHARKS START inson and Bogart, and their at- ilous reporting of. a big fire, when, SHOOTIN' at.the.Tisk of;his life he brings aid tempts to double-cross each other. YOU'LL SEE MORE Eddie's fighter is "Kid Galahad" to .'girls trapped in. the blazing (called that because of his ideal- building, the spectacular hold-up FIREWORKS THAN istic attitude toward women), of a government gold-truck by a ON THE 4th OF JULY played by a 23-yeai--old newcom- gang of bandits, near the new gold depository at Fort Knox, Kentuc- er to the screen named Wayne ky, arid the thrilling climax when, Morris. It is predicted by those CHESTER LEO DIANA GIBSON and friend show the latest ir> fashions for eve- by- means • of an .."ingeniously used who saw the picture in preview radio set, the kidnaped heroine that this movie will shoot him MORRIS CARRILLO ning wear Miss Gibson is starred With LEE TRACY in "Be- and the bandits are run down in a — IN — right into stardom. dramatic man-hunt, through the Bogarfs 'boy' is another very hind The Headlines," at the Strand Kentucky mountains. unusual character — William Haade, who was taken right off the skeleton of a steel office-building in to play the lead in the stage production ''Iron BOB Men." He's a genuine steel work- ALLEN er. Directly from the Broadway In play he was brought to Hollywood to do ''Chuck McGraw," the heavy- "Ranger weight champion in ''Kid Gala- Courage" had." The fight between these two CONTINUOUS PERTH boys is said to be the bitterest MONDAY - TUESDAY WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY ever shown on stage or screen— Toby WING - Fuzzy KNIGHT Loretta Janet 2 TO 11 P.M. AMBOY with no punches pulled. Morris In YOUNG GAYNOR weighs 195, Haade 210. The battle "S5LKS AND SADDLES" In goes eleven rounds. AND — Mis,3 Davis plays the part of 5:13, "This Is My Affair" 8:37 "This Is My Affair" "LADIES IN LOVE" UKDER A GAY — AND — a young girl friend of Robinson. PREDUE TIME TABLE: 6 53 "Kid Galahad" 10:17 "Kid Galahad" MASQUERADE A new young leading lady on the "LITTLE ITALY" PAT BREWED A DES- Warner lot, — Jane Bryan, who LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:37 PERATE PLOT! O'BRIEN scored so heavily in Bette's last In picture, "Marked Woman," plays the romantic lead opppsite Morris. "The Great Then there are some real fight- Beautiful Barbara Read represents the modern generation, and O'Mdlley" Victor Moore represents the generation of her grandparents, and WILL YOU BE.ABL ers, professionals, too, such as With Bob Ncstell, the heavyweight con- the two come into conflict in "Make Way for Tomorrow," a Sybil JASON tender, Hank Hankinson and Jack screen-play by Vina Deimar which comes to the Ditmas Theatre Kranze—and immense scenes of tonight. ' TO TAKE IT... Madison Square Garden battles. NEW REPUBLIC SERIAL TEL. P. A. 4-3388 WHEN COMING TO CRESCENT READE'S 'Painted Stallion' Begins THESE

Next Friday, Saturday STATE ST. AT THE FIVE CORKERS PERTH AMBOY And Sunday DYNAMITE The Crescent Theatre has a novel attraction scheduled for a premiere next Friday, Saturday DEALERS arrtl Sunday. Republic's new serial, STARTING SATURDAY "The Painted Stallion," has been booked bv popular demand, and if other Republic serials are a cri- Prevue Ton If e terion, it will offer everything to It's Packed be desired in the way of thrills, PREVUE TIME TABLE With What -•excitement, scenic splendor and sustained suspense. 5:46 "They Gave Him A Gun"' It Takes To 7:19 "Make Way For Tomorrow" Keep You The picture deals with the ro- mantic early days of South-west- 8:51 "They Gave Him A Gun" Thrilled ern, history, when Mexico was 10:28 "Make Way For Tomorrow" throwing off the tyrannical yoke Of* Spsin. Ray Corrigan, in the role of "Clark Stuart," a young LEE DIANA adventurer, sets out to establish TRACY amicable trade relations between IN Mexico and the United States, but he is beset with perils, planned by "BEHIND the HEADLINES a lawless element which has its own dark reasons for preventing a treaty between the two nations. Kit Carson is introduced into the story in the person of young w Sammy McKim, a freckle-faced, roguish-eyed youngster who has already won his way into the hearts of serial fans. 'RANGER COURAGE' SET bhe wanted to taste FOR CRESCENT TODAY the thrills of life for Bob Allen, Martha Tibhetts herself! See what hap- And Robert Henry pened to this reckless, §' \ Featured headstrong heroine! According to ardent addicts of The daring drama of "boots and saddles'' screen plays, one American family! "Ranger Courage", the new Co- lumbia western, which opens today also at the Crescent Theatre, is really a "Shore-enough rip-tail roarer."' fAYNE 1S111S This is just a non-tenderfoot way of saying that the picture, starring Bob Allen, is interesting HARRY CAREY entertainment, stirring with action, WILLIAM HAADE rich in romance and altogether SJIracted by Michael satisfying' film fare. TOMORROW" Curtiz-AWaifies-Bro&Hit Allen, as a hard-riding and some- Music and lyrics by M. K. what deductive State Banger who Jerome & Jack Sehoil»Adap(ed solves the "mystery" of how In- Adolph Ztikor presents From Francis Wallace's Sat- diana corae to be heeled with cow- urday Evening Post Thriller! boy boots, shares honors with two "MAKE WAY FOR TOMORROW' capable troupers in Martha Tib- betts, his talented young leading A Paramount Picture with VICTOR MOORE woman, and Robert Henry, the BKULAH BONDI.KAY BAINTER-THOMAS Monday, 9 p. in. F-R-E-E WED. 9 P. M. rough-riding little Juvenile bucka- MITCHELL-Porter Hall • Barbara Read LAST TIMES TODAY Community Refrigerator B-I-N-G-0 EOO. Louise Beavers • Directed by Leo McCarey Sing Nite Cash Prizes The story is that of an attack Dishes npon a rich waeron-train by a group "THIS IS MY AFFAIR" WITH Everybody of white desperadoes of western Ernie To The LADIES Plays LAST TIMES TODAY Christopherson Every and pioneer days. They're disguised as THURSDAY •>•>•>•> Indians. Bob Allen rescues the His Accordion wagon-train people, including Martha Tibbetts and Robert "THEY GAVE HIM A GUN" ON THE STACE EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT "AMATEURS" Henry.

Jyff._---. FEIDAY, JUNE 18, 193? PAGE FIVE •—Mrs. Montgomery Kimball of In Rahway Feature Stars At Empire was born to Mr. and —Mis. George Hagedorn was Dover Road and Mrs. Bancroft PAKSLER APPOINTS 21 TABLES IN PLAY Mrs. Raymond Rhodes of Fairview hostess - Thursday ni Liyingsto.jti of Valley Road were Avenue at the Rahway Memorial j Ladies' Aid society of saiests at a luncheon bridge given, "IS THE UNIVERSE. INCLUD- Hospital Tuesday. i Dover Methodist church. by -the Bahway Woman's Club at ING MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOM- the home of Mrs. Ralph Marsh. IC FORCE?-' will be the subject Quisfi Is Designated As The Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Wlther- of the Lesson-Sermon in the Fix\st Church of Christ, Scientist, in Se- Chief Of Fire Police idge Are Co-Chairmen waren, Sunday. STATE !IEATRE Of Keasbey Unit The Golden Text is: "Behold Of Enjoyable Affair the heaven and the heaven of WOODBRIDGE, N. J. KEASBEY—Selection of com- WOOD-BRIDGE—Mrs. Charles heavens is the Lord's thy God, JPSone: V/dbgre. 8-1212 mittees for the ensuing year was Kenny and Mrs. Fred Witheridg-e the earih also, with all that therein completed by the Keasbey Protec- " (Deuteronomy 11:14). were co-chairmen of the public . - SAT. — June 18-19 tion Fire Company at a regular Among the citations which com- card party conducted by the Par- prise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol- business meeting held in the" fire- ent Teachers' Association in St. "CAFE METROPGLE" house with President Joseph J5. lowing from the Bible: "By the James' auditorium. woi'd of the Lord were the heavens —Also— Parsler in charge. Mrs. Nathan Patten of Perth made; and all the host of them by "What Price Vengeance" v The appointments by Chief Jo- Amboy. won the door prize and the the breoeh of his mouth. For he CARTOON NEWS seph Naylor included James Quish special prize was won by Mrs.,Ed- •spake, and it was done; he com- as Chief of Fire Police, Michael ward ' Falconer. NJon-lplayers' manded, and it stood fast." (Psalms SUN. - MON. — June 20 - 21 J. Parsler, Captain, and August prizes went to Mrs. John Powers. 33: 6, 9.) Pfeiffer, Charles Eomer, Harry There were twenty-two tables in The Lesson-Sermon also in- ' "ESPIONAGE" Dunham and William Bertram as play, the-.following receiving high cludes the following passage from . _ Also scores in the various games: fire police. TED HEALY and UNA the Christian Science textbook, 'We Have Oar Moments' Bridge: Mrs. Vincent Weaver, •'Science and Health with Key to Good time committee—Michael MERKEL in a scene from the Mrs. John F. Ryan, Mrs. John Z\- Ae Scriptures" by Mary Baker MON. — DISH KITE J. Parsler, chairman, C. D. Pfeif- "Old Soak", starring Wallace lai, Mis. C. Braun, Mrs. Robert Eddy: "Mind, supreme-over all its fer, William Dambach, John Cyrus, Greenwood, Mrs. John Einhorn; formations and governing them all, Walter Fee, Albert Stark, Joseph Berry and opening a 4-day TUESDAY, June 22 run at the Railway theatre Euchre, Mrs. B. Keating," Harry is the central sun of its own sys- Wargo and John Vamps; furniture Van Tassel, Mrs. Edward Falcon- stars with Joel McCrea in tems of ideas, the life and light ONE DAY' ONLY! Saturday. ^ All Hungarian Show committee—Charles D. ' Pfeiffer, er, Mrs. Thomas FeDermott,-Mi's. "Internes Can't Take Money" of all its own vast creation; and chairman, Michael J. Parsler, John Michael Langan and Mrs. Paul 01- at the Empire starting Sun- man is tributary to divine Mind. Cyrus, Stephen Faczak and Wil- brick.. "••-•-. . .. ' ' day. . • • ... The world would collapse without ZIVATAR A PUSZTAN liam Dambach. BROTHERS HONORED NEWS COMEDY Pinochle: Mrs. ~George Krock, Mind, without the intelligence Sidewalk committee—William Howard And LeRoy Fuller- which holds the winds in its grasp. Gloff, chairman, Charles D. Pf eif- Mrs. Joseph Romond, Mrs. Joseph Dpice ®f Church Unit WEDNESDAY, June 23 ton Earn Degrees McLaughlin, Mrs. Hugo Geis, Mrs. Neither philosophy nor skepticism fer, Michael J. Parsler, Leon Jeg- James Coll, Mrs. James .Somers, can hinder the march of the Sci- "Time Out For Romance" linski and Walter Fee; house com- In 'Iselm Well Attended ence which reveals the supremacy FORDS—W."Howard" Fullerton Mrs. Thomas. J. Leahy, Mrs.'-Rob- CLAIRE TREVOR mittee—John Cyrus, William Ho- ISELIN—A well-acted and di- of Mind. The immanent sense of and LeRoy R. Fullerton, brothers, ert Owens, Mrs. diaries Kriesel. MICHAEL WHALEN mer, Sr., and Zoltan Papp; pur- rected three-act comedy, "Goin' Mind-power enhances the glory of chasing committee—C. D. Pfeiffer, of New Brunswick Avenue, Fords, Whist: Mrs. P. J.. Trainer, Mrs. Mind." (p. 209). William Golden, Mrs. Charles Ar-. Modern" was presented . by the $120 The Big Nite $120 William Dambaeh and Michael J. both received advansed degrees Parsler. senault, Mrs. Lawrence Campion. Young Peoples' Christian Endeav- THURS. - FRI. - SAT., this week. Fan-tan: Mrs. Patrick Nolan, or Society, of the First Church of Albert Stark was given the posi- Iselin, Presbyterian, oh Friday, June 24 - 25 - 26 Howard Fullerton, a member of Mrs. "C. Matisa, Mrs. . Raymond tion of Steward and Joseph Warg-o in the Pershing Avenue School. DOUBLE FEATURE as assistant steward and C. D. the Woodbridge High School Fa- Gentile, Mrs. Thomas Feeney, An- PUCE SERWiCE fOR EMMY Pfeiffer named to the Memorial lulty, was graduated from the law thony Brodniak, Anna Mooney, Those taking part in the per- Committee. school of Newark University. He Barbara Kenny, Walter Feehey, formance-were William Blair, Miss "TOP of the TOWN'" rereived his B.S. from Illinois in Anna Simon, Mrs. Arthur Finn, Blanche Metz, Miss Evelyn Katen, Mrs. Thomas Dunne, Mrs. John 75c 1933. LeRoy Fullerton, a grad- Albert Nahass, Leslie Wood, Miss Boyle, Ruth Arway, James Fitz- Mary Struble, Kamel Katen, Jr., Local Girls Get Diplomas uate of Alabama in 1935, earned WEEKLY "The Mighty Treve" patrick, Frances Witheridge, Ray- Miss Dorothy Lordi, Miss Ruth From N. J. Teacher Schools a master's degree in education mond Somers, Gloria Arsenault, Don'i (imfnse tins qivind silverware offering- with the usual "qnan- Setterstone, John Onucki and Miss uf\" oll'ei s nl liifi'imr, unknown sil verphite. llememlicr. fhis is the WO'ODK&TDGE—^Miss .'Miriam from Rutgers University. He is Mrs. Scuty, Mrs. C. Simone. Gloria Frees. (•BNUJSfK M'Sj. JIOUKIiS & SOX — long- wearing I; I-MNPO i ICED Sermayan, daughter of Mr. andsupervisor of physical education PIRATE! for Raritan Township Schools. Never lielure at th s price and probably nover again. ] i's Ihe ideal Mrs. Charles Sermayan, Main Sift for the new. home because it's CO3IPLUTK — a lull service RAHWAY Street and Miss Frances C. Ryan, for S in a beautiful Walnut grain cabinet. Offered in choice of new i-xqmsii, pattens. See this value at ilOYAIj TODAY: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John $28,000 Action Instituted ,' SUN. To WED. F. Ryan, Green Street were award- ed diplomas by the State Teachers' By Boylan In Kin's Death I>R.M-.ROOC'HVAltC, (>ptometrlsts College in Newark and Trenton, re- »R. J. LEHIiSIAX, in OlinrRe 2 — BIG HITS — 2 spectively. ISELIN-—Suit has been in- Miss . Sermayan was secretary stituted in the Supreme Court of the Kendall Society, honorary seeking $28,000 .damages by fraternity and also was listed on Patrick Boylan, principal of the President's Honor Roll for the the Iselin Schools, as execu- Credit Jewelers— WATCH AND JEWELRY" REPAIRS at ROYAL'S I,OW PRICES third consecutive year. Miss Ryan tor of the estate of his broth- 96 Smith St., Perth Amboy 96 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY 340 George St., New Brunswick was a member of Gamma Sigma er, ' Hugh Boylan who died Open Every Monday, Friday and 340 GEORGE ST. NEW BRUNSWICK sority,: Industrial Arts' Club and from the results of an auto- Saturday Xij>iits Open Every Monday, Friday and Sntnrdny iViKi the Glee Club. She also was a mobile accident. member of the Student- Council. The complaint alleges Boy- . Miss Ryan graduated as saluta- lan's car was struck by an torian of St. Mary's High School, automobile driven, by Rich- Perth Amboy, in 1934. ard C. Ashenden of Newton- ville. Massachusetts. Injuries suffered as a result of being Wallace Beery 'Old Soak' thrown, from the car were' the cause of his death, the In Movie Of Marquis Book plaintiff asserted. On . the screen at the Eahway Theatre tomorrow there comes to life that unforgettable character, Mrs.- :R. - T:'Mgan Hostess the Old Soak, immortalized by Specials for June 1 —PLUS— Don Marquis in his original novel. •At.Card. Party In Sewaren Reginald Esther Wallace Beery now Finds his great- SEWARENL—Mrs.'R. T, Bogan FREE DELIVERY - FRI. - was hostess at the opening bridge 3 We Would L!ke to ake DENNY RALSTON est role in this characterization. f\ I IF f 1 I IP 7" This Opportunity to Express Our Thanks and Ap- The picture, "Good Old Soak," party conducted by the auxiliary ilflil \AI I* Preciation »or Your Patronage During Our Opening Sale. We Hope to la f.r. o. m Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, :o the Sewaren Land and Water 3""I/A 1 Mi&JLlJLj Have Your Continued Patronage. Here are Some Specials Priced at the 'We're In This Legion Now' draws a cross-section of the Amer- Club, Friday afternoon. Greatest Savings Ever Seen. ica thatt? was—the almost United Prizes were won by: Mrs. H. B. Bull Line of Delicatessen and Dairy Products at Reasonable Prices Now Showing States in the era of prohibition. Zimmerman, Nan Potter, Mrs. Irv- Berry portrays the character of ing Demarest, Mrs. C. Zischau. FRESH KILLED — LARGE "THAT I MAY LIVE" a .small-town philosopher who re-A.lso present were: Mrs. William —with— tires from active business in order Boylan, Mrs. L. B. Smith, Mrs. Rdchelle Hudson — Robert Kent to locate the local speakeasies. L. E. Campbell, Mrs. Irving Reim- In the supporting cast are Una srs, Mrs. F. J. Adams, Mrs. W. C. We're celebrating this event by —Also— Merkel, Eric Linden, Judith Bar- Ecker, Mrs. Julian Grow, Mrs. FANCY NATIVE "Man Who Could Work rett enlivening with her singing Howard-Jernee, Mrs. C. A. Phillips, giving you unheard ©f bargains. Miracles" of "You've Got a Certain Some- Mrs. Ross. Allen, Vera Drorschak, CHUCK ROA thing," and Betty Furness. Eleanor Seiffert, Ruth Garrett, —with— Also not to be overlooked is the Irma Bordinot, Francis Towle, ' Come in and-see for yourself. ^ ROLAND YOUNG work of Ted Healy, Janet Beeeh- Mary Watson, Cynthia Smith, er, George Sidney, Robert Mc- —Added— Irene Gons. The non-players Wade and James Bush. . were Mrs. R. T. Bogan and Mrs: Technicolor Cartoon— "Women of Glamour," with Vir- H. Stud-ley: "Mickey's Moving Day" ginia Bruce and Meivyn Douglas GENUINE SPRING Afmour's Sugar Cured will also be shown. SMOKED Mrs. BemiceKlemOf Fords c 1tJ< Legslain!iJk27 Receives Institute Degree Here; are jusi a few: of the 5-lb. Avg. For Salads Stew 4-lb. Aver FORDS—Several local residents SWIFTS — Roll or Tub SWIFTS (Sliced)- R AH HAT y2-ib. Pkg. attended the annual graduation exercises in the Hotel McAlpin, hundreds of bargains offered: THEATRE - PHONE RAHway 7-1250 New" York of the Swedish Institute SATURDAY - SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY of Physiotherapy which conferred special honors on Mrs. Bernice PURE PORK (Loose) WAS PARK AVENUE SURPRISED Klem of 935 Main Street. Meed HOME MADE DELICIOUS ...whenWctlly drove up in a peddler's r Among those attending the POTATO SALAD cart instead of a Rolls Royce! A howl commencement were Mr. and Mrs. COLD SLAW R. Jensen, Plainfield; Mr. and Mrs. for every hearf-thrii! ... as the "old BONELESS (No Waste) soak"comes winning through! C. Ostergaard, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoyer,, Metucheri; Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kasprzak, Selected EGGS Mr., and Mrs. J. Simpson, F. C. Matthewson, Miss Claire, R. Kas- przak, Miss L. Dixon, Perth Am- MEN'S SPOET PUTS 168 LARGE CAN—Sliced - Halves LARGE PINK GRANULATED (Bulk) boy; Mr. and Mrs. Hans _Miller, 2 cans . Anders Andersen of Fords. S lbs.

Internes Can't Take Money FLAGSTAFF Pt. Comes To Empire Sunday . In Our Ladies' Dep't LARGE JARS 16 OZ. A young doctor's dilemma, Salad D'ressk Sc IJc J whether to aeeept a fee from a NEW SUK DRESSES . • • . * $2.98 patient, forbidden by his oath, or 20 OZ. 8 OZ. CAN lose the woman he loves, is the LOVELY SUMMER COlTi'. . . $3.98 story of "Internes Can't Take Tomato Juices Money," the drama with Barbara SMUT LIIEI SUITS > . -.- . $2.98 Stanwyck and Joel McCrea which FANCY 1 QT. opens on Sunday 'at* the Empire BOUSE''DRESSES''... .':. 3 FOR $£.25 Theatre. " -^•'•-"•••^ II PICKLE McCrea, an'"'uiterrie, is offered money by a gra'tfefuf patient. With You Can Pay as Little as 50*-Down Royal Gelatin ROYAL SCARLET VIRGINIA BRUCE it McCrea would ;be able to marry Miss StanwyckV'wliom he loves, IN and she would be able'tofind her DESSERT UNA MiRSCIL » IREC LINDEN child by a previous marriage, ALL FLAVORS Vacuum Packed i which, had been . taken from her. JUDITH BARRETT • BETTY WOMAN Miss Stanwyck is unable to recon- U. S. NO. 1 FUHNESS • TED HEALY * JANET OF cile McCrea's apparent love for NEW 10 H>s. BEECHER • GEORGE SIDNEY her and the fact that he refuses PERTH from Ihe play "The Old Soak" by Don Marqulf to help her, and they part." 186 SMITH ST. POTATOES By arrangement with Arthur Hopkins • Directed The associate feature is "We're by J, Waller Ruben • Produced by HARRY RAM "GLAMOUR" In The Legion Now," with Regi- OPEN EVENINGS FULL LINE OF VEGETABLES AND FRUITS ON HAND Request Feature Saturday— Rhythm on the Range nald Denny and Esther Ralston.

. if' PAGE SIX FEIDAY, JUNE 18, 1937 WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT Charles Pasztor and daughter, son Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Bertran '34 HIGH SCHOOL CLASS FORDS BANK DECLARES Rev. Devanny Officiates Rose, Mary Ann, and Helen, Mr. Barta and daughter, Yolanda, M*. REUNITES- SATURDAY MISS MARY CYRUS 5th DIVIDEND ON 30th At Iselin Communion Rites CONDUCT OUTING ON and Mrs. James J. Kovacs, William and Mrs. Alex Nagy and son, Dugas and daughter, Irene, Mr. Alexander, Mrs. Ssordas, John Lester Grossman Chairman FETED IN_KEASBEY 5% Announced On Capitol LSELIN—Rev. Earl Hannum and Mrs. Anton German andKovacs, Mr. and, Mrs. Obloncey Devanny, pastor of the First Pres- and son, Paul, Mrs. Julia Kovacs^ Of Commitee On Stock For Holders byterian Church in Woodbridge, daughter, Yolanda and Helen, Mr. WHY SUFFER Friends Give A Party For officiated at the communion serv- Family Gathering An En-and Mrs. Kelly Csordas and son,Mrs. Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Arrangements On June 24th ice and reception for new mem- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boross and seph Kantor and daughter, Betty, ANV LONGER? Coppernic Ave. Girl bers in the First Church of Iselin, joyable Affair At daughter, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs.Mr. Farkas and son, John, Alex HAVE YOUR WOODBRIDGE—The Class of On Birthday FORDS—Declaraiton by the Presbyterian. Since acceptance Pfellman's Chuba and daughter, Margaret, Petrocy, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tew- 1934 of the Woodbridge Township Board of Directors of a 5% semi- of the local pastorate by A. H. Mrs. Helen- Kozusko, Mrs. Irene geri and daughter, Anna and soti BOTH FEET High School will hold a reunion KEASBEY—A birthday party annual dividend on capital stock Behrenberg, nineteen new mem- HOPELAWN -m An enjoyable Ernest, aiid Miss Anna Holback.}: next Saturday at 8:30 o'clock in of the Fords National Bank was Suteh and daughter, Mildred and was given Miss Mary Cyrus of bers h^ve been added to the con-neighborhood outing was held by a TREATED FOR the Mayfair Grill, Rahway Ave- announced this morning by The-gregation. nue. All class members are in-Coppernic Avenue by a group of odore Brichze, cashier. group of families at Pfellman's DR.R.D.-FME vited and it is not necessary to friends on her birthday. The guest The dividend will be payable Among those accepted Sunday Farm. 7'; 'V/ . make reservations in advance. Wednesday, June 30, to stock- T,vere: On transfer of letter, Mr.- 175 Smith St., PERTH AMBOY of honor received many gifts and and Mrs. Theodore Heimlich and Among those present were Mr. ROOM 405 Lester Grossman is chairman of holders of record on June 24. This I Harris Dept. Store games and dancing- were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gerhardt; and Mrs. Ed.elenyi. Mr. and Mrs. Day and Night Appointments the arrangements' committee and will be the fifth consecutive divi- Vincent Balogh and sons, Steven- is being assisted by Miss Loretta Among those present were: Mrs. dend paid by the bank on capitol on confession of faith, Mr. and i547MamSt. RAH.7-05€ .RAHWAY^ J. Riniddi, Sally Ciappa, Dolores Mrs. William Danaerau, Mr. andand Vincent Jr., Mr, and Mrs. Gentile, Miss Rose Charonko, Don- stock. Since its reorganization Charles Kuti and son, Charles Jr., "A SAFE PLACE TO SHOF* ^ ^^X^* ald Leilo and Marie DuBoyce. Masters, Rose Rinaldi, Kay Red-the institution has earned a not-Mrs. Thomas Short, Mr. and Mrs. ling-, Robert Aloia, Anthony Cor- able reputation for rigid adher- William Lau, Mrs.. Robert Short, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Balogh and ba, Alfred DeCicca and Saul Lape- ence to conservative banking prin- Mrs. Fanny Johnston. Mrs. Frank children, Lillian and Steven Jr., BEAM BEETLES tina of ; Betty Chubak, ciples. Lewis, Miss Doris Kromme, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Skapinetz DROV Mary Chubak, Mrs. J. Chubak and Ruth Kromme, Miss Margaret and children, Juliet and Theodore Only 10 MinwtesE JAPANESE BEETLES (Continued from Page 1) John Chubak of Woodbridge; Dor- Mickay and Miss Agnes Orlowski. Walda Lakonitch, Mr. and Mrs. VND OTHER INSECTS though with little hope of success. is Nixon, Ruth Nixon, Betty Nix- Lewis Starts New Agency John Eesh. FROM WOODBRIDGE OR CARTERET; DAVIS TWO BOYS BITTE,N Monday, Gioe will .discuss the on, Helen Toth, Anna Ondrick, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ceto and DERRIS - SULPHUR problem with his Supervising- Emma Florech, Anthony Cosky, For Employment In Amboy ISELIN—Stanley Owen, 14, of — 2 FREE DELIVERIES DAILY TO — COMPOUND Committee. Last year's station- Stephen Cosky, Joseph Butchko, Service to both employee and Pershing Avenue, was bitten on daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. ALL SECTIONS OF THE ABOVE COMMUNITIES Non-poisonous to human beings ing of amateur, unqualified guards John Butchko, Verne Christensen, employer is offered by the Ideal the right side Wednesday by a Joseph Konrias, Mr. and Mrs. and livestock. Death to insects. at the Port Reading pumping sta- Frank Molnar, Peter Patrick, Mi- Employment Agency which opened dog owned by William Potter, Dahl Arrow Shirts, BVD Under- 20 Gallons of Spray tion, Woodbridge Park and Iselin chael Marko, Stephen Simon, An- Avenue. Friday, a dog owned by FOR RENT For 40 Cents for business in Perth Amboy yes- wear, Interwoven Socks, Pep- j . Sucker Brook will be discussed thony Galgany, Joseph Wojanow- terday at 339 Madison Avenue Kenneth Duncan, Lafayette Gar- Up-to-date furnished apartment. perel Pajamas Woodbridge Hardware Co. with a veto expected in view of ski and John Poboleski of Fords. under the personal direction of age, bit Lester Machenick, 9, of the Residential section. 550 Maple the lack of trained men and the. Marion Karycki, Frances Slic- Ed Lewis. Several weeks of pre- Lafayette Superhighway district. Ave., Woodbridge. uncertainty of health conditions. ner, Helen Slicner, Violet Swan- paration have gone into setting Within two weeks, Gioe's staff tecki, Roger Andrusy, William up the business and an attractive will begin taking 60 different Millo, Michael Morvey, Peter Rib- office has been opened where ap- Watch, Clock children every morning to the Rah- nicky, John Alucinski, Peter Gat- plicants for positions will be in- and Jewelry way Pool. Bus fare will cost a yas and Anthony Pry of Perth Am- terviewed and employers may dime, however, and the daily trips, boy; Anna Cyrus, Florence Jay, place their requests for help. Repairing though praised, are not regarded Mildred Dambach, Rose Sharkey, Applicants for domestic, mech- as a complete solution to the whole Julia Sharkey, Louis Holubovich, anical, trade and clerical posi- problem. Chief G. E. Keating- Anne Holubovich, Betty Wagner, emphasized today the refusal of tions will be considered. Those his department to recommend any Mary Cyrus, Joseph Antol, eter applying must produce recommen- swimming spot not constantly pa- Both, John Sabo, . Fred Morris, dations that will stand verifica- trolled by certified life guards and Alex Booth, John Orosz, Stephen tion and all negotiations will be not definitely free of pollution. Sabo, Arnold Creekmur, Anthony strictly confidential. Mr. Lewis Klein, Julius Katransky, Stephen urges those in need of positions Complete line of dependable Cyrus, Frank Cyrus, Alex Cyrus. to place their names on file at wrist watches, silverware, once as new jobs and vacancies diamonds and jewelry. Also Mr. and Mrs. John Cyrus, are occuring daily in business <> Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Cyrus, Jr., houses and factories in the Rari- [Continued from Fage 1) Mr. and Mrs. William Nixon, Mr. tan Bay district. nut, Avenel, was the other local and Mrs. John Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Jewelers defendant. Sentence was sus- Peter Krackenburger, Mr. and ACES METUCHEN pended after he admitted driving Mrs. Joseph Holubovich, John Oli- Edward A- Silberberg accom- 127 Smith St., Perth Amboy with improper plates.. vera, Joseph Fofrich and Mr. andplished the ultimate in golf last Admits Residence Mrs. John Chubak. Saturday at the Metuchen Golf Lawyer was also placed on the and Country Club when he one- prohibited New Jersey driving list DRAWI.NG TUESDAY shotted the 150-yard 18th hole for a year after he had attempted WOODBRIDGE—All books sold at the course. He used a mashie to maintain the position he was a by members of the First Ward Re- for the ace, which was witnessed legal resident of California, which publican Club on a rod-and-reel by his playing partners, Al Roes- he had not visited for a year and to be given by the organization sler and Ray Handerhan, the club a half, and so did not need a Newmust be returned by Tuesday, club professionel, Charles Laing, and PHONE: P. A. 4-1980 Jersey license. Recorder Brown officials warned today. The draw a score.of club members. Mr. Sil- threatened to examine voting will be held Tuesday evening at berberg is manager of the Penn WhelUer your plumbing job is Personal Loan Company of Perth large or small it -will set our best lists and prosecute Lawyer for 8 p. m., in the club rooms on Am- attention. All work siwrHiiteed— voting improperly if his name boy Avenue. Amboy. over 5 yt'ju\s in the business. were on local records. Lawyer i Estimates Cheerfully Given J then retracted and admitted Ise- lin was his residence. Charlie See The Two speeders were fined on their KELLY AUTOMATIC own testimony in counter-claims. Says: any people OIL BURNER Joseph Jones, Freehold Negro, have often re- BIG WEEK-END and Leo Zoller, Jersey City, were utarked that f>i Before Buying •nil the stores the complainants after an accident ihv. SimiiyKiite SHOULD I BUY MY USED CAR on Rahway Avenue. Each accused is the only.busy Heating & l?lnee in town. the other of speeding and each The rea.smi tor Plumbing Supply declared he himself had been trav- that is: Top. elling only 30 miles on hour on Quality Mer- 77 Smith St., Perth. Amboy clumUise, lo^v- Rahway Avenue. Since that is a e»st possible AT DORSEY'S USED CAR MART prices, iriemily 20-mile zone, the judge fined both. service, a n ib. LOINS OF 6-lb. Average PORK Ib. _\ 1. IT IS A AND GUARANTEED USED CAR PRIME BEEF MILK FED POT Jtttr.LRl KUIHIUS at KOVAL'S LOW PRICKS Opening Special "THE SAFE PLACE TO BUY" 96 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY We Have Thousands of Other Bargains Which Space 340 GEORGE STREET NEW BRUNSWICK ELM TO OAK STS. ON NEW BRUNSWICK AVENUE PERTH AMBOY 'ii fclvi'i'j' lioudity, Friday anil Suttirtliiy Aijr Does Net PeVsnit Us To List r PHONE US YOUR NEWS ITEMS The Independent will toe glad to Teeetve and publ NEWS SECTION any news Items Its reaaers jnlirht cure to phone WOODBR1DGE 8-1710

VUL. XIX, No. 16 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1937 SECOND SECTION, PAGE ONE r Rated Most Versatile WHS Athletes To Race At Langhotne Three-Sport Man BOTH CITED THRICE Raiders, May fairs, Hagaman Buddies, Fords Royals UNDER A NEW PLAN Keep Undefeated Divisional Leads In Senior Leagues OFLEHERAWARDS Woodbridge Is Only Sector Anacker, Gyenes, Leahy, Fact Of Win Unchallenged Lillian ffinsky Triumphs In Remaining With Two Merwin, Gyurics, One Girls' Singles At Spotless Slates Girl Double Winners os talking Wm HOE DONOHVB WOODBRIDGE—B o t h the Green Raiders and the MOST: 20FOOTBALLERS DOWNS DOROTHY RYAN Mayfairs won Senior League WO O DDBEID GDE—John SEWAREN—E x t r e m e WOODBRIDGE—Ed Mil- 220 Kids Have A Good Time games in the Woodbridge Korzowski and Ray Voeiker lack of harmony could be de- ler and Miss Lillian Minsky sector of the Township were revealed today by high tected today in the rival re- INTELLIGENT SALESMANSHIP is always a very 'League this week but the ports of just how the Sewar- won recognition as tennis pleasant thing- to discover in business, particularly when Raiders had two opportunities for school authorities as the most champions of Woodbridge said business is big and most especially when that big busi- points against the Mayfair single- versitile athletes produced by en A. A. contrived its victory the Barrons in the year clos- ever the Woodbridge Braves High School this week in ness concerns sports: so it was a thoroughly satisfactory ton and so held their position at ing- tomorrow. Both lads were on Sunday. On one point, how matches concluding an intra- afternoon Tuesday at the Yankee Stadium helping Sam Gioe, John the head of the parade. Both Breckenridge and their Recreation Department staff shepherd 220 teams are unbeaten. cited for three different major ever, there is complete agreement mural tournament organized and sports in the annual statement the edge was a single run, 5-4 township youngsters to the New York-Cleveland League game. Victims of the Raiders were the For the rest, it depended on managed by Jack Stein, of the Hungarian Catholic Club, which of athletes eligible £or varsity school faculty. The game itself, as it happened, was a minor classic: Red Ruf- insignia. - _ whether you talked to Charlie Bob Sail fing's four-hit, 3-0 victory over Mel Harder being- an eminently enter- accepted a 7-2 reverse, and the In- John Korzowski Kish, cKieftan of Sewaren's Miller had the easier time in taining work of art. There were perhaps four thousand cash custo- ternationals, pummelled by 13-2. Under a plan introduced this "" 1933 Eastern speed king, The Mayfairs also shelled the Hun- year, only one varsity letter wall" - forces, or to Geza Poehek, who shown above, will make his mers present for the affair—not very many. There were also per- experts for the Braves. establishing his supremacy as he haps eight thousand whistling-, howling, munching, spitball-throwing garians but had a difficult time of be awarded to any one athlete bat first appearance of the 1937 defeated Walter Merwin, his op- youngsters there1—which, it seems to me, is a very great many, it before a large sixth inning gave BELMEnA success in other1 sports will -be Sewaren, for example, would campaign Saturday at the ponent in the finals, by 6-3,. 6-0, indeed. them a 13-9 victory. Until the marked by adding additional holt- have the innocent bystander, be- Langhorne Speedway. sixth, when they compiled eight or stripes to the single letter baek-t - lieve it won despite five errors, Mounted in a new Miller, while Miss Minsky was forced into The day was thrilling for our local boys and girls above and FLOREKHEREAGAIN beyond the game itself. Even as near a spectacle as the General runs, the Hungarians were in front ground. Melvin Anaeker, Josejih^ outhitting the Braves 10-5. But Sail has regained his winning a deuced second set before van- by 9-4. Gyenes, Eugene Leahy, Waltej?* * ~" the losers insist the errors were ways, and he is expected to Motors plant in Linden was a vast novelty for some of the small folk quishing Dorothy Ryan, 6-2, 8-6. so the impact of such affairs as the Pulaski Skyway, the Washington In the other games played in Legion Tackles Club Which Merwin, James Gyurics and Har- even—at two apiece—and that cut a big figure. In the quarter-finals, Miller ad- riet Killenberger all will receive they really were only two hits Bridge, the solid concrete pile of the Stadium itself need not be Woodbridge, the third-place Kelly Had 2-0 Lead In 4A double honors'. under the Sewaren total of nine. vanced on a bye while Paul Cho- described in much detail. Because the league match itself turned All-Stars snatched a nicely played The whole affair should serve van won on Joe Roshal's forefeit. into a fine demonstration of strictly professional baseball at its best, 4-2 engagement from the Wolnies. Fortnight Ago Twenty players and a manager as a horrible example of independ- Miller won the semi-final duel by all the other never-to-be-forgotten sights of the day were ornaments Al Leffler, Barnes and Elek were ruled eligible for football ent scorers failing to check their 6-4, 6-1. In the other half of draped around baseball. And that was veiy nice for all concerned— were the home-run hitters in the LOSE TO SOUTH RIVER letters, the highest number in any individual opinions of disputed the bracket, Merwin eliminated the boys and.girls and the Yankees' business office partciularly. league during the week. Jaeger sport. Track produced ten letter— . plays after every game. ). 3 LOOP Conrad Schrimpee, 6-2, 6-3, after How many of the 8,000 ecstatic young people invited there as of the Mayfairs and Wally Sze- WOODBEIDGE—F o r t - winners and a manager, baseball To Play Again defeating Dave Lush, 6-2, 6-4. guests of Colonel Ruppert will one day return, many fold, the loaf wezyk (pronounce it: Sefcheek) night ago, Wild Bill Mesick, nine and one, basketball eight arid of the Raiders were the most ef- sometimes ..known as The one, archery six and there were More immediately important is Victories .Over .Cyclones Schrinipe had won his place with of bread thus cast on the waters is probably a problem for actuaries eight cheer leaders honored. the agreement to play another a 6-4, 6-4 conquest of John Klug. or other reasonably expert figurer-outers. Perhaps a hundred is too fective pitchers, each with eight Monk, imported Helmetta game between the two township • And Jo-Jo's Mean Top Miss Grow In Semis small an estimate of the number who will become paying patrons of strikeouts. In the four games, and a very flashy hurler 30 Jay Vees Honored brigades, though not at once. The league baseball twenty years hence. Perhaps a thousand is too large there were 72 safe hits, which named Florek to provide op- In addition, certificates- will be _L -. Of Intermediates Miss Minsky's path to first rank- made it tough for the pitchers. position for the Woodbridge Amer- 3 Braves had already committed ing was marked by a 7-5, 6-4 tri- an estimate. The fact is obvious: the honest thrill the Colonial and given thirty junior varsity per-;-^ his staff must still find in providing an unforgettable holdiay for Raiders ican Legion at Grove Street. Op- themselves to a Wonderland Park umph over Betty Ferdinandsen, a Ab R H formers in football, basketball aid "- date at 3 p. m., this Sunday against ALARUES"FALL TO soxlove-set victory over Barbara Grow thousands of youngsters can be fortified by the knowledge that the y. Barcellona, 2b ~ -ill position was precisely what Wild track and class numerals will be i the Ukrainians while Sewaren willj WOODBRIDGE — Victor- Ttiri fr,A fin-il mntPd with Mi«I holiday also creates both an appetite and a market for their own A. Leffler, c 4 3 Bill, the Terror of Fulton Street, awarded to 21 yearling football- _ and tne final contest with Miss product> establishes the glory of • superlative baseball in a number of T, Barcellon.a ss 4 0 1 got. In four innings he got a 2-0 play the Keyport Black Sox, also!jes Qver both thg Jo_jo>s and Ryan. Miss Grow had beaten Pochek, lb 4 1 2 ers. at 3 p. m., but m Sewai-en. Florence Eymundsen, 7-5, 6-2. impressionable minds and neatly maps the route for a return visit. W. Seewzek, p 4 0 0 dose of opposition that gave every Both Korzowski and Leffler " the Cyclones promoted the It was all perfectly swell and g-enerous—and smart. Oberlies.' cf 3 0 0 promise of growing even worse There was some consolation for Miss Ryan eliminated Lucille ***** Montecalvo, 3b 2 1 1 were rewarded for football, base- Poehek and his followers in the Jack, rf 3 1 } than that—until rain fortunately ball and track. Anchor Boys to No. 1 rating Kat-h, 11-0, 6-2, arid then scored 0 0 thumping 15-6 piled up by the by 6-0, 6-0 over Miriam Janderup, Lou Bartha and Bernie Keating In Demand Gyenes, If 3 put a stop to the unseemly proceed- pg in the Woodbridge division ings. Miss Killenberger, the only Braves against the Carteret Sport- who had ousted Doris Henry, 6-2, Totals 31 7 9 doubly-cited girl, was star on the ' ing Club three days- before the', of the Recreation Depart- 7-5. REMEMBER A FEW YEARS AGO when the nearest H. C. C. Last week, the same American Sewaren disaster but the Sunday J merit's Intermediate League this Ab E H championship archery team and a : week Tn street, corner was the automatic, by-nature-ordained desti- Minkler, e 3 1 Legion was licked by St. Mary's cheer-leader. Hour other girls -_ losers nevertheless found time to; - e Jo-Jo's were the prin- Einhorn, lb ; 4 1 1 ci al nation of the graduating high school athlete ? There was Z. Tobak, ss 4 1 2 of South Eiver in a nice 2-1 ex- and one boy, Arthur Kneis, won complani a single decision in the j P sufferers of the period as NIGHT MEET AT much fretting about this unlovely situation, as you may Murtag'h, " p 2 0 0 hibition of stylish - semi-profes- recognition for archery prowess.. " ninth inning they lost not only to the Anchor Dunig'an, 3b :.. 3 0 0 had determined the recall, along- with a confident prediction that if only one or two of Minkler, rf 3 0 0 sional baseball. The winners had The students to receive insig- - result. Boys but also to the Comets, who Speedway Uses Arcs Thurs- the really able youngsters could be persuaded to make the break, B. Toliak, If 3S0 10 1 declared they'd bring Florek nia: The verdict by Vic Hall which thereby split even and held their S. Tobak, cf 3 0 0 day June 24th clutch an opportunity to exploit their talents and get farther away Pueci, • 2 b 3 12 along with them ,but decided to VAItSITY LETTER AWARDSDS., the Woodbridgers didn't like was league record to .500. i from Woodbridge than they could return on foot, a new and happy depend on Borak instead. He did Football a called strike on Porky Poehek, In Hopelawn, the Totals 28 3 7 BJack Sox- The largest crowd of the sea-j precedent wouId be established that would bear very positive fruit very nicely, outpitched the vet- Earl Smith, Eugene Leahy, Albewhwi the Duke's younger brother, which remained undefeated by beleting son is anticipated for the opening j the shape of new, fresh opportunities for nice boys. Green Haiders 220 020 1—7 eran Toby Bartos and, with the Leffler, William Hayden, Edward wa.rrdt V^ —so .you could learn, with dia- the Alarues, 10-2. It was the n p , pp y H. C. C 101 100 0—S Johnston; Fred Leyli, Jolsn I>una, , of the night racing season at Two-base hits B. TobaK; three- help of an error by Tony Barcel- John Bedner, Kenneth: Hclmstsc, grams—prevented the Braves Union Spedeway, off Route 29, I think that almost all of that has already happened. The suc- base hits Z. Tobak, Einhorn, Poehek; lona, was never threatened. ' William Gadek, John Geflek, Domi- the tying and fourth in a row for the Sox, who cesses so recently made by such young men as Frankie Jost, George home runs A. Leffler; struck out by nick Acquila, William Patrick, from picking- up' when the speed plant s giant flood- j Gerek and Qeorge Rusznak—all of them alumni of the same Mesick- Murta-gii 3. by W. Scewzck 6; bases All of this would apparently Julius Komueves, Fred Simonsen, winning runs immediately there- pounded Sherman for six tallies on balls oft" Murtagh 1, off Seewzck Mel Anacker, Louis Wagon iioffer,. in the sixth inning alone. light system is illuminated ThursThurs-' Kirkleski-Benkert coaching—have raised the reputation of Wood- 1; winning- pitcher W. Soewzck; los- add up to a grave "emergency but Ray Voeiker, John KorzowsM, after. . day night, June 24. bridge boys very high indeed. They're at a genuine premium these ing- pitcher Murtagrh. Charles William Mesick asserts Frank Chaplar, James Gyurici, man.-- - Sewaren Early In Lead Although the Jo-Jo's have not ag-er. yet won a game, they managed to The world's largest half-mile days, as witness Lou Bartha and Bernie Keating. this is by no means true and fur- The runs that were really scored speed circuit is equipped with a Green Raiders Track press the league leaders more . Bartha, back' from a notable year at Forked Union Military Ab K H thermore boasts that he is bring- Mel Anacker, Louis Wagenhoffer, - were jammed into the late innings closely than did the Cyclones, who powerful lighting- system which J. Bareellona, 2b 3 2 f. ing Helmetta right back into Grove Joseph Melder, Walter Leffiler, Ber- of the engagement. Sewaren was last summer made it the country's Academy in Virginia, is apparently set for George Washington next A. Leffler, lb S 1 1 nard Christensen, JDominick Montagu " surrendered by 9-3. The Jo-Jo Fall. Alabama is very eager for the stuidy young guard, who also T. Barcellona, ss 2 2 1 Street this week for the express zoli, Mike Rimar,-Edward Trio, Ray "*" the first to register, clicking off uotstanding nocturnal racing cen- •I. Szewczvk, p 1 0 purpose of punching- the . arm, Voeiker, John Korzowski, Wait * score was 7-3 although the Dog- fancies the notion of Colgate. Whatever the special decision, Lou is 3 Merwin, manager. -*• - - one in the fourth, two in the Faces were never in the lead, ter during- the hot spells. The J31ek, If 1 *i right off Mri-: Slbrek: and! 'any- Ire- fifth and two more in the seventh. management, headed by Andy safely sure of a college future and the year in Virginia has done him Gyenes, 3b 2 2 position occupied for two heats by an enormous amount of physical, social and academic good. He W. yzewczyk, c 3 1 1 placements for same' wKoni'the Harriet ' KHlenberger. Muriel - All the Braves' counters came in j the Comets until the Anchorite Watts, decided to shift from af- Meser, ef n 0 Helmettans may dig up. Mesick Simm, Lorna MacCrory, Mary Smithy-- the ninth as Bob Simonsen, win- ternoon to night events until cool- weighs 180 now, has grown up to eight inches over five feet, had a Gutwein. rf 1 l 0 Jean Kreger, Arthur ICneis. --. learned how Saakes was throwing splendid scholastic record and more than held his end on an unbeaten Montecalvo, rf has never quite abandoned the Basketball ,.-— ning his first game in four starts (Continued on Page 3) er weather arrived. 2 0 1 nasty idea that Helmetta had no Joe Gyenes, Anthony Barcellona/" this season, tired a bit, gave up Southern championship team prep school which had an average Totals ii 10 Joseph Barcellona, James Ballinger1J weight of 188 pounds. Internationals right to bust his winning streak Earl Carstensen, Dan Ogden, Walter two safeties and sombrely watched Ab Merwin, Horace Ogdan, manager; R ,H at 20 games three years ag-o. Ven- James Gym-ies. manager 'J5B. his mates mishandle three chances As for 18-year-old Bernard, that sensation at St. Mary's Hig'h S. Scutti, e 3 Yl 1 geance is his, saitb. he, due and —or so the winners reported. The School in Perth Amboy is beginning to see pointed results from the B. Leffler, p . .... •R 0 1 Baseball %in Threat® Crozier, It •>: 0 n enforceable this week. Earl Smith, Eugene Leahy, Albert losers rated all the shots clean universal praise his pitching elicited this Spring. Ruska, 2b r 0 n . Breaks, Says He Leffler, Ray Voeiker, John Korzow- hits. Cassirlv. lb •>,ft n ski, Frank Chaplar, Joe Gyenes, Mel Logan of Brooklyn wrote the boy this week, asking' him to Laing, c. p As for the 2-1 licking, the Le- Michael Karnas, John Pocklembo,. a n n John Ringwood, manager. At any rate, Simonsen had a Playing At Seco Field This Sunday appear at Ebbets Field for a workout with the Dodger batters as Royal, rf i, (i i gionnaires' best master-mind is splendid no-hitter going into the soon as the Brooklyns get back home. And Clarence Rowland had Saakes, 3b 3 0 0 Cheer Leaders Mac rf .. I i I dismissing that with, an airy waf- Harriet Killenberger, Jean Hbo- ninth. Young LeEoy Simonsen AVENE'L—Sunday after- Gyenes, c- 4 already presented the l&d with a note to Charlie Grimm, to be dis- Miller, rf . i i i ture of his hand. Breaks you'll ban, Edward Miller, Doug- Zenobia, was again the climax hitter, his V. Lattiiu/.io, ss 4 played to the Cubs the next time the Chicagoans reach New York. Ken Magyar. Gordau Magyar, Gladys noon, the Buddies Social Club Genovese. It' ----- 3 Totals 22 2 5 hear, and an unfortunate insist- Little, Ellas Pintak. double in the seventh sealing the of Hagaman Heights and Kosi-ne. of - — —- 1 A week-end at Penn was a pleasant experience, William & Mary is Score by innings: ence by the local lads on hitting CERTIFICATE AWARDS decision. Carteret may supply the ans-Mensing-cr. i'b - 2 interested, so is St. Lawrence nad Seton Hall, Holy Cross is a nice Green Raiders 10 10 2 0 x-^13 with two out. Walter Shinn, for Junior Varsity Teams T. Lattiuizio. rf 1 place, Bernie has a sentimental attachment to little Dickinson: a Internationals 0 0 10 1 .0— 2 Football The varying versions of the box wer for the - Woodbridge 131ek, cl' - ^ Two-base hits: J. Barcellona, A. example (a relative of the Shin- score, printed as the aforemen- splendid strategic position for a nice boy still only 18 years old. C. Molnar, J. Boka, T. Petrie, W. Field Club on the Seco dia- 32 11 12 Leffler, Gyenes, B. Leffler; three- sky who played with our boys Launhardt, R. Reilly, E. Staoffer, tioned horrible example: base hits T. Barcellona, W. Szew- J Melder, R. Simonsen, R. Schweit- mond here to their current curios- Poii.-iJi Cadets > Helping him, of course, is the slight fact he was exempt from, cayk; home runs Elek; struck out during- the Penn baseball season) zer. jty if that recently abandoned AB R Hi all final examinations at the school: somethnig- of a guarantee he won't (Continued on Page 2) Basketball AB n H E Dusko. II: - — ... flunk out from college. And the testimony of such fellows as Al (Continued on Page 2) J. Dojcsak, J. Royle, V. Oravsty, Pockleinlm. , losing streak is back with 'em Samuels, ss F. Kraymer, M. Rimar, J. Ssordas, M. Karnas, i' ag-ain. Pulnii-k. ef 4 1 *J Mameaux, who saw him strike out 17 men on a much better Perth L. McCleod, M. Karnas, R. Schwen- Dunn, ss Zambrcmnki, ob 4 1 1 : Amboy High team and so win 3-1, isn't hurting either, nor his nomi- zer, F. Chaplar. „* L. Simon.S. 1! For quite a spell this season, Pin.-holRk.i, lb •1 0 0 Baseball C MnrHs, rf 4 0 0 nation as the best athlete in his school. Blaska's One Hit Pitching Hands S. Tobak, A. Plelegrino, L. Sipos. Jors'or. lb the Lattanzio WFC couldn't win Woieik. c 4 1 0 Bernard still has growing to do, too: the right-handed boy is two E. Bartha, A. Ur, J. Bignorelli, •'&- Miller, i-r at marbles played for fun. Modzelski, 2i> 4-1 1 2 Zuccaro. V. Oravsky, L. Luck, . measures got the club away, fi- Last week there was everywhere genaral rejoicing at the word Iselin Saints Sweeping 13-0 Win FRESH3IAN FOOTBALL [ 37 0 14 that LeEoy Simonsen and Earl Smith had enrolled at Bordentown Totals 5 10 nally, to a seven game streak of Score by inning's: ISELIN—.Indecision sfrill Honeg-ger had a double. P. Pinelli, E. Bartha, J. PenzineK, - success that the Wolnies inter- Sayreville —- --ft 20" n— ft Military Institute, which is coming up on *a new tide of concentration H. Blanks, J. Genovese, V. OrvanskS* - AB Tl 1-1 30 W." F. C - 100 064 x—11 in athletics after ten years of ebbing interest. Young Simonsen is reigned today as to the iden- At this point, the 'Saints have C. Barbatto, A Zullo J. Trosko, "3E~"" , Getjs. :>b rupted in ia Township League Two-biiKc hits: Pulnick. Mortzel- tity of the team to be brought won six in seven starts and are Pellegrino, S. Poehek, G. Wasil^c.' S. Zick. r match. Immediately thereafter, .ski: three-base hits: F. Lattanzio, a universally respected youngster and an increasing-ly valuable N. Postak, L. Elek, A. Zuccaro >T. ". Boka. i-11 - Genove.se. MertTvin, Zambronski. clutch-player. He was a pretty g-ood baseballer in high school and here to face the improving still engagde in strengthening hteir Toth, J. Chordas, J. D'Apolito, J. - Golden, i-f * which would be last Saturday, the Home runs. Mervin. Stolen bases, an awful good footballer. At this point he's much better than that in St. Cecelia baseball squad lineup. The evowed intention of Dubay, E. Martin, R. Jacklin. ""' Koi-si, II" 4 I Lattanzios tried twice in a double- Voeiker 2. Mervin 3. Lel'l on bases, I the club's sponsors, including the Scutti. i-r -! 1 W. F. C, '4: Polish Cadets. S. Struck both rackets and his fine manners are uncnanged. this Sunday but the fact Stumpli. 1b •I 1 header with the Carteret Social out by Golden 2. by Voeiker 4, by ** could create little uncertainty Rev. William Brennan 'Of St. Ce- .Jegienski, S " 0 Club and succeeded in earning Li. Morris 4. by Blasky 1; bases on j abut the probable result—if the celie and Pitzpa trick, coach at Six-Toed Dog Wins Prize • h 'I 1 nothing more than a double lick- balls off Golden 1, nil' Voeiker 1, off; Report On The High School Sports South River, is to produce the J. Zi.-k. p. .'! I) L. Morris 0, off .Blasky 1. Hits off! Saints hold the services of Art In Fords Playground Show Fochelt* T 0 ing-. Sunday, to be sure, they got Golden « in ?. 1-:1 innings, off I... Blaska. strongest team in the township, past the Sayreville Polish Cadets Morris, 7 in 4 i-.'i inning's; winning! REPORT: NICK PRISGO is still interested in intra- a goal toward which hte present FORDS: A dog show was held Totals "li 0 1 8 Blaska, former South River Ba Uorl Zk:k in the i)lh. but that was an 11-9 gambling Bial'ky' unipn-es ' aileet" and^'cofr-1 mural boxing next year, although there may be opposition outfit is steadily progressing-. at the Fords Playground Thurs- Score by match in which the Field Club- doVsky. '' ' from school administrators which will have to be argued High School pitching ace secured The lineups: day. Prizes were awarded for-,,; Sewaren A. A. nnn V-o 20x—! bers were usually behind and the for the Iselin team by John Pitz- 1 away. - . Curley A. A. entries by: Largest Dog: fiost^ -"• Braves -Uio Oft" On I — w F . C. (4) patrick, pitched sensational base- result of which migiit have been AB R That should not be difficult—if the school proposes to continue Ab R, H E Robert Egan, 2nd. George J*i^-,\' Eases on b;ills olT Siirionseri :l .t F. Golden, ab 0 ball here last Sunday in stopping Grinsted, If - 4 0 0 8 B. Zick. Ivocsi. .l Htt'll .: 4 ihterscholastic football on its sports program, there can't be much Dernoag, 2b 4 0 0 0 ques; Smallest Bog: first, Gloi * Zicby:k SitT-onse4: two nbase hitsZk-:k L.1 Simonsen; . j quite different if they had gone Miickoy, ss .... 0' the Curley A. A. of Newark with Kreie, lb 4 0 10 Sunshine, 2nd. Doris Perry; bases: SeTvaren . Braves Mervin. lb Z3.".^ZZr 4 1 sensible attack on boxing. A soccer ball has been purchased, which ths regulation nine innings. Voolker, p 1 is at least a beginning- in the direction of establishing that grand game a single hit. The Saints mean- Schnautter, p — 4 0 0 0 Comical: Joyce Kratzy; Most Game Abbreviated (ryenes, v- ...... •> while, jammed over 13 runs but Rollo, ss —-..: 4 0 0 1 usual: -.first, Virginia Bonalskjy ^ BRAVES A. C. Genovese. it' .. 0 as a major sport. Smith, ef _ 3 0 0 0 Ab R As it happened, Sayreville had only one of those counters was Burns, 3b —- 3 0 0 0 (who entered a dog that has six Poehek, cf 0 The school is also definitely hopeful of a whamming financial Burr, c - —- 2 0 0 0 Getz 3 b asked that the game be held to Merwin, 2b .... 4 0 needed as Blaska was never in toes on one of Ms hind feet), 2nd. Sziek. e .. .1. Lattanzio, 0 success with three night football games next Fall; if that success Hess, rf .- I..-. 3 0 0 0 Golden, el' .. seven frames and the Field Club rj: 3 difficulty. Julius Zsoey, who entered a dog Koesi, If. .. happened to be ahead at that point. ; materializes, it should solve many problems. The opponents at night Only in the fourth when Kreie SI 0 1 1 who had the lnogest ears; Most Seutti. rf .. 31 will be New Brunswick, Paterson and Manasqnan. Totals Stumph. lb. .11 There were 27 hits in the ball- Cartere! Social dull <:>) reached him for a single did the Troublesome: Joe Hoff. Pedigreed •leg'ienski. s.< * j game, of which total the losing Zimmermen. It Tennis, I think, should be re-established by Jack Stein next mound star waver. Three other St. Cecelia B. B. C. dogs which won first prizes wete MuvlRgh, 3d J I Cadets had 14. Both Frank Gold- Kins', p. ;; Spring. The young organist, German teacher and tennis nut has Ab R H E Boka. '"r-r A. Viras', of men got on base, two on errors Blyth, cf , 1 owned by Dora Melder and Anna ijen and Kay Voeiker pitched for M. Viras'. c ij done a grand job with his hurriedly arranged tournament this month. and another on an error. From Barcellona, 3b — 3 Serda. The judge was Samuel J. Ziek. 11. (i | the winners. Voeiker getting Pisar, vi" -.- Burger, ss — 1 uel Gotlerstad, 3b | | And track will be more firmly based than ever if this new County the third inning on there was lit- H-upp, lb . 2 Gioe, Municipal Recreation Super- 61 credit for the victory, as Golden Kaloon. ss [ j coaches' association keeps plugging and wipes out some of the casual tle reason for so superlative a Rondesko, If 5 0 visor. ~7jwas removed in the fourth. Hawi.-han. If) — ) I indifference to the proper maintenance of the sport that has stifled Blaska, p A. A. Baska, 2b showing as six runs in the third Raphael, rf Thuisday at 7 p. m. a pet sh- Ab | TJiis game was won in the sixth ') its growth. had given the Saints a 9-0 lead. McCarthy, 2b ...... r Foeiemh 4 •will be hold at the Playgrour? rf R H wheteedn ofthf eagains townshit pMorri elans suddenlto catcyh 3G Honesger, o M. Karnas, i] 4 u '| . Incidentally, I should dearly like to see a Fall cross-country Blaska kept bearing down any- Lambert, cf under the supei vision of Mrs. Dunn, K.S 21 six runs and wipe out a 6-1 defi- ~w'.LV\ec.3~....i.n.!!->.T! 1121) ooo no (' aquad sponsored here. It costs nothing whatsoever for uniforms, way and came out of the engage- Mane Stephme A class in clay L. S i i n m o 11 s o n. IE - ^jcit. It was all solid slugging, too: Carteret s. C. no 200 oooi—a! shoes, course, officials. All that happens is that boys interested in ment with a thoroughly spectacu- Totals IJ 2 -7. Karnns. Mb ggg, 1 n and soap modeling will be held at Jiiser. lb o three triples and four singles. vHeT'threp-baK ir'liiK" rTy«ie"', 'Kin™"' running or interested in getting- into top'physical shape line up outside lar performance. Curler A. A..T...... ooo eoo ooo— o the playground every Wednesdayi Anderson, rl i Saint Cecelia _' 1"6 003 0 The lineups: home t-uns, Gyenos. Kins', icaiooh!;'the school, somebody says 'go' and snaps a Watch, the lads run two Two Hit Triples \—1' afternoon from 1-3 p. m. l.oekie. <: W. P. c. (11) basTwo-base hits Paippe hit, sRaphae Honegg-el stiu

threw them up for the Comets, Only Stumph, who solved Kramer Another came in the seventh when S. Zii-k, 2b* :..... 5 1 -2 Miislueli, 0 0 0 0 Horse-shoe, Quoit Tourneys PET SHOW TUESDAY Golden., cf - [> 2 1 i o :i 12 i who did not seal their one-run win for two hits, was at all effective Sislo's grounder to Tony Barcel- Kocsi, ]i -j 0 l> fo 5tor£ Soon IK Keasbey until the last half of the last (Continued jrom Sport Page) lona was mishandled. Tony's wild Sruiii. ri' -.- a 1 ;i 0 Dogs Not Eligible For Entry i ] inning when they finished with two for the losers. was one of the four hitters who throw to first permitting- the hit- •s u m] Ii 11 1 b\ nunnq^ KEASBEY—A playground horse Hopelawn A. A. upset Switzer's Ii Dlf>nsl 1 ss, A. ( counteis. . • found Borak for base-knocks. His ter to take second. Then Waran- At Playground P II lie] s 3 i) ^ r In5 shoe and quoits tournament will Byletkie, Fitzpatriek, and. the 1 odn lit Sweepers in the other league en- was a handsome triple smitten owicz singled and the ball game Muitl-.li _b 4 I 4 I) get under way as soon as school two Simkme boys all collected two gagement. The figures were 8 with nobody on, two out and noth- was lost. WOODBRIDGE—Tuesday i pet nt l baseknoeks apiece. " Keating Mound Choice " 1 ] -1 i \ H niL l nns ^ /itl 1 -, I closes. Awards will be made to and 3. Kozma hit a home run inine scheduled to happen as a re- show will be held at the Wuod SI 1 n I IMS 1 ) In n < i < 'the •winners. Among new fea- The lineups: , ' sult. Bartos held St. Mary's to four bridge playground, under the su ip CIHI> , iI Li II 111] ]l 1S< s J I 1 ' s Buddies A. C. that otee. safe blows in. al, Baranowski and \b T HPo 1 o elnl> i MI IJ• 1 ml In 1 tures on the playground is a can- Ab R H The only Woodbridge run was perviaion of Miss Cora Houbei ( jnibi lb 4 10 7 II 0 tiVitlu 1 i . I las 1 1 The lineups: Bi-usto-vski getting the other two. 10 11 1 n 1 Bis s JII 1 ills ill copied sand-box and the introduc- Rylet-kie 0b . i "0 ' 1 concocted simply enough: in the II L^ n p s^ fatnt lv, 31 „ Bomltefs Toby fanned six, walked two, All pets, with the exceptions of 7 tl nl liskl It 0 (I 1 0 0 1 uVtellVl l kl 1 oil r si- Hi tion of shuffle board. <_ uffi'prla, lb Ab R H eighth King singled and Barcel- threw one skyball and otherwise 4 . 0 M isluc Ii in _ innings ifl I f'ulsan c •i 11 ICatransky, c _• : I)' (I lona doubled. That was all and dogs, will be eligible. t 0 1 - - is uui-,s ill 1 i L m 1 i - Registrations will be taken dur- I) 1" 4 II m^s n j] l-=l „ in _ ji i i inn. 21) " 1 -i 2 J. Sabo, 2b -—-- — .-.-• it wasn't enough. behaved with fair propriety. A tournament in shuffle boiid \1 / ing' the next week for all children Il.Kl^k ss 3.1 2 J. Wag-enboffer, rf :...... I) Young Bernard Keating will T^ limiiio ] il i, i K i 1 -me \ •who "wish to enter the clay and Ihui'Auo, i\ 3 1 U Glott, ss —..: '.' Four innings before that Boiak will be conducted at the P!iy \1 11 < 1 _' 1 (i i i MjsUi Ji i muii, I nit s K Ui lto]ami rL 1.0 (I J. Katransky, lb - start for Mesiek this week with ground beginning June 2sth soap modeling classes to be held at Trui'M UI. ri . Klein, 3b :...... :..:.- had been presented with the "bulge •i 0 (I in the game when -Bara's two- Toby, of course, prepared to Children wishing to enter should the playgrounds throughout the ] 'i Pulp, p . a ii k L,. Wagenbotter, If _. hurry out there if an emerg-eney Township. Reiner, cf bagger followed Steve Baranow- register during the next week 20 6 V Toth, p •.: .• - ski's walk. That was one rund-evelopes—a. s Mesiek is guaran- Bad Boys teeing- it won't. A sand modeling contest will Ab R ,H Totals 23 (I 2 be held on June 21st. A class in Kuccara, If .411 Royals The figures no the defeat: - SEMIOR LEAGUE T Sim one e "J 0 i 0 Ab R H Totals 4..— 25 S ( St. Mary's <^) clay and soap modeling will be M ^nnunp, cf 3 fl i 2"B. Matnsz." 2b 2 3 1 Score by innings: Ab R H Po A E held every Wednesday afternoon {Continued from Sport Page) L ntif-so, ps . 2 10 Fischer, If 4 (I Swilzpfe .Sweeper 100 200 0—3J. Barancwski, 2b .. 4 0 1 2 3 0 l>v fei'XTt zvk S, by Lefflre 5. bas-e^ AT. PelHnno, 3b 2 0 I 0 jr. MatuSK, ss 'A 1 Hopelawn A. Al's UBO 0110 2—8S. Barano'wski, c{ ..310510 from 1-3 p. m. on Vial Is frlf Rzewe/vk i, off Lr filer J. >I. Ooppdlo, lb 0 Anderson, 3b 0 o Homo run.'; F. Kozma, Bara, lb 4 0 15 10 hit by pitther liv Lefflei 'i, wowing P. T.arbato lb 0 Whitney, lb ...: 1 i Brustowski, If ——.. 4 0 10 0 0 HIGHEST QUALITY FOR EVERY Iiitther Scevrtzyk; losing piicliei H Him 2 0 0 Stanky, p , 2 f) 1 Sedor, c 3 12 Slaski, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 (Continued front Sport Page) Kell? A, S, Simon, ss 0 Wolak, e 3 0 0 11 0 1 Boka for Golden in Otb inning Ab n Totals .26 2 ! 5 Totals 20 1(1 l>e Parlo, Hln .... 0 1 Borak, p -3 0 0 1 2 0 Poclick for .1. -Kick in 9tb inning •1 Srme by innings. Score tiy innings: Korczowski, 2b 0 fl Score by innings: Zainlin, p . 0 0 TlU'ldips A C 121 020 X^-CBombers 000 000 0— 0 Mohary. cf 0 0 32 2 4 27 9 1 Braved A'-G- 000 000 00 1—4 PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE KOCM cf. 3 ] Uad Bo\& 011 000 fl-l-2 Royals 030 020 x— 5 Adams, lb 0 0 Lesion <1 > Sewaren A. A. 000 320 -IK— 0 2 Tirn-Jiase hits T Simone, three- Two base hits J, Matusz, Buehko. Kozma, If „ 1 0 Ab R H Po A B Two base bits: L. Simonson Km si iarnt"=!. t'.b 1 1 base ints 2urfaro, IVI Simone; ]iorhe Gripb, rf 1 1 Mitroka, ss 4 0 0 12 0 S. Kick, Jegienski; stolen 1 ises Sabo, Jb 0 1 tuns HatUh, sliurk out by l>a Prile A. Bareellona. If .. 3 0 1 ii 2 0 Murtagh. Stumpli, Betz, Je^knsl i Tula?, lb 0 (i 7, liv <'up]jalo 1, liases on balls off; Ab R H Totals •Leaky, lb 3 (I 0 S 0 0 MiNer; left on bases: Braves S Se tTr, 2f . I) 1 ]>a Pule 1, oft Coppalo 3. bits off Da .Ttirasko, p . 4 2 2 Kinny, . e 4 0 0 0 0 Q waren 7; struck out by: J. Znk 3 Viilia£,, ri" 0 0 Pule 7 m •> mningi, off Cappalo-.7 'in Sebesky, 2b . . 4 0 0 Ab R H Shinn, rf : 4 0 10 0 0 Simonson, 5: bases on balls—ott J Tiepak, rl (I 0 S innings, •ninninq' pitcher Da Prile'; KbnoWitz, lb 0 2 Zboyon, 3b . 3 0 0 Delaney, ef 3 0 0 2 0 0 Zick 4, off Simonson 1: 3iit li\ pit h lo^ma, pitrhrr A. Coppalo, umpire Stanko, ef _ 0 (I Demko, ss . 3 0 0 T. Barcellona, 3b 3 0 0 2 4 l er—by Simonson—Getx; \sininn-. New Eiunswick Ave COMPANY RAHWAY, N J Totals . . JG 1 10 Ivan, rf , 0 0 Curtis, 2b . 0 0 King, 2b 3 11 3 1 0 Ditcher, Simonson, losing pitfhci J Cyrus, It" -. 0 0 Lel'ty, r-C ... :; o o Bartos, p a 0 1 0 1 0 Zick; umpire. Vici Plall. Phone R .h 7-1263 — Night Phone Rah 7-0424-E, \) Ab Tl H Dudasb, ?>b . 1 1 Seosky. rf ... o o *Cassidy, 9th 10 0 0 0 0 Hraves B Welter, lb .412 Comets Stumph, lb Ab R ,H Rhode, ss 1 i o 2 Ab n n Po \ JZ Afesar, rl . _ :; II j : Bartha, c 1 1 Puskas, If . 3 0 0. 31 • 1 4 27 10 1 Demltis. Jb 4 0 ; 1 Get' "h 12 2 1 ... .; o o Do Polito c 2 1 Copperwat, c ...— Domiriik. c 2 (I 0 •Cassidy for Leahy in Sth. ICiviI-s, ' t. t Pavlik. p ... 3 0 (I V.< n Vennllo, if . 3 1 2 0 1 Score by innings: Slesaros, If .SOU 4 2 2 Totals 0 fl 10 St. Mary's 000 100 100—2 SVutti ss .. •! n i Totals .... 24 0 3 Legion 000 000 OKI—1 Mega, 2b 1 Zullo, If" 2 0 1 Beete's Barflies j 'j 0 0 f'lapnlito, 2b 4-0 0 Ab R H Score by innings: Two-base hits: A. Barcellona, Ba- T. AVf iter, ft . ill Basili's Market T: . ... 100 030 0—4ra; three-base hits, Shinn. stolen > P ritypafri<.k. p 3 0 2 Murphy, ss hanluio. rl - - 2 10 Dominick, c Beefe's Barllies (100 000 0—0bases, Bartso: left on bases. Legion Two-base hits Kramer. 4, St. Mary's 4. Struck out by Bartos 27 a \ iliilv. Tb 2 0 0 Curtis, 2b .... Totals 10 Zullo, p 1 0,1 Stumph, lb ; C. by Borak 10: bases on balls of£ SLOIU by innings BartoZs 2. off Borak 2. Wild pitches. K> Uv All Star B'emko, p',..-i on n_'o x—4 Totals : Zookan, 3b Bartos. Umpires, Smoyak, Oleson. •ffl 002 000 0— .29 6 9 League Schedules Bail Puskas, cf ... Monday, .Ftine. 21st Two-nose Juts* Ala-\er. Jvoi si Ab E H Cbsky, If .. three-ba.se hits Sabo, home runs Beef, rf .... Dux v.s Hungarian C C. Barnes. stnu k out bv Z.tmbo r>, b\ Ramblers v.s Cyclones ISELIN PLANS LEAGUES 1 4 0 Onko« "I. bases on bills un Z.imliu I'leesdny. .lime -^ml 1, of] Onkos 2, flnuim^ ]im her N. Pelioi mo p 3 0 Totals 28 0 6 Mnyfair vs Kelly All Stfira- Zaffibu, losing pitt liei Onkus- T HJPH (IJIP, i i 1 Score by innings: Krod'.s Tavern vs Busters Girls Play On Mondays; V bnneone, It Highlanders- ...... „_• 100 030 2— (i Keasbey Highlanders vs Hope- Ab n II 7, Zuicno, Jb 3 1 Beefe's Barflies ..__„...-.- 300 020 0— 5 lawn Sweepers Fourth Team Files B. C. U Hut if 4 0 Honii3 runs Stomphy Curtis. ~We 1 Kridtty, .June ^5th ball League which begins Tuesday. H. C. CJ. bv JD Znllo G; bases on balls off E. Bartha, e ....'.i ..*:":^i. 3 0 Wolniesvs Internationals Ab R H Zullo '!, off N. Pellgrino 4; hit' by V 4U .Sii I iirilii?-. .Itme 2<>tli M. Mmlder, r 1 2 :; pitilicr. bv N Pellgrmo Joe Zullo; Totals" S !) Ma^wbey Heights vs Dukes —Classified Ads. Bring Results— lilts olt Pitzpatrirk 2 in J innings, Fee's Confectionery XHtiugun, 2b .41] r Drip or Percolator—Vacuuni Packed 1-Ib can/" oft R Zullo , m 3 innings, off N: Ab LARGE U. S. #1 NEW Muriagh, 3b 1 2 1 B. Minklpr, si 0 (I I'pllgrino 7 m *) innings, winning Petersak, rf 4 Z. Tobak, 11 .. pitcher E Zullo losing pitcher N. D. Fee, 3b Pin r>i p .._ reUt,iin«i; umpire James Yernillo. Fullerton-, lb No one else need know about 0 S. Tokak, rf . J. Parsler, 2b s Emliorn, of ROYALS TAKE Stark, c B. Crailv, lb Cheega, p 4 fl I) Sth IN ROW C. Fee, ef FANCY WINESAP FOEDS—Principally because of Bertram, ss'. Totalr 3f 9 12 Bambaeh, If-. LOAN Hrnro b"\ innings" Stanky's shrewd mound work, the Mavfair B. C. . 000 22S 1—1". undefeated leadership of the Fard¥ Totals ::i) fl 17 H (', C. 102 240 0— 'I Score by innings: Two-base lilts Minkl^r 2, Tobak, on your OWN signature Royals in the Hopelawn-Keasbey- Highlanders ••„'. 240 002 00— S fHmn, Zpnobia, Hai; three base hits Fee's Confectionery.- 200 noi 111— 0 Jlunigan Puci i. struck our by Fords Senior Baseball League was '• (HUSBAND AND WIFE SIGN TOGETHER) JUICY CALIF. ASSORTED FLAVORS ."laesfer S, liv Purci ?: bases on balls never threatened by the Bombers off Jaeprer 2, off Pucci fi; winning Sweepers pitcher Jaeger, losing pic t her Put c-i. this week in a 5-0 malee which Ab R H No inquiries made of employer, friends, was the Eoyals' fifth league tri- Gaspar, ss ''.'..' 0 BUDDIES REMAIN Bosze, 11) 4 or relatives. Private consultation rooms. umph in five league starts. Switzer, p-.i.i:;.: l 0 1. GOLDEN RIPE NBEATE;N LEADERS Stanky chained the Bombers to ICamm, cf 3 0 0 Moag, r. •,...--,.-..:... _ 3 PORT BEADING —Those Bad two singles—by Sabo and Wagen- Prypylow, 3b 3 Boys, sponsored by Fred's Tavern, hoffer—and gave his pals plenty Sabo, 2b 3 Sutch, If _ 3 SEHOLD FINANCE miore than Justified their own fo chance to snipe at Toth. He Remer, rf 3 chosen monicker this week. They himself clipped Toth for one of the CRISP HOME GROWN Totals :: 27 FINEST QUALITY were bad indeed, so bad that both Royal's ten hits and helped Buch- • • : '" A, A.'s the Comets and the Buddies licked ko get one of the five runs which Ab R H Perth Amboy National Bank Building, Sixth Floor Vild, lb 4 'em. The win by the Buddies was won the game. Rader, cf 4 1 2 313 State St., Cor. New Brunswick Ave., Perth Amboy especially important as it left that The Highlanders ari*d the Bar 1 ] Telephone: PErth Amboy 4-3663 Pollack, ss ;i 1 0 NEW GREEN stellar Hagaman Heights outfit in Flies were the only squads to seeJ. Sitnon,, If ' License No. 691 S. Simon, 3b 0 1 l complete command of the situa- (I 0 Monthly charge 2 /z% on unpaid balances action twice. Results varied as Koczan, c ...: LOCALLY MANAGED OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES tion: unbeaten in three starts and the lowly Bar Flies succumbed M. Sabo, rf 1 1 HERSHEY'S Binder, 2b 2 (I Hear EDGAR A. GUEST Tuesdays, NBC. with no prospective conqueror on after a determined 6-5 struggle Kosma, p 0 1 the immediate horizon. but the Highlanders' attempt to 2 1 Baprile pitehed fox* the Buddies repeat against Fee's Confectionery and had a comparatively easy failed and the Keasbey soda- time of it. He was touched for jerkers pushed over a run in an • ISM single runs in the second and third extra mning to click ^by 9-8. As ASSORTED but never trailed, held the losers to for the Bar Flies, they could Qo Cash for HARD RIPE five hits and deceived seven of nothing against Joe Bagdi's Mar- them on third strikes. Fitzpatrick keters and lost a 4-0 decision. Except Clam Chowder, Consomme, Cliicken Guiiibo and Two Assorted JELLIES


A Pure Vegetable Shortening ORANGE PEKOE, PEKOE AS l-Ib. canCJc -- l/a-Ib. *)



AN EDUCATOR PRODUCT SUITS - TOPCOATS 4 toiSJJbs. And DRESSES FRESH'CHOPPED (WOOLEN) 1 OR 2 PIECES Reg. Size Can Beautifully HE extra shade of parchment will do when you want to use the DRY p 1A WASHING FLUID CLEANED Tlamp out on the porch. You need just as good light when you , clilffon velvet and BEVERAGES eiiiiiu eoTrns slisrhtly lilsriier. read out there as when you are in the house. This lamp has the ALL FLAVORS, Large Bottle Plus Deposit NECKTIES MEN'S HATS approval of the Illuminating Engineering Society because it com- DRY CLEANED AND CLEANED ' PRESSED f* t AND BLOCKED bines the principles of good lighting. Why not get it now while we are making this special offer—lamp and two shades $7.95 cash? Meadow Farm or Tulip Country Roll Creamery STATEN Cmh& Small carrying charge if you buy on terms. j SWISS ISLAND Carry BUTTER CHEESE 76 MAIN SI WdODBRIDGE GOOD LUCK 572 Roosevelt Ave., CARTERET 1470 MAIN ST. II East Elizabeth Ave. 288 HOBART ST., Oleomar- Rahway Linden Perth Amboy A-5357 garine

\ f

WOODBBIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1937 SECOND SECTION. PAGE THREE ANCHOR BOYS Cyclones DIRECT SAVINGS Petro Fans 11 At Nutley Ab B H WHITE OWLS STAYl ZULLO GIVES PORTS {Continued from Sport Page) Mihalko, If 4 1 1 As White Owls Get 3-3 Tie G. Gyenes, ss —- 4 11 IN MILLINERY them and climbed aboard for sixBernard, c 3 0 2 Saakes, T> .• 4 0 0 Buy Direct From IN VAN OFJUNIORS WOODBRIDGE—Vic Sherman's GMMMARJMADEM runs in the third. Fredericks, 2b 3 0 0 The Factory and White Owls played a 3-3 tie with Gulics, 3b 110 BINGO Ward Fans 23 the Nutley Jabba-Jabbas at Nut- Van" Dalen, lb 3 0 0 Butth Cracks And Keasbey When the two losers met, theMesar, of 3 0, 2 Cyclones' 6-4 Reverse, 1st ey, Sunday. The Owls %iscov- Comets got an early advantage, F. Gyenes, ri a 0 0 01 Year, Lifts Birds :eed their opponents to be entirely Drops 4-1 Decision lost it in the third and regained Totals 27 3 S EVERY iut of their age and weight class it in the fifth. The final count was Score by innings: New Spring HATS Into Sunberth }ut played fine ball against super- In Title Shot 7-4 with Csordos, who pounded Anchor Boys _ 006 102 0—9 iro poposition. Petro, Woodbridge out three extra base hits in.three Cyclones 200 001 0—3 MONDAY NIGHT WOODBRIDGE—(Victory hurler, struck out 11 of the Nutley PORT READING—Ernest Two-base hits Mihalko, Mesar, trials against Ward, the hero. Monteealvo; struck out by Schwenz- by 6-4 over the Cyclones team. Zullo's .thoroughly-finished Ward struck out ten, a total sur- . 12, by Bernard 9, by Saakes 5; AT 8:30 SHARP The lineups: passed by Montecalvo with 13 andbases on balls off Schwenzer 3, off Monday still held the White no-hit pitching in the gram- Barnard 2, off Saakes 8; winning IN O'lVlM Schwenzer with 12. Ward 'him- Ab K H mar school league champion- pitcher Schwenzer; losing pitcher Owls at the top of the Wood- Vr. If 4 0 0 self got a dozen of the Anchor Saakes. Heg-edus, rf 10 0 ship finale against Keasbey Boys on strikes in his other start. bridge Junior Baseball Geis, lb 3 0 1 Black Sox Hats Made to Order $1.00 league today. The defeat Sabo, 3b j 0 (I —won by Port Reading 4-1 The iineups: Ab R H Ferraro, o U 0 0 —more than justified enthusiastic Anchor Boys Kluj. ss :.... 12 0 ST. JAMES'AUDITORIUM was the first the Cyclones have S. Lomonico, cf 110 Ab R H P. Dinelli, cf 4 11 BEE BEE HAT CO. Sipos*, 2b 3 2 0 praise showered on the local young- Tioj-al. 2b — 2 10 Cipo, 3b 2 2 0 S7 Smith Street, PERTH AIIBU1 uffered this year and left the Molnar, ss 2 0 1 ster throughout teh season not ±-nlnn, 2 b Ill Paszwski, If 4 0 1 111 Park Avenue, PIiAlNFIEM) F. Lomonito. 3b 2 10 Johnson, lb 4 12 Amboy Ave. Woodbridge 1050 Centre Street, ORANGE Owls, viho had previously licked only by James Vernillo, the win-Carstesen, lb 3 10 SzurKo, rf 2 0 0 ICarwas, ss 2 10 P. Pinelli, e . 3 12 Mawbey Heights ni a wild 12-9Petro, p 4 0 1 ners' coach, but by baseball fol- Montecalvo, p , 3 11 Kramer, 2b 3 10 lowers of the whole community. Scliwenzer, c 4 11 OravskI, p '3 0 0 am session, the only all-winning Totals 29 3 3 Miller, cw a 0 0 Silenski, rf 3-2 1 22 GAMES FOR 40c Jahhas Given care and the proper train- Dubay. If -3-11 EXPERIENCE- :fub in the WPA league. Ab II H nig, young'Zullo looks every inch 11. Giliis, 3b . 3 0 0 Totals -.... 27 10 7 NOT EXPERIMENTS Duseak outpitehed Frankie Gy- Tusnignol, ss 5521 a sen&ytional pitcher four years MacHeriny. ri' 1 0.0 Alarucs Iverr, 3b 5 u o Zcnobia, r£ ..-. 10 0 Ab R H Having your permanent done by enes to "win for the Owls. He Roller, lb 3 0U away from all-State high school Milchik. ss 2 10 FOUR SPECIAL GAMES a reliable institution like Kaer's, fanned nine, scattered five hits Burger, c —- 5 0 1 rating and perhaps one or two Totals 25 Volmen, 2 b 3 0 1 "curdito, If : 3 0 0 you are assured of highly skill- and walked four. The Cyclones' r Jt> Jo's Sherman, p . 3 0 1 olmer. rf 5 <• 1 years more than that from stature Ab R H Kosip, lb 3 0 0 ed experienced beauticians, the attempt at a rally in the seventh Pegnitorge, cf 3 0 0 as a league thrower. He had Cliristensen. 3b 3 10 Chinchar, 3b 2 0 1 most modern equipment and the and last frame collapsed too quick- olorabino, e£ " 0 0 shutout against Keasbey enter- Colby, 2b .300 Rotella, If 3 0 0 finest solutions. You can get no ly to influence the result although Stuto. 2b . s—- 4 12 s 3 0 0 Nag-y, cf 3 0 0 Taris, p : 3 0 I) ing the last frame but lost it on .301 Dudick, c 3 0 0 Door Prize, $10 [better service, or facilities no Ward, p I matter how much you pay. Un- as late as the sixth inning the Owls poor fielding. Govelitz, 11" .300 Pielly, rf : 2 10 had been in front by only a single Totals 38 3 S Bvrnes, c 3 0 0 I der tap supervision of Mr. Kaer. Hegetius for Gei.s in 7th. Butth, on whom Tony Caciola peAnprlo. lb Totals ..; 24 2 3 counter. F. TjOmonico for Szurko in 7th. of Keasbey had banked heavily, .T. Peterson, It' Black Sox : 310 060 0—10 SUPER-CURLINE lolombino for Pegnitore in 6th. 2 0 VALUABLE PRIZES I STEAM WAVE In ether games, the Avenel Sere by inning's: was uncertain under ,the newH. Peterson, rf Alarues 001 010 0— 2 Indians won an extra-inning 1-0 White Owls 020 (100 100—3 strain of championship play but Totals 26 3 1 Two-base hits P. Pinelli; three- Jabba Jabbas 020 000 010—3 Score bv innings: base hits V. Johnson. verdict from the Ramblers for the Tw base hits: Petro, Volmer; escaped with the loss of only Anchor Boys 203 100 1— 7 honor of capturing the week's home runs: Rtisnignol: left on bases: seven hits and managed to match Jo .Jo's 003 000 I)— 3 White Owls 7. Jabbas 10; struck oxif. Two base hits Schwenzer; struck Zotos Permanent $10 best-played contest and the Dukes by Petro 11. Taris 1U; hit by pitcher: Zullo's record of nine strikeouts out by "Ward 12, by Montecalvo 13; and Deans supplied an extreme by Taris, Lomonico, Molnar, Ferraro, in seven innings. The seven- hits, bases no balls off Ward (j. off Monte- No Machinery No Electricity by Petro. Taris: hits: off Petro S in calvo 0: winning pitcher C. Monte- for comparative purposes by col-9 innings, off Taris. 3 in 9 innings; however, were more than enough calvo: losing pitcher Ward; umpire laborating on a 29-run field day umpires Mihalko, Koscoe. to manufacture the runs Port M. Gutwein. Beauty Shop which the Dukes finally captured Reading- needed. Madison Ave., FertU Amlioy 17-12. GOLDEN WHEEL Zullo Hits Twice Comets I'Jione 4-1110 Zullo himself got two of those Ab Pv H Open Thursday Nights McLaugiilin Brilliant Interest of fans and riders alike Barany. c 3 0 0 hits, including a double while Bi- Syre, *3b 4 1 0 Larry McLaughlin lost the 1-0is centering on Tri-City Stadium Ghaney, If .' 3 11 decision to the Indians despite a in Union for the presentation of zon both singled and tripled. Csordos. cf 3 % a Every Day Is The game ended an involved Elek, rf 3 0 0 three-hit pitching ipc^rformance. the third annual motorcycle racing l'arsliany, P 3 10 His own club found Greschuk for non-championsiuip classic, the system of play in which all nine Dinkins. ss i 12 0 township grammar schools fielded Gurzo, 2b 3 0 1 six singles, including two by theGolden Wheel series, Wednesday Gyreko, lb 2 0 0 * doomed pitcher, but could no' night, June 23. teams. The lineups: Totals 25 7 bunch them. McLaughlin's strike ? The meet offers the biggest cash Vt. Keatlius' Jo-^Fo s Rahway Ave. & Prospect St out effectiveness was spectacular, prizes for any single event except Ab R H Ab R H J( WOODBRIDGE as he had the Indians swinging at M. Santoro, If 4 0 0 Gallagher, ss 3 0 0 the chamjpi'onships, which have Bozon, c .-. 3 12 Kolly, 3b 3 11 FATHER'S ozone all afternoon. been held at Tri-City for three Coppalo 3b 3 0 1 Ward, p 3 1 1 The lineups: - , E. Zullo p 3 12 Byrnes, c 3 0 1 t DANCING years. IJ. Geurro, ss 3 0 0 Govelity, cf 2 11 M SATURDAY and SUNDAY Ramblers F. Zullo. cf 3 0 0 .7. Peterson. If 3 11 Ab It H P. Casale. lb 3 11 De Anglo, lb ....: 2 0 0 NIGHTS Roman, 2b -1 0 11. Simeone, 2b 3 10 H. Peterson, rf 2 0 1 De Joy, cf 4 0 Frankfurter Roast Feature Depolito, rf 3 0 1 McGettigan, 2b 2 0 0 ENTERTAINMENT EVERY L. MuLtuighlin, p -1 0 SATURDAY NIGHT J. McLaughlin, o . ... 3 0 Of Avenel Democrats Party Totals 2S 4 7 Totals 7... 23 4 6 Everett, lr .30 Score bv innings: MUSIC By Biuzo, rf 1 i) At BOND'S Factory AVENEL—A frankfurter roast Ab R H Comets 200 014—7 GEORGE KING tries, ss 3 0 •T. Craniontl, cl' 4 0 0 Jo-Jo's 022 000—4 jw- and His Famous Mayfair ^ Doreey, 3b 3 () featured the picnic held by theFacoerko. If 4 0 0 Two-base hits Csordos 2, Ward; 1* Orchestra * Jordot, ib 3 0 Avenel Progressive Democratic Duneh, ss .. ... 3 0 0 home runs Csordos; struck out by Club in Roosevelt Park. Butth. V 10 0! 0 Yarshany 7, by Ward 10; bases on Tj The Best in Wines, Liquors * Totals 2SS 0 Gamori,, :!b 2 0 0 balls off Yarshany 2, off Ward 3; p- and Food * AveiieJ The committee on arrangements BBartos. lb 2 0 0 winning' pitcher Yarshany; losing Ab R H yuhas, c 2 '0 0 pitcher Ward. "J* Spaghetti Specialty •*' Thompson, lb ' 2 o include E. E. Raymond, transpor- Kreaynah, rf 10 0 C THE "SLICKEST" DANCE* Salvia, H' 3 0 tation; Fred Kayser, grounds; Belko, 2b 10 0 Anchors THE CHANCES are your dad buys his clothes at "K FLOOR in N. J. > G-resehuk, p 3 0 Morris Mytelka, guests; Miss Jean Ab R H Perpino. ef 3 0 Totals 22 1 0 Dubay, If .... 1 * BOND'S FACTORY — because fathers — with their *|C Tel. Woodbridge 8-0862 Kuzmiak, c 3 1 DeYoung, games for children and Score by inning's: Ivarwas. 2b 1' 0 Thompson, ss . . 3 0 William Falkenstern, adult enter- Port Reading 011 001 1—4Molnar. ss •i 1 Giliis. 3b 2 0 Keasbey 000 000 1—1Monteclavo, 3b 3 3 2 financial responsibilities-—must always look for the great- Benyei. rf 2 0 tainment. Two base hits: Znllo; three base Schwenzer, p -4 0 2 Hodle, 2b : 2 0 hits: Bosion: struck out: by E. Zullo Cartensen, lb 3 10 est clothing value money can buy. BOND'S gives you jtist 9; bv Buth !): bases on balls: off E. Bothivell. c ....'....; -10 0 Totals 24 1 THE INDEPENDENT is the Zullo 5, off Buth 6; hit by pitcher: Miller, cf 3 11 that, here at the factory, where retail overhead is elimi- Score by innings: most thoroughly read newspaper by Zullo-Yuhas: hits-off Buth 7 in Royal, rf 2 0 1 Avenel Indians 00(1 t)VO 01 1 7 innings; off E. Zullo, 0 in 7 in- Giliis, rf 10 0 Ramblers 000 000 00 0 circulating in Woodbridge Town- ning's: w'inning^ pitcher. R. Znllo; nated—and BOND CLOTHES are sold direct from the fac- Two-base hits J. McLaughlin; ship. losing' pitcher Butth; umpire, Joe. Totals 2S fl S three-base hits j. Kuzmiak. tory at FACTORY PRICES.

WJiite Owls Ab B. H Hutter, rf ! 3 0 "V"OUR DAD will appreciate a gift from BOND'S large LFILL YOUR BINS NOW! Balog, ss 2 1 Zick, Sb ~* " 3 0 SAVE IS PER CENT Ferraro. cf o I) selection of cool, Summer clothing. Why not bring Trosko, lb 3 3 Behany, 2b 3 1 him in tomorrow—we know we can please him, for the Putchay, If 3 1 "AMERICA'S FINEST" Doos, c 3 0 chances are—he's bought here before! Duseak, p _ 3 0 WOODBRIDGE 8-0012 Totals L'S 6 Cyclones Ab It J-l Seylinski, ]f 110 P. Gyencs, p 1! 1 I A Corset is worthless unless S. Selylinski, of 4 0 " Hussar, 3b .:.. 3 0 1 it is properly fitted, and the suc- Kijak, ]b 3 1 1' Varga, ss 3 0 1 Seasonable Gift Suggestions cess of your clothes is depen- Luck, c 2 0 0 .Sclmere, rl' U 1 0 dent upon the fit of your corset. Totals 24 ~ ~ We are particularly capable Score by innings: Cyclones Jr 012 000 1—I FOR FATHER'S DAY! of giving you fashion's smart- White Owls, Jr 022 002 x >> Two base hits: Belany, Kijak, Hus- est silhouette, whatever your xnr; stz'UL-k out by: Duseak 1). hv 1" Gyenes 1: bases on balls: off fiuv figure type, and regardless of cak 4, off F. Gyenes 1; winniim pitcher Duseak; losing pitcher 1" what you -wish to spend, at Gyenes.

White Owls COTTON SLACKS — Washable . $1.65 The Olga Corset Shop Ab R II Kara, rf 3 1 1 You will find the correct foun- Puscak, 8 b 4 1 I Balooh. ss 3 0 (I FLANNEL TROUSERS — White and Striped . $4.90 dation garment for your parti- Trosko, ]b . Balany. 2b cular figure needs. Pufehay, if Poos. c. L!NEN SUITS — 2 Piece ..... $9,50 273 Madison Avenue, Zick, p 3 1 Sedlak, cf . PERTH AMBOY 2 1 SPORT COATS— Many Models . $10.75 Majestic Theatre Hldg. Totals 25 12 !l Slawbcy II ts. Ab Yi iifius. e . . 5 •' Podich. K 4 •> WHITE POLARTEX-- 2 Piece ...... $10 JO Slilote, 3b ".'I''.'.'.'.'.'".'. 4 1 Toifonbai't. el' 4 IJ OU'VE got hold of a thrilling man- safe security—yes, you've all a man can Mi Laugrlilin. ss .'~."".'."".".'.'." 0 1 size bundle of get-up-and-travel ask in a car and more. TROPICAL WORSTEDS — 2 Trousers . . . $16.45 Pi'lerson. rf 2 » Y Maclia\'. lb . " 1 when you lay hands on the wheel of Teftp-nhnrt. p ".'.".'.'.'..'"'."'.'.'.'. 4 1 But you make a sad and sorry error if Spvg'ins-ki, ss a o this sleek, swift, solid car. Ifc Laughlin, c i Q you hold back because this brilliant WHITE GABARDINE SUITS — 2 Piece . . . $18AS Totals a,) ~a'7j You've got the power to do -what you Buick looks too rich for your budget. Score by innings: will when you press the treadle that The fact is, this great-powered eight, WHITE "SILKSPUN" SUITS —2 Piece . . . $17.45 White Owls omo 200 x—l • MaTVbpv Jits . 7 111 S4n 0 i) bosses this Buick's silk-smooth valve- smooth and steady and ready to thrill, Two base hits: Venerus 2 Dusi-ak tlin>e base hits: Sidote. Beliam in-head straight-eight engine. actually costs less than some cars with Imnip runs: Putc-liay: struck out h\ two fewer cylinders! Zu k 4. by Venerus I. by Teft'enliai t 2: liases on hails: off J5j k 4, off "Vpn- You've a car that sheds punishment 1 c So before you sign on any dotted line THESE PRICES IN EFFECT ONLY AT erii -- 2, off TcffenliHrt H: winning like a mallard sheds rain, so sound and jutcher Ziek; losing: pitcher Teffcji- —get the same facts about Buick!' hart. stout and; husky is this sturdy traveler" BOND'S FACTORY You've got what it takes to own one- Oukcs from its rugged backbone up. Ab ft H why be satisfied with less? Uoyle, L'li 3 1 0 f'nniinerton,. If ..".'.'.'"". 3 v • * * * •- r. BarcpIIona, p 4 » 4 You've certain-sure brakes to keep Hans™, c 4 2 you out of trouble—lullaby springs and TUNE IN! BRADDOCK-LOUIS CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT Hun ley. ss 4 1 BROADCAST BY BUICK H uHer. II. 3 0 cushions to cradle you in comfort—a Hiivter, if June 22nd, N.B.C. Red and Blue Networks- JJiirphy, :j|, 4 2 body that's steel fused with steel for consult your paper for time and stations. Dubay, rf 4 2 Tutals 32 17' 11 Deans Xnmmecs. e. Ab R H Finn, ss BaiiM. if ....;;;..; Keep abreast of town- McKenna. p 4 2 FitK, lb '" 3 1.1 K rolls. 3h ship affairs by reading F. fiyracs, ih CLOTHES* 2 2 1 the INDEPENDENT each Careny." it' '.."' 1 1 II livevetts. c 3 2 I! Remsefi Avenue at Howard Street, New Brunswick, N. J. Friday. Complete news Totals "7 1^ Score by innings- OPEN DAILY 8 A. M. -6 P. M. coverage, forceful editor- Dukes 3S4 (»23_I7 De""K , -•-:-- 304 140—12 two base bits: Hommers. Commer- EVENINGS TUESDAY & THURSDAY 7 TO 9. SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. ials, interesting features lon: three ha.se hits: Murphy 2 Bar- celbma: struck oul : bv McKenna 1" by Barcellona H; bases on balls: off 225-2^7 New Brunswick Ave. Perth Amboy,. N. J. —all yours for 3 c. - SIcKenna 7, off Barcellona 11: win- ning pitcher Barcelloua; losing- pitch- er McKenna..

,±-~ \ f) SiL'CJiONVrAGS PODE FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 103? ODBRIDGE INDEPENDE ultimate decision affects all public em- ployes alike, we frankly say the police A l ,Bor THIS (T S BETTER THAN should certainly be given equal consid- AN UMBRCUA - eration with, school teachers. . . HAT'S JU^TTHC Published Every Friday by FOR ARAfNVOAT' 6€EH OOT ALL DAY* By CHARLES E. GREGORY . WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO. This is particularly true because they H f AfNT tuer yer Woodbridge, N. J. have shown every willingness to co-oper- Paying The Fiddler Telephone, Woodbridge 8-1710 ate while the teachers , have arbitrarily I think it is the rule and practice of the law eo * Subscription $1.50 Per Year relied upon the statutes to force the tax- that the loser in any litigation is required to pay off payers into meeting- their demands re- HUGH WILLIAMSON KELLY, V////A his fun and the trouble and expense he has put to the gardless of their ability to pay the added vants of the taxpayers. Editor and Publisher expense. It must be pointed out, too, the CHARLES E. GREGORY .... Managing Editor I do not know what would have to be done to exi Board of Education has demonstrated a this custom to cases appearing before such quasi-jud: Entered as second-class matter March 13, complete lack of virility in its approach 1913, at the Postoffice at Woodbridge, N. J., forums as the State Board of Public Utility Commissio: under the Act of March 3, 1879. to settling the difficulty. but I believe it is a matter which should receive the e Certainly it was not easy for the ad- attention of the legislature. In the first place, it would k ministration to request its employes to be the solons temporarily away from bartering the peoj content with partial restoration this year good besides minimizing ill-considered causes taking but it did make the request,and the work- time, patience and attention of the citizens' employes ers complied. In so doing they showed a Might Slow Them Botvn Characteristic . loyalty and a regard for the public which In other words, I do not believe the Perth Amboy It wa^s altogether fitting the parish of escaped the teachers- completely. Lig-ht Company would have been quite as ready to re] St. Cecelia's Church, Iselin, should wish to We say they should not be penalized s susie its plea for an upward rate revision 1 his year if it had t fete Rev. William J. Brennan on the fifth for such splendid civic spirit and that if the WO€R TH6 AWNING assessed the cost of hearing a similar plea a year ago anniversary of his assumption of the pas- Board of Education capitulates to the de- iU. 6O OVER have no idea, in dollars and cents, what the State of I torate and it was altogether characteristic mand of the teachers the Township Com- TALK UHTfl H£R Jersey spent in hearing the case but when it is rememl of Father Brennan to decline the honor. mittee should immediately revise its pay- ed that the Commissioners come at §12,000 a piece a j< The church's Holy Name Society wish- roll schedule to avoid discrimination. It is with counsel at a commensurate salary, weeks of ai ed to compliment Father Brennan at a ban- the only fair thing to do, regrettable as it ment and conference would come to a tidy little sum. T quet but he requested that instead of sing- undoubtedly is at this time. to that figure must be added a portion of the overh ling him for recognition the proposed cele- such as rent, light, heat for the days consumed. bration take the form of a community gath- In matters of this nature, .the taxpayers seem to h ering, the proceeds to be devoted, to the Third Ward Politics a double liability. Property-owners in Woodbridge, fund which is being accumulated for a new The Executive Committee of the Third instance, pay local taxes which are used to pay county i church edifice. ' Ward Republican organization could es which in turn are used to pay State taxes and the sa scarcely do less than to endorse Committee- ies of the Board of Public Utility Commissioners. T". Father Brennairs friendships, his in-man Ernest W. Nier for re-election. terests and his efforts extend beyond the along comes the Perth Amboy Gas Light Company wit portals of his own church. In all of his en- ' We think, it would have been base in- rate case requiring the immediate attention of the 1c deavors he has received the co-operation gratitude if the party had neglected to Township Attorney who also is on the payroll of the p of all the people without regard to denomi- make this formal declaration on Mr. Nier's pie. nation and it is safe to assert he can count behalf, merely because a minority group of Further than that, since.rate cases obviously reqi upon the entire community in any' project self-seekers had their hearts set on disrupt- rate experts, the people may be put to the further expe which seeks the advancement of his parish ing the unity and spirit which had been re- of hiring a few in order to safely combat the'utility's and the advancement of Iselin. Father sponsible for his election in two very diffi- gument for higher fare from the passengers. So the til- Brennan has been a true friend of Iselin cult campaigns. Mr. Nier is entitled to the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR tapped for paying the experts. solid support of his party to which during and that his devotion is reciprocated is a WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT. r fidence, there won't be as many of Supposing in the end the gas company's case is foi matter of every-day occurrence. nearly four years in public office he hasSir: ; THE ISDUPESUEXT lias «I- j them as before and everybody to be without merit, as was the case a year ago. The peo given every measure of loyalty, regularity iva>\4 I>'_'eis extremely iiiterexteri Since coming to the Township, Father Congratulations on printing- . in Utters reetMvtnl i'ruju readers j knows that was few enough. If jhave paid for the services of the Board, for the defense and industry. Miss Levi's notable paper on early .commenting? either on the ecli- Brennan has renovated the church, im- ii;^]i MC will cojitiime to ivKIibold correct names on re- and not because they were ward- company's for instance, I believe he should be inquired priest, a citizen and a man. \ • ; should occur in -any political friendship but on eariy Woodbridge. As you no yneKt, ire see no reason why any heelers running around getting doubt know, Mr. Dally is supposed resl*onsil>le citizen exi»ressins" show sufficient financial responsibility to pay all the eo this does not automatically deny the wis- to have had great difficulty per- a i'ranli: ooiuion should particu- people to vote for somebody? That larly want t« aide behind a was a good idea, just like they do if the decision is against him. This would cut down on t dom or the sincerity of the one in a position suading local residents to enter nomine de plume. into a subscription for that work in New York but now all I read demands on the Board and would give it a little time Police Reorganization to make the ultimate decision. and even, so I have been assured, about is raising the salaries and spend on making some surveys and inq[uiries of its own. The Township Committee, it is'general- wouldn't cost anybody any more giving a lot of fancy titles to po- If Mr. Nier chooses to be a candidate hawked the volume from door to money than before and would give .The utility may argue it is entitled to such attenti ly bleieved, .will formally legislate,,a reor- he deserves the unqualified support of the door. This situation certainly no us -some real police protection licemen we now have. longer obtains today! i I'm sure that Chief Keating, a as it may require from the Board on the grounds it pays i ganization of the police department on organization. After all, he acceded to its which is one of the things I'm pay- its sustenance just as much as an individual taxpay Monday night. A reported list of promo- In fact, copies of the history are j ing these high taxes for. fine, nice man, doesn't really ap- request he make the bid for election in the at a definite premium and even at j Of course, you may not know prove of not getting more men iThat is true, to be sure, but doesn't a litigant who loses tions, and assignments indicates very care- days when candidates weren't anxious to that premium are not to be had. what you're talking about at allto put on the streets at night. And j saying that nothing ever happens the law court and must pay the costs there, contribute ful thought on the part of the administra- make the run* working, striving, fighting And, since the work is the only but your paper did seem so posi- the expense of judicial upkeep? Of course lie does. Bu tion to properly reward merit, industry and one carefully establishing what we tive that all these captains and here won't do at all because I for the party's cause. This is all much to re- do know of the beginnings of our sergeants were going to be ele-think a great deal does happen con- think the possibility of having to pr,y twice keeps a lot ability within the ranks. cent to be forgotten, or ignored. township, there would be a very vated now with, I suppose, raises sidering the size of the town what ambulance chasers off the court docket. We understand Police Chief George E. wide response, I think, if you could and then they'll be given special with murders and counterfeiters and I remember a kidnapping too So far as has been developed, the Perth Amboy G Keating will have the final word on the manage to give us all a weekly se- work or something of that kind lection from it. and the actual policemen who and one or two things you nor no Light Company has but a single excuse to make for i line-up. Contending- as we consistently have Out Escape The book was published many walk along- the streets at night and one else ever printed but that was \newing its battle to raise rates for the smaller consumer against the injection of partisan politics years ago and it occurs to me that give a body some feeling of con- a long time ago. And I'm sure With relief costs being maintained, we d all feel better if we had more to increase consumption by increased usage of its gadge" into the conduct and operation of the police its copyright may now be, so to tax rates continuing to go skyward, water speak, in the public domain. policemen and less majors and and to make more money for Hamilton Fish Kean, his hei brigadiers. It will be just like the ] department, we seriously hope this to besupplies being depreciated and other prob- Your's very sincerely, : Spanish Army I was reading about and assigns. The residents of the community don't thii the case. lems of tremendous magnitude still await- A BASHFUL HISTORIAN. 1 the other day, all generals with Jmuch of the scheme and so they are put to the expense It is-our belief Chief Keating- is most ing permanent settlement it .certainly-is sashes and no soldiers who knew ! defending a cause which the Board just a year ago fom qualified to decide which of his men will reassuring to know that Middlesex County Independent, AT THE BARRON LIBRARY how to shoot a gun. j Green Street, to be without reason. make the best officers. He works with is going to get some kind of a State park. "WHITE ORCHIDS" I'm sure this is a very grave sit-' Woodbridge. :•• uation you ought to do something What, Again? them' day after day, ha.s ample'opportune . While the ..legislature failed to ; extend Dear Mr. Editor: BY GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL about, I'll sign my name but be- ',ity to observe their habits, their.tempera- permissive legislation in the matter of lo- Now that summer is here In this typical Grace Livingston cause I know some of the .officers Is this to become a perennial renewal? 1 believe, tl ment, their ambition. He knows the weak- cal salary reductions, thus increasing the wouldn't it be nice if there was a Hill story, Camilla meets Jeffrey who you said would be promoted gas company would look to other methods of boosting i nice swimming pool' in town where while on her way to the doctor's to though that's not the reason at all nesses of each. He, is in a position to anti- price of owning property, at the same time not only the children but mothers get some medicine for her mother. why I'm against it because most income if, in the.event the decision is adverse again th cipate almost exactly what each will do it tossed off an appropriation of $100,000 and fathers could go for the af-Jeff not only helps her after the of them are very fine, nice men year, it had to pay the cost of the excursion. to establish a recreation ground which the ternoon to get away from the heat. accident she is in, but also stays I wonder if you'd kindly omit under any given set of circumstances. He I don't see why the town doesn't all night to help the doctor and name and address if you print is the sole properly qualified judge of the State Department of Health says is sur-provide one right away because it nurse. this letter which I'm sure you proper place in the service of each man. rounded by dangerously polluted water. wouldn't cost very much. Camilla's first entrance into the should as we need more police- If I was a taxpayer I would de- But further than that, it is to: Chief world of the wealthy is climaxed men on the streets at night. Sign Ten Years Ago | Township . Committee Monday So pretty soon when we start to get wor- mand a pool but since I am only by Jeff's corsage of white orchids it Indignant Taxpayer, which is provide a sewer system in the Is Keating the taxpayers and citizens of the ried over paying such high taxes, wonder- here living with my sister, I don't she is wearing. Jeff soon goes to fitting- enough because I'm cer-ADMINISTRATION MEN lin section. The measure embo community look for the proper function- ing where the relief money is coming from, suppose I have any influence. Florida and Camilla becomes quite tainly a taxpayer and I'm certain- TELL THEIR SIDE ON TAXES ies an appropriation of $250,0( Most up to date towns have pools friendly with her employer. When ly indignant. Friday night's "indignation" which will be assessed against ti ing in this important arm of local govern- watching the water supply dwindle toward now and I should think Wood- she learns of his wife and child, meeting, elicited by the inconsis- property benefited, eventually INDIGNANT TAXPAYER. A mental service. It is Chief Keating they exhaustion and get panicky over the cessa- bridge would want to keep up with event a divorce will not make her tency of higher taxes going hand retire a bond issue that will ha tion of mosquito control (because of lack its sister towns. change her mind. It is then that in hand with a 33-point cut in the been floated -to meet the cost i will blame for any disruptions in morale, If you can do anything about she realizes she is in love .with Independent, tax rate, developed into more or carrying out the improvement. for any inefficiency, for any lax or loose of funds) we- can go to Cheesequake Park this*! wish you would because I Jeff. Woodbridge, New Jersey. less of a cut and dried perform- like to go bathing in the summer conduct. He and he alone is carrying the and take a nice, cool, refreshing swim Stephanie Van-ell realized long Gentlemen: ance by administration associates Five Years Ago and I don't have nobody to take ago that Jeff was in love with Ca- in which the only participation by main responsibility. among the death-dealing bugs. me to the seashore since my hus- I am going to stop taking your milla, and set about putting an end newspaper because I don't like the the audience was Rufus Allen of LIONS TO ASK BAN We might not be so anxious for Chief band hns been unable to have an to it. Not content with retrieving Fords, who near the close of the automobile. Thanking you, I am, thing's you keep on saying about ON CARNIVALS HERE Keating to have such a loud voice in the a letter he had written to Camil- our dear Governor Hoffman. He is program made a speech (or, ra- Concurring- in the opinion thi Who Pays The Bill? Yours truly, la from the mail box, Stephanie ther, started to make a speech) reorganization program if we did not hold Loyer of Outdoors. a wonderful man and I think he travelling carnivals are a detr We trust we are not too curious in ask- buys the house occupied by Camil- will go 'down in history as one of that precipitated a verbal riot in ment to the township from evei him in high esteem. But having observed la and her mother and forces them our State's best Governors. How which he was asked how he would ing the source of the funds which are being EDITOR, like to be hit with a brick and angle, the Woodbridge Lions wer him closely over a period of years we to vacate immediately. you can. think up the terrible on record Monday as opposing a used to exploit George C. Warren, Jr., WOODBRIDGE .INDEPENDENT When Jeff returns and goes to things you do about him is more reproofs were heaped on his head have the utmost respect not only for him by the Mayor, G. A. deRussy, J. P.such carnivals. A formal reques sometimes discussed as a potential Repub- Dear Sir: find Camilla, not only the girl, but than I can understand. will be made to the Township COK personally but for his planis for develop- even the house she used to live in Gerity, Michael Trainer and Wil- lican gubernatorial candidate. It may be, I think you ought to make a very, If it hadn't been for people like liam Brown. The meeting was mittee to ban carnivals from th ing his department to a new peak of effi- vigorous protest against the plan has disappeared. Several days later you Governor Hoffman would township immediately. The Lion of course, Mr. Warren is footing the bills he meets her quite accidentally as called by Daniel Whalen of Amboy ciency. I read about in your paper last probably be president right now, Avenue. agreed that such affairs are a men himself but the question seems to be a fair week to make so many new pro- they are both looking in a florists' because he was the only one who ace to local trade and bring un motions—sergeants and corporals shop at some white orchids—and one. could beat Roosevelt. He would DEAN FRAZIER ADDRESSES desirable characters into the town and lieutenants and captains and in June her bridal bouquet was of make just as wonderful a Presi- ship. white orchids. BIG GRADUATING CLASS Fmt Is Fair Recently", Mr. Warren's name was sign- I don't know what all—to the po- dent as he has made Governor and * * * There can be no dispute over the fair- ed as author to .a letter requesting the co- lice department. It will all cost Have you read these? you ought to be ashamed of your- Dr. Frazier Metzger, dean of money that would be better spent, Bolitho, William — "Italy selves, along with a lot of other men at Rutgers University, was Three Years Ago ness of the proposal which would restore operation of press and public in a great I'm sure, in employing more pa- Under Mussolini". newspapers, for trying to turn the speaker last night as sixty-one PETERSON DOUBTFUL to police and municipal employes full sal- safety drive. The letter was accompanied trolmen. I don't know why there Barnouw, A. J.—"Holland people against him. young men and women of the High OF OUSTER DEFENSE is so much fussing back and forth Under Queen Willielmina." School senior class received their ary schedules in the event the Board of by a lot of literature and if memory serves, about naming the new officers, al- If you are so smart why don't No defense has yet been plan Bacheller, Irving—The Light you run for Governor and see how diplomas. The auditorium was ned by Peter Peterson, oustei Education takes this step in regard to the campaign also was to include some though I suppose it's all polities - in the Clearing." crowded to witness the graduation anyhow, but I DO understand that far you would get? I'll bet you Health Inspector, to combat th school teachers. kind of windshield sticker to denote the Connor, Ralph — "To Him couldn't even be elected dog-eatch- j of the largest class in the school's sixteen charges on which he wa these fine men that have retired That Hath." history. From the beginning, we have urged good, careful drivers. after so many years of fine and er. I wouldn't"- vote for you even suspended by the Board of Health Lorinij, Etnilie "Swift for that. * * * Although Peterson is entitled tt against 100 per cent restoration this The whole scheme cost money and it faithful service won't get their Water." $250,000 SEWER be represented by counsel at thi pensions out of the township treas- Ronmer, Sax — "The Day So here's to Governor Hoffman, PLANNED BY ISELIN year. In doing so, we felt there was good would be interesting to know if the funds ury. So why not split up their a great governor of a great state. Board of Health hearing Wednes were derived from public, or private, the World Ended." An ordinance that calls for anday night, he has not yet decided reason. Wihtout altering our position high salaries into several jobs just —Norma P. Chasey Harold's Pal. outlay of over a quarter of a mil- he said, whether to take advantagt concerning the problem, so long as thesources, as ordinary . policemen? That Librarian. Avenel, N. J. lion dollars was introduced by the of this privilege or not. ' WOOBBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1937 .t'TVTS LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES !:-!'!c- Miiricn Hendlowiudi. iifiry Jlilorro, James Mikusi, Andrew Nor- LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES iiipi'r. i.v.^ L;.i Pinelli." Emmu IJei'es, ;i!c. SHHai.n-^ S:; n U-. ntn rk\, Albert Billy i'aee. Raymond Earunek, IVIar- Toikn-. Miirc-nret Ru.-kos.-ik, Grace X CHAXCJEHV OK STEW JBKSJBV Meyer, are made defendant because ises hereinabove described, and you tlia Demko, Elizabeth Sabo, Anna Calabro, Berilia U.llc-y. Margaret may claim an inchoate right of dow- Kobalsowski. Helen Kovacs, Rose TO: Celia Morrison, Mr. Morrison, you are the owner of premises da- er in the lands described in said bill have or may claim to have a right of Ptione, Keribed in deed recorded in Book courtesy in part, of the premises. Gr.',rs*f administrators, Nevlns. Fred Novo. John Sokolow- grmtevs. assigns or successors in band of Marie Meyer, are niatU dt siiibrd in deed leroidcd in Book Stewart, John Vargulies and Eva The following is a list of names i vacz. Ruth Maieska. Mary Pinelli, John Csik, Albert Dalil, Steve Dun- ol Middlt^ev County Deeds, page j Vargulies, Marie Jensen, Ida Leib- ski. Zoltan Vargo, Agnes Balsami- icJi, Arnold G;;yora. Harry Haag", Joe risht, titlr or interest, Michael P. fendant because you are the 1 us Alberta McCallan. iles. Julia Bukocsik, Irene Hladik, Uuilly, Mrs. Mi oil a el P. Ciuiliy, the band of Marie Meyer, and you m »7 in 1 \cu m \.\ 1 um an "interes ' t nitz, William Henry Mawbey. Kath- of pupils who were present every Heller. Robert Kocliiek, Alex Kon- lestubcd m said bill reine J. Hoffsomer, Stanley Kaspzak, Grade V-A—Miss I-oi-oli Margaret Kreniil, Irene MeKeon. tlas. Joe. Lovasz, John Moxiir, Ed- unknown heirs, devisees and per- claim a right of eurtesy in the Ian Is in the 1 mds day daring the month of May in Frank Calabro. Peter Chirieo, Helen Reho, Mildred Seamanik, -.ircirt.1 representatives o£ Michael P. described *n said bill of compl tint ol compl mil mil \ on r\a E. Tab- Gertrude Johnson, Andrew Hegedus ward Pavlik. Martin Peone, Mario Quilty, and their or anv of their and Borbala Hegedus, and Helen the Hopelawn school: Ralph Demko, Ernest Hegedus, Rob- Mary Sucheski. Pfnelli. Stanley Reba, Michael Sop- the unknown heirs, devisees m 1 Ut lit in id rteJtnd nit because you ert Ilorvath, Michael [Kammsky, ko. Frank Zredonyi, Isabella Ba- hnirs. devisees, executors, adminis- personal representatives of MIL ic the 1 He ot \IbPit s Tibler, and Leslie, and your or any of your heirs, Grade One—Sirs. Pargot (irade 'VI-A—H. E. Head trators, grantees, assigns or succes- devisees, executors, administrators, "William Ademec, John De An- John Komilus, William Mi-Kfon. Nicholas Binder 'Robert Demko. Jogii, Olg'a Julias. Blanche Heinz, Meyer, and their or any of fh I \ou mu dum in incnoate right of Robert Rudders, John Sehurko, Ni- Helen.1-Tla vai i, Anr.a. Johnson, Louise di>r,"> m right, title or interest, Anna. lieirs, devisees, executors, admini1- do-j el m thr ] mil? destubed in said grantees, assigns or successors in drea, Robert Fitzke. Stanley Gripb, Adrian Fedxnv Henry Gruntliuann, Pmhl, Mr. Prohl, husband of Anna 1 ill of i omp tint \nd \ ou, Thomas right.., title or interest in the lands Ilk-hard Gutwein, William Hladik, cholas Sig'geliiki, Edward Turk, Alex Raymoncl Horan. John Kertess. Jos- Johnstons. Elsie Sandeis. trators, grantees, assigns oi tic hereinabove described. Julius Horan, Paul Kreudl, Albert Vigli, Henry Zupko, Marjorie Boross, eph La/izza. Anthony Masucci, Al- Girtulc Vll-C—V. D. Maine Prohl, the unknown heirs, devisees cessors in right, title or interest I f I ilili I UP midc detendxnt because Mary Mercuico, ISlsie Silagyi, Elea- re J. Hintz, •ni-rest, Mary Ke, Mr. Re, husband nnd yon, Mrs. James Hughes re on Mi's 14 1 lit seized ui the prem- 1932, February 13. 1932, covering Lot ward Mallett, James Mazza, How- 29 Plymouth business Inc.. 1271 Fulton St., Rahway. Tel. il* Mary Ke, the unknown heirs, de- made defendant because you are the st 0 scribtd m deed lecorded in 1 in Block 191V Lots 140 to 142 and ard Munn. Prank Novo, Eugene Pal- coupe -- 75 40 7-1(17'. tl'. visees and personal representatives v,-ife of James Hughes, and you mt I 10k IS of Middlesex County 223-A in Block 202-A; Lot 125 in mer, Stanley Stahon, Rudolph Veres. 29 Hudson coaches, two, Woodbridge'8-1710 of Mary He, and their or any of -jlaim an inchoate right of done n Deeds pi^e 107 and \ou may claim Block n-H; Lot .108 in Block 5-1; Lot Gezza Zudonyi. Elmer Banko. C-wli. D. L., new tires, tin ir lieirs. devisees, executors, ad- the lands described in said bill of m ml us! in tin 1 mds described in " in Block 280; Lot 151 in Block 202- Grades il anil Hi—Helen A. Coaii good paint, motors nre FOR RENT miiistralur.s, grantees, assigns or complaint; the unknown heirs le s u 1 bill ol complaint and you, H. A; Lots 132 and 133 in Block 202-B; John Baeha, Steve Balogli, Paul real good - 1)5 55 successors in right, title or interest. iisees and personal represent if ivc^ W Iosle\ ilso known Is H. W. Lots 32-B and 33 in Block 275-A Benyola, Harry Christensen, John 29 Auburn- SS sedan D. L. ASK FOR AD-TAKER RE FINISH your floors with our floor .John Rrsko and Elizabeth Resko, of James Hughes, and their or mi PosTvell irp m ide defendant be- and Lot 120 in Block 5-H, on the As- Kolbosa wski, Billy Kolbosowski, new paint, exceptional sander. Reasonable fee. Wood- his wife, James Emody, the un- ol their heirs, devisees, execu" na uise ioti ue the husbtnd of Ma- sessment Map of the Township of Michael Kornitas, Mike McCann, condition ._ 100 05 bridge Hardware, 74 Main St., Wood- knoAvn heirs, devisees and personal administrators, grantees, assigns oi nilla Iosl \ iho know n as Mazella Woodbridge, Middlesex County. John Steinbreeher, Julius Wagerek, 30 Cliev. sport roadster, AND SAY— bridge. 7-2 [irescntai ives of James Emody, successors in right, title or inteit.s1 I osiull tnd "sou m i^ tliima right And you, John Major, are made Fred Wantuch, Robert Meelheim. good tires, new top, ?25 d their or any of their heirs, de- are made parties defendant IILHUS oi uuiitt s m the Imds described in defendant, because you are tlie hold- Erina Andreani, Ernestine An- air horns 11(1 (in visees, executors. administrators, you ni'ty claim an interest in the slid b 1J ol ompl unt er of a certain mortgage covering Ireani, Vera Baumley, Alary Benyo- 31 Oakland coupe. RUM- MOVING—TRUCKING grantees, assigns or successors in lands described in said bill oi com ETJUKNE; BLANKBNHORN, part of the premises hereinabove de- la, Raffaela Cervone, Josie Gozora, BLE seat, A-l motor right, liile or interest, The Capital plaint: and you, Alexander Chand- ^Solicitor for and of Counsel scribed, and you may claim an inter- Roberta Gutwein. Rose Marie Kol- and tires 175 70 LEPPEir.S STORAGE — Dependable Hank of Cleveland, Howard 'Daniels. ler, are made defendant because you with Complainant, est therein; bosowski, Rose Melocco, Jesse Mil- 29 Chrysler 75, fi-wh. D. L., local and long distance moving- ler, Margaret Muller, Hose Marie 283 Madison Ave., Perth Amboy. Tel. "Vlrs. Howard iian'iels. the unknown are the owner of premises described 24 Commerce Street, And you, John A. Sedlak, are made conv. sedan, mechani- 1 heirs, devisees and personal rcpr^- in deeit recorded in Book 900 of Mid- .Newark, New Jersey. defendant because you are the own- Nestico, Angelina Siggelakis, Josie cally O. K __ 145 70 4-231S. tf nmiives of Howard Daniels, and dlesex County Deeds,"page 245, and Dated: May 28, 1937. of record of part of 4:he premises Skalla, Grace .Sokolowski, Audrey 29 Chrysler 75 D. L. sport their or any of their heirs, devisees, hereinabove described, and you may Thulesen, Betty Rose Williams, roadster, R. sent, nice j 1 ou may claim an interest in the W. I .fi-11, IS, 25; 7-2. CLASSIFIED ADS ; \ editors, administrators, grantees. claim an interest therein; Lorraine Ryder. tires K-iO TO RADIO — REPAIRS .^•Miiiis ox- successors in right, title lands described in said bill of com- And you, Julia, Sedlak are made plaint: and you Mrs. Alexander U!>/72 Grade IV-A C. Miillane 29 Reo Flying Cloud, (i-wh. .>r interest, Comflamtia Hommann, Chandler, are made defendant be- defendant, because you are the wife M. Chinchar, D. Henna'nsen. ' W. D. L. coupe. R. scat. H & 11 RADIO — 1525 Irving St. Rah- \nu Kiunmunn, Mary Hommann, CHANCERY O1-' 38EW JERSEY of the above named owner of record good tires 135 70 ACCEPTED UNTIL IClixulietli 1-loinniann McCelland and cause you are the wife of Alexan- of part of the premises hereinabove Kantor, T. Korczowski. A. Lance, .1. way. Phone 7-10!9. Expert raelio der Chandler, and you may claim an TO: Earle F. Griffiths and Cecelia Miller, J. Shevchenko, J. Silaggi. A. 30 Hudson fi-wh. D. L. repairs—Gl'J-ReSj'ig'eniteirs—Radios. •SrnniH'l McCelinnd, her husband, Griffiths, his wnfe, the respective described, and you may have or conv. coupe, new paint. Hubert L. Tabier, Mrs. Robert L. inchoate right of dower in the lands claim to have an inchoate right of Waldman, J. Wishney, M. Baisame- T.F. described in said bill of complaint; unknown heirs, devisees "and person- des, C. Binder, D. Gregowitz, P. Ko- and tires 150 - 75 5 P. M. TaWcr, his wife, Albert S. Tahlcr al representatives of Earle F. Grif- dower in part of said premises. 30 Essex sedan D. L.. A-l mil I'lva E. Tabier, his wife, Thom- the unknown heirs, devisees and EUGENE BLANKENHORN, check, M. Molir, E. Nash. E. Shultz personal representatives of Alexan- fiths and Cecelia Griffiths, his wife, E. Veres, H. Vig. condition 135 S3 is Tahler, Mrs. Thomas Tabier. his and their or any of their heirs, de- Solicitor for and of Counsel 30 Cliev. sedan, excellent 115 1)5 EVERY WEDNESDAY REAL ESTATE BROKERS wife, Nora B. Puvall Wachter and der Chandler, and their or anv of visees, executors, administrators, with Complainant, Grade rV-K—Helen Ke-iielitfoanm 31 Cliev. coach, needs Clinton If. Wachter, her husband, their heirs, devisees, executors, ad- grantees, assigns or successors in Federal Trust Building, Michael Bosze, Paul Calabro, Sam 31 Cliev. coach, needs paint 145 !)5 RAHWAY—REAL ESTATE MAN- M:izelki Bosley and H. W. Bosley, ministrators, grantees, assigns or right, title or interest; Minnie Ste- 24 Commerce Street, Cherico, Karl Fitzke, Robert Ker- 31 Graham coach. A-l AGEMENT RENTING — Collect- her husband, also known as Mdzella successors in right, title or interest wart and Mr. Stewart, her husband, Newark, New Jersey. tes, Eugene Koczan, George McCabe condition ". 150 95 ing specialists. For results see Shell, Bo«well nnd H. W. Boswell: are made parties defendant because Dated: June 2nd, 1937. Mary Pinelli, Ralph Santa Maria, HELP WANTED 09 Mail St Rahway 7-0631. 5-21 you may claim an interest in the the unknown heirs, devisees and W. I. 6-11, IS, 25; 7-2. Steve Wagerik, Mildred Demko, 30 Buick fi-wh. D. L. se- personal representatives of Minnie dan, A-l IC.-J 110 lands described in said bill of com- Stewart, and their or any of their aith Kolbasowski, Elizabeth Lo- 31 Ford roadster. D. L.1 WANTED—Boys 14 to IS years of plaint; and you, Mary Re, are made 1 age to carry Wooelbridge Indepen- Hy virtue of an order of the Court heirs, devisees, executors, adminis- NOTICE OF- PUBLIC SALE rumble, new top. paint SEWING MACHINES defendant beca.use you conveyed, or TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: and motor .- 1.10 125 dent ejji establisheel routes. Herman of chancery of New Jersey,' made attempted to convey, to Dorsa Real- trators, grantees, assigns or suc- .1. Schwartz, circulation manager. in 1 lie day of the date hereof, in a cessors in rig'ht, title or interest; At a regular meeting of the Town- 31 Plymouth "4" c.yl. D. L. WE REPAIR—all makes of sewing ly Company Inc., a corporation of ship Committee of the Township of sedan _. _ ]75 ^^5 WANTED—I'oung man. handy for •niisp wherein Township of Wood- New York, premises described in John Vargulies and Eva Vargulies, machines: aditist. $1.00. 21(1 Smitu bridk'c, a municipal corporation of his wife, tiie respective unknown Woodbridge, held Monday, June 7th, '31 Nash "C" coach, excep- g'as station. Arthurs, Route 25, St.. Perth Amboy. P. A. '4-OS20. tf. deed recorded in Book 707 of Mid- 1937, I was directed to advertise the tional i7n 1:.JO C-1S the Sf.afe of New Jersey, is com- dlesex County Deeds, page 70, and Jieirs, devisees and personal repre- Avenel, N. .1. Wdbg. S-207S. plainant, and you are the defend- sentatives of John Vargulies and fact that on Monday evening, June ?>1 Ford D. L. ttidor sedan, if you were married at the time of ''1st 1937 the Township Committee like new condition ants, you are required to appear said conveyance, the conveyance Eva Vargulies, his wife, and their LOST uid answer the bill of said com- ejr any of their heirs, devisees, exe- will meet at S P. M. (DST) in the throughout ]fi5 135 FEMALE HELP had no effect and title would remain cutors, administrators, grantees, Committee Chambers, Memorial Mu- WANTED—White girl or woman for plainant on or before the 29th day legally vested in your name, and general housework . ,anel laundry, LOST—Pomeranian dog. Answers to of .luly, 1937, or the said bill will a,ssigns or successors in right, title nicipal Building, Woodbridge, N. J., SMITH MOTORS CO. therefore you may claim an interest and expose and sell at public sale 79-Sl West Grand St., near Cherry for family of three, willing to go ie> name of Mickey. REAYARD. Mrs. hp tak<-n as confessed against you. in the lands described in said bill or interest; Marie Jensen and Mr. Beech Street Girl To. Marry tile shore. Apply S41 Pierpont St., Charles Levi, 119 Church Street. Tel. The said bill is filed to absolutely -lensen, her husband, the unknown and to the highest bidder, subject ELIZABETH, N. J. r of complaint; and you, Mr. Re, hus- Rahway, N. J. G-18 :lr-b:ir ;md Foreclose 3 ou from ail lieirs, devisees and personal repre- to the following provisions. Lots Open Sunday 10 to 3 S-05J6-W. 6-18 band of Mary Re, are made defen- 157 and 158 • in Block 31 C, Wood- Jersey City Man In right and equity of redemption of, dant because yoF are the husband sentatives of Marie Jensen, and in and to the premises described in their or any of tlieir heirs, devisees, bridge Township Assessment Map. of Mary Re, and' you may claim a Take further notice that the certificate of tax sale dated April right of eurtesy in the lands de- executors, administrators, grantees, R. C. Church !). 1!i35, covering Block ICO, Lot 12 assigns or ^successors in right, title Township Committee has, by reso- scribed in said bill of complaint; lution and pursuant to law, fixed a on the Assessment Map of the Town- the unknown heirs, devisees and or interest; Ida Leibnitz and Mr. ship of Woudbridge: also certificate Leibnitz, her husband, the unknown minimum price • at which said lot FORDS—Miss Bertha Borza, personal representatives of Mary in said block will be sold, said mini- >1" lax sale dated April 9. 1935, cov- Re, and their or any of their heirs, lieirs, devisees and personal repre- Beech Street will become the bride ering Block 100, Jjot 15 on the As- sentatives of Ida Leibnitz, and their mum price being $475.00 plus the devisees, executors, administrators, costs of advertising this sale. tomorrow in Our Lady of Peace st.ssinoni Map of the Township of grantees, assigns or successors in or any of their heirs, devisees, ex- Church of Frank Gabarini of Jer- Wuodbridgo; also certificate of tax right, title or interest are made par- ecutors, administrators, grantees, Take further notice that at said sale dated April 3, 1935, covering- ties defendant because you may assigns or successors in right, title sale, or any date to •which it may be sey City. Bhiek .11.'! R. Lots 22 and 23 on the claim an interest in the, lands de- or interest; William Henry Mawbey adjourned,'the Township Committee se.ssmcnt Map of the Township of scribed in said bill of complaint; and Mrs. William Henry Mawbey. reserves the right in its discretion Miss Borza was given a surprise iWoodbridge: also certificate of tax and you, JrOin Resko and Elizabeth liis w'ife, the respective unknown to reject any one or all bills and to miscellaneous shower by a group liife Sponsor Ban- sail dated April 23, 1935. covering llesko, his wife, are made defen- heirs, devisees and personal repre- sell said lo£ in said block to such of friends in her home and re- man s Jiioek 479 A, Lots 227fi and 2277 on dants because you are the owners sentatives of William Henry Maw- bidder as it may select in" case one ithe Assessment Map of the Town- of premises described in deed re- bey, and their or any of their heirs, or more minimum bids shall be re- ceived many beautiful gifts. For Teacfiers ship of Woodbridgi ; also certificate corded in Book 942 of Middlesex devisees, executors, administrators, ceived. Among those attending the af- df tax sale dated April 19, 1935, cov- County Deeds, page 176, and you grantees, assigns or successors in Upon acceptance of the minimum FORDS—The Parent-Teacher ering Block 113 S, Lots 29 and 30 may claim an interest in the lantls right, title or interest; Catherine J. bid, or bid above minimum, by the fair were: Mrs. J. Borza, Mrs. J. on the Assessment Map of the Town- described in said bill of complaint; HoffstfiTier. the unknown heirs, de- Township Committee and the pay- Sisolak, Mrs. A. Trello, Mrs. M.Association of School 14 and the ship of Woodhridge; also certiicate and you, James Emody. are made visees a.nd personal representatives ment thereof by the purchaser, the Fords Woman's Club served a de- ! of tax sale dated April 22, 1.135 cov- defendant because you obtained a of Katherine J. Holfsomer, and their Township will deliver a bargain and Duban, Mrs. S. O'Rielly, Mrs. A. gjcrinfi- Block -MS E, Lots 246 to 2f0, judgment in the Middlesex County or a.ny of their heirs, devisees, ex- sale deed for said premises. Izganich, Mrs. J. Bosozski, Mrs. licious chicken dinner to the school ginclusive, on the Assessment Map Circuit Court on April 28, 1933 in ecutors, administrators, grantees, B. J. DUNIGAN, M. Kozel, Mrs. N. Boelhower, Mrs. pot" the Township of "Woodbridge; the sum of ?1,228.5S, which judg- assigns or successors in right, title Township Clerk. faculty in accordance with their GOOD FOR ONE PERFORMANCE talso certificatet-jif tax sale dated ment was docketed in Book N of or interest; Stanley Kaspzak and June 8th, 1937. J. Lovas, Miss Mary Kominski, |-April 2, 1935, covering Block 44S F, Middlesex County Circuit Court Mrs. Stanley Kaspzak, his wife, the W. I. 0-11, IS. Miss Eva Mozdziez, Mrs. M. Moz- annual custom observed at the ;Lot 283 on the Assessment Map of Judgments, page 539, and you may unknown heirs, devisees, and per- close of each season. Mrs. Charles Jthe Township of Woodbridge; also claim an interest in the lands de- sonal representatives of Stanley dziez, Miss Betty Dudick, Miss Soi rthicate of tax sale dated April Kaspzak and their or any of their NOTICE OP PUBLIC SALE scribed in said bill of complaint; TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Margaret Dudik, Miss Anna Siriga, Kish prepared the meal. 116. lUX:,, covering- Block 409 N, Loisthe unknown heirs, devisees and heirs, devisees, executors, adminis- Miss Mary Prak, Mrs. G. Prak, ;f>33 nnd 534 on the Assessment Map personal representatives of James trators, grantees, assigns or succes- At a regular meeting of the Town- Among those present were: Eor the Township of Woodbridge: Emody. and their or any of their sors in right, title or interest; Mi's. ship Committee of the Township of Mrs. M. Prak, Miss Jeanne Bonal- 6-alKo certificate of tax sale dated heirs, devisees, executors, adminis- Joseph Kaspzak, wife of Joseph Woodbridge, held Monday, June 7th, f April 4, ]9::."). covering- Block 279 D, Kaspzak; Gertrude Jtdmson and Mr. 1937, I was directed to advertise the slri and Miss Jennie Woytanowski, Margaret Dey, Rose Jaffe, Henri- Irators, grantees, assigns or suc- Johnson, her husband, the unknown fact that on Monday evening, June I Lids X and il on the Assessment Map cessors in right, title or interest are r Miss J. Woytanowski, Mrs. J. ette Dunback, Georgianna Cronce, 5 of the" ToTvnship of Woodbridge; made parties defendant because heirs, devisees and personal repre- 21st, 1937. the Tow nship Committee Palati, Miss Elsie Palati, Miss "i alsn et-riifieale of tax sale dated you may claim an interest in the sentatives of Gertrude Johnson, and w^ill meet at S P. M. (DST) in the Helen Repkie, Edna Nolan, Emma f April 1, 10H5, covering Block 410 B, lands described in said bill of com- their or any of their heirs, devisees, Committee Chambers. Memorial Mu- Claire Hamilton, M. G. Mihok, Mrs. j Lots 3S1 and 3S2 on the Assessment executors, administrators, grantees^ nicipal Building. Woodbridge, N. J., Johansen, Helen Lorch, Mary Mul- plaint; and you, The Capital Bank assigns or successors in right, title and sell at public sale Jennie Stopen, Mrs. J. Smolinski, i Map of the Township of Wood- of Cleveland, are made defendant and expose Mrs. E. Smolinski, Mrs. S. Swanik, lins, Florence Slattery, Mr. and i bridge; also certificate of tax r,ale because you obtained a judgment in or interest; Andrew Hegedus and a n el to the highest bidder, subject J d.ited April 22. 1935. covering Block the Middlesex County Court of Borbala Hegedus, his. wife, the re- to the following provisions, Lot 1 in Miss M. Smolinski, all of Fords. Mrs. Howard Sharp, Emma Peter- k 41$ 1), Lots 174 to 170, inclusive, on Common Pleas on February 5, 3936. spective unknown heirs, devisees Block Gfi, Woodbridge Township As- sen, Rose Nash, Mrs. Albert Gard- i the Assessment Map of the Town- in the sum of $3,214.00, which judg- and personal representatives of An- sessment Map. Also Mrs. S. Reniias, Mrs. Mae I ship ot Woodbridge; also certificate ment Tias docketed in Book I of drew Hegedus and Borbala Hegedus, Take further notice that the Towjn- ner. j or triK salt- dated April 4, J93H, cov- Docketed Judgments, page S3, and his wife, and their or any of their ship Committee has, by resolution Golen, Mrs. J. Walsh, Miss J. Kur- ! ei-ing Block 315 II, Lots 4S and 4!)' you may claim an interest in the heirs, devisees, executors, adminis- and pursuant to law, fixed .:a mini- mandi, Miss F. Cosgrove, of Wood- ^ guests included: Mrs. J. i on the Assessmeni Map of the lands described in said bill of coin- trators, grantees, assigns or succes- mum price at which said lot in said bridge; and Miss Jean Baker, Mrs. Egan, Mrs. William Handerhan, , Township of Woodbridge; also eer- plaint: and; you, Howard Daniels, sors in right, title or interest; Helen block wijl be sold, said minimum ; 1 ideate of tax sale dated April 1, are made defendant because vou are Leslie and Mr. Leslie, her husband, price beiftg 51,000 plus the costs of F. Mraz, Miss J.' Gregowiz, Mrs. Mrs. Clifford Dunham, Mrs. Axel ' 3 935. covering- Block 425 F, Lot 126 the owner of premises described in the unknown lieirs, devisees and advertising this sale. Mae Burdash, of Perth Amboy. Jensen, Mrs. A. J. Lund, Mrs. W. s on She Assessment Map of the Town- deed recorded in Book 740 of Mid- personal representatives' of Helen Take further notice that at said Kurowsky, Mrs. H. W.. Jensen, ' ship of Woodbridge; also certificate dlesex County Deeds, page 422, and Leslie, and their or any of their sale, or any date to which it may be Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. S. Tajdor, j of tav sale dated April 1, 1935, env- you may claim an interest in the heirs, devisees, executors, adminis- adjourned, the Township Committee Mrs. Sadie Taylor, Mrs. E. Kim-Mrs. Raymond Mundy, Mrs. How- , eriug Block 42."i F, Lot 127 on the lands described: in said bill of com- trators, grantees, assigns or succes- reserves the right in- its discretion ard Madison, Mrs. Williard Dun- . Assesspient Map of the Township plaint; and you, Mrs. Howard Dan- sors in right, title or interest. to reject any one or all biels and:to merli, Mrs. J. Garborini, Miss Ma- ol Woodbridge, all of said certifl- sell said lot in said block to such ham, Mrs. William Warren, Sr.. iels, are made defendant because ,. bidder as it may select in "case one rio Garbarini and Mrs. J. Winn, . cates being unrecorded and held hy you are the wife of Howard Daniels, By virtue of an Order of the Courtt Mrs. William Brose, Mrs. Charles and you may claim an inchoate right of Chancery of New Jersey made on or more minimum bids shall be re- all of Jersey. City. (lie Township of Woodbridge. of dower in the lands described in the day of the date hereof in a cause ceived. Fritz, Mrs. Ralph Petersen, Mrs. ' And you, Celia Morrison, are said bill of complaint: the unknown wherein the Township of Wood- Upon acceptance of the minimum Thomas Aldington, Mrs. Harry An- made defendant because you are heirs, devisees and personal repre- bridge. a municipal corporation of bid, or bid above minimum, by the Iselin Parents Entertain the owner of premises described in Township Committee and the pay- dersen, Mrs. J. Dalton, Mrs. F. sentatives of Howard Darnels, and the State of New Jersey, is com- ment thereof by the purchaser, the deed recorded in Book S63 of Mid- their or any of their heirs, °aevisees, plainant and you and others are de- Frey, Mrs. M. Ratajack, Mrs. H. dlesex County Deeds, page 362, and Township will deliver a bargain and On Birthday Of Daughter executors, administrators, grantees, fendants, you are required to appear sale deed for sain premises. Stockel, Mrs. E. Lauback, Mrs. you nuiy claim an interest in the assigns or successors in right, title and answer the bill of said com-, ISELIN—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph lands i/eserijiecl in said bill of com- or interest are made parties defen- iilainant on or before the 5th day of B. J. DUNIGAN, William Christensen, Mrs. O. piiiinl: and yon, Mr. Morrison, hus- dant because you may claim an in- August, next, or the said bill of Township Clerk. Paulin of Cooper Avenue enter- Christensen, Mrs. E. Christopher- band of Celia Morrison, are made de- terest in the lands described in said complaint will be taken as confessed! June 8th, 1937. tained at a party on the eighth imdant because you are the hus- bill of complaint; and you, Comf- against you. W. I. 6-11, IS. sen, Mrs. B. Sunshine, Mrs. H. band of Celia Morrison, and you tamtia Hommann, are made defen- The said bill is filed to absolutely I birthday of their daughter, Doris. Ericksen, Mrs. Ralph Liddle, Mrs. may cla^m a right of eurtesy in the dant because you are one of the debar and foreclose you from all 3VOTICE Among those present were: Hel- Harold Jensen, Mrs. C. Wargo, laudH described in said bill of com- heirs of Charles C Hommann, who right and equity of redemption of Take notice that SAMUEL NO- plaint: the unknown heirs, devisees VAK Intends to apply to the Town- en and Alice Meyers, Audrey, Bob- Mrs. C. Smink, Mrs. Edward Def- died intestate sometime in 1931, in and '• o the premises described in jship Committee ol" the Tow?nship of ami personal representatives of Ce- seized of the premises described in certificates of tax sale dated Decem-j bie and Phyllis Morgan, Greta lia Morrison, and ihrir or any of "Woodbridge for a Plenary Retail ner, Mrs. A.. Sehantz, Mrs. C. A. deed recorded in Book 1000 of Mid- her 23, ]!I3O, January 7, 1931, Febru- Consumption license for premises Christiansen, Marion Began, Ma- their hnirs, devisees, executors,* ad- dlesex County Deeds, page 194, and ary 10. I9:;i. October 5, 1932, Decem- Larsen, Mrs. Ben Gardella, Mrs. ministrators, grantees, assigns or situated at Smith St. and Peterson rie Reynolds, Harry Winger,' June you may claim an interest in the ber 1. 1934, January 15, 1935 and Feb- Ave., Keasbey, N. J., Township of Moretto, Mrs. Simone, Mrs. E. sin ees.sers in right, title or interest, lands described in said bill of com- ruary 11 1935, respectively, covering and Mildred Sullivan, Janet and di-e made parties defendant because Woodbridge, N. J. Wickberg, Mrs. Pollack, Mrs. Tren- plaint; and you, Ann Hommann, are Lots 1 in Block 278B; Lot 31 in Block Objections, if any, should be made Harriet King, Norma and Doris you* m.iy claim an interest in the made defendant because you are one •1S4E; Lots 91S-019 in Block 95(1; chieny, Mrs. Rock, Mrs. D. Strat- liiiids described in said bill of com- immediately in writing to: B. J. of the heirs of Charles C. Hommann, Lots 1271-1273 ia Block 957: Lots Dnnigan, Township Clerk, Wood- Paulin. ton, Mrs. Pototay, Mrs. Petrie, ]>l.i:iit- nnd you, Michael P. Quilty, who died intestate sometime in 1931, H2-143 in Block jMLt; Lots 43-44 in bridge, N. J are made defendant because you are seized of the premises described in Block 59E; Lot i 'ffl Block SI; Lot 1 (signed) SAMUEL NOVAK, Consumption or Club license for Mrs. Cheteh, Mrs. C. Dilkworth, tlie owner of premises described in deed recorded in Book 1006 of Mid- in Block S3; Lot llfllin-Block 139-1; W. I. C-ll, IS Keasbey, N. J. premises situated in Colonia, Town- Mrs. C. Lehman, Mrs. C. Blan- AT THE deed recorded in Book 7S7 of Mid- dlesex County Deeds, page 194, and Lots 13-14 in Block ,180; Lots 22-23 ship of Woodbridge. dlesex County Deeds, page 20, and you may claim an interest in the in Block 176B; Lot 25 Tn Block 202]; Objections, if any, should be made chard, Mrs. C. Levin and Mrs. you may claim an interest in the lands described in said Bill of com- Lot 26 in Block 2021,; Lots 33-34 in NOTICE immediately in writing to- B J Schaarp. land'-! described in said bill of com- plaint; and you, Mary Hommann, Block 27S-C; on the Official Tax and Take notice that ALFRED ZUL- Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood- plaint: ;m# you, Mrs. Michael F are made defendant because you are Assessment Map 'of the Township LO intends to apply to the Town- bridge, N. J. QinKv. arc made defendant because one ot the heirs of Charles C. Hom- of Woodbridge. ";:. :.u :• ship Committee of the Township of (signed) COLONIA COUNTRY CLUE you ,11 c tin- wife of Michael P. Quil- mann. who died intestate sometime And you. Earle F. Griffiths and Woodbridge for a Plenary Retail CHARLES A. JEROME, ty, and you may claim an inchoate Consumption license for premises Iselin Christian Endeavor in 1931, seized of the premises de- Cecelia Griffiths, his wife, Minnie A right ut dower in the lands describ- scribed in deed recorded in Book Stewart, John, Vargulies and Eva situated at 30 Tappen St., Port W. I. 8-19, 2G. ed tic until bill of complaint; the im- 1006 of Middlesex County Deeds, Vargulies. his' -wife. Marie Jensen, Reading, Township of Woodbridge. Society Has Annual Picnic Knmvii heirs, devisees and personal page 194, and you may claim an in- Ida Leibnitz, William Henry Maw- Objections, if any, should be made NOTICE representatives of Michael F. Quilty, terest in the lands described in said bey, Ivatheriue J. Hoffsomer, Stan- immediately in writing to: B. J. Take notice that ANTHONY J. AN- ISELIN—Roosevelt Park in Me- and their or any of their heirs, de- bill of complaint; and you, Elizabeth ley Kaspzak, Gertrude Johnson, Dunigan. Township Clerk, Wood- DKRSCH intends to apply to the tuchen was the scene of the an- Here's .How To visees, e%c('utors, administrators, Hommann McCelland, are made de- Andrew Hegedus and Borbala Hege- bridg-e, N. ,1. Township Committee of the Town- grantees, assigns or successors in fendant because you are one of the dus, his wife, Helen Leslie are made (signed) ALFRED ZULLO, ship of Woodbridg-e for a Plenary nual supper outing conducted by Look through the ads in this issue of THE INDEPENDENT and right, title or interest are made par- heirs of Charles C. Hommann, who defendants because each of you is W. I. G-ll," IS Port Reading, N. J. Retail Consumption license for prem- the Jurior Christian Endeavor So- ties defendant because you may died intestate sometime in 1931, the owner of record of part of the ises situated at 351 West Avenue, find the answers to the following questions; when you have all <>laim ;tn Interest in the lands fle- ciety oi the First Church of Iselin, seized of the premises described in premises he.reina.bove described and NOTICE Sewaren, Township of Woodbridse, your answers complete, write out your list and mail it to THE K«ribffl in s.'iid bill of complaint, deed recorded in Book 1006 of Mid- you may claim an interest therein. N. J. Presbyterian. This was the final and you, Annn Prohl, are made de- Take notice that AGNES MARIE INDEPENDENT at once. To the writers of the first 12 letters dlesex County Deeds, page 194, and And you, Mrs. Joseph Kaspzak,- BRADON intends to apply to the Objections, if any, should be made gatheri?ig until September. fendant because you are the own- you may claim an interest in the wife of Joseph Ivaspzak, are made immediately in writing to: B. J. Dun- giving the correct answers we will mail tickets. er of premises described in deed re- Township Committee of the Town- lands described in said bill of com- defendant because you are the wife ship of Woodbridge for a Plenary lsrari, Township Clerk. Woodbridge, Miss Lily Katen and Mrs. Clare . forded in Book 8"9 of Middlesex plaint; and yon, Samuel McOelland, of Joseph Kaspzak and you may N. J. County l>ieds. page 210, and you Retail Consumption license for Mattensen were chaperones. Those QUESTIONS: are made defendant because you are have, or claim to have an inchoate premises situated at 436 Woodbridge (signed) ANTHONY J. ANDERSCH, niay claim an interest in the lands the husband of Elizabeth Hommann right of dower in part of the said W. I. 6-1S, 25 Sewaren, N. .1. attending were: Dorothy Davis, described in said hill of complaint; Avenue, Port Reading, Township of McCelland, and you may claim a, premises. Woodbridge, N. J. Jane Fredericks, Caroline Haddad, 1. What store is located at 96 Smith Street, Perth Amboy? and you. Mr. Prolil, husband of An- -right of eurtesy in the lands de- And you, Mrs. William Henry NOTICE 2. Where can you bu^- Rosebushes for 15c each? na Prohl, are made defendant be- Objections, if any, should be made Take notice that JOSEPH TUREK Billy Dick Jeurgens, Kenneth Ka- scribed in said bill of complaint; Mawbey and Mrs. Stanley Kaspzak immediately in writing to: B. J. Dun- 3. What store is located at 1547 Mam Street, Rahway? cause you are the husband of Anna and you, Kolsert L. Tabier, are made are made defendants,' because, you intends to apply to the Township ten, Eleanor Longfield, Margaret Prohl, "and yon may claim a right of igan, Township Clerk, Woodbridge, Committee of the Township of Wood- 4. Who says "Its Got What It Takes"? defendant because you are one of are, respecti.vel3", the wives of the N. J. ettrtesy in tlie lands described in the heirs of Levi A. Tabier, who died above named owners of record of the "nrids?e for a Plenary Retail Con- Rapacioli, Mildred Rapacioli, Bet- said hill of complaint; the unknown (signed) AGNES MARIE BRADON, sumption license for premises situ- 5. Who sells Dr. Parker mattresses? intestate on May 14, 1926, seized of premises hereinabove elescribed and W. I. 6-11, IS. Port Reading, N. J. ty Robinson, Roy Rosencranz, heirs, devisees and personal repre- the premises described in deed re- you have or may claim to nave an ated at Cliff Road. Sewaren, Town- sentatives of Anna Prolil, and their corded in Book 4S5 of Middlesex inchoate right of dower in part of ship of Woodbridge, N. J. Catherine Schneider, ,Luci|le or any of their lieirs, devisees, ex- County Deeds, page 507, and you said premises. NOTICE Objections, if any. should be made Sharp, Ethel Sedlak, Ivy Jensen, Winners are not eligible to compete for three weeks follow- ecutors, administrators,, grantees, may claim an interest in the lands And you, Mr. Stewart, Mr, Jensen, Take notice that COLONIA COUN- immediately in writing to: B. J. Dun-; Andrew Sedlak, Jean Ohlerich, ing receipt of tickets. assigns or successors in right, title described "in said bill of complaint; Mr. Leibnitz, Mr, Johnson and Mr. TRY CLUB, Charles A. Jerome, ir-an. Township Clerk, Woodbriittfe, ov interest, are made parties defen- and you, Mrs. Robert L. Tabier, are Leslie are. made defendants because Agent, intends to apply to the Town- N. J. Charlotte Johansen and Eleanor dant 1iecatt.se you may claim an in- made defendant because you are the you are the husband 6f the above ship Committee of the Township of (signed) JOSEPH TUREK, teresi in the lands described in s^id W, I. 6-1S, 25 Sewaren, N, J. Whately. bill of complaint; and xou> Marie wife of Robert I* Tabier, and younamed owner of record of; the prem- Woodbridge for a Plenary. Retail

i 7


AT LANGiORNE, PA. MESKO'SNICEWORK jf-i. 50 Crack Pilots Entered In Fords Loses At Long Branch .100-Mile"AAAShow; / To Volunteer Firemen Wlnn In Miller By 4-2 Count • Langhorne Speedway, FORDS—Mike Meskofs world's fastest mile circular talented pitching did the track, becomes the speed Fords Field Club absolutely capital of the nation tomor- no good at all Sunday at Sons! Daughters! Wives! Show Dad Homage and Love With Gifts He Can Wear. row, June 19, when nearly a Long Branch but they helped half hundred noted drivers, the resorters' volunteer fire- HUNDREDS OF GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR DAD AT SCHINDEL'S LOW PRICES! including* ace pilots from the In-men nito a 4-2 victory attribut- dianapolis 500 mile race at Indian- ~7 REMEMBER DAD apolis, compete in a six event pro- able largely to five terrific cracks REMEMBER DAD A REMEMBER DAD gram that will total 100 miles of in the Fords defense. WITH HOSE _ sensational competition, Steve Anthony's young men WITH TIES WITH SHIRTS : The return of Billy Winn.to the found Dineen for five hits and Men's Summer eastern speed wars, the entry of had a 2-2 draw going into the Men's Summer Men's Better national champion Mauri Rose and fourth. Long Branch tallied the group of Indianapolis money twice then, however, and they winners, Ted Horn, Billy DeVore, played out the string from that George Connor and Louie Tomei, point without any further scor- TIES inakes of the coming Langhorne ing, fteinert, Glenfield, Bandies, races the speed classic of the sea-Allie and the aforementioned son, in the opinion of AAA sanc- Mesko were the hitters. -tion board officials. Fords did pull off one double play. Gloff was the pivot between Wimi, formerly king of eastern Parslen and Glenfield. tracks, has entered a new Miller The lineups: -nle to sell i'ux «!k\, Unud toil- .'.laJit and dark NIHHICS in n Ire- Fords mciHloiiM selection of ueajt pitt- machine while Rose will be at the 'e*ij resilient construction. Of t t-i'n _s.. Kve'T i»»Ir Avi tli rein'- AB K H iirsc Jic ntver bus enonsJi tiesl "Uade to sell tor )>] _'O to si (>5. You're afvrays .safe wheel of Lou Moore's great car in lieinert. 3b 4 0 1 if you s'vie Iiim t'cri'ed toe and heel. Buy si sum- urge choice t>£ neat patterns. sliirts . . . He'll need mure during- tlie summer. Uefsu «r, 'Keui, tab, mer's .supply for dad and yourself. which he won the great Tripoli Garfleld, 1b 3 0 1 -ijiy lined sxt botii ends. and noil, -wilt collars. Solids and 'fancies. Sines 14 fo Parsler, ss 3 0 0 l-oad race. Connor will drive the Gloff, 2b . 4 10 car in which he established the Bandies, sf. 3 0 1 •Jacobs, rf 2 0 0 world's record on flat mile tracks Mezo, sf 3 0 0 at Springfield last fall; Horn and Allie. c ..'. 4 11 Men's Shirts - Shorts Men's Wash Slacks DeVore are expeeted to have their Mesko, p _ 3 0 1 Smallye, lb •_ 10 0 MADE TO SELL * ^%x;~ \1 speedway mounts. Nemeth, rf 1 0 0 Ben Shaw Ready ...FOR-$1.39 s^- ^ Although conceded to be great Totals 32 2 5 Loug Branch if dirt track drivers as wel as speed- AB E. H Mathews, 3b 4 0 1 way stars, the invading contingent C'Felt, ss 2.4 0 of notables will have no advantgae Staten, c : 4 11 Vandeveer, lb 4" 1 2 over the flashy field of eastern Madge, 2b 3 ] 1 campaigners who shattered re- K'berg-, rf 4 0 0 cords in the Langhorne inaugural TJinen, p 4 0] Clifford, rf 4 0 1 and who will be back seeking new Smiht, cf 4 0] 61os .and Tony Willman, runner up, areHits off Mesko S, Gifford 5. Winning- Better Dresses at $180, $1.«U and $1.04, primed for the battle of their pitcher: Gifford. Losing pitcher, Mes- at lil>e, 7!)"c aud SI. careers. ko. Umpire, Conover. Among the most popular drivers in the line up will undoubteedly be Frankie Bailey of New Bruns- Reg. $1.49 Value Sport wick who is scheduled to drive for the first time since he was re- THE SPORT CLOCK GIVE DAD SLIPPERS FOR MISSES AND WOMEN leased from the hospital where A practical gift for Dad — a com- he was confined for weeks follow- fortable slipper witlt leather soles SIZES 14 TO 20 ing his spectacular crash during TURNED BACK c the first Langhorne program last aud rubber lieels. Sizes to 11. month. Bailey's ear has been re- iFroro THE INDEPENDENT Files) YOUR built and is ready for a speed Just Ten Years Ago OTIiER SLIPPERS test, officials report. '. DEFEATED BY ST. PE>- SCHINDEL'S CHOICE ter's of New Brunswick in 39c *o $1.69 BASEMENT final match of the year mar- red fine Woodbridge High @ SLACKS # CULOTTES © 1 AND 2 PC. PLAY SUITS School tennis record It SALE! 1800 PRS. I'S & GROWING GIRLS ': t HEAD was the only loss of the sea- # 3 PC. CULOTTE SETS @ FARMERETTES ® SHORTS Cunningham, Beeeali, Samson - - - Martin was the most valuable man on the Barron TZ ~ij? Romani And Venzke Run squad coached by James Battis Mothers!—Here Are Outstanding At Princeton Tomorrow - - - Both Edgar and Koyen were AN AMAZING SPECIAL PURCHASE Values Olympic stars of . theconsistent winners while Demar- OF SHOES MADE TO SELL AT $2, $3 AND EVEN $4 United States and other coun- est showed promise Bearcats, tries will compete in the adventuring in semi-pro ranks af- Fourth Annual Princeton In- ter long local success, were having vitation Track Meet which troubles - -, - Among 'em the fact will take place in Palmer Sta- the building boom had destroyed dium on Saturday afternoon, June their diamond - - - They had found 19th. Seven veents are on theanothe. r one on St. George Avenue -program: quarter, halftone and near Freeman Street But the two-mne runs, 220-yard low hur- A im-.ht'v selection1 'Cats would have beaten St. Jo- Kverytliiuii* i»» e» + 2: e r ^ dles, steeplechase and pole vault. seph's of Elizabeth anyway, had «!int for Uie Kiddies In the mile race which has been not pitcher Leonard forgot to and i » l>nt that liieitns »nl ii slriiu il psitltiu' \i><) white In addition to Beeeali, other for- batting- .563 in four games for # SANDALS awl.. JIINI tli_ r lb meet. Dennis Shore, South Afri- hit five home runs in four games, trailed two other men in the team SCHINDEL'S m SPORTS ? can Olympic star, will compete, in BASEMENT Boys Polo Shirts 39c the quarter-mile and Larry O'Con- standings - - - They were Vic nor, Canadian hurdle champion, Sherman and Einer Nelson - - - in the 220-yard low hurdles. OneSlater, Krohne and Murtagh com- MADE TO SELL of Shore's opponents in the quar- prised the pitching staff of the local SENSATIONAL SALE! ter-mile will be Eddie O'Brien, of entry in the American Legion ju- CHILDREN'S PLAY SANDALS FOR $1.99 Syracuse, a resident of Atlantic venile .baseball tournament - - - Gleason, Romanetz, and Scutti "C,ityr who flashed into track prom- Values inence in the Princeton meet of were outfielders - - - The inner Just the thing for ANY 2 SIZES! 3335. Like Beeeali, O'Brien ex- cordon had Johnson, Jost, Hirth to 89c pects to make his final track ap- and White - - - Mago was the the kiddies for the ANY 2 COLORS! pearanctrin the.forthcoming meet. catcher - - - Undefeated Iselin Tailored, Pnscilla, Cottage, Criss- The Princeton University Ath- Senators still led the township beach or street. ANY-2 STYLES! league. Cross, Mexican. letic Association is now filling mail Sizes from SYz to order.-- lor tickets. All seats are PRINTS x* Plaids, Cushion Dots reserved and tickets are" priced Prospective Bride Honored big 2. SPUN LINENS at $1 each, including, tax. Flower Nets, Woven At A Miscellaneom Shower SHANTUNGS Marquisettes. Styles SHOW IN HOPEiAWN WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Phillip for any and every room. Values HOPELAWN—A pet show will WASH CREPES Seitzer of Rahway Avenue enter- to $1.29 pr. be held at the Hopelawn Play- tained at a party for her sister, rrouiicl. Friday. June 25th at 7 Miss Janet Wilso'n, of Lock Haven, i). in. Prizes will be awarded for Pa., in honor of her approaching •he largest, smallest, most unu- FLASH!! m m marriage tomorrow to Dr. D. S. •ual, best looking and the fun-Fretz, also of Lock Haven. nies!, pets. Lowest The bride-to-be was presented Prices IFow many on this day, stopped with many gifts. Games were en- BOY'S AND GIRL'S -i) think of this unpleasant fact: joyed with prizese being won by PL;.' in the past 2."5 years iu the United Miss Ruth Numbers, Mary E. Mack •SLates, 375,000 women have died Mrs. Florence C. Dunbar, Mrs from prcgmitjey and childbirth, Walter McKean, Miss Ruth Tracey but in ail our country's wars—only and Miss Helen Dunbar. Others 2-14,000 men were killed in battle. present were: Mrs. Marcus B. Skid- more, Mrs. William Benson, Mrs. Warm weather and the increase Eleanore Levi, Mrs. Bertha Wil- BLACKS—BROWNS—WHITES of opportunities for recreation son, Mrs. Edward Klim, Mrs. '97-10! oresent certain dangers arising from over-exertion at the outset, Charles Numbers, and Miss Ame- especially iac adults. lia List.

i In Today's Independent ALL LOCAL MEWS 14 FAMOUS FiATUHiS § £OL©IiD COMICS Woodbridge, New Jersey, Friday, June 18, 1937

-*^,—V" *"—•• '-?^-*y" -*

CLIENTS reljned AHf aing , , . Tire ^N & DRAGOS .Bfve.7y?va tToilSthe *=*; . Axles lif« "Vrttfr OUE put«^ Hour-' 9 Psffed' Flaafs mt!k - " Cut IMewsrs INSURANCE f orif • Chsir. - 4 Wheels „. $S>7S . AH MeeMs $7.50 "FOR NEED"- ;, .'_, PHONE 8-0150 WOODBRIDGt, M, J., "FATETTI- AND ~FAY«TT« AUD MAPtE ST. PE8TH AMBOt 16 Smlffs St. P. A. 4*8S48 JUST THINK! Te Tefce Cere of 28 WEEKS OF TRAIK1NS NEW TIRES ON TIME! PgEPARES YOU fOR U?E- - .- OH MOT0S AN B INCREASES YOait tMCOMf' Sa ysup - By Swdymg 'the Intertsisng Prelession -ef ©>• Same i SIAUT¥ CULTURE ' SATTEfUES DAY ANI) EVENING CLASSES — EASf HOME RA.BJSS % PAYMENTS ARRANGED © AUTO RADIOS N. 1. Dtpt. o: Banking Lie. No. 676


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SPLE.NDID PHIL! JUST WHV -L [-„ ;."-,>. "Where is ail thtf^smoke,.cojw&mg from?" cried Rhoda "It's a house afire," gasped Roger as »®y MII *v«r »h« Ra.gg to Roger as their horse earned their cart quickly alojsg meadow. A crowd of field -animals stood aroyssd watchfwf the*'road, "1$ it a bonfire?" "Maybe," su4 Roger, "and it hum. On the door was a sign", "Will be horn®- in again, maybe wot, We'd better go and s®s. Stand still, minutes, Mrs. Mouse." . But th® fbggts hmrd » cry. Dobbin!"

AH the fSeSd amim&h stood hy wringing thw .paws in "Make a fire lin$and fight the flames," shouted Rpgef. tBiraveiy Roger rats pasl them, straight to th@ The animals fell into line as Rhoda, a pa a I in one hand and g h®me° Reaching into the window he found a her hat in the other, dipped first one and then the ©their field mouse and Hilled if am* of danger. "Hurray!" in the brook. She passed them to the nearest animal. the crow«f-

The woodchoiek, next1 to Rhoda, passed the water to At that moment Mrs. Mouse returned with Mr. Mouse, the chipmunk, who passed! _it to the rabbit, who passed for whom she had been looking. "My baby'" shrieked it to Roger. Rageir threw it ov«r the flames, and in a Mrs. Mouse. "Safe," Rhoda told her. "And your House minute the foire was out.. ''!«* a little damage to the needs Just a new roof," added Roger. "Hew can we roof/' saM Rhoda. thank you!" cried the mice. Uncle, Oscar has bean arrested, for kidnapping Lilltj. .Another policeman arrests Aunt Hattw.tkmkLngshe b irisajie and still another policeman finds tta. Male sitting iyto-garbage can.-Noio pl@jQ3e continaG,.-

mind yoar nickel, fckis rides Pree / GOOD nncrt


i'C oW, ,1& '•''.-".

Come on. 1 The car awaits Slow Motion.^ ^/ voa MadQ.m,- Youre. no I atiou) me ? / r^

' J a/"" ^F :•• 1 ^^ f ••I j«SwSSw^K^--#«* 1I hfWwh r •»,„» .i, ,,,J