Illustrious Madmen of the Ages, by James Mcgregor
ILLUSTRIOUS MADMEN —=OF THE AGES—= BY JAMES MCGREGOR BEATTY fce Being the Testimony of the Worlds greatest Scientists, and others, regard- Spiritualism, and its psychical phe nomena, together with a Spiritualistic Encyclopedia of the Old and New Testaments. -:- -:- -:- -:- Published by the Author •:• Los Angeles, California, U. S. A. Post Office Box 1438 \ • ..■..■..»..» 9*9 Hii«iiti.i.i».»..»..»..»..«iiiiiiii,i«l« ii «ii1m»ihi .»..«..» ,»..«. » fii..i..ii ■, ■..». iiiiiiiiiihi..iiiiiiii 9"m' ■ ii «.i■..»i «.i«..«..«..«..»..»in ■' ■ »..»..».»..«..»..»..»..■i 91 i MADMEN j ;>.-•/ 'Ina iu»\K 5 » PUBLIC LIBRARY j J 912142 : A?tO^, L7"NOX AND I " I '! 1 : I ! '' "When I have presented one corner of a subject to any one and he cannot from it learn the other three, I do not repeat my lesson." —Confucius. MADMEN INTRODUCTORY What appears on the following pages is the result of a desire to see a Spiritualistic Encyclopedia of the Old and New Testaments, together with the testimony of the world's great est scientists, and others, regarding Spiritualism and its phy sical, psychical, mental and spiritual phenomena, in one con cise volume. While the New Testament is looked upon, by the ortho dox, as the final natural or revealed theology for this, the new dispensation, the Old Testament is full, from cover to cover, of spirit writing, materialization, spirit voices, trances, dreams, tests and healing, the record of which is given herewith. This is written, in no way endeavoring to prove the truth of Spirit Return or the Continuity of life after the change called Death, as that truth stands today, a demon strated, scientific fact, proven by the greatest array of sci entific knowledge, gleaned from every enlightened country on the globe, but it is written in an attempt to repudiate some of the booklets and pamphlets, written and published, and lectures and sermons given from the platform, which spoke lightly or jeeringly of this philosophy, through fear of the knowledge it imparts, ignorance of the facts it proves, or are possessors of prejudiced minds.
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