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Revista de Taos, 1905-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-10-1905 La Revista de Taos and the Taps , 06-10-1905 Jose ́ Montaner

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Recommended Citation Montaner, Jose.́ "La Revista de Taos and the Taps Cresset, 06-10-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ revista_taos_news/615

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i Organo Oficial Oilioa! Organ Of t Del i Conrado íleTao HI Taos County. l lü ti P

AND TETE TAOS CRES3ET, ENGLISIH AND SPANISH. Periódico Liberal e Independiente, Del Pueblo, Para el Pueblo, y por el Pueblo. El Falso Crédito. Fiesta Escolar. Taos Aislado. Ningún empresa especulatív El domingo pasado á as B p í Debido á las últimas lluvias que MiFriPisItsiíFilliílprsiñ el nioimeí'Jto tino efecto la recepción tin de tér- han caído, la prodtt utiíilüdeswi durante umaiia que y Cl en que su capital tiene aplieaaui mino, en los planteles de instruc- hoy fine y el deshielo total en huí uci illilü IU estíllelas práctiVa. Cnanto tnas remuueratl tion en las del Convento montanas, ha Lecho quo íacrecien-t- e va es La Uffivjeític'u). tanto iifcáa tar de ésta ciudad, á carjro de laa Iler. en el Río del Norte subiera en dio es el resultado. manas de Loreto, laque estuvo tan alto grado, destrnyéndo en varios El llagad ngotarse., por electa como concurrida porlo nula lugares pequeñas siembras v árlo-let- . cajtal " Jiaberse empinado íntegro en laem selecto de la suciedad Tauseña. presa. Kate eapi tal así como di mu La liesta einjiezi á las S p. m. El jnev - en la mañana era tal erto, toma el i 'alante; el íteutina y concluyó á la 5, íJO con gran la armatosta que llevava el líío do á eprwclweírwí, es tina garantía de la numerosa coneur-re- ca del Norte entre árboles do pinabe- del negocio, entonces ho recurre al (jue llenava el edifido y en te T trae armatostas, que destruyó erodita. enpeetal de los padres de alumno y se llev) consigo, cnanto puente Sin! emlííít, 3o saben tojos, no j á sta escuela, quienes confiaron á encontraba en su paso. MAQUINA PAKA COK 1AR podríaa atiguir nielante la mayor sus lujos á las hermanas de boa puentes que conducían á RASTRILLOS McCORMIK. SÁCATE, McCORMICK. parte de las ujvesas indusírijl'; j para el alimento intelectual de sus Servilleta, de tanta utilidad para casi ujuguwa, tssiecialmeute laa 3 hijos. los viajeros y el comercio, llamado ímpiíaeíJ(. H crédito, su En la fiesta se observo nuiclio el uno, el puente de la bajada del ánimo en todos los participant's y caballo y el otro el puente de Ar-fo- yo li ej tdjÉo, 6e basa no solamente sin excepcióti alguna todos repre-teutaro- n Hondo, fueron destruidos en la fiolveaxua, úuo también y prin e.)lénddar.iente su papel desde ese" día alta- ci pal man te en lá capacidad del y , para tal fin, distinguiéndose estamos incomunicados con la par- belle- - lo solícita ú .disfruta. Sino ha' mente por sus arduas tareas, to norte y sin correos. El coírior-ci- o jmciijad fikumeiera, industrial, i .. ! zas y mocloiiesexpresivas, ira sim se ha visto obligado de ordeiiar SEGADORA MciORMICK. Jiómíjea, esi .suma, el crédito m J""s páticas señorita, Eloísa Trtijíllo, y aceptar como lugar para el des- triiija, se liace se agota 1 Adela E. Santistevau, Eloisa Kan-tittev- an, tino de sus pedidos de 'mercancías, SEGADOXiA Y ATA DORA Tru-jill- y su mal uso es la ruina de ta , -- Marry Koss, Carmel el dipo do Springer en lugar de McCORMJC"v presa. Ilefugio (inzáles, María Servilleta. lis combinaciones más atrevidas Gonzáles, Manuelita Espínoza. El puente Woody, que conduce o dan el éxito jior el atrevimiento Winnie Liebert, Emma Valdt'sc, y á la Parra nca y que desde tieinjio olatrieirta, bíüo por la previsión y otras, cuyos nombres ignoramos. se halla intransitable, pero que Ja capacidad económica. Las de Los jóvenes que masse distinguie- poderlo pasar á pé ó .fW5r?-VWwr- i más, aiu stos requisitos fracasan ron son los siguientes: Eduardo montado á caballo y que por medio fatalmente., Espinosa, Elíseo Gonzáles, Arthur de él eataui03 en 'comunicación Ho- El crédito reomo la Balad, de-,- ie Adair, Tomas Cisneros, Tomás (aúu que con mucha irregularid.id) I cuidarse tut conservación, no mero, losé Martínez, José C'arba-ja- l coi la parte sur del territorio, h;y iD malgastarla uo maltratarla con el y José Drtto. muchos temor. ', que de nu mu 'La' sefiorita Duniitila Head y manto á otro sea destruida también, Mrs, l)n-J?- or, las C muido el erudito padtiet, cuan-d- o Marry fueron por la corriente, atiesar qué basta tuvieron á la falta de ciüJipliniieuto á sus pianistas, quienes eargo la hora de ir a la prensa, 3, W p . compromisos lo va restriajwiido, la ejecución de las piezas musica- m. de hoy sábado, no se han reci- dificultando, agotado, falta elniien les que formaban parte en el pro- bido noticias que haya sido destrn-d- o ñ t firme á ía negociación, el edifi- grama de la fiesta escolar. por la veróz corriente. cio se desnivela, se cuaitea, edes-jdoui- a Merece también, y en rerdad, MAQUINA PARA MOLER CU- DE ATAR McCORMICK y sobreviene al fin el derruin especial mención, la nula María CHILLO DE MAQUINA, HILO lie. Espinos de unos 7 años de edad, Fiesta Escolar McCORMICK. Antea del desastre final tse le po quién tomó la mayor parte en el Ed Los H anchos. lien puntales, m apela á los paliati programa con esplendor y admira-ció- n La celebración del día de los in- vos y e emplea 1 falso crédito. de una nita artista; puéa eje- flo, que se celebra por la Iglesia se en e!? J'jBto apresura I caida. cutó debidamente y correctamente Grandes Cantidades que venden Presbiteriana eu todos los E. U., Se contraen compromisos exter su pajttíl y á pesar do loe torrentes tuvo lugar en Jos Ranchos de Taos jioa para entretener los apremios de aplausos de la numerosa cuucu Trading Co. Tiempos y plazos el domingo pasado en la Escuela Taos del acreedor, y e hace lo qae vul- rrencia, decern pefió su cometido, Misionera y bajo los auspicios de garmente so llauia abrir un aguje tan templadita como si estuviera la muy activa y cumplida maestra, muy liberales, en todos estos efectos d jo ara tapar atnoB pedir ptsquefias en su casa. En la pieza "Cantata" la señorita Alice Hyson. La con- caíitidades por venas partea para la niña Espinosa figuraba como la currencia que asistió á la liiesta, cubrir los aboaosde las deudas pri protogonista, desempeñando su pa- fué tan grande como escogida, niitiva. pel exceleutemente y recibiendo el edificio de bote en bote. Esto ya es pinteo, o según otra atronadores aplausos. Taco, Los participantes eu los ejerci- expresión vnlgac, "dar patajaa de Concluidas Jas piezas e que ee cios fueron como 22, todos muy Abogado.4' componía el programa, el Rev. Jo- jovenc! toa y de ambos sexos. Los No bay caja qtó baste para ta- sé (J iraud, dió las gracias á las Pro- ejercicios consistieron de marchas, NOTICK OF PUBLICATION. par los agujerod áx esta fesoras, eu nombre de los padres NOTICE OF PirnUCATIOX. cánticos y recitaciones que los Territory of Now Moxlco, I u ni sacrificio aplaqiw las de los pupilos y dé la concurrencia tnuiiiy o( luon. f Atención. Territory f New Mexico, N. Tti8L ín," iue County of Taos. $ al- alumnos desein peñaron con gran Ibkuo Mnrtluez urgeaeí&Sííel acreedor principal. que allí estaba, no sin antes dar Comlcinda Grnaales ie Velasiu3, t afecto y voluntad. VS. Ofertas cerradas se recibirán . acreedo-re- los V. El barro baee 2iia: los s gunos consejos á alumnos par- Carmel GonzalM do Martinez. 1Ü05, Marcelino Velasquez. f Esta escuela terminó sus sesio- hasta el día 1ro. de Jnlio, stictitidaHos, lt dan la ticipantes del modo de dirigirse en In the District Court of tho First Judicial Iu tha District Court of the First Jadlclal últimos, 8x16, entrega-do- a nes el viernes Comity of por 50,000 adobes Olstrkt of New McmIco t!j las ante pasado, después District, for the Tan. for CBty uf voz de alarma: la empresa grita presentes vacaciones. Gonzale más tarde que Taos. de haber tenido un término esco- The said defendant Ctmnel de en mi corral no b1 se JSálvese p6 pitóda; y el barco Murtlnez, Is lierotiy notlfled that a complaint el 1ro. de Octubre 1005. Tlie said defendant Marcelino Velaiut lar de nueve meses y de una aten-deuci- a día i her In the District hereby uutiflni that a uuiplalnt vade. Mejoras. has been filed against Tambiéií ofertas para tirarv mi ba been tan numerosa, que mr ' . county of Taos, territory aforo filed against blin in the District La bancarrota bs el naufragio. al continuo patrocinio Court for tlie Courrfot tho Debido cas de comercio y remo- Taos, do loe aplicantes no pudieron ha- said, that being the court In which said case presente County of Territory aforesaid, that be- El empresario fl sacado de loa que se ha dignado ofrecer el co- ing the In wnu llar lugar en eso término. is twiullng, by ald plantlff, Isaac Martínez, ver la tierra v madera. Court aald ousels pendlug. C á potion being to ob- by said plantMf Veias-qurat- cabellos para que ague. mercio de ésta loealidad, nuestra the general object of said outleiuda Uouzalwdo he Los padrea de los alumnos, están Las ofertas se aoriran ei aia tf a deorco of devorce and eosts of suit, etc. general objeet of said nciiim being Pero los muerto no pueiVn pa- humilde puplicacíóu "La Revista tain de 1905. más que satisfechos del loable tra- us will nioie Mlly appear by reference to tin Jnlio for an absoiuty divorce ou tk grounds ni el resucita. valiosos aid cause And thnt un- vt gar, erudito íalso dkTaos" por medio de complaint tiled in Diríjanse á A. G. Muller, Taos, non- - support and abandon bajo en pró de la instrucción, por appearnce in said cause meat and for the nu- less you eu , ; our Un poco de 'rdín; de continen- anuncios, deseamos anunciar á IrttM j costs Iu thlskalf expended la señorita on or Wth. day of April Jmlituient N. M. and for other profesora, Hyson, cuya in cause by relief an to the Court may cia en ti uso del crédito sano y la estros numerosos siibcritores, que, will be reuderl against said svtw Just and pi popularidad y fama que ee ha cap- as will more fully appear ade- default. by reference to energía necesaria para no apelar ja desde el próximo número en whereof. 1 hMVO herennto ot iny tado loa residentes de Los Iu witness the complaint died InMltlcauae. Ana entre he seal of said court at Manta Fe, (Homestead Entry No. M08) tlmt más al falso crédito para sostener lante, La Revista aparecerá de hand and unless you enter your appearance Ranchos de Taos, es excelente. New Mezi so, this UHh. of February A D. IW3. NVriC8 rOK VUBUCATION. In said dw cause on or ni primero, pueden t?itar estos nuevo publicada toda en español, A. M. BEltGEUK. Department of tue Interior, before the third day of July, A La profesora Hyson, saldrá para Clerk. D. WOi, Judgment eaatreatt nacerlos repara- Land Oilice nt Santa Fe, N. M. will bo rendered agaiu. al menos y, al efecto, hemos ordenado ya adtiro of plantlffa attorneys; t Pennsilvania, mañana Lu- Name and 190S. you iu said cause by pasado Mexico. May , default. bles. . materiales de imprenta y Abbott !i Abbott, Bauta Fe, Now nuevos is hertbj given that the following-name- d In witííks wBKHBuv, I bavo nes, regresando de nuevo á ésta en (5eal) Notice hereunto sit Todo vicio trae ruina, y el ticio para la primera semana de Julio, he fled notice of his intention my liand and Seal of suM Court Septiembre proximo. ettier at Santa Fo .del adeudo y Je las combinación es la lectura de la misma aparecerá TT1KNU! USTED TOS? to make final proof in support of his claim, New Mexico, ibis 1Mb. Uy of May A. D. de Curonn-lo- , said prorf will bo made before V. 8. M. A. Bergere, del crédito, Jiacen á este oneroso, toda en tipo nuevo. Uaa dóiis ilol Jarabe and that el número Court Commissioner at Wagoh Mound, N. M Clerk. fórmase la bola íe nieve y aplasta introdu- Túsqüksk próximo de Ballard, lo relevará. ?Tiene usted Como quiera, que para on June 30. 1U5 vfc: JOSEFA PACHBCO for E. C. Abbott, Attorney for ptaMKT; " 'de La Revista de Taos, pu- un resfrio? Pruélielo pari la tos feri- tmtn los viciosos cir tales hemos tenido que the N E 4 Sec. 20, T U N. It. MB. Fe,N.M. i. mejoras, bronquitis. Mis Joe blicada toda en Español y especial na, asma, tisis, He names the following witnese to prove (deal) desenbolsar algunos fondos, suge- calle El Cuerpo de Comisionados de casa McGiUi, del No. 327, prituera his continuous residence upon and cultiva- rimos de nuestros suscritores de- parala este Condado, ba estado en seion Co. Ilutehiusou, Ks., escribe "Yo he tion of said land, Tlz: al de la susención, M. J desde el Lunes hasta ayer tarde, en lincuentes pago usado el Jarabe de Caramelo, Ballsrd, He n i to Mares, of Blnck lake, X. B.LUSK. " " se dignen remitirlo que nos ade- El en wifuniüia.por 5 años y hallo que louisW. Lynch, Lawyer Corte de igualamiento. Kl piimer stfior Rayiuundo Cordova, de " " " ó palatabiu que ja- Frcil C. Ijncb, de nue- udan por la misma tan siquiera los Cordovas tiene postas de made- es la iiudioina más Lunes de Julio se reunirán Joso Y. Stkliehez " Octi " Prompt attention to all busine una supuesto que mucho lo más be usado, vo para oir las quejas de los que se jarte, ra para vender a precios muy redu- MANUEJ. K. OTElU, intrusted to my 2.ri, &ü $1 00 1 vtnta en; la botica care. necesitamos con uues-tr- a y Udglster. les ha aumentado el valor de la para cidos. Ias postas miden de 6 a 7 ; ' tíe A G Mullcr. TAOS K M. cruz. pies. Diríjanse a el jers.nalmtnte. Hernia Care for Starving Stock. LA REVISTA DE TAOS MURDERERS L1UST DIE G. A. R. E17 MEXICO JEWS S U'MMARY C. E. Belden of Hopewell, New Mex- EüCñf.lPuEílT AND TAOS CRESSET ico, has written the State Bureau ol Child and Animal Protection some BOARD OF PARDONS SO DECIDES GREAT GATHERING AT DENVER JOSE WONTANER, Editor and Prop. news. Rival Railroad Interests. Chenowcth Convicted. In the. winter when the stock in Col- Department of Colorado and Wyoming A Santa Fe dispatch of May 13th Howard Chenoweth was on Satur orado along the New Mexico line was Two of the Murderers of Mrs. Young-bloo- d and Allied Organizations in says:. The Denver & Rio Grande Rail- day, the 8th inst.. at Silver City, in the suffering Agent Harry B. Kerr, In in- to Be Hanged at An Early Annual Session. One thing is If hoops ar Company by tem- vestigating the situation, found certain. road is restrained, a Third Judicial District Court for Grant that Date One Reprieved for Denver, Colo., May 19. Yesterday's coming into go- porary y by stock over the line in New Mexico was style, feminine golf is injunction granted county, convicted of murder in the sec Six Months. of encampment of the De- Judge R. McFie, crossing in a condition equally bad. He took session the ing out. John from ond degree, the jury having returned partment of Colorado and Wyoming, or using of way of Ari- the matter up with Governor Miguel Denver, Colo., May 18. After the the right the the verdict after a deliberation of Grand Army of the Republic, was full zona & Colorado railway in twenty-fou- r A. Otero and Attorney General George hearing yesterday In governor's The proposed coflin trust is a very La Plata hours. The case was the of so full, in fact, only county, Colorado, Juamcounty, W. Pilchard of New Mexico. This agi- office, the state board of pardons an- business, that grave matter, that should at once re- and San heard before Judge Frank W. Parker five of officers were elected, as in- - tation resulted in arousing public sen- of the ceive the of oust- New Mexico, the petition for the the territory being represented by Dis- nounced its decision in the case the attention the trust representa- timent, and nearly 200 horses were res- Youngblood who follows: ers. junction being made by trict Attorney Turner of the Third Ju three murderers, Department Commander George W. tives of Ari- cued and cared for by the citizens, al- sought a, commutation of sentence the Southern Pacific and dicial district, and W. B. Childers of Curfman, Denver. zona & Colorado railways. though there was no law compelling from hanging to life imprisonment. 1 The writ Albuquerque. The defense was con Vice Commander Stephen Unlike President Roosevelt, Mr. is returnable June 2d. them to take this action. Mr. Belden The verdict was Frederick Ar- Senior ducted by Attorney James S. Fielder. that H. Collins. Gates now feels that going out after The Arizona & Colorado has writes that the last of the stock so res- nold and Newton Andrews must be Seckner, Fort road The crime for which Chenoweth was Junior Vice Commander John IL bears is both dangerous and unprofit- been surveyed from Durango, Colorado, convicted occurred In Silver City on cued has been sold and that the re- hanged on the week beginning Sunday, able. to Cochise, Arizona, Lordsburg, ceipts paid the expense of keeping the May 21st. Charles O. Peters, whose Gullforl, Trinidad. and August 28, 1904. Howard Chenoweth C. A. Brooks, Fort Mexico, point to connect entire lot. Some few were claimed by sanity been questioned, was Chaplain Rev. New at each and Mark Kennedy, two cowboys of has Morgan. Two coachmen have married rich with the Southern Pacific and furnish their owners, but in the majority of granted a six months' reprieve, and the Diamond A outfit were engaged in Medical Director Dr. F. O. Bur-dic- k, with coal coal fields in instances the horses were sold without will be No- " women. They have demonstrated it from the a drunken brawl when the ranch fore- hanged the week beginning ' ' Boulder. . San Juan, Socorro and Valencia coun man, claimants. Denver News. vember 19th. their ability to drive in double har- Pat Nunn, interfered and got a Other officers will be elected to-da- ness. ' ties, New Mexico. severe bullet wound from Chenoweth All phases of the case were care- Denver & Rio Inspecting the Forts. par- The numerous auxiliaries of the The Grande railroad as reward. When the bullets began to fully considered by the board of sev- d Army had a busy day, after the Arizona & Colorado survey-ha- dons. A report by the Grand also As a mild fly City Marshal James Kilbourne Lieut. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee, chief oí submitted choosing officers, besides retort it would be Just been completed and the plats for army; sanity commission, signed by three of eral of them like Mr. Carnegie to set small came running up to interfere and staff of the United States Gen, laying plans for the national encamp- aside a its right of way filed, commenced to Chenoweth fired at him point blank C. F. Humphrey, quartermaster gen- the doctors, stated that all three of Farm-ington- ment, to held in this city in Sep- fund for the maintenance of decayed build a branch from Durango to ,' be Constable Rodiguez was alsb badly eral, and Capt. Groté Hutcheson of the the murderers are sane. An additional They visits from dukes. which crosses the Arizona & report, signed by Dr. J. E. Courtney tember. also received wounded by Chenoweth who was so in general staff, were at Albuquerque Gen. Wilmon W. Blackmar. national Colorado right of way seventeen Kan- with regard to mental condition furiated by liquor and passion that he May 11th, en route to Fort Riley, the commander in chief; his adjutant, Gen. There are some persons who never times. was Chaffee just com- of Charles O. Peters, indicated uncer- shooting at every man in sight. sas. General has John D. Gilmaa; Mrs. Blackmar, who will believe that they cannot buy up At Farmington, the Denver & Rio Deputy Sheriff Murray made his ap pleted a tour of inspection of the mili- tainty, and this undoubtedly led to his Grande is to connect with a branch to reprieve. is a national special aid of the Wo- all the wheat in the world until they pearance as Kilbourne fell and as tary posts of the Southwest and said: Gilman, who be built by the El Paso & Southwest was gover- man's Relief Corps; Mrs. have tried. Chenoweth aimed his at "Our tour has taken us to Whipple It a sad gathering in the of ern to a connection with the Santa Fe nor's office. is national aid and chief cf staff Murray the latter fired and Chenoweth Barracks, Fort Bayard, Fort Bliss and organization, and Gen. Har- Pacific near Gallup. A traffic arrange we The of board of par- the same It has dropped. He was painfully wounded Fort Wingate, and at every place members the M. George W. been discovered that women ment with the Santa Fe system is posts dons were intent upon carrying out per Orahood and Gen. wore and for weeks his fate hung in the bal- found the in splendid condition. Cook, of Denver. All members corsets as far back as 1600 B. C. pending by which coal from the San I improve- the law, and their final decision does both ance. At all shall recommend of party were cordially received Nevertheless the sex has managed to Juan fields is to be carried from this ments. At Fort Wingate a railway be- bo to the letter. The tears of mothers the & by the Women's Relief Corps and the survive till now. Rio Grande and El Paso South tween Wingate on Che Santa Fe , and relatives present were of no avail Las Vegas Gets Sanitarium. station G. A. R., and each western connection near Gallup over ten will and were pleas of attor- Ladies of the at and the fort, miles distant, be neither the meeting they short addresses. The St. Louis man who killed him' the Santa Fe to Deming, thee to con A Las Vegas dispatch of May 9th constructed at once at a cost of prob- neys for the youths. made Both the Relief Corps and the La-li- self in order that his wife may be hap nect with the El Paso & Southwest says: This city has been selected as ably $100,000. This will do away with Willis Elliott made a strong plea for ern main line, which supplies the San- of the G. A. R. elected officers yes- py has not set an example that will be the site for the National Fraternal heavy expense of freighting supplies clemency for the men. He does not smelters at Clifton, Morenci, Bisbee itarium. The magnificent Montezuma terday, the features of the meetings, generally followed. orerlaud to the military post." believe in capital punishment and distinguished Nacossari and Douglas, controlled by hotel, three stories in height, and con- a eloquent talk besides the visits of the made sincere and guests, presentation of dia- the same financial interests as the El taining 400 rooms, with the hot springs, A Roswell dispatch of May 9th says: against it. being the í orbes Robertson declares & mond rings to the retiring presidents, that Paso Southwestern. grounds of 1,000 acres and the produc Brakeman W. A. Gossett met with a Col. J. M. Essington, Arnold's attor- Hamlet was not mad. Hamlet never tive farm, a property which cost a mil- night m ney, spoke, asking clemency. Dr. Mrs. Olive A. Killin of the Woman's railroad accident last at Elida also Corps, Mrs., Minnie M. saw himself portrayed on the stage Will Remain at Albuquerque. lion dollars, and which has been given which one of his legs was cut off. Pierce S. Smith made a general argu- Relief and by an amateur actor. by the Santa Fe company to the Na- Ditto of the Ladies of the-G- A. R. An Albuquerque dispatch of May 11th Hopes are entertained for his recov- ment against capital punishment. tional Fraternal Sanitarium Company. ery. Governor McDonald probably will The Woman's Relief Corps elected givees an interview with E. P. Ripley, y following officers: At the present rate of progress Announcement is made from St. While attempting to cross the Rio approve report of board as he the the president of the Atchison, Topeka & the the President, Mrs. Jennie McGill, Den- chauffeur of the future will have to Louis that the gift has been accepted Grande river at Fort Seldon a few has stated he would be guided by its Santa Fe Railway Company. and that the largest sanitarium in the ver; senior vice president, Mrs. Jen- be a graduated physician, with a Relative to a dispatch from Fort days since, Denan Walters was recommendation. junior world will be established. His companions re following is of nie A. Knight, Cheyenne; vice knowledge of embalming. Worth, Texas, in which Mr. Ripley is drowned. three The the report th0 Clair, Fort Citizens of Las Vegas have given the covered the body several miles down sanity, commission: president, Mrs. Ann St. credited with saying that when the Alice T. ; Smith, company several hundred acres of "May 12, 1905. ' Cdllins; treasurer, The son Belen cutoff is completed and the road the river. P. of a Pittsburg millionaire land, and a score or more of cottages. C. M. to Cripple Creek; chaplain, Nellie extended from Belen across the Rio Kaadt, a Santa Fe business "We have this day examined as board, has secretly married a kitchen girl, 1 he Las Vegas grant has presented man who had resided there for many condition of Charles O. Weston, Canon City; executive' Puerco to a junction with the Santa Fe the mental of Denver, Eliza but, if anybody, perhaps she may be thousand of acres of land surrounding years, dropped dead on the 10th inst. Peters, No. 5974, Frederick Arnold and Edna E. Campbell Pacific, the big shops now at Albu- company of Golden, Lillie' Inman of the one to be commiserated. querque the hotel grounds, so that the in his place of business from a hem Newton Andrews, now confined in the Peters will be removed to Belen, he of . of Denver, will own and control a large area orrhage of the lungs. He is survived state penitentiary under sentence for Pueblo, Maude Cochran denied the article in toto. commer- Hooper of Central City; dele- Gabriele d'Annunzio is said to he land that cannot be used for by a widow and daughter. death. In our opinion, each of the said Mattie Mr. Ripley stated that the Belen cut cial purposes. gate large, Augie Grove of Denver; writing a tragedy based on life De Long, who died Albu convicts is sane. Respectfully, at the off undoubtedly will be completed and The sanitarium company will expend Thomas at at large, Ida Critchell of of Nero. scene, in operation year con querque on 12th inst. age of "HOWELL T. PERSHING, M. D. alternate The with the within a and its $50,000 in refurnishing the hotel, which the at the " Denver; delegates, Maria Luge of Boul- sixty-tw- o years, quartermaster "S. D. HOPKINS, M. D. emperor violining, will be great. struction simply, means that it will will not be utilized for patients, but was der, Emma Ormsby of Colorado Mex-?c- o A, "F. N. CARRIER, M. D." take the overflow from the New pa- sergeant of Company First Califor- Longmont; will be open to the public. The Dr. Courtney's report states that Springs, Rosa Wright of. How will the New York multimil- division through Raton and the be placed 'tents and cot- nia cavalry, during the Civil war. He alternates, Mary Hader of Cheyenne, a line tients will in was prominent while there are many indications that. lionaire who was fined $25 for break- Gloriet mountains and furnish tages. a citizen and well Jennie Woodruff of Creede; for a certain section of territory in known Grand Army man. Peters is feigning insanity, some of bis ing the The company has' the assurance of of Golden. ; , automobile ordinances ever be now reached symptoms are those of dementia, leav up the Southeast which is the of many orders in the The resignation of William C. Officers were elected by the Ladies able to bear under the blow? now by long de- ing a reasonable doubt as to his Fau- except a and tedious United States in its fight against tuber- Barnes of Las Vegas, as a member of of the G. A. R., as follows; tour via Newton, Kansas. cattle sanitary board, was recently lty. Sarah Bernhardt says culosis. the Willis Elliott stated last night that If President, Mrs. Hattie Kinney, crinolines As a further denial of the Fort Former Governor Stevens will make accepted by Governor Otero, and Will- Rocky Ford; senior vice president. "infamous," ob- pos- sufficient money can be raised for the are but as she also Worth dispatch, Mr. Ripley stated the formal announcement of the selec- iam C. McDonald of Carlzozo, Lincoln Denver; junior vice presi- itively New Mexico division purpose, the case of the Youngblood Rose Wade, jurgates trousers and silk hats, we that the tion of Las Vegas as the site for the county, was appointed to succeed him. dent, Mrs. M. E. Gardner, Pueblo; on line and in- murderers will be taken on appeal to conclude she's only half right after will remain the main sanitarium a banquet at the Plant- Mr. Barnes will remain secretary. K. Green, Rocky Ford ; of reducing removing the at the United States Supreme Court, pro- treasurer, Alice all. stead or ers' hotel evening. & McCunnliff, Canon shops city, capacity of W. A. Gossett, the Pecos Valley viding Governor McDonald will grant chaplain, Winnie from this the City; councilor, Mrs. Minnie M. Ditto, will be greatly .during Northwestern brakeman who had his a stay of execution. It is estimated A New York them increased acci- of administration, landlord announces the next year. Encouraging Crop Report. leg amputated after a railroad that it would cost between $500 and Canon City; council he will not peo- Elida, died at Roswell May Grace Adams of Meeker, Lillie Smith that make trouble for "The Sania Fe Railway Company," May 9th by dent at $600 to appeal the case. An appeal ple who The crop bulletin issued 14th from his injuries. He was the of Salida, Melinda B. Gladden of Crip- have babies in his fiats. Some said Mr. Ripley, "has invested too in would be taken on behalf of some one the United States Weather Bureau son of Warren J. Gossett, a passenger would ple Creek. The remainder of the board men would risk almost anything for much money in improvements of their New Mexico is very op member of the trio, which have Santa Fe for conductor on the south end of the Pe the of staying execution in all of officers will be elected notoriety. shops and other property in Albu ' says contin- effect timistic. It that the soil cos Valley & Northeastern lines. high court accepted Over the campfire at Unity church querque to slight this town and the ues for plowing, three, if the the in excellent condition Vegas which case.. last night' the G. A. R. heard eloquent As they never swear up in Maine, people of this city and the Rio Grande seeding, planting and the growth of The Las Electric line, valley have no cause to worry over extends ten miles into the Gallinas talks and interesting stories from their the legislature of that state has im- crops. Practically all the avaiiaDie commander-in-chief- , General Black- false and seemingly malicious stories cul- canon, was sold May 11th to W. H. posed penalties on anyone "who vexes, valley land is being brought under represents DEPARTMENT ENCAMPMENT. mar, and from Adjutant General Gil- instituted relative to the building of is abundant, the Buddecke of St. Louis, who harasses or annoys another over a tivation and moisture capital. A. H. St. man, many of them stories of the war, the Belen cutoff. rivers creeks and even arroyos St. Louis Duncan of telephone." and Ijouis was the chief owner of the line. Annual Meeting of Colorado and Wy which were of espe'eial interest to the running full and but little or no irriga- Wo- The new cars have been ordered and oming Veterans in Denver. veterans. Speakers from the Memorial Day Order. tion being required. Corps of the Certainly those two French doctors line will be and , im- man's Relief and Ladies The early sown, grain is growing the extended Denver, May 18. With the recep- never had any reason to dream that The following circular, No. 1, has proved. G. A. R. took part in the entertain- finely, and in the southern valleys the tion at the depot of General Wilmon ment, which was enlivened by songs they would ever have an opportunity just been issued from the office of A. The Rio Grande river has changed commander-in-chie- first crop of alfalfa is being cut, while W. Blackmar, national f from a quartet and a number of pieces to perform an autopsy on the body of P. Tarkington, adjutant general of the its bed near Las Cruces and inun- Re- in other portions of the territory the of the Grand Army of the by the Cook G, A. R. Band and Drum John Paul Jones. New Mexico National Guard, by order crop is almost ready for cutting. dated many acres of formerly valua- public, opened its annual encampment Governor Corps the "band that made Denver of Otero: Range; grasses well, ble farming lands. The change in the morning. General Black-ma- r s are growing and yesterday the camp fire General "It has been customary for many-year- of great famous." After Our ungallant probate court has ad- cattle, horses, sheep and goats are course the river was so that was accompanied by his adjutant Eastern points. for organizations of the Na- a new long will Blackmar left for judged a woman insane just because generally in good condition, only in ditch three miles have general, John E. Gilman of Boston; great of the encampment tional Guard of New Mexico to partic- to be irrigation The work she says she is growing younger as northeastern counties reporting poor built before facilities Mrs. Gilman, Mrs. Blackmar and the preparation meeting. of the ipate in the Memorial day exercises will be up to former standard. is for the her successive birthdays roll around range and losses of cattle and sheep. their latter's sister, Miss Jennie Brewer. National Encampment which opens at their home stations on May 30th of The present crop on several thousand 300 Ohio State Fruits continue very promising, apri More than veterans, with Col. September 4th. Journal. each year. plums acres will be ruined for lack of water. and his drum corps, present year cots, peaches, cherries, and Charles Wallace "It is urged that the be early apples setting fruit abundantly. Tremendous excitement, prevailed were waiting at. the depot at King Victor no exception. No honor too Statement by Mrs. Chadwick. Emmanuel and Mr. J. made with little or no apparent harm from among the Mexican population on the 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning great be shown who I9.v-M- rs. Pierpont Morgan had a very pleasant can the dead, although the daily average night of May 9th. young son of to greet General Blackmar and Cleveland, Ohio, May Cas gave up their lives in defense of the the frost, The chat. The American money king is temperature has been four degrees be- Mr. and Mrs. Juan Sisneros, who had party. The visitors were de- sie h. Chadwick made a statement decidedly persona grata to the other flag we all love, and who died that our during past seven arroyo lighted with their reception nd Gen- last night concerning her affairs in country might live. low the normal the been sent to take a burro to an king since the Ascoli cope affair. days, the frosts extended as far near his home, failed to return anfl eral Blackmar was particularly which she said: "Company commanders are re- and 1, 1901, I as Pecos valley, but doing searching parties were sent in all di pleassd at the announcement of "Since January have had quested to ascertain what exercises are south the amount I Harvard students little damage. rections. It was finally discovered Col. Harper M. Orahood that former $3,210,000. Of this borrowed have shown that to take place at their home stations .gray not over $900,000, the remainder com- are fifty that the little fellow was sound asleep Mayor Wright's fine horse had there methods of working on this day, and to offer the service general for ing from a trust fund and some sales. way New Incorporations. at the house of a neighbor who had been tendered to the his one's through college, but the of their organizations for parades or usé' during the national encampment "In April or May, 1901, I owed only chances are none of taken him In. that them is other ceremonies. papers filed with is $53,000. I paid that debt. , I was then Incorporation wre Rev. Henry was ap in this city next September. It the so satisfactory as working dad's check- "in accordance with the United secretary Santa Fe Watson Ruffner Btriklng General induced to make an investment which the territorial at pointed chaplain the regiment resemblance between book. States army regulations, company May 9th as follows: of First Blackmar and the former mayor that called for almost $400,000. I took no commanders will arrange for the na- Company of Roswell, of the militia by Governor Otero on a friendship to spring security for this investment and the Alameda Water 13th inst. and Lieut. has caused such A tional colors to be displayed at half capitalization, $7,200; incorporators, 'he First Edward up transaction, so far as I waá concerned, dispatch from Cleveland says Mrs. J. McWenie was appointed captain of between them. Chadwick is not receiving staff on all armories, from sunrise to William F. Wells of Los Angeles, Wil- Following a brief reception at the never materialized. The investment visitors. mid-da- the first squadron of cavalry. Resig- At noon the flag will be liam B. Gatewood, Wendall M, Reed, several women's auxiliary was made upon the advice of a friend. It isn't necessary, however, for the nations were accepted from, hon- hotel the hoisted to the top of the staff and will M. John T. Carlton; di- and opened business sessions "In February, 1902, after my return doorkeeper to tell any fibs for the pur- Carl Bird and orable discharges granted to, bodies their remain there until sunset." rectors, M. Bird. Wendall M. Second places selected for their meet- from Europe. I was Informed that my pose of making callers lady Carl Lieuts. Stuart C. McCrimmon of at the think the Reed William A. Gatewood. Santa ings, after which they adjourned to at- investment was a loss and that I was and Fe Charles B. re- is out. Crude Rubber Com and Merrill, who open meeting of the G. A. R. in debt $400,000. Besides that sum New Mexican Dies in Mexico. Western Parent moved from the territory. tend the pany of Santa Fe, capitalization, $100,-000- ; encampment in. Unity church. there was an additional loss which I In spite of that astrologer's horrlfy-jn- An Albuquerque dispatch of May incorporators and directors, Ish-ma- The annual commencement exer- At 2:30 in the afternoon, the depart- had incurred of $200,000. In order to prediction about a coming earth- 15th says: A telegram was received Sparks, Harvie Duval, Morton C. cises of the University of New Mexico ment of Colorado and Wyoming form- meet these obligations I made large quake that is going to destroy New by Mrs. Charles O'Connor Rob- Miller, John Howard Vaughn, A. B. were held at Albuquerque May 12th in ally opened its encampment in Unity loans, for which I paid heavy commis- ha Ben- ! York, we doubt if the Astor real es- erts announcing that her husband Renehan and H. B. Cartwright of Santa the Elks theater. Chancellor E. church, addresses of welcome being sions. died of heart failure at Mazcozari, jamin Andrews of the University of by McDonald for the "I have borrowed in al) $900,000. I tate will be advertised for sale at ?e. , made Governor panic prices. Mexico. The deceased was a well-know- n Winter Grovery Company of Santa Nebraska, delivered the baccalaureate state, and Harry E. Insley, represent- obtained $175,000 on my own note. A miner and newspaper man and Fe; capitalization, $3,000; incorpor- address to a class of twelve graduates, ing Mayor Speer, who welcomed the loan of $240,000 was secured, by men on was located at Leadville, Colorado, in ators and directors, Thomas Z. Win- one of whom, Thomas Bell, secured a visitors to Denver. Department Com- the indorsement of a prominent New The April fool story printed Ber- in the boom days of that great mining ter, R. L. Winter and E. A. Mecke. Rhodes scholarship. The last year of mander T. J. Downen of Pueblo pre- Yorker. The other $400,000 I have lin about looting of the Uncle Sam's camp. He came west first from Balti- On the 1 1th' incorporation papers the university has been the most suc- sided. Stirring addresses were given mentioned before." treasury was taken seriously. The more, where for years he was con- were filed by the Roswell Canning Fac- cessful in the history of that institu- by General Blackmar and General Gil- Scotch apparently are not the only nected with the news department of tory, the incorporators being Charles tion. man, and then Commander Downen St. Louis Fair Expenses. who need trepanning address, which is re- people to get a the American. E. Tannehill, Joseph Morrison, J. W. In the fourth annual territorial trach read his annual Denver, Colo., May 18. Harry Casa-da- y, ed- ever Joke. into the brain cells. When not mining he was doing Poe, W. S. Praeger and Lewis D. Fort and field meet at Albuquerque May garded as one of the ablest made treasurer of the St. Louis World's $10,-00- 0 depart- itorial and reportorlal work on news- of Roswell. The capitalization is 10th, in which teams from all the edu- by any commander since the Colorado, submit- re- Fair Board for has It. Is announced that the American papers, and was one of the pioneer and the headquarters Roswell. The cational institutions In the territory ment was organized. report to Mc- ' evening was a reception ted his official Governor national game has made great prog- porters of this city. For the last few directors are G. W. Medley, R. F. participated, the College of Agricul- Last there Donald. The ' expenditures of the years he had mined with varied suc- R. P. Bean, AV. S. Praeger, H. to General Blackmar and party at the ress in the land of the mikado. See- Barnes, ture and Mechanic Arts at Las Cruces board, which were pretty thoroughly cess near this city, hut went to Mexieo L. O. Caffey, C. E. 'Tannehill, Albany hotel. This morniiig the de- ing how the Japanese have been fight- F. Smith, carried oft the honors, scoring 66 out gone into as they occurred, 'and were a short time ago. Since coming West J. P. White and Lewis D. Port. of 108 points. records were partment will; begin its business ses- ing all through the war, we thought Several "o'clock criticised for their generpsity, were as he had made several fortunes in min- 9 at Unity church. ' broken. The sion at I ' they could play baseball. winners retain the silver follows: that ing, but being a true Bohemian, the cup permanently, having held it for General expense department, money went as fast as he made it. Lieutenant General Adna R. Chaffee, United States Army, who has been on two years in succession. The meet Grand Army Festival." educational, department, 6; a tour of inspection of some'qf the was largely attended and the most Denver. May 18. A committee of forestry, fish and game depart- A Roswell dispatch of May 9(h says: military posts in New Mexico and 'Ari- successful ever held. the Memorial and Benevolent Associa- ment, $6,329.10; agricultural depart- Profit in Lavender. Cowmen from Lincoln report that Ros- zona, passed through New. Mexico A killing is reported to have taken tion of the G. A. R. posts ot Denver has ment, $13,520.88; horticultural depart- Lavender oil Is of medicina1 value, ario Emlllio, a young Italian, had been Thursday on his return to, Washington. place at San Marcial May 13th. A closed a contract with Harold A. ment, $13,861; ruining .department, and lavender seeds and cf great convicted on the charge of killing o It is understood that upon hi?vreeom-mendatio- native named Donaciano Perea was Bushea, manager of the Great Gaskill $30,183.04; general salary, $9,323.27; toilet value. Our total importations of Carillo; " a young Mexican Fort Bliss, near iíi'; Paso, drunk and boisterous, and was known Shows, to give a fair and resuval on Colorado board of world's fair com- this oil and leaves amount in value to woman. The verdict of the jury was will be made a regimental post; that to have a pistol in his hip pocket. Of- the grounds at ' Welton and Twenty-thir- d missioners, $2,91?.S0; live stock, o days $554.60; Paul Wilson, commissioner in over $100,000. The lavender f com- first degree murder, and Emillio has the garrison at Fort Whipple, near ficer Pallia attempted arrest the streets in this city for nine sentenced to hang July 2d. The will be man, but fearing trouble, called Felipe 21st. A share of the chief, expense .account,. $1,132.75; merce is raised in this country for pri- been Preseott, Arizona, increased; beginning June young woman had been married, but many will be Alderete to his assistance. A scuffle will be divided among the juvenile court, .$300; 'rent account, vate uses, and it should find a place that improvements made profits was separated from her husband. The Wingate. in this territory, and ensued and Perea attempted to draw Grand Army posts to be used to defray $3,063.27; buildingdepartment, $1.020.-4- 7; in the ordinary garden or that at Fort drills Italian had been paying her some at- the strength of the garrison there in- his gun, whereupon Alucrete shot Pe- necessary expenses preliminary to the transportation department, $200; one starts for profit. Its swett odor tention and It was claimed that when creased; also that steps will be taken rea in the face, just to the left of the national encampment. Maj. William School of Mines department, $2,913.60; should add materially to the pleasure she started out on a trip in the moun- to build a spur of the Santa Fe Pacific nose, causing instant death. The mur- Warner, United States senator-elec- t art department, .$191.19; sehopl for of cultivating the plants. Seleati.lc tains west of Roswell, he followed her from Wingate Station to Fort Wingate, der seemed unjustifiable to Judge Go- from Missouri, will be invited to de- deaf and blind, $500; office depart American. and assassinated her near the public of New mez, who held Alderete Under a $5,-0U- liver an oration at the opening of the ment, $405.25; advertising, ?C3.52; to- a distance ten miles. Santa Fe ' road. Moxicaa. bond. ialr. tal, $110,o27.72. ''.-.,- , 'LIEUTENANT BOWMAN.. VERY RICH PEOPLE. CONDENSED TELEGíSAIs'3 WEATHER FORECASTS English Motor Vehicles. QUICK RESULTS. . Motor vehicles for carrying or " " " HM HMUmi.. Jim . W. J. Hill, of Con-cor- EMimftt of th$ 'jyealthíjr ÍA&íífcgri The well-know- n Lindel hotel at St. loads are now so much used ' '"';'" Louis, is to be torn down to make vay LONG RANGE PREDICTIONS IDLE In England tbat their operation is N. C, Justice of for a big department store. closely guarded hy government super- STcbX the - Peace, Hepry Clews has made? an estimate vision. United States Consul Mali In says: "Doan't Secretary Taft has postponed until No Legitimate Basis for Estimates of the wealth of a number of million- next for the at Nottingham has made a report on Kidney Pill November 1st the date Based on the Moon's Phases or aire capitalists of the United States; opening of the bids for the construc- the subject. "Hitherto," says he, "the proved a very Philippines. Position of the Planets. legal weight limit of an empty motor reme- In which he places John D. Rockefeller tion of railroads in the " efficient ' - " y Now It is .. 1,178 car. has been three tons. dy in my case. first and Andrew Carnegie' second. The' Japanese steamer Kilo, it The chief of the Weather Bureau raised to five, with an increase in the public I used them for This is the table he formulated: tons capacity, struck a mine aud sank has recently placed before the legal joint weight (unladen) of a mo- has off Port Arthur on the niaht of May a pamphlet Long Range disordered kid- $300,000,000;" entitled' tor car and trailer from four to six John, P. Rockefeiler, Gar-rlot- 11th. ..The crew was rescued and Weather Forecasts, by Prof. E. B, tons. Heretofore there has been no neys and back Ar.drew Carnegie, $115,000,000 given to of interesting things ' taken Osaka. that'i3 full legal weight limit to the load-on a ache, from away, 'leaving $250,000,000;- William The Mexican government has for- to one whp Is a seeker after the truth motor car, but the new regulations aim which I had ex- a regarding, these delusions. A great - '"a-- ." Waldorf Astor, chiefly in real bidden banks to hold silver bars as to prevent excessive loading. The to- perienced a many worthy of fur-'the- r , John Jacob Astor, $175,' basis of note issue, bars being no things in it are tal weight of car and load Is limited t gre.at deal of ;? .. publication we wish, at this 000,000; Gould family, of which George longer at the option of holders capable but to twelve tons. The weight borne on ,.- and represents pesos. time, simply to give Its conclusions: trouble Gould's personal fortune of conversion into any axle shall not exceed eight tons." pain. kidney secretions were $35,000.000, $150,000.000; 1. That systems of long range The Marshall It is officially announced that King very full Field, $100,000,000; Blair estate, King Alfonso weather forecasting that depend upon irregular, dark colored and Edward has appointed The Homeless of London. It all W. K. Yanderbilt, $80,000,000; of Spain a general in the British army. planetary meteorology, moon phases, of sediment. The Pills cleared Russell. Sage, $SO,000,000; D. O. Mills, The appointment dates from May 17th, cycles, positions, or movements; stel- A census of the homeless of London, up and I have not had an ache In my $75,000,000; William Rockefeller; $75 the. birthday of, the Spanish king. lar influences, or star divinations; in- made on a recent night, revealed a back since taking the last dose. My 2,481 , $00,000,-000- '; dications afforded by observations of total of in the streets, on stair-- is improved great 000,000; J. Pierpont Morgan, Count Von Tattenbach-Ashold- , the health generally a James J. Hill,. $60,000,000; Henry arrange animals, birds,, and plants, and esti- cases and under arches.' Of these, deal" head of the German mission to upon days, months, sea- 2,169 were men 312 women. In $50,000,000; Henry Phipp; a special treaty between mates based and FOSTER-MILBUR- CO., Buffalo. N. commercial ha-'si- shel- $45,000,000; John' D. Archibald, sons, and years have no legitimate the common lodging houses and Y. 60 Germany arrived at Fez ' For sale by all dealers, price ,'. ters night there were 26.690 per- " ; 1 Henry M. Flagler. $40,000,000; on May 11th, he was received that cents per box. 'where 2. That meteorologists have made sons, of whom 21,254 were single men, 1IHII IIS James B, Haggln, $40,000,000; Jamee with much ceremony. Til-for- compari- 1,688 single women, 357 cou- Henry Smith, $35,000,000; W. H. exhaustive examinations and married amputated leg of man Cronk, the only surviving sol- thirty-fou- r The a Denver $20,000,000; James Stillman,' Hiram sons for the purpose of associating ples and children under ten has started to again, and the Den- pti-- i dier of war of 1812, died at Ava, k'ow ano in. George Baker, $15,000,000. the Xhe weather with the various4 phases years of age. ver Post man asks, "What do you think F. New York,. May 13th, at the age of Of that?" Frankly, we think It's u ', by and positions of the 'moon in An earn- h. Mr. Clews admits that his list is 105 years. fif- Washington Post. complete, says He enlisted when but est endeavor to make advances in. the Gold Affected Head and Throat ho means but that it teen years old, and served about 100 Were Good for Both. undoubtedly names of the science along the line of 'practical contains the days at Sackett's Harbor. Paulding, Miss., May 15th. (Spe- very richest men in country. forecasting, and have found that while Attack Was Severe. . the cial) In neighborhood TEA Prominent among the well knowi The London Chronicle claims that the moon, and perhaps the planets, this men and ha8 good authority to assert that women are telling great Chas. W. Bowman, Lieut, and capitalists who are not Included ape it exert some influence upon atmos- alike of the There's plenty of money 1st government to" post- M. 8. M. the members of the Rock the has decided pheric tides, the influence is too slight benefit they have received from the Adjt. 4th Cav. Vols., writes pone un- : the dissolution of Parliament and obscure to justify a consideration use of Dodd's Kidney" Pills and it fre- to smooth the little difficul- from Lanham, Md.,as follows Island "crowd" William H. and J. H. means Moore D. G. Reid and W. B. Leeds til the fall of 190G, and that this of lunar and planetary effects in the quently happens they are the means "Though somewhat averse to patent and to medicines, and still more averse to be- nor does the name of Senator W. A. the death blow tariff reform. actual work of weather forecasting. of curing members 'o both sexes in ties that happen; they do coming- a professional affidavit inan- it Clark, Henry C. Friek, John W. Gate, William M. Morton, an aeronaut, 3. That the stars have no apprecia- the same family. Take the case of upon happen. seems only a plain duty in the present Norman B. Ream, the William C. Whit was severely injured and had a narrow ble influence the weather. Mr. and Mrs. F. .Erby. The latter my experience B. escape from death at Chutes Park, 4. That animals, birds, and plants instance to add to the ney estate, P. A. Wldener, the voices the sentiment of both when Tour irrnoer return! jour money If jon flont columns already written concerning younger Vanderbilts, Mr Hettie Los Angeles, on the 15th inst., by be- show by their condition the character she says: like SchlllliiK'a lieu powers of ing dashed against a telegraph pole as of past weather, and by their actions .... the curative Peruna. Green, nor, any of the other notably "My lips cannot express too much women country. his balloon rose from the ground. the influence of present weather and 7 have been particularly benefited rich of the praise for Dodd's Kidney Pills. I suf- Father You must consider every by Its use for colds in the head and General Maximo Gomez is danger- the character of weather changes that penny. College Hoy I will; here ara may occur within a few hours. , fered with Backache and Female twelve letters askinK for money; you throat. Í have been able to fully cure ously ill at Santiago de Cuba with can take them now and save the post- myself of a most severe attack, in ; New York's Building Boom. .The general's, extreme age 5. That the weather of days, weakness for four or five years and I age: no I forty-eig- ht hours by its use according and the results of the many wounds months, seasons, and years affords feci that have been wonderfully With plans for new building, valued ' directions. use for the indications of future weather further helped by Dodd's Kidney Pills. My - to I it as a preventive at more' than $2,000,000 filed April he received in his campaigns "Or. David Kennedy- Favorite Kennedy showing present condi- 1 whenever threatened with an attack. 26th, all records of the kind for New liberation of Cuba complicate his trou- than abnormal husband, too, was a sufferer for five Btvwi mv lile! liiul dvitptmla hiiu kidney llHtfie.'' may adjust.- Albert Unrriú, l'ark 1'iiu.o, M. i . 1 txitUfc "Members of my family also use it York City were broken except In a ble. tions that the future years from a weak bladder and they 6. seven-da- y weather ' !for like ailments. We are recommend- few Instances, when plans for a great A statue of the Confederate lieu That six and also cured him." " irregu- C. tenant-genera- periods are too and Many a fellow ing it to our friends." W. Bowman. hotel or office building were recorded. l, .Nathan B. Forrest, Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy sidesteps a banana lar to be applicable to the actual work skin only to be tripped up on a lie. Pe-ru-- Of sum most ex- was at Memphis, May 10th. kidneys. Healthy kidneys mean pure Contains No Narcotics. the mentioned the unveiled of forecasting. pensive building reaches thei figure of Little Miss Bradley, a blood and good health all over the One 'reason why Peruna has found 7. That advances in the period and When Your Grocer Say only $300,000, and the plans include .of General Forrest, pulled tha body. No woman healtny kid-uey- s permanent use in bo many homes is that accuracy of weather forecasts depend with twenty-tw- o six-stor- y brick apartment cord which exposed to view the monu- ever he does not have Defiance Starch, yorj contains no narcotic of any kind. upon a study and under- had female weakness. un- it It houses and tenements. ment. more exact may be sure he Is afraid to keep it can be used any length of time without standing of atmospheric pressure over til his stock of 12 oz. packag-e- are So this year plans have been re- the Teacher Johnnie, can you give us a acquiring a drug habit. far After his opening address at great and a determination o'the sold. Defiance Starch is not only bet- corded in alone for 045 Port- areas sentence including the words, "bitter Address Dr. Ilartman, President of Manhattan Lewis and Clarke Exposition at influences, probably solar, are re- ter than any other Cold Water Starch, buildings, $33,732,732. A go that Our cat ran under the 16 oz. The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, valued at land, Vice President Fairbanks will and abnormal end?" Johnnie but contains to the packnge and year sponsible for normal dog ,end. sells same money as 12. oz. Ohio, for' free medical advice'. All cor- ago at the corresponding time to his farm in Illinois for the summer atmospheric pressure porch and the bit 'er for brands. plans had been filed for only 34S haying distributions of respondence held strictly confidential. and work in the fields during over the earth's surface. buildings, valued at $18,677,010. harvesting, as is to be his and said 8. That meteorologists are not an- No woman can reform a husband by custom.' th continuous lecture process. tagonistic to honest, well directed ef- The American bark, Martha Davis, forts to solve the problem of long-rang- e TEA caught Are in Hilo harbor, Hawaii May forecasting; that, on the con- 14th, and was totally destroyed. The encourage all in this TEA is good for a too-bus- y man; trary they work 0, portion of her cargo consigned to Hilo field and condemn only those who, for Tasting tea is a whole oc- it makes him forget his busi had mostly been discharged, but that notoriety or profit or through misdi- intended for the island plantations rected zeal and unwarranted assump- lüJíiil cupation; coffee another. ness. was. lost. tions, bring the science of meteorology In a recent interview, Secretary of Into disrepute. For Infants and Children. picks-ou- t He who started the report that Morton, tljat he had 9. meteorologists appreciate The taster your tea natches are. made in heaven will prob- the Navy slated That ably nevar get a harp and crown. no present intention of resigning from the Importance to the world at large and puts the price on it. the Cabinet. He said, however, that of advances in the period of forecast- The Kind You Have Try me just once it was thoroughly .understood between ing are inclined to believe that erery of Schilling'. Best Tea ! ft. and I am sure to and In p?k&ge come again. Defiance aWl himself, he century will booklet: Bow to Hake Good Tea. Starch. the President that the twentieth mark the should leave the Cabinet next fall. beginning of another period in meteor- The girl who catches a: man never . Always Bough! T. . DhUe-er- ological The youngr man parts his hair, but the. does it by running after him, but by P of the science. ÁVfcgctable Preparalionfor bald man has parted from his. Running away from htm. Wooster, Óhio, national bank, closed HcroodandI?eguIa-tin- g pleaded guilty to a count on one of Very Moderate Wages. lated during the winter. Doctor R. V. the indictments charging him with the Stomachs and Bowels of Bears Pierce, the founder, of the Invalids' having issued a draft when there were An advertiser in the Wimbledon the Hotel and Surgical Institute, and a phy- (Eng.) wants lad about largo no funds in the bank to meet it. Judge Gazette "a sician of experience and practice, twenty; must be a churchman, of good was the first to mako up an alterative Taylor sentenced Ohliger to eight extract of roots, herbs and barks,' years' imprisonment iu the Ohio peni- education, who can drive a horse and Signature with- Fromotes Digcslíon.Cheerfur-nessandRest.Contai- ns out A PARTICLE OF ALCOHOL OR NAR- tentiary. cart, assist in the stable and garden COTICS, purifies cows which the blood and General Nogi, the hero of Port Ar- (melons and cucumbers), milk neither tones up the stomach and tho entire accus- thur, has written a card to Colonel and understands pigs; must be SMum.Morpltine norIincral. of system in Nature's own way. The tomed to wait at table and of gentle- "Golden Medical Discovery" is just the W. H. Knauss of Columbus, in which AW tissue builder and tunic you require he returns his thanks for the numerous manly appearance; early riser and tee- when recovering from a hard cold, kind expressions received from the totaler; good references required." grip, or pneumonia. No matter how The wage of this person is to be J50 afoua-smvumai- strong American people, and in particular ex- ja? the constitution the stomach is presses his appreciation of a small a year, but he must lodge out and fur- apt to be "out of kilter" after a long, nish his own meals, except dinner.' hard winter; iu corisequenco the blood is American flag sent to him by Colonel KUtL SJ- A- disordered, for the stomach is the labor- Knauss, atory for the constant manufacture, of The Beneficial Life Insurance Com- Opening of the Uintah Indian blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- Bi CuiUiruikSnU covery strengthens the stomach puts it pany has been formed at Salt Lake Reservation. in shape to make pure, rich blood helps City by leading Mormons. Joseph F.. The Uintah Indian Reservation la Íimúd .tiifv is president, Governor John C. the liver and kidneys to expel the poi- Smith Utah, containing 2,425,000 acres of sons from the body. If you take this Cutler is first vice president, and the Aperiecl Kemedy forConslipa-fion- , Use NATURAL BLOOD PURIFIER AND TONIO other officers are prominent in the arable land, to be opened up for set- NATURE'S ESSENCE you will assist your system In manufac- church. The company, which will do tlement on September 1, 1905, Is des- Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca turing each day a pint of rich, arterial capital cribed In a pamphlet just issued by Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-nes- s blood, that is stimulating to the brain and an "old line" business, has a of $100,000, paid' in. the passenger department of the Den- and OF SLEEP. nerves. The weak, nervous, run-dow- stock all Loss For Over Extracted From Forest Plants debilitated condition which so many considerably ver & Rio Grande Railroad company. The Russian press is FacSunile people experience at this time of the year exercised over the reports of Emperor A valuable map, showing the country Signature oF is usually the effect of poisons In the Strassburg. Nature's laws are perfect tf wá obey blood; it is often indicated by pimples or Williams' recent speech at to be opened up and the various Alsace-Lorrain- criticising Rus- them, but disease follows disobedience. boils appearing on the skin, the face es the routes by which it can be reached, is NEW YORK. Thirty Years '.'t straight to nature for the cure, to the thin yon feel "blue." Dr. Pierce's sian officers at the front on account of published for the first time in this ; there are mysteries here we Golden lorest that Medical Discovery cure all drunkenness, and the German ambas- pamphlet, which may be obtained by can fathom for you. Take the bark of blood humors as well as being a tonic sador, Count Von Alvensleben, has .... the wild-cherr- y , the root of man- that makes one vigorous, strong and addressing General Passenger Agent root, taken pains to issue an official denial drake, stone root, queen's bloodroot forceful. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical accuracy reports. S. K.. Hooper at Denver. and golden seal, make a scientific, non- Discovery stands alonb as tho one of the of the fl alcoholic extract of them with just the medicine for stomach, liver and blrxd Secretary Paul Morton will resign fitTfl! EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. right proportions and you have Doctor disorders that has the ingredients printed from the Cabinet in October, according The biscuits mother used to make, Piercers mm mm mm mm mm. mm am mm Oolden Medical Discovery. upon the wrapper of every bottle leaving to a report circulated in financial cir- Their virtues, we can never doubt, jF iwr It took Dr. Pierce, with the assistance the great laboratory at Buffalo, N. Y., ; THK OCNTftUn OMPANV. HEW VOH OlTV. years of cles, to take the presidency of the them of two learned chemists, eight which cures in nature's own way; not And yet. we forget things experimenting to make Wabash-railway- . He will succeed can't the hard work this only does it stand alone in respect to say vegetable extract and alterative of the to its ingredients but also as tho only Joseph Ramsey, Jr., who has been That father used about them. greatest efficiency. , - spring tonic and reconstructive which voted a long vacation, at the end of Just the sort of spring remedy you absolutely contains no alcolutL he will retire permanently from need to make rich, red blood, and cure which Every housekeeper should know ?l'was taken with a severe coutrh, weak- connection with the Gould system. that lassitude- and feeling of nerve ex- ness in my hack, a 'glimmer' over the eyes, that if they will buy Defiance Cold haustion. Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical had a bad breath, and stomach was out of The steamer Terra Nova sailed Water Starch for laundry use they Discovery bears the stamp of public order." writes H. Uaddis, oí 14:3 South Tanna from London May 16th, for Tromsoe, Trtillis ilia! Strike Hose approval and has sold more largely in Avenue, Taooiita, Wash. 1 felt sluggish, cVit will save not only time, because it did care Mi,T,nv lulionto will ín in Frail' years any not for anything, had no life, it was - the past forty than other blood of expedí- - never 6ticks t0 tbe lron- but because to do bo can tell purifier and stomach tonic. Tho refresh- almost misery to move, appetite very poor. Josef Land, in search the Towr grocer is honest and if he cares I read Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical tion headed by Anthony Fiala of each package contains 16 oz. one full coffee he ing influence of this extract is like Adviser and went right away and purchased you that he knows very little about the bulk ' New York, on the steamer pound while all other Cold .Water Nature's influence the blood Is bathed two bottles of his (tolden Medical iMsoov-ery- ,' Brooklyn, sells you. How can he know, where it originally came from, in the tonic which gives life to the blood and before I had taken all of one bottle America, fitted out by William Ziegler Starches are put up In pound pack- 1 how it was blended What the vital of the body burn brighter felt better. If any doubt Uitf truth of thin of New York for the purpose of at ages, and the price is the same, 10 or with testimonial they may write to me." your and their increased activity consumes tempting the north pole by way of again because Defiance or when roasted! If you buy the tissue rubbish hich has accumu Dr. Pierce's Pellets Cure Constipation. cents. Then can Franz Josef Land Starch is free from all Injurious chem- coffee loose by the pound, how A committee of the House of Com- icals. If your grocer tries to sell you you expect purity and uniform quality t ?.rThcnípscai Eji lY&isr mons has commenced consideration of a 12-o- package it is because be has HAVE YOU COWS? a bill providing for the installation in a stock on hand which he wishes to I I pneumatic - Watson K. Coieman, Patent A 6. separate London of electric snd dispose of before be puts In Defiance. urn COFFER tbe LEADER OF Maf ITrilTOI f" fJ I N tiirnny.WiiahlniiUin.D.C. Advlre If vou have cream to a Rood systems, similar to those in use I I fall I V tre, Ternn low. Highest reí. is most profitable in- tube He knows Defiance Starch has It Cream Separator the in America. J. P. Morgan is among that ALL PACKAGE COFFEES, Is ol possibly make. Delay printed on every package in large let- A vestment you can the promoters of the company, which means daily waste of De- necessity uniform In quality, PENSION LAWS SZS has a capital of $20,000,000. Ninety-fiv- e ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand HEW time, labor ana product. 172 sta- fiance and save much time and money For OVER A BKHFOBÜ, 914 F Uh, DE CREAM miles of double tubing and strength and flavor. Apply to NATHAN LAVAL annoyance stick- WaililDgtua, 1). C. SEPARATORS save tions are proposed. and the of tbe Iron QUARTER OF A CENTURY, LION COFFEE ing. Defiance never sticks. 10 - ner cow rier Year The New York Confederate Camp been standard coffee In )' every year of use over all whose invitation by Grant Post to par- has. the ENTKAL SAVINGS BANK V- ' i'Ü J- gravity setting systems ticipate in the Memorial day parade ' The Extreme Penalty, millions ol homes, ..... tl.SM,-00- cow Brooklyn, led to criticism, ad- Established 1892. Assets 0. ill a"d. ?ver in adverse Justice David J. Brewer made an 20 ilfl'l epamwjin. to the Memorial day coim Af- Depositors In states. We ail imitating has written dress not long ago at Haverford. 1 They received Grand LION COFFEE carefully packed pay 4 cent from a dollar up. the mittee declining to join in the parade. was an informal rr Highest Award ter the address there factories, and opened In Write ior "Banking by Mail." Prize or The camp announces its intention to' little reception, and very interesting at 9ur until Louis. pa- adul- at St. accompany Grant Post, after the It the justice talk. your home, has no chance ot being The Central Savings Bank Buying trashy sepa- was to hear rade, to the tomb of General Grant ' A Haverford boy said to the learned terated, or ol coming In contacjl with dust, Denver, Colorado. rators is penny wise, dollar foolish. and there take part in the ceremonies. quickly lose their cost man during the lull in conversation: dirt, germs, or unclean hands. Such machines The Supreme Court of the United you. tell 1905. of it. "Will please me. sit, what W. N. U. DENVER. NO. 20. instead saving upheld the validity of. the 'package Of COFFEE yptiVg'éf If you haven't the ready caah States has is the extreme penalty for bigamy?" In each' LION one full Utah-stat- water for LAVAL machines may be bought law,, holding that Justice Brewer smiled and' of Puré Coffee. Insist upon:.; geliisg.t the genuine. When Answering Advertisements DE irrigation and mining is available- for pound Kindly Mention This Paper. on such liberal terms that they actually (Lion head on every package.) public use.". The. decision was in "Two mothers-in-law.- " pay for themselves. (Save the Lion-hea- for valuable premiums.) Send today for new catalogue and the case of Clark, Bennet and Carlisle name of nearest local agent. . aealnst E. J. Nash, and affirmed the If you would make your money last GROCERS EVERYWHERE .' A of the Supreme Court of the SOLD BY i i tumi yt (lit IH.Ll. 1 i finding you must earn it first. rup. Ta- - bowl. Uae I Oe Separator Co. may convey WOQLSON SPICE CO.. Toledo, Ohio. I I ÜMt ij The Imi state. Under it Nash Randolph k Canal Sti. I 74 Cortlandt Streal water across the land of the defend- "He who takes wot isn't his'n, L ,;'..y t, .a J CHICAGO I NtWYORK ants to irrigate his own. W'en he's cotched must go to prison." U REV 1ST A BE TAGS (Hwjeiea.i Entry 5Jo. n n 1i ,Pí L'ÜTICE l'OH IVÍiU CAHON. "Por Dinero Al Contado1 an i 1 ? l í i á Department oí the Jntcdor, niuclia venta, aun nuoetas'ga'iancias Sjk Queremos jive sean punena. i JWli L&nSQfñcc at Santa Fe, N. M. y Severino Martinez Co. üí joK v jtiAs gkandh Ienemosh. si'krJitío i v.ymwú:; fj.ííwdado April 28, 1905. I3LACK LAKE, N. UEXiCO. COMPRAMOS KN CANTKJAlifiS GKANDáiS v.9 &9 la Cantina famosa de fcl-i,w- v VfcoKnm JJotjce ?s hereby given that ing 3 Ud 4.3X011 - ías nuesí bs facturas y xx" cuidemos vxx Jbai aligue rw K- 33 nj.aied settler Un filed so SOWfiE' .estros competidores. B VL'lllltí l Rata ImtiorUnte establecimiento (AmmIo en el centro del cnui l ikx víhii intentian to nake fwcal WHISKIES Pililo, baii los!onddo8 del Sur d-- l ttrrlioiio, per londe OdvM de E1 tí menso numero de Marchantes qoeidiarinrocvíf.: iwos tóan en in éwpportííf his claim, aüid

establecímiejvto,e de tos Wi&gos, el buen Ütait said(jpOoí wil be nude - .uestro fia prueba jrecio jr bcíre a Wagon Mound fii.ringer. y tice-ver- sa, los que vengan paiaí'a VINOS N. M., i rato que reciben ke Tróbafte Clerk at Taos, SPJAiut ul hI infti mu tidíi de- jhnTTrtf'S K 1 . tirata ihlii'i 1 ii -frfisrns de $1.25 & &4.50 el Galoa V " J 'n " i AGENTES BE LOS FAMOSOS CARÍÍÍ3S V CARRUAJES DE Efectos enbseellarlQs rw June itt J viz: JUAN DE jíiñefectos secos, ulensilwn de vwje, ftrreieria, ro CORDOVA for the , - Proporción. Sil, t'ÜiaJl Cl-O- Olí- ta - tVbUf Studebaker Bros Co, .Sec 27, T, 24 R. 17 E- Compran a mejor precio que ningán otio comerciante toda AGUIM HenaiiMüsthe following wts piel, BtiicnD, tut'iua y it.lvmwb moi l'" " . Li t4ul"í'P violente y houdoj oca lu Bamon Sancliez. íes to prowefcisíoíitinuous resitfeísj züM defcu de vvUr ete est.ble iniienlo, mundo gfln viaje alonados $w mojada, ijue sua naoic Taos. ese opon ad culVation of said hufcd, sur del territorio y lo mismo cuando vngan en cuando a descansa, 4 al primer iovi r 1 viz; Mi Ks el logar de la estafeta n Black Luk.j Peñasco, New Méx. U y 3 fíf miento loa miembros en tiempo .. I-- 3f Crio- -, PreciliattO Cierra, Arroya Seco, i húmalo se cwaii pnintatuente . N. M MAlillM-7- & co. lite, X B. i on el binKaeiito de i'ieve de Iisllard, m SiraiNU m B, " ri ar O ewia, de Gibhon Citj', III, e Antonio TrujiKo, of" N. M. i fJiTii,-:- , : . wiv.-ikit- 1 IjACero, i,v Jiscas-- tti con Wia 6 de febrero de 1 C02; Juan C. ofAurora, N. J.I i'víí j 'i('fQ año boadeebt yo dn un dolor eu Abran Trojillo, of Taos, N. M. W Aap.nlda 1 'ron lo bajnzo Un malo Mannvel R. Otóro, qiM ino me odia dollnr4 Un Ivotella Register. A. Martínez & Co. íácCáRTIY 69a dl Linimento de S iev.e, de Bullad, Julian ' MURÍÍISK DK ÍÍAMU'tlK inedit'ió." i i Hondo - é en sus tormentos lo mismo que mo Arroyo JjU venta en la tienda de A U Mu- - firse de tiais. Kl progreso del tisis des OFRECEMOS a los residentes dé Arrroyo. Hondo y sur . xje el irincipio Imtita el í io es una tor lOintornos un Rían surtido en rpa de tod?s clases qie luí Sucesores de Ales Gusdorf tura larga, nto paia la victima como nos recibido para la estación 'de VERA NO. Todo uliinuj pra sus .llegados. 1 yo tenia Taos NewMexieo tísis en sus primeros desarrollos" es- - iovedad. ' i ijirlM.IOltlnf Mrs ílyers, de Cearfoss, Md., tirre llorín ,i:llllrHlcllni. KatlnfM JbrG&."z.xi cío oa.ra.Toia.rso al nuevo Ü2Ü íiibe Mprw. JnHftrr. efe.. ai después áe baiier pronado m vano local, recién construido km bcamtufcoedtstint s y un buen doc 18' B. OBAX M atril: fin Bfcnrr.tx frpr.; W&WN0110ESTE DE LA TLAZA. Mm. tor, al Ba fcomié el Nuevo Descubrí nií- - nto d Dr King, el cual me euro '.'ÍJIU,ÍL0 m y y Stíll doinií business t Uio mm pronto y perfectamente. "Pronto aJi i!" kIi i el ecta It'l i. 9 Or Bt1 ff fffr otd stand" vio y curación segura para toses, res-- 1 905. fios, dolor de garganta. broujuuU, et Primavera ; lu ÍJNMAl. SUSrO. ; 'oBiuvhüient:; impide pulmonía. . o a s nhtf. s Acaboo.de lecjjiir el mas grande surtido e efectos d primavera que Ja ün día tendrá Vd. que experiment Kn todas las bolici-- por 50o. y $1. , 49 as se .lia vito en Twos. tur un sueto cuando un dulcir 01). Uarautizado. Botella do muestra biewa Arry l'imilo. V. M.i .. pTu!í?n A. íü, mejores ropas y caafecclanea ULTIMA NüVKPADj en los ivilestinos xr tctnor a la apea jrátis. MartínezCo., riieiti, ,a seguridad duscwnsa en h DESPEES da .ue Venden mas barato que ningún ,otro comerciante eo Fíldof e de Nueva Vida Ul Dr. Kln TA KA FOUNIIMBLIÍ. Taoa das Diens'ws oara poder aacar lo siguiente: curación segura ra enfer- Fué mía turea formidable el atenlr Le Una maquina de todito íín carruaje de dos asientos, valor 150, Ker el caso aalo dé eufer Sancliez & Co. y del eatú-g- ot do du curar un a as y medades de los intestinos flcodrltcAi. ün rife Winchester. Una iuu$eca isa las graow ríñones V, tiles como dolor de uabejá, bilioei medndJ loa que tuvo 0. Arroyo Seco, N M. ios nramios uias. Col.ier,e l!üeroit-- e la Pero los Amar WAiGitíNKSde meyancia d la da4 ttrefiiíüíento, etc Knatappianaeatan falbieudtSKJS gos Klóctricos Lo lograron. Kl chciL a I03 recicleates; J.rsje pata .arontiH(las en todus las boticas; frecemos do temporada; que consiste en Zapatos tie piAuiavera y verano. o 25 uta be: Mis niíou estt.Uan va tan per ARROYO SECO, porcelana, ferretería, precio, Pruébela, un gran d.e ropa. .confeeojooodos especialmente,. .Qjieua, didos que no podía ni sentarme t u Vestidos, Indianillas, Zapatos etc. para la estacidn de INVIERNO Y CaffflHJtiS tito., .efce. una UJa sin cojín; y sufria un dolor - TBIUiNfVUS DK LA lA EIMaVKIU. ,;- - de dar feigar a la ucliaa oarcanólaa que .ente reriluawlo, Vlllltí Insoportable en la espalda, eu la cabe ConlCn Keclblmo Ins , MODERNA, ; to4n$ Rctnsnaf Vendo Jos electos de Invierno abajó l ostó y flW.e. z y depresión, fin los Amargos Kiev Niiovui urtMo en fuotu ge 1 . (KosfiS aitmlrab1e sou Iwch.ií cu " os y . CompnMiioS J,AS 3, sin rebalgo, be eucoutr udo ainvfnu. , GfcAjí BARATJLLO EN IXiiUS WJftOAl'iAS. Ule dc-- ertto bumauo por la cirugía Dioerfi .. tiMiros j lujan y offoK l DIAS. uua ewracion, y por ellos íu re Uu:n flrCMJíSTIBLfóS FRKSCqi., T0U03 Los órganos son quitados, limpiados y do a la salud Recomiendo es- extóapra a puw d&ero .M ,claae4e efeatos 4el paia. encarnizados y vueltos poner ó pue to gran tánico a 1 los que, tengan SZ)nrato. to'k V imitamos . : dv& ser removidos eiiternitientf , ó deóilkiad en o ríñones, eslómvjjo ANC.IIEZ & CO. L twaos son empalmados' ti! s tow un ARKCO M CO, N. if. Tienda mas extensa lugadj. Xa el ilugsr délas secciones enfermas d Solamente 503 giiratizado.!. P'rto laa venas, Vendadras unlmepticaii itos los lioticrk3. jLa mas barata t'm aplicadas a las beridas, mpóÍlaJu Nueva Cantina ,é raíj quemadas lnjurkt setocjsea, AüriL CANSANCIO. antes que venga la inílamaitioti y lo Sí usted se sjeuta laugui lo, desani-iuad- surtida. 1 mas bien :. V'S La qW2 euuaa que se reijueria por incapa''iutdo de tiabi jar es i 11 mu antiguo. ' !iJcion de u Ligado esta tuera JSl Cbnmberljua p ra TomaaHartty Antonio Romero Premios! balsamo de de orden. La ayuda a la na Premios! .. Ilerbma do or, puede bujo este mismo Se Suplica la proteción de los actuar Uruleza a arrojar los dolores d cabe amigos y paisanos H 1; " pYpeipio. antiséptico i icua é reumas y ios mnles prevenidos de traja a i6tscoñóTjliTs. aplicado tales .casos resulta en una tit CO. la nerviosidad, y restaura la energía y inmediata cura. Tambicjv pasigua el Se sirve y vende los licores mas fiuos del mercado, lo mismo vinos extran BOIiüSlIFiieTHÍ k vitalidad tW la peifccln. la salud J. J. y . GuuriW geroa y del pn(s dolor omiez uuabotulU fiubbard.de Temblé, lexas, escribe-- ' del balsamo para el dolor en su " fSB. casad- Ue usado la Heroína por los último binares etc. le bhorrara tiempo y dinero, no iuei Colación libre para los dos aion, Mbha hecho m a bien que Vj parroquianos. eiounando las couvenenuias y sufij-mie- dos los doctores. Ka la mejor medicina Carnicéría Uuava tos qtwa tales ca usan. JDe iujurjas preparada p..ra los calollics y la y Romero Propietarios. en tiendas y Hartt venta tedas boticas. Establecida antiguo galón y ' al de Pooler Llares. SQülKK HAKTT, & D4 vent ? ea la tienda de A G Mu- lle r-- BANCIJOS DK TAOS N, M. OOMERCÍÍ-T- KN ToíMM Lo8 Ba.UOS falle del pueblo. ' KL KQUIVOCU DK SU VIDA di3 Columbian efectos y de lujo Hotel, mxjs abarrotes y Cue Lo , Oí roce al publico de Taos un completo y fresco surtido de tul clase cuente entre los equívocos de su de uso corrtaute. parnés, (o&io le res, yeiO.ínarruno, cborizos4 pollos y gíJluin de Ja vida el de uegligenciar procurarse una A. BRANSON tierr. Ropas, Trajes, Zapatos, Ferretería, Propr. a protegerla, con sus compras. Buen trato y limpieza. tiotella del rfpe lio de Chamberlain YpW Qtüucttverla etc, ttc, todo a precios La BEST ACCOMMODATIONS mm para el col ico,. calera y diarrea. Algu-&- q latos, y n no necesitan Ir en Taos S SANTISTEVAN & ADAMSON. - - - TAOS. N. U. de su familia puede ser atacaikt re RA TK 11 lí 'DAY cantina, en coneccion. To LARGE AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOMS FOR ( f., amenté con calambres en el t"., da clase de WUkys, licores y vinos ó t iinajo de diarrea los cuales son si- TRAVELING MEN. importados, los tuns a&ejos. embre muy prevalecentD durante el Compra productos (el pals. Como tiemoo de calor, v se necesita alivio & Ahorrar SANCHOS I)K TAOS y. MKX Taos Servilleta Hack Line, inmediato. Ksta es la mejor medici- -f 25 Por Ciento. un v icmiim tan mipiia ilpnpnilor un & Taos Valley Club, el)H( aun en casos muy peligrosos. TRUJILLO RÁEJ, Proprietors. tWComprea sus I efectos en popular tienda de , Se hallan loa mejores Whiskies desde (kwuprenla boy. De venta en todas las (?fi Taos, m Keiico. AUi jUaiaa f d rnor surtido, de efectos secos, zapatos y ívestido $2,00 HASTA $5,00 tiendas y boticas. FARE: one way, 3. 00, Round Trip, $$.bo, and carrrfes Expresses. e 4c Iiorobí-- y rauebacbo, que puederr hallar el Galon. Carries Express and baggage. Dayly except Sundays. en Taos. POTRANCA. VINOS a -- - - 5 1.50. Leaves Taos Hotel every day at 6. loo A. M. Arrives Servilleta at 44 Se halla en mí poder y en mi Importados $ 4,00 10. 00 A. M., leaves Servilleta after the arrrival of the train from the Vestidos de Primav rn. cerco, desde hace unos dos meses, North, will wait for passengers from the South if notified to that effect Vestidos Je EI Galon. una potranca pinn, bole, de unos lana rara caballero ,dc valor $6. oo por fogo. one day in advance. CERVEZA SLITZ A Ljs o tres a5' Je edad, con esta 1 - at TAOS. about 8. P. M. 7- 50 for 5,00 ARRIVES 30 25 1i7mi!f-rI- a Su iiTns.niiiiiwrfii,iiniwlmiiimiil1 0.50 p..r 6. oQ CTSLA B0TKLL4 mau mm K X. V. V. acu- " " ' Z . en la J'iei'o debe CUttA Las LLAGAS VIKJaS " II. 00 DOr S v LO TIRO UN CARUO. nlfll IS : dir a mi y paga We' traorl md, Kaa., Mayo 5 de 1602; ííay joo elegantes vestidos de todas clases DESCONOCIDO. Kl señor George K B ibcock fue tira ra los perjuicios y el costo de esta Ballard Know Liniment Co Su lioimeji y colores ?a donde Se mi do de su carro y severamente lastima- escojer. encuentra en poder desde to de nieve curó uua llaga &icjns que Acabamos de publicación. Kl Cham- recibir una linea puevade efectos secos, la mejor eldia 5 de este mes de do. se aplico el balsamo de en la Junio, un - tenía en un lado de la barba, la cual plaza. Cañón de Fernandez de Taos, berlain para el caballo colorado con estas marcas dolor y dior que es el ' suponía c:.ncer. J Traerá Llamamos atención especial a nuesfros precios D. en la Junio 9, 1905, tr mejor linimento que el ha usado. El tan bajos en nuestra ). pierna izquierda, cuyo pertinaz y no cedía al tratamiento has tinea de SOMBREROS PARA HOMBRES-- Jesus Mondr.t0n. sciior Cubcock es un ciudadano biea MUCHACHOS. caballo hizo algunos perjuicios en ta qu probé el Linimen do Nieve, Surtido de ferretería, conocido de Morth Plain, Conn. No carros, estufas, vmtanas y puertas. mi labor. Su duefío puede acudir que hizo la obra en poco tiempo, jfi hy cosa mejor como el ba's&mo para , Toda clase de madera, ya sea acepillad o sin acepillar a mi y pagara los perjuicios siempre en y costo I . worpnms ina hormena, Mrs Sephia J. OarRon, de a, rr a fA r el dolor, pnrs lastiroauríis. E teetua Piano. . de este aviso. ' WotherDruflUiinB Alliuisville, Condado de Mirfin, Pa., AW ti-c- Hábil ra una cura en la ter era prte da,! Óv$n Lorenzo Martinez. 11 th.Tob.cc? tiene una llaga y teme quesea cáncer. Ibratura ea todas las mercancías. enáNturasfheníi. requerido por cualquier tmemi-tnto- ( -' de Slle. Tueblo de Taos. Ctrru- THE KEELEY Sírvase mandarle una botella i ' Tí pe jer íudu laa titndaa X paoienc jc, 5oc $1. ÜÜ ea Ja tienda' da A G M. 610. trictlr y boticas. P. Dolan. Owlght, tL duller.