THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. {l<'or index for these, see pages xiii, xiv.)

A.AC ACH AACHEN (Pmssia}, 900, 902 Abyssinia, agriculture, 653 Aalborg (Denmark), 792 -area, 651 Aalen (Wtirttemberg), 941 -army, 651 Aalesund (Norway), 1108 -bank, 654 Aargau (canton), 1299, 1301, 1307 - books of reference, 655 Aarhuus (Denmark}, 792 -boundary, 197, 270, 651, 1007 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 333 -, 653 Abaian Island (Pacific), 436 - coffee, 653 Abancay (Peru), 1148 - commerce, 653 Abangarez mines (Costa Rica), 771 - defence, 651 Abd el-Aziz es-Saud, Emir of - diplomatic representatives, 654 Riyadh, 1328 - education, 652 Abdul Aziz-Bin Sand (El Hassa), 1316 -, 653 Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, Sultan, - government, 651 Kedah, 173 -justice, 652 Abdullah, Sultan (Pahang), 168 - leased territory, 270 Abdullah ibn Mitah, Emir of Haile, - minerals, 653 1329 - money and credit, 654 Abercom (Rhodesia), 203 - population, 652 Aberdare forest (B. E. Africa), 179 - provinces, 651 Aberdeen, 21, 22; university, 30, 31 - reigning empress, 651 Aberdeen (South Dakota), 604 - religion, 256, 652 Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 621 - roads, railways, 654, 879 Abemana Island (Pacific), 436 - rubber, 653 Aberystwith College, 30 - telegraphs and tele1•hones, 654 Abeshr (Wadai), 872 -towns, 652 Abgarris Is. (Pacific), 413 - trade routes, 654, 879 Abidjan (French West Africa), 882, - weights and measures, 654 883 Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1238 Abijean (French West Africa), 882 Acandi (Colombia), 762 Abo (Finland), 817; university, 817 Acarnania (Greece), 945 Aboisso (French West Africa), 883 Accheli Guzzi (Eritrea), 1006 Abruzzi e Molise (Italy), 983 Accra (Gold Coast), 244, 245 Abn (India), 122 - wireless station, 246 Abuna (Coptic bishop), 652 Accrington, 17 A buri (Gold Coast), 245 Achaia (Greece}, 945 1353 1354 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

ACK AJM Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 333 Africa, Colonies in, British, 176 sqq Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 727 -- French, 249, 251, 856, 864 Bqq Acre {), 1332; port, 1334 ; --Italian, 184, (:94, 996, 1005;qq town, 1332 --Portuguese, 1168, 1174,1175sqq Acre 'l'erritory (Brazil), 708 --Spanish, 1264, 1265, 1277 (), 1219, 1315 -East {British), 177, 180, 197 Addis Abbaba (Abyssinia), 651, 652, --(Italian), 184, 197, 270, 995, 879 1007 Adelaide, 389; port, 355; univ., 390 - {Port.), 1168, 117 4, 117 6 Aden, 95, 120, 1329 ; boundary, 95 - Equatorial {French), 856, 870 - wireless station, 198 - North (French), 856, 864 ; see also Adi Caieh {~~ritt·ea), 1006 Algeria, Morocco, Tunis Adjame {Ivory Coast), 882 --(Italian), 1008 Admiralty Is. {New Guinea), H1, 413 --(Spanish), 1264, 1265, 1277 Adolph Haven, see Morobe -South (British), 198 Adrar (Mauretania), 885 -- Union of, 207 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1277 -S.-West(British), 236 Adrianople, 1315 -West (British), 238, 249, 251 Adua (Abyssinia), 652 --{French), 249,251,856,879,885 JEgean Islands, 945, 1010, 1315, 1317 --(Port.), 1168, 1174, 1175, 1176 - minerals, 950 - - (Spanish), 1264, 1265, 1277 .dl:tolia (Greece), 945 Afrikya, see Tunis Afghanistan, agriculture, 657 Agadir (Morocco), 1059 - Amir, 135, 656, 657 Agana (Guam. ), 645 --area and population, 656, 657 Agdenes (Norway), fort, 1111 -army, 657 Agder, Aust& Vcst(Norway), 1107 - books of reference, 659 Agege {Nigeria), 241 - boundaries, 656 Agordat {Eritrea), 1006 - commerce, 658 Agra (pro v. ), see United Provinces - copper, 658 --tea, 139 -- currency, 658 -(town), 126 - defence, 657 Agram, see Zagnib - expedition, 135 Aguacatc mines (Costa Rica), 771 - finance, 657 Aguadulce (Panama), port, 1123 -gold, 658 Aguas Blancas {Chile), 730, 731 -government, 656 Aguasealientes{Mex.),1047; tn., 1048 -justice, 657 Agusan dist. (Philippine Is.), 641 -land cultivation, 657 Ahmadi, El, mosque, 256 - manufactures, 658 Ahmed Fuad, Sultan (Egypt), 252 - minerals, 658 Ahmcdabad {India), 126 -posts, 659 Ahmed Shah {Persia), 1136 - production, 657 Aidin (Asia Minor), 945 - provinces, 656 Aigun (China), port, 739 -reigning sovereign, 135, 656 Aimak race (Afghanistan), 657 - revenue, 657 Ain Galakka (Kanem), 872 -sheep, 658 Ain Sefra {Algeria), 865 -towns, 657 Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 428 - trade and trade routes, 658, 659 Aix (France), univ., 833 -wheat, 657 Ajmer, town (India), 126 -wool, 658 Ajmer-Merwara, agric., 137, 138 Africa, Central, Protectorate, see -area and pop., 117, 120 Nyassaland Protectorate - births and deaths, 125 - .Belgian, 180! - education, 128, 129 INDEX 1355

AJM ALB Ajmer-Merwara, forests, 138, 139 Alaska, Chinese in, 632 - government, 117 - commerce, 633 -land revenue, 137 - communications, 633 -- land tenure, 137 - education, 456, 632 - religion, 127 - Eskimo in, 632 Akershiis (Norway), 1107; fort, 1111 - finance, 632 Akhtamar, Catholicos of, 1316 - fisheries, 633 Akhtyrka (Russia), 1200 -forests and timber, 471, 472, 632, Akita (Japan), 1018 633 Akkerman (Russia), 1200 -gold, 473, 633 Akmolinsk (Russian Asia), 1198 -government, 447, 631 Akron (Ohio), 453, 586 - Indians in, 632 Aksu (Sin-Kiang), 755 - Japanese in, 632 Akureyri (Iceland), 804 -justice, 632 Akuse (Gold Coast), 244 - manufactures, 632 Alabama, agriculture, 469, 494 -mining, 473, 633 -area and pop., 449, 466, 494 - petroleum, G33 -banks, 496 - posts and telegraphs, 633 - books of reference, 496 - production, &c., 632 - charity, 495 - public land, 463, 467, 633 -coal, 496 -railways, 633 -constitution and government, 494 - reindeer, 632 - cotton, 469, 495, 496 -- religion, 632 -debt, 495 - rcprcsentatiou, 631 -education, 494 - shipping, 484, 633 - finance, 495 -towns, 632 -Germans in, 494 Ala-ndin Sulailllan Shah, Sultan (Se- -Indians in, 494 limgor), 168 -iron, 496 Alava (Spain), province, 1264 - live stock, 495 Alhacete (Spain), province, 1264 -maize, 495 Albania, 660, 1315 - manufactures, 495 -area and population, 660 - mining, 496 - books of reference, 661 -port, 496 - education, 661 -production and industry, 495 - government, 660 - public lands, 469 -justice, 661 - railways, 496 -ports, 661 - religion, 494 - production and imlustry, 661 - representation, 445, 495 -religion, 661 -rice, 469 ~roads, 661 -river navigation, 496 -towns, 660 - tobacco, 495 Albany (New York), 453, 575, 576 - universities, 495 Albany (W. Australia), 355, 395 -wheat, 495 Albay (Philippines), 641 -wool, 495 Albert, King (Belgium), 681, 692 Alafi Island (French Pacific), 895 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1054 Alag6as (Brazil), state, 708, 711 Alberta (Canada), 278 Ala'u'd-din Sulaiman Shah(Selangor) - agl'icultme, 287, 288

168 1 -area and pop., 281, 301 Alais (France), 834 - births, deaths, marriages, 282,301 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 769 ; tn. 770 - books of reference, 303 Alaska, area and pop., 450, 466, 632 -coal, 303 - books of reference, 633 - commerce, 303 1356 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

ALll ALG Alberta (Canada), constitution and I Alex::mdrovsk Grushevsk, 1199 government, 300 Algarve(Portugal), rn·ov., 1167 -crops, 302 Algeciras, 1059 - dairy products, 303 -conference, 1059 -debt, 302 Algeria, 856, 864 - education, 283, 302 - agriculture, 867 - exports, 303 - area and pop., 856, 865 - finance, 285, 302 - army, 840, 841, 867 - fisheries, 289, 303 -bank, 869 - forests, 288, 289, 303 - books of reference, 869 -justice and crime, 302 - budget, 864, 866, 867 -land-holdings, 288 - commerce, 868 - live stock, 303 -copper, 868 - local government, 280, 301 - cotton, 868 - manufactures, 303 -defence, 840, 841, 867 - mining, 290, 303 - delegations, 864 - ministry, 301 - divisions, 865 - natural gas, 303 - education, 831, 832, 866 - political parties, 301 - faculties. 866 -production & industry, 287, 288 - finance, ·864, 866 - railways, 296, 303 - fisheries, 868 - ranches, 303 -flax, 868 - religion, 283 - foreigners in, 866 - representation, 278, 279, 280, - forests, 868 301 - government, 825, 864 -towns, 301 -industry, 868 - university, 302 -iron, 868 - wheat, 287, 302 -justice and crime, 866 Albertville (RCong.) w'rless stn.,696 - land tenme, 867 Albuquerque (New Mexico), 573 - live stock, 868 Albury (New South Wales}, 362 - mercantile marine, 869 Alcazar (Morocco}, 1060, 1064 - mining, 868 Alcoy (Spain}, 1265 -money, weights, measmes, 869 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles}, 196 - petroleum, 868 Alderney, government, 85; pop., 24 -posts and telegraphs, 869 Aldershot Command (U.K.), 52 - railways, 869 Alemtejo (Portugal), 1167 - religion, 866 Aleppo (Syria), 1316; minerals, 1322; - representation, 864, 865 schools, 1317 ; town, 1336 -roads, 867, 869 Alessandria (Italy}, 982, 985 - schools, 831, 832, 866 - town, 985 ; fort, 993 - shipping, 869 Aleut race (Alaska), 632 -silk, 868 Alexandretta, 1219 -Southern Territories,864, 865, 867 Alexandria (Egypt), 254, 255 - torpedo stations, 842 -municipality, 254 - towns, 866 - town, 254, 255 -wheat, 867 - trade, 264, 265 -, 868 Alexandria, Patriarch of, 256, 652, -wool, 868 1200 Algiers (Algor), 842, 866 Alexandria (Virginia), 618 - faculties, 833 Alexandropol (), 1200, 1220 - schools, 866 Alexandros, King (Greece), 943 - torpedo station, 842 Alexandrovsk (Yek) (Russia), 1199 - university, 866 INDEX 1357

ANG Alhucema Islands (Span. Af. ), 1265 Amhara (Abyssinia), 651 Alicante (Spain), 1264 ; town, 1265 Amherst (Nova Scotia), 311 Aligarh (India), 126 Amiens (.France), 829 Ali Iusnf, Sultan (Ol!l!ia), 1007 Amirantes Islands (Seychelles), 196 Alkmaar (N etherbuds), 107 4 ! Amoy (China),, port, 739 Allahiln\d, 126 ; university, 128 Amritsar (India), 126 Allenstein (Polaml), 1159 Amsterdam (Netherlands), 107 4 ; Allentown (l'a. ), 453, 595 canal, 1079; fort, 1079; port, Alliance (Ohio), 586 1084 ; lllli v.' 107 5 Almeria (Spain), JWOv., 1264 Amstcnlam blanc! (French), 878 - minerals, 1272 ; town, 1265 Amsterclam (Kew York), 576 -wireless station, 1270 Amur prov. (.i\I,;nchnria), 752 Almirante (Panama), port, 772, 1126 Amnr province (Hussia), 1198 Almom (India), 753 Amur- Nizluwdnieprovsk (Russia), Alor Star (Kcdah), 173 1200 Alost (Belgitlm), 684 Anaconda (Montana), 561 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 196 An:umka Island (Pacific), 436 Alphonso XIII. (Spaiu), 4, 1261 , 1314, 1320; railway, 1324 Alsace-Lorraine, 827, 828, 899 Ancachs (Peru), department, 1148 -area and populution, 827 Anch'ing (China), 736 - constitution & governt., 828 Anchorage (Alaska), 632 - forts, 839 Anchorite Islam! (Pacific), 413 - religion, 902 Ancona (Italy), to\Yn, 985 -university, 8:33 -- tor['eclo station, £195 Alto Juba (lt. SomalilalHl), 1007 Andaman nml NicolJar hlands, 118, Alton (Illinois), 523 120, 12'i, 1:39, 161 Altona (Germany), 900 --wireless station, 162 Altoona (l'a. ), 453, 59u An

ANG ARG Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, government, Anvers, see Antwerp 269 Antwerp (Belgium), 684 ; town, 684 - imports aml cxp01·ts, 272, 273 Anzm\tegui (Venezuela), State, 1345 - irrigation, 272 Aomori (Japan), 1018 -justice, 271 Apache Indians (U.S.A.}, 573 - leased station, 270 Apeldoorn (Netherlands), 1074 - posts and telegraphs, 273 Apia (Western Samoa), 430, 646 - production, 272 -wireless station, 430 - provinces, 269 Apolima (Western Samoa), 429 -railway, 273 Appenzell (cantons), 1298, 1299, 1301 - river steamers, 273 Appleton (Wis.), 627 - rubber, 272 Apra Harbour (Guam), 645 -towns, 270 ~.pulia (Italy), province, 984, 997 - troops in, 261 A pure (V tnezuela), State, 1345 - wireless stations, 273 Apurimac (Peru), department, 1148 Angola(Port. W.Africa), 1174,1176 A•1uatown (Cameroon), 251 Angora (-in-Asia), 1315 Aquila degli Abruzzi (Italy), 983 Angouleme (France), 829 - town, 986 ; university, 988 Angra do Heroismo (Azores), 1167 Arabia, 1314, 1316 Angnilla Is. (W. I.}, 338, 340 Arabs in Madagascar, 873 Anhalt, area and pop., 898, 918 Aracajtt (Bmzil), 708 - constitution, 918 Arad (Hungary), 970 - finance, 918 Arad (Rumania), 1188 -religion, 918 Arada (Wadai), 872 -sugar, 910 Aragua (Y enezuela}, State, 1345 -towns, 918 Aranjuez (Spain), wireless station, AnhY.i (China), prov., 736; tea, 745 1276 Animists, 1089 Arauca (Colombia), 762 Anjouan Is. (Comoro Is.), 876, 877 Araucan race (Chile), 727 Ankober (Abyssinia), 652 Arauco (Chile), province, 727 Ankole (Uganda}, 182 Arawel (Pacific), 413 Ann Arbor (Mich.) 551; univ., 551 Arbil (Mesopotamia), 1330 Annam, 856, 859, 861 Arcadia (Greece), 945 Annapolis (Md.), 540, 541 Archangel, see Arkhangelsk Annobon Is. (Sp. Africa), 1277, 1278 Archidoua (Ecuador), 810 Ansonia (Conn.), 508 Arcila (Spanish Morocco), 1269 Antalo (Abyssinia), 652 (Georgia), 1224 Antanlmarivo (Madagascar), 873,874, Ardmore (Okl. ), 589 875 Arendal (Norway), 1108 Antigua Is. (W. I.}, 276, 338, 339 Arensburg (Esthonia), 1222 Antilles Is. (French}, 891 Arequipa (Peru), 1148; univ., 1149 Antioch, Patriarch of, 1200 Arezzo (Italy), 983 ; town, 986 Antioquia (Colom.), 762, 764; gold, Argentine Republic, agriculture, 668 765 - area and population, 663 Antipodes Islands (N. Z. ), 428 -army, 666 Antivari (Montenegro), 1056, 1057, -banks, 670 1058 - births, deaths, marriages, 664 -port, 1056 - books of reference, 671 Antofagasta (Chile), province, 727 -cattle industry, 668, 669 - port, 702 ; town, 727 - co:tl, 668 - wireless station, 732 - commerce, 668 Antsirabe (Aiadagascar), 875 - constitution, 662 An-tung (China), 752; port, 739 - copper, 668 tND~X 1359

.\TlO AHK Argentine ltHj,ublic, customs, 669 Arizona, agriculture, 470 -debt, 666 - area and population, 450, 466, 497 - defence, 666 -banks, 498 - diplomatic representatives, 671 - books of reference, 498 - divisions, 663, 664 - charity, 497 - education, 665 -constitution and government, 496 -emigration and immigration, 664 - copper, 498 - exports and imports, 668 - cotton, 470 - federal district, 663 - education, 497 - finance, 665 - finance, 49'7 -- panks, 670 -forests and timber, 472, 498 --debt, 666 - Germans in, 497 - foreigners in, 664 -gold, 498 - Germans in, 664, 668 - Indian reservations, 497 -gold, 668 - irrigation, 498 - government, 662 ·-live stock, 498 - - local, 663 - manufactures, 498 -irrigation, GG7 -mining, 498 -Jewish ColorJy, 668 ·- ostrich farming, 4 9 8 -justice, 665 ·-production and industry, 498 -live stock, 668 - public lands, 466 -local government, 663 - railways, 498 - manufactures, 668 - religion, 4 9 7 - 111ining, 668 -- representation, 445, 496 - money and credit, 670 ·- university, 497 - money, weights, and measures, 671 ·-wheat, 498 -navy, 667 ·-wool, 498 - posts and telegraphs, 670 Arkansas, agriculture, 469. 500 - President, 662 - area & population, 499, 450, 466 -production aml industry, 667 - charity, 500 - provinces "nd territories, 663, 664 -coal, 500 -railways, 670 - constitution and government, 499 - religion, 664 - cotton, 469, 500 - representation, 662, 663 ·-debt, 500 -savings bank, 670 - education, 499 -shipping and navigation, 670 ·- finance, 500 -sugar, 668 - forests and timber, 471, 500 - tobacco, 668 -- fruit, 500 - towns, 664 ·- Germans in, 499 - universities, 665 ·- Indians in, 499 -wheat, 66R ·- live stock, 500 -wine, 668 -- minerals, 500 - wireless stations, 670 ·- natural gas, 500 Argesh (Rumtmia), dept., 1186 ·-port, 501 Arghana Mad en (Turk.), copper, 1322 ·- production and iuuustry, 500 Argolis (Greece), 945 -- public land, 466 Argovie (canton), 1299, 1301 - railways, 501 Argyrocastro (Albania), 660, 945 ·- religion, 499 Arianeonpom (French India) 858 ·- representation, 445, 499 Arica (Chile), port, 702 -rice, 469 - province, 1148, 1150 - rose-growing, 500 -wireless station, 732 - shipping, 501 Arikis, rulers (Cook Is.), 428 -towns, 499 1360 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

AUK ATA Arkansas, university, 499 I Asia, Colonies, &c., in -wheat, 500 Dutch, 1087 -wool, 500 French, 856, 857, 858 Arkhangelsk (Russia), 1197 Italian, 1010 -town, 1199 Portuguese, 1168, 1174, 1175 Armavir (Caucasus), 1200 Hussian, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, Armenia, 1218, 1221, 1223, 1315, 1216, sqq 1330 Turkish, 1315, 1316 - arbitration, 1330 Asia Minor (Turkey), 1315 -area and population, 1219 Asir Highlands, 1328, 1329 -army, 1220 Asir Principate, 1329 . - books of reference, 1220 Askhabad (Russia in Asia), 1200 - defence, 1220 Asmar (Afghanistan), 656 - education, 1220 Asmara (Eritrea), 1005 - ethnic elements, 1219 -gold near, 1006 - finance, 1220 Asnieres (France), 829 --government, 1219 Assab (Eritrea), 1006 -independence, 1219, 1315 - wireless station, 1006 -ministry, 1219 Assaba (1\lauretania), 885 -port, 1220 Assam, a!(riculture, 137, 138 - production, 1220 -area and pop., 117, 120, 137 -religion, 1219 - births and deaths, 125 - towns, 1220 -education, 129 Armenia (Salvador), 1236 - finance, 134 Armenia (Tmkish), 1219, 1315 - forests, 138, 139 Armenia, United, 1219, 1220 -government, 117, 118 , Abyssinia, 652 - land revenue, 133, 137 - Persia, 1138 - land tenure, 137 -Turkey, 1316, 1317 -native states, 120, 123 Armidale (N.S. W. ), 362 - religion, 127 Arnawai, (Afghanistan), 656 -roads, 149 Arnhem (Netherlands), 1074 -state, 123 Arnstadt (Thuringia), 940 -tea, 139 Arolsen (Waldeck), 940 Assiniboia (Canada), 27 8 Arorae Island (Pacific), 436 Assinie (Ivory Coast), 883 Arta (Greece), 945 Assiout, sec Asyf1t Arthington (Liberia), 1041 Assuan (Egypt}, 254, 255, 273; dam, Artigas (Uruguay), province, 1337 262 -town, 1337 Assumption Island (Seychelles), 196 Arubais. (D.W.I.), 1096 Astara (Persia), port, 1139, 1141 Aruwimi (Belgian Congo), 693 Astoria (Oregon), 592 Ar7.iia (Morocco), port, 1060, 1063 Astove Is. (Seychelles), 196 Ascension Island, 176 Astrakhan, 1197; town, 1199 Aschatfenburg (Bavaria), 9'23 Astrolabe Bay (New Guinea), 412 Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 983, 986 Asuncion (Paraguay), 1131 : pt. 1134 Ashanti (W. Africa), 238, 244, 246 - wireless station, 1134 - gold and rubber, 246 Asuncion, La (Venezuela), 1345 Asheville (North Carolina), 1'81 Asyflt (Egypt), 254, 255 ; barrage, Ashland (Wis. ), 627 262 Ashtabula (Ohio), 586 -town, :255 Ashton-under-Lyne, 17 Aswan, see Assuan Asia, Colonies, & c., in Atacama (Chile), province, 727, 730 British, 95 A tafu Island (Pacific), 435 INDEX

ATA AUS Atakpame (Togoland), 249 Australia, copper, 351, 352 Atbara (A. E. Sudan), 270 ·- crops, 350 Atchison (Kans.), 531 ·-- customs valuation, 352 Athabasca (Cana•la), 278, 320 --- debt, 34R Athens, 946 ; ardueological wurk, ·-- defence 60 348 947 ; university, 947 ·-

AU:> BAD Australia, Wa.r contingent, 349 Avila (Spain), province, 1264 -- expenditure, 348 Awaji Isbnds (Japan), 1016, 1017 - wheat, 850, 351, 852, 854 Axim (Gold Coast), 244 -wine, 350 Axum (Abyssinia), 652 - wireless stations, 356 Ayacucho (Peru), 1148 - wool, 351, 352, 354 Ayr, population, 22 Austria, agriculture, il79 Azerbaijan (Persia), 1139, 1140, 1141 - area and population, 67 4-6 -minerals, 1141 -army, 677 A~erbaijan, Republic of, 1221 ·- banks, 679 -area, 1221 - books of reference, 680 -army, 1221 -boundaries, 674-5 - Bolsheviks, 1221 - canals, 679 - ethnic elements, 1221 -commerce, 679 -finance, 1221 - constitution, 674 - petrol1mm, 1221 - copper, 678 -port, 1220 -debt, 677, 784 -production fLllU industry, 1221 - defence, 677 -railways, 1221 -Diets, 674 Azhar, El (Cairo), mosque, 256 -education, 676 Azores Is., (Port.), 1167 - finance, 677 Azov (Russia), 1200 - forests, 679 Azua (S. Domingo), 1240 -government, 674 -petroleum, 1242 -government, provincial, 67 4 Azuay (Ecuador), 810; univ., 811 -iron, 679 -justice and crime, 676 - manufactures, 679 - mining and minera.!s, 679 BAANFU (Tibet), 753 - ministry, 675 Babahoyo (Ecuador), 810 - money, weights :!nd measures, Babanango (Natal), 227 679 Babelthuap (Pelew Islands), 1037 - motor-cars, 679 Bacau (Rumania), 1186; petro., 1191 -National Constituent Assembly, Badajoz (Spain), province, 1264 674 ·- fort, 1270; town, 1265 -navy, 678 Badakshan (Afghanistan), 656, 658 -pauperism, 677 Baden, agriculture, 920 - pianos, 679 -area and population, 898, 919 - political parties, a:; 4 - beer brewing, 911 - posts and telegraphs, 679 - books of reference, 920 - production & industry, 679 - constitution, 918 - provinces, see under Names -debt, 920 - provincial government, 674 - districts, 919 - railways, 679 - education, 920 - religion, 676 - finance, 920 - representation, 674, - f<~rests, 920 - river navigation, 679 - ~overnment, 919 -telephones, 679 - live stock, 909 -towns, 676 -manufactures, 910, 9,20 - universities, 676 -political partie.s, 919 Aveiro (Portugal), 1167; town, 1167 -production and industry, 920 Avellaneda (Argentina), 06-1 -railways, 913, 920 Avellino (Italy), 984; town, 986 -religion, 902, 919, 920 Avignon (Fr•nce), 82il -representation, 919 INDEX 1363

BAD BAR Baden, town, 919 Baluchistan, tinanre, 158 -towns, 919 -forests, 139, 159 - universities, 903, 920 - frontiers, 656 -wine, 920 -government, 117, 157 Bagagem (Brazil), diamonds, 713 -- justice, l!i8 Ba.gamoyo (Tanganyika), 181 - minerals, 159 Baganda race, 182 - native states, 120, 157, 158 Bagdad, 1315 i - petroleum, 159 -- railway, 1324, 1331 ; town, 1330 ' - political agencies, 157 Baghelkhand (India), 121 - posts and telegraphs, 160 Baguio (Philippines), 641 -production and industry, 159 Bahamas (Islands), 276, 333 -religion, 127, 159 Bahawulpur (India), state, 123 - roads, 149, 160 Bahia (Brazil), 702, 708, 711, 712; - ruling chiefs, 157, 158 railways, 715 - states, 127, 157, 158 Bahia (Ecuador), 811, 814 - tribal areas, 158 Bahia Blanca (Arg~ntina), 664 -wheat, 159 Bahia Honda (Cuba), U.S.N. coaling Balzar dist. (Ecuador), rubber, 812 station, 77 5 Bamako (French West Africa), 884 Bahour (French India), 858 Bamalete tribe (), 200 Bahr el Ghazal (A. E. Sudan), 272 Bamangwato tribe (8. Africa), 200 Bahrein Is., 96 ; pearl fishery, 97 Bamberg (Bav.), 923 ; faculties, 903 Ba.idoa(Italian Somaliland),1007, 1008 Harnessing (Cameroon) 251 Baja California (Mexico), 1047 Banana ( Relgian Congo), port, 695 Bajau race (Borneo), 98 -- wire]e,s station, 696 Bajaur (Afghanistan), 656, 658 Eanat (Rumania), 1186, 1187 Ba.kel (Senegal), 881 Banca (Dutch lndies), 1087, 1088 Baker Islands (Pacific), 436 -tin, 1092 Bakhatla tribe (South Africa), 200 Bandawe (Nyasaland), 192 Baku, oil, 1207, 1221 ; prov., 1198, Bandar Ziyada (Somaliland), 197 1221 ; town, 1200, 1221 Bandoeng (Java), 1089 Bakuriani (Georgia), 1226 Bangala (Be)gian Congo), 693 Bakwcna tribe (South Africa), 200 Baugalm·e (India), 126, 128, 129 Balakhany -Sabunchi (Caucasus), 1200 Banganapalle (India), State, 123 Balboa (Panama), 1125, 1126 Bangkok (Siam), 1253, 1254, 1257 Bale, see Base! - port, 1258 ; town, 1254, 1255 Balearic Is. (Spain), 1264, 1269, 1270 - univ., 1255 ; wireless statn., 1259 Bali (Dutch East Indies), 1088 Bangor (Maine), 538 Ballarat (Victoria), 374, 375 Bangor College, 30 Baloch race {Baluchistan}, 159 Bangui {French Congo), 871 Baltic Island~ (Danish), 792 Bangwakatse tribe (S. Africa), 200 Baltimore {Maryland), 453, 540, 541 Bank of England, 83, 84 -shipping, 482, 484 Bantu race and language 177, 181, Baluchi race (Oman), 1121 183, 209, 251, 693 - (Persia), 1138 Baouli (Fr. W. Africa), gold at, 883 Baluchistan, area & pop., 117, 120, Bara race (:IYiadagascar), 873 157, 159 Barbados Is. (W. lnd. ), 276, 334, 335 -books of refe1·ence, 160 Barbuda Is. (West Imlies), 338, 339 -coal, 159 , Barca (Eritrea), 1006 -communications, 149, 160 Barcelona (Spain), 1264 ; town, 1265 -commerce, 160 - port, 1274 ; university, 1266 - defence, 158 - wireles~ station, 1270, 1275 -- education, 128, 129, 159 Barcelona (Y enezuela), 1345 { s ' 1364 THE STATESMAN'S YI~AH-BOOK, 1920

BAR BE! Bardera (It. Somaliland), 1007 Bathurst (Gambia), 243 Bareilly (India), 126 Bathurst (New South Wales), 362 Barents Is. (Spitsbergen), 1118 Baton Rouge (Louisiana), 536, 537 Barentu (Eritrea), 1006 Battambong (Cambodia), 859, 1254 Barcse (Italy), 997 Battle Creek (Michigan), 551 Barfurnsh (Persia), 1138 Batum (Georgia), 1198, 1224 ; town, Bari (Italy), 984 ; town, 985 1200, 1220, 1225, 1226 -university, 988 Bautzen (Saxony), 937 ; town, 937 Barinas (Venez. ), 1345 Bavaria, agriculture, 923 Barkhan tahsil (Baluchistan), 157 - area & population, 898, 922 Barkstown CN.S.W.), 362 -hanks, 924 Barmen (Prussia), 900 -- beer brewing, 911, 924 Barnaul (Siberia), 1200 -- books of reference, 924 Barnsley, population, 17 -coal, 924 Baroda (India), area, &c., 120 - constitution-and government, 921 -government, 121 -debt, 923 - religion, 127 - distilleries, 9 24 -revenue, 121 - divisions, 922, 939 -town, 126 - education, 923 Barquisimeto (Venez. ), 1345 - finance, 923 Barranca mines (Costa Rica), 771 - forests, 923 Barranquilla (Colombia), 76'2, 764 - iron, 910, 924 Barre (Vermont), 615 -justice and crime, 904, 923 Barrow-in-Furness, population, 17 - live stock 909 924 Barsak (Cambodia), 1254 - manufact~res, !no, 924 Basankusu (B. Congo), wire!. stn., - mining, 924 696 - pauperism, 923 Basel (Switz. ), 1298, 1299, 1307 -political parties, 921 -town, 1302; university, 1303 - postal statistics, 914 Basidu (Persian Gulf), port, 1121 -religion, 902, 921, 923 Basilicata (Italy), prov., 984, 997 -sugar, 910 Basoko (B. Congo), wireless st., 696 - towns, 923 Basque race (Spain), 1265 -universities, 903, 904, 923 Basra (l'viesopotamia), 1315, 1330 ; -·wheat, 923 town, 1330, 1331 -wine, 924 Bas-Rhin Alsace (France), 827 Bavaria, Upper and Lower, 922 Bassa (Liberia), 1041 Bay City (Michigan), 551 Bassac (Indo-China), state, 863 Rayern, see Bavaria Basseterre (St. Kitts), 340 Bayonne, (N.J. ), 453, 571 Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe), 891 Bayreuth (Bavaria), 923 Basso Shebeli (Italian Africa), 1007 Bear Is. (Spitsbergen), 1118 Basson. see Basra Beaumont (Texas), 609 Bastar (India), state, 123 Beclnumaland (Cape Colony), 200,223 Bastard race (S. W. Af. ), 236, 237 -Protectorate (South Africa), 200 Basutoland (South Africa), 198, 233 Bedford, l'''Pulation, 17 Bata (Spanish Africa), 1278 Bedford College, London, 31 Batang (Tibet), 753 Bedc,uins, Arabia, 1328 ; Tunis, 887 Batavia (Java), 1089, 1090 Beersheha (Palestine), 1332 Batavia (New York), 576 Heglar Bcgi Khan, of Kalat, 158 Batawana tribe (S. Africa,) 200 Beheira (Egypt), 254, 255 Bath, population, 17 Beira (Portugal), province, 1167 Bath (Me.), 538 - (Portuguese East Africa), 1177 athoen, Bangwaketse chief, 200 --railway, 1178 1!~65

BEI BEl, Beirut(Syria), 1316,1332,1334,1336; Belgian Congo, tobacco, 694 town, 1324, 1336 -- wireless stations, 696 'Beit-el Mal' (Nigeria), 240 Belgium, agriculture, 697 Beja (Portugal), 1167; town, 1167 --- area and population, 684 -(Tunis), 888 -army, 686 Bekescsaba (Hungary), 972 -banks, 690 Bektashi sect (Moslem), 661 -births, deaths, & marriages, 684 Bela, Las, see Las Bela -- books of reference, 691 Belem (Brazil), 708, 709 - canals, 690 Belfast, 13, 23, 24 ; port, 80 ; -Chamber of Rep., 681, 682, 683 university, 30, 31 --coal, 688 Bclfort (France), 825, 829; fort, 840 - commerce, special, 688 Belgian Congo, 180 ; area & pop., 693 - constitution, ,681 -banks, 696 -crops, 687 - books of reference, 696 - eustoms valuation, 688, 689 -- boundaries, 693 - debt, 686 - cattle, 694 - defence 686 - coal, 694 - diplom~tic representatives, 691 -cocoa, 694 - distilleries, 688 - coffee, 694 - cduc&tion, 685 - commeree, 694 - exports and imports, 688 -constitution & government, 180, - finance, 686 692 - fisheries, 688 - copper, 694, 695 ·- forests, 687 - cotton, 694 - glass, 688, 689 -currency, 696 --government, central, 681 - customs valuation, 694 - -- local, 683 - debt, 694 - illiteracy, G85 - defence, 693 - irnn, 638 - districts, 693 - iron·works, 688 - education, 693 - justice and crime, 685 - exports and imports, 694, 695 - King, 681, 692 - Jinance, 693 - languages, 68-1 - frontiers, 270 - live stock, (i87 - gold, 694, 695 -loans, 686 - Governor, 693 -local government, 683 -justice, 694 - manutactmes, 688 -king, 692 - mining and metals, 688 - lauguages, 693 - ministry, 683 - minerals, 694 - money and credit, 690 -- mission work, 693 - money, weights, measures, 691 - palm-oil, 694, 695 - pauperism, 685 -pipe-line, 695 - J>r>litical parties, 683 -ports, 695 - posts and telegraphs, 690 - posts and telegraphs, 696 - production and industry, 687 -production, 694 - provinces, 684 - pygmies, 183 -quarries, 6S8 -railways, 693, 695, 696 -railways, 690 -- religion, 693 - -reigning sovereign, 681, 692 -rice, 694 - religion, 685 --river navigation, 695, 696 - representation, 682 -rubber, 694, 695 -- river navig:ttiulJ, 690 - shipping, 695, 696 -- roads, 690 1366 THE i:lTATESJ\lAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

BEL BHA Belgium, royal family, 681 Beni, El (Bolivia), 699, 700, 702 - Senate, 681, 682 Bcnicia (California), 503 -shipping and navigation, 689 Beni J\Iugheid tribe (Asir), 1329 - sugar and sugar works, 688 flcni-Suef (Egypt), 254, 255; tn., 255 - telephones, 690 Benknlenl. (Dutch East Indies), 1088 -towns, 684 Benoni ('rransvaal), 210, 230 - universitie•, 685 Beograd (Serbia), 1247 -wheat, 68i Berani (Montenegro ), 1057 Belgrade (Serb.), 1247, 1249; univ., Berar, see Central Provinces and Berar 1248 Berat (Albania), 660 Belize (British Honduras), 327 Berbera (Somali), 197; wirelessst., 198 Bellary (India), 126 Berbers (Morocco), 1060 Bellingham (Washingtou ), 621 Berbice (British Gniana), 325, 1094 Bell Island (Newfndlnd), iron, 330 Berdichev (Russia), 1199 Bello Horizonte (Brazil), 708, 709 Berea (Basutoland), 198 Belltown (Cameroon), 251 Bergamo (Italy), 982 ; town, 986 Belluno (Italy), 983 ; town, 986 Bergdamara race (S. W. Af.), 236 Bell-Ville (Argentina), 664 Bergen (Norway), 1107, 1108 Belleville (Illinoi•), 523 -fort, 1111; port, 1116 Beloit (Wis. ), 627 - wireless station, 1117 Benadir (It. Somaliland), 1007 Bergenhus (Norway), 1111 Benares (India), State, 123 Berkeley (Cal.), 453, 502; univ. 502 - town, 126; university, 128 Berlad (Rumania), 1188 Bender Abbas, 1139, 1140, 1141,1143 Berlin, prov., pop., 932; garrison, 1107 Benderguez (Persia), 1139, 1141 - town, 900; univer•ity, 903 Beudery (Russia), 1200 Berlin (N. H.), 568 Bender Ziade (Italian Africa), 1007 Berlin-Lichtenberg, 901 Bendigo (Vidoria), 374 Berlin-Schoeneberg, 900 Benedict XV., Pope, 1180 Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 901 Benevento (Italy), 984; town, 986 Bermudas (West Indies), 276 Benga race, (Spanish Africa), 1278 Bermudez (Venezuela), asphalt, 1347 Bengal, agriculture, 138, 13(1 Bern (Switzerland), 1299, 1301 -area and pop., 117, 120 -town, 1300, 1302; university, 1303 -bank, 153 Bernburg (Anhalt), 918 -births and deaths, 125 Beru Island (Pacific), 436 - commerce, 143, 145 Besan~on, 829; observ., 834; univ,, - education, 129 833 - finance, 134 Bessarabia (Rumania), 1185, 1186, - forests, 138, 139 1197; colonies, 1187 -government, 117, 119 Bethlehem (Palestine), 1332 - justice, 130 - (Pa..), 595 -land revenue, 133, 137 Betsileo race (Madagascar), 873 --tenure, 137 Betsimisaraka race (Madagascar), 873 -native states, 120, 123 Beuthen (Prussia), 901 -port, 147 Beverley (Massachusetts), 545 - religion, 127 Bex (Switzerland), salt mines, 1307 -roads, 149 Beyla (French Guinea), 882 - states, 120, 123, 127 Beyrout, see Beirf1t -tea, 139 Beziers (France), 829 -university, 128 Bhag (Balnchistan), 158 Benghazi (It. Afj, 872, 1008, 1009 Bhigalpur (India), 126 Benguella (Port. W. Africa), 1176 Bharatpur (India), state, 1~2 Benha (Egypt), 254, 255 Bhatpara (India), 126 INDEX 1367

BHA BOL Bhavnagar (India), 123 ; town, 126 Bissau (Portuguese Guinea), 1175 Bhopal (India), 121, 123; town, 126 , 1219, 1315, 1330; town, 1316 Bhutan, 697 Bitolj (Serbia), dept., 1247; tn, 1247 Bhutia race (Nepal), 1068 Bizerta (Algeria), torpedo stn., <842 -- (Sikkim) 161 Bjorneborg (Finland), 817 Bia River (Fr. W. Africa), gold on, 883 Blackburn, population, 17 Biagha (Bhutan), 698 , Black Forest ( W iirttem berg), 941 1159 17 Bialystok (Poland), 1 Blackpool, population, Bida (Nigeria), 241 ' Blark Sea ports (Bulgarian), 724 Biddeford (Maine), 538 -- prov. (Russia), 1198 Biel (Switzerland), 1302 Blagovycshchensk (Siberia), 1200 Bielefeld (Prussia), 901 Blanche Day (~ell' Guinea), 413 Bielo (Montenegro), 1056 Blautyre (Nyasaland), 192 Bigha (Turkish vilayet), 1315 Blekinge (Sweden), province, 1283 Biharand Orissa,agriculture, 137, 138 Blida (Algeria), 866 - area & population, 117 Bloemfontein (S. Africa), 210, 234 -births and deaths, 125 Bloomington (Illinois), 523 - education, 129 Blucfields (Nic. ), 1100, 1101 ; pt., - finance, 134 1102 - forests, 138, 1311 - wireless statioH, 773 -government, 117, 118 Blyth, port, 67, 80 -land revenue, 133, 137 Bo (West Africa), 248 - - tenure, 137 Bmwo (Nicaragua), 1101 -native states, 120, 123 Bo.anamary (Madagascar), 875 - religion, 127 Bobo·Dionlasso (Fr. W. Africa), 885 -roads, 149 Bobruisk (Russia), 1199 - states, 127 Bocas del Toro (Panama), 773, 1123, -tea, 139 1125; railways, 1126 - trade, 143, 145 - wireless station, 773 Bijagoz Is. (Portuguese Guinea), 1175 Bochum (Prussia), 901 Bijoutier Is. (Seychelles), 196 Bocono (Venezuela), 1345 Bikaner (India), 122; town, 126 Bceotia, (Greece), 945 Bilbao(Spain), 1265; port, 1274 Bogdo Khan (Urga), 737 - wireless station, 1270 Bogota (Colombia), 761,762,763,764, Billings (Montana), 561 765 Billiton (Dutch E. Indies), 1087, 1088 Bohemia (CzeeJJO.I:l!ovakia), 780, 781 -tin, 1092 · - <1gricultnre, 785 Bingerville (Ivory Coast), 882 --·area and population, 782, 784 Binghampton (N.Y.), 576 -crops, 785 Binh·Dinh (Annam), 861 -education, 782, 783 Biob!o (Chile), pro,,ince, 727 -hops. 785 Bir Jabir (Aden), 95 - mineral", 785 Birkenfeld, Principality, 930 - tax of liberation, 784 Birkenhead, population, 17; port, 80 Bolms (Sweden), province, 1283 Birmal (Afghanistan), 656, 658 Boise (Idaho), 520 13irmingham, 17 ; university, 30, 31 Bokhara, 1216 ; town, 1217 Birmingham (Alabama), 453, 494 Boks\mrg (Transvaal), 210, 230 Birney Island (Pacific), 435 Bolama Is. (Portuguese Guinea), 1175 Biscay or Vizcaya (Spain), 1264, 1272 BolanPass (Baluchistan), 157 Bishop's Falls (Newfoundland), paper Bolan road (Afghanistan), 659 mills, 330 Bolivar (Colom. ), 762; gold, 765 Bismarck (North Dakota), 583 Bolivar (Ecnrtdor), 810; wireless stn., Bismarck Archipelago, 411, 412 814 1368 Tfll' STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

BOL BOT Boli1·ar (Venezuela), State, 1345 Bombay, agriculture, 137, 138 Bolivia, agriculture, 701 -area and pop., 117, 120, 123 -area and population, 699 i -hank, 153

-army, 701 1 - births aud deaths, 125 -banks, 704 - cuueation, 129 - books of reference, 705 - finance, 134 -boundary, treaties, 700, 1131,114\l -forests, 138, 139 - Chamber of Deputies, G99 -government, 117, 118 -commerce, 702, 732 -justice and crime, 130 - Congress, 699 -land revenue, 133, 137 -constitution and government, 699 - - tenure, 137 - copper, 702 -mint, 152 - customs, 702, 703 -ports, 147 -debt, 701 -religion, 127 - defence, 701 -roads, H9 - diplomatic representatives, 704 - states, 120, 123, 127 - divisions, 699 -town, 126 - education, 700 -trade, 143, 145, 147 - finance, 701 -university, 128 - foreigners, 700 Bon religion (Tibet), 753 -gold, 702 Bonagai (Papua), 409 - Indians, 700 Bonaire Island (Dutch W.I.), 1096 - irrigation, 701 Bonavista (Newfoundland), 329 -justice, 700 Bondoukou (French West Africa), 883 - lak:e shipping, 703 Done or Bona (Algeria), 866; 84 - live stock, 702 Bonin Islands (Japan), 1016, 1017 - mines and minerals, 702 Bonn (Germauy), 901; university, -money, weights, measures, 704 903.~04 - occupations of the people, 700 Bonny (Nigeria), 241, 241, 251 -oil, 702 Dootle, population, 17 -petroleum, 702 Boporo (Liberia), 1041 - posts and telegraphs, 703, 704 Bora.Bora-M.anpiti I. (Fr. Fa cif.), 895 - President, 699 Boras (Sweden), 1284 - production and industry, 701 Bordeaux, 829 ; observ., 834 ; trade, - public lands, 702 849; univ., 83:1 -railways, 703 Bori valley, see Loralai ·- religion, 700 Bo!'is III, King (Bulgaria), 718 -representation, 699 Borjom (Georgia), 1226 -roads, 703 Borneo, British North, 98, 163 - rubber, 702 --books of reference, 100 -salt, 702 - Dutch, 1087, 1088; coal, 1092 - Senate, 699 Bornholm Is. (Denmark), defence, - telephones, 704 796 -tin, 702 Bosnia & Herzegovina (Jugo-Slavia), -towns, 700 area & population, 1246 - universities, 700 - government, 124 6 - wheat, 701 - railways, 1250 - wireless stations, 704 Bosphorns fortifications, 1315, 1320 Bologna (Italy), 983 ; town, 985 ; Boston, (Mass.), 543, 544, 545 univ., 988 - Federal Bank, 489 Bolton, population, 17 - finance, 54 7 Born a (l3elg. Congo), 693, 694, 695 -· naval port, 463 ; shipping, 484 - wireless station, 696 Bothnia (Gnlf of), saw mills, 1290 INDEX 1369

BOT BRA Botoshani (Rumania},ll86; tn., 1188 Brazil, diamond mining, 713 Bouake (Ivory Coast}, 883 -- diplomatic:representatives, 716 Bougainville Is. (Pacific), 414 -education, 709 Boulder (), 505 --- exports and imports, 713 Boulder (W. Aust. }, 395 - faculties, 709 Boulogne-sur-Mer, 829 ; trade, 849 -Federal capital, 708 Boulogne-sur-Seine, 829 - finance, 710 Bounty Islands (New Zealand), 428 -- - state, 711 Bourail (New Caledonia), 894 -foreigners in, 708, 713, 1018 Bourbon Is. (Reunion), 856, 857, 878, -- forests, 713 885 - Germans in, 713 Bour~ (French Guinea), gold, 882 -gold, 713 Bourges (France), 829 -- government, 706 Bournemouth, population, 17 -- local, 707 Bowditch Island (Pacific), ~35 --immigration, 709 Bowling Green (Ky.), 533 - Indians, 708 Boyaca(Colom.), pr., 762; cotton, 764 --inland waterways, 715 Brabant (Belgium), province, 684 --Japanese in, 1018 Brabant, North (Netherlands), 1073, --justice and crime, 710 1081 - libraries, 709 Bradford, population, 17 - live stock, 712 Braga (Portugal), 1167; town, 1167 - local finance, 711 Braganc;a (Portugal}, prov., 1167 -- - government, 707 llrahui race (Baluchistau), 159 -- manufactures, 713 Braila (Rumania), 1186; town, 1188 - mining, 71:3 Bmkna (French W. Africa), 885 -ministry, 'i07 Brandenburg, area and pop., 932 -money and credit, 715 Brand9n (Manitoba), 307 -money, weights, measures, 715 Brasov (Rumania), 1188 -National Congress, 706, 707 Brass (Nigeria), 241 -navy, 712 Brasso (Hungary), 972 -petroleum, 713 Bratislava (Cr.echo-Slovakia ), 782 -- posts and telegraphs, 715 -port, 784 ; nniver., 783 - President, 707 Braunsberg (Germany), faculty, 903 -production and industry, 712 Braunschweig, see Brunswick -railways, 715 Brava (It. Somaliland), 1007, 1008 - religion, 709 Brazil, agriculture, 712 -- representation, 707 - area and population, 708 -rubber, 712, 714 -army, 711 - Senate, 706, 707 - banking, 715 - shipping and navigation, 714 - books of reference, 716 --silk, 713 - boundaries, 700, 709, 762, 1149 - states, 7 08 -brewing, 713 ---finance, '711 -Chamber of Deputies, 706 --government, 707 -coal, 713 -sugar, 712, 1'13 -coffee, 712, 714 - telephones, 715 -colonies (German, &c.), 713 -territory, 70S - commerce, 713 - textiles, 713 - constitution, 706 -- time, standard, in, 715 - cotton mills, 713 --tobacco, 712, 713 -crops, 712 -- towns, 708 - rlebt, 711 -- wireless stations, 715 - defence, 711 Brazzaville (French Congo), 871 1370 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

BRE BRI Brechou Island, 24 British Columbia, crops, 288, 305 Breda (Netherland), 1074 --debt, 305 Bremen, area and population, 898, -- education, 283, 305 924 - - finance, 285, 305 ·- births, deathR, marriages, 924 - - fisheries, 289, 305 ·- books of reference, 925 - - forests, 288, 305, 306 -brewing, 910 --gold, 306 -commerce, 912, 924 -- holdings, 288 - constitution, 924 -- Industry, Department of, 304 -debt, 924 -- live stock, 305 - emigration, 925 -- manufactures, 306 - finance, 924 1 -- mining, 289, 290, 305 - political parties, 924 -- ministry, 304 - railways, 925 -- production aml industry, 305 - religion, 924 -- railways, 296, 306 - shipping, 912, 924 -- religion, 283 - town, 900, 912, 924 -- representation,278,279,280,304 Bremerhaven (Germany), 924 -- shipping, 307 Bremerton (Wash.), navalsta., 622 --subdivisions, 304 Brescia (Italy), 982 ; town, 985 -- telephones, 307 Breslau (Germany), 900 ; bishopric, - -timber, 305, 306 1160; univ. 903, 904 -- towns, 304 Brest (France), 829; fort., 840, 842; --university, 305 naval school, 834 -- water power, 306 Brest-Litovsk (Poland), 1159, 1199; -- wheat, 305 fort, 1162 ; treaty, 1203 -Concession (Chinde), 193 Bridgeport (Connecticut), 453, 508 -East Africa, 177 Bridgeton (N.J.), 571 ---books of reference, 18~ Bridgetown (Barbados), 334 - Empire, see Great Britain, Brighton, population, 17 England, Ireland, Scotland, &c. Brindisi (Italy), torpedo sta., 995 - European possessions, 91, 92 sqq. Brisbane (Queensland), 382; p01t, -, 325 355 ; university, 383 - Honduras, 327 Bristol, 17 ; port, 80 ; univ., 30, 31 -- wireless stations, 328 British America (see Bermuda, Can- - India, see India ada, Westlndies, &c.), 91,276 -New Guinea, 344, 409, 411 - Atlantic Islands, 194 - North America, see Canada -Australasia and Oceania, 91, 344 - North Borneo, 98, 100, 163 - Baluchistan, aee Baluchistan - Oceania, 91, 344, 434 - Central Africa. Protectorate, see -Pacific Is., 344, 411, 416, 427,428, N yasaland Protectorate 429, 434 - Colonies and Possessions in -Protected Malay States, 172 Africa, 91 - Solomon Islands, 344, 436 - - -- in Asia, 91, 95 - Somaliland, 197, 1007 - Columbia., Agent-General, 304 ·- S. Africa, 198; see also Union of -- agriculture, 288, 305 - S. W. Africa., 236 --area and population, 281, 304. - Virgin Islands, 338, 340 - - births, &c., 282, 305 -West Africa, 238, 249, 251 -- books of reference, 307 -West Indies, 276, 328, 333, 334, --coal, 305 335, 338 sqq -- commerce, 294, 306 -- natives of, in Costa Rica, 770 -- constit. & govt., 278, 280, 304 --- in Panama, 1123 •- - copper, 306 ! Bl'ixharn, port, 80 INDEX 1371

BRN BUL Brno (Czechoslovakia), 782; univ., Buca (Oamernon), 251 783 But'IW~ Ayres, 662, 664, 665 Brockton (Massachusetts), 453, 545 - Federal di>,trict, 663 Broken Hill (New South Wales), - Province, 663, 668 362 - university,, 665 'Broken Hill (N. Rhodesia), 203 Buffalo (New York), 453, 576 Bromberg (Prussia), 901 Buganda, 182 Flronx (New York), 453, 576 Bugti dist. (Baluchist.m), 159 Brooke, Sir C. V., Raj. (Sarawak), 99 Buka Island (Solomon Is.), 414 Brooklyn (New York), 453, 576 Bukarest (Rumania), sec Bucharest - naval station, 463 Rukedi (Uganda), 182 Bruchsal (Baden), 919 Bukoba (Tttnganyika), wireless Bruges (Belgium), 684 station, 181 Brunei, 99, 163; coal, 98 Bukovina (Rumania), 1185 Brunswick, area and pop., 898, 925 - area and population, 1186 - books of reference, 925 -- eolonies, 1187 - constitution, 925 - government, 1185 -debt, 925 Bulawayo (Rhodesia), 202 - education, 902 Bulgar Maden (T. in A.), mines, 1322 -- finance, 925 Bulgaria, agriculture, 722 - religion, 925 - area and population, 719, 1314 -sugar, 910 - armistice, 1249 - town, 901, 925 -army, 722 Brussa (Turkey-in-Asia), 1315; town, -banks, 724. 1316 --births, ma'l'l'iages and deaths, 720 Brussels, 684, 696 ; university, 685 - books of reference, 725 Bryansk (Russia), 1200 - eoal, 723 Bubi race (Fernando Po.), 1278 - commerce, 723 Bucaramanga (Colombia), 762 - constitution and government, 718 Buchanan (Liberia), 1041 - copper, 723 Bucharest (Rumania), 1188, 11(13 -crops, 723 -treaty, 719, 1187, 1189, 1247 -debt, 722 - university, 1188 - defenee, 7:!2 Buckeburg (Schaumburg-Lippo), 939 -- di"plomatio r~presont»tives, 725 Budaiya (Bahrein), 96 - districts, 1'20 Budapest (Hungary), 972, 97 4, 975 ; - education, 720 university, 973 - et hnio elements, 719, 7 20 Buddhism in Australia, 396 - finance, 7~:1 - in Bhutan, 698 - foreigners in, 719, 720 -in Ceylon, 101, 103 - frontier, 719 - in China, 739 - fruit, 723 - D. E. Indies, 1089 - Germans in, 720 -in India, 127 - gipsies, 720 -in Japan, 1019 -gold, 723 -in Korea, 1032 ' -iron, 723 - in Mongolia, 756 -justice, 721

-in Nepal, 1068 1 -King, 718 -in Siam, 1~55 · - land tenure, 722 --in Sikkim, 161 - libraries, 721 - in South Africa, 211 --live st.oek, 723 - in Tibet, 753 - local government, 719 - in Western Australia, 396 - manufac:tures, 72il Budejovice (Czechoslovakia), 782 - miuemlH, 1'23 1:~72 THE STATE:3l>IAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

BUL CAL Bulgaria, ministry, 719 Bushman race (S. W. Africa), 236 -- money and credit, 724 Buskerud (Norway), 1107 -- political parties, 719 Busoga (Uganda), 182 -- ports, 724 - railway, 183 -- posts and telegraphs, 724 Busra, Basra, or Bassora, 1315 --production and industry, 722 flutaritari Island (Pacific), 436 -- quarries, 723 Butler (Pa. ), 595 -- railways, 724 Biitow (Poland), 1159 --reigning sovereign, 718 Bntte (Montana), 561 -·-religion, 720 Butnrlinovka (Russia), 1200 --representation, 719 Buzau (Rumania), 1186; petro., 1191 -- royal family, 718 Bnzeu (Rumania), 1188 -- shipping, 724 Bydgoszcz (Poland), 1159 -- Sobranje, 719 Byelaya Tserkov, (Russia) 1199 --territory ceded, 719, 945, 1187 Byelostok (Russia), 1199 -- towm, 720 Bystricu, (Slovakia), mining, 785 -- university, 720 -- wheat, 723 Bulhar (Somali.), 197; wire. stn.,198 CABIXDA (Port. West Africa), 1176 Bunbury (W. Aust.), 395 Cabo de Pal os (Spain), wire. stn., 1276 Bundelkhand (India), 121 Cabo Finisterrc (Spain), wire.stn. 1276 Bunder Abbas, 1139, 1140, 114.1, Cacak (Serbia), dept., 1247 1142, 1143 C{teeres (Spain), province, 1264, 1272 Buntli state (India), 122 Cadiz, 1264 ; faculty, 1267 Bunyoro (Uganda), 182 - fort, 1270 ; naval station, 1270 Bur Acaba (It. Sornaliland), 1007 -town, 1265; wire. stn., 1274, 1275 Bnrao (Somali.), wireless stn., 198 Caen (France), 829 ; port, 849; univ., Bnrgas (Bulgaria), 720; port, 724 833 Burgos (Spain), 1264, 1272; tn., 1265 Cagliari (Italy), 984, 998 ; town, 985 Hurlington (Iowa), 528 -university, 988 -- (Vermont), 615 Caicos Is. (West Intlies), 336, 337 Burma, agriculture, 137, 138, 139 Cairo (Egypt), 254, 255; tn., 255, 256 -- area and population, 117, 120 Cairo (Ill.), 523 --births and tleaths, 125 Cajamarca (Peru), 1148 -- boundaries, 1253, 1254 Calabar (Nigeria), 239, 240, 241

-- education, 129 1 Calabozo (Venezuela), 1345 -- finance, 134 Calabria (Italy), 984, 987, 997 -- forests, 138, 139 Calacoto (Bolivia), petroleum, 702 --government, 117, 119 Calais, 829 ; trade, 849 -- justice, 130 Calamar (Colombia), 762 -- land revenue, 133, 137 Calamata (Greece), 946, 950 -- - tenure, 137 Cl, 765 --tea, 139 Calgary (Canada), 281, 301 -- trade, 143, 145, 14 7 Cali (Colombia), 762 Burnley, population, 17 Caliacra (Rumania), dept., 1187 Burton-on-'l'rent, population, 17 Calicut (India), 126 Burutu (Nigeria), 241 California, agriculture, 469, 470, 503 Bury, population, 17 - area & population; 450, 466, 501 Bushire (Persia), pt.,1139, 1141,1142, -banks, 504 1143 - books of reference, 504 137~)

CAL CAN California, bomx, 504 Cameroon, 238, 251, 857, 8/1 - charity, 502 -- admiuistration, 251, 857, 872 - Chinese in, 501 --area and population, 251, 872 - commerce, 504 -- educ,ation, 251 - constitution and government, 501 -- pro0 ---irrigation, 503 -banks, 297 -Japanese in, 501 , -- Lirtlts, deaths, marriages, 282 --- libraries, 502 --books of reference, 298 ·- live stock, 503 - canals, 295 -- nutnufaetlU'es, 504 --Chinese in, 281, 282 -mining, 473, 503 - coal, 290, 293 -naval station, 463, 503 -- commerce 291 - ostrich farmiug, 503 - constituti~n, 278 - petroleum, 503 - copper, 2\10, 293 -port, 504 , - crops, 287, :288 - precious stoues, 504 ·- customs, 291 - public lauds, 466 - dairyin« 281; - railways, 504 -- U.ebt, 2S5 -- religioit, l502 - tlcfcnce 60 286 - representation, 445, 501 - Dept. o'r E;ternal .Affairs, 280 -rice 469 -education, 283 - sch~ois and colleges, 502 1 - Eskimos, 281 - shipping, 482, 484, 504 - estimateR, 285 -silver, 503 - ~~xpcditionary forces, 286 -towns, 502 - "'[Hll'ts and imports, 292, 293, -universities, 502 294 295 -wheat, 503 -- F0dera!' , 278, 27g --wine, 503 - finance, 284 -wool, 503 -- - provincial, 285 Caliph, the, 1316 - fisheries, 289 Callao (Peru), 1147: port, 1153 - Jorcign-burn population, 281 -- town, 1148 - forestry, 288, 289 Callirhoe (Palestine), 1334 -- fruit, 288 Caltanisetta (Italy), 984; town, 986 -Germans in, 281, 282 Camagiiey (Cuba), 775 : town, 776 - gold, 290, 293 Cambodia (Fr.), 806, 859, 862, 1254 - govcrnn1ent, 278 CambridgD, pop., 17 ; univ., 30, 31 - -- provincial, 280 Cambri

CAN CAQ Canada, immigt·ation, 282 Canea (Crete), 946, 946 - import duties, 291 Canelonea (Uruguay), 1337, 13.t0 - Indians (native), 281 Canterbury, population, 17 - iron, 290, 291 Canterbury Coli. (N. Z. ), 418 ...:..._ justice and crime, 284 Canterbury district (N.Z.), 417 - land-holdings, 287 Canton (China), 737, 746; port, 739 -live stock, 288 -wireless station, 749 -manufactures, 290, 291 Canton (Ohio), 453, 586 -militia, 285 Cap Bon (Tunis), 888 - -war contingent, 286 Cape Bretoon (Can.), wireless stn., 297 - mining, 289 Cape Coast Castle (Gold Coast), 244 - ministry, 279 Cape Colony, 222 - money and credit, 297 Cape ofGood Hope,-1094 -money, weights, measures, 298 - Administrator, 208, 228 - navy, 60, 287 - area and population, 209, 223 -newspapers, &c., 284 ' -births, deaths and marriages, 224 - Parliament, 278 - books of reference, 226 - petroleum, 290 - charitable inRtitutions, 224 - political parties, 27 9 -coal, 217, 218 -ports, 294 - commerce, 225 - posts and telegraphs, 296 - communications, 220 -Privy Council, 278 -constitution and govt., 207, 208, -production and industry, 287 222 - provinces, 280, 287 pa.¥s·im - diamondR, 217 - provincial finance 285 - divisions, 229 -- government, 280 - education, 211, 224 - railways, 296 - finance, 226 - ranches, 287, 288 -gold, 217 - religion, 283 - hospitals, 224 -representation, 278-9, 280 -justice, 213 - river and lake navigation, 295 - local government, 208, 222, 223 - savings banks, 298 - manufactures, 216 - schools, 283 -mining, 217, 218 -Senate, 278 -money, weights, measures, 221 - shipping and navigation, 295 - native hlbour, 218 -towns, 281 - occupations of the people, 224 - troops in (militia), 285 - pauperism, 225 -- in Europe, &c., 286 - production and induatry, 226 - universities, 283, and see provinces - Provincial Council, 208 - urban population, 282 - religion, 224 - War contingent, 286 - representation, 208, 222 - War expenditure, 285 -towns, 223 -War tax revenue, 284 -university, 211 - wheat and oats, 287, 288 Cape Gracias a Dios (Nicarag.), 1102 - wireless telegraphy, 297 Cape Haiti (Haiti), 962 Canal Government (Egypt), 254 Cape Lopez (French Congo), 870 lJanal Zone, Panama, 1123, 1127 Cape P. of Wales (Alas.), tin at, 633 Caiiar (Ecuador) province, 810, 812 Cape to Cairo Railway, 695 Canary Islands (Spain), 1264, 1269, Cape Town, 209, 211, 223 1277 ; canals, 1272 ; wireless -university, 211 st., 1275 CapeVerde Is., (Portug.), 1174,1175 Canberra, Fed. cap. (Aust.), 346, 356 Capodistria University (Greece), 947 Candia (Crete), 945, 946 Caqueta (Colombia), 762 INDEX 1375

CAR ClDN Uarabanchel(Sp.), wireless stn., 1270 Castries (S. Lucia), 343 Carabane Is. (Senegal), 881 Catamarca (Argentina), 663, 668 Carabobo (Venezuela) State, 1345 Catalonia, sec Castcllon Caracas (Venezuela), 1345, 1348 Catania (Sicily), 984; town, 985 -university, 1345 - pm·t, 1002 ; university, 988 Carapegulr. (Paraguay), 1131 Catanzaro (Italy), 984 ; town, 986 Carbonear (Newfoundland), 329 - university, 988 Carchi (Ecuador), province, 810 Cauca (Colombia), 762, 764; gold, 765 Cardeiias (Cuba), 77 6 Caucasus, agriculture, 1205 Car

CEN CHA Central Provinces and Berar (India) Oeylon, shipping, 105 - - justice, 130 - tea, 104, 105 - -land revenue, 133, 137 -towns, 103 -- -tenure, 137 -troops in, 104 -- religion, 127 - war contribution, 104 - - roads, 149 Chaco, El (Bolivia), 699 -- native states, 120, 123 Chaco (Argentina), terr., 663 Cephalonia (Greece), 945 - (Paraguay), 1131 Cernauti (Rumania), 1188 -race (Paraguay), 1131 Cerro de Pasco (Peru), 1148 Chad territory (French Congo), 871, Cerro Largo (Uruguay), 1337 872 Cctatia Alba (Rumania), 1188 Chafarina Is. (Spanish Africa), 1265 Cette (France), port, 849 Chagai (Baluch.), 157, 158, 159 Cettinje (Montenegro), 1056, 1057 Chagos Islands (Mauritius), 192 Ceuta (Span. Af. ), 1264, 1265 Chalcis (Greece), 946 -fort, 1270 ; military district, 1269 Chaldean sect (Turkey), 1316 - wireless stn., 127 0 Chalons (France) tech. school, 834 Ceylon, aborigines, 102 Cham race (Cochin China), 860 - agriculture, 104 Charnan ( Baluchistan), 158, 160 -area and population, 102 Chamba (India), state, 124 -banks, 106 Chamberlin Observatory(Colo.), 506 -birth, marriage, death rates, 103 Chamorro lang. (Guam), 645 - books of reference, 106 Champaign (Ill.), 523 -cacao, 104, 105 Charnperico (Guatemala), port, 959 - Colonial Secretary, 102 Chanchamayo (Peru), coffee, 1151 -commerce, 105 Chandernagar (French India), 858 -communications, 105, 151 Chandra Shumshere Jung (Nepal), -constitution and govemment, 101 1068 -customs valuation, 105 Chang.chun (Kirin), 752 -debt, 104 Changer race (Rumania), 1187 - defence, 104 Chango race (Chile), 727 - dependency(Maldive Islands), 106 Ch'angsha (China), 737 ; port, 739 ; - education, 103 university, 741 - exports and imports, 105 Channel Is., agriculture, 86 ·- finance, 104 -area and pop., 13, 14, 24, 86 -Governor, 102 - books of reference, 91 - import duties, 105 - fisheries, 65, 86 -justice and crime, 103 - government, 85 -live stock, 10~ - live stoc:k, 86 - local government, 102 -trade, 86 -military expenditure, 104 Ohannte (Kans.), 531 -min. & precious stones, 105 Ohao Fa Maha Vajiravudh, King -money and credit, 106 (Riam), 1253 -money, weights, and measures,106 Ohaonl (Dahomey), 883 - occupations of the people, 102 Chapada Diamantina (Brazil), dia. -pauperism, 104 monds, 713 -posts and telegraphs, 106 Chapel Hill (N. Car.), univ. at, 581 -production and industry, 104 Charjui (Bokhara), 1217 - provinces, 102 Charleroi (Belgium), 684 -race distribution, 101, 103 Charlcston (South Carolina), 453, 601 -railways, 106 -naval station, 463 -religion, 101, 103 Charleston (West Virginia), 624 - rubber, 104, 105 Charlestown (Nevis), 340 INDEX 13'17

CHA CHI Charlotte, Grand Duchess, (Luxem- Chile, coal, 730 burg), 1045 --·- commerce, 731 Charlotte (~ orth Carolina), 581 - constitution, 726 Charlotte Amalie ( Vi1·gin Is,), 640 · · · COJllWI', 730 . Charlottenburg (Pms~in), 900 -· Council cf State, 7~6 Uharlottetown (1'. Ed. Jshmd), 317 - erups, 7:30 Ohartm·~ 'J'nwers (Queensland), 383 -· 1mstoms, 732 Chatalja (Turkey), 1315 -dairying, 7110 Uhatham, population, 17 -

CHI CHI Chilpancingo (Mexico}, 1047 China, mines and minerals, 746 Chiloe (Chile), province, i27, 730 -ministry, 735 Chimborazo (l<~cLtador), 810, 812 -mints, '750 China, a horigines, 7 40 -missions in, 739, 740, 741 -agriculture, 745 -- money and credit, 7 49 - area and population, 736 -money, weights, & measures, 750 - nrmy, 744 -National Medical Association, 742 - b~nks, 749 - 11\11')', 745 -books of reference, 756 -newspapers, 742 - Cabinet, 735 -opium, 744, 747 - canals, 7 48 - Parliament, 735 -coal, 746 -petroleum, 746 - commerce, 746 - phonetic-script system, 7 41 -constitution, 735 -political advisers, 735 -'copper, 746 -ports, 739 -cotton, 745, 746 - post an•i telegraphs, 7 48 -- customs, 7 4 7 - President, 735 . -- IHnritimo, 737, 743, ;,J4, 749, -production and industry, 745 1036 - provinces, 736 -debt, 74.4 -railways, 748 - lhfence, 7 44 - religions, 739 -dependencies, 737, 751 - rcvenu~, 743, 744 ---diplomatic representatives, 751 -rice, 745, 747 -dominion, 737, 754 -roads, 748 -education, 74.0 - s11lt gal>elle, 743, 744 - Emperor, 735 -savings hank, 749 - exports and imports, 7 46 sqq. - Senate, 735 -finance, 74.3 -shipping and navigation, 748 -flag, 735 -silk, 745, 746, 747 -foreign advisers, 735, 749 -tea, 745, 747 -foreigners in, 739, 742, 1018 -tin, 7413, 747 - Germans in, 739 - towns, 736, 739 -gold, 746 -treaty on 1'ibet, 753 -government, central, 735 -- treaty powers, 7 39 - -local, 735 -universities, 740, 741 - horticulture, 7 45 -wheat, 745 - House of Representatives, 735 - wireless stations, 749 -inland navigation, 748 China (Portuguese), 1174 --iron, 746 Ch'i·nan (China), 736 - Japaneseagrecmeut with, 737,1017 Chinandega (Nicaragua), 1101 - Japane~e in, 739 Ohinde (Mozambique), 193, 1101 -Jews in, 740 Chinese in -justice, 742 Australia, 362, Jamaica, 336 - labour contiugents, 840 373, 382,389, Japan,741,1018 -leased and alienated territory, 110, 407 Kiau-Chau, 1036 175, 737, 738, 752, 859, 863, Borneo, 98 Korea, 1031 1010, 1035, 1036 Canada, 281,282 Macao, 1174,1175 -loans, 743 Cochin Ohina, Madagascar, 872 -local governm8nt, 735 &c., 860, 861 Malaya, 164, 169, -manufactures, 746 Fiji, 43l lil, 172, 173 -maritime customs, 737, 743, 744, Hawaii, 634 Mauritius, 190 7 4&, 1036 Hong Kong, New Guinea, 413 - medical school, 741 110, 111 Panama, 1123 INDEX 1379


Chinese in Sarawak, 99 1 Ciudad Bolivar (Venezuela), 1345 Peru, 1147 Siam.1254, 1257 · - -gold, 1347 Philippines, 641 U.S.A., 449,451, Ciudad-Real (SjJain), 1264, 1272 Porto H ico, 637 452 & sec sep- Ciudad Victoria (Mexico), 1047 Reuniou, 878 arate States Civil Territory (Algeria), 865 Chinese 'l'urkestan, 754 Civilian Territory (F. W. Africa),879, Chinkai (Japan), naval station, 1023 885 Chinkiang (China), port, 739 Clarksville (Ten.), 606 Chinnampo (Korea), port, 1033 Ulermont-Ferrand (France), 829 Chintechi (Nyasaland), 192 -- univ., 833 Chinwangtao (China), port, 739 Cleveland (Ohio), 453, 586, 587 Chios (Greece), 945 - federal Bank, 489 Chippewa :Falls (Wis.), 627 Clichy (France), 829 Chiquimula (Guat.), mines, 958 Clifnen (G. B.) wireless station, 82 Chi<]Uimnlilla Canal (Gnat.), 959 Clinton (Iowa), 528 Chiriqui (Panama), p:·ov., 1123, 1125 Cluj (Rumania), 1188; univ., 1188 Chiromo (Xyasalawl), 192 see Kolozsvar Chisanau (,ia), 1188 Clnny (France), tech. school, 834 Chishima (Kurile) Islands, 1016, t:ly

COA COL Coal-yielding regions:-- Colom hia, Jinanee, 7 63 Spitshergen, U.S. A., 473. - gol

COL OOP Colomdo, manufactures, 507 Connaught, province, population, 23 -mining, 473, 506 ·-- agricultural holdin§,:sonri). 558 - Patriarch of, 1200, 1316 Columbia (South Carolina.), 601 -- >ilk, 1321 Columbia University (N. V.), 577 -·town, 1315, 1316, 1320, 1324 ColumbtOrg (India), agriculture, 1:>7, 138 leurn at, 668 • -- area and population, 120 Cornoe Rivd (F. W. A.), gold, 883 -· births and d.,aths, 125 Comoi'O Islaucls Wrench), 873, 876 ---education, 129 Comox (British Columbia), 304 -- forests, 138, 139 Cout~epci~_)IJ (Chi1e), 127 ; town, 7"27 -- ~:overnment, 118 Concepcion (Paraguay), 1131 ---justice, 130 - wireless station, 1134 - land tenure. 13i Coucorcl (Xc·.w Hampshire), 56::S - religion, 127 Ooncordia ( .-\J'geutina), 664 -roads, 149 Condamine, La (l\'lonaco), 1054 Copan (Hone!.), products, 967 Congo Beige, :;ce Belgian Con~o Coth~l!h:lgPn~ 792; finance, 796 --- ~·nnch, 251, 856, 8f·7, 871, 885 -- town, 792 ; nnivcl'sity, 79:l - L·•wer and ~liclclle, 693 l'oJtper-yielt.ling regions: - l'Oitugnese, 1176 A bvssinia, 65~ Australia, 351, Uougo River navigation, 695 At'ghan'tan, 658 352 & see State Conjecveram (India), 126 Argentina, 668 Austria, 679 1882 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

OOP cos Copper-yielding regions (contd. )- Corisco (Span. Africa), 1278 Bel g. Congo, 694 Moroceo, 1062 Cork, 13, 23 ; port, SO Bolivia, 702 Natal, 228 - University College, 30 Bulgaria, 723 N' ewfoundland, Corn Island, (Nicaragua), 1100 2Canada, 290, 298, 330 Corn-producing regions, sec Wheat do. and see Pro vs. Nicaragua, 1102 Corn ell University (N. Y. ), 577

Chile, 730 Norway, 1113 1 Corning (New York), 576 China, 7 46 Papua, 410 , Cornwa11, Duchy of, 4 Colombia, 76/'i Para~uay, 1133 1 Coro (Venez.), 1345; coal in, 1347 Cuba, 777 Persia, 1141 Corrientes (Argentina), 663 ; tn. 664 Cyprus, 108 Peru, 1152 Corsica, torpedo station, 842 Czechn- Rlovnkia Porto Rico, 638 Cm·tland (New York), 576 7 85 Portuguc·se Corui\a (Spain), 1264; town, 1265 Ecuador, 812 po,s., 1176 -- wireless station, 1270 Finland, 819 Rhodesia, 202 Cos (Aegean), 1010 France & Cols., Rum,mia, 1191 Coscnez (Colom.), emerald mines, 765 845, 861, 868, Russia, 1206 Cosenza (Italy), 984 ; town, 986 871, 875 Salvaoor, 1237 Cosmoledo Is. (Seychelles), 196 Georgia, 1225 S.Domi'go,1242 Costa Rica, agriculture, 771 Germany 910 Serbia, 1249 -area and population, 769 Gt. Britn., 66 S. Af., 199,215 - aTmy, 771 Greece, 950 S. W. Africa, - ban~nas, 771, 772 Guatemala, 958 23 7 -- banks, 773 Haiti, 963 Spain, 1272 - bee-keeping, 771 Honduras, P67 Spibbergen, - birtl1s, deaths, marriages, 770 India, 141 1118 - hooks of reference, 77 4 Italy, 998 Sweden, 1290 --- boundary, 1123 Japan, 1026 Tanganyikl', - coffee, 771, 772 Jugo-8bvia, 1249 181 -commerce, 771 Korea, 1033 Tasmania, 405 - constitution and government, 769 Liberia, 1042 Turkey, 1322 -dEbt, 771 Ma.dagasC:Il',875 u.s ..(,472,480 -defence, 771 Malar Sts., 171 482, sec also - diplomatic reprcsentativeo, 77 4 Mexico, 1050 States. - education, 770 M on ten egro, Uruguay, 1340 --- eleeloral college, 769 1057 Ven<'ztwla,1347 - emigration, 770 Copts, Abyssinia, 652 - finance, 770 -Egypt, 256 ---forests, 771 Coquilhatville (B. Congo), 1393 -gold, 771, 772 -wireless 'tation, 696 -- illegitimar·y, 770 Coquimho (Chile), 727 ; mines, 730 -justice, 770 - wirelrss station, 732 -live stock, 771 Cordoba (Argentina), province, 663 - mnnufactnres, 771 -town, 664, 665; universicty, 665 -mines, 771 Cordo ha ( l\1exico ), 1047 -· money, weights an(l measures, 773 Cordoba (Spain), 1264, 127:l ; town, - posts and telegraphs, 772 1265 -President, 769 Cordova (Alaska), 632 - production and industry, 771 Corea, see Korea -provinces, 769 Corfu (Greece), 945, 1249; town, 946 - railways, 772 Corinth canal, 952 - religion, 770 Corinthia (Greece), 945 -shipping, 772 Corinto (Nicar.), 1101 ; port, 1102 -tobacco, 771 INDEX 1383

griculture, 108 - emigration and immigration, 776 ---area and population, HJ', -finance, 776 -- i>11nks, 109 -- forests, 77 7 - books of mferellce, 10(1 -fruit, 777 - commerce, 108 -gold, 777 - copper, 108 -· t.oney, 777 - debt. 108 - House of Representatives, 775 --:divisions, 10/ -\!'on, 777 -:education, 10! 1384 'rl'lE STATESMAN'S YEAH-BOOK, 1920

GYP DAN Cyprus, finance, 108 ! Czccho-SloTakia, Senate, 781 -- forestry, 108 - towno, 782 -government, 107, 13lf- - universitie:-J, 783 - High Commissioner, 10/' - watcrw:tyH, 784 --irrigation, 108 -wheat, 785 - .i nstice and c:rime, 107 Czr,gle•l (Hungary), 972 -live stock, 108 - Czcotochowa (Poland), 1159 -mining, 108 -posts and telegraphs, 10!l DABOSSA (Fganda), 182 -railway, 109, Dacca (l1Hlia), 12ti - l'Oarls, 109 Dadhar (Haluchistan), 158 - shipping, 108 Dagana (Senegal), 881 -sponge fisheries, 108 Daghestan, 1196, 1198 -towns, 107 Dagomba language, Togoland, 250 - troops in, 261 Dahlak Is. (Eritrea), pearl fishery, -wheat, 108 1006 Cyrenaica, 1008 Dahomey (F, Af.), 856, 879, 880, 883 Czar (Bulgaria), 718 Daira Sania debt (Egypt), 261 Czecho-Slovakia, Rep. of, 675, 780 Daireu or Dalny, 739, 747,1017, 1(,35, -agriculture, 784 1036 - ar<:a and population, 781, 782,784, Dakar (Senegal), 880, 881, 882 785 Dakota, see N. and S. Dakota -army, 784 Dalai Lama (Tibet), 737,753 -banking and currCJwy, 786 Dallas (Texas), 453, 609 -books of reference, 787 -Federated Bank, 489 -boundaries, 675, 781 Dalles & Celilo Canal (U. S. A.), 593 -breweries, 785 Dalmati:t {Jugo-:-:lavia), 1245 - Chamber of Deputies, 781 -area and population, 1246 -coal, 785 - govenuucnt, 1:145, 1246 --constitution and government, 780, -railway:,, 1250 781 Dalny, see Oairen -crops, 785 Damanh1tr (Egypt), 254, 255 - debts, 783, 784 Damao (Portuguese India), 1174 - diplomatic rel'rcsentatives, 787 Damascus (Syria.), 1332, 1334, 1336; -education, 782 rail\\·uy, 1324; tow11, 1336; trams, - electoral areas, 781 1324 -ethnic elements, 782 -- Patriarch of, 13l7 - finance, 783 Dambovitza{Rum. ), 1187; petrol, 1191 -fruit, 785 Damer, El, (A,-K Sudan), 270 -gold, 785 Damietta (J<~gyrt), 254, 255; tn., 255 - manufactures, 786 -- mosqne, 256 - minerals, 785 Damot (Abyssinia), 651 -ministry, 781 Dampier I. (New Guine-1), 412 -, 780 Danakil race (Fr. Soma.liltmd), 879 --National Church, 782 Danbury (Connecticut), 508 -occupations of people, 784, 7R5 Danger Island (Cook Is.), 428, 435 - political p:uties, 7 81 Dankali race (Abyssinia), 652 -posts and telegraphs, 786 Danube prov. (Wiirttcm.), 941 -President, 780, 781 - river <1efences, 6/8, 1190 - production, 784 -- nav. and ports, 722, 724, 842, - milway,, 783, 786 1190 - religion, 782 Danville (Illinois), 523 - representation, 781 D:mville (Virginia), 618 INIIEX 1385

DAN DEN Danzig, 788, 899 Delaware, manufactures, 512 - area a1t~J population, 788 -- pmdud.ion aud iud1mtry, fill - COilillll~l·ce, 7 8? --- rai1v.ra.ys, fi12 -- con.,titution, 788 -- religion, 51 l --- eunency, 7 89 ~- Tt~}ll'i;Sellbtti•m, 44fi, 510 --- shipping, 788 - shipping, .512 Dagahll,va (Egypt), 254, 255 --towns, 511 Dar cl Uaida, see Casaulanc" -wheat, i'Jl1 DarbhanDah (India), 126 DelJt (;.< etherlands ), 1 07 4 Dardanelle", 1315 ; forti f., 1320 Delhi (Imlia), provirm•, 1lSG Dar-es-Salaam i Tanganyika), 180, 181 -- "griwlture, 137, 1:33 -- wirekss sbtion, 181 ' -- .uea & population, 117 llarlington, population, 18 -- l>irtl>s a]l(l clt:aths, 12ii Darmstadt (Hesse), 901, 92i ~-- e1luerttion, 129 Dartmouth, port, 80 - f"rests, l iJS Darn (Papua), 409 - gunJrnuwut, 117 Darn (Sierra Lbone), 247 -justice, 130 Danven, pupulatiou, 18 - 1alld re,·u1 '.le, 137 Darwin (N. Australia), 407 ---· --- tenure. 137 Darwin (Falkland Islands), 323 -town, 116, 126, 132 Ilarzails (Dvinsk), 12"8 ]lenis Is. (Uruguay), 1338 DavenJ•ort (Iowa), 528 1 J)mli~ou (rrexa~), 609 David (l'anama), 1123 Dmunark, a.;:;ric.ulturc, 797 Vawson (Canada), 322 -area and populatioJJ, 792 Dayton (Ohio), 453, 586 -- anny, ;no Dead Sea (PalestiiJC), 1334 - lmnJ~s, 'j.~iG Dead wood (South llakota), 604 - births, de:1th,, m:uriages, 793 Debar (Serbia), 1:!47 -books of rcd'enmce, 801 Deblin (Poland), fort, ll6:l - budget, 'l95 Dcb Rttji (Bhutan), tl98 --civil list, 795 Dellt'a Tabor (Abyssinia), 652 - eolo11ie,, 801 Debrce;,cn (Hungary), 972; uniY. 97,1 -- COifllilCl'CC, ~~~gj Decatur (Illinois), 523 •___ corwtitntioa, 791 D6degon Wr- W. Africa). 885 - COllll tie.:. J92 Deep Bay (Hong Kong), 110 -crops, ttlt Degerna (Nigeria;, 241 -·- customs valuatioll, 798 Dehwar mce (Ba.luchistan), 1:\9 - rlt,l,t, 7\15 Deir11t (Egypt), irrigation, 2!i2, 263 - uefenee, i9tl Delagoa Bay Railway, 1177 - dependencies, 801, 802 Delaware, agriculture, 511 --diplomatic nlpre~entativeil, 800 -area and pop. 44il, 467, 510 -- distilleries, 7!!7 - l!Ouks of referenee, 512 --- divisions. 702 -charity, 5'11 -- & government, 510 - eduC"ation. 793 -debt, 511 - mnigrati<~~~',...'~~) , - e

DEN DOM Denmark, forests, 797 Detroit (M[ch. ), 453, 551 - Germans in, 792 Deutschosterreich, Republik, 674, ,,ce - government, central, 791 Austria - - local, 792 Deventer (:\ etherlands), 107 4 - illegitimacy, 793 Dewsbnry, population, 18 - imports and exports, 797 sqq Dharma Raja (Bhutan), 698 -justice and crime, 794 Dholpur state (India), 122 - King, 790, 802 Dialah (Mesopotamia), 1330 - kin;;s since 1448, 790, 791 Diamantina (Brazil), diamonds, 713 - Landsting, 791, 702 Diarbekr (Vilayet), 1219, 1315 ; tn., -live stock, and exports of, 797, 798 1316 - local finance, 796 Diarbekir, Patriarch of, 1317 --government, 792 Diego Uarcia Is. (Mauritim), 189, 192 - manufactures, 797 Diego-Suarez (Madagascar), 873, 875, -ministry, 791 876 - money >tnd credit, 799 Dieppe (Fmnce), port, 849 - money, weights, & measures, 800 Digue, La, Is. (Seychelles), 196 -navy, 796 Dijon (France), 829 ; univ., 833 - o!>l-age pensions, &c., 793 Dillingen (Germany), faculties, 903 - panperism, 79a Dilly (Timor), port, 1175 - political parties, 792 Dimhokro (French W. Africa), 883 - posts and telegraphs, 799 Dindings (J'erak), 163, 164, 166 - production and industry, 797 Dingri (Tibet), 753 - railways, 799 Dinguiray (French Guinea), 882 - reigning king, 790, 802 Dir (India), 122 - religion, 793 Diriamba (Nicaragua), 1101 -reserve fund, 795 Dire-Dawa (Abyssinia), 652, 654 - Rigsdag, 791 District of Oolum bia (U. S. ), 448 -roads, 799 - area and pop., 448, 449, 466, 513 - royal family, 790 -bunks, 514 -shipping and navigation, 799 -books of reference, 514 - Statsraadet, 791 - debt, 514 - telephones, 799 -education, 513 -towns, 792 -finance, 513 - university, 7"93 -government, 448, 512 -wheat, 797 - indmtry, 514 D'Entrecasteaux Is. (Pacific), 409 - universities, 513 Denver (Colo. ), 453, 505 Distrito Federal (Mexico), 1047 - live stock trade, 507 Din (Portuguese India), 1174 -university, 506 Diwaniyah (Mesopotamia), 1330 Derhent (Caucasus), 1200 Djakova (Montencgro), 1056 Derby, population, 18 Djambi Is. (Snmatra), 1088 Derkos area (Thracc), 1315 Djennc (F1ench W. Africa), 884 Derna (Italian Africa), 1009 Djibouti (F. Somiland), 654, 878, Deschanel, Paul, French President, 879 822 Djokjorkarta (Java), 108~1 Desirade I. (Guadeloupe), 891 Dobrndja !Rumania), 719, 1186, Des Moines (Iowa), 453, 528 1187 Dessau (Anhalt), 901, 918 Dodecannese (Aegean), 1010, 1315 DessCtqi (Egypt), mosque, 256 Dolj ( Bum:tnia), dept., 1187 Destrellan (Guadeloupe) wireless Dombki (Baluchistan), 159 . station, 891 Dominica (B. W. Indies), 338, 340 Detmold ·(Lippe), 92~ Dominion of Canada, see Capt~r\(1 INDEX 1387

DOM DUT Dominions, British, 60, 91 Durango (Mexico), 1047; town, 1048 Domnarvet (Sweden), iron, 1290 Dnrazno (Uruguay), 1337 Don Republic, 1197 Dumzzo (Albani:.), 660, 661 Donau, see Danube 1 Durban (Natal), 209, 227 Doncaster, population, 18 - whaling at, 228 Don go la (A. E. Sudan), 270 Dnreh, Las (Somaliland), wirel•oss Dorada, La (Colombia), 766 station. 198 Dordrecbt (Netherlands), 107 4 Durham (North Carolina), 581 Dori (Fr. W. Africa), H85 Durham UniverE:), 919 Dorpat (Esthonia), 1222; univ., 1222, Dnrostor (Rnnmnia), dept., 1187 1228 Dnrrani l'ace ( Afgh. ), 657 Dortmund (Prussia), 900 Diisseldorf ( Prussb), 900 Douai (France), 829 Dusun race (Borneo), \!8 Douglas (Isle of l'llan), 84 Dutch Borneo, 1087, l 083 Dover, population, 18 Dutch Cura<;ao, 1094, 1096 Dover (Delaware), 511 Dutch East In dies, agriculture, 1091, Dover (N. H.), 568 1092 Drama (Greece), 945; town, 946 -area and popnlntiou, 1088 Dram men (Norway), 1108 -army, 1091 Drenthe (Netherlands), 1072, 107-3, , - bankR, 1094 1076 - l•irths, maniages, deaths, 1089 DresLlen (Sax.), 937 ; teehl,ical high ' -- htmks of reference, 1098, 1099 school, 902 ; to\\·n, 900, g:;7 - caetto, 1092 Duala (Cameroon), 251 --Chinese in, 1089, 1091 Dublin, 23, 24, 36 - cinchona, 1091, 1092 -- county borough, 13, 23, 24 -coal, 1092 - pop11lation, 23, 2,1 - coffee, 1092 - nniversitv & col1eacs 30, 31 -- commerce, 1093 Dubu

DUT ECU Dutch East Indies, tea, 1092 East London (Cape Col.}, 210, 224 --tin, 1092 East Orange (N.J.}, 571 - tobacco, 1092 Eaot Providence (R.I.), 599 - towns, 1089 East Prussia, 932, 1159, 1160 -- Volksraad, 1088 East St. Louis (Illinois), 453, 523 Dutch Guiana (Surinam), 1091 Eastern Galicia (Ukraine), 1234,1235 Dutch New Guinea, 1087, 1088 Eastern !llongolia, mines, 1017 Dutch ~West Indies, 1094 1095, 1096 Eastern Province (Belg. Congo), 693 Dvinsk (LatviaJ, 11911, 12:!7, 1228 Eastern Pr·wince (Uganda), 182 Dyak race (Sarawak), 99 , 718 Eastern Silesia, 899 l(aston ( Pa. ), 595 EAGT,F. (Trois l'reres) Islands, 192 Eau Clairc (Wis. ), 627 Ktling, popubt.ion, 18 Ebingen (Wiirttemberg), 941 East Africa (British), 177, 180, 182, Eccles, population, 18 184 Eehegheh (Coptic dignitary), 652 -Italian, 184, 185, 197, 270, 1007 Echmiadzin, Catholicos of, 1316 sqq. Ecuador, agriculture, 812 East Africa, Portuguese, 1174, 1176 -area aUtl population, 810 East African Protectorate (Rrit. ), 177 -army, 812 - agriculture, 178 --banks, 814 - area and population, 177 - bi7ths, marriages, deaths, 811 - hooks of reference, 188 - books of reference, 815 - comn1eree, 179 - boundary questions, 762, 810, 1149 -dairying, 178 -coal, 812 -debt, 178 -cocoa, 812 - education, 178 -commerce, 813 -finance, 178 -- Congress, 809 - forests, 178 - constitution and government, 809 - ouvernment 177 - copper, 812 - goven:or, v3o - Council of State, 809 -justice, 178 -debt 811 - m~n~rais, 1!~· 179 - defc~ce. 812 - llllSSlOllS, l1 8 - diplom~tic representatives, 814 -money, 180 - education. 811 - ostrich farming, 178 - exports mid import-;, 813 -posts and telegraphs, 180 - finance, 811 - provinces, 177 - forests, 812 - railway, 180 -"Old 812 - wligion, 178 -- hat industry, 812 - rubber, 178 - Indians, 810 -shipping, 179 -justice and crime, 811 -wheat, 178 - manufactures, 812 Eastbourne, population, 18 - minemls, 812 East Chicago (Indiana), 526 - money and credit, 814 ~:ast Griqualand (South Africa), 223 -money, weights, and measures, 814 J<~ast Ham, population, 18 -navy, 812 Eastindies,British. Sedndia, British -petroleum, 812 - Dutch. See Dutch East lndies -posts and telegraphs, 814 - - French. See India, French. - President, 809 - - Portugu.,se, ''u India, Portu. -production and industry, 812 T£ast Las Vegas (N. !\lex.), 573 - provinces, 810 East Liverpool (Ohio), 586 -railways, 814 INDEX 1389

ECU ~;LJ Ecu1 ---· nwney, wdghts, llH:a.sure::::;, ~67 -towns, 810 lllOHOUCS, 25ti -universities, 811 -- mu

  • - -representatives, 252 1 -- 1\'akC hmds, 887 - can tonal courts, 259 -- M11ktahs, 258 - capitulatioJJS, 259 ~ wheat, 262, :.:G:) - eotnmcrce, 263 Eichstadt (Gerl!lany), fae.uities, 90;) - constitution and government, 253 Eisenach (Thuriugia), 940 - cotton, 263, 264 Eitape 1,N. Gniucn}, 411, 412 - conncils, provincial, 253, 254 El Alllluttli, Mu"[ ne ('l':uita), 256 -- customs valuatioll, 264 El Azhar, l\[osqne, Cairo, 256 - d.ebt, 260, 261 Elha, lslall(l ut, 993 - defence, 261 Elhasan (Albania). 660 - uivisions, 254 El Beni (Bolivia), fi99, 700, 702 - education, 256 Elberfe!·l (l'rnssia), IJOO - exports and imports, 263, 264 Elbing ( Prnssia), 901 -El Azhar, Mosque, 256 Elburz clist. (Persia), mines, 1141 - finance, 260 El Chaco (Bolivia), ti99 --municipal, 254 El D:1n1er (A.-E. 8n

    ELl ERI Elizabeth (New Jersey), 453, 5il England and Wales, emigration and Eliz~Lvctpol, see Yelizantpol immigration, 25 Elkh.trt (Indiana), 526 - excise, 42, 45, 46 El Kosseir (Egypt), port, 265 - fisheries, 65 Ellice Islands (Pacific), 435 -flax, 61 Elmira (New York), 576 - forestry, 65 El Obeid (A.-E. Sudan), 270 -hops, 61 Elobcy, Great and Little (Spanish - illegitimacy, 25 Africa), 1277, 1278 - imports and exports, 69 sqq El Paso (Texas), 453, 609 -inhabited houses, 19, 48 El Paraiso (Honduras), tobacco, 967 -justice and crime, 35-8 El Said (Egypt), 255 - King, 3, 27, 115, 207, 344 Elvas (Portugal), 1167 - land distribution, 60 Ely, Isle of, 16 - local government, J 0 Ely (Nevada), 566 - local taxation, 48, 50 Elyria (Ohio), 586 -metropolis (see au;o London), 20 Emba (Russia), oil, 1207 -mining and minerals, 66 Emilia (Italy), province, 983 - mint, 82 Emir-cl-Mumenin (Morocco), 1059 - national insurance, 38 Ennncn (Netherlands), 1074 - occupations of the people, 20 Enc~u·nacion (Paraguay), 670, 1131 - old-age pensions, 39 --wireless station, 1134 - parliamentary representation, 6 Enderbury Island (Pacific), 435 - pauperism, 40 England & Wales, agriculture, 60 sqq - population, 13 sqq. - agricultural holdings, 63 -property assessed, 43, 46, 47, 48 -area, 13, 60 - railways, 80 - Bank of England, 83, 84 - religion, 27 -banks, chartered, 83 -revenue & expend., 41-6 - - bank, post-office, 83 -towns, 17-1il - births, marriages, and deaths, 25 -trade, 'iO -Board of Education, 31, 32, 33, 34 -universities, 30, 31 - books ofrefercnce, 86 - wheat, 61, 62 -canals, 80 Enirl (Oklahoma), 589 --cities, 17-19 Enkeldoorn (Rhodesia), 202 - commerce, 69 sqq Enos (Mgean shores), 718 -Councils, County, 10, 11 Enschede (Netherlands), 1074 - - District, &c., 11 Entebbe (Uganda), 182, 183 - Counties, Administrative, 10, 16,17 Entre Minho e Donro (Port.), 1167 - County Boroughs, 17-19 Entre Rios (Argentina), 663, 668 -- Councils, 10, 11 Enzeli (Persia), port, 1139, 1141 - crime and criminals, 35, 36 lj:pi lslawl (Pacific), 437 - crops, 61, 62 Epinal (France), fortress, 840 - customs, 42, 45, 4 6 Epirus (Greece}, 945 - debt, 48, 50 Equator (Belgian Congo), 693 -education, agricnltlual, 30, 64 Equatorial Africa (Fr.), 856, 857,870 - - authorities, 33 Equatorial Provinces (Abyssinia),651 - - elementary, 23 Erfurt (Prussia), 901 - - finance of, 31, 32, 35 Erie (Pennsylvania), 453, 595 -- -military, 53 Erie Cam! (N.Y.), 579 - - secondary, 31 Erima Haven (New Guinea), 412 - -- technical, 32 Eritrea, Italian E. Africa, 270, 1005 - -university, 30, 31 -area and population, 270, 1005 - electorate, 6 -commissariats, 1006 INDEX 1391

    ER! FED Eritrea, defence, 995, 1006 Eugenc (Oregon), 592 - finance, 1006 Eupen (Belgium), 684, 899 - frontier, 197, 270, 878 Europe, British poH'eEsions in, 91,92 - gold mines, 100fi Evansville (Indiana), 453, 526 -government, 1006 ' Evanston (Illinois), 523 -Governor, 1006 Evcrett (Massachusetts), 545 - irrigation, 1006 Everett (W"shington), 621 - palm nuts, 1006 Evkaf (Turkish), 1317 -pearl fishing, 1006 Evora (Portugal), 1167 ; town, 1167 ~--posts and telegraphs, 1006 Ewe race (\V est Africa), 883 - wireless station, 1006 Exeter, population, 18 ; college, 30 J•:rivan (Armenia), 1198, 1218; toWll, Exuma Island (Bahamas), 333 1200, 1220 Erlangen (Bav. ), 923; nuiv., 90:3, 923 Erromanga Island (Pacific), 437 Erronan Island (Pacific), 43 7 Erythrea, see Eri trea FAJJA N'nouRMA (F. W. Africa), 883, El'Zcnlm, 1219, 1315, 1330 885 -town, 1330 ~Faeroe Islands (Denmark), 791, 792 Erzsebetfalva (Hungary), 972 Fagatoga (Samoa) 647 Escanaba (Mich. ), 551 Fagersta (Sweden), iron, 1290 Escaut, su Schelde Fairbanks (Alaska), 632 Eskilstuna (Sweden), 1284 Faiy1Jrn (Egypt), 254, 255, 262 Eskimo race, Alaska, 632 -town, 255 - Canada, 281 Fakaofo Island (Pacific), 435 Esmeralermnent, 1196, 1222 Federal Capital (Brazil), 708 -live stock, 1223 Federal District (Brazil), 706, 707, - President, 1222 708 -university, 1223 Federal District (Mexico), 104 7 Estremadunl(Port.), prov., 1167,1170 Federal District (Vene7.nela), 1345 Eszek (Hungary), 972 Federal Territory (Australia), 344,346 Ethiopia, 651, 652 -area and population, 346 Euuoea (Greece), 945 ; mines, 950 -births, marriages, deaths, 347 1392 THE STATI<;SMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    FED FLI FcLlcral Territory (Australiu), inha- Fiago race (South Africa), 223 bited houses, 346 Finland, agriculture, 819 -~ milways, 356 -area and population, 817 Fed. Maln.y States, 163, 168, 1:254 -army, 818 :Feisal, Emir, 1336 --- banks, S21 Felicite IslH.nd (Seychelles), 196 - births, marriages, deaths, 817 F ellah1n (EgYJ>t ), 262 -- books of reference, 821 Fellin (Esthonia), 1222 - Cahi11et, 816 Female suffrage, l!ee W omau suffrage - canals, 820 Feugtien (Manchuria), 737, 7fl2 - Ci vie i'lafety Corps, 819 Feng-hwang-cheng (Manchmi>L}, 752 - commerce, 820 Ferdinaud, King (Rumania), 1185 -crime, 818 Ji'eTgbana (R. in A.), 1198; oil, 1207 - crops, 819 Fermndo Po (Span. Af.), 1277, 127S -debt, illS Ferozepon· (India), 126 - defence, 818 Ferrara (Italy), 983; tn., 985; univ., -Diet, 816 988 - diplomatic representatives, 821 Ferrol (Spain), dockyard, 1270 - educatiou, 817 - fort, 1270; wireless sta., 1271 - ernigration, 817 Feuerbach (Wurttemberg), 941 - engines, 819 Fez (MoTocco), 1059, 1060 - finance, 818 -Treaty of, 1059 -forests, 819 - vineyaTds, 1062 --government, 816, 1196 - wireless station, 1065 - imports a]l(l exports, 820 Fiauarautsoa (Madagascar), 873 - independence, 816, 119() Fidallah (Morocco), port, 1063 -- industry, 819 Fife (Northern IUwdesia), 203 --iron, 819 Fiji, 344, 431 -live stock, 819 - area am! population, 431 -manufactures, 819 - births and deaths, 431 - money, woiglits, measurtJs, 821 -- banks, 433 - newspapers, 818 - books of reference, 434 - pauperism, 818 - Chinese in, 431 -political parties, 816 - commerce, 432 - posts awi telegraphs, 821 - communications, 433 - President, 816 -constitution and government, 431 -railways, 821 - customs, 433 - religion, 817 -debt, 432 -representation, 816 -education, 432 - shipping and navigation, 820 - fmance, 432 --- tow~>s, 817 - Governor, 431 - universities, 817 - IIJ(iians in, 126, 431 Finrnark (Norway), 1107 - immigration, 126, 431 Finschhafen (New Guinea), 412 - live stock, 432 Flote (Belgian Congo), - posts and telcgra phs, 433 693 - production and industry, 43:J Firenzc, see Florence. - religion, 431 Fitchburg (Y!assachusetts), 545 -rubber, 432 Fiumc, 12·±6 -savings bank, 433 Flamenco [sland (Panama), 1126 - shipping, 4c>3 Flan


    Florence (Italy), 983, 985 ~·ort Jameson (Rhodesia), 194, :l03 Florcncia (Colomhia\, 762 Fnrt .Johnston (Nyasaland), 193 Florc' (Uruguay), 1337 i•'..rt Lamy (French Congo), 871 Florianopolis ( Br<1zil ), 708 Fort Rosebm·v (Rhodesia), 20:l l<'lorida, agriculture, 46\i, 470, 516 r'ort :'landernan (ihluchistan), 158 -area and pop., 449, 467,515 l•'nrl Smith (i\rkansas), 499 -books <•f reference, 517 F<>rt Wayne (Inrliana), 453, 526 ~ eonstitutiou and g-overnment, 514 ~'••rt Worth (Texas), 453, 609 ~ eottun, 470, 516, 517 i.~"" ndiounge Is. {Senegal), 881 - e


    France, commerce with United King- 1 Franco, ministry, 822 dom. 847, 848 - money and credit, 850 ~ conHnnnes. 825, 829 -money, weights, & measures, 851 - Con"eil J'Etat, 824 - National Assernblv, 822 - Conseil Superieunles Colonies, 856 - navigaule rivers, 849 - constitution, 822 --navy, 841 - copper, 845 --ports, 842 -crops, 844 - - ships allotteJ, 842 - Unotoms Corp<, 841 --torpedo stations, 842 - cnstmns valuation, 845 - observatories, 834 - deht, 8:38, 839 - occupations of people, 828 -- defence, 839 - old-age' pensions, 835, 836 - dq,artments, 826-7 - pauperism, 835 -- silk-producin" 844 - penal settlements, 835, 892, 894 -diplomatic repre~~;ttatives, 852 I - political parties, 823, 824 -divorces, 829 - population, 826-8 - ccoles Jibt'<'S 832 - - communes, 825 - education, s3o - - der,artmonts, 826, 827, 828 - -- higher, 332 - -foreign, 828 --military, 834 - - incHasc & decrease, 828, 829 --primary, 8::11 - -movement of, 829 -- professional, 833 - - occupations, 828 - -- secondary, 832 - - towns, 829 - - technical. 834 i - - urban, 829 - electoral methods, 823, 829 -ports, 849 - faculties, 833 -- naval, 842 - finance, local, 839 - posts and telegraphs, 850 - - state, 836 -President, 82~ - fisheries, 845 -production and indtrstry, 844 - Foreign Legion, 867 - prated orates, 860 - foreigners residing in, 828 - public fortune, 839 - fore,ts, 844 - qnnnies, 845 - forts, 839, 840 -railways, 849 - Franco-Gcrn1an agreernents, on - religion, 830 l\Jorocco, 10~9 - representation, 823, 824, 825 - frontier and fortresses, 839, 840 --colonial, 856, 858, 860, 865, - Gernmns in (1911), 828 878, 881 - government, central, 822 - rivers, 849 - - local, 825 - savings banks, 850 - import duties, 845 - schoob, 831 sqq. -internal communications, 849 -- Senate, 822, 824 -iron, 845 - shipping and navigation, 848 -justice and crime, 834 -silk, 844 - Latin Monetarv Union, 851 -sovereigns & govts. fr. 1589, 823 -- leased territory, 738, 863 -State finance, 835 - live stock, 844 - sugar, 844, 845 -loans, 839 - tdephones, 850 - local finance, 839 -territory acquired, 827, 828 - - govemmont, 825 -textile products, 846, 847 - lyctles, 832 -torpedo stations, 842 - manufactures, 845 -towns, 829 -mercantile na1·y, 848 - trade, R45 sqq - mining and minerals, 845 - tramways, 850 INDEX 1395

    FUA GAN France, universities, 832, 833 Frihonrg (Switz. ), university, 1303 -wheat, 844 ~'riemlly Islands (Tonga), 434 -wine, 844 Friesland (Netherlands), 1073 - women workers, 8:28, 845 Fuad I., Sultan (Egypt), 252 - woollens, 846, 847 Fuclww (China), 731i: port, 7:)9 Francistown (llechuanaland), 200 Fncgian race (Chile), 727 Franconia (Bavaria), 922 F'ukien (China), proY. 736; tea, 745 Frankfort (Kentucky), 532, 533 Ynkui (Japan), 1018 Frankfort-on-lHain, 900; uuiv., 903, Fnk.toka (Japan), 1018 904 F'uknshima (Japan), 1018 Frankfort-on-Oder, 901 P'uladn district (Gambia), 243 Fray Bentos (Urn!,,>"Uay), 1337 Fulani tribes (Nigeria), 239 Fredericton (New Brunswick), 309 Funafuti hland (I'acilic), 4% Frederiek (llfarvland), 541 Funchal (1Iadeim), 1167; town, 1167 Frederick Wilbelm's Haven ( S cw F1irth (Bavaria), 901, 923 Guinea), H2 Func), 247, 248 Freiberg (Saxony), 93/, 938 J?reiburg (13adcn ), 919 ; archbishop, GABAIT gold mines (A.·K Subn) 272 920, 942; tow us, 901, 919 Gaberones (Beehuanaland), 200 - university, 903, 904, 920 Gabun or Gabon (Fr. Congo), 871 :Freiburg (Switz. ), s;;e Frihourg Gacus (Fr. ~W. Africa), 885 Freising (Germany), faculties, 903 Gaeta (It.), ft., 993; torp. stu., 995 Fremantle (W. Aust.), purt, 355, 395 Gaillard Uut (Panama Canal), 1127 French America, 857, 391, 892, 893 Galapagos Is. (Ecuad.), 810, 812 -Asia, 856, 857, 858, 1254 Galatz (ltnmania), 1188; fort, llf•O - Australasia, 894, 895 Galeshurg (Illinois), 523 -Cambodia, 856, 857,8fi9, 862,1254 Galicia (Poland) 1159 -Congo, 870 - imports, 1164 - Cura<;ao, 1096 -justice, 1161 - l<~quat. Africa (F. Congo), 251,856, -- miues and minerals, 1163 857, 870, 885 - pauperism, 1161 -North Africa, 856, 857, 864, 886 -- petroleum, 1163 - Guiaua, 835, 857, 892 i Galicia, Ea,tern (Uhaiiw ), 1234,1235 - Guinea, 835, 856, 857, 879, 880, · Galilce (Palestine), 1332 882 Gallaland, 651 - In

    GAN GER Gand:iwa (Baluchistan), 158 Georgia, I:cpublic of, tobacco, 1225 Ganges navigation, 149 - towns, 12'25 Gangtok (Sikhim), 161 - nniver.-.ity, 1225 Garden Is. (N. S. \V.), n:tval base, 366 --- whecct, 1225 Gardinas, see Grodno (Lithu:tnia) --wine. 12:.:5 Gardner Islands (Pacific), 413, 435 Georgia(U.S.A.), agricult., 469, fJ19 Garhwal (Tehri) (Inclia), state, 123 -area & population, 4J9, 467, 517 Gartok (Tibet), 7 53 - hanks, 519 Chu-na (Cam croon), 251 - l>ooks of reference, 519 Gasc (Eritrea), 1006 - coni, 519 Gateshead, population, 18 -- eunstitnL.~on and governrneut, 51 'i Gatooma (Rhodesia), 202 , -- cott.>ll, 469, 519 Gatun dam (Panama Canal), 1127 --debt, 518 Gavle (Sweden), 1284; gov., 1281, ---education, 518 1282 - finance, 51 S G:ivlcborg (SwedBn), province, 1283 - fisheries, 519 Gaya (India), 126 ! ---forests, 472, 519 Gaza (Palestine), 1332; port, 13:34 - Gennans in, 518 Gaza (Portuguese E. Africa), 1177 ' -gold, 519 -railway, 1178 ·--live stock, 5] 9 Geelong (Victoria), 37 4 -minerals, 519 Gelsenkirchen (Prusc:ia), 900 - paup8rs, 518 Geneva (N. Y. ), 576 - prisoners, 518 Geneva (tiwitzerland), 1299, 1301 --production and iadustry, 519 - town. 1:102; university, 130:3 - pnhlic lands. 467 Genoa (Italy), ft., 993 ; pt., 1002 -- •·ailwavs 519 - prov., 982; torpedo station, 995 - ;,eligio~1,'Slb --- town, 985 ; university, 988 -- rapresent,ttion, H5, 5l7 Ge01·ge V., King anfl En1peror, :.3, 27) - rir:e, 4f)9 11.5, 207, 344 - sb.ipf•ing, 48,!, 513 -title, 4, 115 - su~ar, 519 George Town (Penang), 163 -tobacco, 470 Georgetown (Ascension Island), 17G -universities, 518 - British Gniaua, 325 -wheat, 518 - Cayman Isl•mds, 337 --wool, fi19 <1eorgetown uni1•ersity (U.S.A.), 513 nura ('l'Jnuingl)l), 940 Georgia, Republic of, 11%, 121~), 1223 Geraldton (W. A us:.), 395 - agrieultnrt"', 12:2:) (}erman Austria, sec Au~tri;t. - an·a and pOj>Uhtion, 1224 Gc,rman Rqmblic,accideut iJJsur.,905 -army, 1225 - agdcu1tnre, 908 --births, 1narriage.:;, deaths, 1224 -- area, 898, 899 - commerce, 1226 - annistiec. 906, 908 - r:o11stitntion & government, 1224 --army, 906 -defence, 1225 - - defence force, 906, (l07 - edtwation, 1225 - - demobilisation, 906 - fruit, 1225 - ---· exl•cmlitnre, 905 --live stock, 1225 - -limitation, DOi ---- lllinemls, 1225 -hanks, 914 --- na,-y, 1225 --Leer brewed, 910, 911 - port, 1220, 1226 - beet ;wd beet-sugar, 91 C!, 911 - pro\'inc"s •wd distJicts, 1224 -hooks of reference, 916 - mihmp, 1226 --budget, 905 - religion, 1225 -· Cabinet, 897 INDEX 1397 GER GII:R

    German Rep., canals mttlnavig., 91:~ German Hnpnblic, navy, submarines, -Civic Gu:mb, [107, 908 908 -coal, 910, 91~ -- snrrenderd, 842, 908 - eolonies in Br:v:il, 713 - vessels lost in war, ~lOS -commerce, 911 o•:cnpie1l tenitory, 8>19 --with U.K., \Jl2 oltl a-~~-e pensions, !JU5 - compnlf.iory insl.lra:JCt·, \\05 1;:1Ufll~l'iSnl, 90-1 - constitution awl govern rnent, St17 --- p•>litical parti~es, 897 ---copper, 910 ·-· population, 8~-JS -Council of Peopl~·'sConnnis31onets, -- -- iu other lan~is, s~e ~~ach conutry 897 - of btatcs, b!JS, S9H -- cropo, 90H - of towns, 900, 901 - customs valuatio11, 911 -purls, 912 -- debt, 906 -- postal statistics, 913 --- defence, 906 sqq -- potash, 910 -- distilleries, 911 -- l'resiJent, 897, 898 -- diYorce, 900 - prodttction, 908 - '"lncation, 90:2 - rn.ilwnys, 913 --- --agricultural, 90:J Jteiehstag, 898 -- --- elernu~;tan', PO:.-? -- Hcichsmt, 898 -- -- militrnv a~td nt. A fricn, :;t~C Canwrou tt, &e. --new, 908 Gen11istnn (South :no -- scutlJing, 908 Gero11cc U-lprrin),l2li4; fort, 1270 1398 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    GEZ GOR Gezim, the, cotton growing, 272 Oolcl!leld (Nevada), 566 Ghadames (Ita!. :N. Africa) 1008, 1009 Gold-yielding regions:- Gharh, El, (Morocco), 1059 Abyssi11ia, 653 Korea, 1033 Gharhiya (Egypt), 254, 255 Af~han'trm,658 Liberia, 1042 Ghardaia (Algeria), 865 A.-E. Sudan, Madag'car, 875 Ghat (Italian North Africa), 1009 272, :!73 Malay Sts., 171, Ghcg race (Alhania), 660 Ang.>Ja, 1176 173 Gheledi (X. Snnmliland), 1007 Argentina, 668 Mexico, 1050 Ghent (Belgium), 684; univ., 685 Australia, 351, Morocco, 1062 Ghilim or E1izeli (Pcrs. ), pt., 1139,1 Hl r.ndsccStatcs Mozambi


    Gorgo] (French W. Africa), 8~5 Grc:tt Bribin, Air ?llinistry, 9, 53 Gorj (Rnm:mia), de1•t., 1187 --area, l :1, 60 ; cultivatcli:>n Africa), 1007 Empire Goteborg (Sweuen), province, 1283 - -· a3, 54 -shipping, 1293; town, 1284 - -- comman•ls, 52 Gotha (Thnringia), !139, 940 -- - estimates, 4J, 45, 46, 53 Giittingen nniv. (Genn2, 53 713 ---regular, 51, f>2 Gozo hland (Malta), 93 -· - resene, 52 Graatf-Heinet (Cape Colony), 224 --- territorial, 51, 52, 53 Grafton (New South Wales), 362 - Bank of England, 8:l, 84 Graham's Land (Falkland Is ), 323 --- banks, chartere , -- - trustee, 83 - university, 126(i ·--barley pro:lucc, 61, 62 Granada (Nicar.), 1101; univ., 1101 - battlc-5ltips, 56, 57 - wireless station, 1 103 - - losses of, 5.1 Grand llahama Island ( W. I.), 333 - births, marriages, deaths, 25 Grand Bassam (Ivory Coast), 882 - l>lnst fnrnacPs, 68 - golil near, 883 - Boartkota), 584 --- \\'ar, 7, 8, 51 Grand Lahon (Ivory Co:tst), 882 - canals, 80 Grand Rapids (Michigau), 453, 551 -- census of 1911, 1:3 Grand Turk I-;. (W. Indies), :337, 338 -- citjes, 17, 18, 1£1, 22, 23, 2-1 Grantl (Rnm:Lllia), 1187 -- Civil List, 4, 44, 41) Grande Aldee (French In

    GRE Great Britain, cotton, consumption, Great Britain, exports, woollens, 60, 1)9 74 --exports & imports, 69, 75 - farru 1wltEngs, 63 -councils, county, 10, 11 -- tlnancE (se" also B:wks), 41 "9'7 - - district, 11 --- -- excess pr<)tlts tax, 4~1, 47 -- - parish, 11 -- natiomd debt, 48 sqq -Counties, Administmtive, Eng- --- - revenue & cxpen1liture. '.\ 1 ·"'N· land and Wales, 10; list, 16-17 --- -·-- tax:ttiou, 42, 43, 47 - County Associations, 10 ·--- -- local, 44, 48, 50 -county boroughs, 12: iist, 17-19 --\Vnrexpenditnre, 45, 46, 49 -county councils, 10, 11 --- fish imports an

    GRE GRE Great Rritain, inKnrancc, national, Great Britain, navy, bases, 92, 112. 38, 45 175, 276, 343, 349, 366 --health, 38, 45 --- -- battleships, 55, 56, 57 - -unemployment, 39 - --- Boarll of Admiralty, 54 -iron imports, 68, 74, 75 ---coal. sts., 112,194,247, 34<1,366 --ore, 68 - -- crnisers, 55, 57-9 --works, 68 --- - - d est.roycr~, 55, 60 --- j nsticc aiHl crime, 35 -- dockyo.rds, 276, 3116 - King and Empt>ror, 3, 27, 115, -- llominion navies, 60 344 ------estimates, expen., 44, 45, 46, il4 --title, 3, 115 -- future poliey, 55 - Labour, Ministry of, 9, 45 - -gunboats, 55, 56, 60 - land distribution, 60 -- monitors, 56, 59 -- revenue, 43, 46, 47 -- number, all ranks, 54, 55 --tax, 43, 46, 47 -- organisation, 54 -- value duties, 43, 46, 47 --river, 56 -languages, 14 - -- submarine~;, 55, 60 -- leased territories, &c., 110,175,738, -- -- ;ummary of fleet, 55 sqq 879, 1254 - -- tor}'etlo bo,ats, 55, 60 -linen, 69 -- -- war losses, 55 - live stock, 61, 63 --new arrny, 52 - local debt, 50 - oats produce, 61, 62 -- expenditme, 50 - occupations of people, 20, 22, 24 -- governtneut, 1.0 - ot.-1 agl• ptmsions, ao, 45 -- revenue, 50 - our-of-work llonation, 39 --taxation, 44, 48, 50 --- p111 ish eomwils, 11 -Lords, House of, 5 ···-- llll~l·ti ug:3, 1 1 -- matel'llity benefit, 39 - l'al'iiament, 5 ; duration of, 7 - JJJemhers of Parliaml'nt, 5 -- panperibm, -10 -- payment of, 6 - l'eu:;ion.<, J\1 iuhtry of, 9, --15 - metal imports, 68 - pensions, old age, :39, 4ii - nwtn,polis, see London - pctrul~_um import, 75 - military expenditure, 44, 45, 46, - poliee force, 11 49 53 - political parties, 10 - miner~ls, 66 sqq 1 - population, I;~ .•qq. - miJJistry, 8-10, 51, 54 -- agn distribution, 15 - --- of f,abour, 9, 45 - -- <·ivil 15 --of Munitions, 9, ·15 -- coan'ries, 16, 17, 21, 23 ---War Cabinet, 7, 8, 51 -- couuty horoughs, 16-19, 22, - money and Cl'C

    - mnnicir•al cor}>Orations, 12 -- Ul'Cll)latiOt!S1 20, 22, 24 - Munitions, Ministry of, 9, 45 --towns, 17-19, 22, 23, 24 - national debt, 44, 48 sqq -- - urba.H a111l rural, 19, 21 -national health insmance, 38, 45 --ports, ti7, 80 - national insumnce, 38, 45 - postal statistic•, 43, 4.4, 45, 46, 81, - ,,ational reserve (a1·my), 52 o3 --navigation, 78 -- potrtto produce, 61, 62 -- inland, 80 - Prime Ministers, list of. 10 -navy, 54 - l'l'i'T Council, 5 -- auxiliaries, 55, 56, 60 - pro

    ORE GRE Great Britain, property and income Great Britain, vessels lost, 78 tax, 43, 46, 47, 4.8 i -War Cabinet, 7, 8, 51 - railways, 80 ' -war expenditun·, 44, 45, 46, 49, - Regency Act, 4 70, 76, 77 - registered electors, 6 - wheat imports, 75, 76, 77 - religion, 27 -- produce, 61, 62 - representation, 5, 6 - wireless otatiot1s, 82 - J:epresentati.on of the People Act, 6 - woman suffrage, 6, 1.3 - revenue and expenditure, 41 sqq - wool, home-grown, 69 -Royal Air Force, 44, 46, 53 -- importe61 --grants, 4 Gr~at Inagna Island (W. IJ,dies), 333 -- surname, 4 Great Nicobnr Island (Andan111ns), 162 -- titles, restriction of, 4 Great Yarmouth, population, 18 --Royal Mint, 82 Greece, agriculture, 949, 950 - H.ural Disb ict Councils, 11 - Antiquities, Service of, 947 -salt, 66 -area & population, 945, 946, 1315 -savings bnnks, 83 -army, 948 - schools, elementary, 33 -banks, 952 -- secondary, 31 - books of :referetJce, 954 -scientific (elementary)inAt., 31 sqq - Bule, 944 - self-gov. cols.,91, 207,278,329,314 -canal, 952 -shipping, 78 -Chamber of Deputies, 944 -- Ministry of, 9, 45 -coal, 950 - silver bullion imports aud exp., 73 - commerce, 950 - small holdings, 63, 64 1 - constitution and government, 943, - sovereigns, list of, 4 944 - stamps (revenue), 43, 46, 4 7 - copper, 950 - Standing Corn. of Home Affairs, 8 - cotton mills, 950 - submarines, 5.'>, 60 - Council of State, 94! - Suez Canal shares (rev.), ·43, 49,266 -currants, 950, 951 -super-tax, 43, 46, 47, 48 - customs duties, 951 -taxation, 42, 43, 46, 4 7, 48 -debt, 947, 94.8 -- local, 44, 48, 50 - defence, 948, 94 9 -technical education, 31 - deforestation, 94-9 - telegraphs, 43, 46, 49, 82 -· depnrtmt•nts, 945 -- -· wirelfss, 82 - diplomatic representative,~, 953 --- st11tions, 82 - et.lneation, 946 ·-telephones, 43, 45, 82 - emigration, 946 - territorial army, 51, 5:l, 53 - exports and imports, 950, 951 - textile industry, 69 - fig•, 950 ·- tin, 66, 68 - fiitai:tce, [14 7 - torpedo boats, 55, 60 -Financial Conllnission, 948 ·- -- destroyers, 55, 60 -- fruit, 950

    ·- tOWIJS 1 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24 -- iron, 950-1 ·- tmde, 70 sqq -irrigation, 949 - tramways, 50, 80 ' -- King, 94:l ·- Transport, :111 inistry of, 9 -live stock, 950 ·- unemploymeut iBsurauce, 39 -loan, 948 -universities, 30, 31, 247, 834 - mereautile mariue, fi5:! ·- mban district councils, 11 - miniug, 950 ·- vessels built, 78 - ministry, 944 INDEX 1403

    GRE GUA Greece, money aml credit, 952 Grosscto (Italy), 983; town, 986 -money, weigl1ts, 1neasnres, 953 Ground nuts and oil seeds• -National Assembly, 944 A.E.Sndan,272 Portuguese cols., -Naval Mission, 949 Coe. China, 860 1175, 1176 -navy, 949 F. W. Africa, Senegal, 881 - new territories, 945, 946 881, 882, 834 Swaziland, 206 - nomes, 945 Freh.lndia,858 Tanganyika, 181 -olives, 950 Nigeria,241,2-!2 Togo, 250 - posts and telegrap!1s, 952 Paragnay, 1133 "\Veihaiwei, 176 -production and industry, 949 Groznyi (Cauea"u'), 1200 ; oil, 1207 - railways, 952 Guadalajara (Mexico), 1047, 1048 - relio-ion 946 Guadalajara (Spain), 1264, 1272 - rep~se~tation, 944 Gnadalca.nar lsla.tHl (Pacific), 436 -rice, 950 Guadeloupe Is. (Fr. Antilles), 857, -roads, 952 891 - royal family, 943 Guadalnpe (Uruguay), 1337 - shipping, 952 Guahan, see Guarn - telephones, 952 Gnalegnaychu (Argentina), 664 -territory acquired, 945, 946, 1010, Guarn (Marianne Is.), 411, 645, 1037 1315, 13:20 ~naval stati.. n, 464, 465 - tobacco, 950 Gnauacaste (Co. Rica), 769; mines,771 -towns, 946 Guanajnato (Mexico), 1047; tn., 1048 - universities, 947 Guanare (Venez. ), 1345 -wheat, 950 Gnant08 -- arrnv 957 Greifswald (Germany), nniv., 903 - bank~, 959 Greiz ('Phuriu,ial 910 - hooks of reference, 960 Grenada (West I~dics), 342 - bou111lary convention, 956 Grcnadincs, the (West IuJies), 342 -canal, 959 Grcnohle, 829 ; uni,·., 833 - coffee, 957 (;rey Univ. Coli. (8. Africa), 211 - commerce, 958 Grey Valley (N. Zealand). 417 - constitution and government, 956 Greytown (Nicaragua), 1102 -- copper, 958 Grillith, chief (Basutoland), 198 -crops, 957 Grimsby, population, 18; port, 80 ~ customs, 958 Gri•1ualand (S. Africa), 223 -

    OUA HAK Guatmnala, Iudian8, 956 Gustavsberg (Swecl. ), porcelain, 1291 --justice and crime, 95ti Giistrow (l\1ecklenbnrg-Schw. ), 929 - live stock, 958 Gnthrie (Okl. ), 589 ~ ---- areas, 9!J 8 Gwalior (India), state, 123 --- minerals, 958 Gwanda (Hhodesia), 202 ·- nloncy~ wci.ghts, & rneasnres, 959 Gwelo (Rhoia), 1329 Cuehrt-:-:, see l'nrsis 1-lainan Islam! (China), 739 r+nelders (Kctl!Crlands), 1073, 1081 Hainaut (Belgium), 684 lluernava~, ~326 -- crops, 963 - - t dncation, 325 -- 2 Gnstav \'. (Swe

    HAW Haleb, see Aleppo Harbin (China), port, 739, 752 Half Cav>1lla (Liberia), 1041 H arl>onr Chace (N ewfouHdlaml), 0:l9 Halfa (A.-K Smhn), 270 llarbour Island (Bahamas), 333 Halifax, popnlatiou, 18 Harhmg (l'russia), 901 Halifax (N.S.), 281, 311; ]>Ort, 294 Ha1jn ( EsUwnia), 1222 Halland (Sweden), J>rovince, 1283 11 arpcr (Libm·ia), 1041 Hallc-on-Saalc, 900; university, 903 llarrisbmg (l'a. ), 453, 5fl4, 595 Halmstad (Swcdeu ), 1284 Hartfrll"ll (OonHecticnt), 453, 507, 508 Hiilsingborg (Sweden), 1284 Hartlepool, port, 67, 80 Hama (Syria), 1336 llartlcy (Wwdesia), 202 Harnad (Arabia), 1:3:!8 Harv:ud University (1\Iass.), 546 Harnadiln (Persia), 11:.18, 1139, lHl Harz 'list. (Germany), minc.,, 910 Harnamatsu (Japan!, 1018 Hasa (Ambia), 1316, 1328 Hamassen ( l<;ritrea), 1006 H ass a, El, see Ha sa llamlwm (l'rn:;sia), 901 Hastings, populatioJJ, l.b Hamburg, area anrlpop., 898. 921i llatzfcJdt Harbour (New Guinea), 412

    ·- births, llHtrriages, and deatlu:l, U26 1 H:cugccmwl (Norway), llOR - books of refereJJce, H:l6 I iUlation, 400, 634 --·;·ail ways, 926 -- lHYJkS of rerL·J'UlCC, 606 - religion, 926 - Chiue:·m aud .Taptnd), pojmlation, ~:2 --- torvsts, t)35 - (Victoria), 37 4 -- Cermaus ill, 634 Hamitic tribes (Togo), 250 - Gove:ruor, 004 H~tmmoHd (Indian;, 1, f>26 - inigation, O;LIJ Hangchow (China), 736; port, 7~.lfJ - .J ap:uH~se i11, ti~i·1 Hankow (China), iron near, 7-!G - ju~r.iu_'-: 6a4 - doekvard 7 45 · port 739 - nnval --tati11n: 464, 60iJ - wireless ;tatim;, 7 49 ' -- ports, ti0ti Harm (Senegal), ~81 --- pru1Luctiou, 635 IIannibal (1\lis:Jotui), 558 -railways 63G Hanoi (ToHking), ~59, 8ti2 - relibloi1,' 604 Hanover, province, 932; town, !JOO, 934 -representation, 60<1 Hanse Towns (Germany), 924, 026 rubber, G35 Hanyang (ChiHa), iron worh, 746 -- :.;hippiug, 484, (j;)(j Hapsal ( l<:sthcuia), J22:l -sugar, 635 llaraoti (India), 122 --~ tclcpLones, 11:36 Harar or Harrar, 651, 65:! I -- Wirdess .stal i.ou, oa6 Hararaz (Peru), 1148 i Hawkc's Bay district (N. Z.), 417 1401.i 'l'HE STATli:SMAN'S YEAH-BOOK, 1920

    EA¥ liON Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 1128 Hibbiog (M inn.), 553 Hazar Asp (Khiva), 1218 Hiclalgo (Mexico), state, 1047 Hazara race (AfghaniHtan), 657 Hildavale (Bcchuanaland), 200 Hazleton (l'a. ), 595 Hillah (Mesopotamia), 1330 Hohron (Palestine), 1332; town, 1332 Hill 'rippera (India), state, 123 Hedmrtrk (Norway), 1107 Hilo Bay (Hawaii), 636 Hei<.lelberg, 919 ; university, 903 Hilversum (Netherlands), 1074 Heidenheim (Wllrttembcrg), 941 Himeji (Japan), 1018 Heilbronn (Wlirttemberg), 941 Hindui~m in C'eylon, 101, 103 Heilnng·cliiang (Manch), 737. 7 52 -in Nepal, 1068 Hejas, 1315, 1328; King, 1328 Hiiulus in Baluchistan, 159 Helder (Netherlands), 1074; forts, -in Madagascar, 873 1079 - in South Africa, 211, 230 Helena (Montana), 560, 561 - in Surinam, 1095 Hcligoland, 184 Hirosaki (Japan), 1018 Hellas, .•ec Greece Hiroshima (.fa pan), 1018 Helsingfors (Finland), 81 i Hissar ( Bokhara), 1217 1-Iendcrson · Ky.), 533 lliswa (AdC>n), 95 Hcngelo (Netherlands), 1074 HivLtoa Island (French Oceania), 895 Henry Heid Bay (Pacific\, 413 Hjalmaren, Lake (Sweden), 12~3 Heraclioll (Crete), 945 Hobart (1'anmania), port, 355, 403 Herat (Afghanistan), 656 ; town, 657 Ho boken (N. ,Jersey), 453, 571 Herbertshlihe (Pacitic), 413 Hodeitb (Arahia), coffee, 1321 ; port, He redia (Costa Itiea), 769 ; town, 7i0 1329 Herero race (S. W. Africa.), 236 Hodrnezii· Ytlsarhely (Hungary), 9i2 Herm, Island, 24 Hof (Bavaria), 923 Hermit Islands (Pacific), 413 Hofuf (AraLia), 1828 Herrnosillo (Mexico), 1047 Hohenzollern, (Pruss.), area, &c., 93i Hermoupoli.s (Greece), 946 -canal, 913 Herrera (Panama), province, 1123 Hokkaido (,Japan), 1016, 1017 llcrtogeubosch, ·~ ( N eth. ), 107 4 Hokoto Is. (Jap;m), 1016,1017,1035 H crvey Islands (New Zealaud), 428 Holland, .~ce Netherlands llerzegovina, sr.e Bosnia & Herzegov. Holland (N otherlands), provs., 1073 ll~sse, area and population, 898, 928 Holland (Lincs.), parts of, 16 ·-books of reference, 928 Holland Fortress, 10i8, 1079 ·- coal, 928 Hollandsch Diep forts, 107!1 ·- constitution, 927 Holloway College, Egham, 31 ·-debt, 92~ Holyoke (Massachusetts), 453, 515 ·-- education, 927 Horns (Italian North Africa), 1009, ·- finance, 928 1010 ·- forests, 928 Homs (Syl'ia), 1336 - live stock, 028 Honan (China), province, 736 ·- manuf~ctures, 928 Honduras, agriculture, 966 ·- political parties, 927 - area and population, 965 ·- proLlnction and industry, 928 -army, 966 ·-religion, 902, 927 - bananas, 966 ·- towns, 927 -banks, 968 .. _university, 903, 927 - books of reference, 969 ·-wine, 928 -boundary, 956 Hesse, Upper, 927 -cattle industry, 967 - Rhenish, P27 -coal, 967 Hesse-Nassau (Prussia), area, &c., - commerce, 967 932 - constitution and goyernment, 965 INDEX 1407

    HON HUL Howlnras, copper, 967 Hong Kong, rnouey, weights, and - JG7, fJ68 Hornsey, population, 18 - posts awl telegraphs, 968 Horscns (Denmark), 792 - President, 965 Horten (Norway). 1108 -production awl iwlnstry, 966 Horthy, Arlllliral von, Regent of -railway, 968 Hungary, 970 -- religion, 966 Hot Springs (Arkansas), 49~ -roads, 968 Hottentots (Africa), 223, 23fl - mbber, 966 Houston (Texas), 46:3, 609 - ~hipping, 968 Hova race (,\lrtdagascar), 873 - tdepltOnes, 968 Hove, population, 1S - tobacco, 967 llsirm (China), 737 - to\ms, 965 Hsian (i\ian) fu(China), wrls. st.,749 - tlllivcrsity, 966 Hsi-Kan (Tibet), province, 753 -wheat, !167 Hsiuchirmg (Chiua), 737 Hondnras, British, 327 Hsin-rnin-fn (China), 752 - - wireh•ss stations, !l28 Ilsu-Shih-chang, Prsidnt, China,735 Hong Kong, 110, 738, 747 lluaeho (Peru), 1148 -area anJ population, llO Huahine Island (Fr. Oceania), 895 -banks, 114 lTncmcavclica (Peru), dept, 1148 ; -births and Lleaths, 111 town, 1148 - books of reference, 114 Ht1anillos (Chile), guano, 1152 - commerce, 112, 746, 747, 862 Huanuco (Peru), 1148; coffer•, 1151 -constitution and government, 110 Ht1ara (Peru), 1148 -debt, 112 Hnbli (India), 126 -defence, 112 Huddersfield, population, 18 - erlucation, 111 Hwlsou Bay Company, 278 -emigration and immigration, 111 Hudson Island (Pacific), 435 - cxp. & imp., 112, 113, /'46,747, 862 Hue (Annam), 861 - faculties, lll Hnelmetenango (Gnat.), mines, 958 - finance, 111 Hnelva (Spain), 1264; mines, 1272 -fisheries, l I 2, 113 - town, 1265 -- f~>reigncr...; iu, 110 Huerta, :Mexican President, 1046 -- Govemor, 110 lluesca (Spain), province, 1264 - industry, 112 Huguenot Univ. Col!. (S.Af. ), 211 - j nsticc and crime, Ill Hnii>1 (Angola), 1176 -lea'e of Lcnitory, 110, 738 Hnila (Colombia), province, 762 -military expenditure, 112 Hull, population. 18 ; port, 67, 80 -money aml credit 114 Hull (Canada), 319 1408 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    HUL ICE Hull Island (Pacific), 485 Hungary, utdversities, 973 Hunan (China), 737; tea, 745 -wheat, 975 Hungary -wine, 975 - agricultnre, 97 5 }I ungary (Jugo-Slavia), 1246 - area and popnlution, 971, 972 Hungury, German "\restern, 675 --- banks, 977 Hungary Proper, 972 -- l>irthH, marriages, deaths, 972 Ilnntiugtou (West Virginia), 624 -- hooks of l'eference, 977 Huon Islands (French Pacific), 895 -boundaries, 675, 971 Hupoh (China), 737; tea, 745 - breweries, 976 Hurou (South Dakota), 604 ·-canals, 976 Husoin Ibn Ali, King (Hejaz), 1328 -coal, 976 Huta Krolewska (Poland), 1159 - commerce, 976 Hutchinson (Kansas), 531 - constitution, 970 Hutukhtu, ruler, (Urga), 755 -crops, 975 Hyderah,id, area, &c., 119, 120 - customs valuation, 076 - govemmcnt, 121 -debt, 974 -religion, 127 - erahim, Sultan of .Tohore, 173 - illllependence of, ll70 I bo (Portuguese East Africa), 117 7 -justice and crime, 97 4 lea (Peru), dept., 1148; town, 1148 - Jive stock, 975 Iceland, agriculture, 806 - local government, 971 - , 802, SO;l - manufactures, 976 --- area and. population, 803 - mining amlmineralH, 97 5 - banks, 808 - ministry, 970 - births, rnaniages anll deaths, 804 - money and crellit, 976 - books of refer~nce, 808 - newspapers, 97 4 - commeree, 806 -pauperism, 974 --- eonstitution & government, 802 - post and telegraphs, 976 -·- debt, 806 -- prouuetiun and indu,try, 975 - defence, 806 - provisional NationalAsBembly, 970 -- diplomatic representatives, 808 - railways, 976 - t~dueation, 805 - ltegent, 970 - emigration, 804. -- religion, 972, 973 - finauce, 805 - representatioll, 971 - fisheries, 806 ·-- river8, 976 -- illegitimacy, 804 -- roa

    ICE IND Iceland, production, 806 Illinois, manufactures, 524 - reigning king, 802 --- n1ining, 524 - religion, 804 -- uatural gas and petroleum, 524 - 1·eserve funcl, 806 -- paupers, 523 -towns, 804 - prodnution :md industry, 524 - univer:;ity, 805 - public lands, 467 Ich>tng ( Uhina), port, 739 -- railways, 524 Ilhho, agricul tnrc, 521 - religion, 523 -area and population, 450, 467, ["!'] -- representation, 445, 522 ·- books of reference, 522 -shipping, 524 -coal, 521 , -- tobacco, 524 - constitution and go,·ernmcut, 520 I - town.s, 523 ·- copper, 521 , -universities, 523 -debt, 521 · - wheat, 468, 524 - education, 520 -wool, 524 - finance, 521 Iloilo (Philippines), 641 - forests aud timber, 472, 521 lloriu (Nigeria), 241 - Germans in, 520 Imarl (Adcu ), 95 - golcl, 521 Im:ctm i·Jum'ah (Persia), 1138 - Indian reservations, 520 Imlmlmra (Ecuador), prov., 810 - irrigation, 521 Imhros Is. (Aegean), 945, 1315 -live stock, 521 Immingham, port, 80 - manufactures, 521 Imphal (India), 126 ~ruining, 521 Inaccessible Island (Atlantic), 195 - paupers, 521 ln


    India (British), Councils ofGovernor- India (Brit.), industiics, 139 Geueral, ll6, 117, 118 -· intern:.! communications, 149 - - of State, 116 -irrigation, 132, 138, 139 - -legislative aud pro\'incial, 118 -iron ontpnt, 14.1 - criminal cases, 130 -· joint-stockcomranies,140, 141,153 -crops, 137 - justice aml crime, 130 -currency, l!Jl -jute, 137, 140, 141 - cnstoms re,-cnue, 131, 132 ·-King-Emperor, 3, 27, 115, 207 -debt, 133 - lanfl,eultivated&. nncultivatct\,138 - dclimee, 51, 134 -- irrigated, 138, 139 - - Force, 135 -- !an

    IND INN India (Brit), pop. in Natal, 227, 228 lwlian •rcrritory, 450, 588 -- in Native States, 120 sqq. ! Iu·, agriculture, 407, 52t1 --in New Caledonia, 894 ---area and popnla!:io·•, ·!49, 467, [,25 --in Prisons, 131 I - ha.nks, 5~7 --in Reunion, 878 --hooks of rufureueu 527 -·-in Straits Settlemenl.s, 164 I -coal, 527 ' --in Snriuam, 126, 10!Ja - constitution anrl government, 525 - - in Tmnsvanl, 230, 231 -- crops, 527 -- in 1'riuida

    -- presi•!encies & provs., 117, 1z0 !; - li>'e 'tock, 52i --towns, 126 - nlannfaetur~s~ 527 -ports, 147 -11tiniug:, 5:!.7 - posts ant! telegraphs, 131, 151 - natural gas, 527 - pt·ecious metals, 141, 143 I - p:uqwrs, 526 -- - stoHes, 141 -- l1ctrolenu1., 5~7 - prisoners, 1 31 1 - production and industry, 526 -provinces, 117, 118,120,121, 12~ - railwavs. 5~7 - provincial government, 118 I - 1·eligi,;n,· !\16 - railways, 132, 149 -representation, 445, 525 --religions, 127 - river transport, 527 ···-revenue, 131 sqq., 143 - tobacco, 470, '527 -rice, 137, 145 -towns, 526 - river tmllic, 149 -universities, 526 -revenue, 131, 132, 143 - wheat, 469, 527 - roa

    INS IRO Insurance, National, see Invalidity, Ireland, agricultural holdings, 63 and Old Ao·e Pensions - area, 1:3, 60 h.surance, SociatN etherlands, 1077 , - l1anks, 83 - -- Pohmd, 1161 - - pos·:-ollicc, 81 - -- Switzerland, 1304 - !Jirths, marriages, and deaths, 25 Invalidity, Accident and Unemploy- - Looks of reference, 89 ment Penc;ions and Insurance, ! - canals, 8 0 - Australia, 348 - r:orunwrcc, 69 --New South Wales, 364 - councils, 12 - - Queensland, 383 ·-- counties, 23 - - South Australia; 390 ·- county boroughs, 12, 23, 24 -- Tas1nania, 404 - criminals, 37 - -- Vic:toria, 375 -crops, Gl, 62 --·western Australia, 397 ' -debt, 50 - ~'ranee, 8~l6 - education, finance of, 32, 35 - Germany, 905 ! - - agricultural, 64 - Great Britain, 39 --elementary, 35 -Netherlands, 1077 -- tcclmical, 33 --- Nova 8c •tia, 312 - - universities, 30, 31 -- Poland, 1161 -- electorate, 6 - Sldtzcrland, 1304 - emigration, 25 Invercargill (New Zealand), 417 - fisheries, 65 Inverell (N. S. W. ), 362 -- holdings, 63 Iowa, agriculture, 529 - Home Rule Act (1914), 7 -area and population, 449, 467, 528 --illegitimacy, 25 -banks, 530 - imports and exports, 70 - books of reference, 530 -- incorne tax, 46 -charity, 529 -- iuhabitcd houses, 24 -coal, 529 --justice and crime, 37, 38 - constitution and government, 528 -King, 3 - dairying, 529 - Land Acts, 63 - education, 528 -language, 14 - finance, 529 -live stock, 63 - Indians, 528 - local government, 12 - live stock, 529 - local taxation, 48, 50 - mining, 529 - national insurance, 39 -precious stones, 473 - occupations of the people, 24 - production and industry, 529 - old age pensions, 39 - railways, 530 - parliamentary representation, 6, 7 - religion, 528 - pauperism, 40, 41 -- representation, 455, 528 -police, 37 -towns, 528 - population, 13 sqq. - univeroities, 529 - - provinces, 23 - wheat, 469, 529 - property assessed, 48 -wool, 529 -railways, 80 Ipck (l\Iontenegro), 1056, 1057 - religion, 29 l pswich, population, 18 -- revenue and cxp., 46, 48, 50 Ipswich (Queensland), 383 -- towns, 13, 24 lr]nique (Chile), 727 -trade, 70 Iquitos( Peru), 1148, 1152; wireless st., -universities, 30, 31 1154 - whca.t., Gl, 62 Iran, sec Persia Irkutsk (Siberia), 1198; town, 1200 Ireland, agriculture, 60 sqq. Ironton (Ohio), 586 INDEX 1413

    mo ITA Iron wood (Mich. ), 586 Ttalv,

    Isa bin Ali, Sheikh (Bahrein), 97 1 - Wlneatiou, 987 Isabel lslantl (l'aeitici, 414 · - ek•·toral reform 980 Isafjurdur (lcelallll), 804 -- cleetorate, 980, '981 IHhpeming (~lich), 5i:i1 - P.Juigration, 985 lskandar Shah (l'erak), 168 - <·stimatcs, 991 Isle of Ely, 16 - finance, 990 Isle of Man: agrieulbrc, 85 -- fisheries, 999 -area & population, 13, 14, 24, --foreign poss:essions, 184, 197, 270, 60 995, 1005 sqq. - books of refCl·cnce, 91 - for

    ITA JAP Italy, territory acquired, 675, 982, Japan, agriculture, 1026 1246, 1315 - area alHl popnlatiou, 1016 - textiles, 999, 1000 -army, 1022 - tnrJ>edo statious, 995 - banks, 1030 - towns, 985-6 ·- births, marriages, deaths, 1018 --- universities, 988 -books ofrderence, 1037 -war casnaltie8, 994 --Chinese iu, 741, 1018 -wheat, 997 -coal, 1026 ; exported, 1028 -- wine, 1000 - commeree, 1027 -wireless stations, 1006, 1008 -constitution, 1014 Ithaca (New York), 576 - cop pew, '1 026, 1028 lturi (Belgian Congo), 693 -cotton, 1026, 1028 Ivanovo-Yoznesensk (Rus,ia), 1199, --crops, 1026 1201 --debt, 1021 Ivory Coast (Frch. ),, 870, 880,882 - defence, 1022 Izabal, Lake, dist. (Gnl\temala), 9\i7 -dependencies, 411, 1031, 1034, Izhcvsk (Ru,sia), 1200 10:)6, 1037 Tzmail (Russia), 1200 - diplomatic representatives, 1030 -education, 1019 JAcA (Spain), fort, 1270 - emigration, 1018 JaciHto Is. (Uruguay), 1338 - Emperor, 1014 Jaekson (:Michigan), 551 -factories, 1027 J ackson (Mississippi), 556 - financo, imperial, 1021 Jackson (Tennessee), 606 --local, 1021 ,)a,,ksonville (Florida), 453, 515, 517 -foreign possessions, 411, 737, 7:~8, Jaeksonville (Ill.), 523 1031 sqq. Jacmel (Haiti), 962 - foreigners, 1018 Jacobite sect (Syria), 1317 - forest&, 1026, 1034 Jacqninot Bay (l',;cifie), 413 --Germans in (1916), 1018 Jaon (Spain), 1~64, 1272; town, 1265 -gold, 10213 Jatfa (PalestiHc), 1332 ; port, 1384 ; -government, central, 1014 town 1332 --local, 1016 Jaffna (Ceyl'on), 103 - House of Peers, 1015, 1016 Jagst (Wiirttembcrg), 941 - House of Represtvs., 1015, 1016 Jains (In

    JAP JUG Japan, local governnwnt, 1016 .Ten;ey, area and population, 14, 24 - rrta.n nfa,~tures, 1027 -- govt:rnnlent, ~6 -.Mikado, !014 .ierst'V ('iry (Ncew Jersey), 453, 571 - miucrals, 1026 ! erns-;,J,·ru .. (Palestine), .. 1316, 1332, -ministry, 1015 1;-);JJ; city, 1332 - woncy and crcks or ref.·reuce, 1215 -railways, 111~9 J,•;:•,}Ta Is'antl (Persian Gulf) 96 -- \\lii:H'J, JQ:~9 Jh,~:;si (lwlia), 126 - n,]<~ning sovereig11, 1014 .Tbhmtr (Inkutncsbmg (S. Atiiea), 209, 230 -· univmsitit·~, "741, 1019 ,John IJ. (Lieel;:.enstein), 1044 -wheat., 10211 JoLus Hopkins U11iv. (Md.), 5<11 Jambail• (Ita];;iJ! Afdca). 1008 ~lnl.nst{nnL (Peuus_ylva11i:1), 453, 595 .JanTj•iug(Swcd<;n), 1283; town,1284 -~town, 11S.S; uHin~rsity, 1188 Jor•lin (Missouri), 51'i8 .Tat raec ( Bu City (Missouri) i',:,s - ];;;uk~, 1251 Jelelm ,;t·ite (Malaya), 16fl - ),irtlu:;, warriages, tleatl1s, J24-7 .Jena. (<~ermauy), university, 903, 94!1 - b<,nkl-'i of reft:';·ent~e, 1251 Jenin (l'ah·stine), 13:l2 --- lJOuHUa.ries, 971 .Jerez (Rpain), 126!'1 - CiU'j•<'l>·, 1249, 1250 Jersey, agricultluc, 87 __ .. cunstitution and government,] 246 1416 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-ROOK, 1920

    JUG UN Jugo-Slavia, diplomatic representa- Kaiseraugst (Switz.), salt mine, 13(}7 tives, 1251 Kaiserslautem (Bavaria), 901, 923 - districts, 1246 Kaiser Wilhelm's T~and, 411, 412 - education, 1248 Kakar Khurasan (Baluehista.n), 157 - flour mills, 1249 Kalahari Desert (S. W. At:), 236 - forests, 1249 Kalamata, see Calamata - government, 1245 Kalamazoo (l\Iichigan), 551 -King, 1245 Kalat, 157, 158 -live stock, 1249 - Khans, 157, 158 - mines and minerals, 1249 -town, 158 - miniatry, 1245 -trade, 159 -money and credit, 1251 Kalgan (China), wireless stn., 7 49 -production and industry, 1249 Kalgoorlie (W. Aust.), 395, 399 -quicksilver, 1249 Kalkfontein (S. W. Af. ), 237 -religion, 1247 Kalmar (Sweden), 1283; town, 128!t - river navigation, 1250 Kalmuck race, 755 -silk, 1249 Kaluga (Russia), 1197 ; town, 1199< - tobacco, 1249 Kambove (R. Congo), copper, 6Q4 -towns, 1247 Kamchatka (Siberia), 1198 -university, 1248 Kamcnskaya (Russia), 1199 -wheat, 124!? Kamenskoyo (Russia), 1200 Jujuy (Argentina), prov., 663 Kamenez Podolsk (Ukraine), 1199 ; Jullundur (India), 126 univ., 1234 Jumbo (It. Somaliland), 1008 Kamerun, ses Camercon Junagarh (India), state, 123 Kamina ('l'ogoland), wireleiiS station, Juneau (Alaska), 632 250 Junin (Argentina), 664 Kamlin (A.-E. Sudan), 2i0 Junin (Peru), dept., 1148 Kampala (Uganda), 183, 184 Junk Ceylon Is. (Siam), tin, 1257 Kam1>ot (Cambodia}, 862 Jurado (Colombia).province, 762 Kanazawa (Japan), 1018 Jutland (Denmark), 792 Kandaluir (Afghan.-), 656, 657, 655 Kandy (Ceylon), 103 Kanmn (French Equa.t. Africa), 872 Kankakee (IIU, 523 KABAKA OF UGANDA, 182 Kankan (l''rcnch Guinea), 882 Kablake (Liberia), 1041 Kano (Nigeria), 239, 240 Kabul (Afghanistan), 656, 657, 658·Lallun (S. Leone), tel'l'., 1040 Kabyle race (Tunis), 887 Kansas, agriculture, 468, 531 Kachhi, disti·ict (llaluch. ), 159, 160 - are!t and population, 449, 467, 530 Kaduna (Nigeria), 239 -banks, 53:6 Kaewieng (Pacific), 413 - books of reference, 532 Kaffa (Abyssinia), 651 -coal, 5::2 Kafirs (Cape Colony), 223 - constitution and government, 530 Kaliristan (Afghanistan), 656 - dairying, 532 Kafr el Za.yat (Rgypt), 254 - e(lucation, 531 Kagi (Formosa), 1034 - finance, 531 Kagoshima (.Japan), 1018 - Germans in, 5~ 1 Kaheri (Baluchistan), 159 - livo stock, 532 Kahoolawe Island (Hawaii), 634 -manufactures, 53~ Kahulni (Hawaii), 636 - mining, 532 K'ai-teng (China), 736; Jews at, - natuml gP.s, 532 740 - paupers, 531 }\a.~sarieh {Turkey), 1316 , - rrisoners, 53l 1417

    KAN KER Kansas, prodnctwn:.ncl industry, 531 Kauuas, see Kovno - public lan

    Kap{nthala (Imlin), state, 124 1 Keouc (N.H.), 568 Kan\chi (ln1lia), l:.ld; trade, 147 Kemmtin dist. (Cana

    KER KNO Kerguelen Island (French), 878 Kiau-Chau (China), trade, 1036 Kerkyra, see Corfa Kiel, 900; uuiv., 903 Kermadec Islands (N.Z.), 428 Kielee (Pol:md), 1159 Kermil.n (Persia), 1138, 1140, 1141 Kicb (N~w Gainea), 411, 414 Kermil.nshah (Persia), pt., 1138, 1141 Kiev (Ukraine), 1197 ; tn., 1199 Kermine (Bokhara), 1217 - univm·sity, 1201, 1234 Kerrong (Tibet), 1068 Kigrzi (Ugano (Gold Coa~t), 246 Kh iakta, .•ee Kiakta I< im1ga T:riangle (Port. E. A f.), 1176 Khirgiz race, 754 Kioto (Japan)l018; univ., 1019 Khiva, 1217; town, 1~18 Kipini (East Afriea). 177 Khojent (Russia in A,;iopula.tion, 22 Khorassan (Persia), ll3tl, 1143 Kirkuk (Mesopotamia), 1330 Khost (llaluchistan), coal at, 159 Kishinev (f:nssia), 1199 Khotan (Sin-Kiang), 755 Kishm Ishwd (Persian Gnlf), 1121 Khsach-Kantlal (Cambod.), mills, 862 Kiskunfelegyh:iza (Hungary), 972 Khunzakh (Caucasia), 1 :~00 Kismayu (B. K Africa), 177, 1007 Khnr·listau, see Knrdi;;tan Kissidugo (French Guinea), 882 Khushdil (Balnchistan), 157 Kisnmn (B. E. Africa}, 177, 178, 183 Khuzar (Bokhara), 1217 Kiswahili, ·'"" Swahili Khnz

    K~O KRI

    Knoxvillc (Terl!lessee), 606 Korea, n1onev, 1 03~) Kobrlo (Mongolia). 75n - - newspapei·~~, 1 0~~.2 Koht'- (Japan), 101R: shipyard, 10:~4 -- lllHtS, 752, }Q:)~~ 1\oehaunes, l'atriamh of, 1816 -- 1rostal statist.i('S, 1038 Kochi (Japan) 1018 ·-- prorluetirm, J 1)3:\ Kofn (Japan), 1018 --- rail W;l.ys, 1 08:) Koil (India), 126 ·- religion, 1032 Kokand (Russia in Asia), UOO -- rice, 1033 Kokomo (lndiaua), 1!26 - shiJ~ping, 1033 KokO[•O (Paeilic), 413 - tobacco, 1 0:5:; !Cobshin (Montenegm), 1056 - tretLties, 1 o:n Kolhapnr (lwlirr), l ~3 ; town, 126 -- ,-,haling~ ]0;):) K6ln. see Cologne -- \\heat, l o:i:l 1\olormm (Russia), 1200 Korltogo (Ivory Coast-), 883 Kolozsvh (l{umania), 973; nniv., l\ or,vrza (AllJ:cni>t), 660 1188 -- (Gre·Jct·), f-145 Kom (Persia), 1138 Ko~it(~ (C:z<·dl0-~1ovakia), 782 l\omtkry (FJHreh (ininea), 88:2 1\_o:--;~H·ir, E1 ( !•:gypt). port, ·265 Kongrnoon (( 'hina), port, 739 1\os-.;uvo {Alhtnia,), GOO 1\ougolo (B. Cong.J), wireless st., 696 1\n~snvo (Sct1)ia), 124'7 Kouia (Asi:t :1! inor), 1315 1\o~ta (S\rt:\lC:11), gLLc.;s, 1 ~01 -town, 131 li ; trade, l :322 Kosli IAnu).,-]<>n>Li:w Sudan), KdnigHlJerg (Prnss. ), 000 2/Q .~ :.'>v 1 --- UlliVPrsit.y, 903 Ko-,troHut (H\l~;sia), 1197 ; town, Kiinigshi\tte (Prnssi.t), 901 llD9 Konst;;ntiu .. H:n'lir (N cw Gninea),4l2 1\:oL.t Blr:un (1\.d:ud.:m), 173 Knnst~tuz (B:tcimr), 818; to"·n, 919 Kobh (Imlia), otate, 122 Koote,,ays (1\riti,]r I 'olmnLiaJ, 304 l\.:nt..r.kota (~TyasaJ:nu1), 10:~ l'upparbcrg (~weclr'u), prov., 1283 1\owi (Emperor) o!' .L<)•an, 1014 Korclofan, gum forests, 272 1\nt.onn ( lJaliomcy), 88:3 Kormt (CJtii,eH), 10H1, 1017, l 031 1\:onl:konro (F. \V. \fri<·»), 88·1 ~ agri(:nltur (', 1033 1\.onronssn, (Frenelt Guinea), 882 -·-area and pnpulati0n, 1017, 1018, !•:nn1n (Lithuania), 1199, 12a0

    l O~ll -- hnVJJ 1 J .:!~)] -hanks, JO:H Koweit, Snlt:umte, L\29 -hooks of reference, 103cl K:mlnon (Chin:t), 110, 7:l8 - Cia), 1 :l47 --cotton, 10:):) Krakow, 115\l; ntilitnry •Ji ...;t., 11G2; - debt, J 0!)2 town, 1159 -- ctluwtion, 1032 --university. 111)11 -- li nauce, 1 032 Krasuoyarsk (:-iiLnial. 1200 ---- Gennans in, 10~~2 l·:rat (Siam), J>ort, 1254 --- gol(L 1033 Krmnoneh ng ( H,n:-;~ia) 1 11~)9 -- go\yenunent, J 031 Krian irrigatiqn (l'(~n'd.;.), 170 -- (~:)Y<·rnm·-1 ;-nwral 1031 1\ rihi 1Cameroon), :lfJl - .l:tpam'"'' iu, 10:3:l l\risbnaraj:t \\':uliyar 1\:tha

    RIO LAK Kristiunia, port, 1115 Kut (Mcsol•otamia), 1330 - town, 1108 Kutais (Georgia), 1197, 1224. ; town, ·- university, 1109 1200, 1225 Kristiansand (Norway), 1108 Kuli (Tibet), 1068 ·-fort, 1111 Kwang-cha~l- Wan (Fr.China), 738, Kristianstad (Sweden), 1283 ; town, 859, 86:3 1284 Kwangchen~tzc (Kirin), 752 Kristiansun

    LAK I,AU Lake Copais (Greece), 949 Las Bela (Daluchistan), Hill of, 158 Lake Izabal (Guatemal:1), 957 tmdc, 160 Lake Leopold I I. rlist. ( ll. Congo), 6:>3 Los Coobas (Haiti), 964 Lake Magadi (B. E. Af.), nonHdolitical pa1'Lies, 1227 Lararnie (Wyoming), 630 -ports, 1:228 Laredo (Texas), 609 -- milways, J 229 La Riojct (Arg.), prov., 663, 668 --- rdigiou, 12~7 Larissa (Greece), 94fi ; town, 9·1G -- sltipping, 1:228 Larnaca (Cyprus), 107 --State Conw· il, 12:10 La l:{ochelle (France), 829; port, 849 - - timber, 1223 La .ltolllana (S. Domingo), port, --- towns, 12:28 1243 ----university, 1228 - 1\'irelcss station, 1:l43 --water power, 1:128 Larvik (Norway), 1108 Law:rrlmrg (l'olaucl), 1159 Ltt Screnn (Chile), 727 LaunccsLo!J (Tasmania), 403 Las Bel a (B11luchistcm), 157,158,159, La Union (Salvador), port, 1238

    160 1 Lanrium (Greece), 946; lllines, 950 1422 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    LAlJ LIB J:.ausanne (Switz. ), 130!,l ; univ., 1303 Les Caycs (Haiti), 962 Laval University (Canada), 283, 319 Leskovac (Serbia), 1247 La Yega (S. Domingo), 1240 Lcs Saintes (French W. Inrlies), 891 La Yictorit~ (Venezuela), 1345 Lesser Antilles, 891 Lawrence (Kans.), 531 Lethbridge (Canada), 301 Lawrence ( Mas•achusetts), 453, 545 Levallois Perret (France), 829 Lazistan (Geor

    LIB LOA Libia, government, 1008 !Ji~hon (Portugal), 1167 ; town, 1167 ; - ju~tice, 1009 univ., 1168 - ostrich feathers, 1009 Lisuwt·e (New South Wales\, 362 - postal stati~tie~, 1010 Lithgow (New South Wales), 362 ······ production and i111lnsiiy, 1009 Lithuania, 1229 - milways, 1010 .. ··· agriculture, 1232 -·shipping, 1010 ·-area and population, 1230 - spo11:::e lislwry, 1.010 ·- :mny, 123:.! Lihrcviilo (Fr. Cougo), 870, 871 ·-- hanks, 1232 I.ihyrm J)ps,•rt (Eg_vpt), :&54, 879 ··-·,leping, 12lavia), 123!) Livorno (Leghorn) (lt;dy), 983 Lippe, 898, 928 ·-port, 1002; town, 985 - area awl population, 898, 928 Liwomle (Nyasaland), 192 - govcrument, 928 Llanqnihuc (Chile), pt·ov., 727, 730 Lipso (Aegean), 1010 Loantla (Angola), 1176 Liro (Aegean), 1010 Loango (French Congo), 871 1424 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920


    Lobatsi (Bechuanaland), 200 Louren~o .Marques (Portuguese East Lobor (Uganda), 182 Africa), 1177, 1178 Lohos de Afuera (Peru), guano, 1152 Louisiade Is. (Papua), 409; gold, 410 Lockport (New York), 576 Louisiana, agticulture, 469, 537 Locust Point (Md.), 543 -area and population, 450, 467, 535 .Lo

    LUB MAD Lublin (Poland), tom1, 1159 l\IcGill Univ. (Canada), 283, 319 Lucca (Italy), 983 ; town, 985 l\Iach (Balnchistan), 158 Lucerne (Switzerland), 1299, 1301 1\Tachala (Ecuador), 810 -town, 1302 l\Ic Kcan Island ( l'aeific ), 435 Luchu Is. (.Japan) 1016 l\lc 1\ eesport ( Pennsy I vania), 595 Lucknow (India), 126 :\Iacklie (Senegul), 881 Luderitzlmcht (S. W. Africa), 237 ~lacon (Georgia), 518 Ludwigsburg (Wiirttemberg), 941 Macquarie Island (Tasmania), 402 Ludwigshafen ( lhvaria), 901, 923 .i\latlagascar, 184, 856, 857, 872 Lugausk (Russia), 1199 - administration, 873 Lugo (Spain), provill<'c, 1264 - agriculture, 87 4 Lukiko (assembly) (Uganda), 182 - area and population, 856, 873 Lnlca (Sweden), 1284 -banks, 876 Lulonga (Belgian Congo), 693 - books of reference, 877 Lulua (Belgian CoJJgo), 693 -- Chinese iu, 873 Lund (Sweden), 1284; univ., 1284 -commerce, 857, 875 Lunda (Angola), 1176 -consular representatives, 877 Lungchow (China), port, 739 - currency, 876 Luque (Paraguay), 1131 -debt, 874 Lur race (Persia), 1138 - defence, 87 4 Lusambo (B. Congo), wireless station, - divisions, 373 696 - education, 87 4 Luton, population, 18 - finance, 87 4 Lutsia (Latvia), 1227 --gold, 875 Luxembourg ( Belg. ), 684 - government, 872, 873 Luxemburg (Gd. Duchy), 1045 -justice, 87 4 ·-iron, 1045; referendum, 1045 - live stock, 87 4 Luzern (Switzerland), 1299, 1301 -minerals, 875 -town, 1302 - posts and telegraphs, 876 Luzon Islrtml (Philippines), 641, 642 --production and industry, 87,1 Lwow (Poland), 115i, 1159; arch- - religion, 873 bishopric, 1160 ; law courts, -representation, 873 1160; military dist., 1162; -roads and railways, 876 univ., 1160, 1234 -rubber, 874 Lynchburg (VirgiiJia), 618 -shipping, 875 Lynu (Massachusetts), 453, 545 -silk, 874 Lynx Island (Pacific), 435 - towns, 873 Lyon, faculties, 833 ·--- tribes, 873 -local g•wernment, 825 - troops from, 840 - population, 829 - wireless stations, 876 Lyttclton (N. Z.), port, 425 J\Iadang (New Guinea), 411, 412 l\fadclalena (Italy), naval and torpedo station, 993, 995 Madeira (Portugal), 1167, 1168 McALE~TEn (Okl. ), 589 Madison (Wisconsin), 626, 627 l'ilacao (Port. China), 747, 1168, 1174, Madras, agricultnre, 137, 138 1175 -area and population, 117, 120 Macanlay Island (N. Z. ), 428 - ba11k, 153 1\lacedonia (Greece), 945; rice, 950 - births and deaths, 125 :Maceio (Brazil), 708 - education, 129 1\hcenta (French Guinea), 882 - finance, 134 .l\lacerata (ItttlyJ, 983 ; town, 986 - forests, 138, 139 - univer.;ity, 988 -government, 117, 118 4 y 14:::6 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOUK, 1920

    MAD MAL Madras, justice and crime, 100 Maine, finance, 539 - land revenue, 133, 137 -live stod<, 539 -land tenure, 137 -- n1annfac:1 ures, 540 -local "OVernment 119 - mini11g, 539 - port, I '17 '· - paupers, 539 -religion, 127 - prisoners, 539 -roads, 149 - production and industry, 539 -native states, 120, 123, 127 -- railways, 540 -tea, 139 - religion, 538 -town, 126 -representation, 445, 538 -trade, 143, 145, 147 - shipping, 484 - university, 128 - towns, 538 Madre de Dios (Peru), fakassar (Dutch Easr In t!ueh), 158, 159, 160 Magdalena (Colombia), 762 J\lalacca (~traits Settlements), 163, Magdebnrg (Prussia), 900 164, 165, 16'3, 167 Maghrib-el-Aksa, (Morocco), 1059 ~falaga (Sr·nin), 1264; town, 12ti5 Magi (Abyssinia), 651 Malaita Island (Paeific), 436 Magyar race (Rumania). 1187 Miilaren Lake (Sweden), 1283 Mahaddei (Somaliland), 1007, 1008 Malay A.rcbipela'go (Portuguese p01;- Mahaga (lsabclis.) (Pacific), 414 sessions in), 1174, 1175 M:ahalla-cl-Kubra (Egypt), 254 l\lalay race ( llorneu), 98 Mahdera-l\Iariam (Abyssinia), 652 - Cape Colony, 223 l\iahe (French India), 858, 859 - Cochin China, 860 l\Iahe Island (Seychelles), 196, 197 - Ceylon, 102 l\Iahon (Baleares), fort, 1270 - Sarawak, 99 -wireless station, 1270 1\falay States, Federated, whninis· Mahsuds (Afghan.), 135 tration, HJ3, 168, 1254 Maiana Island (Pacific), 436 - ·---area and pop., 169, 1254 l\faiganna (Nigeria), 241 -- -- - books of reference, 17 4 Maikop (Caucasus), l:JOO; oil, 1207 ----coal, 171 Maine, agriculture, 539 ---commerce, 171 -area and population, 449, 467,538 - -·- Chinese awl Indians in, 169 -banks, 540 --- communications, 171 - books of reference, 540 --- currency 172 - commerce, 539 --- educrtti~~. 169 - constitution and government, 538 ---finance, 170 -debt, 539 -- -forests, 170 - education, 538 ---gold, 171 INDEX H27

    MAL MAlt Malay States, Federated, irrigation, Mangaia Island (Cook Is.), 428 170 l\Iangareva Is. ( ~'rencl1 Oceania) 895 ---justice, 170 i\Iang-Ua (Annam), 861 - --- miuorals, 170, 171 Manhattan (N. York), 4f>3, 5~6 - - -police, 16\J Manica District (Port. E. At'.), 1177 -- -- - posts and telegraphs, 172 , l\laniema (Belgian Congo), G92 ---production, 170 ' Manila (Philippines), 641 ---railways, 171 ;\]auipur (Assam), 120, 127 --- ro,.ds, 171 i\Ianitoba, agriculture, 287, 288 ---rubber, 170, 171 -area and population, 281, 307 - ---- saving• banks, 172 -births, n1arriages, deaths, 2b2 ---tin, 170, 171 - books of reference, 308 -- British, 160, 168, 1254 - commerce, 308 --French, 1254 - constit. & govt., 278,279,280,307 - - Siamese, 1254, 1257 - crops, 287, 308 -- Unfederated, 172 - dairy output, 308 Maiden (Massachusetts), 545 - education, :!83, 308 Maiden Island (Pacific), 436 - finance, 28G, 308 Maldive Islands (Ceylon), 106 - fisheries, 289, 308 Maldonado (Peru), 1148 -forestry, 288 Maldonado (Uruguay),1337; tn., 1337 -gold, 308 Male Island (~faldives), 106 - holdings, 287, 288 Malekite sect (Morocco) 1061 - live stock, 308 Maliki sect (Bahrein), 97 - manufactures, 308 .Mali u es, sec l\1 echlin - min(,rals, 289, 290, 308 .1\Ialleco (Chile), province, 727 - ministry, 307 Mallicolo Island (Pacilic}, 437 - political parties, 307 J\hlmedy (Belgium), 684, 899 ! - production and imln.,try, :JOS i'iialmo(Swed. ),1284; govt.,1281,1282 - raihvays, 296, 308 ~1almohus (Sweden), province, 1283 - religion, 283 .1\Ialta, 93 -representation, 278, 279, :l80, 307 - naval base, 93 - telephones, 308

    Maluprey (Cambodia), province, 1254 1 - towns, 307 Malwa State (India), 121 - univen,ity, 308 Mamuret-ul-Aziz (vilayet), 1219,1315 --wheat, 308 Man, see Isle of IYian ~lanitowoc CWis. ), 627, 628 Manabi (Ecuador), 810; rubber, 812 Manizalcs (ColorHbia), 762 Mauagua (Nic. ), 1101; univ., 1101 1 Thlaunheim (Ba•len), 919 - wireless station, 1103 ' - towu, 900, fll9 Manahiki Island (Cook Is.), 428 ~Ianono Is. (Western Samoa), 429 .1\lauama (Bahrein), 97 Manpnr (India), 137, !38 ~[ananjary (Madagascar), 873 ~1ans, Le ( Frauee), 829 Marulos (Brazil), 708; rubber, 712 ~lausfield (Ohio), 586 Manchester,18;port,80 ;nniv., 30,31 Mansftra (Egypt), 254, 255 Manchester Ship Canal, 81 Mantova or Man tu a ( ltaly), 982 Manchester (N. H.), 453, 568 - fort, 993 ; town, 986 Manchuria, 737, 738, 751, 758, 1017 Is. (Western Samoa), 429 -coal, 7 46; railways, 752, 1029; Manus Is. (New Guinea), 411, 412, soya beaus, 7 45, 7 52 4.13 Mandalay (Burma), 126 Uanzanillo (Cuba), 776 Mandi (India), state, 124 l\lao (Kanem), 872 Mandinga (Panama), port, 1123, 1126 l\Iaoris (N.Z.), 415, 416, 417,418,428 Mandingo race (Libena), 1040 .Maracaibo (Yen.), 1345 ; sugar, 134 7 4 y 2 1421-l THE STATESMAN'S YJ!;AR-BOOK, 1920

    MAR MAS Maracay (Venezuela), 1:345 Mary and, defence, 542 Marakei Island (Pacific), 436 - education, 541 l\!arakesh (Morocco), 1059,1060,1064 - finance, 542 -wireless station, 1065 - fu,heries, 542 Maramnresh (Rumania), 1186 i - fruit, 542 Maranhiio (Brazil), 708, 711 ' -Germans in, 541 Marbmg (Germany), university, 903 - libraries, 541 Marches (Italy), 983, 997 -live stock, 542 Mar de la Flatu (Argentina), 664 -manufactures, 543 1\iardin (Turkey) Patriarchs of, 1317 - mining, 542 Mare Is., navy yard (Cal. ), 463, 503 - production and industry, 542 Marc Island (French Pacific), 895 , - paupers, 542 Margarita I. (V en.), pearl fiohery, 1342 -- prisoners, 542 illarghelan (Russia in Asia), 1200 -railways, 543 Mariannc Islands (Pacific), 411, 645, -- religion, 541 103i - representation, 540 Maric-Galante Is. (Guadeloupe), 891 - ship canal, 543 ill arietta (Ohio), 586 - shipping, 482, 484, 543 Marinette (Wis. ), 627 -tobacco, 470, 543 .Marion (Indiana), 526 -towns, 541 i\Iarion (Mass.), wireless stn., 1117 -university, 541 Marion (Ohio), 586 -wheat, 542 Mariupol (Russia), 1199 -wool, 54.2 Marlborongh district (N.Z.), 417 Masai races (Africa), 177, 183 Marmm-a, 1315 1\lasaka (Uganda), 182 illarnag (Tunis), 888 J\Iasaya (Nicaragua), 1101 Maroantsetra (Madagascar), 873 Mascara (Algeria), 866 1\laronite sect (Cyprus), 107 i\Iaseru (Ba.sutoland}, 198, 199 -Lebanon, 1317 Mashonaland, 201 Marqnezas Is. (French Pacific), 895 Masisea (Peru), wireless station, illarri district (Haluchistan), 159 115~ Marseille, 829 ; faculties, 833; port, Maskat (Oman), sec Muskat 849 Mason City (Iowa), 528 Marshal! (Liberia), 1041 i\Iasr-cl- Hahri (Egypt), 255 Marshall Is. (Pacific), 411,430 Massa e Cat·rara (Italy), prov., 983 Marshalltown (Iowa), 528 Massa (Italy), town, 986 Martigny, fort. (Switzerland), 1305 Massachusetts, agriculture, 54 7 Martin Garcia Is. (Argentina), 663 -area and pop., 449, 467, !J44 Martinique, 856, 857, 892 - banks, fi49 l\Iarwar (J odhpnr), 122 -births, marriages, deaths, 515 l\faryborough (Queensland), 382 - books of reference, 549 Maryborough (Victoria), 374 - ch:nity, 546 Mary Islanu (Pacific), 435 -commerce, 547 Maryland (Liberia), 1041 - constitution and government, 544 Maryland, a[!;ricnlture, 470, 54 2 - correction, 546 -area and population, 449, 467, 540 -debt, 547 -banks, 543 -defence, 547 - books of reference, 543 - divorce, 545 - charity, 541 - education, 545 -coal, 542 -finance, 547 - constitution & government, 540 - Germans in, 545 - dairying, 542 - immigration, 545, 549 - rlebt, 542 - live stock, 548 INDEX 142!)

    1\!AS Mf.L

    M~tssachusetts, manufactures, 548 Mauritius, finance, 1\lO -mining, 548 -- Governor, 1 \W - naval station, 4 63 - immigratio11 an

    MEL MEX Melbourne, port, 355 Mewar (India), 122, 123 -university, 372, 374 1\l:exico, agriculture, 104 9 Melchite sect. (Syria), 1317 -area an•l population, 1047 li'Iel~nara (Canaries) wire. stn., I 27!\ -army, 1048 Mclilla (Span. Af.), 1062, 1063, 1265, -aviation. 1049 1269 - banks, i 052 ---wireless station, 1270 - books of reference, 1053 Melo (Uru~uay), 1337 -Chinese in, 1048 Melrose (Mass.), 545 -city, 1043 Melsetter (Rhodesia), 202 - civ-il "ar, I 046 i\Iemel (Lithuania), 899, 1231 ; port, -coal, 1050 1232 -commerce, 1050 Jl.iemphis (Tennessee), 453, 606 - constitution, 1046 hienado (Dutch East ludies), 1088 - cotton, 1049 Mendoza (Arg.), 663 ; town, •364 -debt, 1048 Mengo (Kampala) (Uganda), 182, 183 -defence, 1048 Mengtsz (China), 739, 746 -diplomatic representatives, 1052 Menilflya (Egypt), 254, 255 -education, 1048 lllequinez (JI.lorocco), 1059,1060,1062, -finance, 1048 1064, 1065 -foreigners, 1048 Merca (It. Somaliland), 1008 - Germans in, 1048 .Mercedes (Argentina), 664 -gold, 1050 Mercedes (Uruguay), 1338 -government, central, 1046 Merida (Mexico), 1047, 1048 - -local, 1047 l\Ierida (Venez.), 1345; nniv., 1345 - House of Representatives, 1046 .Meriden (Connecticut), 508 - Japanese in, 1048 .!\1Hidian (Mississippi), 556 -justice, 1048 Mmjcrdah valley (Tunis), 888 - local gO\·ernment, 1047 1\Ierowe (Anglo-H:gyptn. Sudan), 270 -manufactures, 1049 Mcrrill (Wis.), 627 - mines aud minerals, 1050 Merthyr Tydlil, population, 19 - ministry, 104 7 M~shed (Persia), 1138 - money and credit, 1052 Meshedisar (Persia), pm-t, 1139,1141 -money, weights, & measures, 1052 1\Iesl.iakha.t Olama (Egypt), 256 -navy, 1049 Mesopotamia, 1314, 1315, 1320, 1330 -· petroleum, 104 9 - area and population, 1330 - pipe lines, 1050 - books of reference, 1331 - ports, 1051 - commeree, 1331 -posts and telegraphs, 1051 - go-vernment, 1315, 1330 - President, 1046 --irrigation, 1331 -production and industry, 1049 - 11ort, 1331 -railways, 1051 -railways, 1331 - religion, 1 048 -religion, 1330 -- repr•·sentation, 1047 - schools, 1331 -Senate, 1046 - telegraphs :mcl telephones, 1331 -shipping, 1051 Messcnia (Greece), 945 -silver, 1050 Messina (Sicily), 984 : port, 1002 - sugar, 1049 - tm-vu, 985 ; torpedo stn., 995 - state, 1047 - unin·rsity, 988 -States, 1047 l\1eta (Colombia), 762 - tobacco, 1049 1\Iethil, port, 67 -town, 1048 Metz (France), 829, 839; forts, 839 - towns, I 048 Meudon (France), observatory, 834 - university, 1048 INDEX 1431


    Mexico, whe:1t, J 04fl M indanao (l'. I.), dept., 641

    wirele": stations, 10!11, 1052 1 ~1innertpolis. 45:1, 553, 555 _Jli(·higan, agri<·ultun;, 4tJ9, 5[)2 - Fedeml lhnk, '189; univ., 554 -·- an•a and ·~)opulatio11, ·149. 46'i, 5!)0 :\Iinnesota, agriculture, 469, 554 - hank:-1, f)~,~ ---area and pn]>nlation, 449, 467, 553 ~- h1ok.s of referent e, fl:)2 ·- bankR, 555 -- dtarjty, f>fll -- hooks of rcft•rPnce, 555 -· ('Oll:::.titutiOll a11cl .!-!;OYlTlllllf'.Bt, fifiQ --- ~~harity, 554 -- copper, 552 ·-·constitution and government, 553 - stry muf 1itnbor, 472 - forests and ti m her, 4 72, 554 - Uernw'rn.; in, 550 - Germans in, 553 -- live stock, 552 - Indian reservations, 553 - rnannf:Jetnrt--s, 552 ·-iron, li54 --- n1ining, fi52 - live sto.~k, 554 - petroleum, 5f)2 - 1nining, 554 -- i)oor relief, 551 - paupers, 554 -- protlnetion an•l industry, 552 -production and imlnstry, fifi4 -· -·· J>nhlic l:>tt,.tion, 44f>, 550 - repr,;,.;eutation, 445, 5G3 - ship canal, 5f•2 - shi1lfling, 555 -towns, 551 -towns, 553 -- universitv. 551 . - univer.,ities, 554 - whc~t, 469, 552 -\\'heat, 46\l, 554 --wool, 5.12 -- wool, 554 Michigan City (Indi:wa), 5'36 l\finsk ( l!ns,ia), 1197 Midwacan (i\lcxicn), r,tate, 104;· -town, 1199 ~I ico (Nicaragua) mines, J :02 J\1inya ( l•:gypt), 254, 255; town, 255 :\1iddle Congo colony (l<'rcl!(;li), ~71 Mi<1nelon Is. (Vr. Atlan.), 8G7, 893 ;ui,Jdlcsln·ongh, 18; port, SO ~liraflores Lock (l'an. C. Z.), 1127 MiddleLowu (Cun.), 508 t.Iirn.ntla (Venezuela), state, 134fi Midd]ptuwn (Kew York), 576 Miri (1'\amwak), oilfield, 100 sliddkLown (Ohio), 086 --- wireless station, 100 ~lJ,lia (1\lack flea shores), 718 Mir 1\am:\1 Kh:i.n, J:im (Las Bela), Mijertin Somalis, 1007 158 ~r;Jmtio (Emperm·), J"l'an, JOJJ :Vlir J\1Ahm1!'1 Khan of Kalat, 158 ~likiiHt:wi (Tanganyika), 181 l\lir,.; Bay (Hong Kong), 110 Jltilan (i\1ibmo), (lL>'o (Brazil), 708, 711, 712 --·- ct,H:-)litntion and goverllment, 555 -colonies, 713; railways, 715 -·-· cotton crop, 469 1432 THE STATF:SMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    MIS JIION Mississippi, debt, 556 Mito (.Japan), 1018 - education, 556 Mitre Island (Pacific), 436 - finance, 556 lllitsubishi yard (.Japan), 1024 -forests ant! timber, 471 111ittelfmnken ( Ravaria), 922 - Germans in, 1\56 llljvidek (Hungary), 972 -live stock, 557 111lanje tNyasaland), 192 -- maize, 55 7 1\lc.berly (.\lissouri), 558 -manufactures, 557 Mobile (Ala.), 453, 494; pt., 484, 496 - production and industry, 557 l\Iobilen (It. Somaliland), 1007 - public lands, 467 1\Ioca (S. Domingo), 1240 -railways, 557 Moyambiquc (Oompanhia do), 1176 - religion, 556 Mocha (Arabia), 1329 -representation, 445, 555 Mocoa (Colombia), 762 -rice, 469 Modeliarpeth (French I udia), 858 -towns, 556 Modena (Italy), 983 ; town, 985 - universities, 556 -university, 988 -wheat, 557 Modlin (Poland), fort., 1162 -wool, 557 lllocro (Belgian Congo), 693 Missoula (Montana), 561 lllogadischo or 1\lagadisho (Italian Missouri, agriculture, 468, 469, 4 70, Somaliland), 1007 559 -wireless station, 1008 - area and population, 4.49, 467, 558 111ogador (Morocco), port, 1060, 1063 - books of reference, 560 - wireless station, 1065 -coal, 559 :lfoghi1ev (Russia), 1197 --cotton, 470, 559 Mohale's Hoek (Basutoland), 198 -constitution and govemment, 557 !llohame

    ~ION Mongalla prov. (A. -F.. Sudan), 269 1\Iontcnegro, defence, 1 057 Mongolia, 737, 755, 1017; railways, -- education, 1057 7 55, 1 O:l9; war loan, 7 flfi - tinance, 1057 Mono Island (l'acitic), 436 --forests, 1057 Monophysite sect (Abyssinia), 652 -government, 1056, 1245 2\lonrovia (Liberia), 1041, 1042 --justice ant! erime, 1057 Mons (Belgium), 684 - King, 1055, 1056 Montalta region (Peru), 1151 -Kings (l'etrovitch dynasty), 1056 Montana (U.S.A.}, agric., 561, 5ti:l - mimstry, 1056 -area and pop., 450, 467, 560 - !Jloney, 1058 -banks, 562 - pauperism, 1057 - books of reference, 562 -production and industry, 1057 -coal, 562 -railway, 10f•8 - copper, 562 -religion, 1057 - constitution an

    MOR MUT Morioka (.Japan), 1018 Mosquitia, La (Honduras), 965 Morillri race (New Zealand), 428 Mosquito Indians (Nicaragua), 1100 Mormons, see Latter Day Saints Moss:lmedes (An11oh), 1176 M.ormngao (Clott), mines, 1174 Mostag,.ucm (Algeri:t), 866 Moro province (Philippines), fl41 ~losul (Mesopotamia), 1219, 1315, --race, 542 1:330 )toro\.le (New Guinea), 411, 412 llfoR1ll, P•1.trif1rc.h of, 1316 Morocco, 856, 857, 870, 1059 Mot.agua (Oua.temala), banaURs, 957 - agriculture, 1062 Motapolole (Bechnanaland), 200 -area and pop., 1060 l'dotherwell, population, 2~ -army, 840, 1062 ,\1otovilikha (gnssia), 1200 - books of reference, 1066 Moulrnein (Burma), 126 -commerce, 1062 Mount Athos, 946 -cotton, 1062 Mount Elgon forest (B. F.. Af. ), 179 --debt, 1061 Mount Vernon (New Yolk), 576 -defence, 1062 Mozambi<]Ue (l'ortugu~se K Africa), - diplomatic repres., 1066 1,\';g: 1174~.1176 - educo.tion, 1061 M uang- l hru, see f'1am - fi.nance, 1061 M.uansa (Tauganyika), wirls. sta., 181 -fish, 1062 Mnbendi (Uganda), 182 -French Resi,Jent-Cleneral, 1060 Mnhamrah (Persia), see 1\lohannnerah - French troops in, 867, 1062 Muharrak lslrtnd (Persian Gulf), 96 --fruit, 1062 Mukll (N,wway), fort, 1111 -- shipph1g, 1064 Munster (ptov. ), :tgric. holllings, 63 --Spanish zone, 1060, 1061, 1062, -- popnl;ttinn, 23 1064, 1065, 10613, 1269, 1277 :\Liinster(I'rns.), 901 ;nniv., 903,904 -- - Calipha, 1060 l\luutafik (M <'sopotamia), 1330 --- liigh Commissioner, 1060 Mnntenia (Rumauia), 1187 -- -troops in, 1062, 1269 Muong-sing (Laos State), 863 -- Sultau, 1059 Muong-'l'ha·i, ue fliam - - pl'edecesso!'s, 1059 M

    MUT NEB Muttrah (Oman\, 1121 N'l<[th race (!t), 159 Muzo (Uolomh.), emerald mines, /6;"j N"ra (,L,pan), 1018 Mysore (India), area, &e., 121 Nat icnal (Vcnezuel:t), ,,nal mine, 13~ 7 - gov<~rnment. 121 Nari!w (Uolomhia), 762; gold, 76f> --religion, 127 S:trodn;J.-Skupshtina (:Serbia), 12411 -town, 126 l'.'arm (~=sthonia), 1222 --university, 128 1\ashna (New Il>t•upshire), 5fl8 j\Iytileue (Otamia), 1136, 1138 ~- sugar, 228 Nakhichcvan-

    NEE NET Nebraska, banks, 565 Netherlands, crmals, 1079, 1084 - !Jooks of reference, 565 -civil list, 1070 --constitution and gonrnment, 563 -coal, 1081 -education, 564 - colonies, 1087 sqq. - finance, 5o4 --finance of, 1078,1090,1095,1096 - Indian reservations, 564 - commerce, 1082 - irrigation, 565 --with Great Britain, 1083 - live stock, 565 -constitution, 1071 -- mauufactures, 565 -- crops, 1081 - mining, 565 -customs valuation, 1083 -paupers and pri~oners, 564 - dairy exports, 1083 - production and industry, 565 -debt, 1078 - public lands, 467 -defence, 1078 - railways, 565 -diplomatic representatives, 1086 - religion, 564 --education, 1075 - representation, 445, 563 - electoral reform, 1071 -river navigation, 565 - emigration, 1074 -towns, 564 - e

    NET N!i;\V K ctherlands,rcigning Sovereign, 1070 Nevada, university, 566 - religion, 107 4 - \Ybeat, 567 - representation, l 071 -- wool, 567 -royal family, 1070 Nevis I. (W. lndies), 328, 338, 340 -shipping and navigation, 1084 N cw Albany (lndiaua), 526 -- social insurance, 1076 New Arn,tenlam (B. Guiana), 326 -State Uouncil, 1072 Newar race (Nepal), 1068 -States-General, 1071 Knvark (New Jersey), 453, 571 -sugar beet, l 081 Newark (Ohio), 586 - telephones, 1085 N C\1' Dedford (~I ass.), 453, 545 - towns, 107 4 :'\ew Br8isach (Germany), fort, 907 -tramways, 1084 New Britain (Connecticut), 508 - universities, 107 5 :'\ew Britain Is. (New Guinea), 411, -wheat, 1081 413 -woman sufl'rage, 1071 K ew Brunswick, agric., 288, 309 N ctherlands-Ind1a, see Dutch East - area and population, 281, 309 In dies - hooks of reference, 310 N ettapacom (Fr. India), 858 -coal, 310 N ellchatel (Switz. ), 1299, 1301 -commerce, 310 - town, 1302 ; universities, 1303 - constit'n & gov., 27 S, 270, 280, 309 N euenberg, see N euchatel - copper, 310 Neu Hanover Is. (Pacific), 413 - crops, 288, 309 Ncuilly-sur-Seine (France), 829 -dairy output, 310 K cukolln (l'russia), 900 - ed ncation, 283, 309 Neu Lauenberg (Pacific), 413 - finance, 285, 309 Neu Mecklenburg (l'acitic), 413 - fisheries, 28 9 N cu (Pacific), 412 -forests, 288, 310 N euquen (Argentina), 664 -live stock, 310 N cu Strelitz (Germany), 930 - manufactures, 310 Nevada, agriculture, 567 -mining ami minerals, 290, 310 - area and pop., 4f,O, 467, 566 - ministry, 309 -banks 567 - political parties, 309 - books'of reference, 567 - railways, 296, 310 -constitution and govt., 566 - religion, 280 -debt, 567 - representation, 27 8, 279, 280, 309 - education, 566 -towns, 309 -finance, 567 - university, 309 - forests and timber, 472, 567 -wheat, 287, 309 - Germans in, 566 - wireless station, 297 - golJ, 473, 567 New Bl'llnswick (town) (N.J.), 571 - Indian reservations, 566 N cwburg (New York), 576 - Indians in, 566 1\ew brn·yport, (:Mass.), 545 - irrigation, 567 N cw Caledonia, 835, 857, 894 - live stock, 567 - area and population, 857 - manufactures, 567 - dependencies, 895 -mining, 473, 567 - education, 894 - production and industry, 567 -government, 894 - public lands, 467 - production, 894 -railways, 567 -railway, 894 - religion, 566 --- shipping, 894 - representation, 445, 566 -trade, 894 - silver, 473, 567 New Cameroon, 251 -towns, 566 New Ca~tle(N. Bruns. ), wt·lss. stn., 297 1438 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    NEW NEW Newcastle (New South Wales), 362 New Hampshire, manufactures, 569 Newcastle (Pennsylvania), 595 -naval station, 463 N cwcastle-on-Tync, 18 ; co!l., 30 - pauper>, 569 Newchwang (China), 73\l, 7~'2 - production and intiustry, 569 Newfoundland and Labrador, 3'29 -railways, 570 - agriculture, 330 - religion, 568 - area and population, 329 - representation, 445, 568 -- banks, 332 - shijl]ling, 484 ····- hooks of refe1ence, 332 -towns, 568 --· coal, 330 -wool, 569 - cot! fisheries, 331 New Haven (Conn.), 453, 508 - commerce, 330 New Hebrides (Pacific), 436, 894 - copper, 330 New Ireland Is. (New Guinea), 411, -- debt, ;)30 413 - dependencies, 329 New Jersey, agriculture, 572 - emigration and immigration, 329 -area ami population, 44~, 467, 570 -- hnance, 330 -banks, 572 - fishiug & fishing rights, 329, 3Jl -- books of reference, 572 - forests, 329, 330 -charity 571 -gold, 330 - clay products, 572 - government, 329 - constitution and government, 570 -Governor, 329 - defence. 572 - imports and exports, 330 - educati;m, 571 -- live stock, 330 - finance, 571 ·- 1nining, 330 - liBherics, 57 2 - winistry, 329 -fruit canning, 572 - occupations of the people, 329 -Germans in, 571 -paper pulp mills, 330 -·iron, 572 - posts and telegraphs, 332 -live stock, 572 - production, 330 -manufactures, 572 -railways, 331 - minerals, 572 - religion, 3'29 - potatoes, 572 - seal fishery, 331 -production & industries, 572 - shipping, 331 -railways, 572 -- telephones, 332 - religion, 5 il -towns, 329 -representation, 445, 570 ·-whaling, 331 -towns, 671 New Georgia Island (Pacific), 436 - university, 571 New Glasgow (Nova Scotia), 311 -wool 572 New Guinea, Br. (Papua), 344, 346, New K~wloon (China), 110 409, 41 1, 480 New London (Connecticut), 508 - Dutch, 1087, 1088 - naval station, 463 New Hampshire, agriculture, 569 N cw J\Iecklenburg (Pacific), 413 - nrca and population, 449, 467, 568 New Mexico, agriculture, 574 -banks, 570 - area and population, 450, 467, 573 - books of reference, 570 -banks, 575 - con,titutiou and government, 568 - books of reference, 575 - defence, 569 -coal 575 - education, 568 - con~titution and government, 573 - Jinance, 569 -copper, 574 -forests, 472, 569 -debt, 574 - Germans in, 568 , - education, 57 4

    - live stock, 569 '1 - finance, 57 4 INDl!:X 1439

    Nl~W NEW

    New Mexico, forests a!l(l timber, 472, N ~w l:louth Wales, Govomor, 361 u74 J10using, :163 -- GvrmauH iu, 573 itHlJ!>;trial arbitration, &c., 36li -gold, 574 -- inhabited house•, 3·i6 -- I ni:3 - liLilll holding><, :i67 - il'l'igrttion, 57 4 -- tenure, 367 -live stock, 574 - live stock, 368 - nlallU.facture.-J, 57U -- loeal finance, 366 -- minemh, 574 -··· --· govcrn1nent, 861 --- pt'<.>ihwlion !L!ld industry, 574 ---- manufactures, 369 - pt~hlic hut~!~:- 467 - mines and minerals, 368 - tmlways, otn - ministry, 3Gl - rei igion, 57 4 -- 1uint, 357 - representatioJJ, 445, 573 -- mmtcy •md credit, 357, 360 -silver, 574 - tln..val station, 34 9, ~66 -towns, 573 - om:upations of people, 362, 368 - tmiverRity, 574 - oid age, invali76 --- forestry, 367, 368 - l.oa .. uks, 57 9, 580 --- fruii, 368 - -· Fe

    NEW NIC New York State, charity, 578 New Zealand, finance, 420 -- cities, 576 - - local, 421 - colleges, 577 - forests, •122 -commerce, 579 --General Assembly, 414 -constitution & government, 575 - gold, 41~4, 425 -crops, 578 - Governor, 415 -debt, 578 - High Commissioner, 416 - defence, 578 --House of Hcpreseutativcs, 414,415 - education, 577 -immigration and emigration, 417 - Federal Bank, 489 -- import duties, 424 -finance, 578 - justice and crime, 419 -Germans in, 576 -land holdings, 422 -live stock, 578 - Legislative Council, 414, 415 -manufactures, 579 - live stock, 422 - mining, 579 - local finance, 421 - natural gas, 579 - - goverurnent, 416 -naval station, 463 - manufactures, 423 - newspapers, 579 - Maoris, 415, 418, 4.21, 428 -petroleum, 579 - meat export, 425 -production and industry, 578 - mines and minerals, 423 -railways, 579 -ministry, 415 - religion, 577 - money and credit, 427 -representation, 445, 575 -navy, 60, 421 - shipping, 482, 484, 579 - occupations of people, 422 -sugar, 578 - old-age,widows',&war p':;ions, 419 - tobacco, 578 -pauperism, 419 - univE•rsity, 577 - political parties, 415 -wheat, 578 -ports, 425 -wool, 579 - posts and telegraphs, 427 New Zealand, 344, 414 - production and industry, 422 - agriculture, 422 - provinci'll districts, 417 - air force, 421 - railways, 427 -area and population, 416 -religion, 418 -banks, 427 -representation, 414, 415 -births, marriages, and deaths, 417 - shipping and navigation, 426 - books of reference, 428 - towns, 417 -coal, 424 - tramways, 427 - colleges, 418 - university, 418 - commerce, 424 -wheat, 422 -constitution and government, 414 - wireless station, 428 -crops, 422 - wool exports, 422, 423, 424 - customs, 424 Nganhwei or An-hui, 736; tea, 745 - dairying 422, 425 N gotshe (Natal), ~27 -debt, 420 Niagara Falls (New York), 576 - defence, 421 Niamey (French 'Nest Africa), 884 --military, 421 Nianing (Senegal), 881 ·- - naval, 60, 421 Nicaragua, agriculture, 1101 -dependencies, 416, 417, 427, 428, -area and population, 1100 430 -army, 1101 -divisions, 416, 417 - banan

    NW NOH Nicarai(U''• cattle, 1102 Nigeria, finance, 240 --coffee, 1101, 1102 - Governor, 23!l -commerce, 1102 --- history, 238 -constitution and govonmwut, 1100 ' - jm:tice, 239 -copper, 1102 --- miuerds, 241 - customs, 1102 -- palm kc,·ncl trade, 241, 242 ---- -debt, 1101 1 J•orts, 241 - l'l'erritory (It. Somaliland), 1007 - communications, 241, 242 Nomc (Alaska), 632; gold, 633 - constitution, 2;)8 N ong;;on coal mines (Amlllm), 861 - Councils, 23\l Nonollti ltibml (Pacific), 436 - currency, 242 Nordlaml (Norway), 1107 -debt, 240 :'1 or folk (Virginia\ 453, 618 -education, 239 - 1mval station, <163 4 z 1442 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    NOR NOR Norfolk Island (Australia), 344, 357 North Dakota, Germans in, 584 N orrbottcn (Sweden), province, 1283 - Indian reservations, 583 N orrkoping (Sweden), 1284 ; gov- - irrigation, 584 ernment, 1281, 1282 - live stock, 584 North A dams (Mass.), 545 - manufactures, 585 North Africa, see Algeria, Cyrenaica, - minerals, 585 Tripoli, Tunis, &c. - paupers and prisoners, 584 Northam (W. Aust.), 395 -- production and industry, 584 Northampton, population, 18 - public l:

    NOH NOV North-West'ferritorics (Canada) Nor way, posts aml telegraphs, 1117 - area and popul:ttion, 281, 323 --- production and industry, 1112 - books of refereuce, 323 ---railways, 1116 - constitution & governmt., 280, 323 - reigning sovereign, 3, 790, 1105 - religion, 283 - religion, 1108 North Yakima (Washington), 621 -representation, 1106 ; local, 1107 Norwalk (Con.), 508 -royal family, 3, 1105 Norway, agriculture, 1112 - savings banks, 1118 -area and population, 1107 - shipping and navigation, 1116 -army, 1111 -sovereigns since, 1204, 1105 - banks, 1117 -Starting, 1105, 1106 - births, marriages, and death~, 1108 -towns, 1108 - hooks of refm·enee, 111 \l -university, 110\l -budget, 1110, 1111 -whale oil, 1113 -civil list, 1105 - wheat, 1112, 1113 -commerce, 1114 -wireless stations, 1117 -constitution, 1105 Norwich, population, 18 -copper, 1113 Norwich (Connecticut), 508 - Council of State, 1106 Norwood (Ohio), 586 - crops, 1113 Nossi-Be Is. (l\iadagascar), 875 -customs, 1115 Nottingham, pop., 18 ; College, 30 - debt, 1111 Nou Island (New Caledonia), 894 - defence, 1111 Nonmea (New Caledonia), 894, 895 --dependency, 1118 - Colli:ge La P6ro1:se, 894 - diplomatic representatives, 1119 Nova-Goi\(Port, India), 1174 -divisions, 1107 N ovara (Italy), 982; town, 986 - education, 1109 Nova Seotia, ag,·icultnre, 287,288,313 - emigration, 1108 - area and population, 281, 311 -finance, 1109, 1110 - births, marriages, deaths, 282, 311 - fisheries, 1113 - books of reference, 313 --forestry, 1113 -coal, 313 - forts, 1111 - commerce, 313 - Fylker, 1107 - constit. & gov., 278, 279, 280, 310 -government, central, 1105 - copper, 313 - -local, 1107 - crops, 287, 288, 313 - Grundlov, 1105 - education, 283, 312 -import duties, 1115 -exports and imports, 313 -justice and crime, 1109 -finance, 285, 312 - King, 3, 790, 1105 -fisheries, 289, 313 - Kings from 1204, 1104 - forestry, 288, 313 - Lagting, 1106 -fruit, 312 - li vc stock, 1113 -gold, 313 - local government, 1107 -justice and crime, 312 - manuJt1cturcs, 1113 -live stock, 312 -mines and minerals, 1113 - local government, 280, 311 - ministry, 1106 - manufactures, 313 -money and m·edit, 1117 -- mines & minerals, 289, 290, 313 -money, weights, & measures, 1118 - ministry, 311 -navy, 1112 - pensions, 312 - Odelsting, 1106 - political parties, 311 -pauperism, 1109 - production and industry, 312 - political parties, 1106 - railways, 296, 313 -ports, 1115, 1116 - religion, 283, 311 4 z 2 1444 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    NOV OHI Nova Scotia, representation,278, 279, N yasaland Protectorate, shipping 280, 311 (lake and river), 193 - shipping, 313 - tobacco, 193 -telephones, 313 -towns, 192 -towns, 311 -- trade, 193 -universities, 312 N yassa, Companhia do, 1177 -wheat, 287, 313 Nyeri (British East Africa}, 177 - wireless station, 29 7 Nyczhin (H,ussia), 1199 -wool, 313 Nyiregyhriza (Hungary}, 972 Nova Yes (Slovakia), mining, 785 Nykopillg (Sweden), 1284 Novgorod (Russia},ll97; town, 1200 N'zerekorc (French Guinea}, ~82 Novi Pazar (Serbia), 1247; tn., 1247 Novocherkask (Russia), 1199 Novo Nikolayevsk (Siberia), 1200 Novo Redondo (Angola), 1176 0AHU (Hawaii), 634, 635 N ovorossiisk (Caucasus), 1200 Oakland (California), 453, 502 Nuble (Chile), province, 727 Oak Park Village (Ill.), 523 N ueva Esparta (V enez. }, state, 1345 Oases, Saharan (Algiers), 865 Nueva San Salvador, 1236 Oaxaca (Mexico), 1047, 1048 Nuevo Leon (Mexico), state, 1047 Obbia (Italian Somaliland), 1007 N ui Island (Pacific), 435 Obeid, El (A. -E. Sudan}, 270 Nukahiva Is. {French Oceania), 895 Oberbayern (Germany, 922 Nukha {Caucasus}, 1200 Oberfranken (Germany), 922 Nukualofa (Tonga), 434 Oberhausen (Prussia), 901 Nukufetau Island (Pacific), 435 Oberhessen (Germany), 927 Nukulaelae Island (Pacific), 435 Oberpfalz (Germany), 922 Nukunono Islands (Pacific), 435 Obock (French Somali Coast), 878 Niirnberg (Bavaria), 1100, 923 Obwalden, see Unterwald Nurukita Island (Pacific), 435 Ocean Is. (Pacific), 436 Nusa (Pacific), 413 - Island (Pacific), 436 Nushki Niabat (Baluchistan), 157 Oceania (Brit,), 91, 344, 434 Nyanza Province (B. E. Africa), 177 - French, 857, 894, 895, 896 N yasaland Protectorate, admstn, 192 Ocos (Guatemala), port, 959 -agriculture, 193 Ocumare (Venezuela}, 1345 - area and population, 192 Odense (Denmark), 792 -banks, 194 Odessa, 1199; univ., 1201 -books of reference, 194 Oesel (Esthonia), 1222 - coffee, 19 3 Offenbach (Hesse), 901, 927 - commerce, 193 Offenburg (Baden), 916 -cotton, 193 Ofu Island (Samoa), 646 - defence, 193 Ogasawarajima (Bonin) Is., 1016,1017 - education, 192 Ogden (Utah), 613 -finance, 193 Ogdensburg (New York), 576 - Governor, 194 Ogura (Japan), 1018 -justice and crime, 192 0' Higgins, (Chile), province, 727 -live stock, 193 Ohio, agriculture, 469, 587 - missions, 192 -area and pop,, 449, 467, 585 -ports, 193 -banks, 588 - posts and telegraphs, 193 - books of reference, 588 - production, 193 - cities, 586 - railway, 193 -coal, 588 -rubber, 193 - colleges, &c., 586 -savings bank, 193 - constitution and government, 585 INDEX 1445

    OHl ONT Ohio,

    ONT OSH Ontario, finance, 284, 315 Qreada Mar (Rumania), 1188 -fisheries, 289, 315, 316 Orebro (Sweden), 1283; town, 1284 -forestry, 288, 315, 316 Oregon, agriculture, 593 - fmit, 288 -area and population, 450, 467, -gold, 316 591 - Indians, iil4 -banks, 593 - land sales, 315 - books of reference, 593 -live stock, 315 -canal, 593 -manufactures, 316 -coal, 593 -mining, 289, 290, 315, 316 - constitution and government, 591 -ministry, 314 -debt, 592 - petrobum, 316 - defence, 592 - political partie•, 314 - education, 592 - production and industry, 315 - finance, 592 -railways, 296, 316 - fisheries, 593 - religion, 283 - forestry and timber, 471, 4.72, 593 -representation, 278, 279, 280, 314 -fruit, 593 -roads, 316 - Germans in, 592 - telephones, 3_; 6 -gold, 593 -towns, 314 - Indian reservations, 592 -universities, 314 - irrigation, 593 -wheat, 287, 315 - live stock, 593 On tong Java Islands (Pacifi~), 436 - manufactures, 593 Opland (NorwaJ), 1107 - mining, 593 Opobo (Nigeria), 241 - paupers & prisoners, 592 Oporto (Port.), 1167; univ., 1168 - producdon and indust1·y, 593 Oppeln (Poland), 1159 - public lands, 467 Oran(Algeria},865 :866; torp. st.,842 - railways, 593 Orange (New South Wales), 362 - religion, 592 Orange (New Jersey), 571 - representation, 445, 591 Province, 207, 233 - shipping, 484, 593 - Administrator, 234 -towns, 592 - agriculture, 235 - university, 592 - area and population, 209, 234 - wheat, 469, 593 - births, marriages, deaths, 234 -wool, 593 - books of reference, 236 Orel (Russia), 1197; town, 1199 - cattle-raising, 235 Orcnburg (Tartar Bashkir Republic), -coal, 217, 218 1197 - commerce, 235 - town, 1199 - constitution & govt., 207, 208, 233 Orense (Spain), province, 1264 - customs valuation, 236 Oriente (Cuba), province, 775 -diamonds, 217 Oriente (Ecuador), territory, 810 - education, 211, 234 Orissa (India), see Bihar - finance, 235 Orizaba (1\Iexico ), 1048 -gold, 217 Orkney Isles, area and pop., 21 - local government, 208, 234 Orleans (France), 829 -minerals, 217, 218 Oro (Ecuador), province, 810 -money, weights, & measures, 236 Orufu (Nigeria), silver mine, 241 -production and industry, 235 Oruro (Bolivia), 699; town, 699 - Provincial Council, 208 Osaka (Japan), 1018 ; shipyard, 1024 -railways, 220 Oscarsborg (Norway}, fort, 1111 - religion, 234 Osh (Russia in Asia), 1200 - representation, 207, 208 Oshkosh (Wisconsin), 627 INDEX 1447

    OS! Osiek (Hungary), 972 Paducah (Kentucky), 5::!3 Osman Mahmud,Sult.,Mijertins, 1007 Pagopago (Samoa), naval statimr, 64; Osnahriick (Prussia), 901 l'alumg (MalaySt.), 163,168, JC9,170 Osowiec (Poland), fort, 1162 l'nidc ( Esthonia), 1222 Ostend (Belgium), 684 Paisley, population, 22 Ostergi:itland (Sweden), prov., 128B Paita (N cw Caledonia), 894 Ostet·sund (Swe,len), 1284 Pakhoi (China), port, 739 Ostpreussen, 932 Palmam forts (Siam), 1250 Ostrava (Czecho.Slovakia), 782 Pakyong (Sikkim), 163 Oswego (New York), 576 Palapye Road (B~chuanaland), 2LllJ Otago (N.Z.), dist., 417; uuiv., 418 Palatinate (Bavaria), 922 Otaru (Japan), 1018 l'alau or Pelew Islands, 411, 1037 Otavi (S. W. Africa), 237 Palembang (Dutch East Indies), 1088 Otjiwarongo (S.W. Africa), 237 Palcnci1t (Spain), province, 1264 Otsu (Japan), 1018 Palonno (Sicily) g84 ; port, 1005'. Ottawa (Canada), 280, 281, 284, ill 4 -· town, 985 ; university, 988 -port, 294 Palestine, 1314, 1315, 1320, 1332 -university, 314 - ttdministration, 1314, 1315, 13~2 , see Turkey -· agricultmal colonies, 1332 Otumw11 (Iowa), 528 -· agrieultnre, 1334 Otuzco (Peru), coca, 1152 --· area and population, 13ill: Ouaga·dougou (Fr. W. Africa), ud1· -·banking and curreney, 133u Ouchy, Treaty of, 1008 -· books of reference, 133f Oudh, see United Provinces -· commerce, 1334 Oujda (Morocco), 1060 -· crop8, 1334 Oulgaret (French India), 858 -· J.istricts, 1332 Onlu, see Uleaborg, 817 -· education, 1333 Outer Mongolia, 7 56 - !inane~, 1333 Ontposts (D. E. Iudies), 108'/, .L\!88, -·· ,T cwish Colonies, l3cJL 1089 -·--nation, 1332 Ovambo race (S. W. Africa), 236, :237 - .. j l1Htice, 1333 Overyssel (Netherlands), 1073, 1C81 -··· occupation, 1332 Oviedo (Spain), prov., 121J4, H:72 -· ports, 1334 -town, 1265 ; university, 12611 -· production and industry, 13o, Oweusboro' (Ky. ), 533 -- rail ways, 1334 Oxford, pop., 18 ; university, 3U. ·n --· religion, 1:!32 Oyapoc (Freneh Guiana), 8!!2 -- roads, 1335 Oyarzun (Spain), fort, 1270 -- shipping, 1334 --- towns, 1332 --weights and measnreR, 13:1b -- wheat, 1334 PAARL (Cape Colony), 224 Palime (Togoland), 250 Pabellon de Pica (Chile), 115,_ , Palit or Pe~·lis (Mahr.y), 171!, 173 Pachuca (Mexico), 1047, 1048 Palma (Balearcs), 1265 Pacific Is. (Br. ), 91, 364, 411, 41 u, 117 r l'ulmas, Las (Spanish Islands), 126t 427' 428, 434-7 ' -- wireless station, 127 5 -- books of reference, 428, 43/' Palmerston Island (Conk Is.), 428 --High O'missioner, 431,435,-.136 Palmorston North (N.Z.), 417 --(French), 857, 894, 895, 8PG ; Palm kernels & ant kerm ls, som(;e troops from, 840 -- llelginn Uougo, 694 l'adang (Dutch East Indies), 1090 -· Camemon, 2.51 l'adua or Padova (Italy), 983 --- Dahomey, 883 ·- town, 985 ; university, 988 -- r~ritreu, 1OOii 144'~ nn; STATESMAN'S YEAR-1\00K, 1920

    PAL PAR Palm kernels & JJUt kernels, sources-• Panama, sngar, 1125 ··- l<'rench Eq. Afrie1L, 871 -- town, 1123, 1126 -- French Guinea, 882 - towns, 1123 --Gambia, 244 -university, 1124 - liold Coast, 245 - wireless stations, 773 -- Ivory Coast, 883 Panama CaBal and Zone, 459, 762, ~ Lil-J~ria, 1042 11 ~4, 1125, 1126 sqq. -- Nigeria, 241, 242 -area, 1127 -- Philippines, 643 - books of reference, 1129 - Sierra Leone, 247, 248 -defence, 461, 1127 - Too-oland 250 - linance, 459 -- Upi,er se'negal-Niger, 884 - Govcmor, 1127 Palmyra Island (Pacific), 436 -landslides, 1127, 1128 Pampa Central (Argentina), 663 - ports, 1125, 1126 Pamplona (Spain), 1265; fort, 1270 - traffie, 1128 P»mwe race (Spanish Afric>">), 1278 --treaty conceming, 1126 Panama, 762, 1123 -- wireless stations, 773 - agriculture, 1125 Panay Island (Philippines), 641 - area and population, 1123 Panclemla (Turkey), woollens, 1322 -bank, 1124, 1126 Pangani (Tanganyika), 181 - 1Jirths, deaths, marriages, 1124 Pangkor Island (Perak), 163 -- books of reference, 1129 1 Panjgur (Baluchtn. ), 158, 159 ; tn. HiS - boundary, 1123 Panjin (Goa), 1174 - bntlget, 1124 Papeete (Tahiti), 896 - canal, 1126 Paphos (Oypms), 107 -- fiuance, 459, 1127 Papua, Territory of, 344, 346, 409 - cottle rearing, 1125 - agriculture, 409 - Chinese in, 1123 -- area and population, 409 - rocoa and coffee, 1125 -banks, 410 -commerce, 1125 -books of reference, 410 - constitution, 1123 - commerce, 410 -debt, 1124 - eopper, 410 - diplomatic representatives, 1128 - education, 409 - education. 1124 -finance, 410 -finance, 1124 - forests, 409 - --- reorganisation, 1124 -gold, 410 -government, 1123 -- government, 409 -immigration, 1123, 1125 -- justice, 409 -justice, 11:34 - Lieut.-Governor, 409 -live stock, 1125 -minerals, 410 -minerals, .1125 -petroleum region, 410 - money and credit, 1126 - police, 409 - pearl fishery, 1125 -ports, 409 - police, 1125 - prolluction, 410 -ports, 772, 1123, 1125, 1126 -rubber, 409 - postal statistics, 1126 -shipping, 410 -President, 1123 -wireless stations, 410 - production, 1125 Pani (Brazil), 708, 709, 711 ; rubber, - provinces, 1123 712 - railways, 1126 -arsenal, 712 - religion, J 12·1 Paragnari (Paraguay), 1131 -rubber, 1125 ' Paraguay, agriculture, 1132 - shipping, 1125 --- area aiiil population, 1131 INDEX 1449

    PAR PEC Parngu:ly, army, 1132 Paris, local government, 825 - banks, 1134 -- population, 829 -births, deaths, marriages, 1131 .. university, 833, 83-1 -books ofreference, 1135 Parit Buntar(Malaya), 167 -boundary questions, 700, 1131 l'arkorsburg (\V est Virginia.), 624 -cattle rearin~, 1132 Par m a (It.), 983 ; tn., 986 - commerce, 1133 -university, 988 - constitution and governt., 1130 rarnu (Esthonin), 1222 - cultivation, 1132 I'aro (Bhutan), 698 -customs, 1133 Parramatta (New South Wales), 362 -debt, 1132 Parry Is. (Ne'v Zoahtml), 428 - defence, 1132 l'arsis (Guebres), ht

    PED PER Pedregal (Panama), port, 1123 Perene District (Peru), cocoa 1152 ; Pedro Cays, (West Indies), 336, 337 colfe.~, 1151 Peel (Isle of Man), 84 Pergamino ~Argentina), 661 Peking (China), 741; university, 740 Perim Island (Red Sea), 95 -wireless station, 749 Pcrlus, Las (Nicaragua), port, 1102 Pelew Island (Pacific), 411, 1037 Perlis (Malay State), 172, 173 Pemba Island, 177, 184, 185 Perm (Russia), 1197 ; town, 1199 -clove industry, 186 Pernambuco (Brazil), 708, 711, 713 ; - wireless station, 188 rail ways, 715 Penang (St. Settlemente),163,164,166 Pernau ( Esthonia), 1222 Peniche (Portugal), lace, 1171 Pernik coal mines (Bulgaria), 723 Pennsylvania, agriculture, 596 Perpignan (France), 829 -area and pop., 449, 467, 594 Persia, agreement with Britain, 1137, -banks, 597 1140, 1143 --hooks of reference, 597 - agriculture, 1141 - charity, 595 - area and population, 1137 - cities, 595 -army, 1137, 1140 -coal 596 -banks, 1143 - coll~ges, 595 - books of reference, 1146 - commerce, 597 -British adviBers, 1137, 1140, 1141 - constitution and government, 594 - carpets, 1141 - defence, 596 -coal, 1141 - education, 595 - commerce, 1141 - finance, 596 - constitution, 1136

    - forestry, 596 1 - copr:er, _1141 - Germans in, 594 · -- enltlvatlon, 1141 - horticulture, 596 -customs, 1137, 1141 -iron, 596 -debt, 1UO - leather trade, 597 - defence, 1137, 1140 -live stock, 596 -diplomatic representatives, 1145 - manufactures, 597 - education, 1139 - mining, 596 -finance, 1139 - natural gas, 596 -foreign loans, 1137, 1140 - petroleum, 596 -frontiers, 656 -production and industry, 596 - government, central, 1136 - railways, 597 - - local, 1137 - religion, 595 -iron, 114-1 - representation, 445, 594 - justice, 113 9 - shipping, 597 -local government, 1137 - tobacco, 470, 596 - Mejlis or Majlis, 1137 - universities, 595 -minerals, 1141 - wheat, 469, 596 -ministry, 1137 -wool, 596 -money, weights, measures, 1144 Penon de la Gomera (Sp. Af.), 1265 -naphtha, 1141 Penonome (Panama), 1123 - National Council, 1137 Penrhyn Island (Cook Islands), 430 -navy, 1141 Pensacola (Florida), 515, 516, 517 -- official titles, 1137 - naval yard, 463 - pearl fishing, 1141 Pensions, see Invalidity, and Old- - petroleum, 1141 Age, &c., Pensions -ports, 1139, 1141 Penza (Russia), 1197 ; town, 1199 -posts and telegraphs, 1144 Peoria (Illinois), 453, 523 - production and industry, 114~ ferak (Malay St,), 163, 168, 169, 170 -provinces, 1137, 1141 INDEX 1451

    PER PET Persia, railway, 1137, 1U4 Peru, posts and telegraphs, 1154 - religion, 1138 -President, 1147 -river navigation, 1143 - production and industry, 1151 - roads, 1143 - provinces, 726, 1148, 1149 -royal family, 1136 -- ceded by Chile, 726, 1148, 1149 -Shah, 1136 - railways, 1154 -silk, 1141, 1142 -religion, 1149 - sovereigns from 1794, 1136 -rice, 1152 - towns, 1138 - roads, 1153 - turquoise, 1141 - rubber, 1152 - wheat, 1141 -shipping and navigation, 1153 --wool, 1141, 1142 -silk, 1152 Persian Gulf, minerals, 1141 - sugar, 1151 -pearl fishery, 1141, 1322 -tobacco, 1152 -ports, 1139, 1141 ; see also Oman -towns, 1148 Perth (Scotland), population, 22 - universities, 1149 - (W. Australia), 395 - wheat, 1152 --mint, 357 - wireless stations, 1154 -- university, 396 ! - wool, 1152 l'eru, agriculture, 1151 1 Pemgia (Italy), 983 ; tn., 985

    -area and population, 1147 1 - university, 988 -army, 1151 · Peruvian Corporation, 1152 -- banks, 1154 Pesaro (Italy), town, 986 -books ofreference, 1155 Posaro e Urbino (Italy), prov., 983 - boundary treaties and disputes, Pescailoreslslands(Japan), 1016,1017, 700, 726, 762, 810, 1148,1149 1035 -··Chinese in, 1147 Peshawur (India), 126, 659 - cinchona, 1153 l'ospire (Honduras), 965 - coal, 1152, 1153 Petare (Venez.), sugar, 1847 - cocoa, 1151, 1Hi2 Petch (Montenogro), 1056, 1057 - coffee, 1151 Peten (Guatemala), timber, 957 - commerce, 1152 Peter I. (King), Serbia, 1055, 1245 -constitution and government, 1147 Petersburg (Virginia), 618 - copper, 1152, 1153 Petit Bassam, see Port Bouet - cotton, 1151 i'etrikovka (Russia), 1200 - customs, 1153 Petrograd, prov., 1197; dkyds., 1204 -debt, 1150 - tn., 1199 ; univ. 1201 -defence, 1151 Petroleum, Naphtha, Natural Gas, -departments & prov., 1147, 1148 and Oil-yielding regions -diplomatic representatives, 1155 Algeria, 868 D.E. Inil.,1093 -education, 1149 Angola, 1176 Ecuador, 812 - finance, 1150 Argentina, 668 Gt. Britain, 66 - forests, 1151 Azerbaijan, India, 141 -gold, 1152 1221 Italy, 998 -guano, 1152 Baluch'stn, 159 It. Somaliland, -immigration, 1148 Barbados, 335 1007 -justice, 1149 Bolivia, 702 Japan, 1026 -minerals, 1152 Borneo, 98 Malay Sts., 173 - money and credit, 1154 Bmzil, 713 Mexico, 1049, -money, weights, & measures, 1155 Canada, 303, 1050 -navy, 1151 310, 316 Morocco, 1062 -petroleum, 1152, 1153 China, 746 Natal, 228 -port, 1153 Colombia, 765 Pa:lestine, 133~ 1452 THE STA'fEi;,\1AN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    PET PLE Petroleum, Naphtha, Natural Gas, & Philippi;,e I slnnds, seouts, 461 Oil-yielding regions (cont.)- - ship)•ing, 644 Papua, 410 S>tmwak, 100 -towns, 641 Persia, 1141 Spitsbergen, - universities, 642 Peru, 1152 1119 -- vi tal sta1 istics, 641 Philip'ines, 643 Trinida,], 341 Philippopolis (Bulgaria), 720; t.n., Poland, 1163 Turkey, 1322 720, 721, 724 Portuguese '.Y. Ukni;w, 1~:15 Phocis (Greece), 945 Afr., 1176 U.R.A., 473, Phcenix (Arizona), 497, 498 Rumania, 1191 482. aud sec Phomix Islands (Pacific), 435 Russia, 1207 States, &c. Phthiotis (Greece), 945 Santo Domingo Venezu~ht,l347 Piacenza (Italy), 983 1242 - fortifications, 993 ; town, 986 Petropavlovsk (Kamchatka), 1200 Piauhy (Brazil), state, 708, 711 Petropavlovsk (Siberia), 1200 Pichincha ( b~cuador), prov., RIO Petropolis (Brazil), silk mills, 713 Piedmont (Italy), 982, 987, 997, 998 Petrozavodsk (Russia), 1200 - silk culture, 998 Pforzheim (Baden), 901, 919 Pierre (Sonl.h Dakota), 603, 604 Philadelphia (Liberia), 1041 Pietermaritzburg (Natal), 212, 227 Philadelphia (Penn.), 45'6, 595 Pillzhum (Rcuador), silver, 812 - Federal Bank, 489 l'ilsudski, Joseph, Polish Pros., 1157 ·-port, 482, 484, 597 Pinar del Rio (Cuba), 775; port, 778 Philippeville (Algeria), 866 - towu, 77G Philippine Islands, agriculture, 643 Pine llluff (Arkansas), 499 - area and population, 6H Pines, Isle of (French Pacific), 895 -- banks, 644 Ping Yang (Korea), port, 1032, 1033 ·-births and deaths, 641 Pinsk (Russia), 1200 -· books of reference, 64'7 Piqua (Ohio), 58(1 --Chinese in, 641 Pirmns (Grence), 946, 948, 952 ·- coinage, 645 Piro (Sence:tcl), 881 -- commerce, 643 Pirmasens (Bavaria), 923 ·- copper, 643 Pirot (Serbia), 1247; carpets, 1250; -debt, 643 town, 1247 --defencE!, 461, 464, 642 Pisa (Italy), 983; tn., 985 ; univ., ·- divisions, 641 988 -- education, 642 Piscopi (Aegean), 1010 -- finance, 643 Pishin (Baluchistan), 157, 159 -- forests, 643 Pitcairn Island (Pacific), 435 --gold, 643 Piti (

    PLE POR Plcvna or Pleven (Bulgaria), 720, 721 l'oland, rock oil. 1163 Ploesti (Rumania), 1188 - salt, 1163 l'lovdiv (l3algaria), district, 720 -- i:leym, 1157, 1158 Plymouth, population, 18; port, 80 --shipping, 1164 Plymouth (1\lontserrat), 339 --- telephones, 1164 Plzcii (Czecho-Slovakia), 782 -- towns, 1159 l'nom-Penh (Cambodia), 862 -- universities, 1161 Pobe (Dahomey), 883 Poland (former Prussian), 899, 932, Pocatello (Idaho), 520 1159, 1160, 1161 Podgoritza (Montencgro), 1056, 1057 Poland (former Russian), 1159, 1160, Podor (Senegal), 881 1196, 1199 Podrinje (Serbia), dept., 1247 Poland (former Austrian), 1159, 1160 l'ointe-a-Pitre (Gnadeloupe), 891 l'olje (Montenegro), 1057 l'ointe-des-Galets (ltunnion), 878 l'u:onnoye (I\ussia), 1200 Poitiers (Fmuec), 829; univ., 833 Polotsk (I\ussia), 1200 l'oldhn (G. B.), wireless station, 82 Poltava (Ukraiuia), 1197 l'olan

    POR POR Port Huron (Michigan), 551 Portsmouth (New Hampshire), naval Portland (Maine), 453, 538 station 463, 569 Portland (Oregon), 453, 592, 593 -Treaty of, 1017 Port Limon (Costa Rica), 770, 772, Portsmouth (Ohio), 586 1126 ; wireless stn., 773 Portsmouth (Virginia), 618 Port Louis (Mauritius), 190 Port Sudan (A .. E. Sudan), 270 Port Maria (Jamaica), 336 Port Tal bot, 67, 80 l'ort Moresby (Papua), 409 l'ortudal (Senegal), 881 - wireless station, 410 Portugal, agriculture, 1170 Porto (Portugal), 116 7 -area and population, 1166 Porto Alegre (Brzl.), 708, 709 -army, 1169 Porto Maurizio (Italy), 982; tn., 986 -- casualties, 1170 Porto Novo (Dahomey), 883 - - colonial, 1170 Porto Palermo, 661 -banks, 1172, 1173 Porto Rico, agriculture, 638 -births, deaths and marriages, 1168 - area and population, 450, 637 - books of reference, 1178 - books of reference, 639 -coal, 1171 -Chinese and Japanese in, 637 -cols. & depcndcs., 1168, 1174, sqq - commerce, 638 -commerce, 1171 - communications, 638 -constitution, 1166 -copper, 638 -cork, 1171 -debt, 638 -debt, 11G9 - defence, 461, 637 - defence, 1169 -education, 637 -diplomatic representatives, 1173 - finance, 637 -education, 1168 -forests, 471 - emigration, 1168 -fruit, 638 -finance, 1169 -gold, 638 - fisheries, 1171 -government, 636 - forests, 1171 -Governor, 637 - fruit, 1171 - islands, 638 - government, 1166 -justice, 637 - iron, 1171 - manufactures, 638 -justice and crime, 1169 - minerals, 638 - manufactures, 1171 - naval base, 638 - mines, 1171 - occupations of the people, 637 -ministers, 1166 -post and telegraphs, 638 -money, weights & measures, 1172 -production and industry, 638 - National Council, 1166 - railways, 638 -navy, 1170 -representation, 637 - olives, 1171 -roads, 638 - posts and telegraphs, 1172 -salt, 638 - President, 1166 - shipping, 484, 638 -production and industry, 1170 - sugar, tobacco, 638 - provinces and districts, 1167 -towns, 637 - railways, 1172 -university, 637 - religion, 1168 Porto Seguro (Togoland), 249 -shipping and navigation, 1172 Port of Spain (Trinidad), 340 -towns, 1167 Port Royal (Jamaica), fortif., 337 - universities, 1168 Port Royal (S.C.), naval stn., 463 - Upper Chamber, 1166 Port Said, 254, 255, 265 -wheat, 1170 Portsmouth, population, 18 -wine, 1170, 1171, 1172 Portsmouth (New Hampshire), 568 -wolfram, 1171 lNDEX 1455

    POll. PRU Portugal, wool, 1171 Prince Edward Island, 278, 316 Portuguese Africa, 1168, 117 5 ·"1'1 -agriculture, 287, 288, 317 -Asia, 1168, 1174, 1!75 - area and population, 281, 317 -India, 1168, 1174 i - births, marriages, deaths, 282 Portugueza (Venezuela), state, 1345 - books of reference, 318 Posadas (Argentina), 663, 670 - commerce, 318 Posen (province), !132, 1159; tn., ' - constit. & govt., 278, 279,280, 316 see l'oznan -crops, 287, 288, 317 Po-ta-la (at Lhasa), 753 -education, 283, 317 l'otchefstroorn (Transvaal), 230 -finance, 284, 317 Potenza (Italy), 984 ; town, 986 - fisheries, 289, 317 Poti (Georgia), 1225 ; port, 1226 -forests, 317 Potlatch (Idaho), lumher mill, 521 -fox ranching, 317 Potosi (Bolivia), 699 ; town, 700 - live stock, 317 Potsdam (Prussia), 901 - manufactures, 317 Pottsville (Pa. ), 595 - ministry, 316 Poughkeepsie (New York), 576 - oysters, 317 Pout (Senegal), 881 - political parties, 316 l'owell Haven (Pacifie), 413 -production & industry, 287, 288, Poz (Serbia), 1247 317 Pozan1vac (Serbia), 1247 - milways, 296, 318 Poznan (Poland), 1159; archbishopric, - religion, 283, 317 1160 ; courts, 1161 ; fort, - representation, 278, 279, 280, 316 1162; military district, 1162; -telephones, 318 univ., 1160 -towns, 317 Pozmmia (Poland), 1159, 1161 -wheat, 287, 317 l'ozsony (Hungary), 971, 972; univ., l'rinceRupert {British Columbia), 305 973 l'rinceton University {N.J.), 571 Pradera (Colombia), iron works, 765 Principe Is. {Portugal), 1174, 1175 Prague (Uzecho-Slovakia), 782; univ., Prishib {Rnssia), 1200 783 Pristina {Serbia), dept., 1247 ; town, Prahova (Ruma. ), 1187; petrol, 1191 1247 l'raia (Cape Verde Islands), 1175 Prizren {Serbia), 1247; town, 1247 Praslin Is. (Seychelles), 196, 197 Proskurov {Russia), 1200 l'ratabong /Cambodia), 1254 l'rospect (N.S. W. ), 362 l'mtap Singh, ruler, Kashmir, 121 Protectorates, British, 91 Prcsburg (Uzecho - Slovakia), .~ee - S. W. Africa, 236 Bratislava Providence (Rhode Is.), 453, 598, 599 Pressburg, see Pozsony Providence Island (Seychelles), 196 Preston, population, 18 Province Wellesley(Penang), 163, 164 {South Afl'ica), 208, 209, 212, l'rovo {Utah), 613 230 l'russio., agriculture, 935 -university, 212 -area and pop., 898, 932, 933 l'l'ibilof Islands (Alaska), seal -banks, 936 fisheries, 633 -beer, 910 Prieska {S.-W. Africa), 237 - births, marriages, deaths, 933 Prijepoije (Serbia), 1247 - books of reference, 936 l'rilep (Serbia), 124 7 - coal, 910, 935 Priluki (Hussia), 1200 - constitution, 931 Primorskaya (Siberia), 1198 -crops, 935 Prince Albcrt {Canada), 321 -debt, 935 l'rince Charles Forclu.nd {Hpitl· - education, 903, 934 bergen), 1118 - estimates, 935 U56 THE KTATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    PRU QUE Prussia, finance, 9 3 5 Pulmpuka L (Cook Islands), 428 - government, 931 Puket Is. (Siam), 1254 ; tin, 1257 - - local, 932 Pulfmtieu (China), 747, 1036 - illegitimacy, 933 Pulo Oarnbing ('rimor), 1175 -iron and steel, 910, 935 Puna ( J<]euad. ), wireless stn. , 814 -justice and crime, 934 Punakha (Bhutan), 698 - live stock, 909, 935 l'nnjab, agriculture, 137, 138 - local government, 932 -area and pop., 117, 120 -manufactures, 910 - births and. deaths, 125 - minerals, 910, 935 - education, 129 - ministry, 932 -finance, 134 -National Assembly, 931 - forests, 138, 139 - political parties, 932 -government, 117, 118, 120 -production and industry, 935 ·-justice, 130 -- provinces, 932 - land revenue, 133, 137 -railways, 936 - - tenure, 137 - - electric, 936 -religion, 127 - religion, 902, 933 - roa

    QUE RAD Quebec, gold, 320 Queensland, land values, 384 - live stock, 319 - live stock, 885 - manufactures, 320 - local government, 381 - mining & minerals, 289, 290, 320 - meat exports, 887 -ministry, 318 - mines and minerals, 885, 386 - political parties, 318 -ministry, 381 -port, 294 -money and credit, 357, 387 -production and inclustry, 319 - occupations of the people, 382 - railways,296, 320 -old-age, invalidity, and war pen• - religion, 283 sions, 383 - representation, 278, 279, 280, 318 - pauperism, 383 -roads, 320 - political pa.rties, 381 - telephones, 320 -port, 355 -towns, 319 - precious stones, 386 -universities, 283, 319 - production and industry, 384 -wheat, 287, 319 - railways, 356 Quebec (town), 281, 319; port, 294 - religion, 383 -university, 283, 319 - representation, 345, 380 Queens (New York), 453, 576 -sheep, 385 Queen's University, Belfast, 30 - shipping, 355 -- (Ontario), 314 - sugar, 385, 387 Queensland (Australia), 344, 380 - timber trade, 385 - ab01igines, 382 - tobacco, 385 - Agent-General, 381 ~· towns, 382 - agriculture, 385 - university, 383 - area and population, 346, 381 -wheat, 385 - artesian wells, 386 -wine, 385 -banks, 357, 387 - wool, 385, 387 -births, marriages, deaths, 347, 382 - See also Australia, Commonwealth - books of reference, 387 Quena (Egypt). 254, 255 ; town, - Chinese in, 382 255 - coal, 385, 386 Queretaro (Mexico),I047; town, 1048; - commerce, 351, 386 opals, 1050 -constitution and govt., 344, 380 Quetta (Baluchistan), 157, 158, 159, - copper, 386 160 - cotton, 385 Quetzaltepeque (Salvador), 1286 -crops, 385 Queza.ltenango (Guatemala}, 956 - customs, 387 . Qutbdo (Colombia}, 762 -debt, 384 i Quilimane (Port. E. Af. ), 1177 - defence, 348 Quilmes (Argentina}, 664 - education, 383 Quinoy (Illinoia), 523 - emigration and immigration, 382 Quincy (Massachusetts}, 545 - expeditionary forces, 382 Qui-Nhon (Annam), port, 861 - finance, 384 Quintana. Roo (Mexico), state, 1047 -forests, 385 Quiqni6 (Pa.ragua.y), mines, 1183 - Germans in, 382 Quisqueya Is., 388 Santa Domingo - gold, 385, 386 Qui to (Ecuador}, 809, 810; univ., 811 -Governor, 381 Quitta.h (Gold Coast), 2U - imports & exports, 386 Quthing (Ba.autoland), 198 - inhabited houses, 346 - Japanese in, 382 RA.BAT (Morocco}, 1059, 1060, 1063; - justice and crime, 383 garrison, 841 - land tenure, 384 - wireless station, 1065 5 A 1458 THE SfATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 19~0

    RAB RHO Rabaul, (New Guinea), 411, 413 Remschcid (Prussia), 901 - wireless station, 430 Reudova Island (Pacific), 436 Racinc (Wisconsin), 627, 628 Rennell Island (Pacific), 436 Radcliffe College (:1\Iass. ), 546 Rennes (France), 829 ; ag~ic. school, Raiatea I. (French Oceania), 895 834 ; univ., 833 Raivavae Is. (French Oceania), 895 Reno (Nevada), 566 Rajput:~na (India), area, &c., 121 Renong (Siam), tin, 1257 - government, 122 Reshitza (Latvia), 1227 -native states, 121, 122, 127 Resht (Persia), 1138 - religion, 127 Resistencia (Argentina), 663, 664 -roads, 149 Rethymnoe (Crete), 945 Raka Island (Persian Gulf), 96 Retymo (Crete), 946 Rakaanga Island (Cook Is.), 428 Reunion Is., 856, 857, 878, 885 Rakwere (Esthonia), 1222 Renss (Thuringia), 939 Raleigh (North Carolina), 580, 581 Reutlingen (Wiirttembcrg), 941 Ra!ick Is. (Pacific), 1037 Reval (Esthonia), 1199, 1222 Rampur (India), 123j; town, 126 Revere (Massachusetts), 545 Ramsey (Isle of Man), 84 Rewa (India), state, 123 Randers (Denmark), 792 Reykjavik (Iceland), 804; univ., 805 Rangoon (Burma), 126; trade, 147 Rheims, see Reims Rangpo (Sikkim), 163 Rheinfelden (Switzerland), salt mine, Raoull. (New Zealand), 428 1307 Rapa Island (French Pacific), 895 Rheinhessen province (Hesse), 927 Rapid City (S. Dakota), 604 Rheinpfalz (Bavaria), prov., 922 Rarotonga Island (Cook Islands), 428 Rhenish Hesse, 927 -wireless stn., 428 Rhenish Prussia, coal and iron, 910 Ras Taffari (heir), Al•yssinia, 651 Rhenok (Sikkim), 163 Rastatt (Baden), 919 Rhine prov. (Prus.), area, &c., 932 Ratack Is. (Pacific), 1037 Rhode Island, agriculture, 600 Ratisbon (Bav.), 923 ; faculties, 903 -area & pop., 449, 467, 598 Ratzeburg (Meck.-Str.), 930 -banks, 600 Ravenna (Italy), 983; town, 985 - births, marriages, deaths, 599 Ravensburg (Wiirttemberg), 941 - books of reference, 600 Rawa (Solomon Is.), 414 -charity, 599 Rawalpindi (India), 126 - constitution and government, 598 Rawson (Argentina), 664 -debt, 600 Reading, pop., 18 ; College, 30 -education, 599 Reading (Pennsylvania), 453, 595 - finance, 599 Recife (Brazil), 708, 709 - Germans in, 599 Red Deer (Canada), 301 - manufaetures, 600 Red Sea pro. (A. -E. Sud. ), cotton, 272 - minerals. 600 Redonda Is. (West lndies), 338, 339 - naval st~tion, 463 Regensburg, see Ratisbon -production and industry, 600 Reggio Calabria (Italy), 984 - railways, 600 -town, 986 - religioh, 599 ReggioEmilia (Italy), 983; tn., 985 - representation, 445, 598 Regina (Canada), 281, 321 - shipping, 484 Rehoboth dist. (S. W. Afr. ), 237 - textiles, 600 Reichenbach (Saxony), 937 -towns, 599 Reims (France), 829 -university, 599 ftejaf (Uganda), 183 Rhodes (Aegean), 1010 Rejmyre (Sweden), glass, 1291 Rhodes Scholarships, 276 Rembau (Malay State\. 169 Rhodes Univ. Coli. (S. Africa), 211 INDKX. 1459

    nHo ROM lUwdesia, A

    ROM RUM Rome, province, 983; forts, 993 ; Rubber-producing regions (cont.)- town, 985; university, 988 ll.E.Africa, 178 Malay States, - See and Church, area and popula- B. Borneo, 98, 165, 166,167, tion, 1180, 1183 99 170,171,173 --books of reference, 1183 B. Guiana, 325 New Guinea, --cardinal bishops, 1181 B. Hond., 328 412 - - - priests, 1181, 1182 Brit. Solomon Nigeria, 24.1 - - - deacons, 1181, 1182 Islands,. 436 Nyasaland, 193 - - diplomatic relations, 1183 Cameroon, 251 Panama, 1125 - - Pope, election of, 1180 Ceylon,l04,105 Papua, 409 - - Popes from 1605, 1180 Cochin China, Peru, 1152 - - religious corporations, 987 860 Port. Cols. 1175 - - Sacred College, 1181 Colombia, 764 1176, 1177 ---Congregations, 1182, 1183 D. E.I., 1093 Rhodesia, 204 - - Supreme Pontiff, 1180 Ecuador, 812 Salvador, 1237 Home (New York}, 576 Fiji, 432 Sarawak, 101 Romny (Russia}, 1200 French Cols., Seychelles, 196 Rong-pa, see Lepcha 860, 861,871, Siam, 1257 Ronongo Island (Pacific), 436 874,880,881, Tanganyika, Roodepc•rt, (Transvaal), 230 882,883,884, 181 Rook Islands (Pacific), 413 895 Tobago, 342 Roosevelt dam (Arizona), 498 Guatemala, 958 Togoland, 250 Rorstrand (Sweden), porcelain, 1291 Hawaii, 635 Uganda, 188 Rosario (Argentina), 664 Honduras, 966 V cnezuela, 1347 Roseau (Dominica), 340 Liberia, 1042 West Africa, Rose Island (Western Samoa), 429 Madagascar, 241, 245,246, Rosslau (Anhalt), 918 874 250, 251 Rostock (Meck-Schw. ), 901, 929 Rudnik (Serbia), dept., 1247 -university, 9.03, .930 Rudolf Province (Uganda), 182 Rostov-on-Don (llussia), 1199 Rudolstadt (Thuringia), 940 lloswell (N. Mexico), 573 Rufaa (Anglo-Egyptian Sudan), 270 llotherham, population, 18 Rufisque (Senegal), 881 Rottenburg (Wiirttemberg), 942 Rugen Haven (Pacific), 413 Rotterdam, (Netherlands), 1074; fort, Rumania, agriculture, 1191 1079 ; pt.' 1084 -area and population, 719, 1186 - School of Commerce, 107 5 - army, 1189 Rotuma Island (Fiji), 431 -banks, 1192 Roubaix (France), 829 -births, marriages and deaths, 1187 Ronen, 829 ; port, 849 - bookR of reference, 1193 Rousse, see Rustchuk - boundaries, 971 Rovigo (Italy), 983; town, 986 - Chamber of Deputies, 1185 Hovno (Russia), 1200 -coal, 1191 Royal Coli. of Science, Dublin, 33 -commerce, 1191 Royal Holloway College, Egham, 31 - constitution, 1185 Royesville (Liberia), 1041 - crops, 1 Hll Ruanda (Belg. Congo), 693 -Danube navigation, 1192 Ruba el-Khali (Arabia), 1328 -debt, 1189 Rubber·produeing regions - defence, 1189 Abyssinia, 653 Annam, 861 -departments, 1187-8 Andaman !8., Belgian Congo, -diplomatic representatives, 1193 162 694 - divorce, 1187 Anglo- Egypt'n Bolivia, 702 - education, 1188 . Sudan, 272 Brazil, 712,714 - ethnic elements, 1187 INDEX 1461

    RUM RUS Rumania, finance, 1189 Russian Fed. Republic, copper, 1206 -- foreigners in, 1187 --cotton, 1206, 1208, 1210 -- forests, 1191 -- convention with Japan, 738 ~government, central, 1185 -- Council of People's Commrs., 1195 ~ ~ local, 1186 1196 ~illegitimacy, 1187 -- crops, 1205 ---illiteracy, 1188 -- customs, 1208 -justice, 1188 -- debt, 1202 ~King, 1185 - defence, 1202 ~live stock, 1191 --dependencies in Asia, 1197, 1198, ~local government, 118(i 1200, 1216 sqq. ~merchant navy, 1192 --diplomatic representatives, 1212 ~ mining, 1191 -- distilleries, 1207 -ministry, 1186 --- Duma, 1195 --money, weights, a,ndmeasures, 1192 --education, 1201 - navy, 1189 -- Emperor, abdication of, 1195 --petroleum, 1191 --Executive Committee, 1195, 1196 - - posts and telegraphs, 1192 -- exports anrl imports, 1208 sqq. --- production and imlnstry, 1190 -- finance, 1202 -railways, 1192 ---war 1202 -reigning Sovereign, 1185 -- fisheri~s, 1208 - religion, 1188 - flag, 1195 -representation, 1185 --flax, 1208, 1210 -- roads, 1192 - forests, 1206 ~royal family, 1185 --- gold, 1206 ---- Senate, 1185 ~government, local, 1197 -shipping, 1192 - - provisional, 1195, 11 \l6 ~sugar, 1191 -governments & provs., 1197, 1198 ~territory gained, 719, 1185, 1186 -- Holy Synod, 1200 -tobacco, 1191 --illiteracy, 12'01 --- towns, 1188 --independent or semi-independent - universities, 1188 States, 1196, 1216, sqq - wheat, 1190 --iron a11d steel, 1206, 1210 Rumelia, Eastern, 718, 720, 724 --justice and crime, 1201 Runcorn, port, SO -- live stock, 1205 ltupert's Land (Canada), 280, 323 --- local government, 1197 Hurntu Island (French Pacitic), 885 -- manufactures, 1207 Ruschuk (Bulgar.), 720, 7:l1; pt., 724 -mercantile marine, 1210 Russell Island (Pacific), 486 - minerals, 1206, 1207 Hnssian Federative Republic, 1195 - money and credit, 1211 -- agriculture, 1205 -- money, weights, & measures, 1212 -alcohol, 1207 -- naphtha, 1206, 1211 ---area, 1197 sqq. -- navy, 1203 --- army, 1202 -- ~ B~ltic _Fleet, 1203, 1204 - banks, 1211 -- - Black Sea Fleet, 1203, 1205 -- births and deaths, 1199 - ~ dockyards, 1204 -- Bolshevik government, 1195, 1196 -- oil, 1207 ~ books of reference, 1213 -- patriarchates, 1200 - canals, 1211 -- People's Commissioners, 1195, -coal, 1206, 1207, 1210 1196, 1200 -- colonies, Brazil, 713 - population, 1197 sqq - commerce, 1208 ~-rural and urban, 1199 - constitution, 1196 -- posts and telegraphs, 1211 1462 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    RUS SAl Russian Federative Republic, produc- St. Ann's Ray (Jamaica}, 336, 337 tion and industry, 1205 St. Augustine Is. (Pacific), 435 - railways, 1211 St. Barthelemy Is. (Guadeloupe), 891 -religion, 1200 St. Beno1t (Reunion) 878 -- rivers, 1211 St. Ronifa.ce (Canada), 307 - salt, 1206, 1207 St. Brandon Is. (Mauritius), 192 -savings banks, 1212 St. Christopher, see St. Kitts -schools, 1201 St. Croix(Virgin Is., U.S.A. ),639,640 -shipping and navigation, 1210 St. Cyr (France), roil. school, 834 -Soviets, 1196 St. Denis (l<'ranee}, 829 - sugar, 1207 St. Denis (lteunion), 878 - textiles, 1208 St. Etienne (France), 829, 834 - tobacco, 1206 St. Eustache Is. (Cura9ao}, 1096 -towns, 1199, 1200 St. l<'ranQois Island (Seychelles), 196 - universities, 1201 St. Gallen (Switz.), 1299, 1301, 1302 -War costs, 1202 St. George's (Grenada, W. I.), 342 -wheat, 1205, 1209, 1210 St. Gothard (Switzerland), fort., 1305· Russ. Turkestan, see under Turkestan St. Helena Island (Atlantic), 194 Ruthenia (Czecho-Slovakia.), 780 St. Helens, population, 18 -area and population, 782 St. Hilda's College, Oxford, 31 -- edura.tion, 782 St. Hugh's College, Oxford, 31 Rutla.ud (Vermont), 615 St. John (Antigua}, 339 Ryazan (Russia), 1197 ; town, 1199 St. John (Canada}, 281,309; pmt, 294 Rybinsk (Russia), 1200 St. John (Virgin Is., U.S.A.), 639, Ryburg (Switz.), salt mines, 1307 640 St. John's (Newfoundland), 329 SAA.DANI (Tanganyika.), 181 St. J oseph (Missouri), 453, 558 Basin, 828, 899 St. Kitts I. (W.I.), 338, 340 Saarbriicken (Germany), 901 St. Laurent-du-Maroni(F.Guia.), 892 Saaremaa-Oesel (Esthonia.), 1222 St. Louis (Mo. ), 453, 558, 560 Saba Island (Dutch W.l.), 1096 -- Federal Bank, 489 Saba.c (Serbia.}, 1247 St. Louis (Reunion), 878 Sabine (U.S.A.), port, 484 St. Louis (Senegal}, 881 Sabiyah (Asir), 1329 St. Lucia Island (W. I.), 34 2, 343 Sacavem (Portugal), 1171 St. Luiz (Brazil), 708 Sachsen (Prussia), 932 St. Marie Island (Madagascar), 873 Sacramenta (California), 453,501,502 St. Martin Is. (Cur&Qao), 1096 Sado Islands (Japan}, 1016, 1017 St. Martin Island (Gua.deloupe), 891 Sadong (Sarawak), wireless stn., 100 St. Martin-de-Re (France) prison, 835 Safed (Palestine), 1332 St. Mary Island (Gambia), 243 Saffi (Morocco), port, 1060, 1063 St. ltfary's Falls Ship Canal (U.S.A. ), Saga (Japan}, 1018 552 Sagallo (French Somali Coast), 878 St. Matthew Islands (Pacific), 413 Saginaw (Michigan}, 453, 551 St. Maurice (Switzerland), fort, 1305 Sahara, 856, 865, 879, 884, 887, 1008 St. Nazaire (France), 829; port 849 -Oases, 865 St. Nicolas (Belgium), 684 Saharanpur (India), 126 St. Ouen (France), 829 Sahel, the {Tunis), olives, 888 St. Paul (Minn.), 453, 553 Saiad race (Baluchistan), 159 St. Paul (Reunion), 878 Said, El ( F:gypt), 255 St. Petersburg, see Petrogra.d Saigon (Cochin-China) 859, 860, 861, Bt. Pierre Is. (France), 856, 857, 893 862, 863 St. Pierre (Reunion), 878 St. Andrews University, 30 31 St. Pierre Island (Seychelles), 196 INDEX 1463

    SAl SAN St. Quentin (Fmnce), 829 Salvador, ethnic elements, 1236 St. Salvador Island (W.I. ), 333 - finance, 1237 St. Thomas (Virgin Is., U.S.A.), 639, -gold, 1237 640 - illegitimacy, 1236 St. Thome Is. (P. W. Af.), 1174, 1175 -justice, 1236 St. Vincent Is. (W. I.), 342, 343 -- live stock, 1237 Saintes, Les, Is. (Guadeloupe), 891 - minerals, 1237 Saiyu (Abyssinia), 652 ·- ministry, 1238 Sakai (Japan), 1018 -money, weights, measures, 1238 Sakal (Senegal), 881 - ports, 1238 Sakalavarace (Madagascar), 873 - posts and telegraphs, 1238 Sakhalin (Japanese) 1017, 1035 - President, 1236 -Russian province, 1198 - production, 1237 Salamanca (Spain), 1264; town, 1265 - railways, 1238 -university, 1266 -religion, 1236 Salamis (Greece), 949 - rubber, 1237 Salde (Senegal), 881 - shipping, 1238 Salem (India), 126 - sugar, 1237 Salem (Mass.), 5!5 - tobacco, 1237 Salem (Oregon), 591, 592 - towns, 1236 Salerno (Italy), 984 ; town, 986 - university, 1236 Salford, population, 18 - wheat, 1237 Saliany (Caucasus), 1200 -·- wireless station, 1238 Salif (Yemen), salt mines, 1322 Hotlzburg (Austria), area & pop., 675 Salim ibn Mubarak (Koweit), 1329 Samann (S. Domingo), 12i0 Salisbury (Rhodesia), 202 s.~mara (Russia), 1197 Sale (Morocco), port, 1060 -town, 1199 Salonica (Greece), 945; town, 946, 947 Samarai (Papua), 409 -(Serbia), 1247; port, 1250 - wireless station, 410 Salote, Queen (Tonga), 434 Samarang (Java), 1089, 1090 Salt.'l (Argentina), 663, 702; tn., 664 Sarnarcand (R.-in-Asia), 1198, 1199; Saltillo (Mexico), 1047, 1048 town, 1200 Salt Lake City (Utah), 453, 612, 613 Samarra (Mesopotamia), 1330 Salto (Uruguay), 1338, 1340; tn., 1338 Samcre (Abyssinia), 652 Sa.ltpcnd (Gold Coast), 244 Samoa, Territory of Western, 411, Salt R. Valley dist.(Arizona), irrig.498 421, 429 j:lalvador, agrictllture, 1237 -administration, 411, 429, 430 - area and population, 1236 - area and population, 430 -army, 1237 -currency, 430 -banks, 1238 - education, 430 -births, deaths, marriages, 1236 -wireless stations, 430 - books of reference, 1239 Samoan Islands (American), 646, 64.7 -coffee, 1237 - naval station, 464, 647 -commerce, 1237 - wireless station, 64 7 - constitution aml government, 1236 Samoa (Greece), 945 -copper, 1237 Samshui (China), port, 739 -cotton, 1237 Samsun (Black Sea), 1219 -crops, 1237 Sanaa (Yemen), 1329 -debt, 1237 San Antonio (Texas), 453, 609 - defence, 1237 -port, 484 -diplomatic representatives, 1238 San Antonia de Ios Cobres (Arg.), 664 - earthquake, 1236 Sau Carlos ( Nic. ), wireless sta.., 1103 - education, 1236 San Carlos (Peru), 1148 U64 THE STATESMAN'S YF.AR-BOOK, 1920

    BAN BAN San Ca.rlos (Venezuela), 1345 Santa Barhara (Hond.), hats, 967 Sanchez (S. Domingo), 1240 Santa Ca.tharina {Brazil), 708,711,713 San Cristoba.l (Ecuador), 810 - Germans in, 713 San Uristobal (Venezuela), 1345 Santa Clara (Cuba), 775; town, 776 San Cristova.l Island (Pacific), 436 Santa Cruz (Argentina}, 664, 668 Sancti Spiritus (Cuba), 776 --(Bolivia),699,700,702;town,699 Sandakan (Borneo), 98 --- wireless station, 704 San Diego (California), 502, 503 -- (Canaries), 1265 Sandur (Madras}, state, 123 --Islands (Pacific}, 436 Sandusky (Ohio}, 586 Santa Cruz de Bravo (Mexico), 1047 Sandviken {Sweden), iron, 1290 Santa Elena !Ecuador), oil fieldij, 812 Sandwich Island (Pacific), 437 Santa Fe (Argentina), prov., 663,664, Sandwich Islands, su Hawaii 668; university, '665 Sandwich Islands (S. Atlantic), 323 - -(New Mexico), 573 San Felipe (Venezuela), 1345 Santa Isabel (Fernando Po), 1278 San Femando (Sp. ), wireless sta., 1271 Santa Martn (Colombia), 762, 764 SA.nFernando de Apure(Venez.), 1345 Santander (Colom.), provs., 762, 764 SanFemandodeAtapabo (Ven.),1345 - (Spain), prov., 1264, 1272 San Francisco (Cal. ), 501, 502, 503 -town, 1256; wireless station, 1276 - Federal Bank, 489 Santarem (Portugal), 1167 - trade and port, 482, 484, 504 Santa Rosa (Honduras), 965 San l!'rancisco de Macoris (Santo Santa Tecla (Salvador), 1238 Domingo), 1240 San Thome Is. (Port.), 1174, 1175 San l!'ructuoso (Uruguay), 1338 Santiago(Chile),prov., i27;town, 727 San Giovanni di Medua, 660, 661 -de Cuba, mines, 777 San Jose (Costa Rica), 769; tn., 770 -- port, 778; town, 776 -- de Guatemala, port, 959 - del Estero (Argentina), 663, 664 -- (Umguay), 1338 - (Panama), 1123 San Juan (Arg. ), 663 ; mines, 668 - (Spain), university, 1266 San Juan (Porto Rico), 637 Santiago de los Caballeros (S. Do m.), - naval station, 638 1240 San Juan del Norte (Nic.) port, 1102 Santa Quaranta (Albania), 661 - wireless station, 1103 Santo Domingo, 961, 964, 1239 San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua), 1101 - agriculture, 1241 -port, 1102 - area, population, 1240 Sankuru (Belgian Congo), 693 -bank, 1244 San Lorenzo (Honduras), 965 - books of reference, 1244 San Luis (Arg. ), 663 ; town, 664 - commerce, 1242 San Luis Potosi {Mex. ), 1047, 1048 -constitution and government, 1239 San Marino (Italy), 1005 - cocoa, 1242 San Miguel (Paraguay), copper, 1133 -constabulary, 1241 -- (Salvador), 1236 - cotton, 1242 San Pedro (Paraguay), 1131 -customs, 1241 San Pedro de llfacoris (S. Dom. ), 1240 - defence, 1232 - wireless station, 1243 -diplomatic representatives, 1244 San Pedro Sula {Honduras), 965 -education, 1241 San Remo, 1220 -ethnic elements, 1240 San Salvador (Brazil), 708 - finance, 1241 -- (Salvador), 1236 -justice, 1240 Sansanne·Mangu (Togoland),249,250 - money, weights, measures, 1243 San Sebastian (Spain), 1265 -posts an

    SAN 8.\¥ San to Domingo, railways, J 243 Saskatchewan, religion, 283 - religion, 1240 - rcprc~entation, 278, 279, 280, 320 - roads, 1243 - telephones, 322 - shipping, 12·13 -towns, 321 -sugar, 1241 - Uiliversity, 321 - tOb!lCCO, 1241 - wheat, 287, 321 -town, 1240, 1243 S:t~k!l.toon (Canada), 321 - towns, 1240 Sassrtndra (Ivory Coast), 882 -university, 1240 H>L~sari (It.), 984 ; tn., 986; uuiv., - wireless statious, 1243 988 Sao Luiz (Brazil), 708 ; tn, 708 Sa,~town (Liberia), 1.041 SiioPaulo(Brazil), 708,711 ;eoal,713; Hatnl Mare (Rumania.), 11881 coffee, 1712 ; eolonie,, 713 ; S:mlt Ste. Marie (Mich.), 551, 552 faculties, 709; railways, 715 ; ---- ship canal, 552 town, 708 Sanmur (Franco), 834 SantoPanlo doLoanda(P.W. A.), 11711 Savage Island (Cook Island), 428 Satoto TomaH (P.I.), univ., 642 Samii (Wcstem Samoa), 429, 430 Santos, Los (Panama), 1123 Sav:umah (G>t. ), 453, 518 Santuao (China), port, 739 -port, 519 San Vicente (Salvador), 1236 Su,vunmt l11 M:u (.Tamaioa), 336 Sapele (Nigeria), 241 Savusavu (Fiji), wireless station, Sapporo (.Japan), 1018 4.33 Saratoga Springs (N. Y.), 576 Saxe-Altenburg \Thuringia), 939 Saratov (Russia), 1198; town, 1199 Saxe-Mcillingcn (Thuringia), 939 -university, 1~01 Saxc- Weimar-Eisenach (Thuringia), Sarawak (Borneo), 99, 163 939 Sardinia, 984, 997, 998 ; defence, 993 Saxony, agriculture, 938 Sark and Brechou, population, 24 - >lt"eit aurl population, 898, 932, 937 -- government, 85 -hanks, 939 Snsebo (.Tap.), 1018; naval Hta., 1023; -·· births, maniages, deaths, 937 shipyard, 1024 -· books of rcfereuce, 939 Saskatchewan (C11uada), 278, 300 ---·· breweries & distilleries, 91 0, 939 - agriculture, 288, 321 ---·coal, 910, 938 - area and population, 281, 321 -· con~titution and government, 9:J6 -births, maniages, and deaths, 282 ---· erop~, 938 - books of reference, 322 --· d<·.ll1' 9:38 -coal, 321 ---divisions, 937 - commerce, 321 -- education, 937 - const. & gov., 278, 279, 280, 320 --- fi uancc, 938 -crops, 287, 288, 321 -- iron, 910 - dairy output, 321 -- .i ustice and crime, 938 - edu011tion, 283, 321 --- liv" stock, 909, 938 - fi111tnce, 285, 821 -- rnanufnctures, 910, 938 -- fisheries, 28\l, 321 --milling, 910, 9:38 - forests, 288 --- political parties, 986 -holdings, 287, 288 -- production aml industry, 938 - live stook, 321 -- religion, 937 - Illltlluf'acturos, 321 -- savi"J>gs banks, 939 - minerals, 290, 321 -· towm 937 - ministry, 321 -- unive;~ity, 908, 938 - political parties, 3 20 --- whmt, 1!38 - produetion and imlustry, 321 Saxouy (Prussian), area, &c., 932 - railways, 296, 322 S:~y (Fr. W. Africa), 88a, 885 H66 THE STATESMAN'8 YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    BAY SEN Sayaji Rao, Gaekwar, Baroda, 121 Scotland, forestry, 65 Sayam, se~ Siam - illegitimacy, 25 Sayid Asfendiar Khan (Khiva), 1218 ·-inhabited houses, 21, 47 Sayid-Mir-Alim Khan (Bokhara), -justice anrl crime, 36, 07 1216 -~ King, 3, 27 Saywolu (Liberia), 1041 - language, 14 Scapa Flow, 908 -local government, 12 Scarpanto (Aegean), 1010 -local taxation, 48, 50 SchafThausen (Switzerland), 1299, - national insurance, 38 1301 - occupations of the people, 22 Schaumbnrg-Lippe, 898, 939 -parish councils, 12 - area and population, 898, 939 -parliamentary representation, 6 Schelde, Western (Netherlands), - pauperism, 40, 41 defences, 1079 -police, 37 Schellenburg (Liechtenstein), 1044 -population, 13-15, 20-22 Schenectady (N. Y.), 453, 576 - - burghs, 22 Schiedam (Netherlands), 107 4 - - counties, 21 Schl csien, see Silesia - property assessed, 4 8 Schleswig, 792, 899 - railways, SO Schleswig-Holstein, 932 - religion, 28 Schouten Is. (New Guinea), 412 - revenue and expenditure, 46 Schwaben (Bavaria), 922 -universities, 30, 31 Schwarzbnrg-Rndolstadt, (Thnrin· - wheat, 61, 62 gia), 939 Scranton (Pennsylvania), 453, 595 Schwarz burg-Sonderhausen, ( T hnrin · Scrub forest, (B. E. Africa), 178 gia, 939 Scutari (Albanh1), 660 Schwarzwald (Wiirttemberg), 941 Seattle (Wash.), 453, 621, 623 Schweitz, see Switzedand - defence, 622 Schweitzerhalle (Switz. ), salt, 1307 Sebasteia, see Schwenningen (Wiirttemberg), 941 Sebastopol, 1199; harbour, 1203 Schwerin (Meck.-Schw.), 929 Se be le I I., B:ttawana chief, 200 Schwyz (Swiss canton), 1299, 1301 Sehoko Mukgosi, Barnaliti chief, 200 Scotland, agricultural holdings, 63 Seccondee (Gold Coast), 244 - agriculture, 60 sqq. Sedalia (l\I.issouri), 558 - area, 13, 60 sgq. Sedhiou (Senegal), 881 -banks, 83 Sefrou (l\Iorocco ), 1060 - -post-office, 81 Seghorue (Dahomey), 883 -births, marriages, and deaths, 25 Segou (French West Africa), 884 - books of reference, 89 Segovia (Spain), province, 1264 - burghs, 12, 22 Segow lie, Treaty of, 1068 -canals, 80 Seistan (Persia), 1141 - cities and towns, 22 Seh\ngor, 163, 168, 169, 171, 172 - councils, 12 Selukwe (Rhodesia), 202 - counties, 21 Semipalatinsk (H.-in-A.), 1198; tn., - criminals, 38 1200 - crops, 61, 62 Semiryechinsk (Rnssia-in-Asia), 1198 --- education, agricultural, 64 Sendai (.Tapan), 1018 --elementary, 32, 34 Sencgambia and Niger Ter. (Fr.), 884 - - finance of, 35 SCJwgal, 856, 857, 879, 830, 881 - - secondary, 32, 34 -banks, 882 -- -university, 30, 31 - ports, 882 -- electorate, 6 -river service, 881 - fisheries, 65 -troops from, 840 INDEX 1467

    BEN SHE Scnggora (Siam), wirclessstatn., 1259 Serbia, towns, 1247 Seoul (Korea), 1032, 1033 -university, 1248 Serae (Eritrea), 1006 - whcttt, 1249 Seraing (Belgium), 684 Serbia, Greater, 1246, 1247 Serbia, 1245, 1246 Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, New -agriculture, 1249 V nited Kingdom of, see J ugo• -area & pop., 1246, 1217 Slavia -army, 1249 Serena, La, see La Serena - - casualties, 1249 Sergipe (Bral (Port.), 1167; fishing, 1171 -commerce, 1250 Sevastopol, see Sebastopol -constitution and government, 1245 Sevi!la (Spain), prov., 1264, 1272 - copper, 1249 -town, 1265; university, 1266,1267 -debt, 1249 Scvchelles Islands, 196 - rlefence, 1249 flc),idie (British East Africa), 177 -departments, 1246, 1247 Seyyid Khalifa bin Harnb, Sultan -diplomatic representatives, 1251 (Zanzibar), 184 -education, 1248 Seyyi

    SHE !HK Shensi (China), 737, petroleum, 746 Siam, J,egislative Council, 1253 Sherbro Island (Sierra Leone), 247 - live stock, 1257 Sheridan (Wyoming) 6:10 - local government, 1253 Sherman (Texas), 609 - mines, 1257 s'Hertogenbosch (N ethcrlands), 107 4 -money, weights, measures, 1259 Sherwood (N. S. W. ), 362 - Monthons, 1253, 1254 Shetland Isles, area and pop., 21 -navy, 1256 Shiah sect (Bahrein), 97 -police, 1256 - (Persia), 1138 - posts and telegraphs, 1259 Shibln-el-Kom (Egypt), 255 - production and industry, 1257 Shidznoka (Japan), 1018 -provinces, 1253, 1254 Shigatze (Tibet), 7 53 - railways, 1258 Shikapur (India), 126 -reigning sovereign, 1253 Shikokn Is. (.Japan), 1016, 1017 -religion, 1255 Shimonoseki (Japan), 1017, 1018 -rice, 1257 Shintoism {Japan), 1019 -royal family, 1253 Shin-wi-ju (Korea), port, 1033 - rubber, 1257 Shlraz (Persia), 11as - savings bank, 1259 Shire Province (N yasaland), 193 - shipping, 1258 Shoa (Abyssinia), 651 - timber (teak), 1257, 1258 -race, 662 -tin, 1257 Sholapur (India), 126 -university, 1255 Shortland Island (Pacific), 436 - wireleos stations, 1259 Shreveport (Louisiana), 536 - wolfram, 1257 Shumla (Bulgaria), 720 Siauliai (Lithuania), 1231 Shuslm (Russia), 1200 Siberia, 1196, 1203 Sialkot (India), 126 - area and population, 1198 Siam, agriculture, 1 '257 - books of reference, 1215 -area and population, 1253 -education, 1201 -army, 1256 - govts. and provinces (old), 1198 -banks, 1259 - live stock, 1205 -books of rBference, 1260 -- towns, 1200 -boundaries, 1244, 1245 -university, 1201 - Cabinet, 1253 Sibi (Haluchistan), 157, 158 --ceded territory, 169, 859, 1254 Sibin (Rumania), 1188 -Chinese in, 1254 Sibu (Sarawak), 99 ; wireless station, -coal, 1257 100 - commerce, 1257 Sicily, 984, 997, 998 -debt, 1256 Sidi-bel-Abbes (Algeria), 866 - defence, 1256 Sidi Mohamed (Bey, Tunis), 886 -diplomatic representatives, 1260 Siecke (French Guinea), gold, 882 - divisions, 1253, 1254 Siem Rap (Siam), 1254 - education, 1255 Siena (Italy), 983; tn., 986 ; univ., - emigration and immigration, 1254 988 -finance, 1255 Sierra Leone, 238, 24 7, 879, 1040 -foreign advisers, 1254, 1255, 1256 --palm oil trade, 247 - forests, 1257 -- Protectorate, 238, 248 - forts, 1257 Signakh (Georgia), 1226 - fruit, 1257 Siguiri (F'rench Guinea), 882 -government, 1253 Sikasso (Fr. W. Africa), 885 -- local, 1253 Sikhs (Balnchistan), 159 - irrigation, 1257 -{India), 117, 127 - King, 1253 Sikkim, 121, 127, 161, 753 INDEX 1469

    sn, SOJ\I Silesia (Czecho-Slov. ), area & pop., Skobelev (Russia-in-Asia), 1200 782, 784, 899 Skoplje or Uskub (Serbia}, 1247 ; -coal, 785 town, 1247 -crops, 785 SknpRhtina (1\Iontenegro), 1056 - districts, 781 - (Serbia), 1246 - education, 783 Skypanie, see Albania - minerals, 785 Slavonia, see Uroatia-Slavonia -production and industry, 784 Slivno (Bulgaria), 720 Silesia (Plebiscite area), 899, 1159, Slovakia (Ozecho.Slovakia) 1160, 1163 - agriculture, 784, 785 Silesia (Prus~ia), 932, 1159 -area and populatiou, 781, 782, - area & population, 932 784, 785 -manufactures, 910 -crops, 785 -mines, 910 - education, 782 - religion, 933 - minerals, 785 Siliguri (India), 753 - occupations of people, 784, 785 Silhouette Island (Seychelles), 196 --representation, 781 Simbirsk (Russia), 1198; town, 1199 Slovenia (J ngo-Slavia), 1246 Simferopol, 1199 Smederevo (Serbia), dept., 1247 Simi (Aegean), 1010 i Smethwick, population, 18 Simpson Harbour (Pacific), 413 Smolensk (Russia), 1198 ; town, Sinai (Egypt), 254 1199 Sinaloa (Mexico), state, 1047 Smyrna, 1315, 1~20; tu., 945, 948 Sind (India), area & pop., 120, 137 - flour milling, 1321 - forests, 138 - mines, 1322 -justice, 130 - railway, 1324 -land revenue, 137 - tramways, 1324 --tenure, 137 , Sobhuza, chief, Swaziland, 205 -trade, 143, 145 Sobranje (Bulgaria), 719 Singa (A.-K Sudan), 270 Social Insurance (Netherlands), 1077 Singapore, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167 Society Islands (Fr. Oceania), 895 Singora (Siamese), 1253 Socorro Island (Uruguay), 1338 Sinjrini, Westem (IIaluch. ), 157 So

    SOM sou Somaliland, French, 856, 857, 878; South Australia, Governor, 388 troops from, 840 - inhabited houses, 346 -Italian, 270, 995, 1007 -justice and crime, 390 - Protectorate (Brit.), 197, 270 - live stock, 391 Sombrero Island (W. I.), 338, 340 -local government, 389 Somerville College, Oxford, 31 - manufactures, 391 Somerville (Mass.), 453, 545 -minerals, 391 Somoto (Nicaragua), 1101 - ministry, 388 Sonderhausen (Thuringia), 940 -money and credit, 357, 392 Sondrio (Italy), 982; town, 986 - old-age, invalidity, & war p'sions, Songchin (Korea), port, 1033 390 Sonora (Mexico), state, 1047 - posts, 356, 391 Sonsonate (Salvador), 1236 - production and industry, 391 Soochow (China), port, 739 -railways, 356, 392 Sophia Island (Pacific), 435 - religion, 390 Sopron (Hungary), 972 - representation, 345, 388 Sor hills (Baluch.), coal in, 159 -roads, 392 Sorbonne (Paris), 834 -sheep, 391 Soria (Spain), province, 1264 -shipping, 355, 392 Soriano (Uruguay), 1338 -tramways, 392 Sormovo (Russia), 1200 -university, 390 Si:ir Trondelag (Norway), 1107 -wheat, 391 Sosnowiec (Poland), 1159 -wine, :l91 Sotchi (Georgia), 1224 ; town, 1225 -wool, 891 South Africa (British), see Basuto- -See also Australia, Commonwealth of land, Bechuanaland, Cape Colony, South Bend (Indiana), 453, 526 Natal, Orange Free State, Rhode• South Carolina, agric., 469, 602 sia, Swaziland, Transvaal, &c. - area and population, 449, 467, 601 --Union of (q.v.), 207 -banks, 603 South African Col!., Cape Town, 211 - books of reference, 603 Southampton, 18 ; col!., 30 ; port, 80 - charity, 602 South Australia, aborigines, 389 - constitution and government, 601 - Advisory Board of Science and - cotton, 469, 602 Industry, 391 -debt, 602 - agriculture, 3 91 - education, 601 - Agent-General, 389 - finance, 602 - area and population, 346, 389 - fisheries, 602 -banks, 357, 392 - forests and timber, 602 - births, marriages, deaths, 34 7, 389 - Germans in, 601 - hooks of reference, 392 -gold, 602 - Chinese in, 389 - live stock, 602 - commerce, 353, 392 - manufactures, 602 -constitution & govt., 344,345,388 -mills, 603 - copper, 391 - mining, 602 -crops, 391 - naval station, 463 -debt, 391 -port, 484 - defeuce, 348 -production and industry, 602 - Department of Chemistry, 391 - railways, 603 -education, 390 - religion, 601 -factories, 392 -representation, 445, 601 - finance, 390 -rice and tobacco, 469, 470, 602 -fruit culture, 391 - shipping, 484 -gold, 391 -towns, 601 INDEX 1471

    SOli SPA South Caroliua, university, 601 Spuin, army, colonial, 1062, 1269 -wheat, 602 -- banks, 1276 South Dakota, agriculture, 605 ·- births, marriages, and deaths, 1265 -- are11 and population, 449, 467, 604 --Looks of reference, 1278 -banks, 605 -coal, 1272 - books or reference, 606 -colonies, &c., 1264, 1265, 1277 - constitution and government, 603 - commerce, 1272 - education, 604 - Congress, 1262 - finance, 605 - constitution, 1262 - forestry and timber, 472, 605 - copr1er, 1272 -- Germans in, 601 -- Cartes, 1262 -gold, 605 - crops, 1271 - Indian reservations, 604 - customs, 1273 - live stock, 605 -debt, 1268 - manufactures, 605 - defence, 1268 - milling, 605 - diplomatic representatives, 1277 - mining, 605 -dockyard, 1270 -- paupers, 605 -- educ.ation, 1266 - protluction and industry, 605 - emigration, 1265 -public land, 467 - f:wulties, 1267 - railways, 605 - finance, 1268 - religion, 604 - fiHheries, 1272 - representation, 445, 603 - forts, 1270 - telegraphs and telephones, 605 --fruit, 1271 -towns, 604 - govemment, central, 1262 - university, 604 ·- - local, 1263 -wheat, 605 - iron, 68, 1272, 1274 - woman ~uffrage, 603 - j11stiee and crime, 1267 --wool, 005 - King, 4, 1261 Southend-on-Sea, population, 18 - li l'e stock, 1272 South Georgia (S. At !an.), 323 - local government, 1263 -- scaling, 324 -manufactures, 1272 --whaling, 323 -mercantile navy, 127 4 South Holland, province, 1073, 1081 - minerals, 1272 South Island (New Zealand), 416, 417 - ministry, 1263 South Orkneys (S. Atlantic), 323 -money and credit, 1276 South Pacific JR. (N. 1':. ), 416, 428 - money, weights, measures, 1276 Southport, population, 18 -navy, 1270 South Sea Islanders, 421 -occupations of people, 1271 South Shetlands (S. Atlantic), 323 - old age pensions, 1267 South Shields, population, 18 - platinum, 1272 South- West Africa (Protcc:t.), 286 -political parties, 1263 - area and population, 236 - ports, 127 4 - finance, 237 - posts and telegraphs, 127 5 -live stock, 2!37 - production and industry, 1271 -· minemls, 237 - provinces, 1264 -ports, 237 --railways, 1275 - milways, 237, 238 - reigning sovereign, 4, 1261 - telegraphs, 238 - religion, 1265 Spain, agriculture, 1271 -· representation, 1262 - area and population, 1264, 1271 - royal family, 4, 1261 -- army, 1268 - Senate, J 262 -- aeronautic branch, 1269, 1270 - shipping and navigation, 1274 1472 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR.-IIOOK, 1920

    SPA STR Spain, silk, 1271 Staryi-Marghelan (R. -in-Asia), 1200 -sovereigns since 1512, 1262 State Barge Canal (N. Y. ), 579 - sugar, 1271 Stavanger"(N orway), 1108 -telephones, 1275 -wireless station, 1117 - textiles, 1272 Stavropol (Russia), 1198; town, 1200 - towns, 1265 Stawell (Victoria), 37 4 - universities, 1266 Steierrnark, see Styria -wheat, 1271 Stellenboseh Univ. (S. Afr.), 211 - , 1271, 1274 Steppes (Hussian), area & pop., 1198 -wireless stns., 1270, 1271, 1275, Stettin (Pruss. ), 784, 900 1276 Stcubenville (Ohio), 586 -wolfram, 1272 Stevcns Point (\Vis.), 627 Spandau (Prussia), 901 Stewart Island (N. Zealand), 416, 417 Spanish Africa, 1265, 1277, 1278 Stewart Sound (Andamans), 162 -Guinea, 1277, 1278 Stiavnica (Czecho-Slovakia), 782 -Zone (Morocco), 1060, 1061, 1062, Stip (Serbia), dept., 1247; tn., 1247 1064, 1065, 1066, 1269 Stockholm (Sweden), 1283, 1284 Spanish Town (Jamaica), 336 - local goveTnment, 1281, 1282 Spark (Nevada), 566 --port, 1293; universities, 1284 Sparta (Greece), 947 Stockport, population, 18 Spartanburg (South Carolina), 601 Stockton-nn-Tees, population, 18 Speiden Island (Pacific), 435 Stoke-on-Trent, population, 18 Speightstown (Barbados), 334 Straits Settlements, area & pop., 163 Speyer (Bavaria), 923 -banks, 167 Spczia (Italy), forts., 993, 995 - oirths and deaths, 164 - torpedo station, 995 -books of reference, 174 Spitsbergen 1 area, 1118 "- Chinese in, 164 -coal, 1118, 1119 - commerce, 165 -government, 1118 -communications. 167 -minerals, 1118, 1119 -constitution and government, 163 -wireless station, 1117, 1119 -- currency, 167 Spokane (Wash.), 453, 621, 622 -customs valuation, 165 Sporadi Is. (Aegean), 1010 -debt, lfi5 Springficld (Illinois), 453, 522, - dependEmcies, 163, 168 523 - education, 164 Springfield (Mass.), 453, 545 -excise duties, 165 Sp1ingfield (Miss.), 558 -exports and imports, 165, 166,167 Springfield (Ohio), 586 - finance, 165 Srinagar (Kashmir), 126 --Governor, 163 Ssuchiian, Western, 753 -immigration, 164 Starnbul, see Constantinople -justice and crime, 164 Starnford (Connecticut), 508 - military expenditure, 165 Stampolia (Aegean), 1010 --money, weights, meastues, 167,168 Stanislawow (Poland), 1160 - posts and telegraphs, 167 Stanley (Falkland Islands), :323 - railways, 167 Stanley Falls ( Bergian Congo), 695 -rubber, 166 Stanley Pool (Belgian Congo), 695 -shipping, 167 Stanleyvillc (Belg. Congo), 693 -tin, 166, 167 -wireless station, 696 - Sec al,qo Malay States, Federated Stara Zagora (Bulgaria), 720 Strassbourg, 829 Starlmck Island (Pacific), 436 - fort, 839 ; university, 833 Stargard (Meck.-Str.), 930 Streator (Ill.), 523 Starkenburg provinee (Hesse), 927 Strumnitza (Serbia), 719 INDEX 1473

    l!!'fU SWE Stuttgart (Wurttemberg), 900, 941, Sverige, see Sweden. 942 Svizzera, see Switzerland. Styria (Austria), area anJ. pop., 675, Swahili race and language, 177, 693 676 Swakopmund (S. W. Africa), 237 Suabia (Bavaria), 922 Swansea, population, 19; port, 67, 80 Suakin (A.-E. Sudan), 270 Swat, 122, 656 Snarez, port, 702; wireless stn., 704 Swatow (China), port, 739 Suchava (Rumania), dept., 1186 Swaziland (South Africa), 205 Sucre (Bolivia), 699, 700; univ., 700 Sweden, agriculture, 1289 -(Venezuela), state, 1345 - area and population, 1282 Sudan, see An:;tlo- Egyptian -army, 1287 Sudan (French), 879 - banks, 1294 Suez, 254,255; tn. & pt., 254,255,265 - births, marriages, & deaths, 1284 Suez Basin, 265 -books of reference, 1296 Suez Canal, 254, 255, 265, 266 -- budget, 1286 - - shares, 43, 49 - canals, 1294 Suez Road, 265 -coal, 1290 Suigen (Korea), 1032 - commerce, ,1291 Snisse, sM Switzerland. - constitution, 1281 Sukhum (Georgia), 1198,1224; town, - copper, 1290 1200, 1225 - Council of State, 1281, 1282 Snleimanie (Mesopotamia), 1330 - crops, 1290 Sulina (Rumania), 1192 - customs valuation, 1292 Snltanabad (Persia), carpets, 1141 -debt, 1287 Sulu Islands (Philippines), 641 - defence, 1287 Sumatra (D. E. I.), 1087, 1088 -Diet, 1281 -coal, 1092 - diplomatic representatives, 1296 -tobacco, 1092 - divisions, 1283 Summerside (Prince Edward Is.), 317 - education, 1284 Sumy (Russia), 1199 -emigration, 1284 Sunda Is. (Dutch East Indies), 1087 -ethnic elements, 1283 Sunday Island (New Zealand), 428 - farms, 1288 Sunderland, pop., 19; port, 67, 80 - finance, 1285 Sundsvall (Sweden), 1284 --local, 1207 Sungai Ujong (Malay), 168, 169 - foreigners, 1283 Snni or Snnni (sect), (Bahrein), 97 - forests, 1291 - (Baluchistan), 159 -Germans in, 1283 -(Morocco), 1061 -gold, 1290 - (Persia), 1138 -government, central, 1281 - (Turkey), 1318 --local, 1282 -- (Zanzibar), 185 - govornments, 1283 Snnyaui (Ashanti), 246 -import duties, 1292 Superior (Wisconsin), 627 - industries, 1290, 1291 13ur (Oman), 1122 - iron, 1290 Surat (India), 126 -justice and crime, 1285 Surinam (D. W. In dies), 126, 1094 -King, 1280 Snva (Fiji), 431; wireless station, - landc and house property, 1287 432 - Landstings, 1281, 1282 Suvalki (Lithuania), 1230, 1231; -- live stock, 1290 town, 1231 - local finance, 1287 Suwarrow Is. (N.Z. ), 428 - - government, 1282 Sveaborg (Finland), 817 - mercantile marine, 1293 1474 TH.E STATESMAN'S YEAR-WJ>OK, 1920

    SWE SYR Sweden, mines and minerals, 1290 Switzerland, Federal Conucil, 1299 - ministry, 1281 - finance, 1304 -money and credit, 1294 I - foreign;Jrs, 1301 - money, weights, and measures, - forestry, 1306 1295 -fortresses, 1305, 1306 -navy, 1289 -Germans in, 1301 -paper & pulp, 1291, 1292, 1293 - governwent, central, 1298 - pauperism, 1285 - - local 1300 - political parties, 1282 - illegitir~acy, 1301 - ports, 1293 - insurance, 1304 - posts and telegraphs, 1294 --justice and crime, 1303 - production and inuustry, 1289 - languages, 1301 -railways, 1294 -live stock, 1306 -reigning king, 1280 -local government, 1300 - religion, 1284 -- manufactures, 1307 -representation, 1281, 1282 -- mining, 1307 - royal family, 3, 1280 - ministry, 1300 - shipping and navigation, 1293 - money and credit, 1309 - sovereigns since 1521, 1280 - money, weights, measures, 1309 - steel, 1290 - Nationalrat, 1298, 1299 -telephones, 1294 - piscicnlture, 1307 -timber and woodwork, 1291, 1293 -political parties, 1299 - towns, 1284 -posts and telegraphs, 1044, 1308 - universities, 1284 - President, 1300 - wheat, 1290 - production ~tnd industry, 1306 -wood-pulp, 1291, 1292, 1293 -railways, 1308 Swift Current (Canada), 321 -religion, 1302 Swindon, population, 19 - representation, 1298, 1299, 1300 Switzerland, agriculture, 1306 -salt, 1307 - area and population, 1300 - social insurance, 1304 -army, 1305 - Stanrlerat, 1298, 1299 - banks, 1309 -telephones, 1309 -bee-keeping, 1307 - towns, 1302 - births, marriages, & deaths, 1301 - univenities, 1298, 1303 - books of reference, 1310 - watches and clocks, 1307 - breweries, 1307 - water traffic, 1308 - Bundesrath, 1299 - wine, 1306 - cantons, 1299, 130 Sydney (N.S.\Vales), banks, 357 - cheese, 1306 -mint, ;l57, 370 - commerce, 1307 - naval c;tation, 349, 366 - condensed milk, 1306 -population, 362 - constitution, 1298 - port, and shipping, 355 -customs treaty, 1044 --university, 364 -customs valuation, 1308 Sydney (Nova Scotia), 311 -debt, 1305 Sydney Island (Pacific), 435 - defence, 1305 Sydproven (Greenland), 801 - diplomatic representatives, 1310 Syed Alwi, ruler, Perlis, 173 - divorces, 1301 Syra (Greece), 946 - education, 1302 Syracuse (New York), 453, 576 -embroidery, 1307 Syracuse (Sicily), see Siracusa - emigration, 1302 Syr Daria (R.-in-A,), prov., 1198 - Federal As;oembly, 1299 Syria, 1314, 1316, 1336 INDEX 1475

    8YZ TAB Syzran (Russia), 1199 Tamatave (Madagasear), 873, 875 Szabadka (Hungary), 972 'l'amaulipns (Mexieo), state, 1047 Szechwan(Chiua), prov., 737; tea, 745 'l'ambov (!tussia), 1198 ; town, 1199 Szeged (Hungary), 970, 972 '!'ami! race (Ceylon), 102, 103 Szt\kesfehervar (Hungary), 972 'l'anuuerfors (Finland), 817 Szckler race (Rumania), 1187 'l'ampa (Florida), 515, 516 Szemao (China), port, 739 'l'am1wre, see 'l'ammerfors Szentes (Hungary), 972 Tampieo (Mexico), port, 1051 Szombathely (Hungary), 972 '1\unpiu (Malay State), 167 Tamworth (New South Wales), 362 'J'anala. race (Madagascar), 873 Tanala.nd (British East Africa), 179 'J'andil (Argentina), 661 TABASCO (Mexico), state, 1047 'l'anga (Tanganyika), 181 Tabou (Ivory Coast), 882 'l'augnuika (Belgian Cougo), 693 Tabla>l, Las (Panama), 1123 Tanganyika Thaa Island (French Oceania), 895 Tangier (Morocco), 1060, 1061, 1063 Tahiti Is. (French Oceania), 857, 895, - wireless station, 1065 896 'l'anjore (India), 126 Taichu (Formosa), 1034 'l'anna Island (Pacific), 437 'l'aihoku (Formosa), 1034 1 Tauta (Egypt), 254, 255 ; mosque, Tainan (Formosa), 1034 256 'l'aipa Island (Macao), 1174 Taofahi I.sland (Pacific), 434 Taireud, see Dairen •raoism (China), 739 Taiwan, see Formosa, 1017, 1034 'l'apaneeli (Sumatra), 1088

    'l"ai·yuan (Ohina), 736 1 'l'apiteuea Island (Pacific), 436 T{tjik race (Afghanistan), 657 Tarannki district (N. Z. ), 417 Tajumh (French Somali Coast), 878 Taranehi race (China), 754 Taka (Bhutan), 698 'l':iranto (Ita,ly), fort, 993, 995 Takamatsu. (Japan), 1018 ---- torpedo st<>tioB, 9g5 Takaoka (Japan), 1018 'L':uapa.c:i (Chile), /26, 727, 730, 1148 Takasaki (JapaiJ ), 1018 Tamwa hbnd (l'acillc), 436 Tttkata (Japan), 1018 Tarija (Bolivia), 699 ; towu, 700 Talca (Oltile}, prov., 727; town, 727 'l'armgona (Spain), province, 1264 Talcahuano (Chile), 7'1.7 ; wireless i Tarp,l>or!! (Norway), 1108 station, 732 'l'artars (Armenia), 1219 'l'a!Hin-wan, 738, 752, 1017 Tartn (Esthonia), 1222 Tallahassee (Florida), 514, 515 'l'a8hi Namgyal, rnler (Sikkim), 161 'l'allinn (Esthonia), 1222 'l'ashkllnt (R.·in·Asia), 1200 'l'altal (Chile), 731 Tasichozong (Bhutan), 698 Tamale (West Africa), 246 Ta~mania, Agent-General, 402 Tamaua Island (Pacific), 436 -agriculture, 404, 405

    5 B 2 H76 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-:BOOK, 1920

    TA8 TEP '!'asmania, area and population, 346, Tawilah Island (Persian Gulf), 1121 402 Ta-yeh (China), iron, 746 -banks, 357, 406 Tchermnitchka Nahie (Montenegro), -births, marriages, deaths, 347, 403 vim:s, 1057 - books of reference, 406 Tchiaturi (Georgia), mines, 1226 -coal, 405 Tecuchiu (Rumania), dept., 1186 - commerce, 355, 405 Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 965, 966 -constitution and govt., 344, 345, Tehan (Persia), 1138, 1139, 1140, 401 1141 - copper, 405 Tehri (India), state, 123 -debt, 404 'l'ela (Honduras), 965, 968 - defence, 348 Tela vi (Georgia), 1226 - education, 403 'l'elemark (Norway), 1107 - emigration and immigration, 408 Teleorman (Rumania), dept., 1187 - finance, 404 Tembuland (Cape Colony), 223 - fruit culture, 405 Temir-Khan-Shura (Caucasus), 1200 - gold, 405, 406 Temuco (Chile), 727 - horticulture, 405 Tenedos Island (Aegean Sea), 945,1315 - Governor, 402 'l'eneriffe, wireless station, 1275 - inhabited houses, 346 Tenguel dist. (Ecuad. ), rubber, 812 -justice and crime, 403 Tengyueh (China), port, 739 - live stock, 405 Tennessee, agriculture, 470, 607 - mines and minerals, 405 - area and population, 449, 467, 606 - ministry, 402 -banks, 608 - money and credit, 357 - books of reference, 608 - occupations of the people, 403 -coal, 608 - old age, war, invalidity pens., 404 -constitution and government, 606 -pauperism, 404 - copper, 608 - political parties, 402 -cotton, 470, 607 -port, 355 -debt, 607 -production and industry, 404 - education, 607 -railways, 356 - finance, 607 - religion, 403 - forests, 4 72, 608 - representation, 345, 401, 402 -fruit, 607 - snings banks, 406 - Germans in, 606 -sheep, 405 - live stock, 608 - shipping, 355, 406 - manufactures, 608 - timber, 404 -maize, 607 - tin, 405, 40!5 - mining, 608 -towns, 403 - paupers and prisoners, 607 - university, 403 - production and industry, 607 -wheat, 405 - railways, 608 -wool, 405 - religion, 607 - See also Australia, Commonwealth -representation, 445, 606 Tatungkau (China), 752 - river nMigation, 608 Tau Island (Samoa), 646 -tobacco, 470, 60i 'l'aui Island (Pacific), 413 -towns, 606 Taunton 1Massachusetts), 545 - universities, 607 Taurida, 1198 -wheat, 607 'l'avet~o forest (B. E. Africa), 178 -wool, 608 Taveuni (Fiji), wireless station, 43[! Tenno (Emperor) of Japan, 1014 Tavira (Portugal), 1167 TepM race ·(Bhutan), 697 INDEX 1477

    TEP TOB Tepic (Mexico), town, 1047 Thies (Senegal), 881 Teramo (Italy), 983; town, 986 Thionville (France), fort., 839 Terek, 1196, 1198 'l'hraco (Greece), 719, 945, 1315 Ternate (Dutch East Indies), 1088 Three Kings Is. (Pacific), 428 Terre Haute (Indiana), 453, 526 Three Rivers (Quebec), 319 Terdtoire de Commandement (Al- Thurgau (Swiss canton), 1299, 1301 geria), 865 Thnringia, area and population, 939 Teruel (Spain), province, 1264 - component states, 939 'l'eschen (plebiscite area), 781, 1159 - Government, 940 -religion, 1160 -manufactures, 910 Teso district (Uganda), 182 -towns, 940 Tessin, see Ticino 'l'iberius (Palestine), 1332, 1333; Tete (Port. E. Af.), 1177; coal, 1177 springs, 1334 Tetovo (Serbia), dept., 1247; town, 'l'ibesti (Fr. W. Africa), 879 1247 Tibet, 7 43, 7 53, 7 59 Tetuan (Mo1·occo), 1060,1063; troops, 'l'ichit (Fr. W • .Africa), 885 1269 Tieino (Swiss canton), 1299, 1301 -wireless station, 1270 Tiehling (Manchuria), 752 Texas, agriculture, 469, 610 Tientsin (China), 737, 1010; port, -- area and population, 450, 467, 609 749 - books of reference, 612 -university, 741 -coal, 611 Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), 6G4 - commerce, 611 -(Chile), 727 -constitution and government ..- 608 'l'iflis (Georgia), 1198 ; town, 1200, - cotton, 469, 610 1218, 1223, 1224, 1225; univ., -debt, 610 1225 - edncation, 609 T!ger Is. (Honduras), 965 - fiuance, 610 Tigre (Abyssinia), 651 - Germans in, 609 -race, 652 -irrigation, 610 Tihnafu (China), 754, 755 - live stock, 611 'l'ilburg (Netherlands), 1074 -manufactures, 611 Tim language ('l'ogoland), 250 - mining, 611 Timaru (New Zealand), 417 - natural gas, 611 Timbuktu (Fr. W.A. ), wireless stat'11, - paupers & prisoners, 610 884 - petroleum, 611 'l'imisoara (Rumania), 1188 - port, 482, 484, 611 Timok (Serbia), dept., 1247 - production and industry, 610 Timor (Dutch East Inrlies), 1088 - quicksilver, 611 -(Portuguese), 1174, 1175 - railways, 611 Tinkisso river (F. Guinea), gold, 882 - religion, 609 Tinputz (Solomon Is.), 414 -representation, 445, 609 Tirana (Albania), 660 -rice, 469, 610 'l'iraspol (Russia), 1200 -river traffic, 612 Tirnoular (French India), 858 -towns, 609 'l'irnovo (Bulgaria), district, 720 - universities, 610 Tironbouvane (French India), 853 -wheat, tobacco, 469, 470, 610 'l'ivaonane (Senegal), 881 - woman suffrage, 608 Tkhibnli (Georgi11), mines, 1226 -wool, 611 Tlaxcala (Mexico), ~tate, 1047 'l'heodosia, 1199 Tlem<;en (Alge:ria), 866 Therezina (Brazil), 708 'l'obago (W. I ), 333, 340, 342 Thessaly (Greece), 945, 947, 950 Tobolsk (Siberifl), 1198 ; town, 1200 1478 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    TOO THE Tocopilla (Chile), 730 Townsville (Queensland), 382 Togoland, 238, 249, 857, 885 'l'oyama (Japan), 1018 - administration, 249, 885 Toyohashi (Japan), 1018 - area an(l population. 249, 885 Tralleborg (Sweden), 1284 - posts and telegraphs, 250 'l'mnsbaikalia (Siberia), 1198 - production, 250 Tmns-Balkan Railwuy, 661 -race, 250 Transcaspian (Russia), 1198 -railways, 250 'l'ranscaucasia 1198 ; cotton, 1206 - rclirrion 250 TranscaucMian Republic, 1218, 1219, Tohok~ U1;iversity (Japan), 1019 1221, 122~) Tokar dist.( A.. E. Sudan), cotton, 272 'l'ranskoi (Cape Colony), 223 Tokelau Islands (Pacific), 435 Transvaal, Province of, 229 Tokio or 'l'okyo, 1018; univ., 1019 - Administrator, 230 Tokushima (Japan), 1018 -agriculture, 215, 232 'l'oledo (Ohio), 453, 586 - area and population, 209, 230 Toledo (Spain), province, 1264 -births, deaths, mat-riages, 230 Tolima (Colombia), 762; gold, 764 - books of referencfJ, 232 Toluca (Mexico), l 047, 1048 -coal, 218 Tomsk(Siberia), 1198; tn., 1200 - commerce, 232 - uuiversitv, 1201 - constitution & govt., 207,208, 230 Tonga Islands (Pacific), 344, 434 - diamouds, 217 'l'ongareva I. (Cook Islands), 428 -education, 211, 212, 231 Tongatabu Island (Pacific), 434 - estimates, 231 Tongsa (Bhutan), 698 -factories, 216, 232 Tongsa Penlop (title), (Bhutan), 698 - finance, 231 'l'onk (India), 122, 123 - gold output, 217 Tonkin~, 856, 859, 862 - language, 231 Tiinsberg (Norway), 1108; fort, 1111 - live stock, 232 'l'oowoomba (Queensland), 383 - local government, 208, 230 Topeka (Kansas), 530, 531 -mining, 217, 218 Toplica (Serbia), dept., 1247 -production and industry, 232 Tor (Egypt), port, 265 - Provincial Council, 208 Torino, see Turin -railways, 220 'l'om (Uganda), 182 - religion, 230 Toronto (Canada), 281, 314 port, - representation, 207, 208 294 - stock-raising, 232 - unive"ity, 283, 314 - tobacco, 232 Torrington (Con.), 508 -towns, 230 Tortoise Islands, see Galapagos - university college, 212 Tortola Island (West Indies), 340 Transylvania (Rumania), 1185, 1186, Tonm (Poland), 1161 ; fort, 1162 1187 Tosk race (Albania), 660 Trapani (Italy), 984 ; town, 986 Totonicapan (Guatemala.), 956 Trarza (French West Africa), 885 Tr,ttori (Japan), 1018 Tras os Montes (Portugal), 1167 Touggout (Algeria), 865 Travancore (India), 120, 123 ; tea, 139 Ton! (France), fortress 840 Traverse (Mich. ), 551 Tonlon, 829 ; forts, 840, 842 Treasury Ishnd (Pacific), 436 Toulouse, 829 ; univ., 833 'l'rebizond, 1219, 1330; town, 1316 Tourane (Annarn ), port, 859, 861 Treinta-y-Tres (Uruguay), 1338 Tonrcoing (France), 829 Trengganu (Malaya), 172, 174, 1254 'l'ournai (Belgium), 684 Trenton (N. Jersey), 453, 570, 571 Tours (France), 829 'l'reviso (Italy), 983; town, 986 INDRX 1479

    TRE TUR Trevna (Bulgaria), coal mines, 723 'l'm·upita (Vcne.znel:>.), 1345 Tribhnbana Bir Bikram (Nepal). 1068 Tnghina (l:lnmania), 1188 'l'richinopoly (India), 126 Tnh (Itussia), 1198; town, 11~9 Trikkala (Greeee), 945; town, 94G 'l'nln~i (Pacific), 436 Trinidad (Bolivia), 699, 700 Tnldn (Eeua ior), 810 - wireless station, 704 i Tnlc:ca (Hnmania), gchiangtzu (Manchuria), 752 - -- Hartford (Conu. ), 508 TuHghi Bay (Zanzibar), 184 Tripoli (Italian Africa), 1008 Tungurahua ( ~~cmulor), prov., 810 Tripolitania (Italian Africa), lOOS Tnuis, 856, 886 Tripolitsa (Greece), 946 --- agl'iculture, 888 Tristan da Cunha Ts. (Atlantic), 195 -·- are~ and population, 856, 887 Trivandrum (India), 126 -army, 840, 888 Trois Freres Ishtnd (Mamitius), 192 --· h:wks, 890 'l'roitsk (Russia), 1200 -Bey, 886 Trollhattan (Sweden), 1284 - books of reference, 890 'l'roms (Norway), province, 1107 -- boundaries, 887 Trcindelag, Nord (Norway), 1107 - c:tnal, 887 - Sor, 1107 -city, 887 'Prondhjem {Norway), 1108; port, 1116 -.commerce, 889 Tray (New York), 453, 576 ~-- consular repre.sm1tatives, 890 Troyes (France), 829 -debt, 888 Trujillo (Hondur:>s), 965, 968 - erg), 941 ; univ. Tmrahim, Regent (Kedah), 173 Tucopia Island (Pacific), 43() Turbat (Baluchistan), 158 '£ucson (Arizona), 497 'J'urgai (Steppe<), 1198 'l'ucuman (Argentina), proviuec, 66t. Turin ('l'orinu) (Italy), 982, 987 -town, 664; university, 665 --· .. town, 985 ; unive<·si ty, 988 1480 'fHE STATESMAN'S l"EAR-BOOK, 1920

    TUR UDD Turkana district (Uganda), 182 Turkey, religion, 1316 Turkestan (Chinese), 754 - royal family, 1312 Tmkestan (Russian), 1198 -salt, 1322 Turkey, agriculture, 1321 - , 1314 -arbitration, 1330 ---shipping and navigation, Jd3 -area and population, 1314 sqq. -silk, 1821 -army, 1319 - sovereigns from 1299, 1312 -bank, 1324 -Sultan, 1312 - books of reference, 1326 -territory lost, 1010, 1218. 1 t19, - calendar reform, 1326 1315 -Capitulations, 1314 - textiles, 1322 -ceded territory, 1010, 1315 - tobacco, 1321 -- coal, 1322 - towns, 1316 -- coffee, 1321 - tramways, 1324 - commerce, 1322 -treaty of peace, 1219, 1315, 1319, - constitution, 1313 1320, 1330, 1336 - copper, 1322 -university, 1318 -cotton, 1321 - Vakuf tenure, 1317, 1321 -debt, 1319 - , 1314, 1315 -defence, 1319 Turki race (Sin-Kiang), 754 - diplomatic representatives, 1325 Turkistan (Afghanistan), 656 -divisions, 1314, 1315 Turkomans (Armenia), 1219 -education, 1317 - (Khiva), 1218 -ethnic elements, 1316 Turks Is. (W. Inuies), 333, 336, 3il1 - Evkaf, 1317 Tm·kwel district (Uganda), 182 -finance, 1319 Turlen (Finland) or Abo, 817 - fisheries, 1322 Tuscany (Italy), 983, 997 - forests, 1321 Tuskegee Institution (Ala.), 495 - fortresses, 1320 'l'uticorin (India), port, 147 - fruit, 1321 'l'utova (Rumania), dept., 1186 -gold, 1322 Tuttlingen (Wiirttemberg), 941 -government, central, 1313 Tntuila Is. (Western Samoa), 429, - - local, 1314 647 -irrigation, 1321 -naval station, 464, 647 -justice, 1318 Tuxtla Gutierrez (l\fexico), 1047 - land tenure, 1321 Tver (Russia), 1198 ; town, 1199 -live stock, 1321 Twillingate (Newfoundland), 329 - local government, 1314 'l'ynemouth, population, 19 - manufactures, 1322 Tyne Ports, 67, 80 -mercantile navy, 1323 Tyrol, North, 675 -mining, .1322 Tyumen (Siberia), 1200 -ministry, 1314 Tzigans (Armenia), 1219 - money, weights, measures, 13~4 -navy, 1320 - occupation, 948, 1320 - opium, 1321 UASIN GJsHU (B. E. Africa), 178 - P:nliament, 1313 Ubangi {Belgian Congo), 693 - petroleum, 1322 Ubangi-Shari Colony (F. Congo), 871 -posts and telegraphs, 1324 U ckfield College, 30 -production and industry, 1321 Uuaipur (Mewar), 123 -railways, 1324 Uddeholm (Sweden), iron, 1290 c- reigning sovereign, 1312 Uddevl!lla (dweden}, 1284 INDEX 1481

    UDI UNI Udi (Nigeria), coal at, 241 Ukraine, railways, 1235 Udine (Italy), 983; town, 986 - religion, 123-1 Uele, Upper and I,ower (Belgian i -- sngar, 1234 Congc). 693 - tobacco, 1234 Ufa, 1198 i -universities, 1231 -town, 1199 --wheat, 1234 1 Uganda Protectorate, 177, 182 Uleaborg (Finlan executive, 207 Ukraine, 1195, 1233 -- -- provincial, 208 - agriculture, 123 4 --customs valuation, 219 -- area and population, 1234 -- dairying, 216 - books of reference, 1235 - dcht, 214 -coal, 1235 - defence, 214 -commerce, 1235 -diamonds, 217, 21~ -- constitution, 1233 - edneation, 211 - diplomatic representatives, 1235 ' - Executive Council, 20'1 - education, 1234 -finance, 213 -ethnic elements, 123-1 - -- provincial, 213 - finance, 1234 -·-- \Var, 214 - minerals, 1235 -forests, 216 - President, 1234 - gol

    UNI UNI Union of South Africa. government, United Provinces, finance, 134 provincial, 208 -forests, 138, 139 -Governor-General, ~ 07, 208 -government, 117, 118 - High Commissione1. 209 -justice, 130 -House of Assembly, 207, 208 - land revenue, 133, 137 -industrial censns, 2' O, 216 - -- tenure, 133 - inigation, 216 -native Rtates, 121, 123, 127 -justice, 213 - religion, 127 - languages, 209 -roads, 149 -live stock, 216 - tPa (Agr3.), 139 - local government, ~:os United States, su also component - manufactures, 216 States, 1tnde1· Names - migration, 210 - agriculture, 466 sqq. - mineral output, 217, 218 -alcohol, 478 -mining, 217 -area, 449, 466 - rninistry, 208 -army, 460, 503 -- money, weights, and measures, -- Asiatics in, 448, 449, 451, 452 221 -- banks, ·187 sqq. - native labour, 218 - birth, marriage, and death-rates, - occnpatiom, 210, 218 451 - ostrich farming, 216, 219 - books of reference, 491 - Parliament 207 - Cabinet, 443 - political p~rties, 208 -canals, see Chesapeake, Dalles - posts and telegraphs, 220 and Celilo, Erie, N icaragna, - production and industry, 215 Panama, SaultSte. Marie, and -provinces, 207, 208, 209, 215, 216, State Barge 217 nnd see 1tnder the·ir names -canned goods, 470, 475, 479 - provincial councils, 208 - cereal crops, 468 - - finance, 213 -chemical industries, 477 - - government, 208 -Chinese in, 448, 449, 451, 452 - railways, 220 - cities, 452, 453 -religion, 210 -coal, 473, 480 -representation, 207, 208 - coinage, 486, 490 -salt, 217 -commerce, 479 sqq. -savings banks, 221 - commuuications, 484 -Senate, 207, 208 - Congress, 441, 444 - shipping, 220 -constitution, 441 -sugar, 216 - copper, 472, 4.80 -tea, 216 - corn, 4ti8, 482 - tobacco, 216, 219 -cotton, 46D, 470, 477, 480, 482 -·towns, 209, 210 - customs valuation, 480 - universities, 211 -dairy products, 470 -war contingents, 215 -dams, 498 - war loaJls, 214 -debt, 4ti0 -wheat 215 - defence, 460 sqq. --wine. '219 - diplomatic representatives, 491 -wool~ 216, 219 - divorce, 451 United Provinces : Agra and Ondh - educati;m, 454 - agriculture. 137, 138 - e1ectious, 441 -area and pop., 117, 120, 127 - estimates, 459 -births an([ deaths, 125 - expeditiomtry forces, 462 - education, 129 -exports and imports, 479 sqq. JNOEX 1483

    UNI UNI United State,, factories, 470, 474 TT nitc-<1 States, nrrvy, 462 sqq. sqq. - ncgroes in, 402, 468 -farms, 468 -- iH'\vspapers, &e., 456 -- Federal Reserve Banks, 4 87 .g --occupations of the people., 450 - fermente

    UNI TJTA United States, value of property, 460 Uruguay, customs valuation, 1341 - Vice-President, 442 -debt, 1840 - Vice-Presidents since 1789, 442 -- defence, 1340 -- \Var expenditure, 462 --departments, 1337, 1338 --forces sent, 462 -diplomatic representatives, 1343 -- wheat, 468, 469 - di.vorcc, 1338 -- wines, spirits, &c., 47 8 - education, 1338 - wireless station, 1117 -emigration and immigration, 1338 -- woman suffrage, 445 - finance, 1339 --wool, 470 - foreign~rs in, 1338 -- Yellowstone Park, 629 - Germans in, 1338 University College, Cork, 30 -gold, 1340 --- Dublin, 30 -illegitimacy, 1338 -- - Galway, 30 - justice, 1339 Unterfranken (Germany), 922 - live stock, 1340 Unterwald (Switzerland), cantons, - mines, 1340 1299, 1301 -ministers, 1337 Upolu Is. (\Vcstern Samoa), 429, 430 - money and credit, 1342 Upper Buchanan (Liberia), 1041 - money, weights, measures, 134:2 Upper Hesse, 927 -National Administrative Council Upper Senegal and Niger (French) 1337 856, 857, 879, 880, 883' 884 - navy, 1840 Upper Silesia, 899,1159, 1160; mines, - police, 1340 116:3 - port, 1338, 1342 U ppr•r Vo!ta, (Fr. W. Af. ), 8G6, 884 - posts and telegraphs, 1341 Uppsala(Sweden), 1283; town, 1284; - President, 1337 university, 1284 - production and industry, 1340 Urabt\ (Colombia), 762 - railways, 1341 Uraga (Japan), shipyard, 1024 - religion, 1338 Ural (Russia), forests, 1206 ; mines, -representation, 1337 1206 -- river transport, 1342 Uralsk (Stepp"s), 1198 - roads, 1342 - oil, 1207 ; town, 1200 - Senate, 1337 Urbino (Italy), 983 - shipping, 1341 - university, 988 - towns, 1338 Urga (Mongolia), 737, 755, 756 - tramways, 1342 U rgel, Bishop of, 855 -university, 1339 Uri (Swiss canton), 1299, 1301 - wheat, 1340 Urmea (Persia), 1219 -wine, 1340 Uruguay, agriculture, 1340 Urumchi (China), 736; wireless -area and population, 1337, 1338 station, 749, 754 -army, 1340 Urumiah (Persia), 1138 -banks, 1342 Urundi (Belg. Congo), 693 - births, marriages, deaths, 1338 Usakos (S. W. Africa), 237 - books of reference, 1343 Usambar,t Hailway ('l'anganyika), 181 -boundary treaty, 709, 1338 Ushuaia (Argentina), 664 -charity, 1339 Usman Ali Khan, H.E.H. Sir, -coal, 1340 Nizam, Hyderabad, 121 - commerce, 1341 Usti (Czecho-Slovakia), 782 - constitution and government, Utah, agriculture, 614 1337 -area and populathn, 449, 467, 612 - copper, 1340 - baJJks, 614 INDEX 1485

    UTA VEN Utah, books of reference, 616 Valencia (Venezuela), 1345 -charity, 613 -- sugar, 1347 -coal, 614 Yaljevo (Serbia), dept., 1247 -constitution and government, \' alladolitl (Spain), province, 1264 612 - town, 1265; university, 1266 -copper, 6a Valle (Colombia), province, 762 -debt, 614 Valletta (Malta), 93, 94 - education, 613 Valona. (Albania), 660, 661 -finance, 614 . Valparaiso (Chile), 727; town, 727 -forestry and timber, 472, 614 ' - univ., 728; wireless station, 732 -Germans in, 613 Van (vilayet), 1219, 1316, 1330 -~old, 614 - Catholicos ot; 1316 - 1mmigration, 613 Vancouver Island (British Colnm bia), -Indian reservations, 612 304, 305 - Latter Day E!aints in, 613 -port, 294 -live stock, 614 - town, 281, 294, 305 - manufactUl'es, 614 Vancqu ver (Wash.), 621 -mining, 473, 614 -forts, 622 -production and industry, 614 Viinern, Lake (Sweden), 1283 -public lands, 467, 614 Vanua Levu Island (Fiji), 431 - railways, 614 Vardoyhns (Norway), fort, 1111 -religion, 613 Varmland (Sweden), prov., 1283 -representation, 416, 612 Vama (Bulgaria}, district, 720 -silver, 473, 614 -port, 724 - universities, 613 -town, 720 -wheat, 614 Varoshia (Cyprus), 107 -wool, 614 Vasa, au W aasa Utica (New York), 453, 576 Vaslui (Rumania), dept., 1186 Utrecht (Natal), 227 Vassar College (U.S.A.), 577 Utrecht (Netherlands), 1073 Vasten\s (Sweden), 1284 -town, 1074; untv:crsity, 1075 Viisterbotten (Sweden), prov ., 1283 Utsunomiya (Japan), 1018 Vasternorrland (Sweden), province, Uvea Is. (French l'acific), 895 1283 Uzbak race (Afghanistan), 657 Vastervik (Sweden), 1284 Uzice (Serbia), 1247 Vastmanland (Sweden), prov., 1288 Uzogues (Ecuador), 810 Vatican, the (Rome), 1180 Viittem, Lake (Sweden), 1283 Vatiu, or Atiu, Is. (Cook Is.), 428 VAno (Italy), fortress, 993 Vand (Swiss canton), 1299,1301,1307 Vadnz (Liechtenstein), 1044 Van pes (Colombia), 762 Vaitupu Island (Pacific), 436 Vavau Islands (Tonga), 434 Vakuf lands (Turkey), 1317, 1321, Vavitu Island (Fr. Oceania), 895 se~ alflo W akf Ve,ldah race (Ceylon), 102 Valais (Swiss canton), 1299, 1301 Vega, La (S. Domingo), 1240 Valchea (Rumania), dept., 1187 Vegas, Las (New ll1exico), 573 Valdez (Alaska), 632 Veles (Serbia), 1247 Valdivia (Chile), 727; forests, 730 Vella I..avella Island (Pacific), 436 - town, 727 ; wireless station, 732 Venezuela, agriculture, 134 7 Valencia (Spain), 1264, 1272; town, - area and population, 1344 1265 -army, 1346 -university, 1266 - asphalt, 1347 - wireless station, 1270 - banks, 1349 1486 'fHE STATESMAN's YEAR-BOOK, 1920

    VEN VIC Venezuela, births, marriages, deaths, Vera Cruz (Mexico), wireless station, 1345 1052 --books of reference, 1350 Vemguas (Panama), 1123 -coal, 1347 Verdun (Canada), 319 - eocoa and coffee, 1347 V erdun (France), fortress, 840 -commerce, 1347 Vermont, agriculture, 616 - Congress, 1344 -area and population, 449, 467, -- constitution and government, 1344 615 - copper, 1347 -banks, 617 -debt, 1346 - books or reference, 617 - defence, 1346 - constitution and government, 615 --diplomatic representatives, 1349 - dairyiuo· 616 - divisions, 1345, 1846 - defence~'616 - education, 1345 -education, 61fi - finance, 1346 - finance, 616 - forests, 1347 -fruit, 616 -gold, 1347 - forests, 616 -justice, 1346 -hay, 6Hi - live stock, 1347 -live stock, 616 - local government, 1:344 -manufactures, 616 - manufactures, 1347 - paupers & prisoners, 616 - mercantile marine, 1348 -production ~n,l industry, 61ti - mines and minerals, 134 7 - quarries, 617 - ministers, 1344 -railways, 617 - money, weights, measures, 1349 -religion, 616 -navy, 1346 - representation, 445, 615 - pearl fishery, 134 7 - tobacco, 616 -petroleum, 1347 -towns, 615 - posts and telegraphs, 1349 - universi;;ies, 616 - President, 1344 -wheat, 616 -production and i!Hlustry, 1347 -wool, 616 - railways, 1348 Verona (Italy), 983 ; tn., 985 -religion, 1345 -fort, 993 - representation, 1344 Verria (Greece), 946 -river navigaiion, 1348 Versailles, 829 -roads, 1348 V m·viers (Belgium), 684 -rubber, 1347 Vest Agder (Norway), 1107 - shipping, 1348 Vestfold (Norway), 1107 - states, &c., 1844, 1345 Vcstmannaeyjar (Iceland), 804 -sugar, 1347 Vianna do Castello (Port.), 1167 -- telephones, 1349 Viborg (Finland), 817 - towns, 1345 Vicenza (Italy), 983 - universities, 1345 -town, 986 Venice (Venezia), 983, 985, 997 Yicksburg (Mississippi), 566 -forts, 993 Victoria (Australia), aborigines, 373 -- port, 1 0 02 - Agent-General, 373 -silk, 998 -agriculture, 377 - torpedo station, 995 - area and population, 346, 373 -town, 985 -banks, 357, 379, 380 Vent, lles sous le (F. Oeeania), 895 -births, marriages, deaths, 347, Vera Cruz (l\1exico), 1047, 1048 374 - port, 1051 - books of reference, 380 INDEX 1487

    VIC VIR Victorm (Australia), Chinese in, Victoria (Australia), university, 372, 373 374 -coal, 378 -·- urhan population, 373 - commerce, 353, 379 -wheat, &c., 377 - constitution, 372 --- wille, 377 -crops, 377 -wool, 377, 378 - cnstoms, 379 -See aJso Australia, Commonwealth - dairy produce, 378 Victoria (Brazil), 708 -debt 376 --(British Columbia), 281, 305 - defence, 348 - (Hong Kong), 110 -education, 374 - (Labuan), 168 - emigration aud innnigration, -- (Rhodesia), 202 374 - (Seyehelles), 196 - finance, 37 5 Victoria (Cameroon), 251 - - local, 376 Victoria Island (l'aeifw), 485 -forests, 377, 378 Victoria, La (V •nez. ), 1345 -Germans in, 373 Vietoria Univ. (Manchester), 30, 31 - gold coined, 379 Vidoria U nivereity College (New - - exported, 379 Zealand), 418 - --production, 378 Vidin (Bulgaria), 720 -government, 844, 372 - port, 724 - -local, 373 Yietlma (Argentina), 664 - Governor, 372 Vienna, 674, 676 - imports and exports, 379 -- university, 676 -inhabited houses, 34.6 Vien-tiane (Laos), 862 -justice and crime, 375 Vieques Island (Porta IUeo), 638 -live stock, 378 Vigall (Philippines), 641 - local finance, 377 \Tigo (f\p.), wireless station, 1275 - local govermneut, 373 Viipuri sec Viborg -manufactures, 379 Villa Bella (Bolivia), 702 - maternity benefits, 375 - wireless station, 707 -meat exports, 379 Villa Cisneros (Spanioh Africa), 1277 -mining, 378 Villa de Cura (Venezuela), 1345 -ministry, 372 Villa del Pilar (Paraguay), 1131 - mint, 357, 379 Villa llermosa (Mcxieo), 1047 -money and credit, 356, 379 Villa Real (Portugal), dist., 1167 - occupations of the people, 373 Villa Rica (Paraguay), 1131 -old age, invalidity, and war pen· Villavicencio (Coiomhia), 762 sions, 375 Villenour (Freuch India), 858 - political parties, 373 Villillgen (Baden), 919 -port, 355 Yilna (Lithuania), 1198, 1199, 1230 - production and industry, 377 1231 -railways, 356, 379 -town, 1199, 1229, 1231 - religion, 3 7 4 Vilna (Poland), 1159 - representation, 344, 372 Vilnius, see Vilna (Lithuania) - saving banks, 3 7 9 Vina del Mar (Chile), 727 -sheep, 378 Villcennes (Indiana), 526 - shipping, 355 Vinuitsa (Rus:1ia), 1199 -sugar (beet), 378 Virgin Gorda Is. (B. W. Indies), 340 -timber, 378 Virgin Islands (West Indies) - tobacco, 377 - British, 338, 340 ·- towns, 37 4 - United States, 639 1488 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR BOOK, 1920

    VIH W.AL Virgin Islands (West Inrlies), admi- Vladivostok (Siberia), 1200 nistration, 639, 640 - dockyard, 1204 - - area and population, 639 Vlashka (Rumania), dept., 1187 - - education, 640 Vlissingen, see Flushing - - finance, 640 Yodena (Greece), 946 --production and industry, 640 -rice, 950 --wireless station, 640 Volga (Russia), iron, 1206 Virginia (Minn. ), 553 Volhynia, 1198 Virginia (Nevada}, 566 Volkerak, (Netherlands), forts, 1079 Virginia, agriculture, 470, 619 Volo (Greece), 946 -area aml pop., 449, 467, 617 Vologda (Russia), 1198 -banks, 620 - towns, 1199 - books of reference, 620 Volsk (Russia), 1200 - charity, 619 Yolta, Upper (French W. Af.), 856, -coal, 619 884 - colleges, 618 Vorarlberg (Austria), 675 -constitution and government, 617 Voronezh (Uussia), 1198 - cotton, 470, 619 -town, 1199 -debt, 619 Vranje (Serbia), 1247 ; town, 1247 - education, 618 Vratza (Bulgaria), district, 720 -finance, 619 Vryheid (Natal), 227 - fisheries, 619 Vulcan Island (New Guinea), 412 - forests, 472 Vyatka (Russia), 1198 -Germans in, 618 -town, 1199 -iron, 619 Vyazma (Russia), 1200 -live stock, 619 Vyernyi (Russia-in-Asia), 1200 - manufactures, 619 -mining, 619 - naval station, 463 -production and industl·y, 619 -railways, 620 WA (West Africa), 246 - religion, 618 Waadt, see Vaud -representation, 445, 617 Waasa {Finland), 817 - shipping, 484 Waco (Texas), 609 - tobacco, 470, 619 Wadai (French Africa), 872, 880 -- towns, 618 Wad Gir (Morocco), 1061 - university, 619 Wad ~Iedani (A.-E. Sudan), 270 -wheat, 619 Wagga Wagga (NewS. Wales), 362 -wool, 619 Wa-hutn race, 693 Virginia, West, see West Virginia Waizeru Zauditu, Empress {Abys- Vitebsk (Latvia), 1198, 1227 sinia), 651 -town, 1199 Wakamatsu (Japan), 1018 Viti Levu Island (Fiji), 431 Wakayama (Japan), 1018 Vitkovice (Czecho-Slovakia), 782 Wakefield, population, 19 Vitoria (Spain), 1265 Wakf (Vakuf) Lands (Egypt), 887 Vittorio Emanuele Ill. (Italy), 979, -Turkey, 1317, 1321 1055 w akhan (Afghanistan), 656 Yizcaya (Spain), prov., 1264, 1272 ·wakkerstroom (Natal), 227 Vizeu (Portugal), district, 1167 Waldeck (Germany), 898, 940 Vladikavkaz (Caucasus), 1200 Wales, area and pop., 13 1qq. Vladimir (Russia), 1198 - books of reference, 90 -town, 1199 -crops, 61, 62

    -~ HR9

    WAL WR~ \Vales, diseshLlisltlllC!d:, 27 1\ "-;hington (Shte), fruit, 622 - electors, 6 ---- Ct~J·nutn~ in, t5~1 ·- forestry, ();) -· uold 622 -language, 14 -- J'1,di~n reRPT\"er, 471, 472, 622 Walfish Bay (~\onth Afri<'a), 22:l, :'5i/ nl-'llllli:u:tnre~) 62~ Walk (Lat1·ia), l:l:l2, JU7, U2~: Jllining, 622 town, 1228 - 1iit'rnl station, 4.08, 621 W>tlia Walla (WashingtoJJ), 621 arul prisoner;.), 621 Walhtchia, 1185, 1186, 1187 - [lO! 623 Wallasey, pnpnlation, 19 - p~·odnctlon nn1l intlnst.ry, ()22 vVallis, "e Yalais --- ~m-blit~ land, 467 Wallis Archipelago (Fn•!leh l'nc:ilic), -- miiways, 623 895 -- n..digiOn, 621 Wallsend, popnlation, 19 - .. rerrcsentation, 141J, 620 Walsall, population, 19 ·- shipping, 4~4, 623 Waltham (Uassac·hnsetts), fi45 ·~· towns, 621 V.'alvis Bay, see Wallish Bav --- nniversities, 621 Wanganni (New Zealall::), 417 ·- wheat, 4ii9, 622 W,mgil:gton Is. (J'adflc), 4~5 \Varrington, popniatl«ll, 18 \\ ti•'l'll\:ry 1Conwedient), 453, 508

    Warrnamhool (Viucori•1), :l74 1 \VaJ·~rrortt 13. 2:1 Warsaw (l'oland), llfiD \\',,terloo (Io~a), 5:28 -- archhishopric, 1 HiO, 1:!01 \\".,.terlown (l".ew York), 576 -courts, 1161 ~(South Thkota), 604 ·-fort, 1162 W:cll'rvil:e (~taille), 538 -- milil>trv tl ist., 11112 \Yatt•.n•liet (";\few York), 576 -town, i159 \\'ntling's lsh1Hl (West IndieB}, 3:13 - nniversit,, 1160, 1201 \'·,· a-tns\ r.l\".~(~. H93 Warsl•eikh (ItaL F. A t"ic.,•), 1 ~ \ W;cnkep:an (Illinois), 523 W

    1\ c 14()0 THF. STATESMAN's YEAit-BOOK, 1920

    WBS WEB Wesel (Germany), fort, 906 '1 Western Australia, towns, 395 W CbCn berg (Esthonia ), 1222 - uuiversity, 396 \Vest Africa (French), 856, 857, 879, - wheat, ;)99 885 -wine, 3!)9 --Portuguese, 1168, 1174, 1176 -wool, 3\19 ---Spanish, 1264, 1277, 1278 -See also Australia, Commonwealth West African Colonies, British, 238 IVes tern .Province, Uganda, 182 - - books of reference, 242, 249, Western Samoa, 429, 430 250, 251 Western Sinjn1ni (l3aluchistan), 157 West Hromwich, population, 19 \Y estern Ss1\chttan, 7 53 \Vestern Australia, ahorigines, 395 Western University (Ontario), 314 - Agent-General, 39·1 W estfteld College, Hampstead, 31 - agriculture, 398, 399 \Vest Ham, population, 19 - area and population, 346, 394 West Hartlepool, population, 19 -- banks, 357, 401 \V est Indics, American, 639 - births, marriages, deaths, 347, -- British, 333, 334 sqq 396 - - - books of reference, 343 -books of reference, 401 - - - cotton, 334, 342, 343 - coal, 398, 400 ·- - - natives of, in Costa ltica, 770 - commerce, 353, 400 - ---Dutch, 1094 -constitution andgovennnent, 344, --French, 856, 857, 891 393 Westland district, (N,Z.), 417 - copper, 400 W estminstc:r llist. (B. C.), 304 -crops, 399 West Nile district (Uganda), 182 - clebt, 397 Westphalia, 910, 932, 933 - defence, 348 West Prussia, 899, 932 - education, 396 West Spitsbcrgen, 1118 - emigration and immigration, West Virginia, agriculture, 625 396 -area amc population, 449, 467, 624 - finance, 397 -hanks, 626 - forestry, 398, 399 -- books of reference, 626 -gold, 398, 399, 400 -coal, 625 - Governor, 394 -- constitution and government, 623 - inhabited houses, 346 -- dobt, 625 -justice and crime, 396 - edt1cation, 624 - land holdings, 398 - finance, 625 - live stock, 3[19 -forests and timber, 472 - mining and minerals, 398, 399 -fruit, 625 - ministry, 394 - Germans in, 624 - money and, 401 - leather trade, 625 -old age, invalidity, and war pen- - liv~ stock, 625 sions, 401 -manufactures, 625 - pauperism, 397 -- mining, 625 - political parties, 394 - paupers & prisoners, 624 - port, 355, 394 - petroleum, 625 - prolluction aml imlustry, 3\18 -- pro(luction and imlustry, 625 - r:tilways, 356, 400 -. railways, 625 - religion, 396 - religion, 624 -representation, 345, 394 - representation, 445, 623 - savings bank, 401 - river transport, 625 -sheep, 399 -tobacco, 470, 625 - shipping, 355, 400 - townR, 624 -timber, 398 -- university, 624 INDEX 1491

    WES WIR West Virginia, wheat, 625 Wimgnay. 1134 1271, 1:275, Can>tda- Jamaica. 335 l'ct:;ba, 188 1:,10 id!J,.rta, 301 Latvia., 1227 !'ern. 1154 'r a 11 o; ~L n ~vika, B. Uol., 304 Lithuania, 1230 ~nlvador, 1238 181 · ~!ani to La, 307 Luxem bur g, farnoa, &e.~ 4g0 'rrini(:~·:d, 34-1 Ni,vaScotia,311 I 045 Santo nom- Yirgin 1~., 64 0 Sas\mtch, 320 J\lonaoo, 1054 intso, 1~£.13 ZatiziLar, 188 Czech o-S lo v· Netherlands, Sia1n, 12ft9 akia, 781 l 071 Wim (Esthonia), 12~2 Danzig, '788 N.,415 Wisconsin, ngricultur<', 628 J)onma.rk, 791 Norway, 1106 - an·a and pupnlatiou, 449, 467, 626 !<'inlaHd, 816 Poland, 1157 -charity, fl27 G'-',orgta, 1224 I)russia, 931 - cities, 627 G<·rm<~ny, 897, Ictlssia, 1196 - con~titntion al!d govennlwHt.: 112G , sg~ . . . U.S.A; 44ii,anrl -- Y

    wtJR YUK Wiirttemberg, production, 942 Y"magata (Japan), 1018 - religion, 902, 941 Yanaon (French India), 858 -towns, 900, 901, 941 Yang di-pertuan Besar, Sir Mu• - university, 903, 904, 942 hammad (Negri Sambilan), 168 -wheat, 942 Yanina (Albania), 660 -wine, 942 - (Greece), 945 ; town, 946 Wiirzburg (Bav.), 923 Yankton (S. Dakota), 604 - university, 903, 904, !)23 Y angtsekiang ports, 1029 Wye College, 30 Yap (Caroline Is.), 1037 Wyoming, agriculture, 630 - wireless station, 430 - area and population, 450, 467, 629 : Yaracuy (Venezuela), state, 1345 -banks, 631 Yarbatenda (Gambia), 879 - books of reference, 631 Yarkand (Sin-Kiang), 755 -coal, 630 Yarmouth, Great, population, 19 -- constitution and govemment, 629 , Ycumouth (Nova Scotia), 311 -copper, 631 ' Yaroslavl (Russia), 1198; town, 1199 --debt, 630 Yas;-Canberra (Australia), 346, 056 --- education, 630 Yatung (Tibet), 753, 754 - finance, 630 Yeisk (Russia), 1200 - fisheries, 630 Y ekaterinburg (Russia), 1199 - forests and timber, 47~!, 631 Yelmteriuodar (Caucasus), 1200 - Germans in, 630 Yekaterinoslav, 1198, 1199 -gold, 631 Yelets (Russia), 1199 - Indian reservation, 630 Yelisavetgrad (l{ussitt), 1199 - irrigation, 630 Yelisavetpol, 1198, 1221; town, UOO - live stock, 630 Yellaboi Is. (Sierra Leone), 247 - manufactures, 631 Y ellowstone Nat. Park ( U. S. A.), 629 -- mining, 631 ' Yemen(Arabia),1316,1328; Imamate, - paupers and prisoners, 630 1329 --- petroleum, 631 Y endi (Togoland), 249 -production and industry, 630 Y eniseisk (Siberia), govt., 1198 -public lands, 467 Yezd (Persia), 1138 -- quarries, 631 Yezidis (Armenia), 1219 - railways, 631 Yezo (Hokkaido), 1016 -- religion, 630 Ying-tse (Manchuria), 752 -- representation, 445, 629 Yokkaichi (Japan), 1018 ---- river transport, 6 31 Yokohama (Japan), 1018 -- ,Jteep and wool, 630 Yokosuka (Japan), 1018 -- towns, 630 -naval station, 1023 - university, 630 Yola (Cameroon), 241, 2[•1 -- Y ellowstone Park, 629 Yonewaza (Japan), 1018 Yong·Am-Po (Korea), port, 1033 XANTHE (Thrace), 945 Yonkers (New York), 453, 576 Xuan Day (Annam), port, 861 York, population, 19 York (Pennsylvania), 595 Y ACUIBA (Bolivia), 699 Yoshihito, Emperor (Japan), 1014 - wireless station, 704 Youngstown (Ohio), 435, 586 Yahya Mohammed Hamid ed-Din Ystad (Sweden), 1284 (Yemen), 1329 Yucatan (Mexico), state, 1047 Yakutsk(Siberia), 1198,1199 ;tn, 1200 Yugo-Slavia, se~ Jugo-Slnia Yale district (British Columbia), 304 Yukon, (Canada) Territory, 279 Yale University (Conn. ), 508 --area and population, 281, 322 Ynlta, 1200 - births, marriages,deaths, :!82 5 D 1494 Till'~ STATE~'~lAN'S Y:KA R-BOOK, 1920

    YUK zwo Y nkon, books of reference, 32~ Zanzibar Protectorate, Indians in, 185 -coal, 322 -justice, 185 -- commerce, 322 - n1issio11s, 18G - constit. & govt., 279, 280, 322 -population, 185 - copper, 322 -port, 187 - euucation, 322 -posts and telegraphs, 188 - finance, 322 -production, 186 - fisheries, 289, 322 -railways, 188 - forests, 322 - religion, 135 -game, 322 -roads, 18'7 -gold, 322 - shipping, 187 - mining, 289, 290 -Sultan, 184 -- po litiml parties, 322 -town, 185 ·- production and industry, 322 - W<'ights, i88 -- railway~;, 296, 323 - wireless station, 188 - religion, 283 Zaragoza (Sp,in), province, 1264 "-representation, 279, 280, 322 -town, 1265 ; university, 1266 -towns, 322 Zaria (Nigeria), 239, 241 Yuma dam (Arizona), 498 Zarka (Palestine), 1334 Yunnan (China), 737 Zealand (Netherlands), 1073, 1081 "-copper, 746 Zeluan, su Mellila YurieY or Dorpat (Esthonia), lJ 99 Zenalabidin, Sultan, Trengganu, 174 ·- universitv, 1201 Zerbst (An halt), 918 Yuzovka (Russia), 1199 Zeyla (British Somaliland), 197, 879 Zhitomir (Ukrainia), 1199 ZAANDAM (Netherlands), 1074 Zhob Valley (Baluchistan); 157, 159 Zacatecas (Mexico), 1047; town, 1048 Zifta (Egypt), 254; barrage, 262 Zagazig (Egypt), 254, 255 Zigninchor (Senegall, 881 Zagnib (Hungary), university, 973 Zinder (Fr. W. Africa}, 241, 879, Zailah (Br. Somalilaml), 879 884 Zakathali (Georgia), dist., 1198, 1224 Zimler-Chnd (Fr. West Africa), 884 Zakynthos, see Zante Zipaquira (Colombia), salt mines, 765 Zambo race (Nicaragua), 1100 Zittau (Saxony), 937 --- (Peru), 1147 Zlatoust (Rmsia), 1200 Zamboanga (Philippines), 641 Zollgchiet (German), 911 Zamora (Spain), province, 1264 ! Zomha (Nyasaland), 192 7.amora (Venezuela), .1345 Zombode ISwaziland), 206 Zante (Greece), 945; town, 946 Zomhnr (Hungary), 972 Zanzihar Protectorate, 177, 180, 184 Zor (Syria), l ~1 ~. 1336 --area, 184 Zuffenhausen (Wiirttemherg), 941 -- hooks of reference, 188 Zug (Swi;;s c;wton), 1299, l:lOl -- cloves, 186 Zuiderzee (l'i'etJ,erlanrls), drainage, -- commerce, 186 1074 --communication~, 1R7 -forts, 107£1 --currency, 188 Zulia (Veiwzlwla). state, 134~ -- deht, 1S6 Zululand (Natal), 227, 228 -- education, 185 Zurich (Switzerland), 12!~9, 1301 -- finance, 185 • -town, 1302; univel'sity, 13fl~ -- government, 184 Zwickau (Raxony), 937 -- High Commissioner, 184, 188 Zwolle (NetherlandH), 1074