THIS Index Contains No Reference to the Introductory Tables, Nor to the Additions and Corrections

THIS Index Contains No Reference to the Introductory Tables, Nor to the Additions and Corrections

INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. {l<'or index for these, see pages xiii, xiv.) A.AC ACH AACHEN (Pmssia}, 900, 902 Abyssinia, agriculture, 653 Aalborg (Denmark), 792 -area, 651 Aalen (Wtirttemberg), 941 -army, 651 Aalesund (Norway), 1108 -bank, 654 Aargau (canton), 1299, 1301, 1307 - books of reference, 655 Aarhuus (Denmark}, 792 -boundary, 197, 270, 651, 1007 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 333 -coal, 653 Abaian Island (Pacific), 436 - coffee, 653 Abancay (Peru), 1148 - commerce, 653 Abangarez mines (Costa Rica), 771 - defence, 651 Abd el-Aziz es-Saud, Emir of - diplomatic representatives, 654 Riyadh, 1328 - education, 652 Abdul Aziz-Bin Sand (El Hassa), 1316 -gold, 653 Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, Sultan, - government, 651 Kedah, 173 -justice, 652 Abdullah, Sultan (Pahang), 168 - leased territory, 270 Abdullah ibn Mitah, Emir of Haile, - minerals, 653 1329 - money and credit, 654 Abercom (Rhodesia), 203 - population, 652 Aberdare forest (B. E. Africa), 179 - provinces, 651 Aberdeen, 21, 22; university, 30, 31 - reigning empress, 651 Aberdeen (South Dakota), 604 - religion, 256, 652 Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 621 - roads, railways, 654, 879 Abemana Island (Pacific), 436 - rubber, 653 Aberystwith College, 30 - telegraphs and tele1•hones, 654 Abeshr (Wadai), 872 -towns, 652 Abgarris Is. (Pacific), 413 - trade routes, 654, 879 Abidjan (French West Africa), 882, - weights and measures, 654 883 Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1238 Abijean (French West Africa), 882 Acandi (Colombia), 762 Abo (Finland), 817; university, 817 Acarnania (Greece), 945 Aboisso (French West Africa), 883 Accheli Guzzi (Eritrea), 1006 Abruzzi e Molise (Italy), 983 Accra (Gold Coast), 244, 245 Abn (India), 122 - wireless station, 246 Abuna (Coptic bishop), 652 Accrington, 17 A buri (Gold Coast), 245 Achaia (Greece}, 945 1353 1354 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920 ACK AJM Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 333 Africa, Colonies in, British, 176 sqq Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 727 -- French, 249, 251, 856, 864 Bqq Acre {Palestine), 1332; port, 1334 ; --Italian, 184, (:94, 996, 1005;qq town, 1332 --Portuguese, 1168, 1174,1175sqq Acre 'l'erritory (Brazil), 708 --Spanish, 1264, 1265, 1277 Adana (vilayet), 1219, 1315 -East {British), 177, 180, 197 Addis Abbaba (Abyssinia), 651, 652, --(Italian), 184, 197, 270, 995, 879 1007 Adelaide, 389; port, 355; univ., 390 - {Port.), 1168, 117 4, 117 6 Aden, 95, 120, 1329 ; boundary, 95 - Equatorial {French), 856, 870 - wireless station, 198 - North (French), 856, 864 ; see also Adi Caieh {~~ritt·ea), 1006 Algeria, Morocco, Tunis Adjame {Ivory Coast), 882 --(Italian), 1008 Admiralty Is. {New Guinea), H1, 413 --(Spanish), 1264, 1265, 1277 Adolph Haven, see Morobe -South (British), 198 Adrar (Mauretania), 885 -- Union of, 207 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1277 -S.-West(British), 236 Adrianople, 1315 -West (British), 238, 249, 251 Adua (Abyssinia), 652 --{French), 249,251,856,879,885 JEgean Islands, 945, 1010, 1315, 1317 --(Port.), 1168, 1174, 1175, 1176 - minerals, 950 - - (Spanish), 1264, 1265, 1277 .dl:tolia (Greece), 945 Afrikya, see Tunis Afghanistan, agriculture, 657 Agadir (Morocco), 1059 - Amir, 135, 656, 657 Agana (Guam. ), 645 --area and population, 656, 657 Agdenes (Norway), fort, 1111 -army, 657 Agder, Aust& Vcst(Norway), 1107 - books of reference, 659 Agege {Nigeria), 241 - boundaries, 656 Agordat {Eritrea), 1006 - commerce, 658 Agra (pro v. ), see United Provinces - copper, 658 --tea, 139 -- currency, 658 -(town), 126 - defence, 657 Agram, see Zagnib - expedition, 135 Aguacatc mines (Costa Rica), 771 - finance, 657 Aguadulce (Panama), port, 1123 -gold, 658 Aguas Blancas {Chile), 730, 731 -government, 656 Aguasealientes{Mex.),1047; tn., 1048 -justice, 657 Agusan dist. (Philippine Is.), 641 -land cultivation, 657 Ahmadi, El, mosque, 256 - manufactures, 658 Ahmed Fuad, Sultan (Egypt), 252 - minerals, 658 Ahmcdabad {India), 126 -posts, 659 Ahmed Shah {Persia), 1136 - production, 657 Aidin (Asia Minor), 945 - provinces, 656 Aigun (China), port, 739 -reigning sovereign, 135, 656 Aimak race (Afghanistan), 657 - revenue, 657 Ain Galakka (Kanem), 872 -sheep, 658 Ain Sefra {Algeria), 865 -towns, 657 Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 428 - trade and trade routes, 658, 659 Aix (France), univ., 833 -wheat, 657 Ajmer, town (India), 126 -wool, 658 Ajmer-Merwara, agric., 137, 138 Africa, Central, Protectorate, see -area and pop., 117, 120 Nyassaland Protectorate - births and deaths, 125 - .Belgian, 180! - education, 128, 129 INDEX 1355 AJM ALB Ajmer-Merwara, forests, 138, 139 Alaska, Chinese in, 632 - government, 117 - commerce, 633 -land revenue, 137 - communications, 633 -- land tenure, 137 - education, 456, 632 - religion, 127 - Eskimo in, 632 Akershiis (Norway), 1107; fort, 1111 - finance, 632 Akhtamar, Catholicos of, 1316 - fisheries, 633 Akhtyrka (Russia), 1200 -forests and timber, 471, 472, 632, Akita (Japan), 1018 633 Akkerman (Russia), 1200 -gold, 473, 633 Akmolinsk (Russian Asia), 1198 -government, 447, 631 Akron (Ohio), 453, 586 - Indians in, 632 Aksu (Sin-Kiang), 755 - Japanese in, 632 Akureyri (Iceland), 804 -justice, 632 Akuse (Gold Coast), 244 - manufactures, 632 Alabama, agriculture, 469, 494 -mining, 473, 633 -area and pop., 449, 466, 494 - petroleum, G33 -banks, 496 - posts and telegraphs, 633 - books of reference, 496 - production, &c., 632 - charity, 495 - public land, 463, 467, 633 -coal, 496 -railways, 633 -constitution and government, 494 - reindeer, 632 - cotton, 469, 495, 496 -- religion, 632 -debt, 495 - rcprcsentatiou, 631 -education, 494 - shipping, 484, 633 - finance, 495 -towns, 632 -Germans in, 494 Ala-ndin Sulailllan Shah, Sultan (Se- -Indians in, 494 limgor), 168 -iron, 496 Alava (Spain), province, 1264 - live stock, 495 Alhacete (Spain), province, 1264 -maize, 495 Albania, 660, 1315 - manufactures, 495 -area and population, 660 - mining, 496 - books of reference, 661 -port, 496 - education, 661 -production and industry, 495 - government, 660 - public lands, 469 -justice, 661 - railways, 496 -ports, 661 - religion, 494 - production and imlustry, 661 - representation, 445, 495 -religion, 661 -rice, 469 ~roads, 661 -river navigation, 496 -towns, 660 - tobacco, 495 Albany (New York), 453, 575, 576 - universities, 495 Albany (W. Australia), 355, 395 -wheat, 495 Albay (Philippines), 641 -wool, 495 Albert, King (Belgium), 681, 692 Alafi Island (French Pacific), 895 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1054 Alag6as (Brazil), state, 708, 711 Alberta (Canada), 278 Ala'u'd-din Sulaiman Shah(Selangor) - agl'icultme, 287, 288 168 1 -area and pop., 281, 301 Alais (France), 834 - births, deaths, marriages, 282,301 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 769 ; tn. 770 - books of reference, 303 Alaska, area and pop., 450, 466, 632 -coal, 303 - books of reference, 633 - commerce, 303 1356 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1920 ALll ALG Alberta (Canada), constitution and I Alex::mdrovsk Grushevsk, 1199 government, 300 Algarve(Portugal), rn·ov., 1167 -crops, 302 Algeciras, 1059 - dairy products, 303 -conference, 1059 -debt, 302 Algeria, 856, 864 - education, 283, 302 - agriculture, 867 - exports, 303 - area and pop., 856, 865 - finance, 285, 302 - army, 840, 841, 867 - fisheries, 289, 303 -bank, 869 - forests, 288, 289, 303 - books of reference, 869 -justice and crime, 302 - budget, 864, 866, 867 -land-holdings, 288 - commerce, 868 - live stock, 303 -copper, 868 - local government, 280, 301 - cotton, 868 - manufactures, 303 -defence, 840, 841, 867 - mining, 290, 303 - delegations, 864 - ministry, 301 - divisions, 865 - natural gas, 303 - education, 831, 832, 866 - political parties, 301 - faculties. 866 -production & industry, 287, 288 - finance, ·864, 866 - railways, 296, 303 - fisheries, 868 - ranches, 303 -flax, 868 - religion, 283 - foreigners in, 866 - representation, 278, 279, 280, - forests, 868 301 - government, 825, 864 -towns, 301 -industry, 868 - university, 302 -iron, 868 - wheat, 287, 302 -justice and crime, 866 Albertville (RCong.) w'rless stn.,696 - land tenme, 867 Albuquerque (New Mexico), 573 - live stock, 868 Albury (New South Wales}, 362 - mercantile marine, 869 Alcazar (Morocco}, 1060, 1064 - mining, 868 Alcoy (Spain}, 1265 -money, weights, measmes, 869 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles}, 196 - petroleum, 868 Alderney, government, 85; pop., 24 -posts and telegraphs, 869 Aldershot Command (U.K.), 52 - railways, 869 Alemtejo (Portugal), 1167 - religion, 866 Aleppo (Syria), 1316; minerals, 1322; - representation, 864, 865 schools, 1317 ; town, 1336 -roads, 867, 869 Alessandria (Italy}, 982, 985 - schools, 831, 832, 866 - town, 985 ; fort, 993 - shipping, 869 Aleut race (Alaska), 632 -silk, 868 Alexandretta, 1219 -Southern Territories,864, 865, 867 Alexandria (Egypt), 254, 255 - torpedo stations, 842 -municipality, 254 - towns, 866 - town, 254, 255 -wheat, 867 - trade, 264, 265 -wine, 868 Alexandria, Patriarch of, 256, 652, -wool, 868 1200 Algiers (Algor), 842, 866 Alexandria (Virginia), 618 - faculties, 833 Alexandropol (Armenia), 1200, 1220 - schools, 866 Alexandros, King (Greece), 943 - torpedo station, 842 Alexandrovsk (Yek) (Russia), 1199 - university, 866 INDEX 1357 ANG Alhucema Islands (Span. Af. ), 1265 Amhara (Abyssinia), 651 Alicante (Spain), 1264 ; town, 1265 Amherst (Nova Scotia), 311 Aligarh (India), 126 Amiens (.France), 829 Ali Iusnf, Sultan (Ol!l!ia), 1007 Amirantes Islands (Seychelles), 196 Alkmaar (N etherbuds), 107 4 ! Amoy (China),, port, 739 Allahiln\d, 126 ; university, 128 Amritsar (India), 126 Allenstein (Polaml), 1159 Amsterdam (Netherlands), 107 4 ; Allentown (l'a. ), 453,

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