SENATE March 11 by Mr
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2070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE March 11 By Mr. LANE: By Mr. D'EWART: H. R. 6957. A bill to provide for the estab H . R. 6970. A bill for the relief of Araxi SENATE lishment of certain priorities in the awarding Nazarian; to the Committee on the Judi of ·military procurement contrac.ts within ciary. TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1952 regions suffering economic distress through By Mr. EBERHARTER: unemployment, and for other purposes; to H. R . 6971. A bill for the relief of Fran (Legislative day of Monday, February the Committee on Armed Services. cesca (or Frances) Romeo; to the Committee 25, 1952) By Mr. MILLER of California: on the Judiciary. H . R. 6958. A bill to amend the act of May By Mr. FURCOLO: The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, 31, 1940, entitled "An act to provide for a H . R. 6972. A bi.11 for the relief of Mrs. more permanent tenure for persons carry Florence D. Grimshaw; to the Committee on the expiration of the recess. ing the mail on star routes," so as to require on the Judiciary. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown the inclusion of certain stipulations in con H. R. 6973. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Harris, D. D., offered the following tracts for carrying the mails by motor ve Phyllis J ackson Grimaldi; to the Committee prayer: hicle; to the Committee on Post Office and on the Judiciary. Eternal Spirit, in whom alone is the Civil Service. H. R. 6974. A bill for the relief of the By Mr. MURRAY of Tennessee: Wilbraham Academy; to the Committee on strength of our hearts and the hope of H. R. 6959. A bill to amend section 1699, the Judiciary. our world, we come in our no~ntide f el title 18, United States Code, relating to the By Mr. LYLE: lowship of prayer, not so much to seek unloading of mail from vessels; to the Com H. R. 6975. A bill for the relief of Ellen Thee as to open our fallible lives in peni mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. Sonja Sadlowski; to the Committee on the tence and need to Thy waiting strength. H. R. 6960. A bill to amend the act entitled Judiciary. Make our own lives, we pray Thee, "An act to provide for the transportation and By Mr. MACHROWICZ: quarries out of which stones for the new distribution of mails on motor-vehicle H. R. 6976.· A bill for the relief of Henryk temple humanity may be fashioned. routes," approved July 11, 1940; to the Com Blaszkowski; to the Committee on the Judi o: mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. ciary. In these days of great peril and criti H. R. 6961. A bill to authorize the partici By Mr. MILLER of California: cal decisions, as against the powers of pation by certain Federal employees, with H. R. 6977. A bill for the relief of Wllliam darkness Thou art unloosing the fateful out loss of pay or deduction from annual L. Gleeson; to the Committee on the Judi lightning of Thy terrible, sw'ft sword; leave, in funerals for deceased members of ciary. save us from all policies whose reaping the Armed Forces returned to the United By Mr. MITCHELL: will be another harvest of horror for our States from abroad for burial; to the Com H. R . 6978. A bill for the relief of Gerald children's children. Give us to know mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. A. and Lynn w. Roehm; to the Committee on clearly and to follow faithfully the things By Mr. O'HARA: the Judiciary. that belong to our peace and to the peace H. R. 6962. A bill to amend the Interstate By Mr. O'TOOLE (by request): Commerce Act to alleviate shortages in rail H. R. 6979. A b111 for the relief of Jose of the whole w::>rld. We ask it in the road freigpt cars and other vehicles during Pineiro Gonzales; to the Committee on the dear Redeemer's name. A "llen. periods of emergency, and for other purposes; Judiciary. to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign By Mr. RIBICOFF: THE JOURNAL Commerce. H. R. 6980. A bill for the relief of Cha Dong By Mr. SMITH of Virginia: Bok; to the Committee on the Judiciary. On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by H. R. 6963. A bill to provide that in certain By Mr. RODINO: unanimous consent, the reading of the cases education and facilities on Federal H. R. 6981. A bill for the relief of Betty Journal of the proceedings o~ Monday, property shall continue to be available to and Irene Robertson; to the Committee on March 10, 1952, was dispensed with. children residing in adjacent areas until the Judiciary. June 30, 1954; to the Committee on Educa By Mr. SCHENCK: tion and Labor. H. R. 6982. A bill for the relief of Pana MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE By Mr. WALTER: giotes G. Karras; to the Committee on the A message from the House of Repre H. R. 6964. A bill to prevent the infiltration Judiciary. of subversive persons into Government em sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its By Mr. WILSON of Texas: reading clerks, announced that the House ployment; to the Committee on the H. R. 6983. A bill for the relief of Gevork Judiciary. Zohrab Bandarian; to the Committee on the had ·passed the following bills of the H . R. 6965. A bill to amend subsection (e) Judiciary. Senate, each with an amendment, in of se.::tion 753 of title 28, United States Code which it requested the concurrence of so as to fix the salary for reporters in the the Senate: United States district courts; to the Commit PETITIONS, ETC. S. 1368. An act to amend subsection (a) tee on the Judiciary. of section 1107 of the District of Columbia By Mr. WlER: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Code of 1901, as amended by section 2 of H. R . 6966. A bill to provide for adjustment and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk the act of December 20, 1944 (D. C. Code, 1n the salary of certain rural carriers at and referred as follows: sec. 15-403 (a)), and to amend section 467 tached to post offices of the first class; to the 618. By Mr. HAYS of Arkansas: Petition of of the District of Columbia Code of 1901 Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. P. W. Goss, 518 Division Park Hill, North (D. C. Code, sec. 16-323); and By Mr. COX: Little Rock, Ark., and others relative to the S. 2667. An act to authorize the Board H. Res. 561. Creating a select committee to passage of H. R. 4411; to the Committee on of Commissioners of the District of Columbia conduct an investigation and study of foun Ways and Means. to establish daylight-saving time in the dations and other comparable organizations; 619. By the SPEAKER: Petition of C. C. District. to the Committee on Rules. Fergerson, president, Jackson Townsend Club, No. 18, Jacksonville, Fla., requesting passage The message also announced that the of House bills 2678 and 1679 known as the House had passed the following bills and PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Townsend plan; to the Committee on Ways joint resolutions, in which it requested Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private and Means. the concurrence of the Senate: bills and resolutions were introduced and 620. Also, petition of Mrs. A. P. Marshall, H. R. 1758. An act to amend section 824 severally referred as follows: secretary Orlo Vista Townsend Club, No. 1, of the Code of Laws for the District of Co Orlando, Fla., requesting passage of House lumbia; By Mr. BERRY: bills 2678 and 2679 ·-.nown as the Townsend H. R. 6805. An act to increase the salary of H. R . 6967. A bill authorizing the issuance plan; to the Committee on Ways and Means. the Administrator of Rent Control for the of patent in fee to Paul Afraid of His Horses; 621. Also, petition of L. 0. Robertson, and District of Columbia; to the Committee on Interior and Insular others, Everett, Mass., requesting passage of H.J. Res. 393. Joint resolution authorizing Affairs. House bills 2678 and 2679 known as the the granting of permits to the Committee on By Mr. BOYKIN: Townsend plan; to the Committee on Ways Inaugural Ceremonies on the occasion of the H. R. 6968. A bill for the relief of Maria and Means. inauguration of the President-elect in Janu Buffoni and Emma Botta; to the Committee 622. Also, petition of Miss Irene B. Whet ary 1953, and for other purposes; on the Judiciary. stone, Chicago, Ill., relative to renewal of H.J. Res. 394. Joint resolution to provide B y Mr. BRAY: demand for impeachment stated in petition for the quartering, in certain public build H. R. 6969. A bill to effect entry of a minor No. 314, dated June 12, 1951, and referred ings in the District of Columbia, of troops child adopted by United States citizens; to to the House Judiciary Committee; to the participating in the inaugural ceremonies of the Committee on the Judiciary. Committee on the Judiciary. 1953; and 1952_ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD= SENA TE 2071 H.J. Res. 395. Joint resolution to provide has :finally consented to become a candidate terest in registration, voting and the se .. 1 for the maintenance of public order and the for the Democratic nomination for President lection of good candidates for public of.. protection of life and property in connec· of these United States; and :fice.