The Canadian Parliamentary Guide
NUNC COCNOSCO EX PARTE THOMAS J. BATA LIBRARY TRENT UNIVERSITY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation THE CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY COMPANION 1889. EDITED BY vT . .A.. <3- IE DVH ILL, Barrister-at-Law. AUTHOR OF THE PRACTICE OF THE PARLIAMENT OF CANADA ON BILLS OF DIVORCE. ESTABLISHED 1862. OTTAWA : O'. ZDTTIRIEI Sc SON, 1889. jL s . /)<+ IW Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, by J. A. Gemmill, at the Department of Agriculture. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, by J. A. Gemmill, at the Department of Agriculture. Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, by J. A. Gemmill, at the Department of Agriculture. MONTREAL: PRINTED BY THE GAZETTE PRINTING COMPANY. CCUibs in ©auacld Rideau—84 Wellington street, Ottawa. President, Mr. Sheriff Sweetland ; Secty-Treas., Mr. Edward Waldo. Toronto—York Street, Toronto. President, Mr. A. Thornton Todd ; Secty-Treas., Mr. Lyndhurst Ogden. Reform Club — Toronto. President, Sir R. J. Cart¬ wright, K.C.M.G. Hamilton—St. James Street, Hamilton. Chairman of Committee, Mr. J. J. Mason; Secty-Treas., Mr. J, B. Young. St. James's—Dorchester Street, Montreal. Mr. R. B. Angus, Chairman of Committee; Treas., Mr. John Cassils ; Secretary, Mr. G. E. Small. Quebec Garrison■—President, Lieut.-Col. T. J. Duches- nay; Secty-Treas., Lieut.-Col. G. T. Arthur Evanturel.
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