Caribbean Anthropology ANTH 290C MWF: 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm JSC 161 Fall 2013 Professor: Gillian Richards-Greaves Office Hours: Fridays, 4pm-5pm Email:
[email protected] and by appointment Office: Asbury Hall 307 Office Telephone: (765) 658-6309 ____________________________________________________________________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Caribbean region is comprised of islands, such as Bahamas and Trinidad, and continental regions, including Belize, Suriname, and Guyana. The Caribbean is culturally diverse, comprising of peoples from various regions of the world, including China, India, and West Africa. This course explores the history, development, and “culture” of the Caribbean by interrogating how the intersections of various forces—including slavery, colonialism, politics, music, and migration—shaped the region. COURSE GOALS: 1. Understand the historical factors that gave rise to the diversity of the Caribbean region 2. Identify the role of CARICOM in shaper intra-Caribbean relationships and identities 3. Articulate the positive and negative roles of tourism in shaping national identities 4. Use anthropological theories and methods as a framework for examining practices and themes in the Caribbean that are common to most societies, including subsistence, politics and power, class, family and kinship, religion, ritual, race and ethnicity. 5. Utilize fundamental anthropological research methods to conduct ethnographic research 6. Identify the ways that politics, religion, music, and other cultural values and expressions are reinterpreted in transnational contexts 7. Identify how anthropological perspectives are applied to solve real life problems. Required Book/Materials Knight, Franklin W. and Colin A. Palmer, Eds. 1989. The Modern Caribbean. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. Manuel, Peter. 2006.