The Ukrainian Weekly 1952, No.3

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1952, No.3 VOLUME XX JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK. MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1952 WEEKLY: No. 3 РАГЙС AMONG RUSSIAN Ukrainian Chorus Gives Concert in Tunis, Africa "Ukrainian New York's Governor Dewey and IMPERIALISTS Ski Week »> Mayor Impellitteri Extended A fine week of .skiing and Ukrainian Christmas For the past several months to a method extensively used tint Russian ami- Stalinist by the Soviets. They began outdoor нроїЧя пан been plan­ Greetings leaders here and in Europe picking up certain individuals ned by the Ukrainian Youth'H have developedі unusual activi­ from among the non-Russian League of North America for Governor Thomas E. Dewey tonians, the Czechs and Slavs, ties with the' purpose of mob­ peoples or even from the Rus­ February 9th to 10th at Sta. of the State of New York and have been cheated out of the ilizing the public opinion of the sian groups themselves who Adele's Unlge In Ste. Adele, Mayor Vincent R. Impellitteri freedom for which they have West in favor of their politi­ were willing to pose as "rep­ Quebec. of the City of New York sent fought so long. cal credo. The guiding idea resentatives" of the Ukrainians. The skiing enthusiasts spark- heartfelt greetings to Ameri­ "At this season it is their and motivation -of these activi­ Georgians, Turkestanians, Ar­ plugging this "Ukrainian Ski can Ukrainians during the Uk­ custom to toast each other. ties is the preservation of the menians and others. This was Week." as it haa been named, rainian Christmas Season. The spirit of that toast is the Russian territorial empire, done with the purpose, of are !>rs. Elian and Anthony Their greetings were broad­ confidence that deliverance come what may. They are fran­ course, of convincing Ameri­ Wachno, of Canada. William cast by ratio station WHOM. must come eventually and the tically 'organizing new fronts cans that the non-Russian peo­ Polewehak, president of the The program is conducted by hope that it will be soon. and committees; are endeavor- ples (who in the USSR num­ league, Bill Mural, Wil)iam Mr. Melnyk. It's heard on "We join our .neighbors of ber over 115,000,000 people, -—jng to enlist (with some suc­ Zinchesin, Al Kotelko, Dr. Paul Thursdays, 7-8 P.M.. and on Ukrainian origin in, their pray­ or 54 per cent of the entire cess) prominent American Ochwita. and Olya Dmytriw Sundays. 7-8 A.M. ers for freedom for their blood population) do not desire their leaders with that one purpose and (Gloria Surmach. brothers from oppression in own national independence, ever in mind: to perpetuate Governor Dewey's message:— the Ukraine." glorious and eternal • "Mother but would be content to re­ St. Adele's is situated in the "On behalf the people of the Russia" by preventing the non- main under a future non-com­ There is quite a sizeable col­ the background for the Uk- Tho name of the chorus is heart of the ski country in the Mayor Impelletteri's Message: rainian Tunisian chorus pic-'! Chorale Ukrainienne De Ben- brenthtakingly beautiful Laur- entire State, I take pleasure -— Russian peoples from breaking munist Russian government. ony of Ukrainians in Tunis. turetl above are the ruins of li stir." It's directed by Lan- entian Mountains. After only in sending cordial greetings to "... I salute the good peo­ away from the 'XJbmmon fold." A declaration, signed by the N. W. Africa. On April 22 of an ancient Roman temple. g ine Horbatchevsky. and its an hour's drive from Montreal, New Yorkers of Ukrainian or­ ple of the Ukraine who have Readers of Tte Ukrainian representatives of Azerbaijan, last year they presented a eon- Credit line is due to the Sec- president is Yaroslav Kobalet- one finds himself in ideal ski­ igin at a time when those who struggled so bravely for so Weekly already have been in­ Byelorussian, Georgia, Idel- cert, combined with an exhibi retarial of the Pan-American sky. ing surroundings with fine worship the Uniate Rite are long to maintain the old age formed in this space about Ural, Cossackia, Crimea, North , tion of Ukrainian dance}4 for lodges and ten ski tow lifts in celebrating the birth of Christ. traditions of their people. Their attempts of Russian North Caucasus, Turkestan Ukrainian Conference, which The affair was held under which they received two finely maintains contacts with Uk- the. patronage of the Bey of this picturesque village. They have reason for partic­ devotions and sacrifice has readers to organize a Joint and Ukraine, read: ular gratitude since they all and been an inspiration to those engraved medallions. rainian groups throughout the Tunis and the Resident Cen- Those planning to attend committee of Russian and non- 'm "We do not want to identify other members of their faith in whose yearn for freedom is in The pillars which serve as j world. eral of France. this Ukrainian ski meet are Russian groups -in Germany. the aims and activity of the America enjoy this festival to every* land. I want especially requested to make their own For months Hie-Russian lead­ SONR with the attitude and the full. This is a privilege of to greet those Ukrainlana who reservations directly through ers, with the- Help and the aspirations of the Russian which their brothers and sis­ have recently found a home in REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMEN DEMAND Ste. Adele's Lodge, Ste. Adele, prodding of emissaries of the "people. We assume that it will ters living behind the Iron і the United States, where they Quebec, Canada. For details, American Committee for the be possible to form a friendly Curtain are cruelly deprived. 1 enjoy the blessings of Liberty EXPOSE OF SOVIET GENOCIDE drop a note to Jean Haraaym, Liberation of'.Peoples' of Rus­ relations between the Russians In the Ukraine the beautiful land where they are In the po­ 1178 A Sossington Avenue, sia (which grdup сіш1*~і to and our peoples after their lib­ On Friday, January 11. too timid in our actions in the charges which the United, traditional ceremonies are cur­ sition to test the principles eration from commtfnism. But Toronto, Ontario, Canada, have "seyeral million dollars" 1052, more than 100 Repub­ United Nations." said Mr. Ker­ Slates could levy against the ] tailed and the inspiring carolf which we proclaim as Ameri­ from private American organl- the non-Russian peoples must lican Congressmen, including Soviet Union. If an archaelo- I tare ailencedl can. at all costs have the oppor­ sten. "We are continually tions) have attempted to enlist the Republican Minority, Jo­ glst, 10.000 years hence, digs TO GRADUATE N. Y. CITY І "... .And may the peace and tunity to form independent apologizing and defending our- I '4Tba people of the Ukraine representatives* ef the non- seph W. Martin* Jr., -and .*h* through the United Nations I are nut alone in Buffering reli-Jdignit y which you have proud- states on tbe><'vs*hn*graphic selves against false charges /inha, 'ilnir succeeds in. trans­ COLLEGE "Republican 'Minority Whip, ffefetw ' sue " 4fair*~SM' polftJclilya won by yovct івуьіту to м&Ь -^^лімйЙй^М^- terrieb'riea, and%oee $bo bfive but make no effort to-proffer lating in the hieroglyphics, he і /principle, and fidelity to tJSe Leslie Arena's, urged Seeretai Walter Kudlick, 20, son of /persecution. Many peoples fi not done so must be able to any charges ourselves. Todate Jwouid reasonably but errone­ /best ideals of the freedom lov- ry of State Dean G. Acheaon Mr. and Mrs. kudlick, of ISO [Central and Eastern Europe the record of the United Na­ ously conclude that in the 20th /ing people of the Ukraine, ever to seek to arrange for an im­ ifuch as the Ukrainians, the tions shows a multitude of the century, the United States was East 13th Street, New York 'remain with you." mediate investigation of So­ Poles the Lithuanians, the Es- iliar with ЧЙЬ psychology Russian emigres'who recognize false charges made by the So­ a most reprehensible nation City, is to graduate this and political mentality of the our peoples' rights as indicat­ viet genocide by the United viets against the United States, nnd the Soviet Union a most .,. ..... I Russians. It ebon became ap­ ed above." Nations Assembly. but virtually none of the true exemplary one." Hold Press Conference On parent that what they are in­ Here m the United States, a In a letter to Mr. Acheson, terested is not the anti-com­ number of Russian emigres the Congressmen reminded him Kersten Amendment munist struggle* per se, but (some have become U.S. citi­ that on November 24, 1951, Third Generation Ukrainian zens) are waging a determined representatives of some 12 mil­ the scuttling of anti-Russian A press conference on units from refugees and es- campaign to discredit the lib­ lion American citizens of East­ imperialist drives' by the non- American Leads Symphony KerstenAmendment to theМи-''capeos from Eastern Eu- eration movements of the non- ern European descent urged Russian nationalities. For tual Security Act of 1951 took rope and integrate them with Russian peoples. One of them Mr. Acheson to try to place an Concert these Russians put forth a place at the National Press the NATO organization under is David J. Dallin, a Menshe- investigation of Soviet geno­ platform of a federation in a Club in Washington, D. C. last. General Dwight Eisenhower, vik, who is a contributing edit­ cide on the agenda of the Na­ The Minneapolis. Minn, press cago and al the University of "free Russia," meaning that Thursday, January 17.
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