The Ukrainian Weekly 1963
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РПС LXX 4. 141 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1963 SECTION TWO No. 141 VOL. LXX Impressive Observance of CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK IN PITTSBURGH President Kennedy Demands Ukrainian Scouts from U.S. 'Captive Nations Week' Removal of Immigration Quotas Depart for Jamboree in Greece In Chicago WASHINGTON. Jury ~23^ 'Ted. " President Kennedy urged Con- | In identical letters to Vice CHICAGO. 111. (Special).— them by the free world in their gress today to gradually scrap J President Lyndon B. Johnson Several hundred persons ga struggle against Communist j immigration quotas which put j and House Speaker John Mc- thered on Sunday, July 14. Russia. These included: the a ceiling on the number of peo- і Cormack (D.-Mass.), Mr. Ken- 1963 at the Band Shell in Grant principal speaker, the Hon. pie who may enter the United j nedy said that immigration Park in Chicago to observe the Henry C. Schadeberg, Con States annually from particular quotas allotted by country are Fifth Annual observance of gressman from Wisconsin; Jul countries. "without basis in either logic **Captive Nations Week." The ian E. Kulas, attorney (U- To replace country-by-coun or reason." observance was sponsored by krainian); Luis Kutner, former try quotas, Mr. Kennedy re Because there is no heavy the Chicago Captive Nations Consul of Guatemala; Dr. Oliv- commended immigrants be ad influx of immigrants from Committee, consisting of many era, a prominent Cuban patri mitted on a basis that would northern Europe, Mr. Kennedy nationalities. There was a col ot; and the Hon. Charles J. give first priority to those with said, approximately 60,000 quo orful array of the American Kersten, attorney and former needed skills, second to those ta numbers arc wasted each and national flags and banners, Congressman of Wisconsin. related to individuals living in year while thousands living and hundreds of peoples ap There were band selections, the United States. In both I elsewhere are trying without peared in their native cos including "Forward" and "The groups, those who applied first j success to enter the United tumes. Rise of the Golden Sun," by would be the first to be admit-1 States. Prof. Ivan Povalachek and the The programjbegan with the "Captive Nations Hymn" by playing of the national anthem Frederick NagyTNand "God The observance of the fifth annual Captive Nations Week Rudnyckyj Appointed to Royal by the band of the Ukrainian Bless America." Attorney Vin celebration in Pittsburgh. Pa., originally scheduled for Sunday. SAYING "BON VOYAGE" TO UKRAINIAN SCOUTS American Youth Association cent L. Knaus (Croatian) read July 14, 1963, was postponed to Sunday, July 28, 1963 because Commission on Biculturalism Seated, left to right :Miss Lesya Chraplyva, Roman Rohoza, tinder the direction of Prof. a Resolution and Appeal to the of the .torrential rain. In the picture, left to right, are: Mi Rev. Bohdan Smyk, leader of the Ukrainian Scout group, Mrs. Ivan Povalachek. Subsequently American people, and the Very chael Komichak, director of the Ukrainian Radio Program, And Bilingualism Olba Kuunovych, Joseph Lesawyer, Dr. Bohdan Mnkarushka Rev. Msgr. Stephen Knapp of holding a portrait of Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivsky; Paul Kaz- and Mrs. Dada Mosora-Franken. the Rev. Edvardas Abramaitis, Professor J. B. Rudnyckyj, ject: Bilingualism in the Ameri- St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catho mir, director of the Slovak Radio Program, with a portrait of pastor of the Holy Cross Head of the Department of cas. Professor Rudnyckyj took NEW YORK. N.Y. (Special). in which all officers of the Church. (Lithuanian) gave the lic Cathedral, gave the benedic Bishop Matulionus; the Most Rev. John Wright, Roman Cath tion. olic Bishop of Pittsburgh, holding the picture of Metropolitan Slavic Studies at the University part as a Canadian delegate at -On Thursday. July 18. 1963 Plast Command under its com invocation, while Col. Jack the international discussion on mander George Ferencevych, Reilly, representative of City The Ukrainian group was Joseph Slipy, and Commissioner J. McGrady. chairman of the of Manitoba in Winnipeg and 12 Ukrainian Boy Scouts left .. bilingualism in Oslo, Norway. and Dr. Bohdan Makarushka, Hall and Mayor Daley, read represented on the presidium Pittsburgh Captive Nations Committee, holding a portrait of by an Air France flight to Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty. President of Ukrainian bree i957. was elected Fellow of the representing the Citizen's Com the proclamations by Govern by the Very Msgr. Stephen Academy of Sciences- UVAN Greece to take part in the 11th \ or Otto Koerner of Illinois and Knapp; Roman Smook, Esq. International Free Academy of mittee which assisted the Plast of Canada, has been appointed Arts and Sciences. Societe de International Scout Jamboree, j Command in collecting the nec- Mayor Richard Daley of Chica-1 (30-Year Famine Committee); member of the Royal Commis which will take place in the; essary funds, attended. Joseph go. і Mrs. Uliana Celevych (ABN) Linguistiquede Paris, and other Congressman Derwinski - Prin sion on Biculturalism and Bi learned societies, not mention ancient city of Marathon near I^esawyer, supreme president of An array of prominent і and Mr. Taras Shpikula (U- lingualism in Canada, being the Athens. These 12 Ukrainian the UNA, also came to the U- speakers stressed the vital im- krainian Section of the Captive ing his Presidency in the Cana cipal Speaker at 'Captive first Ukrainian Canadian ever dian Linguistic Association Boy Scouts include five from І krainian National Home to bid portanoe of the captive nations Nations Committee of Chicn- to hold such appointment. Rochester. N.Y.. two from Phi-1 "bon voyage" to the Ukrainian and the urgent need to uphold] go). Nations' Rally in Boston (1958-1960) and the American As a leading personality in lin Name Society (1959) in Wash ladelphia. Pa., and one from I Scouts who boarded a charter- guistic research in Canada and Newark. N.J.. Cleveland. Ohio, ed bus to the airport. BOSTON, Mass. — Congress-. man. spoke on the challenging ington. D. C. Professor Rudny the recognized authority in ckyj is the creator of the idea Utica and Amsterdam, N.Y. J Father Smyk stated that the Captive Nations Week in man Edward J. Derwinski of і subject of freedom for the cap matters of bilingualism. Prof. | and the term "onomastic bilin- The group's leader is the Rev. j group will join with other U- t a * «* »-. — tivMtflfet nationnoflnnOs Kudnyckyj has been quoted j gualism." which he presented Bohdan Smyk. himself a Sen-; krainian scout contingents New Haven Illinois, author of H. R. 15 to This was the fifth observ ior Scout. from Germany. England and establish a permanent Congres several times in linguistic j at international congresses of New Haven, Connecticut,, he is also known nationally, ance of "Captive Nations literature in Canada, the USA onomastio sciences in Salaman Prior to their departure fori France, and under the leader- sional Committee on the Cap Week." which was established celebrated the fifth commcmo- being the President of United tive Nations, was the principal and elsewhere, and in the re ca. Spain (1955). Munich. Ger New York's International Air- j ship of Dr. Athanas Figol, the by the U.S. Congress in ПВ9 cent time primarily by E. Hau- port in Idle wild a moieben was 1 group will proceed to Borne, ration of Captive Nations States Mayors. His proclama- speaker at the Boston Captive many (1958) and Florence. Week with all due ceremony, ition did not go unnoticed — td remind Americans and"tn'e gen's basic book on the sub- Italy (1961). clebrated in St. George's U-j where they will be blessed by Nations celebration • which was free world about the Cotniiftu- krainian Catholic Church in' Metropolitan Joseph Slipy and After і President Kennedy's through newspaper coverage held on Saturday, July 20, proclamationn of July 5th, de-,of the proclamation itself, and nist captivity of: Ukraine, Ro New York City for their sue- j will proceed to Athens there- 1963. 7:30 P.M., at Boston La land. Hungary, Lithuania, Lat King Peter of Yugoslavia Visits cessful trip and participation, after. slgnating the third week of a letter to the Editor written tin School, 87 Avenue Louis via, Estonia. Czechoslovakia, July as Captive Nations Week, by Mr. Oleh R. ^lyketey. the Pasteur, Boston, Mass. The Byelorussia, Rumania, East Slavic Institute in Milwaukee the Ukrainian Copgress Com populace of New Haven was Boston rally was in connection Germany. Bulgaria, mainland Readers Thank, Challenge mittee of America, Branch cognizant of Captive Nations with the national observance China, Armenia, Azerbaijan, New Haven, turned to the Week. The letter to the Editor of "Captive Nations Week," Georgia. North Korea, Albania, Writer West oh Mis-Naming mayor of New Haven with a appearing in The New Hu»?n which was proclaimed by Pres Idel Ural. Tibet. Cossackia. request of a similar proclama Register, projected the ident Kennedy and Governor Turkestan, North Vietnam, and Nationality of Sheptytsky tion. Mayor Lee — a staunch thoughts and objectives of the Peabody for the week of July now Cuba. friend and defender of the Captive Nations Week resolu- 11th to 20th to uphold hopes Orest Szczudluk, Public Re And Slipy captive peoples, and especial tion into "dny to day fighting |Qf the captive nations in their lations Director of the Boston EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol- a member of the Ukrainian ly a great friend of Ukraine, to gain the goal of national in- liberation from Communist' Branch of the UCCA was the lowing letter, on July 15, 1963 people who are not a part of aswered with such words: depedence and human liberty." domination. Mr. Derwinsky, a principal organizer of the ob written by Mr.