HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Unanimous Consent to Address the House Trial, Its Hours of Triumph and Achieve
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1960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1019 it is being called-a· headquarters-for an ern this land "for Thy glory and the wei .. military· leaders throughout the world, organization related to areas of Wilson's fare of its people. Guide and illume probably more so than the cainpaigll$ contributions to American and world · them with wisdom in their delibera .. of any other gre·at leader. government. tions. Strengthen them in charity for T.wo days ago was the anniversary of While this idea might lead to the most our people and toward all humanity. the birth of another revered military suitable memorial to President Wilson, Grant that nations recognize in them leader of the Confederacy, Gen. Robert the function to be performed should not Thy unselfish instruments of peace and E. Lee. It detracts nothing from the overshadow the personality of the Presi.. the hope of the oppressed, as embodied reputation of General Lee to point out dent. in the Captive Nations Week resolutic;m that without Stonewall Jackson, Lee's One problem in a functional memorial which they enacted. military stature would be somewhat less. is that it may come to be visited prin.. We pray especially for the t:Tkrainian It was Lee himself who recognized the cipally by that relatively narrow seg.. and all other enslaved peoples, brutally genius of Jackson who, at the time of the ment of our people, and of visitors from subjugated by the forces of commtmism. secession of Virginia, was an obscure abroad, who are interested in the func In particular, we pray for the Ukrainian professor at Virginia Military Institute. tion. And that the great majority of people who are the first victims, and In fact, it was a point of Lee's own great.. those to whom we wish to bring the who have suffered unmercifully four ness that he could recognize ability in message of Wilson's ideals and ideas may decades of the ruthless liquidations, others and knew how to use that ability pass it by. starvations, and inhuman tortures of to the best possible advantage. As I now conceive it, the memorial this dreadful scourge, which even threat Mr. Speaker, we are proud in Clarks should be of such form, and offer such ens the peace of the world. burg and in Harrison County that Stone.. access and other facilities, as will assure Fortify the faith of Thy Ukrainian wall Jackson was born there and spent it a permanent place on the itinerary children, 0 Heavenly Father, keep hope his boyhood either in Clarksburg or at of those who come to Washington to go burning in their hearts, grant them per.. his grandfather's farm and mill a few sightseeing. Especially I would want to severance during their captivity, allevi .. miles south. His birthplace still stands be sure that the hundreds of thousands ate their sufferings, protect them from in Clarksburg and is appropriately of young people who visit us every year the guile of their enemies, that all trou marked. His boyhood home, the farm have forcefully called to their attention ble being removed, they may freely serve and mill of his grandfather, is now this man's dedication to the public serv Thee. owned by the State and operates as ·a ice. We also implore Thee, 0 God, the State 4-H encampment. Today Jack I look forward to speedy approval of guardian of peace and charity, give our son's Mill is one of West Virginia's this joint resolution by the Congress, and enemies true charity, and grant them proudest shrines. Several years ago a wish the commission Godspeed in its remission of their sins. By Thy might monument to the great Stonewall Jack .. work. deliver us from their snares, so that · son was erected on the grounds of the Mr. WILLIAMS of New Jersey. Mr. lasting peace and harmony may again Harrison County Courthouse in Clarks- President, I wish to express my gratitude be restored among nations, through Je .. burg. · to the Senator from Utah for his sup.. sus Christ our Lord, Thy Son, who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the unity In making these anniversary remarks, port of the joint efforts in connection I would be remiss if I did not pay some with the joint resolution which I intro of the Holy Ghost forever. Amen. tribute to Mr. S. J. Birshtein and Mr. duced earlier today, to create a Com J. Z. Terrell, of Clarksburg, great ad mission to study the possibilities in the THE JOURNAL mirers of Stonewall Jackson, whose tire nature of a memorial to Woodrow wn.. less efforts have contributed greatly to son. The Journal of the proceedings of keeping the memory of this great Ameri yesterday was read and approved. can alive in the community of his birth. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent ADJOURNMENT MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE that any Member who may desire to Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I comment on the life and character of move that the Senate stand in adjourn.. A message from the Senate by _Mr. General Jackson be permitted to ex ment unti112 o'clock noon tomorrow. · McGown, one of its clerks, announced tend his remarks at this point in the The motion was agreed to; and <at 6 that the Senate requests that the House RECORD. o'clock and 40 minutes p.m.) the sen.. of Representatives return to the Senate The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ate adjourned, pursuant to the order the bill (S. 1282) entitled "An act relat• the request of the gentleman from West previously entered, until tomorrow, Fri.. ing to acreage allotments for DUrum Virginia? day, January 22, 1960, at 12 o'clock wheat:• - There was no objection. meridian. Mr. HARRISON. Mr. Speaker, it is a STONEWALL JACKSON useful privilege to recall on the fioo·r of •• .... II this House, as we do from time to time, Mr. BAILEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask the history of our Nation-its times of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unanimous consent to address the House trial, its hours of triumph and achieve .. for 1 lllii1ute and to revise and extend ment. It is with particular pride that I THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1960 myremarks. · associate myself with our distinguished The SPEAKER. Is there objection West Virginia colleague [Mr. BAILEY], in The House met at 12 o'clock noon: to the request of the gentleman from marking the anniversary of the birth of The Very Reverend Stephen J. Chrep West Virginia? Thomas J. <Stonewall) Jackson, who ta, rector of St. Vladimir's Pro-Cathe .. There was no objection. lies in honored rest in Lexington, in the dral and dean of St. Basil's College, Mr. BAILEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Seventh Congressional District of Vir Stamford, Conn., offered the following 'invite the attention of the· House to the ginia. prayer: fact that today is the 136th anniversary In Lexington, too, stands the only 0 God, the Creator and Redeemer of of the birth of one of history's true home this great soldier ever owned; and the world, we glorify Thee and humbly geniuses. On January 21, 1824, in there 1s Virginia Military Institute-still give Thee thanks for the countless bless.. Clarksburg, W . Va.-then Virginia training men in the science of arnis ings which Thou hast bestowed upon us. Thomas Jonathan Jackson was born. where Stonewall Jackson helped ·train We thank Thee, in particular, for the In Clarksburg, Harrison County, he them prior to the bloody conflict of freedoms which we enjoy in our be .. was known as Jonathan, but since that which we soon shall mark the centenary. loved United States of America. warm June day of 1861, at nearby Jackson needs no · words of :ritine to We beseech Thee, 0 Lord, Ruler of Manassas in Virginia, he has been secure his place in .history, but his ex .. the Universe, to graciously look down known and revered. as "Stonewall." empiification of qualities which have upon our Presid~nt _and t:Qe Members of It is not my purpose here to review his contributed much to the growth and Congress, that they ~ay advanc;e in all mUitary feats. It is sufficient to state strength of the United States are well virtues, ··a.nd continue in health to gov- tna.t his campaigns_have been studied by recalled today .as we face new trials. He · 1020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE January 21 had faith, courage, resolution, ingenuity, House for 1 minute and to revise and I always admired Charlie for his grasp integrity. They served him well, and he extend my remarks. of governmental affairs. This knowl- spent them willingly in the cause for · The SPEAKER. Is there objection edge was readily recognized and after which his conviction and honor impelled · to the request of the gentleman from leaving Congress he associated himself him to fight. Wisconsin? with industry, dealing closely with Fed- As the centennial of the war in which There was no objection. , eral departments. But Charlie contin- he was to die nears, there have been some Mr. KASTENMEIER. Mr. Speaker, it ued his interest in public affairs and suggestions that we should not be plan is my sad duty to announce officially to kept up his very close association with ning to celebrate a conflict. Celebrate, of the House of Representatives the death Members of Congress and his former course, is inappropriate. Wars are of the Honorable Chades Hawks, Jr., colleagues. I was always grateful for crosses to be borne in man's faltering a former Member of Congress from the his warm friendship. plodding toward eternity.