Extensions of Remarks
17098 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 31, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK new hope that the people of Cambodia, Well, I have just returned-hopeful, and Laos, and Vietnam will regain some day encouraged-from visits to Poland and Hun their long-denied political and religious free gary, two nations on the threshold of histor HON. ROBERT K. DORNAN dom. Such hope has also returned for many ic change. And I can say to you: The old OF CALIFORNIA of our neighbors to the south. In Nicaragua ideas are blowing away. Freedom is in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and other Latin American nations, popular air. Monday, July 31, 1989 resistance to attempts at repression by local For forty years, Poland and Hungary en dictators-as well as resistance to political dured what's been called the dilemma of the Mr. DORNAN of California. Mr. Speaker, and military interference from Cuba and single alternative: one political party, one would like to call your attention to the Presi the Soviet Union-has proved to be formida definition of national interest, one social dent's proclamation regarding the captive na ble. and economic model. In short, one future tions of the world and also the eloquent In Eastern Europe, even as we see rays of prescribed by an alien ideology. light in some countries, we must recognize speech President Bush made last week in the But, in fact, that future meant no future. that brutal repression continues in other For it denied to individuals, choice; to soci White House Rose Garden to commemorate parts of the region, including the persecu eties, pluralism; and to nations, self-determi Captive Nations Week, 1989.
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