The National Catholic Weekly April 29, 2013 $3.50 of Many Things
THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WEEKLY APRIL 29, 2013 $3.50 OF MANY THINGS PUBLISHED BY JESUITS OF THE UNITED STATES eated directly below the canopied moment. EDITOR IN CHIEF altar, facing the facade of the Every kind of human face could be Matt Malone , S.J. basilica and just to the left of the seen at the rails, every language could S MANAGING EDITOR statue of St. Paul, I was about 20 feet be heard between the loggias, every cat - Robert C. Collins, S.J. from the pope when he entered St. egory and condition of person was pre - DIGITAL EDITOR Peter’s Square. Standing in a modified sent: young, old, clerical, lay, fit and ill. Maurice Timothy Reidy open jeep, under a long-awaited, bright Yet at the moment of Communion, we LITERARY EDITOR blue Roman sky, the former Jorge were truly one church, one visible body Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. Mario Bergoglio, S.J., appeared over - of Christ. God’s dream “that they may POETRY EDITOR whelmed. He quickly found his stride, all be one” was realized that day in the James S. Torrens, S.J. however, bending over to kiss a baby piazza. “As you, Father, are in me and I ASSOCIATE EDITORS and even leaving his vehicle to greet a am in you, may they also be in us, so Kevin Clarke disabled man and his family. Frankly, if that the world may believe that you Kerry Weber he hadn’t looked a little uncomfortable, have sent me.” Luke Hansen, S.J. I would have been worried.
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