Fark Cho|Is in World Mourn Pope's Passing
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tAOS fO tjR T ^ MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1968 ATwata Dalljr Nat Pnaa Run Far Mm Week Haded iianrlipatifr lEtfi^ning Harold aime 1.,1D6S The Waathar roteeasi of C. a Wi Members of the Italian Ameri Distri«KB«rvlce Officer lOdwln About Town can Society will meet tonight at 7 E d w » ^ of the Vatenana o t Ftor- Diploma Exams 1 3 ,9 2 0 Variable cloudineea, nilld\«tth at the clubhouse on' Bldridge St. elg jt^ a rs has urged all veterans ■famber of the Audit chaaee of light ehourer. € and proceed to the John P. Tier register iihetr opposiition to Sen M«mbers o t Mlcpah-Spencer Set for June 28 FREE DELIVERY Of OlnMlatten fog and drieile mostly w„— . — . Circle, South Methodist Church, ney Funeral Home, 210 W. Cent ate Bill 17'i now before the legis south portion tonight. WednOsdag Will meet tomorrow at 11:80 a.m. St., to pay respects to the iafte lature. The bill proposes to 9 A.M. 9 P.M. Memche$ter’~-‘A City of Village Charm partly sonny end wanner at the ehurch and leave for a Salvatore Leone, a member^ eliminate veterans pdnt prefer GkadidatM for a Ugh school luncheon at Clark's Restaurant, ence in relation to Civil Service dlpionui by aKaoilnation must ARTHUR DRUG ▼OL. LXXXn. NO. 208 Will Iman tic. The Silk City SingemT Manches jobs and similar posts. Edwards (FOURTEEN PAGES) ter Chapter of S P ^S Q S A , will make applloation to the State De-. MANCHESTER.-CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1963 urges veterans to talk to Man (Olaaelfled Advertisteg on Pag* 12) PRICE SEVEN CENTS The British American C8ub will meet tonight at 8 ^ t Bunce School, chester Reps. Stephen Oavagnaro partment o f Bkhxatlon not later meet tomorrow at 8 p.m, at the Olcott St. M^'mterested In four- and Paul Groobert about the bill. than June 31. Hie applioationa and clubhouse. A buffet will be served part barb«vhop style harmony are a transcript of high school work after the meeting. invited ttrattend. No formal voice The OlvU Defense survival class dona are due on that data. or music training is required. will start today at 7:30 p.m. at Ihe tesU wiU be given on JUna The Rev. John D. Hughes of St. the yF W Home at Manchester 28 at the UB. Army Reaarve Mary’s Episcopal Church la in e Women's Fellowship of the Green. Thomas Flanagan, a Training Center, West Hartford GLOBE charge of radio broadcasts spgn^ Presbyterian Church wdll have a teacher In the Manchester school fpom B ajn. to 3 p.m. with an hour sored by the Manchester Min special business meeting tomor system, will be the instructor. The off for lunch. Fielda covered by row at 8 p.m. at' the church for classes, open t® the public, will be TRAVEL SERVICE in World Mourn Pope’s Passing isterial Association over^^U on the testa. In general, Include Blng- WINF tonight at 6 : 3 0 dally acting on the constitution and by held in two-hour sessions for six llsh, mathematics, natural acl- laws of the society. 905 MAIN STREET through Saturday at ,7130 a.m. and oonsecutive weeks. No exam ences and social studies. 6:30 p.m. / ■■ tions or tests are given. 'rti Applicants inust be at least 19 643-2166 The VFW will meet tomorrow Interested who have not years p t age, must have been out at 8 p.m. at the Post Home. Mr may call the post home for a « l - of school at least a year, a Anthorlaed agent In Man-' ' and Mrt. Bruce DeWyk of tlonal information. State Leaders Tuscon,.Ajrtz.,n,.Ajrtz., wereV g^uests of Mrs. state resident for six months, and ^cheater for all AlrUnea, BaU- Airline Debris Founds .^ W y k ’a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Members of Manchester Em the class with which the applicant Froads and Steamship Ltaaa.( Catholic Cardinals B. P. tJrehore, 70 High St. They blem Club have been Invited to John Mather Chapter, Order of entered high school must have Sing Praises for home Saturday after attend district deputy night to DeMolay, will, have a business graduated. morrow at 7 p.m. at the Enfield meeting tonight at 7:30 at the spending two weeks in Manchester. NEW HAVEN (AP)—His wisdom ' DeWyk is a mining engineer with Emblem Club, and Wednesday at I Masonic Temple. 6:30 p.m. at the Putnam Emblem and gentleness, his work on behalf Look for Successor American Smelting Co., Tusoon. Perished Club. .The regular meeting of the TlJe Friendship Society of St. o t Christian unity and In toe cause club will be held Wednesday, June John’s Polish National Catholic of world peace, his appeal to per 19, instead of Wednesday o t this Church will meet tonight at 7 in JUNEAU, Alaska (AP)-^6>Chor Air Force Base near Taco-^Army and Navy men, 29 depend- sons ot all faiths. VATICAN CITY (AP) — Countless millions around th« week. the Parish Hall. The Sodality of Scattered debris from a mlli- IS?’ a.m. Monday ents and one AlrAl Force civilian. These were the qualities toat world mourned Pope John XXIII today as the cardinals of the the Blessed Sacrament will meet tary-ch,rtol,d rirllner_______ WAS a. They gathered 'from all parts of were singled out by leaders In Con ITie EUswcrth Memorial Associ tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Parish Hall. the United States at McChord to necticut who expressed sorrow at Roman Catholic Church began preparations to pick his succes LECLERC ation of DAR will have Its annual found today 60 miles off. the lot, CapL.^ Albert Olson of Sum start the flight. the news of toe death of Pope John sor. FUNERAL HOME meeting tomorrow at 11 a.m. at B’nai B’rith will sponsor a rum British Columbia coast. There ner, Washes, came two hours, 36 In addition to Olson, the crew XXIII Monday. J-spiritual ruler of half a billion Catholi<;s the Ellsworth Home, Windsor. mage sale Wednesday and Thurs was no slim any of the 101 minutes later. H e radioed the air included first officer Donald R. "While It Is not for men in their station at SandsMt, B.C., for per died Monday night after four days of agonizing suffering Those aittending are reminded to day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at men,' women and children sur Wenger of Tacoma; first engineer own times to anticipate the f Judg from stomach tumor and peritonitis. FUNERAL bring a box lunch. Coffee will be Mott’s Community Hall. Free cof mission to climb from 14,000 to Kenneth A. Larson, Kirkland, ment of history, which only the served. fee will be served. vived. 18,000 feet. ' The body was dressed In red^- Wash.; flight service engineer perspective of years ran properly pontifical robes, with a golden SERVICE ■-Search vessel crewa recovered Another airliner was iiorthbound Donald K. Schaap, and stew make, who can deny that this was fall and which was suspended The Professional Women’s Club JackeU, luggage, cloUUng and at 18,000 one minute behihd but ardesses Joan V. Morris and Pa » . .. — - ---- , bishop’s miter on the head and automatically at his death. The WALTER N. truly a great Pope, a great man', red slippers on the feet "fwo of will have Its annual dinner meet a metal piece at the scene where air control tried to message'' >^1- tricia L. Moran, all of Seattle. , council’s ■ aim was greater Chria- LECLERC ing and election of officers tomor the Northwest Airlines DC7 appar son to go to 16,0<X). There was no The wild coast off which the »»"« the Vatican n oble^ ard .s sto^ tian imity, and it is considered Director row at 6:30 p.m. at Willie’s Steak ently plunged into the Pacific. response. After that neither the >lM e vanished has seen-air dis HaJSfn??"'’ ^ the catafalque almost certain that the new Pope cardinals and diplomats House. Discovery of the metal secUon, ground citation nor the other plane aster^ and near-disaster. ^ will summon the church’s 2,400 Call Ml 9-5869 T O P V A L U E 8 feet t>y 16 feet, seemed to vripe could contact the DC7. In July 1961, a Canadian Pacific In V* “ ^oot O f the catafalque bishops back to Rome to resume M Main Street, Manchester The missing plane carried six in^need of a calm and reasoned to pray and kl.ss the Pope’s slip- its work. Daughters of Union Veterans of out the last faint hope that the Airlines - plane, also carrying w lce, which spoke out firmly for , per. The prelates sprinted hoFy the Civil War will meet tomorrow inflatable life rafts with capaci plane might have stayed afloat troops, disappeared over the Gulf . P''” *''*?* tbe water on the body as they knelt^ The new Pope also must decide at 8 p.m. at tihe home o ff Mrs. long enough for use of life rafts. ties of 20 passengers each. It also of Alaska and .pever was found. brotherhood of man,” said Gov. u .j.: whether to move along the path carried 100 life Jackets. The Pope’s body wa.s to be car- 4 James Shearer, llS ftussell St. On it were 38 pehsons, 29 of them John Dempsey. of better relations with (3ommu* Monday night a Canadian pilot The Coast Guard said a person Q ..