July 16, 1969

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July 16, 1969 19756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE July 16, 1969 out with his left arm and pull a D-shaped And at 1: 55 p.m.-after a total of 21 hours favored raising both the American and United handle, opening a storage bay and exposing and 26 minutes on the surface-Eagle will Nations standards. the lens of a black-and-white TV camera. blastoff to rejoin Columbia. "The planting of the flag is symbolic of In 1.3 seconds, the time it takes light to the first time man has landed on another reach the earth, we will see Armstrong's legs OUR FLAG IN AN AIRLESS Vom celestial body and does not constitute a ter­ carefully moving down the ladder. Ever since the Age of Exploration, man has ritorial claim by the United States," the space A moment later, men on earth will see man yearned to plant his banners on remote and agency said in a terse statement. walking on the moon. distant shores. When Neil Armstrong and More enthusiastically publicized by Nasa For the first half hour, Armstrong will test Buzz Aldrin make it to the lunar surface, is a plaque which the astronauts will unveil his mobility on the surface, collect a two­ the Stars and Stripes will fly on the farthest and leave on the moon, bearing images Of pound "grab bag" rock sample, which is a shore of all. the earth's two hemispheres, signatures of contingency sample in case the walk has to be Plans call for Armstrong and Aldrin to the three Apollo 11 astronauts and President cut short, and receive equipment and a cam­ jointly implant a three- by five-foot nylon Nixon, and carrying the insoription: era via a conveyor belt from Aldrin. Amerfoan flag about an hour after they step "Here men from the planet Earth first set At this point, Aldrin makes his appeairance onto the moon. foot upon the Moon July 1969, A.D. We came on the moon. It will be erected on an eight-foot-tall alu­ in peace for all mankind." For the next two hours, the astronauts minum staff, tubing along the top edge of Also to be left on the moon iJS a silicon collect rocks and soil with a scoop on a three­ the flag keeping it unfurled in the airless disk about the size of a half dollar bearing foot-long handle, filling two containers. lunar environment. messages from more than 100 world leaders. Two hours and 40 minutes after Arm­ Raising of the American flag-and only the To flt them all on the disk, the messages have strong opens the hatch, both crewmen should American flag-was mandated recently by been reduced to about l/200th of their origi­ be back aboard Eagle. Oongress. Space agency senior officials had nal size. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, July 16, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. history is supporting the wisdom of We ask God's blessings on this great The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, those decisions of 1958. adventure of the human spirit. D.D., offered the following prayer: We welcome the sense of sharing which other nations have had in this Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make endeavor. Their flags are being carried THEY ALSO SERVE WHO STAND straight in the desert a highway for our to the moon and statements of many AND WAIT God.-Isaiah 40: 3. of their national leaders will be left as <Mr; KASTENMEIER asked and was O God and Father of us all at this given pe1mission to address the House high moment in our national life we bow a memori·al on the moon to this epic event in the history of our race. for 1 minute and to revise and extend at the altar of prayer invoking Thy his remarks.) blessing upon us and upon our noble Today, at Cape Kennedy, Ambaissado:rs Of most of the nations have been pres­ Mr. KASTENMEIER. Mr. Speaker, I endeavors. Shine Thou upon our Nati,on ent to see the launoh. In one way they do not wish my presence today in this as we launch out into a new day. Bless are our guests because of the investment Chamber with a corporal's guard of our astronauts as they wend their way to the American people have made finan­ House membership, while our colleagues the moon, as they land on its surface, cially to bring abowt this missiOIIl. In an­ enjoy this morning's historic spectacle and as they find their way back. Grant other way, they have a right t.o be there of the lift-off in Cape Kennedy, to con­ them safety all the way and may they as participants, not merely guests. Our note lack of support for, indeed enthusi­ return with their mission accomplished space program has been built upoo a asm for, the enormous achievement of and their aims achieved. oommon heritage of knowledge with the man's flight to the moon. We thank Thee with glowing hearts cooperation of many nations over many I join my colleagues in proudly paying that we live in an hour like this. May we play our part as participants in this generiations. Also, the conducrt of this tribute to our space team. I wish them a mission has depended upon coopierative safe trip and every success, and while our crowning hour of our Nation's history. tracking stations in many nati()!Il:S, and astronauts are on the moon, I hope they In the spirit of the Pioneer of Life we pray. Amen. our flights ·are oonduoted under a regime will pick up and bring back some of that of peaceful acts of space established by surface because, Mr. Speaker, being from international treaty. Wisconsin, America's dairyland, where THE JOURNAL Our men co to the moon not to seize i1t our farmers are burdened by foreign in the name of ownership but as am­ dairy imports, I want Wisconsin dairy The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ bassadors for all men of good will. The producers to be reassured that the terday was read and approved. mi:Ssion, the men, the hopes of the world, moon's surface is not made of poten­ all represent to the highest aspirations tially competitive green cheese. GODSPEED TO OUR ASTRONAUTS of mankind for peace, for progress, and Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker, will AND SUCCESS TO OUR SPACE partnership. the gentleman yield? PROGRAM The inspiration of our moon flight is Mr. KASTENMEIER. I am glad to tha.t we can join forces to solve the ma­ yield to the gentleman from Oklahoma. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, what jor problems on earth just as well as Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker, I wish a wonderul day this is for America and we continue to do so in space, and to to thank the gentleman for the state­ for the world. America, in the name of continue space exploriations will have its ment he has just made aibout the spirit peaceful exploration, has launched into appliootions and spinoffs which will pay and attitude which prevails throughout orbit three brave men-Neil Armstrong, for the progress of our fellow men here all of the membership of this body. Those "Buz" Aldrin, and Mike Collins, who are on earth. of us who are here today are certainly to conduct the first landing on the moon. This mission has only begun, and with our astronauts in spirit and share No matter how many times a launch many difficult tasks are yet to be per­ in the very high hopes of all of us for has been done before, the potentials for formed. We have high confidence in the a successful achievement down there at danger are so great that the whole com­ work rund in the equipment but if the Cape Kennedy and also share in the munity of mankind pauses as Saturn V mission is not completed, these men great pride at what has already been lights for the takeoff. would not want us to tum our backs on accomplished. Our country has conducted with great what they have strived for so hard to Mr. KASTENMEIER. I thank the gen­ credit as well as success its open pro­ acoomplish. tleman for his statement. gram of peaceful exploration of space. Nor would Ameri<;a want us to quit. The National Aeronautics and Space Act We, of oourse, hope and expoot that was proposed by President Eisenhower, within about 8 days this mission can be CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL OF and was forged and perfected in com­ a part of history, a wonderful success MILITARY SPENDING mittees of the Congress of which I was and a tribute to the astronauts, the en­ <Mr. KOCH asked and was given per­ the chairman in the House. We then gineers and the scientists and the work­ mission to extend his remarks at this pledged our program to peaceful goals ers, the citizens and the Government point in the RECORD and to include ex­ in the interest of all mankind. I think which made it possible. traneous matter.) July 16, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 19757 Mr. KOCH. Mr. Speaker, our ool­ Those of us in the Congress who had than the defense budget. In all departments fought for new and increased programs in Oif government, except for the Defense De­ Ieague, WILLIAM s. MOORHEAD, delivered health and housing, for education and for the partment, budget examiners conduct an in­ a speech before the 16th annual Insti­ war on poverty, began to realize that unless dependent analysis and review which is sub­ tute on Government Oontracts on we could bring the military budget, and mitted to the Director of the Budget.
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