Library of Congress
Library of Congress Peculiarities of American cities. Willard Glazier PECULIARITIES OF AMERICAN CITIES. BY CAPTAIN WILLARD GLAZIER, AUTHOR OF “SOLDIERS OF THE SADLLE,” “CAPTURE, PRISON-PEN AND ESCAPE,” “BATTLES FOR THE UNION,” “HEROES OF THREE WARS,” “DOWN THE GREAT RIVER,” ETC., ETC. IIlustrated. LC PHILADELPHIA: HUBBARD BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET. 1886. E168 .G553 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by WILLARD GLAZIER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. 194604 12 To her WHO IS NEAREST AND DEAREST; WHOSE HEART HAS ENCOURAGED; WHOSE HAND HAS CONTRIBUTED TO THE ILLUSTRATION AND EMBELLISHMENT OF ALL MY LITERARY WORK, This Volume IS LOVINGLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. It has occurred to the author very often that a volume presenting the peculiar features, favorite resorts and distinguishing characteristics, of the leading cities of America, would Peculiarities of American cities. Library of Congress prove of interest to thousands who could, at best, see them only in imagination, and to others, who, having visited them, would like to compare notes with one who has made their PECULIARITIES a study for many years. A residence in more than a hundred cities, including nearly all that are introduced in this work, leads me to feel that I shall succeed in my purpose of giving to the public a book, without the necessity of marching in slow and solemn procession before my readers a monumental array of time-honored statistics; on the contrary, it will be my aim, in the following pages, to talk of cities as I have seen and found them in my walks, from day to day, with but slight reference to their origin and past history.
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