The Armenian Diaspora in Central Europe International Scientific Conference Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Stephaneum, Piliscsaba 26-27Th September, 2007
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Pazmany Peter Catholic University National Academy of Sciences Budapest-Piliscsaba Institute of History Yerevan THE ARMENIAN DIASPORA IN CENTRAL EUROPE International Scientific Conference Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Stephaneum, Piliscsaba 26-27th September, 2007 Patron: National Self-Government Dr. Ashot Hovakimian of the Armenian Minority The Viennese Ambassador of Armenia in Hungary 26th September, 2007 9:00-10:00 Registration 10:00-10:45 Opening Ceremony of the Conference, Greetings - Moderator: Dr. habil. Sándor Őze Dr. Ashot Alexanyan, The Viennese Ambassador-Assistant of Armenia Szárkiszián Ádám, President of the Armenian Commune of Hungary Szakács Endre, The General of the Vicarage of Transilvanian Armenian Catholics 10:45-13:00 Plenary Session - Moderator: Prof. Dr. Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, the Rector-Assistant of PPCU Prof. Dr. Ashot Melkonyan (National Academy of Sciences, Institut of History, Yerevan) Armenian Christian Missioners in Europe Prof. Dr. Ernst Christoph Suttner (University of Vienna): Armenians in Poland and in Hungary in the 17th Century; Simultaneous Com- munio with Rome and Ecsmiadzin 14:00-15:00 Lunch A Section: 15:00-17:30 Arthistorical Workshop As. Prof. Dr. Athanassios Semoglou (University of Thessaloniki): The archaic background of the illuminated Armenian Tetraevangel 1038 (Matenadaran No 6201). Traces and signs of a Palestinian origin imagery. Prof. Dr. habil. Waldemar Deluga (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warszawa): Armenian Art in the Polish Lithuanian Common- wealth research history Prof. Dr. Virgil I. Pop (Faculty of Architecture Cluj): Armenopolis (Gherla-Szamosujvar ) – a baroc town Joanna Rydzkowska (Nicholaus Copernicus University, Toruń): Armenian Manuscript no. 2406 in Czartoryski’s Library in Cracow. B Section: 15:00-17:30 Literary and Cultural Historical Workshop Prof. Dr. Ovidiu Pecican (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca): Building a Byzantine Identity: Armenian and Vlach Roots of a Greek Writer - Katakalon Kekavmenos. Dr. habil. Sándor Őze (Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Piliscsaba): Diaspores in Dél-Alföld’s (Hungary) Towns in the 18th-19th century Bálint Kovács (Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Piliscsaba): The Armenian Missionary Literature in the Central European Libraries Anahit Simonjan (National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan): Hungarian-language Newspapers of Szamosujvar and Armenia magazine on Armenia and Armenians in the end of 19th century-beginning of 20th century. 19:00 Evening Reception 27th September, 2007 A Section: 9:00-12:30 Identity and Politics József Tòth K. (Eötvös Lóránt University, Budapest): Armenian Public Appearances in the Long 19th Century Dr. Judit Pál (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca): The Revolution of 1848 and the Armenians of Szamosujvar Dr. ifj. Iván Bertényi (Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Piliscsaba): Elections in Szamosujvar at the Turning Point of the 19th-20th Century Klára Lukácsné Nagy (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca): Life in the Orphanage of Szamosujvar during the First Half of the 20th Cen- tury Tamás Goreczky (Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Piliscsaba): Armenians in Austria – Now and Then B Section: 9:00-12:30 Sociology, Society, Armenian Image in the Disapores Branka Ivanic (Nationalmuseum, Beograd): Folks from Balcan in the Central Asia in the first half of 15th Century Dr. Tomasz Marciniak (Nicholaus Copernicus University, Toruń): Armenian Young Immigrants in Poland. At the Edge. Longin Graczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw): Identity beyond territory? Journey of Polish Armenians in Postmodern Reality. Ilka Veress (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca): Ethnical Identity Narratives in the Case of the Armenian Community of Szamosujvar Kinga Kali (Eötvös Lóránt University, Budapest): Diaspora or Host Society? About The Transnationality of The Hungarian-Armenians in Hungary Shioya Akifumi (University of Tokio): The Activities of Armenian Community in Uzbekistan 12:30-13:30 Lunch A Section: 13:30-15:00 Church-History Horváth Gàbor (Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Piliscsaba): Canonical Visitations in the Transilvanian Armenian Churches István Garaguly (Sapientia College, Budapest): Tradition und communion: Mechitar from Sebaste and the Armenian Catholic Renessaince During the 15th and 18th Century in Constantinople Kornél Nagy (Academy of Sciences, Budapest): Did Minas Vardapet, the Bishop of the Transilvanian Armenians, make a confession? B Section: 13:30-15:00 Ethnography Piroska Krajcsir (Eötvös Lóránt University, Budapest): Facts to the Ethnography of the Transilvanian Armenian Colony (17th and 18th Cen- tury) Ditta Dukai (Eötvös Lóránt University, Budapest): The Beginnings of the Carpathian Armenians Ethnographical Researches Dr. Dezsö Garda (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca): ’Mercantile Forum’ in Gheorgheni 15:00 Closing Ceremony Dr. Ashot Melkonyan, The Director of the Historical Institute of the National Academia of Sciences (Yerevan) Prof. Dr. György Fodor, the Rector of PPCU Information: [email protected] Pazmany Peter Catholic University H-2087 Piliscsaba, Egyetem u. 1. Hungary