BTS OPPORTUNITY: 8,000 – 80,000 M2 AVAILABLE from Q2 2020 Strategically Located

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BTS OPPORTUNITY: 8,000 – 80,000 M2 AVAILABLE from Q2 2020 Strategically Located BTS OPPORTUNITY: 8,000 – 80,000 M2 AVAILABLE FROM Q2 2020 Strategically Located UA HU BAIA MARE MD DEBRECEN CHISINAU D BACĂU ARAD TIMISOARA BRASOV UA E85 A1 PITEȘTI P3 BUCHAREST NW RING ROAD BELGRADE P3 BUCHAREST A1 A1 BUCHAREST RS E70 BG TARNOVO A3 PLOIESTI PLOIESTI BRASOV PLOIESTI BRASOV TARGOVISTE PITEȘTI 7 BACAU IASI E60 TIMISOARA ARAD, SIBIU HUNGARY P3 Bucharest NW Ring Road E60 A1 7 3 A1 P3 Bucharest A1 BUCHAREST A1 A2 CONSTANTA, VARNA, BULGARIA ALEXANDRIA E70 CRAIOVA 4 OLTENITA GIURGIU 5 PYCE, BULGARIA Existing P3 Park Park + BTS Opportunities PRIME LOCATION IN AN UP AND COMING LOGISTIC HUB EASY ACCESS INTO BUCHAREST THROUGH 3 LARGE BOULEVARDS: CHITILA, MOGOSOAIA BTS Opportunity AND IULIU MANIU SUITABLE FOR LOGISTICS, RETAIL, E-COMMERCE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING GREAT VISIBILITY FROM THE RING ROAD BUILD-TO-SUIT OPPORTUNITY: 8,000 – 80,000 M2, WITH PROJECT DELIVERY IN Q2 2020 DIRECT ACCESS TO BUCHAREST’S RECENTLY EXTENDED RING ROAD (4 LANES) ON THE PARK Logo visibility ACCESS 40,750 M2 40,460 M2 A3 MOTORWAY 24.1 KM > BUCHAREST CENTRE 18.5 KM A1 MOTORWAY 5.5 KM > MAIN ACCESS Column grid structure: 22.5x15 m Possible cross-docking TURN-KEY PREMISES SPECIFICATION AND CUSTOM-MADE SOLUTIONS FLEXIBLE LAYOUT WITH UNITS UP TO 80,000 M2 Your Notes SPRINKLER SYSTEM (ESFR) INFRARED HEATERS OR FANCOILS FLEXIBLE OFFICE LAYOUT WITH AIR-CONDITIONING LOADING DOCKS: 1 PER 650 M DRIVE-IN DOORS FOR DIRECT ACCESS PARKING AREA FOR TRUCKS AND VANS Clear height Floor loading Dock levellers CAR PARKING FOR EMPLOYEES AND VISITORS of warehouse capacity 5-6 t/m2 space: 11.5 m SECURITY 24/7 30–35 m truck yard 1 loading dock per 600-680 m2 LED LIGHTING - AVERAGE LEVEL 200 LUX Drive-in access Our BTS Capabilities We develop Build-to-Suit facilities for a wide variety of customers in every country. We manage the full Build-to- Suit life cycle, including site selection, land acquisition, facility specifications, permitting, construction and ownership. Our collaboration with customers begins with the creation of a team comprising our own specialists and third-party experts—our strategic partners, a European network of the top industrial real estate professionals, who support our success in these development activities. Throughout that project, our Build-to-Suit team is focused on four objectives: Alignment with the customers’ goals A3 MOTORWAY 24.1 km Delivery of an on-time, on-budget project Commitment to customer satisfaction and needs Industry-leading design and specifications A1 MOTORWAY 5.5 km We optimise dock doors, ceiling heights, column spacing, building depths and truck bay ratios to maximise building efficiency. Our designs support the latest security and inventory management technology. Green Initiatives Use of recycled and locally sourced construction materials, which reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of our projects Installing high-efficiency lighting systems with photoelectric cells and motion sensors to significantly reduce electricity consumption DCNB Installing low-usage water systems that utilize recycled rain- water (where practical) and low-volume plumbing fixtures, resulting in lower water consumption at the facilities Planned buildings Your Notes Exit Județul Ilfov on Bucharest Ring Road ACCESS RUDENI MAIN ACCESS Driving Directions GPS code: 44.4733352 N | 25.9545144 E 143 DNC8 Take exit Județul Ilfov on DNCB Târgoviște DN72 Ploeszti Brazii de Sus DN71 DN2A DN1A DRIVE TIMES AROUND THE PARK Adâncata Găești Ciolpani Urziceni Snagov DN7 E60 Titu A3 A1 E85 Pitaru Buftea Otopeni DN7 DN1 DN1A Slobozia DN2 Ileana Voluntari Vânătorii Mici P3 Bucharest NW Ring Road A1 BUCHAREST DN3 Fundulea DN61 Bolintin-Vale Pantelimon E81 A2 Roata de Jos P3 Bucharest A1 Popești-Leordeni DN6 DN5 TRUCK DRIVE TIME DN4 Videle 60 min Budești 30 min 10 min Comana Curcani 0 10 km Drăgănești-Vlașca Greaca P3 is a specialist owner, developer and manager of European logistics properties. Active throughout Europe, P3’s asset base comprises over 190 warehouses, totalling 4.1 million m2 of space across 9 countries and a land bank with zoning for more than 1.7 million m2 of potential development. The information contained in this document is indicative in nature. This document is not an offer capable of acceptance, it is not a legal act and does not create a legal duty on any other basis.February 2019 For Build-to-Suit enquiries please contact: WWW.P3PARKS.COM Daniel Cateliu Leasing & Development Manager Twitter @P3Parks +40 722 890 469 LinkedIn P3 Logistic Parks
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