University of The Faculty of Social Sciences

Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies 2014

Practical Information1


Monday morning registration (21st of July and 28th of July)…………………………....2 Oslo Summer School Information Office…………...... ……………………………………….2 Opening hours – the University Library (Georg Sverdrup Hus)……….……………………..2 Computer Access at the ……………………………………………………….2 General transport information……………………………………………………………………….3 Campus guide……………………………………………………………………………………...6 Lunch arrangements and social events………………………………………………….…….....7 Accommodation………………………………………………………...…….…………....…………..8 Assignments and ECTS Credits………………………………………………………………………9

1 This is meant to be a general information document for all participants at Oslo Summer School. All information may not be relevant for all participants. For more specific questions, please e-mail us: Tron Harald Torneby: [email protected] Sara Sundby: [email protected]

University of Oslo The Faculty of Social Sciences

Monday Morning Registration (21st of July and 28th of July) Registration takes place in Georg Sverdrups Hus (The University Library) at Blindern University Campus, between 9.15 and 10.15 Monday 21st of July and Monday 28th of July. Please show up in due time!

Oslo Summer School Information Office This is the main spot of information during Oslo Summer School. This office is located in the same building and next to where the lectures are held, in the Georg Sverdrups Hus (The University Library). This office will be open every day during the two weeks (except Saturday and Sunday) from 09.30 to 15.30. The Oslo Summer School staff will be present to provide you with information and assistance. Please stop by, at least once a day, for news and updates, events, activities and other relevant information.

Opening Hours – Georg Sverdrups hus (the University Library) Unfortunately, the Library building has rather restricted opening hours during summer. Summer Opening Hours: Monday-Friday: 09.00 - 16.00, Thursday: 09.00-17.00. Saturday and Sunday: Closed.

Computer Access at the University of Oslo Many of you will probably bring your own laptops and would want to connect with the University of Oslo wireless network during and between classes. There are several options, but we recommend that those of you who have the possibility to use Eduroam should choose this option. Another possibility is the conference option that is set up for the Oslo Summer School 2014, and this wireless network is accessible in Georg Sverdrups hus (the University Library building). Username and password for the conference option will be given to you in our Information Office upon request. Read more about the wireless networks at University of Oslo here.


General Transport Information

Arriving Oslo by Plane Oslo’s main airport is called Gardermoen (OSL). Getting from Gardermoen to the Oslo Central Station (Oslo S), you have three public transportation options of varying expenses.

First – the airport express train (Flytoget) – which brings you to Oslo Central Station (Oslo S) rapidly and comfortably. Note that student tickets are available, if you have a student card and your age is between 21 and 31, you will get 50% discount. Ordinary price is NOK 170, students NOK 85. Arriving at Oslo Central Station (Oslo S), you will enter the city at Jernbanetorget, which is also the name of Oslo downtown’s main transportation hub.

The second option from the airport is shuttle buses SAS Flybussen or Flybuss- ekspressen. Some of the buses are less expensive than the train. Ordinary price for SAS Flybussen: NOK 160, students under 31 years: NOK 80. Flybussekspressen: Ordinary price NOK 200, students under 30 years: NOK 100, but also less time-efficient, since they stop at a number of Oslo destinations. Depending on where you stay in Oslo, this may be the best option.

Finally, you have the option of taking a taxi, they are plentiful but the prices are very steep. Oslo Summer School does not recommend this option.

If you are one of the participants chosen to stay at Rica Holberg Hotel, it may be convenient for you to take SAS Flybussen, as this bus will stop only 70 meters from the hotel. Depart the bus at Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel, and walk across the Holberg square (“Holbergs plass”).

However, if you should arrive at Torp Airport in Sandefjord, expect an hour and a half in a shuttle bus before you reach Oslo. The ordinary airport bus ticket costs NOK 250 from Torp Airport to Oslo, students NOK 180. Using the airport bus from Torp, you will arrive at the Oslo Central Station, where you easily will find subway, bus and tram lines for further transportation.


Public Transportation in Oslo Several transport routes pass Blindern University Campus and the downtown city area, so this should not be a problem. Consult the city map “Ruters Oslokart” which shows all subway, tram and bus lines in Oslo. You can get this map for free at Trafikanten (the big tower in front of the Oslo Central Station). Here you also will be able to purchase all kinds of tickets.

In close reach from Oslo Central Station, about 150 meters from the main entrance slightly to the right, you will find the tram stop for the tram lines transporting you to Blindern Campus, where all Oslo Summer School events and lectures are located. Tram lines 17 and 18 will bring you to Blindern Campus; depart at stop named “Universitetet Blindern”. Both tram lines also passes the stop for Rica Holberg Hotel, which is named “Holbergs plass”.

Tickets to Subway, Tram, Bus and Boat Subway, tram, bus and boat have the same ticket system within Oslo. Tickets are valid for one hour and you can transfer between all the four transport systems. One ticket to the tram/subway/bus/boat costs NOK 30 if bought in advance, and NOK 50 if bought from the driver on the bus/tram. You can buy tickets at Narvesen kiosks, 7-eleven and Deli de Luca, which are easily found all around the city.

Oslo Summer School strongly recommends a one-week travel card (“7-dagers kort”) at the cost of NOK 280. This card is valid on all buses, trams, subways and most boats in the Oslofjord (as long as you don't travel out of Oslo), and for as many trips as you want during one week. You can buy this card at the ticket offices on the largest subway stations, the train stations, the tourist offices and from Trafikanten (the big tower in front of the Oslo Central Station). The card needs to be validated the first time you use it.

Some travel agencies recommend the ”Oslo Pass” for tourists, which gives you free transportation and free access to some museums for NOK 290 for 24 hours. We do not recommend it, as it would be cheaper for most to buy the “7-dagers kort” and pay entrance at the museums you wish to visit.


Tram System of Oslo The tram’s route network primarily covers the inner city, but have a couple of longer lines out to the residential areas west and south of the city centre.

The tram lines 17 and 18 both pass Blindern Campus (consult the map “Ruters Oslokart”). From the city centre, take the lines westwards, in the direction of “Rikshospitalet”. Then depart at the stop called “Universitetet Blindern”. Finding your way from the stop to the Georg Sverdrups hus is quite easy, simply go straight forward through the campus until you reach the big open square and you will see the University Library called “Georg Sverdrups hus” in black marble stones in front of you slightly to the left (it is the most modern looking building on campus).

Subway System of Oslo Oslo’s underground train network (called “T-bane” and signified by a blue circle around a large blue “T”) is laid out a bit like a bowtie east to west, with six lines scattered around Oslo’s suburbs.

Go to your closest subway station, find out where you are on the map, and make sure you get on the train going in the right direction. If you want to go from the centre to Blindern Campus, take the lines westwards (“mot vest” meaning to “towards west” in Norwegian), and use subway number 3 (marked “Sognsvann”), number 5 (marked “Storo”) or number 4 (marked “Ringen”). Depart at stop called “Blindern”.

Buses in Oslo Newcomers to Oslo should probably rely on other means of getting from downtown Oslo to Blindern Campus – than the bus system. Unfortunately, none of the bus lines to Blindern Campus pass through the city centre.

Taxi Never a cheap alternative (particularly in ), but it is of course more convenient and efficient than anything else. The vast majority of taxi drivers speak English. Your taxi should have a Taxi-sign on the roof (indicating that it is official and registered) to ensure your security and that you are not gouged.


Campus Guide

The main campus at the University of Oslo, Blindern, is located on the western outskirts of the city. Here you will find the administration for The Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as the central administration for the University.

Blindern Campus functions like a small community consisting of several stores, cafeterias, welfare services and student organizations. The University Foundation for Student Life (SIO) is in charge of welfare services such as the Social Counsellors Office, Health services and Day Care centres. You will also find the bookstore Akademika where you can buy books and study materials for your courses. A pharmacy is located in the same building.

At Blindern Campus there are some cafeterias where you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the Frederikke building you will also find a supermarket (including postal services), a hairdresser, restaurant Frida and bakery Deiglig, as well as a perfumery and a coffee shop. On the ground floor there is a student chapel which is open every day, as well as a prayer room for Muslims. You will also find two sport activity centres at Blindern Campus “Idrettsbygningen” and Domus Athletica.

Not all services will be operating during OSS. You may ask at the Summer School Information Office for more information about campus and services available.


Lunch Arrangements and Social Events

Lunch will be served at Blindern campus between 12.00 and 13.30 every day.

Monday to Friday Lunch 12.00 -13.30 • Location: SV Cafeteria, in Eilert Sundts hus.

Monday Reception 16.30 -18.00 • Location: TBA (to be announced) • Representatives from the University of Oslo welcome all participants and lecturers to the Oslo Summer School. • A short presentation of the summer courses taking place in week 30 and 31 by the lecturers. • Drinks and food will be served. • Invitation will be given during registration Monday morning.

Tuesday Guided bus tour of Oslo 16.00 • Free guided bus tour of Oslo, lasting for approx. 3 hours. Sign up for the tour in the Information Office on Monday or Tuesday. The bus will depart from Blindern Campus.

Friday Farewell party 18.00 • Location: Frida Restaurant in the Frederikke building (at campus square). • Informal farewell gathering from 18.00 until about 20.30 for all participants and lecturers. Pizza will be served for free, and drinks are available at fairly reasonable prices. • Please note that you will have to enlist yourself at the Summer School Information Office in advance for this event. If anyone is in the mood for it, we might end up going out on town after the event.



Oslo Summer School has pre-reserved a limited number of twin rooms at Rica Holberg Hotel centrally located in downtown Oslo with easy access to public transportation that will take you to Blindern University Campus in 10 to 15 minutes:

For other accommodation alternatives suggestions: school/accommodation.html

Shared twin room option: The price for sharing a twin room (in separate beds) with another participant of the same sex is NOK 550 a night per person. You may enlist yourself by sending an e-mail to Oslo Summer School organizers no later than 1st of June 2014. Please note that you will have to provide correct arrival and departure dates in order to make the arrangement. NOTE! We only have a limited number of twin rooms, and those wanting to make use of this offer should enlist as soon as possible, and no later than 1st of June. Payment for a shared twin room with another participant should be done by yourself directly to the Rica Holberg Hotel during your stay. The address for the hotel is: Rica Holberg Hotel, Holbergs plass 1, 0166 Oslo.

How to get to Rica Holberg Hotel from Oslo Central Station: If you have arrived at Oslo Central Station, you may also take the tram to Rica Holberg Hotel. 150 meters from the Oslo Central Station main entrance, slightly to the right, you will find the tram stop for tram lines 11, 17 and 18 in the direction of either “Majorstuen” (11) or “Rikshospitalet” (17 and 18). Depart at stop named “Holbergs plass” and you will find Rica Holberg Hotel 50-60 meters further ahead.

Transportation from Rica Holberg Hotel to Blindern University Campus: Tram number 17 and 18 run frequently, and passes the hotel, at the stop called “Holbergs plass”. These two lines will take you to Blindern campus in about 10 minutes. Take the trams going in the direction of “Rikshospitalet”, and depart the tram at the stop “Universitetet Blindern”


Assignments and ECTS Credits

In order to obtain course approval and to receive a Course Certificate with 10 ECTS credits, a written essay of about 15-20 pp. (6 -8.000 words) must be submitted. This essay will be evaluated and commented on by the course lecturer. The grading is either pass or fail (or in some cases revise and resubmit)

Note: The lecturer may instruct on individual assignments/essays of shorter length, and you should take note of the instructions from the lecturer concerning this matter.

Essays must be sent electronically to Tron Harald Torneby no later than eight weeks after the course has been lectured, and your essay/assignment will be forwarded to the lecturer for assessment and comments. Essays are not to be sent directly to the lecturer.

Participants, who attend two courses, will be given an additional four weeks to prepare their second essay. A completed course gives credits (10 ECTS credits) that will be accepted as part of the organised research training at most European universities.

If a student, for any other reason, need to postpone the essay; a written application must be presented to the Summer School secretary within two weeks after the course was lectured. As a principle rule, only one extra month will be granted under any circumstances.

The deadline for submitting essay/assignment is either Monday, 22nd of September or Monday, 29th of September depending whether you attend the first or second week of summer school (+ additional 4 weeks for those who submit two essays in relation to attending two courses).

Please send the essay electronically in Word or PDF format by e-mail to: [email protected]

Also please remember that the Oslo Summer School will not issue a Summer School


Certificate with ECTS credits until you have submitted an essay that is graded with a Pass from the lecturer.

The written evaluation/comments of the essay and Course Certificate will be sent to you hopefully no later than 1st of December 2014. Please make sure that Oslo Summer School has registered the correct postal address for sending all correspondence after your participation at the Oslo Summer School.

About ECTS Credits ECTS has been developed by the Commission of the European Communities to provide common procedures to guarantee academic recognition of studies abroad. It is a decentralized system based upon principles of mutual trust and confidence between the participating higher education institutions.

It provides a way of measuring and comparing learning achievements and transferring them from one institution to another. ECTS is a credit system based on student workload. It involves lectures, seminars, practical work, papers and self-study, and includes all work needed to prepare for an examination or other assessments.