Implantology in Dentistry
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Special edition for Cologne’s trade show Infodent Hall 4.1 Stand A088 - C089 COLOGNE guide nightlife, dining and culture IDS Exhibition floor plans DENTAL Market reviews CCoollooggnnee .........................44 -- 4477 AAddvveerrttiisseerr’’ss AAnnnnoouunncceemmeenntt........7799 -- 8888 • HIStOry............................4 - 7 PPrreessss RReelleeaassee......................................................4488 -- 5566 • tHINGS tO SEE............. 8 - 17 • INNOvAtIvE ENDODONtICS INCrEASES • CuLturE......................18 - 24 tHE SuCCESS Of trEAtmENt .............48 -52 • DINING ..........................26 - 36 • ImpLANtOLOGy IN DENtIStry .......53 - 56 • NIGHtLIfE...................37 - 47 DDeennttaall MMaarrkkeett RReevviieewwss........................6600 -- 8800 AAddvveerrttiisseerrss IINNDDEEXX Cover page: CSN Industrie..................................................42 GIDIEMMESMILE Srl......................................54 Steute Schaltgeräte GmbH & Co. KG ...26-27 G. Comm. S.r.l. DB Orthodontics............................................35 Hogies Australia Pty Ltd..............................51 Suni Medical Imaging..................................11 Via Donizetti 22/24 Deltamed GmbH............................................37 Lares Research................................................50 Tehnodent Doo..............................................38 20040 Cornate D'Adda (MI) Italy Tel. +39 039 6060420 – Fax: +39 DENT’N Co .......................................................75 Leader Italia Srl...............................................65 Tokmet - TK Ltd..............................................56 039 6926991 Dentag Srl.........................................................34 Mectron SpA......................inside back cover Toros Dental.....................................................36 - Dental Manufacturing SpA........................39 Microbrush International............................32 Tri Hawk Corporation.............................48-49 [email protected] Dentalfilm Srl...................................................40 Mirrodent AB...................................................17 U.S. Medlink.....................................................20 Dentalica SpA..................................................30 Mydent Corporation.......................................9 Vatech Co., Ltd................................................22 A.S. Technology..............................................53 Dentamerica, Inc............................................33 Navadha Enterprises.....................................19 VIVI Srl................................................................59 Apoza Enterprise Co. Ltd.............................55 Diagram Srl......................................................18 Newmed Srl.....................................................57 VOP Ltd..............................................................31 Asa Dental SpA...............................................16 Dmetec Co. Ltd...............................................43 Nobil Metal SpA.............................................25 Werther International SpA.........................41 Biotec Srl...........................................................47 DXM Co..............................................................46 Noritake Dental Supply Co. Limited..... 44-45 White Peaks Dental Systems BISCO, Inc..........................................................15 Ekom Spol s r.o................................................14 Pulpadent Switzerland.................................23 GmbH & Co. KG...............................................58 C.G.M. Spa. Div. Medicale META...............52 Eschmann Equipment....inside front cover Sacred International.....................................21 Willmann&PeinGmbH..................................13 Coramex S.A. .................................................29 Gapless..............................................................24 SIA Orthodontic Manufacturer.................10 ZB 19 Zahntechnikerbedarf.........................7 Publishing House/Editore: Infodent Srl Printer/Stampa: Graffietti Stampati Snc S.S. Umbro Casentinese Km. 4,500 Montefiascone (VT) n°1/2009 - aut. trib. VT n°496 del 16-02-2002 Trimestrale di informazione tecnico scientifica Infodent tm is the title of this magazine as well as an applied for trademark. Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Sped. in A.P. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. In Any use thereof without the publisher’s authorization is to be deemed illegal and shall be prosecuted. L. 26/02/2004 n°46) art. 1 comma 1 DCB VITERBO Costo copia - Euro 0.77 • Publisher: Riccardo Chiarapini: [email protected] • Managing Director: Baldo Pipitone: [email protected] • Editor: Tina M. Persson: [email protected] Questa rivista Le è stata inviata tramite abbonamento: l’in - • Exhibition Manager: Silvia Borriello: [email protected] dirizzo in nostro possesso verrà utilizzato, oltre che per l’in - • Italian Market Specialist: Daniela Fioravanti: [email protected] vio della rivista, anche per l’invio di altre riviste o per l’inoltro di proposte di abbonamento. Ai sensi della legge 196/03 è nel Suo diritto richiedere la cessazione dell’invio e/o l’aggior - • Web and Multimedia: Lara Pippucci: [email protected] namento dei dati in nostro possesso. • Account Dept.: Nadia Coletta: [email protected] Infodent S.r.l. wishes to inform all INFODENT INTERNATIONAL readers and subscribers • Art Director: Martina Bonina: [email protected] that their personal data will be used for the delivery of the magazine. Personal data will be treated by means of electronic instruments and can be modified and integrated as well as cancelled anytime, according to art. 13 of the Italian Law on Privacy 675/96. The treatment Infodent S.r.l. of data is necessary to carry out contractual requirements, to organize advertising material Strada Teverina Km 3,600 - I - 01100 Viterbo - Italy and to check delivery of the magazine. We remind our readers and subscribers that they Tel. +39 0761 352 198 - Fax +39 0761 352 133 can forbid the treatment of their data by writing to Infodent S.r.l., Strada Teverina Km - [email protected] 3.600, 01100, Viterbo, Italy. [2 ] INFODENT AT IDS 2009 9 0 0 2 S D I t a A Meeting Point for the international dental industry, gather - t n ing manufacturing companies and products from United King - e dom, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Spain, Japan, Pakistan, Taiwan, d o f Morocco, Mexico. n I Our 87 sqm stand in Cologne will provide a comfortable plat - form for companies wishing to find new business opportunities and to meet trade partners from the worldwide dental mar - ket… and a tasty cup of Italian coffee at the bar! INFODENT Hall 4.1 s Aisle A – No. 088 w Aisle C – No. 089 e >> i v e r t e Companies exhibiting at Infodent’s booth are: k r a micro tech. Corp. - Operating lights, diagnostic devices Attachments, Tray and other container systems m l Dentmate technology Co., Ltd - Light Polymerisation mirage Dental products Ltd. - Oral irrigators, Dental care prod - a t Devices (D) ucts, Denture care, Dental floss n e mirrodent AB - Suction devices, Evacuation cannulae, Examina - faprodent / Stardental - Waxes, Plasters, Synthetic resins for in - d tion instruments lays, crowns and bridges, Denture base polymers, Acrylic resin teeth tanchy Instruments - Impression materials, Instrument stands, Orthodontic supplies, Mixing bowls, Impression trays, Surgical in - Hexagon International (GB) Ltd. - Cotton rolls/Tampon strips struments, Filling instruments, Injection instruments, Infection cannulae, Orthodontic instruments, Matrix systems / Matrix hold - Saga Dental Supply A/S - Orthodontic expansion and other ers, Measuring instruments, Periodontal instruments, Scalpels, screws, Orthodontic brackets s Spatula, Examination instruments, Tooth cleaning instruments, t n Tungsten carbide instruments, Materials for orthodontic equip - Gestenco International AB - Adhesives, Instrument stands, Or - e ment, Instrument stands, Articulators, Mixing instruments, Plaster thodontic supplies, Orthodontic instruments, Orthodontic ex - m knives and saws, Measuring instruments, Modelling instruments, pansion and other screws, Orthodontic wires and brackets e Laboratory pliers, Tray and other container systems c Smile Creation SL - Bleaching systems n Satou/mokuda Dental Co., Ltd - Products for emergency cases, u Tooth cleaning instruments, Plaque detectors Coramex S.A. - Photographic systems, Imaging systems, Diag - o n nostic devices n Hospimed mfg. - Impression trays, Evacuation cannulae, Bite a registration instruments, Surgical instruments, Filling instruments, s Injection instruments, Injection cannulae, orthodontic instru - ’ r ments, Matrix systems / Matrix holders, Measuring instruments, e Periodontal instruments, Scalpels, Spatula, Examination instru - s i t ments, Tooth cleaning instruments, Diamond instruments, Tung - r sten carbide instruments, Steel instruments, Root canal e v instruments, Implantation instruments, Articulators, Mixing in - d struments, Plaster knives and saws, Measuring instruments, Mod - a elling instruments, Laboratory pliers, Diamond instruments, [3 ] IDS 2009 INTERNATIONAL DENTAL SHOW • Exhibition fact and figures located within the grounds of the trade fair centre. The new southern entrance to Koelnmesse is only a few steps away. 9 Date: 0 0 24 to 28 March, 2009 2 Travel packages online Opening times: Exhibitors and visitors can book rooms in one of over 70