Type-Specimens of Reptiles in the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
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MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NO. 167 Type-Specimens of Reptiles in the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Arnold G. Kluge Museum of Zoology and Division of Biological Sciences The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48 109-1079 Ann Arbor MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN .July 19, 1984 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN The publications of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan consist of two series- the Occasional Papers and the Miscellaneous Publications. Both series were founded by Dr. Bryant Walker, Mr. Bradshaw H. Swales, and Dr. W. W. Newcomb. The Occasional Papers, publication of which was begun in 1913, serve as a medium for original studies based principally upon the collections in the Museum. They are issued sepa- rately. When a sufficient number of pages has been printed to make a volume, a title page, table of contents, and an index are supplied to libraries and individuals on the mailing list for the series. The Miscellaneous Publications, which include papers on field and museum techniques, monographic studies, and other contributions not within the scope of the Occastional Papers, are published scparately. It is not intended that they be grouped into volumes. Each number has a title page and, when necessary, a table of contents. A complete list of publications on Birds, Fishes, Insects, Mammals, Mollusks, and Reptiles and Amphibians is available. Address inquiries to the Director, Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48 109-1079. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLI<:ATIONS MUSEUM OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY 01; MICHIGAN NO. 167 Type-Specimens of Reptiles in the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Arnold G. Kluge Museum of Zoology and Division of Biological Sciences The University of Michigan Arir~Arbor, Michigan 48 109- 1079 Ann AI-bor- MUSEUM OF ZOOI,OGY, UNIVERSI'I'Y OF M1C:IIIC;AN July I!), 1984 IN~I'ROI)UC.'I'ION ................................................................ I lOI1MA.T ........................................................................ I 'I'Y1'8-SI'E(:IMENS ............................................................... 2 SAUKIA ..................................................................... 2 0I'IIIl)IA ................................................................... 48 'I'ES'I'UL~I NATA ............................................................. 79 A(:KNOWI~EI)<;ME:N'I'S ......................................................... 84 I.I~l~k:RA'I'UKP.(.I.I'EI). .......................................................... 84 INTRODUCTION This list completes my survey of type-specinlens in the hei-l,etological collectiolls or the University of mi chi gal^ Museum of' Zoology (see I<luge, 1!)83). Four hundr-ed and seventy-six reptile taxa ar-e represented, which is nearly double the number- reported by Peters (1952). While the riumher of' reptile types has not incre;ised in the last 30 years propol-tionate to that of' the amphibians, sig~lificantgains have occurred in all major groups ('I'able 1 ). ""l'hc nu~~~l,c~.s01' ax;^ 1.1 on1 I'ctrt s' (1 052) lib1 ;u.c pl;tcctl ill ~;IIe1~~1icscs .l-l~r.c \ .~lucsII,IVC 1)cc11coi-I-cctctl hi- errors in ;rt-i~llt~ictica~~tl for tax;[ now cxc lutlctl I)ec;iusc of 111) ~.ci~)rct-pt-cl;~- tic111 ol'~liclypc-status ot UMMZ 111i1leri;11:I:'IIIII(J(.P.\ ~III,~I'I (=K. I~III//I~JII~II/IO~~.III~c(Ic),(;IIIIII/II//I'\ g/(lflCll\(I ~,~lll~lll~l,\/ll\ /~llll/l~ll~l~tll), ~~~llltl~l(~/l~/~~/ll\ ~Oli//l~tl~ll\l.\ (~(~'~l/ll~//l//~/ll\ /llll(/ll~l~ll.\l\), ~.('lll/l'/)l\ /I~~~/IIIII~I~I~IIIIIIIII,~I,\~~, Sorlottr ~(,~/IIIL/I\ (=S. II~I/I~IIC~I~~~II\~.\III~I/~/II/I\).~'I~/III/~/I/II~ /J/II/~~I(=T. 1 (I~~II~II~II,II.\I.\/I(II1t1,r i). FORMA'I' 'l'lic f'o1.111at101. 111is list Sollo\\,stllat of I<lugc (lC)8:3). 111 ;~dtlitio~i,l~y~)o~j;~~~~~ty~~cs 11;1vc11ot I~ccninclutlctl (Slrrirl~,IWii) ;~ntl;I IC;I~LI~is trr;uvtl 21s 1.8:? km. Also, I Ilavc ;~t~c~tlljtcclto wl~creco11sitlc1-aljle uncerraitir y cxistetl. I;~~rthc~-,I 11;1ve t:tkelr grc;~rcrI~bct.tics ill intcl.pret~ng collecro~-\'given n;umes. 'l'hc collection aI)hrcvi;~~io~~sused in the list ,II-~I;~rgcly tliose I-ccoti~niclrtlctlIjy the ,Joitit I-lc~-~)c~ologi(~;~IKeso~~~-ce <:oltirl~ittee (L.eviroli, I,/ crl., 1<)80).111 ;~tltliriotllo tliosc listctl ill Kl~~gc ( 1 ')H:l), they ;u~: AK Arnoltl <;. ICluge, per-so~~alcollcctioll (IIOIV UMbIZ). /\I. AI-thur 1.ovct-iclge, pel-sonal collcctioli. B(;I' Uons-(;irot-l';iste~~~-,pel-sonal c-ollccrio~~. 1lI-S 1)avitl El. 1)utiklc atitl I-lolx~r~M. Slr~itli,pcrsollal collccrion. 11% l)cp;~t-t~umcntotle Zoologi;~tla Secretaria tl;~t\g~-iculru~a, Sio I';~ulo. 1- 1-1.1‘ I*:tlw,u-cl H. '1';~ylot-,pc~.so~r;rl collcc tion. I;\( rrcl;~I'oly~Cc~ric;r N:rcion,rl, CJiriro. 1:r;unk N. Bl;t~~cl~a~-tl.persoli;~l collection. I.o~~isi;un;rSt;rcc- UII~VCI-sityblusc-11111 ol Zoology. hlusco tle I',iologia, Llnivel.sidad Ccn~ral,(:irl-;rcas. hlal(.olr~rA. Smith, pr~.so~ralcollcctioli. blr~hcutlc Zoologi;~tl;~ L!l~ivcl-sitl;itlc tlc S>o 1';111lo. Itit h;trtl 'l'lio~ii;~s,pc~-son;rl collcctio~i. Ll~rivcl-sicyol' (:olo~-;rtlo,Museum. LJ~~ive~-sitl;rtlNacio~~~rl Auronom;~ de Mi.xico. Ilisrirr~totlr Biologia V. 13. Suk;ulo\,, ~~erso~i;rlcollctrion. Wal~rl-Mos;~~tc~-, pcfiolr;rl c,ollcclion. Yirlc U~~ivcrsityI'r;~l)otly bluscu~r~. S~lllili\ Abronia matudai (I-lartweg ant1 Tihen)-scc (;rr.rl101~o/7r.cnl,cl/lrrlni Hal-tweg ant1 'l'iherl Agama agama dodornae Lovcr idge-see Agi~?ni~liol~otu.~ dodotn(~o Lovericlgc Agama agama elgonis lJii~~nberg-stre Agarla (I~(IIIL(/LI~~-IIP~L.SL.T 1,overidge Agama agama kaimosae 1,overitlgc = Agamc~pl(~ltico/).s c.audo.spillo.sn Meek 1$11I1. M~is.(:o~rlp. Lool. IIarval-cl, 79(1), Fell., 1935, p. 10. I'AI~AI ol>oI YPI.:,78838 (M(:Z, unnu~ribei-ctlduplicate). KENYA: I<,%~ci\r\r~;c;,\:4.8 km W Kairnosi. Arthur I,overiclgc, 1935. li~~:~~~\~i~ts.-A~~o~~clilqto the original publicatio~i,the specimen was col- Icc-ted Mai-cl~2-9, 1931. Agama agama turuensis Loveridge = Agatr~c~c~gc~niir rlgo?~i.s Liinnl~erg Ri111. MIIS.Conlp. Zool. I-iarvard, 72(10), March 1932, p. 376. 1',\1i,&-1~IYYI.YIII.S, 70226 (6,M(:%, unnumbered cluplic-ares).TANZANIA: '1'111-u,IJnyangarlyi, E Singida. Arthur 1,ovei-idgc, 1)ec. 3, 1929. R~<nli\~i~<s.-'l'heInorc specific lo(-ality is taken fr-orn Rarhoui- and Lover- idge (I046). Agama lionotus dodomae Loveridge = Aga?n,tl, ugc~?ticr,rlodon~c~~ Loveridge I'roc. Zool. Soc. Lontl., 1923, Dec., 1923, p. 944. I'AR,\.I.YI~I:,61435 (AL). 'TANZANIA: I<ONI)~,\-~I<.AN(;I:Mtali's. Artliul- Loveridge, 0c:t. 1 1, 1922. Agama lionotus mwanzae 1,overidge = Agc~rnapdal~icpps ~tr-iorrnzae Loveridge 1'1-oc. Zool. Soc. I,oncl., 1923, Dec., 1923, p. 945. I'AI~AIYI~F.~,60509 (AL), 60510 (2, AL). TANZANIA: MWANLA:Mwadil-a ((iO509) ancl Sagayo (60510). Artllui- L,overiclge, Oct. 19 (60509) and Nov. 8 (605 lo), 1922. Agama planiceps caudospinosa Meek-see Apma ag(Lnrcl Ircrim,o,st~(>Lover- idge Agama planiceps mwanzae L,over-itlgc-see Agnmn 1io~rrot~r.cm-ir~c~nzn~ Lover- idge Alopoglossus amazonius Ruthven = Alopoglossus angulatus (Linni.) Occ. Paps. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., (153), Dec. 30, 1924, p. 1. HOLOTYPE,56853. BRAZIL: MATO GROSSO:Vila Murtinho. Jesse H. Williamson, Apr. 6, 1922. Alopoglossus angulatus (Linne)-see Alopoglossus amazonius Ruthven Ameiva ameiva bilineata Barbour and Noble Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, 59(6), Oct., 1915, p. 464. HOLOTYPE,46142. GUYANA: Demerara River, Dunoon. Alexander G. Ruthven, Aug. 24, 1914. PAKATOPO.I-YPES,46137 (= MCZ 10924), 46140-41, 46150. Data as for holotype, except: Alexander G. Ruthven and Frederick M. Gaige, Aug., 1914. RI.:MAKKS.-T~~year, 1904, was erroneously given for the collection of the paratopotypes, and the lJMMZ catalogue also gives more specific dates: Aug. 12 (46150), 20 (46140), 25 (46141) and 29 (46137). Ameiva ameiva praesignis (Baird and Girard)-see Cnemidophorus praesig- nis Baird and Girard Ameiva anomala Echternacht Copeia, (I), March 16, 1977, p. 1, figs. 1-3. PAKA.I-YPES:12 1464, 126891. COLOMBIA: CHOCO:Condoto. Marte Latham, Apr.-May, 1957 (121464). VALLEDE CAUCA:nr. "Raposo Riv- er Station," on Rio Raposo. Walter R. Moberly, July 9-1 1, 1965 (1 26891). Ameiva auberi granti Schwartz Ann. Carnegie Mus., 41(4), Sept. 18, 1970, p. 91, fig. 1. PARATYPE,98018. CUBA: OKIENTE:Preston on Nipe Bay. Clarence Clark. Ameiva auberi sabulicolor Schwartz Ann. Carnegie Mus., 41(4), Sept. 18, 1970, p. 94, fig. 1. PAIZATYPES,110184, 110203 (2). CUBA: ORIENTE:Guantanamo Bay, United States Naval Base. Thomas M. Uzzell, Jr., Feb. 20 (1 10184), and Richard E. Etheridge, May 16 (110203), 1954. Ameiva auberi ustulata Schwartz Ann. Carnegie Mus., 41(4), Sept. 18, 1970, p. 97, fig. 1. PARATYPES,90730 (2). CUBA: SANTIAGODE CUBA:Morro Castle. Adrian Vanderhorst, March, 1939. KI:.LIAKI~~.-Februarywas given as the month of collection in the original description. Ameiva bifrontata concolor Ruthven Occ. Paps. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich., (155), Dec. 30, 1924, p. 3. HOL.<YI-YPE,59192. PERU: Paipoy, Rio Crisnejas, 24 km from Maraiibn, 1067 m. N. E. Pearson, Sept., 1923. PAKATOPOTYPES,59 193-94. Data as for holotype. PAKATYPE,59195. Data as for holotype, except: Tingo de Pauca, jct. Rio Crisnejas and Rio Maraiion opposite Cajamarca (59195). K~.:b~,\~<~.;s.-~l'heskulls of' 59194 ancl 59195 have been I-ecataloguetl ;is 149443 and 149446, respectively.