RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS BY ZOO ATLANTA STAFF 1978–Present This listing may be incomplete, and some citation information may be incomplete or inaccurate. Please advise us if you are aware of any additional publications. Copies of publications may be available directly from the authors, or from websites such as ResearchGate. Zoo Atlanta does not distribute copies of articles on behalf of these authors. Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1978 1. Maple, T.L., and E.L. Zucker. 1978. Ethological studies of play behavior in captive great apes. In E.O. Smith (Ed.), Social Play in Primates. New York: Academic Press, 113–142. 1979 2. Maple, T.L. 1979. Great apes in captivity: the good, the bad, and the ugly. In J. Erwin, T.L. Maple, G. Mitchell (Eds.), Captivity and Behavior: Primates in Breeding Colonies, Laboratories and Zoos. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 239–272. 3. Strier, K.B., J. Altman, D. Brockman, A. Bronikowski, M. Cords, L. Fedigan, H. Lapp, J. Erwin, T.L. Maple, and G. Mitchell (Eds.). 1979. Captivity and Behavior: Primates in Breeding Colonies, Laboratories and Zoos. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 286. 1981 4. Hoff, M.P., R.D. Nadler, and T.L. Maple. 1981. Development of infant independence in a captive group of lowland gorillas. Developmental Psychobiology 14:251–265. 5. Hoff, M.P., R.D. Nadler, and T.L. Maple. 1981. The development of infant play in a captive group of lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). American Journal of Primatology 1:65–72. 1982 6. Hoff, M.P., R.D. Nadler, and T.L. Maple.
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