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USAC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP STOCK CAR EVENT Tu]J USAC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP LATE MODEL STOCK CAR EVENT tl+oa Lrrr Bern SUNDAY, JULY 8, ,1979 fffi WISCONSIN STATE FAIR PARK SPEEDWAY . MILWAUKEE SOI.JVENIR PROGRAM . $I.ZS tU]J I &#-€ E F "*1 rHE INTERilATIO]IA1 DASH OF July 7, 1979 ' You're looking ot o tochomefer which hos Deor Rqce Fon; been closely scrutinized by some of the world's greotesf living drivers. It belongs to one of the Penske Comoros used in fhe lnternofionol Roce of Chompions. fu you might expect, Once ogoin it's Miller Time ol the Wisconsin Stqte Foir Pqrk Speed- it's o Sfewort-Worner tochometer. wsy. On beholf of the Miller Brewing Compony snd Wisconsin Stewort-Worner insfrumenfs ore used on oll IROC cors. Penske engineers like them for their rugged reliobility. And chompionship drivers from Auto Rocing, lnc. welcome to the Miller 20O weekend. oll overthe world like them for fheir unconny occurocy. lf you think of yourself os o.bit of o the The Miller 2OO hos troditionolly been lhe most populor slock cor For send 50c for roce of lhe seoson ot the trock, thonks to the loyolty of you, lhe posfoge ond Worner. Deporfment 537wn 1826 I I T fons. The loyolty of the Miller Brewing Compony is olso worlh not- I I I Chicogo, lllinois. 60614. BT- IU ru rocing business, sPonsors come ond go, but this + m ing. ln the oulo = ::I t a is the I2th onnuol running of the Miller 2OO. ;# ., =-' WELCOTIIE! For the third yeor, the populor Miller Quolifier will follow time kiols E= f on Soturdoy to fill out the field for Sundoy's 20O. 5o toke in the -: -- whole pnogrom ond enioy yourself. It looks like onother super weekend. Your comments on it ore volued ond ore token into considerotion when fulure schedules ore set up, so if you toke the time io tell Wisconsin Ar.rto Rocing personnel your thoughts, we'll be more lhon glod to toke the time to lislen. Sincereln JOHN KAISHtAN, President WISCONSIN AUTO RACING, INC. ,,,/,, arrrttlttlrl 7 8g *,* 1$ zls' covel: Bobby Allison, winner of the 1978 Miller 200. Des,ign ffi ?58- by Jerry Arndt bosed o,n photo by Russ Loke. fi' HF}M I :t: I x 10ffi phofos by: AAike Dunn, Russ Loke, Bob Lewis, Som Linde, HITTls=r,- I Terri Strom ond Pot Unger. 5 'r { ? 3 \' editor: Phil Holl t , rlrtrrllr ti\ published Wisconsin Auto Rocing, lnc. F by: TICKET OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE SOUVENIR PROGRAM 6648 W. Foirview Ave. 6646 W. Foirview Ave. Milwoukee, Wis. 53213 Milwoukee, Wis. 53213 (4141 257-3380 1414l. 774-1324 .t: .t-i MILLER 2OO Page One I 197 2 Wisconsin 1 Stote Foir Speedwoy/STAFF 1 961 962, ', t WISCONSIN STATE FAIR PARK BOARD Jonrr W. "Billy" Groinor, Dircclor, VYisconrin Stol,. Foir . loy lfl. Johnson . Orvin Bly . Jomer D. Ericson & $ i L,"- I Jack Bowsher Roger McCluskey Butch Haa-a- YYISCOilSIN AUTO RACING, INC. Dick Rathmann Don White Parnelli Jones Jim Hurtubise Officit l Sponsortng Organiz,ation for All USAC Rocing Events. 1 978 - Prqident .John Kaishian a t TONY BETTENHAUSEN.MITLER HIGH LIFE oFfrcEts Y ice-President, G enerul Manager ....Jim Engel STOCK CAR AWARD WINNERS Clwimun of tlre Board ....... Tom Marchese then Lrrt Btea IiwDirdor:-.:.. ......Carl Marchese Medial Dire,tor . .. .. ..Dr. Jack Xlieger Iuiedia Director & Program Hitor. .....phil Halt sl Asst. Medicol Director.' .' .' ....Dr. Tom Dehn Sales/Promotion Director...... .. .Marv }Iazlett Chief Paramedic Officer. Dr. William Conner, D.D.S. Media Assistant... Ned Wicker Supervisor, Nursing .... .. .. .Marilyn Timper, R.N. Tifut Scles Dirsctor .... .. .. .. Alice Kaishian Ass't Supervisor, Nursing ...Jean Held, R.N. Ramo Stott Dave Watson AssL TicEet Sales Dir*tor . .. .. .. Carol Kennedy Medical Stafl J€sn l(etcbum, R. N.; Barbara Gunlon, R. N.; Bomie Hildebrudt, R. N.; Lynn Jensen, R.N,; 22 Miller Winners Tic&et Soles SW.. ...Joanne Neusen, Margaret Jack Nelson, Jan Schwalger, R.N. fills, Beverly Malkmian Photograpllet ..... ..Russ [,ake C-PI. ...... .Gayle R. Dvorak Laison ....................Art Fischer The select group of winners of the Tony Bettenhausen/Miller High Life Statistician. ....Dave Haberkorn Communtcations. .. .. .Gordy Glembin, Roger Schmidt Award got iti 22nd member last year when Rick Mears was voted to Awrotlrrcer . .Jack Baker Clerks...John Heywood, Carl Lamers, Christy ZwaagsEa receiveihe annual honor for the Championship drivers' Dave Watson Chief Pit Steward. .. .Ted Arasin Judges . .. ...Syd lattow, E. J. Zqrder Len Sutton repeated as the recipient of the stock car award. Pit Marslull .Louis Frank StAff.. .....cbuck Bsrth, Jerry Brtdgewater, Lloyal Chopp, 1 978 I4otr Day, ToE Engel, Bob Ewert, Ron l'ltzlaff, Kenny Gl€rsch, High awards were started in 1961 Emergency Vehicle Superuisor. .. .Butch Koch Paul Gohde, Matt llaydak, J!., Lloyd Eebrlng, Charles HoplEnrath, The Tony Bettenhausen/Miller Life have been given to drivers who turned in the best perfor- C.o-Diregtarc At Satety Mike Wacker, Richard Wacker ** t"#Btiit ffx":-*fr iL:H-'*3i,13" %?iH3: and each year "" *ur."t in USeC events it ttre Wisconsin State Fair Park Speedway' in- In 1968, the sponsor of the awards, the Miller Brewing Company' July stock car race' It has UNITED STATES CLUB creased its commitment by sponsoring the AUTO continued to sponsor the Miller 200 right through 1979' r!0 Ufll 5iA'!: Sonetioning Body for Today's Race Miller is involved in the sport of auto racing. Today's race and the President & Cluirman of the Boord. .. .Dick King positive proof of that. drivers listed on this page are Rick Mears Ditector of Marketing . .. Jim Cook Rodger Ward Directot of Communicctions. Paul Reinhard 1974, 1977 1 975 1963,1969 Stock Car Division Supervisor & Chief Steward. Billie Saxon Referee & Safety Director. Jim Rusell Chief Starter....... ..Duane Sweeney TONY BETTENHAUSEN.MILTER HIGH LIFE Timing & Scoring Director ....Richard Elmore Steward .Jim Faruggia ... CHAMPTONSHIP AWARD WINNERS Timing & Scoring. .. .Ralph Klevenow Sstety .....Chuck Dick Registrar Carl Lamers Technicol Dtrector. .....Carl Trudeu Chief Observer & Steword. ..Ted Lake Technicol Operations Harold Small, Eddie Dick Rutherlord Mike Mosley A. J. Foyt Johnny Assistont Chiel Observer. Roland (Lefty) Hurt Serial Scorer .... .Dick Jordan 1970, ',71, '76 1 973 1 966 1 967 1 968 TIICHNICAL CO}IIIITTEE oBsrlravEBs scoRDRs II.\IEBGI]NCI 1 964 1965,1972 David P. AndeBon Paul l-fqulst Pete Leydorf Ray George Ray Munch Greg WiUiams Dale Campbell Gene Bartz John Maher Ken Lloyd Fox Schneider Ralph Klevenow Bill Behrens Dennis Muise Wm. Manke John Bill Dick Eisenmann Allen Bleecker Ifs McBurney Irn Penin Robert George Fred Nevoraski Boyd Tryastad Ralph Fedler Russell Brueck Chuck Conaty Harold GeorBe George Irmanczyk Don Citta (Plus a stafl of Dale Ray Potrykus Buettner Harold Reeves P.ay Schroeder Mike Lake Dick Witt ?5 assistants) Ken Cherek Art Prsch Gene Schroeder Duane Reusch Bud Dye Clayton Sitarz John Spolowicz Mike Zee Norm Lemke Elmer Syme Paul Elliott Carl Schumacher James Kamke Richard Held Dick Fisher J€rry Michalske Lee Timper Arnl€ Hussmann Ron Werderitsch Plus Staff of Chet Iawson 85 Asslstants Ei- Ruby Al Unser Wally Dallenbach Bud Tingelstad Joe Leonard Mario Andretti Gordon Johncock Lloyd Page Two MILLER 2OO Page Three MILLER 2OO I a J, Mike Dunn Photo TM A. J. FOYT will return to the .'YilTHEflC Wisconsin State Fair Park Speedway to defend his USAC stock car cham- pionship in the same 1978 fhese fine AtlS roil Products RACE PROVEN Camaro he drove last year. lt crre opplicoble for slreel & will again carry his number 51. USAC Stock, Sprint Cor, Midget, lndy Chomp, Mini-lndy ond year rcrce use. He is shown earlier this in Dirt Trock Chompionship Divisions the race at Ontario, Calif. 20/50 Rocing Oil o o o Shortt Trock Lote Models - 10/40 Ensine Oil NASCAR ASA Wisconsin o PRO-Stor Lote Models & Sportsmen - Geor Lubes ond Sportsmen - Beoring & Chossis Greose . Vorious Closses of the Sports Cor Club of Americo Foyt ond Allison Return for More - Two Cycle Oils Iwo Cycle Oil - Air Cleoner & Oil Filter Systems Two of the biggest newsmakers in USAC stock car cond career title in the division. He had previously cap- - Diesel Oil o Teom Aoen Sno-Pro (Tim Bender) competition at Wisconsin State Fair Park Speedrvav in tured the circuit s cro\\n in 1968. - And o Complete Line of Cross Country (Doug Hoyes) 1978 were Bobby Allison, winner of Iast l'ear's ]Ii11er 200. - Lubriconts for Form, Trucking o Moto-Cross Motorcycles o Mini-Chomps o Go Corts and A. J. Foyt, who went on to win the division s driving On his road to the 1978 title, Foyt placed third in the ond lndustriol Applicotion title. Miller 200; first in the Fair Stock 200; fourth in the Fair ##I;turtlj Stock 150; and third in the Governor's Cup 250, here. .a':,)'.: l:":it'.:|i)El'l:.#,: you need oll the Allison, 41, of Hueytown, Ala., is a standout on -h3 E 'tl know under severe rocing conditions Thot's why NASCAR's Grand National circuit where he has record- proteclion you con gel from your lubriconts. Foyt also timed in fastest for three of the circuit's four Ams/oil is whot I use. Ams/oil, being tololly mon-mode ed over 50 career triumphs. He campaigned for the first Wisconsin State Fair Park Speedway appearances a W, much more suited to do the Engines, time on the Milwaukee Mile in 1976, driving a 1977 is iob. year ago. He lowered the track's one-lap time trial reor ends run cooler ond lost much Hornet to second place in the Miller 200. He returned last tronsmissions ond record to 32.59 seconds (110.463 mph) timing in for the longer. At todoy's high prices, it's only smort to July, wheeling a 1977 Matador to second quick time in Prolect Fair Stock 200 and then dropped the mark to 32.44 By Ams/oil in your personol qualifications and then outclassed a 32-car field to pick your inveslments.
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